August 1, 2019
Volume 49 - No. 31
By Friedrich Gomez
DATELINE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY. A magician friend recently told me of a personal experience that we both shall never forget as long as we live. My close friend, Jim Burns, performs annually at the San Diego County Fair – which just ended a few weeks ago - where he is a popular attraction at the Bing Crosby Pavilion Hall. A The Paper - 760.747.7119
standing crowd of perhaps 20 to 30 people usually gather to watch him perform magic shows, periodically, throughout the day, 7 days a weeks, for the duration of the fair.
Except, one day would prove to be very different than any other day he had ever experienced before. So much so, that it changed his life. The day started out like any other
day. Magician Jim Burns was busy performing his daily ‘miracles’ before another thunderstruck crowd! “Wow!” was a frequent chant, usually followed by a hearty, “Whoa! Now how did he do that?!!”
In short, Burns had a crowd of enthused onlookers eating out of his hand, and the residual impact
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would always result in many spectators purchasing plenty of his magic tricks after the show.
But, as magician-extraordinaire, Burns, segued seamlessly from his bag of tricks, he noticed a man standing in the middle of the crowd, periodically explaining all of his precious secrets to his young daughter standing by his side. Perturbed, Burns continued to daz-
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zle the receptive audience as miracle after miracle was laid out before their disbelieving eyes. But, again and again, the tall stranger leaned over to his petite daughter, and continued to explain how all these wonders were done. And each time, the young girl’s eyes continued to widen as she giggled and clapped her hands in delight. Finally, enough was enough.
Burns told me he felt supremely insulted! How dare a person hold such a callous disregard for his magic profession. Indeed, how dare this stranger continue to expose his art form, and do it openly, with no sense of compassion or respect!
Burns finally exploded in anger! He took the man to task, chastising him for revealing his magic secrets and for not – at least – allowing the young girl to experience and appreciate the wonder and mystery of what she was seeing. All of this seething venom, Burns loudly and angrily vocalized his feelings – all directed at the stranger standing at the back of the crowd.
Quietness fell heavily upon the scene. The “Ooohs!” and “Aaahs!” suddenly became cathedral silent. Anger flushed in Burns’ face, as he met the accused man’s gaze and locked eyes with him. The little girl stood, fixed in gaze, as though in shock. Her smile no longer was visible. Fear now took hold of her
Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!
In a crowded city at a busy bus stop, a woman who was waiting for a bus was wearing a tight leather skirt.
As the bus stopped and it was her turn to get on, she became aware that her skirt was too tight to allow her leg to come up to the height of the first step of the bus.
Slightly embarrassed and with a quick smile to the bus driver, she reached behind her to unzip her skirt a little, thinking that this would give her enough slack to raise her leg.
Again, she tried to make the step only to discover she still couldn't. So, a little more embarrassed, she once again reached behind her to unzip her skirt a little more. For the second time she attempted the step, and once again, much to her chagrin, she could not raise her leg. With a little smile to the driver, she again reached behind to unzip a little
Finally, the stranger spoke. Calmly. Gently. He softly explained in front of the crowed: “I’m so very sorry,” he said in a slightly trembling voice. “But . . . well, my young daughter here is blind. She is unable to see. So, I was only trying to tell her of each wonderful trick you were doing. We do not know how your magic is done. I was only telling her how amazing each trick looked. And she fell in love with what I was telling her.” Burns told me of this true story which happened at the San Diego County Fair. And he said the humiliating experience was lifechanging for him. And he vowed to never again judge anybody in such a reckless fashion, and without just cause.
But, the damage had already been done. The little girl, a resident of San Diego County, felt personal anguish and feelings of guilt. We found out later that she became more distraught and more focused on her disability. She blamed her own human flaw (her blindness) for causing such an embarrassing situation. It was her blindness, she felt, that caused problems and misunderstandings in the world about her. She hated herself. She hated her blindness as the source of pain and discomfort it caused for other, normal people. She felt solely responsible. Nothing could be farther from the truth. She was not at fault, nor more and again was unable to make the step.
About this time, a large Texan who was standing behind her picked her up easily by the waist and placed her gently on the step of the bus. She went ballistic and turned to the would-be Samaritan and screeched, "How dare you touch my body! I don't even know who you are!' The Texan smiled and drawled, "Well, ma'am, normally I would agree with you, but after you unzipped my fly three times, I kinda figured we was friends." Resume' Brain Surgeon for Rent Cheap
By the time I was 14 I had studied Gray's Anatomy, Brain Surgery, and Advanced Anesthesia. I had performed 13 delicate brain surgeries by the time I was 15.
The fact that my patients were reluctant to undergo the surgery should not be held against me as I meant well.
Had they been a bit more cooperative I'm sure some of them might have even survived the surgery.
By the time I reached age 16 I decided to abandon, temporarily at least, brain surgery. I took up a new profession as part-time Christmas Tree flocker. It is seasonal.
I am considering a return to the profession of brain surgeon and have been
should she have been made to feel so. It was all a horrible misunderstanding. If anyone was at fault, it most certainly would have been my magician friend, who was greatly humbled by his error in judgment.
AVERTED SUICIDE. This story has a happy ending. Burns made sure of that. To the little girl’s unending delight, he befriended her and her family, and she felt extraprivileged to have such a “star performer” as a source of endless fun. His funny tales and stories escorted her into helpless, uncontrollable spasms of laughter. Today, that little girl reached resolution and clarity of thinking and is quickly growing into a model citizen with a happy outlook in life, along with excellent grades in school. She has immovable self-esteem and confidence. Her goal in school?
She wishes to make San Diego County an even better place to live. She wishes to teach counseling and psychiatric rehabilitation to people on the verge of suicide, including those afflicted with blindness. She feels inherently qualified since she was briefly suicidal herself – from that one solitary day, while innocently watching a magic show. SAN DIEGO SUICIDES CLIMB TO RECORD LEVELS. Sadly, the above true account is not an isolated incident. According to a shocking report released by the Suicide Prevention Center (SPC), San Diego County not only remains
a high risk region for suicides, but the suicide rates in the county are on a deadly increase. The shocking and disturbing research findings, titled “Report to the Community,” and which was completed less than 10 months ago today, cites a sharp spike of San Diego County suicides, particularly among our school-aged students.
According to Stan Collins, who is a noted Suicide Prevention Specialist here in San Diego: “The fact that this many of our youth are suffering, demands our action!” According to various experts, as high as 25% or 1/4th of all San Diego County students consider suicide as a final solution for their inability to cope with a wide assortment of inner turmoil, anxiety, bullying, and other societal factions. ASSEMBLY BILL 2246 AFFECTS SAN DIEGO COUNTY. The run-away epidemic of suicides has necessitated action and intervention from our California State Legislators in Sacramento, who created and passed a law titled “Assembly Bill 2246.” The new law now states that all California schools (not just in San Diego County) are “required” to have suicide prevention procedures and guidelines in place to help curtail the alarming rise in self-annihilation among our young student populations.
San Diego Suicides Cont. on Page 3
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scouting the population of North San Diego County for likely candidates. Thus far, only a select few have qualified as (a) having brains, and (b) needed attention to the brain area. If you are having troubling, negative thoughts and would like a really nice and gentle brain surgeon, please contact me. We may be able to eliminate those troubling, negative thoughts. Brain surgery normally only lasts about 15 minutes, maybe a half hour, depending upon which time zone in which the operating theatre is located. As you know, I also studied anesthesia and, most times, am able to anesthetize my patients to the point where they hardly ever feel much discomfort. This message brought to you as a public service by: lyle's brain surgery, bait shop and used tire emporium
"one stop shopping"
all credit cards accepted except for American Express Open most days but call to confirm we're here. The Art of the Jewish Insult:
May you be reunited in the world to come with your ancestors, who were all socialist garment workers. May you grow so rich that your widow's second husband is thrilled they repealed the estate tax.
May you feast every day on chopped liver with onions, chicken soup with
Chuckles Cont. on Page 5
Social Butterfly
The Paper • Page 3 • August 1, 2019
ing in a single-family household because of the death of one parent. Grieving children are at higher risk than their non-grieving peers for depression, anxiety, poor school attendance or dropping out, isolation, behavior problems, lowered academic achievement, drug and/or alcohol abuse, incarceration, or suicide. Experience Camps Help. In 2019, Experience Camps will have more than 700 campers at camps in Maine, California, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. For more information about Experience Camps, visit Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:
Extraordinary SoCal Camps for Grieving Children, August 5-17 – This summer, two week-long camps will be held at Green Oak Ranch in Vista where girls and boys from the West Coast will spend a week at the “California Experience”. Girls camp will be from August 5-10th and boys camp from August 12-17th. Experience Camps provide free, one-week camps for children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling or primary caregiver. Along with swimming, arts and crafts, and team sports, the kids take part in bereavement activities including sharing circles where they are encouraged to talk about their grief. It's a place where kids can laugh, cry, play, create, remember the person who died, or forget the grief that weighs them down. It's a place where they can feel "normal", because everyone there has been through something similar and understands what it's like to lose someone important to them. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 1.5 million children are liv-
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Although heart disease remains the No. 1 killer of all-aged Americans today, with cancer being the No. 2 cause of death – suicides now rank as the 2nd highest cause of death among our young people. According to the most recent official report by the U. S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which is the leading national public health institute of the United States, it states: “In general, the leading causes of death among adolescents, ages 15 to 19 in the United States are unintentional injuries such as car crash-related injuries, followed by suicide and homicide.” (Source: Most recent data retrieved from the U. S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) database, collected in 2017.)
AN EVER-EXPANDING PROBLEM. But San Diego County suicides are not just confined to our younger generation, such as our school-aged students. The overall rise in all self-inflicted deaths around San Diego’s greater metropolitan areas have – collectively – made the broader picture of countywide suicides, even more devastatingly difficult to deal with. As high as young suicides are in our San Diego regions, our county’s highest suicide rate is actually among our adults between 45 and 54 years of age. The 2nd highest suicide rate occurred in those 85 years or older, making even our senior citizen populations vulnera-
Summer Barbecue at McClellan Center on August 8th - The Gloria McClellan Center will hold a “Summer Barbecue” on Thursday, August 8th, at 1400 Vale Terrace Drive in Vista. Join us at 11:00am for entertainment by Randy Renner. We will be firing up the grill with barbecued pork ribs to enjoy with baked beans, collard greens, and apple cobbler. Lunch served at noon. Suggested donation is $4 for those 60 and older, and an $8 charge for those younger than 60. Reservations are required by 1:00pm one day prior at (760) 643-5288. The Center is a one-stop hub of services that range from lunch, travel/trips, transportation, exercise, classes, clubs, and various other activities for Vista’s older adult community.
Escondido Police Athletic League is Hosting Annual Basketball Fundraising Game - The Escondido Police Athletic League (PAL) is hosting its 10th annual basketball fundraising game on August 10, at Escondido’s East Valley Community Center at 2245 E. Valley Parkway. PAL and the Police Department are honored and excited for the 10th anniversary of this community event. The event kicks off at 12:00pm with a display by members of the Escondido Swat Team. The game pits police officers and PAL coaches against a team of local teens who play in the PAL/ Recreation Basketball League. There will be great raffle prizes (grand prize will be a 50 inch television) and concessions provided by Mike’s BBQ. During halftime
Please take the multiple-choice quiz below to see how much we truly know, or may not know, of this growing danger known as suicide. By learning more and understanding danger signs, perhaps, you can save the life of a close friend, loved one, or maybe even a precious family member who is inwardly and silently, “crying for help.”
