Volume 44 - No. 37
September 18, 2014
by lyle e davis
Editor’s Note: This is a continuation of a series that was first republished in our July 31st edition. Excerpts from a journal detailing Mr. Beckwourth’s life make for fascinating reading and a return to our pioneer roots and life.
The journal was dictated by Mr. Beckwourth to a T. D. Bonner, who obviously used the flowery language of that day to tell the tale. Odds are that Mr. Beckwourth was rather rough in his language. Mr Bonner “flowered it up.” Originally published in New York by Harper & Brothers, Publishers,1856:
Severe Sufferings in the Camp.— Grand Island.—Platte River.—Up the South Fork of the Platte.— The Dog, the Wolf, and the first Buffalo.
On our arrival at the upper camp, related in the preceding chapter, we found the men, twenty-six in number, reduced to short rations, in weakly condition, and in a discouraged state of mind. They had been expecting the arrival of a large company with abundant supplies, and when we rejoined them without any provisions, they were greatly disappointed. General Ashley exerted himself to infuse fresh courage into their disconsolate breasts, well knowing himself, however, that, unless we could find game, the chances were hard against us.
We remained in camp three or four days, until we were well refreshed, and then deliberated upon our next proceeding. Knowing there must be game farther up the river, we moved forward. Our allowance was half a pint of flour a day per man, which we made into a kind of gruel; if we happened to kill a duck or a goose, it was shared as fairly as possible. The third evening we made a halt for a few days. We had seen no game worth a charge of powder during our whole march, and our rations were confined to the half pint of flour per day.
We numbered thirty-four men, all told, and a duller encampment, I suppose, never was The Paper - 760.747.7119
email: thepaper@cox.net
witnessed. No jokes, no fireside stories, no fun; each man rose in the morning with the gloom of the preceding night filling his mind; we built our fires and partook of our scanty repast without saying a word. At last our general gave orders for the best hunters to sally out and try their fortune. I seized my rifle and issued from the camp alone, feeling so reduced
in strength that my mind involuntarily reverted to the extremity I had been reduced to with Harris. About three hundred yards from camp I saw two teal ducks; I leveled my rifle, and handsomely decapitated one. This was a temptation to my constancy; and appetite and conscientiousness had a long strife as to the disposal of the booty. I reflected that it would be but
an inconsiderable trifle in my mess of four hungry men, while to roast and eat him myself would give me strength to hunt for more. A strong inward feeling remonstrated against such an invasion of the rights of my starving messmates; but if, by fortifying myself, I gained ability to procure something more substantial than a teal duck, my dereliction would be sufficiently atoned, and my overrul-
The Further Adventures . . . Continued on Page 2
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‘The Further Adventures’ Cont. from Page 1
ing appetite, at the same time, gratified.
Had I admitted my messmates to the argument, they might possibly have carried it adversely. But I received the conclusion as valid; so, roasting him without ceremony in the bushes, I devoured the duck alone, and felt greatly invigorated with the meal. Passing up the stream, I pushed forward to fulfill my obligation. At the distance of about a mile from the camp I came across a narrow deertrail through some rushes, and directly across the trail, with only the centre of his body visible (his two extremities being hidden by the rushes), not more than fifty yards distant, I saw a fine large buck standing. I did not wait for a nearer shot. I fired, and broke his back. I dispatched him by drawing my knife across his throat, and, having partially dressed him, hung him on a tree close by. Proceeding onward, I met a large white wolf, attracted, probably, by the scent of the deer. I shot him, and, depriving him of his meal, devoted him for a repast to the camp. Before I returned, I succeeded in killing three good-sized elk, which, added to the former, afforded a pretty good display
Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy! Proofreading is a dying art, wouldn't you say? Man Kills Self Before Shooting Wife and Daughter
Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over Miners Refuse to Work after Death Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant
War Dims Hope for Peace If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last
of meat.
I then returned near enough to the camp to signal to them to come to my assistance. They had heard the reports of my rifle, and, knowing that I would not waste ammunition, had been expecting to see me return with game. All who were able turned out to my summons; and when they saw the booty awaiting them, their faces were irradiated with joy. Each man shouldered his load; but there was not one capable of carrying the weight of forty pounds. The game being all brought into camp, the fame of "Jim Beckwourth" was celebrated by all tongues. Amid all this gratulation, I could not separate my thoughts from the duck which had supplied my clandestine meal in the bushes. I suffered them to appease their hunger with the proceeds of my toil before I ventured to tell my comrades of the offense I had been guilty of. All justified my conduct, declaring my conclusions obvious. As it turned out, my proceeding was right enough; but if I had failed to meet with any game, I had been guilty of an offense which would, ever after, have haunted me.
At this present time I never kill a duck on my ranch, and there are thousands of teal duck there, but I think of my Awhile
Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures Enfield ( London ) Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges
Man Struck By Lightning Faces Battery Charge New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group
Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft Kids Make Nutritious Snacks Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half
Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors
Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead The Jewish Tie Salesman
A fleeing Taliban terrorist, desperate for water, was plodding through the Afghan desert when he saw something far off in the distance.
feast in the bushes while my companions were famishing in the camp. Since that time I have never refused to share my last shilling, my last biscuit, or my only blanket with a friend, and I think the recollection of that "temptation in the wilderness" will ever serve as a lesson to more constancy in the future. The day following we started forward up the river, and, after progressing some four or five miles, came in sight of plenty of deer-sign. The general ordered a halt, and directed all hunters out as before. We sallied out in different directions, our general, who was a good hunter, forming one of the number. At a short distance from the camp I discovered a large buck passing slowly between myself and the camp, at about pistol-shot distance. As I happened to be standing against a tree, he had not seen me. I fired; the ball passed through his body, and whizzed past the camp. Leaving him, I encountered a second deer within three quarters of a mile. I shot him, and hung him on a limb. Encouraged with my success, I climbed a tree to get a fairer view of the ground. Looking around from my elevated position, I perceived some large, dark-colored animal grazing on the side of a hill, some mile and a half distant. I was determined to have a shot at him, whatever he
Hoping to find water, he hurried toward the mirage, only to find a very frail little old Jewish man standing at a small makeshift display rack selling ties. The Taliban terrorist asked, "Do you have water?"
The Jewish man replied, "I have no water. Would you like to buy a tie? They are only $5." The Taliban shouted hysterically, "Idiot Infidel! I do not need such an over-priced western adornment - I spit on your ties. I need water! "Sorry, I have none - just ties pure silk - and only $5."
"Pahh! A curse on your ties, I should wrap one around your scrawny little neck and choke the life out of you but... I must conserve my energy and find water!" "Okay," said the little old Jewish man, “It does not matter that you do not want to buy a tie from me or that you hate me, threaten my life and call me infidel. I will show you that I am bigger than any of that. If you continue over that hill to the east for about two miles, you will find a restaurant. It has the finest food and all the ice-cold water you need... Go In Peace."
might be. I knew meat was in demand, and that fellow, well stored, was worth more than a thousand teal ducks. I therefore approached, with the greatest precaution, to within fair rifle-shot distance, scrutinizing him very closely, and still unable to make out what he was. I could see no horns; and if he was a bear, I thought him an enormous one. I took sight at him over my faithful rifle, which had never failed me, and then set it down, to contemplate the huge animal still farther. Finally, I resolved to let fly; taking good aim, I pulled trigger, the rifle cracked, and I then made rapid retreat toward the camp. After running about two hundred yards, and hearing nothing in movement behind me, I ventured to look round, and, to my great joy, I saw the animal had fallen. Continuing my course on to the camp, I encountered the general, who, perceiving blood on my hands, addressed me, "Have you shot any thing, Jim?" I replied, "Yes, sir."
"What have you shot?"
‘The Further Adventures’ Cont. on Page 3
Cursing him again, the desperate Taliban staggered away over the hill.
Several hours later he crawled back, almost dead and gasped ... "They won't let me in without a tie! Here’s To the Irish!
Two women were sitting next to each other at a bar. After a while, one looks at the other and says, 'I can't help but think, from listening to ya, that you're from Ireland.' The other woman responds proudly, 'Aye, I surely am!'
The first one says, 'So am I! And where about in Ireland are ya from?' The other woman answers, 'I'm from Dublin, I am.'
The first one responds, 'So, am I!! And what street did yalive on in Dublin?' The other woman says, 'A loovely little area. It was in the west end. I lived on Warbury Street in the old central part of town.' The first one says, 'Faith and begorrah it's a small world. So did I! So did I! And what
‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 7
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‘The Further Adventures’ Cont. from Page 2
"Two deer and something else," I answered. "And what is the something else?" he inquired. "I do not know, sir." "What did he look like?" the general interrogated. "Had he horns?" "I saw no horns, sir."
"What color was the animal?"
"You can see him, general," I replied, "by climbing yonder tree."
The general ascended the tree accordingly, and looking through his spy-glass, which he always carried, he exclaimed, "A buffalo, by heavens!" and, coming nimbly down the tree, he gave orders for us to take a couple of horses, and go and dress the buffalo, and bring him into camp.
I suggested that two horses could not carry the load; six were therefore dispatched, and they all came back well packed with his remains. There was great rejoicing throughout the camp at such bountiful provision, and all fears of starvation were removed, at least for the pres-
ent. The two deer were also brought in, besides a fine one killed by the general, and ducks, geese, and such like were freely added by the other hunters, who had taken a wider circuit.
It appears strange that, although I had traveled hundreds of miles in the buffalo country, this one was the first I had ever seen. The conviction weighing upon my mind that it was a huge bear I was approaching had so excited me that, although within fair gun shot, I actually could not see his horns. The general and my companions had many a hearty laugh at my expense, he often expressing wonder that my keen eye could not, when close to the animal, perceive the horns, while he could see them plainly near two miles distant.
A severe storm setting in about this time, had it not been for our excellent store of provisions we should most probably have perished of starvation. There was no game to be procured, and our horses were beginning to die for want of nourishment. We remained in this camp until our provisions were all expended, and our only resource was the flesh of the horses which died of starvation and exposure to the storm. It was not such nutritious food as our fat buffalo and venison, but in our present
The Doctor is In!
Airway Centric, You and Your Dentist
Airway Centric (AC) is the “new” philosophy in treating your overall health and wellness today. Your airway and how it affects how restful your sleep and breathing is the MOST IMPORTANT function of your body. Your ideal mental and physical performance depends on an open airway, clear nasal breathing and restorative sleep. Your dentist is the primary health care provider who can detect and initiate treatment for compromises in your health due to breakdowns in your ability to deliver fresh supplies of oxygen to your body. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a uniquely human disease! As humans evolved to an upright posture, the forebrain grew with the freeing
of our hands for manipulation of our environment, but our facial framework retreated and the nasal airway became diminished in size and function. This is why humans do not have the ability to smell as well as other mammals. You’ll notice that even our cousins, the primates, have much longer snouts than our own (my staff says I’m the exception!). This shortening increased airway resistance, and mouth breathing was born. This has led to lowering of our ability to re-oxygenate our tired tissues when we’re sleeping and because of the compressed airway, leads to OSA as well as other sleep related disorders, especially as we get older and our tissues lose their “tone.” Thus, sleep deprivation ensues. That’s not all … in many cases jaw joint clicking and popping as well as pain can begin and intensify as well requiring special devices, oral appliances, or even surgery to correct. However, there now is a better way for some. Along with the lack of sufficient oxygenation of your tissues to repair while sleeping, oxygen deprivation (oxidative stress) leads to system failures resulting in inflammation, diabetes, obesity, decreased brain
circumstances it relished tolerably well.
