February 27, 2020
Volume 50 - No. 09
By Friedrich Gomez
Mention the word “hero” out loud and immediately most people think only of human beings. Rarely do the four-footed variety, namely dogs, ever come to mind. Sadly, dogs still remain, to this day, relatively unknown and unheralded, despite their ultimate sacrifice of laying down their lives to protect their respective owners. And even in service and defense of our country, they have paid the ultimate price of losing their precious lives so that we may live free. The Paper - 760.747.7119
email: thepaper@cox.net
There are just too many examples and too many ways in which dogs have distinguished themselves as true heroes. What you are about to read is just one, small part of their story. Just a cursory glance at their magnificent legacy of self-sacrifice and eventual death to protect human beings. And for all of this, they only ask to be hugged, accepted, and loved. This true-life story chronicles these heroic dogs. Who were abandoned and forgotten.
During the Vietnam War, approximately 5,000 U. S. war dogs served their country in various combat roles, along with about 10,000 dog handlers. (Note: The U. S. Army did not maintain accurate records of these war dogs prior to 1968, so numbers remain somewhat sketchy.) All four branches of the military used these dogs in Vietnam. The breakdown of dog handlers in Vietnam by military branch, in transmission order, were: Army = 65%, Air Force = 26%, Marines =
Heroic Dogs See Page 2
7%, Navy = 2%.
Scout dogs and their handlers were mainly trained at Ft. Benning, Georgia, the locale of their prestigious “Hell Paws” program, which boasts: “Through these doors pass the best-cared-for dogs in the world!” (Some, however, were trained “In-Country” in areas where they served.)
How truly valuable were these dogs in their service to our country? The most powerful reply is in the calculation of human beings
The Paper • Page 2 • February 27, 2020
Heroic Dogs Cont. from Page 1
that were saved in Vietnam: K9 units saved an estimated 10,000 American servicemen who were able to come back home, alive – instead of in a body bag -- to rejoin their families, friends, loved ones, and raise their children. Vietnam veteran, Cpl John Kubisz, says with great emotion, “Somebody out there may have a father or brother right now who owes his life to one of these dogs. I just want everybody to know these animals actually existed and served their country.”
The amazing thing about these canine warriors is that they care little for themselves. Their first-priority of love and loyalty for their human counterpart is simply towering. Even when they, instinctively, sense that they are about to die they will, still, lovingly lay down their own lives to protect others. SPC Greg Blackwell, who served as a veterinarian for the U. S. Army in Vietnam says, “There would be a whole lot more than 50,000 names on the Vietnam Memorial Wall (in Washington, D. C.) without these dogs. And I don’t think the average American knows the role these dogs played.” Blackwell knows well of what he says. His veterinarian duties placed him up-close-and-personal with
Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle
This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy! I just donated a puppet to a children's charity with no strings attached. •••• ATTENTION: Aliens are coming to abduct all the good looking and sexy people. You are safe.
I just stopped by to say goodbye. •••• A nun walks into Mother Superior's office and plunks down into a chair. She lets out a sigh heavy with frustration.
'What troubles you, Sister?' asked the Mother Superior .. 'I thought this was the day you spent with your family.' 'It was,' sighed the Sister. 'And I went to play golf with my
these heroic Vietnam service dogs. The fact that they are hugely unrecognized saddens him: “There is no memorial to honor the war dogs of Vietnam (until recent years) . . . only memories of the men whose lives they saved. Memories of courage, companionship, and love and loyalty so deep . . . that it is hard for us to fathom.” But Vietnam was a very different war. At the end of World War II, the war dogs that served America so valiantly had a much better future. Like other soldiers, the dogs were shipped back home and given Honorable Discharges. They made loyal, loving pets for families across America.
After the Vietnam conflict, the dogs that had saved so many precious human lives were now forgotten. Out of nearly 5,000 dogs, only about 200 survived. Out of that number, many were euthanized, despite the pleas of their handlers. CPL John Flannelly, a 20-year-old from Massachusetts always had dogs when he was growing up. But he was not prepared for the harsh conditions of Southeast Asia, nor what was about to happen to him.
When he first stepped off his plane in Saigon, the intense humidity and heat that greeted him was like someone placing a pillow over his face, making breathing, at times, a chore. His U.S. Marine Corps fatigues didn’t make things cooler, by any stretch. Flannelly was soon
brother. We try to play golf as often as we can. You know I was quite a talented golfer before I devoted my life to Christ.' 'I seem to recall that,' the Mother Superior agreed. 'So I take it your day of recreation was not relaxing?' 'Far from it,' snorted the Sister. 'In fact, I even took the Lord's name in vain today!' 'Goodness, Sister!' gasped the Mother Superior, astonished. 'You must tell me all about it!'
'Well, we were on the fifth tee ... and this hole is a monster, Mother Superior - 540 yard Par 5, with a nasty dog leg left and a hidden green .... and I hit the drive of my life. I creamed it. The sweetest swing I ever made. And it's flying straight and true, right along the line I wanted .. .and it hits a bird in mid-flight !' 'Oh my!' commiserated the Mother. 'How unfortunate! But surely that didn't make you blaspheme, Sister!'
'No, that wasn't it,' admitted Sister. 'While I was still trying to fathom what had happened, this squirrel runs out of the
assigned to the United States Marine Corps Scout Dog Platoon. His partnered-dog was a German Shepherd named “Bruiser.” Little did Flannelly know that his entire life would totally change. He says, with his thick Boston accent: “They had told me that this was gonna be my new best friend and that I probably would get closer to him than any human being I had ever known in my entire life. And they were right.” Flannelly and Bruiser went through a highly-intense training program and their combined working skills – and instincts – would become one. They worked together in perfect synch. Their bonding and interaction was so finely-tuned as to be reduced to quick automatic reaction, as opposed to second-hand thinking. “I was closer to that dog than most people are with their wives and children. I mean, we were inseparable.”
But, it wasn’t all emotion, loyalty, and dedication. It was indescribable, melded skills. Bruiser was a “scout” dog. He had graduated with high honors, even impressing his hard-nosed Marine dog trainers. Flannelly and Bruiser had trained together to communicate with rudimentary body language that the average person cannot see, much less, interpret. Bruiser had an arsenal of body language which Flannelly keenly watched in order to keep his entire platoon safe while out in the jungles and bush country. Bruiser’s sense of smell was 1,000
woods, grabs my ball and runs off down the fairway!'
'Oh, that would have made me blaspheme!' sympathized the Mother.
times more sensitive than humans. With wind conditions, he could sniff-out enemies in the bush up to 1,000 yards away (that’s the equivalent of 10 football fields end-toend). That 1,000-yard smell which Bruiser possessed is far enough to keep an enemy from firing their weapons. This can keep an entire U. S. Marine platoon from being completely wiped out from enemy ambush. But Bruiser had other lifesaving talents. He was able to not only smell human scent at a great distance, but he was also able to detect “trip wires” that could set off booby-traps that were rigged to trigger large deadly explosions by the enemy.
Amazingly, just the subtle sound of wind blowing over a trip wire could be detected by Bruiser’s keen sense of hearing, as well as smell. Dogs can detect a higher frequency of sound which humans cannot. His nose could even smell land mines and other booby traps or just ‘sense’ their presence, in the same phenomenal way that civilian Service Dogs can sense an impending seizure before it happens to their master. It is an uncanny ability in dogs which still baffles scientists today. Because of these working skills between Bruiser and his handler, Flannelly, both would have the world’s most dangerous job of “walking point,” which means they
Heroic Dogs Cont. on Page 3
explaining why I’m right! •••• You know you're getting old when ....
'Nope, that wasn't it either,' cried the Sister, anguished, 'because as the hawk started to fly out of sight, the squirrel started struggling, and the hawk dropped him right there on the green, and the ball popped out of his paws and rolled to about 18 inches from the cup!'
Your hair stylist starts talking about 50 Shades of Gray, and she is referring to your hair color. •••• Today's Soup is . . . beer. •••• No Senior Discounts. You've had twice as long to get the money! •••• No, we do not have Wi-Fi. Talk to each other! •••• Global Facts About Sex At any given moment: FACT: 79,000,000 people are having sex - right now. FACT: 58,000,000 are kissing. FACT: 37,000,000 are relaxing after having sex. FACT: 1 old person is reading Chuckles. . You hang in there, sunshine! •••• Irish blonde...
'You missed the friggin’ putt, didn't you?!’ •••• I’m not arguing! I”m simply
Chuckles Cont. on Page 5
'But I didn't, Mother!' sobbed the Sister. 'And I was so proud of myself! And while I was pondering whether this was a sign from God, this hawk swoops out of the sky and grabs the squirrel and flies off, with my ball still clutched in his paws!' 'So that's when you cursed,' said the Mother with a knowing smile.
Mother Superior sat back in her chair, folded her arms across her chest, fixed the Sister with a baleful stare and said...
An attractive blonde from Cork, Ireland, arrived at the casino. She seemed a little intoxicated and bet twenty thousand dollars in a single roll of the dice.
Social Butterfly
The Paper • Page 3 • February 27, 2020
the way for others, and left the world a better place -- Harriet Beecher Stowe being one of those women. In addition, there will be raffles and a Grand Prize. For fun, wear a hat - whether it's beautiful, unique or funny! Please join us for an event you're sure to enjoy. Reservations, required by March 25th, for the Tea should be made to Bonnie at 760.743.5360.
Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:
Escondido Woman's Club Meeting is Monday, March 2nd - The guest speaker for the March 2nd Escondido Woman's Club meeting will be Joe Portman from the Escondido Fire Department who will give us an overview of what's happening in our local communities. His program is scheduled to start at 11:30am, with time for Q and A. Lunch will follow his presentation. The General Meeting starts at 10:30am and we will hear a report from the Nominating Committee and the Annual Report from the Scholarship Foundation. Reservations are required; call Joy at 760.855.3850. Monday, March 16, at 10am is the Board Meeting, and Wednesday, March 18, from 12:30-4pm is Game Day, card games, etc.; bring snack and drink.
Parkinson's Support Group Meeting, North County Inland Communities Free monthly meetings for people with Parkinson’s and their care partners are held on the first Monday of every month from 10:00am to 12: 00pm, at San Rafael Church, 17252 Bernardo Center Drive, Rancho Bernardo, in the Parish Hall. Our featured speaker for Monday, March 2nd, during the first hour of the meeting, is Dr. Adam Burdick, Scripps Clinic Neurosurgeon, who will present “Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery for People with Parkinson’s”. Separate breakout sessions for People with Parkinson’s and care partners will follow the presentation to discuss successes and challenges. Come learn, share, meet, and enjoy the free refreshments with other involved Parkinson’s persons. If you have any questions, call (858) 354-2498 or (760) 749-8234.
Welcome Singers! - The Pacific Belles Chorus welcomes all women with an interest in singing to visit our rehearsals any Monday night, 7-9pm, at Trinity Episcopal Church, 845 Chestnut Street, Escondido. We are a group of friendly women of all ages who love to sing 4-part a cappella harmony. We are learning new music and would love to have new singers join us for our summer show! For more information, call Penny at 760.599.4717 or check our website at www.pacificbelleschorus.org.
On Saturday, March 28th, from 11am 2pm, will be the "Easter Tea", our major fundraiser for the year. Cost is $30/person, includes luncheon and a one-woman play by Annette Hubbell, author, actor, and storyteller who will present "Women Warriors". She brings to life several remarkable, Historical women who paved
Music Appreciation, March 4th, at McClellan Center - The Gloria McClellan Center is offering Music Appreciation on March 4 from 1:00pm to 3:15pm at 1400 Vale Terrace Drive in Vista. Whether you are a lover of classical music or a newcomer, you will be sure to enjoy listening to and appreciating classi-
both would walk in front of the platoon, thus making them the first potential target of any enemy fire or booby trap.
Despite the horrific noise, explosions, and bloodshed, Bruiser stood on all fours, firmly planted beside his wounded master. Despite all animal instincts for survival; despite all inherent feelings to run away – Bruiser over-rode his own self-worth. He stood, unmoving, unconquered, his four paws firmly rooted on a ground that vibrated beneath him with violent ear-deafening explosions. He would not leave his master.
Heroic Dogs Cont. from Page 2
In September of 1969, 12 miles south of Da Nang, Bruiser and Flannelly would lead their Marine platoon through enemy-controlled territory. It was brutally hot and faces were awash with their own sweat. Flannelly recalls the moment: “But all of a sudden, Bruiser just stopped dead in his tracks. His nose was up, his ears were twitching.” The dog was giving body commands to Flannelly towards a specific location. Flannelly reacted. “And I noticed the movement in the bush. I had to make a decision and I chose to fire. All hell broke out! It suddenly was like 4th of July!” The entire U. S. Marine platoon was engulfed in full enemy battle! As Flannelly remembers: “Automatic weapons were being fired, hand grenades, rockets being fired!”