HOW MANY SUICIDES IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY? A. Over 100 suicides each year. B. Over 200 suicides each year. C. Over 300 suicides each year. D. Over 1 suicide each day. Suicide is clearly a major cause of death in San Diego County. If you selected “D” for your answer, you are correct. San Diego County’s suicide rate has been rising to record levels. In 2013, San Diego County officials thought they had seen the most suicide deaths in recent years with 441 self-inflicted deaths recorded. Shockingly, that high number would only be a starting point for even higher numbers to follow. According to an annual report released by the San Diego County Suicide Prevention Council just last year in 2018, suicides rose 5 percent, totaling a massive 458 suicides in the county for the year 2017. Averaged-out over a calendar year, that would be equivalent to more than 1 suicide death each day (or 1.93% per day) somewhere in San Diego County.
there will be a police K-9 demonstration. All proceeds support PAL, an after-school athletic and education program for Escondido children and teens. PAL benefits approximately 700 youths during the year. PAL’s mission is to work with children to build their confidence and steer them away from alcohol, drugs and gangs.
Tickets are $5 and are available at the Escondido Police and Fire Headquarters (1163 N. Centre City Parkway), the East Valley Community Center, and from Community Services at City Hall. There will also be plenty of tickets available at the event. If you wish to support PAL programs, but are unable to attend the game, you can purchase tickets and donate them to local children. To donate tickets, please contact retired Lt. Al Owens at Come out to cheer, eat and have fun. The teens lead the series 6-3.
COGG Luncheon will be on Tuesday, August 13th – Matthew Hall, Editorial and Opinion Director of The San Diego Union-Tribune will address Media Literacy and Media Bias at the August 13th luncheon meeting of the Conservative Order of Good Government. Questions regarding “Fake News” are acceptable. COGG meetings are held at the Bernardo Heights Country Club, 16066 Bernardo Heights Parkway, Rancho Bernardo, with social at 11:30am and lunch at 12noon, concluding at 1:30pm. RSVP by Friday, August 9th, by contacting Blair Lawson at or calling 858.217.6996. Cost is $28/person for nonmembers.
Honor Flight San Diego August Updates & Upcoming Events – We are sharing some updates with you and hope to see you at an upcoming event. Volunteers are making plans for the October 2019 flight to Washington, DC. We have over 100 WWII and Korea War veterans on the waiting list to go on their “Tour of Honor.” Unfortunately, we were not able to raise the necessary funds to take 80 veterans as we normally do – but we want to take as
A. B. C. D. E.
40-50 percent. 50-55 percent. 65-70 percent. 75-80 percent. 100 percent.
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention advocates taking all suicide threats seriously. If you selected “D” you are correct. 75% to 80% of all suicides give some kind of warning signs of their intentions to a friend or family member. It may be subtle or difficult to detect but these warning signs are most often there. Your detection may actually save a human life. Such warning signs may take various forms, such as changes in behavior, mood swings, detachment from family and friends, excessive crying, or perhaps a new fascination with knives, guns, or other potentially dangerous objects. Often times, a suicidal person may begin to give away treasured items they once held onto, or lose interest in activities they once enjoyed. (Source: Suicide Fact Sheet, 2018.) However, one must keep in mind that there remains ¼ of all suicides that did not give any warning signs at all. This is still a significant amount who remained silent until their death. This is important to remember because many families and friends continue to carry an unjustified feeling of guilt for a lost loved one. They should not blame themselves. WHICH SUICIDE METHOD IS MOST OFTEN USED?
many as we can.
To raise money for that trip, we have partnered with Normandy Jump 2019 for an exciting film screening featuring Honor Flight San Diego alumnus, WWII veteran Tom Rice. Tickets are limited, so you will want to get yours soon. Normandy Jump 2019 Screening in Coronado on Saturday and Sunday, August 17-18. Join us for a special screening of the first of three documentaries in Normandy Jump 2019. Each of the documentaries will feature WWII Paratrooper Tom Rice, who, at 97-yearsyoung parachuted into Normandy in June for the 75th anniversary of D-Day. There will be a limited edition program for sale that Tom Rice will autograph and personalize. While waiting to get into the theater, you will be able to take your picture in a replica C-47 door like the one tom jumped from. There are various ticket levels with varying benefits, but for the 2-day fundraiser there are just 370 tickets for sale. Showtime is at 10:45am; other activities start at 915am for certain ticket categories, at The Village Theaters Coronado, 820 Orange Avenue, Coronado, 92118. For tickets, contact Honor Flight San Diego, Honor Flight is located at 9423 Keck Court, San Diego, 92129-3534. “Spirit of ’45 Day” on Sunday, August 11th, is a celebration of the end of WWII and we will be back at the Veterans Museum at Balboa Park, 2115 Park Blvd., San Diego, to help celebrate. Formal program begins at 10am. This event is always a way or us to meet new veterans and have a mini-reunion with our Honor Flight Alums. There will be live music and an opportunity to meet with fellow veterans and Honor Flight volunteers. Lunch is free for WWII veterans and $5 for all other guests. There’s plenty of free parking. For more information, contact The Veterans Museum, 619.804.3200 or Honor Flight volunteers Sue Hill at
A. B. C. D. E.
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Poison. Drug overdose. Jumping off high places. Firearms. Hanging.
Why this is important may seem unimportant to the untrained mind, but for clinical and psychological researchers, such clues often give way to better understanding, insightful remedies and steps to promote prevention. Methods of suicide vary from male to female gender. If you selected “D” for firearms, you are correct. Firearms are, by far, the leading method for completed (as opposed to attempted) suicides, accounting for 45% of all suicide deaths in the nation. Females commit far less suicides than males, not just in San Diego County but in the entire United States as well. However, when women do commit suicide, they more often use drugs or poison. Does knowledge of suicide methodology serve a purpose? And if so, how?
Yes, it is of supreme importance. Public awareness of suicide methods has proven, time and again, to reduce – and in some cases, prevent – a loved one from taking their own life. Educating the public on this score can provide them precautionary steps to remove, or make scarce, the easy access to firearms and poisons
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Local News
On 7/25//2019, the Escondido Police Department partnered with the FBI’s Child Exploitation Task Force and the San Diego Human Trafficking Task Force and conducted an operation targeting individuals seeking prostitution via the internet. As a result of this enforcement effort, five men made arrangements over the internet to trade money for sex acts. These men went to an agreed location where they were contacted and arrested by law enforcement officers for the violation of California Penal Code 647(b)(1) – soliciting or agreeing to participate in any act of prostitution.
One additional man attempted to recruit an online decoy to become a prostitute. This man went to an agreed location where he was contacted and arrested by law enforcement officers for the violation of California Penal Code 266i(a)(1) – Pandering procuring another person for the purposes of prostitution. The suspects ranged in age from 22 to 63. Most were residents of North County communities, which included Escondido, Valley Center, Vista and Fallbrook. One man lives in San Diego.
Prostitution is not a victimless crime. This criminal activity has evolved and often includes young women who are coerced to participate in prostitution often arranged online. Many of these women are
forced to use highly addictive drugs, suffer physical assaults, and are forced to perform sexual acts against their will as initiation into this modern form of slave labor. Oftentimes, these activities occur at the direction of criminal gangs and/or organized crime.
the man to a hospital with what were believed to be non-life-threatening injuries.
Please follow the Escondido Police Department (@EscondidoPolice) on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Police said 39-year-old Daniel Luna of Escondido was booked into county jail on suspicion of attempted murder.
If you are a victim of human trafficking or suspect someone who is, please get help by calling the National Human Trafficking Resource Center toll free, 24/7 Hotline at (888) 373-7888 or text HELP to 233733 (BEFREE). If you or someone else is in immediate danger, CALL 9-1-1.
Man Arrested After Escondido Shooting and Pistol Whipping
About 8 p.m. this past Monday, near Mission and Rose, in Escondido, a man suffered a gunshot wound to an arm and a leg while a woman was reported to have been pistol whipped during the same incident. It happened just before 8 p.m. at Rose Street and Mission Avenue. Police later arrested a suspect. Officers responded and found what appeared to be a minor traffic collision involving a vehicle previously reported stolen, Escondido police Lt. Mike Kearney said.
But as police searched the scene, they found a man on the ground with gunshot wounds to an arm and a leg, Kearney said. Medics took based on the principle of keeping the kids so busy having fun and discovering life that they had neither the time nor inclination to join "los pandillas" the gangs.
Man About Town
As I approach my late middle-earlies I find myself examining more and more closely end of life issues. I look back at all that I have done, good and bad, over the years and there are a couple of items I'm particularly proud of.
One, the founding of Los Caballeros de Aventura (The Gentlemen of Adventure), an organization designed for all at-risk kids but mostly from the Latino community.
There had been a drive-by shooting in Escondido and an innocent bystander, a child, was killed. I remember being upset about it and thinking someone should do something about it. One week later, little Ricky Cardenas, age 5, was killed - another drive by shooting. This time I decided the someone who would do something about it was me. I put together the organization that was
We put together a schedule of taking kids hiking on the first Saturday of every month, taking them flying (in real airplanes) the second Saturday of every month; on the third and fourth Saturdays we might take them to the beach, or to the mountains, or to tour a submarine in San Diego. Anything to keep them busy and occupied and out of trouble.
We did not accept kids who were in gangs. Our job was not rehab - our job was to make life so attractive there was no need to join a gang. We worked closely with the schools, word got out and the organization grew like Topsy.
Police also were told that the gunman pistol-whipped a woman, but officers were unable to locate her, the lieutenant said.
Officers found a gun while searching the scene, and after setting up a perimeter, encountered a man matching the suspected gunman’s description near Washington Park at Rose Street and East Washington Avenue, Kearney said. The man ran from police but officers gave chase and took him into custody.
Gang detectives were investigating the shooting to try to determine a motive, Kearney said. They were also attempting to determine if the incident was gang related, and how the shooting was linked to the apparent crash and stolen vehicle.
Letters to the Editor? We love ‘em! Our Readers do as well! Send them to:
Evelyn and I would look at each other and think exactly the same thought: "We did something right." To this day I have many lifelong friends and extended family within the Latino community. A couple years ago I said to Evelyn, "I miss the kids. Why don't we get involved again with Los Cabs? This time as volunteers - taking the hiking and all." Evelyn agreed and we signed on for a hike. Evelyn did fine but age had caught up to me and I was out of shape. I had to quit after about 1/4 mile and headed back for the car.
Letters to the Editor Evelyn Madison Sighting!
From Friedrich Gomez: As many of you know, I suffered partial hearing loss during my near-fatal accident in 2008, when I flatlined twice on the operating table. Anyway, blood was gushing out of my ears and nose and mouth. Reader's Digest short story version: My hearing ain't what it used to be. I can hear some sounds clearly, but, some I cannot. So, as I left the Food Walmart store here in Escondido yesterday, a woman ran up to me outside the store and said: "Excuse me, but, when you were checking out did
Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 9
foreground? In the tennis shorts, hiking boots and multicolored windbreaker? The incredibly handsome guy? That's me.
We had one trip to Palomar Mountain, always a pleasant, beautiful hike. We told the kids to try and be quiet as we hiked and, if we were lucky, we might see some wildlife. Sure enough, we had a lovely, quiet hike. And, sure enough, we came across a deer and her fawn. We watched silently. Then the deer and fawn were startled and took off.
This growing old ain't for sissies.
One of our kids, at the end of the hiking line, had decided to take a stick and rattle it against trees and bushes -
(Above) Here's just one of the adventures we took the kids on. We are on top of Iron Mountain, in Poway, CA.
which made a helluva racket and was what startled the two deer. We didn't need to exert any discipline. The com-
I ran it for six years and then decided it was time for someone else to save the world and turned it over to a fine group of people who run it to this day. Most of our kids were from Escondido most of the present day organization is based out of San Marcos, a neighboring city. I'm particularly proud to say that none of the kids in Los Caballeros ever entered the juvenile justice system while we ran the program. I suspect the same is true under the current regime.
