1 minute read
In 1984, Apple wasn’t the only company making a breakthrough in advertising.

From “Where’s the Beef” to Michael Jackson and Pepsi to the Macintosh, 1984 was full of groundbreaking advertising. In Little Rock, Millie and Larry had their own breakthrough idea – to build a company around building good. So they opened an advertising agency with a mission to find companies, organizations and people whose values they shared. They then used their talents and resources to help those clients succeed. It’s a simple philosophy that’s served them well since those first days in business.
You’ll still find them both building relationships with clients that stand the test of time. You find them building brands with creative and strategic thinking that continues to break new ground. You can see them

Arkansas business is as wide-ranging and diverse as the Natural State’s beautiful landscape.
In this special sales section, Arkansas Money & Politics recognizes some of the state’s most prominent business people, representing the full spectrum of Arkansas industry. Come get to know these leaders of industry in Arkansas.