Identity Newsletter

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Issue 1| Volume 1| Summer 2010

GAL 2:20

PSA 46:10

MATT 28:18-­20

Adventist Young Adult Publication

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in the appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even to the death of the cross...Do all things without complaining or disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and per versed generation, among whom you shall shine lights in the world., hold fast to the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or laboured in vain.






So the Lord impresses us to be missionar-­ LHV WKHQ WKH WKRXJKW RFFXUV ´/RUG , GRQ¡W NQRZ KRZ ¾ +HUH DUH VRPH IUHTXHQWO\ asked questions on being a missionary and the responses from two mission organiza-­ tions.

, :21'(5ÂŤ What guidance is there with regards to camp meeting? Can camp meetings have a positive effect on your health? Read more...

MEET YOUR AYA LEADERSHIP Understanding who is apart of your leader-­ ship allows you to not only ask the right question to the right individuals but realize that there is an army of young people, de-­ siring to complete the work set before us in FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK WKH 7KUHH $QJHOV¡ 0HV sage. What are you doing, today?

EXPERIENCING GYC 7KH WKHPH IRU *<& ´XQDVKDPHG¾ LV one people will never forget. It acts as a EHQFKPDUN LQ WKH DWWHQGHH¡V UHODWLRQVKLS with Christ. Read their experiences. Maybe, this year, you might have a chance to attend.



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´5HPHPEHU¾ This AYA retreat aims to call to remembrance how the Lord has led us in the past, and where He plans to lead us today.


ACTS Read the life transforming story of an LQGLYLGXDO¡V LQWHUDFWLRQV ZLWK WKH $FWV )RU Christ Conference held in Vancouver, BC.



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Alberta Campmeeting


Identity Â Ç Ä‚ĹśĆšĆ? ƚŽ Ä‚ÄšÇ€ÄžĆŒĆšĹ?Ć?Äž Ç ĹšÄ‚Ćš ƚŚĞ LJŽƾŜĹ? Ä‚ÄšƾůĆšĆ? ŽĨ ŽƾĆŒ Ä?ĹšĆľĆŒÄ?ŚĞĆ? Ä‚ĆŒÄž ƾƉ ƚŽ͊ ^ĞŜĚ ĆľĆ? ƚŚĞ Ĺ?ŜĨŽĆŒĹľÄ‚ĆšĹ?ŽŜ ĂŜĚ Ç ÄžÍ›ĹŻĹŻ Ä‚ÄšÇ€ÄžĆŒĆšĹ?Ć?Äž Ĺ?ƚ͊  Also,  send  us  your  reviews  on  the  books  and  events,  Bible  studies,  etc!*   *Restriction  and  guidelines  set  by  AYA  on  the  submitted  entries  and  advertisements  do  apply.  Please  contact  the  VP  of  Communications  and  VP  of  Networking  for  more  information.

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A Te st RI *R imony G¡V * by: E UDFH ric A stu nd d e nt



&DQDGLDQ 8QLYHUVLW\ &ROOHJH¡V FDPSXV DQG NHSW hearing about all the inspiring stories of other student missionaries. One story which I particu-­ larly remember was presented by Landon Sayler, he really emanated the excitement and joy of his experience overseas and to this day continues to be a friend and an inspiration to me. It seemed I was ready for such this overseas MRXUQH\ , FRXOGQ¡W ZDLW (YHU KHDUG WKH WH[W ´3ULGH JRHV EHIRUH GHVWUXFWLRQ DQG D KDXJKW\ VSLULW EHIRUH D IDOO ¾ 3URYHUEV (QJOLVK Standard Version) Well thank goodness God is patient. September 1, 2008 is when I stepped off the plane into the humid coastal air of Benin. I ZDV JODG IRU %HQLQ¡V SHDFHIXO DQG QRQ-­corrupt ways as I sailed easily through customs. Wait-­ ing for me, was one of the missionaries I would be working with and one other missionary from another AFM project. My first two weeks were spent in the big city of Cotonou, and then I was off to Natitingou where the Otammari project resides. I was the Child and Teen Ministry Di-­ rector in charge of Pathfinders and Youth Minis-­ try at the local church. I also worked as a Friendship Evangelist with the local youth. I was an Adventure Based Counselling major at CUC, no sweat. The sweat, though, was not from my lack of ability and God-­given talents but came from my lack of dependence. Perhaps you can guess on whom I was not depending enough.