Ever so often Evelyn (who started with me as a volunteer and wound up being an important part of the organization) and I would be in a grocery store and a young Latino man would come up and say, "Mr. Davis, I don't know if you remember me or not. I'm Julio and I was in our Los Caballeros. I wanted to introduce you to my wife and two children."
There were about 35 of us on this trip . . . kids and volunteers. This was a fairly typical outing. That guy in the right
Man About Town Cont. on Page 5
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San Diego Suicides Cont. from Page 3
around a suspected suicidal person. Survivors who attempted suicide have attested to these ‘visual temptations’ that did not afford them the luxury of time for second thoughts, intervention, and counseling, before their attempted suicide.
Removing visual images of firearms, household poisons, etc. are all safety precautions that should be put into place if anyone is exhibiting signs of loneliness, depression, mood swings, or any other suspected behavior pattern. Such items should be made scarce, out of sight, and locked in a secure place, to avoid easy access during a weak moment of suicidal intentions.
Adding difficulty to an already difficult situation is that, not all suicidal people give hints or clues as to their inner feelings. So even if no one in your family seems to have any hidden problems, inner anxiety or depression – don’t take chances – you are not a trained expert, so remove unnecessary items as mentioned above, which may “trigger” a self-annihilation moment during a crisis. Precaution and awareness must always be precursors for suicide prevention plans. Best bet is to contact a Suicide Hotline for guidance and advice if you suspect an individual of having suicidal tendencies. (A list of Suicide Hotlines are at the end of this article). WHICH
Chuckles Cont. from Page 2
dumplings, baked carp with horseradish, braised meat with vegetable stew, latkes, and may every bite of it be contaminated with E. Coli, because the government gutted the E.P.A. May you sell everything and retire to Florida just as global warming makes it uninhabitable.
May you have a rare disease and need an operation that only one surgeon in the world, the winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, is able to perform. And may he be unable to perform it because he doesn't take your insurance. And may that Nobel Laureate be your son.
May you live to a ripe old age, and may the only people who come visit you be Mormon missionaries.
May your state outlaw the morningafter pill the day before your daughter comes home from the NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth) convention. May your son be elected President, and may you have no idea what you did with his birth certificate
May the state of Arizona expand their definition of "suspected illegal immigrants" to "anyone who doesn't hunt."
May you live to a hundred and twenty without Social Security or Medicare.
May you grow like an onion with your head in the ground, and then may the ground be fracked. May you make a fortune, and lose it all
HIGHEST PERCENTAGE PER POPULATION OF SUICIDE? A. African Americans. B. White Americans. C. Hispanic Americans. D. Native Americans.
Suicide rates vary for different ethnic groups. If you picked “D” you are correct. Native Americans (including Alaska Natives), comprise, by far, the highest suicide risk in the entire United States (22.15% per 100,000) which is nearly double the national rate. And while it is true that white Americans have the highest overall total number of suicides (73% of all suicide deaths are white males) this percentage of suicides is spread out over a much larger white population (72.4% of all Americans are white). So, in proportion to the higher white population, white suicides are only 17.83% compared to 22.15% for Native Americans/Alaska Natives. There are only 6.7-million Native Americans (including Alaska Natives) who represent only 2.9% of the entire U. S. population. Such statistics have to be interpreted to gain a more precise perspective of suicides in America. (Source: American Association of Suicidology.)
Nevertheless, in San Diego County, white males remain a high risk of suicide, even in ratio to the overall white population. (Source: Emergency Medical Services, Medical Examiner Database.) WHERE IS THE LOWEST SUICIDE RATE IN SAN DIEGO
in one of Sheldon Adelson's casinos.
May your child give his Bar Mitzvah speech on the genius of Ayn Rand.
May your insurance company decide constipation is a pre-existing condition.
May God give you a daughter-in-law who is as kind as she is beautiful, as patient as she is rich, as wise as she is devoted, a virtuous woman in every way. And then may a ballot initiative invalidate her marriage to your Rebecca.
Subject: Utopia Defined Encarta Dictionary: an ideal and perfect place or state where everyone lives in harmony and everything is for the best Thought for Today:
“A liberal paradise would be a place where everybody has guaranteed employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only law enforcement has guns.” “And believe it or not, such a place does, indeed, exist. It’s called prison.”
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
Letters to the Editor? We love ‘em! Our Readers do as well! Send them to: thepaper@coxnet
COUNTY? A. Escondido, San Marcos, and Vista. B. Chula Vista, South Bay, and Sweetwater. C. Downtown San Diego and adjacent communities. D. El Cajon, Santee, and La Mesa. E. Mira Mesa, Miramar, and Tierrasanta.
If you selected “B” you are correct. The lowest suicide rate was in the populated corridor called the South Suburban Area (MSA), which encompasses Chula Vista, South Bay, and Sweetwater. The highest suicide rate fluctuates in different areas on a year-to-year basis, sometimes peaking in San Diego’s East County and North Inland County, as well as the Central Major Statistical Area (CMSA), which encompasses downtown San Diego and adjacent communities. (Source: California Department of Public Health, Center for Health Statistics.) Suicide is a growing crisis not just for certain age, gender, and ethnic groups, but for certain geographical areas, as listed above. Research regarding these geographical phenomena is still ongoing. Environmental and cultural factors have already proven to play a vital role in relating to suicide, which we are presently trying to better understand. WHICH ETHNIC GROUP CONFESSES SUICIDAL TENDENCES MORE THAN MOST? A. African Americans. B. White Americans.
Man About Town Cont. from Page 4
bination of peer pressure from the rest of the kids let the kid know they weren't pleased with his behavior. Plus, I did tell him what he had missed out on seeing because he had not followed the rules. The kids were very protective of Los Caballeros. One day, on a hike to the canyons in/near the Borrego Desert, several of the kids came up to me and told me that one of the new kids, an Anglo, was trying to pass out weed (marijuana). We immediately confronted the kid and when the hike concluded we drove him straight to the Sheriff's office in San Marcos and turned him in. Turns out his family was already in a 12-step program, mostly for alcohol. The Sheriff's department was familiar with the family. Too bad. But, as stated earlier, our job is not rehab. We offered an opportunity to avoid gangs, drugs, alcohol - and it worked. Anyone doesn't toe the line, they are not welcome in the group. Our kids were squeaky clean and behaved themselves and improved their school work and they wouldn't tolerate any kid who threatened Los Caballeros. It was simply too important to them. Over the years I've learned to speak fairly decent Gringo Spanish. But sometimes I mess up.
Example: On a Thursday or Friday I would call the kid's home and see if they wanted to go on Saturday's adventure. Sometimes a kid was outside playing somewhere in the neighbor-
C. Native Americans. D. Hispanic Americans. E. Asian Americans.
If you selected “D” for Hispanic Americans, you are correct. A national survey (not just in San Diego County) was conducted and it found an intriguing piece of data. Hispanic students, for example, are twice as likely to report their own temptations to attempt suicide than other ethnic groups. Why is this of importance?
Researchers state that any individual who is more likely to report and talk about a suicide attempt is also more likely to be saved through intervention, therapy, and treatment before it is too late.
White students have nearly double the amount of suicides than all other minority groups – combined! (Source: San Diego County Suicides by Ethnicity, Statistics (CHIPS),
COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT SUICIDES. Often what we hear and learn about suicides is based on hearsay, or from nonexperts in casual conversations on talk shows, or perhaps our distorted views on suicide come from within our inner circle of friends or family members. The disturbing face of suicide is
San Diego Suicides Cont. on Page 6
hood and the parents didn't know how soon they'd be home, could I call a bit later? Sure, I said, and then I thought I said, "what time do you go to bed?" (All of the above conversation was in Spanish; I had said "?Que hora vamos a su cama?" It was only after several years had gone by that one of the lads, laughingly, said "Mr. Davis . . . you asked my mom when she was going to take you to bed."
Turns out the kids and their family respected Mr. Davis so much that they didn't want to embarrass me by correcting my Spanish (and telling me what I had really asked.)
KGTV Award for Los Caballeros de Aventura, Evelyn Madison, left, lyle e davis, right
Most of the time when people address me as Mr. Davis my response is, "Mr. Davis is my dad. I'm lyle." But in the case of the Caballeros I required them to address me and all other adults as "Mr. or Mrs." They had to respect us. All too often in schools the kids show little or no respect for their teachers.
Man About Town Cont. on Page 11
The Paper • Page 6 • August 1, 2019
San Diego Suicides Cont. from Page 5
beginning to emerge more often in our daily newspapers, television newscasts, and the very neighborhoods in which we live. Suicide is growing at a shocking rate, everywhere, triggered by many different factors, such as the economy, home foreclosures, loss of jobs, drugs, alcohol, and divorce, just to give a few examples. WE MUST EDUCATE OURSELVES ON THE “FULL PICTURE.” In order to properly understand the entire dynamics of suicide, we must open our eyes to the entire phenomena, spread across the entire United States, to properly educate ourselves on suicide variations and see how different problems were solved by different methodology and resources.
Suicide is now a dangerous, growing epidemic that knows no boundaries and has even threatened the infrastructure of our military populations. It has permeated our military ranks to the level where suicide now rivals the battlefield in claiming U. S. military casualties. (Data Source: U. S. Military Branches Study by Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, 2001 to 2019.) CNN News has warned us all with their clarion call: “There has been a significant rise in suicides across the United States, and experts are now calling it a “Wake-Up” call.” We must now see the entire face of suicide to better understand this menace which is threatening to undermine us Americans. Not just in San Diego County, but beyond – so that we may learn from our past mistakes and misconceptions. IGNORANCE OF SUICIDE IN MILITARY OFTEN INFLATES PROBLEMS. Often ignorance or misunderstanding of suicide’s insidious nature, costs lives in all our military branches – unnecessarily -- in the opinion of many experts. Even military experts “own-up” to irresponsible recognition and treatment for suicidal personnel in uniform and are now taking better precautionary measures for better “damage-control.”
One soldier was diagnosed with both depression and bipolar disorder, was medicated, and then sent to Iraq. Quoted by Mental Health correspondent, Jamie Tarabay, the military is fast realizing that suicide is the “new face of another enemy.” One might add, “A deceptive enemy” that has made fools of the military’s Suicide Prevention Departments. Learning from past mistakes, the military hierarchy, themselves, are in quick agreement regarding their own negligence and careless decision-making which intensified military suicides. “Absolutely!” says U. S. Army Col. Chris Philbrick, Director of the Army’s Suicide Prevention Task Force, admitting bad suicide evaluation measures in the military: “Guilty as charged!” as he slams his hand down, in frustration, on his table.
WHICH U. S. STATE LISTED BELOW HAS THE “LOWEST” RATE OF SUICIDES? A. California. B. Colorado. C. Iowa. D. Kansas. E. Utah. You may be shocked at the correct answer, but, if you selected “A” for California, you are correct. California has the lowest percentage rate of suicides among the states listed above, and among the lowest in the entire nation. Out of 50 U. S. states, California is ranked 45th down the list, with only 5 states having a lower suicide rate, per population, than our Golden State. Remember, we are talking percentage here, not overall suicides by total number. Yes, California has the most suicides than any other U. S. state, but that’s only because California is by far the most populated state with almost 40 million people. However, in proportion to its huge population, it is among the lowest suicide states in all America.
In other words, people in most other states are at a higher risk for suicide and, in fact, commit more suicides with a higher percentage rate. Who would have ever thought that 45 other U. S. states, including those listed above, would have a much higher suicide rate than California? Which only proves that suicide is a most unpredictable menace which can happen anywhere, anytime, and for the most unexpected of reasons – all of which makes the study of suicide an unending endeavor, still full of fatal surprises.
For the record, Alaska, Montana, Nevada, Wyoming, and Utah are among the states with the highest suicide rates. The states with the lowest suicide rates include California, New York, the New England states, and the District of Columbia – all of which have the lowest suicide rates of all. (Source: U. S. Suicide Statistics.)
WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP PREVENT SUICIDE? Look for warning signs. Warning signs are grouped into categories: Verbal Clues, Behavioral Clues, and Situational Clues. Verbal clues can be “I hate myself,” or “I’d be better off dead – nobody would miss me.” Or just telling you of their suicidal thoughts. Behavioral Clues can be withdrawing from family and friends, or uncontrollable anger, change in sleep patterns or doing dangerous activities. It may be any departure from their usual behavior. Situational Clues might be the stress and anxiety of trying to liveup to parental expectations, being bullied, physical abuse, rape, or loss of home or job. An unexpected death in the family, a painful divorce, or military combat experiences, are all possible harmful facilitating situations. NO. 1 CAUSE OF SUICIDES IS TREATABLE. Depression is the No.1 cause of all suicides. Depression is a clinical term and does not refer to the normal highsand-lows we all experience, period-
Relief is on the Way
People who drive I-15 in southwest Riverside or northern San Diego Counties are no strangers to traffic jams. In fact, with 205,000 cars daily, the section through Temecula is considered the 10th worst congested freeway segment in the country.
Fortunately, help is on the way. The City of Temecula has just been awarded a $50 million U.S. Department of Transportation Infrastructure & Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grant, in support of the Interstate 15/French Valley Pkwy, Phase II Project. The city had already secured $60 million of the total $110 million cost of Phase II. The project will improve operational efficiency through construction of over 2.5 miles of distributor lanes, along with a new flyover bridge, both aimed at eliminating merging hazards which can cause 20-mile backups down the line.
I-15 traffic isn’t just a regional issue. Public safety, our economy and quality of life are impacted by I-15 congestion. Employees trying to get to/from work or students are slowed and our air quality is substantially impacted by vehicles sitting in congestion. This section of freeway also has the “4th highest cost of congestion” in the nation, heavily impacting commercial ically. Depression is a biological illness and is caused by a disruption in brain chemistry. It is also a combination of a person’s genetic makeup. Depression is treatable.
“TRIGGERS” FOR DEPRESSION. Triggers for depression greatly varies. Things which setoff depression may be alcohol or drugs. According to the Violent Death Reporting System, 73% of suicides also tested positive for a least one of the following substances: alcohol, cocaine, heroin, or marijuana. SHOULD YOU ASK A SUSPECTED SUICIDAL PERSON DIRECTILY IF THEY’RE SUICIDAL? Yes. “Are you thinking of suicide?” is the direct and best method. Also, show them that you care. They may become angry, or make you promise to keep their suicidal feelings a secret, but this is a secret you cannot afford to keep. All suicide survivors, when interviewed, have said: “It is better to have an angry friend – than a dead one.” (Source: “A Cry For Help” suicide educational video, Paraclete Productions, 2018.) Never, ever try to use reverse psychology on a suicidal person. It may have deadly results. And never argue or change the subject when they open-up to you about their suicidal thoughts. Listening is showing them that they – and their problems – are important, and that you care. But never argue with their suicidal thoughts.
freight operations and economies from Southern California to Montana.
I was very pleased to join Temecula city leaders and my congressional and legislative colleagues in writing support letters for Phase II to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and other Transportation Department officials. We also made numerous phone calls lobbying the Department for the funds. Fortunately, since there was no ‘Plan B,’ our efforts succeeded. As our main north/south transportation artery, I-15 upgrades must keep pace with economic and population growth to keep people moving and our economy humming.
Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the communities of Bonsall, Escondido, Fallbrook, Hidden Meadows, Pala, Palomar Mountain, Pauma Valley, Rainbow, San Marcos, Temecula, Valley Center and Vista. SUICIDE HOTLINE AND OTHER RESOURCES. If you are concerned about someone who may be contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to take action. You can call the USA National Suicide Hotlines, toll free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at: (800) 7812433. Or (888)-SUICIDE. Professionals will direct you on what to do and they are available in over 140 languages. For the hearing impaired: (800) 799-4889. Also the San Diego County Crisis Hotline (888) 724-7240. County health officials advise residents who wish to learn more about suicides and suicide prevention steps to visit Or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline’s website. Always, remember the suicide prevention motto: “Be the One to Save a Life.”
We can help make San Diego County, and our beautiful country, an even better place to live. God bless you, each and every one.
And bless America. Let’s keep The God Author, Friedrich Gomez. This is America his 134thgreat. cover story for The Paper!
The Paper • Page 7 • August 1, 2019
Pastor in Hiding
Pastor Jeremiah Steepek (pictured above) transformed himself into a homeless person and went to the 10,000 member church that he was to be introduced as the head pastor that morning. He walked around his soon to be church for 30 minutes while it was filling with people for service ... only three people out of the 7-10,000 people said hello to him. He asked people for change to buy food. NO ONE in the church gave him change. He went into the sanctuary to sit down in the front of the church and was asked by the ushers if he would please sit in the back. He greeted people to be greeted back with stares and dirty looks, with people looking down on him and judging him. As he sat in the back of the church, he listened to the church announcements and such. When all that was done, the elders went up and were excited to introduce the new pastor of the church to the congregation........"We would like to introduce to you Pastor Jeremiah Steepek."The congregation looked around clapping with joy and anticipation. The homeless man sitting in the back stood up ... and started walking down the aisle ... the clapping stopped with ALL eyes on
him. He walked up the altar and took the microphone from the elders (who were in on this) and paused for a moment....then he recited:
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ After he recited this, he looked towards the congregation and told them all what he had experienced that morning ... many began to cry and many heads were bowed in shame .... he then said....Today I see a gathering of people ... not a church of Jesus Christ. The world has enough people, but not enough disciples...when will YOU decide to become disciples? He then dismissed service until next week. Being a Christian is more than something you claim. It's something you live by and share with others. Photographer: Brad J. Gerard Photography
Letters to the Editor are always welcome. Try to keep them to 250 words or less. Email them to:
Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow
The Port Chicago Disaster & Mutiny
One of the greatest single catastrophes during World War II didn’t occur on any battlefield, but alongside a dock in Northern California. The July 17, 1944, disaster at Port Chicago Naval Weapons Depot on Mare Island that killed 320 sailors and civilians, with another 390 injured and maimed.
The incident caused a racial controversy because most of those killed or injured were African-American sailors acting as “stevedores” loading munitions headed for the Pacific. At the heart of the controversy was a charge of “unsafe” loading and handling procedures by the Navy. With no procedural changes, a month after the disaster hundreds of black sailors refused to continue loading. Court martials ensued convicting the “Port Chicago 50” African-American sailors. The media dubbed it the “Port Chicago Mutiny.” Yet, the Navy maintains proudly there has never been a mutiny in U.S. Naval services.
The town of Port Chicago, which no longer exists, was located just north of Concord on the south shore of Suisun Bay in the estuary of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. Munitions being loaded included bombs, artillery shells, naval mines, torpedoes, and small-arm ammunition desperately needed for the war effort against Japan. Munitions came by rail from all across the United States. Each piece of ordinance was unloaded by hand from rail cars and put onto cargo ships.
Enlisted men who were assigned to the dangerous task were all black, led by white commissioned and noncommissioned officers. To add to the controversy, the young sailors, who had trained at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center, were assigned to Port Chicago with no safety training for the dangerous work.
The top scoring 30 percentage of boot camp graduates were selected to go to the fleet; the remaining lowscoring sailors were assigned to Port Chicago to do the labor-intensive work. Black sailors assigned to Port Chicago were considered by their officers to be “unreliable,” “emotional,” and lacking the ability to understand and remember orders.
Leading the recruits were black petty officers, who later were described as being “slave drivers,” and “Uncle Toms.” Many of the white commissioned officers were newcomers to the Navy with little or no training in supervising enlisted men, although the Navy considered them adequate for job. Officers managed 100-man crews. They created competition by waging which crew could load the most tonnage in the shortest period of time. With no safety control, it was a recipe for disaster. On July 13, 1944, the USS Bryan docked with 5,292 barrels of heavy fuel for the trip across the Pacific. After four days of round-the-clock loading, the ship was nearly 40 percent loaded. At 10:18 p.m. on July 17, witnesses later reported a loading crane crashed to the dock, igniting an explosion. Scientists at UC Berkeley reported two shock waves measuring 3.4 on the Richter scale.
Of the 320 dead personnel, only 50 could be identified. A series of court martials was convened with some 50 men convicted. After the convictions of the so-called “Port Chicago 50,” public pressure grew to the point the Navy reconvened the court-martial board for further investigation. While the board reaffirmed the 50 convictions, by January 1946, after the War had ended in September 1945, some 47 of the 50 were freed, with the remaining three released several months later. One of the results coming out of the Port Chicago disaster/mutiny was the Navy’s “desegregation” of the fleet. This is a mere “thumbnail sketch” of the entire story. It is complex with many factors involved. However, it’s one of the more obscure and dark stories of World War II that seldom gets discussed.
GROANER -- A Hollywood movie producer was planning his next blockbuster -- an action docudrama about famous composers, so he set up a meeting with such noted silverscreen icons as Sylvester Stallone, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Arnold Schwarzenegger, offering each a chance to select which famous classical musicians they'd like to portray. "I've always admired Mozart," Stallone said. "I'd love to play him." "Chopin has always been my favorite of mine," said Van Damme. "That's the part for me." The producer turned to Schwarzenegger. "And you, Arnold? Who do you want to be?" There was a long silence, then the former “Governator” replied, "I'll be Bach."
SCAG SEZ: It seems that the less a man knows, the easier it is to convince himself that he knows it all.
Tom Morrow's books are available at in soft-cover or via Kindle E-mail.
The Paper • Page 8 • August 1, 2019
Ernest Shackleton, Antarctic explorer (1874-1922) The advertisement above, placed in a London newspaper in 1912, inspired nearly 5,000 replies. Shouldn’t you be advertising in The Paper, your local, community paper?
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 3 951.203.9256 614.264.3369.
Please help us fund our Fall 2019 trip! Our dedicated volunteers have tried numerous ways, applied for grants, speaking engagements, and many other ways to raise the funds for the flight. We are asking the public for donations to cover the flight. You can help us meet our mission by going to our GoFundMe page and donating in honor or in memory of someone special, donating as a gift, or sharing our page on your social media. Find our GoFundMe at Keep Honor Flight flying! Or donate directly on our website at www.HFSD. As a reminder, the veterans fly at no cost to them, and since we have no paid staff, every $ raised directly supports the veterans. Honor Flight San Diego is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization so donations are taxdeductible.
Beta Sigma Phi’s to Celebrate Beginning Day, August 20th - The Hidden Valley Vista Council (HVVC) of Beta Sigma Phi International Sorority will be celebrating Beginning Day on August 20th, from 3:00pm to 6:00pm, at Sundance Mobile Home Park Clubhouse, 2250 North Broadway, Escondido. All HVVC Chapter members of Beta Sigma Phi – active, inactive, on leave, transferees, and their guests are invited to make a reservation by calling Sherry at 951-760-0086 or Rita at 760-6442394 by August 13th. Beta Sigma Phi is a social, cultural and philanthropic International Sorority, headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, with chapters throughout the world. If you are interested in belonging to a special organization and make many new friends, call Bev at 858-692-0222.
Vermicomposting Workshop With “I Love a Clean San Diego” - Join us on Saturday, August 24th, from 10am to 12noon at Alta Vista Botanical Gardens
when I Love a Clean San Diego will be presenting a "Save Your Scraps" Workshop. Learn about zero-waste and composting at home and take home a worm bin for vermicomposting. Learn how to love your leftovers, cultivate compost, and fight food waste at this FREE workshop. Activities include vermicomposting binds (while supplies last) and kids’ crafts. This workshop was full last year, so be sure to register online with if you want to take home a worm bin (Vista residents get priority registration). Alta Vista Botanical Gardens are located at 1270 Vale Terrace Drive (in Brengle Terrace Park). Questions: This event is sponsored by I Love A Clean San Diego and the City of Vista.
