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was with us and as it got to be about 6 pm, I suggested that it was getting late and I should not keep them. I would liked to have played a little more and dote over the pup but I needed to be considerate of my new friends and their lives. After all, I had just presented them with a task they had not been counting on. Shuru said she would find a good place for the puppy and we thought we would talk the next day.


ANOTHER DAY: I was on another group excursion the next day. Our group went to a very pretty mountainous area to the north and spent the day. I had expected to see Shuru as an interpreter but she was not there; the hospital had sent a different interpreter.

That day, Shuru had taken our puppy to her father’s factory where there was another 2month old puppy they were taking care of. Great, instant puppy friends. Not only that but there was a nice outdoor area where the dogs could play and be comfortable.

I did not hear from Shuru for a day. The following day however, I got an e-mail from Shuru. She said, “Our daughter” did not eat at all yesterday and she looks very sick.

“What now?” I thought. We had been too lucky. Something was not right but what could it be? Was the milk bad? Did the other puppy get too rough with her?

Shuru took the puppy to the veterinarian office across from her apartment. He told her that the pup was very ill and may not make it but it would certainly have to stay hospitalized. If she made it the next 24-48 hours she would probably be OK. Otherwise, it did not look good.

That night I said a little prayer for a little dog. “God you can move mountains, so could you just help out this one little puppy?” I felt like there was a reason that we happened upon the street vendor.

I had to go to Zhuhai the next day and did not have internet access so I did not communicate with Shuru, although I could have called her on my mobile phone but I figured I would just wait until later when I got to Haiko when I would be able to get online. Maybe I was afraid of what I might hear.

I was in my hotel room the next day in Haiko when I got an SMS text message on my phone about 12 noon. It read, “I’m sorry, Bruce. She’s dying. I am with her now.”

I immediately called Shuru on her mobile phone. Shuru quickly answered. The background noise was clearly that of a vet office (barking dogs). I said, “Shuru, it’s Bruce, are you sure?” She said, “Yes.”

I said “Is she suffering?”

She said, “Yes she is. She is breathing hard and with a lot of difficulty.”

With a kind of hollow feeling and a heavy heart, I had the thought that there is only one other thing possible we can do to help this little creature at this point. I said “Can we at least give her a shot and spare her more suffering?” (The November prior I had to put our pet in California to sleep and now I was doing it again.)

Shuru said, “Yes.”

I said, “OK, then, let’s do it.”

She said, “Alright, I will. Sorry, Bruce.”

I said, “Shuru, I just appreciate you being there. Otherwise she would be dying by herself in a garbage pile somewhere. At least she can feel you petting her head and feel not quite so alone.”

Shuru told me that there was another puppy from the same litter in the vet’s office going through the same thing. Whatever happened was happening to all those puppies. We were both crushed.

By the way, I wasn’t dealing with a lay person. Shuru is not only an interpreter, she is a physician, and in fact a general internist doing a fellowship in neurology. She is highly compassionate and loves animals besides.

The next day in Haiko about 8 pm, Shuru and I met online on MSN Messenger and chatted about the previous week. She told me something very interesting and sad. Her veterinarian said that 75% of the puppies sold by street vendors will


Looking for things to do? Places to go? Check out Oodles every week for listings of civic and service club meetings throughout our area.

Have an event you need publicized? Email it to: Oodles.thepaper@gmail.com. If you submit photos do NOT embed them! Send as jpg, tif, or pdf attachments only.

Simple press releases are the best: who, what, where, when, why. Please, no brochures or flyers. Keep it simple. You’ll get more ink!

County Supervisor for District 5, Jim Desmond, (below) will be the guest speaker at the Escondido Republican Club meeting on Monday, September 19, 2022.

The meeting will be held at 12 noon at the American Legion/VFW hall in Escondido. Plan to arrive around 11:30 am to allow for seating, socializing, and other admin activities.

die in this same way. What happens is that these vendors dye the new puppies different colors in an attempt to make them more cute or sellable.

Unfortunately, the dye they use kills the puppies in a few days. It is so toxic that the puppies’ young systems cannot handle the toxicity. We imagine that their livers which try to cleanse the blood become overwhelmed and fail. Then the other systems shut down and the pups die a miserable death going into respiratory distress and then, ultimately, cardiac failure unless the end is hastened by medical compassion.

Shuru and I keep in touch almost daily via email. This unhappy event galvanized us both to do something, whatever we can to change this situation.

Our plan is to suggest to local and province governments a framework which would result in significant income to those governments through vendor fees and registration requirements to sell domestic pets but include neutering requirements and the involvement of the Chinese veterinary profes-

Desmond is against bike lanes to nowhere, 4 cent per mile tax on every mile we drive, and many of the other half-baked plans hatched by SANDAG.

