We Have The Mirrors, We Have The Plans Gennym Ni Mae’r Drychau, Gennym Ni Mae’r Cynlluniau
5. Fool’s Gold he Idea of Magic as Science
7. Here Comes the Sun he Idea of a Sun-Centred Universe
9. Cogito Ergo Sum he Idea That Individual Existence is Verifiable
131. Class Struggle The Idea of Historical Dialectic
104. Brotherhood of Man The Idea of Human Unity
141. Master Morality The Idea that Might is Right
144. Inferior by Nature The Idea of Scientific Racism
109. Tight Money The Idea of Mercantilism
145. Tooth and Claw The Idea of Natural Selection
110. Laissez-Faire The Idea of the Free Market
112. Neverland The Utopian Idea 113. Getting Better The Idea of Progress
148. Calculating Machine The Idea of Artificial Intelligence
114. Cleansing the Temple The Idea of Anticlericalism
149. Master Race The Idea of German Superiority
17. We, The People he Idea of Representative Democracy 118. Nation in Arms The Idea of The Citizen-Warrior
120. Promontory of Asia The Idea of Europe 121. The Second Sex The Idea of Feminism 122. Many Mouths The Idea of Overpopulation
125. Reality Unveiled The Idea of Abstraction
26. Perfect Harmony he Idea of Classical Principles in Art
1400 AD
123. If It Ain’t Broke The Conservative Idea
Cecile Johnson Soliz
Heather and Ivan Morison David Nash Magali Nougarède
174. Intelligence Test The Idea of Genetic Determinism 175. Silent Springs The Idea of Environmentalism
153. American Dream The Idea of American Exceptionalism 154. Manifest Destiny The Idea of American Expansionism
155. Dr. Strangelove The Idea of a Weapon to End War
Chris Nurse Rowan O’Neill
176. Fast Talking The Idea that Language is Innate
Helen Sear Miranda Whall
177. The Great Satan The Idea of Anti-Americanism
178. Global Village The Idea of Cultural Pluralism
Sue Williams Bedwyr Williams Craig Wood
127. Back to Nature The Idea of Romanticism
1800 AD
David Hastie
Elfyn Lewis
171. Black is Beautiful The Idea of Pride in Black Culture
173. The Great Chain The Idea of Manipulating the Code of Life
151. East Meets West The Indian Idea of Westernization
152. Asian Renaissance The Chinese Idea of Self-Strengthening
S. Mark Gubb
Naomi Leake
172. Out of Africa The Idea That Humans Originated in Africa
150. Rule, Britannia The Idea of British Superiority
116. The Noble Savage The Idea of Primitive Virtue
Peter Finnemore
Richard Higlett
168. Solid Foundations The Idea of Spontaneous Social Order
170. Road to Freedom The Idea of Existentialism 147. Atheist Faith The Idea of Godless Humanism
115. Forced to Be Free The Idea of The General Will
19. Inalienable Rights he Idea of Human Rights
166. Spending for Wealth The Idea of Welfare Economics
169. Peasant Socialism The Maoist Idea of Communism
146. Good Breeding The Idea of Eugenics
111. Workers Unite The Idea of the Labour Theory of Value
24. The Big Idea he Idea of Idealism
143. Chosen Victims The Idea of Anti-Semitism
Carwyn Evans
Andy Fung
167. A Better World The Idea of Universal Welfare
142. War Is Good The Idea that War Improves Society
Paul Emmanuel
Dafydd Fortt
165. Axe in The Sticks The Idea of Fascism
140. By Other Means The Idea of Total War
107. Heaven’s Order The Chinese Idea of Popular Sovereignty
163. Back to Basics The Idea of Religious Fundamentalism
139. Just Say No The Idea of Civil Disobedience
106. Nasty, Brutish, Short The Idea of a Savage ‘State of Nature’
108.Price of Everything The Idea of Monetary Theory
162. Little Man The Idea of Child Development
164. Many Ways The Idea of Religious Pluralism
138. Brother Knows Best The Idea of the Unchallengeable State
Michael Cousin Sean Edwards
161. Sleeper The Idea of The Unconscious
137. Hero Inside The Idea of The Superman
105. Law of Nations The Idea of International Order
sar ation
160. Their Own Terms The Idea of Cultural Relativism
136. Will to Power Nietzsche’s Idea of the Primacy of the Will
103. State First The Idea of the Overriding Interest of The State
159. Common Sense The Idea of Pragmatism
135. Climate of Fear The Idea of Terrorism
Katie Allen Bermingham &
158. Chaos Theory The Idea of Unpredictablity
133. The Third Way The Idea of Christian Socialism
134. Less Is More The Idea of Anarchism
102. Little Pests The Idea of Microscopic Life-Forms
157. Uncertainty The Idea of The Implicated Observer
132. The Greatest Good The Idea of Utilitarianism
100. Fallen Apple The Idea of an Engineered
niverse 101. Invisible Powers The Idea of Harnessing Natural Energy
me dea on
129. The Doll’s House The New Ideas of Childhood and Womanhood
130. Extreme Optimism The Idea of Socialism
98. Prove Me Wrong The Idea of The Inductive Method
156. Warped Universe The Idea of Relativity
128. My Country The Idea of Nationalism 96. Small World The Mistaken Idea of a Smaller Earth
1900 AD
2000 AD
Time (years)
We Have The Mirrors, We Have The Plans Gennym Ni Mae’r Drychau, Gennym Ni Mae’r Cynlluniau
22 May – 4 September 2010 22 Mai – 4 Medi 2010
We Have The Mirrors, We Have The Plans Gennym Ni Mae’r Drychau, Gennym Ni Mae’r Cynlluniau
Contents / Cynnwys
Foreword / Rhagair
Acknowledgments / Cydnabyddiaethau
Parting The Ideological Mist / Gwahanu’r Niwl Ideolegol
Ideas That Changed The World
Syniadau a Newidiodd y Byd
18 22
Katie Allen
Bermingham & Robinson
Michael Cousin
Sean Edwards
Paul Emmanuel
Carwyn Evans
Peter Finnemore
Dafydd Fortt
Andy Fung
S. Mark Gubb
David Hastie
Richard Higlett
Cecile Johnson Soliz
Naomi Leake
Elfyn Lewis
Heather and Ivan Morison
David Nash
Magali Nougarède
Chris Nurse
Rowan O’Neill
Helen Sear
Miranda Whall
Sue Williams
Bedwyr Williams
Craig Wood
List of Works / Rhestr o Weithiau
Colophon / Coloffon
Foreword / Rhagair
Beware… We are the artists. We have the mirrors, we Gochelwch... Ni ydi’r artistiaid, gennym ni mae’r drychau, gennym ni
have the plans. Craig Wood’s tongue-in-cheek take
mae’r cynlluniau. Mae Craig Wood yn ymwybodol o’r nifer o
on the notion that what artists do reflects society and
faniffestos, datganiadau, iwtopias a dystopias sydd yn frith yn
may even be prophetic of its future is self-mocking,
hanes celfyddyd fodern. Sylwad cellweirus a hunan-wawdiol,
aware of the many manifestos, declarations, utopias
â’i dafod yn ei foch, sydd ganddo am y syniad fod beth mae
and dystopias that litter modern art history. We
artistiaid yn ei wneud yn adlewyrchu cymdeithas, ac efallai yn
gleefully take it with all its mischievous irony and
broffwydol o’i dyfodol. Rydym yn ei dderbyn yn orfoleddus
ambiguity as the title for an exhibition involving
gyda’i holl eironi ac amwysedd, fel teitl i arddangosfa yn
twenty-five artists and artist partnerships, all with
cynnwys pump ar hugain o artistiaid a phartneriaethau
their different preoccupations and all working in
artistiaid, i gyd gyda’u rhagfarnau gwahanol a phawb yn
different ways to try to make sense of what it means
gweithio mewn ffyrdd gwahanol i drio gwneud synnwyr a beth
to be alive in this time and with (at least) one eye on
mae’n ei olygu i fod yn fyw yn yr oes yma, a chadw (o leiaf un)
the future.
llygad ar y dyfodol.
It is one of three exhibitions that mark the reopening
Mae hon yn un o dair arddangosfa sy’n nodi ail-agor y Mostyn
of Mostyn after its major rebuilding to a superb design
wedi’r ailadeiladu pwysig yn ôl dyluniad gwych y pensaer
by architect Dominic Williams. Expectations that a
Dominic Williams. Mae disgwyliadau y gall un arddangosfa,
single exhibition or even group of exhibitions can say,
neu hyd yn oed grwp o arddangosfeydd, ddweud y cyfan am
in one grand statement, everything there is to be said
oriel mewn un datganiad, yn afrealaidd, a’r cwbl fyddai Mostyn
about a gallery are unrealistic, and all Mostyn would
yn hawlio o’r arddangosfa Gennym Ni Mae’r Drychau, Gennym Ni
claim for We Have The Mirrors, We Have The Plans
Mae’r Cynlluniau yw ei bod yn dangos ymroddiad yr oriel i fod
is that it indicates the commitment the Gallery has to
yn llwyfan i’r celfyddyd gorau a gynhyrchir yng Nghymru, yn
acting as a platform for the best art being produced
union fel mae’r ddwy arddangosfa arall sy’n agor ar yr un pryd
in Wales, just as the two exhibitions which open with
(Amgueddfa Iard Jync o bethau Lletchwith, gan y Junkman o Afrika
it (The Junkyard Museum of Awkward Things by The
a Flooded McDonald’s/McDonald’s Dan Ddwr ˆ gan Superflex) yn
Junkman from Afrika, and Flooded McDonald’s by
dangos yr un ymroddiad i ddod â chelfyddyd rhyngwladol i
Superflex) demonstrate Mostyn’s equal commitment
to bringing international art to Wales.
