The Busay Strand

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design for 5th Avenue Development Corporation by

act LA B

act LAB


site model

act LAB


On the mountainside will rise a string of condominium buildings, hotel, chapel, art galler y, a shopping center, cafes and even a market which will only have the best farm, meat and sea produce. Each building in this complex will be dependent on and essential to each other, affording residents and guests the luxur y of modern urban conveniences but away from the noise and pollution of the cit y. Instead of streets, walkways will connect one building to another. It will be as if the complex were a strand of pearls in a necklace.

There is an art in stringing a string of beads. Each bead is carefully chose for its color, shape, qualit y based on an over-all design. The more artistically done, the greater the value. This is the design concept of Busay STRAND — an integrated and linked communit y enjoying a high qualit y of living distinct from the cit y yet still within easy reach. It is a place people will be please to come home to or an enclave they will not need to leave. Busay Strand is art that resides in the mountains.

6 The Site


Busay ST R A ND

act LAB

Only a 20-minute drive away from the center of Cebu City, the Busay Strand is a prime mixed-use development with the best views of the city yet away from the noise and pollution of the city.

Mountain View 1

5 2

6 3

4 Harbor View







8 Busay Loop

Busay Loop

The main commercial loop branches off into the more exclusive residential loop.


residential loo p





6 re






co m m er ci al lo op


18 14

act LAB Sacred + Events

Busay Strand


The Busay STRAND is envisioned to be an urban community complete in itself. Cultural



future offices 13 10 commercial loop 11






l loop





l loop

15 acc nt e rtm apa



1 observation deck 2 events greens 3 church 4 market 5 cinema 6 cafe extension 7 commercial center 8 “oxbow� 9 wellness 10 studios 11 gallery 12 artist residency 13 14

casino-hotel (by other) boutique hotel

15-17 18

condominiums 1,2 & 3 houses 1,2 & 3

10 Wa l k i n g C i t y

Wa l k i n g C i t y The Busay Strand is designed as a “street“ that negotiates the steep slopes of the site, allowing people to promenade and enjoy the amazing views the site has to off e r. R e s t a u r a n t s , R e t a i l , S p a a n d C o m m u nity program “plug“ into the spiral street.

et im er er im ete r

) condo 2 condo 3

condo 1

(10 -M INU TE WA LK)

commercial hotel

op rt nte ce

op rt nte ce

(2 0M IN UT EW AL K boutique hotel

m fro

m fro

er single residential

20 m

m 40


artist residency

studios gallery



restaurants + bars


cafe cluster


cinema ampitheater

church + plaza

events greens

observation deck highest point

act LAB

sacred + events



residential hotels

12 T h e S t r a n d

L o c a t e d a t t h e h i g h e s t p o i n t o f B u s a y, Cebu, this town center will become a place where civic public space and commercial establishments meet.

cafe cluster

church + plaza

events garden

observation deck highest point

act LAB

A continuous walking pathway that links the d i v e r s e p r o g r a m w i t h i n t h e d e v e l o p m e n t - - Fr o m Sacred, to entertainment, to retail, to art, and c u l t u r e , t o h o s p i t a l i t y, g a m i n g a n d h i g h - e n d r e s i d e n c e s.


commercial hotel

artist residency


studios condos 1,2,& 3

commercial center “oxbow�

boutique hotel

The Strand

14 P r o g r a m Ta x o n o m y

01 S a c r e d + E v e n t s Events Greens | Church | Cinema | Market Crowning the development is the Church and Events Greens. As the gateway to the Busay Strand, this is the ideal p l a c e f o r w o r s h i p, e ve n t s a n d s h o w s. The church hovers over an open market and is adjacent to a 150-seater Cinema, allowing weekend churchgoers to descend to social activities after mass.

02 C o m m e r c i a l Cafes | Restaurants + Bars | Retail Commercial centers in the Philippines a re “c e n t e r s “ f o r s o c i a l a c t i v i t y — a n important infrastructure for gathering, leisure and business. Restaurants all have indoor and outdoor dining facilities— allowing social activities to spill into communal areas, creating an active landscape.

02 C o m m e r c i a l “Oxbow Market” Drawing inspiration from the specialty markets of Napa, California and the luxury e a t e r y E a t a l y, a f o o d m a r k e t a t o p t h e Strand will be home to the epicurean elite of Cebu.

03 A r t Studios | Galler y | Artist Residency With a galler y to showcase for the first time one of one of the largest art collections of Cebuano artists. The Art District will consist of a series of buildings with bridges connecting the artist residency, the studios and a public galler y to ser ve as a platform for emerging artists.

act LAB 04 H o t e l s Boutique Hotel | Wellness Only twenty minutes from the chaos of t h e c i t y, s i t u a t e d w i t h i n t h e m o u n t a i n s , i s t h i s h a v e n f o r C e b u ’s c o s m o p o l i t a n s . Within the hotel is a wellness spa for guests to luxuriate and replenish or enjoy spectacular views overlooking the city from the rooftop infinity pool.

