Plants Handbook
A guide that provides basic information for different landscape elements , including; trees, shrubs, palms and ground covers. By: Aya Allah Mohamed elgafrawy- 16/04555
Index Trees • Cupressus Macrocarpa • Jacaranda Acutifolia • Jatropha Integerrima • Parkinsonia • Acacia Farnesiana • Cassia Fistula • Koelreuteria Elegans • Ficus Benghalensis • Ficus Nitida • Spathodea campanulate • Tecoma castanifolia
• Cassia Nodosa • Poinciana regia • Chorisia Crispiflora • Albizia Julibrissin • Tacoma Stans • Taxodium Distchum • Ficus Benjamina • Ficus Hawaii • Ficus decora • Araucariaceae Excelsa • Cassia Glauca
shrubs Palms
Jacaranda Acutifolia
Trees shrubs Palms
جكراندا Grouping
Special: jacaranda
Decorative: duranta erecta
Technical info Form
Large spreading deciduous rounded and broadly spreading tree.
Leaf arrangement: ranked shape: oblong lobing and divisions: pinnate Margin: entire tips: pointed. Base: pointed
Shape: bell shaped
pretty: vitex
Fibrous roots, 50-70 deep
Bark and trunk
Thin, medium height trunk.
Moist, fertile & well drained.
Growth rate
Slow growth.
Blooming time
40-50 L/day liters
inflorescences: cluster
Location : Madinaty Garden type: Formal Mediterranean: due to its height, form and foliage it will be perfect for shading as this type of garden needs it, also its purple color and its noble and wealthy effect it will match perfectly the formal Mediterranean garden.
Duranta erecta
dimorphotheca freuticosum
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.132
Semi wind
infill: dimorphotheca freuticosum
Cluster design
Mood: Noble “Cluster design” The tall jacaranda tree stands with its dense purple flowers and light green airy leaves, the purple color is a royal color and in the color psychology it is connected to the nobility which conveys wealth and extravagance. Which will act as a special in this cluster design grouping. The duranta erecta will act as an decorative agent in the grouping with its yellowish green leaves that contrast with the purple color of the jacaranda’s flower also the smooth texture of its leaves will give a pleasant effect and won’t affect the spiritual and the noble feeling that the jacaranda gives. Mixing the duranta erecta with the vitex shrub as it has an amazing contrasting white and purple color to give the group more clarity with its white color and smoothness with its leaves and both the duranta erecta and the vitex them will act as the pretty. Finally the dimorphotheca freuticosum will be the infill of this grouping as it has the white smooth petals with a pinch of purple in them will add a sophisticated effect to the whole grouping.
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Special: parkisonia
Decorative: acalypha
Technical info Form
Rounded to broadly spreading Acalypha
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean garden: as it must have a colorful trees and shrubs this tree will match perfectly in the Mediterranean garden and also its foliage will give a good shadow to protect the people from the sun in the Mediterranean areas.
Leaf arrangement: ranked shape: oval lobing and divisions: pinnate Margin: entire tips: pointed. Base: pointed
Shape: saucer shaped
Fibrous root system, 40-60 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Crooked green trunk.
Fertile, light, sandy, clayish, well- drained
pretty: pennistium
Growth rate
Moderate growth.
40-50L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.152
inflorescences: cyme
Blooming time
Semi wind
infill: wedalia
Cluster design
Mood: Dynamic “Cluster design” This delicate transparent tree is dynamic in its movement with the wind. Its foliage is thin and active . The flowers are radiant and contrasting to the greyish shade of green dominant in the trees making the yellow flower stands out. And according to the color psychology the yellow is the strongest colour, psychologically. This color lifts our spirits and our self-esteem; it is the colour of confidence and optimism. And will be the special of this grouping. And by adding pennistium as a decorative that has somehow the same effect and texture of the light transparent reddish brown leaves, and the acalypha as a pretty , which has a smooth shiny reddish brown leaf. And this red color is stimulating and lively. Then finally adding the wedalia as infill because it has the same vibrant yellow color like the tree’s flower which will enhance the mood more and more.
Senna Surratensis - Cassia Glauca صفار,كاسيا جلوكا
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Cassia gluca
Special: Cassia Glauca
Decorative: duranta erecta
Technical info Form
Rounded to broadly spreading
Gazania chansonette
Location : Alazhar park , cairo Garden type: Cottage garden: as the cottage garden should have plants with dense colors, the cassia glauca doesn’t need lots of maintenance, also the yellow color create warmth and intimacy. So the cassia glauca will settle perfectly in the cottage garden.
Leaf arrangement: ranked shape: oval lobing and divisions: pinnate Margin: entire tips: blunt Base: uneven
Shape: saucer shaped . inflorescences: cluster
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Short trunk.
Deep , well- drained , clay or sandy, moderately fertile. 3-6m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
300/ 2”
Blooming time
60-80L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.87
infill: gazania chansonette
Semi wind
Duranta erecta
pretty: wedalia
Cluster design
Mood: Cheerful “Cluster design” The fusion between its evergreen leaves and yellow flowers brighten the overall image of the tree, creating an attractive sight to its spectators. the meaning of the yellow color revolves around sunshine. It evokes feelings of cheerfulness and positivity. The cassia glauca beautiful form and color requires to stand out as a special. Giving emphasizes on the radiant yellow color of its flower , no color must interrupt. The Cassia Glauca would be in the center with duranta erecta surrounding its base as a decorative element, As it has different smooth and shiny texture and its green yellowish color will contrast well with the colors of the cassia glauca. Cutting through it the wedalia as also a pretty element. As it has tiny yellow petals to give the base more color and liveliness. Finally adding the gazania chansonette as infill with its yellow petals and fading brown color in the center will contrast with the color of the duranta erecta, creating a cheery, positive mat for the cassia glauca.
Jatropha Integerrima
جاتروفا حمراء
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
(layer1) Jatropha integerrima
Special: jatropha integerrima
Decorative: Dracena santa rosa
Technical info Form
Location : Madinaty Garden type Cottage garden: Most cottage gardens seem to set a romantic tone. As it
uses lots of dense colors. The jatropha’s vibrant magenta color adds a touch of sensuality and romance and it doesn’t need lots of maintenance. So the jatropha integerrima will settle perfectly in the cottage garden.
Rounded to broadly spreading
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: elliptic lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: heart shaped
Shape: saucer shaped . inflorescences: cluster
Fibrous root system, 40-60 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Several slender trunk.
Tolerant for poor and dry soil, well drained. Up to 6m
Up to 4m
Growth rate
Slow growth.
220/ 150cm
Blooming time
40-50L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.133
Pretty : duranta erecta
Semi wind
(layer 4) Euphorbia milii
infill: wedalia
(Layer 2) Draceana santa rosa
(layer3) Duranta erecta
Stripe design
Mood: Passion “stripe design” The warm vibrant tree with magenta saucer shaped flowers. In the meaning of colors, magenta represents universal love at its highest level. It promotes compassion. Magenta is spontaneous and impulsive, yet resourceful and organized. As a result the stripe design will work well with this delicate tree which will act as a special. Then at its base the first layer will be the Dracaena Santa Rosa shrub as a decorative element with its smooth , shiny and long leaves. Also it has a yellowish green color at its center, contrasting with the bright yellowish green color with the Duranta erecta in the second layer as pretties. Both the dracaena and the duranta has a light green color which creates harmony and encouraging balance. Finally adding Euphorbia Milii as an infill creates an attractive bed over the green shrubs with showy protruding small magenta flowers that evokes compassion.
Cassia Nodosa
العشرق,كاسيا ندوزاو
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Cassia Nodosa
Special: Cassia nodosa
Decorative: duranta erecta
Technical info
Rounded to broadly spreading
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: oblong lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: heart shaped
Shape: saucer shaped . inflorescences: cluster
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Short trunk.
Fertile, light, sandy, clayish, well- drained
Duranta erecta
Growth rate
Fast growth.
900/ 2”
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean garden: Because its a shading tree with large swaying branches, and has colorful and bright flowers.
Blooming time
40-50L/day liters Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.88
Full sun
Decorative: pelargonium zonale
Semi wind
Pelargonium zonale
Pretties: vinca
Interlace design
Mood: Vivacious “interlace design” This bloomy deciduous white and pink tree makes us think of springtime flowers and all things fresh and new. It seems like a really inspiring color, full of life and joyous. The cassia nodosa’s ranches are up to 6m long , are covered by masses of numerous flowers . They flow gracefully downwards to the ground giving a good shade for the people. So it will stand out as a special so the spectators will focus on it. Creating a delicate and bright grouping to contrast with the colors of the cassia nodosa . At its base the duranta erecta which has a lime green color and shiny small leaves to give it more liveliness, And will interlace with the white pelargonium zonale also as the decorative to give the base a soothing and calm effect and more softness. Then the pretties will be the pink vinca will contrast with the white and lime green , Also the soft and smooth texture of its petals will create a pleasant and tranquil experience for the viewers .
Chorisia Crispiflora
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
chorisia crispiflora
Special: chorisia crispiflora
Decorative: dodonaea
Technical info Form
Rounded to broadly columnary.
dodonaea Foliage
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: elliptic lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: pointed shaped
Shape: bell shaped. inflorescences: cluster
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Bottle shaped trunk.
Neutral to acidic, humus rich soil. 15-20m
Up to 10m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
400/ 2”
Location : Madinaty Garden type: Mediterranean garden: Because of its dancing long branches that has bright foliage and colorful bright yellowish pink white flowers and will be great for shading.
Blooming time
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.94
Decorative: senecio cineraria
Semi wind
Senecio cineraria
Pretties: vinca
Stripe design
Mood: Happiness “stripe design” The flowers of this plant blooms in the summer , with its spiky silver trunk and yellowish white pink flowers which gives the optimistic, warm and gentle feeling to the viewers. To accentuate the Chorisia Crispiflora form, foliage, colors, flowers and the positive vibes it gives, A simple stripe design should be used to create a frame around this tall deciduous tree to draw the attention on the tree’s colorful flowers which will be a special. The first layer will be the Dodonaea shrub will act as a decorative element, it is a modest and subtle shrub which will create boundaries between the tree and the other shrub used in the grouping and will be a background for the plants used in the grouping. The second layer will be the senecio cineraria with its matte, silver grey leave will harmonize with the trunk of the tree and give a practical and neutral effect to the grouping. Finally the last layer will be the bright pink vinca flower which will be the pretties in this grouping that enhance the grouping and give it more liveleness.
Cupressus Macrocarpa
السرو الليمونى
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Cupressus Macrocarpa
Special: Cupressus Macrocarpa
Decorative,: duranta erecta
Technical info
Duranta erecta
Narrowly conical
Leaf arrangement: ranked shape: triangular lobing and divisions: pinnate Margin: spiny tips: pointed Base: pointed shaped
Shape: small spherical at the tip of the leaf. inflorescences: panicle
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Curling and rounded trunk.
