Volume 45 - No. 27
July 9, 2015
Left: Adjutant Harold Vormezeele, 33, a legionnaire of the 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment (2e REP) of the French Foreign Legion was killed in a clash with Islamists in the Iforhas region of northern Mali, on February 19, 2013. His funeral was held in National Residence of the Invalids (Les Invalides), Paris, on February 22. by lyle e davis
I suppose some of us men have at one time or another fantasized about running away and joining the French Foreign Legion.
Probably best to keep it as a fantasy as it is no walk in the park.
It’s the dark romance of the French Foreign Legion: haunted men from everywhere, fighting anywhere, dying for causes not their own. The French Foreign Legion is one of the only Western military forces comprised mostly of foreign nationals. It was established nearly 200 years ago for the same reason Australia exists—to give society's dregs a fresh purpose in life, ideally one that took them as far away from home as possible.
The Paper - 760.747.7119
email: thepaper@cox.net
The Legion will gladly send you to war to fight for a country you're barely acquainted with. In exchange, you get shipped off to God knows where and have a chance to reinvent yourself.
Currently it employs 7,286 enlisted men, including non-commissioned officers. Over just the past two decades they have been deployed to Bosnia, Cambodia, Chad, both Congos, Djibouti, French Guiana, Gabon, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Kosovo, Kuwait, Rwanda, and Somalia. Recently they have fought in Afghanistan, as members of the French contingent. There is no other force in the world today that has known so much war for so long. A significant number of the men are fugitives from the law, living under assumed names, with their actual identities closely protected by the Legion. People are driven to join
the Legion as much as they are drawn to it.
Since 1831, when the Legion was formed by King Louis-Philippe, more than 35,000 legionnaires have died in battle, often anonymously, and more often in vain. The Legion was created primarily to gather up some of the foreign deserters and criminals who had drifted to France in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars. It was discovered that these men, who were said to threaten civil society, could be induced to become professional soldiers at minimal cost, then exiled to North Africa to help with the conquest of Algeria.
Throughout history, the Legion has served as a second chance for people who have run out of bridges to burn. For those few willing and able to tough it out, a
brand new beginning and identity await, complete with a freshly minted French passport. Enlisting in the French Foreign Legion
The French Foreign Legion accepts recruits from all over the world. The Foreign Legion’s recruiting centers have to be open 24/7/365 (yes, all year long) officially. However, whatever is stated on the Legion’s official website, enlisting in the Legion during Monday to Friday between 08:00 AM – 05:00 PM will be a good option for you. The smaller recruiting centers might be closed during nights. You can be enlisted in mainland France only! There is no other way.
The French Foreign Legion Continued on Page 2
The Paper • Page 2 • July 9, 2015
‘French Foreign Legion’ Cont. from Page 1
You must travel at your own expense to continental France (in Europe) and knock on the door of one of the Legion’s recruiting centers. This is the only way to enlist. NO online applications, NO letters of invitation, NO documents at French embassies around the world are provided to join the Legion. Once you are enlisted (the same day you knocked on the door), the recruiting and selection process starts. It takes from 2 to 5 weeks. Free accommodation, food and clothing are provided by the Legion during the whole recruiting and selection process.
You will be enlisted as a single man, even if you are married. The first contract you sign up is for 5 years. Requirements:
To be a man between 17.5 and 39.5 years Must have a valid ID (Identity document), ID Card or a Passport for recruits from the European Union (EU), PASSPORT for recruits from all over the world. To have a birth certificate verified copy (translation into English or French languages prefered) To be NOT wanted by Interpol (NO murders, NO drug trafficking…) To be physically fit to serve at all
Give Us This Day Our Daily Chuckle
times and places all over the world for at least 5 years To have BMI (body mass index) between 20 and 30. What does NOT matter:
Your citizenship (if you are a Brazilian, Indian, Russian, Japanese citizen etc…) doesn’t matter your race origin doesn’t matter your religion doesn’t matter your knowledge / ignorance of the French language doesn’t matter your educational background doesn’t matter your qualifications don’t matter your social status doesn’t matter your professional status doesn’t matter your marriage / marital status or family status doesn’t matter your military or non-military background doesn’t matter Entry Tests of the French Foreign Legion Psycho-technical tests IQ tests Personality tests Sports tests Medical tests
What to take with you to the French Foreign Legion
The number-one rule in packing for an enlistent to the Legion is to pack lightly. You HAVE to take with you:
All documents already stated above (ID card, …) 3 T-shirts, 3 briefs and 3 pairs of socks a pair of trainer/sneaker about 10-50 euros vanity case/toiletries: soap/shower gel razor + lather toothbrush toothpaste bath towel bath shoes/slippers
Foreign Legion preselection centres: Paris Aubagne
You may stay 3-14 days in preselection center before starting a selection in Aubagne (yes, there are both a preselection and selection center in Aubagne). Career in the French Foreign Legion
Any legionnaire can build a career not on school diplomas or professional or civilian qualifications, but by taking military or technical examinations throughout his service. If you have good potential, if you are motivated, hard working and serious, you may earn interesting careers. 25% of legionnaires will become the non-commissioned officers (N.C.O.). All NCOs in the Legion started as simple legionnaires. 10% of Legion officers started their career as simple legion-
naires and worked up through the ranks. Pay in the French Foreign Legion
A legionnaire is clothed, fed, accommodated, and medically cared for. Your salary also depends upon your rank, qualifications and time of service. Pay examples (after various deductions, excluding social security deduction): Legionairre, $1324 to $3919 Caporal, from $1347 to $3984 Caporal-chef $1431 to $4295 Sergent $1484 to $4316 Sergent-chef $1954 to $4599 Adjudant $2205 to $5216 Adjudant-chef$2283 to $5293
All salaries above are per month, converted from Euros to dollars, based on current exchange rates; salaries for senior positions are also rated for years of service, time in grade, etc.
There are also parachute bonuses, overseas allowances (in French territories,) and overseas allowances (abroad). FAQ – Frequently Questions
1. Q: Do I need to speak French before joining the Foreign Legion? A: No. Most candidates do not speak French. However, it will
‘French Foreign Legion’ Cont. on Page 3
This week, a compendium of wit, wisdom and neat stuff you can tell at parties. Enjoy! Biblical Humor
Silver Surfers
As we Silver Surfers know, sometimes we have trouble with our computers. Yesterday, I had a problem, so I called Georgie , the 11 year old next door, whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over. Georgie clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. As he was walking away, I called after him, 'So, what was wrong? He replied, 'It was an ID ten T error.'
‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 3
The Paper • Page 3 • July 9, 2015
‘French Foreign Legion’ Cont. from Page 2
not be amiss to speak a little bit of French language.
2. Q: How about contacting my family? A: You are allowed to contact your family once you have started your basic training in Castelnaudary, by mail or payphone.
3. Q: How about evenings, weekends, holidays in the Legion? A: After finishing your fourmonth basic training, you are allowed to leave your military base during your free time. 4. Q: How about using mobile phones, notebook computers? A: After finishing your fourmonth basic training, you are allowed to buy them and use during your free time. 5. Q: How about annual leave (vacation/holiday) ? A: The Foreign Legion offers you 45 working days of annual leave (vacation/holiday) per year.
Information source: Légion étrangère, the Legion’s official recruiting website What to Expect
The motto of the Legion is Legio Patria Nostra. ‘The Legion is our fatherland.’ This means they will accept you. They will shelter you. They may send you out to die. Women are not admitted. Service to the Legion is about simplifying men’s lives. It was about do not ask questions, do not make suggestions, do not even think of that. Forget your civilian reflexes. War has its own logic. Be smart. For you the fighting does not require a purpose. It does not require your allegiance to France. After you arrive in the selection center in Aubagne, the training begins; even if you haven't been formally accepted. Everything you've brought with you, including the clothes on your back, are put into storage. You change your civilian clothing for a blue legion track suit and a t-shirt. You are provided everything you'll need for your stay in Aubagne, from razors to underwear. You are working from sun-up to sundown. Cooking in the mess, cleaning the offices, painting, etc. Hazing at this point is normal and isn't too bad. However, more than 80% of the people that walked through the gates are now gone. Some are lost due to failure of a test or exam, and some are lost due to self-election to "go civil."
Assuming you pass all of these test and exams, you go "rouge." This means that you are issued all of the kit that you will need for basic training at Castelnaudary, cut off all of your hair and begin to wear most of the daily uniform of the legion; black military boots and camouflage tops and bottoms. The only thing missing at this point is the béret vert (green beret). Once "rouge," you begin to learn some of the basic chants of the Legion (these are an impor-
tant part of the Legion) and the Code of Honor. Also, once "rouge," the hazing begins in earnest. Attrition continues and about 15% of those that originally came through the gates are typically lost; those that are lost are now almost exclusively through selfelection to "go civil."
At the end of your two week period as "rouge" in Aubagne, you are taken to the 4th Regiment in Castelnaudary. The 4th is the Legion's formal training regiment, where you will be spending three out of your four months in basic training, and where you will make your transition from engagé volontaire (voluntary enlistee) to Légionnaire. There are generally 25-45 men per section. Your first month in basic training is spent at your company's Farm. This is not a farm in the traditional sense, although most of them are formerly working farms converted to housing and training Légionnaires. This is where you truly begin your military training, your FAMAS (assault rifle) never leaving your side. You will do everything from learn French in a classroom environment, run many kilometers, do many pushups & situps, perform increasingly long hikes with increasingly weighted packs, to learning basic military tactics and weapons shooting and handling. Hazing at this point is constant. (Often, corporal punishment is administered. Hitting and kicking of recruits is common and expected.) There will be many nights without sleep, and many meals missed. You are never alone and are constantly watched for even the tiniest mistakes. The consequences for mistakes are severe and painful; physically, psychologically or both. The environment is initially set up to ensure failure. You are broken down individually - both mentally and physically - slowly being built back up with larger and larger successes as a group. This creates cohesion and camaraderie in a group as diverse as is possible. Your time at the Farm culminates in your biggest success: the Kepi March, a grueling two day march with everything you have strapped to your back. At the finish waits Castelnaudary and your Kepi Blanc. Attrition at this stage in the training is almost exclusively through self-election to "go civil" and makes up about 10% of the group that came to Castelnaudary.
