Volume 44 - No. 44
November 13, 2014
Compiled by lyle e daves
Editor’s Note: This is one of a series of journal entries dictated by James P. Beckwourth, an adventurer, explorer, scout, hunter, trapper, pioneer, emigrant and, for a time, Indian Chief of the Crows.
The narrative is almost amusing in that hardy pioneers did not really talk in such elegant terms. Clearly, T. D. Bonner, who writes this biography, has exercised considerable ‘poetic license’ in describing the adventures in such elegant prose. Here, then, more in the continuing saga describing the trek out West by James P. Beckwourth:
Sufferings on the Platte.— Arrive at the Rocky Mountains.—Fall out with General Ashley.—Horses again stolen by the Crow Indians. —Sickness of our General.—Rescue of the General from a wounded Buffalo.— Remarkable Rescue of the General from the Green River "Suck."
Not finding any game for a number of days, we again felt alarmed for our safety. The snow was deep on the ground, and our poor horses could obtain no food but the boughs and bark of the cotton-wood trees. Still we pushed forward, seeking to advance as far as possible, in order to open a trade with the Indians, and occupy ourselves in trapping during the finish of the season. We were again put upon reduced rations, one pint of beans per day being the allowance to a mess of four men, with other articles in proportion. Here I had a serious difficulty with our general, which arose in the following manner. The general desired me to shoe his horse, which I cheerfully proceeded to do. I had finished setting three shoes, and had yet one nail to drive in the fourth, when, about to drive the last nail, the horse, which had been very restless during the whole time, withdrew his foot from me. My patience becoming exhausted, I applied the hammer several times to his belly, which is the usual punishment inflicted by blacksmiths upon unruly horsThe Paper - 760.747.7119
email: thepaper@cox.net
es. The general, who was standing near, flew into a violent rage, and poured his curses thick and fast upon me. Feeling hurt at such language from the lips of a man whom I had treated like my own brother, I retorted, reminding him of the many obligations he owed me. I told him that his language to me was harsh and unmerited; that I had thus far served him faithfully; that I had done for him what no other man would do, periling my life for him on several occasions; that I had been successful in killing game when his men were in a state of starvation; and, warming at the recapitulation, I added, "There is one more nail to drive, general, to finish shoeing that horse, which you may drive for yourself, or let go undriven, for I will see you dead before I will lift another finger to serve you." But little more was said on either side at that time.
The next morning the general gave orders to pack up and
move on. He showed me a worn-out horse, which he ordered me to pack and drive along. I very well knew that the horse could not travel far, even without a pack. Still, influenced by the harsh language the general had addressed to me on the previous day, I said, "General, I will pack the horse, but I wish you to understand that, whenever he gives out, there I leave him, horse and pack."
"Obey my orders, and let me have none of your insolence, sir," said the general. I was satisfied this was imposed upon me for punishment. I, however, packed the horse with two pigs of lead and sundry small articles, and drove him along in the rear, the others having started a considerable time previous. The poor animal struggled on for about a mile, and then fell groaning under his burden. I unpacked him, assisted him to rise, and, repacking him, drove
him on again in the trail that the others had left in the snow. Proceeding half a mile farther, he again fell. I went through the same ceremony as before. He advanced a few yards, and fell a third time. Feeling mad at the general for imposing such a task upon me, my hands tingling with cold through handling the snowy pack-ropes, I seized my hammer from the pack, and, striking with all my power, it penetrated the poor animal's skull. "There," said I, "take that! I only wish you were General Ashley." "You do, do you?" said a voice from the bushes on the side of the trail.
I well knew the voice: it was the general himself; and another volley of curses descended uninterruptedly upon my head. I was not the man to flinch. "What I said I meant," I exclaimed, "and it makes no odds whether you heard it or
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not." "You are an infernal scoundrel, and I'll shoot you;" and, suiting the action to the word, he cocked his piece and leveled it. I cocked my rifle and presented it also, and then we stood at bay, looking each other direct in the eye.
"General," I at length said, "you have addressed language to me which I allow no man to use, and, unless you retract that last epithet, you or I must surely die." He finally said, "I will acknowledge that it was language which never should be used to a man, but when I am angry I am apt to speak hastily. But," he added, "I will make you suffer for this."
"Not in your service, general," I replied. "You can take your horse now, and do what you please with him. I am going to return to St. Louis." The general almost smiled at the idea.
You will play —— going back to St. Louis," he said, "when, in truth, you were afraid of being killed by the Indians, through being left too far behind with that old horse."
Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy! Thanksgiving - or, Grandma’s Rules
Dear Family,
I'm not dead yet. Thanksgiving is still important to me. If being in my Last Will and Testament is important to you, then you might consider being with me for my favorite holiday. Dinner is at 2:00. Not 2:15. Not 2:05. Two. Arrive late and you get what's left over. Last year, that moron Marshall fried a turkey in one of those contraptions and practically burned the deck off the house. This year, the only peanut oil used to make the meal will be from the secret scoop of peanut butter I add to the carrot soup.
I left general, horse, and pack, and started on to overtake the advanced party, in order to get my saddlebags before leaving them. Approaching the party, I advanced to Fitzpatrick (in whose possession they were) and addressed him: "Hold up, Fitzpatrick; give me my saddlebags. I am going to leave you, and return to St. Louis."
"What!" exclaimed he, "have you had more words with the general?"
"Yes," I replied, "words that will never be forgiven — by me, at least, in this life. I am bound to return."
Well," said he, "wait till we encamp, a few hundred yards ahead. Your things are in the pack; when we stop you can get them." I accompanied them till they encamped; then, taking my goods from the pack, I was getting ready to return, when the general came up.
Seeing me about to carry my threat into execution, he addressed me: "Jim, you have ammunition belonging to me; you can not take that with you." Luckily, I had plenty of my own, so I delivered up all in my possession belonging to him.
"Sir," I said, "as Fortune has
Jonathan, your last new wife was an idiot. You don't arrive at someone's house on Thanksgiving needing to use the oven and the stove. Honest to God, I thought you might have learned after two wives date them longer and save us all the agony of another divorce. Now, the house rules are slightly different this year because I have decided that 47% of you don't know how to take care of nice things. Paper plates and red Solo cups might be bad for the environment, but I'll be gone soon and that will be your problem to deal with. House Rules: 1. The University of Texas no longer plays Texas A&M. The television stays off during the meal.
2. The "no cans for kids" rule still exists. We are using 2 liter bottles because your children still open a third can before finishing the first two. Parents can fill a child's cup when it is empty. All of the cups have names on them and I'll be paying close attention to refills. 3. Cloe, last year we were at Trudy's house and I looked the other way when your Jell-O salad showed up. This year, if Jell-O salad comes in the front
favored me with plenty, I deliver up yours; but, if I had had none of my own, I would have retained a portion of yours, or died in the attempt. And it seems to me that you must have a very small soul to see a man turned adrift without any thing to protect him against hostile savages, or procure him necessary food in traversing this wide wilderness." He then said no more to me, but called Fitzpatrick, and requested him to dissuade me from leaving. Fitzpatrick came, and exerted all his eloquence to deter me from going, telling me of the great distance before me, the danger I ran, when alone, of being killed by Indians — representing the almost certain fact that I must perish from starvation. He reminded me that it was now March, and the snows were already melting; that Spring, with all its beauties, would soon be ushered in, and I should lose the sublime scenery of the Rocky Mountains. But my mind was bent upon going; all my former love for the man was forfeited, and I felt I could never endure his presence again.
Fitzpatrick's mission having failed, the general sent a French boy to intercede, toward whom I felt great door it will go right back out the back door with the garbage. Save yourself some time, honey. You've never been a good cook and you shouldn't bring something that wiggles more than you. Buy something from the bakery.
4. Grandmothers give grandchildren cookies and candy. That is a fact of life. Your children can eat healthy at your home. At my home, they can eat whatever they like as long as they finish it. 5. I cook with bacon and bacon grease. That's nothing new. Your being a vegetarian doesn't change the fact that stuffing without bacon is like egg salad without eggs. Even the green bean casserole has a little bacon grease in it. That's why it tastes so good. Not eating bacon is just not natural. And as far as being healthy... look at me. I've outlived almost everyone I know. 6. Salad at Thanksgiving is a waste of space.
7. I do not like cell phones. Leave them in the car.
8. I do not like video cameras. There will be 32 people here. I am sure you can capture lots of memories without the camera pointed at me.
attachment. He was named Baptiste La Jeunesse, and was about seventeen years of age. I had many times protected this lad from the abuse of his countrymen, and had fought several battles on his account, for which reason he naturally fled to me for protection, and had grown to regard me in the light of a father. When this boy saw that I was in earnest about leaving, fearing that all attempts at persuasion would be useless, he hung his nether lip, and appeared perfectly disconsolate. The general, calling this lad to him, desired him to come to me and persuade me from the notion of leaving. He pledged his word to Baptiste that he would say no more to displease me; that he would spare no efforts to accommodate me, and offered me free use of his horses, assigning as a reason for this concession that he was unwilling for word to reach the States that he had suffered a man to perish in the wilderness through a little private difficulty in the camp. At this moment Le Pointe presented himself, manifesting by his appearance that he had something of importance to
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9. Being a mother means you have to actually pay attention to the kids. I have nice things and I don't put them away just because company is coming over. Mary, watch your kids and I'll watch my things.
10. Rhonda, a cat that requires a shot twice a day is a cat that has lived too many lives. I think staying home to care for the cat is your way of letting me know that I have lived too many lives too. I can live with that. Can you? 11. Words mean things. I say what I mean. Let me repeat: You don't need to bring anything means you don't need to bring anything. And if I did tell you to bring something, bring it in the quantity I said. Really, this doesn't have to be difficult.
12. Domino's and cards are better than anything that requires a battery or an on/off switch. That was true when you were kids and it's true now that you have kids. 13. Showing up for Thanksgiving guarantees presents at Christmas. Not showing up guarantees a card that may or may not be signed. 14. The election is over so I'll
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communicate. "General," said he, "more than half the men are determined to leave with Beckwourth; they are now taking ammunition from the sacks and hiding it about. What is to be done?" "I will do the best I can." Then turning to the lad, he said, "I took Jim's ammunition, thinking to deter him from going; had he insisted upon going, I should have furnished him with plenty. Go now," he added, "and tell him I want him to stay, but if he insists upon going, to take whatever he wants."
Baptiste left the group which surrounded the general, and made his way to me, with his head inclined.
"Mon frère," said the lad, addressing me as I sat, "the général talk much good. He vant you stay. I tell him you no stay; dat you en colère. I tell him if mon frère go, by gar, I go too. He say, you go talk to Jim, and get him stay. I tell you vat I tink. You stay leetle longer, and if de général talk you bad one time more, den ve go, by gar. You take von good horse, me take von good horse too; ve carry our planket, ve take some viande, and some poudre — den ve live. Ve go now — ve take noting — den ve die."
I knew that the boy gave good advice, and, foregoing my former resolve, I concluded to remain. My decision was quickly communicated to the whole camp, and the hidden parcels of ammunition were restored to their proper places. The storm in the camp ceased, and all were ready to proceed.
I have heard scores of emigrants (when stopping with me in my "hermitage," in Beckwourth Valley, California) relate their hair-breadth escapes from Indians, and various hardships endured in their passage across the Plains. They would dwell upon their perilous nights when standing guard; their encounters with Indians, or some daring exploit with a buffalo. These recitals were listened to with incredulous ears; for there is in human nature such a love of the marvelous, that traditionary deeds, by dint of repetition, become appropriated to the narrator, and the tales that were related as actual experience now mislead the speaker and the audience. When I recurred to my own adventures, I would smile at the comparison of their sufferings with what myself and other men of the mountains had really endured in former
times. The forts that now afford protection to the traveler were built by ourselves at the constant peril of our lives, amid Indian tribes nearly double their present numbers. Without wives and children to comfort us on our lonely way; without well-furnished wagons to resort to when hungry; no roads before us but trails temporarily made; our clothing consisting of the skins of the animals that had fallen before our unerring rifles, and often whole days on insufficient rations, or entirely without food; occasionally our whole party on guard the entire night, and our strength deserting us through unceasing watching and fatigue; these are sufferings that made theirs appear trivial, and ours surpass in magnitude my power of relation. Without doubt, many emigrants were subjected to considerable hardship, during the early part of the emigration, by the loss of cattle, and the Indians came in for their full share of blame. But it was through extreme carelessness that so many were lost; and those who have charged their losses upon the Indians have frequently found their stock, or a portion of it, harnessed to wagons either far in advance of them, or lagging carelessly in their rear. The morality of the whites I have not found to exceed very much that of the red man; for there are plenty of the former, belonging to trains on the routes, who would not hesitate to take an ox or two, if any chance offered for getting hold of them. But to return. At the time when I had concluded to proceed with the party, we were encamped in the prairie, away from any stream (having passed the fork of the Platte), and were again in a starving condition. Except an occasional hare or rabbit, there was no sign of supplying ourselves with any kind of game.
We traveled on till we arrived at Pilot Butte, where two misfortunes befell us. A great portion of our horses were stolen by the Crow Indians, and General Ashley was taken sick, caused, beyond doubt, by exposure and insufficient fare. Our condition was growing worse and worse; and, as a measure best calculated to procure relief, we all resolved to go on a general hunt, and bring home something to supply our pressing necessities. All who were able, therefore, started in different directions, our customary mode of hunting. I traveled, as near as I could judge, about ten miles from the camp, and saw no signs of game. I reached a high point of land, and, on taking a general survey, I discovered a river which I had never seen in this region before. It was of considerable
size, flowing four or five miles distant, and on its banks I observed acres of land covered with moving masses of buffalo. I hailed this as a perfect Godsend, and was overjoyed with the feeling of security infused by my opportune discovery. However, fatigued and weak; I accelerated my return to the camp, and communicated my success to my companions. Their faces brightened up at the intelligence, and all were impatient to be at them.
The general, on learning my intelligence, desired us to move forward to the river with what horses we had left, and each man to carry a pack on his back of the goods that remained after loading the cattle. He farther desired us to roll up snow to provide him with a shelter, and to return the next day to see if he survived. The men, in their eagerness to get to the river (which is now called Green River), loaded themselves so heavily that three or four were left with nothing but their rifles to carry. Though my feelings toward the general were still unfriendly (knowing that he had expressed sentiments concerning me that were totally unmerited), I could not reconcile myself to deserting him in his present helpless condition. Accordingly, I informed him
that if he thought he could endure the journey, I would make arrangements to enable him to proceed along with the company.