Acidic to slightly alkaline soils; does best in sandy soils.
Amaranthus tricolor
Decorative: amaranthus tricolor
Growth rate
Moderate growth.
220/80cm height
Location : Madinaty Garden type Formal garden: Because of its form and shape that give formality and practicality.
Blooming time
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.102
Semi wind
interlace design
Mood: stability “interlace design” The pointed shaped evergreen Cupressus Macrocarpa retains its beauty to radiant shade of green. Its leaves emit an aromatic lemon fragrance that transcend the tree’s form and vivid color. This shade of green color is a cool color that symbolizes nature and the natural world, evokes a calming effect or helps in concentration. Also the conical form of the tree is very outstanding and eye grapping. This form gives the viewers a sense of formality, power and stability. In this grouping the tree will outstand as a special and to grab the attention to it more. The duranta erecta will be placed interlacing with amaranthus tricolor as decoratives. As they both have a smooth shiny texture, and will work well with the tree . The reddish brown color of the amaranthus will contrast with the light green color of the tree and the other shrub, giving a warm feeling to the grouping, in addition to the lime green color of the duranta erecta that will create balance and harmony.
Cassia fistula
خروب هندى,خيارشمبر
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
cassia fistula
Special: cassia fistula
Decorative: dodonaea
Technical info
anthemis puncatata
Rounded to broadly spreading
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: oval lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: pointed base
Shape: saucer shaped . inflorescences: cluster
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Short trunk.
Moderately fertile, light, sandy, clayish, well- drained .
Growth rate
Moderate growth.
250/ 2”
Location : Madinaty Garden type Cottage garden: Because it’s so light , airy and spontaneous, In addition to its dense yellowish flowers. Which will match the informality and the liveliness of the garden.
Blooming time
45-50L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.86
pretty: wedalia
Semi wind
infill: anthemis puncatata
Interlace design
Mood: Optimism “interlace design” This colorful ornamental tree has a great contrast between bright green and yellow. Its flowers are in a cluster form that appear like grapes creating a unique and attractive scene for the spectators. The bright color of its flower is often perceived as being a positive-energy color. It is often used in situations and products intended to create a sense of excitement or positivity. It is bright and immediately grabs the eye. The swaying clusters of its flowers has a fresh, light and airy spirit. The suitable grouping design for this tree will be the cluster as it is a spontaneous tree, it will stand out as a special. Then surrounding it a green frame of dodonaea shrub that will contrast with the yellow color of the flowers. Then by using wedalia as a ground cover at its base as a pretties. That has the same yellow and green colors contrasting with each others, also the flowers have the same smooth textures. Finally adding the anthemis puncatata as infill that has a little bit yellow color in its center and the white calm color dominating on it, which adds neutrality and serenity to the grouping.
Araucariaceae Excelsa
شجرة عيد امليالد
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Araucariaceae Excelsa
Special: Araucariaceae Excelsa
Decorative,: duranta erecta
Technical info Form
Duranta erecta
Narrowly conical
Amaranthus tricolor
Location : The international park Garden type Formal garden: Due to its height, symmetry, proportions and form which give it sense of luxury and formality. it will work well in the formal garden
Leaf arrangement: ranked shape: trialangular lobing and divisions: pinnate Margin: spiny tips: pointed Base: pointed shaped
Shape: pompomn inflorescences: panicle
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Rough, bumpy and not flaky.
Fertile, light, sandy, clayish, well- drained
Decorative: amaranthus tricolor
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Blooming time
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.77
Semi wind
interlace design
Mood: luxurious “interlace design” The Araucariaceae’s height gives it a sense of greatness and royality, in addition to that its proportions and symmetry make it more formal and great. Also its dark green color make it more sophisticated, elegant and rich. As for its height and form this tree will stand out from far away and will be used as a special in this grouping. And at its base the duarnta erecta will interlace with amaranthus tricolor. As they both have a smooth shiny texture, and will work well with the tree . The reddish brown color of the amaranthus will contrast with the light green color of the tree and the other shrub, giving a warm feeling to the grouping, in addition to the lime green color of the duranta erecta that will create balance and harmony. And they both act as decoratives.
Albizzia Julibrissin
لبخ رفيع
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Albizzia Julibrissin
Special: Albizzia Julibrissin
Decorative: duranta erecta
Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean garden: This delicate colorful tree, with its passionate bright pink flower, will work well in this garden type
Rounded to broadly spreading
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: oblong lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: pointed shaped
Euphorbia milii
Shape: slipper-shaped inflorescences: umbel
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Dark greenish grey color.
All kind of soils 6-12m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
45-50L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.73
Semi wind
Pelargonium zonale
pretties: pelargonium zonale
Blooming time
Duranta erecta
infill: euphorbia milii
Cluster design
Mood: delicacy “cluster design” This showy tree stands out in color with its distinguishable flower that is recognizable among the other flowers because of its feathery shape and form that so light and delicate. With its bright pink color that represents the gentle type of love creating a comfort in the emotions. For this grouping the albizzia will stand as a special to draw the attention to its contrasting green and pink colors. Then by using cluster design the duranta erecta will be used as a decorative element to create a mat for the base of this attractive tree. Then adding by adding the white pelargoium zonale as pretties to give it more liveliness and contrast with the bright warm color of the euphorbia milii that will act as a infill which is the same color of the albizzia’s flower and also the have somehow the same shape of leaves but with different scales, so they will match well with each other.
Acacia Farnesiana
اكاسيا شوكية, شجرة الفتنة
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Acacia Farensiana
(layer1) Special: Acacia Farnesiana
(layer2) Decorative: lantana
Technical info Form
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean garden: Because its a shading tree with large swaying branches, and has colorful and bright flowers.
Senescio cineraria
Rounded to broadly spreading
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: oblong lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: blunt Base: heart shaped
Shape: pompon inflorescences: panicle
Fibrous root system, 60-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Single multi grey green.
Moderately fertile, neutral to acidic, well- drained 3-7m
Growth rate
Slow growth.
45-50L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.69
(layer 3) pretties: senecio cineraria
Blooming time
Semi wind
Stripe design
Mood: lively “stripe design” Acacia Farensiana is a transparent, light and airy tree. With bright yellow rounded flowers that are scattered all over the tree without dominating it too much. The form and the branches of the tree makes it so light and can dance with the air. And the bright yellow color is an attention getter, this tree will grab the people’s attention. And give them positive, cheery and energetic feeling. In this stripe design grouping the first layer will be the tree and it will work as a special and with its rounded form flower and its distinctive feathery texture. The lantana will match this flower as its flowers create a round clusters and will be placed in the second layer as a decorative surrounding the base of the acacia Farnesiana. The final layer will be the senecio cineraria as the pretties and because it is the shortest shub of them all, it will be placed at the front and it also has the feathery rounded yellow flower and grey wavy leaves which represents neutrality and balance, So it will harmonize and neutralize with the other flowers.
Poinciana regia
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Poinciana regia
Special: poinciana regia
Decorative: Dracena santa rosa
Technical info Form
Location : Al-Azhar park Garden type Mediterranean garden: as it must have a colorful trees and shrubs this tree will match perfectly in the Mediterranean garden and also its foliage will give a good shadow to protect the people from the sun in the Mediterranean areas.
Rounded to broadly spreading
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: oblong lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: blunt Base: heart shaped
Shape: bell shaped. inflorescences: cluster
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Trunk is covered in relatively smooth brown greyish bark
Fertile, light, sandy, clayish, well- drained 10-12m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
200/ 2”
45-60L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.105
Semi wind
Pelargonium zonale
Pretties: hibiscus
Blooming time
Dracena santa rosa
Infill pelargonium zonale
Cluster design
Mood: warm “cluster design” The poinciana regia is a light, breezy and ornamental tree. It moves smoothly with the wind and creates a soothing sound to the people enjoying this tree. The long light branches reach the ground level and give people shade. The bell shaped flowers of the tree evokes strong emotions and it is associated with warmth and comfort. This outstanding tree will be the special for this cluster design grouping. Then surrounding it as a decorative element the Dracaena Santa Rosa shrub as its light green yellowish long shiny leaves will contrast with the bright red color of the flower. Then the pretty will be the hibiscus shrub that has bell shaped red flower that has the same texture, color and somehow the form of the poinciana’s flower. Then the infill will be the red smooth pelargonium zonale that has the same red color that provokes the intense emotions and feelings.
Ficus Benghalensis
التين البنغالى
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Ficus benghalensis
Special: Ficus Benghalensis
Decorative,: duranta erecta
Technical info
Location : Maadi Garden type Country garden: As the country gardens characterizes by its wide spaces. The great height of this tree will be make it visible from far away. So it will be suitable in this garden type.
Rounded to broadly spreading
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: elliptic lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: pointed shape
The fig fruit is actually a hollow, globular receptacle with hundreds of small fleshy flowers facing each others.
Aerial roots, extending on earth surface, grows in summer.
Bark and trunk
Short trunk.
Fertile, moderately moist, well- drained
Up to 200m.
Growth rate
Moderate growth.
Blooming time
45-60L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.116
Semi wind
duranta erecta
Decorative: amaranthus tricolor
interlace design
Mood: power “interlace design” The Ficus Benghalensis’s height gives it a sense of greatness and power, in addition to that its large green leaves make it more formal and great. Also its dark green color make it more sophisticated, and heavy. As for its height and form this tree will stand out from far away and will be used as a special in this grouping. And at its base the duarnta erecta will interlace with amaranthus tricolor to add a boost of color to the tree will keeping the tree the main focal point. And as they both have a smooth shiny texture, and will work well with the tree . The reddish brown color of the amaranthus will contrast with the light green color of the tree and the other shrub, giving a warm feeling to the grouping, in addition to the lime green color of the duranta erecta that will create balance and harmony. And they both act as decoratives.
Ficus Hawaii
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Ficus Hawaii
Special: ficus hawaii
Decorative: Dracena santa rosa
Dracena santa rosa
Technical info Form
Location : MIU campus
Garden type: Foliage garden: because the green color dominates it which is a main element in this garden type
Medium size, fast growing tree with umbrella shaped crown, grows horizontally Rounded to broadly spreading.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: oval lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: uneven
Petalless flower bome in the leaf axills; enlarges to form the fig fruit.
Extensive and deep root system. 1-1.2 m deep.
Bark and trunk
Single or multi trunk.