El Camino Quilt Guild September Workshop - In September, El Camino Quilters will participate in a workshop of Shibori presented by Sharleen Taira. Shibori is a Japanese technique that typically involves folding, twisting or bunching cloth and binding it, or shaping cloth around elements like PVC pipe and rocks, then dyeing it with indigo blue dye to create beautiful patterns. Come join us for this enriching workshop at Quilt In A Day from 9:30am – 3:30pm on September 13th! Open to non-members. Contact Gretchen Clare to reserve your place – Visit or email for more information.
*WE WANT YOU* - The City of San Marcos Sheriff’s Senior Volunteer Patrol needs help. We know volunteers are sought by every service or organization out there. We’re no different in that regard but we currently find ourselves short-handed and unable to assist our great City as it should be. If you find you have some extra time on your hands and care about people, consider checking us out by contacting Mike Gardiner, 760-510-5290, at the San Marcos Sheriff’s Station. He will introduce you to all the pluses of being part of
this great team of volunteers. BEING RETIRED DOESN’T MEAN YOU ARE NO LONGER NEEDED! You have talents and experience we are looking for. *Consider the Possibilities*
Volunteers Are Love in Motion – The Volunteer program is the “Hidden Gem of North County Lifeline.” Each year North County Lifeline received invaluable assistance for program needs from over 300 volunteers and interns. With five service areas and over 40 programs, have you ever wondered how North County Lifeline is able to continue providing for the needs of our community with such a high level of care? We’ll let you in on a little secret --it’s our volunteers! From AmeriCorp VIP Fellows to adopt-a-family gift wrappers we are indebted to our volunteers for the service they provide and their continuous commitment to our mission. Our volunteers come to us from various backgrounds, education levels, and with varying amounts of time to invest, but each one of them leaves an indelible mark on the fabric of our
agency that cannot be erased. They put the LIFE in Lifeline. If you are interested in learning more about our volunteer opportunities, please visit our website, or contact our volunteer manager at Lifeline mailing address is 3142 Vista Way, Suite 400, Oceanside, 92056. Thank you Volunteers! With your help we’ve been able to accomplish so much. Your hours of service have contributed to the success of our programs, and we appreciate your help with: Admin Assistance, Tutoring, Community Events, Adopt-aFamily, Teens Leading North County, Childcare, Food Donation Pick-ups, Gardening, Site Cleanup/Renovations, Backpack Drive, The VITA Program, Internships, Lifeline Events, Donations, and so much more!
Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 9
The Paper • Page 9 • August 1, 2019
Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 4
you know the lady behind you in the store?" I answered in the negative, but, my curiosity was piqued. "Did she say my name?" I further inquired. The woman said she thought she did. So, I kindly asked: "If I go back into the store, can you point her out to me?" The woman said an enthused "Yes, of course!"
So we both walked back into the store and the lady pointed in the direction of . . . EVELYN! I was so over-joyed I started jumping upand-down (literally) clapping my hands and twirling around in circles (much as dogs do, by the way!) My antics got a lot of chuckles and smiles from surrounding folk in my vicinity.
Anyway, we hugged and I just kept having "happy feet" and throwing my arms up in the air -- much in the same way "Ol' time religious folk" do at revival meetings! I'm telling you -- I made quite a scene and Mom (Evelyn) chuckled more than once at my antics and gave me a second hug. Perhaps the second hug was really an attempt to restrain me from making a further fool of myself. (If I'm gonna look like the drooling village idiot, you might as well make me barefoot and put me in bib overalls with a worn-out straw hat to complete a mental picture. Then throw in a banjo for
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 8
Celebrate Recovery at McAlister Institute’s Annual Walk for Sobriety – McAlister Institute will hold its 7th Annual 5K Walk for Sobriety ( on Sunday, August 25, at NTC Park at Liberty Station. The Walk is an opportunity to bring help and hope to thousands of individuals and families braving the unforgiving cycle of addiction. Participants of all ages can join the 5K as a timed runner or general admission walker. The Walk and opening ceremony will kick off at 9:00am, with check-in and registration beginning at 8:00am. All proceeds from the Walk for Sobriety benefit McAlister Institute, one of San Diego's leading resources for individuals and families impacted by addiction. McAlister Institute offers life-saving substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling, life skills education and vocational training to adults and adolescents struggling with substance use disorders, as well as offering supportive services to individuals experiencing homelessness. McAlister Institute is dedicated to ensuring affordable, quality treatment is available for every individual and family who seeks help, striving to assure that no one is turned away regardless of financial circumstances.
“Our goal is to save lives and beat addiction by showing our clients that recovery is possible, while providing them with the treatment needed to rebuild their lives and live free of drugs and alcohol,” said Jeanne McAlister, founder and CEO of McAlister Institute. She added, “Since 1977, literally tens of thousands of individuals suffering from addiction have passed through the doors of our programs, and not one of them – not one – has chosen to become an addict, any more than a person chooses to contract cancer or heart disease. In the same way, treatment solutions shouldn’t discriminate who gets help. That’s why
good measure.)
Anyway, I've had people in the past tell me they called-out to me but I seemed to ignore them. I had to tell them the truth: my hearing ain't what she used to be. That fall left me a cripple for quite a spell and even my hearing was permanently damaged. Not enough to wear a hearing aid, but, enough to annoy some close friends who initially thought I had "snubbed" them.
I've seen little children wearing hearing aids and it always hurt me inside to witness that. So who the hell do I think I am to feel hurt and sensitive about my partial hearing loss? All things should be kept in proper perspective . . . especially after seeing all those 'little ones' with hearing aids. Love Always, Friedrich Gomez aka White Eagle A Political Agenda? Chuckles
Getting kind of political are we? /s/ Jim Allen San Diego County, CA.
Editor’s Note: Oh, we’ve been known to make a political comment from time to time . . . and to feature political humor which gives a hard time to both sides.
well as criticized candidates and/or policies programs of elected officials.
We’ve been critical of Liberals as well as Conservatives. (Ask former Escondido Mayor, Sam Abed, if we went easy on him because he was a Conservative).
The political world and its candidates and elected leaders are not only fair game . . . it is our duty as a member of the press to take an active part in the political world whether to praise, criticize, or laugh at, or with, our political cronies.
Relax. In 2020 it’ll all be over and there won’t be any more political humor. Really. Everyone will take a seat in their assigned places all with nice smiley faces. No, really. It’s gonna happen. Just like that.
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We LOVE Letters to the Editor! Send them to: Try to keep them to 250 words or less. Let’s hear what you have to say!
We’ve even endorsed candidates as we keep our doors open to everyone.”
The Walk for Sobriety is not only an opportunity to raise funds for crucial treatment services, but also a positive way to increase awareness and support the power of recovery. On the day of the Walk, walkers, runners and supporters spread a powerful message of hope, many choosing to wear the number of days they—or their loved ones—have been clean and sober, and what it means to them. To join the Walk for Sobriety celebration, please visit Registration costs $35 for adults, $5 for children (ages 12 and under), and $45 for timed runners. For additional information, questions or to become an event sponsor, please contact Tina Moreno at About McAlister Institute
McAlister Institute has earned recognition as one of San Diego County leading resources for the compassionate care and treatment of individuals and families suffering from addiction, mental illness, and homelessness. Founded in 1977, we are committed to having a positive impact on all those who come to us, helping restore them to more productive and meaningful lives. For additional information on the McAlister Institute, please visit Interested in Joining One of These Five Community Advisory Groups? - The Escondido City Council's vision is for a highly engaged community representing diverse opinions, backgrounds, and demographics to come together in a grassroots effort to discuss issues affecting Escondido and offer recommendations that, in partnership with the City and with support from the community, can address our collective challenges. Interested in joining one of these five Community Advisory Groups? Fill out an online form or pick up a copy at the City Manager's Customer Service desk on the 2nd floor of City Hall.
Role of the Community Advisory Groups Codified Boards and Commissions, such as the Library Board of Trustees and the Planning Commission, play a vital role in providing advice and recommendations to City staff and policymakers as well as fiscal oversight and decision making, where applicable. However, the inherent formality that exists with these Boards and Commissions can be a barrier to public engagement for a variety of reasons including the limitations on open dialogue, the limited number of available positions that are appointed by the Mayor and Council, and the intimidation of speaking to a formal Board. Therefore, we are exploring a different way of engaging with the public around key issues identified by the City Council as priority areas. These Advisory Groups differ from Boards and Commissions in that they: are temporary in nature; do not require a formal application and appointment process; are driven at a grassroots level by the community members involved; provide only advice and recommendations. The role of the Advisory Groups is to bring new ideas, networks, and potential funding sources to the table to address their areas of focus; be conduits of information between the City and the community; encourage the participation of other community members; meet regularly and communicate in advance so that other members of the public have an opportunity to participate; report progress, updates, and recommendations to the staff liaison. City staff plays a supporting role by answering questions and serving as communication conduits between the Community Advisory Groups and City leadership.
The Community Advisory Groups are Homelessness and Housing; Arts and Culture; Recreation and Youth Activities; Climate Action and Environmental Impacts; and Economic Development and Agriculture.
Home Start Inc. Elects Cameron Clarke President of Board of Directors - Home
Start, Inc., a nonprofit child abuse prevention and treatment agency that has strengthened and developed San Diego’s families and communities since 1972, elected Escondido resident, Cameron Clarke, as its new Board of Directors President, beginning July 2019. “Cameron has an inspiring passion and dedication for giving back to Home Start and the San Diego community, and will continue to help drive Home Start’s mission as the new board president,” said Laura Tancredi-Baese, CEO of Home Start Inc.
Cameron has volunteered with Home Start for four years and previously served as vice president of the board. He has been an essential Home Start team member, chairing the Marketing and Audit Committees and serving as a member of the Philanthropy Committee. Cameron has organized Home Start’s annual toy drive at U.S. Bank branches and volunteers at the organization’s holiday gift giving events. “I am very excited to work alongside Laura Tancredi-Baese to support the wonderful work she does in realizing the goals of the organization,” said Cameron. “I know this amazing opportunity will also help me grow as a member of our community, so I can continue to give back to all who need our help in San Diego.” Home Start’s mission is to assure the safety and resiliency of children by strengthening families and their communities. To learn more, visit Founded in 1972, Home Start, Inc. is a 501 (C) (3) non-profit agency that provides services tailored to prevent child abuse and neglect and to strengthen families. Last year, Home Start served more than 18,000 San Diegans in need of services. Shocking Report Reveals CA Facing Massive Rat Infestation, Public Health Epidemic – Experts Urge Governor to Declare Public Health Emergency, Warn of
Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 10
The Paper • Page 10 • August 1, 2019
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 9
Risks of Epidemic Outbreak Without Immediate Remediation Effort. “We have never seen a rat infestation this severe in our lifetimes and the risk of a public health epidemic soon is high.” San Diego and Los Angeles, CA – Leading experts in public health and vector pest control released an explosive report showing an explosion in the rodent population in California cities across the state and a spike in dangerous diseases such as Typhus. "California is being overrun by rodents – and without immediate emergency action by state and local government, we face significant economic costs and risk a public health crisis," said Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California.