Were General Ashley now living, he would recollect the hardships and delights we experienced in this expedition.
When the storm was expended we moved up the river, hoping to fall in with game. We, unfortunately, found but little on our course. When we had advanced some twenty miles we halted. Our position looked threatening. It was mid-winter, and every thing around us bore a gloomy aspect. We were without provisions, and we saw no means of obtaining any. At this crisis, six or seven Indians of the Pawnee Loup band came into our camp. Knowing them to be friendly, we were overjoyed to see them. They informed our interpreter that their village was only four miles distant, which at once accounted for the absence of game. They invited us to their lodges, where they could supply us with every thing that we needed; but on our representing to them our scarcity of horses, and the quantity of peltry we had no means of packing, they immediately started off to their village (our interpreter accompanying them in quest of horses, and speedily returned with a sufficient number. Packing our effects, we accompanied them to their village, Two Axe, of whom I
functioning (lower IQ in developing children), cardiovascular disease, decrease of your immune system (think CANCER), and heart attacks. Early intervention is essential to prevent sleep disorders and the resultant emotional and behavioral problems, neurocognitive impairment, decreased academic performance and poor physical growth which can ensue in developing children.
That’s where the new paradigm for treatment comes in. The key is to establish good efficient nasal breathing with ideal development of your upper arch. Believe it or not, this can be done even in us baby boomers because we still have a stem cell population, albeit diminished, when we’re older. Once we’ve established this, then we bring the lower arch forward to match your upper arch, usually using an
have previously made mention, and a Spaniard named Antoine Behele, chief of the band, forming part of our escort.
Arrived at their village, which we found well provided with every thing we needed, the Indians gave us a hospitable reception, and spread a feast which, as they had promised, "made all our hearts glad." Our horses, too, were well cared for, and soon assumed a more rotund appearance. We purchased for our future use beans, pumpkins, corn, cured meat, besides some beaver-
‘The Further Adventures’ Cont. on Page 10
oral appliance, and finally we’ll re-establish you ideal bite.
Airway Centric (AC) is based on extensive scientific studies and longitudinal analyses of past treatments for Sleep Apnea, Jaw Joint Dysfunctions, and Sleep Disorders. A thorough examination by a dentist or ENT doctor specially trained in these areas is the first step in treating these disorders. Once this is done you’ll be able to breathe well, achieve restful, oxygenated, restorative night’s sleep, as well as perform optimally during the day. Without it … you’ll get sicker quicker, fail to heal, and die early… and that’s a fact! Call our office at (760) 7344311 for a free examination and consultation. It may be the best call of your life!
We are offering a $200 discount on all cosmetic ceramic (non-metallic) crowns for the month of September. We also offer a $79 cleaning, exam and necessary xrays PLUS power whitening, just $99 within 30 days of new patient cleaning special, and $200 off ceramic crowns for those without insurance.
TheWe’d San Marcos Dental Center love to answer any of your quetions. Call us at
Our number is:
The Paper • Page 4 • September 18, 2014
Escondido Restaurant and Bar Shuttered Following Raid and Investigation by ABC and Escondido Police
The California Alcoholic Beverage and Control (ABC) along with Escondido Police Detectives previously conducted an investigation at Mariscos La Botana Restaurant and Bar, located at 167 W. Washington Avenue in Escondido. Working together with ABC and funded by an ABC Grant, Agents from ABC and Detectives from Escondido Police Department’s Special Investigation Unit, conducted an inspection at the business in accordance with the ABC Grant. As a result of the inspection, Escondido Police Detectives arrested business owner Hector Martinez, a 40 year old Escondido resident for possession of illegal drugs, possession of illegal drugs for sale and possession of a stolen firearm.
Last Thursday ABC Agents posted the Notice of Revocation at El Mariscos La Botana. The Revocation prohibits alcohol from being sold, served or consumed at this establishment. The revocation is permanent. Escondido Police Chief Craig Carter has stated that he hopes this serves as an exam-
Man About Town
It started out as a perfect gathering of great people . . . weather was superb, the venue was outstanding, barbecue was fired up and cooking plenty of hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and hot dogs . . . plenty of cold drinks waiting . . . and then the news hit.
The city of Escondido had closed Lake Wohlford Road due to a rock slide . . . blocking access to those who had planned on, and had RSVP’d, the Escondido Chamber of Commerce Mixer at the Escondido Equestrian Center, located at 26002 Bear Valley Heights Rd, which just happens to be most easily accessible via Lake Wohlford Road. We were able to make it in by detouring via Woods Valley Road east to Lake Wohlford
Local News
ple and warning to any business in Escondido that is conducting unsafe and illegal activities.
/s/Nancy Reeder North San Diego County
On Second Thought . . .
Drowning at Oceanside Beach
To the Editor of the Paper.
Sunday morning at about 9:30am beachgoers pulled an unconscious man from the water at Oceanside’s Beach near S. Pacific and Cassidy Streets. They attempted CPR until lifeguards arrived and took over. In addition to CPR a defibrillator was used, but to no avail.
The man was transported to the hospital where he expired. The man was estimated to be in his 20’s but at press time had not been identified. The drowning appears to be accidental. Anyone with information about the incident can call police at (760) 435-4900. Baby Drowns, Mother Arrested
Police on Friday arrested an Oceanside woman on suspicion of murder in the death of her toddler son. Veronica Rivas, 28, was arrested by Oceanside police after
‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 5
Road and then turning south. But, lots of folks did not know of the detour and only saw the road closure.
Letters to the Editor Restaurant Report
Mr Davis,
Want to thank you for mentioning the China Bistro on Harding /E Vlly Pkwy.
My husband and I went there today for lunch after reading your article. Our server inquired if this was our first visit. We explained how we heard about them. Upon hearing this she pointed to the laminated article proudly displayed on the piano. She mentioned they have had MANY new customers because of you. Thought I'd let you know how you are boosting the income of a local business. I think you may have come across a new section for THE PAPER, Dinning With Lyle. :)
eQuestrian Center as it is a perfect place for a mixer. Huge, clean, neatly organized, plenty of purty horses and you can pet their purty noses and talk purty baby talk to them . . and there probably isn’t a better place for a barbecue than the grassy lawn of the Center.
Top, Welcoming Banner to the colorful Escondido eQuestrian Center Below, Escondido Chamber President and CEO, Rorie Johnston, awards a bouquet of flowers to Joan Layte, owner of the Center. Photo credit: David Zumaya
A shame as a lot of folks missed out on a great party and all the work that both Joan Layte, the owner, as well as the Chamber officials and volunteers had done. We’re hoping another slot becomes available so the event can be rebooked at the
A loyal Reader
If you’re interested in horses, give them a call, Escondido eQuestrian Center, 760.751.2073. Ask for Joan. She’ll be delighted to hear from you.
She’s owned the spread for two years and boards a number of horses . . . there is a trainer available . . . and she has plans for a KidsCamp in the near future. A sharp gal with lots of big plans and great big ol’ ranch that’s right purty to look at. ••••• An innocent, taken unaware.
According to lyle e davis, editor and publisher of The Paper, “I was just sitting there in perfect innocence. Saying my morning prayers, as I recall, when suddenly, out of nowhere, this beautiful woman walks up beside me. asks if I am, indeed, the one and only lyle e davis and I modestly acknowledged I was, seeing as how I have a lot to be modest about, then BLAM!
I wish to apologize to Mr. Kent Ballard in regards to my email to your paper on 4 September, 2014. In my email I said me and many of my military friends were sick and tired of reading about the bipolar malady and that the avalanche of articles on bipolar was coming out of my ears and I was sick because everybody was writing about the same thing over and over again. Surplus articles even explored how bipolar may have played a role in my favorite comedian's death, Robin Williams. I didn't want to see another article on the subject cause I felt it had been done to death. But, I was wrong. wrong.
We were
First off, I don't have a crystal ball so I didn't know that my expressed opinions would come out at the very same time as Mr. Kent Ballard's article on bipolar titled "Skipping Through That Lonesome Valley." To be honest, when we
‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. on Page 9
Right in the kisser! An apple pie with crumb top. (And what folks didn't realize . . . that pie was HOT! Burned the tender skin of my chinny-chin-chin.
The Paper’s editor and publisher, lyle e davis, gets a pie in the face from Hidden Valley Kiwanis Club President, Cookie Comer
(What he also learned was that Lynn Shaw, co-owner of Auditory Assistants, hearing aid specialists in Escondido, and our guest speakers (her and her husband Mark) had offered $50 to whomever would throw the pie in the face of the one, the only, lyle e davis.
The $50 went to the Kiwanis Project Eliminate Fund, which saves the lives of women and from child unborn their NeoNatal Tetanus, at a cost of about $1.80 per medical dose . . . So, for every $50 about 28
‘Man About Town’ Cont. on Page 5
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‘Man About Town’ Cont. from Page 4
women's lives were saved that day (along with their unborn child) . . . “For that,” said davis, “I'll take a pie in the face any day.)
throwing a chocolate cream pie in the face of incoming president Stephen Heilman, popular local chiropractor (below, left).
Davis then learned that a bidding frenzy ensued and Doug Bowcock and Kevin Camperell, fellow club members, also bid $50 so $150 was raised for Project Eliminate.
The idea spread . . . the noon club (Escondido Kiwanis - we’re the morning club, Hidden Valley Kiwanis) raised another $150 by
she confessed to drowning her 22-month-old son, according to Oceanside police. She was taken into custody at Tri-City Medical Center and transported to Oceanside
Davis went on to say, “I misheard the bid. I thought Lynn had offered $15, as in One Five Dollars. Nope. She confirmed she offered $50. Expensive pie . . but it went to a good cause. And I get to eat it now. So there.”
The Proof is in the Pudding -- or Pie, as it were. Davis’s nasal imprint is clearly defined in the center of the apple pie
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 4
At the heart of all this was Dave Geary, (above, right) owner of Dave’s Computer Repair and Sales in Escondido. He arranged for Annette Champion, owner of Champion’s Restaurant to donate pies to be auctioned. The auction then grew to a bidding frenzy calling for a pie in the face. This raised another $140. Total $290 between the two clubs. At $1.80 per medicinal dose, about 161 women and their babies were saved from neonatal tetanus.
Full disclosure: The Man About Town has now finished eating all of the apple pie and it was delicious! ••••• See you next week! Keep smiling. The Man is watching!
The boy’s father, who is separated or in the process of a divorce, went to police headquarters Thursday and was interviewed by investigators, then allowed to leave, according to police. Police confirmed there had been a child custody dispute.