04 H o t e l s Commercial Hotel & Casino by other

05 R e s i d e n t i a l Condos 1, 2, & 3 Atop Busay ridges will rise a 300-unit luxury condominium development, three buildings connected by recreational pavilions. Each unit has its own magnificent vista of the twinkling city beyond, the balconies are like gardens in t h e s k y.

05 R e s i d e n t i a l House 1, 2 & 3 Three modern cottages ideal for the weekend getaway home. The architecture bri ngs in the surrounding landscape through f loo r-to-ceiling picture windows and rich timber finishes. With a open plan designs, the houses can adapt to the residents’ ever y need. Each home is complete with an i nfinit y plunge pool from which residents can gaze over the cit y and the sea.


16 P r o g r a m Ta x o n o m y

1 breezebl ock c o n t r u c t i o n s h owing inte r i o r a c t v i t y

2 l ig h t f il t e re d t h ro u g h a s e r ie s o f s c re e n s

3 sol id cine ma bl ock

01 Sacred + Events Crowning the development is the Church and Events Greens. As the gateway to the Busay Strand, this is the ideal place for w o r s h i p, e ve n t s a n d s h o w s. T h e c h u rc h h ove r s ove r a n o p e n market and is adjacent to a 150-seater Cinema, allowing weekend churchgoers to descend to social activities after mass.

act LAB area Events G r eens

1970.4 m 2

C inema

165.8 m 2

C hur ch

750 m 2

To tal Are a

2885.9 m 2


parking underneath

events greens




18 P r o g r a m Ta x o n o m y


l ands c aped ro o fs a n d d e c k

02 Commercial Development

5 timber louvers

6 louvered canopies over light steel frame

Co m m e rc i a l c e n t e r s i n t h e P h i l i p p i n e s a re “c e n t e r s “ f o r s o c i a l activity — an important infrastructure for gathering, leisure and business. Restaurants all have indoor and outdoor dining facilities—allowing social activities to spill into communal areas, creating an active landscape.

act LAB indoor leasable

commercial main

total leasable

Ca f e Ex t e n s i o n

143.9 m 2

125.7 m 2

269.6 m 2

Leve l 1

248.3 m 2

233 m 2

481.3 m 2

Leve l - 1

410.5 m 2

252.2 m 2

662.7 m 2

Leve l - 2

637.2 m 2

313.2 m 2

950.4 m 2

Leve l - 3

1262.7 m 2

170.8 m 2

1433.5 m 2

Leve l - 4

389.9 m 2

503.7 m 2

893.6 m 2

Tot al A rea

cafe extension

outdoor leasable

3092.5 m 2 1598.6 m 2 4691.1 m 2

parking garage

to plaza

20 P r o g r a m Ta x o n o m y

7 l ands cap e d pa r k ro o f

02 “Oxbow�

8 o u t d o o r a m p it h e a t e r s e a t in g

9 restaurant stal l s and fre sh mar ke t

Drawing inspiration from the specialty markets of Napa, California a n d t h e l u x u r y e a t e r y E a t a l y, a f o o d m a r k e t a t o p t h e S t r a n d w i l l b e home to the epicurean elite of Cebu.

act LAB indoor leasable

1240.7 m 2

1240.7 m 2


626.6 m 2

626.2 m 2

Tot al A rea


total leasable

Ro o f Pl a z a

G r o u n d Leve l

outdoor seating

outdoor leasable


1218.4 m 2 1218.4 m 2

1218.4 m 2 1867.3 m 2 3085.7 m 2

double-height interior

landscaped roof deck

22 P r o g r a m Ta x o n o m y

10 t im ber f in s fa c a d e s o n s t udios

11 e l e va t e d m a s s in g t o m a ke ro o m f o r gallery plaza

12 ar tist re side ncy conne cte d by br idge s

03 Artist District With a galler y to showcase for the first time one of one of the largest ar t collections of Cebuano artists. The Art District will consist of a series of buildings with bridges connecting the artist residency, the studios and a public galler y to ser ve as a platform for emerging artists.

act LAB area



gallery lobby

Studio s

357.6 m 2

G aller y

428.8 m 2

A r tist R esidenc y

132.6 m 2

To tal Are a

919 m 2

artist residency

24 P r o g r a m Ta x o n o m y

13 l ands c ape ove r f lo wi n g int o h ot el c o r r i d o r s


t im b e r a n d s t e e l f in is h e s


l igh t timbe r finish e d inte r ior

04 Boutique Hotel O n l y t w e n t y m i n u t e s f r o m t h e c h a o s o f t h e c i t y, s i t u a t e d w i t h i n t h e m o u n t a i n s , i s t h i s h a v e n f o r C e b u ’s c o s m o p o l i t a n s . W i t h i n the hotel is a wellness spa for guests to luxuriate and replenish or enjoy spectacular views overlooking the city from the rooftop infinity pool.

