the edition
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PASKAA content content not not necessary necessary
This This has has been so been so easy to easy to make. It make. It ddooeessnn’ ’t t even even mean mean aannyyt thhi inngg, , but butititlooks looks l loovvee l l yy . .
Grafik BS: a contemporary graphic Bjorn Svenson, to create and share s on creating trendy graphic design t young designers, they also have a keeping young designers up to date are current and should be used. Th as many graphic design blogs and more style-oriented design. This pub to date, demonstrating stylish and clearly effective means of communi
c design studio founded in 2013 by stylish graphic design. With a focus to be used for inspiration for new a teaching aspect to their work, in ate with the trends and styles which hey have an aim to be featured on d sites as possible, to encourage a ublication is a showcase of our work d fashionable graphic images as a nication.
1 strikethrough
Tämä on suurin kuormitus paskaa olen koskaan keksiä, juuri niin voin laittaa sen tämän julisteen harjoitella minun suunnittelun taitoja //
Kaikkivaltias graafinen suunnittelu paskaa ja toinen pieni rivi tekstiä, jotta se näyttää juuri oikea
suunnittelu paskaa
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by combining the slick trends of fluro typography, the strikethrough, with some traditional photography. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en combinant les tendances nappe de fluro typographie, le barré, avec une certaine photographie traditionnelle.
strikethrough 1|2
T/BS Sure i could stick anything in here, and I bet no one would read it, mainly because it’s too small, and because they see that’s something is here they believe it’s legit.
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by combining a minimal style with large typography, a strikethrough, and our all time favourite colour magenta. 3 trends combined to create a slick design. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en combinant un style minimaliste avec une grande typographie, un barré,et notre tout moment magenta de couleur préférée. 3 tendances combinées pour créer un design lisse.
suunnittelu paskaa
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by combining a simple typographic layout with a bold magenta strikethrough for a slick contemporary look. We used Finnish for the content, because we felt the dots on the letters contributed to the feel. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en combinant une disposition typographique simple avec un barré magenta audacieux pour un look contemporain lisse. Nous avons utilisé finlandais pour le contenu, parce que nous sentions les points sur les lettres ont contribué à la sensation.
tarvitsen vain teksti // täyttää täällä tehdä se näyttää tämä //juliste on jotain // se on niin helppo // tehdä graafinen suunnittelu // rakastan myös // tämän käännä työkalu // becuase se // antaa minulle kääntää kaiken tämän roskaa osaksi // mitä kieltä pidän // näin voin tehdä // tästä siansaksaa // osaksi suomeksi esimerkiksi Se on niin helppo tehdä graafinen suunnittelu. Rakastan myös tämän Käännä
06 — 1 4 JUN
T T Ø A L E B S Ø Questo poster è stato creato per
nessun altro motivo che per il mio proprio godimento. Ho voluto creare
un bel pezzo di design grafico, che contiene un suddetto approccio as-
tratto tipografico, un gradiente e
alcuni moderni, forme contempora-
nee. Non mi importa che non ha un messaggio, è quello di comunicare ad un pubblico di graphic design.
Non hanno bisogno di sentire qualcosa, per capire un pezzo di buon
design. Graphic design sta facendo c
nemo cognoscere nunquam poterit quod hoc nihil d i c i t
inhaero diem
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by combining a more complex typographic layout with experimental letter spacing, and the stylish strikethrough and infinity symbol. The colours chosen also add to it’s fresh look. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en combinant une disposition typographique plus complexe avec l’espacement des lettres expérimental, et le barré élégant et symbole de l’infini. Les couleurs choisies aussi ajouter à son apparence fraîche.
inhaero diem in 21-18 June 2013
strikethrough 1|5
Ti farò finta questa è per qualcosa, scrivendo la descrizione di quello che sto facendo in italiano. Sembra che la progettazione, e questa è la cosa principale.
suunnittelu paskaa
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by combining various typographic forms, a slick strikethrough, and some body copy. We used a fresh colour palette to give it a young and contemporary feel. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en combinant diverses formes typographiques, une nappe barré, et certains corps de texte. Nous avons utilisé une palette de couleurs fraîches pour lui donner un aspect jeune et contemporaine.
