AWUM 2020 Annual Report

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UM 2020

Annual Report

Fiscal Year: July 1, 2019–June 30, 2020

Par t i cipan t Te s t i m o n i al s : “It took so much [courage for me] to leave [my] ex… I am so thankful that AWUM helped us even after we left [the] shelter. I am thankful to all the staff for keeping us safe and always being there when we need assistance. We are praying for the best for all and all survivors who are struggling right now. Tons of love and thanks.”

“I moved into the shelter in early 2020. At that time, I faced a state of no place to live, no money, and no way to get together with my child on weekends. I was so worried. My husband controlled everything, not letting me see my child. I can't understand 100% of the English emails that I received every day, which made my divorce case unable to move forward as soon as possible. It was terrible. This was the worst memory in my life. …I would like to say that thanks to the hard work of all the staff at the shelter, many Asian women have been helped. We will always remember how much the shelter changed me and my child’s life. At the beginning I had nothing and no place to live. I felt hopeless. Now I have my child, a home to live in - this means everything to me.”

mission Asian Women United of Minnesota will end domestic violence by promoting safe and healthy relationships within the Asian-Pacific Islander community.

vision We are the leader in eliminating violence in the Asian-Pacific Islander community, and share the expertise of our best practices with others. Using the strengths of the API community, AWUM will uphold an environment free of violence, promote self-sufficiency for women, and foster nurtured and healthy children and families.

L e t t e r fr o m the Exe c uti ve Direct o Dear Supporters and Friends, Asian Women United of Minnesota (AWUM) is grateful to have experienced another enriching and fulfilling year working to end domestic violence in our community. Fiscal year 2019-20 was undoubtedly one of the most challenging and memorable periods AWUM has ever experienced. The first half of our fiscal year took place July-December of 2019, which seemed to be an entirely different era from the second half, which ran through the end of June 2020. The summer and fall of 2019 featured budding partnerships, program expansion, and energetic outreach. This progress ground to a halt in early 2020, as the State went into shutdown mode and our focus turned to sustaining essential services. As the coronavirus pandemic made its way around the world and began to impact Minnesota, AWUM’s aim was to become as informed as possible about how to keep participants and staff safe. We were determined to continue providing emergency shelter and community-based advocacy services and learned how to modify our practices to abide by public health recommendations. We worked closely with a coalition of metro area shelters to secure overflow housing at local hotels, which would allow shelter residents to be housed at safe social distances. In sum, this past year has been an exercise in agility and problem-solving in an effort to honor and fulfill our mission.

or In late Spring, AWUM faced a harrowing combination of outrage, grief, fear, and the fierce commitment to protecting the shelter and its residents when George Floyd was killed and Minneapolis erupted. AWUM was fortunate to emerge from the aftermath of this tragedy with no physical damage to our shelter or ourselves, however the community tension and sadness have lingered for months following. Throughout this calamitous year, AWUM has been truly humbled by the kindness and concern offered by our incredibly generous supporters. As soon as the pandemic gripped our community, people started sewing masks and asking what else they could do to help. We also heard from the Edina Community Lutheran Church and the Spiritual Assembly of the Baháʼís of Minneapolis, expressing deep concern of the increase of violence aimed at Asians, sending us letters of support, standing in solidarity with us against xenophobia and racism. We have seen true heroes every day this year, and they have invariably come in the form of friends and neighbors. As always, we thank you for your interest in AWUM’s work, which would not be possible without your support. Sincerely,

Claudia R. Waring, Executive Director

2020 H



AWUM from the Heart H


October 2019

On October 3, 2019 AWUM hosted its annual fundraiser at the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis to support women and children fleeing domestic violence. The evening included performances by the Ensō Taiko drumming group, and keynote speaker Ms. Bea Vue-Benson, a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. Bea worked with AWUM for a decade, providing mental health and emotional wellness support at our 24 hour emergency shelter. We are so thankful to Bea and the amazing Taiko drummers, as well as our beloved guests, generous donors, and wonderful volunteers for making AWUM from the Heart 2019 a success! A special acknowledgement to Ramesh Harjani for donating his photography services.

(Photos by Ramesh Harjani)

Survivor Wealth Summit

July 2019

AWUM staff members attended the Survivor Wealth Summit in Los Angeles, which covered the topics of wealth, health, healing, financial recovery, and ending intimate partner/family violence, all to promote the advancement of women and families.

Give to the Max Day November 2019 AWUM participated in Give to the Max Day 2019. Since 2010, AWUM has joined in Minnesota’s day of giving. In 2019, donors helped us to raise just over $1,000! Many thanks to those of you who took part and gave to AWUM.