Hyd yn oed o fewn ein cyd-destun cenedlaethol ni ein hunain,
Even within our own national context, We Have
nid yw We Have the Mirrors, We Have the Plans/ Gennym Ni Mae’r
The Mirrors, We Have The Plans makes no claims
Drychau, Gennym Ni Mae’r Cynlluniau yn gwneud dim honiadau i
to be totally definitive or fully comprehensive.
fod yn gwbl ddiffiniol nac yn gynhwysfawr. Am un peth, mae
For one thing, a number of artists were left out of
nifer o artistiaid wedi cael eu diystyrru am resymau an-artistig,
consideration for non-artistic reasons, such as having
megis fod ganddynt arddangosfa un-dyn o’u gwaith i’w chynnal
a one-person exhibition of their work due in the
o fewn y flwyddyn nesaf, neu eu bod yn bresennol yn yr Oriel
forthcoming year, or having a presence at the Gallery
mewn cyswllt arall. Mae hon fodd bynnag yn arddangosfa
in other ways. It is nevertheless a representative
gynrychioliadol mewn llawer ffordd, yn gydlynol ac wedi
exhibition in many ways, coherent and rigorously
cael ei dewis yn fanwl, ac yn dod ag artistiaid o oedrannau
selected and bringing together artists of widely
tra gwahanol ac o agweddau amrywiol, at ei gilydd mewn
different ages and great diversity of approach in
arddangosfa o ystod arwyddocaol, grym a nwyfiant. Mae
a show of significant range, power and vibrancy.
yna gynlluniau i ymgymryd â phrosiect cyffelyb bob pedair
It is planned to undertake a similar project every four years, so that over the long term it provides a
unique picture of artistic practice in a place and its development over time.
blynedd, fel y bydd yn y tymor hir yn darparu darlun unigryw o
Much work and effort has gone into the exhibition.
ymarfer artistig mewn lle, a’i ddatblygiad dros gyfnod o amser.
Special thanks are due to the Peter Moores
Mae llawer o waith ac ymdrech wedi mynd i greu’r arddangosfa.
Foundation, without whose very generous support
Mae diolch arbennig yn ddyledus i’r Peter Moores Foundation
it could not have taken place, and to the Colwinston
(Sefydliad Peter Moores): heb eu cyfraniad hael ni fyddai’r
Charitable Trust for support allowing this catalogue
arddangosfa wedi bod yn bosib. Diolch hefyd i’r Colwinson
to do justice to the exhibition and to be accessible.
Charitable Trust (Ymddiriedolaeth Elusennol Colwinson) am
We are particularly grateful to Amanda Farr of
gefnogaeth sy’n galluogi’r catalog hwn i wneud cyfiawnder â’r
Oriel Davies Gallery, Newtown, Hannah Firth of
arddangosfa, a bod yn hygyrch.
Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, Karen MacKinnon of
Rydym yn neilltuol o ddiolchgar i Amanda Farr o Oriel Davies
the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea, Eve Ropek
y Drenewydd, Hannah Firth o Ganolfan Gelfyddydau Chapter,
of Aberystwyth Arts Centre, and to Chris Coppock
Caerdydd, Karen MacKinnon o Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian,
formerly of Ffotogallery, Cardiff. As our Regional
Abertawe, Eve Ropek o Ganolfan Gelfyddydau Aberystwyth,
Advisors they brought to the tasks of nominating
ac i Chris Coppock gynt o Ffotogallery Caerdydd. Fel
artists and writing about them a combination of
ein Ymgynghorwyr Rhanbarthol daethant â chyfuniad o
enthusiasm and seriousness that were a great
frwdfrydedd a difrifoldeb i’r dasg o enwebu artistiaid ac
affirmation of our project. We would also like to
ysgrifennu amdanynt, oedd yn cadarnhau ein prosiect.
thank Professor Felipe Fernández-Armesto, William
Hoffem ddiolch hefyd i’r Athro Felipe Fernández-Armesto
P. Reynolds Professor of History at the University of
William P. Reynolds, Athro Hanes ym Mhrifysgol Notre Dame
Notre Dame and Member of the Faculty of Modern
ac Aelod o Gyfadran Hanes Fodern ym Mhrifysgol Rhydychen,
History at Oxford University, for allowing our Head
am ganiatau i’n Pennaeth Arddangosfeydd, Anders Pleass,
of Exhibitions, Anders Pleass, to use his book Ideas
i ddefnyddio’i lyfr Ideas That Changed The World fel fframwaith
That Changed The World as the framework for some
ar gyfer myfyrdodau beirniadol o blaid y gwaith celf yn yr
critical thinking in support of the art works on display.
As always the greatest thanks must go to the twenty-
Fel arfer mae’r diolch mwyaf yn mynd i’r saith ar hugain
seven participating artists – twenty-three individuals
o artistiaid sy’n cymryd rhan, tri ar hugain o unigolion a
and two artist partnerships – whose work makes
dwy artist-bartneriaeth; eu gwaith hwy sydd yn gwneud
the exhibition. The eagerness with which they
yr arddangosfa. Roedd eu brwdfrydedd wrth ymateb i’r
responded to the invitation to take part was truly
gwahoddiad i gymryd rhan yn wirioneddol iachusol, fel yr oedd
refreshing, as was their willingness in many cases
eu parodrwydd yn llawer achos i gynnig gwaith newydd ac i
to offer new work and to work within the limitations
weithio o fewn y cyfyngiadau anorfod a geir mewn arddangosfa
that a large group exhibition inevitably brings. Our
grwp. Bydd ein cynulleidfa yn penderfynu i ba raddau y bydd
audience will decide to what extent they have the
ganddynt y drychau a’r cynlluniau.
mirrors and they have the plans. Martin Barlow
Martin Barlow
Acknowledgments / Cydnabyddiaethau
Mostyn would like to thank the following for their Hoffai Oriel Mostyn ddiolch i’r canlynol am eu cymorth wrth
assistance in mounting We Have The Mirrors, We
osod Gennym Ni Mae’r Drychau, Gennym Ni Mae’r Cynlluniau:
Have The Plans:
Oriel Danielle Arnaud, Llundain; Canolfan Gelfyddydau
Marc Arkless, Danielle Arnaud Gallery, London;
Chapter, Caerdydd; Oriel Cube, Bryste; Raymond Davies;
Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff; Sarah Christensen;
Katy Freer; Peter Goodridge; Papurau Wal Graham & Brown;
Cube Gallery, Bristol; Raymond Davies; Katy Freer;
Oriel Gelf ac Amgueddfa Glynn Vivian, Abertawe; Oriel Ceri
Peter Goodridge; Graham & Brown Wallpapers;
Hand, Lerpwl; Virginia Head; Julie Jones; Oriel Annely Juda,
Glynn Vivian Museum & Art Gallery, Swansea;
Llundain; Lauren Jury; Oriel Klompching, Efrog Newydd;
Ceri Hand Gallery, Liverpool; Virginia Head; Julie
Joanna Laing; Oriel Tanya Leighton, Berlin; Bleddyn Lewis;
Jones; Annely Juda Gallery, London; Lauren Jury;
Limoncello, Llundain; Amanda McMurray; Mermaid &
Klompching Gallery, New York; Joanna Laing; Tanya
Monster, Caerdydd; Serena Osti; Sash Reading; Anthony
Leighton Gallery, Berlin; Bleddyn Lewis; Limoncello,
Shapland; Alan Ward; Phil Williamson.
London; Amanda McMurray; Mermaid & Monster, Cardiff; Serena Osti; Sash Reading; Anthony Shapland; Alan Ward; Phil Williamson.
Parting The Ideological Mist / Gwahanu’r Niwl Ideolegol
We Have The Mirrors, We Have The Plans has had its genesis in a desire and a perceived need to celebrate
Cafodd Gennym Ni Mae’r Drychau, Gennym Ni Mae’r Cynlluniau ei
the reopening of Mostyn with exhibitions embodying
ddechreuad trwy awydd ac angen gweledig i ddathlu ailagor
the gallery’s work with artists both from Wales and
y Mostyn gydag arddangosfeydd yn ymgorffori gwaith yr
from overseas. For the former, considerations of
oriel gydag artistiaid o Gymru ac o dramor. Rhoddwyd
the building’s striking new architecture, Mostyn’s
ystyriaeth i bensaerniaeth drawiadol yr adeilad, safle Mostyn
position as the largest contemporary gallery in
fel yr oriel gyfoes fwyaf yng Nghymru, a’r awydd i symbylu
Wales, and the desire to stimulate critical debate in
trafodaeth feirniadol yn y wlad, ac arweiniodd hyn yn rhwydd
the country, led fairly readily to a large group show
at arddangosfa grwp fawr yn dangos ystod eang o ymarfer yng
illuminating the wide range of practice in Wales,
Nghymru, yn rhydd o unrhyw lyffethair oedran a chyfrwng, a’r
free of constraints of age or medium and with the
artistiaid yn cymryd rhan wedi cael eu henwebu gan guraduron
participating artists nominated by leading curators
amlwg ar drws y wlad. Ac i goroni’r cyfan, cynnal arddangosfa
from around the country. And, for good measure,
debyg bob pedair blynedd, fydd dros gyfnod yn fodd i gadw
to it’s recurring every four years, becoming over a
bys ar y pyls.
period of time a significant taking of the pulse.
Ar yr un pryd foddbynnag, ac yn cymryd lle dros gyfnod
At the same time however, and taking place over a
hirach o adlewyrchu, datblygiad sydd o bwys mawr a sydd yn
longer period of reflection, a development of greater
fwy perthnasol yn y tymor hir i’r arddangosfa hon – ac i raglen
and more long-term relevance to this exhibition – and
arddangosfeydd Mostyn yn gyffredinol – yw’r awydd i fynd
to Mostyn’s programme of exhibitions generally – has
ati i gyfeirio, yn fwy trefnus nag o’r blaen, at beth ellid ei alw’n
been the desire to address, more systematically than
‘gwricwlwm o syniadau’ o fewn diwylliant ehangach celfyddyd
hitherto, what one might call a ‘curriculum of ideas’
weledol. Er fod yna nifer o ffyrdd y gellid gwneud hyn, nid
within the wider culture of visual art. While there are
yw’n ymddangos fod arddangosfa brysur, ddathliadol fel hon,
many ways in which to do this, a busy, celebratory
ddaeth i fodolaeth fel y crybwyllwyd uchod, yn cynnig ei hun
exhibition such as this one, coming into being in
yn amlwg i ffordd gonfensiynol o’i wneud, o leiaf ddim mewn
the way outlined above, does not seem to lend itself
ffordd y gellid ei mynegi’n gryno ac yn glir. Ond mae Gennym
most obviously to the more conventional ones, at
Ni Mae’r Drychau, Gennym Ni Mae’r Cynlluniau , trwy drefnu set
least in any way that could be expressed concisely
arbennig o syniadau gyda rhai o’r gweithiau celf gorau sy’n
and coherently. Yet We Have The Mirrors, We Have
cael ei wneud yng Nghymru, yn cynnig cwricwlwm credadwy
The Plans, through the alignment of a particular
i’w ystyried, un sy’n ogystal yn awgrymu yn y pen draw,
set of ideas with some of the best artwork being
ffordd wahanol o edrych ar gelfyddyd gyfoes yn ei gyd-destun
made in Wales, does offer a plausible curriculum
athronyddol ehangach. Mae hon yn ffordd a awgrymwyd gan
for consideration, one which, moreover, potentially
yr angen gweledig i unioni’r confensiynau arbennig, lle ceir
suggests the possibility of a different way of looking
theori ddiwylliannol ‘rhoddedig’ neu ‘honedig’ yn cael ei gosod
at contemporary art in its broader philosophical
ar waith artist. Ystyr ‘theori ddiwylliannol’ yw’r feddylfryd o
context. It is an approach suggested by the perceived
amser Marx a Freud i’r presennol, yn enwedig yr agweddau
need to redress the particular orthodoxies by which
ohoni sy’n dod o dan ambarel ôl-foderniaeth. Er fod y corff yma
a ‘given’ or ‘assumed’ cultural theory is applied to
o wybodaeth yn ddiamheuaeth yn ddefnyddiol, mae’n debyg y
the work of an artist. By ‘cultural theory’ is meant
gellid ei roi o’r neilltu i bwrpas yr arddangosfa hon, a chynnig
the canon of thought from Marx and Freud to the
meddylfryd wahanol, a thrwyddi efallai gallwn ddod i ddeall
present, particularly those aspects of it that come
celfyddyd gyfoes.