In the midst of confusion and battle, Flannelly seemed stunned, almost as if immersed in a slowmotion dream-state. He couldn’t believe what was happening to him. “I looked down and thought my arm was blown off. My whole side was blown open. I could actually watch my left lung filling up-and-
down and then slowly deflate.” (“War Dogs” video, Jeffrey P. Bennett, producer, 1999.)
Flannelly recounts a spectacular moment of valor and unspeakable courage. “Bruiser was just standing next to me. Just looking at me. He had a very sad look in his eyes. He knew we were in over our heads.” To Bruiser’s keen mind and training, instincts told him his master was seriously injured. Animal behaviorists know that dogs see their masters or owners in deeplyentrenched emotions. They are pack animals; they view their masters as one would their “mommy” or “daddy.”
Flannelly collapsed, hitting the ground abruptly, like a marionette doll whose strings overhead were suddenly cut. The smoke and dust was thick everywhere. Noise and screaming filled the surreal air. Bruiser was now crawling towards Flannelly’s fallen form. The dog
cal music. Presentations include state-ofthe-art audio and visual equipment to make you feel like you have a front-row seat in the auditorium. Music Appreciation is free and no registration is required. Hosted by Hank Presutti. For information, call 760.643.5288 or email luigibeethoven@cox.net.
North County Widows/Widowers Club March Events - "Wearin' the Green come and join us for our March activities. Sunday, March 1st, 11:30am-2:30pm, Champagne Brunch at "The Crossings", 5800 The Crossings Drive, Carlsbad 92008. Cost is $38 plus tax and tip. RSVP: Marylou at 760.304.0015. Wednesday, March 4th, 4pm, "Opera Exposed", S.D. Opera's Apprentice Artists at the Free First Wednesday Concert at California Center for the Arts, Escondido. Meet at Shakey's Pizza (across Escondido Blvd. from the Art Center), Escondido 92025. RSVP: Shirley at 760.741.8004. Monday, March 9th, 4pm Happy Hour, Hennessey's Tavern (Patio), 2777 Roosevelt St., Carlsbad 92008. RSVP to Johny at 760.731.9549.
Thursday, March 19th, 3pm Happy Hour, Oggi's, 425 Melrose Dr., Vista 92081; RSVP to Johny at 760.731.9549. Wednesday, March 25th, 4pm, Happy Hour/5pm, Dinner/6:30pm, Karaoke, at the Vista Elks Lodge, 1947 E. Vista Way, Vista 92084. RSVP to Johny at 760.731.9549. Friday, March 27th, 5pm, Twilight Dinner Dance, Oceanside Elks Lodge (membership not required), 444 Country Club Lane, Oceanside 92054. Prime Rib $15/or off menu ordering. Music by Gene and Wendy at 6:30pm. RSVP Required, to Dottie at 760.438.5491. Tuesday, March 31st, 12Noon, Luncheon and Book Club. Details, call Dottie at 760.438.5491.
Country Sensation Lee Brice Takes Stage on March 5th - Grammy nominee and double Academy of Country Music Award winner, Lee Brice performs for one-night only at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido (CCAE) on Thursday,
placed his body over Flannelly, shielding him from enemy fire. Helpless, Flannelly spoke of this death scene: “I didn’t want him to be there. I didn’t want him to have to see me die.” (At this point, Flannelly breaks down and sobs before he continues telling what happened next.) “I told him, ‘Bruiser, go!!’ -- but he refused to leave me.” Incredibly, the trained German Shepherd refuses to take a direct order. “It was very hard because every time I spoke, I kept spitting up blood.”
Again, Flannelly shouts even louder: “BRUISER, GO!!” But something deep in the recesses of the dog’s instincts keeps him close to Flannelly. Even though Bruiser smells impending death, and though he was keenly trained to obey all commands – this one command to abandon Flannelly . . . is flagrantly ignored. Bruiser continues shielding Flannelly’s severelyinjured body, nudging the Marine’s arms and hands as if the dog is trying to tell his master something.
Then, a most unexpected and shocking ordeal began to unfold. Ordered, again, to leave his master’s fallen body, Bruiser instead keeps nudging Flannelly’s hands and arms. Flannelly, finally understands.
He grabs the dog’s harness and Bruiser, with great labor and strength, begins to slowly drag Flannelly’s body to safety. Each
March 5, at 7:30pm in the Concert Hall.
Lee Brice is known for his six radio singles that hit Number One on the charts including: “A Woman Like You,” “Hard To Love,” “I Drive Your Truck,” “I Don’t Dance,” “Drinking Class,” and “Rumor.” Other singers have recorded his songs, and he has performed on numerous TV shows. Brice’s “Rumor” is the current single from his fourth studio album, Lee Brice, released November 3, 2017 on Curb Records. The RIAA Certified Platinum single, is Lee’s sixth number one hit appearing in the top spot on the Billboard, Mediabase Country Radio, and SiriusXM’s “The Highway” Top 30 charts. It has also surpassed 300 million on demand audio & video streams globally. Tickets for Lee Brice are $35-$125 and are on sale online at artcenter.org or at the Center ticket office at 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido, 92025, or by calling 800.988.4253. The ticket office is open Tue.–Sat. 12–6pm, and Sun.12–5pm. Get more information about the show including the show program as well as purchase tickets here: https://artcenter.org/event/country-starlee-brice/
Santa Margarita Chapter, DAR, to Meet on March 7th - The Santa Margarita Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) will meet Saturday, March 7, at the El Camino Country Club in Oceanside. A 9:30am breakfast buffet will be followed by a program entitled “Life
Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 8
time Flannelly grows fatigued and lets loose, Bruiser tries to bite into his uniform to continue dragging him. “He reached down and tried to bite into my uniform on my shoulder. I grabbed onto the body harness that the dogs wore. And he dragged me back. I’m not sure how far it was. But it seemed forever.” With a ferocious exchange of weapon fire, Bruiser went beyond his normal range of physical strength. Flannelly was shocked: “I don’t know where he got the strength! Well, he was dragging me! He was determined to get me outta there! His loyalty was immeasurable. I owe my life to that dog!” (Jeffrey P. Bennett “War Dogs,” video, Ibid.)
Throughout all the smoke, the dust, the chaos, and the death scene all about him, Flannelly was finally dragged to safety amongst his fellow Marines. Dogs such as Bruiser became so effective at saving lives that requests poured in from other platoons, all requesting K9 units.
Later in the hospital, John Flannelly was ordered to return back to the States. Flannelly had other plans, “I’m not going anywhere – till I see Bruiser again! I have to see him!” (Flannelly breaks down at this point
Heroic Dogs Cont. on Page 5
Local News
The Paper • Page 4 • February 27, 2020 San Marcos - New Medical Hub?
San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones pointed out in her second annual Stae of the City Address that San Marcos is quickly taking on every appearance of becomeing a New Medical Hub for North San Diego County.
Above, San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones
She pointed out that Kaiser Permanente will build and open a new hospital and the Scripps HealthCare Clinic provides another dimension in the area of medical service and treatment.
“Kaiser Permanente received approval to construct a new hospital right here in San Marcos.”
Kaiser will break ground on the hospital later this year, Jones said in the speech, presented at Cal State San Marcos. The new hospital will include 206 beds, an emergency room, labor and delivery facilities
and robotic surgery technology, and will employ about 500 people.
The new hospital, long envisioned for the city, will be built on the 38acre parcel that houses its existing facilities on Craven Road, near Cal State San Marcos, City Manger Jack Griffin said. For the city, which prides itself on being an education hub, with several universities and colleges, the new healthcare facilities could make it a healthcare center for North County, as well. Jones allso reported that last week ripps Health signed an agreement for 14,000 square feet of space for a primary care clinic in the newly opened university extension building, and expects to open that facility a year from now, in spring of 2021.
“The health business base is an important part of a thriving community,” Jones said. Oceanside Has Big Plans for Water
Plans are afoot for the city of Oceanside to have its citizens drinking recycled water by 2022.
These are part of the plans the city has to make potable recycled water a major element in its overall water supply. Two other cities have similar plans but Oceanside appears to be leading the movement. Friedrich. You have been missed! ••••• Why hold a sale with great merchandise marked 40 to 80% off and then have no one available to service arriving costumers? Just one more reason why I HATE to shop! Even when shopping for myself. Lemme 'splain you.
Man About Town
Yes, the one and only Friedrick Gomez is back. He has this week’s cover story and if you can read it without your eyes welling up with tears, you’re a stronger person than me.
Friedrick’s passion and humanity are on full display as he wrote this beautiful cover story.
As most of you know, Friedrich lost a very dear friend who passed away recently and he’s been in mourning. He still mourns ... probably will for some time . . . but each day he improves a little. We’ve spent some time with him and it is good to see our old friend making progress in returning to his rich and rewarding life. Welcome back,
I finally decided to bite the bullet and buy a whole new wardrobe. For years my wardrobe has consisted largely of tennis shorts, polo shirt, Birkenstock sandals. That was both formal wear and casual wear. I decided it was time to buy (a) long pants, (b) a sport jacket or two, (c) at least one pair of new shoes, (d) several pair of socks to go with the new shoes, and, (e) two or three short sleeve shirts. I was prepared to spend $1000, maybe $1200, maybe even $1500. Clever lad that I am I first consulted my trusty computer and sought out stores that carried the shoes I was interested in, black and brown tasseled loafers. Penny's and Macy's had them. Or so the computer said.
Off to Westfield Shopping Plaza with my ex-wife Mary.
Arrived at Penny's, checked out the shoe department. Not one sales person in sight. Walked up and down the shoe rack rows - did not see the
Oceanside is targeting at least 30% of its future water supply coming by way of recycled water.
The $67 million project will make the city less reliant on imported water and less vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquakes and droughts. Also, recycling has the environmental benefit of using less energy than transporting fresh water hundreds of miles from Northern California and the Colorado River.
The Pure Water Oceanside system will use advanced technology to filter up to 5 million gallons a day and inject it through wells into the Mission Basin aquifer. The water will then flow through the aquifer more than a mile to the city’s production wells where, further filtered by several months underground, the water will be pumped out and treated more before it’s added to the local supply. Metropolitan Water District, the Los Angeles-based agency that supplies imported water to 19 million Southern California residents, also supports the Oceanside project.
Together, Metropolitan and the County Water Authority are expected to fund $25 million of the Oceanside project’s operating costs over the next 15 years. The city is pursuing grants and loans to further subsidize the project. Escondido, Camp Pendleton and several North County water districts shoes I wanted. Moved over to the Men's Wear department. Found a lovely dark blue blazer - needed to see if they had it in my size and, if not, did they have a tailor to alter it? Nary a soul available to inquire. Saw a number of other sports jackets that looked like possibilities. Same with sports shirts. Still, no one to assist me. Fed up, I left that department; stopped and got three samples of men's cologne from a different department to take home with me. Mary found a purse she liked. $69, discounted to $20. Pretty good buy. I bought it for her. Before we left the house she said, "I've nae money." Sez me, "You don't need any. You've got the daddy. I'll buy you whatever you need and want."
(Mary is legally not able to access her bank account. I'm her court appointed conservator and have to take care of all her finances). Net sale to Penny's? $20. They lost several hundred, perhaps a thousand dollars in sales from me. I won't be back. Hopped in the car and drove to the other end of the shopping center to visit Macy's (too far too just walk. I have a bad back and long walks become difficult for me).
Macy's had lots of sales people available, very friendly, very help-
Letters to the Editor White Eagle Returns!
Is Friedrich Gomez (White Eagle) returning soon as a cover story writer for The Paper? I hope he heals quickly from his recent mourning.
/s/ Timothy and Dorothy Lee and daughters Singing Bird and Smiling Eyes. San Luis Rey River Valley, Pala Indian Reservation, North San Diego County. Editor’s Note: He’s Back! This edition’s cover story is written by Friedrich Gomez and marks his 150th cover story for The Paper. Welcome home, Friedrich!
Letters to the Editor Cont. on Page 5
ful. What a change! And they, too, had great discount sales.
Went to the shoe department and while the computer said they had the shoes I wanted they were out of stock. But they ordered them for me. Bought two pair of loafers. About $150. Saw a number of sport coats that looked good, as well as slacks and sport shirts. But I was tired and decided to call it a day and head home.