14-16 giugno 2013 Nome di un luogo
strikethrough 1|6
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc et orci purus, eu mattis sem. Morbi vitae eros sapien. Aliquam quam enim, venenatis sit amet suscipit vel, mattis eget neque. Donec in justo ligula, vitae hendrerit tortor. Phasellus quis elit vel ligula congue euismod non quis arcu. Vivamus vulputate ullamcorper rutrum. Donec et dui vitae velit accumsan pretium. Fusce leo erat, molestie sit amet iaculis ut, condimentum convallis tellus. Nunc molestie vestibulum diam ac blandit. Maecenas et tristique eros. Ut egestas arcu eget massa pretium molestie. Sed venenatis elementum pellentesque. Nunc sed nisl nec dui luctus euismod in sed lorem. In id lectus enim, non blandit neque. Aliquam tempor aliquam eleifend. Donec ac ante eu leo molestie feugiat a eu sapien. Nam neque felis, eleifend at sagittis ac, placerat vitae enim. Mauris in nisi quis ante adipiscing luctus. Sed lorem nisl, mollis vitae ultricies eget, porta sodales enim. Pellentesque a est a sem blandit viverra. Nullam sollicitudin dignissim convallis. Sed cursus eleifend tellus nec dictum.
Pellentesque et lorem mi. Aenean lobortis, lacus ac pretium interdum, orci nisi hendrerit urna, eu tincidunt metus tellus at dolor. Ut sed lorem nec purus ornare malesuada. Mauris quis libero sem, mollis ornare felis. Etiam quis risus vitae neque consequat cursus. Maecenas non malesuada quam. Integer et neque ligula, ac pellentesque dui. Integer urna ligula, dignissim eget egestas sit amet, consequat convallis magna. Proin condimentum, tellus quis viverra viverra, orci turpis mattis lacus, vel feugiat elit eros a magna. Aliquam tincidunt rhoncus laoreet. Integer sit amet urna congue sapien consectetur molestie. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas sollicitudin ornare urna quis blandit. Nam odio enim, tempor non pulvinar eu, ultricies vitae leo. Maecenas facilisis nunc vitae nisi sagittis scelerisque. In fermentum eleifend felis, condimentum commodo dolor commodo et. Praesent tincidunt tellus congue orci commodo pharetra. Nam nec egestas elit. Curabitur a vestibulum eros. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc luctus posuere odio at cursus. Suspendisse ultricies odio purus. Nullam in arcu nunc, sit amet vestibulum massa. Nam justo nibh, =malesuada viverra sollicitudin sit amet, euismod vitae turpis. Vivamus condimentum, quam vel varius porta, sem urna sodales sem, id aliquam mi magna eget ipsum. Praesent at dui nec risus
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by combining various typographic forms, a slick strikethrough, and some body copy. We also used traditional photography, to give it a familiar feel. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en combinant diverses formes typographiques, une nappe barré, et certains corps de texte. Nous avons également utilisé la photographie traditionnelle, à lui donner une sensation familière.
design // //
Sed sapien enim, varius a imperdiet ac, fermentum id ligula. Etiam vitae elit a mauris interdum rhoncus. Nam et nunc id ligula sollicitudin suscipit. Curabitur id lorem risus, sit amet dapibus dolor. Vivamus quam massa, pellentesque tincidunt vehicula sit amet, consectetur semper neque. Aliquam vel lectus mi. Vivamus vitae arcu quam. Nulla vitae augue ut lorem accumsan tempus. Morbi rhoncus varius facilisis. Morbi at quam diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam massa massa, iaculis vitae molestie vitae, tristique at sem. Proin luctus, sem vel consequat vestibulum, neque eros elementum arcu, in pretium nibh felis sit amet purus. Etiam id mauris in nisi pharetra feugiat. Curabitur lacus libero, placerat eget bibendum tristique, ornare at mauris. Curabitur scelerisque velit congue nisi consectetur vitae dictum odio interdum. Etiam sodales, turpis in fermentum ultricies, eros orci volutpat est, iaculis elementum arcu dolor vel magna. Nunc ut metus sed mauris vehicula venenatis a ac arcu. Maecenas tristique diam non lectus faucibus vel eleifend leo sodales. Suspendisse id felis lobortis justo faucibus feugiat non at enim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus in lacus dolor, nec commodo neque. Phasellus vitae massa quam, semper fermentum leo. Nunc rutrum urna a tellus imperdiet et pellentesque dolor pharetra. Phasellus venenatis libero sit amet purus sagittis iaculis.
the power of design
Design is about style. Style has become so easy to implicate, we can
content not necessary
Let us all start designing, for the greater good, //for the brilliance of style.
and make the world a more beautiful place.
strikethrough 1|7
ADD This is Definitely the most Effective way to COMMUNICATE
gertudmaigen musee
ap bitmap bitmap ap bitmap bitmap bitm We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by combining trends to create a fresh new contemporary design. With trends such as the slick strikethrough, highlighted text, underlined text, and the multiplication of various elements, we feel it’s one of our most successful pieces of communication. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en combinant les tendances pour créer un tout nouveau design contemporary. Avec des tendances telles que le barré lisse, texte en surbrillance, texte souligné, et la multiplication des différents éléments, nous pensons que c’est l’un de nos morceaux les plus réussis de communication.