under the umbrella of post-modernity. Whilst this
body of knowledge is undeniably useful, for the Yn Ideas That Changed The World, a gyhoeddwyd yn 2003, mae
purposes of this exhibition it can perhaps be held it to
Felipe Fernández-Armesto wedi gosod rhestr o 178 o syniadau
one side, so to speak, and a somewhat different body
a dynnwyd o groesdorriad o hanes ac athroniaeth, hanes
of thought proposed through which one might come
syniadau sy’n ymgrynhoi corff o feddwl eang a dwfn sy’n
to an understanding of contemporary art.
ymestyn yn ôl i hen hanes ac wedyn ymlaen i bresennol ein
In Ideas That Changed The World, published in
hunfed ganrif ar hugain. Mae syniadau Fernández-Armesto yn
2003, Felipe Fernández-Armesto formulated a
cynnig apêl uniongyrchol a ffres, ynghyd â’r potensial i gipio’r
register of 178 ideas drawn from the intersection
berthynas ddofn arbennig rhwng celfyddyd gyfoes a beth allem
of history and philosophy, a history of ideas
alw’n ‘gwestiynau mawr bywyd’.
encapsulating a broad and deep body of thought that
Yn ystod paratoadau ar gyfer yr arddangosfa hon, gwahoddwyd
stretches back into ancient history and then forward
artistiaid i ddarllen drwy’r rhestr yma o syniadau, a’u hystyried
into our 21st century present. Fernández-Armesto’s
mewn perthynas â’u hymarfer, a thynnu rhestr fer o tua deg
ideas offer an immediate and fresh appeal, combined
syniad a fyddai’n fwyaf pwysig iddynt hwy: dim ond y syniadau
with the potential to capture the very particular and
oedd o wir ddiddordeb iddynt; y syniadau oedd yn fwyaf
profound relationship between contemporary art
arwyddocaol i’w gwaith hwy fel artistiaid. Y nôd oedd i gael
and what one might call the ‘big questions in life’.
corff eang o syniadau a thrwyddynt ystyried gwaith unigol yn
In the course of preparing this exhibition, artists were
yr arddangosfa, a hefyd gael ffordd i gysylltu’r holl syniadau a
invited to read through the list of ideas and consider ddaeth i law gan yr holl artistiaid, er mwyn creu rhyw fath o ‘fap- them in relation to their practice, providing a shortlist ffordd’ dyfaliadol elfennol. Dylid nodi foddbynnag, mai agwedd of ten or so, of those that might be, for them, the hollol chwilfrydig oedd hon, sgyrsiol ac nid yn empeiraidd iawn.
most important ones: the ideas that really interested
Beth sy’n wir yw fod yr artistiaid i gyd wedi ymateb yn hael i’r
them; ideas that have the greatest significance for
alwad am eu ‘syniadau’, ond yn breifat cyfaddefodd ambell un
their work as an artist. The goal was to have a wide
iddynt gael y dasg braidd yn anodd ar brydiau, yn ogystal ag
body of ideas through which to consider individual
ychydig yn annealladwy. Aeth ychydig ohonynt ati i wneud y
work in the exhibition and also a means to connect
dasg mewn ffyrdd penodol: yn delio â’r rhestr fel petai yn gyfres
all ideas submitted by all artists, so as to arrive at a
o gwestiynau mewn prawf seicometrig. Mae’n ddealladwy fod
rudimentarily speculative ‘road map’. It should be
eu hymarferoldeb neu eu haddasrwydd ar gyfer y pwrpas, yma
noted, however, that the approach taken has been
ac acw, wedi cael eu hamau. Mae un artist, â’i dafod yn ei foch,
purely inquisitive, conversational and not particularly
wedi ychwanegu un syniad at y rhestr.1
empirical. What is true is that all artists responded to
Yng nghatalog yr arddangosfa cyflwynir y syniadau mewn
the call for their ‘ideas’ with generosity, whilst privately
tri math. Ceir y rhestr gyflawn ar ddiwedd y traethawd hwn,
a few admitted to finding the task somewhat trying at
ac maent yn ddigon diddorol i’w darllen yn annibynnol.
times, as well as a little mystifying. A few approached
Yn ychwanegol cyflwynir dewis pob artist o’i syniadau ar y
the task in quite particular ways: treating the list as if
tudalennau yn cyfeirio at ei waith ei hun. Wrth eu darllen tra’n
it were a series of questions in a psychometric test.
edrych ar y gweithiau, mae nhw’n crynhoi gwerthfawrogiad o’u
Understandably, here and there, their viability or
cyfraniad i’r arddangosfa hon, a gellid eu hystyried fel ffordd i
suitability for purpose has been questioned. One
1. Fi, fy hun, a fi Y syniad o hunan. Gweler tudalen 46 am y cyd-destun lle cynnigir yr hafaliad yma. Mae’n crynhoi poblyddiaeth llawer o gelfyddyd gyfoes ers pan gyhoeddwyd Ideas That Changed theWorld n 2003.
artist, tongue-in-cheek, added an idea to the list. 1 1. Me, Myself and I The idea of self. See page 46 for the context in which this addition has been proposed. It neatly sums up the populism of much contemporary art since Ideas That Changed the World was published in 2003.
In this exhibition catalogue they are presented in three forms. They are listed in full at the end of this
feddwl am ddarn unigol neu artist. Yn olaf, mae’r gwaith celf ar
essay, and make for very rewarding reading purely on
y clawr yn darparu ffordd fydd, i bob artist, efallai yn mapio eu
their own. Additionally, each artist’s choice of ideas is
dewis o syniad dros amser, a datgelu myrdd o ryng-gysylltiadau
presented on the pages referring to his or her work.
a chydberthnasau.
Read whilst looking at the works, they round out an
Mae hi’n bwysig i ddeall cyfyngiadau yr ymarfer yma. Er y
appreciation of their contributions to this exhibition, and can also be treated as a way into thinking about an individual piece or artist. Finally, the artwork on the cover provides a means that, for each artist, might map their choice of idea across time, revealing a myriad of inter-connections and relationships.
byddai’n wiriondeb i un arddangosfa hawlio’n bendant i fedru ddangos y cwbl o gelfyddyd gyfoes Cymru ar un amser, yn yr un modd mae’n rhaid i’r cyd-destun sy’n dilyn aros yn waith sydd ar y gweill. Yn ychwanegol, wrth ddefnyddio’r syniadau yn y modd yma, rydym i raddau helaeth, yn gaeth i’r un cyfyngiadau a oedd yn hysbys o’u cychwyn cyntaf: er eu bod yn
It is important to grasp the limitations of this exercise.
wrthrychol, mae nhw’n ddewisiad personol o’r dechrau.
Just as it would be foolhardy for a single exhibition
Wrth fod y syniadau fel y gosodwyd nhw gan Fernández-
to claim definitively to show the full extent of contemporary art in Wales at any given moment, its attendant contextualization likewise must remain a work in progress. Additionally, in making use of these ideas in this manner, one is, to a considerable extent, subject to the same limitations that informed their original inception: although objective, these are a personal selection from the outset.
Armesto, yn gronolegol ac yn mynd yn ôl ymhellach na’r oesoedd cynnar i’r oes baleolithig (y syniad hynaf yw canibaliaeth), mae hi’n drawiadol i weld sut mae dewisiadau’n hartistiaid wedi cael eu gwasgaru ar draws yr hanes hwnnw. Yn cadw at elfen bwysig yn y llyfr – fod syniadau sydd o bwys heddiw yn aml yn wreiddiol o dras hynafol – cawn ein hatgoffa fod llawer o gelfyddyd gyfoes yn delio â syniadau sydd mewn gwirionedd yn hen iawn, iawn. Syniadau sydd efallai oherwydd
Since the ideas, as Fernández-Armesto has formulated
eu diffyg dadansoddiad yn fythol ddiddorol. Yn amlach na
them, are chronological and go back beyond antiquity
pheidio, mae eu dewis o syniadau yn adlewyrchu diddordeb
to the Paleolithic (the oldest idea is cannibalism), it
sylfaenol artistiaid mewn gwelediad a’u dirniadaeth o realaeth,
is striking to see how the choices of our artists are
yn ei holl ffurfiau.
broadly scattered across that history. In keeping with
Y syniad unigol mwyaf ‘poblogaidd’ gan yr artistiaid yma,
a key element of the book – that ideas that matter today are often of ancient origin – we are reminded that much contemporary art deals with ideas that are, in fact, very, very old. Ideas that perhaps because of their lack of resolution remain eternally interesting. Overwhelmingly, their choice of ideas reflects the fundamental preoccupation of artists with vision and the perception of reality, in all its forms.