Humus rich, moist, well-drained. 60-30m
Up to 15m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
75/ 1”
60-80L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for al-Azhar park and the city of Cairo page no.117
Semi wind
pretty: duranta erecta
Blooming time
duranta erecta
pretty: amaranthus tricolor
interlace design
Mood: Modesty “interlace design” The Ficus Hawaii tree has a distinctive foliage of white and different shades of green that makes it used as an ornamental tree or a shrub a lot. The fusion of the white and green color gives a tranquil and modest feeling for the spectators. And to accentuate the color of this tree more so at its base the dracaena santa rosa will be the decorative element of this grouping. Adding the bright green color to the scenery to create a sense of calmness and balance. Then interlacing with it the duranta erecta and the amaranthus tricolor as pretties as they boost the colors and their shiny green and red leaves will create a harmony between all the colors and textures.
Tecoma Stans
تيكوما صفراء
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Tecoma stans
Special: Tecoma stans
Decorative: lantana
Technical info Form
Location : MIU campus Garden type: Mediterranean garden: as the Mediterranean garden should have plants with passionate colors, the tecoma stans give lots of shade to the people, also the yellow color create warmth and intimacy. So the tecoma stans will settle perfectly in the Mediterranean garden.
Rounded to broadly columnary
senecio cineraria
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: obovate lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: toothed tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: bell shaped. inflorescences: cluster
Fibrous root system, 40-60 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Light brown, several trunk.
Fertile, moist, well- drained 6-6m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
45-60L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.178
Semi wind
infill: senecio cineraria
Blooming time
duranta erecta
pretties: duranta erecta
Cluster design
Mood: Uplifting “Cluster design” The mix between its evergreen leaves and yellow flowers brighten the overall image of the tree, creating an attractive sight to its spectators. the meaning of the yellow color revolves around optimism. It evokes feelings of cheerfulness and positivity. The Tecoma stans beautiful form and color requires to stand out as a special. Giving emphasizes on the radiant yellow color of its flower , no color must interrupt. The Tecoma stans would be in the center with yellow lantana surrounding its base a decorative element, As it has the same round cluster of yellow flowers and its green color leaves will contrast well with the colors of the Tecoma stans. Cutting through it duranta as a pretties. As its lime green shiny leaves give the base more color and liveliness. Finally adding senecio cineraria as an infill with its silver leaves will contrast with the color of the duranta erecta, and the yellow color of the lantana, also it has the same round yellow flowers as the lantana and the tecoma stans’s flower creating a cheery, positive mat for the Tecoma stans.
Ficus Nitida
فيكس نيتيدا
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping Ficus nitida
Special: ficus nitida
Decorative: dodonaea
Technical info Form
Location : MIU campus
Garden type: Foliage garden: because the green color dominates it which is a main element in this garden type
Duranta erecta
Large evergreen with upright growing branches and dense spreading crown. Rounded to broadly spreading.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: oval lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: pointed
Monoecious; enclosed in what later becomes the fruit.
Extensive and deep root system, 1-1.2m. Deep.
Bark and trunk
Smooth grey trunk.
Fertile, well- drained . 9-18m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
60-80L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for al-Azhar park and the city of Cairo page no.123
Semi wind
pretty: duranta erecta
Blooming time
Amaranthus tricolor
pretty: amaranthus tricolor
cluster design
Mood: zestful “cluster design” The Ficus Nitida tree has a distinctive foliage with different shades of green that makes it used as an ornamental tree. The green color gives a tranquil and modest feeling for the spectators. And to accentuate the color of this tree more so at its base dodonaea will be the decorative element of this grouping because it has almost the same form of foliage and the same green shade. And adding the bright green color to the scenery to create a sense of calmness and balance. Then mixing it with the duranta erecta and the amaranthus tricolor as pretties as they boost the colors and their shiny leaves will create a harmony between all the colors and textures. The reddish brown color of the amaranthus will contrast with the light green color of the tree and the other shrub, giving a warm and welcoming feeling to the grouping,
Koelreuteria Elegans
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Albizzia Julibrissin
Special: Koelreuteria Elegans
Decorative: Bougainvillea
Technical info Form
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean garden: as it must have a colorful trees and shrubs this tree will match perfectly in the Mediterranean garden and also its foliage will give a good shadow to protect the people from the sun in the Mediterranean areas
Euphorbia milii
A deciduous, spreading, round headed tree. Rounded to broadly columnary.
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: elliptic lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: wavy tips: pointed Base: uneven
Shape: pitched shaped inflorescences: cluster
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Brown erect stem.
Sandy, clayish soil. 10-15m
Up to 10m.
Growth rate
Moderate growth.
900/ 2”
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.136
Semi wind
Pelargonium zonale
pretties: Duranta erecta
Blooming time
Duranta erecta
infill: euphorbia milii
Cluster design
Mood: Calming “cluster design” This magnificent koelreutria stands tall and its long extended branches that has large green foliage contrasting with a bright pink color. Which in the color psychology has lots of meaning but due to the form of its flowers which dance in the air, the suitable feeling that this tree gives is the soothing, calming effect. The koelreutria elegans will stand out as a special and at its base the bougainveillea will be placed as a decorative because it has the same pink flowers in the form of clusters to boost the pink color more. Then as pretties the duranta erecta will be used as it has a bright lime green shiny leaves that give more liveliness to the grouping and finally the infill will be the euphorbia milii because it has almost the same color as the koelreutia elegance and will give the grouping more warmth and tranquility.
Ficus Benjamina
فيكس بينجامينا
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Ficus Benjamina
Special: Ficus Benjamina
Decorative,: duranta erecta
Technical info Form
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: oval lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: uneven
Petalless flower bome in the leaf axills; enlarges to form the fig fruit.
Extensive and deep root system. 1-1.2 m deep.
Bark and trunk
Single or multi trunk.
Humus rich, moist, well-drained.
Up to 15m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
75/ 1”
Blooming time
60-80L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.117
Amaranthus tricolor
Decorative: amaranthus tricolor
Location : Madinaty
Garden type: Foliage garden: because the green color dominates it which is a main element in this garden type
Duranta erecta
Medium size, fast growing tree with umbrella shaped crown, grows horizontally Rounded to broadly spreading.
Semi wind
interlace design
Mood: Restful “interlace design” As the bright green color dominates the whole tree. And the green color symbolizes the nature and its relieving and soothing effect on people. The simple form of the tree and its monochromatic green color makes it stands out. And to keep the colors and the grouping around it simple, in its base we will place the duranta erecta interlacing with the shiny amaranthus as they boost the green and their shiny leaves will create a harmony between all the colors and textures. The reddish brown color of the amaranthus will contrast with the light green color of the tree and the other shrub, giving a warm and welcoming feeling to the grouping,
Spathodea Campanulata
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Spathodea Campanulata
Special: Spathodea Campanulata
Decorative: Dracena santa rosa
Technical info Form
Location : Madinaty Garden type: Mediterranean garden: Because of its dancing long branches that has bright foliage and colorful bright red flowers and its height will be great for shading.
Rounded to broadly spreading. Deciduous moderately-branched, open leafy tree.
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: elliptic lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: wavy tips: pointed Base: uneven
Shape: bell shaped. inflorescences: cluster
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Short trunk.
Fertile, mist soil. 10-15m
Growth rate
Moderate growth.
6,7,10,11 Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.170
Semi wind
Salvia splendens
Pretties: hibiscus
Blooming time
Dracena santa rosa
Infill: Salvia Splendens
Cluster design
Mood: Excitement “cluster design” The Spathodea Campanulata is a light, breezy and ornamental tree. It moves smoothly with the wind with its long light branches reach the ground level and give people shade. The bell shaped flowers of the tree evokes strong emotions and excitement and it is associated with passion and desire. This outstanding tree will be the special for this cluster design grouping. Then surrounding it as a decorative element the dracaena santa rosa shrub as it has light green yellowish long shiny leaves will contrast with bright red color of the flower. Then the pretties will be the hibiscus shrub that has bell shaped red flower that has the same texture, color and somehow the form of the poinciana’s flower. Then the infill will be the red smooth salvia splendens that has the same red color that provokes the intense emotions and feelings and also its flower looks like the flower of the Spathodea but in a smaller scale.
Ficus Decora
فيكس ديكورا
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Ficus Decora
Special: Ficus decora
Decorative: duranta erecta
Technical info Form
Location : the international park
Garden type: Foliage garden: because the green color dominates it which is a main element in this garden type
Duranta erecta
Large evergreen tree, wide spreading crown and large leaves. Rounded to broadly spreading.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: oval lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: uneven
Unconspiuious, requires a particular species of fig to wasp to pollinate.
Extensive and deep root system. 1-1.2 m deep.
Bark and trunk
Single or multi trunk.
Humus rich, moist, well-drained. 9-12m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
75/ 1”
60-80L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.118
Decorative: amaranthus tricolor
Blooming time
Amaranthus tricolor
Semi wind
interlace design
Mood: Soothing “interlace design” The dark green with the reddish color dominates the whole tree. And the green color symbolizes the nature and its relieving and soothing effect on people. The simple form of the tree and its monochromatic green color makes it stands out. And to keep the colors and the grouping around it simple, in its base we will place the duranta erecta interlacing with the shiny amaranthus as they boost the green and their shiny leaves will create a harmony between all the colors and textures. The reddish brown color that this tree has appears also in the amaranthus will contrast with the light green color of the tree and the other shrub, giving a warm and welcoming feeling to the grouping,
Tecoma Castanifolia
تيكوما كاستانيفوليا
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Tecoma Castanisolia
Special: Cassia Glauca
Decorative: lantana
Technical info Form
Location : Al-azhar park Garden type Mediterranean garden: Because its a shading tree with large swaying branches, and has bright yellow flowers.
Rounded to broadly columnary
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: obovate lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: toothed tips:pointed Base: pointed
Shape: bell shaped. inflorescences: cluster
Fibrous root system, 40-60 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Light brown, several trunk.
Fertile, moist, well- drained 6-6m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.178
Semi wind
Duranta erecta
infill: senecio cineraria
Blooming time
Senecio cineraria
pretties: duranta erecta
Cluster design
Mood: Joyful “Cluster design” The shooting branches of this tree grabs the attention of the people immediately. In addition to the fusion between its evergreen leaves and yellow flowers brighten the overall image of the tree, creating an attractive sight to its spectators. the meaning of the yellow color revolves around sunshine. It evokes feelings of cheerfulness and positivity. Tecoma castanifolia beautiful form and color requires to stand out as a special. Giving emphasizes on the radiant yellow color of its flower , no color must interrupt. The Tecoma Castanifolia would be in the center with yellow lantana surrounding its base a decorative element, As it has the same round cluster of yellow flowers and its green color leaves will contrast well with the colors of the Tecoma Castanifolia. Cutting through it duranta as a pretties. As its lime green shiny leaves give the base more color and liveliness. Finally adding senecio cineraria as infill with its silver leaves will contrast with the color of the duranta erecta, and the yellow color of the lantana, also it has the same round yellow flowers as the lantana and the tecoma Castanifolia’s flower creating a cheery, positive mat for the Tecoma Castanifolia.