Lines Imag MO Few A Fr Som M O Brigh Hyph Strik MO And
2 gradients
gradients 2|1
soiree 34
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using one of our favourite trends— gradients. By combining this trend with some contemporary typography, and fresh colours, we created a clear and successful design. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant l’un de nos préférés Trendsgradients. En combinant cette tendance avec une certaine typographie contemporaine, couleurs fraîches, nous avons créé un design clair et efficace.
POL IS HE DTU RD This has been so easy to make. It doesn’t even mean anything, but it looks l o v e l y .
gradients 2|2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque pellentesque tortor vel ante pharetra quis tincidunt massa dignissim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum orci metus, consequat sed ullamcorper eget, feugiat non urna. Aliquam erat
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using one of our favourite trends— gradients. By combining this trend with plenty of editorial content, along with some traditional photography, we created an authentic feel. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant l’un de nos préférés Trendsgradients. En combinant cette tendance avec beaucoup de contenu Editiorial, avec une certaine photographie traditionnelle, nous ceated une atmosphère authentique.
volutpat. Fusce ac quam est, in egestas urna. Mauris in nisi eu augue malesuada tincidunt at vitae diam. Cras quis est leo. Cras adipiscing mauris non felis commodo elementum sed et felis. Donec porta justo at ante placerat rutrum. Suspendisse fringilla adipiscing felis in facilisis. Donec eu bibendum felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
elit. Morbi quis enim leo. Donec imperdiet dictum lacus, et euismod justo varius a. Suspendisse dignissim ornare pharetra. Fusce vel neque elit, vitae convallis odio. Mauris suscipit dapibus tristique. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer scelerisque, eros vitae
elementum mollis, tortor odio mattis purus, non mattis risus quam vel lacus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed pulvinar aliquet laoreet. Mauris tellus elit, sollicitudin in malesuada id, pretium eget libero. In euismod libero semper nec ultricies
gradients 2|3
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using one of our favourite trends— gradients. By combining this trend with some contemporary typography, and warm summer colours, we think this poster could be picked up to use at a festival some time soon! — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant l’un de nos préférés Trendsgradients. En combinant cette tendance avec une certaine typographie contemporaine, et des couleurs chaudes de l’été, nous pensons que cette affiche pourrait être ramassé à utiliser lors d’un festival quelque temps bientôt!
gradients 2|4
y otra línea wee del texto aquí
left right up down
left right up down 3|1
Deze afbeelding is compleet genotzucht //
deze afbeelding
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using one a newly emerging trend—left right up down. With minimal use of contemporary typography, we combined these elements with a traditional photograph of a famous New York building, giving a the piece young and fresh. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant une nouvelle tendance émergente a gauche droite haut bas. Avec une utilisation minimale de la typographie contemporaine, nous avons combiné ces éléments avec une photographie traditionnelle d’un célèbre York New bulding, donnant un morceau de la jeune et fraîche.
left right up down 3|3
Deze afbeelding is compleet genotzucht //
OVERBOD_ IGHEID MAXIMAAL RECHTS HIER OP DEZE PAGINA Deze poster is gemaakt om geen andere reden dan voor mijn eigen plezier. Ik wilde een mooi stuk van grafisch ontwerp, dat zwart en wit met grote typografie en grafische overlay met dekking bevat. Kan me niet schelen wie niet beschikt over een boodschap is om te communiceren met een publiek van grafisch ontwerp.
Ik hou gewoon van het gebruik van zwart en geel, met grote en gemarkeerde tekst. Het lijkt erop dat echte grafisch ontwerp.
Deze afbeelding is compleet genotzucht //
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using one a newly emerging trend— left right up down. With an experimental use of contemporary typography, we combined these elements with complementary colours, for a minimalist approach. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant une nouvelle tendance émergente a gauche droite haut bas. Avec une utilisation minimale de la typographie contemporaine, nous avons combiné ces éléments aux couleurs complémentaire, pour une approche minimaliste.
left right up down 3|2
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using one a newly emerging trend— left right up down. With an experimental use of contemporary typographic styles, the multiply effect, and warm summer colours, we created a poster that reflects clear communication and summer vibes. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant une nouvelle tendance émergente a gauche droite haut bas. Avec l’utilisation expérimentale de styles contemporains typogrphic, l’effet de multiplication, et les couleurs chaudes de l’été, nous avons créé une affiche qui reflète Summer Vibes communication claire et.
