Fall Issue 2010

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Issue 2 | Volume 1 | Fall

Amen amen identity !

Adventist Young Adult Publication

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in the appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even to the death of the cross...Do all things without complaining or disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and per versed generation, among whom you shall shine lights in the world., hold fast to the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or laboured in vain.

Adventist Young Adults

Our Leadership

Jonathan Hung King Sang TREASURER Diana Lara Steve Simon VP for EVANGELISM VP for NETWORKING

Landon Sayler PRESIDENT


Jon-Ross Ennest VP for PROGRAMMING


It is our objective to seek to (1) train young adults to work for and with other young adults, (2) recruit young adults to help their church and those “who profess to be Sabbath keepers,” and (3) work “for those who are not of the faith.”

Caleb Smith VP for LOGISTICS

identity Amen is a word that I constantly used throughout my life. It was not until I researched the meaning of the word, amen, that I truly began to understand its true significance. The working definition of amen, according to the Oxford Dictionary, “retained in the Bible from the original Greek or Hebrew,” means “truly, verily.” In other words, when truly or verily is used the Bible, it is synonymous with the word amen. Jesus uses the phrase, “Verily, Verily,” 25 times in the book oh John; in other parts of the Bible the word is used on several different occasions. In focusing on the phrase that Jesus uses, it appears to holds great weight, as fundamentally He is building up a case not for what is truth, but Who is Truth. Jesus uses His own words to support His case by evoking the reality that none other than He is Truth and none other than what He speaks is truth. Jesus then confirms this when He states, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).





This quarter’s newsletter is dedicated to Truth and it’s importance as an absolute and a reality. When we come to a knowledge of God, we come to know Truth (1Timothy2:4). Please share Him with others. Andrea Gray


Find out what our GC President said when AYA asked four important questions.

p 10

MESSAGE FROM A PIONEER “Leaves from the Tree of Life”

p 11


In attempt to rectify my misuse of the word, amen should not be taken lightly nor used lightly. When I say, “Amen,” I am making solemn agreement with God and what I am a agreeing with must be truth. John admonishes repeatedly in the book of First John, to the people of Ephesus, “You know.” the truth. We also know the truth—Jesus is the Truth, amen!

The story of a babyʼs miraculous birth in Bolivia.

One womanʼs desire to follow God with all of her heart.

MISSIONARIES TO HONDURAS The perspective of two ladies.

p 14


p 15

ADD TO YOUR LIBRARY Sometimes it is hard to find a good book to read.

p 19


A deeper look at Truth.

Find out what is going on near you. Pass the word along!



A Case for Life or Death: BY: MINDY WLASENKO Are You Ready? For the last three and a half years my husband, Clint, and I have worked at a boarding school in Bolivia, South America. This school was started to both provide a good education to those who could not afford the schools in town and, more importantly, to encourage and train them to be missionaries. Our school is a part of GMI (Gospel Ministries International) which was started several years ago by David Gates. GMI has experienced rapid growth in the last few years, with a variety of different types of mission projects around the world. After we return from Furlough in the United States (where we are doing a medical missionary course) we are planning, God willing, on joining a new project, also in Bolivia. We plan on joining another couple (Cornelio and Susie) in a tiny jungle village called Las Amalias (3-5 days by boat to the nearest city) to begin a missionary training program. The program will include medical training, Bible work, agriculture, finances, being self supporting. In July, over mid-term break, we took a group of 8 students to Las Amalias to help with a variety of projects. They cut lumber, strung barbed wire, put up a tiny thatched roof church, and ran children始s programs. We were there for about 3 weeks and planned to return on a Sunday. The Sabbath night before, something occurred that started an adventure I will not soon forget. Mariella, a 16 year old girl, seven months pregnant, started having some leaking of amniotic fluid during the night, before we left. When Susie (a nurse) was told in the morning she tried to convince the couple to go up river to the nearest airstrip and charter a plane out. They were just a young couple and could not afford the $200 each to fly to Riberalta, the nearest city. They insisted that they would just come with us. So Susie made sure she had all the medical equipment she needed and we just prayed that it would not be necessary.



By the time we all got loaded into our little 9 meter (27 foot) boat, there were about 20 of us, with all of our belongings. It was a little crowded. Susie and I spent the first afternoon reading the midwifery book, studying about all possible complications. Susie had studied for a short period of time with a midwife, but the last birth she attended was her own daughters (11 years ago), so she was feeling a little rusty, especially given the possibility of a premature delivery in the middle of the jungle. That first day passed uneventfully. Joel, one of our older students, was able to share and answer their questions about the Bible as we traveled. The next morning she said she was fine, but by noon Susie noticed that she kept making a fist. When asked she said that she had been having contractions since 8 oʼclock that morning! Susie and I made her a bed, vainly hoping that lying down would slow things down a little, and we started getting out all the birthing things we had hoped that we would not have to use. We also pushed everyone into the back part of the boat and put up a blanket screen for privacy. The next few hours went by very quickly and by 3:30 pm or so she was almost ready to deliver. About that time a small boat with an outboard motor (capable of reaching Riberalta much more rapidly than ours) came by and we flagged them down. They were on their way to deliver mechanical parts upriver, but they promised to return within the hour and take the girl and her husband to Riberalta. Shortly after they passed the baby started coming. As is common in premature deliveries, it was breech (bottom first as opposed to head first). As the body started to emerge Susie was sure it was dead as it was purple (meaning it wasnʼt getting oxygen). We asked everyone to pray. Things went well until it came to the head, which became stuck. Susie was very worried since this could also be a danger to the mother. However, God reminded her what she was to do which became and she was able to get the head delivered. IDENTITY!

