Volume 43- No. 09
March 01, 2012
by lyle e davis We’ve all seen the movie versions of the wild, wild west. Some of those movies were reasonably close to truth, taking into consideration poetic license and all. (Poetic license = changing the real story to suit yourself rather than tell the whole truth). Fact is, the wild, wild west was just that. Wild. You didn’t see a whole lot of genteel gentlemen, decked out in the latest fashions and sipping on Scotch and sodas. Nor did you see a lot of fair young maidens, dressed in the finest of millinery. At least not at first. Oh, to be sure, there were women in the wild, wild, west. Particularly after gold was discovered and the nation sent a lot of its emigrants westward in search of gold and other riches. Women, as we have all learned, are pretty dadblamed smart. They follow the money. A certain number of adventurous and somewhat open minded women, not all bound up in church discipline and teachings, would head for the west and entertain the frontiersmen. For a price.
Top photo, a typical western tent saloon, circa 1890. Bottom left, tent saloons popped up all over the west. This one was in Benton, Wyoming, circa 1868. Bottom right, A 'fallen angel' that was not only a prostitute but also a photographers model for an early erotic postcard from the old west.
We will look at what the wild, wild west was really like . . . before the movie and television writers got ahold of it. From the pen of writer/historian, Art Saborio, of San Diego: The first saloons to open were not the typical saloons that we all know from the movies and books. They were mostly tents or a square wooden structure with tent material thrown over the top. The material was enough to keep the rain off the heads of their costumers. The floors were not made of wood. Tent saloons never had floors The Paper - 760.747.7119
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of any type. If it rained the floors were muddy and if it was dry they were dusty. The only thing the early saloon offered was whiskey and a place to sit and rest. The first whiskey ever served in a saloon was not the fine whiskey that New Yorker's or those from Chicago would sip. This stuff was raw and made right in the camp or town. The simple ingredients included
raw alcohol, sugar burnt and a little pouch chewing tobacco. Whiskey with terrible names like "Coffin Varnish", "Tarantula Juice", "Red Eye" and others were common among the early saloons. Later the word "Firewater" would be used to describe Whiskey. It took on the name during trading with Indians. To explain what Whiskey was to the Indians, the cowboy
would pour it over the fire to show its potency. With a high enough proof, Whiskey acted like gasoline on the fire. Soon firewater was the name of the drink. Beer was not as common as whiskey, yet there were those that drank it. Since pasteurization was not invented yet, a cowboy had to take his beer warm and drink it quick. If not, the beer would get warmer
“The Real Wild, Wild West . . .” Continued on Page 2