The morning was cold in &DOJDU\ EXW , GLGQ¡W IHHO the temperature very much;͞ partially because I was half awake, and par-­ tially because I was about to embark on a very unfa-­ miliar and exciting experi-­ ence. It was a week before Christmas and I was leav-­ ing Canada on a three

week mission trip with the Manitoba-­Saskatchewan Conference to Belize. The trip turned out to be anything but un-­ eventful;͞ tarantulas in the hotel, jumping off water-­ falls, preaching, baptisms, and it seemed to me at the time that this would not be the last of my interna-­ tional ventures. Thus it was no surprise to me when almost exactly a year later I signed the commitment agree-­ ment with Adventist Frontier Missions (AFM) to go to Benin, West Africa (I had never heard of Benin before!). It had always been a dream of mine to spend a whole school year out on the frontlines of missions (I ended up spending 15 months total, SUDLVH *RG 0\ PRP¡V IDPLO\ KDG VSHQW IRXU \HDUV in Cameroon, when she was a teenager and I had seen the pictures of their many adventures. I grew up hearing and reading story books like Nila and the Crocodile, Invisible Escort, Demon of Padeng, Dr. Rabbit, and more. Then as a middle school and high school student I had the opportunity of living on



By  Christine  Koch,  Missionary  Have you ever contemplated serving the Lord overseas? Is there a desire upon your heart to be a short-­term or long-­ term missionary in another country? The Gospel Commis-­ VLRQ RI RXU /RUG DQG 6DYLRXU -HVXV &KULVW ELGV XV ´*R WKHUH IRUH DQG PDNH GLVFLSOHV RI DOO WKH QDWLRQV ¾ 0DWWKHZ 28:19) +DV +H FDOOHG \RX WR ´*R¾" Are you unsure of where and how? Adventist World Aviation (AWA) and Ad-­ ventist Frontier Missions (AFM) are just two of many overseas missionary opportunities available to someone like you!

Adventist World Aviation (AWA) ² ´)O\LQJ RQ *RG¡V 0LVVLRQ¾ Q: Based on the name of this missionary organization, it would seem that aviation personnel are needed. , GRQ¡W know anything about airplanes;͞ can I still help in any way? A: AWA has a need of aviation majors who would like to work around a mission aviation operation, with a special emphasis on aviation maintenance ² $:$¡V JUHDWHVW need. Pilots are numerous and easier to recruit. Mechan-­ ics, on the other hand, are in desperate need. With that said, all-­purpose student missionaries have been involved in AWA in the past and are still needed in areas ranging from construction to Bible work to homeschool teaching to health-­related activities. Q: Where does AWA currently have a mission presence?

Q: Can married couples be sent on student missionary as-­ signments? A: Yes! One married couple from Walla Walla joined AWA as student missionaries in the Philippines about five years ago. They have now graduated and are embarking on a mission aviation venture of their own in the Kiribati Islands with Search for One. Q: Are student missionaries responsible for raising their own funds? A: Yes, AWA works up a budget for each student missionary because the positions and locations are so varied in their requirements. Q: What is the best way to find out more information if I am interested in serving with AWA? A: General information about AWA can be found at For those interested in the possibility of serving with AWA, direct email and/or phone contact is necessary. Contact information is found on the website under Contact AWA.

Adventist Frontier Missions (AFM) ² ´5HDFKLQJ WKH 8QUHDFKHG LQ 7KLV *HQHUDWLRQ¾ Q: What exactly is AFM?

A: AWA has numerous projects around the world. Some of these projects currently include Alaska, Philippines, Guyana, and Papua New Guinea. AWA also has training centers for those interested in preparing for mission aviation. Two of these centers are located in Pennsylvania and Tennessee.

A: AFM is a Seventh-­day Adventist Christian lay ministry that is dedicated to establishing church-­planting movements around the world among people groups with no current Adventist presence.

Q: When choosing to serve with AWA is there a specific time of year that applicants must apply by?

Q: What opportunities are available for someone who de-­ cides to serve with AFM?

A: Because AWA serves around the world under various school and organizational schedules, timing is necessarily on a case-­by-­case basis. That said, it is ideal if student mis-­ sionaries attend summer training with Adventist Frontier Mis-­ sions (in Michigan) before deploying.

A: Short-­term and students missionaries can expect ministry activities such as: outreach/evangelism, basic medical work, homeschooling of missionary children, agricultural work, con-­ struction, and more. Short-­term and student missionary place-­ ments last between 9 months and 2 years. Long-­term mission-­ ary placements are also available. As a career missionary, the first year or two is spent learning the culture and language of the people group you will be working with. Once trust rela-­ tionships are built with the people, you can introduce them to Jesus and begin establishing a church. The project is com-­ plete once the newly established church functions independ-­ ently of the missionaries and has planted a daughter and granddaughter church.

Q: How long are student missionary placements? A: Again, this is a case-­by-­case basis. Because AWA has worked mostly with North American student missionaries, the placements tend to follow the collegiate school year.