Once the ceremony for your Kepi Blanc is over, and you're officially a Légionnaire, you continue with basic infantry training for the next three months. Discipline, weapons, tactics, and physical fitness. Your section continues it's marches of increasing length, ultimately reaching the final Raid March. Towards the end of your four months in basic training, you begin to take tests.; shooting tests, French tests, physical tests, etc. Depending on your performance in these tests, you are ordered within your section as to "desirability." This ranking is extremely important, as it dictates the order in which you are allowed to state a preference for
what Regiment to which you'd like to be posted. Your section leader (usually a French-born Lieutenant) and Company Captain will use these rankings, along with your preferences and the needs of the Legion, to decide where you will be going after Castelnaudary.
A former Legionnaire says: “These months at the Farm and Castelnaudary are some of the toughest, physically and psychologically, that you will encounter in the Legion. In short, they are hell in the moment, but fantastic memories. They are, as already stated, designed to break you down; I have never seen it not succeed. Everything you have, mentally and physically, has been taken from you and is slowly replaced only by what the Legion wishes you to have. Those that stick around and make it through are transitioned from a civilian off of the street to a lean, strong, hungry predator in only four months. To do this, the change from civilian life is drastic and the training extremely hard. Make no mistake about it; the Legion selects and trains its men to be exactly the hard-as-nails, enduring, SOBs they get.” As for noteworthy memories from basic training, I have many. My favorite publicly-shareable is of a Caporal-Chef who embodied the public image of the Legion. He was just under 50 years old, drunk every morning by 10am on cheap Legion beer, smoked a pack a day, and had joined before he was 20. On the run from the law, he never took back his real identity and, while not existing in the "real world", was legend inside of the Legion; everyone knew him & the exploits for which he had become notorious. His chest was literally a wall of medals, and he had been in nearly every conflict/war with the Legion in the last 30 years. The man spoke at least 5 languages fluently and, as far as I know, no one but the paper-pushers ever knew from what country he originally came. He could out run, out push-up or pull-up any challenger and, despite his constant drinking, never once missed a shot. Despite being a total badass, he could be your best friend; playing perfectly his role as a junior-ranked NCO with years of authority to help out a young Légionnaire in his moment of need. I swear, when they came out with those "Most Interesting Man in the World" commercials, I thought of this Caporal-Chef. I will never forget this man as long as I live.” Sources: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/co mments/cvjdb/iaman_american_who_joined_and_served_in_t he/ http://www.vanityfair.com/uncha nged/2012/12/french-foreignlegion-expendables http://www.vanityfair.com/uncha nged/2012/12/french-foreignlegion-expendables
‘French Foreign Legion’ Cont. on Page 11
‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 2
I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, 'An, ID ten T error? What's that? In case I need to fix it again.' Georgie grinned ..
'Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before? 'No,' I replied.
'Write it down,' he said, 'and I think you'll figure it out.' So I wrote down: ID10T
I used to like Georgie , the little nincompoop. Money Hungry
After sex one night, the wife gets up, and starts packing her suitcase. The husband asks what she is doing. She says, "I'm going to Las Vegas. I can get $200 there for what you just got for free!"
The husband gets up, and starts packing his suitcase. She asks what he is doing.
He says, "I'm going to Vegas too, so I can see how you're going to live on $600 a year. A Little Poem . . .
Another year has passed And we're all a little older. Last summer felt hotter And winter seems much colder. There was a time not long ago When life was quite a blast. Now I fully understand About 'Living in the Past' We used to go to weddings, Football games and lunches.. Now we go to funeral homes And after-funeral brunches. We used to have hangovers, From parties that were gay. Now we suffer body aches And wile the night away.
We used to go out dining, And couldn't get our fill. Now we ask for doggie bags, Come home and take a pill. We used to often travel To places near and far. Now we get sore asses From riding in the car.
We used to go to nightclubs And drink a little booze. Now we stay home at night And watch the evening news.
That, my friend is how life is, And now my tale is told. So, enjoy each day and live it up... Before you're too damned old! A Nun Grading Papers
These answers are purportedly actually from children who attended a Catholic elementary school.
‘Chuckles’ ‘Cont. Cont. on Page 5
The Paper • Page 4 • July 9, 2015 In a 5-2 Vote, Palomar Health Board of Directors Vote to Close the Downtown Campus
After a three hour executive (closed) session the board voted to close the downtown campus of the Palomar Medical Center hospital because they claimed there were insufficient funds to make the needed major infrastructure improvements.
“I can assure you first and foremost as I’ve said throughout the entire process, was this the right recommendation for the right reasons at the right time? Yes,” Robert Hemker, president and CEO of Palomar Health said. The services will be consolidated to the Palomar Medical Center on West Citracado Parkway and to Pomerado Hospital in Poway.
Inpatient rehabilitation and labor and delivery services will move to the new Palomar Medical Center.
Hemker said some staff will be moved to the other hospitals where there is a match and provide training to those who need it to continue on at the new hospitals. Not all of the 850 staff members, however,will be relocated. “In the event (relocation is) not
Local News
available to certain individuals, we will obviously work with them in terms of helping them identify where their skills can be applied and where they can be committed individuals at their new organizations,” Hemker said. Hospital executives said the closure could save Palomar Health $20 million a year.
The board spent $1 billion on the Citracado campus, which was opened in 2012. This following a vote in 2004 where voters approved Proposition BB, which authorized $500 million in bonds.
While there were many critics of the decision to close the facility, those in leadership positions throughout North County generally, though reluctantly, agreed with the decision. Bear Valley Parkway Improvements On Schedule
Drivers on the east end of Escondido will have likely noticed a lot of construciton activity taking place on Bear Valley Parkway from state Route 76 and Boyle Avenue. It’s all part of a widenting project that officials say is moving along on schedule. The improvements will include
Arrested at the age of 20 for selling counterfeit Draft Cards. Sentenced to 45 years, and a $75,000 fine (all suspended), but his felony conviction disallowed him for military service. Give up?
It’s Nick Nolte . . . movie actor and druggie.
Man About Town
OK. Let’s have some fun. Guess who this is.
Once a classmate of mine, but two years behind me.
Never one to follow the rules. As I recall, his own classmates voted him off the football team, and his family moved farther out to West Omaha where he attended Westside High School. Later he was kicked out of a couple of colleges.
pedestrian friendly sidewalks, a bike lane and improved signage.
The two-lane section of road will be expanded to four lanes. Construction is expected to be completed by this fall.
The funds come from Transnet, a voter approved half-cent sales tax, Proposition 1B bonds and a contribution from Escondido. Vallecitos Refinances Bond Debt
Thanks to improved credit ratings the Vallecitos Water District announced it has refinanced its bond debt and saved ratepayers $3.47 million in the process. The district took advantage of historically low rates for taxexempt municipal bonds and its strong credit rating to refinance the district’s $45.4 million in bond debt.
The district is scheduled to pay down half of that debt in the next 10 years and currently has no plans to take on any additional debt. “Refinancing
‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 11
I also attended college with yet another young man who was destined for the silver screen.
Of all things, we studied drama together at the University of Nebraska, Omaha campus. In those days it was just known as Omaha University.
Wonder what ever became of
Mark Twain
Dear Lyle,
During independence week it is great timing to publish the wonderful and beautifully written piece by Frederick Gomez. Frederick handles Mark Twain with such great care and honesty, and ratchets up the emotional energy with incredible prose which welled up tears in my eyes just right. Thank you for publishing awesome work such as this, Best Regards, Miguel Romero Escondido, CA
Mark Twain
Damned good writing.
/s/James Robin Pontius Escondido, CA.
‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. on Page 5
best friend, Stormy MacDonald, the heir to the Zenith fortune. MacDonald committed suicide in Colorado. This impacted Peter heavily. Peter kinda had the appearance of the “poor little rich kid.” He came from a family of wealth and prestige . . . yet hardly ever saw his dad. His mom had died as a suicide, when Peter was only 11. Never met his sister, Jane Fonda. Never wanted to. Still don’t. I despise her. To my mind, she is a traitor.
Peter was nothing like his sister. I liked him. His name helped him get into show biz. I remember one play he was cast in: “Oh Dad, Poor Dad, They Hung Him in the Closet and I’m Feeling So Sad.”
I can’t say I knew Nick Nolte. I remember seeing him walk down the halls. Tall, skinny kid that others would go out of their way to bump into and knock him into the wall lockers (this was in his Freshman and, maybe, Sophomore years. In the later years probably not too many guys would want to tangle with him. I remember feeling kinda sorry for him . . . other kids picking on him and all. I never talked to him (after all, I was an upper classman . . . either a junior or senior when he reported to dear old Benson High School in Omaha, Nebraska.
Letters to the Editor
Yep. That’s Peter Fonda.
Peter I did know and would visit with from time to time. Very nice kid, pleasant, had a tall blonde girl friend whose name I don’t recall. I do remember that Peter lost his
I remember cringing as I watched him in a television show, “The Naked City.” He wasn’t very good. I remember the guy I had acted with on stage in college . . . and, now, watching him on tv, thinking “oh, man. Peter. You can do better than that.” He did. The movie “Easy Rider” comes to mind. I’ve lost track of Peter over the years. I
‘Man About Town’ Cont. on Page 9
The Paper • Page 5 • July 9, 2015
‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 3
‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 7
‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. from Page 4 Mark Twain from the Author
Glad you enjoyed the Mark Twain article. I enjoy doing things differently -- not only in the way I dress -- but in the way I write stories/articles. I enjoy traversing "The Road Not Taken" as a writer and that means presenting a fresh perspective on a common subject. Mark Twain was an over-ripe apple just waiting to be bitten into -- unfortunately, nobody took the opportunity to present him in a more unique lighting. And that's sad.
Past to present, writers and biographers (for the most part) simply used Mark Twain merely as a 'hat rack' on which to hang his early life and funny quips on. That's okay. But it was 'done to death' and then some. I just preferred to keep him fresh, invigorating, and alive.
