W70 W70
Activating The The Suburbs Suburbs Activating Masterplan Masterplan Thevision visionfor forthe theproposed proposedcommunity communityis isa a The heterogenousenvironment environmentininwhich whichapartapartheterogenous mentsand andhouses housesare arefragmented fragmentedand andsparsesparsements spreadononthe thesite sitetotocreate createa aporous porousground. ground. lylyspread Communityfacilities facilitiesand andsocial socialplaces placesaccumulate accumulate Community aroundthe themain maincirculation circulationand anddisperse disperseout outtotoaround wardsthe theedge edgeofofthe thesite. site. Home Homestudios studiosthat that wards caterfor forthe theincreasing increasingdemand demandfor for“work “workfrom from cater home”situations situationsare areintegrated integratedatatground groundlevel. level. home” Pocketsofofin-between in-betweenand andgreen greenspaces spacesare areproproPockets duced,and andactivated activatedbybycommunity, community,live-work live-workand and duced, socialprogram. program.An Aninterlocking interlockingnetwork networkofofpedespedessocial trianpathways pathwayswith withcommunal communalgardens gardensand andfacilifacilitrian tiesweave weavethrough throughthe thesite. site. ties
Abstract Abstract Theproposal proposalintends intendstotodevelop developa anew newdwelling dwellingtypology typologythat that The respondstotothe theway wayininwhich whichpeople’s people’sspatial spatialand andsocial socialneeds needs responds changethrough throughthe thecourse courseofoftime. time.It Itaddresses addressesthe thereality realityofof change housingshortages, shortages,while whiledealing dealingwith withthe theinefficient inefficientand andobsoobsohousing letehousing housingstock stockthat thatdo donot notrespond respondtotothe thecomplexities complexitiesofof lete modernfamily familystructures, structures,societal societalshifts shiftsand andtechnologies technologiesthat that modern cawnreinvent reinventthe theway waywe welive liveand andcommunicate communicatewithin withinhousing housing cawn environments. environments.
DIAGRAM1 1Circulation Circulation DIAGRAM
Theproject projectaims aimstotodevelop developa afeasible feasible“flexible” “flexible”communal communal The housingsystem systemfor forthe thesuburbs suburbs-- --treating treatinghousing housingasas housing
non-staticecosystem ecosystemthat thatnegotiates negotiatesthe the aanon-static spatialgrowth growthofofindividual individualunits unitswith withnetnetspatial acknowledgesthat that worksofofcommunal communalspace. space.It Itacknowledges works
whilethere thereis isa aneed needfor fordesigning designingdwelling dwellingunits unitsthat thatcater caterfor for while thecurrent currentdemographic, demographic,there thereis isa agreater greaterneed needfor fordwelling dwelling the typestotobebeable abletotoexpand expandspatially spatiallyororcontract contractasasa adwelldwelltypes er’scircumstance circumstanceininlife lifechanges changesbybydecisions decisionstotolive livewith withother other er’s people,have havechildren, children,separate, separate,live liveinina amulti-generational multi-generational people, settingororage agewhile whileremaining remainingindependent. independent.The Theidea ideais isthat that setting peopleare areable abletotocontrol controlthe thespace spacethey theyrequire requiretotodwell dwell if ifpeople andrespond respondtototheir theirchanging changingneeds needsininterms termsofofindividual individual and andcommunal communalspace, space,housing housingcan cantherefore thereforebebeless lesstransient. transient. and Thisflexibility flexibilityand andprovision provisionofofactive activecommunal communalspace spacecould could This allowfor fornew newavenues avenuesfor forcommunication, communication,social socialencounter encounter allow andplacemaking. placemaking. and
DIAGRAM2 2 Zoning. Zoning.AllAllparts partsclusters clusterslead leadtotothe the DIAGRAM concentratedzone zonewhere wheremost mostactivities activitiestake takeplace. place. concentrated
DIAGRAM3 3Social, Social,Community Communityand andLive-Work Live-WorkProProDIAGRAM gram gram
AnActive ActiveCommunity Communitywith withmultiple multiplepockets pocketsofofsocial socialspace spaceand andgarden-garden--ananextroverted extrovertedhousing housingtypology typologyfor forthe thesub sub urbs. An urbs.