Susie suctioned out the babyʼs mouth and nose and started CPR. We could see her little heart beating so I kept rubbing her chest and giving her little breaths until she started to cry and breath on her own. Once she started to cry she started to pink up. She was so precious and tiny. Within a couple of minutes of the placenta being delivered, the boat we had seen earlier returned. Just in time. We could not have moved her any earlier. They picked up the whole bed with Mariella still on it and transferred her to the other boat. There was not a lot of room in the boat so only Susie a translator and the father could go.


Their trip into town was uneventful and the baby was stable. However, once they got there she started to have trouble breathing. And by the time they go to the hospital (only about 10 minutes away) she had stopped breathing. Susie ran into the hospital yelling for help. They laid her on a bed but the doctor said she was dead. Just at that moment she gave a gasp. By the time I saw her the next day she was in an incubator. She was doing so well she was only on oxygen (her lungs arenʼt fully developed yet). As of when we left, she was stable and she had not had any complications. What an amazing experience. To hold such a tiny life in your hands is indescribable. The only way she survived is by the grace of God. We were in a very unsterile environment and she was very early. She could have so easily died. In reality she should have any number of complications that could take her life. But she is in Godʼs hands. This experience reminded me that we are about to enter a crisis, a worldwide crisis. We didn't know what was going to happen but we traveled prepared. Are you ready for what is coming? Are you studying the manuals? Or are you sleeping in the boat, without a clue of what is coming or happening. When it comes will you be one of those who help? Will you know what to do? 5

If we are not prepared, we will not only lose other lives, but our own as well. A crisis is only a crisis if one is not prepared. Take a look at this world and wake up: horrible droughts where there shouldn始t be, floods, freezing cold and hail storms in the tropics, devastating earthquakes, tornados, incredible immorality, new man-made diseases, economic crises. We are at the doors. If Christ does not return soon, our world will self destruct.

We have the truth and know that these are only the signs 'birth pangs'; we are not yet at the crisis. Open your manual and prepare. It could be the difference between losing your life or saving it. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6 For more information on Gospel Ministries International check out their website: gospelministry.org

"Recently, we had the God-given opportunity to attend a training school for medical missionaries. It was a four week intensive course in the countryside of Tennessee led by a God fearing family who has been serving in this field for over 20 years. We had many blessings during our time there. We were able to build friendships with many of those who have a deep love for God; evident especially by the desire to serve their fellow man. We experienced a healthful way of living (both diet and lifestyle) which, as we are counseled, will bring glory to God. Seeing God始s healing power moving through the use of the plants and trees of His creation. The biggest blessing was God moving in our own lives; facilitating our spiritual growth and continual rebirth." Kris & Sarah Bautista




Ten minutes

with the president:

Ted Wilson by: Andrea Gray

When AYA heard that the newly elected General Conference President, Ted Wilson was speaking at the 2010 Alberta Campmeeting, we collectively came up with four fundamental questions to ask him, set a time to meet with him, and witness the Holy Spirit work and speak through our new appointed leader. We could not keep the precious conversation to ourselves, so here are the four questions we asked and President Wilsonʼs responses. Be blessed.


What is your vision for the young adults of the Adventist Church?

Well, the Seventh-day Adventist Church was started by young people, for the most part. Many of them were in their early twenties. Young people have a wonderful future in the church, and not only for the future, but the present. We need to involve young people in, especially, the mission of the church. You canʼt just say “Well letʼs turn over everything to young people” because there is a beautiful symbiotic relationship that must exist between those who have experience, age, and those who are IDENTITY!

young people full of fire for the Lord, but may not have all the finesse as to how to go about doing things; so when you marry that, you get a powerful church that is fired by the enthusiasm and zeal of young people and guided by the wisdom of those who are a little bit older. I am hoping that weʼre going to influence young people in the area of service —real active service, not just saying, “Letʼs just add more young people to committees, and boards,” we should probably do that to some extent, but really the most important thing is to get young people involved in real service for the Lord, whether that is evangelistic activity, witnessing in community type outreach programs and projects, so that they donʼt drift away into entertainment kinds of activity either within the church or outside of the church. But that they are a part of doing practical christianity which really helps to cement you to the church in a very powerful way. I am hoping that we can emphasize a lot the service part and really get young people to be behind the Churchʼs activity.


Of course another area is the area of trying to utilize the great zeal that young people have for the Lord in a spiritual way, so that they can help to ignite the revival reformation that the Church really needs. Young people are earnest when they get on fire for the Lord— they are just on unstoppable! The Holy Spirit can use them in a powerful way. The two areas, service and spirituality, I think those two areas are powerful factors for young people to be involved in. Do you see that taking place at a local church level? Absolutely at the local church because that is where the Church really exists to interface with the community. Certainly in other areas, institutional activity as well as organizational , to include young people on committees is important, but committees do not accomplish the kinds of things that people do at local church levels when they are in touch with the community.