Taxodium Distichum
الطقسود االقرع
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Mood: Greatness Taxodium Distchum is A remarkable tree always used as a landmark in open gardens because of it’s unique form make it outstand alone as a special and irresistible bold mood that makes the viewer can’t stop observing it, in addition to its height that gives the people an amazing shade.
Technical info
Location : Al-Azhar park Garden type Country garden: As the country gardens characterizes by its wide spaces. The great height of this tree will be make it visible from far away. So it will be suitable in this garden type.
Horizontal branches, pyramidal form.
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: obovate lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: toothed tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: bell shaped. inflorescences: cluster
Fibrous root system, 40-60 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Light brown, several trunk.
Fertile, moist, well- drained
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Blooming time
45-60L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for al-Azhar park and the city of Cairo page no.178
Semi wind
Trees shrubs Palms
Shrubs • • • • • • • • • • • •
Tecomaria Capensis Lantana Camara Hibiscus Acalypha Plumbago Capensis Vinca Duranta Erecta Euryops Acraeus Gazania Chansonette Senecio Cineraria Ocimum basilicumis Pennsitium
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Caesalpinia Gilliesii Russelia Euphorpia milii Plumeria alba Thevetia Peruviana Jasminum grandiflora Ipomea Vitex Pelargonium Zonale Amaranthus tricolor Callistemon Leuchophyllum freutescens
• • • • • • • •
Ixora Chinensis Bougainvillea Lantana Dimorphotheca Jacandum Dimorphotheca Freuticosum Salvia splendens Scenecio cineraria Canna indica
Caesalpinia Gilliesii
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Caeslpinia Gilliesii
Special: caesalpinia gilliesii
Decorative: Ocimum basilicum
Technical info Form
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean garden: This delicate colorful shrub, with its passionate bright yellow flower, will work well in this garden type
Deciduous shrub, informal vase shaped, its wide spreading branches and space below for its expanding roots.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: oblong lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: blunt Base: heart shaped
Shape: slipper-shaped inflorescences: umbel
Tap root system 40-60m deep.
Bark and trunk
Branched stem
Clay, loam, sand, acidic and alkaline. Up to 3m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
900/ 2”
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.204
Pretties: lantana
Blooming time
Ocimum Basilicum
Semi wind
Interlace design
Mood: Active “interlace design” The Caesalpinia Gilliesii has a wide spreading branches with beautiful small smooth foliage. The small yellow flower of this tree is very delicate and showy, they form a cluster in a triangular form shooting in the air. The bright yellow color of this flower evokes feelings of happiness, positivity and optimism. The light branches and the flowers make the tree sway and dance with the air. Which make it seem active and energetic. By using the interlace design as it is very spontaneous and energetic. The caesalpinia Giliiesii will stand as a special. The Ocimum Basilicum has the same upward shooting flowers and gives the same feeling then the lantana has the same cluster form the looks similar to the cluster of the caesalpinia gilliesii and also the same smooth texture of its petals. They both will interlace with each other to create a more energetic base and grab the attention of the spectators more.
Tecomaria Capensis
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Salvia splendens Tecomaria
infill: Tecomaria
Decorative: Dracena santa rosa
Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type Cottage garden: The intense colorful flowers of the tecomaria will be suitable for the cottage garden.
Erect evergreen shrub with slender stems that can be trained as a climber or upright tree.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: ovate lobing and divisions: pinnate Margin: toothed tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: trumpet shaped. inflorescences: cluster
Fibrinous root system, 30-50cm deep.
Bark and trunk
Branched, soft stem.
Fertile, Moist , well- drained
Pretties: Russelia
Growth rate
Moderate growth.
8/ 16cm pot
Blooming time
Dracena santa rosa
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.279
Semi wind
pretties: Salvia Splendens
Cluster design
Mood: Enthusiasm “cluster design” The Tecomaria Capensis has a very distinctive shape and form and grabs the people’s attention immediately by its warm, energetic and passionate color. The trumpet shape flowers of the tecomaria forms a cluster creates a beautiful geometry. Expressing harmony and passion by using cluster design in this grouping. And by using the tecomaria as infill . Then adding some plants with the same texture of their petals and the same shades of color, firstly the decorative element will be the russelia as it looks so much like the tecomaria but in more reddish color so they will harmonize with each other. Then the pretty will be the salvia splendens as it has the same form of flowers but in a different arrangement and also it has the same shade of color like the tecomaria. Finally to balance the whole colors and textures the dracaena santa rosa will do that as it has a light green color that will contrast and boost the colors more and add liveliness to the group.
هبسكس احمر
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Poinciana regia
Special: poinciana regia
Decorative: Dracena santa rosa
Technical info Form
Round bushy shrub, bright with very red showy flower.
Dracena santa rosa
Location : Al azhar park Garden type Cottage garden: as for its vibrant red color and the coziness this color gives this shrub will be suitable for this garden type.
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: ovate lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: toothed tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: bell shaped. inflorescences: solitary
Fibrous root system, 30 – 50 cm deep.
Bark and trunk
Short trunk.
Fertile, humus rich, clayish, well- drained. 3-4m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Blooming time
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.237
Pretties: hibiscus
Semi wind
Pelargonium zonale
Infill pelargonium zonale
Cluster design
Mood: Intimate “cluster design” The light showy protruding flower creates an elegant, sweet and warm effect for this shrub. It emits bright red color that is strongly associated with emotions. The bell shaped flowers of the shrub evokes strong emotions and it is associated with warmth and comfort. The poinciana regia will be the special for this cluster design grouping. Then surrounding it as a decorative element the Dracaena Santa Rosa shrub as it has light green yellowish long shiny leaves will contrast with bright red color of the flower. Then the pretties will be the hibiscus shrub that has bell shaped red flower that has the same texture, color and somehow the form of the poinciana’s flower. Then the infill will be the red smooth pelargonium zonale that has the same red color that provokes the intense emotions and feelings.
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Koelreutria elegans
Special: Koelreuteria Elegans
Decorative: Bougainvillea
Technical info Form
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean garden: This delicate colorful shrub, with its passionate bright pink flower, will work well in this garden type
Duranta erecta
Strong, cascading, semi- evergreen climber, with very attractive foliage and colors, requires pruning to control spreading.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: oval lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: uneven
Shape: cup shaped. inflorescences: cluster
Extensive root system, 60-70cmdeep.
Bark and trunk
Twisted woody trunk.
Fertile, well- drained . 10-15m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
60/40cm pot
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.290
Semi wind
pretties: Duranta erecta
Blooming time
Euphorbia milii
infill: euphorbia milii
Cluster design
Mood: Hopeful “cluster design” This extended branches shrub has large green foliage contrasting with a bright pink color. It reaches out to the people and create a radiant shape filled with colorful dense foliage. It has a bright pink flowers which in the color psychology has lots of meaning but due to the form of its flowers which dance in the air, the suitable feeling that this tree gives is the soothing, calming effect and hope. The koelreutria elegans will stand out as a special and at its base the bougainveillea will be placed as a decorative because they both has the same pink flowers in the form of clusters to boost the pink color more. Then as pretties the duranta erecta will be used as it has a bright lime green shiny leaves that give more liveliness to the grouping and finally the infill will be the euphorbia milii because it has almost the same color as the Bougainvillea and will give the grouping more warmth and tranquility.
النتانا صفراء
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Cassia Glauca
Pretties : Lantana
Decorative: wedalia
Technical info Form
Evergreen bushy ground cover with showy bright colors.
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: ovate lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: toothed tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: saucer shaped
Fibrous root system, 30-40 cm deep
Location : Maadi Garden type Mediterranean garden: This delicate colorful shrub, with its passionate bright green leaves and yellow flower, will work well in this garden type
Up to 2m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
2.25/14cm pot
The whole year
Special: cassia glauca
Fertile, moist, well- drained
Blooming time
inflorescences: cluster
Bark and trunk
Gazania chansonette
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.334
Semi wind
infill: Gazania Chansonette
interlace design
Mood: Joyful “interlace design” The fusion between its evergreen leaves and yellow flowers brighten the overall image of the shrub, creating an attractive sight to its spectators. the meaning of the yellow color revolves around sunshine. It evokes feelings of cheerfulness and positivity. The cassia glauca beautiful form and color will stand as a special. Giving emphasizes on the radiant yellow color of the lantana flower , no other color must interrupt. The Cassia Glauca would be in the center with duranta erecta surrounding its base as an interlacing agent, As it has different smooth and shiny texture and its green yellowish color will contrast well with the colors of the lantana as it would be placed as an pretty. Cutting through it the wedalia as a decorative element. As it has tiny yellow petals to give the base more color and liveliness. Finally adding the gazania chansonette as infill with its yellow petals and fading brown color in the center will contrast with the color of the lantana, creating a cheery, positive mat for the lantana.
فرشة الزجاج
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping callistemon
Technical info
Special: callistemon
Decorative,: pennisteum
Technical info Form
Location : Madinaty Garden type Cottage garden: Because it’s so light , airy and spontaneous, In addition to its dense red flowers. Which will match the informality and the liveliness of the garden
Evergreen small tree or large shrub with dense and weeping branches Small weeping.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: oblong lobing and divisions: pinnate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: spike
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Multi trunk.
Fertile, neutral to acidic, well- drained , moist.
pretty: amaranthus tricolor
Up to 2m
Growth rate
Moderate growth.
25-30L/day liters
inflorescences: solitary
Blooming time
Amaranthus tricolor
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.83
Semi wind
interlace design
Mood: Comfort “interlace design” As the bright green color dominates the whole tree. And the green color symbolizes the nature and its relieving and soothing effect on people. With a contrasting red brush shaped feathery flower. And to keep the colors and the grouping around it simple, in its base we will place the pennistium that has the same feathery texture creating a sense of harmony between the whole grouping and interlacing with the shiny amaranthus as they boost the colors and amaranthus’s shiny leaves will create a harmony between all the colors and textures. The reddish brown color of the amaranthus will contrast with the light green color of the tree and the other shrub, giving a warm and welcoming feeling to the grouping,
Euryops Acraeus
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Gazania chansonette Infill : Euryops Acraeus
Decorative: Cladanthus Arabicus
Technical info Form
Large shrubby evergreen perennials.
Leaf arrangement: ranked shape: obovate lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: cross shaped.
Fibrous root system, 30-40 cm deep
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean garden: This delicate colorful shrub, with its passionate bright green leaves and yellow flower, will work well in this garden type
Up to 1.5m
Up to 1m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
150/ 30cm
25-30L/day liters
pretties: Gazania Chansonette
Moderately fertile, well- drained
Blooming time
Cladanthus arabicus
inflorescences: solitary
Bark and trunk
Euryops acraeus
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.232
Semi wind
decorative: Wedalia
Interlace design
Mood: cheery “interlace design” The fusion between its evergreen leaves and yellow flowers brighten the overall image of the flower, creating an attractive sight to its spectators. the meaning of the yellow color revolves around sunshine. It evokes feelings of cheerfulness and positivity. The palmate beautiful form of the greyish green leaves . Giving emphasizes on the radiant yellow color of its flower. Interlacing the cladanthus arabicus, gazania and wedalia with the euryops acraeus as they all has the same shades of the bright yellow and the green leaves, in addition to they smooth matte texture of their petals, creating a cheery, positive mat for the spectators.