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Q: When do I need to apply by? What is the time Q: Are married couples sent as student frame for service for AFM student missionaries? missionaries? A: AFM operates its student missionary program to coincide with the academic year in order to make it as convenient as possible for young peo-­ ple to go and serve. AFM asks that applications be sent in no later than the end of April. How-­ ever, the sooner applications are completed and sent in the better;͞ this allows student missionaries to select which call they want to take and where they want to serve. This is done on a first come first serve basis, and some calls are taken very fast. $)0¡V XQLTXH VWXGHQW PLVVLRQDU\ WUDLQLQJ program begins in Michigan in July and runs for one month. Students are then sent overseas to their various placements. Some young people have said that this training program alone was worth the student missions experience ² and then they have life-­changing experiences in the field as well! Q: What about fundraising?

A: AFM does send married couples as student missionaries. Couples need to have been married for at least a year before going out (see Deut. 24:5). Both parties need to fulfill a role on a pro-­ ject, and they should not have children at this time. AFM does want couples who have children to go and serve, however because of the logistics of sending over a family, AFM requires families with children to serve on a long-­term basis. Q: Where can I learn more about AFM? A: $)0¡V ZHEVLWH contains more information about AFM as well as a list of current AFM short-­term and long-­term opportuni-­ ties for service. Interest forms for anyone inter-­ ested in serving with AFM can also be filled out on the website. Q: How do I know if God is calling me to serve?

A: Student missionaries are currently being asked to raise US$4,200. These costs include the ex-­ penses related to training, travel, health insur-­ ance, stipend, lodging, and materials.

A: ´,I \RX DUH HYHQ DVNLQJ \RXUVHOI WKH TXHVWLRQ about whether God might be calling you, I be-­ OLHYH WKDW +H LV ¾ -RKQ %D[WHU $)0 +XPDQ 5H sources Director)

what guidance is there with regards to camp meeting? Can Camp Meetings have a positive effect on my health? Íž>Ğƚ Ä‚ĹŻĹŻ Ç ĹšĹ˝ ƉŽĆ?Ć?Ĺ?Ä?ůLJ Ä?ĂŜ͕ ĂƚƚĞŜĚ ƚŚĞĆ?Äž Ç‡ÄžÄ‚ĆŒĹŻÇ‡ gatherings.  All  should  feel  that  God  requires  this  of  them.  If  they  do  not  avail  themselves  of  the  privileges  which  He  has  provided  for  them  to  become  strong  in  Him  and  in  the  power  of  His  grace,  they  will  grow  weaker  and  weaker,  and  have  less  and  less  desire  to  consecrate  all  to  Him.  Come,  brethren  and  sisters,  to  these  sacred  convocation  meetings,  to  find  Jesus.  He  will  come  up  to  the  feast;  He  will  be  present,  and  will  do  for  you  that  which  you  need  most  to  have  done.  Your  farms  should  not  be  considered  of  greater  value  than  the  higher  interests  of  the  soul.  All  the  treasures  you  possess,  be  they  ever  so  valuable,  would  not  be  rich  enough  to  buy  you  peace  and  hope,  which  would  be  infinite  gain  at  the  cost  of  all  you  have  and  the  toils  and  sufferings  of  a  lifetime.  A  strong,  clear  sense  of  eternal  things,  and  a  heart  willing  to  yield  all  to  Christ,  are  blessings  of  more  value  than  all  the  riches  and  pleasures  and  glories  of  this  world.  These  camp  meetings  are  of  importance. Â


They  cost  something.  The  servants  of  God  are  wearing  out  their  lives  to  help  the  people,  while  many  of  them  appear  as  if  they  did  not  want  ĹšÄžĹŻĆ‰Í˜ &Ĺ˝ĆŒ ĨÄžÄ‚ĆŒ ŽĨ ĹŻĹ˝Ć?Ĺ?ĹśĹ? Ä‚ ĹŻĹ?ƚƚůĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĹ?Ć? Ç Ĺ˝ĆŒĹŻÄšÍ›Ć? gain,  some  let  these  precious  privileges  come  and  go  as  though  they  were  of  but  very  little  importance.  Let  all  who  profess  to  believe  the  truth  respect  every  privilege  that  God  offers  them  to  obtain  clearer  views  of  His  truth  and  His  requirements,  and  the  necessary  preparation  for  His  coming.  A  calm,  cheerful,  and  obedient  trust  in  God  is  what  He  requires.  You  need  not  weary  yourselves  with  busy  anxieties  and  needless  cares.  Work  on  for  the  ÄšÄ‚LJ͕ ĨÄ‚Ĺ?ƚŚĨƾůůLJ ĚŽĹ?ĹśĹ? ƚŚĞ Ç Ĺ˝ĆŒĹŹ Ç ĹšĹ?Ä?Ĺš 'ŽĚ͛Ć? Ć‰ĆŒĹ˝Ç€Ĺ?Ͳ dence  assigns  you,  and  He  will  have  a  care  for  you.  Jesus  will  deepen  and  widen  your  blessings.  You  must  make  efforts  if  you  have  salvation  at  last.  Come  to  these  meetings  prepared  to  work.  Leave  your  home  cares,  and  come  to  find  Jesus,  and  He  will  be  found  of  you.  Come  with  your  offerings  as  God  has  blessed  you.  Show  your Â