When I was guest-lecturing at UCSD on freelancing, and writing in general, I told my students (who were often older than I) that sometimes we (writers) need to go out on a limb, and push away from the shoreline, and navigate uncharted waters. In short, be brave, take chances -- BE ORIGINAL, and experience "The Road Not Taken." I did the above when researching my "The Historical Jesus," and "Harry Houdini," "Mothers of Invention," "Mary of Nazareth," and so on. I'm not certain how my
Mark Twain article will sit with the American public, or the Christian community in particular. For one thing, it is not exactly a 'promo ad' for Christianity, or its deity. And who knows, the general public may storm my tiny little abode, like villagers holding flaming torches (move over Joan of Arc, I'm a comin'). But, seriously, I think Mark Twain's private life needed to be told, warts and all. And that's the way he, himself, wanted it, in the end. But as previously stated, the general public (Christians included) may wish to remain in a warm, comfortable placenta full of amniotic fluid, in regards to Mark Twain and, therefore, they may be uncomfortable and afraid of new facts, regarding his life.
But, as a former Navy man (four years, radar man, on guided-missile destroyer), I said, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" Besides, like Twain, I'm an iconoclast. To this day, Twain teaches me much. He is never far from me. Since a child of nine, I have never stopped being in love with Mark Twain. He was the one person in my life that made me wish to become a writer. And through his every written word, he still encourages me, to this very day. I acquiesced to write this article about him for The Paper, only if I thought it was my very best effort. And to make it fresh. And new. And emotionally real. And I
‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. on Page 7
Social Butterfly The Paper • Page 6 • July 9, 2015
call 760.743.2990, or email president@lsmdem.org.
Evelyn Madison The Social Butterfly Email Evelyn at:
Meetings/Events Calendar
Lake San Marcos Democratic Club Meeting Notice – The July meeting of the Lake San Marcos Democratic Club will be on Saturday, July 11, at 1pm (social time 12:30pm). Gretchen Newsom has been invited to talk about the nature and specifics of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, a proposed regulatory and investment treaty between twelve countries, that has an important economic impact. Ms. Newsom is the Political Director of the IBEW Local 569 which represents over 3,000 electrical workers and professionals throughout San Diego and Imperial Counties. She is serving her second term as President of the Ocean Beach Town Council. The meeting will be held at the Gallery, 1105 La Bonita Dr., San Marcos. For directions check the website at http://www.lsmdem.org,
50th High School Reunion of Escondido/Orange Glen Class of 1965 - A three-day event will be held September 25, 26, and 27 starting Friday with a gathering at La Tapatia and a leisure walk on Grand Avenue for Cruise Night. On Saturday morning there will be a golf tournament for those wishing to play. Cost is $65 per person, includes lunch. The main event will be Saturday evening at the Museum of the California Center for the Arts Escondido, at a cost of $75 per person which includes all fees, except the golf fee, for the three-day event. On Sunday a family picnic is planned at Kit Carson Park, with food provided. For info, contact Rosalia Atilano Zamora at 760.489.1407 or email at 65classreunion@att.net. Reservation deadline is September 1. For golf tournament info, contact Larry Blacktooth at 760.521.0766. Golf reservation deadline is July 30th.
Vista Downtown Association’s 26th Annual Rod Run – On Sunday, August 2nd, the Vista Downtown Association will be hosting their 26th Annual Rod Run on the historically acclaimed Main Street, with the tree-lined streets aglow with shine from over 350 Classic Show cars. There will be a DJ and local band, enjoy the town’s antique stores, art gallery, breweries, and wine bar. A large raffle will benefit Vista Teen Outreach. North County Ford will sponsor this event that will run from 9am to 3pm. Free to spectators; car participants fees are $20 up to July 10th, and $25 thereafter and the day of the event. For more information, visit www.VistaRodRun.com, email info@VistaRodRun, or call 760.941.5075.
patient can be difficult as the disease progresses and it can be especially trying for the care-giver. It is important to do documents while persons are still mentally competent. You may wish to consider repositioning your assets. This should be done with great care with an attorney "WHO KNOWS THE RULES" as most assets cannot be gifted or transferred to others without violating the look-back period. At this time, we can still protect certain exempt property from claims.
Marilyn Shea, Estate Planning Attorney
Husband Has Alzheimers
Dear Marilyn,
My husband was just diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease but still knows who we all are. We are a middle class family so I don't think we could qualify for Medi-Cal but I heard that there was a way that you helped some other people keep what they have and still qualify. We do not want to go on welfare but neither do we want to go broke. Mrs. J
Dear Mrs. J, Caring for an Alzheimer’s
It is a complicated situation as there are exempt assets, look back rules, non-exempt assets, monthly maintenance allowances, community spouse resource allowances etc. The system itself has a real moral dilemma. Many individual's medical costs can be covered 100% by Medicare while others with Alzheimer’s or a stroke, be subject to losing all their assets paying for long term care. copyright 2015
Marilyn Shea, attorney for over thirty years, is a past President of the So. Cal. National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. If you wish to have your questions answered, write to 2103 El Camino Real, Suite 103A, Oceanside, CA 92054 or CALL (760) 721-0600 for an appointment
Municipal Gallery – Join us during 2nd Saturday ArtWalk and Opening Receptions, July 11th from 5:30pm-8pm for Local Color: All Creatures Big
Partnership Municipal Gallery, 262 E. Grand Avenue, Escondido. Gallery hours, Tuesday 11am-5pm (Farmers Market) and ThursdaySaturday, 11am-4pm.
S . M . S e n i o r C e n t e r J u l y Activities – The S e n i o r C e n t e r lunch program has a new caterer; come expeVista Friends and Newcomers recently installed new r i e n c e officers for the 2015-16 year. Seated is the new presi- fresh, new dent Juanita Savage. Standing, l-r: Linda Mueller, tasty menu Treasurer; Mary Dahlberg, Recording Secretary; Karen i t e m s . L u n c h Taylor, 3rd VP Membership; Gail Michaels, 2nd VP served at Programs; Rita Davies, Corresponding Secretary; 11:30am; Trudy Snell, 1st VP Leo’s and Luncheons. event times vary between 10:45am and and Small; Juror: Harry Bliss, 1pm. July 9, Piano by Dottie; the PhotoArts Group's Mind's July 13, Special Birthdays Eye, and Escape by Richard Celebration; July 17 and 23, Schultz and Ted W. Snoddy. Piano by Ann Carothers; and 29, Lora Clark on Piano at Richard Foster in Richetts' July 11am, and Ice Cream Social. Space. Come in at 6:30pm dur- Classes and events include July 1ing ArtWalk for the awards 29 Bingo (cash winnings), ceremony. Exhibitions: Local Wednesdays at 12:45pm; $6 to play; Color/All Creatures Big and July 7-28, Cultural Discovery Class Tuesday from 1-2:30pm, July’s Small runs from July 10 to every topic “The Great Amazing USA”, August 1st. The Mind’s Eye $7/class or $52/8 classes; July 9, runs from July 11 to July 31st Google It! 1-3pm, $15, call Oasis in the InnerSpace 760.796.6020 to register; July 14, Gallery/PhotoArts Group. Computer Confidence, 1-3pm, $40, Escape in Expressions Spaces; and in Gallery 262, Art in Craft Media. All, and more, at ‘Social Butterfly’ the Escondido Arts Cont. on Page 7
Road Repairs: No New Taxes Required
Providing a reliable transportation network is one of the primary responsibilities of state government. The budget for the 2015-2016 fiscal year increases spending by $7.5 billion, and includes funding for new social/welfare entitlements. At the same time however, the new budget largely ignores basic infrastructure projects, which include longdelayed highway upgrades. According to the estimates by the Southern California Association of Governments, future transportation improvements in Southern California alone are estimated at more than $500 billion over the next 20 years. Obviously then, providing the funding necessary to upgrade the state’s highway system has not been a top priority for many in Sacramento.
To deal with this crisis, Governor Brown has requested a special legislative session; calls for increased taxes are likely. In response, I am joining with my Republican col-
leagues to introduce proposals that fund badly-needed highway projects -- without raising taxes. These proposals include directing unallocated cap-and-trade dollars toward highway projects, which would generate about $1 billion. Millions more would become available through elimination of redundant Caltrans jobs and increased use of private contractors. Another $1 billion could be generated by re-allocating Vehicle Weight Fees, used to offset highway damage caused by heavy trucks, back to road projects as originally intended.
According to a recent study, California has the second-highest fuel tax in the nation, though we rank 49th in road quality. Obviously, our spending priorities have become entirely unrealistic. Increased revenues have led to new entitlements and bigger government, but essential infrastructure upgrades have been delayed, providing yet another excuse to raise taxes.
The Paper • Page 7 • July 9, 2015
‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 5
The government can literally claim everything you own: Your home, Social Security check, CD’s, Investments, everything. Wiped Out! Revocable Living Trusts don’t help! There are strategies to protect you from financial disaster even if you don’t have or don’t qualify for nursing home insurance. Over 30 years of legal experience. LEGAL MEDI-CAL STRATEGIES BY ELDER LAW ATTORNEY MARILYN SHEA 760.721.0600 WWW.MEDI-CAL ATTORNEY.COM
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 6
call Oasis to register; July 30, Windows 8 class, 1-3pm, $24, call Oasis to register. On Thursday, July 16, Ballroom Dance event, 2-4pm, $5, sponsored by SCAN; and on Friday, July 17, Food, Fun & Fandango, from 5-8pm, $5 – an evening of live music and dancing. Popular danceband “Fandango” will be performing. Guests will enjoy great food, beer and wine for purchase. Pre-show performances by the Senior Center’s Ukulele and Hula classes. $5 tickets for entry may be purchased in advance at the senior center or at the door.