How does the GC plan to get more young adults involved in leadership and activities for the church?

Again, I would come back to the whole aspect of revival and reformation. We are going to be establishing a revival and reformation committee. We are certainly hoping, and I am reminded to really involve young people in this whole aspect of revival and reformation. The ultimate thing is not to be involved necessarily in committees that are rather dry and perfunctory in what they are doing. The real vitality is to be on the cutting edge where you are seeing peopleʼs lives affected and people changing to the point of accepting the Lord as their Saviour—and that is what is going to fire up young people.

So, yes, we do need to include more young people Conference Committees, on the Union committee, the Division Committee, and the General Conference Committee. There is only a very select few that an be involved in those committees. What is really going to be a major factor is the young people simply placing themselves at the disposal of the Holy Spirit and unusual things are going to happen. You donʼt have to wait for a committee to establish an ongoing ministry and activity in the church. You need to check, of course, with local church leaders, you need to work with them. Many times things are started on a local level that are just the brain child of someone who is listening to the Holy Spirit. They get in there and just move; then the church catches up. I think the emphasis on young people, really being involved in something active is what is going to fire them up and keep them close to the church.


What are some practical ways the GC is using evangelism to reach the young adults that actually speak to the young adult mindset?

The GC, itself, works through its counterparts.The GC works with divisions, unions and ultimately the local churches. The youth department is calling your people to action in the community and in public evangelism: holding meetings hoping to witness to people, and doing community outreach activities. I think we are going to see more connection with some of the other departments so that young people can feel that they are isolated, but they are working Personal Ministries areas, working with Womenʼs Ministries, they are working with Childrenʼs Ministries, Family Ministries. Young people, then, start to feel connected and not isolated. It is a real burden on my heart that so many young people drift out of the church. You have to ask the question “why”?



There are many kinds of reasons for that and multiplied by the number of people that drift out of the church. I would say that one of the most important things is that church members, older church members, need to take a direct interest in young people—call them by name—welcome them on Sabbaths, ask them how their week went, ask them how they can help whatever is a challenge for that young person. Engage them, make them feel like they are at home in the church, not just some kind of peripheral element. When they, the young adults, feel like they really love the church, then they are going to be very more likely to stay.


When young adults, who in their own sphere of ministry are viewed as a threat by the church due to their strong Christcentered commitment and enthusiasm, what is being done to facilitate their work instead of being challenged and opposed as a threat, whether locally or globally?

Whenever anyone, a young person or older ones are on fire for the Lord, there are always people who misread that and say, “You know, maybe this is some kind of false emotional high”, or maybe they people are actually jealous of the young people or the others. You know, people do not like change. And when they see someone really fired up about something they might get a little bit suspicious and think, “Well, they may not be someone we ought to engage with,” but in reality, I think, especially older people, need to recognize that when young people become so in love with the Lord, and so grateful for what Jesus has done for them on the cross, in His life, what He is doing for them in the Most Holy Place, in the sanctuary, they see how the Holy Spirit can really generate the kind of zeal that is only heaven born. Then older people have to sit IDENTITY!

back and say, “This is something from the Lord. Letʼs not try to stop it, letʼs pray for these young people, letʼs find out why it is they are so excited.” I hope that we can instruct our leaders and older people of the Church to really pay attention to what young people are saying. When we treat a young person as an equal, as someone of value that you respect, they may not have all of the answers even though sometimes young people think they do, but they are really on fire for the Lord, an older person needs to say, “Letʼs talk letʼs understand, letʼs find out what is really driving you, because probably it is something we need as well.” There needs to be this coming together. I think the Bible predicts that when it says the people will come together, at the end of time, and realize that we need to come together as a team and fulfill Christʼs prayer in John 17, “...that they all be one.” I think adults need to do a lot of listening— and young people too, but adults need to understand that it is their role to talk to young people and then to be able to help guide the zeal that young people have— guide it in the right direction. I really have great hope for the future.

We ended our meeting with a word of prayer, and thanked President Wilson for taking the time to speak with us. There is much work to be done in the province of Alberta. Hopefully our interaction with the president has encouraged you to first, pray for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that He lead you to what He has called you to do and move after He has spoken.


“Leaves from the Tree of Life� by Ellen G. White And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. John 6:35. The world is perishing for want of truth, pure, unadulterated truth. Christ is the truth. His words are truth. When the believer, in the fellowship of the Spirit, can lay his hand upon truth itself, and appropriate it, he eats the bread that comes down from heaven. He enters into the life of Christ, and appreciates the great sacrifice made in behalf of the sinful race. The knowledge that comes from God is the bread of Life. It is the leaves of the tree of life which are for the healing of the nations. The current of spiritual life thrills the soul as the words of Christ are believed and practiced. Thus it is that we are made one with Christ. The experience that was weak and feeble becomes strong. It is eternal life to us if we hold the beginning of our confidence firm unto the end. All truth is to be received as the life of Jesus. Truth cleanses us from all impurity, and prepares the soul for Christ's presence. Christ is formed within, the hope of glory. The truth is to be partaken of every day. Thus we eat the words of Christ, which He declares are spirit and life. The acceptance of the truth will make every receiver a child of God, an heir of heaven. Truth that is in the heart is not a cold, dead letter.... There is fullness of joy in the truth. There is a nobleness in the life of the human agent who lives and works under the vivifying influence of the truth. Truth is sacred and divine. It is stronger and more powerful than anything else in the formation of a character after the likeness of Christ. When it is cherished in the heart, the love of Christ is preferred to the love of any human being. This is Christianity. Thus truth--pure, unadulterated truth--occupies the citadel of the being. This is the life of God in the soul. "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you" Ezekiel. 36:26. 1