4 underline
Se on niin helppo tehdä graafinen suunnittelu. Rakastan myös tämän Käännä
dette er total lort
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using another of our favourite trends— underlined text. With an experimental use of letterspacing, and only two fresh colours, we created a neutral but stylish poster design. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant un autre de nos préférés texte tendances-souligné. Avec l’utilisation expérimentale de letterspacing, et seulement deux couleurs fraîches, nous avons créé une conception de l’affiche neutre mais élégant.
Tarvitsen vain teksti täyttää täällä tehdä se näyttää tämä juliste on jotain.
det te er to ta l l o rt
18.06.2013 ara questa data non è in realtà per nulla, ma di sicuro lo rende simile a questa locandina è per qualcosa di.
del tutto del superfluo supe proget - pro tazione taz _fare una lista qui _e riempirlo _di cose senza senso _per farlo sembrare
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using another of our favourite trends— underlined text. A combination of oversized text, bitmapped traditional photography and magenta, we created a slick and minimal design. — Cette affiche a été créée pour aucune autre raison que pour mon propre plaisir. Je voulais créer une belle pièce de design graphique, qui contient du noir et blanc avec beaucoup de typographie et la superposition.
_come un elenco
underline 4|3
koiran paskaa
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using another of our favourite trends— underlined text. Using a neutral typographic layout, clean clear graphics, and fresh summer colours, we created a young and fashionable poster design. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant un autre de nos préférés texte tendances-souligné. En utilisant un modèle neutre typographique, graphique propre et claire et des couleurs fraîches d’été, nous avons créé un design jeune et à la mode affiche.
Tarvitsen vain teksti täy
näyttää tämä juliste on
helppo tehdä graafinen
Rakastan myös tämän K
becuase se antaa minu
tämän roskaa osaksi mi
voin tehdä tästä siansa
esimerkiksi, ja kukaan e
suomalainen on edes lu tehnyt tämän julisteen
5 multiply
Questo Questo poster poster èè stato stato creato creato per per nessun nessun altro altro motivo motivo che che per per ilil mio mio proprio proprio godimento. godimento. Ho Ho voluto voluto creare creare un un bel bel pezzo pezzo di di design design grafico, grafico, che che contiene contiene un un suddetto suddetto approccio approccio astratto astratto tipografico, tipografico, un un gradiente gradiente ee alcuni alcuni moderni, moderni, forme forme contemporanee. contemporanee. Non Non mi mi importa importa che che non non ha ha un un messaggio, messaggio, èè quello quello di di comunicare comunicare ad ad un un pubblico pubblico di di graphic graphic design. design. Non Non hanno hanno bisogno bisogno di di sentire sentire qualcosa, qualcosa, per per capire capire un un pezzo pezzo di di buon buon design. design. Graphic Graphic design design sta sta facendo facendo cose cose buone, buone, ee mi mi piace piace molto. molto. Speriamo Speriamo che che ilil mio mio pezzo pezzo sarà sarà disponibile sul blog della comunità disponibile sul blog della comunità del del design, design, ee più più persone persone lo lo vedranno vedranno ee lo lo apprezzano. apprezzano. Si Si sente sente così così bene, bene, non non ha ha inviato inviato con con successo successo con con ii miei miei amici. amici.
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using our all time favourite trend— multiply. Using a basic typographic layout, we combined the complimentary colours—navy and magenta—to create a seductive typographic experience in a poster design. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant notre tout temps favori tendance se multiplient. En utilisant une mise en forme typographique de base, nous avons combiné le petit-couleurs marine et magenta pour créer une expérience typographique séduisante dans une conception de l’affiche.
multiply 5|2
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using our all time favourite trend— multiply. Using oversized typography, and abstract imagery, along with some continental symbols, we created a poster reflecting plenty of culture. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant notre tout temps favori tendance se multiplient. Utilisation de la typographie surdimensionné, et l’imagerie abstraite, avec quelques symboles cintinental, nous avons créé une affiche reflecting beaucoup de culture.
multiply 5|2
ultima stronzata
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using our all time favourite trend— multiply. Using the form of a list, we combined typography with a fresh palette of colours to create a simple and effective communicative poster design. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant notre tout temps favori tendance se multiplient. Utilisation de la forme d’une liste, nous avons combiné typographie avec une nouvelle palette de couleurs pour créer une conception de l’affiche communicative simple et efficace.
ultima stronzata Cette affiche a été créée pour aucune autre raison que pour mon propre plaisir. Je voulais créer une belle pièce de design graphique, qui contient des images en noir et blanc avec la typographie génial et la superposition graphique avec l'opacité. Je ne m'inquiète pas qui n'a pas de message, est de communiquer à un public de conception graphique.