The boy's nanny told NBC 7 that Rivas was extremely depressed about the estranged relationship with the child's father and the custody dispute. 24-year-old Passenger Apparently Commits Suicide
Veronica Rivas booking photo / Oceanside Police Department
Rivas was booked into jail on a murder charge. The investigation is ongoing and other charges may be pending.
According to police reports, Rivas’ mother called police about 7:45pm last Wednesday after she had found both Rivas and the baby unconscious in their Woodpark Way town home Wednesday evening. The boy died at the residence. All three lived together.
During or following a fight with his girlfriend a 24-yearold San Bernardino man apparently committed suicide by jumping from her moving car on south Interstate 15 in Escondido Saturday, a California Highway Patrol officer said.
The driver, also 24, was headed south in a 2006 Toyota Scion near Deer Springs Road about 7:20 p.m., according to California Highway Patrol Officer Jim Bettencourt.
CHP reports indicate that she and her boyfriend were arguing when he suddenly opened the door and jumped from the
‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 12
Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:
NOTE: The Pacific Belles Chorus Show “At the Hop” on Saturday, September 20, at Park Avenue Senior Center in Escondido will start at 1pm; doors open at 12:30pm. The time was not listed in last week’s article. Tickets will be available at the door. Visit the website at www.pacificbelleschorus.org. DAR Accepted Proclamation for Constitution Week
Linda Ramos, Regent of the Santa Margarita Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), accepted a proclamation for Constitution
California’s Plastic Bag Ban and Tax
On the heels of losing the new Tesla electric car battery factory and 6,000 jobs to Nevada, the state legislature passed a bill banning the use of plastic bags at California grocery stores.
Rather than passing policies to make California more business friendly, the bill, which also taxes paper bags, would make California the first state in the nation to implement such a ban.
Most coastal California cities already have passed bans on plastic bags, and some tax paper bags. The California ban would ban the “single-use bags” and replace them with a new, thicker plastic bag, or paper bag, for a cost. However, most people reuse
Social Butterfly The Paper • Page 6 • September 18, 2014
Pictured l-r: Mayor Hall, Councilmember Keith Blackburn, Wanda Prosser, Linda Ramos, Sue Stehle, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Packard, Councilmembers Lorraine Wood and Michael Schumaker
Week from City of Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall. The National Society DAR was instrumental in 1955 in getting Public law 915 passed and signed under President Dwight D. Eisenhower establishing the week of September 17-23 as Constitution Week. Ramos was accompanied by past regent Wanda Prosser and chapter secretary Sue Stehle. Residents were asked to remember the Constitution and what it means, and to ring bells at 1pm on the 17th, the date and time when it is said that the constitution was signed.
participants will be cheering during the Varsity football game, and dancing at halftime at the SMHS football field. Tickets are $25/participant, and includes learning cheers, learning a dance routine, hair bow and t-shirt, pizza, drink and dessert with the SMHS Cheer and Dance teams. Register online at www.smdtstore.myshopify.com (click on the Cheer & Dance with a Knight link at top of the page); email to gmumtzis@gmail.com or fax to 760.438.2632. If you would like to watch your child perform, you will need to purchase a ticket to the football game; tickets available at entrance to the field before and during the game.
Municipal Gallery’s Call to Artists for Art Receiving – Betty Woodaman Memorial Art Exhibition, October 10-November 1; art receiving September 19 and 20, from 11am2pm. Open to any artist 50 and older; entry fees start at $20/members or $30/general public; nonrefundable. The Art Riot Exhibit will be from November 7-December 6; art receiving will be October 17-18, from 11am-2pm. Artists can make a difference, and get a bit riotous with their art. All media types will be considered. Contact the Escondido Arts Partnership Municipal Gallery for other details; located at 262 E. Grand Avenue, Escondido, or visit the website at www.escondidoarts.org.
Cheer and Dance With a Knight This event will be held on Friday, September 19, from 3:30-8pm, and is hosted by the San Marcos High School Cheer and Dance Team. All
Republican Women’s Luncheon Meeting to Feature Local Candidates – On Wednesday, September 24th, the Escondido Republican Women, Federated group will meet at Cocina del Charro, 890 W. Valley Pkwy, Escondido, with a “meet and greet” at 11am; the meeting starting at 11:30am and lunch following. Republican candidates for
the bags multiple times, and they are made of 100 percent recyclable material.
End of Session Action on the Second Amendment
Meetings/Events Calendar
Critics of the plastic bag ban and tax say the cities with median incomes lower than coastal cities with bans and taxes already in place, will be most hurt. Producers of plastic bags and paper bags oppose the law, saying it would kill thousands of industry jobs. Regardless of where you stand on the merits of this issue, California needs business and job-friendly policies, rather than new product bans and taxes.
Senator Mark Wyland represents the people of the 38th Senate District, which includes Rancho Bernardo, Carlsbad, Oceanside, San Marcos, Escondido, and Vista.
Become a Subscriber! Delivered every Thursday to your Mailbox! Just call 760.747.7119 for subscription details.
For those of us who support Second Amendment rights, the legislative scorecard in Sacramento has been on the negative side for years. Fortunately, this year’s results were more positive.
As many of you know, Senate Bill 53, introduced last year by Senator Kevin De Leon (D – Los Angeles), sought to impose a licensing requirement for ammunition purchases. SB 53 passed the Senate with overwhelming support from the Democrat majority and was forwarded to the Assembly. As in the Senate, the bill seemed destined for final Assembly approval. It easily passed the Appropriations Committee, and, despite my “no” vote, also passed the Public Safety Committee. However, I was pleasantly surprised when SB 53 failed to pass in a final
local races have been invited: Mayor race; councilmembers, school boards, Palomar Health, Deer Springs Fire Protection District, and Rincon Del Diablo Water District. Discussion of the Propositions on the November ballot will be presented by Frank Kacer. Cost is $16/person for the buffet luncheon. RSVP by Friday, September 19 to escondidodorwf@cfrw.org or to Rosalia at 760.489.1407.
DUVCW Meeting on September 23rd - Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War (DUVCW), 18611865, Nancy Hanks Lincoln Tent #5, will meet at 11am on Tuesday, September 23rd in the Veterans Memorial War Building at Zoo Drive and Park Boulevard in Balboa Park, San Diego. Department President Susan Zimmer will speak on the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War National Convention in Gettysburg, PA. For information, call 619.475.0153.
Palomar College to Host San Marcos Chamber’s September Mixer The next Sundowner Business Mixer of the San Marcos Chamber will be held on Thursday, September 25th at Palomar College, 1140 W. Mission Road, San Marcos, from 5:30-7:30pm. Meet, mingle, and enjoy the company of fellow Chamber members, business owners and VIPs, while building stronger relationships. There will be complimentary appetizers, a no-host bar, and opportunity drawings. If you have a prize to donate, please contact the Chamber office, info@sanmarcoschamber.com or 760.744.1270. Prizes received at least one week prior to the event will receive additional promotion opportunities.
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 7
Assembly floor August 30.
While that was one victory for the Second Amendment, we still have work to do. Assembly Bill 1014, introduced by Nancy Skinner (D – Berkeley), received final legislative approval on August 29 and has been submitted to the Governor for his signature. This bill weakens constitutional guarantees governing private property rights and establishes new regulations regarding the confiscation of firearms. If you would like to contact Governor Brown to request a veto, please visit his website at: http://gov.ca.gov/home.php
Unfortunately, similar proposals are likely to be introduced again next year. As a strong Second Amendment rights advocate, I will continue to oppose all legislation that undermines the right to keep and bear arms, one of our most fundamental civil rights.
The Paper • Page 7 • September 18, 2014
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 6
Social Security Planning is Topic of Free Seminar at Public Library – Sam and Debbie Payne of Payson Financial, are conducting a free, one-hour educational seminar on Social Security planning on September 23 and again on September 25, both at 6pm, at the Temecula Public Library, 30600 Pauba Road, Temecula 92592, especially for “baby boomers” or persons who are nearing retirement or have recently retired. Payne said in his experience retirees and persons nearing retirement, in addition to financial advisors, don’t understand how their Social Security benefits really work, the options available to them, and how best to utilize their benefits. Deciding when to start taking S.S. benefits can have a tremendous
impact on the amount of benefits you receive during your lifetime. An individual could incur a penalty of as much as 25% of their benefits if they start taking them at age 62. There is no cost or obligation and nothing will be sold at these free seminars. There is limited seating. It is suggested that you call toll-free 888.285.5859 to reserve a seat.
SM Community Services Seeks Entries for Juried Art & Photography Show - The City of San Marcos Community Services is having a Juried Art & Photography Show at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive, during the month of October. Receiving date is Monday, September 22 from 8am6pm. Oils and acrylics, watercolors,
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 8
Kirk’s Column by Kirk Effinger
school did ya go to?'
The other woman answers, 'Well now, I went to Holy Heart of Mary, of course.'
The first one gets really excited and says, 'And so did I! Tell me, what year did you graduate?' The other woman answers, 'Well, now, let's see. I graduated in 1964.'
The first woman exclaims, 'The Good Lord must be smiling down upon us! I can hardly believe our good luck at winding up in the same pub tonight! Can you believe it? I graduated from Holy Heart of Mary in 1964 me self!' About this time, a regular, Michael, walks into the bar, sits down, and orders a beer.
The government can literally claim everything you own: Your home, Social Security check, CD’s, Investments, everything. Wiped Out! Revocable Living Trusts don’t help! There are strategies to protect you from financial disaster even if you don’t have or don’t qualify for nursing home insurance. Over 30 years of legal experience.
‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 2
Brian, the bartender, walks over to Michael shaking his head and mutters, 'It's going to be a long night tonight, Michael.'
Marilyn Shea Attorney
towards inquiries many would consider of more interest to the business community, there were enough of general interest to give all of us a sense of the differences and similarities between the three.
Michael asks, 'Why do you say that, Brian?'
Brian answers, 'The Murphy twins are drunk again,
Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow
One thing that was striking to me was how much Mr. Siaw— who many see as being on Abed’s side of the political aisle—tended to agree with Diaz’s stance on many subjects.
A few thoughts on the Escondido Chamber of Commerce Mayoral Forum
I wasn’t able to attend the of Chamber Escondido Commerce’s Mayoral Forum a few weeks back and had to wait until the video was posted on YouTube. Although possibly dry to some, it is worthwhile viewing and helps to illustrate why the contest is becoming so compelling.
With all three candidates— Sam Abed, Olga Diaz, and newcomer Stephen Siaw in attendance—it was the first opportunity for many to see and hear the candidates articulate their positions on a range of topics. Although slanted
Another was the style of the responses. While Siaw and Diaz showed a strong inclination to answer the questions posed with statements on what they would do, why they would do it, and nothing more, Abed made attempts repeatedly to attack Diaz on her record and characterizing her actions on the council as divisive. While a case might be made to support those assertions, there are many in the community who could (and often do) say the same about Sam—but, neither Siaw nor Diaz did.