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4th Graders at Blake December 2019 School Donation AWUM received large bags of winter gear from the generous fourth graders of Blake School. In these bags were children’s parkas, hats, mittens, and several adult coats. Thank you students (and their parents) for the wonderful and needed donations!

“When I grow up…”

January 2020

As part of the children’s program, advocates and volunteers discussed with the youngsters about growing up, asking them what they would like to do when they are older. Here are a couple of responses: to be a veterinarian and help pets find new owners and homes; and to be a doctor and a good dad, with a good mama. We believe in them and cheer them on!

March 2020 onward

During the COVID-19 pandemic, AWUM's 24 hour emergency shelter, House of Peace, remained in full operation. While adhering to the Minnesota state guidelines, we worked to ensure that all who are in the shelter were safe & healthy. Many asked what help we needed during that critical time. We replied with lists of essential items and posted the lists on our Facebook page. Donations have made it possible for us to support families who need our assistance, especially during the pandemic. We thank every single donor for their help.


COVID-19: In-kind Donations



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Handmade Children’s Masks Donation

April 2020

Masks for children were made & donated by the Missaghi family, AWUM's regular supporters & donors. Thank you, Nanette, Samira & Shahram, for your handmade & heartfelt gifts to help keep our young participants safe.

The SEAD Project Donation

May 2020

The SEAD (Southeast Asian Diaspora) Project donated 20 adult and 5 children sized masks for residents at our emergency shelter. We are so thankful for their generous support.

More Homemade Masks! June 2020 AWUM is grateful for the 25 beautiful homemade masks donated to our shelter and staff. (Donor requests to remain anonymous.) The special note warmed our hearts. Thank you so much!

Essential Supplies Donations

COV I D -1 9: I N - K I N D D O N AT I O N S

AWUM has been receiving essential donations from Sewa AIFW and the Organic Oneness food pantry at the Bahá'í Center in Minneapolis. Many thanks to these organizations, helping us to better support the families who need assistance! Testimonials for the items from the food pantry remind us how important other local community services are for those we serve:

AWUM Participant Testimonial 1: “Thank you for what you gave me. Food, daily necessities, diapers for my baby. What you gave me have helped me a lot. I'm really grateful because in my current situation, I am not able to work. I have very little money for diapers for my baby, and the daily necessities are really expensive. Thank you so much for everything!”


Indian Dinner Donation

June 2020

AWUM's sister organization, Sewa AIFW, has been periodically bringing hot dinners to our House of Peace shelter during Covid-19. Residents of our shelter have enjoyed the delicious Indian meals! Thank you, Sewa, for helping us out during these difficult times.

June 2020


AWUM Participant Testimonial 2: “Thank you very much for the food, paper towels, shampoo, shower gel – given every week, which is very helpful for me and my child’s life. Cake mix and flour to make different breakfasts and cakes (very delicious) make my child feel that the food every day is not boring. I have no money, but I am happy that I can cook many different dishes for my child. I am currently unable to work because of my immigration status. I hope to continue to get your help. Thank you very much. I am very appreciative.”

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O r i gin al Art D o n ati o n April 2020 Ruth Baccam, Minneapolis Institute of Art student, reached out to us wanting to do something to promote our mission. After some brief consultation, Ruth decided to create an original piece to promote AWUM’s work. We thank Ruth for her beautiful and compelling art. AWUM recognizes the power of the visual arts to connect and inspire us all. Thank you, Ruth! (See cover artwork.)

#G i ve AtH o m eMN Campai gn May 2020 AWUM participated in the May 1-8, 2020 state-wide fundraising effort via to assist nonprofits impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. During #GiveAtHomeMN, AWUM set a goal of $1,500 to purchase supplies to safely protect our shelter families and staff through the end of June. $2,170 was raised, surpassing the goal! We acknowledge the generous gifts, small and large, from those of you took part in the campaign.

# A si a n s 4 B l ackLives/ Ge o r ge Fl oyd May 2020 Along with the world, AWUM grieved the senseless killing of Mr. George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer with three other officers standing by. We condemn police brutality and all forms of violence. Our mission is to end domestic violence by supporting safe and healthy relationships in the Asian community and beyond. This includes supporting safe and healthy institutional relationships in our community. AWUM has worked closely with the Minneapolis Police Department for many years, with several MPD officers serving on our board of directors, and AWUM staff working in collaboration with the Domestic Assault Unit. AWUM is determined to contribute to efforts to make our city safer and healthier for all people.

FY 2019 Volunteers & Interns Volunteers and interns assist AWUM to better serve our participants by bringing their unique skills and enthusiasm for service and learning, enabling us to provide the best programs possible to serve each woman and child who come to us for support. From July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, AWUM engaged 23 talented individuals from around the Twin Cities, with a majority from the University of Minnesota, to raise awareness about domestic violence, expand our human resources, build capacity in community advocacy, and further promote AWUM’s mission. During this fiscal year, the 20 volunteers and 3 interns donated 1,360 hours in total, offering us to meet our service and budget goals. We are grateful for the generosity of spirit of each of our volunteers and interns. Below are a few testimonials from the volunteers and interns themselves!

