Volume 45 - No. 50
December 10, 2015
By Frederick Gomez
Wow! Just think. You step into your very own time machine, set the controls to any time period in history and, voila, you’re there, conversing with Julius Caesar! Or maybe, confronting Shakespeare, himself! Or what about that Jewel of the Nile, the intoxicatingly beautiful and powerful, Cleopatra?! Exotic Cleopatra, a pivotal figure in world history books, who commits suicide from the fatal bite of an asp (a species of Egyptian cobra).
As a very young boy in 6th grade, I remember writing a school paper on Cleopatra. It’s amazing but, to this day, she still enchants me from the distant past! In my Cleopatra book report I even included a cute Cleopatra joke: Cleopatra asked her attendant to prepare a milk bath for her. Her attendant asked her: “Pasteurized?” And Cleopatra replied: “No, just up to my neck.”
At age 11, I remember having to explain the punch line to my schoolmates. Then we’d all laugh out loud and do a ‘high-five.’
I’ve often dreamed of possessing my very own personal time machine! But, where would I go, and with whom shall I visit from the distant past? My young 11year-old imagination was unbridled, and most eager to dream of the infinite possibilities open to me!
Boarding our time machine, perhaps we could set our time machine dials so that we could meet, reputedly, the most beautiful woman of the ancient world, Helen of Troy! Her beauty is immortalized in verse by Christopher Marlowe: “Was this the face that launched a thousand ships, and burnt the topless towers of Ilium? Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.” Wow, a kiss from Helen of Troy! That would set my toes tapping! I remember, at the tender age of 12, a beautiful red-headed temptress, the same age as myself, who took a shine to me! She walked with me hand-in-hand around her parent’s old, but charming, farm house. Her name was also Helen, and as we made our approach to her front porch she asked me to kiss her on the veranda. Innocently, and naively, I replied: “What about just on the lips?”
But, back to our time machine! Wow, I could journey into the past to any time my heart desires. I would be tempted to journey way, way back to meet and converse with the greatest and wisest secular philosopher who ever lived --
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Socrates, of ancient Greece! Yup, who was sentenced to death by being ordered to drink the dreaded poison, hemlock! I could learn much from Socrates, no doubt. And perhaps learn from his final words before dying: “I drank what?!”
Or, what about asking Pontius Pilate what went through his mind when condemning the historical Jesus of Nazareth to the cross? Legendary vaudeville and television comedian, Red Buttons, once quipped that Pontius Pilate might have said in the aftermath of his historic decision: “Well, I guess that blows my Christmas bonus!”
Having access to a time machine and time travel requires a lot of responsibility. Proper behavior would be a requirement lest you be separated from your head, via the grisly guillotine, the executioner’s method of choice during
the French Revolution!
On second thought, no thanks, I think I would relinquish journeying back to the French Revolution, after all!
If not France, what about England? It might be interesting to converse with England’s very first Queen Elizabeth! But then again, Queen Elizabeth might get angry with our unannounced visit with her. She might well reply to our time travel intrusion as such: “Not now, I’m on the throne!” I wouldn’t blame Queen Elizabeth for becoming upset at our sudden arrival in our time machine without making an appointment in advance! As previously stated, possessing a time machine certainly requires having responsibility, which includes protocol, and courtesy! All of which means being respectful in the presence of historical figures! For example, it
‘Time Machine’ Continued on Page 2
would be considered disrespectful to arrive in our time machine shortly (after) the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln! Ordinarily, we would be considered “fashionably late” in contemporary times.
Well, I think you understand the parameters which we need to be aware of.
Trying to decide where to go in our time machine would be a daunting task! As a sports fan I would think of visiting that immortal ball player, Babe Ruth, the Sultan of Swat! Or watching history’s greatest thoroughbred, the mighty Man o’ War, race around the oval in 1920, demolishing world records while still in a canter! Then again, if the romantic streak stirs within me, I may wish to see that vagabond, Robin Hood, a champion of the downtrodden who
The Paper • Page 2 • December 10, 2015
‘Time Machine’ Cont. from Page 1
stole from the rich and gave to the poor. It was Maid Marion who caught his fancy but, nevertheless, she never compromised her principles to Robin Hood when she demanded: “I will not live in a house with a Little John.”
Again, apologies for such diversions into historical humor. But then, I fault the concept of dealing with time machines, and time travel, as affording me a whimsical light-headedness. The idea of traveling through time is a most romantic one, full of adventure and danger! And certainly, aside from frivolity, we can perhaps learn from our past mistakes! After all, it was the great Spanish novelist and philosopher, George Santayana, who wrote: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Ouch! We surely don’t wish to repeat all of our costly, and stupid, worldly mistakes, do we? Certainly, not! So, let us take to heart Santayana’s admonishment, and climb back on board that damned time machine and see what we can learn from our past errors! In light of what Mr. Santayana said, I may wish to journey back far enough to see where this whole worldly mess started! Where the world’s first maelstrom began: the Garden of Eden! Wow, just think, the Garden of Eden! The place of original sin that we have all inherited and are still suffering from, today! And the
Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy!
Will Rogers, who died in a 1935 plane crash in Alaska with bush pilot Wiley Post, was one of the greatest political sages this country has ever known. Some of his sayings:
1. Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco.
2. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day. 3. There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither works. 4. Never miss a good chance to shut up. 5. Always drink upstream from the herd.
6. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
place of first disobedience to God. That would be the genesis for everything: the first mistake, the first romance, the first kiss, the first deception, and even the first argument, which might have led to Adam’s first challenge to Eve: “What do you mean you have nothing to wear?!”
And it’s not just all about the past! What about the future? We could see where humankind is heading! We could journey forward, decades, centuries ahead, to glimpse the future! In regards to the future, I think more people believe in Santa Claus and Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer, than that there will be social security checks waiting for them when they reach retirement! All kidding aside, time travel is quite an extraordinary notion to ponder!
I vividly recall the first time I ever saw that amazing movie, “The Time Machine,” on late-night television, which starred Rod Taylor and drop-dead gorgeous actress, Yvette Mimieux! Just how gorgeous was actress, Yvette Mimieux? Well, when I first laid eyes on her on my TV screen, I vividly recall mumbling to myself, “Lord, have mercy!” The aftermath included me having to take cold showers for, at least, a week! The movie, “The Time Machine,” was made back in 1960, but was clearly ahead of its time! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist that!) Anyway, the film discussed time travel in terms that we could all understand, at least in theory. And it was a fun, fascinating journey of imagination and ‘possible science.’
7. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back into your pocket.
8. There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves. 9. Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
10. If you're ridin' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there.
11. Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier'n than puttin' it back.
12. After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut. ABOUT GROWING OLDER
First ~ Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.
Second ~ The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.
But, when did the concept of time travel and living in multiple universes (multiverse) first begin? And does contemporary science give these ideas any real credence?
First things first. The idea of moving forward or backward in time (without a physical time machine) goes as far back as ancient times. Matter of fact, the concept of time travel is so ancient that it predates the written word, and therefore, is older than recorded history. Its genesis, therefore, seems to evaporate into the early dawn of human civilization! Holy Toledo, that is old!
The concept of parallel worlds or people living in multiple universes is also far from being new. Modern science (as well as modern science fiction) has merely given time travel and multiple universes a new paint job! To the ancient world, it is an old “Dog and Pony Show!”
Early examples of the above can be found in the mythologies of Hinduism. The Hindu religion has ancient concepts of a multiverse (multiple universes), in which our world is just one of an infinite number of other distinct worlds! But, as previously stated, origin of these amazing ideas may be even older than these cited “source examples.” By the way, many modern religions, today, include an afterlife existence, such as heaven and hell, which have similar characteristics to parallel worlds and
Third ~ Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me; I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way, and some of the roads weren't paved. Fourth ~ When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of Algebra.
Fifth ~ You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks. Sixth ~ I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.
Seventh ~ One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it's such a nice change from being young. Eighth ~ One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.
Ninth ~ Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable and relaxed. Tenth ~ Long ago, when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it's called golf.
Lexophilia - Who on Earth Dreams These Up? Why, a lexophile of course! • How does Moses make tea? Hebrews it.
other dimensions. Excuse my digression into humor, but, speaking of heaven and hell, a close friend recently confided: “Frederick, if I died right now, and went directly to hell – it would probably take me a week or two to realize I wasn’t at my job!” Back to time travel. Many early sources of time travel can be found in Buddhism, Japanese mythologies, even the Jewish Talmud. In the Talmud, therein lies the story of Honi ha-M’agel, who fell to sleep for 70 years only to wake up to a world where his grandchildren were now grandparents, and where all his friends and immediate family were long dead.
In more contemporary times, Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” (1843), illustrates time travel in both directions, as is seen in Ebenezer Scrooge being transported to Christmas past, present, and Christmas yet to come. However, this was different because, unlike many previous examples, Scrooge was unable to interact with those he saw in the past, present, and future. More provocative and groundbreaking, was Edward Everett Hales’ “Hands Off,” published in 1881. This was one of the first known stories to show an “alternate or parallel history” being created as a result of time travel.
A different example of time travel which allows a person to witness
‘Time Machine’ Cont. on Page 3
• Venison for dinner again? Oh deer! • A cartoonist was found dead in his home. Details are sketchy. • I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest. • Haunted French pancakes give me the crêpes. • England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool. • I tried to catch some fog, but I mist. • They told me I had typeA blood, but it was a Typo. • I changed my iPod's name to Titanic. It's syncing now. • Jokes about German sausage are the wurst. • I know a guy who's addicted to brake fluid, but he says he can stop any time. • I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me. • This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I'd never met herbivore. • When chemists die, they barium. • I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can't put it down. • I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words. • Why were the Indians here first? They had reservations.
‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 5
Social Butterfly
The Paper • Page 3 • December 10, 2015
9:30am to 4:30pm on Saturday, December 12th at the Dove Library meeting room (to the right of the main entrance); located at 1775 Dove Lane, just north of Alga Road/El Camino intersection, 2 blocks north of La Costa Golf Resort on El Camino. Up to 12 tables of collectors/dealers will be at the show. For further information contact Thor Strom at 760.696.2821.
Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:
Meetings/Events Calendar
Oceanside-Carlsbad Coin Club Hosting One-Day Coin Show – This one-day coin show will be held at the Dove Library in Carlsbad on Saturday, December 12th, and will feature lots of collectible coins and currency for sale and trade from local collectors. The ‘Free Admission’ show is open to the public from
‘Time Machine’ Cont. from Page 2
an alternate or parallel world, occurs in the popular American movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” (1946), wherein the main character, George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart), journeys back in time with angelic help, to view how the past and present would be altered, or changed, if he (George Bailey) had never been born: for example, his brother, Harry, would have drowned without his intervention (he discovers his brother’s grave, in this journey to the altered past)! Consequently, the hundreds of servicemen his brother, Harry, would have saved in the war are also dead! George Bailey’s wife, Mary, who never loved anyone else except George Bailey, himself, would turn out to be a timid spinster who never married, working at the library, going through life as a lonely, old woman! And his home town of Bedford Falls is, in this alternate world, now named Pottersville, a sleazy town crawling with nightclubs, pawn shops, and immoral people! This travel backwards in time affords the character, George Bailey, to wish to return to the future (actually, his present), to continue living, and to offset these horrible past events! So powerful is this film’s storyline, involving time travel and altered worlds, that it is now among the most popular and cherished films in American cinema, and has become traditional viewing during the Christmas season! In fact, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” has been enshrined as one of the best 100 American films ever made, placing 11th on the All-Time Greatest Movie List!
However, all of the above reflects movement through time via dreams, visions, mythology, religious prophecy, or divine intervention (such as with the help of angels, as in the motion picture, “It’s a Wonderful Life.)