ac nid yr un hynaf un, yw ‘Gwahanu’r Niwl: Y syniad y gall ein synhwyrau gael eu twyllo’, yn dyddio o tua 25,000 CC. Mae’n siarad cyfrolau am beth y mae artistiaid yn ei wneud, a natur celf ar hyn o bryd. Y syniad ddaeth yn ail o ran poblogrwydd yw ‘Cysgwr: Y syniad o’r anymwybodol’. Mae hwn yn ymddangos yn yr ugeinfed ganrif ac mae’n tanlinellu cyfraniadau sylweddol Freud. Mae uchafiaeth unigol ‘Gwahanu’r Niwl’ yn adlewyrchu ymdriniaeth â phroblemau
The single most ‘popular’ idea with these artists,
mwyaf anodd eu trin yn ymwneud â dirniadaeth, sydd yn
and not quite the oldest, dating from approximately
effeithio arnom i gyd. Mae’n dangos y broses greadigol yn
25,000 BC is ‘Parting the Mist: The idea that our
bennaf fel ymdrech i fod yn eglur, ac mae hyn, o wybod fod
senses can be deluded’. It speaks volumes about what
diffyg eglurdeb, camsyniadau synhwyraidd, yn greadigol
artists do and the nature of art at this moment in
time. Running a very close second to this is ‘Sleeper: faethlon. Ar y llaw arall, mae casgliad Fernández-Armesto fod
The idea of the unconscious’. The latter emerges
‘ y da a’r drwg a lifodd o theori Freud wedi cydbwyso’n dda ac
in the 20th century and underlines the significant
mae’n wrthrychol anfesuradwy’ yn cydfynd â llawer o waith yn
contributions of Freud. The single primacy of ‘Parting
yr arddangosfa.2 Mae’n adleisio’r cydbwysedd rhwng y rheini
the Mist’ reflects concerns with the most intractable
y mae’r mater yn gymorth iddynt i ddeall eu creadigrwydd
problems of perception that affect us all. It shows
eu hunain, a’r rheini sydd yn meddwl mwy am ei ganlyniadau
the creative process as primarily a striving for clarity,
cymdeithasol. Beth sy’n bwysig yw’r ffaith bod y ddau syniad
and this equally in the knowledge that a lack of it, a
yma wedi eu lleoli ar ddau begwn amser, y rhain yw’r ddau
sensory delusion, is creatively nourishing. On the
syniad mwyaf poblogaidd gan yr artistiaid, ac mae’r ddau
other hand, Fernandez-Armesto’s conclusion that ‘the
syniad yn perthyn i’w gilydd. O’u cymryd gyda’i gilydd mae
good and evil that has flowed from Freud’s theory is
nhw’n darparu cnewyllyn i ddeallusrwydd o’r gwaith yn yr
nicely balanced and objectively incalculable’ rings
arddangosfa, ac i raddau helaeth i ddeallusrwydd o gyfyng-
true with much work in the exhibition. 2 It echoes
gyngor ehangach celfyddyd gyfoes heddiw, yn ogystal.
the balance between those for whom the issue is an
Isod ceir casgliad o chwech o syniadau a ddyfynnir yn aml, ac
avenue towards understanding their own creativity
er nad ydynt yn perthyn i’w gilydd, mae nhw’n syniadau a allai gael eu cymryd fel mesur o’r gofidiau a diddordebau cyfredol: ‘Rhowch Arwydd i Mi: Y syniad o symbolau’, ‘Grymus ac Ofnadwy: Y syniad o farwolaeth’, ‘Dychmygwch Hyn: Y syniad o gynrychiolaeth artistig’, ‘Amser Breuddwydio: Y syniad fod y byd yn rhith’, ‘Yr Ail Rywogaeth, Y syniad o ffeminyddiaeth’, a ‘Yn ôl i Natur: Y syniad o ramantiaeth’. Gellid dweud fod y
and those more concerned with its societal fall-out. What is important is the manner in which these two ideas are at the opposite ends of recorded time, are the two ideas of most interest to these artists and are themselves related. Taken together, they provide the nucleus to an understanding of both the works in this exhibition, and to a greater extent, of the wider
rhain yn dangos rhywbeth arferol, cyffredin i’r artistiaid. Mae
predicament of contemporary art today.
gan rhai seiliau sylweddol mewn celfyddyd hanesyddol, ac
Below this sits a collection of six frequently cited –
maent yn mapio allan gyfrannau mawr o waith wedi ei gysegru
though largely unrelated – ideas which might be taken
i barhau i ymwneud â rhai o themau pwysig celfyddyd gyfoes,
as a measure of current concerns and preoccupations:
yn enwedig mewn perthynas â’i hanes ei hun. Mewn ffordd,
‘Give me a Sign: The idea of symbols’, ‘Mighty and
mae eu presenoldeb yma yn ddisgwyliedig i rhyw raddau.
Dreadful: The idea of death’, ‘Picture This: The idea
Yn drydydd, ceir pâr o syniadau sy’n ymddangos eu bod yn
of artistic representation’, ‘Dreamtime: The idea
cefnogi ‘Gwahanu’r Niwl’. Y ddau yw ‘Y Gwagle Mawr: Y syniad o ddim’, a ‘Realaeth Wedi Ei Datgelu: Y syniad o’r haniaethol’. Eto, mae’n drawiadol mor agos y mae’r syniadau yma at ei gilydd, ac fel y maent yn wedi dod yn gydradd drydydd mwyaf poblogaidd gan yr artistiaid. Maent yn adlewyrchu’n gryf y ffyrdd artisig, yn enwedig yn achos yr haniaethol, tuag at ddelio â’r un prif beth yn yr arddangosfa hon: delio â chamsyniadau synhwyraidd. 2. Felipe Fernández-Armesto, Ideas That Changed the World 2003, Llundain: Dorling Kindersley Ltd. tud. 357 .
that the world is an illusion’, ‘The Second Sex: The idea of Feminism’ and ‘Back to Nature: The idea of Romanticism’. These might be seen as demonstrating a certain business-as-usual for these artists. Some have very considerable art historical underpinnings, and they map out a sizeable proportion of work devoted to the on-going and incomplete address of some of the major themes of contemporary art, particularly in relation to its own history. In a sense their presence here is, to some extent, to be expected. 2. Felipe Fernández-Armesto, Ideas That Changed the World 2003, London: Dorling Kindersley Ltd. p. 357.
Thirdly, there follows a pair of ideas that appear to act in support of ‘Parting the Mist’. These are
Yn olaf, mae gennym restr weddol hir o syniadau i ddilyn y
‘The Great Void: The idea of nothing’ and ‘Reality
grwpiadau mawr uchod. Mae nhw’n dilyn o’r cefn, fel petae:
Unveiled: The idea of abstraction’. Again, it is striking
‘Pawb i Newid: Y syniad o fydysawd deinamig’, ‘Dyn yw’r
how closely related these ideas are to each other
Mesur: Y syniad fod gwirionedd yn gymharol’, ‘Neverland: Y
and how, in the hands of these artists they find
syniad Iwtopaidd’, ‘Ansicrwydd: Y syniad o wyliwr cysylltiedig’,
themselves tied as the third most popular choices.
‘Yr Hudoliaeth Newydd: Y syniad nad yw realaeth yn wybodol’,
They reflect strongly the artistic routes, particularly
‘Fy Ngwlad: Y syniad o Genedlaetholdeb’, ‘Optimistiaeth
in the case of abstraction, towards dealing with the
Eithafol: Y syniad o sosialaeth’, ‘Theori Anrhefn: Y
single greatest issue in this exhibition: The address of
syniad o anrhagweladwyedd’, ‘Ffrydiau Tawel: Y syniad o
sensory delusion.
amgylcheddaeth’, a ‘Pentref Byd-Eang: Y syniad o luosogaeth
Finally, we have a fairly extensive list of ideas to
diwylliannol’. Yn annhebyg i’r grwp blaenorol sydd yn fwy
follow up on these major groupings above. They
cysylltiedig â materion mwy ffurfiol, gall y rhain gael eu gweld
bring up the rear, so to speak: ‘All Change: The idea
fel arwyddion o gyfeiriad y dyfodol.
of a dynamic universe’, ‘Man is the Measure: The
O’r fan yma ymlaen rydym yn nhiriogaeth dewisiadau personol
idea that truth is relative’, ‘Neverland: The utopian
mympwyol, ac mae’r amrywiaeth yn eang, ond mae’r syniadau
idea’, ‘Uncertainty: The idea of the implicated
a hepgorwyd gan yr artistiaid yn llawn mor ddiddorol.
observer’, ‘The New Illusion: The idea that reality is
Oherwydd eu neilltuolrwydd nid yw rhai o’r syniadau o ddim
unknowable’, ‘My Country: The idea of Nationalism’,
diddordeb i’r artistiaid: ‘Hadau Gwasgaredig: Y syniad o
‘Extreme Optimism: The idea of Socialism’, ‘Chaos
uchafiaeth Siapaneaidd’, er enghraifft. Roedd grwp mwy a
Theory: The idea of unpredictability’, ‘Silent Springs:
allasai fod wedi bod o ddiddordeb: ‘Brenhinoedd-Athronwyr: Y
The idea of Environmentalism’, and ‘Global Village:
syniad o reoli gan oreugwyr deallusol’, ‘Y Siarter Cymdeithasol:
The idea of cultural pluralism’. Unlike the earlier
Y syniad o’r cytundeb cymdeithasol’, ‘Iawnderau Diymwad:
group that are perhaps more closely tied to more
Y syniad o iawnderau dynol’, ‘Gwario Er Mwyn Cyfoeth:
formal concerns, these might be read as indicators of
Y syniad o economeg lles’, ‘Gwylioi’r Praidd: Y syniad o’r
future direction.
dalaeth’, a ‘Gorfodaeth i Fod yn Rhydd: Y syniad o’r ewyllys
Below this we are in the realm of idiosyncratic
gyffredinol’, – nid oedd dim diddordeb gan yr artistiaid yn
individual choices, and the variety is extensive,
y rhain. Daw y syniadau yma o amser y Diwygiad a’r Oes
although of as much interest are those ideas
Oleuedig yn ystod yr ail ganrif ar bymtheg a’r ddeunawfed
neglected by the artists. A number of ideas
ganrif, ac ymddangosant yn ddiwerth yn y cyd-destun yma.