Dani FollettDion


“Though it was cut short by the pandemic, I really enjoyed the time I spent volunteering with the House of Peace shelter. In particular, it was a great experience to interact with the kids and their parents, as well as to help foster a sense of community and support. I always looked forward to coming in to help with the children's program. In relation to my own goals, working with AWUM was beneficial in that it helped me connect and reflect on my own identity as an Asian woman and how I can help support and strengthen that community. AWUM does great work with supporting the people and families in their shelter, and I hope other people can also value the work they do as much as I do.”

Kristy Lagarde

Intern “My internship at AWUM and the House of Peace shelter was a great experience for my Master of Social Work program at Augsburg. I learned a lot about a sector of human services that I had not been exposed to, and I was given many opportunities to be involved with clients and events related to domestic violence. The staff at AWUM were absolutely welcoming and helpful throughout my internship, especially when the closures of COVID-19 hit and turned everyone's life upside down. The environment at AWUM is one of nurturing compassion and healing and this made one feel like part of a family. The internship exposed me to duties and services I had not experienced; it helped me to grow as a professional and human, in regards to how our government functions and how it, unfortunately, falls short in allowing everyone an equal opportunity in their pursuit of happiness. AWUM's work is important and vital to women, children, and men who have experienced trauma and immense adversity, and who may not speak English or know how to navigate their way around American culture and systems. AWUM truly cares about the individuals they serve and it was an honor to be a part of the AWUM family. I hope to continue to volunteer with them in the future.”

Shannon Thao


“My work with AWUM began as fulfilling a requirement for my undergraduate capstone course, but quickly turned into an experience that I would carry with me for the rest of my life. Not only was the House of Peace a safe space for the women and families who would stay there, but it was also very much a safe space for myself. Thanks to the support from the staff, my peers, and all of the families there, I have learned so many valuable things. I truly appreciate all the wisdom, energy, and inspiration that they consistently brought to our small community gatherings. My most cherished memories at the House of Peace will forever be reading and playing with the kids during their evening programs. I am so privileged to have worked with such hilarious, gifted, and resilient individuals.”


House of Peace Temporary emergency shelter Women’s support group & children’s groups Assistance in obtaining Orders for Protection (OFP) Assistance with Harassment Restraining Orders (HRO) Assistance in filing for financial assistance & reparations claims Legal referrals for family & immigration law 24-hour multi-lingual crisis line Safety planning

Community Advocacy Program Legal (criminal & civil court) advocacy Sexual assault advocacy Assistance in obtaining Orders for Protection (OFP) Assistance with Harassment Restraining Orders (HRO) Assistance with immigration services On-going follow-up services Violence prevention & outreach in the API community Community education on domestic violence Training for service providers Support groups in schools

FY2020 Participants Totals House of Peace 99

Shelter residents


Crisis calls


Calls requesting resources


Support group participants


Children’s group participants

Community Advocacy Program 473

Advocacy participants


Attendees at trainings & presentations

2020 FY Leadership Board of Directors Rebecca Chaffee, Secretary (Best & Flanagan, LLP) Melissa Chiodo, Treasurer (Inver Grove Heights Police Department) Hao Nguyen, Chair (Ramsey County Attorney’s Office) William Vang, Member (Chlamydomonas Resource Center) Sophia Vuelo, Member (Ramsey County Second Judicial District)

Leadership Team Sipra Jha, Shelter Director Shoua Kong, CAP Lead Lucas (Louie) Munn, Facilities Supervisor Claudia R. Waring, Executive Director Nancy Wong, Communications Manager

FY2019 Financials (2019-2020) Support and Revenue Government Grants .................................... $ 857,354 Contributions.............................................. $ 301,459 Other income (various sources)....................$ 24,321 Total $ 1,183,134 Government Grants (72%) Other income (2%) Contributions (26%)

Expense Program Services..................................... $ 1,012,650 Management & Administration.....................$ 92,688 Fundraising................................................... $ 12,923 Total $ 1,118,261 Program Services (91%) Management & Administration (8%) Fundraising (1%)

Assets Current Assets: Cash................................................. $ 495,935 Accounts Receivable........................ $ 109,415 Prepaid Expenses...............................$ 43,282 Leasehold Improvements &...................$ 52,872 Equipment–Net Total Assets