1. Our High Calling (1961) Chapter 202



Sarah (far right) at her graduation and pining ceremony

I grew up in the SDA church. My dad read us “my Bible Friends” and “Uncle Arthurʼs Bedtime stories”. As soon as I could, I voraciously read everything I could get my hands on. Sabbaths were fun, because I could spend the afternoon reading Guide magazine. But I suffered from panic attacks from a young age. I remember as a child not being able to sleep until the sun came up and the birds started singing. Once I heard the birds, I would fall asleep. Of course, in two hours my mother would come and serenade me (yes, she had a special song) to get up and out of bed. Those were very difficult and tiring days! My dad was very helpful at those times. At night, when I was scared Iʼd run to his room, and heʼd cuddle me and tell me that I had no need to be afraid. He would always tell me that he would protect me, and how much more God loved me and would protect me. My grandma and he, (whom would write out Bible texts for me) were a great source of comfort. As I grew older, the panic attacks would fade and come back. I had a normal (well, fairly normal) high school experience. God was...there...but not really a huge part of my life. I didnʼt do any really wild things in high school (except the time I egged my ex-boyfriendʼs house). When I graduated I didnʼt know what to do with my life, so I went to a community college in Kelowna. Then one day, my parents approached me about going to CUC. My aunt was willing to put up the money so my parents thought it would be a good idea. I was dead against it. CUC was a ADVENTIST STUDENTS for CHRIST place full of dumb jocks, I thought. I by: Kelsey Cherepuschak told God that if he wanted me to go When I first came to the University of Alberta, I was definitely there, that He would have to bring the out of my comfort zone. I had attended small Adventist application to me. I wasnʼt about to go schools for my entire elementary and high school education. out and get it. And then I thought that Coming to U of A with 32 000 students where no one said was the end of it. The next day, I got prayer before class started was extremely overwhelming. My home from school and on the table was first encounter with ASC came on my second day of new student orientation. I was tired, nervous and beginning to an application to CUC. Clearly God had wonder if I was the last Christian left on the planet when I called my bluff. seen the display table for ASC. I was so happy and relieved I almost burst into tears on the spot. During my first year ASC And so, I came to CUC and my life was a place I could go to be refreshed by the word of God on changed. When I first came, I was a campus where self is exulted, truth is relative and evolution dressed in all black and decked out in is fact. As the group has continued to grow and reach out to chains and dog collars. Rumours that I other over the last few years, I have enjoyed serving God in was involved in all kinds of dark arts this vast mission field. There have been struggles and swirled about me, but much to peopleʼs frustrations, but as I see the ways God is working in the group it makes it all worth it! surprise, I was actually a fairly nice girl. Things seemed to be going well, until “But how can they call on Him to save them unless they my second year, when my panic believe in Him? And how can they believe in attacks came back full force. Him if they have never heard of Him? And how can they hear Continue story on page 14 IDENTITY!

about Him unless someone tells them?” (Romans 10:14) 11


by: Silvia Ventura

Going to Honduras was a wonderful experience. I experienced, first of all, the generosity that the brothers and sisters gave to us even though they are probably worse off than we are . The warmth that you felt when you walk into the church, and it was not because of the heat, it was their friendliness. You could feel Godʼs love in the churches. I was able to visit the different churches. At each church my favorite part, without a doubt, was the praise team. It was AMAZING. I love singing; being able to sing with them was a blessing. Another experience that I will never forget was being a witness to all the souls that gave their life to God. Seeing them walk into the river was AWESOME. What was more awesome that this was knowing that God, in one way or another, had used me and everyone else that went on the trip to bring these souls to Him. This mission trip has definitely changed my life. Coming back to Edmonton, you begin to think about all the different types of evangelism you can do right here at home. I thank God for the opportunity that he gave me to be part of this great mission. God never makes mistakes and I know that each and everyone of us that went on this trip was meant to be there. GOD IS AMAZING!!


by: Diana Lara

It all started at Campmeeting when I was praying early in the morning for God to show me what he wanted me to do for the rest of the summer. God had some how made me think that I should go preach a series in Honduras, but I had no way to organize anything like that or the money. About five minutes after my prayer I ran into Pastor Julio Morales and he asked me what I was planning to do in August. He then invited me to go to Honduras as they needed one more young adult to preach a series there.I said yes and walked away in shock of how God had spoken to me. The problem was I had no money and I hardly speak spanish let alone preach in spanish! God provided the money and I was off in a plane to preach my first full evangelistic series. Every day I prayed for Godʼs help in preparing for each meeting, and by Godʼs Divine Will, I spoke the best I ever have in Spanish! There were even time I did not know how to express what I wanted to say, yet through actions the crowd that came to the meetings would say what was I was trying to get across out loud! It was such a blessing to study all day with people and preach every evening. Every night, all 15 young adults were excited to share the miracles of how God was transforming the lives of the attendees and their own lives! God blessed me so much and truly taught me that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13). God used our 11 evangelistic series to help lead 195 people to give there lives to Christ and be baptized along with other who were still preparing for baptism. It was a true life changing experience and such a blessing! IDENTITY!