italiano sarebbe un linguaggio bello questo fare inserzionista trovi sto Facendo per me solo comunque. Non ha altro scopo che per sembrare design grafico. elegante
multiply 5|3
design party
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using our all time favourite trend— multiply. Using a stencil typeface, oversized type, and the contemporary colour combination—black and yellow— we created a fresh new style. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant notre tout temps favori tendance se multiplient. Utiliser une police de pochoir, le type surdimensionné, et la couleur contemporaine combinaison noir et jaune, nous avons créé un nouveau style frais.
multiply 5|2
absurdo totale
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using our all time favourite trend— multiply. Using an abstract typographic layout, we used the multiply effect with a fresh colour palette to create a contemporary feel in this piece. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant notre tout temps favori tendance se multiplient. En utilisant une disposition typographique abstraite, nous avons utilisé l’effet de multiplication avec une palette de couleurs fraîches pour créer une ambiance contemporaine dans cette pièce.
multiply 5|3
Questo poster è stato cre
ultieme onzin
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using our all time favourite trend— multiply. Here we used a great free typeface we found, and enlarged it to appear almost abstract and created a stylish design. The colour palette worked so well with the multiply effect, we reckon it could be used to communicate anything! — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant notre tout temps favori tendance se multiplient. Ici, nous avons utilisé un grand caractère libre, nous avons trouvé, et agrandi qu’il apparaisse presque abstraite et a créé un design élégant. La palette de couleurs a si bien avec l’effet de multiplication, nous Reckon il pourrait être utilisé pour communiquer quoi que ce soit!
creato senza alcun pensiero coinvolti
al leeg
6 highlight
highlight 6|1
Tarvitsen vain teksti täyttää täällä tehdä se näyttää tämä juliste on jotain. Se on niin helppo tehdä graafinen suunnittelu. Rakastan myös tämän Käännä työkalu, becuase se antaa minulle kääntää kaiken tämän roskaa osaksi mitä kieltä pidän. Näin voin tehdä tästä siansaksaa osaksi suomeksi esimerkiksi, ja kukaan ei lue sitä! Epäilen suomalainen on edes lukenut sitä. Olen tehnyt tämän julisteen näytetään suunnittelu blogeja. Design näkevät, ole etsimässä. arvostaa todellinen kauneus. Sisältö on täysin merkityksetön.
ditis totale
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using the highlighted text trend— highlighted text. Here we used the complementary colours magenta and cyan to create a fashionable design, along with some green shapes to make the poster pop. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant le texte en surbrillance tendance texte mis en surbrillance. Ici, nous avons utilisé la couleur magenta et cyan complémentaires pour créer un design à la mode, avec des formes vertes pour faire la pop de l’affiche.
OVERBODIGHEID MAXIMAAL RECHTS HIER OP DEZE PAGINA Deze poster is gemaakt om geen andere reden dan voor mijn eigen plezier. Ik wilde een mooi stuk van grafisch ontwerp, dat zwart en wit met grote typografie en grafische overlay met dekking bevat. Kan me niet schelen wie niet beschikt over een boodschap is om te communiceren met een publiek van grafisch ontwerp.
Deze afbeelding is compleet genotzucht //
Ik hou gewoon van het gebruik van zwart en geel, met grote en gemarkeerde tekst. Het lijkt erop dat echte grafisch ontwerp.
zwart en geel
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using the highlighted text trend— highlighted text. Here we used the contemporary colour combination black and yellow. A simple but effective stylish solution for another slick design. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant le texte en surbrillance tendance texte mis en surbrillance. Ici, nous avons utilisé le noir combinaison de couleurs contemporaines et jaune. A solution de conception simple mais efficace pour un autre style lisse.
do you have a method or a process?
interview with trendspot www.trendspot.vimeo.com
weeeell, you know, it’s like I always say, style over substance, you know It’s so easy nowadays to browse the internet and find so many nice designs that you can take inspiration from, and just make more beautiful things. Style is the most important thing to me. you hear people taaalking about communication, and idea generation, and user experience... no no no. Someone is gonna like something that is nice. So that is how we work. ... We like to come into the studio in the morning and do some research, check out all our favourite blogs, see what’s going on, refresh our minds with new approaches other people are trying, then we apply these inspirations to whatever we’re working on! We also check up on how our work is doing on blogs, see what people’s responses are, any feedback we get. We get a lot of comments on our work, and also because when a piece of work becomes popular, people see it, and we get a lot of requests from young designers asking for work. We are really enjoying this new blog called trendlist? It’s really useful for see what the popular trends are, what our friends around the world are doing, and their generator they have. It’s the next step up from illustrator! and it’s so good, because now it’s easier and easier, absolutely anyone can do it, which is good news for our visual culture! isn’t it! more and more and more creativity everywhere we look!