He appeared charmed with the magnanimty of the proposal, and declared his willingness to endure any thing in reason. His consent obtained, I prepared a light litter, and, with the assistance of two of the unladen men, placed him upon it, in the easiest position possible; then, attaching two straps to the ends of the litter-bars, we threw them over our shoulders, and, taking the bars in our hands, hoisted our burden, and proceeded with all the ease imaginable. Our rifles were carried by the third man.
The anxiety of the general to remain with us prevented his giving utterance to the least complaint, and we all arrived in good season on the banks of Green River. We were rejoiced to find that our companions who preceded us had killed a fine buffalo, and we abandoned ourselves that evening to a general spirit of rejoicing. Our leader, in a few days, entirely recovered, and we were thus, by my forethought in bringing him with us, spared the labor of a return journey.
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The Paper • Page 4 • November 13, 2014 Fatal Collision, Carlsbad
On Sunday, November 9th, at 9:34 a.m., the City of Carlsbad Police Department responded to a solo vehicle, fatal traffic collision located in the 2700 block of Monroe Street.
The initial investigation revealed that the vehicle was travelling northbound on Monroe Street and for an unknown reason veered across the southbound lanes and collided with trees located on the west side of the roadway. The 79-year old female driver sustained major injuries in the collision and was transported to Scripps La Jolla Hospital. The passenger who is believed to be a 91-year old male sustained fatal injuries during the collision and was declared deceased at the scene. The San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office responded to the scene and will confirm the identity of the deceased passenger and make all necessary notifications. Alcohol intoxication is not suspected to be involved in the collision. Carlsbad Police Pursue Stolen Vehicle, Arrest Suspect
On Saturdy, November 8, at about 12:48 a.m., Carlsbad
Man About Town
One of the many things I love about being in this business is that we get to meet such a wide variety of people. Fascinating backgrounds. Great accomplishments. Yet very few people hear about them.
We try, from time to time, to feature these individuals and let you get to know a bit about them. If they are in business, you may want to call them if they offer something or some service you need . . . but if you don’t have a need . . . you sill may want to call them, just to get acquainted with them perhaps make a new friend. We seem to acquire a great many chiropractors among our
Local News
Police Officers attempted to conduct a traffic stop of a stolen vehicle. The driver of the vehicle failed to yield and officers pursued the vehicle a short distance. The suspect then stopped the vehicle at the intersection of Buena Vista Way and Davis Avenue and fled on foot. The suspect ran eastbound across the Interstate 5 freeway. With the assistance of ASTREA air support, the suspect was located hiding in some bushes on the east side of I-5 near the north bound Las Flores off-ramp. The suspect was ordered to come out and he did not comply. A police canine was deployed and the suspect was apprehended.
The suspect was identified as Sean Taylor, age 31, of Escondido. Taylor was transported to Tri-City Hospital where he was treated for his injuries prior to being booked into Vista Jail for multiple charges including auto theft and felony evading. Suspicious Fire and Suspicious Death Investigation - Carlsbad
On Monday, November 10 at 6:53 a.m., the City of Carlsbad Police Department received a
‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 8
group of pals. (Regular readers will be aware that I’m a big believer in chiropractic and accupuncture, soft tissue laser treatments, ultrasound - a variety of alternative health treatments. We’ve spoken of our fellow Kiwanian and pal, Dr. Steve Heilman . . . of long time client, Dr. Hoon Lim, of accupuncturist, Mary Cen, of longtime dear friend and an active member of Baha’i, Omid Rahmanian (who has now moved to Anchorage, Alaska.) All of these folks are great! Each has their own individual method of treatment and each has treated me or Evelyn at one time or another.
Recently, we met yet another fascinating guy, Dr. Gene Lowery, with a combination chiropractic and accupuncture treatment center in Vista. We’ll be doing a profile on him one day soon so you can get to know him better . . . meantime you’ll likely be as intrigued as I was when I learned that he is a former Navy man with three tours of duty under his belt, got an engineering degree from CSU-Long Beach, then, one day happened to talk to some chiropractors he had met and, invariably, the chiropractors all said, “I wish I had gotten into chiropractic 10 years earlier.” They left successful careers, studied chiropractic,
The timeless and sage wisdom “Be careful What You Ask For” certainly will apply now to Escondido. ECCHO and the City Council will now have to eat the bitter grapes they so diligently cultivated. Sid Colquitt Escondido, CA.
Letters to the Editor Lyle,
Election Results
I wish that, like you, I could take the election results in stride. I know that "it is what it is" and there is nothing one can do now but live with the results. I know all this, but I have trouble feeling good about being on the losing end championing unpopular causes. As opposed to the criticism you received for supporting Olga Diaz and Proposition H, I would compliment you for having the vision to see that governing Escondido would be just as effective and a whole lot more pleasurable under Olga’s guidance and that passage of “H” stood a good chance of mitigating the consequences of the City’s ill conceived “Open Space” declaration.
and began pracctice. This sounded good to Gene so he went to the Cleveland Chiropractic school in Los Angeles, became a chiropractor . . .then took a Masters Degree in Accupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He passed the state board and was off and running. What makes his practice unique, and you military veterans listen up, is that he is qualified for referrals by your VA primary physician and is paid by the VA - thus no out of pocket cost to you for accupuncture or chiropractic. Give Dr. Lowery a call at 760.941.2900 and he’ll explain it all to you. Prepare to be fascinated.
Another View . . .
I was very disappointed by your reversal of endorsement for No on H. What disappointed me was the reason - because Schlesinger's comment was deleted off Facebook. That's it? Nevermind the history of the property, the lawsuits, manure, bullying by the developer. Nevermind that the developer titled his initiative the Open Space Initiative, sent out misleading flyers claiming it would SAVE the open space, when it really would rezone the open space. All that is insignificant to one Facebook post deletion. I question your logic.
Did you know Yes on H paid the moderator of the Escondido Friends Facebook page? That page has 17,000 followers. No on H posts were DEFINITELY deleted off that forum. I know because mine were deleted!
‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. on Page 12
One of our favorite Marines, Captain Joe Heard, showed up in full Marine Dress uniform this Tuesday morning, paying a visit to the Hidden Valley Kiwanis Club of Escondido, both to remind us of Veteran’s Day . . . but also to show off the fact that he could still fit in his uniform, many years after having retired. An enlisted man, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant after his first 17 years and finished his career as an officer. Always wearing that trademark Joe Heard smile, he looked might snazzy in his uniform. Our best wishes go to his beautiful wife, Jody, and brother, Nat Heard, both of whom are ailing.
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‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 2
watch what I say about the idiot in the White House, and you will do the same. If we all stick to that, we'll have a good time. If not, I'll still have a good time but it will be at your expense. In memory of your Grandfather, the back fridge will be filled with beer. Drink until it is gone. I prefer wine anyway. But one from each family needs to be the designated driver. I really mean all of the above. Love You, Grandma
Bubba went to the Oklahoma University on a football scholarship. He was a great running back, but a poor student.
Come graduation day, Bubba didn't have enough credits. But he was a great football star and the students held a rally and demanded the Dean give him a diploma. They were so insistent that the Dean agreed if Bubba could answer one question correctly, he would give him a diploma. The one question test was held in the auditorium and all the
students packed the place. It was standing room only.
The Dean was on the stage and told Bubba to come up. The Dean had the diploma in his hand and said, "Bubba, if you can answer this question correctly I'll give you your diploma." Bubba said he was ready and the Dean asked him the question. "Bubba," he said, "How much is three times seven?' Bubba looked up at the ceiling and then down to his shoes, just pondering the question.
The students began chanting, "Graduate him anyway! Graduate him anyway!"
Then Bubba held up his hand and the auditorium became silent. Bubba said, "I think I know the answer. Three times seven is twenty-one." A hush fell over the auditorium and the students began another chant. "Give him another chance! Give him another chance!" Thirteen Logical Reasons Why Some Men Have Dogs
1. The later you are, the more excited your dog is to see you.
‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 7
‘The Journey West’ Cont. from Page 3
We all feasted ourselves to our hearts' content upon the delicious, coarse-grained flesh of the buffalo, of which there was an unlimited supply. There were, besides, plenty of wild geese and teal ducks on the river — the latter, however, I very seldom ventured to kill.
One day several of us were out hunting buffalo, the general, who, by the way, was a very good shot, being among the number. The snow had blown from the level prairie, and the wind had drifted it in deep masses over the margins of the small hills, through which the buffalo had made trails just wide enough to admit one at a time. These snow-trails had become quite deep — like all snow-trails in the spring of the year — thus affording us a fine opportunity for lurking in one trail, and shooting a buffalo in another. The general had wounded a bull, which, smarting with pain, made a furious plunge at his assailant, burying him in the snow with a thrust from his savage-looking head and horns. I, seeing the danger in which he was placed, sent a ball into the beast just behind the shoulder, instantly dropping him dead. The general was rescued from almost certain death, having received
only a few scratches in the adventure. After remaining in camp four or five days, the general resolved upon dividing our party into detachments of four or five men each, and sending them upon different routes, in order the better to accomplish the object of our perilous journey, which was the collecting all the beaver-skins possible while the fur was yet valuable. Accordingly, we constructed several boats of buffalo hides for the purpose of descending the river and proceeding along any of its tributaries that might lie in our way.
One of our boats being finished and launched, the general sprang into it to test its capacity. The boat was made fast by a slender string, which snapping with the sudden jerk, the boat was drawn into the current and drifted away, general and all, in the direction of the opposite shore. It will be necessary, before I proceed farther, to give the reader a description, in as concise a manner as possible, of this "Green River Suck."
We were encamped, as we had discovered during our frequent excursions, at the head of a
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Social Butterfly The Paper • Page 6 • November 13, 2014
reservations, contact Claudine at 760.745.2125 or Claudine@escondidochamber.org.
Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:
Meetings/Events Calendar
San Marcos Dance Team "Scoop Night" Fundraiser is Tonight! Bring this article on Thursday, November 13, from 5pm-9pm to Rita's of San Marcos and 20 percent of your purchase will be donated to the San Marcos Dance Team. Come see your friends as celebrity scoopers. The address is in the Palomar Plaza, 710 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road, San Marcos. Support the Dance Team! Business After Five Mixer at Mi Guadalajara – The Escondido Chamber’s monthly mixer will be held at Mi Guadalajara tonight, Thursday, November 13, from 5-7pm. Members are free with a required RSVP; or $10/at the door. $25/prospective members, must call the Chamber prior to attending. Hors d’oeuvres and no-host bar. Reserve a Sponsor Table for $75. For
California’s New Rainy Day Fund
On Nov. 4, California voters passed Proposition 2, the Budget Day “Rainy Stabilization Fund Act,” which sets aside 1.5 percent of general-fund revenue each year into a rainy-day fund. Payments into the fund are required until the account reaches $8 billion. Some predict the rainy day reserve could grow to as much as 10 percent of the general fund.
The day after voters passed the initiative, California’s credit rating was raised by Standard & Poor’s from "A'' to "A+" on California's general obligation debt. Creditrating companies have been critical of the state for its failure to set aside money when the economy is thriving, and for being dependent
FAA Announces Featured Artist Demonstrator for November – Award-winning artist Darlene Katz will be featured at Fallbrook Art Association’s (FAA) general meeting November 13 and workshop November 16. Darlene has a doctorate in Immunology, however she has always been artistically active, working extensively with oil and acrylic paints, pencil, charcoal, and clay sculpture from an early age. Her inspiration comes from her travels and everyday scenes. She paints landscapes, figures and portraits, as well as animals and still life. Her work may be seen online at www.studiokatz.com. The FAA’s general meetings are on the 2nd Thursdays, September-June, are held at the Fallbrook School of the Arts, 310 E. Alvarado, and are open to the public. At 5:30pm FAA members are welcome to bring in one or two “paintings in progress” for a session with the artist demonstrator. Refreshments are served at 6:15pm, a brief general meeting at 6:30pm, followed by the demonstration, ending at 8pm. Each demonstrator offers a workshop the following Sunday at the same location. For more information on the FAA and all their events, visit www.fallbrookartassn.org. Library Hosts “Burritos & Books” for Teens – On Friday, November 14, from 4-5:30pm, in the Library’s Turrentine Room, Teen Librarian, Cathy Janovitz, will present quick summaries of popular teen books, bestsellers, and newly published titles, while teens snack on burritos. In addition to burrito treats, participants will receive a free book at the end of the program. This program is sponsored by Friends of the Library, and as with all Library
on unpredictable, variable capital-gains tax revenue, to finance the general fund that pays for the state’s core operations.
Prop. 2, supported by nearly 69 percent of voters, requires windfall revenue set aside for use when the economy falters, to prevent the state from ongoing shortfall spending.
The non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office said under Prop. 2, some existing state debt will be paid down faster, resulting in long-term savings for California.
Senator Mark Wyland represents the people of the 38th Senate District, which includes Rancho Bernardo, Carlsbad, Oceanside, San Marcos, Escondido, and Vista.
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programs, events, and services, it is free and open to the public. The Library is located at 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido. For more info about teen programs, contact Cathy at 760.839.4283 or cjanovitz@escondido.org. Library information can be found at library.escondido.org. Annual Craft Fair and Rummage Sale on Saturday – November 15th is the day, from 8am to 2pm, at the Palomar Estates East Mobile Home Park, where you will be able to find all kinds of new, used, handmade and collectible items for sale. Hamburgers and hotdogs available at 11am. Everyone is welcome. The park is located at 650 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road, San Marcos, and follow the signs.
Festival of Trees and Champagne Brunch Events this Weekend – The Foundation for Senior Wellbeing will hold their annual “Festival of Trees” event at San Marcos Civic Center. The VIP Party is Saturday, November 15th from 6-9pm (tickets are $50/person), and the Sunday Brunch is Sunday, November 16, from 11am to 2pm (tickets are $10/person). There will be a Holiday Boutique, food, music, and more. Seating is limited. Contact Bridget at 760.471.1100 or Bridget@frlawfirm.com. All trees on display are for sale. Proceeds benefit seniors in need in North County. The mission is to serve the health, physical, intellectual and social needs of seniors; and dedicated to improving and enhancing the lives of a growing population of seniors in need. For more info and to find out how you can volunteer or get involved, visit the website at www.thefoundationforseniorwellbeing.org.