Tomorrow? I'll head right back to Macy's and finish buying my new wardrobe. I'm wondering if Penny's will go the way of Sears and have to close a number of stores. If the lack of service is any indicator I'm betting they will not survive. Once I finish my shopping, hopefully by tomorrow, I will have completed my wardrobe (and shopping) for another half century. What fun.
Letters to the Editor? We love ‘em! Our Readers do as well! Send them to: thepaper@cox.net
The Paper • Page 5 • February 27, 2020
Heroic Dogs Cont. from Page 3 and sobs in his hospital bed). “I gotta hug him. I gotta hold him. I gotta thank him.” Considering logistics and military bureaucracy, it was not an easy request. But then, Flannelly, was no ordinary U. S. Marine. He knew loyalty, love, and military camaraderie. He wasn’t going anywhere, come hell or high water, before seeing the dog who gave him back his life.
The day finally came for the reunion of two heroic U. S. Marines. “I was still dazed from the medication. But, he just came up from the bottom of the bed and slowly crawled all the way up, right up (Flannelly sobs a little) and gently puts his head on my shoulder and started licking my face.” (At this point, Flannelly begins crying softly.) “I was so happy to see him.” Dog handlers, like Flannelly, are trained to talk to their dogs, just as humans talk to each other. Out in the jungles of Vietnam, they often hold and hug their dogs no differently than family members. Just as these dogs understand human words that come in the form of commands, so they also seem to sense emotions, such as love, pain, and sadness in human beings. At the hospital, Bruiser sensed with
Letters to the Editor Cont. from Page 3
his eyes and ears and instincts that Flannelly was still hurt and injured, physically and emotionally. Bruiser softly whimpered as if crying, and gently placed his large head on Flannelly’s chest. “I just hugged him, and cried. I didn’t know what to say. How do you thank somebody . . . for saving your life?” It was the last time they would see each other. John Flannelly, United States Marine, never forgot of his heroic dog, Bruiser. “It’s extremely hard for me not to know what happened to Bruiser. It’s almost as if I had a brother who is missing in action.” (“War Dogs, The Untold Story,” Discovery Channel, 1998, by Jeffrey P. Bennett.)
These dogs were so effective in the war that the Viet Cong put a price on the head of both the dog and handler. Viet Cong were rewarded for bringing in the patch insignia of a dog handler. Or the ear of a scout dog. In any ambush, the Viet Cong would make deadly sure that they would be close enough to snipe both the dog and handler before targeting the others in a firefight. As SPC Charlie Cargo, of the 48th Scout Dog Platoon, said: “Ninety nine and nine percent of the time he (the dog handler) and the dog are the first ones that are going to get fired at.” SPC Carl Dobbins, of the 39th Scout Dog Platoon, matched up perfectly with his dog, Toro. The key to success is matching handlers with dogs that are suited to each
Where is the water coming from?
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News for the Social Butterfly? Send your press releases to:
However, time would, miraculously, transform this most unlikely pair into one of the Marine Corps’ most effective war-dog teams.
Dobbins and Toro completed their vigorous and intensive training together, learning verbal commands, subtle body language, secret gestures. Danger, for example, was
Chuckles Cont. from Page 2
With that, she stripped from the neck down, rolled the dice and with an Irish brogue yelled, "Come on, baby, Mama needs new clothes!"
Just one question no one is talking about?
Thanks Don White. Born and raised in Escondido.
Soon after, Dobbins received his orders and, as fate would have it, his partnered-dog would be the German Shepherd he most feared – by the name of Toro! And Dobbins wanted no part of him. “Man you gotta be kidding!! I don’t want that dog!!” Dobbins shouted at the top of his lungs. And he meant every syllable.
She said, "I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I'm completely nude."
Re: The Paper’s Cover Storey City of Change
Let’s do an article about our water supply. This is a very important concern.
other’s personalities. But it didn’t start out that way with Dobbins and Toro. Carl Dobbins was a cocky 19-year-old draftee from North Carolina and he was, at first, a most unwilling participant. He had already been to the kennels to look over the dogs, one of which would be assigned to him. His eyes quickly fell upon a German Shepherd named Toro. Toro appeared mean and aggressive in guarding his kennel territory and charged the chain link fence Dobbins was looking through. Dobbins quickly jumped back as Toro lunged and clamped his ferocious teeth on the fence, his canines fastened like steel tongs, biting the metal barrier. “I sure pity the sucker that gets that dog!” Dobbins said out loud, still keeping his distance.
Welcome to our ever expanding family of subscribers!
As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up and down and squealed. "Yes! Yes! I won, I won!" She hugged each of the dealers, picked up her winnings and her clothes and quickly departed. The dealers stared at each other dumbfounded.
Finally, one of them asked, "What did she roll?" The other answered, "I don't know - I thought you were watching." MORAL OF THE STORY
Not all Irish are drunks, not all blondes are dumb, ..... but all men...are men! Wise Italian Grandfather
An old Italian man in Brooklyn is dying. He calls his grandson to his bedside, "Guido, I wan' you lissina me. I wan' you to take-a my chrome plated ....38 revolver
signaled by a silent visual cue from the dog known as “An Alert.” Training continued onward, both learning to drop out of helicopters with attached ropes, even parachuting, individually, as well as conquering a most challenging obstacle course. Through it all, they were now among the U. S. Marine’s elite fighting teams. And their affection, devotion, and love for each other grew to enormous heights. Dobbins, the cocky kid who grew up in America’s South as somewhat of a loner in life had, unexpectedly, found his other half in Toro who, since he was a pup in Canoga Park, California, was also a maverick.
In September of 1966, Dobbins and Toro were dropped by helicopter to help save a platoon being decimated by sniper fire. The deadly Viet Cong sniper could not be detected yet he, one-by-one, was picking off U. S. Marines. The platoon was hunkered down when Dobbins and Toro came in from the rear. It was overly-humid and the sweat burned the eyes of the Marines as they continually blinked trying to locate the area of gunfire. Dobbins sat down with Toro and, as dog handlers are trained, he spoke to Toro as if he were a human being. Dobbins remembers: “I sorta got Toro over and I talked to him, petting him at the same time. I asked him, ‘Where is he? What’ya see, Toro? Search
Heroic Dogs Cont. on Page 6
so you will always remember me."
"But grandpa, I really don't like guns.. How about you leave me your Rolex watch instead?" "You lissina me, boy! Somma day you gonna be runna da business, you gonna have a beautiful wife, lotsa money, a big-a home and maybe a couple of bambinos." "Somma day you gonna comea home and maybe finda you wife inna bed with another man.
"Whatta you gonna do then? Pointa to you watch and say, 'Times up!' The Jewish Elbow
A Jewish grandmother is giving directions to her grown grandson who is coming to visit with his wife. "You come to the front door of the apartments. I am in apartment 301. There is a big panel at the front door. With your elbow, push button 301. I will buzz you in. Come inside and the elevator is on the right. Get in, and with your elbow, push 3rd Floor. When you get out, I'm on the Chuckles Cont. on Page 6
The Paper • Page 6 • February 27, 2020
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for him, boy.’”
Toro would not disappoint.
The dog was tops in his class. He was now 100% bona fide U. S. Marine Corps War Dog – and he would prove it. He had an arsenal of skills, and he was ready to display them.
Fellow Marines looked, hopefully, in the direction of Dobbins and Toro. Those two were their only hope of getting out of there alive. Their numbers had already been tragically reduced. Toro suddenly began his regimen of “alerts” communicating them to Dobbins. Dobbins noticed Toro’s nose, tail, and head movement, then, Toro froze after communicating silently – his body was now rigid, pointing like a weather vane to a precise area of brush. Dobbins reacted with blind faith. “I never saw the sniper till I shot him,” Dobbins says, still petting and hugging his dog, Toro. “If they (the platoon) didn’t have this dog, they’d probably have lost 10 or 12 men before they found the sniper. So, our dog team saved several peoples’ lives in just that one instance.” Dobbins now gets choked up with emotion. He pauses. Looks down in momentary silence. Then he lifts his head and completes his thoughts: “Without Toro . . . there’s no way I’d have made it back to the States. I’d probably not made it 3 months without Toro.” (Jeffrey P. Bennett, “War Dogs” 1999 video, Ibid.) When his one-year tour of duty was completed in Vietnam, Carl Dobbins was shipped back to the United States. Toro, remained behind. And then returned, momentarily, to his kennel. At the kennel, Toro is standing, ears pricked, sniffing the air, as if trying to locate his lost Marine buddy and friend, Carl Dobbins. Finally, he lies down and slowly places his large head on the ground. His barking has ceased. His eyes seem focused on nothing in particular. Dog handlers say that to Toro, his basic dog emotions tell him that he “lost his Daddy. That’s how these dogs see and feel about their companions. They don’t understand why they are abandoned. They don’t comprehend why he does not come back to get him.”
Toro continues lying on the dirt ground. His eyes now seem droopy, perhaps sad. He still seems not focused on any particular object . . . as if he were lost. As if he were somewhere else. Perhaps dreaming of his daddy, Carl Dobbins. SPC Greg Blackwell always wanted to be a veterinarian and he made plans to become one. But he admits that had he known what would
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Chuckles Cont. from Page 5 left. With your elbow, hit my doorbell. OK?" "Grandma, that sounds easy, but, why am I hitting all these buttons with my elbow? "What . .. . .. .. You're coming empty handed?" •••• Are you smarter than a 60 year old? THIS MAY BE HARDER THAN YOU MAY THINK.
This is a test for us 'older kids'! The answers are printed below, (after the questions) But don't cheat! Answer them first.....
01. After the Lone Ranger saved the day and rode off into the sunset, the grateful citizens would ask, “Who was that masked man? Invariably, someone would answer, I don't know, but he left this behind. What did he leave behind?________________. 02. When the Beatles first came to the U.S. In early 1964, we all watched them on...The ____ ___________ Show. 03. 'Get your kicks, __ ____ _ 04. 'The story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to ___________________.' 05. 'In the jungle, the mighty jungle, ________________.' 06. After the Twist, The Mashed Potato, and the Watusi, we 'danced' under a stick that was lowered as low as we could go in a dance called the '_____________.' 07. Nestle's makes the very best . _______________.' 08. Satchmo was America 's 'Ambassador of Goodwill.' Our parents shared this great jazz trumpet player with us. His name was _________________. 09. What takes a licking and keeps on ticking? _______________. 10. Red Skeleton's hobo character was named __________________ And Red always ended his television show by saying, 'Good Night, and '________ ________... ' Chuckles Cont. on Page 10
Top of Agenda: Homelessness
In his State of the State address, Governor Newsom made homelessness a top priority. He also noted that California is the world’s fifthlargest economy, the richest state in the richest nation, but with massive poverty in our midst. The disgraceful evidence of that poverty can be seen in homeless people on our streets with encampments stretching from Mexico to Oregon.
I applaud the Governor for taking on this issue. Over the years, I have fought for improved access to treatment for those with mental illness and substance use disorders, health care and shelter. And as the Governor stated, we need better legal tools to allow governments, health providers and law enforcement to more effectively help people get treatment. Unfortunately, some individuals are incapable of accepting help to get off the streets. That’s why my legislation allowing local governments, loved-ones and service providers to ask courts to compel those needing treatment into community-based outpatient care was signed into law in 2016. The Governor also mentioned that more housing is critical. Unfortunately, well-intentioned laws have been used by special
interests, blocking new projects, while rent control has discouraged construction. Government mandates have driven costs through the roof, making some low-cost housing unaffordable. Unnecessary policies blocking new housing must be changed. All levels of government must come together to address homelessness. Red tape should be cut, and using funding with intentionality is critical to achieving results. Accountability is a must, but arguing over past mistakes is pointless. It’s time we look forward to address the interrelated problems of homelessness, mental health and substance abuse, one person, one family at a time. We can agree on the problems, but solutions will be a subject of intense debate. This year, I’m looking forward to working with the Governor to address these critical issues. Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the communities of Bonsall, Escondido, Fallbrook, Hidden Meadows, Pala, Palomar Mountain, Pauma Valley, Rainbow, San Marcos, Temecula, Valley Center and Vista.
5th District Supervisor
Jim Desmond
Neighborhood Reinvestment Program
One of the hardest, but most rewarding parts about being a San Diego County Supervisor is being able to help out many groups in our community. Through the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program, we are able to fund nonprofit organizations who provide essential services to citizens of San Diego County. Reinvesting taxpayer money in worthwhile organizations is a benefit to the citizens and communities of North County. Although there are many wonderful programs in our region, we wanted to highlight some for their outstanding work.
