October 8, 2020
Volume 50 - No. 41
By Gary Womble
Almost everyone in the world knows the story of Henri-Antoine Charriere, also known as Papillon, which is the French word for butterfly; he had one tattooed on his chest. Charriere survived for thirteen years some of the most inhumane conditions in a prison ever recorded. He had been falsely convicted of murdering a Parisian pimp by the name of Roland Le Petit and sentenced to life in prison in 1931.
He vehemently denied committing The Paper - 760.747.7119
email: thepaper@cox.net
the murder until his death in 1973. Papillon’s life story until he was 40 has been made into a movie twice using some of the most famous actors of the day. If you are over forty yourself you will remember Steve McQueen, forever the king of cool, as Papillon and Dustin Hoffman as Louis Dega, who forged and sold counterfeit National Defense Bonds. In 2017 a second movie was made about Papillon’s experience in French Guiana starring Charlie Hunnam as Papillon and Rami Malek as Louis Dega.
Papillon made his first escape attempt in November of 1933 accompanied by two other inmates. Colombian police caught all three of them near Riohacha and they were placed in a local prison. Charriere was the only one of the three to escape this jail, and he wound up in the La Guajira Peninsula where he was adopted by an Indian tribe. He eventually left and was recaptured a short time after leaving the peninsula by the Colombian authorities. He was sent back to French Guiana and placed in complete solitary confinement
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for two years.
Eventually after several more escape attempts, he was sent to Devil’s Island which was famous as a prison colony because the French called it inescapable. In 1941 Papillon proved them wrong because he did escape on a raft he made using rope and coconuts. He used the tide as it moved out from the island and was accompanied by another convict. The other prisoner perished in quicksand when they reached the shore still in French Guiana. Henri did escape Devil’s
The Paper
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Island, sharks, the sea, and quicksand. He wound up in British Guiana and eventually a boat and a new series of adventures brought him to Venezuela.
Charriere was arrested in Venezuela and held at the penal settlement at El Dorado, where he was charged with being a rogue and a vagabond. A coup d’état in Venezuela brought Papillon’s release a year after being imprisoned at El Dorado. He was now equipped with genuine papers at last, was given good civilian clothes and after a long and arduous 14 years in prison he was ready to walk out into freedom at last. After his release Henri met up with an old Corsican friend from his days in Paris, named Charlot. Charlot had also escaped from a prison in French Guiana but had been free for several years. Charlot accompanied Papillon to the La Mocupia mine where he vouched for him to be hired. Henri started work at the La Mocupia gold mine and in a short time came across another old friend from France named, Simon. He was a guard who along with another Frenchman watched the gold ingots that had been mined and smelted. One day he showed Papillon the gold who immediately began thinking how easy it would be to steal all the ingots stored there, which was at that time worth about $1M.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!
There was a bit of confusion at the store this morning. When I was ready to pay for my groceries, the cashier said, "Strip down, facing me." Making a mental note to complain to my congressman about Homeland Security running amok, I did just as she had instructed.
When the hysterical shrieking and alarms finally subsided, I found out that she was referring to my credit card. I have been asked to shop elsewhere in the future.
They need to make their instructions to us seniors a little clearer! •••• When I was born I was so made at my parents I didn’t talk to them for two years!
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Charriere left quickly, as he could not get away from the temptation of stealing the gold ingots. It was unbelievable! The storeroom that could hardly hold itself upright, and two onetime low-ranking crooks taking care of all that treasure! In all his life on the loose he had never seen anything like it!
While the thief in Papillon wanted to steal the gold ingots, the friend in him did not want to go through with it. He had met old friends and made new ones all of whom were just living normal lives and loving it. Henri did not want to ruin it for them and had he stolen the gold that would have compromised their position in the region forever. He decided to find another way to make as much money as would be needed to live a life of luxury as well as get his revenge. A friend introduced Charriere to an old gambler named Jojo and the two seemed to hit it off. Jojo laid out a plan to Henri for the two of them to go to the lawless diamond and gold fields to gamble, but they would act like miners. Jojo took Henri back to his house where he demonstrated his method to cheat at craps and then asked, “are you satisfied that we will win?” Jojo’s method was perfect and Charriere was indeed satisfied and asked how soon they could leave. The diamond and gold fields were filled with some extremely dangerous men, pimps, thieves, and murderers. There was no law other than what one man meted out to another. Lovemaking Tips For Seniors
1. Wear your glasses to make sure your partner is actually in the bed. 2. Set timer for 3 minutes, in case you doze off in the middle.
3. Set the mood with lighting. (Turn them ALL OFF!) 4. Make sure you put 911 on your speed dial before you begin.
5. Write partner's name on your hand in case you can't remember.
6. Use extra Poly Grip so your teeth don't end up under the bed. 7. Have Tylenol ready in case you actually complete the act.
8. Make all the noise you want.... the neighbors are deaf, too. 9. If it works, call everyone you know with the good news!
10. Don't even think about trying it twice.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •••• OLD IS WHEN . . . Your sweetie says, 'Let's go upstairs and make love,' and you answer, 'Pick one; I can't do both!'
'OLD' IS WHEN... Your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and you're barefoot. 'OLD' IS WHEN...
Henri had met a young woman named Maria who he became involved with a few months earlier and stayed for a short time with she and her family. Papillon told Maria’s father of his plan to go to the gold and diamond fields with Jojo. Jose, Maria’s father, told Henri that he must be incredibly careful because Jojo always took a young man with him on these trips. The catch was that they also never came back with him because they had been murdered. Jojo and Henri started out for the diamond and gold fields on horseback and within days had reached their destination. They immediately set up “shop” in a shack they found empty.
That evening they set up for a dice game and invited several miners they had met at the local cantina. They arranged for a local establishment to supply rum for everyone, and each gambler “donated” a few bolivars to pay for the rum. During the game Jojo made a point to lose and lost somewhere near 7,000 bolos. A guy with a bad leg lost more than 12,000 before finally leaving for the night. Jojo and Henri invited everyone to return the next evening which would be a Saturday night. Papillon did not play at all the first night which was part of the plan. Jojo was laying the groundwork to make sure everyone believed the game was on the up and up. Saturday night around 9 PM the men came crowding into the shack so many Jojo had to sort out the Going bra-less pulls all the wrinkles out of your face. 'OLD' IS WHEN.....
You don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't have to go along. 'OLD' IS WHEN...
You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police. 'OLD' IS WHEN
'Getting a little action' means you don't need to take a laxative today. 'OLD' IS WHEN....
'Getting lucky' means you find your car in the parking lot. 'OLD' IS WHEN...
An 'all nighter' means not getting up to use the bathroom. 'OLD' IS WHEN....
Your spouse offers you super sex, and you reply, "I'll have the soup." 'OLD' IS WHEN.... You're not sure if these are facts or jokes.
(I sent this in large type, so you can read it) •••• I don't care what you think of me.
ones who could play high stakes. As the big-time gamblers dropped out, they were easily replaced by onlookers. A Brazilian laid down a diamond worth 4,000 bolivars and Henri covered the bet, Jojo then shot the dice, but the Brazilian grabbed them as they rolled. Papillon wondered what was going to happen; the Brazilian scarcely looked at the dice but spat on them and tossed them back to Jojo. “Shoot them like that, all wet,” he said. Jojo rolled the wet dice and up came seven causing the Brazilian to lose. He leapt to his feet, his hand on his gun. Then quietly he said, “it’s not my night and left.” The moment he shot up Papillon’s hand darted to the gun given to him by Jojo which had a round in the chamber. At sunrise on Sunday, the game ended both Jojo and Henri had won several thousand bolivars as well as gold nuggets and a few small diamonds. Henri and Jojo had been there about two weeks and every one of those nights they played high and wild, gambling with the dice and gambling with their lives. One night during a rainstorm a gambler got up after winning a large pile. He went out at the same time as a huge guy who had been just sitting around for some time, not playing because he was broke. Twenty minutes later the big guy who had been so unlucky came back and started
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Unless you think I'm awesome . . . in which case, you are right. Do carry on. •••• Some people just need a hug. Around the neck. With a rope. •••• There are two kinds of people in the world. And I don't like them. •••• I look at people sometimes and say . . . "Really? That's the sperm that won?" •••• My wife: “I think you need a new hearing test.”
Me: “Why the heck do I need a hairy chest?” •••• I was walking past the mental hospital the other day, and all the patients were outside shouting, '13...13...13.' The fence was too high to see over, but I saw a little gap in the planks, so I looked through to see what was going on... Somebody poked me in the eye with a stick! Then they all started shouting '14...14...14'... •••• I planted some bird seed. A bird came up. Now I don't know what to feed it. •••• I had amnesia once or twice. ••••
Chuckles Cont. on Page 6
Social Butterfly
The Paper • Page 3 • October 8, 2020
Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:
snowball. Before he left his Valley Center home, Louis Rosinski visited Harold Jones, then the head of the local road department on Cole Grade Road. According to documentation at the Valley Center Historical Society, Rosinski told Jones, "It would be a great idea to have Valley Center represented among the (then) 10,000 signs already posted. We thought Valley Center should be included along with the many others at the Sign Post Forest." The sign is similar to today's County road signs such as the one along Valley Center Road north of Lake Wohlford to mark the boundary of the community.
Local Road Sign Finds Way Into Alaska Forest - One of the quirkiest and most famous landmarks along the Alaska Highway is a collection of thousands of signs covering four acres in the tiny town of Watson Lake, Yukon. It's called the Sign Post Forest and somewhere among the 80,000 signs is one reading Valley Center. It's an official road sign provided by the County Road Department to a local man in 1991 who was taking an RV vacation to Yukon and had learned about the unusual forest while scanning literature on the Alaska Highway. The first sign was erected in 1942 by a GI for his hometown of Danville, Illinois. Over time, visitors started adding their own hometown signs and the idea started to
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gambling like crazy. Henri surmised that the winner must have lent him the money, but still it seemed odd that he should have lent him so much. When daylight came, they found the winner dead, stabbed to death less than fifty yards from the cabin. Papillon talked to Jojo and expressed his concern. Jojo said “it has nothing to do with us. Next time, he’ll be more careful.” Papi said, “next time, there will be no next time for him, he’s dead!” One night a couple days later Jojo was playing recklessly and winning far more than he should. Henri was winning as well and had a pile of bolivars, gold, and diamonds in front of him. Jojo sent Papi to Miguel’s for some more rum and food but had him leave his winnings behind. Papillon did so and got less than two hundred yards from the cabin before hearing gun fire. He ran back to find there was nobody left in the shack except Jojo. He was lying on the floor, blood pouring from the back of his neck. Despite the help of a socalled doctor Jojo died that same day. Papillon was left almost broke and surely, much to his dismay, the murder target of several miners. Charriere left the fields with the help of an old friend who lived nearby named Alexandre Guigue.
The town of Watson Lake, population about 800, attracts travelers from around the world to have a look at the Sign Post Forest and to
He eventually made his way back to El Callao and immediately went to stay with Maria and her father Jose. Henri told Jose he had been right about Jojo being too bold for his own good as well as whoever was with him. But this time his greed was so strong it cost him his life and almost cost Papillon his life too but for his friend Alexandre. The days went by, and it was not at all easy to find anything worthwhile to do except make love to Maria. Henri had been reduced to selling coffee pots door to door for money when he bumped into an old Montmartre acquaintance, Paulo the boxer.