EAP Municipal Gallery December Events – Summation art show from December 11-January 2nd at the Gallery. Opening receptions, December 12th, 5:30-8pm for Summation, 2015, and Information Retrieval, with a large scale interactive public art piece at the Heritage Garden Park, corner Juniper and Grand. Others include Flora and Fauna, December 8-January 2nd; Enlightened Lens 2015-2016, new work by Palomar College Photography students on exhibit December 11-January 2nd. This year consider giving art in the form of original work, a class with Renee Richetts this winter, a year’s membership to the EAP, or a donation to EAP/Municipal Gallery in someone’s name. December 19th is the date to receive an image for Wood, A Furniture Show VII, submit your images for this exhibition by emailing Brian Murphy at americanfurniture@cox.net. Small Scale, a people’s
Can the concept of time travel actually alter or change history? Well, to interject some jocular, but true levity, I recall being a terrible student of history by my middleschool teachers! After grading papers from one of our history exams, my teacher called me into his office and, shaking his head, and looking down at my history quiz results, he quietly said to me: “Frederick, no one has changed the course of history as much as you did on this test.”
But, back to our notion of real time travel and time machines! And if the ability to travel back in time can really cause a chain reaction that could alter the past, present, and future! Yikes, that’s a very scary notion to reflect on! Well, other than my history test results, most reputable physicists say, “No.” In fact, the world’s leading physicists do not even give the possibility of altering the past any morsel of serious consideration, thus far.
One of the first time-travel stories to actually involve a physical time machine, upon which a person climbs onboard to journey through time, traces back to 1887, with Spanish novelist, Enrique Gaspar y Rimbau’s book, “El Anacronopete.” In this fantastic tale, a vessel is engineered by an inventor that affords its passengers the ability to travel through time! One question which begs to be answered is: If time travel and time machines are a real possibility in the distant future, why haven’t we experienced any visitors (or tourists) who are future time travelers?
Let’s drop in on one of the world’s keenest scientific minds and see what he has to say about all of this. Stephen Hawking, esteemed English theoretical physicist, casts doubt on time travelers visiting us from the future. According to Hawking, “The absence of tourists (or visitors) from the future is an argument
choice exhibition, February 12thMarch 5th; call to artist, receiving January 22-23. Poet’s Inc. (Inland North County) and EAP host a Literary Series the first Sunday of every month, from 1-3pm. Gallery hours, Tuesday 11am-5pm (Farmers Market); Thursday-Saturday, 11am4pm; located at 262 E. Grand Avenue, Escondido.
The Music Men Christmas Concert – On Sunday, December 13th, The Music Men (North County’s Premier Men’s A Cappella Chorus) will present an afternoon of favorite contemporary and traditional holiday songs, sung in four-part harmony. The concert starts at 2:30pm at the Country Club Senior Center, 455 Country Club Lane (corner of Division Street), Oceanside. Admission is free, but a free will offering is requested and is tax deductible according to laws governing 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. This is a family event to be enjoyed by young and old alike.
North San Diego Business Chamber Upcoming Events – San Diego Women’s Week for 2016 is already in the planning stages and members are invited to join the Planning Committee. Areas of focus are Marketing, Coordinating Volunteers, Swag Bag Coordination, Healthy Lifestyle Village, Military
against the existence of time travel.”
Now, that is not to say that movement through time is not possible, according to Hawking. He is, specifically, stating that not experiencing future time travelers “creates” an argument against the existence of time machines. Such statements seemed to cast doubt on the topic.
Also, it depends on which “Hawking” you converse with. Early on, Stephen Hawking was “overly cautious” to the extent of, sometimes, reversing or compromising his views because of his fears of being misjudged, or labeled as a ‘kook’ by his contemporaries.
In more recent years, Hawking “came out of the closet,” in a manner of speaking, to confess that public, as well as scientific, peer pressure made him withhold some of his true scientific feelings and opinions on such topics as time travel and time machines. Hawking was courageous enough to openly admit to these fears, for the first time.
In Stephen Hawking’s own words, on April 27, 2010, posted on the U.K. Mail, he stated: “Time travel was once considered scientific heresy. I used to avoid talking about it for fear of being labeled a crank. But these days I’m not so cautious.” Hawking’s new-found feeling of intellectual liberation allowed him ample opportunity to even delve into the frivolous: “I’m obsessed by time. If I had a time machine, I’d visit Marilyn Monroe in her prime or drop in on Galileo as he turned his telescope to the heavens. Perhaps I’d even travel to the end of the universe to find out how our whole cosmic story ends.” (Stephen Hawking in Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper, April 27, 2010.) One week later, Stephen Hawking reiterated his claim to Fox News Channel, stating that time travel
and Education Outreach, and Charity Alignment. The first meeting is Monday, December 14, 8am9am at the Chamber office. RSVP with Brandie if you want to be part of the planning. Men and women welcome. Beginning January 27, the Leadership Development Academy is a new, one-day, interactive Leadership program designed to elevate professionals with a variety of skills. Topics covered, Character, Leadership, Time Management, Money Management, Effective Communication, Effective Problem Solving, Team Strategy, Dress for Success, Networking, and Diversity in the workplace. The class is January 27, 8am-5pm; cost is $69/person and includes light breakfast and lunch. The Chamber’s Emerging Leaders Network to celebrate one-year anniversary. To join this group, contact the Chamber, and there is no additional membership cost. The Chamber is located at 10875 Rancho Bernardo Rd., Ste. 104, San Diego; 858.487.1767; www.sdbusinesschamber.com and www.sdwomensweek.com.
Escondido Chamber “Plates for Eight” – The next “Plates for Eight” lunch will be on Wednesday,
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 4
is, indeed, possible. As reported: “Famed astrophysicist, Stephen Hawking, believes humans are capable of time travel – and he’s not afraid to let everyone know.”
No longer in fear of peer pressure, Hawking went on the attack, on February 24, 2012, when he stated that four of the world’s leading physicists were wrong in their belief that time travel is not possible! This newly-liberated Stephen Hawking buttressed his opinions by quoting Sir Arthur Clarke: “When a distinguished scientist states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.” However, Hawking does set parameters on his own time travel views: though he believes time travel to the future is feasible, he equally believes it is “improbable” to journey into the past (and certainly not before the creation of the time machine, itself (if it were to stay within its own timeline of history). Also, Hawking remains pessimistic that such practical time travel would ever evolve during our lifetime. Nonetheless, prior to the debut of his PBS TV miniseries, “Stephen Hawking’s Universe,” Hawking relished being free from scientific peer pressure, and with new enthusiasm behind his views, he said with unswerving conviction that he believes humans could travel millions of years into the future and repopulate devastated planets. On network television, two weeks later, Hawking stunned the press by following up his previous statements with his belief that it is “Entirely reasonable to assume extraterrestrial aliens exist somewhere in space.” Hawking believes we can use time travel to reach these space aliens. However, the other shoe dropped, when Hawking warned the press that contacting intelligent extraterrestrial life forms may warrant second thinking -- they could be predatory!
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Local News
The Paper • Page 4 • December 10, 2015 Car Hits Multiple Bicyclists in Carlsbad
On Wednesday, December 2nd, at 10:15 am, the City of Carlsbad Police Department received a report of a traffic collision involving a motor vehicle and multiple bicyclists in the 2400 block of Carlsbad Blvd. Officers responded to the scene and found that a 1998 Cadillac driven by a 36-year-old male had collided with three bicyclists.
City of Carlsbad Fire Department personnel responded and provided medical treatment to the injured bicyclists. One of the bicyclists was transported via helicopter and the other two were transported by ambulance to Scripps La Jolla Hospital where they were treated for their injuries. None of the injuries are believed to be life threatening.
A preliminary investigation has revealed that the Cadillac was driving southbound in the 2400 block of Carlsbad Blvd. The bicyclists appear to have been riding southbound in the bicycle lane in the 2400 block of Carlsbad Blvd. The Cadillac drove into the bicycle lane colliding with the three bicyclists.
The driver of the 1998 Cadillac has been identified as a 36-yearold male from Escondido. The driver was arrested at the scene of the collision. Alcohol or drug intoxication is suspected to be involved in the collision.
13-Year-Old Sex Trafficking Victim Rescued
On December 1, 2015, Task Force Officers from the San Diego Human Trafficking Task Force rescued a 13-year-old female human trafficking victim from a motel in the city of Escondido.
The 13-year-old victim had been forced to prostitute out of the motel for several days and had been featured on a social media website that caters to prostitution and escort related services.
Acting on information provided by the Fresno Police Department Vice Unit, Task Force Officers and detectives from the Escondido Police Department were able to locate the 13-year-old victim in the motel and rescue her without incident. A second female was contacted at the scene and determined to be an 18-year-old female human trafficking victim as well. During the course of the investigation, one adult male and one juvenile male were identified and arrested as the human trafficking facilitators. Assisting in the investigation were the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the members of the Child Exploitation Task Force.
Call Crime Stoppers at (888) 5808477 with information and you
‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 5
throughout the world.
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 3
December 16, from 11:30am-1pm, at On The Border restaurant, 298 E. Via Rancho Parkway, Escondido (phone number 760.233.9777). Reservation is required; space is limited. Guest host is Eileen Schwartz of Send Out Cards. Reserve at escondidochamber.org or call 760.745.2125.
TERC to Host Mike Morasco as Guest Speaker - Escondido Deputy Mayor Mike Morasco will be the guest speaker for The Escondido Republican Club’s (TERC) lunchtime meeting on Monday, December 21st. As Deputy Mayor, Morasco has focused on the city’s financial stability, safety and growth. The meeting will be held at the Cocina del Charro Restaurant, 890 West Valley Parkway, Escondido. Check-in begins at 11:30am with the buffet lunch service starting at 11:45am. The meeting begins promptly at noon and concludes at 1pm. A reservation is necessary. Cost is $14/person. RSVP by calling 760.480.8300. For more information about TERC, visit www.escondidorepublicanclub.com.
“Merry Tree of Wishes” - For the third year in a row Lush Coffee in Vista is hosting the "Merry Tree of Wishes". Simply stop by, pick an origami crane and write a wish on it. Place your crane and wish on the tree to help decorate it. The goal is to get 1,000 wishes! The legend is that if 1,000 wishes are made, they all come true. There is no cost or purchase required to participate. Last year's tree received 618 wishes. The tree will receive wishes through December 25. Help everyone's wish to come true by inviting your family
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 6
Miguel Romero Escondido, CA
More on Frederick Lyle
‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. on Page 5
While we’re talking about Hidden Valley Kiwanis, we doff our sombreros to a group of hard charging guys and gals who turned up this past weekend to (a) help beautify Escondido by picking up trash on Rock Springs Road, just north of Mission Avenue; they included Rich Mullen, Jillian Mullen, John Trudell, Jim MacIsaac, and Paul Tullius, (b) showing up at Dixon Lake on Saturday and Sunday to help the Escondido Senior Anglers as they manned the “kiddy pond” and let kids fish and, often, catch their first fish ever, were Jim MacIsaac, Maurice Weaver, Sherri Weeks Rivera, Kevin Camperell, John Trudell, Fred Wollman, Cookie Comer, and the Escondido Senior Anglers.
We men will do most anything to get the job done. Prime example?
In addition to the pie-inthe-face fund raiser, Geary is also leading a couple of busloads of people up to Pasadena on December 27th to decorate the Rose Bowl Floats, an annual event that Dave’s Hidden Valley Kiwanis Club of Escondido has supported for years.
As of this writing, there are 44 seats still available on the bus. Cost is $30 per person with snacks and soft drinks on the bus and dinner being served while working on the floats.