San Marcos Youth Writers Group Starting Soon – A kickoff organizational meeting will be held on Saturday, November 15, from 1-3pm,
in the conference room at the San Marcos County Library with regard to starting a free Youth Writers Group (ages 14-25?), open to students in public, parochial, private, charter, and home-schooled. The Library is located at 2 Civic Center Drive. The mission is to establish a vigorous incubator for brilliant literature from local North County youth. Any student who loves to read and write is encouraged to attend this meeting. Various genres will be explored including flash fiction, short stories, poetry, and 10-minute stage plays, which may be recorded in raw production for You-Tube or Vimeo. In addition, students will be encouraged to enter $10,000 national scholarship contests (http://www.scholastic.com/aboutsch olastic/artwriting.htm for grades 712), and join on-line forums in writing groups like Ninowrimo.org and Figment.com. Bring an I-Pad or pad and pencil, and your imagination. For more information, contact Richard Dell’Orfano at 760.752.3111 or RMDellorfano@gmail.com.
San Elijo Holiday Boutique this Saturday - The City of San Marcos and the San Elijo Hills Women’s Club will present the San Elijo Holiday Boutique on Saturday, November 15 from 10am to 3pm at the San Elijo Recreation Center, 1105 Elfin Forest Road, San Marcos. This free event will feature 50 arts and crafts vendors selling jewelry, home and holiday décor, clothing and accessories, scarves, crocheted items, and more. This indoor/outdoor event will also feature free entertainment. For more information, call 760.7449000 or visit www.san-marcos.net/specialevents.
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 7
Now that the election is over, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, the people of the 75th Assembly District for the trust you have placed in me by allowing me to continue to serve as your voice in Sacramento.
the Second Amendment, and am proud of the “A” grade recently awarded me by the National Rifle Association. While protecting the Second Amendment is often an uphill job in Sacramento, I will continue to fight for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, one of our most fundamental civil rights.
As most of you also know, I am a strong supporter of
Please know that I will continue to fight on behalf of the citizens of this district and that I look forward to continuing to serve you to the best of my abilities.
The election is behind us…
As a small business owner, I am keenly aware of the burden the state’s excessive tax rates and overbearing regulations place on all Californians. Consequently, I am very pleased by the “A” rating I recently received from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association in their Legislative Report Card for this session. As a fiscal conservative, next session I will continue to oppose any proposals that would undermine California’s anemic economy with higher taxes.
Lower taxes, fiscal solvency, less burdensome regulations, protection of our constitutional rights, better schools, stronger families, enhanced public health and safety – these concerns drive me as a mother and citizen. I trust these are some of the reasons you have honored me with another term in the Assembly.
The Paper • Page 7 • November 13, 2014
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 6
November Events at San Marcos Senior Center – (1) On Saturday, November 15, the Senior Center and Catspaw Construction presents a Sisterhood Theatre production of “Getting On With It,” short comedy plays, skits and songs about life, love, and letting go. Performance at 2pm followed by a wine/cheese reception with the cast at 3pm. Doors open at 1:30pm. Tickets cost $10 in advance; $12 at the door. Limited transportation provided for San Marcos seniors unable to drive. Net proceeds benefit the Senior Center Nutrition Program. (2) On Wednesday, November 19, at 10:30am the Center will host a presentation “Learn to Spot and Avoid Fraud” by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in Collaboration with
SaveAndinvest.org. Join in for lunch afterwards at 11:30am; reservations must be made in advance by calling 760.744.5535, ext. 3606. $4 suggested donation for seniors 60 and above; $5/cost for 59 and below. (3) Thursday, November 20, from 2-4pm, the Center is hosting a Ballroom Dance; entertainment provided by “The Billy Harper Band.” $5/person includes refreshments; free dance lessons by Mel Carrillo at 1pm. Call 760.744.5535 for more information. (4) Saturday, November 22nd at 2pm, InnerDancer Performing Arts presents The First Annual Intergenerational and inclusive ”Magical Nutcracker Performance.” Join the magical adventure with Carolers, The Sugar Plum Fairy, Candy Canes, Russian Dancers and
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 9
Kirk’s Column by Kirk Effinger
3. Dogs like it if you leave lots of things on the floor. 4. Dogs' parents never visit.
5. Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across. 6. You never have to wait for a dog; they're ready to go, instantly, 24 hours a day.
7. Dogs find you amusing when you're pissed. 9. Dogs won't wake you up at night to ask: "If I died, would you get another dog?" 10. If a dog has babies, you can put an ad in the paper and sell 'em. 11. Dogs will let you put a studded collar on them, without calling you a pervert.
qualify for nursing home insurance. Over 30 years of legal experience.BY LEGAL MEDI-CAL STRATEGIES
2. Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dog's name.
8. Dogs like to go hunting and fishing.
The government can literally claim The government claim everything you own:can Yourliterally home, Social everything you own: Your home, Social Security check, CD’s, Investments, everything. Wiped Out! Investments, Revocable Security check, CD’s, Living TrustsWiped don’t help! are everything. Out! There Revocable strategies to protect you from financial Living Trusts don’t help! There are disaster even if you don’t have financial or don’t strategies to protect you from qualify for nursing home insurance. disaster if you don’texperience. have or don’t Over 30even years of legal ELDER LAW ATTORNEY MARILYN STRATEGIES SHEA LEGAL MEDIC-CAL BY 760.721.0600 ELDER LAW ATTORNEY MARILYN SHEA WWW.MEDI-CAL ATTORNEY.COM
‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 5
Marilyn Shea Attorney
laging of a peaceful little country town by big development.
These same three council members consistently and frequently spoke in favor of their support for a charter city proposal drafted by city staff under their direction that purported to return “local control”, i.e.; gives the city council more power over policy. Yet this measure was also resoundingly rejected—and for the second time, no less.
12. If a dog smells another dog on you, it won't kick you in the crotch; it just finds it interesting.
Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow
So, what gives?
Well, voter turnout--or rather the lack thereof—certainly was a major factor.
Post-election wonder in Escondido
Results from last week’s General Election in Escondido are without doubt the most confounding imaginable. Politics are seldom logical, but at least most of the time you can see a continuity of thought behind electoral results. Not so this time.
On the one hand we have a mayoral and council race in which voters have seen fit to return to office (or elect, in the case of appointed Council Member John Masson) three of arguably the most pro-development politicians the city has seen in decades. Yet on the other, electors resoundingly defeated a development proposal that was sold by opponents as an example of the pil-
I know the margin of victory by Mayor Sam Abed was decisive, but given the actual numbers, it hardly represents a mandate. There were 59,942 registered voters in Escondido as of Election Day. Only 20,769 bothered to vote. The total number of votes for Abed—12,572, or less than 21 percent of all eligible voters. A majority of a substantial minority of voters. Yes, you could say that the trend indicated shows how the election would have gone if everyone who could, actually voted. But a case could also be made that a powerful statement was sent by the 39,000 that didn’t vote for him-or his opponents.
‘Kirk Effinger’ Cont. on Page 15
The Buying of Our Heartland
The 1803 acquisition by the U.S. of 828,000 square miles or nearly 530 million acres in the center of the North American continent was French territory known as“Louisiana.” The U.S. paid $11.250 million in cash plus cancellation of French debts amounting to $3.75 million for a total sum of $15 million, amounting to around 3 to 4 cents per acre. In today’s money that’s about $236 million, or less than 42 cents per acre.
The Louisiana territory encompassed all or part of 15 present U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. The land purchased contained all of present-day
13. If a dog runs off and leaves you, it won't take half your stuff. To verify these statements: Lock your wife and your dog in the garage for an hour. Then open the door and observe which one is happy to see you! TWO SURGERIES
Two little boys are in the hospital for an operation next day. The older boy leans over and asks, "What are you having done?" The second boy says, "I'm getting my tonsils out, and I'm afraid."
The first boy says, "You've got nothing to worry about. I had that done when I was four. They put you to sleep, and when you wake up, they give you lots of Jell-O and ice cream. It's a breeze." The second boy then asks, "What are you going in for?" The first boy "Circumcision."
"Whoa!" the smaller boy replies. "Good luck, buddy. I had that done when I was born. Couldn't walk for a year.
Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska; parts of Minnesota that were west of the Mississippi River; most of North Dakota; most of South Dakota; northeastern New Mexico; northern Texas; the portions of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado east of the Continental Divide; Louisiana west of the Mississippi River, including the city of New Orleans; and small portions of land that would eventually become part of the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Under Napoleon Bonaparte, France planned on building an empire in North America. A slave revolt in Haiti and an impending war with Britain, however, led Napoleon to abandon those plans and sell the entire territory to the United States. Interestingly enough, the U.S. entered negotiations intending just to buy New Orleans and the surrounding lands.
Jefferson had concerns that a U.S. President did not have the constitutional authority to make such a deal. He also thought that to do so would erode states' rights by increasing federal executive power. On the other hand, he was aware of the potential French threat and was prepared to go to war to prevent a strong French presence there. In 1802, James Monroe and Robert R. Livingston traveled to Paris to negotiate with Napoleon
‘Tom Morrow’ Cont. on Page 15
The Paper • Page 8 • November 13, 2014
‘Local News’ Cont. from Page 4
call from a resident in the 2900 block of Gaviota Circle who was concerned that a house nearby was on fire. Carlsbad and Encinitas Fire Departments responded to the scene and quickly extinguished the fire. While extinguishing the fire, a firefighter came upon a deceased adult female in one of the rooms.
The cause of death for the adult female is unknown at this time and under investigation. The origin and cause of the fire is also under investigation.
The Medical Examiner will identify and release information on the adult female’s identity. The Police Department will release updates when theybecome available. Possible Closure for Long Time Child Care Center
The San Diego UT reports that an Escondido Child Care Center that has been here for forty years may be facing closure by the state. Inspectors for the state allege children were bitten, left unattended and, in one case, fell from a shelving unit.
The Department of Social Services is seeking the closure of all three Escondido Community Child Development Center sites for failing to properly monitor children, prevent injuries and report lapses to state officials. The filing was made on October 7th and makes these allegations., Allegations are that four children were bitten by another child, while others were left alone for as long as an hour, the report says. Some children left the premises, and one child fell from a shelving unit causing serious injury, state officials said.
The Center reports that six staffers were let go from the center in the past year, and new policies, procedures and training have been put in place to right the center’s wrongs, said executive director Patricia Cavanaugh, since October 2009. An appeal is underway to keep the doors open to more than 400 children, ages 18 months to five years, from low-income working families, supervised by a staff of 118.
The appeal process may take a year or more if a settlement is
‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 9
‘The Journey West’ Cont. from Page 5
great fall of the Green River, where it passes through the Utah Mountains. The current, at a small distance from our camp, became exceedingly rapid, and drew toward the centre from each shore. This place we named the Suck. This fall continued for six or eight miles, making a sheer descent, in the entire distance, of upward of two hundred and fifty feet. The river was filled with rocks and ledges, and frequent sharp curves, having high mountains and perpendicular cliffs on either side. Below our camp, the river passed through a canyon, or cañon, as it is usually written, a deep river-pass through a bluff or mountain, which continued below the fall to a distance of twenty-five or thirty miles. Wherever there was an eddy or a growth of willows, there was sure to be found a beaver lodge; the cunning creatures having selected that secluded, and, as they doubtless considered, inaccessible spot, to conceal themselves from the watchful eye of the trapper.
To return to the general. His frail bark, having reached the opposite shore, encountered a ledge of rocks, and had hardly touched, when, by the action of the rolling current, it was capsized, and he thrown struggling into the water. As Providence would have it, he reached the bluff on the opposite side, and, holding on to the crevices in the high and perpendicular cliff, sung out lustily for assistance. Not a moment was to be lost. Some one must attempt to save him, for he could not hold his present position, in such cold water, long. I saw that no one cared to risk his life amid such imminent peril, so, calling to a Frenchman of the name of Dorway, whom I knew to be one of the best swimmers, to come to the rescue, I threw off my leggins and plunged in, supposing he would follow. I swam under water as far as I could, to avail myself of the under current (this mode is always practiced by the Indians in crossing a rapid stream). I struck the bluff a few feet above the general. After taking breath for a moment or two, I said to him (by the way, he was no swimmer), "There is only one way I can possibly save you, and I may fail in that; but you must follow my directions in the most minute degree, or we are certainly both lost."
"Any thing you say, James, I will follow," said he. "Then," I continued, "when I float down to you, place your hands on my shoulder, and do not take hold of my neck. Then, when I give you the word, kick out with all your might, and we may possi-
bly get across."
I then let myself down to the general, who was clinging to the rocks like a swallow. He did as I had directed, and I started, he kicking in my rear like the stern-wheel of a propeller, until I was obliged to bid him desist; for, with such a double propelling power as we produced, I could not keep my mouth out of water. We swam to within a few yards of the opposite shore, where the main suck caught us, and, my strength becoming exhausted, we began slowly to recede from the shore toward inevitable death. At this moment Fitzpatrick thrust a long pole toward us, to the end of which he attached a rope which the party on shore retained possession of. I seized the pole with a death-grip, and we were hauled out of our perilous situation; a few moment's delay, and the world had seen the last of us.
After this rescue, the general remarked to Fitzpatrick, "That Beckwourth is surely one of the most singular men I ever met. I do not know what to think of him; he never speaks to me except when absolutely unavoidable; still, he is the first and only man to encounter peril on my behalf. Three times he has now saved my life when not another man attempted to succor me. He is a problem I can not possibly solve." Agreeably to previous arrangement, on the following morning our company proposed to disperse in different directions. While preparing to leave our comfortable camp to take our chance in the mountains, I happening to be out among the stock, the general inquired for me, and I was pointed out to him where I stood.
"He is a singular being," he exclaimed; "he knows we are about to separate, yet he does not trouble himself to come and bid me good-by. I must go to him."
Approaching me, he said, "James, we are now about to part; these toilsome enterprises in the mountains are extremely hazardous; although I hope to see you again, perhaps we may never meet more. I am under great obligations to you. You have several times rescued me from certain death, and, by your skill in hunting, you have done great service to my camp. When my mind was irritated and harassed, I was betrayed into the use of language toward you which I regretted immediately after, and still regret. I wish you to forgive me, and desire to part in friendship. So long as you continue to use the same precaution you have hitherto used, I can securely hope you will escape all accident, and look forward to meeting you again under more auspicious circumstances;" and he
concluded by bidding me goodby. I bade him good-by, and we separated.
