AWUM 2012-2013 Annual Report

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AWUM 2012 Annual Report


Asian Women United of Minnesota will end domestic violence by promoting safe and healthy relationships within the Asian-Pacific Islander community.


We are the leader in eliminating violence in the Asian-Pacific Islander community, and share the expertise of our best practices with others. Using the strengths of the API community, AWUM will uphold an environment free of violence, promote self-sufficiency for women, and foster nurtured and healthy children and families.

Board President and Executive Director Letter

Dear Supporters and Friends:

FY 2012 (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013) was a year of innovation for Asian Women United of Minnesota (AWUM). In our commitment to providing culturally specific shelter and advocacy services to the Asian community, we are passionate about creating new ways to reach the diverse population we serve and to enrich the broader community with our message.

In the past year, we began using a new medium to deliver our message: digital storytelling. We embarked on this project in collaboration with In Progress, a local nonprofit media company whose mission is to “diversify cultural dialogue and pave the way for new voices in the field of digital art making.” Combining state of the art technology with human creativity yielded a moving compilation of young people sharing their interpretation of AWUM’s mission to “create safe and healthy relationships.”

AWUM’s first formal production, From the Heart: Youa’s Story, features a survivor of domestic violence sharing her story of abuse, courage, survival, and present day happiness. Through Youa’s story, AWUM was able to extend our reach by connecting viewers to our mission in a personal and heartfelt way, giving individuals permission to talk about abuse, and to explore together what it takes to build and nurture positive, uplifting relationships. These digital stories are available for viewing on our website at

As we continue to explore digital storytelling, we hope to bring forward many other voices that represent our pan-Asian community. Our goal will be to illustrate the diversity of approaches to cultivating and sustaining safe and healthy relationships. AWUM’s vision is to hold up the strength and goodness of healthy families while supporting and bolstering families that have been hurt and broken.

We hope that you enjoy learning more about AWUM’s work in this annual report. 2013-14 will be another year of innovation and exploration as we continue to work toward ending domestic violence by promoting safe and healthy relationships within the Asian-Pacific Islander community and beyond.


2012 Participants Total

128 shelter residents

• 93 women

• 35 children

support groups: 78 attendees

• 40 women

• 38 children

resources calls: 602 referrals

crisis calls:

1024 callers volunteers/ interns: 572 hours total

• 37 volunteers

• 1 intern


1406 advocacy participants

• 1,208 women

• 1 child

• 197 men

trainings/ presentations/ groups: 616 attendees

health fairs/ booths: 305 visitors


AWUM Services

House of Peace (HOP)

• Temporary emergency shelter

• Women’s support group & ELL (English Language Learner) classes

• Assistance in obtaining an Order for Protection (OFP) or Harassment Restraining Order (HRO)

• Assistance in filing for financial assistance & reparations claims

• Legal referrals for family and immigration law

• 24-hour multi-lingual crisis line

• Safety planning

• Children’s group activities

Community Advocacy Program (CAP)

• Legal (criminal & civil court) advocacy

• Sexual assault advocacy

• Assistance with immigration services

• On-going follow-up services

• Violence prevention & outreach in the API community

• Support groups in schools

• Training for service providers

• Community dialogues & education on domestic violence within the API communities

Financial Information

Grants, Contracts, Foundations:

• City of Minneapolis: GTEAP (Grants to Encourage Arrest and Enforce Protection Orders: Office of Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice)

• FR Bigelow Foundation

• Hennepin County - Domestic Abuse Service Center (DASC)

• HRK Foundation

• Hennepin County Bar Foundation

• Otto Bremer Foundation

• Saint Paul Foundation

• State of Minnesota Office of Justice Programs

• U.S. Department of Justice (Office of Violence Against Women)

• Verizon Foundation

• WCA Foundation

Support and Revenue Government Grants Contributions Other Income (various sources) Total: $864,784 $166,482 $323 $1,031,589 84% 16% Expense Program Services Management Administration Fundraising Total: $883,887 $76,745 $13,125 $973,757 91% 8% 1%

Liabilities & Net Assets

Assets Current Assets: Cash Accounts Receivable Pledges Receivable Prepaid Expenses Total: Leasehold Improvements & Equipment - Net Total Assets $124,137 $64,824 $30,000 $48,577 $267,538 $118,165 $385,703
Salaries & Vacation
Current Liabilities Net Assets:
Current Liabilities:
Payable Accrued
& Net Assets $16,182 $18,303 $64,955 $30,694 $130,134 $188,069 $67,500
Temporarily Restricted Total Net
Total Liabilities

2012 Volunteers Testimonials

Ms. Emily Wright, Volunteer

“I had the opportunity to bring some music for the mothers and children at the House of Peace. We sat in a circle and sang children’s songs together. We played rhythm instruments and smiled and laughed. One night there were four mothers; they each spoke a different language. One of them could understand English, so she translated what I said into Hmong then the next mother translated that into another language, while the fourth mother didn’t understand any of the languages and just sang along anyway. We didn’t need to understand any particular language to make music together. The children’s laughter and the smiles on the mother’s faces made each night I was able to be there so special and precious. I think the music helped us feel comfortable with each other right away, and was such a calming, loving activity for the mothers and children to do together. I am so honored to be trusted with bringing music to these families.”