are, understandably of no appeal, given their
Pam? Er fod yr atebion yn gymhleth, mae nhw’n neilltuol o
particularity, ‘Scattered Grains: The idea of Japanese
berthnasol wrth ail-ystyried pwrpas theori ddiwylliannol yr
superiority’, for example. A larger group that might
artist. Mae rheolwriaethu cyfun (gwleidyddol) gwybodaeth yn
attract interest, however, do not: ‘Philosopher Kings:
sffêr celfyddyd gyfoes ers chwe-degau’r ugeinfed ganrif wedi
The idea of rule by an intellectual elite’, ‘The Social
arwain at rhyw uniongrededd arbennig, sydd wedi cymhlethu
Charter: The idea of the social contract’, ‘Inalienable
ei ddirniadaeth yn arw. Mae’n drawiadol na ddewisodd yr un
Rights: The idea of human rights’, ‘Spending for
o’r artistiaid y syniadau a oedd yn nghanol hyn. Mae’n anodd
Wealth: The idea of welfare economics’, ‘Watching
gweld hyn fel adlewyrchiad o naïfrwydd ar ran yr artistiaid. Yn
the Flock: The idea of the state’ and, ‘Forced to be
hytrach, mae’n dangos yn iawn ddyraniad llafur defnyddiol, ac
Free: The idea of the general will’ all garnered no interest. These ideas, emerging as they do from the
Reformation and Enlightenment, in the 17th and mae’r ddwy ochr yn elwa ohono. Mae’r ffordd yma o edrych ar
18th centuries, would seem to have no value in this
gelfyddyd, yn sylweddol drwy syniadau, yn amlinellu tiriogaeth context. Why is this? Although complex, the answers newydd i’r artist a’r ymwelydd i’r oriel fel ei gilydd, ac yn fwyaf
are particularly germane when re-considering
pwysig efallai, maent yn cadarnhau yr oriel gelf gyfoes fel
the function of cultural theory for the artist. The
sefydliad ideolegol – nid mewn ystyr gwleidyddol efallai, ond
comprehensive (political) managerialisation of
yn bendant yn yr ystyr mai ‘syniadau trwy gelf’ ydi beth mae’r
knowledge in the sphere of contemporary art since
Mostyn yn ei olygu.
the 1960s has resulted in a certain orthodoxy that
Mae’r ‘defnydd o syniadau’ fel y cyfeirir ato yma, yn un o’r
has profoundly complicated its perception. It is
llawer o ffyrdd y gallasai’r oriel fod wedi eu dilyn gydag arddangosfa o’r math yma. Efallai y dylid cael fframwaith guradurol newydd iddi bob pedair blynedd, un a fyddai’n darparu strwythur i’r arolwg i’r dyfodol. Y farn sylfaenol y byddai celfyddyd gyfoes, wrth gael ei gweld fel sianel hanfodol o syniadau (a gyda gwerthfawrogiad o’u hamrywiaeth anhygoel) yn peidio â bod yn arbenigedd cyfyngedig fel y byddai rhai yn dymuno, ond yn parhau yn gyfan. Er fod profi celfyddyd gyfoes yn erbyn y syniadau ehangaf mewn hanes yn gallu bod yn llawn rhwystrau, mae’n dda i’r Mostyn yn y cyswllt
striking that none of these artists have chosen ideas that lie at the heart of this. It is hard to see this as reflecting a naïveté on the part of the artist. Rather, it properly demonstrates a useful division of labour, and both sides are the richer for it. This way of looking at art, concretely through ideas, plots out new territory for both artist and gallery-goer alike and, most importantly perhaps, affirms the gallery of contemporary art as an ideological institution – if not in the political sense, then certainly in the sense that
pwysig hwn: rownd agoriadol mewn trafodaeth fwy aeddfed am
‘ideas through art’ are what the Mostyn is all about.
ystod, maint a dyhead celfyddyd gyfoes yng Nghymru, dyna
The ‘use of ideas’ as applied here is one of many
beth mae tyfiant yr oriel yn ei fynnu.
possible avenues that might have been taken with an exhibition of this nature. Perhaps a novel curatorial
Anders Pleass Pennaeth Arddangosfeydd
framework for it should be called for every four years, one with which to provide structure to the survey into the future. The fundamental thinking that, when seen as a vital conduit of ideas (and with an appreciation of their incredible variety) contemporary art ceases to be the limited specialism some would have it be, remains intact. Whilst the testing of contemporary art against the broadest ideas in history may have its pitfalls, it serves the Mostyn well at this critical juncture: an opening salvo in a more mature debate about the scope, extent and aspiration of contemporary art in Wales that the growth of the gallery demands.
Anders Pleass Head of Exhibitions
Ideas That Changed The World
Eating People The idea of cannibalism
All Change The idea of a dynamic universe
Give Me a Sign The idea of symbols
Time’s Arrow The idea of time as a linear progression
Parting the Mist The idea that our senses can be deluded
Exquisite Reason The rationalist idea
All Things are Invisible The idea of a spirit world
Not a Horse The idea of the existence of universal concepts
Fly Like an Eagle The idea of transformation into animal or god
Man is the Measure The idea that truth is relative
The Vision Thing The idea of communicating with the spirit world
Count on This The idea that numbers are real
The Golden Key The idea of controlling nature through magic
If x Then y The idea of logical proof
May the Force… The idea of a purposeful universal force
Matter Matters The materialist idea
No Dice The idea of an orderly universe
Smashing Atoms The idea of atoms
Around the Clock The idea of measuring time
Against Supernature The idea of science
Mighty and Dreadful The idea of death
Nothing Matters The idea of a purposeless world
Buried Goods The idea of the afterlife
Scientific Method The Taoist idea of knowledge
The Family Silver The idea of transmitting status by heredity
Good Humours The idea of medicine as science not magic
Take, Eat The idea of proscribing certain foods
Ethical Beings The idea that human nature is moral
A Family Affair The idea of regulating incest
Top Ape The idea of human superiority
Picture This The idea of artistic representation
Return of the Soul The idea of reincarnation
Reading the Stars The astrological idea
Happiness First The idea of practical ethics
Seeing Double The idea of a two-fold cosmos
A Capital Idea The idea that capitalism is good
Good and Evil The idea of a universal morality
Legalism The idea that law and order come first
Black Magic The idea of witchcraft
Rule of the Best The idea of republican government
Animal Magic The idea of totemism
Human Bondage The idea of natural slavery
Eat, Drink The idea of the ritual sharing of food
Philosopher-Kings The idea of rule by an intellectual elite
Fair Exchange The idea of trade
The Great Void The idea of nothing
Drowning the Deer The idea of sacrifice
Power of Thought The idea that thought alone created the universe
Written in the Wind The idea of oracles
No God but God The idea of one all-powerful deity
Outside Eden The idea of agriculture
Love Above The idea that God loves people
Lords of Creation The idea of re-shaping nature
Big Brotherhood The idea of universal love
The Curse of Work The idea of the work-leisure divide
Word made Flesh The idea of divine incarnation
God is a Woman The mother-goddess idea
One in Substance The Christian idea of the trinity
Just like a Woman The idea of sexism
God’s Free Love The Christian idea of grace
No Mercy The idea of massacre
Lightning Flash The idea of illumination
Take a Letter The idea of writing
Dumbing Up The idea that too much learning is bad
Watching the Flock The idea of the state
Damned Time The Christian idea of predestination
Divine Majesty The idea of the ruler as god
Wicked World The idea that creation is evil
Universal Rule The idea of one-world government
Centre of the World The idea of Chinese superiority
Getting Together The idea of marriage
This is my Body The idea of the Christian church
Written in Stone The idea of unchanging law codes
Render unto Caesar The idea of the separation of church and state
A Golden Age The idea that all humankind is equal
Islam The idea of religion as law
Conquering Death The idea of eternal monuments
I Am The State The idea of unrestricted royal power
Judgement Day The idea of divine justice
The Social Charter The idea of the social contract
Deo Volente The idea of fate
Scattered Grains The idea of Japanese superiority
Dreamtime The idea that the world is an illusion
Noble Education The meritocratic idea
All is One The idea of monism
Noblesse Oblige The idea of chivalry
Books of Truth The idea of infallible holy scripture
Love Conquers All The idea of marrying for love
The New Illusion The idea that reality is unknowable
Impossibilism The idea of anti-science
Mu The idea of Zen
Climate of Fear The idea of terrorism
Sacred Art The idea of icons
Will to Power Nietzsche’s idea of the primacy of the will
Holy Terror The idea of sacred war
Hero Inside The idea of the superman
Christian Soldiers The idea of spiritual conquest
Brother Knows Best The idea of the unchallengeable state
Fool’s Gold The idea of magic as science
By Other Means The idea of total war
Small World The mistaken idea of a smaller earth
Master Morality The idea that might is right
Here Comes The Sun The idea of a sun-centred universe
War is Good The idea that war improves society
Prove me Wrong The idea of the inductive method
