Hey there, and welcome to AXIOM. According to the dictionary that came on my
MacBook, AXIOM means a starting point or premise for something. I like that
idea; everyone and everything needs somewhere to start, a new idea, a fresh
perspective. And thats what we hope to be as a collective. A place for fresh, young
creatives to get their work out there, and show it to like minded people.
We’ve interviewed young photographers and designers, collaborated with stylists and writers - all people who we’ve admired from afar, and wanted to talk to about their work, their passions and why they chose to do what they do. Young photographers like Chris Phillips, Hayley Pease and Hanna Begic, all doing amazing things within their repective aesthetics. We’ve been lucky enough to feature the work of these talented young people on our pages. This is what AXIOM is all about, young people doing cool shit.
For more info check out