The paper 08 20 15

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Volume 45 - No. 34

August 20, 2015

Compiled by lyle e davis

Editor’s Note: Yesterday was not so long ago . . . in terms of our history. Thanks to the Works Project Administration (WPA).

Within this program was the Federal Writer’s Project, where more than 300 writers from 24 states would gather almost 300 documents that featured parts of our history and the people that made that history. It makes for fascinating reading and lets us look in on the lifes of those who came before us and see what they endured. The documents produced not only kept writers busy and gave them a source of income, but preserved an important element of our history in the process.

Their documents, typically 2,000 to 15,000 words in length, varied from narratives to reports to case histories.

Here we take a look at Harlem, some of the folk tales and examples of racism in a Harlem Bar . . . then a long look at show biz . . . . some of the characters and their lifestyle, “back in the day.” Here, then, is another sampling of this wonderful project. For certain, we will have more published in The Paper in the future:

FOLKLORE NEW YORK WORKER Ralph Ellison DATE June 14th, 1938 Name of informant: Leo Gurley SUBJECT Harlem

I hope to God to kill me if this aint the truth. All you got to do is go down to Florence, South Carolina and ask most anybody you meet and they'll tell you its the truth.

Florence is one of these hard towns on colored folks. You have to stay out of the white folks way; all but Sweet. That the fellow I'm fixing to tell you about. His name was Sweet-the-monkey. I done forgot his real name, I caint remember it. But that was what everybody called him. He wasn't no big guy. He was just bad. My mother and grandmother used to say he was wicked. He was bad allright. He was one sucker who didn't give a dam bout the crackers. Fact is, they got so they stayed out of his way. I caint never remember hear tell of any them crackers bothering thatguy. He used to give em trouble all over the place and all they could do about it was to give the rest of us hell.

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It was this way: Sweet could make hisself invisible. You don't believe it? Well here's how he done it. Sweet-the-monkey cut open a black cat and took out its heart. Climbed up a tree backwards and cursed God. After that he could do anything. The white folks would wake up in the morning and find their stuff gone. He cleaned out the stores. He cleaned up the houses. Hell, he even cleaned out the dam bank! He was the boldest black sonofabitch ever been down that way. And couldn't nobody do nothing to him. Because they couldn't never see im when he done it. He didn't need the money. Fact is, most of the time he broke into places he wouldn't take nothing. Lots a times he just did it to show 'em he could. Hell, he had everybody in that lil old town scaird as hell; black folks and white folks.

The white folks started trying to catch Sweet. Well, they didn't have no luck. Theyd catch 'im standing in front of the eating joints and put the handcuffs on im and take im down to the jail. You know what that sucker would do? The police would come up and say: “Come on Sweet” and he'd say “You all want me?” and they'd put the handcuffs on im and start leading im away. He'd go with em a little piece; Sho, just

like he was going. Then all of a sudden he would turn hisself invisible and dissapear. The police wouldn't have nothing but the handcuffs. They couldn't do a thing with that Sweet-the-monkey. Just before I come up this way they was all trying to trap im. They didn't have much luck. Once they found a place he'd looted with footprints leading away from it and they decided to try and trap im. This was bout sun up and they followed his footprints all that day. They followed them till sundown when he come partly visible. It was red and the sun was shining on the trees and they waited till they saw his shadow. That was the last of the Sweet-the-monkey. They never did find his body and right after that I come up here. That was bout five years ago. My brother was down there last year and they said they think Sweet done come back. But they caint be sho because he wont let hisself be seen. NAME OF WORKER Ralph Ellison DATE June 15, 1939 SUBJECT: Racism in a Harlem Bar

I was sitting up on the bandstand drumming, trying to make myself

some beat-up change.

Wasnt such a crowd in the place that night, just a bunch a them beer-drinkers. I was looking down at em dancing and wishing that things would liven up. Then a man came up and give me four dollars just to sing one number. Well, I was singing for that man. I was really laying it Jack, just like Marian Anderson. What the hell you talking about; I'd sing all night after that cat done give me four bucks; thats almost a fin! But this is what brings you down. One a these bums come up to the stand and says to the banjo player: “If you monkeys dont play some music, Im gonna throw you outta de jernt.”

Man, I quit singing and looked at that sonofabitch. Then I got mad. I said: “Where the goddam hell you come from, you gonna throw somebody outa this band? How you get so bad? Why you poor Brooklyn motherfriger, I'll wreck this goddam place with you.”

Man, he looked at me. I said: “Dont look at me goddamit, I mean what I say!” By this time everybody is standing around listening. I said: “I

Remembering . . . Yesterday . . . Continued on Page 2

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