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gratitude  to  your  Creator,  the  Giver  of  all  your  benefits,  by  a  freewill  offering.  Let  none  who  are  able  to  give  come  empty-­â€?ĹšÄ‚ĹśÄšÄžÄšÍ˜ Íž ĆŒĹ?ĹśĹ? LJĞ Ä‚ĹŻĹŻ the  tithes  into  the  storehouse,  that  there  may  be  meat  in  Mine  house,  and  prove  Me  now  here-­â€? with,  saith  the  Lord  of  hosts,  if  I  will  not  open  you  the  windows  of  heaven,  and  pour  you  out  a  blessing,  that  there  shall  not  be  room  enough  to  receive  it.        The  object  of  a  camp  meeting  is  to  lead  all  to  separate  from  business  cares  and  burdens,  and  devote  a  few  days  exclusively  to  seeking  the  Lord.  We  should  occupy  the  time  in  self-­â€? examination,  close  searching  of  heart,  peniten-­â€? tial  confession  of  sins,  and  renewing  our  vows  to  the  Most  High.  If  any  come  to  these  meetings  for  less  worthy  objects,  we  hope  the  character  of  the  meetings  will  be  such  as  to  bring  their  minds  ĆšĹ˝ ƚŚĞ Ć‰ĆŒĹ˝Ć‰ÄžĆŒ Ĺ˝Ä?ĹŠÄžÄ?ĆšĆ?͘Í&#x;*     Â

*Testimones  to  the  Church   Vol  2  pp  600-­â€?602 Â

Tag us at Camp Meeting to find out how you can get involved! Raquel Lara Executive Secretary Christine Koch Vice President for Missions

Diana Lara Vice President for Evangelism

Andrea Gray Vice President for Communications

Jon-­Ross Ennest Vice President for Programming

Landon Sayler President Steve Simon Vice President for Networking


Caleb Smith Vice President for Logistics

Putting the pieces together. 6



These words never actually left my lips, but many times in the past they were spoken daily through my actions. Before attending GYC I considered myself to be a good Christian. I faithfully attended church every Sab-­ bath, I strived daily to draw closer to God, I was half-­ heartedly involved in different ministries, and quietly prepared for Christ's soon return.

Jesus knew that of all the GYC's in the past this was the one I needed to attend! Even though I had read Romans 1:16 before, I never fully took the time to truly understand what being "unashamed" of the Gospel of Jesus Christ meant. Every session I attended from Sebastian Braxton to Ron Clouzet, and David Asscherick, exposed not only my need for Christ but His need for me.

But, I'm happy to say my life has been tremendously changed since I made the commitment to take time off of work, and travel 48 hours to GYC in Kentucky while learning all the different sleep positions possible on a coach bus!

Christ needs me to be dead to my sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:11). He needs me to be a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1), to take up my cross and follow Him daily (Luke 9:23), and go and spread His Gospel to the world.

I first heard about GYC two years ago when the Lord opened up a way for my sister to attend at the last moment. Since then I listened to the audio presenta-­ tions of the sessions online, but I was determined to someday attend in person. Last year the opportunity presented itself, I did not think twice about signing up and it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made. Â

My love for Christ has grown and is continuing to grow day by day since GYC. And now that He's shown me all He has done for me and requires of me, I am prayerfully living everyday unashamed of Christ! Â Â


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by  William  Ennest,  Teacher Â

The Lord lead me to GYC. Despite not having worked for many months at the time, when I made the commitment to go, the funds were pro-­ vided for Amanda and myself to attend. While there I attended Paul Ratsarra's session on Power Spirituality, which allowed me to understand where I was going wrong in my prayer life. Also, the powerful sermons and devotional times brought conviction that I was not working for God as I should be. The whole GYC experience left me motivated but without direction. I prayed for direction on the bus ride back (Two days provide for a lot of reflection and prayer time!), and God did something wonderful. A pastor friend of mine called one Sunday night after GYC, and with Spirit filled admonitions, he gave me marching orders correlating to what I had been praying for. I will be starting a systematic outreach in Moose Jaw. Initial plans are to offer Bible studies. The next step will be to ar-­ range simple vegan cooking classes to flex the right arm of the Gospel Message! I am praying that when the church sees the results of these efforts it will shake them awake too! Please keep Moose Jaw in your prayers. I am praying for power to prevail over the hearts and minds of the city folk so we can all honour God through praise and adoration. by  Kimberly  McKay  ,   College  Student Â