Sheriff's Department Seeking Volunteers for San Marcos Area Sheriff William D. Gore and the San Diego Sheriff’s Department are seeking qualified citizen volunteers, age 50 and older, to augment the Senior Volunteer Patrol Program working out of the San Marcos Sheriff’s Station. Some of the duties of the Volunteer Patrol Program (VPP) are making home security checks; visiting homebound as part of "You Are Not Alone" program; marking abandoned vehicles; patrol areas in clearly marked Volunteer Patrol vehicles; assist in Crime Prevention; working Sheriff's Station counter and provide citizen assistance (information, directions, etc.); assisting deputies with traffic control at accidents, fires, emergency situations and road closings; assist at DUI Checkpoints; provide crime information, fingerprinting, etc.; and other assigned duties or services as requested. Volunteers must be 50 years of age or older; have valid California driver’s license and auto insurance; and attend a 72-hour training academy. Due to the sensitive nature of the job, volunteers will be subjected to a background investigation consisting of DMV and criminal background checks. For further information or an application about this program, contact SVP Administrator, S.M. Sheriff's Station, 182 Santar Place, San Marcos, 92069; or call 760.510.5290. Volunteers Create Photo Albums to Benefit Teens
Contemporary Women of North County (CWONC), a local women’s volunteer organization and social club, recently created scrapbook pages for the CASA de Amparo
counselors to finish off with photos for the kids/teens as they leave the facility. Casa de Amparo is a nonprofit organization recognized as a major force in the field of child abuse
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 8
Marilyn Shea Attorney
‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. from Page 5
truly believe he would have approved of my final draft. I truly believe that. He is never far from me. He remains my first, and foremost, literary beacon. Without him, that tiny Native American boy of nine, would never have dared dream, let alone taken pen to hand and scribbled out his very first article. An article that was published and remains framed on my bedroom wall, along with the first check stub that it earned. Inches from that framed article is a photo of Samuel Clemens, who inspired me to write in the first place. He belongs there, next to my first check stub.
Thank you Mr. Twain, for all you have done to make this a far more beautiful world to live in. My only wish is that you were here with me. To smile, and pat me on the head. And perhaps, say, "Job well done, Boy. Job well done."
Historically Speaking by Tom Morrow
/s/Frederick Gomez Escondido, CA. RE: Commentary
Good job Lyle. I read Mr Mikes Medicine Show again. Still relevant and accurate. I sent Sam (Abed) the quote about if the hospital left downtown it would be the biggest loss since Westfield opened. Hope The Paper has a big article about what PPH promised and what they actually did. Hope Kaiser buys the downtown site although we both know that is the last thing PPH wants. PPH will never admit we were right. /s/Dr. Lawrence L. Michel Escondido, CA.
The ROYNON Museum
I was delighted to read that the Roynon Museum of Earth Science and Paleontology will be located in downtown Escondido, where it rightly belongs. Despite the impoverished sense of values of the majority of our council members, I hope they will push to make this move a permanent one. If so, it will be the first item of cultural value to replace the many
‘Local News’ Cont. on Page 10
The Currents War; Edison vs. Tesla
Today, when you hear the name “Tesla,” the popular electric-powered automobile might come to mind. But it’s an earlier electrical invention that surrounds our daily lives, which touches nearly every aspect of world-wide society: Alternating Current (AC) electrical power. The man responsible for this was Nikola Tesla. Tesla was born July 10, 1856, in Serbia. In 1884, he immigrated to America and became a noted inventor, dealing specifically with electricity.
After arriving in America, Tesla went to work for Thomas Edison.
It is a slow day in a little Greek Village. The rain is beating down and the streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit.
On this particular day a rich German tourist is driving through the village, stops at the local hotel and lays a €100 note on the desk, telling the hotel owner he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one to spend the night.
‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 8
The popular inventor offered Tesla the task of redesigning Edison’s Direct Current (DC) generator. Tesla said he could redesign the inefficient DC motor and generators, making an improvement in both service and economy. Edison remarked, "There's fifty thousand dollars in it for you … if you can do it." This has been noted as an odd statement from a man known for his stinginess.
After months of work, Tesla fulfilled the task and asked for the promised $50,000 payment. Edison replied he was only joking. "Tesla, you don't understand our American humor." Instead, Edison gave Tesla a $10 a week raise over his $18 per week salary. Tesla promptly resigned. Tesla found financial backing and began setting up laboratories and companies to develop a range of electrical devices. He patented his AC induction motor and transformer, and licensed them to George Westinghouse. Tesla’s work in the formative years of electric power development was involved in a corporate alternating current/direct current "War of Currents" as well as various patent battles with Edison. (Edison claimed Tesla developed AC while working for him. The courts found in Tesla’s favor, but
‘Tom Morrow’ Cont. on Page 9
The Paper • Page 8 • July 9, 2015 future with a lot more optimism.
‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 7
The owner gives him some keys and, as soon as the visitor has walked upstairs, the hotelier grabs the €100 note and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher. The butcher takes the €100 note and runs down the street to repay his debt to the pig farmer.
The pig farmer takes the €100 note and heads off to pay his bill at the supplier of feed and fuel.
The guy at the Farmers' Co-op takes the €100 note and runs to pay his drink bill at the tavern.
The pub owner slips the money along to the local prostitute drinking at the bar, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer him "services" on credit.
The hooker then rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill to the hotel owner with the €100 note.
The hotel proprietor then places the €100 note back on the counter so the rich traveller will not suspect anything. At that moment the traveller comes down the stairs, picks up the €100 note, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, pockets the money, and leaves town. No one produced anything. No one earned anything. However, the whole village is now out of debt and looking to the
And that is how the bailout package works! ••••• The Lord's Prayer is not allowed in most public schools in America anymore because the word 'God' is mentioned ... A kid in WINNIPEG wrote the attached NEW School prayer: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When it comes to drug stores... The Good Old Days are Back!
For all your prescription needs, your sundries, household items, and for medical supplies of all types, including walkers, canes, orthopedic shoes, pain relievers... it’s -
Now I sit me down in school Where praying is against the rule For this great nation under God Finds mention of Him very odd. If scripture now the class recites, It violates the Bill of Rights. And anytime my head I bow Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green, That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.. The law is specific, the law is precise. Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice. For praying in a public hall Might offend someone with no faith at all. In silence alone we must meditate, God's name is prohibited by the United States.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks, And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks...
‘Chuckles’ Cont. on Page 11
909 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido
“Nami,” the friendly Pharmacist!
Lots of FREE parking in back
760.480.1081 Butterman-Cope
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 7
“Cinderella Ball” Fundraiser for North County Lifeline on July 17 – Project L.I.F.E. (Living In Freedom from Exploitation . . . shouldn’t be a dream. Human trafficking isn’t limited by geographic boundaries. Victims are trafficked across states and
prevention. www.cwonc.org.
Photo at left: from l-r: Jean Smithers, Ann Lygas, Sandy Youngdale & Arlene
internationally, making this a cause that must be fought collaboratively. North County Lifeline relies on community partners to help clients on the path from victims to becoming survivors. Please join in supporting this event
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 12
Your Untreated Hearing Loss is Far More Obvious Than Hearing Aids
$500 OFF
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Gift cards awarded only to those tested and exhibiting hearing loss.
AUDITORY ASSISTANTS Hearing Aid Center 760.743.5544 • 430 North Cedar St., Ste. A, Escondido Limit two packages Expires 7/31/15
d and e n w ran O d Vete Operate
The Paper • Page 9 • July 9, 2015
‘Tom Morrow’ Cont. from Page 7
not without a series of lawsuits.
The “War of Currents” developed between Westinghouse and Edison. The battle started out as a competition between the two rivals’ lighting systems with Edison holding all the patents for DC and the incandescent light. Westinghouse used his own patented AC system developed by Tesla. They were to power arc lights as well as incandescent lamps. Westinghouse used a bulb of a slightly different design to get around the Edison light bulb patent. The competition was won by Westinghouse and resulted in Edison finally taking Tesla’s AC power seriously. In 1890, Edison’s company pursued AC development. The problem for Direct Current is it services a very limited area compared to Alternating Current, which take far less generated energy, with less of a chance of causing a fire. By 1892, Thomas Edison was no longer in control of his own company. It was consolidated into the conglomerate now known as General Electric, which began developing its own AC delivery system.
Tesla’s interests moved on from AC power and began pursuing his
ideas of wireless lighting and electricity distribution in his highvoltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs, and, in 1893, made early pronouncements on the possibility of wireless communication with his devices. In his lab, Tesla built a wireless controlled boat, one of the first ever exhibited. Tesla was renowned for his achievements and showmanship, eventually earning him a reputation in popular culture as an archetypal "mad scientist." Tesla died Jan. 7, 1943.
Tesla’s work fell into relative obscurity after his death, but in 1960 the General Conference on Weights and Measures named the SI unit of magnetic flux density the Tesla in his honor. Tesla’s name has experienced a strong resurgence of interest since the 1990s.
believe he Montana.
•••• So I decided I needed some vanilla ice cream and stopped at a certain well known eatery, one of my favorites. As most folks know, I'm a big fan of good restaurants and excellent wait staff.
The waitress who took my order is not high on my admiration list. I ordered two scoops of vanilla ice ream with chocolate syrup. When she brought it to the
table it looked like there was more chocolate syrup on the plate than in the ice cream container; plus, chocolate syrup had dribbled down the sides of the container so when I held it I got syrup on my fingers. Sticky fingered lyle, they call me. Had I been the waitress I would not have delivered that to the table. I would have been embarrassed and would not want to treat a patron like that. Bush league.
‘Man About Town’ Cont. on Page 10
While Edison’s name has been revered for decades because of his many inventions, such as the light bulb, motion pictures, and recorded sound, it is Tesla’s Alternating Current that has had the most profound impact on everyday life around the world because it is AC that powers all of Edison’s inventions.
Letters to the Editor? We Love ‘em! Send ‘em to: thepaper@cox.net
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‘Man About Town’ Cont. from Page 4
Hi Neighbor,
In 46 years in the law business I can say I have seen it all-Divorces, Adoptions, Business, Auto Accidents, Dog Bites, Defective Home Construction, Workers’ Compensation, Libel-Slander, etc. Small cases and huge-tragic quadriplegic injury cases (gun shot wounds). I have been a Judge in the Superior Court, Municipal Court, Workers’ Compensation, Arbitrator, Mediator, etc. I have taken care of thousands and thousands of satisfied clients.
Law Offices of Anthony Abbott
375 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Suite 105, San Marcos
Telephone: (760) 471-2322 Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
The Paper
• Page 10 • July 9, 2015
A Weekly Memo from the Councilmembers of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders. Olga Diaz
Council Member, Represents District 3
‘Letters to the Editor’ Cont. from Page 7
that have been torn down since I came here in 1996.