Paulo tried to recruit Henri for a job but could not provide any details. Papillon did not think there was really much choice. Either he went on trying to sell coffee pots or some other damn nonsense or took up the adventurous life again. Henri loved the possibility of making a bundle and making it quick. Paulo said it would be technically a very fancy piece of work. And that fact, Henri admitted, tempted him even more. Paulo had two other accomplices because it was a four-man job. “Paulo said, “so what about it, Papi--banco?” Henri answered, “Banco!” The next day they set off and picked up the third man, Gaston, for the trip to a rented villa in Columbia called Mi Amor where they hooked up with their fourth accomplice Auguste. Paulo said, “well, boys, here you are on the spot; this is where we work. Listen, now just in front of
post their own signs. The community is in the southernmost part of Yukon at the border with British Colombia. To view multiple color images of the signs, go to Google images and enter Sign Post Forest. Prepare to be amazed. For more information, contact the Valley Center History Museum by mail, email at museum@vchistory.org or by phone at (760) 7492993. The museum is temporarily closed, but a volunteer responds to all inquiries.
Local Nonprofit Hosts Drive-In Movie Event for Cancer Research -The Immunotherapy Foundation (IF), a San Diego-based non-profit organization working to accelerate cancer immunotherapy research and cancer prevention programs, is hosting “Drive In to Drive Out Cancer” on Saturday, October 10th. The drive-in movie event will take place at the East lot at the Del Mar Fairgrounds (2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar, CA 92014) and will screen School of Rock, featuring Jack Black. Gates will open at 5:30pm and the feature film will begin at 7:00pm. Three nohost food trucks will also be available on site to enhance the drive-in movie experience. "We are so excited to screen School of Rock for a family-friendly evening to support cancer research," said Fernanda Whitworth, Co-Founder of the Immunotherapy Foundation. "While we have postponed our annual Rock and Roll Avalanche to October 2021, we are excited to
this little house, on the other side of the street you came by, there is the back of a bank. Its main entrance is on the big avenue that runs parallel with this house.” Paulo said, “we just need to dig a tunnel. It starts in the room next to this one, and it will go under the yard, then under the street and come out just beneath the bank’s vault.” A short silence and then he said, “What do you say about it?” “Is it a big bank?” Gaston asked.
It immediately became clear to Papillon that Gaston was there to dig. He was certainly not the brains of the operation.
The four men worked diligently on the tunnel for what seemed like endless days, which turned into over a month. The tunnel moved along slowly because of a lack of air, water in the tunnel after a rain, and just the amount of work required to build it. But eventually it was under the bank and the caper was set to go. All four men went on a road trip to buy an acetylene tank and torch in a nearby town to cut open the safes. Upon returning to their Villa the next day they noticed a lot of cops and firemen in the yard. They had stopped well short of the villa and learned the tunnel had collapsed due to a large truck passing over it on the road above. The caper was over before they ever got into the bank. The four of them left going their separate ways cursing the month of back breaking work they had put in
gather for a film that pays tribute to our unique rock and roll theme."
Reserve your parking spot for $100 for a Family Night Out package. Families can also upgrade their spot to a Red-Carpet Experience for $500. There are also a limited number of opportunity tickets on sale, sponsored by John Matty Co., and a small silent auction featuring a 3-night stay at the exclusive Whitworth Family home on the La Jolla shores, a private chef cooking class and lunch by Chef Dan (the Whitworths’ private chef) and a weekend stay at the La Jolla Shores. Tickets are available for purchase at www.IFCure.org and on-site. Proceeds from the fun-filled, family-friendly movie event will benefit Immunotherapy Foundation's mission to accelerate cancer immunotherapy research. "Drive In to Drive Out Cancer" will follow all socially distance regulations for a safe family-friendly gathering.
Immunotherapy Foundation (IF) is a San Diego non-profit organization working to accelerate promising cancer immunotherapy research and advancing cancer prevention. Since inception in 2015, IF has acted as a catalyzer for biologically-sound but financially-starved bench science, accelerating promising science into therapies for patients sooner. IF’s co-founders,
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with no reward.
Charriere went back to Jose and Maria’s and eventually found a job selling women’s clothing. He met up with a French pilot who owned a small two-seater plane. They quickly worked out a scheme where they would fly to towns which had at least one large brothel where Papi could peddle his goods. The women there were sure to have money as well as a desire for nice clothing. They worked together for a short time, but eventually the cost of maintenance on the plane and fuel costs caused the pilot to sell it. The adventure was fun but yielded small profits, however, there was no shortage of liquor and women of illrepute! Carotte, as Henri called him, was an excellent pilot and well known as such; he took a job in Caracas with the government flying mail routes. Henri was left on his own in Caracas but soon bumped into an old friend from prison in French Guiana named Big Leon. He and Henri had been in solitary at different times but knew each other well. In no time Big Leon asked Papillon if he wanted to get into some action, and make some real money? “Of course,” Henri replied, and immediately Big Leon began to lay out a plan to knock over a pawnshop in Columbia with a Chilean friend named, Pedro. Big Leon and Henri got fake passports showing them to
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Local News
The Paper
The Paper Endorsements
President of the United States: Donald Trump
50th Congressional District: Darrell Issa State Assembly 75th District: Marie Waldron San Diego County Board of Supervisors - District #3: Kristin Gaspar Escondido City Council: District #2 - Tina Inscoe District #3 - Dara Czerwonka District #4 - Mike Morasco
Escondido Elementary School Board: Trustee Area #3 - Mark D. Olson Trustee Area #5 - Frank Huston Escondido Union High School Board: Trustee Area #3 - Christi Knight Trustee Area #4 - Dane White Palomar Medical Division 2 Vicki Grove Division 4 Laura Barry Division 6 Jeff Griffith
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Palomar College Board: Trustee Area #2 - Christian Garcia Trustee Area #3 - Miroslaw (Mirek) Gorny Rincon del Diablo Water Board: Division #5 - Inki Welch San Marcos City Council District 3 Sharon Jenkins District 4 Ed Musgrove Vista City Council District #2 Joe Green District #3 Amanda Rigby
Oceanside Mayor Jack Feller City Council District #3 Ryan Keim District #4 Peter Weiss City Clerk Zeb Navarro Oceanside Measures Measure K, dealing with Term Limits will likely pass. Measure L, the North River Farms Referendum. we support it but recognize it may well lose as the most controversial item on the Oceanside ballot. Measure M, the Cannabis Business Tax, we think will pass
One day I was in a Von’s grocery store, getting ready to check out,” he said. “This lovely little grey-haired lady came up to me and said . . . ‘Excuse me. But aren’t you Mayor Ernie Cowan?” I put on my best smile and said, ”why, yes . . . yes, I am.’
“‘Well, I think you’re the worst person I ever knew. An abomination! You’re a no-good SOB!”
Man About Town
It’s that time of year. Silly Season, Wacko Time, The Crazy Days. Yep. It’s election time.
Just a few weeks from now and we’ll all be scurrying to the polls to vote the rascals out - or vote them in. I remember my favorite political story. A former Escondido Councilmember and Mayor, Ernie Cowan, once told me:
“Sometimes you labor for hours on an issue. You study the agenda, you work long and hard to think through your vote, hoping to do the best for your community. People, however, aren’t aware of those extra hours you work.
So, some folks think you’r wonderful. Others, not so much,” he laughed. The late Sy Okun, a neighbor and fellow Kiwanian, had been a big time supporter of former Escondido Councilmember and Mayor, Doug Best.
Then, one day, Doug cast a vote Sy didn’t like. “Why that so-and-so,” said Sy, “I’ll never support him again!”
“Wait a minute, Sy,” I said. “What about all the times Doug voted the way you thought was the right vote? What about all the time he puts in studying the issues. You’re gonna kick him to the curb because he voted what you think was the wrong way on one occasion?” To his credit, Sy acknowledged he was probably hasty in his criticism. And he continued to
October 8, 2020
with a lot of support locally. Taxpayers only pay if they use Cannabis; meanwhile, the revenue from the tax would help fill the Oceanside coffers with most welcome cash. Propositions On the Ballot
Prop 14 - Bond. $5.5 Billion, free government money for stem cell funding. NO. Prop 15 - Step 1 or 2 steps (School Funding Initiative) - NO. Re Prop 13. Prop 16 - Diversity as factor in decisions - race based discrimination. NO. Prop 17 - Parolees allowed to vote. NO. Prop 18 - Allow 17-year-olds to vote. NO. Prop 19 - Increases property taxes. NO. Prop 20 - Police Restored. YES. Prop 21 - Rent Control NO. Prop 22 - Freedom to work independent ly. YES. Prop 23 - Very costly, highly regulated. NO. Prop 24 - Privacy. NO. Prop 25 - Criminals Bail, etc. NO support Doug. (who has since passed away). So, November 3rd is rapidly approaching. We publish our endorsements in this issue but in the end . . . your vote is all your decision. Do it well. A few observations on our endorsements:
In Escondido’s District 2, we support Tina Inscoe. I’ve known Tina since she was about 15 and sang the lead role in the “Ramona” pageant at Kit Carson Park. She has come a long way since then, acquiring background and knowledge in several responsible positions.
In District 3 we support Dara Czerwonka, who impresses us as a fiscal conservative and has a number of elective legislative terms in her portfolio lots of experience.
In District 4, we believe Mike Morasco has done a good job and deserves to be re-elected. In San Marcos, we believe the incumbent, Sharon Jenkins and newcomer Ed Musgrove will work well together.
In Oceanside, we have been very impressed with Peter Weiss as Mayor and think he will make a fine councilman for District 4 and his col-
North San Diego County: Measure A - Affordable Housing ($900 Million-48 years) NO. Measure B - Police Review Board for use of force. YES. •••• Man Dies in Escondido Fire
On 10-04-20 at approximately 11:21 a.m., the Escondido Communications Center received a call of a residential structure fire in the 600 block of Waverly Pl. Police and Fire units were dispatched to the scene. When the first police officer arrived on scene, they reported heavy smoke and visible flames coming from the residence. Fire personnel entered the structure to extinguish the fire and discovered an unresponsive adult male subject inside the residence. The male was transported to Palomar Medical Center where he later died.
Both the cause of the fire and the cause of death are currently under investigation. Police and Fire investigators are working jointly on the investigation. The decedent’s name is being withheld pending notification to the family. Anyone with information about the fire is encouraged to call the police department or the anonymous number (760) 743-TIPS (8477) or via our Web site at police.escondido.org. league, Ryan Keim, for District 3. Together, they should make for a good team working together. For Mayor, we give the nod to Jack Feller, who has earned his shot. He’s been a long time public servant and has done well at it. •••• I don’t suppose there’s ever a convenient time to go to the hospital but when it happens it is much more pleasant when you are treated as though you were royalty. Such was the case with me when I had an ambulance ride to Palomar Medical Center a week ago Monday when I had all the symptoms of a stroke.