Campmeeting 2010 July 16-24







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8 7


1. Foothills Camp Staff Song Service!

4. Campmeeting 2010 Theme

2. Sabbath Special Music!

5. Bible Study

3. Pastor Steve Conway’s Meetings

6. Faithful Attendees!


7. Our Location! 8. Week Evening Special Music! ! 9. Second Sabbath Fellowship Meal


he Bible produces harmonious truth that awakens the souls to its need for a deeper walk with Christ. Testimony to this is seen in how so much of what the prophets, Jesus and His apostles said has resonated through time finding multiple spiritual and historical applications to address the truth requirements of Gods people in every era. Peter says to his readers in 2 Peter 1:12 'Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth'. The words 'present' and 'truth' seldom appear together in the Bible. However, does this mean that 'truth' is seldom ever present? Or is it that the unchanging eternal nature of truth is always ever before us or ever 'present'. Peter in 2 Pet 1:12 is simply reminding his readers of present truths practical relevance even though they are actually established in present truth. Present Truth is the outworking of truth in any era where divine revelation is coming to Gods people or the world. It is not a revolutionary or new Biblical concept, neither is it limited to any particular epoch of Christianity, like the early Advent Movement. Present Truth has always been the living principle through which God communicates and establishes His doctrines in His people at any given time. If we forget past truths, which were present truth for those who went through them, it is unlikely that we will understand the principles God is trying to teach us through the present realities around us. Hence the call to 'remembrance'. Because Gods ever present truth for the here and now has its foundation in the past, as Jude reminds his readers; 'I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not' (Judges 1:5).


by: Steve Simon

Both Peter and Jude use past experiences to elucidate and remind their readers of present realities. In so doing they establish Present Truth as a living principle, not just words on a page or a series of beliefs that we can selectively regurgitate (when it suites our purpose) and use artfully against another denominations or religions. But like the sword of the Spirit (Hebrews 4:12), Present Truth is living and dynamic, a revealer of the heart, chastening all who seek righteousness and bringing the receiver of truth into a correcting relationship with the truth giver. A practical outworking of Present Truth can be seen in Cain who failed to understand the present truth that God revealed to him, thus failing to see that he required Christ for his righteousness. Consequently, Cain brought an alternative sacrifice. Similarly, the people in Noah's day (having helped in the building of the ark) failed to understand the present truth that they had to get onto the ark before the door of probation closed in order to be saved. Both Cain and the ark builders had a knowledge of Present Truth. We know the stories around the Present Truth that they failed to grasp. However, knowledge was insufficient when the testing time came. They required more, as do we. This is why Peter wanted to keep his readers and us reminded of the deeper virtues, like obedience, repentance, surrender and love (2 Pet 1:3-11), that are supposed to accompany a knowledge of Present Truth. Just in case we begin to believe in the letter of the word and forget about the principle. It is a deeper understanding that makes truth, present truth. 14

The spirit is found through a deeper searching of truth beyond a tertiary understanding, 'for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God' (1 Corinthians 2:10). If we go deep the spirit connects with our search and Christ is revealed. James says in James 1:22; But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. The only true hearer is the doer. In reality Present Truth is where history, the theory and doctrine of our profession, and the pillars of our faith become life, to the spiritually inclined. Truth becomes tangible and visible, so that we become witnesses of the present truth that is in us (1 Peter 3:15). If present truth doesn't provoke us to a 'living faith', one must conclude that what that truth revealed is not really truth to us and it certainly isn't present as the world needs to see a witness, now. A tree can't bare witness to its fruitfulness if it's witness is just theory and knowledge. With this in mind one might ask; How in a practical way does Present Truth work now? “I saw that the saints must get a thorough understanding of present truth, which they will be obliged to maintain from the Scriptures. They must understand the state of the dead; for the spirits of devils will yet appear to them, professing to be beloved friends and relatives, who will declare to them that the Sabbath has been changed, also other unscriptural

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One of the doctrines that practical or applied Present Truth helps us to understand is the state of the dead. We would all agree that unless resurrected like Moses or those that have ascended to heaven with Jesus, people who have died have always stayed dead (Ecclesiastes 9:5,10; Hebrews 9:7) since sin entered the world and man began to die. Thus the state of the dead (the dead staying dead) has always been present truth. However, the question we have to ask is what does the state of the dead mean to us now, in principle and practice so that the state of the dead is ever present in us, not just a doctrine in word and memory. 1John 3:14 states, “We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.” Here John gives the state of the dead a spiritual practical application. in this particular context John is saying, if we don't love those in our church family we are essentially spiritually dead (unconnected with Christ). Yet we are advertising ourselves as Christians (alive in Christ). We can't be both 'dead in trespasses and sins' and alive in Christ. In a practical sense this attitude and existence violates the doctrine of the state of the dead. The state of the dead and indeed all truth is something that we have to experience practically, now. This is what make truth, present truth. Continued on page 15