Chosen Victims The idea of anti-semitism
Cogito Ergo Sum The idea that individual existence is verifiable
Inferior by Nature The idea of scientific racism
Fallen Apple The idea of an engineered universe
Tooth and Claw The idea of natural selection
Invisible Powers The idea of harnessing natural energy
Good Breeding The idea of eugenics
Little Pests The idea of microscopic life-forms
Atheist Faith The idea of godless humanism
State First The idea of the overriding interest of the state
Calculating Machine The idea of artificial intelligence
Brotherhood of Man The idea of human unity
Master Race The idea of German superiority
Law of Nations The idea of international order
Rule, Britannia The idea of British superiority
Nasty, Brutish, Short The idea of a savage ‘state of nature’
East Meets West The Indian idea of westernization
Heaven’s Order The Chinese idea of popular sovereignty
Asian Renaissance The Chinese idea of self-strengthening
Price for Everything The idea of monetary theory
American Dream The idea of American exceptionalism
Tight Money The idea of mercantilism
Manifest Destiny The idea of American expansionism
Laissez-faire The idea of the free market
Dr. Strangelove The idea of a weapon to end war
Workers Unite The idea of the labour theory of value
Warped Universe The idea of relativity
Neverland The utopian idea
Uncertainty The idea of the implicated observer
Getting Better The idea of progress
Chaos Theory The idea of unpredictability
Cleansing The Temple The idea of anticlericalism
Common Sense The idea of pragmatism
Force to be Free The idea of the general will
Their Own Terms The idea of cultural relativism
The Noble Savage The idea of primitive virtue
Sleeper The idea of the unconscious
We, the People The idea of representative democracy
Little Man The idea of child development
Nation in Arms The idea of the citizen-warrior
Back To Basics The idea of religious fundamentalism
Inalienable Rights The idea of human rights
Many Ways The idea of religious pluralism
Promontory of Asia The idea of Europe
Axe In The Sticks The idea of fascism
The Second Sex The idea of feminism
Spending For Wealth The idea of welfare economics
Many Mouths The idea of overpopulation
A Better World The idea of universal welfare
If it Ain’t Broke… The idea of conservatism
Solid Foundations The idea of spontaneous social order
Just Say No The idea of civil disobedience
Peasant Socialism The Maoist idea of communism
The Big Idea The idea of idealism
Road to Freedom The idea of existentialism
Reality Unveiled The idea of abstraction
Black is Beautiful The idea of pride in black culture
Perfect Harmony The idea of classical principles in art
Out of Africa The idea that humans originated in Africa
Back to Nature The idea of romanticism
The Great Chain The idea of manipulating the code of life
My Country The idea of nationalism
Intelligence Test The idea of genetic determinism
The Doll’s House New ideas of childhood and womanhood
Silent Springs The idea of environmentalism
Extreme Optimism The idea of socialism
Fast Talking The idea that language is innate
Class Struggle The idea of an historical dialectic
The Great Satan The idea of anti-Americanism
The Greatest Good The idea of utilitarianism
Global Village The idea of cultural pluralism
The Third Way The idea of Christian socialism Less is More The idea of anarchism
Syniadau a Newidiodd y Byd
Bwyta Pobl Y syniad o ganibaliaeth
Pawb i Newid Y synaid o fydysawd ddeinamig
Rhowch Arwydd i Mi Y syniad o symbolau
Saeth Amser Y syniad fod amser yn ddatblygiad llinellol
Gwahanu’r Niwl Y syniad y gall ein syniadau gael eu twyllo
Rheswm Cain Y syniad rhesymegol
Popeth Anweledig Y syniad o fyd ysbrydol popeth
Nid Ceffyl Y syniad o fodolaeth cysyniadau cyffredinol
Hedfan Fel Eryr Y syniad o drawsnewid i anifail neu dduw
Dyn yw’r Mesur Y syniad fod gwirionedd yn berthynol
Y Peth Gweledigaeth Yna Y syniad o gyfathrebu â’r byd ysbrydol
Cyfrwch Myn Y syniad for rhifau yn real
Yr Allwedd Aur Y syniad o reoli natur trwy ddewiniaeth
Os yw x yn... Bydd y yn... Y syniad o brawf rhesymegol
Boed i’r Grym... Y syniad o rym gyffredinol bwrpasol
Mae Mater yn Cyfri Y syniad materol
Dim Dis Y syniad o fydysawd drefnus
Malu Atomau Y syniad o atomau
Rownd y Cloc Y syniad o fesur amser
Yn Erbyn Gwrthnaturaeth Y syniad o wyddoniaeth
Grymus ac Ofnadwy Y syniad o farwolaeth
Does dim yn Cyfri Y syniad o fyd dibwrpas
Nwyddau wedi’i Claddu Y syniad o’r byd nesaf
Dull Gwyddonol Y syniad taoaidd o wybodaeth
Pethau Arian y Teulu Y syniad o drosglwyddo statws trwy etifeddiaeth
Hwyliau da Y syniad o feddyginiaeth fel gwyddoniaeth ac nid hud
Cymerwch, Bwytewch Y syniad o wahardd rhai bwydydd
Bodau Dynol Y syniad fod y natur ddynol yn foesol
Mater Teuluol Y syniad o reoleiddio llosgach
Prif Epa Y syniad o oruchafiaeth dynol
Dychmygwch Hyn Y syniad o gynrychiolaeth artistig
Dychwel yr Enaid Y syniad o ailymgnawdoli
Darllen y Ser Y syniad astrolegol
Hapusrwydd Gyntaf Y syniad o foeseg ymarferol
Gweld Dwbl Y syniad o gosmos deublyg
Prif Syniad Y syniad fod cyfalafiaeth yn dda
Da a Drwg Y syniad o foesoldeb cyffredinol
Cyfreithioldeb Y syniad fod cyfraith a threfn yn dod gyntaf
Dewiniaeth Ddu Y syniad o ddewiniaeth
Y Gorau’n Rheoli Y syniad o lywodraeth weriniaethol
Dewiniaeth Anifeiliaid Y syniad o dotemiaeth
Caethiwed Dynol Y syniad o gaethwasanaeth naturiol
Bwytewch, Yfwch Y syniad o rannu bwyd defodol
Brenhinoedd-Athronwyr Y syniad o reoli gan oreugwyr deallusol
Cyfnewid Teg Y syniad o fasnach
Y Gwagle Mawr Y syniad o ddim
Boddi’r Ceirw Y syniad o aberthu
Grym Meddwl Y syniad mai meddwl yn unig a greodd y bydysawd
Ysgrifenedig yn y Gwynt Y syniad o oracl
Dim Duw ond Duw Y syniad o un duwiaeth cwbl rymus
Tu Allan i Eden Y syniad o amaethyddiaeth
Cariad Goruwch Y syniad fod duw yn caru pobl
Duwiau’r Creu Y syniad o ail-ffurfio natur
Byd y ‘Brawd Mawr’ Y syniad o gariad byd eang
Melltith Gwaith Y syniad o’r rhaniad rhwng gwaith/hamdden
Y Gair a Wnaethpwyd yn Gnawd Y syniad o ymgnawdoliad dwyfol
Dynes yw Duw Y syniad o’r fam-dduwies
Un Mewn Sylwedd Y syniad cristnogol o’r drindod
Union fel Dynes Y syniad o rywiaeth
Caraid Rhad Duw Y syniad cristnogol o ras
Dim Trugaredd Y syniad o laddfa
Golau Mellt Y syniad o oleuni
Cymrwch Lythyr Y syniad o ysgrifennu
Mynd yn Dwp Y syniad fod gormod o addysg yn ddrwg
Gwylio’r Praidd Y syniad o dalaeth
Amser Felltith Y synaid cristnogol o ragordeiniad
Urddas Dwyfol Y syniad o’r rheolwr fel duw
Byd Drwg Y syniad fod y greadigaeth yn ddieflig
Rheolaeth Gyffredinol Y syniad o lywodraeth un-byd
Canol y Byd Y syniad o uchafiaeth sineaidd
Dod at Eich Gilydd Y syniad o briodas
Hwn yw fy Nghorff Y syniad o’r eglwys gristnogol
Ysgrifenwyd ar Garreg Y syniad o godau cyfraith di-newid
Eiddo Cesar i Gesar Y syniad o wahanu’r eglwys a’r wladwriaeth
Oes Aur Y syniad fod yr holl ddynolryw yn gyfartal
Islam Y syniad o grefydd fel cyfraith
Gorchfygu Marwolaeth Y syniad o gofgolofnau bythol
Fi ydi’r Wladwriaeth Y syniad o rym brenhinol dillyffethair
Dydd y Farn Y syniad o gyfiawnder dwyfol
Y Siarter Cymdeithasol Y syniad o’r cytundeb cymdeithasol
Deo Volente Y syniad o ffawd
Hadau Gwasgaredig Y syniad o uchafiaeth siapaneaidd
Amser Breuddwydio Y syniad fod y byd yn rhith
Addysg Fonheddig Y syniad meritocrataidd
Popeth yn Un Y syniad o fonyddiaeth
Bonedd a Ddwg Gyfrifoldeb Y syniad o sifalri
Llyfrau o Wirionedd Y syniad o ysgrythur sanctaidd anffaeledig
Serch Orchfyga Bopeth Y syniad o briodi am serch
Yr Hudoliaeth Newydd Y syniad nad yw realaeth yn wybodol
Amhosibilrwydd Y syniad o wrth-wyddoniaeth
Mu Y syniad o Zen
Hinsawdd o Ofn Y syniad o frawyddiaeth
Celfyddyd Gysegredig Y syniad o eiconau
Ewyllys Grym Syniad Nietzsche o uchafiaeth ewyllys
Arswyd Sanctaidd Y syniad o ryfel cysygredig
Arwr tu Mewn Y syniad o superman
Milwyr Cristnogol Y syniad o orchfygiad ysbrydol
Brawd sy’n Gwybod Orau Y syniad o’r wladwriaeth anamheus
Aur Ffyliaid Y syniad o hud fel gwyddoniaeth
Trwy Ddull Gwahanol Y syniad o ryfel pendant
Byd Bach Y camsyniad o fyd llai
Prif Foesau Y syniad mai grym sy’n iawn
Mae’r Haul yn Dod Y syniad o fydysawd haul-ganolog
Mae Rhyfel yn Dda Y syniad fod rhyfel yn gwella cymdeithas
Profwch fi’n Anghywir Y syniad o’r dull anwythol
Dioddefwyr Dewisiedig Y syniad o wrth-semitiaeth
Cogito Ergo Sum Y syniad fod bodolaeth unigolyn yn brofadwy
Israddol wrth Natur Y syniad o hiliaeth gwyddoniaethol
Afal Disgynedig Y syniad o fydysawd wedi ei beirianyddu
Dant ac Ewin Y syniad o ddewisiad naturiol
Grymoedd Anweledig Y syniad o ffrwyno ynni naturiol
Magwrfa Dda Y syniad o ewgenedd
Plau Bychain Y syniad o ffurfiau byw meicrosgopig
Cred Anffyddiol Y syniad o ddynoliaeth di-dduw
Gwladwriaeth Gyntaf Y syniad o’r diddordeb pennaf yn y wladwriaeth
Peiriant Cyfri Y syniad o wybodusrwydd artiffisial
Brawdoliaeth Dyn Y syniad o undeb dynol
Prif Hil Y syniad o uchafiaeth almaeneg
Cyfraith y Gwledydd Y syniad o drefn rhyngwladol
Rule Britannia Y syniad o uchafiaeth prydain
Cas, Anifeilaidd, Byr Y syniad o ‘gyflwr natur’ anwaraidd