Within 10 minutes of arriving at the ER I was having a CT Scan done, less than an hour later I had an MRI, and, again, within an hour, I was visited by a brilliant neurologist, Dr. Richard Lane. (He took his Pre-Med at Georgetown and his Med School at Yale. Pretty impressive credentials!) He clearly exlained to me that I did not have a stroke or even a mini-stroke but, rather, an TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) which is, essentially, the body warning you that you need to get a handle on your
Man About Town Cont. on Page 7
The Paper
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be Italians and they left for Columbia straight away. The job was simple, to break into a tie shop next door to the pawnshop, and then go through the wall into the pawnshop. Big Leon and Pedro had scouted the pawnshop and found the jewels were only locked in glass cabinets so access would be easy. They did the job late on a Saturday night when no one was around and left through the tie shop early Sunday morning while still dark. The haul was fantastic the jewels were probably worth $100K U.S. dollars, which they quickly divided, and each man left on his own to hide his loot.
After hiding their loot separately, they met back at a bar for some drinks. Suddenly, while still in the bar, the police approached the three of them and said, “hands up thieves.” They were taken to a building where they were beat and tortured for hours eventually ending up with all three of them unconscious. They woke up a short time later and were in a building with several huge metal doors next to each other. Henri quickly recognized this as a meat packing house and the doors were for individual freezers. The cops stripped them of their shoes and socks and put each one into a separate freezer. The temperature in the freezers were all below zero, and their bare feet stuck to the floor as they tried to move. Before going into the freezer, they were each given another chance to talk, but none of the three gave up anything.
Henri awoke in a room where he was on a table and someone had poured a small amount of rum into his mouth. A guy was rubbing him seemingly trying to get circulation going again, which after a short time worked. He sat up looked around and Pedro was sitting on a table not far from him. The police were there as well and the head cop said, “well boys are you ready to go back to the freezer? First one that talks doesn’t have to go but look what happens if you go back.” Two huge cops pulled something from under one of the tables and laid it on top. It was Big Leon and he was frozen stiff as a board, and graveyard dead. It sent a chill down the spine of Charriere thinking that this would be his fate. Pedro spoke up and said, “he died by accident, didn’t he? No way, you guys want to explain that same fate to both the Italian and the Chilean embassies.” It worked Pedro and Henri straight away were taken to jail and within a month Henri was freed because the tie shop owner said he had never seen him before. Also, the bar waiter said that when Papillon came in for drinks and oysters he asked for a table for one. Papi knew now was not the time to retrieve his cut from the job because it would probably only land him back in prison or maybe even that freezer. Henri made his way back to Caracas but only stayed for a short time. As soon as possible he left for
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Maracaibo where he had heard there were jobs available because of the oil fields and quarries. Many French live there near the lagoon which also intrigued him (his Spanish was not so good). Shortly after arrival he met some young French guys who ran a garage and eventually, they offered him a job and a place to stay. For four months Henri had fun in the evenings with these young guys and their wives. They were though very political for Papi’s taste. The coup d’état that had set him free from the prison in El Dorado in 1944 overthrew Medina Angarita. The coup ushered in a three-year period of democratic rule under Romulo Betancourt. Henri’s young friends wanted to bring Angarita back to power and were becoming increasingly impatient and militaristic. Papillon was grateful to Venezuela for his freedom, and he did not feel the same as his new friends. He decided to leave the garage and go back to Columbia to dig up his take from the Pawnshop. Papillon flew back to Columbia from Maracaibo and went directly to Medellin where the pawnshop job took place. He stayed one night at a local hotel but carefully avoided the police and their all too handy freezers. The next morning, he hired a car to take him to the place where he had buried his share of the loot. He had visions of what he would do with his share, and some of it he would spend to get his revenge. The road had been widened and to do so they had taken down his marker, a big tree. He searched in vain, but his share of the loot had been discovered or buried much deeper when they widened the road. At any rate all the work to get the score, and more importantly the pain from the police had once again been for nothing. Papillon had heard the old saying that “crime doesn’t pay” and wondered now if he was not the epitome of that statement? He returned to Maracaibo where a friend introduced Charriere to a model from Paris named Laurence who had decided to live there. She had just bought the Hotel Normandy with sixteen rooms to rent out. Laurence hired Henri as her right-hand man, and she kept him busy day and night because she was always so full of energy and deep in debt for the hotel. One evening at a local bar Henri met a representative from the Lumus Company who was French Canadian, and they talked about Maracaibo. The company had just acquired the rights to an oil field nearby and needed to house some of their folks to get the project moving forward. The Canadian rented the entire hotel, all sixteen rooms, for a full year which made Laurence incredibly happy. Henri thought to himself maybe it was not criminal, but for once something seemed to work out.
A short time later Henri ran an ad for a cooking position having learned the fundamentals from Laurence’s chef. A week later he was hired and cooking for the Richmond Exploration Company.
Henri worried about all the other people in the kitchen figuring out that he did not really know what he was doing. It turned out that all of them had only been dishwashers before so, no problem. The company gave Papi money daily to keep the kitchen stocked and he made sure to skim a little off the top. Papillon knew things were going well and soon asked his boss for a raise which he received, and the increase brought Henri’s salary to $1,000 per month!
Eventually Henri convinced the boss to allow him to go with one of the geology teams into the forest on exploration. He would cook for the troop which included mercenaries for protection. The Motilon Indians were very territorial about this region and were known to use arrows to send that message. On one excursion as one of Henri’s cooks was hanging up a lantern in the early morning, he suddenly let out a bloodcurdling scream. Several men from camp ran to see what was wrong and found the cook had an arrow in his side and one in his buttocks, and he was writhing in pain. Four men carried him to the canoe, and then they took the canoe downstream to the truck for the trip back to Maracaibo. Most of the remaining men wanted to go back to town before anything else happened. Papillon stayed with the few men who were not panicked by the Motilon attack. The remaining party stayed vigilant night and day but after five days decided they had enough information and returned to Maracaibo. On returning from another one of these geological trips Papillon decided to give up his Richmond provided room and move into downtown Maracaibo. Henri stopped at the Hotel Vera Cruz and went to the patio for a cool drink. There on the patio was the woman Henri had dreamed about the whole time he was in prison. How could this not be another dream, but sure as hell she was real. Papillon rented a room from her then she took him down the hallway to his new quarters. She was perfect and the resemblance to the woman of Papi’s dreams was uncanny, almost as important she spoke perfect French. Her name was Rita Bensimon she came to Venezuela from Tangiers with a husband who quickly left her and returned to Tangiers. She had bought the Hotel Vera Cruz on her own. Henri courted her for many weeks and finally convinced her to be with him. He told her of the wife in Paris and the decades of separation. Charriere did not, however, tell her about his crimes and prison time, at least not yet.
Henri still put together the Richmond’s geological expeditions and made sure all the proper equipment was in place. He spent most of his time at the hotel and became well known in the city. One day the local police arrested him for breaking into the Richmond Company safe. They had found out about his past from Interpol and were sure he was their man. They put Papillon into the Maracaibo prison, but Rita hired a lawyer who got him out
within two weeks of being arrested. When she picked him up Henri could tell how upset she was learning about his past. Papillon told her he lied about his past because he thought she would leave him and that thought he could not bear. Henri began sobbing and weeping thinking that he had lost her forever. This man who had been imprisoned in unspeakable conditions, starved, attacked, locked in total solitary for years, nearly frozen to death, tortured, and who faced almost certain death to gain his freedom was broken in a way like never before. Rita pulled him close and said, “it’s okay Henri I believe and love you and I always will.” Nothing in his entire life had ever made him feel this way, and he knew at that moment this was forever! Before long Rita told Henri to write to his father and let him know he was alive and well. Henri happily complied and included some information about the happiness in his life now. He sent the post off and waited diligently for weeks on end, but no return letter was ever received. He kept as busy as possible at the hotel helping with cooking, anything to pass the hours each day. After a few months Rita came to Henri and said she wanted to go to France to find his father. Papillon of course could not go because he was a wanted French fugitive. He also did not want Rita to go on such a long arduous journey, but she would have it no other way. So, she put together the things required such as a passport, money, clothes for the trip to Paris. Papillon was nearly out of his mind with worry because she had been gone almost two months and no letter. Finally, he received a telegram telling him of her arrival date and time, he was beyond thrilled.
Henri was so happy when Rita arrived home, he could barely contain himself. She told him that his father had died years ago, but that she visited his grave. She also told him that she had arranged for her daughter, Clotilde, who was 13 years old to come to Venezuela to live with them. Clotilde had stayed with Rita’s mother in Tangiers, but then the two of them later moved to France. When she arrived Papillon knew almost immediately upon meeting her that he loved her. She was such a sweet child and so happy to be with her mother and Henri. He could not help but think that this was a life he never believed possible for himself. Clotilde and Henri would go shopping for food each day in town and always took their big poodle, Minou, with them. Minou liked people and was regal in both his well-groomed appearance and how he presented himself. They always had interesting and funny stories to tell Rita when they got back to the hotel. Charriere and Rita later sold the hotel and bought a restaurant called the Aragon. Over the next years they bought other restaurants in Venezuela including the Grand
. Papillon Cont. on Page 6
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Café in Caracas. Later they sold them and bought several bars which were all profitable and well-managed. They also ventured out in Maracaibo and started a large shrimp operation with boats and a processing plant. They employed over 100 people and the business was good until their U.S. partner absconded with all the money. Their business ventures made enough money for Rita and Henri to visit Spain near the French border in the mid 1960’s. His family by then had heard from him many times, and they met he and Rita for a month-long holiday. Henri’s stepmother, sisters, nieces, nephews, and brothers-in-law all came for the visit. He told Rita this was one of the happiest times in his life, not one member of his family thought of him as a criminal. The family would repeat this vacation a few years later, but by that time the statute of limitations for Henri’s murder conviction had expired (1967).
Henri Charriere wrote two books, the first was “Papillon” which sold 1.5 million copies in France alone. Shortly thereafter he became somewhat of a celebrity in Venezuela appearing on local TV programs. The next book was titled “Banco” and covered the second half of his life. Henri said many times that his life as a criminal was fraught with pain, suffering, prison, and yielded no profit. While his straight life was filled with love, happiness, and more money than he had ever imagined. The French government issued a full pardon to Charriere in 1970 after carefully reviewing his case. Henri died in Madrid, Spain from throat cancer in July of 1973. Around this time a high-ranking French politician said, “during the 1960’s two things brought about a profound change to French society. The first was the introduction of a new Parisian fashion known as the “mini-skirt.” The second was a book written by Henri-Antoine Charriere called “Papillon.”
About the Author
Gary L. Womble, B.A. Purdue University, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Gold Key Honor Society M.B.A. University
Adjunct Professor Business Administration – Purdue University
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October 8, 2020
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I wear my heart on my sleeve. I wear my liver on my pant leg. •••• When I was in boy scouts, I slipped on the ice and hurt my ankle.
A little old lady had to help me across the street. •••• Last week I forgot how to ride a bicycle. •••• A question for the CPA's. . .To whom do we owe the National Debt? •••• I'd like mornings a lot better if they happened in the afternoon. •••• If you don’t see me for the next couple of weeks; don’t worry, I have checked into the Hokey Pokey Clinic…..apparently a good place to turn yourself around. •••• A Highway Patrol Trooper pulled a car over on I-95 about 2 miles south of the state line. When the Trooper asked the driver why he was speeding, the driver answered that he was a magician and a juggler and he was on his way to Savannah to do a show that night at the Shrine Circus and didn't want to be late. The Trooper told the driver he was fascinated by juggling, and if the driver would do a little juggling for him that he wouldn't give him a ticket.
The driver told the Trooper that he had sent all of his equipment on ahead and didn't have anything to juggle.
