'Towards a Climate, Building (with) the Unstable'

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AWP towards a climate

vers un climat building (with) the unstable

roger connah, sam jacob, rowan moore awp / marc armengaud, matthias armengaud, alessandra cianchetta publication PRINTED ON THE OCCASION Of the exhibition ÂŤvers un climat, building (with) the unstableÂť by awp at john hartell gallery, sibley dome, cornell university college of architecture, art, and planning - 129 sibley dome, cornell university, ithaca, ny 14853 august 26, 2013 - september 20, 2013

table of contents

vers un climat building (with) the unstable



Nuance Galore: And Not Only At Night! Roger Connah


we live half at night Sam Jacob


Impermanence Rowan Moore


Publications, Awards, Exhibitions


Credits & Acknowledgments



VERS UN CLIMAT : building (with) the unstable by alessandra cianchetta


AWP / Marc armengaud, Matthias armengaud, alessandra cianchetta

This book has been realized on the occasion of our first solo show in the US, at Cornell University. This exhibition features a series of realized projects and an extensive research focusing on the theme of the urban night. Much of our work has been devoted to developing a practice on the intangible dimensions of architecture, including atmosphere and perception. Part of the challenge has been, through the guise of architecture, to translate into built form, recurrent themes of impermanence, evolution, and the uncontrollable, at all times encountering unstable elements. Hence, a recurrent interest in evolving environments: from landscapes to cityscapes. How can such qualities be transposed into built form or a master plan? We have spent several years looking at the ways in which climate, time, light and atmospheric blur influence architectural design. The exhibition at Cornell is the culmination of a show at the Pavillon d’Arsenal (Paris La Nuit, Nocturnal Chronicles 23/5-6/10 2013) and our book (Nightscapes, nocturnal landscapes, 2009) which both illustrate the nocturnal face of architecture, proving that buildings, like light, have the capacity to evolve, change, fluctuate and perform as active participants in cities. Each of the works featured here can be understood through the lens of an experiential quality: atmospheric blur, the effects of light, multiple-layers of meaning and interaction, illusory perspectives depths, and framing of views which create a surprising sequence of experiences. This soft performance of architecture also refers to the process of smoothing physical reality with other subtle aspects of culture such as art, cinema, philosophy, and landscape. We have invited three kaleidoscopic writers to explore, in unexpected ways, these issues and engage in discussion about our practice and architecture as an experience - spatial, emotional, sensual - rather than as a direct functional answer to a situation or even an image.


the lantern, norwegian wood sandnes, no


vers un climat building (with) the unstable roger connah, sam jacob, rowan moore awp / marc armengaud, matthias armengaud, alessandra cianchetta

9€ ISBN 978-2-7466-6408-1 publication PRINTED ON THE OCCASION Of the exhibition «vers un climat, building (with) the unstable» by awp at john hartell gallery, sibley dome, cornell university college of architecture, art, and planning - 129 sibley dome, cornell university, ithaca, ny 14853 august 26, 2013 - september 20, 2013

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