AWWA-Funded Scholarships
Abel WOlmAn FellOWShip
The Abel Wolman Fellowship supports promising students in the United States, Canada, and Mexico who are pursuing advanced training and research in the field of water supply and treatment. To accomplish this objective, a doctoral fellowship provides up to two years of support, awarded annually to the most outstanding student. The initial award for one year is $30,000, with a second year of support available if needed.
2023 Recipient: Wei Wang, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
lArSOn AquAtic reSeArch SuppOrt SchOlArShipS
The Larson Aquatic Research Support scholarships honor the memory of Dr. Thurston E. Larson by providing support and encouragement to outstanding graduate students preparing for careers in the fields of science or engineering. These endowed scholarships provide support for two students annually. The funding for a master’s-level student is $5,000, and a doctoral student receives $7,000.
2023 PhD Award Recipient: Holly Haflich, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
2023 Masters Award Recipient: Jacob Steele, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
J & l preSidentiAl SchOlArShip
The J & L Presidential Scholarship offers $5,000, designated by the Jacangelo family to support and grow relationships with promising graduate students attending a Historically Black College or University who have an interest in a career with a service provider or utility, with a major in engineering, science, public health, or technology, geared toward the water community.
2023 Recipient: TBD
dr. philip c. Singer SchOlArShip
Established by AWWA in 2020 in honor of Dr. Philip C. Singer, this scholarship provides $3,000 to a graduate student who is pursuing research that will provide actionable and timely outcomes to address current challenges faced by the water industry.
2023 Recipient: Emma Payne, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO
AWWA immediAte pASt-President’s scholarshiP
Dr. Chi Ho Sham, former AWWA president, offers this $3,000 scholarship to a student living in either Upstate New York or Saskatchewan, Canada, as a tribute to the universities he attended in those areas. Students will have determined a field of study in water research, public health, engineering, finance, IT, communications, or project management, with the intent of benefiting the water community.
2023 Recipient: Prashant Deheriker, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Corporate Sponsored Scholarships—$10,000 Level
bryAnt l. bench/cArOllO engineerS SchOlArShip
This scholarship was established in honor of Carollo Engineers’ water practice director, Bryant L. Bench, who combined elegant engineering with innovative concepts like managed filtration to improve drinking water quality for millions across the country.
2023 Recipient: Bahareh Tajdini, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
hdr One WAter induStry SchOlArShip
HDR’s One Water Institute drives water innovations through applied research. This funding helps a graduate student work toward a degree and conduct research in the water science field.
2023 Recipient: Emma Wells, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO
hOlly A. cOrnell SchOlArShip, JAcObS
The Holly A. Cornell Scholarship, created in 1990 and sponsored by Jacobs, honors cofounder Holly A. Cornell to encourage and support outstanding female and/or minority students pursuing advanced training in the field of water supply and treatment.
2023 Recipient: Nadia Jorgenson, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO
StAntec SchOlArShip
Stantec sponsors this scholarship to assist a student pursuing a master’s degree in the water science field.
2023 recipient: Karl Zimmerman, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
thOmAS r. cAmp SchOlArShip, cdm Smith
30th year in AWWA’s scholarship program! CDM Smith honors co-founder Dr. Thomas R. Camp with this scholarship to encourage outstanding graduate students conducting applied research in the drinking water field.
2023 Recipient: Mennatallah Analhas, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
Corporate Sponsored Scholarships—$5,000 Level
The AECOM academic scholarship provides funding for a graduate student pursuing an engineering degree in innovative solutions to improve drinking water in urban communities.
2023 Recipient: Kara Cunningham, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
AmericAn WAter SchOlArShip
Founded in 1886, American Water is the largest investor-owned U.S. water and wastewater utility company. This scholarship provides funding to a graduate-level student.
2023 Recipient: Noor Tamim, Western University, London, ON
ArcAdiS diverSity SchOlArShip
Driven by its core value to build and leverage a diverse and inclusive workforce, Arcadis offers this scholarship to assist graduate-level students from underrepresented racial and ethnic minority groups (Black, Latinx, American Indian or Alaska Native) in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields with the potential to provide leadership in the water service industry.
2023 Recipient: Christian White, University of California, Berkeley, CA
chArleS “chick” rObertS SchOlArShip
This scholarship offered by Roberts Filter Group recognizes a Pennsylvania student studying water technologies.
2023 Recipient: Mohammed Said, Villanova University, Villanova, PA
Corporate Sponsored Scholarships—$5,000 Level (continued)
dAve cAldWell SchOlArShip, brOWn & cAldWell
Established in recognition of Brown & Caldwell co-founder Dave Caldwell, this scholarship provides funding for a female and/or minority graduate-level student pursuing an engineering degree in the drinking water field.