One matter of substance and certainly of wide community interest was the candidate’s stance on Prop. H, the developer sponsored initiative to create a Specific Plan for the former Escondido Country Club
‘Kirk Effinger’ Cont. on Page 8
John Wayne An Iowa boy who was Bigger than Life
Winterset, Iowa. He was an American film actor, director and producer and an avid advocate of American patriotism. An Academy Award-winner, Wayne was among the “top 10” box office draws for three decades. Wayne epitomized rugged masculinity and was famous for his demeanor, including his distinctive calm voice, walk, and height (6’2”). He made more than 140 films, arguably a greater number than any other major movie star. His family relocated to the greater Los Angeles area when he was nine years old. He found work at local film studios when he lost his football scholarship to USC as a result of a bodysurfing accident. Initially working for the Fox Film Corporation, he mostly appeared in small bit parts.
A friend of mine recently traveled to Orange County to meet his 24-year-old nephew who had arrived at John Wayne Airport. As they were walking to the parking lot, the young man looked up at the sign and asked in some puzzlement, “Who’s John Wayne?”
His first leading role came in history’s first widescreen epic, The Big Trail (1930), which led to leading roles throughout the 1930s, many of them in the westerns. His career rose to further heights in 1939, with John Ford's Stagecoach making him an instant superstar. Wayne would go on to star in a film nearly every year until his death.
Wayne was born Marion Robert Morrison on May 26, 1907, in
‘Tom Morrow’ Cont. on Page 10
If the young man wasn’t a fan of old movies, then it wasn’t an unreasonable question – after all, it’s been 35 years since the film icon died.
I once had the privilege of attending a mock press conference at Cal State Fullerton. We in the press weren’t allowed to ask questions – it was an exer-
The Paper • Page 8 • September 18, 2014
‘Kirk Effinger’ Cont. from Page 7
property. As has been widely reported, Diaz came out in favor of the plan--stating it was the best option under the circumstances--and, interestingly, so did Siaw. Mayor Abed, however, could only be said to have waffled. He argued he was showing “leadership” by taking no position on it, but was “letting the people decide.” There are many members of his political party who would characterize that statement as “leading from behind.” So would I.
When the subject of incentives to stimulate business came up, Diaz suggested a hybrid example of the city’s façade improvement efforts that might include low cost loans to downtown businesses, particularly, to upgrade and improve space sitting vacant in order to attract more businesses to the area. In my mind, and knowing a bit about the dilemma the city faces with many of the properties in question, this seems a pretty good idea. Ironically, the pro-business Abed ridiculed the idea, saying, “We are not a bank.” I realize he was playing to his audience and spent the entire event touting his fiscal responsibility
Thoughts from the Candidates’ Forum. I am happy to know there will be another Candidates Forum that will include the Districts (September 25, 6-9 pm, City Council Chambers, run by League of Women Voters) because I felt last Wednesday’s did not live up to its potential. 7:30 in the morning is a tough time for many, so there were maybe 50 in attendance. Rather than create new questions for this group, the Chamber chose to recycle the questions from the Mayor’s forum with two general District questions tossed in at the end. It would have helped if we’d had at least one question that was specific to each of the two districts — maybe District 1 question could have been about the needs of the Latino community and District 2 could have discussed Daley Ranch, Dixon Lake and El Caballo Park. (Clarke Dailey wrote a good summary of the Q&A, I’ve posted it here. There is also a post at the Escondido Democratic Club site. Few surprises in Council candidate forum. The UT did not cover the event and can find no other reports to link to. If you know of any, please send the information via my contact form.)
message but, this is the same mayor who had no compunctions over loaning the Chamber $500,000 of city money to keep them afloat (which thankfully did not happen, nor was it ultimately needed), and laying out some $300,000 for the dubious AMGEN bicycle race. Who won? Watch and form your own opinion: https://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=nO3kpO6O7m8 District 2 I start with this group because I found many of their answers to be particularly disappointing since I didn’t really get to know the candidates any better. Nicole Downey had good ideas about government transparency and funding for community services, but she read many of her answers rather than responding extemporaneously. Chad “Shad” Hunzinger gave fairly vague answers that focused on getting rid of regulations that impede small business. I did like his idea of letting small businesses pay City fees in installments rather than all at once, which was difficult for some. Appointed Councilman Masson had the advantage of being the incumbent and so could take credit for everything that happened where he was part of the voting majority — and he seemed to have a check list that he wanted to get through. In support of the Charter, I was surprised to hear him bring up the prevailing wage issue — noting that “Vista is fighting the fight for us. When they win…” The thing is Vista lost that fight last month so I don’t know if Councilman Masson hasn’t been keeping up with the news or has just decided to retain that argument regardless of the actual outcome. Rick Paul didn’t use the time he had and often gave very short answers. Why didn’t he want to tell us more? I did like his answer about balancing social services and business, noting that social service agencies were businesses and they provided good jobs. DISTRICT 1 A two-person race is always the most interesting, and that’s what you’ve got in District 1. Although Councilman Gallo and Consuelo Martinez have both lived in District 1 for more than 30 years, that may well be where the similarity ends. But first an aside, If Ms. Martinez was a conservative, the local Republican party would consider her the perfect candidate for District 1. Native Californian, raised and schooled in the district, working full time since she was in high school, former Commissioner on the City’s Community Services Commission and Member of the Escondido Chief of Police Community Advisory Board she would be touted as the candidate that knows her community well and has made something of herself.
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 7
pastels, drawings and mixed media/collage will be accepted for the art show. Original prints from film or digital camera will be accepted for the photography division. Cost is $10 and one entry per person will be accepted. The diagonal dimension including frame is not to exceed 54” and each entry must have a wire across the back to accommodate the hanging system. Entry forms available on-line at www.san-marcos.net or call 760.744.9000, x3503 for more information.
North County Food Policy Council to Meet – There will be a meeting of the North County Food Distribution agencies for Hunger Action Month, on September 30, from 4-6pm, at Barn 2/The Ranch, 441 Saxony Road, Encinitas, 92024. Reservations by September 22nd to http://bit_ly/HungerActionMonth. Learn about valuable and fun nutrition education resources that can be integrated into your food distribution at no cost, view a short film about hunger in San Diego, learn about converting food waste from distributions into compost, and enjoy refreshments with colleagues and community members. For additional info, contact ARS, Alliance for Regional Solutions, 1557-C Grand Avenue, San Marcos. Singles Hawaiian-Themed Dance in Carlsbad – Simply The Best Singles, an upscale organization, offers a “Hawaiian-Themed Garden Party” for ages 40-60ish at the Hilton Garden Inn, 6450 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad, from 7-10pm on Saturday, September 27th. Receive a complimentary Lei to go with your Hawaiian shirt or dress and enjoy danceable music from the 80s to current, by DJ Tom, an icebreaker,
But I digress. Councilman Gallo supports the Charter City measure and opposes Measure H, the Lakes Specific Plan. Ms. Martinez holds the opposite views, with the Forum the first time she has stated her support for Measure H. Ms. Martinez noted that residents of her district were in support of having more community amenities through the development of the property while Councilman Gallo said the City had made a promise to the Country Club residents and in his opinion “the golf course can be resurrected.” As the incumbent and longtime Council member, Councilman Gallo has been involved with the community through the City’s Neighborhood groups and the Jaycees — and that’s a good thing. I have no doubt that he believes the decisions he has made on the Council are in the best interest of Escondido. Ms. Martinez, in her work as a grassroots community organizer, has sometimes been in conflict with Council decisions while finding strong support in the Latino community. So let’s face it. The two of them live in different worlds and view District 1 through the lens of their experiences. But they were both living in Escondido on October 18, 2006. And on that day, the Escondido City Council passed the Rental Ban Ordinance, with Councilman Gallo providing the necessary third vote while Ms. Martinez saw the devastating
prizes, psychic reading, photographer, plus drink and appetizer specials. Free parking. Dance price is $10/prepay or $15/at the door. For more info, visit the website at www.SimplyTheBestSingles.com or call 818.577.6877.
What’s Wrong With My Soil? – Find out at the workshop at Alta Vista Gardens on Saturday, September 27, at 1pm. Class is limited to 20 people; pre-register with clee@altavistagardens.com. Cost is $10 and includes all class materials, plus a $3 garden entry fee. Cost is $5 for AVBG members. Bring a relatively dry sample of your soil by taking a vertical, 2-inch deep slice of soil, about enough to be a handful, and store it in a clean plastic bag or covered container. Learn how to analyze it for soil type, how to test it, then how to amend it so all those veggies, flowers and other plants will grow bigger, stronger and more productive. The instructor will be John Voss who has owned his own professional greenhouse nursery for 30 years, and has degrees in Soil Science and Ornamental Horticultural. Library’s R.E.A.D. Middle Grade Book Club to Meet – On Friday, September 26, in the Library’s Turrentine Room from 3:30-4:30pm, the Middle Grade Book Club for children, ages 9-12 years old, will discuss the book “Sisters” by Raina Telgemeier, the companion novel to “Smile.” A limited number of copies of the book are available for checkout at the Children’s Desk. The next book club meeting will be on Friday, November 7, and will discuss “The Secrets of the Book” by author, Erin Fry. The Escondido Public Library is located at 239 S. Kalmia Street,
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 9 affect it had upon residents of her community. Anyone that is not willing to acknowledge the wound caused by that decision cannot, in my opinion, offer the compassion necessary to understand and fairly represent the residents of District 1. And for those who say “let it go, the past is the past” well they aren’t facing the truth either. Because until we have an open and honest conversation about how we are going to bridge the divide brought to the surface by that vote — which echos today in the argument over the Unaccompanied Minors Facility on Avenida del Diablo — Escondido will continue to be a city where too many people feel they are not wanted while others pine for the good old days when they think all was well and everyone got along.
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The Paper • Page 9 • September 18, 2014
‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. from Page 4
first saw the front cover story we thought "Oh my God! Not again! Not another take on bipolar suicides and Robin Williams!" And I honestly refused to read it. I was angry and blowing purple smoke! Until I read Mr. Frederick Gomez's opinion in the editorial section of your paper, which appeared on 11 September, 2014.
Mr. Gomez cited two powerpoints of reasoning which were bullet-proof, and which really humbled us. First off, he mentioned the importance of having and keeping an "open mind." In the military, that is one of the fundamental things we fight for and defend. It is a precious freedom we sometimes all take for granted. That alone nailed us squarely on our heads. Secondly, he said that any quality work should never be judged wrongly just because there is an abundance of articles on the same subject. He said such a work "Stands on its own merit." It was these two salvos over my head that made me go back and actually read Mr. Kent Ballard's article. And I'm glad I did. It made me cry. And it made me humble. And to the Editor of The
Paper, Lyle E. Davis, sir, we love your paper even more cause it taught us a lesson in pre-judging things. Another word for pre-judging is "prejudice." So, we all salute The Paper for standing its ground and defending its principles. You, sir, made the right decision in publishing Mr. Kent Ballard's article! Now, if you don't mind, I have a plane to catch and a reunion of sorts to keep with family and friends.
God bless America, and God keep The Paper free and strong! Most Sincerely,
/s/Jerome Delacroix, from San Marcos, California
Editor’s Note: I don’t know about the rest of you . .. but I’m rather pleased we have folks like Mr. Delacroix as members of our military. A Long Time Fan . . .
