1 minute read
Who or what has been a source of inspiration for you?
My children. I always want to make them proud.
What’s your “go-to” first thing in the morning? First thing in the morning, I always let the dogs out and make a cup of coffee.
Do you have a favorite quote?
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
During which part of the day are you most productive?
I get the most done in the morning after I’ve had my coffee.
Is your leadership style more hands-on or hands-off?
My leadership style used to be more hands-on, but I’ve built such a great team, I can be a little more hands-off now. Even though I’m still involved in the everyday operation of my business.
What’s an alternate path you might have taken if things had played out differently?
I grew up bussing tables, so it’s not surprising that this is the business I’m in. But growing up, I thought I’d be a kindergarten teacher.
Have you ever been mentored or mentored someone else?
My dad, George Eldridge, has been my mentor in the restaurant business, and who better, since he has almost 50 years in this business.