by  Erin  Tait,  College  Student Â

Being able to go to GYC was a blessing and miracle all in itself for my husband and I but there was more! I was strength-­ ened and encouraged by what I heard and saw and from the conversations with people that I had. Being missionaries has been on our minds for a while and the call, at GYC, seemed to be confirmed . Among all the great things that happened there, my family coming was the biggest miracle. Because my family from back home lives near Kentucky, they came to visit us. My little brother came for the whole thing and my parents, older brother, sister in law, and three-­year-­old niece came for the weekend (Friday through Sunday). My older brother (who is not an Adventist) heard and really liked David Assherick. My sister in law (who has never been a Christian) was amazed at the friendliness there and wants to attend the next one. Even my parents left with the thought that they are not doing enough at their little church at home and want to start doing things like Bible studies! God is working on hearts everywhere and it is ex-­ citing to see how He is leading His people!


I hear throughout the week that I must be unashamed and I am be-­ ginning to do so. However, during the altar call, the speaker suggests ´,I \RX DUH JRLQJ WR EH XQDVKDPHG IURP QRZ RQ FRPH IRUZDUG ¾ , know I want to go forward with all my heart, but I am not ready. I know that if I am to go forward I am be doing nothing but lying to my-­ self, So I remain seated. I blatantly tell God that I am not going to get up because I know it is nothing but a lie to make everyone continue to think that I have it all together. So there I sit, with tears in my eyes, re-­ fusing to get up. But God could not have shown me what I needed to see had I gotten up. As Asscherick speaks to everyone I glance down at my Bible and think ´:HOO LI ,¡P QRW JRQQD JHW XS PD\EH , VKRXOG UHDG VRPHWKLQJ LQ P\ %LEOH¾ , GRQ¡W UHDOO\ NQRZ ZK\ EXW , RSHQ WR WKH ODVW FKDSWHU RI 1HKH miah. I read how Nehemiah stood up for what he believed. He be-­ comes upset with the people who were selling things in the temple and later telling them to clean it all up. I begin to wonder to myself, in IDFW , VXSSRVH , NLQG RI \HOO WR *RG LQ P\ KHDG ´:K\ LV 1HKHPLDK VR XQDVKDPHG ¾ 0HDQZKLOH $VVFKHULFN LQYLWHV WKH FRQJUHJDWLRQ WR VLQJ with him I have Decided to Follow Jesus $QG DV , EHJLQ WR DVN ´ZK\³¾ he motions them to sing it like they meant it³ to sing with all their heart. Just as I finish my thought I hear the words ring in and out of my KHDG ´I have decided...¾ This really hits me because it is like God planned it all. He shows me the chapter I need to read and as I get to the point where I know why I DP WR UHDG WKDW FKDSWHU +H WHOOV PH ´$OO \RX QHHG WR GR LV GHFLGH ¾ What I read is I need to hear;͞ the words they sing are the words I need WR KHDU DW WKDW PRPHQW , GRQ¡W UHPHPEHU ZKDW LV VDLG GXULQJ WKH VHU mon, but God uses one altar call, which I despise so much, to tell me the whole theme of the weekend³decide to be unashamed and then be unashamed.

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by Alexandra Rayne, Teacher

I pray that this letter finds you well, happy, and serving the Lord.