Previous to this, and after his rescue from the "Suck," he mentioned to Fitzpatrick that I ought to have the lead of a party, and that he believed I was as capable as any one in the company for it. Fitzpatrick told him he did not believe I would accept the responsibility. The general bade him ask me. He came and communicated to me our general's wish, and asked me if I would take the leadership of one of our detached parties.
I declined the offer, assigning as my reason that I was too young to undertake the responsibilities of the charge; that this was my first trip to the mountains, and I had but little experience in trapping, and that there were older men better qualified for the duty. The leadership of a party of a fur company is a very responsible post. Placed similarly to a captain of a whaling vessel, where all depends upon his success, if a captain is fortunate, and returns from a profitable voyage, of course, in the eyes of the owners, he is a firstrate officer, and stands well for the future. But if he has experienced unusual hardships, and returns more or less unsuccessful, he is disgraced in his command, and is thrust aside for a more fortunate man. It is just similar with trappers in the mountains; whatever is their fortune, good or bad, the leader is the person on whom the praise or blame falls. We separate into six Detachments, and start out.—Trapping on Green River.—Narrow Escape from a Massacre by the Arrap-a-hos.—One Man murdered in Camp.— Retreat.—Fall in with a Detachment of our Company.—Great Joy at the Meeting.—Return of the Detachments to the Place of Rendezvous at the "Suck."
AFTER "caching" our peltry and goods by burying them in safe places, we received instructions from our general to rendezvous at the "Suck" by the first of July following. Bidding each other adieu, for we could hardly expect we should meet again, we took up our different lines of march. Our party consisted, led by one Clements, of six, among whom was the boy Baptiste, he always insisting on remaining with his brother (as he called me). Our route was up the
‘The Journey West’ Cont. on Page 13
A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.
Escondido • Mayor Sam Abed CALL FOR PROJECTS
On August 6, 2014 the City C o u n c i l authorized the C i t y ’ s Environmental Programs Division to move forward in developing a Storm Water Alternative Compliance program. Established as a new tool in the current Municipal Storm Water Permit (Order No. R9‐2013‐0001) issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the program aims to facilitate watershed improvements at a scale and in locations where they might not otherwise be achieved. As part of the coordination of regional Watershed Quality Improvement Plans, the City is taking its first steps to develop the Alternative Compliance program
by identifying possible projects. Potential projects will be incorporated into the Watershed Quality Improvement Plans. I invite the public to nominate a project or a location within the City of Escondido with potential to improve the quality of storm water and urban runoff.
To do so, please complete the Project Nomination Form found at https://www.escondido.org/stormwater-program.aspx and email it to water@escondido.org by Wednesday, November 19, 2014. Please note that implementation of these projects is dependent on a variety of factors, including but not limited to, feasibility, availability of funding, permission of property owner(s), availability of permits and likely benefit to the watershed.
Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who have supportmy 16 years throughout me ed on the Vista City Council. Vista has a very positive future, and I am honored and proud to have been re-elected to serve as your Mayor of Vista.
One of the things I love about the Vista community is our wealth of dedicated volunteers. Our City has so many wonderful individuals who contribute literally thousands of hours of their own time to help make Vista a better place to live, work and play. The City has several volunteer opportunities
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 7
even Santa! at the San Marcos Senior Center, 111 Richmar Avenue. Tickets are $10 or a donation. For more info, call 760-744-5535. (5) Wednesday, November 26, at 11:30am, a “traditional” Thanksgiving luncheon will be served at the San Marcos Senior Center, 111 Richmar Avenue. Reservations must be made in advance by calling 760.744.5535 ext. 3606. There is a $4 suggested donation for seniors 60 and above, and a $5 cost for 59 and below.
Pacific Belles Chorus "At The Hop" in Carlsbad - Yes, the Pacific Belles Chorus is back for a repeat performance of "At the Hop" on Sunday, November 16th. Don those jeans and poodle skirts; load friends and family into the Bel Aire; and trek on over to the Dove Library in Carlsbad at 3pm for an afternoon of hot rods and sock hops. Thanks to a grant from the City of Carlsbad Robert H. Gartner Endowment Fund, this is a free show. Of course, donations are always accepted to help cover incidental costs. Dove Library Schulman Auditorium is located at
available if you have some time to spare.
The Vista Sheriff’s Senior Volunteer Patrol is recruiting participants to join their outstanding program. The volunteers patrol neighborhoods, check on homebound seniors, provide vacation home checks, and help Public Safety Responders during traffic acciat Check dents. CityofVista.com or call 760940-4434 for more information. In addition, the City is recruiting volunteers to serve on the City’s Mobile Home Park Review Board. The City Clerk can provide details at 760-6435321 or applications can be at downloaded CityofVista.com.
1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. A full house is expected, so arrive early to ensure a seat.
Assembly Member Waldron will be Guest Speaker at TERC Meeting – At The Escondido Republican Club (TERC) meeting on Monday, November 17, Assembly Member Marie Waldron will give an update on the outcome of the General Election results as they relate to the State’s future. A Christmas toy-drive for children of needy, active-duty military members will be held at this meeting. Attendees are asked to bring new, un-wrapped gift items. The meeting will be held at Cocina del Charro Restaurant, 890 W. Valley Parkway, Escondido. Checkin at 11:15am; buffet luncheon at 11:45am; meeting at noon, and concludes at 1pm. Reservations are necessary. Cost is $14/person. RSVP to 760.807.5827. For information about TERC, visit www.escondidorepublicanclub.com. San Marcos/Vista Women's Club to
Christian Meet on
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 14
San Marcos • Mayor Jim Desmond San Marcos Does its Part During Drought Conditions
formly than conventional sprays and rotors.
These new nozzles – manufactured by San Marcos’ own Hunter Industries – are multi-trajectory and have a rotating stream that applies water more slowly and uni-
Rebates may currently be available for these and other similar water saving devices. Please visit www.vwd.org/rebates for more information.
With California experiencing extreme drought conditions, the City’s public works department continued its water saving efforts this year by installing nearly 1,400 new rotator nozzles in turf areas and medians throughout the City while maintaining its use of well water for irrigation.
Additionally, six new SMART controllers covering 17.5 acres were installed to make real-time adjustments to irrigation schedules based on hourly weather information to avoid water waste. Independent water studies estimate that these low-flow, high efficiency irrigation heads and smart irrigation controllers have a water savings of 20 percent or more.
Oceanside • Mayor Jim Wood Oceanside Turkey Trot
Come out and join us at the Oceanside Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day, November 27th, in beautiful downtown Oceanside.
Sponsored by Pacific Marine Credit Union, the annual Turkey trot has helped to raise more than $180.000 for area schools and non profits. The event will feature a 5 mile run, a 5K walk/run, a combination 5 mile/5K run and kid’s runs. The 5 mile race kicks off the event and runs through the harbor, over the San Luis Rey Bridge, on to the Oceanside Pier and finishes with
‘Local News’ Cont. from Page 8
not reached, said Michael Weston, spokesman for the Department of Social Services. In the meantime, the center can operate with additional state site visits. According to center’s latest tax filing, the nonprofit subsists almost entirely on public funding, with $3.36 million of its $4 million in revenue coming from government grants. Parents were notified by the center on Oct. 24 about the state’s effort to close the facility, and were asked for a letter of support. Elections Over - Abed and Ritter win re-election as Mayor, Proposition G and H Lose
Plenty of local political activity
the 5K runners and walkers along the beach behind the amphitheater. The 5K run/walk annually attracts a big crowd as it features great runners and great costumes. For a super workout, you can enter both the 5 mile and the 5K. The final races of the day are the kids 1 mile run for 9-12-year-olds and the quarter mile race for youngsters 4 and under. All finishers will receive a medal. Parking is available in the Civic Center parking garage and in all lots on race day. For more information and a complete listing of race times, course maps and entry fees, go to www.osideturkeytrotcom.
during the last election campaign. Vista Mayor Judy Ritter, as expected won a fairly easy victory over her challenger, Councilmember Cody Campbell, while Escondido Mayor Sam Abed won by a 2 to 1 margin over challenger, Deputy Mayor Olga Diaz.
Meanwhile, controversial Proposition H, dealing with the Country Club property issue, was soundly defeated, as was Proposition G, the measure seeking to convert Escondido to a Charter City. This is the second time that attempt has failed. There appeared to be a fair amount of support for the issue of Charter City but voters appeared to not approve the way this proposal was drawn. Proposition E, which required a 55% vote attained
‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 11
The Paper • Page 10 • November 13 2014
Saying Goodbye
Bruce Krider is a good friend of mine. Together, we founded The Puppy Coalition, whose mission is to save dogs from being needlessly euthanized. We accept the fact that sometimes it is necessary to euthanize a dog. If they are terminally ill, if they are vicious, or if they have a tendency to bite people without warning (thinking they are protecting you). When this happens several times . . . when a professional trainer has not been able to shed the dog of this trait . . . then it is time for a painful decision. What follows may break your heart, as it broke mine, and Bruce's. Bruce has saved at least 35 dogs this year and found homes for them. This one dog, Jeb, he has cared for, I think, 18 months . . . no home. Jeb has bitten or attempted to attack on several occasions. Thus the need for this action. Bruce Krider's account:
It hasn't been a week since Jeb crossed the bridge and he doesn't leave my thought much still. When I wrote and said, it would be one of the toughest days ever, that was no overstatement. I had to be an actor
that day. Acted like I didn't have a care in the world and that life was great. That said, it even seemed hard getting dressed that day knowing what I was going to do. It was like every fiber in my body was not wanting to go along with this. It was the heart talking. We all have different reasons to do or not do things and some of the messages come from your logical thinking brain but other ones come from your heart. I would have to get through this day one step at a time and just try to not think too much. Something like a robot operating on a program. But it doesn't work like that.
I got to the kennel about 9:10am and for the next 5 hours Jeb and I walked everywhere we ever walked or played or just sat down together and ate junk food. We went to the Nordahl dog park and he play with a female boxer. People were saying, "What a great dog he is!!! Look at him play so nice with her so nice!"
I didn't let on how the day was going to end. Just tried to keep up the happy face and I didn't want to look somber around Jeb. He was supposed to be having fun.... and he was. His very best behavior was always in the dog park. It was also when he was with me. We then went to Discovery Lake where we have walked hundreds of
NOTE: Dr. Heilman’s Spine and Neuropathy Care Center is located at 700 W. El Norte Pkwy in Escondido immediately East of Interstate 15 at the intersection of Seven Oaks.
times, then over to Lake San Marcos where a number of different dogs walked together with he and I. They all got homes. He never did, so he shared walks with lots of dogs.
Then we went to Simmons Family Park in San Marcos about a mile from my house. It has a great area where you can look for miles all up and down the coastline with a beautiful ocean view. Something in me wanted to do that with him. Not sure I can say why. It just seemed like the thing to do now. I talked. He mostly listened and looked at me sometimes tilting his head like dogs do.
My arm was around him and we looked at the ocean (as well as some crows arguing in front of us). I was getting a little misty and, Jeb, looking directly at me in a concerned way and began licking the tears away. At that point I am thinking, "OMG, How am I supposed to put him down now?" He trusts me for God's sake. Is this not going to be the ultimate betrayal ???
A few months earlier I had to put down our very old Shepherd, Bella. She was sick and needed to be released from a life of difficulty and pain. Jeb was fine. I didn't have the luxury of being able to say, "I am putting him out of his misery." At least something that I could see like in the story of "Old Shep" when the farmer learned from his vet that Old Shep really needed to be put down. The farmer and the dog amble off to a distant part of the farm, the farmer reminiscing to the dog about what a good friend Shep has been all these years. And then the farmer's wife hears a gunshot ring out in the distance. Jeb had no physical difficulties. He was old but remarkably healthy. Lunchtime. He loved McDonald hamburgers so he
‘Saying Goodbye’ Cont. on Page 15
The Paper • Page 11 • November 13, 2014
‘Local News’ Cont. from Page 9
56+% so passed. This was the Escondido Union School bond issue seeking $182.1 Million in bonds Escondido City Council District Races were won by incumbents Ed Gallo, in District 1, and John Masson in District 2.
In Vista, City Council seats were won by John Aguilera and John Franklin.
Meanwhile, in Oceanside, Chuck Lowery and Jerry Kern were elected to Council seats;
Craig Elitharp was elected to the Vallecitos Water Board, District 3, while Mike Sannella wond his seat in District 4. The Palomar Health District saw only one incumbent retained, Jerry Kaufman; the other new board members are Hans Christian Sison, Ray McCune and Dara Czerwonka.
In the Escondido Union High School Trustee races, Bill Durney in District 2 and Jon Petersen in District 5, both won.
‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 17
The most frequently cited newspaper source for city-related information is:
The U-T / San Diego Union Tribune
* City of San Marcos: COMMUNICATION & E-GOVERNMENT • San Diego County Board of Supervisors • Sculpt Nouveau • Michael Schlesinger • Varinek, Trine, Day & Co. • LLP • Chris and Tamson Sell • Lois Brossart • Lin Backstrom • Darol and Linda Castor • A & D Technology • Fred Christiansen • Annamarie Dawber • Tom and Denine Moriarty
• Ryan McCarthy • NK Towing • Americare Ambulance • Truly Nolan • Escondido Redi-Mix • Escondido Police Department • Escondido Fire Department • Escondido Disposal Inc. • Rincon Water • Chaparral Honey Hawthorne Cat • Toyota of Escondido • Boys and Girls Club • Alliance Diversified Enterprises, Inc.
For contributing to a successfull Tots ‘N Trucks
• The most frequently cited source for city-related information was the City’s newsletter, mentioned by 39% of respondents. Of newspapers . . .
The Paper (18%),
and the U-T / San Diego Union Tribune (15%).
• Overall, 80% of respondents indicated they were satisfied with the City’s efforts to communicate with residents through newsletters, direct mail, city website, social media, and other methods. The remaining respondents were either dissatisfied with the City’s efforts in this respect (15%), or unsure of their opinion (5%). Research by -
The Paper • Page 12 • November 13, 2014 Intel and AMD make the CPUs for notebook and desktop PCs. Both companies make amazingly reliable CPUs. In the past 20 years we’ve serviced over a quarter of a million PCs and I could count on one hand the number of CPU failures we’ve seen.
Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory
Which CPU, Intel or AMD?
The CPU is your PC’s brain. More than any other component it defines the capabilities and limitations of your PC. Today’s CPU is about one inch square and weighs half an ounce. Inside are 2 to 3 billion transistors cycling 2 to 4 billion times per second. All that action generates a lot of heat so a high-speed fan and heat sink (radiator) are required to keep your CPU running within its operating temperature range. Normal CPU operating temperatures range from 120 and 160 degrees Fahrenheit. If the fan stops or the heat sink gets clogged with dust, your CPU will overheat and the computer will shut down to protect your CPU.
‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. from Page 4
On voting day, did you see the Yes on H people outside EVERY polling place? Their signs said "Stand by your neighbors." Those people must have been paid to be there, they do not live in the Country Club, they are not volunteers. No on H paid people to LIE and MISLEAD voters.
Did you know in 2013 Schlesinger put MY NAME on a flyer listing me as a supporter of his development, without asking me, and then gave that flyer to every person as they walked into an ECCHO town hall meeting? The worst part was that I don't support him at all, he took my name and lied about me. But ECCHO loses your support because they deleted one post? I question your logic. Adam Orin Escondido, CA.
Editor’s Note: Thanks for writing. A couple of clarifications and corrections. My changing of my endorsement was not solely because of the deletion of one post on the ECCHO Facebook Page, but it was a three hour discussion, civil, between two people trying to come up with a solution. Subsequent blocking of others who desired to engage in civil discussion were also blocked or
There is no difference between AMD and Intel CPUs in terms of compatibility. Both will run all common software, operating systems and applications equally well. The biggest difference between the CPUs made by each company is in performance and price.
Traditionally Intel dominated PC market share with nearly 80% to AMDs just over 20%. The exception was 2000 to 2006 when AMD’s CPUs were clearly superior to Intel’s Pentium IV. By 2006 AMD had captured nearly half of the PC business. As Intel lost the high-performance users to AMD, they could no longer sustain “premium pricing” for their CPUs. Intel had to cut prices in order to compete with AMD and Intel’s profits plummeted.
ing.” Today Intel’s “flagship” CPU, is the i7-4930K costing $700. It is about 20% faster than the $250 AMD FX-9590. If an application requires the very fastest CPU available and money is no object, the i74930K is the only answer.
The i7 CPU that is the equivalent in performance to AMD's $250 AMD FX-9590 is the Intel i7-4770K. It costs $350. This is a pattern throughout the entire Intel and AMD CPU product offerings. At all performance levels where Intel and AMD both offer CPUs identical in performance, AMD costs 25 to 40% less. Since over 95% of PCs purchased in 2014 were in the performance ranges covered by
both AMD and Intel, one would think that AMD would outsell Intel. The reason AMD doesn’t outsell Intel is PR. Intel’s advertising has created consumer demand that allows them to charge more for less. Apple uses a similar technique. The bottom line is that at any price AMD outperforms Intel and at any performance level AMD costs less than Intel About 10% of the desktop PCs and 100% of the notebooks we sell are Intel based (We do like Intel’s notebook CPUs). But here in The Computer Factory’s “no spin zone,” 90% of the desktop PC workstations we build for our customers have AMD CPUs. Our customers want value not hype.
At the end of 2006 Intel released the new Core 2 Duo series and soon regained the high-end bragging rights. With this new CPU as its “technology flagship” Intel returned to the practice of “premium pric-
deleted. Additionally, my additional research on newer, more up to date statistics regarding traffic, schools, water, etc., factored into my decision. I did not base my endorsement to win a popularity contest but what I felt was best for the Escondido community at large.
You are only partially correct on your allegation and suggestion that the moderator of the Escondido Friends Page was paid by Mr. Schlesinger. She was paid for advertising, nothing more. I know her well; she is a very nice young lady but does not have the political experience to run a political page on Facebook and regrets now ever starting it. Bottom line: it was not one post that caused me to reverse my endorsement.
Larry Himmel
The report of TV-8 newscaster, Larry Himmel, having lost his long-fought battle with cancer, hit me rather hard. Our lives first crisscrossed after I wrote a front cover piece for Lyle E. Davis' The Paper, titled "The Toothpick Man of Escondido," which was published back in August of 2011. The story really moved Larry. So much so, that he brought his mobile TV-8 camera crew up to the Escondido area to film Frank Sanchez (The Toothpick Man) and his amazing story of both tragedy and redemption, all of which can still be viewed today on YouTube, with Larry's heartfelt narration,
which captured the essence of the story.
He was a first-rate journalist, but more importantly, he was a first-rate human being. About a year later I wrote another story, this time on Walmart's unique greeter, Carl Johnston, Jr. for SDPrime magazine and how Johnston uplifts the spirits of countless shoppers in a most unique way. Again, Larry Himmel brought his camera crew to our North County, this time to film Carl Johnston for an evening television newscast special. While cameras followed Carl Johnston around the store, plying his unique trade as a "singing greeter," Larry stayed behind and spoke with me. Always smiling. Always sunny side up. He asked me about Frank Sanchez, his previous human interest story. Larry still wanted to know how he was doing. He wanted a follow-up report from me. I could tell from our conversation, that Larry didn't treat his TV-8 topics as just subject matter. He deeply cared, on a personal level, about
these people. You could hear it in his voice. You could sense it in the rhythm of his speech, and the moisture in his eyes, and how his face would light up at hearing good news! People recognized him and sporadically came up to shake his hand, while we stood talking. People just loved him! They gushed and sparkled at meeting him! He was more than just a local celebrity. He was a piece of all of us; a part of our lives; like a family member we all loved to see and be with. He once told me, "Frederick, I want you to be my wingman -- anything you write about, I will film it!" I cried when I first heard the news of his passing. I never really thought of being his wingman. Truthfully, I just relished his company. Even if but briefly. He enriched my life, and probably never even knew it. I love you, Larry. Thank you for all that you were, and still are to us, your extended family.
/s/Frederick Gomez Escondido, CA
The Paper • Page 13 • November 13, 2014
‘The Journey West’ Cont. from Page 8
river — a country that none of us had ever seen before — where the foot of the white man had seldom, if ever, left its print. We were very successful in finding beaver as we progressed, and we obtained plenty of game for the wants of our small party. Wherever we hauled up a trap, we usually found a beaver, besides a considerable number we killed with the rifle.
In moving up the river we came to a small stream — one of the tributaries of Green River — which we named "Horse Creek," in honor of a wild horse we found on its banks. The Creek abounded with the objects of our search, and in a very few days we succeeded in taking over one hundred beavers, the skins of which were worth ten dollars per pound in St. Louis. Sixty skins, when dried, formed a pack of one hundred pounds. After having finished our work on Horse Creek, we returned to the main river, and proceeded on, meeting with very good success, until we encountered another branch, which we subsequently named Le Brache Creek, from our comrade who was murdered by the Indians. Our success was much greater here than at any point since leaving the Suck, and we followed it up until we came to a deep cañon, in which we encamped.
The next day, while the men were variously engaged about the camp, happening to be in a more elevated position than the others, I saw a party of Indians approaching within a few yards, evidently unaware of our being in their neighborhood. I immediately shouted, "Indians! Indians! to your guns, men!" and leveled my rifle at the foremost of them. They held up their hands, saying, "Bueno ! bueno !" meaning that they were good or friendly; at which my companions cried out to me, "Don't fire! don't fire! they are friendly — they speak Spanish." But we were sorry afterward we did not all shoot. Our horses had taken fright at the confusion and ran up the cañon. Baptiste and myself went in pursuit of them. When we came back with them we found sixteen Indians sitting around our camp smoking, and jabbering their own tongue, which none of us understood. They passed the night and next day with us in apparent friendship. Thinking this conduct assumed, from the fact that they rather "overdid the thing," we deemed it prudent to retrace our steps to the open prairie, where, if they did intend to commence an attack upon us, we should have a fairer chance of defending ourselves. Accordingly, we packed up and left, all the Indians fol-
lowing us. The next day they continued to linger about the camp. We had but slight suspicion of their motives, although, for security, we kept constant guard upon them. From this they proceeded to certain liberties (which I here strictly caution all emigrants and mountaineers against ever permitting), such as handling our guns, except the arms of the guard, piling them, and then carrying them together. At length one of the Indians shouldered all the guns, and, starting off with them, ran fifty yards from camp. Mentioning to my mates I did not like the manœuvres of these fellows, I started after the Indian and took my gun from him, Baptiste doing the same, and we brought them back to camp. Our companions chided us for doing so, saying we should anger the Indians by doubting their friendship. I said I considered my gun as safe in my own hands as in the hands of a strange savage; if they chose to give up theirs, they were at liberty to do so.
When night came on, we all lay down except poor Le Brache, who kept guard, having an Indian with him to replenish the fire. Some of the men had fallen asleep, lying near by, when we were all suddenly startled by a loud cry from Le Brache and the instant report of a gun, the contents of which passed between Baptiste and myself, who both occupied one bed, the powder burning a hole in our upper blankets. We were all up in an instant. An Indian had seized my rifle, but I instantly wrenched it from him, though, I acknowledge, I was too terrified to shoot. When we had in some measure recovered from our sudden fright, I hastened to Le Brache, and discovered that a tomahawk had been sunk in his head, and there remained. I pulled it out, and in examining the ghastly wound, buried all four fingers of my right hand in his brain. We bound up his head, but he was a corpse in a few moments.
Not an Indian was then to be seen, but we well knew they were in the bushes close by, and that, in all probability, we should every one share the fate of our murdered comrade. What to do now was the universal inquiry. With the butt of my rifle I scattered the fire, to prevent the Indians making a sure mark of us. We then proceeded to pack up with the utmost dispatch, intending to move into the open prairie, where, if they attacked us again, we could at least defend ourselves, notwithstanding our disparity of numbers, we being but five to sixteen.
On searching for Le Brache's gun, it was nowhere to be found, the Indian who had killed him having doubtless
carried it off. While hastily packing our articles, I very luckily found five quivers well stocked with arrows, the bows attached, together with two Indian guns. These well supplied our missing rifle, for I had practiced so much with bow and arrow that I was considered a good shot. When in readiness to leave, our leader inquired in which direction the river lay; his agitation had been so great that his memory had failed him. I directed the way, and desired every man to put the animals upon their utmost speed until we were safely out of the willows, which order was complied with. While thus running the gauntlet, the balls and arrows whizzed around us as fast as our hidden enemies could send them. Not a man was scratched, however, though two of our horses were wounded, my horse having received an arrow in the neck, and another being wounded near the hip, both slightly. Pursuing our course, we arrived soon in the open ground, where we considered ourselves comparatively safe. Arriving at a small rise in the prairie, I suggested to our leader that this would be a good place to make a stand, for if the Indians followed us we had the advantage in position. "No," said he, "we will proceed on to New Mexico."
I was astonished at his answer, well knowing — though but slightly skilled in geography — that New Mexico must be many hundred miles farther south. However, I was not captain, and we proceeded. Keeping the return track, we found ourselves, in the afternoon of the following day, about sixty miles from the scene of murder.
The assault had been made, as we afterward learned, by three young Indians, who were ambitious to distinguish themselves in the minds of their tribe by the massacre of an American party.
We were still descending the banks of the Green River, which is the main branch of the Colorado, when, about the time mentioned above, I discovered horses in the skirt of the woods on the opposite side. My companions pronounced them buffalo, but I was confident they were horses, because I could distinguish white ones among them. Proceeding still farther, I discovered men with the horses, my comrades still confident I was in error; speedily, however, they all became satisfied of my correctness, and we formed the conclusion that we had come across a party of Indians. We saw by their manœuvres that they had discovered us, for they were then collecting all their property
together. We held a short council, which resulted in a determination to retreat toward the mountains. I, for one, was tired of retreating, and refused to go farther. Baptiste joining me in my resolve. We took up a strong position for defense, being a place of difficult approach; and having our guns, and ammunition, and abundance of arrows for defense, considering our numbers, we felt ourselves rather a strong garrison. The other three left as to our determination to fall together, and took to the prairie; but, changing mind, they returned, and rejoined us in our position, deeming our means of defense better in one body than when divided. We all, therefore, determined to sell our lives as dearly as possible should the enemy attack us, feeling sure that we could kill five times our number before we were overpowered, and that we should, in all probability, beat them off. By this time the supposed enemy had advanced toward us, and one of them hailed us in English as follows "Who are you?"
"We are trappers."
"What company do you belong to?" "General Ashley's."
"Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!" they all shouted, and we, in turn, exhausted our breath in replying. "Is that you, Jim Beckwourth?" said a voice from the party.
"Yes. Is that you, Castenga?" I replied.
He answered in the affirmative, and there arose another hurrah.
We inquired where their camp was. They informed us it was two miles below, at the ford. Baptiste and myself mounted our horses, descended the bank, plunged into the river, and were soon exchanging salutations with another of the general's old detachments. They also had taken us for Indians, and had gathered in their horses while we took up our position for defense. The night was spent in general rejoicing, in relating our adventures, and recounting our various successes and reverses. There is as much heartfelt joy experienced in falling in with a party of fellow-trappers in the mountains as is felt at sea when, after a long voyage, a friendly vessel just from port is spoken and boarded. In both cases a thousand questions are asked; all have wives, sweethearts, or
‘The Journey West’ Cont. on Page 14
The Paper • Page 14 • November 13, 2014
‘The Journey West’ Cont. from Page 13
friends to inquire after, and then the general news from the States is taken up and discussed. The party we had fallen in with consisted of sixteen men. They had been two years out; had left Fort Yellow Stone only a short time previously, and were provided with every necessary for a long excursion. They had not seen the general, and did not know he was in the mountains. They had lost some of their men, who had fallen victims to the Indians, but in trapping had been generally successful. Our little party also had done extremely well, and we felt great satisfaction in displaying to them seven or eight packets of sixty skins each. We related to them the murder of Le Brache, and every trapper boiled with indignation at the recital. All wanted instantly to start in pursuit, and revenge upon the Indians the perpetration of their treachery; but there was no probability of overtaking them, and they suffered their anger to cool down. The second day after our meeting, I proposed that the most experienced mountaineers of their party should return with Baptiste and myself to perform the burial rites of our friend. I proposed three men, with ourselves, as sufficient for the sixteen Indians, in case we should fall in with them, and they would certainly be enough for the errand if we met no one. My former comrades were too tired to return.