Lyle, thanks for mentioning Gerland Machine on your pages, and thanks for always putting out interesting and informative stories to help educate the masses, /s/Keith A. Gerland Gerland Machine Inc.
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 8
Escondido. Library programs are free, open to the public, and sponsored by Friends of the Escondido Public Library. For information about the R.E.A.D. Middle Grade Book Club, contact Youth Services Librarian, Lalitha Nataraj, at 760.839.5456 or at lnataraj@escondido.org. Additional information about the Library’s programs for children can be found at library.escondido.org/kids.
Bilingual Book Discussion Group Meets at Escondido Public Library - Rincón Literario (The Literary Corner), Escondido Public Library’s Bilingual Book Discussion Group, will meet on Saturday, September 27, from 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. in the Turrentine Room. Don Quijote de la Mancha/Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes, is the selected book for September. It is widely regarded as one of the funniest and most tragic books ever written. Rincón Literario meets regularly on the last Saturday of the month to explore literature published in English and Spanish. On October, 25, readers will discuss the classic, El angel perdido /Lost Angel by Javier Sierra. Rincón Literario is made possible by generous support from Friends of the Escondido Public Library. This program is free and open to the public. For more information about future Rincón Literario selections and other Library programs, visit library.escondido.org or call Paul Crouthamel, Adult Services Librarian, at 760.839.4814.
The RB Chorale is Singing Your Song – And they want you! The Chorale us actively seeking male tenors and basses, so if you love to sing and have Tuesday evenings open, come join this all-volunteer group of 100+ who really know how to put on a show. No auditions are required, and ladies are welcome to join, too. The Chorale kicked off the Fall Semester with its first rehearsal on Tuesday, September 16. Rehearsals are held each Tuesday from 7-9pm at Painted Rock Elementary School, 16711 Martincoit Road, Poway, 92064. The December show, Mistletoe Magic, will run at the Poway Center for the Performing Arts on December 12th, 13th and 14th and will feature holiday music, spirited dancing, an appearance by Old Saint Nick and specialty numbers. All monies raised during the December productions benefits the scholarship program for 2015 high school graduates pursuing a musical education. For more info about joining the Chorale, visit the website at www.rbchorale.org or check out the Chorale on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheRbCho rale. Lighthouse Photo Exhibit Will Run Until September 30th - The City of San Marcos Community Services Rotating Gallery is currently hosting a photography exhibit which features historic lighthouses along the coast of California, Oregon and Washington. The show will run until September 30. The photos were taken by local photographer Jerry Long and a brief story about each lighthouse is also posted. Free viewing is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8am until 8pm
at the Community Center, 3 Civic Center Dr, San Marcos. For more information about the Rotating Gallery, visit www.san-marcos.net or call 760.744.9000 x3503.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside – The Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside youth went back-to-school on Monday, August 18th in both Oceanside and Vista. Every afternoon is a chance to change the future of America’s youth and this school year they proudly kicked off nine after school programs – the Great Futures Campaign, the campaign for America’s kids, an unprecedented initiative to mobilize our country to reverse the negative trends facing American’s youth and raise awareness about the impact of Clubs and the critical role of Out-of-School Time. The Summer Camp for youth ages 5 to 18 was the most successful with ten full weeks of phenomenal programming and participation in educational, fun, project-based activities while incorporating Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM). There were field trips for interactive hands-on experiences, and students were prepared to go back to school,. Upcoming Camp dates are Thanksgiving Camp, November 2426; Winter Camp, December 22-24 and 29-31 Presidents Week Camp, February 16-20, and Spring Break Camp, April 6-10.
Adobe Home Tour – The 4th Annual Adobe Home Tour in Escondido will be on Sunday, October 5, from 11am to 4pm. Tour five beautiful adobe homes and gardens in Escondido. Tickets are $25/in advance and $30/day of the event. Proceeds benefit the Escondido History Center. For more info, or to be kept up to date on this event, go to info@adobehometour.com. The History Center is located in Grape Day Park, 321 N. Broadway, P.O. Box 263, Escondido, 92033 or call 760.743.8207.
North County Lifeline Needs You – Share your school pride! Are you proud of your alma mater? Would you like to help low-income youth aspire to obtain a college degree? If so, Lifeline needs your help – or at least a banner/pennant from your college. They are using university flags and pennants to decorate the rooms where youth and families of the Positive Youth Justice Initiative (PYJI) meet. Through this initiative, North County Lifeline works with youth in the mid-city area who have experienced severe trauma in their past and who are currently experiencing issues at school or home. Many of them already have substance abuse issues and most are hanging around peers that provide a negative influence. They desperately need help. Staff offers a host of services for these youth, all of which are designed to help youth and their families become more resilient, reduce time spent in the juvenile justice system, and increase school success. College flags and pennants are to be displayed around the room where youth and families gather. To donate, send to North County Lifeline, Attn: Paul Smith, 707 Oceanside Blvd., Oceanside, CA 92054. They currently have flags for
‘The Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 11
The Paper • Page 10 • September 18, 2014
‘Tom Morrow’ Cont. from Page 7
cise for the students. Their live subject: John “Duke” Wayne.
As the session proceeded, students asked a variety of questions like, “Where did you get the name, ‘Duke?’” The answer: “He was my dog when I was a youngster.”
Then, a be-speckled young woman on the front row asked in a somewhat snooty fashion, “Mr. Wayne, why is it the critics never like your films?” The Duke smiled, then calmly replied, “Little lady, nobody likes my movies ‘cept the public.” Wayne was a passionate American noted in Hollywood for his many World War II “propaganda-style” films, (a football injury kept him from military service), and for supporting anticommunist positions.
‘The Duke’ made so many memorable films, listing them would not fit this small space. He won the Oscar for “True Grit” (1969), and was nominated for “The Searchers,” but snubbed for two movies in which he turned in farbetter performances: “The Cowboys” (1973) and “The Shootist,” which was his final film (1976). That last film was of an aging gunfighter dying of cancer. The story was prophetic.
Wayne was surrounded by a stellar cast of friends, many of whom had starred with him in previous movies: James Stewart, Lauren Bacall, Ron Howard, Richard Boone, Hugh O’Brien, Harry Morgan, ‘Scatman’ Crothers, and Bill McKinney. Wayne died of stomach cancer in 1979. In June 1999, the American Film Institute named Wayne 13th among the “Greatest Male Screen Legends of All Time.” An NBC TV reporter doing a biographical feature on Wayne’s life referred to a European survey asking: “What does an American look like?” The answer: “An American looks like John Wayne.”
‘The Further Adventures’ Cont. from Page 3
skins, giving them in exchange a variety of manufactured goods used in the Indian trade, of which we had a great plenty. We replaced our lost horses by purchasing others in their stead; and now, every thing being ready for departure, our general intimated to Two Axe his wish to get on.
Two Axe objected. "My men are about to surround the buffalo," he said; "if you go now, you will frighten them. You must stay four days more, then you may go." His word was law, so we staid accordingly.
Within the four days appointed they made "the surround," and killed fourteen hundred buffaloes. The tongues were counted by General Ashley himself, and thus I can guarantee the truth of the assertion.
To the reader unacquainted with the Indian mode of taking these animals, a concise description may not be uninteresting.
There were probably engaged in this hunt from one to two thousand Indians, some mounted and some on foot. They encompass a large space where the buffaloes are contained, and, closing in around them on all points, form a complete circle. Their circle at first inclosed may measure perhaps six miles in diameter, with an irregular circumference determined by the movements of the herd. When "the surround" is formed, the hunters radiate from the main body to the right and left until the ring is entire. The chief then gives the order to charge, which is communicated along the ring with the speed of lightning; every man then rushes to the centre, and the work of destruction is begun. The unhappy victims, finding themselves hemmed in on every side, run this way and that in their mad efforts to escape. Finding all chance of escape impossible, and seeing their slaughtered fellows drop dead at their feet, they bellow with affright, and in the confusion that whelms them, lose all power of resistance. The slaughter generally lasts two or three hours, and seldom many get clear of the weapons of their assailants. The field over, the "surround" presents the appearance of one vast slaughter-house. He who has been most successful in the work of devastation is celebrated as a hero, and receives the highest honors from the "fair sex," while he who has been so
‘The Further Adventures’ Cont. on Page 11
Teeny Tiny “Tilly” is the pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She’s an 8 week old, 5 pound, Chihuahua mix puppy.
Tilly loves to snuggle. She’s still a baby so her new family will need to continue her training. Because she’s so small, she can get out of any kennel at the shelter. So she’s in foster care. Call the shelter to arrange a “meet and greet.” She was transferred to RCHS through FOCAS. The $195 adoption fee for Tilly includes medical exam, vaccinations, spay, and microchip. Find your best friend at Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas or log on to SDpets.org. Call 760-7536413 for more information. Kennels and Cattery open 11 AM to 5 PM Wednesday through Monday.
Dixon, a 1-year-old English Spot, is not your typical bunny rabbit! While his devastatingly handsome good looks and unique spotted pattern, he is sure to make an excellent addition to your family. He is active, funny, curious and loves to explore new things. He’s generally a happy little “love bug” who enjoys being pet. If you’re looking for a sweet bunny with tons of personality, Dixon would love to hop his way into your heart! Dixon is available for adoption at the San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3450 East Valley Parkway. To learn more about Dixon, please call (760) 888-2275.
The Pastor Says . . .
would be flooded with registrations of kids and their parents. So many families decided to get their kids involved this fall that all the classes filled up and we had to shut down further sign ups till we are able to secure more space. (We apologize for our inability to accommodate more families right now. You can get your child on a waiting list on our website). A new session begins in January.
Pastor Sam Brumit, Pastor, Mission 316 Church San Marcos, CA. Every Child is Unique
Something exciting is happening in our ministry with the beginning of “Kids Unlimited”. The concept is simple. Every child is unique and very special. We dreamed of an experience where each child could discover their gifts and talents while learning character qualities through biblical teaching, and participate in exciting classes such as performing arts (dance, guitar, art, etc.) to fitness, leadership, and virtually any topic – so they are prepared to “do life”. All of this would culminate in the changing of their world. Little did we know when we invited kids to be a part of this that we
We believe God wants every parent to take responsibility for the development of their child on every level… and we want to assist parents in accomplishing this. San Diego County is the 5th largest county in the United States and 22% of the population is under 18. The need is great. Jesus said “let the little children come unto Him and do not hinder them”. Our ministry is open to fulfilling this challenge.
We are also praying about a permanent facility in the San Marcos area that we can use during the week so that even more kids can experience growth and families can do it together. We are open to suggestions! Check out the website for KU at kidsunlimitedcalifornia.com or contact our director, Martha Gracio at 760.593.4558. You may also get more info on our parent ministry – Mission 316 - at mission316church.com
A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.