act LAB area


Wing A

540 m 2

Wing B

960 m 2

Spa Wing

922.8 m 2

To tal Are a

2422.8 m 2

roof t o p i n fi n i t y p o o l

Wing B

Wing A

hotel lobby


rooftop infinity pool

26 P r o g r a m Ta x o n o m y

17 ever y unit wi t h va r y i n g bal cony si z e

05 Condominiums


g a rd e n s a n d re c re a t io n a l pa v il io n s

19 sk y garde ns

Atop Busay ridges will rise a 300-unit luxury condominium development, three buildings connected by recreational pavilions. Each unit has its own magnificent vista of the t winkling cit y b e y o n d , t h e b a l c o n i e s a r e l i k e g a r d e n s i n t h e s k y.

act LAB

condo 1

drop-off lobby

condo 3

recreational pavilion

condo 2


20 s pat ial f l ow b e t we e n i n t e r i o r a n d ext erior

05 Houses


in t e r io r c e d a r f in is h


timbe r l ouve r s fil te r ing l igh t

Three modern cottages ideal as the weekend getaway home. The architecture brings in the surrounding landscape through f loor-toceiling picture windows and rich timber finishes. With a open plan designs, the houses can adapt to the residents’ ever y need. Each home is complete with an infinit y plunge pool from which residents can gaze over the cit y and the sea.

act LAB To p Entry

total leasable

House 1

6 6 12

House 2

4 7 11

House 3

8 0 8

Tot al A rea

house 1 floor area 125 m2

Bottom Entry


house 2 floor area 220 m2



house 3 floor area 250 m2

30 S a c r e d + E v e n t s

woven screens



Crowning the development is the Church and Events Greens. As the gateway to the Busay Strand, this is the ideal place for worship, events and shows. With a parking capacit y for 300 churchgoers, the overlapping activit y pulls in the cit y dwellers and infuses the weekend market.

act LAB

View deck Chapel


Waiting room UP



Entrance Stage



View deck Chapel


Waiting room DN

Sacristy UP


32 S a c r e d + E v e n t s

Entrance Stage

A space within a space, the Church will be enveloped by light f iltered through screens and a porous shell.


act LAB

34 S a c r e d + E v e n t s

A church plaza will allow churchgoers, residents and visitors to engage in the rich activity of the market, cinema and events greens.

act LAB

36 C o m m e r c i a l C e n t e r + C a f e E x t e n s i o n

bamboo-formed concrete

Commercial Center & Cafe Extension

Co m m e rc i a l c e n t e r s i n t h e P h i l i p p i n e s a re “c e n t e r s “ f o r s o c i a l activity — an important infrastructure for gathering, leisure and business. Restaurants all have indoor and outdoor dining facilities— allowing social activities to spill into communal areas, creating an active landscape.

timber fins

act LAB

38 C o m m e r c i a l C e n t e r + C a f e E x t e n s i o n

The pedestrian “street� [public] as an extension of commercial [private] for social activities and intersections to occur.

act LAB

40 C o m m e r c i a l C e n t e r + C a f e E x t e n s i o n

28 units of leasable commercial space for cafes, bars, restaurants, retail, grocery & services with 91 covered parking spaces



Site Plan


r e s t a u r a n t / b a r, r e t a i l , g r o c e r y


act LAB

No rth Elevation

A drop-off point at every level for ease of access to one’s destination

South Elevation

a building that negotiates the site’s steep slope

42 C o m m e r c i a l C e n t e r + C a f e E x t e n s i o n

roof garden

sSteelt eBalustrade e Steel l Balustrade balustrade Roof Garden

operable louver for sunshade/rainproofing: “ Ve r g o l a � l o u v e r louvre for for sunshade sunshade / rain-proo / rain-proo sOperable y s tlouvre eOperable m

Steel Balustrade

aluminum ceiling Aluminum bAluminum a t tceiling e nbattens s ceiling battens

Operable louvre for sunshade / rain-proo

custom bamboo composite cladding Custom concrete composite (by Mike Pato) Mike Pato) (Custom b ybamboo Mconcrete i bamboo k ecomposite P acladding t o(by)cladding

Ti m b e r c o m p o s i t e Louvre for mullions with Aluminum Louvre for Aluminum window framing framing wTimber i ncomposite dTimber o Louvre wcomposite f rmullions a mforwithmullions i Aluminum n gwithwindow

Aluminum ceiling battens

GSPublisherEngine GSPublisherEngine

act LAB

Rear Bird's Eye View

Custom concrete paver and cintegrated u s tbench om concrete seating and planting for open deck areas. *For plandscape a coordination v earchitect. r with and integrated bench seating and planting for open deck areas * For coordination with landscape architect

Active Pathways

44 R e s i d e n t i a l D e v e l o p m e n t

02 Residential Development

Three modern cabins ideal as the weekend getaway home.

act LAB

Three modern cabins ideal as the weekend getaway home. The architecture brings in the surrounding landscape through f loor-to-ceiling picture windows and rich timber finishes. With a open plan designs, the houses can adapt to the residents’ ever y need. Each home is complete with an infinit y plunge pool from which residents can gaze over the cit y and the sea.