The Carlsbad Fire Department Foundation is a wonderful group that assists the residents in Carlsbad. We were able to allocate $17,875 towards the purchase of the Stop the Bleeding Kits which assist emergency personnel with on-site accidents and other incidents in Carlsbad.
Another wonderful organization that we all know, and love is the Valley Center Western Days, Inc. Established in 1950, Valley Center Western Days has become a staple for the community. The familyfriendly, community-wide celebration will be held this year on May
23. By providing $15,000 this will help with the purchase of signage, stage, audio system and many other essential items. I encourage everyone to come out for the 70th annual, later this year!
One of the most important groups in our County is the San Diego Food Bank. The Food bank provides nutritious food to people in need, advocate for the hungry, and educate the public about hungerrelated issues. One of the biggest items needed at the Food Bank was a large-scale refrigerator for the North County Food bank. Through our allocation, they will now be able to purchase this much-needed item. There are many more wonderful organizations throughout San Diego County that help in the community. We want to hear from you, so please contact my office, or visit my website to learn more and see if you may qualify for the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program. Supervisor Jim Desmond
The Paper • Page 7 • February 27, 2020
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someday be required of him regarding these courageous war dogs, he would never have volunteered his medical training. When the Vietnam War was winding down, these noble four-footed heroes would, for the most part, not be allowed to return home to the States. They were now classified as “surplus equipment” by the military. Also, the risk of disease was a military concern. Many war dogs would have to be euthanized (put to death) because of possible contagious health problems if brought back. “I was told that the World Health Association had passed a new law: No animals in Vietnam can come out,” Blackwell recalls. “It wasn’t accurate. The World Health Association never passed that law. But, that’s what we were told. Veterinarians in Vietnam were given only two options: the dogs could be transferred to the South Vietnamese Army, or the dogs would have to be euthanized.” (“War Dogs” video, Jeffrey P. Bennett, Ibid.) Only a precious few returned to the United States, but not to civilian life.
In the case of Booga Bear, a big, lovable Labrador retriever, who served as a life-saving military scout dog, his options dwindled from two to one. The South Vietnamese Army had refused to take him because he was black in color. Since the South Vietnamese believed that a black dog was bad luck, the black Labrador retriever was left with only one option. Veterinarian, Greg Blackwell, was ordered to have the dog euthanized. This was the part of his military service which he hated most. As he previously stated, had he known beforehand of his expected duties during these last days – he would have declined to serve in the first place.
Holding a lethal-injection syringe in his hand, and petting the Labrador retriever, Blackwell attempts to calm the dog gently. “You try to have the dog’s last moments to be peaceful. The drugs you inject them with are very quick. You want to be able to hit the vein on the first try.”
As usual, Blackwell’s eyes well up with tears. As a military man, himself, he knew in his own heart and soul that this was no ordinary dog. This dog had saved countless fellow U. S. Marines. In addition to all that, Blackwell had long been a dog-lover, having grown up with dogs most of his life. And if that were not enough, veterinarian SPC Greg Blackwell personally knew Booga Bear, the gentle-loving heroic black Labrador. “I had gotten to know the dog because he had stayed at my kennels. This dog cared nothing for himself – he just wanted to be working and saving U. S. military lives.” As Blackwell spoke, Booga Bear
just looked up at him, gently, with big trusting eyes. Booga Bear’s eyes now locked onto Blackwell’s. And that was it.
Finally, at the last moment . . . Blackwell refused to do it. He placed aside the lethal syringe and fell forward, hugging the Labrador retriever, embracing him, talking to him, petting him, and reassuring him that he was safe.
One week later, Greg Blackwell discovered a loophole. He decided to send Booga Bear to work at the American Embassy in Saigon. And he did. And Booga Bear became a most welcomed member of the diplomatic team, guarding and watching over them as he was trained to do for others.
Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow
The King of Defense Attorneys
Today there are dozens of top defense attorneys working the courts throughout the nation, but there’s little doubt most bow to the dean of lawyers for the defense: Clarence Seward Darrow.
In April of 1975, the North Vietnamese Army captured Saigon. Blackwell remembers watching the ordeal unfold “live” on television. “And I remember in 1975 watching that Embassy fall and the American rescue helicopters on top of the Embassy building rooftop and I remember saying ‘I hope to God somebody got that dog out.’” (Discovery Channel, Jeffrey P. Bennett, “War Dogs” 1998, Ibid.)
Often times, it is the ‘unknowns’ in life that can leave lasting emotional scars. Such as the unknown fate of Booga Bear and others who were left behind after the Vietnam War. A most tragic unknown is the fact that these unheralded, forgotten dogs served our country in the highest possible fashion. They laid down their own precious lives to protect us and they did it willingly, despite their own animal instincts for self-preservation and survival. Many military men, today, will always remember and cherish their memories of these great warrior dogs. Like SGT Spencer Dixon, of the 43rd Scout Dog Platoon: “I got a Purple Heart and other medals. But, they didn’t give any to my dog. He died protecting us. All those medals . . . they gave to me. But it was for what the dog did!”
Regarding military veterinarian, SPC Greg Blackwell, most of the dogs he was ordered to put to death were German Shepherds. German Shepherds were the backbone of the K9 units by sheer majority numbers in all four U. S. military branches. Euthanizing these valiant, fourfooted military heroes would, forever, cripple veterinarian, Blackwell, with an indeliblyscarred psyche. Blackwell expresses his torment: “I cannot look at a German Shepherd today without seeing the eyes and souls of all those German Shepherds.” Another veterinarian made the following observation: “I’m a veterinarian. It’s your choice to stay in the room while your dog gets put down. I always hope you stay. Because, they look for you when you leave.”
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Darrow argued emotion is necessary for the decisions people make. When someone tries to go against a certain forbidden law or custom, the accused should feel a sense of revulsion. Darrow concluded that neither Leopold nor Loeb had a working emotional system as they did not feel “revolted.” During the trial, the newspapers claimed that Darrow was presenting a "million-dollar defense" for the two wealthy families. Many ordinary Americans were angered at his apparent greed. He had the two families issue a statement insisting that there would be no large legal fees and that compensation would be determined by the Chicago Bar Association.
After trial, Darrow suggested $200,000 would be reasonable. After lengthy negotiations with the defendants' families, he ended up, after expenses, getting $30,000, worth more than $380,000 in today’s money. In 1925, Darrow defended school teacher John T. Scopes in the State of Tennessee v. Scopes trial, probably his most famous trial. It often is referred to as the "Scopes Monkey Trial," a title popularized by noted newspaperman H.L. Mencken of the Baltimore Sun.
Darrow was born April 18, 1857, in the small Ohio town and became famous in the early 20th century for his defense in highly publicized trials. Called a "sophisticated country lawyer,” Darrow's wit and eloquence made him one of the most prominent attorneys and civil libertarians in the nation.
Darrow defended high-profile clients in many famous trials, including teenage thrill killers Nathan Leopold, Jr., and Richard Loeb for murdering 14year-old Robert "Bobby" Franks in 1924. And teacher John T. Scopes in the 1925 Scopes "Monkey" Trial in which he opposed noted statesman, presidential candidate, and orator William Jennings Bryan.
Throughout his career, Darrow devoted himself to opposing the death penalty, which he felt to be in conflict with humanitarian progress. In more than 100 cases, Darrow only lost one murder case in Chicago. He became renowned for moving juries and even judges to tears with his eloquence. Chicago newspapers labeled the Leopold and Loeb case the "Trial of the Century."
The two teenagers made full confessions and took police on a hunt around Chicago to collect the evidence that would be used against them. The state's attorney told the press he had a "hanging case" for sure. Darrow stunned the prosecution when his clients plead guilty in order to avoid a vengeanceminded jury, placing the case before a judge.
Darrow's closing argument lasted 12 hours. He repeatedly stressed the ages of the “boys,” noting that "never had there been a case in Chicago where on a plea of guilty a boy under 21 had been sentenced to death." Darrow succeeded with Judge Caverly sentenced Leopold and Loeb to life in prison plus 99 years.
The trial, which was deliberately staged to bring publicity to the question of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, pitted Darrow once again against William Jennings Bryan. The question tested Tennessee's newly passed Butler Act, which forbade the teaching of Evolution in any state-funded educational establishment. More broadly, it outlawed the teaching of "any theory that denies the story of the “Divine Creation” as taught in the Bible.
During the trial, Darrow requested that Bryan be called to the stand as an expert witness on the Bible. Over the other prosecutor's objection, Bryan agreed. The popular media at the time portrayed Darrow’s grilling of Bryan as the deciding factor that turned public opinion in favor the teacher Scopes. After about two hours, Judge John T. Raulston cut the Darrow’s questioning short and on the following morning ordered the whole session be expunged from the record, ruling Bryan’s testimony that “every word in the Bible was to be believed” and had no bearing on whether Scopes was guilty of teaching the controversial subject. Scopes was found guilty and ordered to pay the minimum fine of $100. A year later, the Tennessee Supreme Court reversed Raulston’s decision on a procedural technicality -- not on constitutional grounds, as Darrow had hoped. The Tennessee high court dismissed the case, commenting “… nothing is to be gained by prolonging the life of this bizarre case."
The event led to a change in public sentiment and became popularized in a play based loosely on the trial, and the 1960 film “Inherit the Wind,” with Spencer Tracy and Fredric March. Today, Clarence Darrow is remembered for his reputation as a fierce litigator and is generally regarded as one of the greatest criminal defense lawyers in American history. Darrow died on March 13, 1938, of pulmonary heart disease, and is buried in Chicago.
The Paper • Page 8 • February 27, 2020
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Writing” presented by honorary state regent, Karon Jarrard, and a short business meeting. The chapter will also present the DAR Good Citizen Award to a Mission Vista High School senior. The DAR is open to any female eighteen years of age or older who is lineally descended from an ancestor who aided the colonist in some way in the fight for independence in the American Revolution. Visit www.santamargarita.californiadar.org
Sky Zone Bounces Into Carlsbad With Grand Opening Celebration - On Saturday, March 7th from 10am - 11pm, Sky Zone, creator of the world's first indoor trampoline park and continued industry leader, is celebration the Grand Opening of its new Carlsbad park location, with an official ribbon cutting starting at 9:45am. Families and locals can come together for exhilarating fun to go-to entertainment destination, now featuring tons of brand new attractions. Sky Zone Carlsbad features wall-to-wall trampoline courts plus some of the latest and greatest attractions including SkyLine, Ninja Warrior Course,, Warped Wall, SkyJoust, Sport Court, a free Video Game Arcade and Adult Only Lounge, and more. At the Grand Opening event, the first 100 Guests will be able to win free hour-long jumps and those who book party packages will get $50 off any package. Sky Zone Carlsbad is located at 6133 Innovation Way, Ste. 102, Carlsbad 92009. For more information visit the website at https://www.skyzone.com/carlsbad or call 858.400.4550. Sky Zone Carlsbad is locally owned and operated by Josh and Michelle Rathweg, and is the largest Sky Zone park in North County. The Rathweg's also own and run the Sky Zone San Marcos location.
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Regarding Vietnam War Dogs – they sadly remain America’s most forgotten heroes. But, things are slowly beginning to change.
On June 10, 2006, a U. S. War Dog Memorial was officially dedicated; its location is placed so that it is shown guarding the gateway to the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial in Holmdel, New Jersey. The U. S. War Dog Memorial – even in stone – still seems to guard their human counterparts also etched in stone just as they did in combat. The bronze statue is emotionally powerful for Vietnam Veterans today who visit it: the sculpture shows a kneeling Vietnam War soldier and his dog, set on a black granite base. The message is clear: “The U. S. War Dogs Memorial, while directly representing the War Dog Teams of the Vietnam War, honors all our nation’s war dogs and their handlers – past, present, and future.” For our readers of THE PAPER who wish to learn more about these extraordinary war dogs, you may wish to purchase the video or DVD: “War Dogs, America’s Forgotten Heroes,” by Jeffrey P. Bennett, producer, 1999. A most special gesture of gratitude must be extended to Mr. Jeffrey P. Bennett, CEO of Nature’s Recipe Pet Foods, for his diligence, loyalty, and unswerving commitment in producing televised
documentaries (Discovery Channel) as well as videos, all of which preserves and promotes the living legacy of these most magnificent War Dogs. I strongly advocate purchasing the aforementioned video via Amazon or other viable video source. Thank you, Mr. Bennett, for honoring us veterans with a slice of indispensable history. You, sir, are a true American. I salute you.
clinical orthopedic skills and unique medical talents of Sophia “Scooter” Brock who has changed countless lives at a prestigious UCSD medical facility where she serves as orthotech/medical assistant. Brock, and her wonder dog, “Roxy,” are residents of Escondido. Brock’s husband, Ben, served proudly in the U. S. Army as Specialist Brock 19 Kilo.