اكاليفا حمراء
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Amaranthus tricolor
acalypha Pennistoum
infill,: acalypha
Decorative,: pennistium
Technical info
Location : Maadi Garden type Cottage garden: Because it’s so light , airy and spontaneous, In addition to its dense red green foliage. Which will match the informality, the warmth and the liveliness of the garden
Evergreen, spreading upright shrub with multi colored, often variegated leaves.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: ovate lobing and divisions: pinnate Margin: toothed tips: pointed Base: pointed
Small flower hidden among leaves, 20 cm, reddish brown color. Shape: tubular inflorescences: panicle
Fibrous root system, 30-50 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Single, light grey stem.
Fertile, humus-rich, moist, well- drained
pretty: amaranthus tricolor
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Blooming time
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.188
Semi wind
interlace design
Mood: Fiery “interlace design” The mesmerizing colors of the shrub are extremely unique. Its reflective leaves create a fiery sensation of excitement and intensity. Its size contrasts with its color and appearance. This dense grouping with achieved through the diversity of warm shades of red without any bright colors. This warm grouping consists of the acalypha as decorative with its shiny leathery leaves. Then interlacing with it the pennistium with its red feathery leaves that will harmonize the textures and colors of the group. Then adding the shiny amaranthus with its dark red that symbolizes passion and energy. The warm atmosphere is achieved through the diversity of the red shades of the foliage.
Duranta erecta
دورنتا ليمونى
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Duranta ereta Draceana santa rosa
infill: duranta erecta
Decorative: Dracena santa rosa
Technical info
Location : Maadi Garden type Mediterranean garden: This delicate colorful shrub, with its passionate bright lime green leaves and violet flower, will work well in this garden type
Evergreen bushy spreading, weeping shrub or small tree. Thorns are found on mature specimens.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: obovate lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: finely toothed tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: saucer shaped.
Fibrous root system, 40-60 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Branched stem.
Loamy , clayish, well- drained, sandy and acidic.
inflorescences: raceme Pretty : vitex
Growth rate
Fast growth.
2.25/14cm pot
Blooming time
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.227
Semi wind
cluster design
Mood: Freshness “cluster design” The distinctive lime color of the Duranta Erecta symbolizes renewal and growth. It is the color you see the most in the natural environment. So it is the color of spring, when everything comes to life. And it depicts the period when everything is alive and unrolling its natural processes. And its flower is a violet raceme that contrast with the lime green making it more delicate. By using cluster design the duranta will be the decorative element of the grouping. Then adding the vitex as it has the same color pallet and the same raceme form of flowers. And finally at the background the dracaena santa rosa that has the same shiny bright green leaves that will harmonize the whole grouping.
Amaranthus tricolor
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Amaranthus tricolor
acalypha Pennistoum
Infill’: amaranthus
Decorative,: pennistium
Technical info
Location : Ma Garden type Cottage garden: Because it’s so light and spontaneous, In addition to its dense red dark red foliage. Which will match the informality, the warmth and the liveliness of the garden
Clambering, bushy, tender perennial in warm locations.
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: elliptic lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: pointed
Dry reddish brown, ovoid, oblong.
Fibrous root system, 20-30 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Prostrate stems
Fertile, light, sandy, clayish, well- drained
Pretty: acalypha
Up to 30cm
Growth rate
Fast growth.
900/ 2”
Blooming time
25-30L/dayliters Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.
Full sun
Semi wind
interlace design
Mood: Coziness “interlace design” The distinctive dark red color of the shrub is extremely unique. Its reflective leaves create a warm sensation of comfort and warmth. Its size contrasts with its color and appearance. This dense grouping with achieved through the diversity of warm shades of red without any bright colors. This warm grouping consists of the acalypha as decorative with its shiny leathery leaves. Then interlacing with it the pennistium with its red feathery leaves that will harmonize the textures and colors of the group. Then adding the shiny amaranthus with its dark red that symbolizes passion and energy. The warm atmosphere is achieved through the diversity of the red shades of the foliage.
Gazania Chansonette
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Gazania chansonette Decorative: Euryops Acraeus
pretty: Cladanthus Arabicus
Euryops acraeus
Cladanthus arabicus Wedalia
Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean garden: This delicate colorful shrub, with its passionate green leaves and orange yellowish flower, will work well in this garden type
Evergreen weeping groundcover.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: strap lobing and divisions: pinnate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: cross shaped.
Fibrous root system, 20-30 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Creeping plant.
Light, sandy, well- drained .
inflorescences: solitary infill: Gazania Chansonette
Growth rate
Fast growth.
2.25/14cm pot
Blooming time
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.332
Semi wind
Pretty : Wedalia
Interlace design
Mood: cheery “interlace design” The fusion between its evergreen leaves and yellow-orange flowers brighten the overall image of the flower, creating an attractive sight to its spectators. the meaning of the yellow color revolves around sunshine. It evokes feelings of cheerfulness and positivity. The cross shaped vibrant yellow flower with the pinnate green leaves that adds freshness and calmness to the fusion . Giving emphasizes on the radiant yellow color of its flower. Interlacing the cladanthus arabicus, euryops acraeus and wedalia with the gazania as they all has the same shades of the bright yellow and the green leaves, in addition to they smooth matte texture of their petals, creating a cheery, positive mat for the spectators.
Euphorpia Milii
شوكة املسيح
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Koelreuteria Elegans
Special: Koelreuteria Elegans
Decorative: Bougainvillea
Technical info Form Foliage
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: oblong lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: rounded Base: pointed
Shape: cross shaped
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Short trunk.
Fertile, light, sandy, clayish, well- drained 0.8-0.9m
Growth rate
Slow growth.
900/ 2”
25-30L/day liters
pretties: Duranta erecta
Blooming time
Duranta erecta
inflorescences: cluster
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean garden: This delicate colorful shrub, with its passionate bright pink flower, will work well in this garden type
Euphorbia milii
Woody spiny evergreen; semi prostate to scrambling, semi- succulent shrub, with slender, fleshy throne stems.
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.372
Semi wind
infill: euphorbia milii
Cluster design
Mood: Resilience “cluster design” The wood spiny evergreen shrub that stands with its bright pink flowers and the spiky stem, the fusion between the smooth and rough textures in this shrub symbolizes how strong and stable it is. And its bright pink color which stands for tenderness, vulnerability .The koelreutria elegans will stand out as a special because it has the same bright pink flowers and at its base the bougainveillea will be placed as a decorative because it has the same pink flowers in the form of clusters to boost the pink color more. Then as pretties the duranta erecta will be used as it has a bright lime green shiny leaves that give more liveliness to the grouping and finally the infill will be the euphorbia milii to add the power and contrast of colors to the grouping.
Leuchophyllum Freutescens
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Leuchophyllum freutscens vitex
infill: Leuchophyllum Freutescens
Duranta erecta
Decorative,: duranta erecta
Technical info Form
An evergreen grey shrub with leaves densely covered with stellate. There are many colors cultivates.
Leaf arrangement: rosette shape: elliptic lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: saucer shaped.
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
inflorescences: raceme
pretty: vitex
Bark and trunk
Location : Madinaty Garden type: Mediterranean: due to its form and foliage and also its purple color and its mysterious and exotic effect it will match perfectly the formal Mediterranean garden.
Rocky, limestone based, sandy loam, medium, clay loam, well drained soil.
Growth rate
Fast growth.
900/ 2”
Blooming time
10-15L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.248
Semi wind
cluster design
Mood: Exotic “Cluster design” The tall rosette shape of the shrub stands with its light purple flowers and light green palmate leaves, the purple color is a royal color and in the color psychology it is connected to the mystery which conveys magic and independence. Which will act as a decorative in this cluster design grouping. The duranta erecta will act as also a infill element. As in this grouping with its yellowish green leaves that contrast with the purple color of the Leuchophyllum Freutescens flower also the smooth texture of its leaves will give a pleasant effect and won’t affect the spiritual and the mysterious feeling that the Leuchophyllum gives. Mixing the duranta erecta with the vitex shrub as it has an amazing contrasting white and purple color to give the group more clarity with its white color and smoothness with its leaves and both the duranta erecta and the vitex them will act as pretties. The three shrubs has the same fusion of color and textures of the petals with a rich purple color and their green leaves, so they will add a sophisticated effect to the whole grouping.
Lantana Camara
Trees Shrubs Palms
النتانا Grouping
Cassia galuca
Infill : Lantana
Decorative : Lantana
Technical info
Location : Maadi Garden type Mediterranean garden: This delicate colorful shrub, with its passionate bright green leaves and orange flower, will work well in this garden type
lantana camara
Evergreen bushy ground cover with showy bright colors.
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: ovate lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: toothed tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: saucer shaped
Fibrous root system, 30-40 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Short trunk.
Fertile, moist, well- drained
Duranta erecta
Special: cassia glauca
Up to 2m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
2.25/14cm pot
The whole year
inflorescences: cluster
Blooming time
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.334
Semi wind
Pretty: duranta erecta
Cluster design
Mood: Sensuality “Cluster design” The mix between its evergreen leaves and yellow-orange flowers brighten the overall image of the colorful shrub, creating an attractive sight to its spectators. the meaning of the orange color color revolves around passion and fun. It evokes feelings of warmth and positivity. The lantana camara beautiful form and color requires to stand out as an infill. As it has the same clustered form flowers as the tecoma stans. The Tecoma stans would be in the center with lantana surrounding its base a decorative element, As it has the same round cluster of yellow flowers and its green color leaves will contrast well with the colors of the Tecoma stans. Then as pretties the duranta erecta will be used as it has a bright lime green shiny leaves that give more liveliness to the grouping the yellow color of the lantana. which has the same round yellow flowers as the tecoma stans’s flower and the same form of the clustered flowers that the three of them have. creating a passionate, positive atmosphere around the lantana camara.
Ocimum basilicum
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Ocimum basilicum vitex
infill: Ocimum Basilicum
Decorative,: duranta erecta
Technical info Form
Bushy, evergreen, aromatic perennial.
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: ovate lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: toothed tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: saucer shaped.
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
inflorescences: raceme pretty: vitex
Bark and trunk
Location : Madinaty Garden type: Productive garden: due to its scent, usage and foliage, and also because it is edible, it will be suitable for the productive garden
Fertile, light, well- drained
Up to 30cm
Growth rate
Fast growth.