Dave Geary, left (old Pieface), is threatening Gina Roberts, right, President of the Valley Center Kiwanis Club, with retribution
It was all in good fun as fun-loving bidders, all members of North County Kiwanis Clubs, dropped money in the pot as an incentive for Geary to “take one for the team” in the face.
I was overcome with curiosity at the headline "When Boys just wanna be Girls" as it seemed way too liberal a subject for The Paper. Frederick however delivered very interesting history about the subject and how the culture's taste to it has evolved from the turn of the last century to today's society. Nice work!
He owns and operates Dave’s Computer Repair and Sales in Escondido at 125 N. Kalmia, but he appears to spend as much of his time working on behalf of Kiwanis as he does working on computers.
The Things We Do . . .
Hundreds, if not thousands, of volunteers will assemble at Escondido Toyota on April 2nd from 10am to 1pm to package up nutritious meals that will then be transported to hungry people
Dear Lyle,
returning at 6pm that same day with a lot of tired, but happy, volunteers.
Man About Town
It’s a promotion that Dave tied into several years ago, in collaboration with Friends & Family Community Connection.
Frederick Gomez’s Story
Over $400 was raised, at which time Geary received his pastry. He hopes to raise $25,000 through this and other fund-raising ideas. Geary is Lieutenant Governor for Division 37 which is part of a greater group from California, Nevada and Hawaii.
Last Saturday, Escondido’s own Dave Geary took a pie in the face as a way to raise funds for a major event this spring that will pack and send food parcels to hungry people all over America, in Nepal, and to local food banks.
Letters to the Editor
The busses will leave from the Escondido Park and Ride at Broadway and Hiway 78, departing at 5:45am and
If you’d like to join this fun team, mail a check for $30 to Dave Geary at 125 N. Kalmia, Escondido, CA. 92025. Better yet, drop by to visit him and hand him the check in person.
Well done, Kiwanians and Senior Anglers! (Kiwanis is a civic/service club dedicated to projects to benefit the youth or our community. If you’d like to know more and/or attend a meeting, give us a call at 760.747.7119. We’ll make the arrangements.
The Paper • Page 5 • December 10, 2015
‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 2
• I didn't like my beard at first. Then it grew on me. • Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn't control her pupils? • When you get a bladder infection, urine trouble. • Broken pencils are pointless. • What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus. • I dropped out of communism class because of lousy Marx. • All the toilets in New York's police stations have been stolen. The police have nothing to go on. • I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough. • Velcro - what a rip off! • Don’t worry about old age; it doesn’t last. Sex Therapy
An Arizona couple, both well into their 70's, go to a Sex Therapist's office. The doctor asks, "What can I do for you?" The man says, "Will you watch us have sexual intercourse?"
The doctor raises both eyebrows, but he is so amazed that such an elderly couple is asking for sexual advice that he agrees. When the couple finish-
es, the doctor says, "There's absolutely nothing wrong with the way you have intercourse.." He thanks them for coming, he wishes them good luck, he charges them $50 and he says good bye. The next week, the same couple returns and asks the sex therapist to watch again. The sex therapist is a bit puzzled, but agrees. This happens several weeks in a row. The couple makes an appointment, has intercourse with no problems, pays the doctor, then leaves.
Finally, after 3 months of this routine, the doctor says, "I'm sorry, but I have to ask. Just what are you trying to find out?"
The man says, "We're not trying to find out anything. She's married; so we can't go to her house. I'm married; and we can't go to my house. The Holiday Inn charges $98. The Hilton charges $139. We do it here for $50, and best of all.... Medicare pays $43 of it." Who said old people were dumb. ••••• You don't have to be into sports to enjoy these.
‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 7
‘Letter to the Editor’ Cont. from Page 4
Fredrick's lead article on boys wanting to be girls was excellent in every respect. Very well written, researched and the flow, pace and length was perfect. By contrast, in the article on San Diego's Kumeyaay, Gomez abused his significant talents in an over- reaching Paean to his native heritage. I think his prose was a victim of his passion. I guess it is true that passion trumps art. One of these days I would like to meet Frederick.
‘Local News’ Cont. from Page 4
will remain anonymous. You may be eligible for up to a $1,000 reward for information leading to a felony arrest. Source: San Diego Sheriff's Department
Homicide in Unincorporated Area of Escondido
Take a good look at this photo of 50-year-old Juan Garcia, who also goes by the name of Jose Luis Paredes.
Paul Van Middlesworth San Marcos, CA.
Tom Morrow’s Column
I just wanted to tell Tom that I read at least 4-6 Horatio Alger books including Ragged Dick in the 1930's. My dad had them, but I don't know whether he or his father bought them.
Tom is right. They are all the same, but they were interesting to me at 10 years old.
The magic word in all his books was PLUCK. Every one of his heroes had pluck. /s/Robert Marshall San Marcos, CA.
He is wanted in connection with the shooting death of his
‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 7
The Paper • Page 6 • December 10, 2015
‘The Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 4
Price is $15/person. This Meetup is hosted by North County Dancing Friends. There will be live music, light refreshments/snacks and fun; an educational and fun evening that provides a great stepping stone for those learning to dance, but maybe not quite ready to get out on the dance floor in a party situation. Send a check to Christy Johnson, 646 Spires Street, Vista, 92084.
and friends to stop by Lush Coffee at 324 Main St, Vista, and Happy Wishing. . .
S.D. Archaeological Center Has Unique Holiday Gifts – Looking for unique gifts this holiday season? Check out the Holiday Book Sale at the Archaeological Center. Bargain books include used hardback and paperback books for $1/each.* (*excludes new and specially marked books), now through December 31st. In addition, the Center has a large assortment of interesting and educational gifts in the Gift Shop. The Center is open 9am-4pm, MondayFriday, and 10am-2pm on Saturday; located at 16666 San Pasqual Valley Road, Escondido; call 760.291.0370. “Garden of Lights” at S.D. Botanic Garden – After the sun goes down in December, the San Diego Botanic Garden in Encinitas is transformed into a dazzling winter wonderland! More than 125,000 sparkling lights illuminate the flora of this fantastic 37-acre urban oasis each evening for a magical holiday experience from 5–9pm, now thru December 23rd then December 26 thru 30th. Garden of Lights is the Botanic Garden’s annual gift to the San Diego Community, and includes nightly entertainment, including local blues and jazz bands, and food, with hot coffee and treats available from the Jitter Bean. Numerous activities include Horse-drawn wagon rides (on selected evenings), Holiday Crafts, Spin Art, Marshmallow Roasting, Visits with Santa, Snow for sledding, Puppet Shows, Holiday Carolers, and Nutcracker display. Some events are on selected evenings only. Gift items available at the Gift Shops. Cost: Adult members/$10; non-member adults/$15; all seniors, active military and students/$10; all children ages 3-12/$5; children under 2, free. Additional fees for some activities. The Garden of Lights is presented by the County of San Diego; and gold sponsors are the Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians and Shea Homes. SDBGarden.org for more info. The Garden is located at 230 Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas, 92024.
Holiday Giving Campaign from Charity Wings – You can make a difference; now accepting donations for deserving men, women and children who are sleeping on the streets of San Diego County this winter; drop off your new and gently used items by December 23rd. Events coming up: Tuesday, December 15, from 6-8pm, Kinkajou Bottle Cutting Class; and on January 9 and 10, from 10am–8pm, Megashow Viewing Party & Open Studio, aka Super Bowl for Art & Crafters; contest, prizes and fun; choose one or both days starting at $30* (attendees must also purchase an ultimate sample box). Check the website for the calendar of upcoming classes/events. www.charitywings.org. Closed for the holiday season from December 24th thru January 1st. Charity Wings is located at The Quad San Marcos, 251 North City Drive, Suite 127, San Marcos, 92078.
Black Angus Proceeds from Grand Opening Benefitted the Community – When the Black Angus Steakhouse opened its doors in Escondido recently, the real winners were the seniors, youth and families of North County. Proceeds from the opening event from meals sold were $3500 to Meals on Wheels (North County), and $1500 to the Palomar YMCA in Escondido. Student Volunteers Recognized Thanks to 60 student volunteers from several schools, the seventh Fall Fun Festival at Alta Vista Botanical Gardens became a family event.
Vista Magnet Middle School volunteers: Matthew Barawid, Ashley Clemente, Jennifer Galvan, Anthony Garcia, Sarah Guzman, Joe Ibarra, Ricardo James, Abigail Martinez, Alondra Solis, Astrid Solis, Jessica Testa, Adriana Zafra, Yesica Zafra
Guajome Park Academy volunteers:
Liza Anits, Asia Arbaugh, Berlynn Bryant, Roselin Castillo, Carina Galindo, Lena Gazibaric, Viktor Gazibaric, Megan Hainsworth, Jayne Hascall, Macayla Lemons, Abril Luna, Diego Luna, Andrea Martinez, Zoey Nyberg, Jessica Orea, Victor Orea, Chloe Prescott, Natalie Taylor, Alin Velazquez, Tereza Zafra Holiday Dance at Second Sunday Students helped set up and supervise Practice Party – On Sunday, scarecrow construction, helped chilDecember 13, at 6pm, you are invited dren bob for apples and decorate to the Holiday Dance at DonnaLee’s pumpkins, taught about worms, Yoga Studio, 1010 S. Santa Fe, Vista. counted visitors, and cleaned up. Students from Guajome Park Academy provided a fall mini-garden planting activity, and members of The Woman’s Club of Vista took care of registration for the scarecrow contest. Farmer Jones recognized the student volunteers at Vista Magnet Middle School and Guajome Park Academy with certificates. “You all connect our visitors to our activities,” Jones told the students. “We couldn’t have the Festival event without your help!” Farmer Jones also provides a monthly Kids in the Garden class, on the second Saturday of each month. Website: altavistagardens.org or email: farmerjones@altavistagardens.org.
"Ho Ho Harmonies" is Theme of Women's Club Luncheon Meeting - When the San Marcos-Vista Christian Women's Club meets for their monthly luncheon on Monday, December 14, at 11:30am, the theme will be "Ho Ho Harmonies." The meeting will be held at the Broken Yolk Café, 101 S. Las Posas Rd., San Marcos. Cost of the luncheon is $18.00. The speaker and singer, Marcia Gehris from Oceanside will share her "Sentimental Holiday Favorites" which is sure to add sparkle to attendees as they sing along on some of the songs. An upbeat, lively and humorous person, she is a real show biz personality, and will share "What it really means to a star." Come meet the special guest, an entertaining and funny lady, hear some holiday music and gospel gems while you're toetapping to the music. Bring a friend; men are invited. The club has no membership or dues. Make reservations by December 10th. Walk-ins welcome. The luncheon is sponsored by Stonecroft Ministries/Christian Women's Club. For more inf., visit www.stonecroft.org. For reservations, call Donna at 760.432.0772 or Linda at 760.685.1588.
Local Control: a Bulwark of our Republic
I am a strong supporter of maintaining the authority of city and county governments to decide local issues. My 14 years on the Escondido City Council as well as my service as a board member on the North County Transit District and as Escondido’s representative to the League of California Cities have reinforced my belief in the vital role played by local government in our state and nation. Our liberties are based on a system of checks and balances. In theory at least, local, state, and federal jurisdictions all balance and restrain overreaching power grabs by any branch of government that seeks to overstep its bounds.
