v ee
Connell, Ayla Konkel, Jeff Marais, Michael Suarez, Lazaro
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Sit uat ion Anal ysis a. Company Analysis i. Products ii. Sales iii. Philanthropy b. Brand/ Product Analysis i. Product Features ii. Product Benefits iii. Product Average Pricing iv. Product Distribution Channels v. Product Positioning vi. Brand Promotional Programs, Strategies, and Executions vii. Brand Services Offered viii. Brand Equity c. Market Analysis i. Size of Industry ii. Seasonality iii. Opportunities iv. Threats v. Overall Industry Trends d. Target Market Analysis i. Target Market Approach ii. Demographic Profile iii. Psychographic Profile iv. Target Market Needs & Benefits v. Product Usage vi. Target Market Purchasing Process e. Competitive Analysis Primary Market Research Creat ive St rat egy a. Media
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A nal ysi s
Company Anal ysis - Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson is a U.S multinational corporation founded in 1886. Product s Three major product segments - medical devices - pharmaceutical packaged goods - consumer packaged goods - baby care - skin care - hair care - wound care - oral health care - women?s health - over-the-counter medications - nutrition - vision care Phil ant hropy - Global health improvement initiatives - Prevent diseases in vulnerable populations - Provide free surgery for children with facial deformities - Help newborn babies and their mothers - Strengthen the world?s health care workforce through training programs for nurses and doctors - Create human rights education programs in rural communities around the world
Sal es Johnson & Johnson is the sixth largest consumer health care business in the world. - $14.4 billion in total sales in 2012 - $3.6 billion in skin care sales in 2012
Brand & Product Anal ysis - Aveeno Dail y Moist urizing Lot ion Product Feat ures -
Natural ingredients Includes oatmeal as a key ingredient Fragrance free Non-comedogenic Non-greasy Everyday use Dermatologist recommended SPF protection
Product Benef it s -
Restores your skin?s normal pH Makes your skin soft No short-term greasy feeling Does not clog pores Reduces your overall oiliness Your skin retains moisture for 24 hours Your skin stays healthy and younger looking longer Makes you feel comfortable Willingness to put yourself out there in front of others due to your healthy looking skin - Increased self-confidence - Increased self-love - Feel more sexy and desirable
Product Average Pricing - 8 oz - $6.00 - 12 oz - $7.75 - 18 oz - $9.50 Product Average Pricing - Retail - Target, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS - Online - Amazon.com, Ebay.com, Drugstore.com, Overstock.com Product Posit ioning - The all natural and fragrance free daily moisturizing lotion - Contains ?Active Naturals? which improve the health of skin in one day - Includes oatmeal as a key ingredient
Brand & Product Anal ysis - Aveeno Dail y Moist urizing Lot ion (cont .) Brand Promot ional Programs, St rat egies, and Execut ions
Brand Services Of f ered
As a company whose core strength is derived from its natural - Basic website contact form ingredients, a pioneer to the claim, it?s no surprise that a lot of - Can be reached toll free at 1-866-4AVEENO emphasis for Aveeno?s advertising strategy is stemmed from - Social media channels do not promote and address customer nature. The most stand out example of this is their interactive questions or concerns advertising effort that promoted year round sustainability. This Brand Equit y interactive included a widget that offered points redeemable for Aveeno products in exchange for customer participation in games - Well-respected and trusted and challenges which educated them on how to live a more - Products generate positive consumer response
Brand & Product Anal ysis - Aveeno Dail y Moist urizing Lot ion (cont .)
Market Anal ysis- Skincare Indust ry Size of Indust ry: - Body care segment of skincare industry valued at $1.9 billion - Body care accounts for 19.9% of the skincare market
Opport unit ies: - Now more than ever, consumers are beginning to understand that skin health isn?t limited to the topicals they apply to their skin. External variables, such as sun damage, food selection, stress, sleep, and general health and lifestyle choices all affect
Seasonal it y: - Prime time for skin care purchases begin in December - Spring-time sales increase to a high fraction of winter numbers - The fall season brings low sales
Overal l Indust ry Trends - Although organic and natural products aren?t new, they are becoming more legitimate. In the past and still today, almost any personal care product can claim organic ingredients without having to legally go through any certification process. Many companies have participated in certification on their own accord to add credibility in the confusing and diluted world of naturals labeling. The other largest trend has been the rise of the men niche. Skin care and grooming products have grown significantly
Threat s: - Rise in DIY and luxurious, independent body lotion brands - Stores offering a variety of homemade body lotion from nourishing organic ingredients at comparable prices to Aveeno
Target Market Anal ysis
Target Market s Needs and Benef it s:
Target Market Approach:
- Relief from the pain, unsightliness, and discomfort caused by dry skin - The need to be at one?s most optimal state: healthy, sexy, Product Usage:
Differentiated - Primary: married women who have kids - Secondary: younger women and teenagers - Tertiary: individuals looking for eczema relief for themselves or for their children/ babies Demographic Prof il e: -
Who: - Mothers in affluent suburban spreads - Women between the ages of 18 and 49
Women Ages 18-49 No College Education Married with kids $79-149k/ yr Western Region. Why:
Psychographic Prof il e: Sam is 29 years old she lives in Douglas County Colorado with her husband Chris and their two children that are two years old and six months old. Sam is a stay at home mom, her husband makes 150k/ year as an environmental lawyer. On her free time she enjoys doing yoga and hiking in the mountains. She shops at LuLu Lemon and Target and wears Nike free runs. Her favorite T.V. show is Naked and Afraid. She drives a Honda Element because it is spacious enough to stow car seats and strollers. She eats salads when she goes out with friends but enjoys a burger when out with her family.