My feelings are best described by the exchange between Robert Wilson, who was charged with building the multi-million dollar Fermilab accelerator in 1969, and went before Congress to make his case. Senator Pastore (RI) asked him bluntly, "Is there anything connected with the hopes of this accelerator that in anyway involves the security of this country?" Wilson replied: "No sir, I don't believe so." Taken aback, Pastore asked a second and third time if there was really nothing at all, to which Wilson replied "Simply
Capital Improvements
The City of Escondido recently adopted the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget for the new fiscal year. This year, nearly $40 million dollars will be invested in completing projects. Funding comes from variety of sources and is often restricted for use in the specific categories. For example, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) money is federal grant money that can only be spent in areas with low
nothing at all." Wilson's final
answer was "It has only to do with the respect with which we regard one another, the dignity of man, the love of our culture. It has to do with: Are we good painters, good sculptors, great poets? I mean all the things we really venerate in our country, and are patriotic about. It has nothing to do with defending our country except to make it worth defending." I am sure that there are many who will consider any support of this museum to be of low priority. This attitude misses the bigger picture of enriching our lives by teaching us something about the universe of which we are a part. That should be a very high priority indeed.
median income. Developer Impact fees are collected when new building permits are issued, these fees are invested in community upgrades to absorb increased population resulting from new development. Utility project upgrades are primarily funded by rate payers in the form of monthly water and sewer payments. Gas tax and Transnet funding comes back to Escondido for road improvements. Funding sources fluctuate annually so it could take several years to fully fund major projects.
The CIP budget is updated over several months by City staff and eventually reviewed and approved by the City Council. Staff estimates the available resources and allocate the funding to eleven different categories including: Community Services, Library, Parks and Recreation, Public Art, Public Works.
intentionally not naming the eatery as I don't want to tarnish their superb reputation because of one serving error.) ••••• Great news for ladies who love Merle Norman Cosmetics! You have your very own Merle Norman outlet here in Escondido. It’s located at 330 W. Felicita, A-7, Escondido. There you will find Sharon Linner. The Linner family has owned this outlet since 1972. They have clients who have been coming to them for 40+ years . . . a pretty good indication it’s a solid business! All products unconditionally guaranteed. The Merle Norman company has been around for 85 years. All credit cards accepted. 760.747.0930.
/s/Sorab Ghandhi Escondido CA.
‘Man About Town’ Cont. from Page 9
I don't want to see her fired . . but the manager needs to give her some lessons on how to serve properly . . . and what to serve and how.
I've never sent a bottle of wine back . . . but came close to sending a container of ice cream back. Hope this gal learns. I like this restaurant . . . and I'm sure the manager will have counseled her. She is probably a very nice person/waitress . . . and may have just slipped up once. (I'm
Details for short term and long term plans can be found in the full report on the City’s website at: https://www.escondido.org/Data/Sites/1/m edia/PDFs/Finance/CIP2015-16.pdf
The Pastor Says . . .
less thinking and talking about divorce, and lower levels of negative interaction. 6. Achieve higher grades, practice better time management, and experience a better sex life.
Briana is pet of the week at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. She’s a 2 year old, 29 pound, Airedale Terrier mix.
Briana is friendly and active. She loves to play “fetch” with her toys. Once in a while she even brings them back! Briana loves people and other dogs. She was transferred to Rancho Coastal Humane Society from another shelter through the FOCAS program.
The $145 adoption fee for Briana includes medical exam, vaccinations, spay, and microchip. For more information call 760-753-6413, visit Rancho Coastal Humane Society at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas, or log on to SDpets.org.
Pippa, a 5-month-old American Sable/Silver Marten, is a sweet bunny in need of a new family to call her own. She can be a bit shy and would greatly appreciate a nice, quiet home that can give her a lot of time to adjust to her new surroundings. Pippa would love to live in an x-pen environment with room to jump and play. If fresh veggies are provided, she is sure to become your best friend! Pippa is such a sweet girl that she will easily make a wonderful addition to any family. Whether you have a large home or a cozy apartment, she’ll be a happy girl as long as she has a loving new parent to give her pets. Pippa is available for adoption at the San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido Campus at 3450 East Valley Parkway. To learn more about making her part of your family, please call (760) 888-2275.
Pastor Hal Seed New Song Community Church, Oceanside
Why I Went Back to Church
Over the past two decades, sociologists have discovered some startling things about going to church. Here are six of them:
Those who attend church regularly . . . 1. Live 7 1/2 years longer than those who don’t. 2. Are 56% more likely to have an optimistic life outlook than those who don’t. 3. Are 27% less likely to be depressed. 4. Are 35% less likely to get divorced. 5. Have higher average levels of commitment to partners, higher levels of marital satisfaction,
I dropped out of church years ago. Lots of people do. Fortunately, I had friends who cared enough to reintroduce me to church. I felt awkward walking into a church that first time. But to my surprise, I liked it. People were friendly. They sang pretty well. I learned something from the sermon. So I went back the next Sunday. What I learned at that church began changing my life. During the years I dropped out of church, I did lots of fun things on Sundays, but none of them prepared me to be a better person on Monday. Few of them introduced me to the quality of people I met in church. And none of them helped me to know God better.
What about you? What are all your Sundays adding up to? Is it possible that you are only one good decision away from enjoying one of the greatest things there is to enjoy in life? Maybe it’s time to decide to become part of a local church. Choose one, and start attending. It’ll change your life.
The Paper
• Page 11 • July 9, 2015
A Weekly Message from the Mayor of Your Community published in the belief that it is important for elected leaders to communicate with their constituents and that constituents have a means of hearing from their elected leaders.
San Marcos • Mayor Jim Desmond City adopts Balanced Budget
The San Marcos City Council passed and adopted a $66.9 million general fund budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16, which began July 1. The general fund pays for important services such as fire protection, law enforcement, street and park maintenance, recreation services, land use planning and general administration.
Overall, the City’s finances remain steady. Despite the mixed pace of economic recovery, sales and property tax—which account for 50 percent of general fund revenues—have increased by more than four and eight percent, respectively.
Setting a new precedent, City Council approved a change to the General Fund reserve policy that reduces reserve levels from 50 percent to 40 percent. This move makes funds available to address the city’s backlog of infrastructure rehabilitation and replacement projects.
The budget also sets aside 2.6 percent of the budget for long-range maintenance of City buildings, roads and sidewalks, lighting and storm drains, parks and landscaping, and equipment and vehicle replacement. San Marcos is positioned well and has maintained a slow and steady fiscal approach moving forward while taking steps to control future costs.
Escondido • Mayor Sam Abed
Mayor Sam Abed does not wish to write a weekly column to communicate with his Escondido Constituents via The Paper and its “A Letter from the Mayor” series
‘Chuckles’ Cont. from Page 8
Guns are allowed, but Not the Bible. To quote the Good Book makes me liable. We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen, And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King. It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong, We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong. We can get our condoms and birth controls, Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles ...
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed, No word of God must reach this crowd. It's scary here I must confess, When chaos reigns the school's a mess. So, Lord, this silent plea I make: Should I be shot; My soul please take! Amen
For Advertising Information or to subscribe, Call (760) 747-7119
‘Local News’ Cont. from Page 4
allows us to save millions of dollars in interest over the life of the bonds. That’s a significant step in ensuring a sustainable financial future while being responsible to our ratepayers,” said VWD Assistant General Manager Tom Scaglione.
The refinanced debt was preceded by the district’s securing of a credit-rating upgrade from Standard & Poor’s, which boosted the district’s rating from AA to AA+. Fitch Ratings also affirmed the district’s AA+ rating. Truck Hits and Kills 7year-old Girl
A 7-year-old girl was struck and killed by a pickup on Mission Avenue near Ocean Puente at about 2pm last Sunday, according to Oceanside police.
Investigators said the child and her family were waiting to cross Mission Avenue about 200 yards west of Ocean Puente when the child darted out and was struck by a Toyota Tundra. She was taken to a hospital, but succumbed to her injuries. The 82-year-old driver of the pickup was identified as
Vista • Mayor Judy Ritter
Moonlight’s Summer Season in High Gear
The Moonlight’s Summer Season’s second production kicks off July 15 with The Music Man. Described as American as apple pie, The Music Man is family entertainment at its very best. The show follows fast-talking traveling salesman Harold Hill as he cons the people of River City into buying instruments and uniforms for a boy’s band he is leading, despite the fact he doesn't know the difference between a trombone and a treble clef! Before he can skip town, his heart is stolen by the town librarian who transforms him into a respectable citizen. The final two Moonlight productions are Shrek: The Musical
running from August 12-29 and Big Fish which runs from September 926. Tickets information is available at MoonLightStage.com.
Those heading to the Moonlight will notice that the grassy lawn area has been replaced with synthetic turf. In an effort to increase the City’s ongoing water conservation efforts, synthetic turf has replaced the grass at the Moonlight, Wave Waterpark, and the Vista Sports Park. The City is exploring other opportunities to save water and is considering adding water wells to its existing inventory, which include systems irrigating the Civic Center, Sports Park, Rancho Buena Vista Adobe, and in downtown.
Oceanside • Mayor Jim Wood This week’s column normally reserved for Mayor Jim Wood of Oceanside is being preempted for a fairly important reason.
Debbie Walker, who normally facilitates Mayor Wood’s column, is on her honeymoon. We thought, and the Mayor thought, that we ought to let her relax a wee bit . . . enjoy the wedding ceremony, reception, and the travel to the newly wedded couple’s honeymoon spot which, for the moment, shall remain a closely guarded secret (perhaps she’ll share it when she’s back.)
Richard White Sr. He was traveling westbound on Mission Avenue. Upon noticing the family he slowed down, police said. White told police he didn't see a child as he slowed. When the girl suddenly ran out, Lopez said, the driver was unable to stop or take evasive action to avoid striking the child.
White was not suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and speed wasn't a factor, according to police. At this point no charges have been filed against Mr. White. Police continue the investigation but, so far, all indications are that they child simply darted out into traffic and the driver was unable to see and avoid the collision. Names of the victim and family not released.
Wedding Bells!
We at The Paper are delighted that Debbie and her new husband have found each other and we wish them years and years and years of wedded bliss.
We don’t yet know her married name but that, too, will be known in due time. In the meantime, we hope each and everyone of you who read Mayor Wood’s column on a regular basis will join Mayor Wood, the staff here at The Paper, and all the good folks who work at Oceanside’s City Hall, all extend warmest wishes to Debbie and her husband. (She’ll be back next week!)