Among the findings: California is experiencing a massive spike in its rodent population that is both measured by available data sets and observed by field personnel. Increase in California’s rodent population is not explained by environmental factors – but is directly related to the decision by some government officials to ban effective rodent control methods and a spike in the state’s homeless population. Rodent infestations fueling an increase in reported cases of dangerous diseases such as Typhus – current rate of increase in cases raises concern regarding possible public health epidemic. The report also outlines 4 recommendations for remediation framed by the expert panel, including:
1. Declare a Public Health Emergency, Work with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Require Local Governments Conduct Immediate Assessments
3. Launch Public Education Campaign For Businesses and Residents to Mitigate Risk Factors 4. Oppose and Reject Assembly Bill 1788 – A Misguided Attempt to Ban Best Practice Pest Control Tools That Will Be Needed to Fight the Rodent Infestation
"Instead of acting to address this developing crisis, California state lawmakers are just days away from passing legislation (AB1788) to ban the best rodent control tools and methods available and would require use of less effective so-called green alternatives. It’s madness!,” DeMaio concluded. About Reform California
Formed in 2003 by former San Diego City Councilmember Carl DeMaio, Reform California is dedicated to holding state and local government accountable and fighting costly and unfair taxes, mandates, and fees because working families cannot afford a higher cost of living — and state and local politicians already have enough of our money. For more information, visit Their mailing address is P.O. Box 27227, San Diego, 92198.
Letters to the Editor? We Love ‘em! Send ‘em to:
2. Require Remediation Plans Be Formulated and Executed by Local Governments
Pet Parade
Contact lyle e davis @ 760.747.7119 Contact
The Pastor Says...
Pastor Richard Huls (Retired) Ren is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. He’s a 3-1/2 year old, 52 pound, male, Australian Cattle Dog mix.
Cattle Dogs are herding dogs. Ren will want to keep a close eye on you so you don’t stray too far. When he’s not herding or running, Ren is a big snuggler.
The $145 adoption fee for Ren includes medical exams, vaccinations, neuter, and registered microchip. For more information call 760-753-6413, visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas, or log on to
Sammy is an 11-year-old Maltese looking for a home of his own. He is a sweet and easy-going guy who loves to spend time with people. Sammy has lived with another dog and cat in his previous home, so he will likely get along with any resident pets. Sammy is a senior pooch who has some age-related medical issues, so his new family will need to continue to provide his veterinary care. If you can give Sammy a happy home to live his golden years, visit him at our Escondido Campus. His adoption fee includes his neuter, current vaccinations, permanent microchip identification, a certificate for a free veterinary exam, waived enrollment fee for medical insurance from PetFirst and a license for residents in the city limits of Carlsbad, Del Mar, Encinitas, Escondido, Imperial Beach, Oceanside, Poway, San Diego, San Marcos, Santee, Solana Beach and Vista. Sammy is available for adoption at San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3500 Burnet Drive. To learn more about making him part of your family, please call (619) 299-7012.
When I was in grade school, I learned how to count. Adding up the numbers gave me a total of two or a hundred. I have long thought about the value of numbers in relation to the total. This fascination has spilled over into the accumulative effects of all human beings. I was reminded of this again in reading the poem of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “The Builders”. He challenges the readers to see the importance of building well to secure the future, not just for the self, but for all humanity.
We can think of this with respect to every human being that was ever born as a contributor to the development of the human race. The Bible says that mankind was created in the image of God and that image was to perpetuate itself in the development of this world, all for the benefit of man and the glory of God.
It is difficult for me to imagine the human capacity that is within our brain. Potentially, it contains all the genius of God. Each individual person, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, education, wealth, or social status, possesses the ability to be creative, loving, ingenious, imaginative, and a builder. Sad to say, the human race, over the centuries of time, has robbed itself of such a world, because of wars, discrimination, slavery, psychological and mental abuse, and all that decries us of being that person God intended for us to be and do. When I visit a war cemetery filled with the remains of thousands of young men and women, I cannot help but think of the terrible loss to humanity in unfilled potential. Or we can think about generations of people stifled by bigotry, social inequality, racial prejudice, end ethnic cleansing. What might have come from stilled minds and voices of possible scientists, engineers, statesmen, inventers, and creators of new and unimaginable ideas? And what of all those aborted, before their lives blossomed into all their potential?
Every time we look at a newly born baby it is possible we see a mind like Einstein, a talent like Mozart, or the genius of a De Vinci. Let us also think of ourselves as that unique BUILDER, given the opportunity to make our contribution for humanity. Pastor Huls
Call Dial-a-Prayer 760 746 6611 for counsel, inspiration, and prayer.
The Paper
• Page 11 •
August 1, 2019
A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.
San Marcos • Mayor Rebecca Jones
Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter
Honk Less, Wave More!
The Classics Rev Up in Vista
In San Marcos, we believe horns are tools for safe driving, not aggressive driving. Here are 10 manners that matter on our roads: · · ·
Make your drive pleasant, not a competition or a race. Signal your turn. It’s not only safe, it’s polite. Tap your brakes only to slow down, not to frustrate another
driver. · Red lights are not optional, and yellow lights don’t mean speed up. · Traffic happens. Speeding and weaving are not the answer. · Braking and lane changing are best done in advance. · Tailgating is rude and unsafe. Avoid it at all times. · Shine your headlights proudly, but not in another driver’s eyes.
· Let cars merge. Blocking takes more energy and won’t get you there faster. · Wave “thank you” when someone is kind to you on our roads. The City has recently implemented improvements to alleviate traffic in key areas, and additional transportation upgrades are on the way. Need to report a pothole or debris in the roadway? Visit to let us know, and we’ll take care of the rest!
Escondido • Mayor Paul “Mac” Mcnamara Greetings Escondido,
I had the opportunity to attend the Moon Landing Celebration Concert at the Center for the Arts on Saturday evening. It was a wonderful concert with a world premiere performance. It was put on by a combination of professional and volunteer performers. If you didn’t attend, I think you missed out. We are very fortunate to have so much talent in Escondido.
The concert reminded me of when I was on active duty and worked as the Chief of Staff for the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing. My boss at the time was Major General Charlie Bolden. You may recognize the name since he went on to become the head of NASA. Gen Bolden was a combat pilot but also an astronaut. He is African American who grew up in South Carolina and couldn’t attend the University there. So he went to the Naval Academy. When we would have conversations about the problems of the day in our nation and felt discouraged about the future, he would always say that in the middle of the divisive Vietnam War at the height of the Civil Rights movement this country could put a man on the moon. When I think of it, it makes me proud to be an American. Because he was right, no matter how dire the circumstance, our country can still pull together and do great things. We will pull together and do great things for Escondido. Thank you. Semper Fi, Mac, P. McNamara, Mayor of Escondido
Man About Town Cont. from Page 5
For Advertising Information or to subscribe, Call (760) 747-7119
We nipped that in the bud at the beginning of Caballeros. To this day "my kids" call me Mr. Davis. Not necessary now, they're all grown up . . . but it has carried over. The requirements for being a member of Caballeros was be between 10 and 18, pay a $10 fee (we didn't make it free because if you give something away it literally has no value) stay in school, get your homework done, and keep your nose clean. Another thing I'm quite proud of . . . the founding of NCYSA (North County Youth Soccer Association).
Eldest son, Scott, was in a championship Little League baseball game. Mary's mom and dad were visiting from Scotland and were there watching the game with us. Ninth inning, our team leading by one run, two outs, runners in scoring position at 2nd and 3rd base. Scott playing second base. Batter hits the ball. Right at Scott. "Oh, no," I thought . . . "not to Scott. He might drop it" Nope. He caught it. Game over. Team claims championship. (I think daddy jumped five
specialty vehicles.
The 30th Annual Rod Run takes place this Sunday, August 4 in downtown from 9 am to 2 pm and it’s more than a car show.
The event features over 300 classic cars, hot rods, and
Owners prepare for this day long in advance, some driving from other states to showcase their vintage vehicle and to meet those who share the same passion for classic and hot rod cars, detailed to perfection. Some owners and their cars have been attending since the show’s inception! Car clubs and their families are returning year after year creating a tradition in the heart of Vista. Bring the family downtown for this classic car day and enjoy a street fair, kid’s carnival, and live music. Details are available at Enjoy Downtown Vista and the classics!
Oceanside • Mayor Peter Weiss
Downtown Oceanside - A Hit!
The City of Oceanside has the unique opportunity to develop some of its City-owned downtown public parking lots. The downtown area of Oceanside has experienced a recent transformation from a sleepy military beach town to a vibrant beachfront destination and community. In addition to its beautiful sandy beaches and iconic pier, the downtown area now has new hotels and mixed-use commercial/residential developments. Also under construction are two destination hotels scheduled to open in 2020. The City is seeking proposals for development of three downtown parking lots from a surface lots to public parking structure and mixed-use commercial/residential and/or hotel development. The City is desirous of increasing the number of public parking spaces on each of the Parking Lots as well as increasing revenue opportunities to the City from the development and creating some form of a public amenity within the Parking Structure. Anyone interested should contact the City’s Property Management Department at 760-435-5014. feet in the air with the last out).
It was about 4pm, a bit chilly.
"Aye," he says, "it's all richt but what they boys need is a soccer pitch."
You might remember two, maybe three months ago, I paid one of our gardeners an extra five dollars to dig a hole about 3' long, 3' deep, and 2' wide. We had a cat, I told him, whom we expected to die that day. His name was Sonny - we sometimes called him Sonny-Boy.
As we walked back to our car I said, "so, Hughie, that's American baseball. How did you like it?" And from those comments NCYSA was born. I didn't know the first thing about soccer other than you kicked the ball and couldn't use your hands. I recruited a next door neighbor, Rolf Krause, who was from Germany and knew soccer well, another fella from Argentina, same story, a couple of Anglos who also knew the game. We became the board of directors and we took off. First year we signed up 335 kids, second year 750, third year, 950. It became a tremendous success and it is still operating to this day. I "retired" after running it for three years. During that time I learned the game, even learned how to play it myself, and I managed and/or coached a number of teams, one of which went undefeated. Just some great kids . . . and great memories. I think I can die happy.
Remembering Sonny-Boy A reprint from a Facebook Posting on 1/3/2015
I buried Sonny yesterday.
It was in a nice little spot in our back yard, next to an orange tree, at the top of our bank of iceplant.
He had been Gene's cat, Evelyn's late husband. He was a feral cat that kept coming around and Gene befriended him. He became a house cat but would have nothing to do with anyone but Gene; maybe Evelyn, if he was in a particularly good mood. After cancer claimed Gene and he had passed on, Sonny Boy became Evelyn's cat.
A few years later, when Evelyn and I became a couple, Sonny Boy would have nothing to do with me. Nothing. He didn't seem to like men . . .but he, for certain, did not like strangers. He was a large cat, probably could have defended himself quite well. But he was a scairdy-cat. He was afraid of his own shadow.
It was like that for about 12, 13, maybe
Man About Town Cont. on Page 12
The Paper • Page 12 • August 1, 2019
the off–the-shelf OS (operating systems), applications and the Internet sites accessible to everyone in the universe. While it’s true that we can select our Internet and “stand alone” applications, once that’s done we have no influence or control over how they “improve” our user experience with their constant changes updates and newest versions. We are the innocent victims of “progress”. Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory
www. "San Diego's Best Computer Store 2017-18" Union Tribune readers poll
PC Owner’s Survival Guide. Part 1
There are 180 million Windows PCs (notebooks and towers) in the USA. Most of them are either in everyday use as business computers or in the aging hand of those of us over 40. For the most part the younger generations get by with smart phones, tablets and other mobile cloud based devices. The “big” PC users (corporation, schools, governments) control their computer environment by having their own proprietary applications, networks and a fleet of ITs to ensure their stability. We small business and home users have no such luxury. We must use
Man About Town Cont. from Page 11
14 years.
Then, suddenly, about 9 months ago, Sonny took a liking to me and would let me hold him and pet him.
I'm not much of a cat person. Never have been. I'm a dog person. I'm partial to puppies. I managed to tolerate cats but I have not included any of them in my will. Bit I kinda liked Sonny-Boy.