Also, Dane White will speak about his campaign for Mayor. Other candidates who attend will have a few minutes to introduce themselves and their campaigns.

Art Night, Encinitas: Saturday, September 17, 5:30-8:30pm, FREE VISUAL ART • LIVE MUSIC • SHUTTLES • FREE! Enjoy an evening of visual art and live music as Encinitas civic and local art galleries swing open their doors at Art Night Encinitas. The event celebrates the city’s diverse visual art scene at participating venues and is free to the public. Meet local artists and connect with fellow art lovers while enjoying a variety of artwork, live music, and light

Oodles Cont. on Page 13

Memphis Belle Cont. from Page 2

sion, which I am sure they will support.

As a hospital administrator and consultant for the past thirty plus years, one of my best skills is organizational development. If I can use that background to help orchestrate the development of a framework which will benefit everyone except the individual street vendors, I think we have a chance at making some real headway. I am also encouraged by the movement Jill Robinson has been able to achieve in her work with Chinese governmental units and the Chinese academic and science community. I believe the majority of people in China are of the same mindset and only need a fresh set of eyes or a slightly different mindset to improve the way various things are approached.

Do I feel a little bit like Don Quixote? Yes, I do but not enough to dissuade me from trying to prevent large numbers of month-old puppies

The Spy and The Puppy Cont. on Page 5

City of Oceanside Awarded $9.9 Million for Pure Water Oceanside

The Secretary of the Interior announced they are recommending a $9.9 million grant award for construction of the Pure Water Oceanside project. The funding will be awarded via the Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSMART: Title XVI WIIN Water Reclamation and Reuse Projects funding opportunity. Oceanside is one of twenty-five applicants being named in the Federal appropriations process for this funding.

Through the Title XVI program, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation provides grants to water districts and communities to reclaim and reuse wastewater and impaired ground and surface water in the Western United States. The funding may be used for the planning, design or construction of water recycling and reuse projects.

Pure Water Oceanside purifies recycled water to create a new local source of high-quality drinking water that is clean, safe, drought-proof and environmentally sound. The project will provide more than 32% of the City of Oceanside’s water supply, or 3 to 5 million gallons per day, and is the first operating advanced water purification facility in San Diego County. Prior to Pure Water Oceanside, the City imported approximately 89% of its drinking water from the Sacramento Bay Delta and the Colorado River, hundreds of miles away. Pure Water Oceanside began operation and testing at the end of 2021, and final construction is expected to be complete at the end of 2022.

“It is very important to the City that Pure Water Oceanside is affordable for our community,” said Water Utilities Director Lindsay Leahy. “We have made great strides through the award of multiple grants, loans, and incentive programs through the Bureau of Reclamation, EPA, Department of Water Resources, Metropolitan Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority. We are thankful for the continued support from the Bureau of Reclamation; this funding helps to ensure Oceanside can continue to develop a cost effective, reliable, local water supply.”

Pure Water Oceanside was previously awarded a combined $7.7 million for the fiscal year 2019, 2020, and 2021 Title XVI WIIN grant opportunity, totaling $17.6 million with this year’s award. The City also received $3.115 million in State grant funding for the project from the Department of Water Resources (DWR). These funds result from Proposition 1, a bond measure approved by voters in 2014 to improve water infrastructure statewide. EPA selected Pure Water Oceanside and portions of Oceanside’s recycled systems for a Federal WIFIA loan. The interest rate on the loan was 1.20%. Additionally, Metropolitan Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority also approved Local Resources Program funding, which provides a financial incentive to develop local water supplies.

For more information about Pure Water Oceanside, visit: www.PureWaterOceanside.org.

Man About Town

Clever Grand Opening. Great marketing plan. The Black Rock Coffe location on E. Valley Parkway did a masterful job of drawing the public in for a “first look” at their new business.

They offered free coffee this past Friday, one cup per person, per car, as you went through a drive through and ordered any coffee on the menu. I’m not much of a coffee drinker but I though the coffee was excellent quality and the drivethrough lanes were full all day long.

A lot of people know know where the Black Rock Coffee location is. Superb Grand Opening! •••• As usual, superb food and service at Dominic’s Restaurant in downtown Escondido. We went there last week for dinner with Mary and

Kidnapping – Vista

The three-year-old boy has been found and is now back safely with his mother. It happened on Monday, September 12 around 10:30 p.m. in the 900 block of Postal Way in Vista. The mother came home and discovered her son was missing. The babysitter was not aware the boy had been taken nor was there any sign someone had broken into the home.