We started, and arrived at our unfortunate camp, but the body of our late friend was not to be found, though we discovered some of his long black hair clotted with blood.
On raising the traps which we had set before our precipitate departure, we found a beaver in every one except four, which contained each a leg, the beavers having amputated them with their teeth. We then returned to our companions, and moved on to Willow Creek, where we were handy to the caches of our rendezvous at the "Suck." It was now about June 1st, 1822.
Here we spent our time very pleasantly, occupying ourselves with hunting, fishing, target-shooting, footracing, gymnastic, and sundry other exercises. The other detachments now came in, bringing with them quantities of peltry, all having met with very great success. (To be continued)
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‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 9
Monday - "Home for the Holidays" is the theme of the San Marcos/Vista Christian Women's Club luncheon on Monday, November 17, at 11:30am at the St. Mark Golf Club, 1750 San Pablo Dr, San Marcos. Cost is $18/inclusive. The speaker, Bee Bareng, a "Unique Holiday Designer" from Anaheim is a professional floral designer and wedding planner who shares her story, "Life gives us flowers." The special feature will be a display of beautiful clothes and accessories. Entertainment will be "Traditional Holiday Music" with a twist by Nalu and Maile Polonicu. The club has no membership or dues. All ladies are invited and encouraged to make reservations by today, November 13th. Walk-ins welcome. The luncheon is sponsored by Stonecroft Ministries/Christian Women's Club. For more info, visit www.Stonecroft.org. For reservations, call Donna at 760.432.0772 or Martha at 760.471.7059. Open Invitation for all Ladies to Sing with Pacific Belles Chorus – Practice with the Chorus every Monday from 7-9:30pm at the Trinity Episcopal Church, 845 Chestnut St., Escondido. No obligation to join or membership dues during this Open Sing opportunity. For information, call Membership Chair, Penny, at 760.599.4717 or email pennyamann@aol.com. Visit the website at www.pacificbelleschorus.org.
Tri-City Tea Party’s Meeting on Tuesday, November 18th – Hear Breitbart News Senior Editor Joel Pollak’s insightful look at the tea party’s growing influence, and hear Gary Cass present the election analysis at the Tri-City Tea Party (TCTP) meeting on Tuesday, November 18, from 6pm-7:30pm at Boomers, 1525 W. Vista Way, Vista. Local highschooler Nicholas Merli will give the Rules of Being a Good Citizen. TCTP Action Groups leaders will report on activities monitoring local elected officials and more. Attendees are encouraged to come early and enjoy food and beverage at Boomers. Contact Tri-City Tea Party at info@tri-cityteaparty.org or 760-600TCTP (8287) or 760.613.8628.
Writers Read at Fallbrook Library Presents Two Local Memoirists – Writers Read will present two Fallbrook memoirists on Tuesday, November 18, from 67:30pm in the Fallbrook Library Community Room. Deborah Smith Parker will discuss her coming of age memoir, “The Horse that Haunts My Heart.” Sarah Tauber will discuss “For Dear Life,” a survivor story about her two years in Tehran, Iran. Both books will be available for signing and sale. The authors’ presentations are preceded by open mic, and members of the public are invited to bring their original poetry and short prose to read. Short prose is a maximum of six minutes reading time. The Fallbrook Library is located at 124 S. Mission Road. The next Writers Read is Tuesday, January 13, 2015. For more info, contact Girija Karamcheti at 760.731.4653 or girija.karamcheti@sdcounty.ca.gov. Carlsbad Chamber’s Sundowner is November 19 – ‘Tis the Season to be giving, the gift that keeps on giving. Bring an unwrapped toy, blanket, a gift card valued at more than $10 or new clothing as your admission and the donation will go to the Christmas Bureau Adopt-a-Family Program. Attendees will also be able to shop for holiday gifts at this Sundowner, sponsored by the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa. The Sundowner is Wednesday, November 19, from 5-7pm, at the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa, 5480 Grand Pacific Dr., Carlsbad.
Chamber members who have products to sell as gifts (B2C), may purchase a tabletop and space is limited. Call Kathy Steffen at 760.931.8400, ext. 230, for more info.
Republican Women’s Meeting Announced – At their November 19th meeting, the Escondido Republican Women, Federated (ERWF) will host Waskah Whelan, President of San Diego County Republican Women Federated (SDCRWF) and Alan Mindell, Author. Ms. Whelan will share the role of Republican women as members of the National Federation of Republican Women, the largest women’s political organization in the U.S. She will also install ERWF’s 2015 officers. Keynote speaker Alan Mindell, author of “The Closer,” a heartwarming baseball love story about a knuckle-balling relief pitcher, will give an inspirational speech on “Life Begins at Seventy.” Mindell is also a Coach and Senior Olympics Gold Medal winner, and will have his book available for purchase. The meeting begins at 11:30am at Cocina del Charro, 890 W. Valley Pkwy, Escondido, includes a buffet luncheon for $16, and is open to the public. For reservations, due November 16, contact Rosalie at escondidorwf@cfrw.org or 760.489.1407. Happy Hour Politics to Hear Michael Schumacher – Carlsbad City Councilman Michael Schumacher will be the guest speaker at the Happy Hour Politics (HHP) meeting on Thursday, November 20, and will give an update on current issues in Carlsbad and plans for the growth and prosperity of the city. He was appointed to the council in early 2014 to fill the vacancy created by Councilwoman Farrah Douglas’ resignation, then was elected for a 4year term on November 4th. Happy Hour Politics events are held from 5:30-7:30pm at The Crossings, 5800 The Crossings Dr., Carlsbad. There is a $15/cash cover charge (includes appetizers). Drinks available for purchase. For info, contact Melanie at 307.690.7814 or hhpcbad@gmail.com. RSVP by November 13th. HHP is a satellite club of Carlsbad Republican Women Federated (CRWF).
Village Church Welcomes Egyptian Scholar for Public Evening Lecture – All are invited to an evening lecture featuring the Rev. Dr. Atef Gendy, president of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo, Egypt, on Friday, November 21st from 6:30-8:30pm at the Village Community Presbyterian Church in Rancho Santa Fe. Hors d’oeuvres and wine will be served; childcare will be provided. Dr. Gendy is a world-renowned scholar and Christian leader in Egypt and the Middle East. He has been president of the Seminary for 14 years where he also teaches New Testament. For more about Dr. Gendy, visit http://www.etsc.org/new/graduatestudies/our-professors-/48-atef-mgendy. If interested in attending this free event, RSVP by November 19 to maryc@villagechurch.org or 858.756.2441, ext. 106. Hors d’oeuvres and a wine/dessert reception will be held at the Charles Direnfeld Parlor, followed by the lecture and Q&A in the Briggs Chapel at the Village Church campus at 6225 Paseo Delicias in Rancho Santa Fe. Visit the website at www.villagechurch.org.
Aspiring Authors Meet at San Marcos Public Library Every Tuesday – At 1pm every Tuesday a group of aspiring authors meet at the San Marcos Public Library. Don’t be shy; come and just listen, or if so inclined, bring something you’ve written to read, no longer than 2000 words, typewritten in proper format, with at least six copies. The group will help you refine your “voice” and style. Memoirs, short or flash fiction,
poetry, stage plays, novellas, or a novel – explore your creative side. Be prepared for candid comments and critiques. For info, contact RMDellorfano@gmail.com or call 760.752.3111.
Case Managers’ Network Announces Meeting – On Friday, November 21st from 9am-10:30am, the Case Managers’ Network of North County Behavioral Health Alliance is inviting case managers from all types of programs to get involved: Get to know other case managers in the North region; learn about programs, organizations and services that will benefit your clients; identify new resources and networks of support. The meeting will be held at the MHS Mariposa Clubhouse, 560 Greenbrier Drive, Ste. C-E, Oceanside, 92054. The three programs presenting are: Operation Family Caregiver; MHS CAT; and Interfaith.
Simply The Best Singles Presents a “Fall In Love” Soiree – On Saturday, November 22, from 7pm to 11pm, at the Encinitas Ranch Golf Course, 1275 Quail Gardens Dr., Encinitas. Simply The Best Singles is an upscale singles group for ages 40-60ish. At this event there will be DJ music, “icebreaker,” prizes, psychic, photos, and more. Classy upscale dress (no jeans/no shorts), free parking. Dance price is $15/prepay or $20/at door. Prepay at www.SimplyTheBestSingles.com or call 818.577.6877. Genealogical Society to Meet - On Saturday, November 22nd, the Escondido Genealogical Society will meet at 10am in the Turrentine Room of the Escondido Public Library, 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido. There will be a craft, book and bake sale, elections, and a round table discussion. Meetings are open to the public.
Learn the Right Way to Prune Trees! – On Saturday, November 22, at 1pm, at Alta Vista Gardens, learn the right way to prune trees. Know the correct pruning methods, whether you do your own pruning or hire someone to do it. This class will cover the basics of pruning ornamental trees and fruit trees for effective fruit production. Trees are a big investment; learn how to care for them. The instructor, Paul Knowles, has been an active Master Gardener since 2002. His particular interests are citrus, roses, and pruning of deciduous fruit trees. RSVP to clee@altavistagardens.com; located at 1270 Vale Terrace in Vista, above Brengle Terrace. Cost is $5 plus $3 garden entry fee; free to AVG members. Poway Symphony Orchestra Appoints Maestro John LoPiccolo as Music Director/Conductor – 10th Anniversary Season Begins with Free Concert November 23rd – Maestro LoPiccolo brings more than 30 years of professional and teaching experience to the Symphony and will debut at the first concert of the season, “A Canvas of French Masters” who found inspiration in Italy and Spain for their works. The concert will be on Sunday, November 23rd at 3pm, and will be held at the Poway Center for the Performing Arts; is free to the public, and all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend. Donations to help defray costs will be graciously accepted. Musicians interested in playing with the orchestra can call 208.757.1980. To support further growth of the orchestra as a key cultural institution in the area, interested sponsors and donors are invited to request a donor form by email at powaysym@gmail.com. For more info, www.powaysymphony.org.
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 16
The Paper • Page 15 • November 13, 2014
‘Tom Morrow’ Cont. from Page 7
Given these conflicting results,especially when only a third of the citizenry weighs in on the community’s policy and direction, can anyone make sense of what Escondido really wants?
In 1801, Napoleon had sent a military force to secure New Orleans, putting fear in plantation owners that he would free the slaves.
‘Saying Goodbye’ Cont. from Page 10
for the purchase of New Orleans. History now shows the Louisiana Purchase is considered one of Thomas Jefferson’s greatest contributions to the nation.
Jefferson was wary of what the French emperor might do next, so he gave Livingston and Monroe instructions to go to London to negotiate an alliance if the Louisiana talks in Paris failed.
On April 11, 1803, Napoleon abruptly offered Livingston and Monroe all of Louisiana Territory for $15 million. The American representatives were dumbfounded with the offer. They were prepared to pay up to $10 million for only New Orleans, but when the vastly larger territory was offered for $15 million, Livingston and Monroe realized the bargain – a chance to double the size of the country at a very small cost. They were certain Jefferson and the Congress would accept the offer. The American diplomats feared Napoleon might withdraw the offer at any time, preventing the United States from obtaining their primary goal: New Orleans. So, on April 30, 1803, the agreement was signed, doubling the size of the nation and the Louisiana Territory became U.S. property. It contained far more than just New Orleans, which was the goal. Ironically, on July 4, 1803, the nation’s 27th birthday, the treaty reached Washington, D.C. Later that year, Jefferson sent Merriweather Lewis and William Clark on an exploratory trek across the newly-acquired real estate to the Pacific Ocean, detailing what the nation owned.
‘Kirk Effinger’ Cont. from Page 7
It seems pretty clear that the driver in this election wasn’t the mayoral contest but Prop. H. The vote tally against the measure was very nearly identical to the totals in favor of Abed, at 12,454.
Principled though it may have been, Olga Diaz’s coming out in favor of H may have been the deciding factor in the race, to her detriment. This is too bad because, when all is said and done, something will be built on the old golf course property and it is very likely going to be very similar to what was being proposed.
The spectacle of what was heretofore a no-growth coalition coming out in favor of a development, in opposition to a group of citizens and a law firm who have virtually always been bulldozerfriendly, was truly something to behold. The educational value of the campaign wasn’t the charges and counter-charges thrown by both sides, but rather the illustration of the lunacy of ballot-box planning and the damage done to a community as a result.
had three and a few French fries. That despite there were "free flowing doggie treats" all morning. Some really good ones that were bacon wrapped goodies. Whatever he felt like, I wanted him to have.
We went to Carlsbad beach next and walked on the sidewalk. I had to put a muzzle on him though because it was in these circumstances that he could get in trouble. We walked from the downtown area down to the beach parking area closer to the power plant and then back. He was great the whole time of course, making it no easier to take the next final step.
I left the muzzle on him initially for our next step, the vet's office at 2.30p. They were waiting. I told them I was coming in and why. It was quick. He got a catheter in his leg and was brought back to the exam room where I was sitting on the floor and where they would administer the drugs. He was fine still and spotted some treats to the left side of me on the floor ...........and he got them all. Then I held him/hugged him and quickly took off his muzzle. I didn't want him to die with a muzzle on. They gave the injections and he was gone in probably 25 seconds, me holding his head and petting him while it was happening.
Then I lost it. I just killed a creature that would have instantly and without hesitation sacrificed himself to protect me. There is no loyalty greater than that in ANY species. Of that I have NO doubt and so while I know I had to protect others from him and know what I had to do, it will never be enough to make me comfortable with what I did that day. I hope he forgives me someday.
Editor’s Note: Bruce Krider continues to save dogs. In spite of his pain at having to put Jeb down, this past weekend he found homes for two more rescues. If you would like to help the Puppy Coalition rescue dogs call Bruce Krider at 760.612 9156 We can use your help, whether it’s financial support, or walking dogs, or fostering them, or adopting them, we could use your help. Bruce can’t do it all by himself. Won’t you lend a hand and help us save loving dogs from certain death?
Rocky is the pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. He’s a 1-1/2 year old, 65 pound, Labrador Retriever.