About six months ago, he started to go downhill. We knew he was old. We estimate somewhere between 18 and 20 years of age. He lost more and more weight. It wasn't too long before we knew that Sonny was dying. We decided to act like a hospice and make sure that he was comfortable, warm, well fed, well cared for, and got lots of attention and love. We would hold him and talk to him. It got to where he would come looking for me in the morning, in my office, meowing for attention. I would pick him up and hold him and pet him and talk to him, telling him what a pretty boy he was.
He had gone almost totally blind . . . limited vision in one eye; he probably only saw shadows or vague figures. He was also almost deaf. Still, he felt the warmth of my chest as I held him, and felt my hands petting him. He particularly liked me to stroke his throat and under his lower jaw. Dunno why, but that's when he purred the loudest.
On one day he seemed particularly weak and we expected him to pass any moment. That was the day I referred to above, where I had the gardener dig a
Our neighbor bought a new Plymouth in 1946. It was running just fine when he died in 1992. It got him from here to there and he used to say he had no need of “newfangled” gadgets like electric windows. We can’t do that with computers. It’s not that there is anything wrong with the computer. A ten year old PC is fast enough and smart enough to do just about anything. But companies who sell computers and applications only make money when they can force us to buy new products. It’s called “planned obsolescence” and they all practice it under the banner of “progress.” The real point here is that small business and home owners absolutely hate having to relearn how to do things they already knew how to do simply because it is in the financial interest of the industry leaders to change things.
month) and Best Buy (the Geek Squad is still in town and ready to “serve” you) are primarily interested in selling you new products, not in making your old PC work for you, That’s our job.
When you bring your home or business PC to us we can provide you with the information you need to decide whether to upgrade your old PC or get a new one. You tell us what you want your PC to do. We evaluate it in terms of its potential for doing what you want it to do. When we finish, you will know what the cost of upgrading and/or repairing your existing PC and its present retail and trade in value. You also will know the cost of replacing it with a new or refur-
bished PC.
No one else in the industry provides this kind of service. This is the information you need to make informed decisions. It’s absolutely free and we leave the decision up to you. Our job is to give you the information and let the chips fall. We believe that we have the best solutions but if you decide otherwise we don’t worry about it. We know that you’ll be back someday and we’ll be here for you. Next week in part two of “the PC Owners Survival Guide” we discuss Malware, Phishing and the PC protection services advertised on TV.
“Big Box” stores that offer computer service like Fry’s (better get there quick, rumor has it that they will close very soon), Staples (Closed their San Marcos store last grave for him.
Sonny rebounded . . . thanks to a lot of money and a lot of medicine that Evelyn invested in him, wanting to keep him alive and pain free as long as we could. For a time, Evelyn became a veterinary tech, injecting medicines into his spinal area . . . but Sonny didn't like it. Neither did I. Neither did Eveyln. I had to hold him and talk to him, keeping him calm, Evelyn had to inject the needle . . . and, sometimes, Sonny didn't like it. We finally decided to not subject him to any more of these heroic measures and just let nature take its course. As he got weaker and weaker we gave him more and more attention, both Evelyn and I. We would see he got to be a pampered cat. We had, essentially, developed a hospice and hospice treatment plan for Sonny.
I remember a few days ago, saying to Evelyn, "Well, he does not seem to be in any pain . . . but he's getting weaker and weaker. At least he knows he was loved and he enjoyed the affection and attention." Yesterday, Evelyn asked if she could borrow my car. Her eldest son had borrowed hers. I said, 'sure.'
Later in the afternoon, I noticed Evelyn had returned and went out to see if I could help her carry in anything. I had assumed she had gone out for groceries.
She reached for the front seat and retrived some blankets and came into the garage. And then it hit me.
She had taken Sonny to the vet and had him put down.
I could see she was upset and crying . . . so I held her and tried to comfort her. I asked her why she didn't have me go with her, that she shouldn't have been alone for that event. While I would not have looked forward to it, I felt I should have been there to not only say goodbye to Sonny but to help support Evelyn. But she said she didn't want me to go with her. She wanted to do this by herself. Not sure why, but I respect her decision. About an hour later, I noticed Evelyn had prepared a coffin from a cardboard box, wrapped it in brown wrapping paper and written on it . . "RIP Sonny, 1/3/15."
She took Trixie and Cindi for their afternoon walk and while she was gone I took Sonny to his grave and buried him. We're now down to a somewhat smaller zoo. Three cats, two pups, Evelyn and me.
And Sonny. Who now rests beneath one of the orange trees in our backyard, at peace at last.
A Special Message from Evelyn Madison:
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) sends me updates and success stories frequently, and the one I received today was of special interest, in light of what has happened with one of my little dogs over the last month and half. My little “Cindy”, a “Chug” (Chihuahua/Pug mix) was diagnosed with Lymphoma and she has had two Chemo Treatments so far,
along with other medications.
Dear Evelyn, Dogs are a part of our families, and hold a special place in our hearts. Because dogs and humans are 85% genetically identical, cancer affects both of these species in similar ways. Lymphoma, a type of blood cancer that originates in the lymphatic system, is the most common form of cancer in dogs. Sadly, more than one million companion dogs are diagnosed and treated for cancer every year. But there is hope. As the leader in blood cancer research, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is pioneering breakthroughs in lymphoma that continue to accelerate treatments for dogs and people. We now kick off a new four-week fundraising competition, comprised of America’s most philanthropic canines. Over the course of the competition, dogs, with the help of their owners, fundraise to help support LLS’s goal of a cancer-free world. The canine candidate whose pack raises the most money during the competition is awarded the prestigious title of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Dog of the Year and will be featured in Modern Dog Magazine’s winter issue. Does your pup have what it takes to be our Dog of the Year? Campaign KickOff July 29th thru August 26. “Cindy, the Chug” has opened an account and is running for “Dog of the Year.” If you are so inclined and want to join Cindy’s pack, here’s how to do it.
Visit and click the red ‘Join’ button (unless you are already a Crowdrise user – then you just log in with your username and password). “Cindy, the Chug” has set a fundraising goal of $1,000. Log in to “Cindy, the Chug” and become one of the pack. Thank you so much. If you have questions, call Cindy’s ‘mommy’ at 760.746.1649 and maybe she can help you, or call LLS customer support for help at 888.557.7177, 8am-8pm daily.
SERVICE DIRECTORY The ThePaper Paper •• Page Page1313 • • August April 4,1,2019 2019
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Cabinets by Archie 760.594.0838
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New or Repair, cabinets, drawers, countertops Formica, solid surface, refinish or paint, Senior Discount. Reface or New. Lic. #445779 Call Now! 760.594.0838
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9015507 The name of the business, Lively Root, located at 2029 Sycamore Drive, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is registered by: Plant Source, Inc. 2029 Sycamore Drive San Marcos, CA. 92069 This
corporation. First day of business n/a. /s/Janelle Pyle, Secretary Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 6/19/2019 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/19 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2019-00036576 CU-PT-NC
Arroyo on behalf of a minor child filed a petition with this
court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Deanna Ruby Anguiano to Proposed name Deanna Ruby Arroyo. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in
this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for
change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting
to the name changes described above must file a written
objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and
must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING:
Date: September 3, 2019 8:30a.m., Department 23.
The address of the court is: 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the
date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspa-
per of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated July 17, 2019
/s/Sim von Kalinowski, Judge of the Superior Court 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9014945 The name of the business, Katie M, located at 248 E. Grand Ave., Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is registered by: Katie Mueller 12684 Cumbres Rd. Valley Center, CA. 92082 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 5/2/17. /s/Katie Mueller Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 6/13/2019 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 & 8/01/2019 ____________
Part-Time* Computer Tech/Clerical Assistant San Marcos, CA
Company Description Health & Life Insurance Agent and Broker, in the business for over 47 years.
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Specializing in short and long term care assistance for all ages, with all activities of daily living, in your home. Drive to/from doctor appointments, new mommy assistance/infant care, Alzheimer patient care, general assistance before/after surgery, respite care for parents of disabled children, and much more. Rates startatat$22 $16.00 Rates Start perper hour hour for companion services.
Call 800.783.3127 or 760.424.2400 24 hours/day 7 days/week.
Do you or your aging loved one need help? Experienced and professional caregivers. For information and assessment call us today! 951.387.0055 Lotus Care Home Care, Hospital Care and Companions
Home Maintenance Improvements
JOHN the GOLD HANDYMAN I am good at Painting, Plumbing, Dry Wall Repairs, Pergo, Carpet and Tile and lots more - 27 years experience. CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE 760.738.7493
HOME GENERAL MAINTENANCE REMODELS Bath/Kitchen Designs, Tile Installation, Electrical, Paint, Fences, Concrete. Lic#33509 760.484.1302 760.529.1239 STATEMENT #2019-9016223 The name of the business, Tasty Pho,
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of
name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the
name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must
appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING:
Date: September 10, 2019 8:30 a.m., Department 23.
The address of the court is: 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the
date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspa-
per of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos
News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd,
Ana Nguyen
Vista, CA. 92083
First day of business 4/01/2018
Escondido, CA. 92027. This business is registered by: Nicole My Tu 5955 Mira Mesa Blvd., Ste B, San Diego, Ca. 92121
First day of business n/a /s/Nicole My Tu Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9016589 The name of the business, Organic Weeds Control, located at 26961 Cougar Pass Road,
/s/Ana Nguyen Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County
Escondido, Ca. 92026.
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 6/28/2019
This business is registered by:
7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2019
Daniel P. Loftus
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9015174 The name of the business, Starrs Auto Detailing, located at 737 Los Arboles Blvd., Oceanside, CA. 92058 This business is registered by: Gregorio Mendez, Jr. 737 Los Arboles Blvd. Oceanside, CA. 92058 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 1/1/02. /s/Gregorio Mendez, Jr. Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 6/17/2019 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9017477 The name of the business, Modified Stance;
8/01, 8/08, 8/15 & 8/22/2019
This business is registered by:
JDM Cart; Tuner Cart, located at 4994 Malaga Dr., Oceanside, Ca. 92057. Shaun Anthony Walters 26531 Bladen Avenue Murrieta, Ca. 92562 Patrick Ryan Hays
For Advertising Information or to subscribe, Call (760) 747-7119
The name of the business, Bella Nails & Spa,
7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2019
This business is registered by:
San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated July 26, 2019
/s/Sim von Kalinowski, Judge of the Superior Court
STATEMENT #2019-9016328
Vista, CA. 92084.
Laura Lee Higby to Proposed name Laura Lee Sorenson.
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/01/2019
This business is conducted by an individual.
court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name:
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9017529 The name of the business, Pacific Shore Family Child Care, located a 223 Todd Ct., Oceanside, Ca. 92054. This business is registered by: Alfonso and Brianna Sanchez 223 Todd Ct. Oceanside, Ca. 92054 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business n/a. /s/Alfonso Sanchez Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/16/2019 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 and 8/15/2019 ____________
located at 1250 S. Santa Fe Ave., Suite K,
Higbyon behalf of a minor child filed a petition with this
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9016423 The name of the business, Ohana Farms @ Olive Hill LLC, located at 5051 Olive Hill Road, Fallbrook, CA. 92028. This business is registered by: Ohana Farms @ Olive Hill LLC 5051 Olive Hill Road Fallbrook, CA. 92028 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business 06/21/19. /s/Wayne Tatsuji Tamanaha, Managing Member Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/02/2019 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 & 8/01/2019 ____________
This business is conducted by an individual. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
415 Plymouth Dr., Apt 7
Home Care
4994 Malaga Dr. Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. First day of business 7/15/2019 /s/Patrick Ryan Hays Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/15/2019 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2019
26961 Cougar Pass Road Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 7/03/19. /s/Daniel P. Loftus Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/03/2019 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2019
News for the Social Butterfly?