Ms. Yvonne Ky, Volunteer

“Working with AWUM has helped me gain more awareness of the issues that surround me, and given me a chance to help make this community a better place.”

Ms. Mi Chue Thao, Volunteer

“I first got involved with AWUM during my second year in college (U of MN). During my brief volunteer experience with AWUM at the House of Peace, I learned about what one experiences as a victim of domestic violence; I learned about advocating for this social issue and for the victims themselves. It has certainly caused me to evaluate how I myself, and how society perceives domestic violence. It has made me more aware of how people and culture are affected, and how organizations, such as AWUM, play an important role in response to domestic violence. Overall, my involvement has allowed me to gain a sense of empowerment and specialized knowledge.”

Mr. Pete Wong, Volunteer

“My experience with AWUM has impacted my life a great deal. I enjoyed having more concrete facts that I learned through the various workshops that backed up my own thoughts beforehand. For example, the myths vs. truths in the development of healthy relationships. I highly enjoyed being able to apply my skills to help benefit AWUM’s mission. Teaching self defense to the residents at the shelter and seeing them take pride in developing the confidence to defend themselves was a great sight to witness. I also got to help create media that helped showcase healthy relationships and be in a position to encourage others to do the same which I take a lot of joy in. My experience volunteering as a Santa Claus during Christmas is timeless. Seeing the families with their children so happy and encouraged will stay with me forever. Thank you AWUM for these experiences!”

Participants Testimonials

“Asian Women United helped me get to understand my resources and how to understand and take my time for myself. They help me with looking for a job and to become a better person. The staff are very caring – each one of them in different way. Please don’t change, stay the same way AWUM.”

“I am happy that AWUM has been formed to help women that are being abused by their husbands. If it was not for your organization, I don’t know if I would still be living today. AWUM helped me when my family was going through difficulty and gave us a place to stay with food to eat. AWUM helped me to obtain an order for protection, apply for public assistance (MFIP) and public housing, helped me with the divorce process, and with my US citizenship. I am very happy, and pleased to support, and acknowledge your organization. AWUM is very important to me. The staff worked on my case in a timely manner and to my satisfaction. I want to thank AWUM and everyone that had helped me in the past. The special staff, Sheng, help me the most. I want to thank AWUM to allow her to help me. I bless AWUM to stay strong for a very long time.”

“I have increased my way to do safety and Asian Women United helped me stay good, free life. It’s very good for me here because I have respect and good relationship. Every time I was sick, advocates helped me, see if I feeling alright. I feel very nice for people caring.”

“I learned to take the bus and train and also learned about community health care program – very important for me and my children. I like people here, very helpful, kind, clean, and very support each other. I want to say Thank You for giving me opportunity. I feel better. Thank you so much I appreciate…. I feel wonderful!”

AWUM FY 2012 Highlights!

AWUM from the Heart 2012

On October 26, 2012 AWUM hosted a gathering, AWUM from the Heart, at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis to honor our volunteers, interns and supporters. The evening included the premiere of digital stories produced by local artists. Thank you to all who came! (Photos: Richard Tsong-Taatarii)

Stories from the Heart digital story project with In Progress

Youth participants of Stories from the Heart digital story project, a collaboration between AWUM & In Progress to promote safe & healthy relationships via the media arts. AWUM is honored to have worked with such talented youth! (Photo: Richard Tsong-Taatarii)

Youa’s Digital Story

AWUM launched From the Heart: Youa’s Story, a digital story about courage, dignity, strength, love, and hope. Youa, a survivor of an abusive relationship, shares her story to help others in a similar situation. Youa reminds us that it is possible to have a safe and healthy relationship after one that was violent. (Photo: Nancy Wong)

AWUM’s young donors

FY 2012 Board of Directors

Kris Arneson

Regina Chu, Secretary

Sue Cook, Treasurer

Gloria Fressia

Ruby Nguyen

Val Wurster, President

Youth of The Church of St Anne-St Joseph Hien in north Minneapolis donated Christmas gift boxes to the House of Peace. AWUM is proud to have young community partners like these youth promoting AWUM’s mission.

FY 2012 Lead Staff

Sipra Jha, Shelter Director

Shoua Kong, CAP Lead Lucas (Louie) Munn, Facilities Supervisor

Claudia R. Waring, Executive Director

Nancy Wong, Communications Manager

AWUM, P.O. Box 6223, Minneapolis, MN 55406 24-Hour Crisis: 612-724-8823

Office: 612-724-0756, Fax: 612-729-0660

E-mail:, Website:

Designed by Nan Sinchai |

(Photo: courtesy of Ann Vu)

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