The Trooper told him that he had some flares in the trunk of his patrol car and asked if he could juggle them. The juggler stated that he could, so the Trooper got three flares, lit them and handed them to the juggler. While the man was doing his juggling act, a car pulled in behind the patrol car.
A drunk good old boy, from S.C., got out and watched the performance briefly, he then went over to the patrol car, opened the rear door and got in. The Trooper observed him doing this and went over to the patrol car, opened the door and asked the drunk what he thought he was doing. The drunk replied, "You might as well take my ass to jail, cause there's no way in hell I can pass that test." •••• Personally, I think it is far wiser to strike while the iron is cold. •••• After an argument withEvelyn I like
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Saluting Assistance League of Inland North County, Nonprofit of the Year
I recently joined my legislative colleagues to recognize over 100 nonprofits that work tirelessly to enhance our communities and the lives of our citizens. Due to the pandemic, we were unable to have the usual ceremony at the Capitol, but the lack of a formal celebration cannot diminish the important contributions made by California’s nonprofits.
This year I am very pleased to recognize the Assistance League of Inland North County as my Nonprofit of the Year. Serving communities from Fallbrook to Rancho Bernardo, and from Warner Springs to San Marcos, Assistance League’s 150 members volunteer more than 26,000 hours annually to serve those in need. Programs include community outreach to address current community needs, such as providing 17 defibrillators to the Escondido Police Department, and “Operation School Bell,” to improve self-esteem and school attendance by providing new clothing and shoes to school children. “Ready….Set… .Read,” provides one-on-one reading support and gifts of books for children, and “Operation Duffel Bags” assists foster teen graduates from the San Pasqual Academy. In addition, scholarships are provided for graduating seniors from San Pasqual and other local high schools. “Project Seniors,” aids seniors and homeless individuals, and
“Kids’ Cozy Corner at Palomar Medical Center’s emergency waiting area provides needed comfort to kids and families dealing with stressful emergencies. The League supports nine philanthropic programs benefitting children, adults and senior citizens alike. The Assistance League, celebrating its 35th anniversary, is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit. Financed through donations and grants, the primary funding source is the Thrift and Consignment Shop located at 2068 E. Valley Pkwy, in Escondido.
To learn more, please visit the League’s website at: https://www.assistanceleague.org/inla nd-north-county/ I’m very proud to salute the Assistance League of Inland North County and its wonderful volunteers, the 75th Assembly District Nonprofit of the Year for 2020! Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the communities of Bonsall, Escondido, Fallbrook, Hidden Meadows, Pala, Palomar Mountain, Pauma Valley, Rainbow, San Marcos, Temecula, Valley Center and Vista.
5th District Supervisor
Jim Desmond
We’ve Lost Sight
I’ve repeated this often over the last few months. We have lost sight of the goal. I think it’s reasonable for everyone to take a step back and say how did we end up here? How did we go from we need to flatten the curve in the month of April to, we are going to shut your business down if you decide to stay open?
Almost all business owners set goals, they set goals as a way to look towards the future. I look to Sacramento and I wonder, what is the goal? Is it hospital capacity? Is it a vaccine and extinction of the virus? Yes, we should be working on a vaccine, but we should not put our economic future solely on it. We need to learn to live with this virus.
An Axios/Ipsos poll was done last week that said only 13 percent of Americans would be willing to try the vaccine when it comes out. So, if a vaccine is the goal, we need to win the trust back of the public. We need to give them the facts and the
facts are, if you are under the age of 50 you have a 99.98% chance of surviving from COVID-19. If you are below 70 you have a 99.5% chance. 6% of our hospital beds are COVID-19 patients and we have thousands of hospital beds available in case of an increase. Those are the facts.
We need to quit playing with the emotions of business owners with a flawed color coded system and we need to start to be honest when it comes to the goals of COVID-19, because we are quickly losing the trust of the people.
To contact North County Office – by appointment only 325 S. Melrose Ave., Suite 5200 Vista, CA 92081 Mon.-Fri., 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Website: www.supervisorjimdesmond.com Email: Jim.Desmond@sdcounty.ca.gov
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Man About Town Cont. from Page 6
health or you just might be headed for a stroke.
I was told to slow down, to take an 81 mgm (low dose) aspirin every day, and I just might be okay. When I told the doctor I was an inkstained wretch and had a newspaper deadline for the next day (Tuesday) he allowed as how I would likely be able to be discharged Tuesday morning and, indeed, that came to pass. My nurses, Nella (from South Africa), Drew, and Pamela, all fussed over me as though I were a Saudi Prince.
I could not have asked for better treatment or a better facility. We have a brilliant CEO and President, Diane Hansen, who is guiding Palomar Medical Center and it is thanks to her and a supportive board of directors that our patients, including me, are treated so well in such beautiful facilities. We have an important local election coming up where we elect board members to the Palomar Medical Center Board. The Paper is calling for a change in Division 2 and endorsing Vicki Grove. Division 2 is a critically important Division. we think Vicki Grove would best serve that Division; we also endorse Laura Barry for Division 4 (unopposed) and Jeff Griffith, the incumbent, for Division 6. We all want to see Palomar Medical Center continue with its outstanding medical staff and superb facility. These endorsed board members will help ensure that.
The physician that oversaw my discharge from Palomar Medical Center was another talented (and cheery, amiable doctor), Dr. Richard Moon. While I was anxious to get home I felt as though I was leaving a group of new found very good friends.
Thanks to all at Palomar Medical Center for a job well done. I am home now and feeling much, much better. •••• In spite of all the turmoil going on in this suddenly wacky world of ours, there is still much to be thankful for. Sierra Madre Cantina at 329 W. Felicita in Escondido, is doing a well deserved brisk business by serving up outstanding Mexican food with great services as well. Its predecessor, then known as Anejo Bar and Grill, had gone
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to tighten the lids on all the jars in the house. Just so I can say . . . "Oh! You need me now?" •••• My parents always taught me, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!" And some people wonder why I'm so quiet around them. •••• There are two words in life that will open a lot of doors. "Push" and "Pull." •••• What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Except for bears. Bears will kill you. TEACHING THE NATIVES ENGLISH...
A Priest was about to finish his tour of duty and was leaving his Mission in the jungle where he had spent years teaching the natives when he realized that the one thing he had never taught them was how to speak English.
Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow
The Reluctant Warrior and the ‘Rough Rider’
One of the more popular presidents of his day was No. 25: William McKinley. While today he’s barely remembered, showing up as little more than a blip in the history books, McKinley was far more notable post mortem than just being president. He had the highest mountain in North American named in his honor, but even that was taken away in favor of a native American moniker – Mt. Denali. President McKinley was born Jan. 29, 1843. He was a Republican and most famously known for the president who reluctantly led us into the 1898 Spanish-American War.
So he takes the chief for a walk in the forest. He points to a tree and says to the chief, "This is a tree." The chief looks at the tree and says, "Tree."
The Priest is pleased with the response. They walk a little further and he points to a rock and says, "This is a rock." Hearing this, the chief looks and says, "Rock."
The Priest was really getting enthusiastic about the results when he hears a rustling in the bushes. As they peek over the top, he sees a couple of natives in the midst of heavy sexual activity. The Priest is flustered and quickly says, "Man riding a bike." The chief looks at the couple briefly, pulls out his blowgun and kills them.
The Priest goes ballistic and yells at the chief that he has spent years teaching the tribe how to be civilized and be kind to each other, so how could he kill these people in cold blood that way? The chief replied, "My bike."
Enjoy your day and remember to keep off the roads when riding someone else's bike. •••• I recently spent $6,500 on a young registered Angus bull. I put him out with the herd but he just ate grass and wouldn't even look at a cow. I was beginning to think I had paid more for that bull than he was worth.
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President William McKinley
A native of Ohio, President McKinley was a member of the Ohio Infantry during the Civil War. The four years he spent in the army filled him with a resolve to stay out of future wars. But McKinley found himself caught in a quagmire of politicians, business leaders, and a public clamoring for war with Spain.
The question of war forced its way into the McKinley administration in February 1898, during his first term when the U.S. Navy’s battleship Maine blew up in Cuba’s Havana Harbor killing 260 sailors. The island was under Spanish control and most Americans believed Spain was responsible for the sinking of one of the Navy’s top battleships. To this day, it still hasn’t been fully determined what caused the explosion. It was determined it could have been an accident brought about by its crew, or sabotage by the Spanish, the latter more-or-less dismissed after years of research by Naval archivists.
But, at the time of the explosion, Americans had been clamoring for war with Spain for a number of years. The Maine triggered the conflict. After the explosion, the American public was whipped up into an antiSpanish hysteria not known since the
Civil War. Despite Spain's desire to avoid war, plus McKinley's distaste for conflict, the “yellow” press led by publishers William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer continued feeding the public's appetite for anti-Spanish news. Today, yellow journalism is likened to “Fake News.” War Hawks like Theodore Roosevelt, who at the time was assistant secretary of the Navy, loudly criticized the reluctant McKinley for being “weak and afraid.” Once war was declared, “T.R.” was instrumental in forming a mounted Army contingent known as the “Rough Riders.” He gave up his Navy secretarial post and rode into history up Cuba’s San Juan Hill. The war quickly ended after a few months with the U.S. taking over Spanish possessions such as the islands of Puerto Rico, the Marianas (Guam and Saipan), the Philippines, and a number of other small Pacific islands. After only a few months into McKinley’s second term, history took a dramatic turn. On Sept. 6, 1901, the president was shot on the grounds of the Pan-American Exposition at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York, barely six months into his second term. He was shaking hands with the public when anarchist Leon Czolgosz shot him twice in the stomach. He died on Sept. 14, 1901, eight days later. Czolgosz’s motive: to advance anarchism.
The popular president’s death dramatically changed U.S. history elevating Vice President Theodore Roosevelt into the White House. How that happened is an interesting piece of history. Roosevelt got himself elected governor of New York, but his radically advances, doing away with the “good ol’ boys tactics drove both Republicans and Democrat state lawmakers mad. What to do? With McKinley’s re-election coming up in 1900, the Republicans nominated Roosevelt for vice president to isolate him. As vice president he would be muzzled – they thought. It would be a move that would backfire on both Republican and Democrat politicians who wanted him gone from Albany. “T.R.,” as he was known, became one of our most successful, innovative and most popular presidents in spite of his political detractors. T.R. became known as the “trust buster,” breaking up monopolistic corporations such as Standard Oil, the many facets of steel, and railroads, to name just a few. He created the National Parks system, naming Yellowstone the first protected wilderness. But one of T.R.’s most important projects was the continuation of the Panama Canal. It would change the world for the 20th century and beyond. Today, McKinley was mainly remembered as one of our four presidents to be assassinated (Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy). And, don’t forget that mountain in Alaska, which only us older folks remember as Mt. McKinley.
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Anyhow, I had the Vet come and have a look at him. He said the bull was very healthy, but possibly just a little young, so he gave me some pills to feed him once per day.
The bull started to service the cows within two days, all my cows! He even broke through the fence and bred with all of my neighbor's cows! He's like a machine! I don't know what was in the pills the Vet gave him ... but they kind of taste like peppermint. •••• The Iranian Ambassador to the UN finished giving a speech and walked out into the lobby where he was introduced to a U.S. Army Ranger. As they talked, the Iranian said, "I have just one question about what I have seen in America." The Ranger said, "Well, is there anything I can do to help?"