Send your press releases to:
The Mighty Mojo Page The ThePaper Paper •• Page Page1414 •• August April 4,1,2019 2019
Indian Store
Full Service Gun Shop
(760) 471-2322
Coins & Loans
760.745.1697 Escondido Coin & Loan, Inc. 241 E. Grand Avenue
Estate Sale Company buys Jewelry, Watches, Coins FAIR PRICE Licensed, Bonded, Reliable 760-429-2927 760-525-8785 WOOD FURNITURE REPAIR
Broken Parts•Loose Joints Moving Damage and MORE
I Make House Calls
YOUR COMPLETE HANDYMAN Specializing Electric & Plumbing, Ceiling Fan Special. Home Repairs. Free Estimates. 760.799.5963
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9016071 The name of the business, El Torito Market, El Torito Meat Market, located at 3163 Roosevelt St., Carlsbad, CA. 92009. This business is registered by: Torito’s & Bonita, Inc. 422 San Diego St. Oceanside, CA. 92058 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 8/01/1996 /s/Roberto Ricardez, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 6/26/2019 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/2019 ____________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9017399 The name of the business, Paul Robert Anina Love of Learning Scholarship Fund, located at 623 Beverly Place, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is registered by: Raylene Haunani Veloz 623 Beverly Place San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 9/1/2009 /s/Raylene Haunani Veloz Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/15/2019 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/2019 ____________
Artistic Gardens
Legal Services
Kaley Satterlee Law Offices ESTATE SALE COMPANY
(760) 471-1006
1950 Hacienda Dr. Vista Coins•Gold•Silver•Vintage Watches
Top grade printing of all types, brochures, letterhead, posters banners, business cards.
3643 Grand Avenue, Suite A San Marcos, CA. 92078 Trusts & Estate Planning Free Consultation
Lawyer Makes House Calls Free Consultation
Bankruptcy, Trusts & Wills, Personal Injury, Real Estate Issues, Short Sales, LLC’s, Modifications, Dispute Letters, Contract Review, Notary Public, Real Estate Broker CalBre 00661666
Brian Fieldman, Esq. 760.738.1914
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9016558 The name of the business, Innovative Sign Systems, located at 518 Golf Glen Drive, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is registered by: Snowfox Enterprises, Inc. 518 Golf Glen Drive San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 7/3/19. /s/ Michael Snow, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/03/2019 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 & 8/01/19 ____________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9016070 The name of the business, Torito’s & Bonita, Inc., El Torito Market and El Torito, located at 422 San Diego St. Oceanside, CA. 92058 This business is registered by: Torito’s & Bonita Inc. 422 San Diego St. Oceanside, CA. 92058 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 4/01/2002 /s/Roberto Ricardez, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 6/26/2019 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/2019 ____________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9016069 The name of the business, Bonita Foods; Bonita Market; Rancho La Bonita; Rancho Bonita; Rancho Bonita Foods, located at 311 N. Main Ave., Fallbrook, Ca. 92028. This business is registered by: Torito’s & Bonita, Inc. 422 San Diego St. Oceanside, CA. 92058 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 1/01/2000 /s/Roberto Ricardez, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 6/26/2019 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/2019 ____________
A Great Gift Anytime! Subscribe to The Paper!
Call 760.747.7119
J&M’s Family Restaurant 1215 E. Valley Parkway Escondido Where homestyle cooking is just the beginning…
Ernie 760-783.6248 License No. 328673
Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment That Everyone Can Afford Now offering a range of care options to help everyone, even if restricted by money or ability to get to my office. Call Now! 760-290.3611 Dr. Gary Loos 1645 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Ste. 102 San Marcos
Pool Service
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9016036 The name of the business, Mathnasium of Vista, located at 20 Main St., #119, Vista, CA. 92083. This business is registered by: Math of Vista Village Co., 1174 Alexandra Lane Encinitas, CA. 92024 This
corporation. First day of business 6/20/2019. /s/Kris Thomson, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 6/26/2019 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 & 8/01/2019 ____________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9015984 The name of the business, Premier Lending Group, Premier Real Estate, located at 3615 Barranca Ct., Carlsbad, CA. 92010. This business is registered by: Jane Riley 3615 Barranca Ct. Carlsbad, CA. 92010 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Jane Riley Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 6/26/2019 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/2019 ____________
The Place for Legals! 760.747.7119
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9017847 The name of the business, APECO Engineering, located at 415 N. Santa Fe Ave., Vista, Ca. 92084. This business is registered by: Muna Jalal Rahman 415 N. Santa Fe. Ave. Vista, Ca. 92084. This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 7/17/19. /s/Muna Jalal Rahman Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/17/2019 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2019 ________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9016635 The name of the business, De Portola Winery, De Portola Vintages, located at 28465 Old Town Front St., #311, Temecula, CA. 92590 This business is registered by: De Portola Estate Winery, LLC 28465 Old Town Front St., #311 Temecula, CA. 92590 This business is conducted by Limited Liability Company. First day of business n/a. /s/Theodore Neugebauer, Managing Member Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/05/2019 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 & 8/01/2019
The ThePaper Paper •• Page Page1515 •• August April 4,1,2019 2019
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Marcos, hereinafter referred to as Agency or City, invites proposals for the above stated Project and will be available on line via PlanetBids. Proposals are due up to the hour of 4:00 p.m. on August 2, 2019. WORK DESCRIPTION The work consists of performing DBE and Labor Compliance Consulting Services as needed. LOCATION OF WORK Citywide. ESTIMATED BUDGET The estimated overall budget is $890,000. TERM Services as needed for up to five (5) years. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Subject to 49 CFR, Part 26 entitled “Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in Department of Transportation Financial Assistance Programs”, the DBE goal range is 0% to 18%. AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTS The City uses PlanetBids to post and receive bids/proposals. Only vendors that are registered will be eligible to submit a bid/proposal for formal solicitations with the City. PlanetBids is accessible via the City’s website and direct link provided below and provides all documents at no cost to bidders/proposers. OR rtal/portal.cfm?CompanyID=39 481 GENERAL The company to whom the Contract is awarded, and any subcontractor under such company, shall hereby ensure that minority and women business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids for subcontracts. Further, there shall be no discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, age, or sex. 7/25 & 8/01/2019
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9016948 The name of the business, Niche Systems, located at 1549 Morenci St., San Diego, CA. 92110. This business is registered by: Trevor Ray Hall 1549 Morenci St. San Diego, CA. 92110 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 7/09/19. /s/Trevor Ray Hall Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/09/2019 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/2019 ____________
To place Legal Ads Call The Paper 760.747.7119
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9017282 The name of the business, Sparkl Productions, located at 3010 Segovia Way, Carlsbad, CA. 92009. This business is registered by: Ednalu Amante Peck 3010 Segovia Way Carlsbad, CA. 92009 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 6/01/2019. /s/Ednalu Amante Peck Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/12/2019 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/19 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9017940 The name of the business, Gro Search Partners, located at 1798 Larkhaven Glen, Escondido, CA. 92026. This business is registered by: Dane Karno 1798 Larkhaven Glen Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 7/19/2019. /s/Dane Karno Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/19/2019 8/01, 8/08, 8/15 & 8/22/2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9017446 The name of the business, Accurate Home Inspections, located at 29115 Valley Center Rd., #K184, Valley Center, CA. 92082 This business is registered by: Glenn Allen Swift 29115 Valley Center Rd, #K184 Valley Center, CA. 92082 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/Glenn Allen Swift Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/15/2019 8/01, 8/08, 8/15 & 8/22/2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9017534 The name of the business, Dew Manufacturing; Custom Cycle Engineering; Dew Machine & Tool,, located at 1970 Peacock Blv d., Oceanside, CA. 92056. This business is registered by: Intuitive Racing, Inc. 1970 Peacock Blvd. Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 7/03/19. /s/Jean Linville, Secretary Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/16/2019 7/25, 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2019 ____________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2019-9017149 The name of the business, On Schedule Auto Repair Center, located at 151 N. Rose St., Ste A103, Escondido, CA. 92027. This business is registered by: Ken Nhat Vu 1920 E. Grand AVe., Spt #53 Escondido, CA. 92027 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 8/09/09. /s/Ken Nhat Vu Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 7/11/2019 7/18, 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/2019 ____________
NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF GOURETE BRITO Case No. 37-201900032722-PR-LA-CTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of Gourete Brito. A Petition for Probate has been filed by Wm. Nicholas Manousos in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St., San Diego, Ca., 92101, Central. The Petition for Probate requests that Wm. Nichoas Manousos be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the I n d e p e n d e n t Administration of Estates Act (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause as to why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: September 11, 2019 Time: 1:30 p. m. . Dept: 502 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: Alex Scheingross 3772 Clairmont Drive San Diego, CA. 92117 (858) 792.5988 8/01, 8/08 & 8/15/2019`
NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF DAVID W. SCHRECK Case No. 37-201900036500-PR-PW-CT To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of David W. Schreck, David Schreck, David Walter Schreck, Dave Schreck, A Petition for Probate has been filed by Harry T. Ferrari in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St., San Diego, Ca., 92101, Central. The Petition for Probate requests that Harry T. Ferrari be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the I n d e p e n d e n t Administration of Estates Act (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause as to why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: August 22, 2019 Time: 1:30 p. m. . Dept: 503 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: J. Mark McNeill, Esq 16885 W. Bernardo Dr., Ste 325 San Diego, CA. 92127 (858) 613.2970 7/25, 8/01 & 8/08/2019`
The San Marcos City Council will hold the following public hearing in the City Council Chambers located at San Marcos City Hall, 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069 at 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, August 13, 2019. Project No.: SP18-0004 / SDP18-0001 / ND19-001 Applicant(s): Artis Senior Living Request: Request for review of a proposed 39,951 squarefoot, 64-bedroom residential care facility for Alzheimer’s and memory care on a 2.18-acre property in the University Commons (Old Creek Ranch) Specific Plan Area (SPA). The project applicant requests a Specific Plan Amendment to change the existing land use designation of the property from “Light Industrial” to “Senior Residential” and a Site Development Plan review of the proposed project design. Environmental Determination: Mitigated Negative Declaration (ND19-001) was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Location of the Property: North side of San Elijo Road, east of S. Rancho Santa Fe Road. Assessor’s Parcel Number: 223-651-01-00. Planning Commission Action: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed project to the City Council by a 7 to 0 vote. Further information about this notice can be obtained from Norm Pedersen, Associate Planner by calling 760-7441050 extension 3236 or NOTICE: The hearing before the City Council is a de novo hearing and any correspondence submitted to the Planning Commission that you wish presented to the City Council must be resubmitted for the Council’s consideration. Contact the City Clerk for resubmittal of any correspondence and/or petition for/or against the project. The City of San Marcos is committed to making its programs, services and activities accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you require accommodation to participate in any City program, service or activity, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA. 92069, or call 760-744-1050, extension 3145. Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos. PD: 08/01/19.
News for the Social Butterfly?
Send your press releases to:
Bahai A Way of Life
Baha’is have been described as a kind, gentle people. Would you like to know more? Call anyone listed here from your city/neighborhood. Baha’is Believe:
• all humanity was creat-
ed by one God and is part of one human race
• the purpose of life is to know and worship God,
to acquire virtues, to promote the oneness of humankind and to carry forward
advancing civilization
• work performed in the
spirit of service is a form of worship
• the soul, created at the
moment of conception, is destined by God to reach
where it will continue to
progress until it attains the presence of God.
Be a guest of Bahai’s! Learn more about what we believe. Visit one of our meetings. Call a Baha’i in your city for more information!
Rancho Bernardo -
Chris or Azar Weixelman 1.858.759.8075 Escondido Sandy Coleman, 760-747-0049 San Marcos Gary L. Veale 760.304.6924
Vista Judy Maddox 1.760.598.7240 Celia Taghdiri 1.760.727.6264
Oceanside Dick or Patty Yant 1.619.985.9977 or 1.760.433.4447
The Paper • Page 16 • August 1, 2019
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