Special thanks are also expressed to “The United States War Dogs Association, Inc.” Readers may visit their official website at: uswardogs.org/contact-us/
Through their website you will also learn of all the different breeds of dogs that proved their worth in military combat. The site also offers a membership opportunity and/or you may wish to be placed on their mailing list. It is a non-profit organization and special mention must be made to Ron Aiello, President; Bucky Grimm, Treasurer, as well as member Bob Thompson, and Bruce Lindsay (artist/sculpture) for U. S. War Dogs’ Memorial, and Lorry Young of “Paws for Your Pets.” God bless all of the people mentioned above. They have donated their own blood, sweat, and tears in the pursuit of keeping the legacy of these magnificent heroic dogs alive so that we may never forget their supreme sacrifice for you and I. This article is also dedicated to the
This is Friedrich Gomez’s 150th cover story for The Paper!
The Paper is both proud and happy to welcome Friedrich back, as are his many fans and regular readers of The Paper.
The Paper • Page 9 • February 27, 2020
The safety of millions of residents is an everyday job for us. It’s why we continually upgrade e and test our equipment before Mother Nature ever gets the chance. And why we work with regional partners to coordinate preparedness, response and recovery. You can prepare by creating a an emergency plan and practicing important safety tips. Here are just a few examples:
Before an earthquake:
During an earthquake:
After an earthquake:
• Prepare an emergency kit. • Move or secure items
• DROP to your hands
• Be prepared for
that are large, heavy or unstable.
• Make an emergency preparedness plan with your family.
and knees.
• COVER your head and neck under a sturdy table or desk.
• HOLD ON to your shelter
• Stay away from downed power lines.
• If you smell or hear a gas
until the shaking stops.
leak, turn off the gas. Only SDG&E should turn it back on.
For more safety tips, visit sdge.com/safety
Follow us on: © 2020 San Diego Gas & Electric Company. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 8
"OPERA EXPOSED!" at First United Methodist Church, Escondido - On Sunday, March 8th at 3pm, the First United Methodist Church, Escondido (341 South Kalmia Street) will host "Opera Exposed!" by the San Diego Opera. This concert, one of a series of community engagement concerts, will feature some of San Diego's most promising opera singers from the company's Young Artist Training Program. This concert will include arias and duets from operatic works as well as selections from Rossini's hilarious Barber of Seville.
Indonesian pianist and coach Ines Irawati, in photo above, is Music and Artistic Director for "Opera Exposed!" First United Methodist Church offers this concert as a gift to the community. A free-will offering will be accepted. A reception with the artists will follow the concert. For more information about the concert or
about First United Methodist Church, visit www.fumcescondido.org.
El Camino Quilt Guild Meeting Announced - Thursday, March 12th, is the date for the El Camino Quilt Guild meeting, starting at 9:30am, at the QLN Conference Center, 1938 Avenida Del Oro, Oceanside 92056. Parking is limited, so please carpool if you can. Doors open at 9am. Guest fee is $10. Our speaker is our own Eleanor Burns (quiltinaday.com)! "Still Stripping After All These Years!" Learn about her amazing journey from dumpster diving for fabric to what she is up to today. Be prepared for a fun filled morning. Workshop is for members only. Contact Gretchen Clare grenlyc3@gmail.com. Visit elcaminoquilters.com or email info@elcaminoquilters.com for more information.
Old Fishing Reels are Reeling in Big Interest - Old saltwater and freshwater fishing tackle is worth a lot of money to collectors. Sometimes a colorful old lure or reel’s fishing-themed packaging and boxes are worth more than the actual product that was sold inside. Paul Berinson, a professional tackle collector and tackle company owner in Temecula, is a 20-year member of the Old Reel Collector’s Association (ORCA). He will be the guest speaker at the March 13 meeting of the Senior Anglers of Escondido. ORCA is a non-profit organization started in 1990 with the purpose of collecting and distributing historical and technical data regarding old fishing reels and their development, inventors, and manufacturers. Most saltwater anglers know that one of the most popular reel manufacturers, Penn Reels, is hard to identify as to the time period of manufacture. Since 1932, the top quality brand hasn’t used serial numbers on its reels that would help establish its age. Berinson invites attendees to the club meeting to bring their old Penn Reels and he will help establish time periods and what they may be worth. The club’s meetings are held the second Friday of each month, open to all anglers age 50 and
above, at the Park Avenue Community Center, 210 Park Ave., Escondido, 92025. Meetings start at 9:30 a.m. Members of the club enjoy fishing tournaments and charters, picnics, RV camping, and community service to help kids go fishing. For more information, visit http://senioranglersofescondido.net/ or Senior Anglers of Escondido on Facebook.
Paul Berinson, above
NARFE Meeting Notice - The speaker at the Thursday, March 19th meeting of Chapter 706 NARFE will be Carolyn Ortiz, SDG&E Energy Specialist, who will speak about the new TIME OF USE PRICING PLANS. Meetings are held at the Oceanside Semior Center, 455 Countrey club Lane, from 2-3pm. Come learn how to save on your energy costs. The National Active and Retired Federal
Employees Association (NARFE) will conduct a business meeting from 1:302pm prior to Ms. Ortiz’s presentation. The meeting is free and open to the public. Light refreshments served. Visit narfe.org/chapter 706.
Skills & Drills Basketball Program at Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside - The free Skills & Drills Basketball program is starting at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside every Monday and Wednesday. For Kindergarten to 3rd grade, the program will run from 5:45pm-6:45pm each Monday and Wednesday. For 4th grade to 12th grade it will be from 7pm to 8pm. Coaches will be Mr. Kenny Flores and Ms. Tervetta McGee. Mr. Flores has been a coach for many years, coaching basketball, flag football and soccer. He is also a personal trainer and has coached basketball for the Special Olympics since 2009. He has a passion for sports & fitness and looks forward to sharing it with our youth. Ms. Tervetta has coached basketball in the past and worked as an Athletic Assistant at MiraCosta College. Her focus in coaching youth is on patience, positivity and integrity. For more information, visit bgco@bgcoceanside.org. The Boys & Girls Club of Oceanside is located at 401 Country Club Lane, Oceanside, CA 92054.
Poway Symphony Orchestra Presents "A Spanish Festival" - On Sunday, March 22nd at 4pm, the Poway Symphony Orchestra presents a concert of Spanish inspired music. The brilliant rhapsody España opens the program. Delightful guitar sounds combine with the Orchestra in the Fantasia para un gentilhombre by Rodrigo, with soloist Fred Benedetti. To conclude the program, the exciting Spanish Capriccio by Rimski Korsakov in which all instrument sections can shine in a series of exuberant dances. John LoPiccolo, Music Director, leads the
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The Paper • Page 10 • February 27, 2020
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11. Some Americans who protested the Vietnam War did so by burning their______________. 12. The cute little car with the engine in the back and the trunk in the front was called the VW. What other names did it go by? ____________ &_______________. 13. In 1971, singer Don MacLean sang a song about, 'the day the music died.' This was a tribute to ___________________. 14. We can remember the first satellite placed into orbit. The Russians did it. It was called ___________________. 15. One of the big fads of the late 50's and 60's was a large plastic ring that we twirled around our waist. It was called the __________ ______________. 16. Remember LS/MFT _____ _____ /_____ _____ _____? 17. Hey Kids! What time is it? It's _____ ______ _____! 18. Who knows what secrets lie in the hearts of men? The _____ Knows! 19. There was a song that came out in the 60's that was "a grave yard smash". It's name was the ______
______! 20. Alka Seltzer used a "boy with a tablet on his head" as it's Logo/Representative. What was the boy's name? ________
ANSWERS: 01.The Lone Ranger left behind a silver bullet. 02. The Ed Sullivan Show 03. On Route 66 04.To protect the innocent. 05.The Lion Sleeps Tonight 06. The limbo 07. Chocolate 08. Louis Armstrong 09. The Timex watch 10. Freddy, The Freeloader and... 'Good Night and God Bless.' 11. Draft cards (Bras were also burned. Not flags, as some have guessed) 12. Beetle or Bug 13. Buddy Holly 14. Sputnik 15. Hoola-hoop 16. Lucky Strike/Means Fine Tobacco 17. Howdy Doody Time 18. Shadow 19.Monster Mash 20. Speedy Send this to your 'older' friends, (Better known as Seniors.) And keep them busy and let them forget their aches and pains for a few minutes.
Pet Parade
For Sale antique desk and swivel chair $150
Private Owner Sale By appointment only Please call prior to 9pm 760.331.3283 No holds You must pick up - we do not deliver All Sales Final
The Pastor Says... 760.331.3283
Anxieties are debris, so are worries and cares, other words used in various Bible translations. Obstacles, barriers. Things that get in the way of our relationship with God.
Pastor Tom Fry (Retired) Church of the Nazarene
Sheba is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She’s a 6-1/2 year old, 45 pound, female, Shepherd mix.
While she might be considered middle aged, Sheba is an active little lady who is going to want plenty of attention from her new family. She’ll do almost anything for treats. Sheba was transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society through the Friends of County Animal Shelters (FOCAS) program. The $145 adoption fee for Sheba includes medical exams, vaccinations, spay, and registered microchip. For more information call 760-753-6413, visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas, or log on to SDpets.org.
Jasper is a 6-year-old cat looking for a new home. He is a sweetheart who is both affectionate and playful. Jasper is diabetic, so he will need a new family who is comfortable giving him insulin. Jasper’s ideal home would be one with no other pets (he prefers to be the king of the castle), and one with adults and older children. If you’re looking for a snuggle buddy, come and adopt Jasper today! His adoption fee includes his neuter, current vaccinations, permanent microchip identification, a certificate for a free veterinary exam and waived enrollment fee for medical insurance from PetFirst. Jasper is available for adoption at San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3500 Burnet Drive. To learn more about making him part of your family, please call (619) 299-7012.
We dump our trash in a community dumpster down the way from our house. We often load the bag in the car when we are going somewhere. So, on a recent Sunday, on the way to church, as I tossed a bag into the dumpster, I thought how dumping the trash and going to church had some similarities. But before we go too far, we need a better word for trash. How about “debris?” Its French origin alone makes it a nicer word. And, in one meaning, it is the things that get in our way, obstacles and barriers.
So the debris is in the dumpster, we’re off to church, and a scripture comes to me: “casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you,” I Peter 5:7.
Just as we toss debris into the dumpster, we can “cast,” like a fisherman, or “toss” our worries, anxieties, cares on Jesus. He can handle the load. He welcomes the opportunity to take your load off your shoulders.
Because, the verse ends, “he cares for you.” We make a lot of our own trouble, create our own debris, but God doesn’t expect us to resolve it all by ourselves. He cares. He cares for you. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (The Message). He provides a place to dispose of our debris. Of obstacles and barriers that get in the way of life’s journey. He cares for you.
The Paper
• Page 11 •
February 27, 2020
A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.
San Marcos • Mayor Rebecca Jones
Free Tree Workshop Planned for Feb. 29
Please join the City of San Marcos for a free tree workshop in San Marcos on Feb. 29, 2020, from 9 a.m. - noon at the San Marcos Senior Activity Center, located at 111 Richmar Avenue in San Marcos.
Volunteers will learn the proper techniques for planting trees, and will learn about the importance of our urban forests and the lasting impact that trees can have on our environment. Pastries and coffee will be provided at the event. The City is hosting the workshop with several local, regional and state groups ahead of our Arbor Day tree planting event that will be held at Bradley park on March 21 from 9 a.m. - noon. You can learn more and sign up for the workshop at www.sanmarcos.net.
Escondido • Mayor Paul “Mac” Mcnamara Greetings Escondido,
I had the opportunity to talk with Mission Middle School students for their career day. As you might imagine, they asked a lot of questions about what it is like being Mayor. Or questions like what do you do. Well I thought they were good questions and maybe some “grownups” might want an answer to them as well.
The day to day activities of the city are executed by the city staff and they are led by the City Manager. The council provides policy guidance to the city staff. How the council knows what guidance to provide is always the issue. Because what the council needs to do is reflect the will of the people. That’s a really important point. I can’t speak for the other council members, but I attend almost everything I’m invited to and during those events I ask the question where should we be going and listen to the answer. I also welcome input via email and in many cases personal meetings. I would encourage you to send me and your council representative your input. It’s important!! By the way I asked the students to give me a one page paper on what the future Escondido should look like. I’ll let you know.