The Iranian whispered, "My son watches this show called 'Star Trek' and in it there is Kirk who is Canadian, Chekhov who is Russian, Scotty who is from Scotland, Uhura who is black, and Sulu who is Japanese, but there are NO Muslims. My son is very upset and doesn't understand why there aren't any Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans, Egyptians, Palestinians, Saudis, Syrians, or Pakistanis on 'Star Trek'.
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The Ranger leaned toward the Iranian Ambassador and whispered back, "That's because it takes place in the future..." •••• A million kids want to clean up the Earth. A million parents want them to start with cleaning up their room. •••• A loan at a bank can take 30 years to pay off. If you rob a bank you’re out in 10 years. Follow me for more financial adivce.
Vote Safer At Home
A chicken farmer went to the local bar, sat down next to a woman and ordered a glass of champagne. The woman said, "How strange, I also just ordered a glass of champagne".
"What a coincidence," said the farmer, who added. "It is a special day for me...I'm celebrating". "It is a special day for me too. I am also celebrating," said the woman.
"What a coincidence," said the farmer. While they toasted, the man asked. "What are you celebrating"?
"My husband and I have been trying to have a child for years, and
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You don’t have to wait until Election Day to vote! Every active registered voter will receive a ballot in the mail for the Nov. 3, 2020 Presidential Election. Ballots start going out in the mail the week of Oct. 5. Make voting decisions and complete your ballot in the comfort and safety of your home. Remember to sign, seal, and return your ballot to a trusted source. Return your completed ballot by mail or at a convenient mail ballot drop-off location around the county. Visit sdvote.com to find a location near you.
Track your ballot every step of the way by signing up for Where’s My Ballot? at sdvote.com
Do you need to vote in-person? That option is available too. Visit sdvote.com to learn more about your voting options.
For more information visit sdvote.com, call (858) 565-5800, or email rovmail@sdcounty.ca.gov @sdvote #VoteSaferSD #SDVOTE
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Medical devices in your home? We may be able to help.
No one chooses to be dependent on electrical equipment for their wellbeing. But, if you have a medical device such as a dialysis machine, electric wheelchair, apnea monitor, pacemaker, or others, electricity is essential. Our Medical Baseline program provides additional energy at the lowest price to help you save money on your energy costs. See if you qualify today and while you’re at it, protect your health and safety by updating your contact information at sdge.com/notify. You’ll receive advance notifications if hazardous conditions result in a Public Safety Power Shut Off.
For a complete list of eligible devices, visit sdge.com/medical
Follow us on: These programs are funded by California utility customers and administered by San Diego Gas & Electric under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. ©2020 San Diego Gas & Electric Company. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
prices have fallen in the midst of an overall market decline.
Lessons from Experienced Investors
Those who have lived a long time have done a lot, seen a lot – and can teach us a lot. And that’s certainly true when it comes to investing. Consider some of the lessons you might learn from experienced investors:
Regulate your emotions. In the investment world, there’s always something coming at us that could sound scary: political flashpoints, economic news, and even those once-in-a-generation occurrences, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. But older people may take these events in stride; in fact, baby boomers and members of the Silent Generation (born between 1925 and 1945) are coping better emotionally with the impacts of COVID-19 than younger age cohorts, according to the 2020 Edward Jones/Age Wave Four Pillars of the New Retirement study. And by keeping control of your emotions, you may be less likely to make moves such as selling quality investments with good fundamentals just because their
Learn from experience. By definition, the older we get, the more experiences we will have. And most people do indeed learn from experience. Investors, too, benefit from having seen and done things before. Did you chase a “hot” stock only to have found it cooled off before you bought it? Did you buy too many of the same type of investments, only to see your portfolio take a bigger hit during a downturn than it would have if you had diversified? In the investment arena, as in most walks of life, patterns emerge, and once you learn to recognize them, you can learn from past mistakes.
Know yourself. When we reach a certain age, most of us know ourselves pretty well. But you don’t have to wait decades to gain this knowledge – at least not when it comes to investing. For example, you should quickly gain a good sense of your ability to withstand risk. How? Just consider how you react when the market declines sharply. If you find yourself losing sleep over your losses – even if they’re just on paper – you might be taking on too much risk for your own comfort level. Conversely, if market downturns don’t bother you as much as lack of growth in your portfolio, you might be investing too conservatively for your own risk tolerance. Take a longer-term perspective. When we’re young, we sometimes
are more inclined to desire instant gratification – we want results now. Translated into the investment world, this could mean we want to see big returns in a short period. However, despite the popular mythology, it’s quite hard to turn enormous profits on investments overnight – or even over weeks or months. But as the years pass, we learn the value of thinking longterm – how investments we made years ago, and have added to steadily, are now yielding results that can help build the resources we need to reach our objectives. Don’t go it alone. Some of us, when we’re young, have a tendency to think we have all the answers and don’t need much help in our endeavors. But age gives us the wisdom to recognize that, although we may have acquired much knowledge over the years, we can still use
some help in specialized areas, such as creating a long-term investment strategy. 11:05 AM
These suggestions are appropriate for anyone – and they can help you on your journey toward your goals. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC
Citadel Penn Financial Advisor
Office: 858-391-2777 Cellphone:760-891-9040 citadel.penn@edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com/citadel-penn Like us on Facebook Connect on LinkedIn
"Referrals are the cornerstone of our business success. Your referrals are both welcome and most sincerely appreciated."
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Man About Town Cont. from Page 4
through a bad patch of substandard food and service and closed it doors.
New owners came in with a new attitude and new policies of only the freshest of food, promptly prepared, and cheerfully served, and the public has responded very well.
We stopped there a week ago and ordered the Enchiladas Verde. The Tomatillo Sauce was excellent, the enchiladas both tasty and filling, and the service impeccable. We’ll be back. •••• For somewhat casual but still upscale dining, it’s hard to beat Hunsaker at Vincent’s on Grand Avenue in Escondido, and its sister eatery, The Flying Toad.
Have no idea where that name came from but they sure are doing something right. Have dined there several times and always came away raving about the great food and service. Same story with Hunsaker at Vincent’s . . a tiny bit more upscale but same outstanding food and service. Last Friday I had the Lobster Roll and loved it; Evelyn had a small salad and was very happy with it. Every week a fresh new menu with exciting ingredients, presented like a work of art (which it is). •••• Another spot where you can frequently find us dining is good old reliable, Charlies, at 210 N. Ivy Street. We have become kinda like family there as we know all of them and they know us. Spoke with Chralie recently and he is looking and sounding good; daughter and son-in-law, Suzie and Bill Meleka, are both always wearing great big smiles and a cheery attitude. Servers Tina and Tracy are anxious to please and always fun to chat
Pet Parade
Peter is wiggler! He’s a friendly dog who walks well on a leash and knows how to sit on command. Peter is one of 100 dogs who came to San Diego via Wings of Rescue f r o m Louisiana to help make room in their local shelters for animals displaced by Hurricane Laura. Many of the dogs, like Peter, are heartworm positive. They are receiving treatment that follows the recommendations of the American Heartworm Society and includes injections spread out over a few months (adopters will be given a medical care plan to follow up with us). Until Peter receives a clean bill of health, he will need to minimize exercise, but the good news is he is ready to be going home. Make an appointment today to speak with an adoption counselor at our Escondido Campus at sdhumane.org/adopt!
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Whether it’s indoor or outdoor dining, it’s always a treat to enjoy the real Home Cooking offered by Charlies. A little tip. You won’t find better soups or pies anywhere. Suzie makes most of the pies and Charlie’s Soups are the talk of the town! Robust and tasty. •••• Finally, on a quick tour of area eateries, The Love Boat Sushi in San Marcos at 121 S. Las Posas Rd . . . one of our favorite meeting spots since we are sushi lovers and our 9 year old granddaughter, Alex, also loves the delicacy.
We visited there this past Saturday and had a marvelous feast. Food was superb but service was surprisingly slow. We arrived at 4pm, well before the rush hour, very few people in the restaurant and there appeared to be sufficient servers and preparers, yet we had to wait for our drinks, appetizers and condiments. They all came, eventually, but it puzzled us as to why we had to wait. They just weren’t that busy.
If you get the impression we enjoy dining out, you’d be pretty much on target. We’ve gotten to know the owners, operators and staff at many restaurants in north county and from time to time will throw a bouquet their way (as well as a brick, if deserved).
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 3
activist investor Ralph Whitworth and his wife Fernanda Whitworth, launched IF following recurrence of Ralph’s HPV+ oropharyngeal cancer. Their philanthropic leadership initiated a ground-breaking partnership between University of California, San Diego - Moores Cancer Center and the La Jolla Institute for Immunology. In 2018, IF commenced a pilot HPV educational programming with Project Concern International, with intent to scale findings to national and international sites. From launch, IF has co-fundraised $4.9M with its research partner organizations, advancing projects that have gone on to receive over $22M in additional funding. IF is a 501(c)3, and relies on your continued support to end HPV cancers in our lifetime. Learn more at www.JoinIF.org or call 858-704-3330. You are Invited to Attend the COGG Zoom Meeting - The next meeting of Conservative Order for Good Government (COGG) will be a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, October 13th, at 1pm. Log in at 12:50pm and the meeting will last until approximately 3pm. Prior to the main program, Ernie Dronenburg, County Assessor, will discuss Proposition 19. The main program will be the Human Rights Movement in China, presented by Dr. Wen Chen who was born and raised in China. She will speak to
Social Butterfly Continued on Page 12
All our volunteers will be temperature checked ahead of time, wear masks and smiles and gloves as they hand out treats, and practice social distancing.
A Covid-Safe Oceanside Family Halloween Celebration
The $145 adoption fee for Fluorine includes medical exams, vaccinations, spay, registered microchip, and a one-year license if her new home is in the jurisdiction of San Diego Humane Society’s Department of Animal Services. For information about Adoption by Appointment or to become a Virtual Foster log on to www.SDpets.org.
If you wish to attend this meeting, you must be registered by your email address, by contacting blawson@san.rr.com or call
Free pumpkins will be given to the first 100 families.
Pastor Hal Seed New Song Community Church, Carlsbad
Fluorine was stray in the Imperial Valley before being transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society through the Friends of County Animal Shelters (FOCAS) program. She’s timid. Her new family will need to help build her confidence. She might like living with another dog.
Dr. Chen was born in China at the end of the Great Cultural Revolution. Being victims of the horrific atrocity that killed two million intellectuals and destroyed traditional Chinese culture, Wen's parents had mixed feelings about her. Despite their discouragement, Wen eventually won a national prize at a science competition when she was 16. Hence, she was accepted into a top university for undergraduate study. She came to America for graduate school to complete her education, receiving her Doctorate in Biology from Cal Tech in 2000. Because of her personal experience of being brainwashed in China, she decided to be a voice for the voiceless, and since 2012 has given over 200 presentations to community organizations about the Chinese culture, history and human rights in China.
The Pastor Says...
Pet Parade
Fluorine is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She’s a 1 year old, 53 pound, female, Husky mix.
the current culture, history and human rights in China. Millions of Chinese people have been arrested for their spiritual beliefs or political views. They have not only been tortured and forced to do slave labor, but also killed for their organs. While it takes two to three years in the U.S. to wait for matching organs, it takes two to four weeks in China.