Escondido • Mayor Sam Abed Escondido College and Career Fair
A no-cost College and Career Fair will be held on Saturday, October 4, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on levels 2 and 3 at Westfield North County mall, 272 East Via Rancho Parkway. Representatives from over 100 colleges and universities will be on hand to provide information to students and their parents about entrance requirements, application deadlines, and majors. Representatives also will be there for those interested in community college, trade school, certification programs, or military service. Recognizing that a well-educated workforce is essential to Escondido’s prosperity, a wide range of organizations are sponsoring the fair: our pre-
senting sponsor Mission Federal Credit Union, in collaboration with Cal State University San Marcos Extended Studies, City of Escondido, Escondido Chamber of Commerce, Escondido Union High School District, John Paul the Great Catholic University, Palomar College GEAR UP Partnership Program, San Diego Union-Tribune, Valley Center-Pauma Unified School District and Westfield North County. The first 2,500 attendees will receive a complimentary tote filled with gifts. The bags can be obtained near the mall entrance by Tavern Bowl on level 2. The Dining Court Patio will transform into a “College Lounge” for the day and current college students will be on hand to share their experiences about campus life with prospective students. For more information, please visit: collegeandcareerfair.escondido.org
Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter Future Skate Parks Sites
In 2014, the City Council agreed one of our top priorities was to identify locations for the development of two skate parks - one for the beginners and one for the more advanced. In April, city staff met with the Skate Coalition and neighborhoods to obtain input on the plan to develop skate park facilities in the downtown area. The two locations selected are at (1) the northwest corner of N. Santa Fe and Orange avenues (400 N. Santa Fe Avenue) and on (2) the west side of N.
‘The Further Adventures’ Cont. from Page 10
unfortunate as not to kill a buffalo is jeered and ridiculed by the whole band. Flaying, dressing, and preserving the meat next engages their attention, and affords them full employment for several weeks.
The "surround" accomplished, we received permission from Two Axe to take up our line of march. Accordingly, we started along the river, and had only proceeded five miles from the village when we found that the Platte forked. Taking the south fork, we journeyed on some six miles, when we encamped. So we continued every day, making slow progress, some days not advancing more than four or five miles, until we had left the Pawnee villages three hundred miles in our rear. We found plenty of buffalo along
Santa Fe Avenue between California and Connecticut avenues (510 N. Santa Fe Avenue).
If you drive by the sites, you’ll see Future Skate Park signs posted on the land. In the next month, a consultant will be chosen to both design and build the two skate parks. It is anticipated initial stakeholder meetings will be scheduled in late 2014 and construction should begin in mid-2015. For more information or to learn about upcoming meetings, check online at C i t y o f V i s t a . c o m (Construction Projects) or you can contact the Engineering Department at 760.639.6111.
our route until we approached the Rocky Mountains, when the buffalo, as well as all other game, became scarce, and we had to resort to the beans and corn supplied us by the Pawnees.
Have an item for The Social Butterfly? A Civic or Service Club Meeting or Fund Raiser? Send to: thesocialbutterfly@cox.net
San Marcos • Mayor Jim Desmond
Ridgeline Trail and Parking Lot closed for restoration work
Due to recent wildfire related damage, the Ridgeline Trail will remain closed until further notice. The Ridgeline Trailhead parking lot and public restroom along San Elijo Road will also be closed effective Saturday, August 23. Restoration work is currently in the bidding process to safely open this recreation space as soon as possible.
For more information, please call (760) 752-7550, ext. 3309. To learn more about fire recovery, please visit www.san-marcos.net/firerecovery.
To view the City's trail guides or learn more about San Marcos' 56-mile trail system, please visit www.san-marcos.net/trails.
Oceanside • Mayor Jim Wood Oceanside Harbor Days
On September 27-28, 2014 the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce along with USAA and Genentech will host Harbor Days at the Oceanside Harbor. Both days promise to be fun times for the whole family with arts and crafts exhibits, great food and lots of activities. Bring your friends and neighbors and come experience the new Sandcastle competition, Entertainment Stage, Arts, Crafts and good booth areas, Nail ‘n’ Snail Competition, Military and Public Safety displays and much more. Several restaurants and shops are available for your dining and shop-
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 9
USD, Azusa and Stanford. This program is in partnership with North County Lifeline, the Juvenile Probation Department, San Diego Youth Services, and the Sierra Health Foundation. Together, we can change the trajectory of the lives of these youth.
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Launched Retail Promotion for Fundraising – A few weeks ago The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, along with Burlington, launched their retail promotion to raise money for blood cancer research, the Society’s “Light the Night Walk. More than $2 million has been raised to fund therapies that help kids with blood cancers get back to being kids again; your help is needed to reach the $3million goal. For a dollar or more at checkout, you can dedicate a Light the Night paper icon to a family member, a friend, or even yourself – now through October 4th at any Burlington store. In 1960, the survival rate for childhood blood cancers was 3%; today it’s 90%, thanks in part to Burlington and people like you.
ping pleasure. Dominics at the Harbor, Joes Crab Shack, Jolly Roger and Harbor Fish and Chips are just a sampling of the fine eating establishments at the Harbor. Pick up souvenirs and gifts at Nana’s and Pop Pops Sweet Ship, The Harbor Gift Shop, The Lighthouse Shop and Ye Old Hawaiian Hut to name a few of several stores waiting to serve you.
Harbor Days is free to the public and is open from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm on Saturday and 9:00 am – 5:00 pm on Sunday. There is free parking at the Oceanside Transit Center parking garage, located at Seagaze and Cleveland Streets, with free shuttle service available. We’ll see you there!
Doll Club’s Annual Doll Show and Sale Coming Soon – The Southwind Doll Club will present its annual Doll Show and Sale on Saturday, October 4, from 10am3pm, at the Church of the Resurrection, 1445 Conway Drive, Escondido. Donations – Adults $6, and children under 12 free with adult. Doll stringing available from 10am to 1pm. Southwind Doll Club donates to local charities. Parking is free and there will be food on the premises. For questions, contact rcarsndolls@att.net, or call 760.745.2064. 4th Annual Tots ‘n Trucks Event for ECCDC – On Saturday, October 4th from 10am to 2pm, is the 4th Annual “Tots ‘n Trucks event for the Escondido Community Child Development Center (ECCDC). This year it will be held at Kit Carson Park, 3333 S. Bear Valley Parkway, Escondido. Admission is free; donations appreciated. Climb, crawl and honk on many amazing trucks. Raffle prizes; carnival games; crafts;
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 13
The Paper • Page 12 • September 18, 2014
Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory
The Computer Store that wouldn’t die - Part III
In part I and II we discussed how The Computer Factory got started in 1995 and how we survived the great PC store shakeout in the early years of the new millennium. By 2003 we were on cruise control and life was good. Then “Disneyland for computer geeks” came to town. Of all the empty lots in North County, Fry’s had to land on the one only a three iron shot from our front door. We knew that Fry’s was coming for more than a year before they finally opened their doors. We visited the store in San Diego and several other Fry’s stores in the LA area. We checked their product, pricing and service policies and procedures. We talked to independent PC store owners whose stores clustered around
‘Local News’ Cont. from Page 5
car, which was going 60 to 65 mph. The driver’s two young children were also in the car.
CHP officers and firemen performed CPR, but the man died. The incident is being investigated as a suicide. No Alcohol = No Dollar General Store in Vista?
The question of whether national discount retailer Dollar General will locate its first store in San Diego County is now in doubt following the Vista City Council’s decision to nix the sale of alcohol. The chain had gotten the approval from Vista to open a store in the city last Tuesday, but it won’t be allowed to sell alcohol — and that could kill the deal. On Tuesday evening, the Vista City Council approved Dollar General’s request to open in a vacant storefront in the Townsite neighborhood but the council rejected 4-1 the retailer’s request to sell beer and wine.
Some council members cited a saturation of alcohol-sales licenses in the area as well as its high crime rate.
Fry’s. We concluded that Fry’s offered no threat to our business. Fry’s product pricing was pretty much the same as every one else’s. Their reputation as a low price competitor was based on full page ads which often featured spectacular prices on refurbs, rebates, limited quantities or otherwise distressed merchandise. Their prices and margins on normal stock items were pretty much standard. Fry’s service pricing was higher than ours because Fry’s wasn’t looking for computer service business. Their service department’s job was to install items sold in the store and process warranty and returns. We were happy to welcome them to the neighborhood.
Fry’s opened two weeks prior to their formal “Grand Opening.” on D-Day (June 6 2003). As a director of the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce I was among the VIP guests for the pre-opening breakfast and pep rally. John Fry, Fry’s CEO, confided in me at breakfast that our “mom and pop” computer store would do just fine next door to Fry’s but Comp USA, Staples and Best Buy would be in Fry’s cross hairs.
As the opening hour arrived thousands of customers formed a line that snaked throughout the parking lot. Fry’s had some great deals for opening day and the turn-out was tremendous. Fry’s senior executives, the press and VIP guests all crowded around the main entrance to see the “Grand Opening.” Security struggled to
Councilwoman Amanda Rigby cast the sole dissenting vote.
Dollar General was looking to open the store in a larger than 9,600-square-foot suite that has been vacant for more than two years. The suite is in a blighted 10-year-old strip mall. In July, the Planning Commission approved the store, but nixed alcohol sales. A representative for Dollar General asked the City Council to step in and overturn the decision.
Nationwide, Dollar General has about 11,000 stores in 40 states; the vast majority are in the eastern half of the country. Alcohol is sold in more than half of the stores throughout 24 states, including California. The Vista site, if it should open, would be the retailer’s first county location. FBI Seeks Serial Bank Robber
He’s called the “Hills Bandit” by the FBI . . . he’s wanted for eight bank robberies and one attempted robbery in Southern California, all since May of this year. Three of the robberies were in San Diego County, the latest of which were this Monday, with the attempted robbery of a Union Bank on Girard Avenue, near Silverado
allow the first customer through the door while holding everyone else back. The idea was to allow the press to take pictures and interview Fry’s first “official” customer. A small Asian man squeezed through the door and the cameras started rolling. John Fry beamed as one of the reporters stuck a microphone in the startled man’s face and yelled “what are you buying today.” The Asian man raised his hand and shook a Fry’s bag in the reporters face. “I buy nothing, I’m returning this camera.” John Fry’s smiled faded as he turned and yelled to security “let another one in.”
had always been a problem for us. Amateurs often misdiagnose their PCs problems or purchase the wrong components. Returned components must be retested and the necessary restocking charges often rankled customers. With Fry’s just across the street we were able to establish a policy of selling only components that we install. That way we warranty the parts and the installation. The “shade tree PC techs” could simply buy their parts at Fry’s. No one is better at taking parts back than Fry’s.
Street, in La Jolla and the robbery of a Wells Fargo Bank in Laguna Hills, the FBI said.
Crime Stoppers anonymously at (888) 580-8477.
Fry’s was a great neighbor. Their infamous “Great Quality” house brand of low end PCs provided a powerful counterpoint to our product quality. Selling components to the “do-it-yourself” crowd
No weapon was shown but a note saying he had a weapon was given to a teller at each bank. He is described as white and 40 to 50 years old, wearing a baseball cap and glasses. In both incidents Monday, he wore a red Anaheim Angels cap.