38/ 30 cm pot
Blooming time
15L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.254
Semi wind
Cluster design
Mood: Refreshment “cluster design” The distinctive light green aromatic shrub is extremely unique. Its reflective aromatic leaves create a refreshed sensation of freshness and purity. Which calms down the nerves . This dense grouping with achieved through the diversity of textures and forms. This grouping consists of the Ocimum Basilicum as an infill element with its shiny leathery leaves and distinctive aroma. Then adding the pennistium with its red feathery leaves that will harmonize the textures and colors of the group. Then adding the shiny colorful vitex as it has the same form of the Ocimum Basilicum with its purple that symbolizes spirituality and energy. The calm refreshing atmosphere is achieved through the diversity of the textures and aromas in the foliage.
Dimorphotheca Freuticosum
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Special: jacaranda
Decorative: duranta erecta
Technical info Form
Evergreen or low branching , erect, subshrubby perennials.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: obovate lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: toothed to way tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: cross shaped.
Fibrous root system, 20-30 cm deep
Location : Madinaty Garden type Formal Mediterranean: as the purple color is a royal, sophisticated color, it will be suitable for the whole garden mood.
Growth rate
Fast growth.
25-30L/day liters
pretty: vitex
Fertile, light, well- drained .
Blooming time
inflorescences: solitary
Bark and trunk
Duranta erecta
dimorphotheca freuticosum
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.330
Semi wind
infill: dimorphotheca freuticosum
Cluster design
Mood: sophistication “Cluster design” Highly showing with attractive with various colors, this diverse and radiant plant with cool purple color creates a royal, calmer and harmonious atmosphere with its green foliage. The purple color is a royal color and in the color psychology it is connected to the nobility which conveys wealth and extravagance. The purple jacaranda tree will act as a special in this cluster design grouping as it has the same color and texture of the flower. The duranta erecta will act as an decorative element with its yellowish green leaves that contrast with the purple color of flower also the smooth texture of its leaves will give a pleasant effect and won’t affect the spiritual and the noble feeling that the jacaranda gives. Mixing the duranta erecta with the vitex shrub as it has an amazing contrasting white and purple color to give the group more clarity with its white color and smoothness with its leaves and the duranta erecta will act as the decorative element and the vitex as an pretty. Finally the dimorphotheca freuticosum will be the infill of this grouping as it has the white smooth petals with a pinch of purple in them will add a sophisticated effect to the whole grouping.
Pelargonium Zonale
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Poinciana regia
Special: poinciana regia
Decorative: Dracena santa rosa
Technical info Form
Location : Madinaty Garden type Cottage garden: as for its vibrant red color and the coziness this color gives this shrub will be suitable for this garden type.
Medium size, fast growing tree with umbrella shaped crown, grows horizontally
Leaf arrangement: ranked shape: obovate lobing and divisions: peltate Margin: shallowly lobbed tips: notched Base: uneven
Shape: saucer shaped . inflorescences: cluster
Fibrous root system, 20-40 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Short trunk.
Fertile, neutral to alkaline, well- drained. 60-80cm
Growth rate
Fast growth.
10/20cm pot
10-15L/day liter
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.256
Semi wind
Pelargonium zonale
Pretties: hibiscus
Blooming time
Dracena santa rosa
Infill pelargonium zonale
Cluster design
Mood: Showy “cluster design” Pelargonium zonale has a very simple clustered flower with large leaflets that add vitality to the garden because of its amazing colors and light showy protruding flower creates an elegant, sweet and warm effect for this emits bright red color that is strongly associated with emotions. The cluster of flowers of the shrub evokes strong emotions and it is associated with warmth and comfort. The poinciana regia will be the special for this cluster design grouping. Then surrounding it as a decorative element the Dracaena Santa Rosa shrub as it has light green yellowish long shiny leaves will contrast with bright red color of the flower. Then the pretties will be the hibiscus shrub that has bell shaped red flower that has the same texture, color and somehow the form of the poinciana’s flower. Then the infill will be the red smooth pelargonium zonale that has the same red color that provokes the intense emotions and feelings.
بنسيتم ديل الفاراالحمر
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping callistemon
Special: callistemon
Decorative,: pennistium
Technical info Form Foliage
Leaf arrangement: ranked shape: linear lobing and divisions: pinnatified Margin: spiny
Shape: panicle
Fibrous root system, 30-40 cm deep
Garden type Cottage garden: Because it’s so light , airy and spontaneous, Which will match the informality and the liveliness of the garden
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Decorative: amaranthus tricolor
Moderately fertile, well- drained
Blooming time
Amaranthus tricolor
inflorescences: solitary
Bark and trunk
Location : Madinaty
Mound forming, densely tufted, deciduous perennial grass, often grown as an annual.
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.87
Semi wind
interlace design
Mood: prosperity “interlace design” As reddish brown color dominates the whole plant. Brown is an earthy color. After all, it’s the color of earth, wood and stone. So naturally, color psychology highlights that the color meaning for brown relates to comfort, security and a down to earth nature. With a contrasting red brush shaped feathery flower. And to keep the colors and the grouping around it simple, the callistemon tree will be used as a special because it has the same texture of feathery flower At its base we will place the pennistium that has the same feathery texture creating a sense of harmony between the whole grouping and interlacing with the shiny amaranthus as they boost the colors and amaranthus’s shiny leaves will create a harmony between all the colors and textures. The reddish brown color of the amaranthus will contrast with the light green color of the tree and the other shrub, giving a warm and welcoming feeling to the grouping,
Plumbago Capensis
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Plumbago capensis vinca
infill: Plumbago Capensis
Duranta erecta
Decorative,: duranta erecta
Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean garden: This delicate soft light blue flower, with its refreshing bright green leaves, will work well in this garden type as it must have light soothing colors.
Evergreen, semi climbing, shrub with slender moderately branching stems.
Leaf arrangement: whorled shape: elliptic lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: saucer shaped . inflorescences: cluster
Fibrous root system, 30-50 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Branched stem.
Fertile, light, sandy, clayish, well- drained
Decorative: vinca
Growth rate
Moderate growth.
Blooming time
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.313
Semi wind
interlace design
Mood: Serene “interlace design” As the bright light blue color dominates the whole cluster of flower. Blue calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity. It is often described as peaceful, tranquil, secure and orderly. And the green color of its foliage symbolizes the nature and its relieving and soothing effect on people. And to keep the colors and the grouping around it simple, the interlace design will be used and the plumbago capensis will be the infill as its color is so distinctive. And adding to it the white vinca to boost the caling effect of the blue by mixing it with the clean neutral white also because both of that has the same form, shape and texture. Finally as an interlacing agent the lime green duranata erecta will make a contrast between the light blue and the white color as the green color symbolizes nature.
Dimorphotheca Jacandum
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Special: jacaranda
Decorative: duranta erecta
Technical info Form
Evergreen or low branching , erect, subshrubby perennials.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: obovate lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: toothed to way tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: cross shaped.
Fibrous root system, 20-30 cm deep
Location : Madinaty Garden type Formal Mediterranean: as the purple color is a royal, sophisticated color, it will be suitable for the whole garden mood.
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Decorative: vitex
Fertile, light, well- drained .
Blooming time
inflorescences: solitary
Bark and trunk
Duranta erecta
dimorphotheca Jacandum
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.330
Semi wind
infill: dimorphotheca freuticosum
Cluster design
Mood: Royalty “Cluster design” Highly showing purple color that dominates that whole flower, This diverse and radiant plant with cool purple color creates a royal, calmer and harmonious atmosphere with its green foliage. The purple color is a royal color and in the color psychology it is connected to the nobility which conveys wealth and extravagance. The purple jacaranda tree will act as a special in this cluster design grouping as it has the same color and texture of the flower. The duranta erecta will act as an decorative element with its yellowish green leaves that contrast with the purple color of flower also the smooth texture of its leaves will give a pleasant effect and won’t affect the spiritual and the noble feeling that the jacaranda gives. Mixing the duranta erecta with the vitex shrub as it has an amazing contrasting white and purple color to give the group more clarity with its white color and smoothness with its leaves and both the duranta erecta will act as the decorative element and the vitex as an pretty. Finally the dimorphotheca freuticosum will be the infill of this grouping as it has the white smooth petals with a pinch of purple in them will add a sophisticated effect to the whole grouping.
Plumeria alba
ياسمين هندى
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping Plmeria alba
Special: Plumbago Capensis
Decorative,: Anthemis puncatata
Technical info
Location : Maadi Garden type Formal garden: because of its fusion between the green and white that gives a feeling of purity and also its form, it will be suitable for the cleanliness and arrangement of the formal garden.
Deciduous, many branched small, canopy tree.
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: elliptic lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: wavy tips: pointed Base: uneven
Shape: star shaped . inflorescences: solitary
Fibrous root system, 40-60 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Unique branch structure.
Moderately fertile, well- drained 2-5m
Growth rate
Moderate growth.
40-50L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.155
Decorative: vinca
Blooming time
Anthemis puncatata
Semi wind
interlace design
Mood: Purity “interlace design” The attractive thin branches extended to form groups of leave with the soft white color with a hint of bright yellow in the center, this attractive aromatic tree with the unique form ,make it distinctive in shape, colors and smell. The white color that dominates the flower, White represents purity or innocence. Some of the positive meanings that white can convey include cleanliness, freshness, and simplicity. And the yellow color in its center also has some positive effects like the cheerfulness and joy. The plumeria will stand out as a special in this cluster design then adding the anthemis puncatata as infill because it symbolizes the plumeria but in smaller scale as it has the same fusion of colors. Then using the small white vinca as pretties to add more white color and because it has the same soft texture like the plumeria.
Salvia Splendens
سالفيا حمراء
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Salvia splendens Tecomaria Dracena santa rosa Pretties: tecomaria
Decorative: dracaena santa rosa
Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type Cottage garden: as for its vibrant red color and the coziness this color gives this shrub will be suitable for this garden type.
Erect bushy, usually grown as an annual.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: ovate lobing and divisions: pinnate Margin: toothed tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: pla like
Fibrous root system, 20-30 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Short trunk.
Average to slightly dry, well- drained soils.
inflorescences: raceme Pretties: russilia
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Blooming time
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.272
Semi wind
Infill: Salvia Splendens
Cluster design
Mood: Energetic “cluster design” The Salvia Splendens is an erect and bushy plant with oval and pointed foliage. Having a very distinctive shape and form and grabs the people’s attention immediately by its warm, energetic and passionate color. The pla like flowers in the raceme form creates a beautiful geometry. Expressing harmony and passion by using cluster design in this grouping. And by using the tecomaria as a pretty because they have the same texture of their petals and the same shades of color, Then the decorative element will be the russelia as it looks so much like the salvia with its reddish color so they will harmonize with each other. Then the infill will be the salvia splendens so it will stand out and grab people’s attention. Finally to balance the whole colors and textures the dracaena santa rosa will do that as it has a light green color that will contrast and boost the colors more standing as a decorative element.