by: Andrea Gray & Landon Sayler

“God I desire to do what you will have me do. I can’t do this anymore!” This was my plea a few years ago, marking the beginning of desiring a life truly set apart to God. He has so much to offer; I don’t think I realize the full extent of my prayers. Leslie Ludy’s book Set Apart Feminity takes a biblical approach to what it means to be a woman for God.Through the use of the Bible personal testimonies, and women missionaries, she sets the foundation for what it means to be set-apart for God. This book is so much more than a few quotes and great stories that warm the heart. She sets the standard for what Biblical Womanhood in the 21st Century looks like. This book not a light read. Set Apart Feminity is a call to women, “Why do we stop short of the incredible vision of radiant, setapart femininity He desires to showcase in and through our lives? Because we don’t truly grasp our utter helplessness; our absolute desperate need for all that He is. We don’t understand that apart from Him, we have nothing, we are nothing, and we can accomplish nothing. We are still looking within ourselves to find beauty and strength that can come only from Him.” Set-Apart Feminity challenges and motivates me to change,while desiring the only one true thing that can come from God.

This December marks the eighth year of me becoming a born again Christian. Over the past few years one of the greatest dilemmas that I have struggled with as a new and growing Christians in how the Christianity which we proclaim as Truth makes sense of the world in which I live. Sometimes I feel that we speak in the realms and ideas removed the here and now of modern dilemmas. I have always felt that it Christianity is what it claims to be. Truth, then it would only seem rational to believe that Christianity can make sense of the confusion I see in the world today in practical and rational ways. This summer I happened to read a book by Francis Schaffer entitled The God Who is There. As I read this book I felt many of my questions and perplexities melt away as I saw how the Bible truly speaks to modern man in ways that answer the deep questions and longings of our society. I finally am starting to see more clearly Truth as a person who speaks to our struggles here and now. If you ever wondered whether God is actually here and working in the 21st century, I encourage you to read The God Who is There. IDENTITY!


Continued testimony from page 11 The second issue was Sabbath. As a student, we were I have never known such despair. I couldnʼt expected to fulfill practicum requirements any day at any concentrate on school. I couldnʼt sleep at night. time. There were two clinical groups, one which switched Every single night I would have to watch T.V. until I days and evenings on Thursday and Friday, and one passed out. During the day, I couldnʼt be alone. I which was exclusively days (Thursday and Friday). If you had to always be around someone, because only got one clinical placement one semester, you were told then could I forget my fear. The doctors put me on a you would probably get the other one the next semester. medication called Ativan, which is a very strong I wrote the program director about medication, and I feared that my unique situation. She informed almost as much I did an attack. I I honestly felt as though I had sunk me that there was really nothing honestly felt as though I had sunk she could do. The first semester I into the pits of hell, and there was into the pits of hell, and there was got the days clinical, so the next no way to ever get out of it. There no way to ever get out of it. There year I was a little worried! was no light at the end of the was no light at the end of the However, sure enough, I got the tunnel. My only relief was found in tunnel. My only relief was found in days clinical AGAIN! I wasnʼt the old movies and a close friend who old movies and a close friend who only one who got the same clinical was always willing to talk. The was always willing to talk. The twice , but the program director relief was short-lived, however, relief was short-lived, however, and was adamant that we had NOT and I was sure that my only I was sure that my only recourse been chosen because of personal recourse would be to check myself into some sort of hospital. would be to check myself into some requests. I thought that was very interesting...and thanked God for And then, I met Jesus, properly, His goodness. this time. Landon had asked my sister out on a date, The last Sabbath issue occurred during my final and by so doing inflicted my curiosity upon his practicum. At this point in the program, you much do the person. We became friends, and started reading the same shift work as your preceptor. However, being Bible every day. God opened Himself up to me in a summer, everyone has vacations and time off, so it was new and exciting way. Jesus became real. He gave understood that if we couldnʼt work enough shifts with me a life that I never would have had without Him. I one preceptor, we could use another preceptor. I figured was able to be a missionary to Palau. He used me that getting Sabbaths off would be a cinch. I had told my to convince my best friend and my sister to be program director in year one, reminded her in year two, missionaries as well. I wish that I could give Him and when she quit and the new director had taken over, I everything He deserves, and yet still so often I fail wrote an email letting her know the situation. So when I Him. I am still no where near the place that He went and told my teacher on the last day of classes, would have me be. Romans 7:24 states “Oh before we all went to our placements, I wasnʼt that wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from worried... this body of death? “ I feel this way often. Yet, in that same verse the answer comes, clear and sweet: “I As I told her, she began to look at me like Iʼd grown a thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord!” God second head. “I donʼt think we support that” she said. continues to reveal Himself to me. “Weʼd have to approve a second preceptor”. “So then could I apply for extension if I donʼt get the necessary He led me into a career in nursing. I thought that hours?” Nope. You couldnʼt do anything. there would be no way that I would be able to finish the program. But God is good, and so are those He None of this made sense. It didnʼt add up to what I had impresses, and I never went hungry, never went been told before. Once again I sunk into despair and without a roof over my head, and my tuition always stress. I was like the Israelites, when they didnʼt get food got paid. and water right when they thought they should. I thought that there would be no way that I would be Had I gone for a year and a half in this program, only to able to finish the program. have to quit? IDENTITY!