2023 Recipient: Olubayo Oginni, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
denver WAter centenniAl SchOlArShip
In celebration of its 100th anniversary, Denver Water provides a scholarship for any student who has serious interest in the fields of water delivery, water quality, water reclamation, or water reuse.
2023 Recipient: Tayler Elwell, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
gAnnett Fleming FOrceS OF chAnge SchOlArShip
Gannett Fleming is proud to offer an academic scholarship to an undergraduate or master’s-level engineering student who has a passion for engineering the future of the water industry. The scholarship includes mentoring and an internship.
2023 Recipient: Veronica Aguirre, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
hAzen And SAWyer SchOlArShip
Hazen and Sawyer sponsors this scholarship to benefit a student seeking a master’s degree in the water science field.
2023 Recipient: Nikita Kowal, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
mueller cOntinuing educAtiOn SchOlArShip
The Mueller Water Products scholarship awards a student utility employee who is seeking an undergraduate degree.
2023 Recipient: Nicole Martindale, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
Corporate Sponsored Scholarships—$5,000 Level (continued)
neptune technOlOgy grOup SchOlArShip
10th year in AWWA’s scholarship program!
Neptune Technology Group Inc. supports a scholarship for an undergraduate student seeking a degree in mechanical, electrical, computer, or software engineering.
2023 Recipient: Manuel Gozzi, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
rAFteliS leAderShip SchOlArShipS
Raftelis offers two Leadership Scholarships to undergraduate or graduate students interested in a consulting career. The Raftelis Leadership Scholarships were established with the goal of supporting and growing relationships with promising students who have an interest in becoming problem solvers for local governments and municipal water utilities. Students with diverse backgrounds and experiences are encouraged to apply.
2023 Recipient: Andy Martinez, Loyola University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA
2023 Recipient: Cielo Sharkus, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA
vernOn d. lucy iii SchOlArShip, veOliA WAter And technOlOgy SOlutiOnS
The Vernon D. Lucy III Scholarship was established to honor Vernon Lucy’s long career and involvement in the water industry and in appreciation of his many years of mentoring young industry professionals. Sponsored by Suez, this scholarship provides for an undergraduate student seeking a degree in science or engineering.
2023 Recipient: Samyukta Iyer, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
WOOdArd & currAn SchOlArShip
The Woodard & Curran Scholarship, established in 2017, supports a female or minority student seeking a master’s degree in engineering.
2023 Recipient: Onja Davidson, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Your interest in the AWWA scholarship recognition program is appreciated by corporate sponsors, recipients, and AWWA.
AWWA uses a single application form for all scholarships managed by the association. While students may apply for multiple scholarships, they can be awarded only one scholarship per year. Students are encouraged to apply in succeeding years for additional scholarships.
AWWA corporate sponsored scholarships are reviewed and ranked by the Water Equation Scholarship Advisory Subcommittee, comprising AWWA volunteers and representatives from the sponsoring corporations. Top candidates are referred to each corporate sponsor for final selection.
AWWA academic scholarship applications are reviewed and recipients selected by the University Student Activities Committee, a committee of the AWWA Technical and Education Council.
Award recipients participate in a virtual scholarship ceremony prior to the AWWA Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE), are invited to an ACE scholarship breakfast reception, and are acknowledged at the Water Industry Luncheon at ACE.
Each scholarship recipient receives a complimentary registration for ACE. While travel costs are the responsibility of the student, the scholarship sponsor may choose to assist with these costs. AWWA will provide the name and contact information of the recipient so that travel arrangements can be made directly with the student.
Scholarship funds are paid directly to the institution in July of each year.
AWWA Water Equation is proud to announce the fundraising campaign to create the Dr. James K. Edzwald Scholarship. Our goal is to create a $100,000 endowed scholarship fund to provide an annual scholarship of $3,000 to a student selected by the AWWA University Students Activities Committee.
This award will be established in honor of Dr. James K. Edzwald for his lifelong contributions to the water field and to AWWA. The scholarship will recognize a graduate student pursuing research on documenting climate change effects on water quality and treatment and/or resilient treatment methods pertaining to supplies with algae, Cyanobacteria, natural organic matter, and/or contaminants of emerging concern to the drinking water industry.
Along with the Dr. James K. Edzwald Scholarship, we are pleased to announce an additional corporate sponsored scholarship in the 2024 program: Mueller Water Products for Historically Black Colleges and Universities—$5,000
For more information about the AWWA academic and operator scholarships, please contact Michelle Hektor, Senior Manager of Development, at or 303.734.3613