Dwyrain yn Cyfarfod â’r Gorllewin Y syniad indiaidd o orllewineiddio
Trefn Nefolaidd Y syniad sineaidd o frenhiniaeth boblogaidd
Dadeni Asia Y syniad sineaidd o hunan-gryfhau
Pris am Bopeth Y syniad o theori ariannol
Breuddwyd Americanaidd Y syniad o hynodrwydd Americanaidd
Pres yn Dynn Y syniad o mercantiliaeth
Tynged Amlwg Y syniad o ehangaieth Americanaidd
Laissez-Faire Y syniad o’r farchnad rhydd
Dr. Strangelove Y syniad o arf i ddiweddu rhyfel
Unwch Weithwyr Y syniad o’r theori lafur am werth
Bydysawd Wyrdroedig Y syniad o berthynoledd
Neverland Y syniad iwtopaidd
Ansicrwydd Y syniad o wyliwr cysylltiedig
Gwella Y syniad o gynnydd
Theori Anrhefn Y syniad o anrhagweladwyedd
Glanhau’r Deml Y syniad o wrth-glerigaeth
Synnwyr Cyffredin Y syniad o bragmatistiaeth
Gorfodaeth i Fod yn Rhydd Y syniad o’r ewyllys gyffredinol
Ar eu Telerau ei Hunain Y syniad o berthynoledd diwylliedig
Y Nobel Ffyrnig Y syniad o rinwedd cyntefig
Cysgwr Y syniad o’r anymwybodol
Ni, y Bobl Y syniad o ddemocratiaeth gynrychioladol
Dyn Bach Y syniad o ddatblygiad plentyn
Gwlad yn Ymarfogi Y syniad o filwr-ddinasydd
Yn ôl i’r Sylfaenol Y syniad o ffwndamentaliaeth grefyddol
Hawliau Annhrosglwyddadwy Y syniad o hawlaiu dynol
Llawer Ffordd Y syniad o luosogaeth grefyddol
Penrhyn Asia Y syniad o ewrop
Bwyell yn y Coed Y syniad o ffasciaeth
Yr Ail Rywogaeth Y syniad o ffeministiaeth
Gwario er Mwyn cyfoeth Y syniad o economeg lles
Nifer o Gegau Y syniad o orboblogaeth
Byd Gwell Y syniad o les ar draws y byd
Os Nad yw Wedi Torri... Y syniad o geidwadaeth
Seiliau Cadarn Y syniad o drefn gymdeithasol ddigymell
Dim ond Dweud na Y syniad o anufudd-dod sifil
Sosialaeth y Gwerinwr Syniad maoaidd o gomiwnyddiaeth
Y Syniad Mawr Y syniad o ddelfrydedd
Y Ffordd i Ryddid Y syniad o ddirfodaeth
Realaeth Wedi ei Datgelu Y syniad o ladrad
Mae du yn Hardd Y syniad o falchder mewn diwylliant du
Harmoni Perffaith Y syniad o egwyddorion mewn celfyddyd
Allan o Affrica Y syniad fod dynoliaeth yn wreiddiol o Affrica
Yn ôl i Natur Y syniad o ramantaeth
Y Gadwyn Fawr Y syniad o ymdrin â chôd bywyd
Fy Ngwlad Y syniad o genedlaetholdeb
Prawf Deallusrwydd Y syniad o benderfyniaeth genetegol
Y Ty ˆ Dol Syniadau newydd am blentyndod a benywdod
Ffrydiau Tawel Y syniad o amgylcheddaeth
Optimistiaeth Eithafol Y syniad o sosialaeth
Siarad yn Gyflym Y syniad fod iaith yn gynhenid
Brwydr y Dosbarthiadau Y syniad o ddialectig hanesyddol
Y Diafol Mawr Y syniad o wrth-Americaniaeth
Y da Gorau Y syniad o lesyddiaeth
Pentref Byd-eang Y syniad o luosogaeth diwylliannol
Y Drydedd Ffordd Y syniad o sosialaeth gristnogol Mae Llai yn Fwy Y syniad o anrhefn
Artists / Artistiaid
Katie Allen Bermingham & Robinson Michael Cousin Sean Edwards Paul Emmanuel Carwyn Evans Peter Finnemore Dafydd Fortt Andy Fung S. Mark Gubb David Hastie Richard Higlett Cecile Johnson Soliz Naomi Leake Elfyn Lewis Heather and Ivan Morison David Nash Magali Nougarède Chris Nurse Rowan O’Neill Helen Sear Miranda Whall Sue Williams Bedwyr Williams Craig Wood
Katie Allen
Firmly grounded in the traditions of the studio, Allen’s paintings are immensely seductive to the
Wedi ei gwreiddio’n gadarn yn nhraddodiadau’r stiwdio, mae
eye. They remind us of the timeless bond of art and
paentiadau Allen yn eithriadol o ddeniadol i’r llygad. Maent yn
beauty. Each is a masterful exercise in the harmonies
ein hatgoffa o’r cyswllt diamser sydd rhwng celf a harddwch. Mae
of colour, scale and form, and demonstrates a
pob un yn ymarfer feistrolgar mewn harmonïau o liw, graddfa a
remarkable visual acuity.
ffurf, ac mae nhw’n arddangos manylder gweledol hynod.
Her pictures derive from her immediate experience
Mae ei darluniau’n deillio o’i phrofiad agos o natur, ac er mor
of nature, although given the complexity of the
gymhleth y canlyniadau, mae’n baradocs pa mor anffurfiol,
results, it is a paradox how informal yet truly
ond gwirioneddol ddiamgyffred yw’r broses. Mae ymarfer
mysterious this process is. Allen’s practice is a prism
Allen yn brism, a thrwyddo mae beth sydd ‘allan yna’ yn cael ei
through which what’s ‘out there’ is refracted into
adlewyrchu i greu gweledigaeth bersonol unigryw. Mae nifer
a unique personal vision. Countless natural forms
dirifedi o ffurfiau naturiol yn cael eu torri i lawr i luniau bach
are boiled down to simple motifs, that are, each in
syml, sydd yn eu tro yn cael eu hailddefnyddio mewn cyfanwaith
their turn, re-deployed in a tight and seamlessly
tynn a reolwyd yn gelfydd. Yn arwyddocaol, mae gwahaniaethau
orchestrated whole. Significantly, subtle variations
cynnil o liw ac arlliw yn cael eu hadeiladu’n graffegol, yn
of tone and colour are built up graphically, allowing
caniatau i nifer fawr o gyfeiriadau hanesyddol a diwylliannol
for a plethora of historical and cultural references to
frwydro am sylw ar draws wyneb y darlun: mosaic a gwydr lliw,
jostle for attention across the picture plane: mosaic
minaturau Persaidd ac Indiaidd, caligraffi Arabaidd, symbolaeth
and stained glass, Persian and Indian miniatures,
Rwsaidd, art deco Vienaidd, seicedelia’r 70au.
Arabic calligraphy, Russian symbolism, Viennese art
Mae’n anodd dychmygu’r tirweddau yma fel llefydd real.
deco, 70s psychedelia.
Efallai mai’r rhain yw’r tirweddau a’r golyfeydd delfrydol yn y
It is hard to conceive of these landscapes as real
meddwl. Cefndiroedd ydynt i straeon tylwyth-teg. Foddbynnag,
places. They are perhaps the idealized landscapes
yn wahanol i stori dylwyth teg go iawn, nid ydynt yn cynnwys
and vistas of the mind. They are backdrops to
unrhyw foeswers, ac felly’n arddangos rhyw benbleth fodern
fairytales. However, unlike a proper fairytale, they
iawn yr ydym i gyd yn rhan ohoni, rhwng tirwedd a beirianwyd
appear to contain no moral, thus demonstrating a
yn y meddwl, ac un a beirianwyd mewn realaeth ymarferol. (AP)
very modern indecision in which we all have a stake, between a landscape engineered in the mind, and one engineered in practical reality. (AP) Give me a Sign The idea of symbols The Vision Thing The idea of communicating with the spirit world Picture This The idea of artistic representation Lords of Creation The idea of re-shaping nature Conquering Death The idea of eternal monuments Dreamtime The idea that the world is an illusion The New Illusion The idea that reality is unknowable All Change The idea of a dynamic universe Lightning Flash The idea of illumination Sacred Art The idea of icons
Rhowch Ardwydd i Mi Y syniad o symbolau Y Peth Gweledigaeth Yna Y syniad o gyfathrebu â’r byd ysbrydol Dychmygwch Hyn Y syniad o gynrychiolaeth artistig Duwiau’r Creu Y syniad o ail-ffurfio natur Gorchfygu Marwolaeth Y syniad o gofgolofnau bythol Amser Breuddwydio Y syniad fod y byd yn rhith Yr Hudoliaeth Newydd Y syniad nad yw realaeth yn wybodol Pawb i Newid Y synaid o fydysawd ddeinamig Golau Mellt Y syniad o oleuni Celfyddyd Gysegredig Y syniad o eiconau
Autumnal Arboretum, 2009 Acrylic on board Acrylig ar fwrdd
Kefalonian Landscape, 2009 Acrylic on board Acrylig ar fwrdd
between fine and applied arts, as well as the familiarity and banality of the unrem between fine and applied arts, as well as the
Bermingham & Robinson
In the collaborative works of Bermingham & Robinson the tensions between hobbyist-artist;
Yng ngweithiau cydweithrediadol Bermingham a Robinson
adult-child; masculine-feminine, tradition-modernity
mae’r tensiynnau rhwng arlunydd-hobiwr, oedolyn-plentyn,
are explored in detail. Often employing a child-like
gwrywaidd-benywaidd, traddodiad-moderniaeth, i gyd yn
playfulness – utilising some of the props and symbols
cael eu harchwilio yn fanwl. Mae nhw yn aml yn ddefnyddio
associated with youthful innocence – they set up
rhyw chwarae plentynaidd, yn defnyddio props a symbolau
contradictions that puncture the nostalgia with a
yn gysylltiedig â diniwieidrwydd ieuenctid i sefydlu
sharp dose of chaos and melancholy.
gwrthgyferbyniadau sydd yn tyllu’r hiraeth gyda dôs sydyn o
Recurrence plays a large part in their recent works
anrhefn a melancoli.
and repetitive (and often traditional) acts and
Mae ail-adrodd yn chwarae rhan bwysig yn eu gwaith diweddar,
pastimes such as sewing, playing, cross-stitching,
ac mae gweithredau ail-adroddus (ac yn aml yn draddodiadol)
sequential sketching and mark making, become
a hobiau megis gwnïo, chwarae, croes-bwytho, braslunio
a metaphor for the artists’ disappointment with
trefniadol a gwneud marciau, yn dod yn drosiad am siom yr
contemporary life. In contrast to the optimism of
arlunwyr mewn bywyd cyfoes. Mewn cyferbyniad i obaith eu
their youth – where Tomorrow’s-World-technology
hieuenctid – lle roedd ‘technoleg yfory’ yn addo datrys holl
promised to solve all the world’s ills – modern life
ddrygioni’r byd – mae bywyd modern yn dod â rhyw siom
brings about a certain disappointment as it plays
bendant fel y mae’n mynd dros yr un hen broblemau, gofidiau
over the same problems, anxieties and challenges
a sialensau drosodd a throsodd: rhyfel, trasiedi, ac ofn ‘y peth
again and again: war, tragedy, fear of the ‘other’ and
arall hwnnw’ a marwoldeb.
