Vitamin Water

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Vitamin water

Ireland Target:  People 18-25  College educated  < 24,000 USD  Urban lifestyle  Enjoys the occasional indulgence

Reasoning: Ireland is one of the only other places in the world that has ice cream trucks like we do. They are a more fun-loving nation and enjoy being social.

Ireland’s Market Profile  Popu la tio n : 4, 775, 982 - Lar ges t po pu la ti on s e g m en ts : 25- 5 4 Ma le : 1 , 065, 685 Fe m a le s: 1 , 055, 339 - Life expe c ta nc y: M ale : 78 Fem a l e: 83  Popu la tio n G rowth 1 .16%  U r ba n iz a tio n: 62% 1 . 8% a nn u a l ra te o f c h a n ge  GD P: 191 . 5 Bi llio n U S D ra n ked 57th in th e wor ld - GD P pe r ca pita : $41 , 700  U n em ploym e n t: 14 . 6%  Gove rn m e n t Type : re public, pa r lia m e nt a r y dem o cra cy  Pr im a r y La n gu a ge : E n glis h , G ae li c  Rel igio n : Ro m a n C a th oli c , C h u rc h o f I re la nd, oth er C h ri stia n

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Italy Target:


 Men 18-25

Italy is in the top ten of healthiest nations. They are also very visual people, they judge on outward appearance and personality of the person comes secondary.

 College educated  < 23,000 USD  Urban lifestyle  Health Conscious

Italy’s Market Profile  Popu la tio n : 61 , 482, 297 - Lar ges t po pu la ti on s e g m en ts : 25- 5 4 M al e: 1 3,1 33, 733 1 3, 416, 626 - Life expe c ta nc y: M ale : 79 Fem a le : 8 4  Popu la tio n G rowth : . 34%  U r ba n iz a tio n: 68% 0. 5% a n n ua l ra te of c h an ge  G D P: 1 . 834 Tril lio n U S D ra n ked 11th in th e wo rld - GD P pe r ca pita : $30,100  U n em ploym e n t: 10 . 9%  Gove rn m e n t Type : Re pu bl ic  Pr im a r y La n gu a ge ( s ): Ita l ia n, G erm an , Fr en c h , S love n e  Rel igio n : 80% C h ris tia n , Mu s lim , Ath e ist

Fem a l es :

Beautiful Body Beautiful Mind

Costa Rica Target:  Women 18-25  Some College  <7,000 USD  Rural Lifestyle  Lives in the costal region—more relaxed atmosphere

Reasoning: The Costa Rican people are very relaxed, and their motto of ‘pura vida’ is used in everyday life.

Costa Rica’s market Profile  Populat ion: 4,695, 942 -Largest populat ion segments: 15- 24 M ale: 427,047 411 ,110


-Life expe ctancy: M ale: 75 Female: 81  Populat ion Grow th : 1 .27%  U rbanizat ion:64% 2.1% annual rate of ch ange  GDP: 58.6 Billion U SD ranked 89t h in t he world -GDP per capit a: $1 2,600  U nemployment:7. 9%  Government Type: Democrat ic Republic  Primar y Language(s): Spanish , English  Religion: Ro man Cat holic, E vangelical, Jeh ovah's Wit ness, Protes tant

El Pura Vida Nunca supo tan bien

Germany Target:  People 18-25  College educated  <36,000 USD  Urban lifestyle  Organized, health conscious, business people

Reasoning: Germans are more strict/organized people. Phrase translating to ‘do you have your ducks in a row’ speaks to their need to be organized and how using vitamin water can aid that.

Germany's market Profile  Populat ion: 81 ,147,265 -Largest populat ion segments: 25- 54 Male: 17,268,604 16,786,146 -Life expe ctancy: M ale: 78 Female: 82  Populat ion Grow th : -0.19%  U rbanizat ion: 74% 0% annual rate of change  GDP: 301 23 USD ranked 6t h in t he world -GDP per capit a: $39,100  U nemployment: 6.5%  Government Type: Fed eral Republic  Primar y Language(s): German  Religion: Protest ant , Roman Cat holic, M uslim



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Colombia Target:  People 18-25  Some College  <5,000 USD  Rural and Urban Lifestyle

Reasoning: The Colombian people are not very time conscious so them spending some extra time on themselves seems like an everyday treat.

Colombia’s Market profile  Popul a t i on: 45, 74 5, 7 83 - Lar g e st popula t ion s e gm e n t s: 25 - 5 4 M al e : 9 , 376 , 745

Fe m al e s: 9, 5 97 , 744

- Li fe expe ct a ncy: M ale : 7 2 Fe mal e : 7 8  Popul a t i on Growt h : 1 .1%  U r b an i za t ion: 75% 1 . 7%an n ua l r ate of c h an g e  GD P : 500 B illion U SD ran ke d 29 t h i n t h e wor l d 

- G D P pe r cap it a: $ 10, 7 00

 U n e mpl oyme nt: 10. 3 %  G ove r n me nt Type : Re pub lic; exe cu t i ve br an c h dom i n a te s gove r n me n t st r u ct ur e  P r i mar y La ng uag e (s ): Spa n i sh  Re l i g i on : Roma n Cat holic

No ha y nad a ma poco lo con de sa bor d un el pa raĂ­so

Singapore Target:  People 18-25


 College at above

Singapore is a fastpaced place, like L.A., it has a busy city. The idea was to make play time more important than work.

 < 57,000 USD  Urban Lifestyle  Busy workers that are in need of a break

Singapore's market profile  Populat ion: 5,460, 302 -Largest populat ion segments: 25- 54 Male: 490, 526

Females:505, 71 3

-Life expe ctancy: M ale: 82 Female: 87  Populat ion Grow th : 1 .96%  U rbanizat ion: 100% 0.9% annual rate of ch ange  GDP: 325.1 Billion U SD ranked 41st in th e world -GDP per capit a: $60,900  U nemployment: 2%  Government Type: Parliamentar y Republic  Primar y Language(s): Mandarin (of ficial), English (of ficial),Malay (of ficial), Hokkien, Cantonese, Teoch ew, Tamil (of ficial), oth er Ch inese dialect s  Religion: Budd hist , Muslim , Taoist , Hindu, Cath olic, oth er Ch rist ian

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