The other short story I would like to share, happened this past Sabbath. In the morning I got up to have some devotional time Generation of Youth for Christ is a movement that has changed and concluded it by reading from the Roger Morneau book my life. Feeling the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, about the power of prayer. One quote seemed to jump out at unleashed at GYC, change my heart will remain one of my me ² he was speaking about the necessity of memorizing scrip-­ most beautiful experiences. I would like to share two testimonial ture with its reference so that the Holy Spirit could enable us to episodes that have happened since we arrived home from remember certain texts when speaking to other people...texts Kentucky. they need to hear. It then seemed as if God was asking me ´:RXOG \RX VSHDN IRU PH LI , DVNHG µ 5HVSRQGLQJ WKDW , ZRXOG LI I could, but feel so woefully inadequate and unprepared. I I believe that all of us who traveled to Louisville understood that thought of the many scripture verses that I can quote but not once we had made commitments to God and surrendered our find instantly, and many more that I cannot quote accurately at wills to Him there that the Devil would be angry and that we all. Well, that appeared to be the end of that and I headed off would have to endure some of Satan's attacks. It was amazing to church, but before I left I spontaneously tucked my GYC to me how quickly it came. Immediately after coming home I notebook into my bag, thinking if no one wished to spend the realized that somehow my car had been left unlocked and that Sabbath afternoon with me I would find a place in one of the it had been rifled through. Thankfully God refused to let the parks around here (I am away from home doing some tempo-­ thief's eyes see the computer case that was in the trunk, but the rary work) to do some thinking and writing. thief did manage to get away with my camera bag. This in-­ cluded my digital SLR camera, a video camera, and a couple Upon arriving at this small (extremely so) church I met some of lenses -­ about $3000 of equipment in total. Before GYC, I beautiful people and we had a lovely Sabbath school study ² would have let this loss really disturb me, in fact it would have and then it was time for the Divine service. Interestingly, they been enough to depress me for quite some time. However, ZHUH JRLQJ WR VKRZ WKH '9' RI 3DVWRU $VVFKHULFN·V ILUVW NH\QRWH God immediately opened my eyes to this tactic of Satan's and sermon from GYC ² FDOOHG ´8QDVKDPHG RI WKH &UXFLILHG &KULVW µ instead I found myself rejoicing that Satan would count me The instant they began to play the DVD it began to squeal and enough of an enemy to bother trying to discourage and stop buzz incessantly, and the audio was broken up. We tried several me. Mrs. White wrote a Signs of The Times article in 1891, that I things to stop the noise and play the DVD normally but eventu-­ found appropriate and will quote it here: ally gave up, and it was then that I knew what God was calling PH WR GR « +H ZDV DVNLQJ PH WR VSHDN ² just like I had heard Him earlier that morning. Let me make it very clear to you that I would have never done this before GYC, nevertheless, with a The claims upon the Christians are the quick prayer and a nervous spirit I asked the people if they same now as ever,-­-­perfect obedi-­ wished me to share at least the main points of this powerful ser-­ ence,-­-­but Satan's attacks are more mon. They were all eager that I did so and I ran to my car to get deceptive. His manner of warfare is so my GYC notebook. Praise God ² in His wisdom He had different from that expected that, prompted me to stick that notebook (last-­minute) in my bag, unless the senses are sharpened to understanding that I still was too weak to simply preach with no comprehend his plans, we shall not be preparation. I proceeded to convey, as best as I could, the prepared for defense. Satan has sermon that Pastor Asscherick had delivered with such strength, many wily agents who will avail them-­ sharing some of my own reflections on the texts and points he selves of every means to assault those had made. I know that my words were stumbling and unre-­ who vindicate the claims of God's markable but I am just as sure that God used them and trans-­ law. They may not meet them in open IRUPHG WKHP LQ WKH SHRSOHV· PLQGV VR WKDW WKH\ KHDUG ZKDW +H warfare, with arguments, but will work intended them to. A number of the congregation were in tears, and some remarked that it was just what they needed to hear. with all their power to press them into Again I say -­ praise God! He can take what the devil has meant difficult places, to restrict their privi-­ for evil and turn it to good for those of us who love Him and are leges and liberties, and to annoy called according to His purpose. them in other ways.

{ST, September 7, 1891 par. 4}

I am thanking God for His grace in preparing me for this particu-­ ODU DQQR\LQJ DWWDFN RI 6DWDQ V *<& KDV KHOSHG WR ´VKDUSHQ P\ VHQVHVµ DQG , DP H[SHULHQFLQJ D QHZ ZDON ZLWK -HVXV EHFDXVH of it.




Drayton Valley by  Raquel  and  Diana  Lara,  Teacher  and  Bible  Worker Â

$W WKH HQG RI P\ ILUVW \HDU RI WHDFKLQJ , WKRXJKW , NQHZ *RG¡V ZLOO , WKRXJKW WKH /RUG ZLOOHG IRU PH WR FRQWLQXH ZRUNLQJ LQ œLQQHU FLW\¡ Calgary. His plans for me were not so. Shortly after summer vacation began, I found myself moving 3.5 hours north to a town of 6000, the town of Drayton Valley. I was absolutely AMAZED how in the course of 2 weeks the Lord provided a job and a place for me to live. As things fell into place I was given peace and assurance that I was following His will and not my own. I moved to Drayton Valley, knowing only the school principal and his wife. My first month in town was one of adjustment. I searched the town directory for the local Seventh Day Adventist church and discovered there was none. For the first month I commuted to vari-­ ous churches in Alberta on the Sabbath. Although I enjoyed visiting other churches, I longed to fellowship with like-­minded believers in my community.

In the meantime, I had begun to form friendships at work. My col-­ leagues were welcoming and loving. In the course of our discussions , ZDV DEOH WR VKDUH WKH WUXWK RI WKH 6DEEDWK GLVFXVV œ%LEOH 3URSK HF\¡ DQG WKH œ6WDWH RI WKH 'HDG¡ , SUDLVHG WKH /RUG IRU , ZDV œXQDVKDPHG¡ 0\ FORVHVW IULHQG RQ VWDII KDV UHVHUYHG WKH 6DEEDWK ZLWK PH SHULRGLFDOO\ 6KH SUD\V WR WKH /RUG DQG RXU œVSLULWXDO¡ FRQ versations have been a blessing to me. I am thankful for her friend-­ ship and praise the Lord for her. Part way through the year my sister, Diana, came to live with me. I knew the Lord had sent her for a special purpose and wonderful things began to take place. I have seen how the Lord is working in the town of Drayton Valley, I pray for the community and their ac-­ FHSWDQFH RI WKH $GYHQWLVW PHVVDJH PRVWO\ ,¡P H[FLWHG WR VHH +LV plans continue to unfold.