Bringingthe thework worktotohome. home.Live-work Live-worktytyBringing pologiesare areintegrated integratedinto intoapartments apartments pologies andhouses housesasasa adevice devicefor forthe theactivation activation and thesuburbs. suburbs.The Theidea ideaofofmore morepeople peoplestaystayofofthe
DIAGRAM4 4Movement Movementthrough throughsocial socialprogram program DIAGRAM
inghome, home,running runningtheir theirbusiness businessinintheir theircommucommuing nitiesopens opensupupthe theopportunity opportunityfor forcreating creatinga anew new nities lifeininthe thesuburbs suburbsand andaddresses addressesthe theproblem problemofof life socialisolation isolationcaused causedbybydetaching detachinghomes homesfrom from social thecentral centralbusiness businessdistricts. districts. the
Housesand andapartments apartmentsare areorganized organizedininclusters clusters-- --each eachwith witha adegree degreeofofsocial socialprogram programand andlive-work live-workamenities amenitiesatatground ground Houses level,which whichconnect connecttotoa alarger largernetwork networkofofcommunity communityfacilities facilitiesspread spreadout outininthe thesite. site.Dwelling Dwellingunits unitswithin withineach eachcluster clusterare areable able level, aggregate-- --physically physicallyconnecting connectingtotoform formlarger largerunits. units. totoaggregate
SmallPockets Pocketsfor forplaygrounds playgroundsand andcomcomSmall munityprogram programare arespread spreadthrough throughthe theclusclusmunity tersofofthe thesite. site.Community Communityamenities amenitiesare aredecendecenters tralizedand andscattered scatteredononthe thesite. site.The Thecommunity community tralized designedfor forallallages! ages! is isdesigned
2.43million millionpeople people(over (over1 1inin1212ofofthose thoseininwork) work) 2.43 nowrun runa abusiness businessfrom fromhome homeininthe theUK. UK.These These now self-employedhome-workers home-workersare arethe thefastest fastestgrowgrowself-employed ing part the UK workforce, rising 28.16% the ing part ofof the UK workforce, rising byby 28.16% inin the last1010years. years.The Thetotal totalnumber numberofofallallhomeworkers homeworkers last (bothself-employed self-employedand andemployees employeesworking workingat/ at/ (both fromhome) home)rose rosebyby24.1%. 24.1%.They Theynow nowaccount accountfor for from 13.1%ofofthe theworkforce workforce- 3.83 - 3.83million millionpeople. people.(La(La13.1% bourForce ForceSurvey SurveyQ4 Q42001 2001totoQ4 Q42011) 2011) bour
DIAGRAM5 5 Void Voidspaces spacesfor fornegotiation negotiationand andacacDIAGRAM
Housing as a non-static system Current suburban dwellings are introverted -- living spaces only relate internally and gardens are private, fostering little if no social interaction, ironic with the original notion of “community” associated with “suburban living”. The fragmentation of program within the traditional suburban house in order to re-arrange and re-orient them aims to create new opportunities for social interaction and new relationships between indoor and outdoor space. Dwelling units are able to
expand and contract spatially with the changing needs of the dweller to decrease the transiency found in current static housing typologies.
Apartment apt. room
apt. room
4. Private
4. Rooms
bed + bath +storage
35 sqm.
bed + storage
3.apt. Utility room apt. room
3. Public
kitchen + bathroom apt. room
dining + kitchen + living
35 sqm.
apt. room
2. Circulation
10 sqm.
stiars,stairs hallway, entry
2. Circulation
stairs + hallway + entry
120 sqm.
apt. live-work
1. Live-Work
1. Live-Work
apt. live-work self contained unit [kitchenette, bathrm, studio]
self-contained unit [kitchenette, bathrm, studio]
2 bedroom unit + live-work unit
House 1B [ 4 bedroom ] House 1A [ 2 bedroom + Workspace ]
Expansion Area with separate entrance
Unit 1 [Studio]
Expansion Area with separate entrance
The house is conceived in parts that aggregate depending on the changing spatial needs of a dweller. Public and Private programs are separated. Circulation is detached and becomes a separate entity -- it functions as the link of all parts to form one big house. The house can begin as a 2 bedroom house or a 1 bedroom with home studio and aggregate to a 5 bedroom house.
apt. live-work With the decreasing size of the family unit, many people the to activate the ground choosing to live alone and a growing aged population, the apartment module starts with a 1 bedroom unit. The system for apartments allows a 1 bedroom unit to expand (or contract). With a growing population choosing to live alone and work from home where isolation could be a problem, the aim of the apartment system is to create a social environment.
Unit 3 [ 3 bedroom ]
10 apartment unit
Unit 3 [Live-Work Studio]
Expansion Area with separate entrance
Unit 4 [ 2 bedroom ]
Expansion Area Expansion Area with separate entrance
Unit 2 [ 2 bedroom ]
apt. live-work
live-work type
555 sqm.
40 sqm.
apt. room apt. room
Live-Work Unit
Private Private Private Private 4.Private PrivatePrivate
Self-contained studios
Live-Work Units
4. Rooms
Apartment 02
Public 5
Apartment 03
Public Public 3.Public Public Public Public Public
Doors to connect and expand units
3. Utility
House 01 House 02
Apartment 01
Stairs Public
1. The typical suburban house typology TE C VS PUBLIC 2. Typical program 3. Take out the circulation 3. Fragmentation of program from public to the private 4. Re-configuration of program
Proposal Overview
Unit Typology
Stairs 2.Stairs Circulation Stairs Stairs Stairs Stairs
2. Circulation
Apartment 04
House 03
Live-work 1.Live-work Live-Work Live-work Live-work Live-work Live-work Live-work
Enclosed stairs
Shared terraces
Possible Configuration
Possible Configuration 1. Live-Work
fire-rated sliding door
CirculationTERRACE as the threshold between parts of the system WALL TERRACE TERRACE SLIDING SLIDING WALL SLIDING WALL STAIRS
1 Bedroom
1 Bedroom + Work space
2 Bedroom + Work space
3 Bedroom + Work space
1 Bedroom
2 Bedroom
3 Bedroom + Work space
4 Bedroom + Work space
5 Bedroom + Work space