46 H o u s e 1

front garden

deck Ground Level



laundry loft space

First Level

House 1

floor area 125 m2 1-BR + Loft open plan Kitchen and Dining double-height Living

front garden

act LAB

Front Exterior

Rear Exterior


48 H o u s e 2

service Loft laundry

dn deck

Bedroom 2

plunge pool Level -1

SITE BOUNDARY (varies per lot)


Ground Level

service Loft laundry

House 2


2-BR + Loft lanai-level Living and Dining plunge pool


Bedroom 2

plunge pool


floor area 220 m2


act LAB

Front Exterior

Rear Exterior


50 H o u s e 3 loft garden

service qtr.



void living kitchenette below void master below



plunge pool Level -1



Ground Level


service qtr.

loft cellar



House 3

bedroom void living below

3-BR + Loft open plan Living, Kitchen and Dining double-height Living and Dining lanai + plunge pool

plunge pool void master below


DP Loft Level ARY

floor area 250 m2

act LAB

Front Exterior

Rear Exterior


PAV Light internal tile option Tecnotile TT MU LP Imola Cermaica

PAV Light external tile option Tecnotile TT RB MU Imola Cermaica

PAV Dark internal tile option Tecnotile TT DG LP Imola Cermaica

image source: Andrew Burns

PAV Dark external tile option Tecnotile TT RB DG Imola Cermaica

Charred cedar cladding / dark painted timber Charred cedarexternal cladding

Cedar/ pine interior

Perforated Concrete Driveway Paver

Charred cedarexternal cladding Charred cedar cladding

Slate roofing Slate Roofing + Dark aluminum gutters


Poladur Stone base cladding Rock base

Stone railings base cladding + steel balustrade Steel

Charred cedar cladding / dark painted timber Charred cedarexternal cladding

w Burns

Cedar/ pine/ Gmelina internal timber

Dark stained/painted internal timber Exposed timber internal structure

Charred cedarexternal cladding Charred cedar cladding

act LAB

image source: Casa Mudas


image source: Atelier Bow Wow





5th Co







Busa Lot






Aya M architec consult indepen docum design


act LAB

The Busay STRAND is envisioned to be an urban community complete in itself. It is art that resides in the mountains.




Shigeru B an As pen A rt Mu seu m A spen, USA 2014

7-8 Ke n g o Ku m a SUPSI Me n d r i sio, Sw it z e r l a n d 2013

1 4 -1 5 WO H A PA RK ROYA L at P i c ke rl i n g Sin g a p o re, Sin g a p o re 2013

2 Studio MK27 As pen A rt Mu seu m A spen, USA 2014

9 Os c a r Fa r in e t t i Cont e m p o rar y Vi l l a at Mus cat To r i n o, It a l y 2 0 0 4

1 6 -1 8 WO H A Ne w t o n S ui t e s Sin g a p o re, Sin g a p o re 2007

3 M i ll er Marant a Market Hall A a rau, S wit zerl and 2010

1 0 Ke n g o Ku m a Tomi oka C i t y Hal l To mi o k a , Ja pa n 2 0 1 7

19 A n d re w B u r n s A us t ral i a Ho us e Ura d a , Ja pa n 2012

4 Pa ul o David Arts Centre — C asa Da s Mu d a s Madeira, Port ugal 2004

11 Alva ro S iz a M i me si s Mus e um Pa j u Boo k C it y, So u t h Ko re a 2007

20 At e l ie r B o w Wo w Ho us e A s am a Ka r u iz a wa , Ja pa n 2000

5 Studio MK27 Ip es Hou se Sã o Paul o, Brazil 2011

12 S o u Fu j im o t o Ta i wa n C af e Ta i n a n C it y, Ta iwa n 2013

2 1 O n ix Po p l ar G ard e n Ho us e Gro n in g e n , Ne t h e r l a n d s 2011

6 Ch ris t oph e Daudre Contem porar y Villa a t Mu sc a t Sult anat e of Om an 2009

13 G e o ffre y B a wa Ka nd a la m a Ho t e l Da mb u l l a , Sr i L a n ka 1995

act LAB



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Š2014 actLAB

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