Wrth weithio’n gydweithrediadol ymddengys Bermingham a
In working collaboratively, Bermingham & Robinson
Robinson eu bod yn rhoi eu hunain drwy rhyw hunan-arholiad.
seem to put themselves through a detailed means of
Mae eu gwaith yn caniatau i ni glustfeinio ar eu cyfathrebu
self-examination. Their works present us with a kind
llaw-fer, mynwesol a chreadigol. Trwy hyn meant yn aml, a bron
of unedited dialogue that allows us to eavesdrop on
heb feddwl, yn creu math o hunan-bortread – mae eu gweithiau
their shorthand, intimate, creative communication.
yn aml yn ymddangos mewn parau – fel y maent yn ceisio
Through this they frequently, almost involuntarily,
diffinio pwy ydynt a beth maent yn ei wneud; mae nhw’n mapio
create a kind of self-portrait – their works often
eu lle mewn diwylliant gyfoes. (HF)
appear in pairs – as they seek to define who they are and what they are doing; mapping their position in contemporary culture. (HF) Parting The Mist The idea that our senses can be deluded The Curse of Work The idea of the work-leisure divide Nothing Matters The idea of a purposeless world Neverland The utopian idea Getting Better The idea of progress The Doll’s House New ideas of childhood and womanhood The Great Chain The idea of manipulating the code of life
Gwahanu’r Niwl Y syniad y gall ein syniadau gael eu twyllo Melltith Gwaith Y syniad o’r rhaniad rhwng gwaith/hamdden Does dim yn Cyfri Y syniad o fyd dibwrpas Neverland Y syniad iwtopaidd Gwella Y syniad o gynnydd Y Tyˆ Dol Syniadau newydd am blentyndod a benywdod Y Gadwyn Fawr Y syniad o ymdrin â chôd bywyd
The Den Project, 2008 Sculpture Studio Residency, Chapter, Cardiff Preswyliad Stiwdio Cerflunio, Chapter, Caerdydd
False Beards, 2010 Museum dust from underneath a series of sculptures Llwch amgueddfa a gafwyd o dan gyfres o gerfluniau
The Den Project, 2008 En Residencia, Asturias, Spain, 2009 En Residencia, Asturias, Sbaen, 2009
Michael Cousin
Broadly dealing with the idea of fiction in both sound and imagery, still or moving, Cousin’s work
Gan ddelio’n fras â’r syniad o ffuglen mewn sain a delweddaeth,
hinges on the assumptions that we make when we
boed yn llonydd neu yn symudol, mae gwaith Cousin yn
think we know what we see and hear. His natural
dibynnu ar y tybiaethau a wnawn wrth feddwl ein bod yn
domain lies at the visual end of what used to be
gwybod beth a welwn ac a glywn. Yn y rhan weledol o beth
called the ‘mass media’, at a time when magazine
elwid yn ‘gyfryngau torfol’ y mae ei diriogaeth naturiol, ar
photography, tape recording and cine-film editing
adeg pan oedd ffotograffiaeth cylchgrawn, recordio tâp a
were genteel enough for anyone to be able to spot
golygu ffilm-cine i gyd yn ddigon ffasiynnol i unrhyw un allu
a fake. A moment in time for which the high water
gweld ffugwaith. Un funud fach mewn amser, lle gallasai
mark may well have been Kennedy’s assassination
llofruddiaeth Kennedy yn 1968 fod yn uchafbwynt. Byd yn
in 1968. A world filled with celluloid film, cow
llawn o ffilm seliwloid, ‘cow gum’, letraset, argraffiadau bromid
gum, letraset, bromide prints and other, now
ac arall, offer sydd gan amlaf yn segur ac at ddefnydd y cysodwr
largely redundant tools at the disposal of the visual
Mae Cousin yn ddifrifol ymwybodol o mor ddychrynllyd
Acutely aware of the frightening speed with which
o gyflym y mae technolegau newydd wedi amharu ar ein
our new technologies have comprehensively
hymarfer, ac mae ei ffilmiau a’i ddarnau sain yn ymgeisiadau
muddied these waters, his films and sound pieces
dewr i arafu’r broses hon, ac i gyrraedd beth sydd yna o ddifrif.
are valiant efforts to slow down that speed and
Beth sy’ gwneud hyn yn unigryw yw’r ffordd y mae ein hofnau
get to what’s really there. What makes this unique
cymdeithasol a rannwn ond na fyddwn yn aml yn siarad
is the way that our shared, and often unspoken,
amdanynt, yn cael eu harwain ganddo yma. Mae ei weithiau
societal fears are orchestrated by him in this.
yn fyr ac yn hawdd i edrych arnynt, ac yn ddiweddarach yn
Short and easy to look at, his works unfold later in
datblygu yn y meddwl, i ddod yn araf yn glymau Gordaidd
the mind to gradually become tight little Gordian
bychan o gynllwyn a gwrth-gynllwyn.
knots of conspiracy and counter-conspiracy.
Ar ôl llofruddiaeth Kennedy arferai pobl ofyn i’w gilydd
After Kennedy’s assassination people often used
beth oeddant yn ei wneud pan ddigwyddodd hyn. Mae gwaith
to ask each other what they were doing when it
Cousin yn datgan yn galonnog y bydd pobl, yn y dyfodol, ar
happened. Cousin’s work affirms wholeheartedly
ôl 9/11, yn gofyn i’w gilydd beth oeddant yn edrych arno pan
that, in the future, after 9/11, people will be asking
ddigwyddodd hyn. (AP)
each other what they were looking at when it happened. (AP) Eating People The idea of cannibalism Parting the Mist The idea that our senses can be deluded No Mercy The idea of massacre Universal Rule The idea of one-world government Man is the Measure The idea that truth is relative Power of Thought The idea that thought alone created the universe Hero Inside The idea of the superman Brother Knows Best The idea of the unchallengeable state Uncertainty The idea of the implicated observer Common Sense The idea of pragmatism
Bwyta Pobl Y syniad o ganibaliaeth Gwahanu’r Niwl Y syniad y gall ein syniadau gael eu twyllo Dim Trugaredd Y syniad o laddfa Rheolaeth Gyffredinol Y syniad o lywodraeth un-byd Dyn yw’r Mesur Y syniad fod gwirionedd yn berthynol Grym Meddwl Y syniad mai meddwl yn unig a greodd y bydysawd Arwr tu Mewn Y syniad o superman Brawd sy’n Gwybod Orau Y syniad o’r wladwriaeth anamheus Ansicrwydd Y syniad o wyliwr cysylltiedig Synnwyr Cyffredin Y syniad o bragmatistiaeth
H1N1, 2009 High Definition CGI film Ffilm diffiniad uchel o ddelweddaeth a wnaethpwyd ar gyfrifiadur (CGI)
Plat du Jour – Starter, 2009 Decal printed on ceramic plate Decal wedi ei brintio ar blat cerameg
Plat du Jour – Main Course, 2009 Decal printed on ceramic plate Decal wedi ei brintio ar blat cerameg
Sean Edwards
The starting point for Sean Edwards’ work is often the trace of previous activity and these found,
Mae man cychwyn gwaith Sean Edwards yn aml yn amlinell
borrowed, recycled and re-appropriated objects
o weithgarwch blaenorol, ac mae’r pethau yma a ganfu, a
offer up a formal and rigorous investigation into the
fenthycodd, ail-gylchodd ac a ail-feddiannodd, yn cynnig
sculptural potential of the seemingly everyday. His
ymchwiliad ffurfiol a thrylwyr i botensial cerflunaidd o’r
works are underpinned by an enchanting exactness.
hyn sy’n ymddangos yn gyffredin. Mae ei weithiau yn cael ei
The objects that he uses – rolling pins, plastic bags,
sylfaenu gan gywirdeb cyfareddol. Mae’r gwrthrychau mae’n
cardboard corners, coloured tape – are scarce,
eu defnyddio – rholbrennau, bagiau plastig, corneli cardfwrdd,
pared back and careful. In exhibition, these works
tâp lliw – yn bethau prin, wedi eu twtio, yn bethau gofalus.
are placed together in seemingly random formations
Mewn arddangosfa mae’r gweithiau hyn yn cael eu gosod gyda’i
that serve to challenge the precision in the individual
gilydd mewn ffurfiant sydd yn ymddangos ar hap, sydd yn
objects themselves. These composed environments
herio’r manylder yn y gwerthrychau unigol eu hunain. Mae’r
comprise multiple elements that often respond
amgylcheddau cyfansoddedig yma yn cynnwys elfennau lluosog
directly to the specifics of a given space where
sydd yn aml yn ymateb yn uniongyrchol i nodweddion lle
works are held in tension between form and context.
penodol lle mae gweithiau mewn tensiwn rhwng ffurf a chyd-
Invariably this offers a sense of incompleteness or
destyn. Mae hyn bob tro yn rhoi’r syniad o fod yn anorffenadwy
open-endedness that triggers a widening range of
neu yn benagored, sydd yn tanio rhyw ystod ehangol o
associations that generously invites the viewer in to
gysylltiadau sydd yn rhoi gwahoddiad hael i’r gwyliwr i chwarae
play their part in the construction of its meaning and
ei ran yn adeiladwaith ei ystyr a’i gwblhad. (HF)
completion. (HF) Around the Clock The idea of measuring time The Family Silver The idea of transmitting status by heredity Conquering Death The idea of eternal monuments The Great Void The idea of nothing One in Substance The Christian idea of the trinity Getting Better The idea of progress Reality Unveiled The idea of abstraction Back to Nature The idea of romanticism Uncertainty The idea of the implicated observer Sleeper The idea of the unconscious
Rownd y Cloc Y syniad o fesur amser Pethau Arian y Teulu Y syniad o drosglwyddo statws trwy etifeddiaeth Gorchfygu Marwolaeth Y syniad o gofgolofnau bythol Y Gwagle Mawr Y syniad o ddim Un Mewn Sylwedd Y syniad Cristnogol o’r drindod Gwella Y syniad o gynnydd Realaeth Wedi ei Datgelu Y syniad o ladrad Yn ôl i Natur Y syniad o ramantiaeth Ansicrwydd Y syniad o wyliwr cysylltiedig Cysgwr Y syniad o’r anymwybodol
Nebraska CBS 25100, 2009 Ink in notebook Inc mewn llyfryn nodiadau
Practice Table, 2009 Mixed media sculpture Installation view: Institute of Contemporary Arts, London Cerflun cyfrwng cymysg Golygfa Gosodiad: Sefydliad y Celfyddydau Cyfoes, Llundain