But, God has His agents everywhere. The new program director had been the nicest teacher we had. She made the effort on by behalf to make sure that it would work out on their end, as long as my preceptor nurse was okay with it. At my clinical placement, not only did God give me an understanding nurse, she was also one of the best nurses in the hospital. She always picked up extra overtime, and I was able to make up some of my Sabbaths with her, and also she knew another amazing nurse who worked in ER and loved having a student. Because of my Sabbaths, I was able to get extra experience in ER, and work with two amazing nurses. God is so good! Throughout my life, God has blessed me. I want to praise His name for all Heʼs done. Writing this testimony has helped me remember His goodness, and I have renewed faith that He will continue to take care of me in the path ahead.

Sarah is currently a nurse in High Prairie.

continued from page 13 A deeper understanding of doctrine, history and even dates and time must always come accompanied with a practical spiritual application in the life of the believer. Satan knows that a conceptual knowledge of any truth will be insufficient to save us from the deceptions that that truth reveals. Because that truth will have found no present relevance in us, like the seed that fell on stony ground and had no depth. “I have been shown that many who profess to have a knowledge of present truth know not what they believe. They do not understand the evidences of their faith. They have no just appreciation of the work for the present time. When the time of trial shall come, there are men now preaching to others who will find, upon examining the positions they hold, that there are many things for which they can give no satisfactory reason. Until thus tested they knew not their great ignorance. And there are many in the church who take it for granted that they understand what they believe; but, until controversy arises, they do not know their own weakness.”2 They don't understand because the evidences of their faith are divorced from practice. Those who profess to know present truth really do not believe what they know as their knowledge lacks the substance of experience. IDENTITY!

We can't ever hope to understand present truth whilst not actively participating with Christ in bring the kingdom of heaven near. I believe this is why Jesus asks us to be witnesses of truth to others in thought, word, deed and action. In being active conduits for the truth and sharing our living faith with others we are protecting ourselves against self and Satanic deception. And what would be merely a knowledge of truth becomes a living witness, Present Truth. Present Truth is only fortified in us by sharing and living its principles. We need to 'remember' that, as Peter warns, though we seem to be established in 'Present Truth', it is the practice of the principles behind 'Present Truth' that keep us established in it. It is not enough for us to hear the truth only. God requires of us obedience. “Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.” Luke 11:28. It is truth enshrined in the soul that makes one a man of God.

1. Early Writings, p 88 2. Testimonies Volume 5, p 707


mission \mis.sion\ n. 1. a sending or being sen for some duty or purpose. 2 those sent. 3. A body of persons sent to a foreign land ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! by: Landon Sayler to spread its faith or provide educational , medical, and other assistance. 4. An calling to pursue an activity or perform a service. What is the purpose of humanitarian projects? If you had asked me that question when I was a mission \mis.sion\ n. 1. a sending or being sen for some duty student in grade 12, I probably would have told you that people do humanitarian projects in order or purpose. 2 those sent. 3. A body of persons sent to a foreign to help other people who are less fortunate than them. This response would have been formulated to convey only one perspective, that of those who were being helped. When I ponder land to spread its faith or provide educational , medical, and mission \mis.sion\ n. 1. a sending or being sen for some duty or that question today, I now see the answer to this question in a slightly different light. other assistance. 4. An calling to pursue an activity or perform purpose. 2 those sent. 3. A body of persons sent to a foreign land When I was in my senior year at PAA, in 2001, I was encouraged to go on a mission trip to a service. to spread its faith or provide educational , medical, and other Honduras to help some of the victims from Hurricane Mitch. I had never been outside of North America and had no significant understanding of the needs that existed around this world. I had assistance. 4. An calling to pursue an activity or perform a service. no lasting interest in humanitarian work. I was not very religious, nor was I concerned about the mission \mis.sion\ n. 1. a sending or being sen for some duty direction of my life. I left Honduras a completely different young man than when I arrived. Outside or purpose. 2 those sent. 3. A body of persons sent to a foreign mission \mis.sion\ n. 1. a sending or being sen for some duty or you would have seen little change, but inside substantial changes had happened. I had learnt, as I spent time with some of the children in that country, that there is another perspective to why we land to spread its faith or provide educational , medical, and purpose. 2 those sent. 3. A body of persons sent to a foreign land do humanitarian work; it helps those of us who feel like we have nothing to offer this world realize other assistance. 4. An calling to pursue an activity or perform to spread its faith or provide educational , medical, and other that this isnʼt actually true. You could have told me this, but I needed to experience this. As I held those children in Honduras I realized that just as much as they needed me, I needed them. This a service. assistance. 4. An calling to pursue an activity or perform a service. understanding has never left me and still stirs my heart to this day; I am needed. It was this understanding that later led me to realize that my life has a purpose and that my purpose was rooted in God.

