Today’s Girl Scout Cookie CEO = Tomorrow’s Leaders

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t’s Girl Scout cookie season. For many Americans, that means rushing to buy boxes of delicious treats, but for the Girl Scouts themselves, it means so much more than helping to satisfy an annual craving. During cookie season, while Girl Scouts are planning, selling, taking orders, distributing, and delivering, they’re also gaining fundamental knowledge about economics, entrepreneurship, salesmanship, the value of hard work and more. Whether it’s the annual cookie program or one of the other many community activities in which they are involved, these Girl Scout “Cookie CEOs” are learning the value of goal setting, decision-making, money management and business ethics. All those concepts are a part of what makes the Girl Scout experience so unique and particularly important in setting girls up for lifelong achievement. Lifelong learning and achievement are the foundation of the organization, and many successful business leaders — CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs — got their start as Girl Scouts. On the pages that follow, meet four Arkansas business leaders who represent today’s Cookie CEOs. These women serve as strong examples to young girls of the role Girl Scouts and its many programs can have in their future successes.

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