‘French Foreign Legion’ Cont. from Page 3
https://www.cervens.net/legionbb s123/showthread.php?7215What-is-quot-basic-training-quotlike http://en.legion-etrangere.com/
RECRUTEMENT Compagnie de recrutement de la Légion étrangère Fort de Nogent - Boulevard du 25 aout 1944 94125 Fontenay sous bois CEDEX
News for the Social Butterfly? Send your press releases to: thesocialbutterfly@cox.net
The Paper • Page 12 • July 9, 2015 pretties are mysteries to most of us. We use them and we spend a lot of money on them but we really don’t understand them.
Paul & Nome Van Middlesworth, The Computer Factory
Big business vs. Small, Viva la difference.
Readers have commented that our occasional criticism of the “competition” might be interpreted as being a trifle too convenient. The implication is that we bad mouth the big boys in order to toot our own horn. Perhaps there is a sliver of truth in what they say but we can’t help it. We feel that we’re the only source of truth and justice for our customers and readers and by golly we’re going to tell it like it is. About 10% of the public is savvy enough to fend for themselves and don’t need us, but the rest of you are potential victims of the self-serving misinformation campaigns spewed forth by the major players in consumer electronics. Of all consumer electronics, those relating to computers, communication and the Internet are the least understood by the general public. Smart TVs, tablets, smart phones and PCs and all the related gadgets, geegaws, gimcracks and play-
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 8
by friends at the Hidden Flowers Foundation to benefit North County Lifeline. On Friday, July 17th, the Cinderella Ball will bring much needed attention to the issue, and proceeds will support Project LIFE. The Cinderella Ball benefits victims of sex trafficking in San Diego County. There will be music and dancing, dining, open bar during selected hours, raffle, and more. Duchesses: Royal attire, crowns OK; Dukes: Fancy. Ticket includes dinner, alcoholic beverages, and gifts. $80/person or $150/couple. Table sponsor opportunities are available. Open bar from 6-7:30pm; 7:30-9pm, dinner; 911:55pm, dancing and raffle; 11:5512midnight, Ringing of the Bell. Purchase tickets at https://savingcinderella.ticketleap.com/. For more info, contact latrice@hiddenflowersfoundation.com. #ballforacause.
City of Carlsbad General Plan Hearing on July 18 - The City of Carlsbad will hold a joint hearing of the City Council and Planning Commission Saturday, July 18, from 9am to 5pm, at 1635 Faraday Ave., to hear a staff presentation and public testimony on the city’s proposed update of its General Plan. This meeting is one of the final steps in a nearly eight year process for how land will be used in the city to achieve the community’s vision for the future. The hearing is an opportunity for the public to provide input. The General Plan documents are available on the City of Carlsbad website. Print copies are available for review at the City of Carlsbad Planning Division, 1635 Faraday Ave; the City Clerk’s Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive; the Carlsbad City Library, 1775 Dove Lane; and Georgina Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive. Those wish-
So how do companies promote the virtues of their high tech product over those of the competition when the public doesn’t even understand the technology? The short answer is that they don’t even try. For the most part ads for consumer electronics products are aimed at “image building.” They appeal to your emotions, not your logic. If you buy Apple products you are young, hip, urban, unique, exciting and cool, PC users are trite and boring. Apple also spends millions making sure that its logo is on nearly all PCs that appear on TV shows and in movies leaving the impression that everyone uses Apple when in reality less than 10% actually do. Rob Lowe’s Direct TV ads, “don’t be like this me,” made it plain that Direct TV customers were suave and debonair while their competitor’s customers were just plain creepy. These ads say nothing about the functionality or usefulness of the product; they simply leave you with the vague impression that using the advertiser’s products will make you smart and beautiful while the competition caters to doofus knuckle draggers.
Even when ads address some aspect of technology, it is typically superficial and non-technical in nature. They create a “buzz word” to identify a technology associated with their product and then hype the buzz word. Apple hypes its “Retinal display” screens and “Face time” and “iSight” cameras yet these components are actually products made and sold to Apple by their arch enemies Samsung and
ing to submit written comments may contact Jennifer Jesser in the Planning Division at 760.602.4637 or jennifer.jesser@carlsbadca.gov. For more info, contact David de Cordova 760.602.4604 david.decordova@carlsbadca.gov.
Free “Safety Orange” Concert in San Marcos - The City of San Marcos invites you to a free concert featuring “Safety Orange” at the Wood House Gardens in Woodland Park, 1148 Rock Springs Road on Thursday, July 23rd, at 6:30pm. Gates open at 6pm. Enjoy an evening of music at this beautiful outdoor venue located in the gardens of an old Victorian house. “Safety Orange” is a Southern California Beach Rock Reggae Band. Bring beach chairs or blankets for lawn seating. Snacks and beverages will be available for purchase. Parking is free. For further information, call 760.744.9000 or visit www.san-marcos.net.
Splash Bash: A Parents’ Night Out - Coming this summer to the Alga Norte Aquatic Center on Saturday, July 25. This event offers a new twist on the traditional parents night out, giving parents an evening away and their kids a fun time at the pool. Splash Bash is designed for children 8 and older, but kids under 8 are welcome when accompanied by an adult. Attendees will spend an evening playing on giant inflatables, walking on water in giant water balls, diving off of diving boards and dancing to music under the lights by the pool. The event is from 6 to 9 p.m. and tickets are $8 per person. One child, age 3 and under, may be admitted free with a paying adult. Alga Norte Aquatic Center is located at 6565 Alicante
‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. on Page 13
Sony. It seems unlikely that Samsung and Sony sell Apple better screens and cameras than they use in their own products. Intel creates product esteem and demand for their CPUs through image advertising and repetition, not by comparing technology head to head with their only real competition AMD. Four ding-dongs and an “Intel Inside” slogan say nothing about product technology but the public perception of value that Intel creates through advertising enables Intel to charge a premium price for its CPUs over comparable AMD CPUs. Yet AMD beats Intel handily in price/performance competition.
The point is that unless you really understand the technology and do the research, you’re buying decisions are likely a result of image advertising and/or misinformation. Lenovo, HP and Dell together sell over 50% of the World’s PCs. They all use the same components and they are all manufactured by the same company that manufactures Apple products, China based Foxxcon. Price, service and warranties are pretty much alike so your purchase decision won’t be based on price or competing tech-
nologies, it will be influenced by whichever company has the most favorable image in your mind. That’s what these companies spend billions to create. In big business, management’s primary responsibility is to the bottom line and to the stockholders. It is naïve to believe that customer satisfaction will take care of the other two. Their customers are only pawns in a complex chess game of mergers, acquisitions and competitive one-ups-manship where technology evolves rapidly and market leadership is fickle.
For small businesses it is entirely different. Success in small business is based on face to face relationships. You can’t misrepresent your product or services and expect to stick around. You must provide a quality product every day. Unlike the big boys, you have to answer your customer’s questions directly and honestly, so you’d better know what you are talking about.
For twenty years we managed very large operations for multinational corporations. This is our twentieth year running this small business, The Computer Factory. We like small a lot better.
Car Accidents • Slips and Falls
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‘Social Butterfly’ Cont. from Page 12
Road and is open seven days a week. Daily entrance to the pool is $5 per adult, $3 per child or $2 per spectator. Monthly passes are available. For more information on classes and programs available at Alga Norte Aquatic Center, read the City of Carlsbad’s Community Services Guide, complete with summer swim lessons and other aquatic programs, plus dance, fitness, martial arts, preschool, and special interest classes offered by the City. For more information and to register, visit www.carlsbadconnect.org under special events or call 760.268.4777.
North Coast Symphony Orchestra to Hold Concert – On Sunday, July 26, the North Coast Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Daniel Swem, will perform “Pops Picnic II,” a program of light classical and pops music, starting at 4pm at the Encinitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive (corner of Encinitas Blvd and Balour Dr), Encinitas. From 2pm to 4pm, the orchestra and the San Diego County Music Exchange will sponsor an instrument “petting zoo.” Children attending the petting zoo will receive a free ticket to the concert. Tables will be available so the audience can enjoy a picnic supper during the concert; bring your own food, but no alcoholic beverages allowed. Tickets available at the door: $10/general; $8/seniors/students/military; or $25/family max. No reservations. More information available from the website at www.northcoastsymphony.com.
Mostly Rock Show - Unity Way Church invites the public to join
• Page 13 • July 9, 2015
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them Sunday, July 19, 1:00 to 3:00pm, for the second annual midsummer, mostly rock fun concert that will have you clapping your hands, singing along, and dancing in the aisles. Performers include Jaquelyn Woodroffe (composer, singer, and Director of Music Ministries at Unity Way Church) on vocals, Bruce Grafrath (greatly sought-after bassist in San Diego's jazz community and staff accompanist) on guitar, Jodie Hill on bass, and Dennnis Rota on drums in the band Free Range (called that because they go wherever they want to musically!). Enjoy a mix of Classical Rock ‘n Roll, Rhythm ‘n Blues, and even some cross-over Country! A little something for everybody. Bring a friend for a special afternoon of entertainment! Unity Way Church is located at 171 Unity Way, Vista (behind Lowe's Home Improvements, cross street Lado De Loma). Admission: donation. For more information, visit the website at www.unityway.com or phone 760.726.1224.
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2015-0002230--CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Robert Michael Ewens filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Robert Michael Ewens to Proposed name Mike Ewens THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: August 18, 2015, 8:30a.m., Department 26.
The address of the court is: North County Division, Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 325 S. Melrose, Vista, Ca., 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. /s/William S. Dato, Judge of the Superior Court 7/02, 7/09, 7/16 and 7/23/2015
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2015-00020446-CU-PT-NC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Erlinda Marie Berlagdan Samuels filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Erlinda Marie Berlagdan Samuels, to Proposed name Marie
Death Notices
Home Maintenance Improvements
Irene Louise Rayle, 94, of Escondido, CA., passed away on July 2, 2015.
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Michael J. King, 72, of Escondido, CA., passed away on July 6th, 2015. Cesar A. Ramos-Gramajo, 83, of Escondido, CA. passed away on July 5, 2015.
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Kenneth Alton Bristlin, 86, of Escondido, CA., passed away on July 7, 2015. Hortencia Josephine Cabrera, 79, of Escondido, CA., passed away on July 6, 2015.