Rocky likes everybody and he really loves to play with other dogs. He was surrendered to Rancho Coastal Humane Society when his owner realized that he didn’t have enough time for such an active, energetic dog. The $145 adoption fee for Rocky includes medical exam, vaccinations, neuter, and microchip. Find your best friend at Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas or log on to SDpets.org. Call 760753-6413 for more information. Kennels and Cattery open 11 AM to 5 PM Wednesday through Monday.
Simba, a 7-year-old Boxer mix, and Stella, an adult Terrier mix, are a bonded pair looking for a loving home together. After being relinquished into our care, our staff has learned that these two dogs are very sweet and love each other’s company. They are hoping to find a home that will give them both the loving home they deserve! Because of their shy nature, they would do best with a family who can be patient and earn their trust – Simba and Stella are sure to be wonderful companions once they adjust to their new home!
November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month and we’d love to see great dogs like Simba and Stella find a great home! Their easy-going personality and calm demeanor would make them wonderful companions for their new family! Simba and Stella are available for adoption through San Diego Humane Society at 3450 East Valley Parkway in Escondido. Please call (760) 888-2275.
The Pastor Says . . .
Dr. Hal Seed, Lead Pastor, New Song Community Church
Christmas is coming!
Once a year we get to celebrate the birth of Jesus, and at New Song, we try to pack the Christmas season with warm moments, great memories, and lots of fun.
To jumpstart your Christmas spirit this year, we are bringing back our favorite Christmas dinner theater production The Bethlehem Inn. It’s a simple story told in a delightful way, with great music and dancing, and great food as
well. They’ll be salad from Caesar, steak from Hunter’s Steak House, and dessert from Papa and Mama Henderson. You’ll meet Eli Merriman, the owner of The Bethlehem Inn (played by professional actor Torre Younghans), along with Mary and Joseph, the Shepherds and the Wise Men, and a special appearance by Jesus himself. (Or, a newborn, standing in for Jesus.) You’ll experience a first century marketplace, the manger, and more. The show has been sold out every year we’ve held it. With only 220 seats per night, I’m sure it will sell out again. This year’s performances will be December 3-5 at New Song’s Central Campus auditorium at 3985 Mission Avenue.
Tickets go on sale November 1. Visit our website: www.newsongchurch.com or call 760.560.5000 to reserve seats soon. Merry Christmas!
The Paper • Page 16 • November 13, 2014
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 14
DAR Meeting on November 25th – Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, 1861-1865, Nancy Hanks Lincoln Tent #5, will meet at 11am on Tuesday, November 25th, in the Veterans Memorial War Building at Zoo Drive and Park Boulevard in Balboa Park, San Diego. The program will be "Horses and Mules in the Civil War" by the author of the book by the same name, Gene Armistead. The book has been "highly recommended" by Civil War News and Library Journal and should be very interesting and informative. For information, call 619.475.0153.
Salvation Army to Provide Free Thanksgiving Meal – The Salvation Army will have a community meal on the day before Thanksgiving, Wednesday, November 26th from 11am-1pm, at 1301 Las Villas Way, Escondido. People will enjoy a full Thanksgiving meal with all the fixings. Also, Volunteer opportunities are available for many people, for the following items: 1) Thanksgiving Meal, November 26th, donate items, help cook, prepare, serve, set up tables & chairs; 2) Host a food drive and/or sort and pack canned goods, November 3rd thru December 12th; 3) Volunteer as a bell ringer, between November 28th and December 24th; 4) Kettle Service Club Day – your club or church can fulfill a pledge by ringing the bell for a day(s); 5) Toy Drive – you, your business, church, club, or team host a toy drive to raise toys for 600 families this year; 6) Angel Tree – November 28thDecember 24th, greet people and hand out angel tags, 2 to 3-hour shifts; 7) Christmas Toy Shop Setup – December 10th-12th, 9am-5pm (set up room, tables, sort and stack toys); 8) Christmas Toy & Food Distribution – December 16th-19th, 8am-4pm-greet ad walk w/families, re-stock, and monitor those receiving toys; and 9) Adopt-A-Family for Christmas or on December 19th assist adopted families coming in for gifts. For more info, contact the Salvation Army at 760.745.8616.
Squadron 369. Also known as the “Gunfighters,” the soldiers provide air support, utility support, armed escort, and airborne supporting arms coordination–day or night–under all weather conditions during expedi-
Pictured: Carol Brady and Carl Ames with youth actor in “Cat in the Hat”
tionary, joint or combined operations capable of world wide deployment on short notice. Recently members volunteered to serve food at “Operation Pause” at Camp Pendleton. The event was planned for the Marines to reinforce their high standard of conduct and behavior. Christmas Luncheon by the Bonsall Woman’s Club
The Bonsall Woman’s Club invites one and all to its annual Christmas Luncheon to be held at the Golf Club of California on Wednesday, December 10, from 11am–3pm. The theme of this year’s event is “In the Spirit of Christmas,” and included are themed baskets of wine and
Kiwanis Club of Sunrise Vista Supports Encore Youth Theatre
The Encore Youth Theatre, a program of the Moonlight Cultural Foundation, is a non-profit educational association dedicated to providing high quality, professional theatrical training for young people. Each year Encore helps hundreds of aspiring young actors pursue their dreams by producing stage productions, theatrical workshops, and show choirs. They are committed to providing education in theatre arts that encourages teamwork and leadership skills and aim to challenge young people to develop confidence, creativity, and consideration for others in the context of professional theatre. The Kiwanis Club of Sunrise Vista is a major supporter of Encore’s educational program. Carol Brady, past president of Sunrise Kiwanis, and Carl Ames, Lt. Gov. Division 37 of Cal-Nev-Ha District, have attended each of Encore’s productions since 2008 and witnessed this program mature. Encore offers special school shows allowing students from across north county, public and private, to attend as part of a theatre education fieldtrip. Well over 700 students attended this year’s performances. For ticket information for future performances, call 760.724.2110. More information about Encore Youth Theatre is available at www.encoreyouthproductions.com. CWONC Volunteers at “Operation Pause” The GFWC Contemporary Women of North County (CWONC) has adopted local Camp Pendleton soldiers from the Marine Light Attack Helicopter
receiving donations in the past are the Boys and Girls Clubs, the San Diego Burn Institute of North County, the Foundation for Senior Care, Fallbrook Music Society, REINS (therapeutic horsemanship for the handicap), and more. To make reservations, contact Diane Trappen at 760.723.7718. Cost is $55/person, with each table seating ten. You may also send your check directly to Diane at P.O. Box 129, Fallbrook 92088. Checks must be received by Friday, December 5th to ensure your seat. There will be a no host bar. The Golf Club of California is located at 3742 Flower Lane, Fallbrook. This is a popular event so make your reservations early.
Pictured from left: Lisa Pratte & Laura Wilson chocolate, gourmet cooking, product and hair services, jewelry, and restaurant certificates. Tickets can be purchased at the event to win one of the trees or baskets. Also, there will be a money tree and a silent auction (jewelry, golf packages, sailing, lunch for four, etc.). You must be present to win. The tables are individually decorated by the Woman’s Club members using their own crystal and china. The custom-designed centerpiece at each table will be available for sale also. The themed background music will be provided by Barbara Chahbazian Trio. One-of-akind and special gifts for the holidays will be for sale; items included are crocheted hats and scarves, aprons, embroidered tea towels, hand-made tree ornaments and jewelry. The Luncheon will include Caesar Salad, Turkey Ciabatta sandwiches, fruit and dessert. The main entertainment will be provided by the inspirational speakers Carol LeBeau and Susan Haber. This is the Club’s primary fundraiser of the year, and all proceeds benefit local charities. Some charities
Dusty and Marcia
Download Popular Magazines— Free with Your Escondido Public Library Card - Escondido Public Library is now offering free online access to over a 100 popular magazines through Zinio for Libraries. From Newsweek, to Runner’s World, Rolling Stone, to Forbes, get cover-tocover popular magazines online at no cost using the library’s newest service. Zinio is convenient and easy to use, providing users access to magazines from any location by using their computer, tablet, mobile device, or eReader; magazines remain checked-out to users and can be accessed again and again; do not have due dates, meaning that magazines are available to all users any time, and can be kept indefinitely; and the Zinio display allows users to organize their magazines, bookmark favorite articles and select back issues. Anyone with an Escondido Public Library card, an email address, and a computer or mobile device with Internet access can sign up for Zinio through the Library website at
http://library.escondido.org/zinio. A step by step guide to signing up is available on the website.. For additional guidance on Zinio, call Digital Services Librarian, Viktor Sjöberg, at 760.839.4828. The Library is located at 239 South Kalmia Street in Escondido, and programs, events, and services are free and open to the public. For general questions, contact the library at 760.839.4684 or visit the website at library.escondido.org. Vista Woman’s Club Joins Heifer International - Since 1944, Heifer International, a non-profit organization, has worked to help eradicate poverty and hunger by distributing animals, along with agricultural and values-based training, to families in need around the world. Heifer has distributed livestock, such as goats, bees, and water buffalo to 20.7 million families, or more than 105 million people in more than 125 countries. This includes our own Appalachia and Arkansas Delta. The process: A family raises a donated goat; it provides milk for the family, manure for the crops, muscle to raise
the crops, material from its wool, and money from selling its products. In turn, this family donates its first female goat to another family which repeats the same process again.
The community is invited to contribute to this phenomenal idea; here’s how: A goat costs $120 but a share can be bought with only $10. A water buffalo costs $250, with one share for $25. A heifer costs $500, with one share $50. A camel is $85 a share. In this way, a family or group of friends could pool their shares. In addition to livestock, Heifer International also donates honeybees, water, cooking stoves, irrigation pumps, etc. For additional information. or to make a donation to this worthy cause, please contact the Committee Chairperson, Judy Pantazo at jatwell222@sbcglobal.net or the Woman’s Club of Vista President, Nancy Jones at 11nanb.jones@gmail.com. North Inland Women’s Recovery Center Opened Recently – Services began in September at the North Inland Women’s Recovery Center (NIWRC) in San Marcos, and provides outpatient services to pregnant and parenting women. Some key features are that it is the first time the County integrates pregnant adolescents and adult women; they have a co-op day care managed by the women in the program as they develop their parenting skills; and it is a bilingual program. The Center is located at 751 Rancheros Road, Suite 5, San Marcos, CA. Phone: 760.761.0515 or Fax 760.761.0464.
Library’s “Holiday Food for Fines” Program Begins – Escondido Public Library’s annual “Holiday Food for Fines” program will run from Monday, December 1st thru Wednesday, December 31st, and provides patrons an opportunity to clear up to $20 in fines from their records. Proceeds benefit Interfaith Community Services in Escondido who distributes the food to needy families throughout North County. Expensive items, such as canned hams and powdered infant formula, count for up to $5.00 worth of fines per item. Nonperishable items such as canned vegetables, pasta, canned tuna fish, and dried pasta count for up to $1.00 worth of fines per item. Customer Services Supervisor, Linda Weber, explains, “This is a wonderful way for our patrons to not only clear some fines but to also give back to their community by helping those in need. Last year more than 95 crates of food, weighing an estimated 3,000 pounds, was collected. We hope to top that this year.”
Non-nutritious and perishable items such as candy and chips; damaged cans/containers; and food past its expiration date cannot be accepted. Food may only be used to clear fines; not for fees of any kind. The Library welcomes donations from patrons who bring in food just to help the needy, whether or not they are finerelated. For more information, contact Linda Weber at 760.839.4613, the Library at 760.839.4684, or visit the website at library.escondido.org. The Library is located at 239 S. Kalmia Street, Escondido.
Community In Unity, Under the Dome in Escondido – Escondido’s 4th Annual Holiday Celebration sponsored by the Escondido Chamber of Commerce, will be held on Thursday, December 4, from 5:31 to 8:31pm, at Escondido City Hall, under the Dome. There will be local cuisine, specialty desserts, crafted spirits, holiday entertainment, toy and pajamas collection, and much more. Pre-sale tickets are $20; available online at EscondidoChamber.org or at Escondido Chamber office, 720
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 17
Accounting Academy
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‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 16
No. Broadway, Escondido. Call 760.745.2125. Ticket price on day of the event, $30/each.
Opportunity for Non-Profit Groups at San Marcos Holiday
Get the help you need now. COUNSELING | MEDIATION CLASSES:ANGER MANAGEMENT PARENTING | RELATIONSHIPS The Optimize Center 350 W. 9th Avenue, Suite 101 Escondido, CA 92025 760.747.8686
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Event - The City of San Marcos Community Services is seeking nonprofit groups who would like to raise funds or provide children’s activities for its Annual "Santa's Magical Village" to take place at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive on Saturday, December
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Death Notices
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6th from 3–8pm; and Sunday, December 7th from 9am-3pm. This annual event attracts more than 3000 people and features a craft fair, tree lighting, breakfast, visits with Santa and much more. For an application or more information, call 760.744.9000 or go to www.san-marcos.net/specialevents.
California Center for the Arts, Escondido, proudly announces that tickets are on sale for the Jesse Cook Concert scheduled for January 24th. Jazz Weekly says about Jesse Cook, “Beautiful guitar playing and sublime sounds.” The Center is located at 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. Call the ticket office at 800.988.4253. For more information, visit www.artcenter.org.
‘Local News’ Cont. from Page 11
Domestic Violence Arrest Escondido
It took two hours this past Sunday for Escondido police to bring a standoff to a successful conclusion by arresting an Escondido man on suspicion of domestic violence. A call at 7:45 p.m, reported the man, Michael Angerilli, 53, had battered his wife, leaving her lying unable to move on their driveway on Willow Tree Lane, near East Valley Parkway. Police believed the man might be armed and wanted to retrieve the woman from the driveway because they feared she may have spinal injuries. To enable her removal they called in a BearCat armored truck and used that as a block between her and the house.
Rosita S. Devera, 100, of Oceanside, CA., passed away on November 6, 2014.
Rita Anne Garleb, 86, of Escondido, CA., passed away on November 9th, 2014.