This year a number of bills impacting local government were debated in Sacramento. Among these I was happy to support legislation facilitating the funding of Enhanced Infrastructure Finance Districts by local agencies, a
Pictured l-r: PFC Daniel Moriarty; Megan Correa, Associate Director of MOMs; Linda Milford, Auxiliary Chairman of Community Services; and PFC Noah Kent The Escondido American Legion J.B. Clark’s Post 149 presented a donation of food and toys to Megan Correa, associate director of Military Outreach Ministry (MOM) at Camp Pendleton for the holiday season. The donations were the result of a challenge to Post 149 members to donate food, toys and pajamas for military families. Donated items included 5 turkeys, 21 bags of food, 5 large boxes of canned food, 6 pairs of pajamas, assorted art books, Barbie dolls, and other various toys. A total of 537 pounds of food have been donated. Post 149 members include VFW, DAV, Auxiliary, SONs, Riders. The Blue Star Moms also participated.
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 11
package of bills regulating medical marijuana, including the ability of local governments to prohibit its cultivation, administrative adjustments to decrease the volatility of gas tax revenues as a result of price fluctuations, as well as new penalties for operating drones during wildfires in a way that impedes firefighters.
I am very pleased to report that the League of California Cities has analyzed votes on key bills introduced this session and that as a result of my strong stance in support of local control, I have joined several Assembly colleagues to receive the highest score awarded by the League. Maintaining the authority of city and county governments, with local officials deciding local issues, is obviously more efficient and likely to be more in line with public desires than decisions made hundreds or even thousands of miles away. More importantly, local jurisdictions, supported by informed and involved citizens, help keep us free.
The Paper • Page 7 • December 10, 2015
‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 5
"Last year we couldn't win at home and we were losing on the road. My failure as a coach was that I couldn't think of anyplace else to play." - Harry Neale, professional hockey coach "Blind people come to the ballpark just to listen to him pitch." - Reggie Jackson commenting on Tom Seaver
"I'm working as hard as I can to get my life and my cash to run out at the same time. If I can just die after lunch Tuesday, everything will be perfect." - Doug Sanders, professional golfer "All the fat guys watch me and say to their wives 'See, there's a fat guy doing okay. Bring me another beer.'" - Mickey Lolich, Detroit Tigers Pitcher
"I found out that it's not good to talk about my troubles. Eighty percent of the people who hear them don't care and the other twenty percent are glad you're having them." - Tommy LaSorda , LA Dodgers manager "My knees look like they lost a knife fight with a midget." - E.J. Holub, Kansas City Chiefs linebacker regarding his 12 knee operations. (One of the greatest players in Texas Tech history. When he could no longer play linebacker, he switched to Center, and had four more knee operations. He's had a total of 20 operations on his knees. Now he runs his ranch in Texas, from a wheel chair. He is our age.)
"My theory is that if you buy an ice-cream cone and make it hit your mouth, you can learn to play tennis. If you stick it on your forehead, your chances aren't as good." - Vic Braden, tennis instructor "When they operated, I told them to add in a Koufax fastball. They did – but unfortunately it was Mrs. Koufax's." - Tommy John N.Y. Yankees, recalling his 1974 arm surgery "I don't know. I only played there for nine years." - Walt Garrison, Dallas Cowboys fullback when asked if Tom Landry ever smiles
"We were tipping off our plays. Whenever we broke from the huddle, three backs were laughing and one was pale as a ghost." - John Breen, Houston Oilers
"The film looks suspiciously like the game itself." - Bum Phillips, New Orleans Saints, after viewing a lopsided loss to the Atlanta
"When I'm on the road, my greatest ambition is to get a standing boo." - Al Hrabosky, major league relief pitcher
Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow
"I have discovered in 20 years of moving around the ball park, that the knowledge of the game is usually in inverse proportion to the price of the seats." - Bill Veeck, Chicago White Sox owner "I have a lifetime contract. That means I can't be fired during the third quarter if we're ahead and moving the ball." - Lou Holtz , Arkansas football coach
"I won't know until my barber tells me on Monday." - Knute Rockne, when asked why Notre Dame had lost a game "I tell him 'Attaway to hit, George.'" - Jim Frey, K.C. Royals manager when asked what advice he gives George Brett on hitting "I learned a long time ago that 'minor surgery' is when they do the operation on someone else, not you." - Bill Walton, Portland Trial Blazers " Our biggest concern this season will be diaper rash." George MacIntyre, Vanderbilt football coach surveying the team roster that included 26 freshmen and 25 sophomores.
"The only difference between me and General Custer is that I have to watch the films on Sunday." - Rick Venturi, Northwestern football coach. Student Who Got 0% on an Exam
I would have given him 100%! Each answer is absolutely grammatically correct, and funny too. The teacher had no sense of humor. Q1.. In which Napoleon die? * his last battle
Q2.. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? * at the bottom of the page
Q3.. River Ravi flows in which state? * liquid Q4.. What is the main reason for divorce? * marriage Q5.. What is the main reason
‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 8
The War of the Victorian Cousins
Following and understanding the history of Britain’s Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, their nine children, 20 grandsons and 22 granddaughters, is daunting at best.
The marriages of the nine Victorian children created their own “United Nations.” Up until the early part of the 20th century, royalty throughout Europe married off their sons and daughters to each other thinking it was a safe and prudent way to provide important alliances for diplomatic, military, economic, and social benefit. In most cases, including the marriage of Victoria and Albert, the marriages were arranged often without the two principles
‘Local News’ Cont. from Page 5
estranged wife, Teresa Ortiz, on Saturday, December 5th in the 3000 block of N. Broadway in an unincorporated area of Escondido. Garcia's SUV was found abandoned near the crime scene, but he remains at large. Garcia is considered ARMED AND DANGEROUS. He is longtime resident of Escondido, but investigators say he may attempt to flee to his native country of Mexico.
Garcia is a Hispanic man standing 5'8" tall and weighing 180 pounds with brown eyes and curly, shoulder length black hair. He is clean shaven and has a small tattoo on the outside web of his right hand. Garcia was last seen wearing a blue, long sleeve shirt, blue denim shorts, long white socks and white tennis shoes.
If you see Garcia or know his whereabouts, call the Sheriff's Department at (858) 565-5200. You can also remain anonymous by calling Crime Stoppers at (888) 580-8477. You may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000 for information that leads to an arrest. Contact Information: Crime Stoppers 888-580-8477
Source: San Diego Sheriff's Department
ever knowing or even meeting one another.
The nine Victorian children, (in order of birth), Victoria, Albert Edward (King Edward VII), Alice, Alfred, Helena, Louise, Arthur, Leopold, and Beatrice, had children, many of whom were responsible for igniting a powder keg that would plunge the world into what was deemed “The War to End All Wars.” The Victorian cousins ended up ruling Germany, Russia, Norway, Greece, Romania, Spain, and of course, Great Britain.
Victoria’s and Albert’s first child, Princess Victoria, was married to Prussia’s (Germany) Crown Prince Frederick. From that marriage, Queen Victoria’s first grandchild became the future German Emperor, Wilhelm II, the leading bad guy in WWI. Prince Albert Edward, who, upon Victoria’s death, became King Edward VII, married Denmark’s Princess Alexandra. From that union came Britain’s future King George V, (the grandfather of present-day Queen Elizabeth II). Also, their daughter, Maud, became queen of Norway.
Princess Alice married Louis the IV, Grand Duke of Hesse (a small duchy in Germany). They had two sons and five daughters, one of whom became Russia’s Czarina Alexandra. She married Czar Nicholas II, whom, along with their family, were overthrown during the 1917 Bolshevik revolution. The storied career of Mountbatten, youngest son of Princess Victoria and Louis Battenberg IV, is a book in itself. As Britain’s Admiral of the Fleet, “Dickie” Mountbatten was the WWII Supreme Allied Commander of the Southeast Asia forces, and was the last Viceroy of India. Louie was the favorite uncle and mentor of present-day Prince Charles. Mountbatten was the uncle of Prince Phillip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II. (Prince Phillip and Queen Elizabeth II are third cousins). (Note: During World War I, Britain’s royal family changed their name from “Battenberg” to the less-German name of “Windsor.”
The Royal families of Europe were a maze of Victoria’s descendants. What was designed to be marriages of convenience, ensuring mutual benefit ended in a horrific World War. That tinderbox was ignited with the July 1914 assassination of Austria’s Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo, Bosnia.
‘Tom Morrow’ Cont. on Page 11
The Paper • Page 8 • December 10, 2015
‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 7 for failure? * exams
Q6.. What can you never eat for breakfast? * Lunch & dinner
Q7.. What looks like half an apple? * The other half
Q8.. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what will it become? * Wet Q9.. How can a man go eight days without sleeping ? * No problem, he sleeps at night. Q10. How can you lift an elephant with one hand? * You will never find an elephant that has one hand. Q11. If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in other hand, what would you have? * Very large hands
Q12. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it? *No time at all, the wall is already built. Q13. How can u drop a raw egg
Join Us! You’re Invited to Help Decorate The Rose Float!
onto a concrete floor without cracking it? *Any way you want, concrete floors are very hard to crack.
Late Breaking Local News
Family Violence Suspect Arrested After SWAT Standoff
At 9am on December 8th the Escondido Police Department responded to a family disturbance in the 800 block of W. 11th Avenue in the City of Escondido. The caller stated a male had punched his mother. The victim suffered bruising to her face and a small abrasion. She was offered and declined medical treatment at the scene. The suspect was later identified as Jesus Romo (20 years old). Rom was arrested after a stand-off. He was booked in the Vista Detention Center.
The government can literally claim everything you own: Your home, Social Security check, CD’s, Investments, everything. Wiped Out! Revocable Living Trusts don’t help! There are strategies to protect you from financial disaster even if you don’t have or don’t qualify for nursing home insurance. Over 30 years of legal experience. LEGAL MEDI-CAL STRATEGIES BY ELDER LAW ATTORNEY MARILYN SHEA 760.721.0600 WWW.MEDI-CAL ATTORNEY.COM
Marilyn Shea Attorney
The Paper • Page 9 • December 10, 2015
‘Time Machine’ Cont. from Page 3
Oy vey! Perhaps we better park our time machine in the garage and stop signaling any neighbors we may have out in space!
Let’s cut to the chase: without the use of cosmic black holes, worm holes, and massive quantities of this-or-that negative ‘stuff,’ can we really create a time machine within our own generation, or the next? I don’t know about you, but I got ants in my pants over this! I like the way American futurist and theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku, thinks: “Once confined to fantasy and science fiction, time travel is now simply an engineering problem.” Better yet, Brian Greene (of “The Elegant Universe”), may hit closer to the truth: “All time travel theories operate at the very boundaries of known physics (today), and therefore are unlikely to work.” I like that! We are stuck in today’s science, so we’re unable to see “future discoveries in physics!” Sort of like Neanderthal trying to contemplate lasers, TV, airplanes and automobiles! Would Neanderthal think these things are a real possibility? Hell, he doesn’t even know what they are, much less imagine them! His brain is operating within the boundaries of his own capabilities! Therefore, all Neanderthal wishes to do is upgrade his current technology – like getting a bigger club to swing! American astronomer, cosmologist, and astrophysicist, Carl
Sagan (1934-1996), once suggested that time travelers could already be here, but are disguising or hiding their existence from us.
But, what about there being many versions of you, living in multiple universes (aka the multiverse)? Is this too silly to be taken seriously? Well, let’s drop in on Escondido’s own brilliant resident, Mike Romero, our armchair “physicist to the stars,” who says, “The multiverse is a consequence of string theory and is a serious consideration.” My follow-up question was, “How does the idea of multiple “Mike Romeros” residing somewhere else, in other worlds impact you?” Mr. Romero’s reply: “I’m amused by the idea that I am the President of the United States in one universe and a bum in another universe. An infinite number/versions of myself means an infinite number/versions of everyone else, as well.” In Newsweek Magazine’s “Tech & Science” section (July 9, 2015), Douglas Main discusses parallel universes and brings up some super incredible ‘what-ifs,’ that we have long discussed around the water cooler, such as: What if that giant asteroid missed our planet and the dinosaurs are still with us today in a parallel universe? Or a parallel world where Germany wins World War II. The idea of endless versions of our universe is staggering! This is the product of thinking stemming from the (aka M-Theory) today!