mission \mis.sion\ n. 1. a sending or being sen for some duty or purpose. 2 those sent. 3. A body of persons sent to a foreign land This year the grade 12 class at PAA has decided to do something a little different than what has to spread its faith or provide educational , medical, and other been done in previous years for their class trip. When the students look at the world around them mission \mis.sion\ n. 1. a sending or being sen for some duty they see needs everywhere, and they want to do something to help. So for their class trip this assistance. 4. An calling to pursue an activity or perform a service. year the senior class has decided to go to Kenya and spend their time with children at the East or purpose. 2 those sent. 3. A body of persons sent to a foreign African Mission Orphanage. The students want to experience the struggles of this world rather land to spread its faith or provide educational , medical, and than just have people tell them about the pains other people are going through. They want to hold mission \mis.sion\ n. 1. a sending or being sen for some duty or other assistance. 4. An calling to pursue an activity or perform the children and see the needs with their own eyes. purpose. 2 those sent. 3. A body of persons sent to a foreign land a service. Pray for us as we work to make this trip a reality for the grade twelve class of 2011. to spread its faith or provide educational , medical, and other assistance. 4. An calling to pursue an activity or perform a service. If you would like to help support our trip to Kenya this year you can mail your tax-deductible mission \mis.sion\ n. 1. a sending or being sen for some duty or donation to: purpose. 2 those sent. 3. A body of persons sent to a foreign land A Better World Canada to spread its faith or provide educational , medical, and other #103, 5033 52nd Street Lacombe, Alberta, Canada assistance. 4. An calling to pursue an activity or perform a service. mission \mis.sion\ n. 1. a sending or being sen for some duty T4L 2A6 or purpose. 2 those sent. 3. A body of persons sent to a foreign Or you can visit www.a-better-world.ca and click on the “donate now” link. land to spread its faith or provide educational , medical, and mission \mis.sion\ n. 1. a sending or being sen for some duty or other assistance. 4. An calling to pursue an activity or perform Be sure for both mail and online donations to specify the project that you are supporting. purpose. 2 those sent. 3. A body of persons sent to a foreign land a service. mission \mis•sion\ n. 1. a sending or being sent for some duty or purpose. 2 those sent. 3. A body of persons to spread its faith or provide educational , medical, and other sent to a foreign land to spread its faith or provide educational , medical, and other assistance. 4. An calling to pursue an activity or perform a service. assistance. 4. An calling to pursue an activity or perform a service. IDENTITY!


mission \mis.sion\ n. 1. a sending or being sen for some duty or

Will You Be There?

Calgary BRIDGELAND SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Please join us at Bridgeland SDA Church for our Community Guest Day on November 20, 2010 beginning at 0915 hrs. Special Music will be provided by the North Edmonton Youth Choir, an event not to be missed this year! The harvest is ripe and ready, we need Reapers!

CALGARY CENTRAL The Calgary Central Collegiate Group (Young Adults) is looking to team up with other churches in the area to join our Friday evening bible studies. There are currently two ongoing studies led completely by young people, one NE in Forest Lawn and one NW in Ranchlands. The studies are designed as an outreach tool, and have proven to be a safe and friendly environment to bring friends of any faith. Our goal is to have a network of Bible studies throughout the city, with young people from all of our churches participating. For more information on exact locations, start times, topics, and how to get involved, please contact the Calgary Central Collegiate Group via email at calgarysda@gmail.com. Please join us and let's let our lights shine!

Edmonton EDMONTON CENTRAL CHURCH Jan21-22, 2011 both 7pm services and regular Sabbath Service at Edmonton Central Church will be having Pastor Steve Conway for a weekend on reconsecrating your life to God. All welcome to come.


November 12-14 AYA Conference - “Remember”

Jan 23 Pastor Steve Conway with A.S.C will be having a day long Bible training day for those who want to start a campus ministry here in Alberta or just want to be more equipped in helping there campus ministry grow. All are welcome. It will be held in Edmonton at the U of A .If you are interested in starting a A.S.C group on your campus please e-mail info@ascalberta.org so that we can do our best to have pastor conway and our A.S.C training team help you jump start your winter term. For more information on training and lectures from A.S.C please check website www.ascalberta.org,

Venue: Foothills Camp, Bowden


Speakers: Randy & Shandra Ban,

ACTS FOR CHRIST is Easter long weekend in Calgary, this year. Keep your eyes

Valmy Karamera, Sarah Reiswig, and AYA Leadership

open for registration information in the new year.

GENERATION OF YOUTH FOR CHRIST 2010 Cost: Standard $65 (If you are a married couple and desire your own room for the weekend, you can pay an extra $15 per person.) Seminars: Remember Rwanda,

Remember The Wars, and Remember Your Creator For more information on registration, please go to: www.adventistyoungadults.com IDENTITY!

“No Turning Back” From December 29, 2010 to January 2, 2011 thousands of young people from around the world will gather in Baltimore, MD for the 9th annual GYC conference - four days packed with spirit-filled messages, inspiring Bible study, fervent prayer, solemn worship and awesome fellowship. The theme is taken from Luke 9:61-62, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God." Visit www.gycweb.org for more information on registration and travel. Also email ayainfo.ab@gmail.com about your specific questions about GYC.


Our Objective: It is our objective to seek to (1) train young adults to work for and with other young adults, (2) recruit young adults to help their church and those “who profess to be Sabbath keepers,” and (3) work “for those who are not of the faith.”

Our Vision: “The Advent Message to all the world in this generation”

Our Mission: In seeking to reach these objectives, young adults are called upon to pray together, study the Word together, fellowship together in Christian social interaction; act together, in small groups, to carry out well-laid plans for witnessing, develop tact skills, and talents in the Masterʼs service, and encourage one another in spiritual growth. .

Adventist Young Adults Please visit our website for more information on AYA and / or other information regarding Young Adults in Alberta: adventistyoungadults.org


Also, email your entries for the newsletter to the address below: ayainfo.ab@gmail.com



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