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Yard Sale
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Senior Community(Multiple Geezers’) Yard/White Elephant Sale: Unloading heirlooms,treasures, & autobiographical anecdotes. Sat.,July 11,2015 8am-4pm: 2100 S.Escondido Blvd, Escondido,CA FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-017262 The name of the business: Sexual Chocolate’s Premium ELiquid, located at 3504 College Blvd., Suite F, Oceanside, Ca. 92056. This business is hereby registered by the following: Christopher E. Marian 3504 College Blvd., Suite F Oceanside, CA. 92056 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Christopher E. Mariani This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 7/01/2015. 7/09, 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30/2015. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-016965 The name of the business: Mirage Pool and Spas, located at 1362 Corte Lira, San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is hereby registered by the following: Laurens Youmans 1362 “Corte Lira San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Laurens Youmans, Owner This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/29/2015. 7/09, 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30/2015.
Health Advocates Insurance Services, Inc. (760) 744-3600 Fax (760) 744-3791 Email: daniel@13 anaya.net Part Time Clerical Position
Answering phones and follows up calls to clients or Insurance. Companies Taking messages Filing Computer knowledge very helpful General cleanup of office Knowledge of Word, Excel, and QuickBooks is helpful Good writing Skills Blogging is helpful Social Media knowledge If you have a resume, please send or call. Borlagdan Samuels.
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: August 11, 2015, 8:30a.m., Department 26.
The address of the court is: North County Division, Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 325 S. Melrose, Vista, Ca., 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hear-
ing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated June 24, 2015. /s/William S. Dato, Judge of the Superior Court 7/02, 7/09, 7/16 and 7/23/2015
News for the Social Butterfly? Send your press releases to: thesocialbutterfly@cox.net
The Mighty Mojo Page The Paper
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Chair Repair
• Page 14 • July 9, 2015
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Hearing Aids
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NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF JOSEPH HAILEMARIAM Case No. 37-2015-00021521-PR-LA-CTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of JOSEPH HAILEMARIAM: Petition for Probate has been filed by Yeshimbet Tirusewin the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1409 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA. 92101, Madge Bradley Bldg. Central.. The Petition for Probate requests that Yeshimbet Tirusew be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.
The peition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal repreesentative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representattive will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 08/20/2015 Time: 1:30PM. Dept: PC2 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or or personal delivery to you of a notice under Section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for the peitioner: Scott C. Soady, Esq. 16466 Bernardo Center Drive, Ste 260 San Diego, CA. 92128 Phone: 858.618.5510 7/9, 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30/2015
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ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2015-00022265-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Shijun Zhang Moore, on behalf of minor chirldren, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present names: Cai Zixuan and Cai Zitong, respectively, to Proposed names Andrea Xuan Moore and Alicia Tong Moore, respectively. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: August 21, 2015, 9:30a.m., Department 46.
The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 330 W. Broadway, San Diego, CA., 92101, Hall of Justice. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for
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hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 3643 Grand Avenue, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated July 06, 2015. /s/David J. Danielsen, Judge of the Superior Court 7/09, 7/16, 7/23 and 7/30/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-017113 The name of the business: Ofutau, located at 4335 Via de los Cepillos, Bonsall, CA. 92003. This business is hereby registered by the following: Laura Letuligasenoa 4335 Via de los Cepillos Bonsall, CA. 92003 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Laura Letuligasenoa This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/30/2015. 7/09, 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30/2015. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-017588 The name of the business: Charmed . . . I’m Sure, located at 454 Sunrise Drive East, Vista, CA. 92084. This business is hereby registered by the following: Deborah E. Burt 454 Sunrise Drive East Vista, CA. 92084 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 7/1/15. /s/Deborah E. Burt This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 7/07/2015. 7/09, 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30/2015.
The lady above is obviously beautiful - will most likely be known by someone in a business environment. We’ll give new clues each week. She’s with a major corporation whose television commercials you often see. (Think Old MacDonald and Pinocchio).
And remember, you can save 15% or more . . . but everyone knows that. You may want to check out North County insurance companies and look for this beauty. More clues next week.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-017533 The name of the business: LRC Locke Remodel and Construcdtion, located at 322 Wind Flower Way, Oceanside, CA. 92057. This business is hereby registered by the following: Michael B. Locke 322 Wind Flower Way Oceanside, CA. 92057 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 2/05/06. /s/Michael B. Locke This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 7/06/2015. 7/09, 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30/2015.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-016965 The name of the business: Mirage Pool and Spas, located at 1366 Corte Lira, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Laurens Youmans 1362 Corte Lira San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Laurens Youmans This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/29/2015. 7/09, 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30/2015.
The Paper FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-015550 The name of the business: SDCA Clothing Brand, located at 2700 E. Valley Pkwy, Space 313, Escondido, CA. 92027. This business is hereby registered by the following: Daniel Placensia 2700 E. Valley Pkwy, Spc 313 Escondido, CA. 92027 This business is conducted by an individual First day of business was 5/1/15. /s/Daniel Placensia This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/11/2015. 6/18, 6/25, 7/02 & 7/09/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-015353 The name of the business: Antonio’s Landscaping, located at 3946 Via Rosa, San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Antonio Pedro Gaspar, Caterina Jose Pedro 3946 Via Rosa San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business was 7/13/2010. /s/Catarina Jose Pedro This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/9/2015. 6/18, 6/25, 7/02 & 7/09/2015
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-2015-00021209-CU-PTCTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Andras Benedek filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Andras Benedek, to Proposed name Andrew Benedek.
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: August 7, 2015, 8:30a.m., Department 46.
The address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 330 W. Broadway, San Diego, CA., 92101, Central. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated June 24, 2015. /s/David J. Danielsen, Judge of the Superior Court 7/02, 7/09, 7/16 and 7/23/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-016111 The name of the business: El Tule Oaxaca Cuisine #2, located at 1514 Linda Vista Dr., San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Guillermina E. Martinez Gonzalez and Hipolito Leo Martinez Cedillo 1514 Linda Vista Dr. San Marcos, Ca. 92078 This business is conducted by a married couple. First day of business was n/a. /s/Guillermina E. Martinzes Gonzalez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/18/2015. 6/25, 7/02, 7/09 & 7/16/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-015407 The name of the business: Shear’s To You By Lisa, located at 2055 Montiel Road, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Lisa Hernandez 2360 Canyon View Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 6/10/15. /s/Lisa Hernandez This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/10/2015. 6/18, 6/25, 7/02 & 7/09/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-016186 The name of the business: Med 2 U Mobile, located at 733 N. Ash Street, Escondido, CA. 92027. This business is hereby registered by the following: Lisa Hazard 485 N. Citrus AVe #50 Escondido, CA. 92027 Gabriela Santibanez 733 N. Ash Street Escondido, CA. 92027 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. First day of business was n/a. /s/Lisa Hazard This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/18/2015. 6/25, 7/02, 7/09 & 7/16/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-016654 The name of the business: ClanMacaulay.com, located at 654 Banjo Ct., San Marcos, Ca. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Mr. Beach, Inc. 654 Banjo Ct. San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/James E. McAuley, Jr., President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/24/2015. 7/02, 7/09, 7/16, and 7/23/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-014433 The name of the business: K & M Custom Arts, located at 993 S Santa Fe., Ste C, Vista, CA. 92083. This business is hereby registered by the following: Monique Morton 32166 Via Vera Bonsall, CA. 92003 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 6/1/15. /s/Monique Morton This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/01/2015. 6/25, 7/02, 7/09 & 7/16/2015
NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: Alejandro Pascual Pascual You are being sued.
Petitioner’s name is: Maria Pascual Manuel
You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120 or FL-123) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter or phone call will not protect you.
If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership your property, and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. For legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. You can get information about finding lawyers at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center. www.courts.ca.gov/selfhelp), at the California Legal Services Web site (www.lawhelpca.org), or by contacting your local county bar association.
NOTICE: The restraining orders on page 2 are effective against both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered, or the court makes further orders. These orders are enforceable anywhere in California by any law enforcement officer who has received or seen a copy of them.
Fee Waiver: If you cannot payu the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. The court may order you to pay all or part of the fees and costs that the court waived for you or for the other party.
1. The name and address of the court are NORTH COUNTY DIVISION, 325 S. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA. 92081. 2. The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are: Maria Pascual Manuel 226 W. Hawthorne Apt 2 Fallbrook, CA. 92028 760.421.3208
Date: July 28, 2014 Clerk, by /s/ R. Corona, Deputy
NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served as an individual. 7/02, 7/09, 7/16 & 7/23/2015
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• Page 15 • July 9, 2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-014648 The name of the business: Kinaly Thai Restaurant, located at 1220 East Mission Road, San Marcos, ca. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Lee A. and Manny Souvannarath 6761 Burgundy St. San Diego, Ca. 92120 This business is conducted by a Married Couple. First day of business was 6/03/2015. /s/Lee A. Souvannarath This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/3/2015. 6/18, 6/25, 7/02 & 7/09/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-016983 The name of the business: Imperial Pool Service, located at 764 Bennett Ave., Escondido, CA. 92026. This business is hereby registered by the following: Daniel Velasco 764 Bennett Ave. Escondido, CA. 92026 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Daniel Velasco This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/29/2015. 7/02, 7/09, 7/16 & 7/23/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-016682 The name of the business: Nestorations, located at 707 Costa Del Sur, San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Sally Michelle Interiors, LLC 707 Costa Del Sur San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was n/a. /s/Sally M. Soricelli, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/24/2015. 7/02, 7/09, 7/16 & 7/23/2015
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-201500021914-CU-PTNC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Ruben Chubb Carrillo, Jr. filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Ruben Chubb Carrillo, Jr., to Proposed name Hunter Ben Flores Carr. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: August 18, 2015, 8 : 3 0 a . m . , Department 26. The address of the court is: North County Division, Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated July 01, 2015. /s/William S. Dato, Judge of the Superior Court 7/09, 7/16, 7/23 and 7/30/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-016194 The name of the business: Bike Vault, Inc., T.Ryx Recumbent Trikes, Inc., Dean Racing, Inc., Velocimobiles, Inc., located at 1322 E. Mission Road, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Tyrannosaurus, Inc. 2017 Arboles Place Escondido, CA. 92029 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 10/15/2006. /s/Terrence C. Dean, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/18/2015. 7/02, 7/09, 7/16 & 7/23/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-013723 The name of the business: Tea Lane Tea Parlor, located at 119A Main Street, Fallbrook, CA. 92028. This business is hereby registered by the following: Elaine Ruth Lasater 1858 Canyon Heights Road Fallbrook, CA. 92028 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Elaine Ruth Lasater This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 5/22/2015. 6/18, 6/25, 7/02 & 7/09/2015
NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF ELIZABETH ANN BURNS Case No. 37-2015-00019342PR-LA-CTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate or both, of ELIZABETH ANN BURNS, AKA ELIZABETH PASSEN BURNS, AKA BETTYE A BURNS Petition for Probate has been filed by ERIN ERIKA HEGEDUS in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1409 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA. 92101, Madge Bradley Bldg. Central.. The Petition for Probate requests that ERIN ERIKA HEGEDUS be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.