Unlike the old, dreary, and boring theories of science past, the younger generation, today, are
razor sharp, and well-educated on String Theory and its scientific implications! This younger generation comprise a vital demographic for The Paper. They approach me often on the street to comment on my articles, etc. We often underestimate them, yet they’re smart, and warrant recognition! TV programs like CBS’ highlyrated “The Big Bang Theory” has captured science and made it exciting and “fashionable” as never before, especially for today’s youth, who drive the ratings! The cast of roommates, Leonard and Sheldon, who are best friends and physicists at CalTech, and their circle of lovable egg-head friends is a most remarkable example of how a science-format TV show involving quantum physics, time travel, and multiple universes can – shockingly – achieve worldwide popularity among everyday common folk, as well as the young kids in schools across America! And the fast-moving scientific jargon spouted out by the sitcom’s characters is not wasted on the young. They eat it up, all of which means that the future looks bright and promising with our bright young minds in school today. A promising example is young 15year-old Sebastian Romero, current sophomore student at Mater Dei Catholic High School, in Chula Vista, California. This is no ordinary high school. Since its founding in 2007, this Roman Catholic High School has achieved international recognition and is fully accredited by both the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), as well as the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA). These bright kids often read The Paper online!
So, I took the opportunity of sampling the future of America by asking a student of this prestigious high school, Sebastian Romero, what he thought about all the hoopla surrounding String Theory, and the hot topic of us living in multiple universes, that has captured world headlines. Sebastian says, “I believe that the idea of ‘multiple universes’ and ‘parallel universes’ have been exposed to the younger minds lately. Many PG movies and cartoons have had ‘parallel universes’ mixed into the formula. Even video games have had these ideas added in. I believe that most of society just accepts it as part of their culture nowadays.”
Sebastian Romero
Wow! I don’t know about you, but, I’m impressed with this sampling of the young student constituency, representing readership from San Diego’s south corridor!
For Advertising Information or to subscribe, Call (760) 747-7119
‘Time Machine’ Cont. on Page 10
The Paper
• Page 10 • December 10, 2015
A Weekly Memo from the Councilmembers of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders. Olga Diaz
Council Member, Represents District 3
A City Manager’s Role
For the occasional participant in local government – someone who might read the news, discuss politics with friends or who only pays attention to how a City runs when utterly upset about something – this might be useful random information. The mayor is not in charge of Escondido.
The City Manager is the person who has the most influence over how our City functions. The Council hires and supervises the City Manager – a professional administrator qualified to understand city finances, human resources and state mandates. Each elected official carries equal weight in the matters of setting policies that guide the City Manager, but no individual councilmember can give direction to the City Manager.
because many residents believe the Mayor runs the city, or that councilmembers can get things done easily. However, when I get a request or complaint from a constituent, I have to ask the City Manager to look into the matter. Although the public votes to elect its representatives, the most important person at City Hall is actually the City Manager.
Welcome to Graham Mitchell, the new Escondido is governed under the Council / Manager form of government. This is an important distinction Escondido City Manager.
‘Time Machine’ Cont. from Page 9
Back to our time machine! Speaking of time travel into the past, did you know that you can actually see into the past! No, not in the same way you look at a mountain, or fossil, and say, “Wow! I’m looking into the past!” That is imprecise, because you are looking at the mountain, or fossil, today! You see it as it exists today!
So, what is a real example of being able to peer into the far past, without using a crystal ball, that is? Well, every time you look into the sky, you are actually seeing things as they once were, in real time, that is, at the time that you are looking! To clarify, it takes the light of the sun 8 ½ minutes to
reach us here on Earth. That means, you are seeing the Sun, as it existed, 8 ½ minutes ago! You never can see the sun, or the moon, immediately, as you (normally) see objects and people in your everyday existence here on Earth.
Just imagine, at night when you see the distant stars, you are actually looking years into the past! Some of those stars may no longer be there, but you are still seeing them! In 1987, we discovered that a supernova occurred. A supernova is when a star explodes and eventually fades from view over several weeks or months. Well, the “Supernova 1987” actually exploded more than 190,000 years ago! And even though this star
was gone for that length of time, we just saw the explosion in 1987.
Just think, while our ancestors have been around for millions of years, modern humans (homo sapiens), first appeared on Earth, about 190,000 years ago! That’s when that supernova really exploded, when early humans were just beginning to walk the earth! Comedian Steven Wright once said, “I used to have an open mind, but my brain kept falling out.” Sometimes it becomes difficult to keep an open mind on such discussions as time travel and multiple universes we may all live in! Sometimes it’s a task to just remain serious about all of this. Ultimate truth can be so overwhelming as to render us giddy!
Which reminds me, did you hear about the lady who went to a psychiatrist and said: “Please help me, doctor! I keep seeing into the future!” The shrink asks, “When did this all start?” And the patient says, “Next Tuesday afternoon.”
The Pastor Says . . . Above, the author, Frederick Gomez
plans, New Song Community Church would like to invite you to one of our ten services at one of our five locations this Christmas Eve: Central Campus: 3985 Mission Avenue, Oceanside = 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 and 11 p.m.
Squash is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. He’s a 6 year old, 43 pound, Airedale Terrier mix. Squash has two personalities. In the kennel he’s very mellow. In the exercise yard Squash is ready to have fun and run. He will do best in an active home where he can get plenty of exercise along with love and cuddling. Squash was transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society from the Kauai Humane Society in Hawaii. The $145 adoption fee for Squash includes medical exam, vaccinations, neuter and microchip. For more information call 760-7536413, visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas.
Hercules, a 1-year-old Boxer/Staffordshire Terrier mix, is looking for a new best friend. He first arrived in our care after he became sick and his owners couldn’t give him the care he needed. Now that he has fully recovered, he’s ready to join a new family that can make him the center of their world. Hercules quickly earned his name because of his silly “superhero” walk and his super-dog smarts! He has so much love to give that he wasn't sure what to do with it all, so his trainer has been teaching him many new tricks such as 'sit' and 'calm.' He’s come a long way, and he can't wait to find a new family who can continue his training and take him on fun runs and hikes to explore. He'd love to be your new best friend and accompany you on all of life's adventures! Hercules is available for adoption at the San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3450 East Valley Parkway. To learn more about making him part of your family, please call (760) 888-2275.
Dr. Hal Seed, Pastor, New Song Community Church, Oceanside The LARGEST Christmas Event in the World
The malls are crowded this time of year. So are movie theaters. (Star Wars looks to be the highest attended movie in history.) Restaurants and concerts and parties are popular. But, by far, the largest-attended event of the season will be Christmas Eve services held at local churches. Over 2 BILLION people will attend a Christmas service in one of 231 countries around the world. They’ll sing songs, share in the joy of the season and the miracle of the birth of the Son of God. So, if you don’t have other
Temple Heights Elementary School: 1550 Temple Heights Drive, Oceanside = 4:00 and 5:30 p.m. The Fallbrook Community Center: 341 Heald Lane, Fallbrook = 5:00 p.m.
Carlsbad Campus: 3780 Pio Pico, Carlsbad = 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.
Online at http://newsongchurch.churchonline.org = 8:30 p.m.
We’ll offer free family pictures with Santa at each of our live services, so dress your kids accordingly and come early or plan to stay a few minutes after the service.
Each service will offer warm refreshments, family-friendly music, some wonderful surprises, a great message, and Silent Night by candlelight. I hope you’ll join us! Merry Christmas!
The Paper
• Page 11 • December 10, 2015
A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.
San Marcos • Mayor Jim Desmond
Shop San Marcos this Holiday Season
With the holiday season in full swing, remember to shop in San Marcos this holiday season. When transactions are made locally, sales tax revenue is generated for important city services. Buying local also saves time and resources for residents and helps build the backbone of our local economy. Please remember to shop and dine in San Marcos this holiday season.
Quality centers like Creekside Marketplace, Nordahl Center, Grand Plaza and Old California Restaurant Row have all become popular shopping destinations that provide resident and visitor alike with several options for the holiday gift-giving season.
For more information about local businesses, visit the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce website at www.sanmarcoschamber.com.
Escondido • Mayor Sam Abed
Mayor Sam Abed does not wish to write a weekly column to communicate with his Escondido Constituents via The Paper and its “A Letter from the Mayor” series
‘Tom Morrow’ Cont. from Page 7
The assassin was a Serbian. The Kingdom of Serbia was an ally of Russia; Bosnia was in the Austrian-Hungary Empire, an ally of Germany. This diplomatic mess set off a crisis causing Austria-Hungary to give Serbia an “or else” ultimatum, which invoked the series of royal alliances. Within a month the First World War began. During World War I, the primary royal heads-of-state were Queen Victoria’s grandchildren: Britain’s King George V, who was allied with France, as well as his cousin, Russia’s Czarina Alexandra. Those three nations formed the “Allied Forces.” On the other side, Cousin Wilhelm II, the Kaiser of the German Empire, was allied with Kaiser Franz Josef of the AustriaHungary Empire, as well as the Ottoman Empire (Turkey, and what today is Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Syria), forming the “Central Powers.” The war ripped Europe apart with only Britain’s monarchy surviving. The Russian revolution toppled Nicholas and Alexandra; Kaiser Wilhelm was banished to Holland; the AustriaHungary and Ottoman empires crumbled. Six descendants of Victoria and Albert were victims of assassination, all during the 20th century: Russia’s Alexandra and
her husband, Czar Nicholas II, their son, Alexei, daughters, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia. The last was of Louis Mountbatten killed in 1979, by the IRA. This report is only the tip of the iceberg regarding European royal family inter-marriages. If you venture into the family lineage of Queen Victoria, be prepared to endure a mind-boggling, often confusing, family tree. It would take a sizeable book to explain everything -many of which have been written. Here’s a mystery novel idea: “Haunted Bones,” shipping free at: www.tomorrowsnovels.com
LEGALS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-029408 The name of the business: One Perfecdt Pea Catering, located at 139 Swallow Lane, Oceanside, CA. 92057, This business is hereby registered by the following: Francine Lilyea 139 Swallow Lane Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by an individual. The first day of business was 11/13/15. /s/Francine Lilyea This statement wasfiled with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/13/2015. 12/10, 12/17, 12/24/ & 12/29/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-030801 The name of the business: A Diamond Production DBA The Futon Shop, The Futon Shop, located at 1232 Los Vallecitos Blvd., Suie 108, San Marcos, CA. 92069, This business is hereby registered by the following: A Diamond Prouctions, Inc. 2150 Cesar Chavez Street San Francisco, CA. 94124 This business is conducted by a corporation. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Suzanne Diamond, CEO This statement wasfiled with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/30/2015. 12/10, 12/17, 12/24/ & 12/29/2015
Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter
Donating to the Troops
There are many ways to help support the City’s adopted Marine Corps Unit HMLA369 and their family members during the holidays and throughout the year. The 425 men and women with over 150 children need your support and deeply appreciate it. The City sponsored Holiday Toy Drive began December 1 and you can drop off a new, unwrapped toy at the Civic Center (200 Civic Center Drive, 1st floor lobby) through December 31. Toys collected after the holidays will be used throughout the year for the troops and their families.
During the year, non-perishable items can also be donated to help support the Marines’ family members while the troops are overseas. Cases of water, Vista business gift cards, toys, school supplies, or diapers (all sizes) are greatly appreciated items. Items such as beef jerky, energy drinks, coffee k-cups, towels, and toiletry items can also be donated for the troops to use. In addition, thank you to the local businesses & organizations who donated in support of HMLA 369 in 2015. If you would like more information, please contact the City Manager’s Office at 760.643.5206.