Before the child went missing, the mother had a confrontation with her ex-boyfriend in the 600 block of Airport Road in Oceanside. Donta Law (DOB 11/28/1975) was not supposed to contact the mother because of a restraining order against him. Law then smashed the woman’s car windows and left the scene. The woman was not hurt from the incident.

Deputies with the Vista Sheriff’s Station immediately searched the area with assistance from a helicopter, Sheriff’s ASTREA, overhead. Deputies also searched areas where Law is known to frequent.

Law’s parents offered assistance in locating the child. The next day around 2:30 a.m., Law dropped off the boy with his mother at the Oceanside Transit Station in the 200 block of Tremont Street. Deputies reunited the child with his mother, but Law was not found in the area.

Donta Law is wanted on felony charges of vandalism and kidnapping. He is described as a 46-year-old man standing 5’6″ tall with a medium build, short black hair, mustache and a goatee.Anyone with information on Law or his whereabouts is urged to call the Sheriff’s Department at (858) 5655200. You can remain anonymous by calling Crime Stoppers at (888) 5808477. You could be eligible to receive a $1,000 reward for information that leads to a felony arrest.

my son, Kenny. Ken had the Chicken Parmigian, Mary has the Lasagna and I had my usual Calamari in white wine sauce plus my favorite, the baked sausage and pepper casserole. MacKenzie, our server, made certain we wanted for nothing.

We always enjoy our meals at Dominic’s . . a first class restaurant! ••••• Smile! Dammit! Smile!

What is it about Post Office staff? Do they not know how to smile? More and more often I go in to take care of postal matters and find Mr. and Mrs. Glum Face . . . without a trace of a smile, a grin, or a happy look to the eyes.

C’mon folks. Lighten up!

Now that Evelyn Madison has retired we are finding just how hard she worked and why she would often work till 1 or 2 am

We’ve added Amber Luly to our staff. She handles subscriptions and billings, most all of our admin stuff; Lisa Scarpello does our proof reading and graphics. And me? I still work seven days a week . . putting the paper together . . . coordinating the different departments, handling the sales . . . and, occasionally, sneaking in a short nap. I continue to be impressed with 5th District Supervisor, Jim Desmond. He is constantly on the go and cledarly feels the puls of the community and responds to our needs. He is adamant on sexually violent sexual predators not being allowed back into San Diego County when on parole or probation. I don’t want one of those creeps in my neighborhood and I reckon you don’t either. He is equally adamant that SANDAG come up with some alternative to the 4 cent a mile tax plan. He, like many of us, does not trust SANDAG, it’s leadership and staff. Jim Desmond is a super supervisor and deserves to be reelected!

••••• There’s not much glory in Vista High Schoolfootball. Not one player or coach stepped in to put a halt to the abuse one player was suffering at the hands of several other teammates. Several players have been kicked off the team . . Friday’s game was canceled . . . and fellow students at Vista High School are wondering, “just what kind of ‘heroes’ do we have on our team?”

Creeps, it appears.


••••• Visited the San Marcos Dental Center last week. They are back open and I had a very relaxing visit while they cleaned these choppers of mine. Dr. Greg Hurt, who is still recovering from surgery, has a hard time staying away from the office and clinic. That’s his nature.

Letters to the Editor

An Upset Reader


Needless to say I was shocked at your ongoing God show articie. What a misleading and offensive article. You must not be a true Christian. How dare you write that pastors should keep their sermons to 30 minutes. Also the fact that you are unable to stand during worship for our Lord, the most high is absolutely unapprectiative, unless you have physical issues.

Are you aware how much Jesus loves you and died on the cross in the most devastating manner to save you? Church is not a God

Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 10

The renovations, that required the clinic close for almost a month, have been mostly completed - a few touch-ups here and there and the clinic will be as good as new and an actual pleasant place to visit.

Welcome back Dr. Hurt and staff! ••••• Had a very painful revisit with Mr. Sciatica last week. Very difficult sleeping when you’re in pain.

What to do?

Only one anwer.

Go see Dr. Steve. Dr. Steve Heilman, chiropractor, adjusted me and Presto! No more pain! The sciatica has been chased away! (Sciatica is a condition where the sciatic nerve is pinched or restricted against a vertabrate. Once properly adjusted the sciatic nerve is no longer impacted and no longer causes pain).

Anxious to have coffee soon with my old pal, retired pastor Dick Huls. He and his wife just returned from a river boat trip on the Columbia River . . a trip I have wnated to make for years.

I intend to draw all the details out from Dick so I can plan my trip of a lifetime as well..

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