When did you decide to become a designer? Well I got a pirate copy of Photoshop and illustrator from my friend when I was like 15 and I picked it up straight away, it’s so easy! I was making stupid stuff back then like funny pictures for T-shirts and stuff, and was putting them on these blogs that used to have funny T-shirts on them, and I guess from there I just started browsing through more blogs and began to see much more impressive design work, and was inspired, and had the tools to make this work, so I joined in! Do you have any particular or favourite style that you use? yeeeess and nooo, I mean, I like to use what’s trendy at the moment. I like to use gradients, and underline my type, and always use you know, those skinny lines that you cross through everything, makes it look so slick Opacity aswell, must use opacity. And you know what is great? while I talk about these styles and trends? they are so easy to do! it’s so easy to make design now, I don’t know why not eeeeveryone in the world is doing it! we can make such nice things! that goes back to your question about method actually, we use this programme most times to create our designs, it’s so easy, you know it? trendlist generator? let me show you...you just click and click and click and hey! you have a good design! How has your work evolved over your career? emmm, I would say it is always evolving, always in a constant state of flux because we keep up with the trends and styles. I feel that for a piece of design to be successful it needs to be up to date with what is fashionable at the time. So our work changes so much all the time. always evolving. Beauty is the ultimate justification.
How important are trends? Well it’s like what I just said, you know, they are the ultimate communicator, they keep you up to date with what’s fresh at this time, what the people like, what hey want to see. The internet now is where any designer goes for his inspiration, so he needs to be able to find out what’s contemporary, what’s working at the moment, like I said, what’s fashionable! Some of the masters of Graphic Design would have said that expression was important in your design, what do you reckon? Definitely not. That may have been the case in their day, though I can think of no example where this shows up, but it would be a complete failure of a design if we expressed an opinion, or had a particular point of view show through in our work. Design is about making things look good, and that is it. If you can accomplish that, without having said anything in your communication, then it is sure to be a success. Why would you want to make people think any harder than they already have to? why complicate matters? We design for design. Our audience is graphic designers, and they like to look at nice things. They are only interested in new ways to laying out particular trends and styles on a page, so we satisfy them by doing exactly that. Do you rely on the computer much in your work process? hahahahahahaha that is a ridiculous question. What else would you use? How one earth would anyone design anything without this? the computer is our start and finish point it does our thinking for us! hahahaha, what a question!
Do you feel you suffer from not having any formal training? no not in anyway, in fact I think I may even benefit from this. Designers with formal training suffer somewhat, because, like your question before, they are often taught to have a point of view, a voice within their work. This is completely void in design today, so I benefit from not having this lingering thought in the back of my head when I’m working. Our main focus is on the aesthetic which is the essence of any piece of communication. Is there anything the computer can’t do for the designer? no way. You can do whatever you want with it. You could sent it off by itself and it would still produce great design. That’s the beauty! It does all the work for you! It’s so seductive, all you have to do is play around with it all day and you are guaranteed to come out with beautiful graphic design. We’ve noticed you often use quite a modernist style throughout some of your earlier posters, would you say masters like Massimo Vignelli or Le Corbusier would have had much influence on your earlier work? I don’t know these people so no. Their work must not be very influential if I have not seen them on any blogs! We want to be visible among young designers so there would be no point in looking at these designs anyway. They are ancient, and out of date.
what makes a design work? it should be neutral. No tension, no guts, no expression, fashionable, everybody likes to be trendy, up to date it’s up to date today, and it’s gone tomorrow! It’s amazing! If you make a piece of work for a client that is timeless in design, then they will be satisfied, but if you keep them up to date, they’ll keep coming back for more, and you get more money! you know! Is there anything you feel needs improving with the state of design today? Weeell, I would have said that there needs to be more involvement, society no longer depends on trained designers, and design is not just dedicated to corporate consumption anymore. Everyone should be designing, whether it be for something or not. We can design solely for inspiration for others, which is great! But there are already such developments with this issue already, like with the adobe programmes, desktop publishing, and especially now with this trendlist! So I’m not really worried about it, it’s definitely going in the right direction. Do you think you’re having any influence on the shape of design practice today? well I don’t want to seem egotistical, but yes I would say we have an influence alright. of course there are other studios just like us out there, we are forming a new collective around the world, shaping design up to be what it should. Turning the sole focus, our design ethos, to be purely about aesthetics.