Oceanside • Mayor Jim Wood Annual Holiday Home Tour and Holiday Gift Boutique
Friends of the Library are presenting two favorite a n n u a l holiday events, the Holiday Home Tour and the Holiday Gift Boutique, both happening on Sunday, December 13th. The selfguided home tours will take place between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, and will feature five enchanting Oceanside homes beautifully decorated for the holidays, as well as bonus stops at the Mission Branch Library for a mural unveiling and Coffee with a Cop with the Police Department. You are also invited to shop at the Holiday Gift Boutique, open until 5:00 pm and taking place at the
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 6
Attention all Republicans of San Marcos and Beyond - Have you been thinking about joining those fun ladies (and men) of the Lake San Marcos Republican Women Federated? We hope so. And we hope you will join us at the home of Art and Dian Pedersen, 1332 San Pablo Dr., Lake San Marcos, as we kick off our 2016 membership/renewal drive. Enjoy a glass of wine, some hors d'oeuvres, and warm and friendly conversation. It all starts January 4th at 4pm, so please join us. And it's free! For reservations, contact Sandy at sjhinds@roadrunner.com. Hope to see you there!
San Marcos Invites You to Heart of the City Hike - The City of San Marcos invites you to go on an easy 3mile hike from 9am to noon on Saturday, January 2. Hike on urban trails that will follow the rail trail east and visit Hollandia and Mulberry Parks. A more challenging 8-mile hike with 580’ of elevation gain to the northern City limits will also be offered. Registration will take place at 8:30am at The
Civic Center Library, 330 N. Coast Highway. Patrons can choose from a variety of gifts, and live entertainment and chances to win valuable auction prizes will be provided. Tickets for the Tour are $20 each and may be purchased at the Civic Center Library, the Mission Branch Library or any Friends Library Board member. Tickets can also be purchased online from Eventbrite.com at http://hht2015.eventbrite.com with a minimal processing fee. All tickets are tax deductible. Proceeds from both of these events will benefit Friends of the Library. For more information: www.oceansidepubliclibrary.org.
Community Center (Outdoor Hearth), 3 Civic Center Dr., San Marcos, 92069. 33 08.458 N, 117 09.602 W
Carlsbad Senior Center Offering Classes – The Senior Center is offering a new class session for Heart Coherent Tai Chi Chung, beginning Thursday, January 7, from 1-2pm. Register before January 4th. The class uses aligned, balanced, breathcoordinated, circular moving meditations to harmonize energy ad increase strength without tension. Fee for four classes is $35.10 for residents and $39 for non-residents. The Senior Center is located at 799 Pine Ave., Carlsbad. For more info on Senior Center seminars and classes, visit www.carlsbadca.gov/parksandrec and click the “Adults 50+” button, or call 760.602.4650. This same class will again be offered beginning Thursday, February 4, from 1-2pm. Participants for the February class should register before February1st. VCAA Presents Beginning Sculpturing Course - A beginning
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 14
The Paper • Page 12 • December 10, 2015 strategy. Businesses can pay for their new systems and upgrades up front even though they won’t actually need the hardware until later.
Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory
December at the Computer Factory
This December will complete our twentieth year at the Computer Factory. December is unique because there are fewer “business” days more personal days because of the holidays. From a business perspective, the need for repair and maintenance is about the same as any other month but the sale of upgrades and new desktop and notebook PCs takes on a different character. Home and business users have different motivations many find it a time to think about upgrades or new PCs.
About half of our users are businesses. If the past year has been a good year, as year- end nears savvy business owners look for ways to reduce their tax burden by taking deductible expenses in the current year. Computers are an excellent candidate for that
Home users aren’t motivated by tax considerations but the Christmas season is a time when many of us think about what dandy new things we can buy for our loved ones, including ourselves. Upgrading the family PC is a gift that keeps on giving.
The Computer Factory is unique in that PC’s are all we do. We don’t sell motorcycles, carburetors, refrigerators, cell phones, tablets or Apple’s i-Poop. We sell, repair, build, customize, upgrade and maintain Windows based desktop and notebook PCs for home and business, that’s all we do. We can do a better job of giving our users exactly what they want or need because we know this industry as well as anyone and we listen to our users better than anyone.
So what does that really mean to us? It tells us that the disc itself does have a God-given ability to heal and repair if provided the proper mechanisms for self-healing. There is a specific mechanism inherent in each of the spinal discs called the “pump mechanism of disc nutri-tion” (see Fig 1). When this mechanism is not working properly, the spinal discs will begin to die causing bulges, herniations, and eventually spinal stenosis.
The spinal disc is one of the very few tissues in the body that does not have a direct blood supply for circulation. The only way that the disc gets the circulation of water, oxygen and nutrients for self-repair is via this specific disc pump mechanism. What happens when you decrease cir-culation in any type of tissue, whether it be animal tissue, plant tissue or human tissue? Exactly, it begins to become weak and begins to degenerate.
Symptoms Are NOT The Problem
Now the symptoms of pain, numbness,
Technology is constantly evolving and what was a great solution last year may well have been superseded by an even better one this year. Bluetooth, SSDs, CPUs, memory, operating systems, optical drives, video, audio and “cloud” services. All these things are constantly changing. When it comes to helping you make informed decisions, Big Box retail sales personal are typically useless. In addition to knowing little about
their own products, what’s available or user needs, their job is to sell you what’s good for them, not what’s good for you.
Here at The Computer Factory our job is not to sell you a new PC or upgrade. Our job is to give you all the information you need to make the best decision for your home or business. Usually that works in our favor but it’s always up to you.
So if you need help making the best decisions for your home or business computing solutions, we are the only game in town. Combine that with the fact that we are local, friendly and easy to find and that makes it a nobrainer. See you soon.
We know that nearly all of our business users want PCs with Windows7 Pro, not Win8/8.1 or 10. We know that home and school users may need or prefer Win7 or 10 but nobody likes Win8. We know how to help XP, Vista and W8/8.1 users determine whether and how to migrate to a more current or better Windows in order to prolong the life of their PCs.
Whether it’s a twenty station business network or a standalone home PC, we absolutely know how to help our user avoid
Escondido, CA—In a 2002 issue of Neurosurgical Focus, a peerreviewed article was published by a Dr. Michael D. Martin, MD et al. in which the third sentence states: “The disc itself is active tissue that contains significant mechanisms for self-repair.” That article was published by a neurosurgeon and written directly for neurosurgeons.
“The Disc Itself Is Active Tissue...”
spending too much or too little to meet their needs. We know how to build custom systems for solids modeling, super-gaming or video editing and we know when a three hundred dollar refurbished PC can fill the bill for the next five years.
brown leaves are the plant’s problem? Of course not, the leaves turning brown is just a condition that is telling you that there is something wrong with the plant. The plant is unhealthy and needs water and nutrients. You could spray paint the leaves green but it just covers up the condition. The underlying problem still exists and will continue to produce brown leaves until you fix the actual problem. and tingling that most experience with bulging, herniated or degenerative discs are NOT the problem. The definition of a symptom: “something that indicates the existence of something else.” It is just like the dashboard of your car telling you that something is wrong (brake lights out, engine needs checked, overheating, etc.) Those lights that appear in your car dash are NOT the problem. You can remove the lights surgically or put a piece of duct tape over the lights but the problem will NOT be fixed...the problem is still present.
Let’s take a look at a plant for example...if the leaves on a plant begin to turn brown, would you say that the
extent of your disc damage for only $70. This examination will consist of a detailed neurological evaluation, extensive orthopedic testing, and a detailed analysis of the findings of your evaluation. He will sit down with you and go over your condition with you in complete detail. You will know exactly what is causing all your pain (or other symptoms).
In your spine, when the pump mechanism of disc nutrition fails, the disc will begin to de-generate and become weak. This weakness in the disc is what produces the bulging, herniated, and degenerative discs.
The treatment that is provided at Dr. Heilman’s Spine and Neuropathy Care Center in Escondido is revolutionary and is specifically designed to artificially re-create the pump mechanism in the discs which allows the spinal discs to heal and repair. The best part of the treatment is that it uses no drugs, no injections, and no surgery. Plus it’s painless and many patients relax and fall asleep while undergoing the treatment. The amount of treatment needed to allow the discs to heal and repair varies from person to person and can only be determined after a detailed neurological and orthopedic evaluation. We do NOT accept everyone for treatment and will let you know if we can accept your case for treatment. Dr. Stephen Heilman, DC at the Spine and Neuropathy Care Center in Escondido, CA will do a spinal disc severity examination to determine the
Dr. Stephen Heilman, DC
Dr. Heilman will be offering this spinal disc severity examination from now until Thursday, December 31st, 2015.
Call 760-480-4480 to make an appointment to determine if your spinal discs can be treated.
NOTE: Dr. Heilman’s Spine and Neuropathy Care Center is located at 700 W. El Norte Pkwy in Escondido immediately East of Interstate 15 at the intersection of Seven Oaks.
Car Accidents • Slips and Falls
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News for the Social Butterfly? Send your press releases to: thesocialbutterfly@cox.net
• Page 13 • December 10, 2015
RELATIONSHIP IN TROUBLE? Get the help you need now. COUNSELING | MEDIATION CLASSES:ANGER MANAGEMENT PARENTING | RELATIONSHIPS The Optimize Center 350 W. 9th Avenue, Suite 101 Escondido, CA 92025 760.747.8686
Home Care
Specializing in short and long term care assistance for all ages, with all activities of daily living, in your home. Drive to/from doctor appointments, new mommy assistance/infant care, Alzheimer patient care, general assistance before/after surgery, respite care for parents of disabled children, and much more. Rates start at $16.00 per hour for companion services.
Call 800.783.3127 or 760.424.2400 24 hours/day 7 days/week.
Larry's Landscape Maintenance Tall Weed Mowing, Yard Clean-ups,Weeding, Hauling, And Maintenance service. Fast Service. (760) 737-0737
Home Maintenance Improvements
JOHN the GOLD HANDYMAN I am good at Painting, Plumbing, Dry Wall Repairs, Pergo, Carpet and Tile and lots more - 27 years experience. CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE 760.738.7493
HOME GENERAL MAINTENANCE REMODELS Bath/Kitchen Designs, Tile Installation, Electrical, Paint, Fences, Concrete. Lic#33509 760.484.1302 760.529.1239 NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF SUZANNE BUTLER-WRIGHT, aka SUZANNE BUTLER, aka SUZANNE WRIGHT Case No. 37-2015-00032748-PR-LA-CTL
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of SUZANNE BUTLER, SUZANNE BUTLERWRIGHT, SUZANNE WRIGHT. Petition for Probate has been filed by Michael Lueker in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1409 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA. 92101, Probate Division. The Petition for Probate requests that Michael Lueker be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The peition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal repreesentative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representattive will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petitions and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.
A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 1/7/2016 Time: 1:30 p.m. Dept: Central Room, PC-2 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statues and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Petitioner: Michael Lueker 200 Alben Alton, IL. 62002 314.810.7093 11/26, 12/03 & 12/10/2015
Utilities, food, included. San Marcos, near Woodland Park Close to shopping, house privileges. No drugs! Pets OK, extra fee. $600 760.744.4995
Super Soundproofing Co •Expert Products •Floor Noise Barrier •Insulation Floor and Wall Tape •Vibration Isolation Tape
Call 760.752.3030 Free Advice www.soundproofing.org 455 East Carmel St. San Marcos, CA.