With all the cautions and restricts surrounding Halloween this season, families will be looking for a safe alternative to door-to-door Trick Or Treating. New Song Community Church will be providing a family-oriented, Covid-safe Trick or Treat experience driving through our front and back parking lots. The whole community is invited.
This Halloween Adventure will feature four themed, “lands.” You’ll drive your car through Candy Land, Disneyland, Halloween Town, and Marvel Universe, receiving safe candy bags or toys at each station.
You’ll experience an I Spy Scavenger Hunt along the way.
Kids (and parents) are encouraged to wear their costumes and decorate their cars for the adventure.
We’ll take family photos and post them to you digitally so you can relive the experience for years to come. The party will run from 5p.m. to 7 p.m. Halloween Night (October 31). New Song Community Church is located at 3985 Mission Avenue, Oceanside. For more information, check www.oceansidehalloween.com, or call our offices at 760.560.5000.
The Paper
• Page 11 • October 8, 2020
A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.
San Marcos • Mayor Rebecca Jones
City of San Marcos launches ‘Learning Hubs’ program for employees
Thousands of San Marcos students were scheduled to start school in-person on Aug. 18. But as COVID-19 numbers spiked, that plan vanished. City leadership, driven by their “spirit of service,” saw an opportunity to support employees as they prepared to balance the demands of their essential on-site jobs and distance learning with their children.
The result? Learning hubs, which are socially distanced “classrooms” that provide online learning support for students of different ages and grades. There are no on-site teachers, but City staff oversee the classrooms and provide support to students when needed. The City follows all CDC guidelines including checking temperatures, prohibiting visitors (including parents), providing hand sanitizer and wipes, and following a strict cleaning protocol.
The learning hubs are set to continue for as long as they are needed. Well done San Marcos for providing support to our employees, at a time when they need it the most!
Escondido • Mayor Paul “Mac” McNamara Greetings Escondido,
I feel obligated to talk about the upcoming election in one more column. As I’ve watched the various races, there is a lot of misinformation and exaggeration out there.
I know in the ideal world, we would all sit down and study every issue and the stance and background of every candidate and make a very informed decision. And I know some of us do that, but for a lot of us, life gets in the way. So, what does one do?
I think the two key factors to look at are the candidate statement which is in the booklet we all receive, and the candidate resume. The statement should tell us what the candidate sees as issues and what they want to do. A lot of them contain resume information or platitudes like I love fill-in-the-blank. Well we all love where we live, the question is do you see the challenges as I do and do you have a plan. The other is the candidate resume. Do they have elected experience at some other level. In the private sector did they have “real” leadership experience. Governance is different at different levels. As an example, at the city level, the council provides policy guidance and the city manager executes the operations. So good governance requires experience. Working in the White House doesn’t qualify you to be the President. It is helpful but not as much as say being a Senator. In one you are exposed in the other you have to make the decision.
Stay informed, Be Kind, Remember your neighbor, and Stay safe! Semper Fi, Mac Paul P. McNamara, Mayor of Escondido pmcnamara@escondido.org
Chuckles Cont. from Page 8
today my gynecologist told me that I was pregnant".
"What a coincidence," said the man. "I'm a chicken farmer and for years all my hens were infertile, but now they are all set to lay fertilized eggs." "This is awesome," said the woman. "What did you do for your chickens to become fertile?"
"I used a different rooster," the farmer said.
The woman smiled and said, "What a coincidence." •••• AMEN: The only part of a prayer that everyone knows. BULLETIN: Your receipt for attending Mass. CHOIR:
A group of people whose singing allows the rest of the Parish to lipsync.
HOLY WATER: A liquid whose chemical formula is H2OLY.
HYMN: A song of praise usually sung in a key three octaves higher than that of the congregation's range. RECESSIONAL HYMN: The last song at Mass often sung a little more quietly, since most of the people have already left. INCENSE: Holy Smoke!
JESUITS: An order of priests known for their ability to find colleges with good basketball teams.
Chuckles Cont. on Page 12
Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter
Adding To Our Public Art
Vista is adding to its city inventory of public art, which provides and enhances the quality of life for our residents and visitors.
Public art contributes to our community's identity, fostering community pride and creating a sense of belonging, especially in our downtown core. New art work titled “Aspire” has been installed in the recently completed roundabout in the Paseo Santa Fe corridor. Local artists Melissa Ralston and Robert Rochin designed the sculpture. When you drive along S. Santa Fe Avenue and at Guajome Avenue, you’ll see the large “tree” with extended branches and leaves, and several figures at the base whose arms transcend into upper branches.
I am proud that our public art is a part of our community fabric and our collective memory!
Oceanside • Mayor Peter Weiss
In a year of seemingly unending bad news, we finally have something to smile about. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside (BGCO) has been selected as Nonprofit of the Year by 76th District Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath. They were selected for their innovation and dedication to providing programs and services to youth during the pandemic.
When the pandemic began, the Club adapted and began virtual programming. They reached out to more than 4,000 members to see what they needed. What they heard was heartbreaking. Youth were hungry. So BGCO mobilized and began an Emergency Food Program for all youth under 18. They have served over 25,000 meals so far! When school returned in a virtual format, they opened a Back2School program so parents could return to work and youth would have a safe, supervised environment in which to attend school. Congratulations to the Oceanside Boys and Girls Club.
Restaurant Guide In Room Dining
In-home dining options
Dominic’s Gourmet Restaurant
760.480.1704 dominicsgourmetrestaurant.com Open 7 days a week for curbside pick-up or delivery via door-dash. Check our menu, call us. We’ll give great food and service! And now, Dine Outside with Street Side Dining as well as inside dining!`
Pick up
Escondido Mike’s BBQ
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11am-7pm, Fri/Sat from 11am to 8pm
Is your restaurant open for in room dining, take-out and/or delivery during the COVID19 crisis? This is a great opportunity to let readers know. Email thepaper@cox.net if you are interested in participating, or call us at 760.747.7119
The Paper
Page 12 • October 8, 2020
Computer builders like The Computer Factory used a design concept called “open architecture’ as opposed to the closed architecture or “proprietary” design used by major brands. The use of standard components in “open architecture” made replacements and upgrades cheap and easy, saving users money by increasing the useful life of PCs.
Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory
www. thecomputerfactory.net "San Diego's Best Computer Store 2015-2020" Union Tribune readers poll
Evolution and computers
When we opened The Computer Factory in 1995, our core business was building new desktop and tower PCs for home and small business. In those days nearly half the new computers sold in America were designed and built by computer shops like us. The popular brands of that era, Packard Bell, HP, Dell, Epson, EMachine and Gateway employed “proprietary” design methods and components in order to ensure that these PCs could not be “upgraded.” Since the average “lifespan” of a PC, due to “technical obsolescence,” was only about two years in those days, major brands expected their customers to replace their PCs every two
By the time Windows 7 was released in late 2009 Dell and HP were the leading US brands. The others had been replaced by Asian manufacturers like ASUS and ACER. Dell and HP no longer designed and manufactured computers, instead sourcing them from Asian manufacturers, mostly in China. Asian manufacturers used standard components so HP and Dell PCs became more “open Architecture” and cheaper and easier to upgrade and repair. By 2010 only 10% of new PCs in the USA were built by computer shops and many had disappeared. As the Internet came to dominate home and business user patterns, the need for ever increasing CPU speed slowed dramatically. The few off-line applications employed like Word, Power Point, Excel, QuickBooks, Photoshop etc. required minimal CPU speed. Even the fastest Internet speeds were easily handled by the slowest CPUs. For most home and business users, advances in computer technology had come to a halt. Most PCs born in the Windows7 era have more than enough CPU speed, RAM and HDD to handle the needs of the most home
Notes from Pala Casino
Pala Casino Spa & Resort have planned on a full-scale outdoor concert series events in the Starlight Theatre. Superstar Tribute Artists take the stage for your listening and viewing pleasure.
and small business users today. The most significant effect of technology on home and small business users over the past ten years has been that computers and components have become cheaper and more reliable. From our perspective the most significant advance in PC technology over the past ten years has been lightning fast SSDs (Solid State Drives) and the fact that they have become affordable for nearly everyone and every application.
Today, here at The Computer Factory we design and build far fewer PCs than we did in the early years. Most of our efforts are repairing and upgrading customer computers or replacing existing computers with late model Windows10 “enterprise refurbs.” We still design and build high end workstations for gaming, day trading, video/audio editing, solids modeling and other high task applications. Most
Just a heads up for small business and home users who have not yet upgraded all their computers to Windows 10. For the past few months we’ve enjoyed an extended honeymoon as the Covid crisis caused banks, websites and developers to defer their plans to end support and access to older Windows operating systems. The honeymoon can’t last forever so consider upgrading or replacing those Win7 systems while it is still cheap and easy to do. Once Microsoft starts charging license fees for upgrades, things are going to get a lot more expensive.
845 W. San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos, CA.
Chuckles Cont. from Page 11
JONAH: October 10th. Showtime is 8pm in The original 'Jaws' story. the Starlight Theatre! JUSTICE: In addition to Tribute Artists, we When kids have kids of their own. also offer top name contemporary artists. For example, Felix KYRIE ELEISON: Cavaliere’s Rascals are coming on The only Greek words that most Catholics can recognize besides Friday, October 16th! gyros and baklava. (for you nonCatholics it means Lord have mercy) MAGI: The most famous trio to attend a baby shower. MANGER: Where Mary gave birth to Jesus because Joseph wasn't covered by an HMO.
PEW: A medieval torture device still found in Catholic churches.
Some of the nation’s top tribute artists will bring to life your favorite stars. Concerts are held on select Fridays Saturdays, and Sunday afternoons. For example, Weekend Dance Explosion, a tribute to Donna Summer, KC and the Sunshine Band, and Madonna, appear at Pala Casino on Saturday,
of these high-task workstation involve working closely with the user to develop a specific design optimized for the exact applications. We really enjoy this process and our senior design tech “Derek the Grinch” is a master at engineering the process so that the user gets exactly what they need.
PROCESSION: The ceremonial formation at the beginning of Mass consisting of altar servers, the celebrant, and late parishioners looking for seats.
Since the health and safety of our valued guests is top priority for Pala Casino Spa & Resort, we ask that all guests wear facial coverings and practice safe social distancing throughout each of these events as RECESSIONAL: well as within the casino itself The ceremonial procession at the conclusion of Mass led by parishwhile gaming. ioners trying to beat the crowd to the parking lot. EVENT INFORMATION: All shows wll be held outdoors at the Starlight Theater at 8pm.
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 10
858.217.6996. Information to login will be sent to you by email or phone. To reach COGG by mail, send to Post Office Box 27211, San Diego 92198.
What's Up Downtown Oceanside - 2nd Annual Scarecrow Contest, through October 28, downtown Oceanside. MainStreet Oceanside is partnering with Oceanside Coastal Neighborhood Association to bring you the 2nd Annual Scarecrow Contest! Downtown businesses and residents are encouraged to enter but must be registered to win prizes. Registration is FREE and open through Oct. 19, and judging will take place Oct. 27-28. Dia de los Muertos Contest, through October 28, downtown Oceanside. Coinciding with the 2nd Annual Scarecrow Contest, MainStreet Oceanside and Friends of Oceanside Dia de los Muertos are hosting the first Dia de los Muertos Contest! Downtown businesses and residents are encouraged to enter this FREE contest but must be registered to win prizes. Register now through Oct. 19. Judging will be Oct. 27-28. Create Public Art, Thurs.-Tues., Don Myers Stained Glass, 1025 S.
Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 13
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 12
Coast Highway. Local stained glass artist and muralist Don Myers has continued to work on the Ocean Glass Mosaic Mural, the fourth mural of the Art That Excites program, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. He is now inviting the community back into his workshop to help complete the mural panels. Volunteer participants can make a reservation for socially distanced sessions by calling 760-439-6200. COVID-19 guidelines will be followed.
Mad Hatter Tea Party, ThursdaySunday through October 31. Bliss Tea and Treats. Join Bliss Tea and Treats throughout October for a Mad Hatter Tea Party, a tea party that defies time, immerses its audience in a mirage of psychedelic colors and replaces formality with doses of whimsy. Come in costume if you wish. Book reservations through Bliss Tea and Treats event page for Thursday-Sunday only. Seating times are 11:30am, 2:30pm and 5:30pm. Tickets are $37 for adults and $20 for kids. COVID-19 Relief Loans, Ongoing, Accion COVID Relief Program Accion is excited to announce that the San Diego County Board of Supervisors has approved them to open their 1% COVID-19 relief loan product to businesses affected by the pandemic in all of San Diego County. Eligible businesses can apply for the 1% COVID-19 relief loan starting today! For additional information about any of these programs, contact MainStreet Oceanside at 760.754.4512, or visit the website at www.mainstreetoceanside.com for the MainStreet Oceanside Event Calendar. MainStreet Foundation is located at 701 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, 92054.
October Fun for Kids and Teens At Escondido Public Library The Library is now open, Monday Saturday, 10am - 6pm; and while in the library, please wear a face covering over your nose and mouth, maintain a distance of at least six feet between yourself and other patrons who are not part of your household, and limit your visit to less than two hours. The Library now offers a newsletter showcasing Youth and Teens events. To subscribe, contact the library or when you are visiting the library you can subscribe.
For the Inclusive Art Club, the kits are now available for pickup at the Youth Services Desk, while supplies last! Watch live and follow along on Facebook on Friday October 16 at 2pm. Can't Join us live? No worries - the videos are available on YouTube the day after live recording. Virtual Storytimes are offered on Facebook and YouTube! Visit library.escondido.org/digital for a complete listing! Celebrate Halloween with Not So
Spooky Stories: kids ages 4-12 and families, Online Friday, October 30th, 3pm; pick up your craft sets at the Youth Services Desk prior to the online event; Tune in on Facebook live or Instagram live. Join us for Dia de los Muertaos, on Monday, Novembeer 2nd. 3pm, kids ages 412 and families. Pick up your craft sets at the Youth Services Desk prior to the online event. Watch live and follow along on Facebook on Friday October 16 at 2pm. Can't Join us live? No worries - the videos are available on YouTube the day after live recording. Virtual Storytimes are offered on Facebook and YouTube! Visit library.escondido.org/digital for a complete listing! Tweens ages 9-12 - Tween Reading hours - Teens Book Reviews, Teens - ages 13-18 crafting with Cathy’s Kit. Kits and video are available starting October 12, while supplies last. Teens ages 13-18: Discuss the 2020 One Book, One San Diego selection They Called Us Enemy, a graphic novel written by George Takei, Justin Eisinger, Steven Scott, and Harmony Becker at Grub Book Club on Tuesday, October 27 at 4:00pm.
Habitat for Humanity is Asking For Your Help - Boo! scary good deals at the ReStore. A kitchen or bathroom remodel can add great value to your property, but it can also quickly eat up most, if not all, of your remodeling budget. The ReStore can help! During the month of October, take 25% off* cabinets and countertops in-store and online with code BOO25. Shop entire cabinet sets in various styles and finishes, including base cabinets, wall cabinets, vanities, and more. Measure your space, browse in-store and online, and shop ReStore to save thousands on your remodel. Remember, cabinets and countertops aren’t limited to kitchens and bathrooms — use them in the garage, kids’ rooms, or offices to get organized! Or, upcycle a cabinet into something completely different! Our friends at the ReStore in Goshen, Indiana, have lots of ideas to inspire you! *Excludes clearance. Not valid on custom order cabinets. Countertops available for in-store purchase and pickup only. Introducing Unity Build, a multifaith collaboration: We are excited to announce a virtual interfaith Unity Build opportunity for faith communities of all denominations throughout San Diego County. The goal is to bring faith groups of all backgrounds together to “build” as one, united by the notion that we are more similar than we are different and we each have a role to play in ensuring that all of our neighbors have access to a safe, stable, and decent place to call home. We would love to welcome your faith group to participate in one of two ways: Provide a prayer or intention of good will, unity, and hope to be inscribed on the “Unity Wall” of our
• Page 13 • October 8, 2020
Lawyer Makes House Calls Free Consultation
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new home construction site in Encinitas and shared with the future Habitat homeowner. Your faith group may choose between: Sending one member (or family) from your community to sign the wall on the group’s behalf at a scheduled time, or Sending your submission to us and having a member of our staff sign the wall for you, keeping your participation completely virtual. Join us at the build site in Encinitas at a scheduled time and record a video message of prayer or intention of good will, unity, and hope. Habitat and your faith community can use the final compilation video to spread a compassionate message of housing for all, and to demonstrate your faith in action. Questions about Unity Build? Please email Jordan Parsons, Faith Relations & Development Coordinator, at jordan.parsons@sandiegohabitat.or g. San Diego Habitat for Humanity, 8128 Mercury Court, San Diego, 92111; (619) 283-4663; sandiegohabitat.org
Home Start to Host Virtual HalloWine Festival - Home Start, a San Diego based nonprofit dedicated to child abuse prevention and to providing evidence-based family strengthening services, will be holding its 13th Annual Hallo-Wine Fall Festival on Saturday, October 24th. The event is held annually in recognition of October being National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Instead of hosting an in-person tasting event for food and drinks, the organization has re-imagined the event into a virtual interactive afternoon. Individuals will be treated to a tasting box filled with samples from a variety of vendor partners from around San Diego. Each box will feature enough tastings for two participants. Guests will join an interactive experience the afternoon of the event at 4:30pm, where viewers will learn about locally crafted cider, wine, beer, and specialty cocktails from Home Start’s vendor partners. Additionally, there will be trivia rounds with chances to win fabulous prizes and a Home Start client will be sharing their personal story.
There are three options available when purchasing Hallo-Wine tasting boxes. For $100, participants will receive food samples, tastes of craft beer, cider, wine, and spirits, two (2) Home Start tasting cups, one (1) mini Home Start Bright Futures Candle, and various gift certificates and discount coupons to local restaurants and vendors.
Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 14
The Mighty Mojo Page The Paper • Page 14 • Octobere 8, 2020
Coins & Loans
Indian Store
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Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 13
Guests will select from a variety of locations to pick up the tasting box either the day before or the day of the event. For $150, participants will receive all previously named goodies plus one (1) full-size premium beverage, a full size Bright Futures candle, and delivery to your home or office by Home Start board members and volunteers on either the day before or the day of the event. Delivery is valid for San Diego County addresses only. The third option is an alcohol-free tasting box for $50.
Laura Tancredi-Baese, Home Start Chief Executive Officer, shares: “I’m incredibly grateful for the community’s support during this unprecedented time. Today, more than ever, families are struggling and need the resources that the funds raised from Hallo-Wine will provide. I hope many will join us for our first-ever fall festival virtual experience.”
Every dollar raised from the 13th Annual Hallo-Wine Fall Festival will help Home Start serve victims of domestic violence in recognition of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and provide services to local families affected by COVID-19. Co-presenting sponsors for this year’s event include Cal Coast Credit Union and Molina Healthcare. For more information about the event and to purchase your tasting box, please visit
If you have an item for The Social Butterfly, please email details to: thesocialbutterfly@cox.net
Don Darrock Berkshire Hathaway Homes CA. Properties
Pool Service
Bankruptcy, Trusts & Wills, Personal Injury, Real Estate Issues, Short Sales, LLC’s, Modifications, Dispute Letters, Contract Review, Notary Public, Real Estate Broker CalBre 00661666
Brian Fieldman, Esq. 760.738.1914 sdbrf@cox.net
ABOUT HOME START Founded in 1972, Home Start, Inc. is a 501 (C) (3) non-profit agency that provides services tailored to prevent child abuse and neglect and to strengthen families. Their mission is to assure the safety and resiliency of children by strengthening families and their communities. Last year, Home Start served more than 15,000 San Diegans in need of services. For additional information on Home Start, please visit www.home-start.org.
Art at the EAP Municipal Gallery - In the Expressions Gallery is the "Society for Orphaned and Wayward Art" from October 9th to November 6th, EAP will be holding a sale of donated works of art. Artworks for sale starting at only $25 and up. Call or email the Gallery with any questions. www.escondidoarts.org. In Gallery 262, Art in Craft Media, a boutique of fine functional art; locally crafted one of a kind creations make the best gifts.
Upcoming Art Receiving - Call to Artists: The BIG little Art Show: Accepting art works in the intimate and engaging form of small scale - think big, create small; all mediums accepted; dimensions no larger than 12x12, please. Receiving dates: Friday, October 16, and Saturday, October 17. 262 East Grand, Escondido 92025; escondidoarts.org, or 760.480.4101. Summation 2020: for show December 11 thru January 1, 2021; receiving Friday, November 20 and Saturday, November 21. 2020 has been a journey for us all; this year's Summation exhibition surely will be one for the history books; Summation will be celebrating the artist's vision, journey and process in 2020. Wood, A Furniture Show XII January 8 to February 26, 2021;
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images deadline December 19th, 2020. Send only images by JPEG to mail.escondidoarts.org or mail a flash drive or DVD to 262 East Grand, Escondido, 92025.
Upcoming Special Events - The EAP will present the Horror Monster Chiller Theatre, Friday, October 30th, 6:30pm; costumes welcomed; refreshments and popcorn provided.
Costume Contest on Tuesday, October 27th at 5pm, at the Farmer's Market in the Heritage Garden, corner Juniper & Grand Avenue. Prizes for Best: Kids Scary costume; Kids Cute costume; Kids Unique costume; Best Adult costume; and Best Baby costume.
Announcing the Black Community Investment Fund For 45 years, The San Diego Foundation has partnered with all sectors - philanthropy, nonprofits, government, and business - to help make San Diego a community we can all be proud to call home and to ensure that every San Diegan has the opportunity to thrive, prosper and feel like they belong.
This include San Diego's Black community. After spending considerable time listening and learning from local Black leaders, we are offering our support through the establishment of the Black Community Investment Fund. This Fund prioritizes and invests in community-led, innovative efforts that increase racial equity and generational wealth for Black San Diegans. Co-founded by the Central San Diego Black Chamber of Commerce and The San Diego Foundation, and led by an advisory council of San Diego leaders, the fund will focus grantmaking on four key pillars impacting economic prosperity among Black San Diegans: Education Employment
1215 E. Valley Parkway Escondido
Entrepreneurship Housing
To support the education pillar, we are proud to establish the Dr. Wilma Wooten Courage Scholarship, which will provide scholarships to San Diegans who are pursuing a degree in health sciences and come from communities underrepresented in higher education, especially students who are the first in their families to attend college.