I prayed earnestly and asked for the Lord to reveal His will for me. :DV WKLV WR EH P\ œZLOGHUQHVV H[SHULHQFH¡" :HUH WKHUH RWKHU $G ventists in town? Why had He sent me away from my friends and family? I received an answer to prayer within the week! A friend in Calgary informed me of an Adventist couple in Drayton Valley that held church in their home on Sabbaths. I contacted the couple immedi-­ ately and we spent a wonderful Sabbath together. I learned that Derald and Teresa Kisser had been trying to start an Adventist church in town for years³they felt called by the Lord. I was excited! The Lord willed for me to be a part of this;͞ to help Derald and Teresa in some capacity. I felt inadequate and undeserving, but I knew the Lord would only provide me with what I could handle.

Ever since I was knee-­high to a grasshopper, so to speak, ministry in the church has been a part of my life. I have never lived farther than 15 minutes walking distance from an Adventist Church (even in %HQLQ 6FKRRO DQG FKXUFK GUDPDV PHQ¡V FKRUXV VLQJLQJ SUHDFKLQJ .LGV¡ &KXUFK OHDGHU P\ OLVW KDV QHYHU EHHQ ODFNLQJ $OULJKW ZD\ WR JR (ULF 7KDW¡V just the problem. Jesus was pretty clear when He VDLG ´%XW VHHN ILUVW WKH NLQJGRP RI *RG DQG KLV righteousness, and all these things will be added to \RX ¾ 0DWWKHZ (69 , RIWHQ SRQGHU P\ OLIH and I amaze myself at how adept I am at building the Kingdom of Eric, but how far from the ideal of *RG¡V .LQJGRP ,Q %HQLQ , ZDV ZRUNLQJ KDUG DQG people appreciated my ministry. I was making friends, all appearances were great, but the ques-­ tion that had been with me for so many years was still with me: what was I working for? Was I work-­ ing, serving, living to gain salvation or was I work-­ ing, serving, living in thanks for salvation? Am I the employer or the employee? As the resources of the Kingdom of Eric began drying up, I was getting VHULRXVO\ FRQFHUQHG KRZ PXFK ZRXOG P\ FLW\¡V walls last against the enemy with my own strength (Psalm 127:1)? The fact is I am only alive because God keeps my heart beating;͞ my sins left on me would kill me like a ton of dynamite (Romans 6:23). Whether you have been an Adventist for one week or all your life, the idea of being justified

Middle: Julie Bigelow, Kacie, and Barry Bigelow Front: Derald & Teresa Kisser, Shelley Dorigo, Jamie, Diana Lara and Brennen Vannech

is not easy to come to grips with. To realize that all I do is in honour of what has already been done for me;͞ that I simply accept a gift and live. I work for *RG +H GRHVQ¡W ZRUN IRU PH :KDW DQ DZH-­ inspiring concept. I am so happy to have had the opportunity to come to grips with this while I was overseas, though I, like Paul cannot say that I have arrived completely, I am ever growing in Christ (Philippians 3:12). What makes me even more ex-­ cited is that God is waiting to do this for everyone, everywhere, anytime. There is no place on earth where God cannot reach you, will you let Him in?

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Eric Anderson is a recently returned student missionary with Adventist Frontier Missions to the Otammari Project in Benin. He will be an Adventure Based Counselling ma-­ jor this fall at CUC.