خف الجمل
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
ipomea bougaivillea
Special: ipomea
Jasminum grandiflora
Decorative: Bougainvillea
Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type: Mediterranean: due to its form and foliage and also its purple color and its mysterious and exotic effect it will match perfectly the formal Mediterranean garden.
Deciduous, twinning, perennial climber.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: ovate lobing and divisions: pinnate Margin: wavy tips: pointed Base: heart shaped
Shape: bell shaped . inflorescences: solitary
Fibrous root system, 30-40 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Short trunk.
Fertile, light, sandy, clayish, well- drained
pretties: jasminum grandiflora
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Blooming time
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.301
Semi wind
Cluster design
Mood: Confident “cluster design” Ipomea is a beautiful ground cover or a climbing plant with showy violet flowers, heart or trumpet shaped flowers, its full bloom with distinctive center, gives a cheerful and joyful effects. its distinctive gradients of violet color and its smooth texture makes it very delicate plant. Due to the form of its flowers which dances in the air, the suitable feeling that this plant gives is the soothing, calming effect and hope. The bougainveillea will be placed as a decorative because they both classified as climbers and have the same features, then as an interlacing agent the Jasminum Grandiflora will be used as it has a bright white color and soft petals leaves that give more liveliness to the grouping by its refreshing aroma also because it is also a climber and finally the infill will be the Ipomea because it has almost the form as the other two climbers which stands in any form it gives a confidence effect.
Senecio Cineraria
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Acacia Farensiana
Special: Cassia nodosa
Decorative: lantana
Technical info Form
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean garden: This delicate soft grey leaves , with its refreshing yellow flowers, will work well in this garden type as it must have light soothing colors.
Senescio cineraria
Low mound forming, evergreen sub-shrub or shrub.
Leaf arrangement: whorled shape: obovate lobing and divisions: pinnatified Margin: scalloped tips: notched Base: edge shaped
Shape: pompomn inflorescences: panicle
Fibrous root system, 20-30 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Short trunk.
Fertile, light, sandy, moist, well- drained 50-60cm
Up to 60cm
Growth rate
Fast growth.
10/ 30cm pot
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.344
pretties: senecio cineraria
Blooming time
Semi wind
Stripe design
Mood: Lively “stripe design” Senecio Cineraria is a very distinctive shrub or groundcover gives a unique touch in a colorful scheme, It creates its own contrast by having yellow flowers and silver-grey curly leaves. So it gives you pure, and refreshing mood. And the bright yellow color of its flower is an attention getter, this shrub will grab the people’s attention. And give them practical and neutral feeling. In this stripe design grouping the first layer will be the acacia farensiana and it will work as a special and with its rounded form flower and its distinctive texture. The lantana will match this flower as its flowers create a round clusters and will be placed in the second layer as a decorative surrounding the base of the acacia farnesiana. The final layer will be the senecio cineraria as the pretties and because it is the shortest shrub of them all, it will be placed at the front and it also has the feathery rounded yellow flower and wavy silver that will harmonize with the other flowers.
Thevetia Peruviana
تيفيتيا,التفلة الصفراء
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping Thevetia peruviana Thevetia peruviana
Special: Thevetia peruviana
Decorative: tecomaria
Technical info Form
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean garden: Because its a shading tree with large swaying branches, and has colorful and bright flowers.
Tecomaria tecomaria
Evergreen medium , erect, open shrub or small tree with bright yellow-orange flowers.
Leaf arrangement: ranked shape: strap lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: funnel shaped inflorescences: solitary
Fibrous root system, 40-60 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Multi trunk.
All kind of soils, except salty and loamy soils. 3-5m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
40-50L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.181
Infill : russelia
Blooming time
russilia russelia
Semi wind
Cluster design
Mood: Spirited “cluster design” Thevetia is a unique shrub which is easily identify for its pointed, star-shaped leaves and for its flower which is bell shape flower. Thevetia has a very attractive glossy leaves and very beautiful flower with its warm, energetic and passionate color. it gives a very good shade, also its smooth texture of flower and leaves and the beautiful scale of the flower expressing harmony and passion. and by using cluster design in this grouping. And by using the Thevetia as special. Then adding some plants with the same texture of their petals and the same shades of color, firstly the decorative element will be the tecomaria as it looks so much like the Thevetia in color and the form of the flower, so they will harmonize with each other. Then the infill will be the russelia as it has the same form of flowers but in a different arrangement and shades of color that will contrast and boost the colors more.
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping Plumeria alba
infill: Plumbago Capensis
Special: Plumbago Capensis
Technical info
Location : MIU campus Garden type Formal garden: because of its fusion between the green and white that gives a feeling of purity and also its form, it will be suitable for the cleanliness and arrangement of the formal garden.
Woody based, fleshy, evergreen, perennial, erect at first, then spreading, has stiff and slightly untidy stem.
Leaf arrangement: opposite shape: elliptic lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: wavy tips: pointed Base: uneven
Shape: star shaped inflorescences: solitary
Fibrous root system,30-40 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Short trunk.
Fertile, light, sandy, clayish, well- drained 0.7-1m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Blooming time
10-15L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.327
pretty: vinca
Semi wind
Plumbago capensis
cluster design
Mood: Simplicity “cluster design” Simple, beautiful flower that is both hopeful and diverse in color. The simple star shaped flower gives the feeling of purity or innocence. Some of the positive meanings that white or pink can convey or have in common include tranquility, freshness and simplicity. And the yellow color in its center also has some positive effects like the cheerfulness and joy. The plumeria will stand out as a special in this cluster design as it has the same star shaped flower and the same texture of its soft petals, then adding the plumbago capensis as an infill because it has the same texture and form of petals also the light blue color boost the tranquil effect. Then using the small white vinca as pretties to enhance white and pink color.
فايتكس اخضر
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Leuchophyllum freutscens vitex
pretty: Luchophyllum frutescens
Duranta erecta
Decorative,: duranta erecta
Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type: Mediterranean: due to its form and foliage and also its purple color and its mysterious and exotic effect it will match perfectly the formal Mediterranean garden.
Open spreading, deciduous shrub or small tree with attractive foliage and flowers.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: ovate lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: toothed tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: pla like
Fibrous root system, 30-50 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Multi trunk.
Any well- drained soil.
inflorescences: raceme
infill: vitex
Growth rate
Fast growth.
210/20cm pot
Blooming time
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.280
Semi wind
cluster design
Mood: Vital “Cluster design” The tall rosette shape of the shrub stands with its light purple flowers and light green palmate leaves, the purple color is a royal color and in the color psychology it is connected to the mystery which conveys magic and independence. The duranta erecta will act as also a decorative element. As in this grouping with its yellowish green leaves that contrast with the purple color of vitex flower also the smooth texture of its leaves will give a pleasant effect and won’t affect the spiritual and the mysterious feeling that the vitex gives. Mixing the duranta erecta with the Leuchophyllum shrub as pretties as it has an amazing vibrant purple color to give the group more freshness and smoothness with its leaves. The vitex will act as an infill. The three shrubs has the same fusion of color and textures of the petals with a rich purple color and their green leaves, so they will add a sophisticated effect to the whole grouping.
Jasminum Grandiflora
ياسمين بلدى
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
ipomea bougaivillea
Pretty: ipomea
Jasminum grandiflora
Decorative: Bougainvillea
Technical info Form
Vigorous, twining, woody, deciduous, requires pruning.
Leaf arrangement: alternate shape: elliptic lobing and divisions: palmate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: pointed
Shape: star shaped
Fibrous root system, 30-50 cm deep
inflorescences: cyme Infill: Jasminum grandiflora
Bark and trunk
Location : Elsherouk Garden type Mediterranean garden: This delicate soft light white flower, with its refreshing bright green leaves and aroma, will work well in this garden type as it must have light soothing colors.
Fertile, moist, well- drained soil.
Up to 12m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
210/20cm pot
Blooming time
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.304
Semi wind
interlace design
Mood: Confident “interlace design” The jasmine which is well know to all of us and which is very beautiful and elegant shrub, Jasmine is a delicate and refreshing that is used on pergolas, its flowers are each individually having a white color that expresses delicacy, the flower has scent which makes the spectator feel refreshed as they smells the scent is spread in the place. By adding the Ipomea as pretty which is a climbing plant with showy violet flowers, gives a cheerful and joyful effects. Due to the form of its flowers which dances in the air, the suitable feeling that this plant gives is the soothing, calming effect and hope. The bougainveillea will be placed as a decorative because they both classified as climbers and have the same features, then as an infill the Jasminum grandiflora will be used as it has a bright white color and soft petals leaves that give more liveliness to the grouping by its refreshing aroma also because it is also a climber and it has almost the form as the other two climbers which stands in any form it gives a confidence effect.
Canna Indica
الكانا خضراء
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Cassia gluca
Infill: canna indica
Decorative: wedalia
Technical info Form
Location : Madinaty Garden type Cottage garden: Because it’s so light , airy and spontaneous, Which will match the informality and the liveliness of the garden
Robust, rhizomatous, herbaceous, perennials, with many cultivars.
Leaf arrangement: Alternate shape: Ovate lobing and divisions: pinnatified Margin: spiny tips: pointed Base: wedged
Shape: pea like
Fibrous root system, 30-50 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Slender stem
Rich, fertile, moist, wet.
`` Special: cassia glauca
Growth rate
Fast growth.
250/ 20cm pot
30-50L/day liters
Canna indica
inflorescences: solitary
Blooming time
Gazania chansonette
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.408
Semi wind
pretty: Gazania Chansonette
Interlace design
Mood: Cheerfulness “interlace design” As the yellow color dominates the whole plant and is truly a radiant and vibrant color, It is the color of high energy, enthusiasm, hope, fun, and cheerfulness. The casia glauca was chosen as it has the same vibrant yellow color that will give us the same feelings and will be used as a special, then the the wedalia will create a vibrant positive mat for the whole grouping and boost the yellow color more, then by adding the contrasting yellow and brown gazania as pretty it will add more hope and enthusiasm to the grouping, finally the canna will be placed as an infill as its height will make the people focus on it more between these short ground covers.
Ixora Chinensis
Trees Shrubs Palms Grouping
Plumbago capensis
pretty: Plumbago Capensis
Decorative,: duranta erecta
Technical info Evergreen, rounded, bushy shrub.
Leaf arrangement: Opposite shape: Ovate lobing and divisions: Pinnate Margin: entire tips: pointed Base: uneven
Shape: star shaped . inflorescences: umbel
Fibrous root system, 30-50 cm deep
Garden type Mediterranean garden: This delicate soft light white flower, with its refreshing bright green leaves, will work well in this garden type as it must have light soothing colors.