On Aug. 5, a U.S Bank was robbed in Carlsbad, followed three days later by a robbery at a U.S. Bank in Laguna Hills. On Aug. 22, a Wells Fargo was robbed in Laguna Niguel, with a robbery three days later at a California Bank & Trust in San Diego. The FBI is investigating jointly with law-enforcement authorities in Orange County. Anyone with information can contact the FBI in San Diego at (858) 320-1800; the FBI in Los Angeles at (310) 477-6565;
Tune in next week for part IV as Microsoft sticks its users with Vista and Apple, Dell, HP, Gateway and Packard Bell flee the country leaving “The Computer Store That Wouldn’t Die” alone to build PCs in America.
Fatal Motorcycle Crash in Oceanside
A motorcycle ran into the back of an agricultural truck this past Saturday in Oceanside. The 23-year-old male cyclist was fatally injured.
The crash occurred about 7:30 a.m. on North River Road west of Holly Lane, Oceanside police said. Both vehicles had been traveling westbound east of Sleeping Indian Road just before the collision.
The motorcyclist failed to notice the truck making a left turn on a service road and hit the right rear of the truck. The impact threw the cyclist from the motocycle and he died at the scene. His name has not yet been released, pending notification of family members.
Police said speed might have been a factor in the crash, but it did not appear that alcohol was involved. An investigation is ongoing. Need Legal Ads? Call us. The Paper 760.747.7119
Accounting Academy
• Page 13 • September 18, 2014
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‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 11
RC cars; and food. Great family fun for children of all ages. Visit the San Diego Blood Mobile and schedule an appointment to give the gift of life. Visit www.SanDiegoBloodBank.org; click Donate Blood; click Appointments; Sponsor Code: TNTS. All funds raised at this event support ECCDC programs. For more info, call 760.839.9361 or visit www.eccdc.com.
Public Library to Host Super Smash Bros. Tournament Escondido Public Library, 239 S. Kalmia St, in Escondido, will host a series of three monthly Super Smash Bros. Tournaments for Teens, ages 13–18 years. Saturday, October 4, from 10am–3:30pm. (Register 9/19 thru 10/3); Saturday, November 1, from 12:30–4:30pm. (Register 10/17 thru 10/31); and Saturday, December 6, from 10am–3:30pm. (Register 11/21 thru 12/5). The tournaments will take place in the Library’s Turrentine Room. Participation is free but space may be limited and requires confirmed pre-registration for each event. To register, call 760.839.4283. Contestants are required to bring their own controller. Each event includes both single and team competitions. The tournaments are double elimination with
Get the help you need now. COUNSELING | MEDIATION CLASSES:ANGER MANAGEMENT PARENTING | RELATIONSHIPS The Optimize Center 350 W. 9th Avenue, Suite 101 Escondido, CA 92025 760.747.8686
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each match-up following a best twoout-of-three victory to advance to the next round. Extra stations will be provided so those eliminated early in the tournament can continue to play. The grand finals will be accompanied by live gameplay commentary. Christian Martinez, a local Super Smash Bros. player and enthusiast, will lend his expertise to conduct the tournaments. The tournaments bring teens together to promote interaction, healthy competition and they also provide an opportunity to showcase Library services available for this age group.” Library programs are sponsored by the Friends of the Library and are free and open to the public. For information about the Super Smash Bros. Tournament for Teens, contact Teen Librarian Cathy Janovitz at 760.839.4283 or cjanovitz@escondido.org. Additional information about Library programs and services can be found at library.escondido.org.
“Tails at Twilight – a Night of 15,000 Dreams” – You are invited to the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA’s “Tails at Twilight: A Night of 15,000 Dreams” to be held on Saturday, October 11, at 6pm, at Vintana at the Centre at Lexus Escondido, 1205 Auto Park Way. Join in for the dog-friendly gala that will benefit animals in need and celebrate the joy our own pets bring to our lives. Attendees will enjoy an evening with four-legged friends, complete with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, dinner, a hosted bar, silent and live auctions, musical entertainment by Stage4, and an art performance by famed artist Stephen Fishwick, all in support of the lifesaving programs at the Humane Society. Well-mannered canines are invited, and dog butlers will be on hand to
Super Soundproofing Co •Expert Products •Floor Noise Barrier •Insulation Floor and Wall Tape •Vibration Isolation Tape
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cater to their needs. Tickets are $150/regular or $250/VIP; Tables for 10/$1,500; VIP Table for 10, $2,500. To reserve, call 760.888.2235 or email tails@sdhumane.org. Thanks to the media sponsor, San Diego 6, and event emcee Heather Myers.
3rd Annual Bunco4Boobs Fundraiser – A Hidden Meadows Breast Cancer Research Fundraiser will be held on Friday, October 10th, at 6pm at the Meadow Lake Golf Club House in Hidden Meadows, Escondido. Welcome gifts for everyone; catered food and beverages, a no-host bar, silent auction, fun ladies night out for a good cause. Bring your $25 donation check made
MY DOG ATE THE COUCH UPHOLSTERY STUDIO 3643 Grand Avenue #C San Marcos, CA. 92078 760.484.3058 eduvall2012@gmail.com CONTACT: ERIC DUVALL
Death Notices
Marcella Marion Mason, 80, of Valley Center, Ca., passed away on September 9, 2014.
Richard Dunbar, 88, of Valley Center, Ca., passed away on September 10, 2014.
Arrangements by California Funeral Alternatives Escondido and Poway
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2014-00027771-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Maria de Jesus Banderas, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Maria de Jesus Bandera. Proposed name: Maria J. Mota. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: October 14, 2014, 8:30a.m., Department 26. The address of the court is: 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated 8/19/2014. /s/K. Michael Kirkman, Judge of the Superior Court 8/28, 9/04, 9/11 & 9/18/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-024633 The name of the business: Bob and Ed Johnson, Johnson Brothers, Edward Johnson, located at 442 Borden Rd., San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Robert B. Johnson 442 Borden Rd. San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 1/01/1980. /s/Robert B. Johnson This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/15/2014 9/18, 9/25, 10/04 and 10/09/2014
payable to American Cancer Society or Susan G. Komen Foundation, plus $5 for the prize winning Bunco Games (no skill needed-just luck). There will be a memory board available for anyone to post a picture/story and share their breast cancer experience. RSVP to bunco4boobs@gmail.com. If you can’t attend but would like to contribute to the fundraiser, please mail your check, made payable as shown above, to Nancy Ogrod, 28105 Mt. Meadows Road, Escondido, 92026.
Above and Below . . . a gathering of the Bunco4Boobs Babes 3rd Annual Fundraiser
The Mighty Mojo Page The Paper • Page 14 • September 18, 2014
Quail Creek Apartments Gated, Planned Activities
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The name of the business: La Cocina de Anita, located at 168 W. Mission Ave, Escondido, CA. 92025, is hereby registered by the following:
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This business is conducted by an indivdidual. First day of business was 9/01/2014.
This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/02/2014
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023595 The name of the business: San Diego Premier Public Speaking, located at 2049 Dawn View Glen, Escondido, Ca. 92026, is hereby registered by the following: Brian Friesen 2049 Dawn View Glen Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 9/1/2014. /s/ Brian Friesen This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/03/2014 9/11, 9/18, 9/25 and 10/02/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-021750 The name of the business: UEI College, located at 2085 Montiel Rd., Ste 101, San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Lockwood & Holmes, Inc. 16485 Laguna Canyon Rd. Suite 300 Irvine, Ca. 92618 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 3/02/2010. Lars Vaaler, CFO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/13/201 9/4, 9/11, 9/18 & 9/25/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023278 The name of the business: Sammy & Luis Painting, Sammy & Luis Service Co., located at 301 W. Vermont Ave #424, Escondido, Ca. 92025, is hereby registered by the following: G & Z Construction Services, In. 301 W. Vermont Ave #424 Escondido, Ca. 92025 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 07/18/14. /s/Luis Garcia, Vice President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/28/2014 9/04, 9/11, 9/18 & 9/25/14 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023070 The name of the business: PepperTree Montessori School, PinkTower Montessori School, located at 203 Laurine Ln., Fallbrook, Ca. 92028, is hereby registered by the following: Vipula Rajapakse and Chandani Jayasinghe 3159 Avenida Olmeda Carlsbad, Ca. 92009 Sisira Jayasinghe 3305 Bonham Ave. Temple, Tx. 76502 This business is conducted by co-partners. First day of business was n/a. /s/Vipula Rajapakse, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/27/2014 9/04, 9/11, 9/18 & 9/25/14 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023471 The name of the business: Studio Hair Nails, located at 1057 S. Escondido Blvd., Escondido, Ca. 92025, is hereby registered by the following: Trang Truong 2315 Amber Lane Escondido, Ca. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Trang Truong This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/02/2014 9/4, 9/11, 9/18, and 9/25/2014
The Paper
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-022402 The name of the business: Tucked Away Treasures, located at 1930 W. San Marcos Blvd, #72, San Marcos, Ca. 92078 is hereby registered by the following: Linda L. Thibodeau 1930 W. San Marcos Blvd. #72 San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 1/28/2005. /s/Linda L. Thibodeau This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/20/2014 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, and 10/2/2014
Ordinance No. 2014-1399 an ordinance of the City of San Marcos City Council Amending Chapters 17.02, 17.04, 17.08, 17.12, 17.16, 17.20, 17.22, 17.24, 17.26, 17.27, 17.28, 17.29, and 17.30 of the San Marcos Municipal Code to adopt by reference the 2013 edition of the California Building Standard Codes, and the 1997 editions of the uniform housing code and the uniform code for the abatement of dangerous buildings. Ordinance No. 2014-1399 was introduced on August 26, 2014, and adopted by the City Council on September 9, 2014, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: JABARA, JENKINS, JONES, ORLANDO, DESMOND; NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE; ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE. A certified copy is posted in the office of the City Clerk at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA. Phillip Scollick, City Clerk, City of San Marcos. PD: 9/18/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-020867 The name of the business: Education Enterprises, located at 1501 San Elijo Road South, Ste #104-136, San Marcos, CA. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Sheri Lynn Beshir 8679 Lemon Ave #2 La Mesa, Ca. 91941 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 8/4/14. /s/Sheri Lynn Beshir, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/4/2014 8/28, 9/4, 9/11 and 9/18/2014
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2014-00026528-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Edgar Plascencia and Claudie Plascencia-Chomoshe, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name(s): Edgdar Plascencia, Proposed name: Yehudah Weisz, Present name: Natali Plascencia. Proposed name: Rachel Weisz. Present name: Natania Plascencia. Proposed name: Leah Weisz. Present name: Claudia Plescencia-Chomoshe. Proposed name: Sarah Weisz. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: September 30, 2014, 8:30a.m., Department 26. The address of the court is: 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated 8/8/2014. /s/K. Michael Kirkman, Judge of the Superior Court 8/28, 9/04, 9/11 & 9/18/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-022273 The name of the business: Champions Family Restaurant, located at 117 W. Grand Ave., Escondido, Ca. 92025, is hereby registered by the following: Annette M. Champion 1810 S. Juniper St. Escondido, Ca. 92025 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 7/1/1986. /s/Annette M. Champion, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/19/2014 8/28, 9/4, 9/11 & 9/18/14