$ 701,504

Liabilities & Net Assets Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable....................................$ 834 Accrued Expenses................................ $ 1,443 Accrued Salaries & Vacation.............. $ 52,354 Total Current Liabilities......................... $ 54,631 Notes Payable (PPP Loan)....................$ 136,519 Total Liabilities

$ 191,150

Net Assets: Unrestricted..................................... $ 478,857 Temporarily Restricted.......................$ 31,497 Total Net Assets

$ 510,354

Total Liabilities & Net Assets

$ 701,504

Grants, Contracts, Foundations Alice M. O’Brien Foundation FR Bigelow Foundation Heading Home Minnesota Collaborative Hennepin County HRK Foundation Land O'Lakes Foundation Mardag Foundation Minneapolis Foundation Minnesota Department of Human Services Minnesota Office of Justice Programs Monroe, Charlotte & Barbara Shine Family Fund Otto Bremer Foundation Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundation Women’s Foundation of Minnesota

2020 Fiscal Year Cash & In-Kind Donors Aimee Aase Alpha Phi Gamma Krissandra Anfinson Anonymous AromaRiss Carol K. Arthur Arthur Murray Dance Centers, Twin Cities Elaine Auyoung Melissa Avery Ruth Baccam Dawn Bakst Jaime Ballard Mary-Clare Bates Benevity Community Impact Fund Best & Flanagan, LLP Bjorn Portraiture Blake School Gail Chang Bohr Anne Hines Brabec Estelle M. Brouwer Rebecca Chaffee Kusum Chaturvedi Eva Chen Ken Cheng Melissa Chiodo Amy Eian Sandra Erickson Lida Etemad & Joseph Stahl Maureen Faber Family Short Term Rentals, LLC Michael Fink Susan Frenzel Full Circle Publishing, LLC Chaya Garg Lydia Geiszler Gemini, Inc. Dana Gillespie

Kian & Eddie Glenn Guthrie Theater Savita & Ramesh Harjani Debra Hilstrom James Hodges Hotel Ivy Christine Howard Lynn Hu Huge Theater Helen Ingham Amy Isenor Andrea Jachman Alya Jawaid Cheryl L. Jensen Nayana Jha Sipra Jha Yamini Jha-Korman & Dan Korman Bhagwati Karki Karuna Sheng Khang Laura & Teddy Kim Connie M. Korman Katie Korman Andrea Kuenning Lake Street DQ, LLC Amy Lauricella Laura Lee Panu Her Lee & Jim Lee Zoe Lim Joan Linck Sadie Lor Dave & Judy Lucking Pajci Ly Sady Ly Carol Mantel Manila Manthur Jennifer McNertney

Yasmin Mehrotra Rebecca Milanovich Linda Miller Erik & Michelle Miner Nanette & Shahram Missaghi Samira Missaghi Jenny Mitcherson Afagh Mohajeri Liam J. Moore Regina Chu Moore Dawn Morningstar Kao Moua Mai Moua Lucas Munn Karen Nejedly Willard W. & Jeanne Nelson Hao Nguyen Andrew Nordenstrom Meghan O'Donnell Yvonne Olsen Nate Olson Organic Oneness Ramya Palaniappan Heather Palmer Dick & Nancy Perrine Lee Reinhardt Mahtab Rezai & James Church Rouge Urban Salon Tamim Saidi Brindha P. Sargunam Elizabeth Sauer Schaffer-Harris Family Patricia Schmitz Meg Schnabel Erica Schumacher The SEAD Project Diane Seep Sewa AIFW Tonia Marie Shupien Nan Sinchai Neelam & Arun Singh Shirley Slagle Shana Sniffen Kris Solz Spiritual Assembly of the Baháʼís of Minneapolis

Craig Steiner Selina Jue Sun Duraikkannan Sundarackannan Susan Swan Robyn Tabibi & Dain Meyer Shannon Thao Sabrina Townsend UnitedHealth Group Usborne William Vang Varde Management, L.P. Thuy Vo Dawn Vogel The Von Tramps Bea Vue-Benson Karah Vue-Benson Alexis Walstad Sophie Fei Wang Anne & Michael Waring Claudia R. Waring Emily Youngdahl Wright & Douglas Wright Ada & Mark Wong Grace & Paul Wong Nancy Wong Rebecca Wurzer Nhou Xiong Bau Yang & Chia Vang Ntxhais Xay Yang Youa Yang Haruka Yukioka

Thank you ! House of Peace Children’s Art Galler y

Artwork created by children in our House of Peace shelter celebrating the holidays and learning about creating peace and nurturing relationships. Thank you for your partnership in ending violence and promoting safe & healthy relationships.

AWUM, P.O. Box 6223 Minneapolis, MN 55406 24-Hour Crisis Line: 612.724.8823 Business: 612.724.0756 | Fax: 612-729-0660 | Design by Nan Sinchai

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