The peition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal repreesentative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representattive will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed actions.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 07/14/15 Time: 11AM. Dept: PC1 Address of court: Same as noted above. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative as defined in Section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or or personal delivery to you of a notice under Section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a peson interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. In Pro Persona Erin Erika Hegedus 1610 S. Atlantic Avenue, Apt A. Cocoa Beach, FL. 32931 760.215.9309 6/18, 6/25, 7/2 & 7/9/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-015936 The name of the business: Fume Team Inc., located at 262 Amelia Court, Vista, CA. 92084. This business is hereby registered by the following: Fume Time, Inc. 262 Amerlia Court Vista, CA. 92084 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Uriel Zuniga, President This statement was filed with
Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/16/2015. 7/02, 7/09, 7/16 & 7/23/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-015493 The name of the business: WJ Shafer, located at 1872 Lendee Drive, Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is hereby registered by the following: Weston Shafer 248 N. Van Ness Ave. Apt 4 Los Angeles, CA. 90004 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Weston J. Shafer This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/11/2015. 6/25, 7/02, 7/09 & 7/16 /2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-015460 The name of the business: Cali Aggression, located at 2907 S. Santa Fe Ave., #48, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Michael L. Rosemund 2907 S. Santa Fe Ave. #48 San Marcos, Ca. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual First day of business was n/a. /s/Michael L. Rosemund This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/10/2015. 6/18, 6/25, 7/02 & 7/09/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-016176 The name of the business: Mamas BBQ, located at 532 12th Street, Imperial Beach, CA. 91932. This business is hereby registered by the following: Jennifer Loffredo 532 12th Street Imperial Beach, CA. 91932 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Jennifer Loffredo This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/18/2015. 6/25, 7/02, 7/09 & 7/16/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-016205 The name of the business: Kbach Associates Insurance Services, located at 5973 Avenida Encinas #200, Carlsbad, CA. 92008. This business is hereby registered by the following: Ascendant Fiduciary Consulting, LLC 5973 Avenida Encinas #200 Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. First day of business was 6/01/15. /s/Terry Kaltenbach, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/18/2015. 6/25, 7/02, 7/09 & 7/16/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-016199 The name of the business: Zacatecas Produce, Zacatecas Produce, Inc., located at 1991 Don Lee Place, Escndido, CA. 92029. This business is hereby registered by the following: Zacatecas Produce Inc. 1991 Don Lee Place Escondido, Ca. 92029 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was n/a. /s/Alfredo Castro, President This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/18/2015. 6/25, 7/02, 7/09 & 7/16/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-015274 The name of the business: Lora at the Keyboard, located at 1195 La Moree Rd., #63, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Lora Clark 1195 La Moree Rd. #63 San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 6/1/2003. /s/Lora Clark This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/09/2015. 6/25, 7/02, 7/09 & 7/16/2015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-016364 The name of the business: Shipshape Travel, located at 2023 Jenna Place, Escondido, CA. 92029. This business is hereby registered by the following: Cynthia Katz 2023 Jenna Place Escondido, CA. 92029 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Cynthia Katz This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/22/2015. 6/25, 7/02, 7/09 & 7/16/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-016656 The name of the business: Silk, located at 3784 Mission Ave., Ste #149, Oceanside, CA. 92058. This business is hereby registered by the following: Abreshom Inc. 3784 Mission Ave., Ste #149 Oceanside, CA. 92058 This business is conducted by a corporation. First day of business was 6/01/2015. /s/Mariam Ahbarzad, CEO This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/24/2015. 7/02, 7/09, 7/16 & 7/23/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-017093 The name of the business: Street Mobile Notary, located at 218 Via Las Brisas, San Marcos, CA. 92069. This business is hereby registered by the following: Patricia Street 216 Via Las Brisas San Marcos, CA. 92069 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was 6/03/2015. /s/Patricia Street This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/30/2015. 7/09, 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30/2015
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME 37-201500016184-CU-PTNC TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Benham Hadi filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Benham Hadi, to Proposed name Ben Hadi
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objections that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: July 21, 2015, 8 : 3 0 a . m . , Department 26.
The address of the court is: North County Division, Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 325 S. Melrose, Vista, CA. 92081. A copy of the Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: San Marcos News Reporter, dba, The Paper, 845 W. San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, Ca. 92078. Dated June 01, 2015. /s/William S. Dato, Judge of the Superior Court 6/25, 7/02, 7/09, and 7/16/2015
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-014589 The name of the business: Samurai Pool Cleaning, located at 508 E. Barham Dr., #122, San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Isaiah Tegardine 508 E. Barham Dr. #122 San Marcos, CA. 92078 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Isaiah Tegardine This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 6/02/2015. 7/02, 7/09, 7/16, & 7/23/2015.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-017329 The name of the business: Chic Fountains, ChicFountains.com, located at 1157 Calle Del Baston, San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is hereby registered by the following: Erika Zieba 1157 Calle Del Baston San Marcos, CA. 92078. This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Erika Zieba This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 7/02/2015. 7/09, 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30/2015.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #2015-017526 The name of the business: Mi Aldea #2, Tipica Qanjobal, located at 1303 S. Escondido Blvd., Escondido, CA. 92025. This business is hereby registered by the following: Pablo Tomas 7855 Wendover Dr. Riverside, CA. 92509 This business is conducted by an individual. First day of business was n/a. /s/Pablo Tomas This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr., County Clerk/Recorder of San Diego County 7/06/2015. 7/09, 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30/2015.
The Paper • Page 16 • July 9, 2015
Do You Live in a Mobile Home Park that Does Not Presently Receive The Paper? Would you like to earn some extra money?
The Paper is looking for energetic folks who would like to get some great exercise and earn extra money while dropping a weekly copy of The Paper to your friends, neighbors and relatives in your mobile home park.
We are particularly interested in someone who would be able to deliver in Palomar East and Palomar West Mobile Home Parks in San Marcos. Any mobile home park in North County that has at least 100 coaches is of interest to us.
Add to your retirement and/or Social Security income by delivering The Paper in your Mobile Home Park! If you’d like to know more abut the program and how much you an earn, while getting great exercise, give us a call at:
Escondido, CA—In a 2002 issue of Neurosurgical Focus, a peerreviewed article was published by a Dr. Michael D. Martin, MD et al. in which the third sentence states: “The disc itself is active tissue that contains significant mechanisms for self-repair.” That article was published by a neurosurgeon and written directly for neurosurgeons.
“The Disc Itself Is Active Tissue...”
So what does that really mean to us? It tells us that the disc itself does have a God-given ability to heal and repair if provided the proper mechanisms for self-healing. There is a specific mechanism inherent in each of the spinal discs called the “pump mechanism of disc nutri-tion” (see Fig 1). When this mechanism is not working properly, the spinal discs will begin to die causing bulges, herniations, and eventually spinal stenosis.
The spinal disc is one of the very few tissues in the body that does not have a direct blood supply for circulation. The only way that the disc gets the circulation of water, oxygen and nutrients for self-repair is via this specific disc pump mechanism. What happens when you decrease cir-culation in any type of tissue, whether it be animal tissue, plant tissue or human tissue? Exactly, it begins to become weak and begins to degenerate.
Symptoms Are NOT The Problem
Now the symptoms of pain, numbness,
brown leaves are the plant’s problem? Of course not, the leaves turning brown is just a condition that is telling you that there is something wrong with the plant. The plant is unhealthy and needs water and nutrients. You could spray paint the leaves green but it just covers up the condition. The underlying problem still exists and will continue to produce brown leaves until you fix the actual problem. and tingling that most experience with bulging, herniated or degenerative discs are NOT the problem. The definition of a symptom: “something that indicates the existence of something else.” It is just like the dashboard of your car telling you that something is wrong (brake lights out, engine needs checked, overheating, etc.) Those lights that appear in your car dash are NOT the problem. You can remove the lights surgically or put a piece of duct tape over the lights but the problem will NOT be fixed...the problem is still present.
Let’s take a look at a plant for example...if the leaves on a plant begin to turn brown, would you say that the
extent of your disc damage for only $70. This examination will consist of a detailed neurological evaluation, extensive orthopedic testing, and a detailed analysis of the findings of your evaluation. He will sit down with you and go over your condition with you in complete detail. You will know exactly what is causing all your pain (or other symptoms).
In your spine, when the pump mechanism of disc nutrition fails, the disc will begin to de-generate and become weak. This weakness in the disc is what produces the bulging, herniated, and degenerative discs.
The treatment that is provided at Dr. Heilman’s Spine and Neuropathy Care Center in Escondido is revolutionary and is specifically designed to artificially re-create the pump mechanism in the discs which allows the spinal discs to heal and repair. The best part of the treatment is that it uses no drugs, no injections, and no surgery. Plus it’s painless and many patients relax and fall asleep while undergoing the treatment. The amount of treatment needed to allow the discs to heal and repair varies from person to person and can only be determined after a detailed neurological and orthopedic evaluation. We do NOT accept everyone for treatment and will let you know if we can accept your case for treatment. Dr. Stephen Heilman, DC at the Spine and Neuropathy Care Center in Escondido, CA will do a spinal disc severity examination to determine the
Dr. Stephen Heilman, DC
Dr. Heilman will be offering this spinal disc severity examination from now until Friday, July 24th, 2015.
Call 760-480-4480 to make an appointment to determine if your spinal discs can be treated.
NOTE: Dr. Heilman’s Spine and Neuropathy Care Center is located at 700 W. El Norte Pkwy in Escondido immediately East of Interstate 15 at the intersection of Seven Oaks.