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 9
Semper Fi, Mac Paul P. McNamara Mayor of Escondido pmcnamara@escondido.org
orchestra. For tickets, online at www.powaycenter.com or call the box office at 858.748.0505. Ticket prices are $20/$17/$12 general/seniors./students. Under 12 free. For information, visit www.powaysymphonyorchestra.org. The Poway Center for the Performing Arts is located at 15498 Espola Road, Poway
What's Up Downtown Oceanside - There are always various programs going on in downtown Oceanside; such as the February 29th O'side Murals Walking Tour, and the Three Coins (A Family History) at the Oceanside Public Library at 10am; then on March 1st The Big Read Kickoff Event and Free First Sunday, both at the Oceanside Museum of Art. March 3rd, and every first Tuesday, is Dollar Days at the California Surf Museum, from 10am to 4pm. You can get more information and stay up to date on other events by contacting the MainStreet Oceanside office at www.mainstreetoceanside.com, or call 760.754.4512. The office is located at 701 Mission Avenue, Oceanside 92054. March Training Classes for Kittens, Puppies and Dogs - The San Diego Humane Society hold monthly training classes for kittens, puppies and dogs: to grow into friendly and social adult cats. Cost: $70 (kitten under 14 weeks). Audit (no cat): $30.
Puppy Play Groups, puppies ages 8-16 weeks, learn social skills. Puppy Preschool, training and socialization needs of puppies under 16-weeks of age. Owners and pups learn to adapt to new people, dogs, environments, and experiences. Level 1, Marvelous Manners, Oceanside Campus, Tuesday, March 3 at 6:30pm; Escondido Campus, Wednesday, March 11 at 6pm; This six-week introductory-level training class will teach you the basics of positive reinforcement training techniques while your dog learns good doggie behaviors. For dogs 16-weeks and older. Cost: $150. Level 2-Superb Skills, six-week class builds on skills learned in Level 1 and focusing on verbal cues from hand signals, etc., for dogs 18-weeks and older. Cost $140.
The Canine Good Citizen Class, help your dog become a valued member of the community. This is an intermediate-level of obedience course developed for passing the Canine Good Citizen certification test. Class may be taken with or without the final certification test. Cost $150. Shy Dog Class at Oceanside Campus on Wednesday, March 25 at 6:30pm - an introductory-level course designed for dogs who are overwhelmed by their environment; focuses on building trust between you and your dog, and boosting your dog's confidence through positive reinforcement training. Cost $150. Call 619.299.7012 for more information
Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter
Stay Connect ed To Us
During my years on the City Council and as Mayor, I’ve seen us come a long way in achieving our defined goals, and while there are still many challenges, I’m proud of what we have accomplished together in positioning Vista for a better future. I look forward to continuing this work of building our community and creating opportunity. Please continue to stay involved or if you are not, consider doing so. Volunteer. Get informed. Call us, write, or attend a City Council meeting or watch the live broadcast of the meeting on the City’s website at CityofVista.com. If you are interested about a certain issue or want to find out what your city government is up to, following are some easy ways to find what you’re looking for. • Sign up for weekly e-news highlighting City Council decisions, city projects and more. • Register to receive e-agendas for upcoming Council meetings • Bookmark the city’s online news room, Vista News Center.com.
Oceanside • Mayor Peter Weiss
Martin Luther King Community Service Award Winner Named
Ms. Alma Sisco-Smith was named the 2020 recipient of the City of Oceanside Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Service Award at the annual celebration hosted by the North San Diego County Branch of the NAACP and the City of Oceanside.
Ms. Sisco-Smith is an individual who mirrors Dr. King’s spirit of service, leadership, and a carrier of light that exposes the greatness in others and the things that need change. Her generous nature and solid character allow her to compassionately serve with kindness, concern, courage and integrity. She is an exceptional leader and strong civic-minded ambassador for our community. Alma has made a connection with Dr. King’s thoughts, such as, “There comes a time when silence is betrayal. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Alma stated, “These words have been guiding forces in my work.”
and reservations for all these classes. The campuses are located at Escondido, 3500 Burnet Drive, Escondido 92027; Oceanside (dogs), 2905 San Luis Rey Road, Oceanside 92058, and cats, small animals, Oceanside, 572 Airport Road, Oceanside 92058.
Palomar Health to Host FREE and Low-Cost Health-Education Classes/Screenings during March These classes and screenings are led by physicians and other health professionals at various locations; all are free, and registration is required for each class; contact PalomarHealth.org/Classes or call 800.628.2880. NOTE: For Free BASIC DIABETES EDUCATION SERIES IN SPANISH, call 760.405.2225 for information, dates, times and location. The following six classes will be held at Palomar Health San Marcos, 2nd Floor Classroom, 120 Craven Road, San Marcos Stress and Its Affect on the Mind, Body and Spirit Monday, March 2nd, 1-3pm Luanne Arangio-Law, RN, MEd
No Nonsense Weight Management (2week series) Mondays, March 2 and 9, 10am-11:30am Janice Baker, RD, CDE What to Expect When a Loved One Has Dementia Monday, March 9, 1–3pm Luanne Arangio Law, RN, MEd Caring for Your Kidneys Tuesday, March 10 | 10 – 11:30 a.m. Janice Baker, RD, CDE
Low Cost/High Nutrition: Healthful Eating on a Budget Monday, March 23 | 10 – 11:30am Janice Baker, RD, CDE Balance Basics Tuesday, March 24 | 10 – 11:30am Doctor of Physical Therapy Lindsay Chesney discussing the balance system The following 11 classes will be held at
Pomerado Outpatient Pavilion, Education Classroom No-Nonsense Weight Management (2Week Series) Mondays, March 2 and 9, 6 – 7:30pm Janice Baker, RD, CDE Introduction to Mindful Meditation (3Week Series) Wednesdays, March 4, 11 and 18, 1:30 – 3pm Alan Larson, MD Caring for Your Kidneys Tuesday, March 10, 6 – 7:30pm Join Janice Baker, RD, CDE
How to Love Your Liver Wednesday, March 11, 6 – 7:30pm Janice Baker, RD, CDE
Common Behavioral Health Disorders Friday, March 13, 1 – 3pm Luanne Arangio-Law, RN, MEd Supportive Nutrition for Seniors
The Social Butterfly Cont. on Page 12
The Paper • Page 12 • February 27, 2020 thrilled with the prospect of having to leave the familiar comfort of Win7 for the “terra incognita” of Win10. While such trepidations were well justified in the “buggy” earlier days of Wind10, our recent experience with today’s latest version of Win10 is close enough to Win7 in appearance and function to make the upgrade transition fairly painless for most.
Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory
www. thecomputerfactory.net "San Diego's Best Computer Store 2017-18" Union Tribune readers poll
What’s up with Windows 10?
Roughly 75% of our business and home customers are using Windows 10 on a daily basis. Over 90% of the notebook and desktop PCs we sold or serviced in the past three months are running the Windows 10 OS (operating system). In that time we have updated or loaded over 400 notebook and desktop PCs with the latest version of Windows 10 (build1909). Most customers upgrading to Win10 from Win7/8 also have us save their files, applications and settings. Many of our business and home customer have been less than
Social Butterfly Cont. from Page 6
Monday, March 16, 1 – 2:30pm Janice Baker, RD, CDE
Low Cost/High Nutrition: Healthful Eating on a Budget Monday, March 23, 6 – 7:30pm Janice Baker, RD, CDE My Beating Heart Monday, March 23, 1 – 3pm Luanne Arangio-Law, RN, MEd
Managing the Emotional Aspects of Caregiving Wednesday, March 25, 1 – 2:30pm What is that Itch? Friday, March 27, 1 – 3pm Join Luanne Arangio-Law, RN, MEd Common Blood Tests Monday, March 30 | 1 – 3 p.m. Luanne Arangio-Law, RN, MEd
The following three classes will be held at Palomar Medical Center Poway, Conference Room C/D Free Your Knees Monday, March 2, 6 – 7:30pm Orthopedic Surgeon Kevin Owsley, MD
Ankle Arthritis Wednesday, March 4, 6 – 7:30pm Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Specialist Ariel Palanca, MD Alternative Treatments for Chronic Pain Monday, March 30, 6 – 7:30pm Anesthesiologist/Chronic Pain Specialist Zachary Cohen, MD The following six classes will be held at Palomar Medical Center Escondido Raymond Family Conference Room Stroke Awareness
There are some differences between Win7 and Win10 and Win10 does offer some advantages. A fairly thorough reading on the advanced features offered by Win10 can be found in a January 2020 article by Michael Muchmore. Just type “18 reasons you should upgrade to Windows 10” into your search engine. If you have not yet upgraded to Win 10 this article may help ease your concerns about the transition. If you are already using Win10 the article may point to features you were not aware existed in Win10. Some of these “features” listed as part of Win10 have always been available as downloads to Win 7/8 users and some Win10 features, like access to the Windows store, may be of dubious value but features like improved security and Cortana can have real value.
The Win10 upgrade from Win7/8 is still FREE. Microsoft does not publicize this fact. They ended the official “free” upgrade program on December 31, 2017. Microsoft’s official position is that upgrading to Win10 from Win7/8 requires the Monday, March 9, 6 – 7:30pm Neurologist Remia Paduga, MD.
Tinnitus — A Ringing or Noise in the Ears Tuesday, March 10, 6 – 7:30pm Audiologist David Illich, AuD Beat Back Pain Wednesday, March 18, 6 – 7:30pm Spine Surgeon Paul D. Kim, MD Heal Your Hips Thursday, March 19, 6 – 7:30pm Orthopedic Surgeon Pascual Dutton, MD What is Coronary Artery Disease? Tuesday, March 24, 6 – 7:30pm Cardiologist Mikhail Malek, MD
Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy and Robotic Surgery in Gynecology Wednesday, March 25, 6 – 7:30pm Urogynecologist Brano Cizmar, MD
Help us Unlock $10,000 to Save Animals - Dear Friend of the Animals, Have you heard about our incredible opportunity to unlock a generous $10,000 gift from Gardner Mortgage Inc? When we find 400 new Constant Companion monthly donors to support our lifesaving work, we’ll receive this meaningful contribution made in honor of our dedicated volunteers! The steady stream of income provided by our Constant Companions provides support that we - and the animals - can rely on. It's the reason we're able to provide nearly 50,000 animals each year with safe shelter, lifesaving medical care, rescues and rehabilitation, and so much more. Your monthly gift of any size will help transform lives all year long. Become a Constant Companion today. When you sign up with a monthly gift of $20 or more, we will send you a free Proud Supporter car magnet. Help us unlock a $10,000 gift. Will you lend a paw? The San Diego Humane Society is located at 5500 Gaines St., San Diego, 92110; phone 619.299.7012, or visit the website at sdhumane.org. Santa Margarita Chapter, DAR, Welcomed New Member - The Santa Margarita Chapter, Daughters of the
purchase of a Win10 home ($140) or Pro ($200). It’s just not true. Microsoft deliberately left a “back door” open so that users could still legally upgrade any existing Win7/8 PC to Win10 without having to purchase the Win10 OS. Microsoft has continued to allow this loophole because the rapid and universal adoption of Win10 and its replacement of the Win7/8 OS have been very important to Microsoft. Charging full price for the updates would have significantly slowed the adoption rate of Win10.
free Win10 upgrade “back door” any day. When they do, here at The Computer Factory the $120 cost of a simple Win10 upgrade from Win7 or/8 Home or Pro will jump overnight to $260 and $320 respectively. The cost of the Win10 “refurbs” originally built with Win7 Pro will also increase by $200 and the resale or trade in value of Win7/8 PCs will completely disappear.
There is no guarantee that Microsoft will continue this practice indefinitely. They could end the
If you are one of the nearly 25% of Windows users still clinging to your Windows7/8 notebook or desktop PC, you should be aware that you may be running out of time to do the smart thing.
American Revolution, chaired by regent, Charla Boodry, welcomed new member Cathleen Lucht at a recent meeting. Cathy is one of three members of the same family recently approved as descendants of patriot, Gainer Pierce of Pennsylvania. Dianne Tovey and her daughter, Laura, will be welcomed at a later date. Julie Calvario, chapter Membership Chair, Kellie Stafford, chapter Chaplain, and Rhonda Crawford, chapter registrar, and cousin of the three new members, performed the welcome ceremony. Cathy was presented with a goodie bag. The DAR is open to any female eighteen years of age or older who is lineally descended from an ancestor who assisted in some way in the fight for independence in the American Revolution. Visit www.santamargarita.californiadar.orgPictu Save the Date for Lifeline's 2020 Volunteer Awards - Join us for the 2020 Volunteer Awards on Wednesday, April 15th, when Lifeline presents the Awards. RSVP by April 8th; email mcallen@nclifeline.org.