How You Can Help - For San Diegans who are looking for ways to make an impact, the Black Community Investment Fund provides a new opportunity for philanthropists to help make San Diego County a better, stronger, and more equitable region. By donating to the Black Community Investment Fund, you can help correct past and present injustices, create a more equitable future, and build a better narrative for Black San Diegans. You can show your support by Giving through your TSDF donor-advised fund; Giving online; Giving by mail; and Giving assets. If you have any questions about how to donate, contact our Giving Team at 619.814.1332 or donorservices@sdfoundation.org. Thank you for standing with us to support the Black community. With gratitude, Mark Stuart, CFRE, President & CEO. The SDFoundation inspires enduring philanthropy and enables community solutions to improve quality of life in our region. For more than 45 years, The Foundation and our donors have granted more than $1.2 billion to support nonprofit organizations and strengthen our San Diego community. Learn more at SDFoundation.org; The San Diego Foundation, 2508 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92106.
San Diego Pride Names Volunteer Community Partner of the Year - San Diego Pride has named Options For All its first ever Volunteer Community Partner of the Year 2020. Options for All is a local nonprofit which gives people living with intellec-
Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 15
The Paper • Page 15 • October 8, 2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9014761 The name of the business: The Flying Toad, Hunsaker at Vincents, located at 113 W. Grand Ave., Escondido, CA. 92025 Registrant Information: Jewel Collette, LLC 16880 Old Survey Rd. Escondido, CA. 92025 This business is conducted by Limited Liability Company First day of business n/a. /s/ Jeannette McBrearty, Owner/Managing Member Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/03/2020. 9/17, 9/24, 10/01 & 10/08/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9014945 The name of the business: J&V Mobile Repair 1555 Seminole St., San Marcos, CA. 92078 Registrant Information: Victor Hugo Vazquez 337 Salina Court Vista, Ca. 92083 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Victor Hugo Vazquez Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/05/2020. 9/17, 9/24, 10/01, & 10/08/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9014933 The name of the business: Veloz Insurance Services, Veloz Financial Services, located at 510 Birmingham Drive, Cardiff, Ca. 92007 Registrant Information: Antonino Vargas Morales 510 Birmingham Drive Cardiff by the Sea, CA. 92007 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Antonino Vargas Morales Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/05/2020. 9/24, 10/01, 10/08 & 10/15/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9014853 The name of the business: J J Roofing of Escondido, located at 4 Canyon Lane, Escondido, CA. 92025. Registrant Information: J Jesus Torres 4 Canyon Lane Escondido, CA. 92025 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ J. Jesus Torres Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/03/2020. 9/24, 10/01, 10/08 & 10/15/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9015251 The name of the business: Women of Promise Ministries, Women of Promise, located at 762 Hatfield Dr., San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Registrant Information: Patrina Cavon and Bryant Keith Reed 762 Hatfield Dr. San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business 9/4/20. /s/ Patrina Reed Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/12/2020. 9/24, 10/01, 10/08 & 10/15/2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9015382 The name of the business: Powerhouse Electric, located at 3743 Via Baldona, Oceanside, CA. 92056. Registrant Information: Richard Earl Powles 3743 Via Baldona Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 9/1/20. /s/ Richard Earl Powles Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/15/2020. 9/24, 10/01, 10/08 & 10/15/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9014824 The name of the business: AL Cactus and Succulents, Leslie Cactus and Succulents, located at 1715 Monte Mar Rd., Vista, CA. 92084. Registrant Information: Oswaldo Juan Perea Carrasco Sr. 2001 Hartwright Rd, Spc 7 Vista, CA. 92084 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 8/03/20. /s/ Oswaldo Juan Perea Carrasco, Sr. Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/03/2020. 9/24, 10/01, 10/08 & 10/15/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9015269 The name of the business: KNC Management Consultants; Kin C. Wong, MD-SD, located at 10201 Mission Gorge Rd., Ste K2, Santee, CA. 92071 Registrant Information: KNC Management Consultants, Inc. 10201 Mission Gorge Rd., Ste K2 Santee, CA. 92071 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 4/05/2018. /s/ Connie Wong, CFO Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/12/2020. 10/01, 10/08, 10/15 & 10/22/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9014820 The name of the business: C & D Productions, located at 2025 Warmlands Ave., Vista, CA. 92084. Registrant Information: Dominique Marguerite Gagnon 2025 Warmlands Ave. Vista, CA. 92084 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 1/01/98 /s/ Dominique Marguerite Gagnon Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/03/2020. 9/17, 9/24, 10/01 & 10/08/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9015136 The name of the business: Systematic Crucible, located at 848 Rio Viento Court, Oceanside, Ca. 92057. Registrant Information: Benjamin James Pierce 848 Rio Viento Court Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 7/20/20 /s/ Benjamin James Pierce Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/12/2020. 10/08, 10/15, 10/22 & 10/29/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9014661 The name of the business: VIEane Creations located at 3509 Driftwood Place, Oceanside, Ca. 92056. Registrant Information: Sylviane Collier 3509 Driftwood Place Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 6/01/2020 /s/ Sylviane Collier Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/02/2020. 9/17, 9/24, 10/01 & 10/08/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9014799 The name of the business: NCSD TAX SOLUTIONS; NCSD TAX SERVICES, located at 500 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. #104, San Marcos, CA. 92078. Registrant Information: NCSD Law Group, Professional Corporation 500 S Rancho Santa Fe Rd., #104 San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 8/25/2020 /s/ Tung Dang, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/03/2020. 9/17, 9/24, 10/01 & 10/08/2020
The Planning Division Manager of the City of San Marcos has considered the proposed project and does intend to APPROVE the Director’s Permit DP20-0007 on October 19, 2020. Project No.: DP20-0007 Applicant: Double Barrel Crossfit Request: A Director’s Permit Modification to incorporate an amended noise study attributed to an existing 9,513 square foot instructional personal services use (“crossfit”) in the Commercial (C) Zone of the Richland District. E n v i r o n m e n t a l Determination: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City of San Marcos did find the project categorically exempt (EX19075) pursuant to Section 15301 Class 1(a) of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), in that this is an existing facility with no expansion. Location of Property: 456 E. Mission Road, Suite 102, more particularly described as: Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 17839, City of San Marcos, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County on April 17, 1997 as File No. 19970177069 of Official Records. Assessor’s Parcel Number: 220-210-44-00 Further information about this notice can be obtained from Jordan Yanke, Assistant Planner, by calling 760-7441050 extension 3204, or via email jyanke@sanmarcos.net. Notice: Any interested person may appeal the decision of the Planning Division Manager to the Planning Commission provided the appeal fee is paid ($20 for residents; $1,155 for non-residents) and a written appeal is submitted to the Planning Division Secretary within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the decision (due no later than 5:30 PM on October 29, 2020.) The written appeal should specify the reasons for the appeal and the grounds upon which the appeal is based. The City’s Planning Commission will then consider the filed appeal/s at a later public hearing. The Planning Division can be contacted at 760-744-1050, extension 3233 or ghenderson@sanmarcos.net. The City of San Marcos is committed to making its programs, services and activities accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you require accommodation to participate in any City program, service or activity, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069, or call 760-7441050, extension 3145. Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos. PD: 10/08/20.
The Paper a onestopshop for Legals!
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9015221 The name of the business: WBK Plus; WBK Xtreme; WBK Products; WBK Plus!;WBK Xtreme!, located at 515 Citrus Way, Oceanside, CA. 92058-1436. Registrant Information: WBK Products Enterprises LLC 56 Citrus Way Oceanside, CA. 92058-1436 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business 7/14/20 /s/ Maxie O. Williams, Member Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/12/2020. 10/08, 10/15, 10/22 & 10/29/2020 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME #2020-9015982 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME: Cathy’s Draperies, located at 120 N. Pacific St., Ste D-3, San Marcos, CA. 92069. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 12/18/2015 and assigneed file no. 2015-232419. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IS BEING ABANDONED BY: Cathleen G. Boyer 1087 Hidden Vale Dr. Vista, CA. 92081 This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000). /s/ Cathleen G. Boyer This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County 9/25/2020. 10/08, 10/15, 10/22 & 10/29/2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9015799 The name of the business: 2 beYOUtiful, located at 197 S. Las Posas Road, San Marcos, CA. 92078. Registrant Information: Maria Luisa Pena-Hernandez 642 El Norte Hills Pl. Escondido, CA. 92027 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 9/03/2020 /s/ Maria Luisa Pena-Hernandez Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/19/2020. 10/01, 10/08, 10/15 & 10/22/2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9015799 The name of the business: 2 beYOUtiful, located at 197 S. Las Posas Road, San Mrcos, CA. 92078. Registrant Information: Maria Luisa Pena-Hernandez 642 El Norte Hills Pl. Escondido, CA. 92027 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 9/03/2020 /s/ Maria Luisa Pena-Hernandez Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 9/19/2020. 10/01, 10/08, 10/15 & 10/22/2020
NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF GERARD C. RICCIO Case No. 37-2020-00031083--PRLA-CTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of Gerard C. Riccio. A petition for probate has been filed by Pamela J. Riccio in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St., San Diego, Ca., 92101, Central Division. The Petition for Probate requests that Pamela J. Riccio be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 12/02/2020 Time: 1:30 p.m. . Dept: 502 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statues and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: J. Mark McNeill, Esq. 11848 Bernardo Plaza Court Ste 210 San Diego, CA. 92128 858.613.2970 10/01, 10/08 & 10/15/2020
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 14
tual and developmental disabilities more options for living their lives to the fullest. According to Fernando Z. López, Executive Director of San Diego Pride, “The Film and Media program at Options For All was a perfect fit for all Pride had to accomplish in 2020. The students and graduates of the program are incredible. They were able to step in and support Pride’s efforts by editing nearly 100 videos from community members and partners to be included in the Pride Live event held in July”.
About San Diego Pride - The Pride team has more than 80 nonprofit community partners and 150 volunteer leaders who have participated in the San Diego Pride event each year, with 6,000 volunteers and 350,000 people in person. Due the COVID-19, this year’s event was held virtually. About Options For All - Founded in
NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF DONNA C. BELLiNGER Case No. 37-2015-00018474--PRPW-CTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of Donna Christine Bellinger; Donna C. Bellinger; Donna Bellinger. A petition for probate has been filed by Thomas L. Marshall in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St., San Diego, Ca., 92101, Central Courthouse Probate Division. The Petition for Probate requests that Diane Peters be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 12/10/2020 Time: 1:30 p.m. . Dept: 503 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statues and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Petitioner: Thomas L. Marshall 7710 Balboa Avenue, Suite 216F San Diego, CA. 92111 Telephone: 858.292.0478 10/01, 10/08 & 10/15/2020
1985, Options For All serves people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities, helping empower them to become fully-participating members of their communities. The organization serves over 1,300 individuals who face the challenges of autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, hearing and vision impairments, learning and intellectual disabilities, and severe behavioral disorders. Headquartered in San Diego, Options For All offers a wide range of programs and services throughout the state of California, in San Diego, the Inland Empire, Silicon Valley, and Santa Cruz. For additional information, please visit www.optionsforall.org.
The Paper
Page 16 • October 8, 2020
ree” F e b o t t o G le Peop “ & ’” ’ in v o o r G “ vin’”, o L d o o G “ e d Hits inclu
S ’ E R E I L A V A C X I FEL S L A C RAy,SOctober 16 | 8pm
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