Fertile, light, sandy, clayish, well- drained
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Blooming time
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for al-Azhar park and the city of Cairo page no.241
`` Decorative: vinca
Bark and trunk
Location : Madinaty
Duranta erecta vinca
Ixora chinensis
Semi wind
Infill: ixora
interlace design
Mood: Serene “interlace design” As the bright white color dominates the whole cluster of flower. Blue calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity. It is often described as peaceful, tranquil, secure, and orderly. And the green color of its foliage symbolizes the nature and its relieving and soothing effect on people. And to keep the colors and the grouping around it simple, the interlace design will be used and the plumbago capensis will be the pretty as its blue color is so distinctive and gives also a calm and tranquil feeling. And adding to it the white vinca to boost the calming effect of the blue by mixing it with the clean neutral white also because both of that has the same form, shape and texture. Finally as an interlacing agent the lime green duranata erecta will make a contrast between the light blue and the white color as the green color symbolizes nature. Then final adding the ixora as an infill to make it pop out more.
Palms • • • • • • • • •
Washingtonia Filifera Bismarckia Nobilis Ravenala Madagascariensis Cycas Revoluta Roystonea Regia Wodyetia Bifurcata - Foxtail Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens Phoenix Dactylifera Phoenix Canariensis
Trees shrubs Palms
Washingtonia Filifera
واشنجتونيا مجوز
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Special: washingtonia filifera
Decorative,: duranta erecta
Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type: Mediterranean garden: it could be placed in walk through gardens due to its large scale of leaves and unique trunk, its very eye catchy due to its noticeable and attractive appearance, so placed it on sunny areas to give the sense of refreshing and comfort as it is better for shade
Fan shaped palm, with a loose and open crown.
Palmate greyish green, pendulous and swinging, 1-2m long. Petioles are up to 2m. With white thread-like fibers between the segments.
The bisexual blossoms are white and yellow, in clusters projecting down from the leaf crown; 2.5-3m long.
Fibrous root system, 1.2-1.5m deep
Bark and trunk
Massive, grey, barrel shape.
Fertile, light, sandy, clayish, well- drained
Decorative: amaranthus tricolor
Up to 5m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Blooming time
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.55
Semi wind
interlace design
Mood: welcoming “interlace design” As the dark green color dominates the whole leaves. And the green color symbolizes the nature and its relieving and soothing effect on people. The simple form of the palm and its monochromatic green color makes it stands out. And to keep the colors and the grouping around it simple, in its base we will place the duranta erecta interlacing with the shiny amaranthus as they boost the green and their shiny leaves will create a harmony between all the colors and textures. The reddish brown color of the amaranthus will contrast with the light green color of the palm and the other shrub, giving a warm and welcoming feeling to the grouping,
Bismarckia Nobilis
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Decorative: Euryops Acraeus
Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type formal gardens: As it grows in a symmetric shape
Massive tropical fan palm with heavy, blue-green broad fan leaves
Huge palmate, bright, light blue, waxy, 3 m.
Unisexual, dioecious plants, stalks are 1.2 m.
Fibrous root system, 1.2-1.5mdeep
Bark and trunk
Single, broad and sturdy.
Fertile, loam, sandy, clayish, alkaline or acidic, well- drained .
Up to 5m
Growth rate
Slow growth.
Blooming time
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.35
Semi wind
pretties: senecio cineraria
Mood: vital “stripe design” Bismarckia Nobilis has a large silver grey fan palm with leaves that looks like a crown which makes it unique and fascinating in its own way as it gives``inspiration when planted as a special. And the second layer will be the euryops acaraeus as it has a bright yellow flower with greyish- green leaves that will harmonize with the colors of the palm, then the third layer will be the senecio cineraria that will work as a frame that holds all the colors together by framing it with its unique silver color.
Ravenala Madagascariensis
ر افيناال
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Mood: Vibrancy
Ravenala Madagascariensis is a distinctive and remarkable plants, a very unique palm with its remarkable large glossy green leaves which make it one of the landmarks for public gardens. That will stand out alone as a special or a skeleton in the background.
Technical info
Location : 5th settlement
Garden type the foliage gardens: as it has dense foliage and large scaled leaves
Elevating symmetrical crown with hidden trunk Unique, palm like structure, from the bird of paradise family.
Long green yellowish deep leaves, up to 3m Fan shaped leaves tend to grow in an east west line.
Inconspicuous, small creamy white canoe shape, 30.5 cm Can bloom year-round.
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Sturdy grey trunk at maturity.
Moist , well- drained.
Up to 6m
Growth rate
Moderate growth.
Blooming time
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for al-Azhar park and the city of Cairo page no.161
Semi wind
Cycas Revoluta
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Decorative: Euryops Acraeus
Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type formal gardens: As it grows in a symmetric shape
Evergreen, fem like robust stemmed cycad.
Whorles of pinnate, stiff, leathery, blue green, with linear lance shaped, 0.751.5cm long leaves.
Male and female cones from on separate plants. the male inflorescences are 40 cm long; females are 20 cm long
Fibrous root system, 50-70 cm deep
Bark and trunk
Single, bend with age.
Fertile, moist, well- drained, fixes nitrogen in soil.
Growth rate
Slow growth.
Blooming time
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.63
Semi wind
Decorative,: duranta erecta
Mood: elegance “stripe design” Cycas is powerful and act as a focal point plant and eye catching to the viewer. It adds richness to the place and very luxurious and `` palm. It will stand as a special with prestigious its rich green color that gives vibrancy, freshness to the atmosphere. Then the second layer will be the duranta erecta as its lime green color will contrast with the dark green color giving a harmony between all the foliage then finally the euryops acraeus as its yellow color will contrast with the green color adding a vital and calm mood to the grouping.
Wodyetia Bifurcata - Foxtail
فوكس تيل
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Pretty : Euryops Acraeus
Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type Mediterranean gardens: its attractive appearance deal with the Mediterranean climate.
A solitary, erect palm with a grey trunk.
Arching , bright deep green, look like fox tail 3 m long
Inflorescence pendulous 1 m long both sexes come at the base of the crown shaft with white-yellowish flower stalk
Fibrous root system, 1.2-1.5m deep
Bark and trunk
Tall pale gray, 25 cm diameter
Fertile, light or medium structure, well drained.
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Blooming time
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.52
Semi wind
Decorative,: duranta erecta
Mood: Elegance “stripe design” Appearing like a the tail of a fox. has a beautiful trunk green from the top and a smooth light wooden color from the bottom The foliage of the foxtail``palm makes it very attractive and have an elegance and beauty character, also It gives you a tropical feeling. And by adding the yellow euryops acraeus as a pretty at its base to make a contrast with the dark green will evokes the feelings of cheerfulness and positivity. Then the duranta erecta as a decorative in the 3rd layer to make a frame around the base and add some freshness and liveliness to the base by its lime green color.
Roystonea Regia
نخيل ملوكى
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Mood: Prestigious Roystonea Regia adds tranquility and memorability to the luxurious places, is a very prestigious palm. it is luxurious and very unique palm due to its shape ,the texture, symmetrical, the geometry, the glossy leaves and its white pure trunk. So it will stand alone as a special because it catches the eyes of the people.
Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type Formal garden: its height and unique contrast of colors make it very suitable for the formal garden.
Smooth white trunk gets thinner towards the shaft.
Long dark green pinnate feather-shaped 3 – 5 m long
Tiny, cup –shaped 3 petaled 1 m long
Fibrous root system, 1.2-1.5m deep
Bark and trunk
White, smooth, single, stemmed.
Fertile, light or medium structure, well drained.
Growth rate
Moderate growth.
Blooming time
25-30L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.52
Semi wind
Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens اريكة صفراء
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Mood: Freshness Chrysalidocarpus has long evergreen leaves. It is a decorative, attractive plant because of the multiple branches and the multiple trunk that looks like bamboo. it somehow tropical plant, dense foliage its smooth texture appeals the eyes, It is planted individually as it gives a good appearance and become attractive to the eye Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type the foliage gardens: as it has dense foliage and large scaled leaves
An upright, evergreen , vase shaped palm like.
Spiral, odd numbered, pinnately compound, linear- shaped, arching evergreen leaves
Yellow white in panicles, 60 cm long
Fibrous root system, 1.2-1.5m deep
Bark and trunk
Thin park, multiple trunk
Fertile, light or medium structure, well drained.
Up to 4m
Growth rate
Fast growth.
Blooming time
70-80L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.62
Semi wind
Phoenix Dactylifera
نخيل البلح
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping
Decorative: Euryops Acraeus
Technical info
Location : Madinaty Garden type: Mediterranean garden: it could be placed in walk through gardens due to its large scale of leaves and unique trunk, its very eye catchy due to its noticeable and attractive appearance, so placed it on sunny areas to give the sense of refreshing and comfort as it is better for shade
Tall, usually cladded with old leaf bases.
Leaves are 4 -6 m long , composed of many linear. grayish green leaflets.
Tiny, cup –shaped 3 petaled 1 m long
Fibrous root system, 1.2-1.5m deep
Bark and trunk
White, smooth, single, stemmed.
Fertile, light or medium structure, well drained.
Growth rate
Moderate growth.
Blooming time
70L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for al-Azhar park and the city of Cairo page no.46
Semi wind
Decorative,: duranta erecta
Mood: Greatness “stripe design” The most common palm in Egypt, the tall evergreen palm. Dactylifera is an ornamental palm , it gives sense of intimidating and `` by it’s height, rough textured trunk greatness, and wide open canopy at very top. Dactylifera is a very oriental palm it will stand out as a special and it might be grouped with lantana camara as a groundcover in the second layer as a decorative element that can be planted under the date palm, it is eye relieving shrub, adds cheerful mood by its orange warm color. Acalypha adds a delicate contrast with the dull trunk of date palm will be the third layer as a pretty.
Phoenix Canariensis
نخيل جزر الكنارى
Trees shrubs Palms Grouping Mood: Exotic Phoenix Canariensis is a distinctive and remarkable palm, a very unique specimen palm with its remarkable large green leaves which make it one of the landmarks for public gardens, standing as a special alone where the sky is in the background so that the outstanding ornamental characteristics of this palm can be observed well.
Technical info
Location : Madinaty
Garden type the foliage garden: as it has dense foliage and large scaled leaves
Wide spreading crown with distinct characteristics, when pruned, the bottom of the crown appears to have a pineapple shape.
Long dark green pinnate feather-shaped 4-6 m long
Deciduous brush like, stalks up to 1.8m long bearing small off white flowers.
Fibrous root system, 1.2-1.5m deep
Bark and trunk
Massive with diamond design.
Tolerates a wide range of soil types. Includes newly reclaimed and well drained.
Growth rate
slow growth.
Blooming time
70L/day liters
Full sun
Reference: a plant guidebook for alazhar park and the city of cairo page no.45
Semi wind