The event will be held at the North Coast Church Vista, with registration at 10am and the program from 10:30am-12noon. North County Lifeline mailing address is 3142 Vista Way, Suite 400, Oceanside, Ca, 92056. SAVE THE DATE for Wings of Hope The Elizabeth Hospice will be hosting a free community event on Sunday, May 3rd, the Wings of Hope, a butterfly release ceremony to honor and celebrate the people who have touched your life in a beautiful way. There will be Inspirational messages, musical performances, and butterfly release. This event will be held from 1pm3pm at the California Center for the Arts, 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. Admission and parking are free; Registration is required; www.elizabethhospice.org/wings or call 760.796.3708. 760.796.3708. For sponsorship opportunities, contact Tylie Daniels at Tylie.Daniels@ehospice.org or call 760.796.3708. They are located at 500 La
Pictured Kellie Stafford, Julie Calvario, Cathleen Lucht, Rhonda Crawford
Cleaning Services
Lawyer Makes House Calls Free Consultation
Brian Fieldman, Esq. 760.738.1914 sdbrf@cox.net
New or Repair, cabinets, drawers, countertops Formica, solid surface, refinish or paint, Senior Discount. Reface or New. Lic. #445779 Call Now! 760.594.0838
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Jannice Flake
follows: Present name: Jannice Flake to Proposed name Jaynace Krikorian.
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this
matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of
name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection
STATEMENT #2020-9001375 The name of the business, SoCal Shower Pans, SoCal Shower Pan, located at 25157 Jesmond Dene Rd., Escondido, CA. 92026. This business is registered by:
that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must
not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the NOTICE OF HEARING:
25157 Jesmond Dene Rd. Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is conducted by a Joint Venture.
Date: March 24, 2020, 8:30a.m., Department 23.
The address of the court is: 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least
First day of business n/a. /s/ Krisztian Kovesi Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/16/2020
once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News
Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San
2/13, 2/20, 2/27 & 3/05/2020
Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated 2/04/2020.
/s/Sim von Kalinowski, Judge of the Superior Court
2/13, 2/20, 2/27 & 3/05/2020
Interpreting, located at 1013 Marlin Dr.,
Vista, CA. 92084.
This business is registered by: Ciriaco Leon
The name of the business, Gasoline Depot,
1013 Marlin Dr.
located at 2401 E. Division St., National City,
Vista, CA. 92084
CA. 91950.
This business is registered by:
Roshan L. Gupta
First day of business n/a.
14505 Caminito Santo Tomas
/s/ Ciriaco Leon
San Diego, CA. 92130
Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/04/2020 2/13, 2/20, 2/27 & 3/05/2020
individual. First day of business 2/10/2019 /s/ Roshan L. Gupta
Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/04/2020
#2020-9002424 2/13, 2/20, 2/27 & 3/05/2020 The name of the business, Rokem Legacy, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
located at 611 Allison Lane, San Marcos, CA.
This business is registered by: Kevin Lu Galgana
The name of the business, DLW Services,
611 Allison Lane
located at 4260 LosVecinos, Fallbrook, CA.
San Marcos, CA. 92069 This
92028. by
This business is registered by:
Douglas Loren Wireman
First day of business n/a.
4260 Los Vecinos
/s/ Kevin Lu Galgana
Fallbrook, CA. 92028
Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/28/2020
2/13, 2/20, 2/27 & 3/05/2020 First day of business 7/1/19. /s/ Douglas Loren Wireman FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County STATEMENT Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/03/2020 #2020-9003048 2/13, 2/20, 2/27 & 3/05/2020 The name of the business, I Permit You, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME located at 1132 Oak Dr., Vista, CA. 92084.
This business is registered by:
Barbie June Crowder
The name of the business, Guru Salon
1137 Oak Dr.
Services, located at 2475 Coral St., A., Vista,
Vista, CA. 92084
Ca. 92081.
This business is registered by:
Farvital USA, Inc.
First day of business n/a.
6040 Rancho Bravado
/s/ Barbie June Crowder
Carlsbad, CA. 92009
Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/04/2020
2/13, 2/20, 2/27 & 3/05/2020
Home Maintenance Improvements
appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Krisztian and Edmond Kovesi
Letters to the Editor?
filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as
HOME GENERAL MAINTENANCE REMODELS Bath/Kitchen Designs, Tile Installation, Electrical, Paint, Fences, Concrete. Lic#33509 760.484.1302 760.529.1239
Many years experience Excellent Long Term References 760.735.5852
Cabinets by Archie 760.594.0838
• Free Estimate • Great References • 20 years Experience Call 760.738.7493
“When all you want is a thoroughly clean house”
JOHN the GOLD HANDYMAN I am good at Painting, Plumbing, Dry Wall Repairs, Pergo, Carpet and Tile and lots more - 27 years experience. CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE 760.738.7493
Home Maintenance Improvements
Home Care
Bankruptcy, Trusts & Wills, Personal Injury, Real Estate Issues, Short Sales, LLC’s, Modifications, Dispute Letters, Contract Review, Notary Public, Real Estate Broker CalBre 00661666
• Page 13 • February 27, 2020
JOHN the GOLD HANDYMAN I am good at Painting, Plumbing, Dry Wall Repairs, Pergo, Carpet and Tile and lots more - 27 years experience. CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE 760.738.7493
HOME GENERAL MAINTENANCE REMODELS Bath/Kitchen Designs, Tile Installation, Electrical, Paint, Fences, Concrete. Lic#33509 760.484.1302 760.529.1239
STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL FROM PARTNERSHIP OPERATING UNDER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME #2020-9002454 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME OF PARTNERSHIP: Tacos N Beers. THE ORIGINAL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME REFERRED TO ABOVE WAS FILED IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 11/18/2019 and assigned File No. 2019-9027699. LOCATED AT 1514 Linda Vista Drive, San Marcos, CA. 92078. THE FOLLOWING GENERAL PARTNER HAS WITHDRAWN: Anastacio Delgado 243 Calle Del Sol Vista, CA. 92083 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdeameanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). /s/ Anastacio Delgado This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/29/2020 2/06, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9002455 The name of the business, Tacos n Beers, located at 1514 Linda Vista Dr., San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is registered by: JaimeArmando Garcia Fuentes 619 Cocopah St. Vista, CA. 92083 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 1/20/2020 /s/ Jaime Armando Garcia Fuentes Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/29/2020. .2/6, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9003130 The name of the business, Yellow Line Digital, located at 237 W. Grand Avenue, Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is registered by: Yellow Line Productions, LLC 237 W. Grand Ave. Escondido, CA. 92025 This business is conducted by a Limited LIability Company. First day of business 7/01/13.. /s/ Joseph Szalkiewicz, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/04/2020 2/13, 2/20, 2/27 & 3/05/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9002025 The name of the business, NewDeck Capital Lending, located at 6882 Watercourse Drive, Carlsbad, CA. 92011. This business is registered by: NewDeck Capital Corp. 6882 Watercourse Drive Carlsbad, CA. 92011 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business n/a/ /s/ David Begg, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/24/20 2/6, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9002861 The name of the business, Cox & Associaes Seaside
First day of business 1/10/2020. /s/ Hassan Dummar, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/10/2020 2/6, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020
This business is registered by: Nicolette W. Cox 2016 Saliente Way Carlsbad, CA. 92009 This
individual. First day of business n/a/ /s/ Nicolette W. Cox. Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/31/20
The name of the business, Naturally
Overhead Doors, Inc., located at 2120 Vista
CBeeD.com, located at 2811 La Colina Dr.,
Grande Pl., Vista, CA. 92084.
Escondido, CA. 92027.
This business is registered by:
This business is registered by: Cathy Dombrowski
Bedford Overhead Doors, Inc.,
2811 La Colina Drive 2120 Vista Grande Place
Escondido, CA. 92027
Vista, Ca. 92084 This
This is
Legals 760.747.7119
Carlsbad, CA. 92009.
#2020-9003574 by
Brokerage, located at 2016 Saliente Way,
2/6, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020
We love ‘em! Drop us a note with your thoughts to: thepaper@cox.net We want to hear your thoughts; so do your neighbors and fellow readers!
First day of business 7/11/11. /s/ Lance Spry, President
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/10/2020 2/20, 2/27, 3/05 & 3/12/2020
First day of business n/a. /s/ Cathy Dombrowski Filed
County Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego
County on 1/29/2020. 2/20, 2/27, 3/05 & 3/12/2020
The Mighty Mojo Page The Paper
Coins & Loans
• Page 14 • February 27, 2020
Indian Store
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Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment That Everyone Can Afford Now offering a range of care options to help everyone, even if restricted by money or ability to get to my office. Call Now! 760-290.3611 Dr. Gary Loos 1645 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Ste. 102 San Marcos
1950 Hacienda Dr. Vista
Pool Service
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Legal Services
Specializing Electric & Plumbing, Ceiling Fan Special. Home Repairs. Free Estimates. 760.799.5963
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9002093 The name of the business, Cristina Bustos, located at 1895 Avenida del Oro #5587, Oceanside, CA. 92052. This business is registered by: Cristina Bustos Oliver 1895 Avenida del Oro #5587 Oceanside, CA. 92052 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Cristina Bustos Oliver Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/24/20 2/6, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2020-00005682-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner McKenna Blythe Mary Miller filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: McKenna Blythe Mary Miller to Proposed name McKenna Blythe Miller. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: 3/17/2020 8:30a.m., Department N23. The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, Ca. 92081, North County Division. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated: 1/31/2020 2/06, 2/13, 20 & 2/27/20
3643 Grand Avenue, Suite A San Marcos, CA. 92078 Trusts & Estate Planning Free Consultation
Bankruptcy, Trusts & Wills, Personal Injury, Real Estate Issues, Short Sales, LLC’s, Modifications, Dispute Letters, Contract Review, Notary Public, Real Estate Broker CalBre 00661666
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COLEMAN MOVING FAMILY OWNED Since 1979 BBB Insured Low Rates. CT #189466 760-746-1153
J&M’s Family Restaurant Where homestyle cooking is just the beginning…
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9003744 The name of the business, Daisywheel, located at 1453 Esperanza Way, Escondido, CA. 92027.
This business is registered by:
Jordan William LaGrange 1453 Esperanza Way
#2020-9003345 The
business, located
Depth 2135
Escondido, CA. 92027 This
individual. Valley Pkwy, Unit 83, Escondido, CA. 92027. First day of business n/a. This business is registered by:
/s/ Jordan William LaGrange
Jeffrey, Michael, Justice
Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County
2135 E. Valley Pkwy, Unit 83
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/11/2020 2/20, 2/27, 3/05 & 3/12/2020
Escondido, CA. 92027 This
STATEMENT #2020-9003074
First day of business 1/01/2020. The
/s/ Jeffrey, Michael, Justice Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County
Moving, located at 1101 W. San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos, CA. 92078.
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/06/2020 This business is registered by: 2/13, 2/20, 2/27 & 3/05/2020
Marco Dino Curione 3737 Via Baldona
#2020-9002823 The
Pl., Oceanside, CA. 92056.
(760) 471-1006
1215 E. Valley Parkway Escondido
Construction, located at 4706 Crestmont
Top grade printing of all types, brochures, letterhead, posters banners, business cards.
Lawyer Makes House Calls Free Consultation
The name of the business, Tradewinds
Oceanside, CA. 92056 This
individual. Kingdom
First day of business n/a.
Creativity International, located at 1917A
/s/ Marco Dino Curione
Alta Vista Drive, Vista, Ca. 92084.
Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County
This business is registered by:
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/04/2020
Jill Elizabeth and Brae Indigo Wyckoff
2/13, 2/20, 2/27 & 3/05/2020
This business is registered by: Jason Douglas Blake 1917 A Alta Vista Drive. 4706 Crestmont Pl. Vista, CA. 92084
Oceanside, Ca. 92056 This
The Place for Legals! 760.747.7119
Visit us online at:
Kaley Satterlee Law Offices
Call TODAY for a FREE Quote!
This business is conducted by a Married
First day of business 1/1/2020.
First day of business n/a.
/s/ Jason Douglas Blake
/s/ Jill Elizabeth Wyckoff
The name of the business, Elite Glass &
Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County
Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/3/2020
Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/31/2020
2/6, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020
2/6, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020
Windows, Inc., located at 2205 Faraday Ave., Suite G, Carlsbad, CA. 92008. This business is registered by: Elite Glass & Windows, Inc. 2205 Faraday Ave., Suite G. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 This
corporation. First day of business 2/18/2005 /s/ Kenneth I. Davies, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/31/2020 2/6, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020
News for the Social Butterfly?