7 shapes
shapes 7|1
99 problemi
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using some trendy shapes. Here we used our loyal friend magenta, and an abstractly placed rectangle to create an alternative yet still contemporary design. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant des formes à la mode. Ici, nous avons utilisé notre ami fidèle magenta, et un rectangle abstrait placé pour créer une autre conception encore toujours contemporain.
14. 06
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lijn heir
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using some trendy shapes. This piece contains a collection of fashionable shapes including tildes, slashes, hyphens and classic circles. All combined with a fresh new tribal typeface and a contemporary colour palette to create a fashionable new design. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant des formes à la mode. Cette pièce contient une collection de formes, y compris la mode tildes, des barres obliques, des tirets et des cercles classiques. Le tout combiné avec une nouvelle police tribale fraîche et une palette de couleurs contemporaines pour créer un nouveau design à la mode.
shapes 7|3
tyhjä 6 -14 20 1 3
r em p li r u n p eu p lu s d e d é t ri t u s i ci
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using some trendy shapes. Here we combined the traditional circle, chopped it up a bit, and added some ultra thin strokes throughout to give it an abstract feel. Using a fresh orange for the majority of the content, we combined it with cyan for some elements to create a pop within the design. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant des formes à la mode. Ici, nous avons combiné le cercle traditionnel, haché jusqu’à un peu, et ajouté quelques coups ultraminces à travers lui donner une sensation abstraite. L’utilisation d’un orange frais pour la majorité du contenu, nous avons combiné avec cyan pour certains éléments pour créer une pop dans la conception.
shapes 7|4
geen aandacht
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using some trendy shapes. Here we used a minimal approach, keeping it reduced to one single triangle shape, minimal colour usage, and a contemporary typographic style. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant des formes à la mode. Ici, nous avons utilisé une approche minimale, en le gardant réduite à une seule forme de triangle, l’utilisation minimale de couleur, et un style typographique contemporaine.
shapes 7|5
Questo poster è stato creato per nessun altro motivo che per il mio proprio godimento. Ho voluto creare un bel pezzo di design grafico, che contiene un suddetto approccio astratto
tipografico, un gradiente e alcuni moderni, forme contemporanee. Non mi importa che non ha un messaggio, è quello di comunicare ad un pubblico di graphic design. Non hanno
bisogno di sentire qualcosa, per capire un pezzo di buon design. Graphic design sta facendo cose buone, e mi piace molto. Speriamo che il mio pezzo sarà disponibile sul blog della
comunità del design, e più persone lo vedranno e lo apprezzano. Si sente così bene, non ha inviato con successo con i miei amici.
nemo cognoscere nunquam poterit
totalis nugar(um) quod hoc nihil dicit
inhaero diem in 21-18 June 2013
totalis nugarum
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using some trendy shapes. Here we used the classic circle, and the popular infinity shape, and combined these with a fresh summer colour palette, and minimal typography. This combination created a poster template for any young, summertime, cultural event. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant des formes à la mode. Ici, nous avons utilisé le cercle classique, et la forme de infinty populaire, et ont combiné ces avec un plaette de couleur d’été frais et la typographie minime. Cette combinaison a créé un modèle d’affiche pour tout jeune été, événement, culturel.
shapes 7|6
Compléte Un Nécessitie Triangléz Circles Acçentz Ultimate Wafflë
I could genuinely fill this page with gibberish, & people would still say it was good design because of it’s style.
Contenu pas pertinent What is the use of content anyway? If it looks nice, people are interested. And making things look nice is so easy and fun. Anyone can do it. You don’t need content, you can make something up and just design int.
Graphic design is a beautful thing, and the more of it we create, the more it will be revealed to the world as a fun-for-all activity – and don’t we all wanna have fun?
grafik conférence
We wanted to create a beautiful piece of graphic design, by using some trendy shapes. Here we used a simple circle, triangle and of course helvetica to create a clean clear design. This poster could be used to represent a wide variety of events. — Nous voulions créer une belle pièce de design graphique, en utilisant des formes à la mode. Ici, nous avons utilisé un simple cercle, triangle et bien sûr helvetica pour créer un design de cear propre. Cette affiche pourrait être utilisé pour représenter une grande variété d’événements.
Aussi longtemps que c'est très joli
Lines 100 Images Few Slashes
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PASKAA PASKAA content contentnot notnecessary necessary
This has This has been so been so easy to easy to make. It make. It d od eo se ns ’n t’ t even evenmean mean a naynt yhtihnign,g , but it looks but it looks l ol vo ev el yl .y .