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-022760 The name of the business: eMade Solutions, located at 744 Avenida Leon, San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: P&E Enterprise Solutions, LLC 744 Avenida Leon San Marcos Ca. This business is conducted by Limited Liability Company. First day of business was n/a. /s/Elizabeth Okoreeh-Baah, Managing Partner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/25/2014 8/28, 9/4, 9/11 and 9/18/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-022339 The name of the business: Roots Hair Studio, located at 2055 Montiel Road, Suite 109, San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Linda Debora Garcia 1211 Armstrong Cir Escondido, Ca. 92027 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Linda Debora Garcia, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/19/2014 8/28, 9/4, 9/11 and 9/18/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-022619 The name of the business: Snack and Bottle Shop, located at 703-05 E. Valley Parkway, Escndido, Ca. 92025, is hereby registered by the following: An Do 1203 Country Estates Dr. Vista, Ca. 92084 Joshua Aaron Minturn 5673 Split Mountain Rd. Borrego Springs, Ca. 92004 This business is conducted by copartners. First day of business was n/a. /s/An Do This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/21/2014 8/28, 9/4, 9/11 and 9/18/2014
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2014-00027329-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Emma Denise Huitt, a minor , by her guardian/mother, Jaimee J. Olinger, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Emma Denise Huitt. Proposed name: Emma Denise Olinger. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: October 7, 2014, 8:30a.m., Department 26. The address of the court is: 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated 8/15/2014. /s/K. Michael Kirkman, Judge of the Superior Court 8/28, 9/04, 9/11 & 9/18/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-022464 The name of the business: Rocket Science Acoustics, Entelek ACM, located at 8048 Harmony Grove Rd. Escondido, CA. 92029, is hereby registered by the following: Barry Bridge 8048 Harmony Grove Road Escondido, Ca. 92029 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 01 June 2000. /s/Barry Bridge, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/20/2014 8/28, 9/4, 9/11 & 9/18/14
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-024117 The name of the business: The Experience - Gap Consulting Group, located at 3535-109 Linda Vista Dr., San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Harold A. Beard, Sr. 3535-109 Linda Vista Dr. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an indivdidual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Harold A. Beard, Sr., Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/09/2014 9/11, 9/18, 9/25 and 10/02/2014
• Page 15 • September 18, 2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-022799 The name of the business: Alba Action, located at 1485 Rimrock Dr., Escondido, Ca. 92027, is hereby registered by the following: DAVL, LLC 1485 Rimrock Dr. Escondido, CA. 92027 This business is conducted by Limited Liability Company. First day of business was 8/25/2014. /s/Leah Whittaker, Managing Member This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/25/2014 8/28, 9/4, 9/11 and 9/18/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023037 The name of the business: E & G Builders, Inc., located at 14106 Hilldale Road, Valley Center, Ca. 92082, is hereby registered by the following: E&G Builders, Inc. 14106 Hilldale Rd. Valley Center, CA. 92082 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Santiago Daniel Verduzco, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/27/2014 9/4, 9/11, 9/18 and 9/25/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-021535 The name of the business: King Carpet Cleaning, located at 2334 Big Pine Rd., Escondido, Ca. 92027, is hereby registered by the following: Chad Cooney 2334 Big Pine Rd. Escondido, Ca. 92027 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 8/11/2014. /s/Chad Cooney This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/11/2014 9/4, 9/11, 9/18 and 9/25/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023014 The name of the business: North County Fun Booth, located at 5078 Nighthawk Way, Oceanside, Ca. 92056, is hereby registered by the following: Wendy Anne Hill and James Edward Tobin 5078 NIghthawk Way Oceanside, Ca. 92056 Amber Webb 7155 Surfbird Circle Carlsbad, CA. 92011 This business is conducted by a General Partnershp. First day of business was n/a. /s/James Edward Tobin This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/27/2014 9/4, 9/11, 9/18 and 9/25/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023532 The name of the business: Trendy, located at 960 S. Santa Fe Ave., Vista, Ca. 92083, is hereby registered by the following: Tae Hong and Jeong Ae Kim 9345 Adolphia St. San Diego, Ca. 92129 This business is conducted by a married couple. First day of business was 9/09/2005. /s/ Tae Hong Kim, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/02/2014 9/4, 9/11, 9/18 and 9/25/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-024097 The name of the business: Mortuary Transport Services, located at 1637 E. Valley Parkway, #291, Escondido, Ca. 92027, is hereby registered by the following: John Alexander Oliver 1730 Flower Street Escondido, Ca. 92027 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/ John Alexander Oliver, Owner/Operator This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/09/2014 9/11, 9/18 and 9/25/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023534 The name of the business: Masterpiece Pools and Outdoor Living, located at 970 W. Valley Pkwy, #333, Escondido, CA. 92025, is hereby registered by the following: Bruce Swift 970 W. Valley Pkwy #333 Escondido, Ca. 92025 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/ Bruce Swift, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/02/2014 9/4, 9/11, 9/18 and 9/25/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023531 The name of the business: Trendy, located at 611 N. Broadway, Escondido, CA. 92025, is hereby registered by the following: Tae Hong Kim 9345 Adolphia St. San Diego, Ca. 92129 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 1/24/2003. /s/ Tae Hong Kim, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/02/2014 9/4, 9/11, 9/18 and 9/25/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-022099 The name of the business: Alta Skateboard Wheels, located at 990 Robin Ct., San Marcos, Ca. 92078 is hereby registered by the following: D.Y.O., LLC 990 Robin Ct. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was n/a. /s/ Lincoln Veda, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/15/2014 9/11, 9/18 and 9/25/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-024142 The name of the business: MTC Landscaping, located at 1136 E. Grand Ave., Escondido, CA. 92025 is hereby registered by the following: Blanca Cruz and Lorenzo Oloarte 1136 E. Grand Ave. Escondido, CA. 92025 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. First day of business was n/a. /s/ Blanca Cruz/Lorenzo Oloarte, Owners This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/09/2014 9/11, 9/18 and 9/25/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-024008 The name of the business: PreFitKidz, located at 2461 Longstaff Ct., San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: PreFitKidz LLC 2461 Longstaff Ct. San Marcos, Ca.92078 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was n/a. /s/ Stacy Ulrich, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/08/2014 9/11, 9/18 and 9/25/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023495 The name of the business: Equestri Fit, located at 852 Covington Ave., San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Michelle Walker Falvey 852 Covington Ave. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 7/1/12. /s/ MIchelle Walker Falvey This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/02/2014 9/11, 9/18 and 9/25/2014
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-022589 The name of the business: Alejandro Produce Inc., Alejandro Produce, located at 2504 S. Santa Fe Ave Ste 6, Vista, Ca. 92084, is hereby registered by the following: Alejandro Produce Inc. 2504 S. Santa Fe Ave Ste 6 Vista, Ca. 92084 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 12/15/2011. /s/ Alejandro Silva, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/21/2014 9/18, 9/25, 10/2 and 10/09/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023612 The name of the business: Artisan Drapery Installations, located at 637 Via Columbia, Vista, Ca. 92081, is hereby registered by the following: Kenneth McArthur 637 Via Columbia Vista, Ca. 92081 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 01/02/08. /s/ Kenneth P. McArthur, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/03/2014 9/18, 9/25, 10/2 and 10/09/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023586 The name of the business: Blue Water Services, Inc. dba Spa Doctor San Diego, located at 1148 Canary Court, San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Blue Water Services, Inc. 1148 Canary Court San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was July 1, 2014. /s/ Barbara Jan Coetzee, Treasurer This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/21/2014 9/18, 9/25, 10/2 and 10/09/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-022118 The name of the business: Liberty Tax Service #7756, located at 601 Oceanside Blvd., Oceanside, Ca. 92054, is hereby registered by the following: Tar Corp. 549 El Medio Ave. Pacific Palisades, Ca. 90272 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was July 16, 2014. /s/ Bradley Rhodes, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/18/2014 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, and 10/2/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-022310 The name of the business: Loving Heart Custodial Care, located at 1680 Sagewood Way, San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Vanessa Stewart 1680 Sagewood Way San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 8/18/2014. /s/ Vanessa Stewart This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/19/2014 9/18, 9/25, 10/02 and 10/09/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-024259 The name of the business: Speed Reflections, SpeedReflections, located at 868 Saint Nikola Ct., San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Edmond and Krisztian Kovesi 868 Saint Nikola Ct. San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. First day of business was n/a. /s/ Edmond Kovesi This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/10/2014 9/18, 9/25, 10/02 and 10/09/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-024257 The name of the business: Truesports Car Co., located at 1213 Bartley Place, Escondido, Ca. 92026, is hereby registered by the following: David H. Trueman 1213 Bartley Place Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 5/1/85. /s/ David H. Trueman, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/10/2014 9/18, 9/25, 10/02 and 10/09/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-022405 The name of the business: TT Handyman Service, located at 212 Lynmar Ln, Vista, Ca. 92084, is hereby registered by the following: Travis Trotter 212 Lynmar Ln. Vista, CA. 92084 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 7/1/2004. /s/ Travis Trotter, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/20/2014 9/18, 9/25, 10/02 and 10/09/2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-024136 The name of the business: Fresh and Delicious, located at 158 W. Grand Ave., Escondido, Ca. 92025, is hereby registered by the following: Eloy and Blanca A. Flores 2166 Lemon Ave. Escondido, Ca. 92029 This business is conducted by Married Couple. First day of business was n/a. /s/Blanca A. Flores, owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/09/2014 9/11, 9/18, 9/25 and 10/02/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-021563 The name of the business: Graceful Creations, located at 12102 Poway Rd., Poway, Ca. 92064, is hereby registered by the following: Andryea and Rafael Lopez 12102 Poway Rd. Poway, CA. 92064 This business is conducted by copartners. First day of business was n/a. /s/Andryea Lopez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 8/11/2014 9/04, 9/11, 9/18, and 9/25/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023740 The name of the business: Private “I” Enterprises, located at 35109 Hwy 79, Ste 205, Warner Springs, Ca. 92086, is hereby registered by the following: Gerald w. Gemmell 35109 Hwy #79 Ste #205 Warner Springs, Ca. 92086 Reuben Istatia 1717 E. Busch Blvd Ste 305 Tampa, FL. 33612 This business is conducted by copartners. First day of business was 11/18/1993. /s/Gerald Gemmell, Co-partner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/04/2014 9/11, 9/18, 9/25 and 10/02/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023931 The name of the business: FedUp Foods, located at 815 Nordahl Rd., Apt H, San Marcos, Ca. 92069, is hereby registered by the following: Lisa Anne Hunt 815 Nordahl Rd. Apt H San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/ Lisa Anne Hunt This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/05/2014 9/11, 9/18, 9/25 and 10/02/2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2014-023708 The name of the business: SoCal Residential Property Management and Sales, located at 1175 La Moree, San Marcos, Ca. 92078, is hereby registered by the following: Jacob Chambers, 1175 La Moree San Marcos 92078 Daniel Dahlke 4181 Terry St., Oceanside, Ca. 92056 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. First day of business was n/a. /s/ Jacob Chambers This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 9/04/2014 9/11, 9/18, 9/25 and 10/02/2014
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