 by  Steve  Simon,  Architect  As strange as this may sound door to door witnessing has by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord'. It is a always been something that I have looked forward to with lesson that God has thought me before and it would serve more eager anticipation than nervous anxiety. Without my Christian experience well not to forget it again. For the doubt door to door witnessing has in my own spiritual experi-­ Bible is full of people who thought that their own real, un-­ ence yield the fastest answers to prayer and given me a sanctified, God given abilities could supersede the invisible tangible and real understanding of the hope that I have. faith requirements of God when it came to evangelism. However, having said this, I can safely say that without reser-­ vation the door to door witnessing experience I had at ACTS The spiritual person to person experiences that I had were 2010 was the worse I have experience. It also a very important part of my ACTS ex-­ may have been perception, but that is how ´7KHUH LV D ILQH OLQH EHWZHHQ perience. It is amazing how the living per-­ it felt. Perhaps it was not a failure from Gods sonal testimony of others can strengthen us stepping out and doing point of view, as his word never goes out and how seeing the rapid changes God and 'comes back void' (Isa 55:11). I suppose God's will, by faith, and go-­ makes in the lives of others can strengthen ing out in one's own strength us on our spiritual journey, causing us to re-­ that I was looking at the tangible immedi-­ ate present, where as God looks at the because you know and member where we have come from as a souls we are privileged to witness to from have memorised scripture help in future battles. God can make any the perspective of eternity. My faith going change in the willing individual instantane-­ RU FDQ VSHDN HORTXHQWO\ ¾  out was based on the visible positive re-­ RXVO\ EHFDXVH +LV œKDQG LV QRW VKRUWHQHG sponses of my past experience (which were WKDW LW FDQQRW VDYH¡ EXW ZH UHVLVW +LV important to remember) but the experiences of the past will changing grace, and thus the process becomes unneces-­ never suffice for what God was teaching me for that instant. sarily protracted. We know these things and I would hope that more than knowing them we experience them. But wit-­ I leant an important lesson that Sabbath afternoon. There is QHVVLQJ *RG¡V KDQG PRXOGLQJ WKH FOD\ RI WKH KXPDQ VRXO a fine line between stepping out and doing God's will by helped to lift my spirits like nothing else could do at ACTS. faith and going out in one's own strength because you œ7KH\ RYHUFDPH KLP E\ WKH EORRG RI WKH /DPE DQG WKH know and have memorised scripture or can speak elo-­ word of their testimony' (Rev 12:11). quently. The spirit in which we approach the work of God is as important, if not, more important than the work itself. 'Not

Drayton Valley My plan was to continue bible working in Edmonton until June when suddenly I was told that church funds could only employ me until the end of January. I prayed earnestly for God to show me His will. My sister told me of an Educational Assistant position in Drayton Val-­ OH\ , DSSOLHG EXW FRXOGQ¡W LPDJLQH ZK\ *RG ZRXOG FDOO PH WR WKLV little town.

meetings in Drayton and I met some very excited people. The series concluded with five baptisms and a few rededications of SDA believers. The meetings were a blessing and by the end of the VHULHV RXU KRPH FKXUFK JUHZ PDQ\ 6DEEDWKV ZH¡YH KDG RYHU followers of Christ in attendance. The most beautiful part of this ex-­ perience was watching our group become a family. The new and old members are currently spreading the gospel mes-­ sage to many and we have been blessed with a group of children, some from non-­Christian homes, who regularly come to church on their own because they love learning about Jesus.

Within a few days I was off to my new job and home in Drayton Val-­ ley. God had a bigger plan than I imagined. I began attending a home church with my sister;͞ many times we made up half the con-­ gregation. Through much prayer and the faithfulness of Derald and Teresa, we grew from 4 members to a consistent 12 in the course of a month. The week after I moved to town, the Adventist church of Warburg held an evangelistic series in Drayton Valley. The last series held in town had oc-­ curred 10 years prior, not one visitor attended. During the series I was blessed to see the dedication of be-­ lievers, some who drove an hour every night to help and attend the meetings. I was privileged to go door to door before the

God was able to use my sister and I to help reach people in the community and to help start a church plant in Drayton Valley. Mostly, the Lord transformed us and taught us so many valuable lessons. Our home church has now moved to the Pembina Educational Consortium, a community building in town. We have met with the Alberta Conference president and have applied for company status. Even though there is strong opposition from other churches in the community, our church has continued to grow strong in Christ. Originally, I was frustrated and did not understand why my plans changed in an instant. Now, I am so blessed to know that God had better plans for me and He truly used this experience to mould my character.

Baptism of Horst & Oksana Gisbertz with Pastor John Gilbert


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Adventist Young Adults



Our Vision:



Our Objective: It is our objective to seek (1) to train the [young adults] to work for other [young adults], (2) recruit WKH >\RXQJ DGXOWV@ WR KHOS WKHLU FKXUFK DQG ´WKRVH ZKR SURIHVV WR EH 6DEEDWKNHHSHUV ¾ DQG ZRUN ´IRU WKRVH ZKR DUH QRW RI RXU IDLWK ¾ Signs of the Times, May 29, 1893)

Our Mission: In seeking to reach these objective the [young adults] are called upon to: [ pray together, [ study the Word together, [ fellowship in Christian social interaction, [ act together in small groups to carry out well-­laid plans for witnessing, [ GHYHORS WDFW VNLOOV DQG WDOHQW LQ WKH 0DVWHU¡V VHUYLFH DQG [ encourage one another in spiritual growth.



Please  visit  our  website  for  more  information  on  AYA,   and  or  other   Information  regarding  Young  Adults  in  Alberta:    Also,  email  your  entries  for  the  newsletter  to  the  address  below: Â

0! 1 0 4, 2 Â

See 12 Â


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