Send your press releases to: thesocialbutterfly@cox.net
The Paper
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2020-00005769-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Donnie Martinez filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Donnie Ben Ezell to Proposed name Donnie Martinez. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: 3/17/2020 8:30a.m., Department 23. The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081, North County Superior Court.. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated: 1/31/2020 /s/ Sim von Kalinowski, Judge of the Superior Court 2/13, 2/20, 2/27 & 3/05/2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9003101 The name of the business, SW Suspended Ceilings, located at 2754 Arland Road, Carlsbad, CA. 92008. This business is registered by: Spencer Wenzek 2754 Arland Road Carlsbad, CA. 92008 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 7/25/12 /s/ Spencer Wenzek Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/04/2020 2/20, 2/27, 3/05 & 3/12/2020
The name of the business, COS
This business is registered by: Casey Brian Ballwey 2764 Sunny Creek Rd. Carlsbad, CA. 92010 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Casey Brian Ballwey Filed
Diego on 2/06/2020 2/27, 3/05, 3/12 & 3/19/2020
#2020-9004588 The name of the business, Yummy 4225
Oceanside, CA. 92056. This business is registered by: Pho Supreme, LLC 552 Echo Lane San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by
Company. First
2/19/2020. /s/ Tung Dang, Member Filed
Diego on 2/21/2020 2/27, 3/05, 3/12 & 3/19/2020
#2020-9004488 The name of the business, We Do Wellness, located at 2176
Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is registered by: Darryl L. Snipe 2176 Cosmo Way San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. day
2/20/2020. /s/ Darrel L. Snipe Filed
County of
Diego on 2/20/2020 2/27, 3/05, 3/12 & 3/19/2020
92025. This business is registered by: Randolph W. Ortlieb 1625 Dichoso Drive Escondido, CA. 92025 This business is conducted by an individual. First
3/01/2015. /s/ Randolph W. Ortlieb Filed
Ernest Jr.,
County of
Diego on 2/21/2020 2/27, 3/05, 3/12 & 3/19/2020
is This
registered by:
Modifica, Jr.
Brandon John Begg
1023 W. 11th Ave.
7992 Watercourse Drive
Escondido, CA. 92025
Carlsbad, CA. 92011
is an
is an
First day of business n/a. /s/
First day of business n/a. /s/ Brandon John Begg
Modifica, Jr. Ernest
Dronenburg Jr., County
Dronenburg Jr., County
Diego on 2/05/2020 2/13,
Diego County on 2/03/20. &
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9003438 The name of the business, Create Christian Church, located at 4070 Bonita Road, Bonita, CA. 91902. This business is registered by: Manna World Ministries, Inc. 292 E. Barham Drive Suite 202 San Marcos,CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 2/7/20. /s/ Daniel E. Jones, CEO Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/7/2020 2/20, 2/27, 3/05 & 3/12/2020
#2020-9004611 The name of the business,
Carlsbad, CA. 92011.
For Advertising Information or to subscribe, Call (760) 747-7119
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9002649 The name of the business, Sea Glass Therapy,;Sea Glass; SGPS; Sea Glass Psychology; Sea Glass Psychotherapy; Sea Glass Psychological Consultation, located at 380 S. Melrose Drive, Suite 345, Vista, CA. 92081. This business is registered by: Sea Gleass Psychological Services, Inc. 380 S. Melrose Drive, Suite 345 Vista, CA. 92081 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 1/24/20 /s/ Cristina Bustos Oliver, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/30/2020 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, & 2/27/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9001488 The name of the business, Mila’s Cleaning Services, located at 676 Ora Ave . Dr., Vista, CA. 92084. This business is registered by: Luzmyla and Calixto Baldelomar 676 Ora Ave. Dr. Vista, CA. 92084 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business 1/17/20. /s/ Calixto Baldelomar Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/17/2020. 2/06, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9002375 The name of the business, Valley Center Equipment Rental, Gratzl Equipment Rental, located at 27427 Valley Center Rd., Valley Center, CA. 92082. This business is registered by: Gratzl Enterprises, Inc. 31034 Valley Center Rd. Valley Center, CA. 92082 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business n/a. /s/ Bonnie Gratzl, Secretary Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/28/2020. 2/06, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020
The name of the business, Sparky Education, located
business, R&R Plumbing
This business is registered
324 Nettleton Rd., Vista,
CA. 92083.
Oceanside, CA. 92056.
Madison Lee Landers
3510 Chauncey Rd.
registered by:
Oceanside, CA. 92056
Robert Ramirez
This business is conducted
324 Nettleton Rd.
by a Married Couple.
Vista, CA. 92083.
2/12/20. Filed
Ernest Jr.,
County of
Diego on 2/12/2020 2/20, 2/27, 3/5 & 3/12/2020
/s/ Stephan Alan Landers
individual. First
1/29/2020. /s/ Robert Ram irez Filed
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9004139 The name of the business, Cashmere Hair, located at 6652 Surf Crest St., Carlsbad, CA. 92011 This business is registered by: Lucky Happy Love, Inc. 6652 Surf Crest Street Carlsbad, CA. 92011 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 3/1/2013. /s/ Rachel Kolen, CEO Ernest J. Filed with Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/14/2020. 2/27, 3/05, 3/12 and 3/19/2020.
Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder
Diego on 1/29/2020. 2/06,
#2020-9003164 The name of the business, JM Detailing, located at 234 Plumosa
92083 This business is registered by: Joseph Vincent Montagna 234 Plumosa Ave. Vista, CA. 92083 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/
Montagna Filed
Ernest Jr.,
County of
Diego on 2/05/2020 2/20,
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9002437 The name of the business, Value Vent Cleaning, Chim Chiminey Sweep, located at 3090 Cordrey Dr., Escondido, CA. 92029. This business is registered by: Integrity Chimney Sweeps, Inc. 3090 Cordrey Dr. Escondido, CA. 92029 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 5/21/19. /s/ Thomas Kezas, CEO Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/28/2020. 2/06, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
registered by:
11th Ave., Escondido, CA.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9003468 The name of the business, Wine & Olive, located at 214 E. Broadway, Vista, Ca. 92084. This business is registered by: Strio Intelligence 2049 White Alder Ln. Vista, CA. 92084 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 2/6/20. /s/ Melinda Joslin, Vice President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/07/2020. 2/20, 2/27, 3/5 & 3/12/2020
Media, located at 6882
Media, located at 1023 W.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9003616 The name of the business, Italian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses San Marcos, CA., located at 1111 La Moree Road, San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is registered by: Guy J. Ioviero 2011 Goodwin Drive Vista, CA. 92084 Jason J. Martinez 42215 Wyandotte St. Temecula, CA. 92592 This business is conducted by an Unincorporated Association Other than a Partnership First day of business 2/01/2010. /s/ Jason J. Martinez, General Partner Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/10/2020 2/20, 2/27, 3/05 & 3/12/2020
#2020-9003204 The
Marcos, CA. 92078.
1320 Grand Ste 24, San
STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL FROM PARTNERSHIP OPERATING UNDER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME #2020-9002464 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME OF PARTNERSHIP: SMIUSA. THE ORIGINAL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME REFERRED TO ABOVE WAS FILED IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON 11/07/2019 and assigned File No. 2019-9027088 LOCATED AT 806 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd., #127, San Marcos, CA. 92069.. THE FOLLOWING GENERAL PARTNER HAS WITHDRAWN: Alfonso Garcia 37713 Blazing Star St., Palmdale, CA. 93552 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdeameanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000 ) /s/ Alfonso Garcia This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County on 1/29/2020 2/06, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020
• Page 15 • February 27, 2020
The name of the business, Alta View Manor, located at 1727
Escondido, Ca. This business is registered by: Kindnest Living, Inc. 1727 Tobacco Road Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business n/a. /s/ Bernadette R. Austria, President Filed
Ernest Jr.,
County of
Diego on 2/24/2020. 2/27,
STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME #2020-9004732 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME: Alta View Manor, located at 1727 Tobacco Road, Escondido, CA. 92026.. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on 3/29/2019 and assigned File no. 2019-9008176, is abandoned by the following regisrants: Armando & ElanaCalibuyot 1727 Tobacco Road Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1000). /s/ Armando Calibuyot This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County 2/24/2020 2/27, 3/5, 3/12 & 3/19/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9004770 The name of the business, Footprints Pediatric Therapy, located at 1145 Via Teresa, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is registered by: Jennifer Tuite 1145 Via Teresa San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 2/2/2020. /s/ Jennifer Tuite Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/24/2020. 2/27, 3/05, 3/12 and 3/19/2020.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9004129 The name of the business, Glam Studio, Glam Studio San Diego, located at 1015 Chestnut Ave., Suite B3, Carlsbad, CA. 92008. This business is registered by: Brittany Lynn Meusz 1740 Victoria Way San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 2/14/2020. /s/ Brittany Lynn Meusz Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/14/2020 2/20, 2/27, 3/05 & 3/12/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9002551 The name of the business, Adopt A Saint, located at 1925 Robinhood Road, Vista, CA. 92084. This business is registered by: Susan Johnston 1925 Robinhood Road Vista, CA. 92084 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Susan Johnston Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/29/2020. 2/06, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9004428 The name of the business, Dazzling Diamond Cleaning, located at 250 Espanas Glen, Escondido, CA. 92026. This business is registered by: Ana Delia and Hector Juarez 250 Espanas Glen Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business n/a. /s/ Ana Delia Juarez Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/20/2020. 2/27, 3/05, 3/12 and 3/19/2020. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
#2020-9004726 The name of the business, Property
located at 1763 Manor Dr., Vista, CA. 92084. This business is registered by:
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9004423 The name of the business, Non-Stop Signs, Beautiful Displays, located at 2010 Hancock St., San Diego, CA. 92110 This business is registered by: 858 Graphics Inc. 2010 Hancock St. San Diego, CA. 92110 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business 12/01/14. /s/ Gehane Ribeyre, CEO Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/24/2020. 2/27, 3/05, 3/12 and 3/19/2020. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9004794 The name of the business, Wrist Reminders, located at 721 Hollowayglen Rd., Oceanside, CA. 92057. This business is registered by: Krysta Lyn McClellan 721 Hollowglen Rd., Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Krysta Lyn McClellan Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/24/2020. 2/27, 3/05, 3/12 and 3/19/2020. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9004566 The name of the business, Santa Ana Fresh Mexican Food, located at 805 E. Valleyo Parkway, Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is registered by: JCP Mexican Restaurant LLC 815 N. Santa Fe, Vista, CA. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business 2/20/2020. /s/ Julio Posada, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/20/2020. 2/27, 3/05, 3/12 and 3/19/2020. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9004566 The name of the business, Santa Ana Fresh Mexican Food, located at 805 E. Valleyo Parkway, Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is registered by: JCP Mexican Restaurant LLC 815 N. Santa Fe, Vista, CA. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business 2/20/2020. /s/ Julio Posada, President Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/20/2020. 2/27, 3/05, 3/12 and 3/19/2020.
Javier Eduardo Flores 1763 Manor Dr. Vista, CA. 92084 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business n/a. /s/ Javier Eduardo Flores Filed
Ernest Jr.,
County of
Diego on 2/24/2020. 2/27,
3/19/2020. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9004632 The name of the business, Eric Ihlbrock Sales and Consulting, located at 1208 Lancer Glen, Escondido, CA. 92029. This business is registered by: Eric Day Ihlbrock 1208 Lancer Glen Escondido, CA. 92029 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business 1/6/2020. /s/ Eric Day Ihlbrock Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 2/21/2020. 2/27, 3/05, 3/12 and 3/19/2020.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2020-9002534 The name of the business, P.A.T., PTSD Awareness Training, located at 6834 Pear Tree Dr. , Carlsbad, CA. 92011. This business is registered by: Megan Kathryne Linchan 6834 Pear Tree Dr. Carlsbad, CA. 92011 Karolina Agata Hobson 6994 Sandcastle Dr. Carlsbad, CA. 92011 This business is conducted by a General Partnership First day of business n/a. /s/ Megan Kathryne Linchan Filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego on 1/29/2020. 2/06, 2/13, 2/20 & 2/27/2020
To place Legal Ads Call The Paper 760.747.7119
The Paper • Page 16 • February 27, 2020
SAT TURDA DAY Y,, APR RIL 25 Pala E Evvents Center at 7:30pm