“As is always the case with any style, there is a law of diminishing returns. The more you see it, the more the public sees it, the more the designer uses those typographic and graphic solutions, the more predictable and ultimately dull they become.� 15
Daniel Boorstin Screen: Essays on Graphic Design, New Media, and Visual Culture, p. 81 {2001} 2
William Drenttel and Jessica Helfand An Introduction to Graphic Design,www. designobserver.com {2010}
Lawrence Zeegen Where is the Content, Where is the Comment, www.creativereview. co.uk {1997} 10
Alan Fletcher Beware Wet paint, p.248 {2004}
Jessica Helfand Screen: Essays on Graphic
Paul Rand Thoughts on Design: Confusion Steven Heller the Digital Designer, p.54 and Chaos: The Seduction of Contemporary {1997} Graphic Design, p.1 {1947}
Design, New Media, and Visual Culture, p.36 {2001}
George Lois Damn Good Advice, p. 67 {2012}
Michael Beirut Style: An Inventory, designobserver.com {2012}
Norman Potter What is a Designer, p.87 {2002}
Massimo Vignelli the Vignelli Canon,
p.14 {2010}
George Lois Damn Good Advice, p.67 {2012}
Rick Poynor Helvetica, film {2007}
Olly Moss OFFSET 2012 8
Massimo Vignelli A Call for Criticism, Looking Closer 2, p.167 {1997}
Grafik BS was an experiment, set up to catch the attention of those who have come to rely on the aesthetic qualities promoted by new technologies and poke them in the eye with this message:
“Who outside the cosy world of graphic art and illustration is stepping inside to sample the goods? And once inside, what is there to be discovered?” 9 We seem to have forgotten that our work has to speak to human beings. Our purpose is to transfer a thought, or a sensation from one head to another. The bait should suit the fish, not the angler.10 Grafik BS was a non- existant studio, designing stylish posters with meaningless messages, and no purpose other than to see if this was what people thought graphic design to be. With hundreds of appreciations, positive comments on the style of the posters, and even a job application for a position in the studio, the experiment proved that there is an online community practicing design, with the understanding that the entire process consists solely of applying style to anything. The profession of Visual Communications allows for alternative ways of processing ideas, of experimenting with the psychological elasticity of an image.11 What the Grafik BS experiment proved was that this new design community appears to have no understanding of the role of their design — That it is supposed to communicate visually, with creative ideas. These ideas are the answer to controlling creative integrity.12 Having an idea can be the most exciting part of any design job. Once you have an idea, it can open up a whole world of original and appropriate outcomes. “A designer breathes life into things by the quality of his decision making.”13 There is a beautiful sense of enrichment that comes from new ideas and discoveries.14 New ways of doing the same thing, but better than before. Graphic design is about visualising ideas, about visually communicating. Once we start using more appropriate ideas and processes, we can transcend style. We need to escape this cul-de-sac into which graphic design has meandered, and find ways of solving problems with freedom rather than relying on all these stylistic crutches.
Broadly defined, Graphic Designers are the visual ambassadors of ideas: their role is to translate, communicate — and occasionally even agitate — by rendering thinking as form, process and experience.1 We are creative people. Creative thinkers. We chose this profession to be creative. Creativity can solve almost any problem — “the creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything.”2 However, with the meteoric implosion of desktop publishing programmes and online publishing, an impression seems to have been made among designers and amateurs, that design is a decorating job. To many, design must use the most fashionable trends at the time, it must conform to the status quo of stylish design. Techniques and apparatus, with particular attention to the new Trendlist Generator, have enabled this to become an uncontrollable phenomenon. Design is being portrayed, particularly on blogs and graphic inspiration sites, as ephemeral eye-candy. Trendiness is very seductive, especially to the young and inexperienced, for the principal reason that it offers no restraints, is lots of ‘fun’, permits unlimited possibilities for ‘self expression’ and doesn’t require conforming to the rules of reason.3 It appears that “by sharpening our images, we have blurred our experiences.”4 The ease and speed of new computer programmes has invoked interest from anyone who wants to try, because even at its emptiest, style can be a great source of pleasure.5 However, the more emphasis is placed on style, the more people will think design is about style, and so the trends duplicate, replicate, and become meaningless, thoughtless, nervous borrowings from other peoples mediocrities.6 This ‘Design Tourettes’7 has distracted graphic designers from reaching a clearer understanding of communication being the most important factor. “It has culturally humiliated our profession.”8
“Basically there are two types of designer — Helicopters and vending machines. The helicopters fly around the landscape, zooming in to investigate, backing off to get a better panoramic view. On the other hand vending machines tend to be inert, until someone shoves money in the slot. Then they provide a lot of buzzing, whirring, and clanking until out pops a product. It is invariably the same as the previous one, and will be the same as the next. The only difference is the next is often staler.”
Alan Fletcher {2004}