John Alan Graff, 83, of Escondido, CA., passed away on November 8, 2014. Arrangements by California Funeral Alternatives Escondido and Poway
Once retrieved, the fired department was able to treat her; she was taken to a local hospital and treated for moderate injuries. Police surrounded the house, but it turned out Angerilli had fled into heavy brush behind the house. Police removed a handgun and two other guns from the house. Police then persuaded Angerilli to surrender at about 9:45. Upon his surrender he was booked into Vista jail under a charge of Domestic Violence.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-027638 The name of the business: Morningstar Productions, located at 2045 Sequoia Street, San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Robrt Earl and Deborah Llewellyn 2045 Sequoia Street San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a married couple. First day of business was n/a. /s/Robert Earl Llewellyn, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/17/2014 10/23, 10/30, 11/06 & 11/13/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-027442 The name of the business: San Diego Deluxe Transportation, located at 1035 Calle de Alcala, Escondido, Ca., 92025, is hereby registered by the following: Obaid Ullah Malikyar 1035 Calle de Alcala Escondido, Ca. 92025 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Obaid Ullah Malikyar, owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/16/2014 10/23, 10/30, 11/06 & 11/13/2014
The Mighty Mojo Page
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Westside Cafe
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Escondido Pharmacy and Home Health Care Always great prices and Service! Medical Supplies, Wheelchairs, Walkers 909 E. Valley Parkway
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-027283 The name of the business: ShivaLife Consulting, LLC, located at 3540 Windrift Way, #199, Oceanside, CA. 92056 is hereby registered by the following: ShivaLife Consulting, LLC 3540 Windrift Way, Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was n/a. /s/Kelli May, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/14/2014 10/23, 10/30, 11/06 & 11/13/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-028187 The name of the business: Pacific Coast Sail Charters, located at 4513 Cove Dr., #16, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008, is hereby registered by the following: Leslie Earl George, Jr. 4513 Cove Dr. #16 Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 12/10/96. /s/Leslie Earl George, Jr. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/24/2014 10/30, 11/06, 11/13 & 11/20/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-027205 The name of the business: American Pro coating, located at 1748 Avocado Rd., Oceanside, Ca. 92054, is hereby registered by the following: Joseph Martinez 1748 Avocado Rd. Oceanside, Ca. 92054 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 1/01/1999. /s/Joseph Martinez, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/14/2014 10/23, 10/30, 11/06 and 11/13/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-027223 The name of the business: Lawn Painters of America, located at 29825 Platanus Drive, Escondido, CA. 92026, is hereby registered by the following: Michael Victor Garcia 29825 Platanus Drive Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Michael Victor Garcia, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/14/2014 10/23, 10/30, 11/06 and 11/13/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-027260 The name of the business: Diminish Industries, located at 2700 E. Valley Pkwy, Spc 313, Escondido, Ca. 92027, is hereby registered by the following: Daniel Placensia and Jesus Coronado 2700 E. Valley Pkwy, Spc. 313 Escondido, Ca. 92027 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. First day of business was 10/11/14. /s/Daniel Placensia, Partner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/14/2014 10/23, 10/30, 11/06 and 11/13/2014
The Paper CITY OF SAN MARCOS NOTICE INVITING BIDS CIP NO. 88503, CITYWIDE REGULATORY AND WARNING SIGN UPGRADE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT – PHASE 1 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Marcos, hereinafter referred to as Agency, invites sealed bids for the above stated Project and will receive such bids in the offices of Agency (City Clerk's Office on the second floor), at San Marcos City Hall, 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, California 920692918, up to the hour of 2:00 p.m., on Wednesday, December 3, 2014, at which time they will be publicly opened in the “Valley of Discovery” Room at City Hall. Bids received after the hour and date for the bid opening will not be accepted and shall be returned unopened. The work to be done is described in these Bid and Contract Documents for the above stated Project. The general Scope of Work is as follows: DESCRIPTION OF WORK The proposed project will replace, furnish, and install approximately 1160 regulatory and warning traffic signs in the City of San Marcos to meet current sign retro-reflectivity standards as adopted in the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). All replaced regulatory signs will be upgraded to a sign sheeting material of High Intensity prismatic or better. All replaced signs will be installed within the City right-of-way in Public Work Sectors 4 and 5 (see attached map). The proposed project will also upgrade existing traffic sign supports to the City’s standard sign supports for regulatory and warning traffic signs. Other miscellaneous work includes adjusting existing traffic signs, removing and salvaging existing traffic signs and sign supports, repairing damaged sidewalk, and installing sign identification labels. LOCATION OF WORK The work to be constructed is located on various city streets in the City of San Marcos. TIME OF COMPLETION Time is of the essence in the performance of the Work under this Contract. All work shall be completed in every detail to the satisfaction of the Agency within SIXTY (60) WORKING DAYS after the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. Liquidated Damages shall conform to the latest edition of the Standard Specifications “Greenbook” subsection 6-9 except the specified amount shall be changed to FiveHundred Dollars ($500.00) per calendar day that the work, including punch list, is not completed beyond the specified contract time. GENERAL Copies of the Bid and Contract Documents are available for inspection at no cost to the bidder at the front counter of the Development Services Department on the first floor of City Hall, 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, California 920692918. NO BID SETS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. In conformance with State of California Assembly Bill 2036 complete bid sets will be available electronically, at no cost, at http://www.san-marcos.net and http://www.ciplist.com. It shall be the responsibility of the prospective bidders to download and print the bid documents for review and bid. Bidders shall also check the website for addendums which will be posted no later than 48 hours prior to the bid opening. Each addendum will include a conformation sheet indicating receipt of the addendum. This sheet must be signed and included with the bid for each addendum issued. Bids which do not include the conformation sheet(s) for each addendum, if any, may be rejected. The City of San Marcos does not warrant, represent, or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of information provided from any third party source. The City shall not be responsible or liable in any way whatsoever for any loss or damages of whatever kind, nature, or scope, including, but not limited to, time, money or goodwill
arising from errors, inaccuracies, or omissions in any documents and/or information retrieved from any third part source. Prospective bidders are encouraged to review the official version of all documents upon which they plan to rely. For questions relating to the Bid and Contract Documents, please contact Michael Rafael, Associate Civil Engineer, at mrafael@san-marcos.net. Bids shall be written clearly and legibly in ink in conformance with the Instruction to Bidders. All bids shall be submitted to the Office of the City Clerk in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside with "SEALED BID FOR CITYWIDE REGULATORY AND WARNING SIGN UPGRADE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT – PHASE 1 (CIP PROJECT 88503) DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL." If using Federal Express or other such service for bid submittal, the contents of the submittal must be noted on the outside of that envelope as stated above. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, a certified or cashier's check payable to the City of San Marcos, or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and an acceptable surety, in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total aggregate bid amount. The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for performance and payment bonds acceptable to the Agency. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the San Marcos City Charter and the San Marcos Municipal Code, payment of prevailing wages and compliance with the California Labor Code Sections 1770 et seq is required for this project. A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 11:00 a.m, on Thursday, November 13, 2014 in the Valley of Discovery Room at City of San Marcos City Hall located at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069. Bids from contractors not represented at this meeting will be rejected. The Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded, and any subcontractor under such Contractor, shall hereby ensure that minority and women business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids for subcontracts. Further, there shall be no discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, age, or sex. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice. Bidders are also advised that, as required by Federal law, the City of San Marcos is implementing new DBE requirements and continue to report overall DBE participation for this Federal-aid contract. The DBE contract goal for this project is 12.3 percent. In order to ensure compliance, the DBE outreach must start earlier in order to provide the required proof of outreach. All outreach efforts shall be documented (including follow up contacts) to demonstrate aggressive pursuit of DBE participation. The DBE solicitation should not be limited to those operating in the area. It is the responsibility of the prime contractor to solicit all certified DBE’s willing to work in the area. Contractors are responsible to review the latest requirements of Caltrans the Division of Local Assistance before submitting their bid. Bid documents without the following forms/documentations may be considered non-responsive. 1) Exhibit 15-G1 (Local Agency Bidder DBE Commitment) 2) Exhibit 15-H (Good Faith Effort) 3) Good Faith Effort documentation (to document the effort to find DBE even if goal is met) 4) Exhibit 12-B (Bidder’s List of Subcontractors (DBE and NON-DBE)) Please refer to Appendix C of the original bid document covering detailed DBE requirements and required forms for
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Federal-aid projects to be submitted. Attention is directed to the provisions of the Bid and Contract Documents which require retention from payments to the Contractor to secure performance under the Contract. Pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 22300, and at the request and expense of the Contractor to whom the contract is awarded, acceptable securities (securities listed in Government Code Section 16430, bank or savings and loan, certificates of deposit, interest bearing demand deposit accounts or standby letters of credit) equivalent to the retention amount shall be permitted in substitution of money withheld by the Agency to ensure performance under the Contract. Such securities shall be deposited with the Agency or with a California or Federally chartered bank or savings and loan as escrow agent who shall return such securities, along with any interest thereon, to the Contractor upon satisfactory completion and acceptance of the Work by the Agency. The Agency reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, and to take all bids under advisement for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the date the bids are publicly opened. All costs incurred by bidders as a result of preparing bids under this Notice Inviting Bids shall be the sole responsibility of each bidder. This Notice Inviting Bids neither creates nor imposes any obligation upon the Agency to enter into a contract. Estimated construction cost: $290,000.00 s/s Michael Edwards, City Engineer/Director of Public Works Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos Dp Nov. 6, 2014 and Nov. 13, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-028347 The name of the business: Hanson Quarter Horses, located at 1646 Little Gopher Cyn Rd., Vista, Ca. 92084, is hereby registered by the following: Cathlene Hanson 1646 Little Gopher Cyn Rd. Vista, CA. 92084 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 5/25/1985. /s/Cathlene Hanson, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/27/2014 10/30, 11/06, 11/13 & 11/20/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-026153 The name of the business: Connie’s, located at 1688 S. Melrose Dr., #206, Vista, Ca. 92081, is hereby registered by the following: Connie Ambacher 2000 S. Melrose Dr. #168 Vista, Ca. 92081 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Connie Ambacher, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/01/2014 10/30, 11/06, 11/13 & 11/20/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-025492 The name of the business: DJ For You, located at 1708 Promenade Cir., Vista, CA. 92083, is hereby registered by the following: Dylan W. Fulton 1708 Promenade Cir. Vista, CA. 92083 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Dylan W. Fulton This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/23/2014 10/23, 10/30, 11/06 and 11/13/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-028064 The name of the business: Power Tires, located at 1620 Grand Ave. #1, San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Patricia Fausto 140 Dogwood Pl. Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Patricia Fausto, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/23/2014 10/30, 11/06, 11/13 & 11/20/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-027684 The name of the business: Abbott Assist, located at 1810 Harmony Grove Rd., Escondido, CA. 92029, is hereby registered by the following: Andrew Abbott 1810 Harmony Grove Rd. Escondido, Ca. 92029 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Andrew Abbott This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/20/2014 10/30, 11/06, 11/13 & 11/20/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-028321 The name of the business: Logistic Solutions, located at 1428 Misty Sea Way, San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Gerald M. Moloney 1428 Misty Sea Way San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an indivdidual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Gerald Moloney, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/27/2014 11/06, 11/13, 11/20 & 11/27/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-026595 The name of the business: Assure Senior Living, located at 11845 Timaru Way, San Diego, CA., 92128, is hereby registered by the following: Rihana Qassimyar Huggler 11845 Timaru Way San Diego, CA. 92128 This business is conducted by an indivdidual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Rihana Qassimyar Huggler This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/06/2014 10/30, 11/06, 11/13, and 11/20/2014.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-027125 The name of the business: H2H Consulting, located at 953 Stoneridge Way, San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Paul C. Hart 953 Stoneridge Way San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Paul C. Hart, Self/Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/13/2014 10/23, 10/30, 11/06 and 11/13/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-028452 The name of the business: A Touch of Light Photography, located at 338 Cheyenne Lane, Escondido, CA. 92026, is hereby registered by the following: Mitchell P. Hill 338 Cheyenne Lane Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is conducted by an indivdidual. First day of business was 10/28/14. /s/Mitchell P. Hill This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/28/2014 11/06, 11/13, 11/20 and 11/27/2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-029335 The name of the business: Wellcare Supported Living, located at 610 W. 9th Ave., #18, Escondido, Ca. 92025, is hereby registered by the following: Imelda Bocade 1117 Jackson Place Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Imelda Bocade, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/05/2014 11/13, 11/20, 11/27 and 12/04/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-029157 The name of the business: The MASH UP, located at 3231-C Business Park Drive #320, Vista, CA. 92081, is hereby registered by the following: Atargold, LLC 1203 Whie Sands Dr. San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was 11/04/2014. /s/To
ny Beckerman, COO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/04/2014 11/13, 11/20, 11/27 and 12/04/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-027947 The name of the business: One Way Movers, located at 1710 S. Juniper St., Escondido, CA. 92025, is hereby registered by the following: Eric Milner 752 Corvette Dr. Unit A Ontario, Ca. 91764 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Eric Milner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/22/2014 11/13, 11/20, 11/27 and 12/04/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-028788 The name of the business: Adopt-ADog Station, located at 3625 North Way, Oceanside, CA. 92056, is hereby registered by the following: Kathleen L. Kudera 3625 North Way Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Kathleen L. Kudera, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/30/2014 11/13, 11/20, 11/27 and 12/04/2014
Bahai A Way of Life
Baha’is have been described as a kind, gentle people. Would you like to know more? Call anyone listed here from your city/neighborhood.
www.bahai.org Baha’i’s Believe:
• all humanity was creat-
ed by one God and is part of one human race
• the purpose of life is to know and worship God,
President Theodore Roosevelt
'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin.
But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American and nothing but an American ... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag ... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language ... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.' Subscribe to The Paper! It’s Easy Just call 760.747.7119
to acquire virtues, to promote the oneness of humankind and to carry forward
advancing civilization
• work performed in the
spirit of service is a form of worship
• the soul, created at the
moment of conception, is destined by God to reach
where it will continue to
progress until it attains the presence of God.
Be a guest of Bahai’s! Learn more about what we believe. Visit one of our meetings. Call a Baha’i in your city for more information!
Rancho Bernardo -
Chris or Azar Weixelman 1.858.759.8075 Escondido Sandy Coleman, 760-747-0049
San Marcos Randall or Cheryl Kizer 1. 760.738.7078 or 1.760.432.9941 Vista Judy Maddox 1.760.598.7240 Celia Taghdiri 1.760.727.6264
Oceanside Dick or Patty Yant 1.619.985.9977 or 1.760.433.4447
The Paper • Page 20 • November 13, 2014
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