MY DOG ATE THE COUCH UPHOLSTERY STUDIO 3643 Grand Avenue #C San Marcos, CA. 92078 760.659.6990 eduvall2012@gmail.com CONTACT: ERIC DUVALL
Death Notices
Kathleen A. Rodriguez, 63, of Valley Cener, CA., passed awya on 12/03/2015. John O. Schneider, 90, of Escondido, CA., passed away on 11/24/2015
Late Breaking Local News
Arrangements handled by: California Funeral Alternatives Escondido, Poway
Escondido Police Arrest Sexual Assault Suspect
In May of 2015, detectives with the Escondido Police Department’s Family Protection Unit began investigating a report by an adult female indicating she was the victim of sexual assault. She identified the suspect as 61 year-old Escondido resident, Vasiliy “Ardi” Galashev. Galashev, a registered sex offender in the State of California referred to himself as, “Master Ardi,” a self-proclaimed 7th generation Tibetan Healer. Galashev provided massage services to the victim. During the massage Galashev sexually assaulted her. Forensic evidence was gathered and an exact match was made, leading to the arrest of Galashev. On December 7th, 2015 Galashev was arrested by detectives and he was booked into the Vista Detencion Center on charges of Rape and False Imprisonment.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-029935 The name of the business: LVCO, located at 3526 Capalina Rd., San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Massa Collective, LLC 3526 Capalina Rd. San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. The first day of business was 9/29/15. /s/Steven Shijar, CEO This statement wasfiled with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/18/2015. 12/10, 12/17, 12/24/ & 12/29/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-030725 The name of the business: Triple T Services, located at 3487 Richfield Drive, Carlsbad, CA. 92010. This business is hereby registered by the following: GFA Enterprises, Inc. 3487 Richfield Drive Carlsbad, CA. 92010 This business is conducted by a corporation. The first day of business was 11/30/15. /s/Dan Miller, President This statement wasfiled with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/30/2015. 12/10, 12/17, 12/24/ & 12/29/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-029789 The name of the business: Turf Innovations of San Diego, located at 223 W. East Drive, Vista, CA. 92083. This business is hereby registered by the following: REU Construction Inc. 223 W. East Drive Vista, CA. 92083 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Juan Rodriguez Hernandez, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/12/2015. 11/19, 11/26, 12/03 & 12/10/2015
The Mighty Mojo Page The Paper
• Page 14 • December 10, 2015
Hearing Aids
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Chair Repair
760.745.1697 Escondido Coin & Loan, Inc. 241 E. Grand Avenue
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Legal Services
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Medical Supplies/Pharmacy
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Real Estate
KEVIN’S HANDYMAN SERVICE SERVING SENIORS & THE COMMUNITY Craftsman with 30 years experience. Excellent References.
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‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 11
sculpture class, sponsored by Valley Center Art Association (VCAA), will be offered on five successive Tuesdays from 10am to 1pm starting January 5, 2016, in the Seminar Room of the Valley Center Library. The tuition free class will be taught by Sculptor and VCAA member, David Miller, and one class will have guest instructor, Brandon Roy, the California Sculpture Academy founder. The class is restricted to 8 students to ensure that each student gets adequate attention. Students will use water based clay to sculpt a copy of one of several objects provided by the instructor or may bring their own object or photograph from which to work. The course is open to the public. Students will be asked to
Solar Energy
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www.donnadavisrealtor.com The finest compliment I can ever receive is a referral from my friends and clients.
TriColor Insurance
Retirement Community
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Pegah’s Kitchen
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purchase sculpting tools and materials at cost, approximately $20. To register for the beginning sculpting class, contact Barbara Graham at 760.749.2923 or anniesworkshop@yahoo.com. Students will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. The Library is located at 29200 Cole Grade Rd, Valley Center, CA 92082. For more information about VCAA, art shows, classes, and events, visit the VCAA website at www.valleycenterart.org or contact Barbara Graham.
City Invites Youth to Audition for Cinderella - The City of San Marcos Theatre West invites youth ages 7 to 17 to audition for the musical, “Cinderella” at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, on Monday, January 18, anytime between 5 and 8pm. Be prepared to sing a one
Certified Distress Property Expert Foreclosure Prevention/Short Sales Your Real Estate expert since 1990 CalBRE License #01055344
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minute excerpt from a song of your choice. Bring an instrumental CD if desired. Also bring a school photo and a short list of past experiences you have had speaking, singing or dancing in front of a group. Beginners are welcome. The performances will be held at the San Marcos Community Center on February 25, 26, 27, and 28th. For further information, call 760.744.9000 or go to www.san-marcos.net/theatrewest.
Securing Another 60 Years of Giving – The Country Friends are inviting you to join them in their Legacy Campaign goal to raise $1,000,000 which will allow them to pay off the construction loan for their Consignment Shop. It will establish an endowment fund for another 60 years of giving back to the community. They have provided needed funding to San Diego Human Care agencies for 60 years, giving back over $44,500 in the first quarter of 2015 and 13.2 million the past 60 years. There are several levels of donor opportunities. For more info, visit the website at http://www.thecountryfriends.org/ or call 858.756.0111.
Know What? You could own this space. It’d be all yours. And over 20,000 readers each week would be able to read about what a nice person you are, and what a nice business you have. It’d be a nice little investment. Call us. We’ll talk. 747.7119
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The Paper
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-029642 The name of the business: Bloom by Jesse Moya, located at 197 S. Las Posas Rd., San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Yesenia Moya 327 Ranchwood Glen Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Yesenia Moya This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/16/2015. 11/19, 11/26, 12/03 & 12/10/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-029293 The name of the business: M. J. Designs, located at 9457 Goodwick Ct., San Diego, CA. 92123. This business is hereby registered by the following: Merlin James Kickingwoman, Jr. 9457 Goodwick Ct. San Diego Ca. 92123 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 7/01/2015. /s/Merlin James Kickingwoman, Jr. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/12/2015. 11/19, 11/26, 12/03 & 12/10/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-029342 The name of the business: Coombs Service Group dba Coombs Construction and Engineering, located at 511 Venture St. Escondido, CA. 92029. This business is hereby registered by the following: Coombs Service Group 511 Venture St. Escondido, CA. 92029 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Jon Coombs, CFO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/12/2015. 11/19, 11/26, 12/03 & 12/10/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-028930 The name of the business: KE Loko, located at 427 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is hereby registered by the following: Carlos Carrasco 1302 Oak HIll Dr. #237 Escondido, Ca. 92027 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Carlos Carrasco This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/09/2015. 11/19, 11/26, 12/03 & 12/10/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-029344 The name of the business: De Lux Commercial Cleaning Service, Inc., located at 1560 Indian Summer Rd., San Marcos, Ca. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Clear Night Commercial Cleaning Service, Inc. 1560 Indian Summer Rd. San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Wendy Lopez Aviles, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/13/2015. 11/19, 11/26, 12/03 & 12/10/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-028529 The name of the business: iConscious, located at 1611 S. Melrose, #515, Vista, CA. 92081. This business is hereby registered by the following: Shaliss Padilla 715 Breeze Hill Road #133 Vista, CA. 92081 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Shaliss Padilla This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 11/03/2015. 11/19, 11/26, 12/03 & 12/10/2015.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-027785 The name of the business: Masala Street, Masala Avenue, located at 1277 Avenida Amistad, San Marcos, CA., 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: OBI Hospitality LLC 1277 Avenida Amistad San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was n/a. /s/Saransh Oberoi, CEO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/26/2015. 11/19, 11/26, 12/03 & 12/10/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-029408 The name of the business: One Perfect Pear Catering, located at 139 Swallow Lane, Oceanside, CA. 92057. This business is hereby registered by the following: Francine Lilyea 139 Swallow Lane Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 11/13/2015. /s/Francine Lilyea This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/13/2015. 11/19, 11/26, 12/03 & 12/10/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-029370 The name of the business: Bone Commercial, located at 301 Mission Ave., #212, Oceanside, CA., 92054. This business is hereby registered by the following: Real Estate Broker Services, Inc. 301 Mission Ave #212 Oceanside, CA. 92054 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Gintautas Kazlauskas, CEO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/13/2015. 11/26, 12/03, 12/10 and 12/17/2015
STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME #2015-028952 Fictitious Business Name: Rendezvous Hair Nails & Spa, located at 708 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road, San Marcos, CA. 92078. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 6/29/2015 and assigned File no. 2015-017053 is abandoned by the following registrants: Joseph C Paz. Jr., and Minh Paz Pham 818 Mahogany Street San Marcos, CA. 92078 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ Joseph C. Paz, Jr. This statement was filed with Ernest Dronenburg, County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 11/09/2015. 11/19, 11/26, 12/03 & 12/10/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-029264 The name of the business: Good Stuff, located at 808 Via Barquero, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Aamir Altaf 808 Via Barquero San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Aamir Altaf This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/12/2015. 11/19, 11/26, 12/03 & 12/10/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-030277 The name of the business: By His Stripes Ministries, located at 4895 Sumac Place, Oceanside, CA. 92057. This business is hereby registered by the following: Unified Pentecostal Local Churches International, Incorporated 208 N Ben Wilson Victoria, TX. 77901 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 11/1/15. /s/Abel Flores, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/20/2015. 11/26, 12/03, 12/10 & 12/17/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-030405 The name of the business: Picture of a Swing Productions, located at 515 Margie Place, San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Ben Johnston 515 Margie Place San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 1/01/15. /s/Ben Johnston This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/23/2015. 11/26, 12/03, 12/10 and 12/17/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-030357 The name of the business: Donna Beaulieu dba Cruise Planners, located at 450 N. Twin Oaks Valley Road, San Marcos, CA.. 92069 This business is hereby registered by the following: Donna Beaulieu 450 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd. San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Donna Beaulieu This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/23/2015. 11/26, 12/03, 12/10 and 12/17/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-028163 The name of the business: Golden Dynamics, located at 1055 Lime Place, Vista, CA. 92081. This business is hereby registered by the following: Tenelle Pearce 1055 Lime Place Vista, CA. 92081 This business is conducted by an individual. /s/Tenelle Pearce This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 10/29/2015. 11/26, 12/03, 12/10, & 12/17/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-028419 The name of the business: Cemitas Fandanguero, located at 1275 S. Santa Fe, #103, Vista, CA. 92083. This business is hereby registered by the following: Raul Huerta 1053 Cypress Cir. San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. /s/Raul Huerta The first day of business was 8/8/14. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/02/2015. 12/03, 12/10, 12/17 & 12/24/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-030113 The name of the business: CARD Academy, located at 334 Via Ver Cruz, #107, San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Center for Autism and Related Disorders, Inc. 21600 Oxnard Street, 18th Floor, Woodland HIlls, CA. 91367 This business is conducted by a corporation. /s/Doreen Granpeesheh, CEO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/19/2015. 12/03, 12/10, 12/17 & 12/24/2015
• Page 15 • December 10, 2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-030533 The name of the business: Emerald Isle Golf Course, located at 660 S. El Camino Real, Oceanside, CA. 92057. This business is hereby registered by the following: Green Clover Golf, LLC 660 S. El Camino Real Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company The first day of business was 12/19/2014. /s/John Kennedy, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/24/2015. 12/03, 12/10, 12/17 & 12/24/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-030636 The name of the business: Nnergi, located at 1201 Simpson Way, Escondido, CA., 92029. This business is hereby registered by the following: Nnergi 1201 Simpson Way Escondido, CA. 92029 This business is conducted by a corporation. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Michael A. Johnson, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/25/2015. 12/03, 12/10, 12/17 & 12/24/2015
STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME #2015-030284 Fictitious Business Name: Acti-Kare Responsive In Home Care, located at 2155 Rocky Point Way, San Marcos, CA. 92078. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on June 04, 2013 and assigned File no. 2013-016299 is abandoned by the following registrants: Honeymoon Cottage, LLC 2155 Rocky Point Way San Marcos, CA. 92078 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ Karen Elaine Taylor, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest Dronenburg, County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 11/20/2015. 12/10, 12/17, 12/24 & 12/29/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-028981 The name of the business: Imperial Machine Shop & Welding, located at 711 W. 4th Ave, Suite B, Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is hereby registered by the following: Jorge Trujillo and Iris Torres Garcia 3345 52nd Street San Diego, CA. 92105 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. The first day of business was 9/1/15. /s/Jorge Trujillo This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/09/2015. 12/10, 12/17, 12/24/ & 12/29/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-030973 The name of the business: Little Plumber Girl, The LIttle Plumber Girl, located at 1437 Darwin Dr., Oceanside, CA. 92056. This business is hereby registered by the following: Katie Burke 1437 Darwin Dr. Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is conducted by an individual. The first day of business was 12/2/15. /s/Katie Burke, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 12/02/2015. 12/10, 12/17, 12/24/ & 12/29/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-030775 The name of the business: Lucky Blue Moon, located at 253 Cerro Street, Encinitas, CA. 92024. This business is hereby registered by the following: Heather Hopper 258 Cerro St. Encinitas, CA. 92024 This business is conducted by an individual. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Heather Hopper This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/30/2015. 12/10, 12/17, 12/24/ & 12/29/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-029261 The name of the business: Harbor Gift Shop, located at 278 A-Harbor Drive South, Oceanside, CA. 92054. This business is hereby registered by the following: Malcolm S. and Daliah C. Rawlins 3105 Serrano Dr. Carlsbad, CA. 92009 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. The first day of business was 11/1/1976. /s/Malcolm S. Rawlins This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/12/2015. 12/10, 12/17, 12/24/ & 12/29/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-030605 The name of the business: Captain Video Big Screen Television Repair, located at 1548 Birch Avenue, Escondido, CA. 92027. This business is hereby registered by the following: Gregory D. Holland 1548 Birch Avenue Escondido, CA. 92027 This business is conducted by an individual. The first day of business was 1/1/2015. /s/Gregory D. Holland This statement wasfiled with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 11/25/2015. 12/10, 12/17, 12/24/ & 12/29/2015
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Marcos, hereinafter referred to as City, is requesting sealed proposals from interested Contractors and Suppliers to provide high end vending machines up to but limited to 15 machines at various locations. Locations include two seasonal sites open only during specific time frames. Proposal also includes an unattended self service vending market at the third floor break room located at City Hall 1 Civic Center drive. The vending machines shall be supplied delivered and maintained by the contractor at zero cost to the City of San Marcos and also shall need to be newer models and no less than three years old with payment options for the goods including cash, credit card, or pre payment services. Machines are to be stocked with a minimum of fifty percent (50%) healthy food options at the discretion of the City of San Marcos Real Property Services Department. The self service vending market on the third floor break room is to include payment options including cash, credit card, or pre payment services. Self service vending shall be provided at the sole expense of the contractor at zero cost to the City of San Marcos. Self service vending shall include refrigerators, microwaves, coolers, coffee machines, displays that are new or like new. Self service vending shall be stocked with a minimum of fifty percent (50%) healthy food options at the discretion of the City of San Marcos Real Property Services Department. Self service vending shall also be stocked with a minimum of 10 percent (10%) fresh food options at the discretion of the City of San Marcos Real Property Services Department. Contractor shall obtain and maintain health permits for the sale of foods. The contractor will be responsible for the cost of monitoring and cost control through techniques not requiring a physical presence. These techniques are to be at the cost of the contractor. Contractor shall provide monthly itemized reports showing all sales from all locations. All machines are subject to approval for size and make by the City of San Marcos Real Property Services Department. Monthly profit shares are negotiable. Electric, Internet, water, and sewer needs are negotiable. Proposals to be received in the offices of Agency’s Real Property Services Division at San Marcos City Hall, 1 Civic Center Drive, Suite 380, San Marcos, California 92069, up to the hour of 3:00 p.m., on January 11th, 2015. Proposals received after the hour and date will not be accepted and shall be returned unopened. NOTE: Electronic and facsimile submittals will not be accepted. LOCATION OF WORK The work to be performed at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069.
GENERAL All clarifications of the RFP and Contract Documents by the Agency will be made by written addendum and will be posted on www.CIPList.com no later than three (3) calendar days prior to the proposal due date. Failure of any Contractor to
receive any addenda shall not relieve such Contractor from any obligations imposed by such addenda. All addenda so issued shall become part of the RFP and Contract Documents. Failure to cover in its proposal any such addenda issued may render his bid informal and result in its rejection. Prospective proposers are encouraged to review the official version of all documents. For a complete set of proposal documents, all interested parties are directed to the City’s website at http://www.san-marcos.net or www.ciplist.com. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the San Marcos City Charter and the San Marcos Municipal Code, payment of prevailing wages and compliance with the California Labor Code Sections 1770 et. seq. IS required for this project. The City is not responsible for costs associated with the preparation of the proposals; there is no express or implied obligation for the City to reimburse Consultant for any expenses incurred in preparing or submitting a proposal. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals. s/s Ryan Bishop, Facilities Manager Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos Dp December 10, 2015 and December 17, 2015 CITY OF SAN MARCOS NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Marcos, hereinafter referred to as City, is requesting sealed proposals from interested Contractors for the complete renovation of the three elevators located in City Hall at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069. Project includes upgrading the controller panels, lighting, flooring, and cab façade. Proposals to be received in the offices of Agency’s Real Property Services Division at San Marcos City Hall, 1 Civic Center Drive, Suite 380, San Marcos, California 92069, up to the hour of 3:00 p.m., on January 11, 2015. Proposals received after the hour and date will not be accepted and shall be returned unopened. NOTE: Electronic and facsimile submittals will not be accepted. LOCATION OF WORK
The work to be performed at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069. GENERAL
All clarifications of the RFP and Contract Documents by the Agency will be made by written addendum and will be posted on www.CIPList.com no later than three (3) calendar days prior to the proposal due date. Failure of any Contractor to receive any addenda shall not relieve such Contractor from any obligations imposed by such addenda. All addenda so issued shall become part of the RFP and Contract Documents. Failure to cover in its proposal any such addenda issued may render his bid informal and result in its rejection. Prospective proposers are encouraged to review the official version of all documents. For a complete set of proposal documents, all interested parties are directed to the City’s
website at http://www.san-marcos.net or www.ciplist.com. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the San Marcos City Charter and the San Marcos Municipal Code, payment of prevailing wages and compliance with the California Labor Code Sections 1770 et. seq. IS required for this project. The City is not responsible for costs associated with the preparation of the proposals; there is no express or implied obligation for the City to reimburse Consultant for any expenses incurred in preparing or submitting a proposal. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals. s/s Ryan Bishop, Facilities Manager Phil Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos Dp December 10, 2015 and December 17, 2015 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME #2015-030604 Fictitious Business Name: Captain Video Big Screen Television Repair, located at 2048 Aldergrove Ave. Suie C, Escondido, CA. 92029. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 10/24/2013 and assigned File no. 2013-030391 is abandoned by the following registrants: Debra L. Holland 1548 Birch Ave. Escondido, CA. 92027 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ Debra L. Holland This statement was filed with Ernest Dronenburg, County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 11/25/2015. 12/03, 12/10, 12/17 & 12/24/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-031392 The name of the business: Ponto 21, Ponto21, located at 7140 Tanager Drive, Carlsbad, Ca. 92011. This business is hereby registered by the following: Sultan Akkan Kassegne 7140 Tanager Dr. Carlsbad, Ca. 92011 This business is conducted by an individual. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Sultan Akkan Kassegne This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 12/08/2015. 12/10, 12/17, 12/24/ & 12/29/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-031314 The name of the business: Royal Business Cards, RBC, located at 133 Newport Drive, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Aloha Enterprises, Inc. 2889 Camden Drive Vista, Ca. 92081 This business is conducted by a corporation. The first day of business was 12/6/15. /s/George Burrola, CEO This statement wasfiled with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 12/07/2015. 12/10, 12/17, 12/24/ & 12/29/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-031425 The name of the business: The Fume Team Inc. located at 615 Felicita Rd., Spring Valley, CA. 91977. This business is hereby registered by the following: The Fume Team Inc 615 Felicita Rd. Spring Valley, CA. 91977 This business is conducted by a corporation. The first day of business was n/a. /s/Uriel Zuniga, President This statement wasfiled with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 12/07/2015. 12/10, 12/17, 12/24/ & 12/29/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT
The name of the business: Curry &
More Indian Bistro, located at 113 S.
Road, San
Marcos, CA.
This business is hereby reg-
istered by the following:
Sal Kripa, Inc.
113 S. Las Posas Rd.
San Marcos, Ca. 92078
This business is conducted by a cor-
/s/Sunil Malhotra, President
This statement wasfiled with Ernest
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County
12/10, 12/17, 12/24/ & 12/29/2015
The Paper • Page 16 • December 10, 2015
Christmas Special*
San Marcos Dental Center
www.SanMarcosDentalCenter.com 162. S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd.
*Not to be combined with other offers. Must present ad at time of appointment. Expires - 12/30/15
The Doctor is In!
Tooth Preservation or Implant Placement
Long term tooth versus implant survival rates
Technological advances in the development of implants to replace "hopeless" or missing teeth along with a high predictability of survival rates has lead to the increasing popularity and clinical success of implants. This could result in the extraction of a person's natural teeth, that are salvageable, on the convenience rather than as a result of a comparative analysis between the survival of a natural tooth and its implant counterpart. Faced with the option of restoring a natural tooth versus extracting it and placing a dental implant, the doctor should take the following as well as others into consideration:
1. Is the tooth or area restorable? 2. Will it be strong? 3. What is the long term prognosis of the tooth vs. implant? 4. Compliance of the individual for maintaining the tooth or implant? 5. Does patient have systemic condition ie. diabetes, heart conditions, periodontal conditions. Also, smoking status. 6. Past experiences with patients tooth loss? 7. Long term survival of individual?
These are just a few factors affecting the patient. Financially, the patient should consider the cost of implants as well. They may not make a lot of difference with a single tooth, but if multiple sites are proposed, the cost factor can go up tremendously. If the tooth is restored in many cases, it can have a survivability that may equal, or even outlast the prognosis of an implant. Implants require good bone to survive, and if the bone is not adequate, additional bone must be provided to the site including bone grafts and/or sinus lifts, etc. This may also add to both the expense and time required to place an implant. After an implant fails, the next step is placing another implant.
Researchers report significantly lower success rates for reimplantation than for the original implant. With a tooth that started in the mouth by nature, if it is restorable, it frequently will last a long time without the amount of bone required by an implant.
There are many things to consider in deciding whether to place an implant versus restoring the tooth. As doctors we have patients come in every day with the idea of removing a tooth and placing an implant. On the other hand, we, as practitioners, have to resist the impulse to automatically go with the patient's wishes look-
ing more thoroughly at the overall results. If the bone is adequate and the natural tooth cannot be restored then the implant is chosen. However, in many cases, the patient is not adequately informed as to the survivability of the proposed implant and it is our responsibility to inform them of situations where the natural tooth may be the better choice in the long term. We do both procedures here at San Marcos Dental Center, but we thoroughly evaluate both options before suggesting a solution. Call us at 760 7344311!
$400 OFF ANY FAST BRACES® or INVISALINE® begun by December 31st and Your POWER WHITENING IS
San Marcos Dental Center
www.SanMarcosDentalCenter.com 162. S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. *New Patients. Not to be combined with other offers. Only one offer per patient. Expires - 12/31/15