The Paper 103113

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Volume 43- No. 44

October 31, 2013

m left: Alan Skuba, circa fro se wi ck clo s” ot Sh The “Mug e e. davis, y. Clip Helps, today. lyl da to a, ub Sk an Al . 74 19 ng. d his son Scott, skydivi today. lyle e. davis an by lyle e davis


What would life be without memories?

Some of the happiest memories of my life revolve around KOWN, the one-time radio station based in Escondido, CA., and serving North San Diego County. The Paper - 760.747.7119


Background ph left: KOWN’s otos - clockwise from up pe n Mall. The new ew location in the Escond r id sroom where the world tim you could che o e. Spectators ck air talent. Ou w r receptionis atching the on t, Rodie Colli Alan Skuba, ns. o exhausted V wner of KOWN, greets a ice Presiden Manager, lyle t and Gene n ra e l d a vi s, at the conclu the Kit Carso sion of n Ride

I spent the years from 19701977 either selling for, or managing, this superb radio station which was owned by long-time pal, Alan Skuba.

Alan and I share a number of memories, one of the biggest being “The Cruise.”

Which is wacky.

Clip remembers: “We talked about the idea of Crusing for

We are about the same age and for some strange reason we like each other. We seemed to work well together and have similar senses of humor.

Clip Helps, long-time Program Director of KOWN, had recently seen the movie “American Graffiti,” he had recently purchased a 1955 Ford convertible, it was 1974, and an idea came to him.

about three weeks on the radio. We played Adult Contemporary music during the day, then switched to rock and roll at 6pm, so we reached a broad spectrum of the audience. We just talked about Cruising on East Valley Parkway (which was then called Valley Boulevard) and we said, ‘we’ll just meet at the mall at 6pm on Friday and we’ll cruise the strip.

“Fun, Fun Years of KOWN Radio” Continued on Page 2

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