- To moisturize dry skin When: - During dry winter months - After hand or body washing How: - One Aveeno lotion purchase in December - Aveeno purchased again in the early spring time - Target Market Purchasing Process
Target Market Anal ysis (cont .)
Target Market Purchasing Process
Timeline for purchase - Aveeno purchased after day or two of research for dry skin or eczema remedy
Decision-making process Party responsible - Consumer has dry skin or eczema or has someone living in the household with dry skin or eczema - Consumer researches product solutions online - Consumer visits store to purchase Aveeno as a solution to their dry skin
- Aveeno sought after and purchased by woman of the household
Influences on the purchase Source of information -
Aveeno website Skincare blogs Word of mouth Aveeno advertisements and sales promotions
Consumer?s climate Time of year Consumer skin type Consumer skin problems Consumer allergies
Compet it ive Anal ysis
Compet it ive Anal ysis (cont .)
Compet it ive Anal ysis (cont .)
Compet it ive Anal ysis (cont .)
Compet it ive Anal ysis (cont .)
Pri mary M ark et Research
Primary Market Research Research Object ives - Analyze how consumers purchase skin cream - Determine competitive standing - Evaluate which social networks should be used to efficiently engage our audience - Consider what content to display on social media - Our intention with this research is to help us give Aveeno a voice as well as interact with our fanbase more efficiently. Survey Resul t s - 60% of respondents had purchased Aveeno within the last year - Natural, soothing, and oatmeal were the most popular words respondents associated with Aveeno - Irritated, itchy, dry, and uncomfortable were the most popular words respondents associated with not using moisturizer - 90% of respondents use Facebook, while Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Pandora each were used by around 50% of the respondents - 40% of respondents spend 5 hours or more on social media a week - 50% of respondents follow companies on social media in order to find coupons or deals, while 20% follow companies to show support Met hodol ogy - Online survey via surveymonkey.com - Shared via Facebook - In class projection technique
Insight s - People like Aveeno because it works. It is a competent moisturizer. - Aveeno IMPROVES the user. It takes unnatural, irritated skin and replaces it with natural skin. In turn, looking great makes the user feel great. The user feels more confident (improved) because of the decision to use Aveeno, a natural choice. The user feels as if (s)he has a made a healthy decision. - People like sharing their healthy decisions with others (particularly in the skin care realm). - The user shares because he wants to be perceived as healthy by others. The user wants to share his/ her secrets to success (in this case Aveeno). The user also wants to help improve others. - At the moment, Aveeno users are acting on their own accord to share their Aveeno decision. - They are using online social platforms to post videos and blog posts recommending Aveeno as the answer to unnatural, irritated skin. - The users creating this content are highly motivated and are making a relatively big effort to show others Aveeno. - On the flip side, consumers are seeking out this informative content, because the modern skin care consumer educates him/ her self before making a purchase. - With its current, empty online presence/ strategy, Aveeno makes it difficult for users to share the product, and its quality as a good moisturizer, with others. - Aveeno does not do anything to spur on current users to be loud and proud online about their healthy Aveeno decision.
Creati v e Strategy
Creat ive St rat egy What is t he communicat ion going t o accompl ish? - With our campaign, we hope to achieve customer centric brand experiences. What is t he real probl em? - Aveeno currently has no personality and has no interaction with the consumers. - Aveeno?s currently has become parody within it?s product category, leading it to have nothing that differentiates it from competitors or resonate with consumers. Singl e Minded Proposit ion: - Aveeno empowers uninhibited conversation. Reason t o Bel ieve: - Aveeno has been natural since day one, and using it makes you feel confident in yourself. Why it Resonat es: - Interactions overtime have become more restrained and insincere. Aveeno has the potential to free people from these restraints, and be a catalyst for empathy. Why it s ext endabl e: - The amount of insecurities that prevent us from interacting with others allows opportunity for many different kinds of creative executions.
Creat ive St rat egy Aveeno Tri-Fol d Print Ad Series A series of print ads that use a tri-fold technique to demonstrate the difference between a dry-skinned, insecure you and a moisturized, confident you. The ads include a discount coupon redeemable towards a 12 oz bottle of Aveeno Daily Moisturizer.
Creat ive St rat egy (cont .) Aveeno Tri-Fol d Print Ad Series (cont .) A series of print ads that use a tri-fold technique to demonstrate the difference between a dry-skinned, insecure you and a moisturized, confident you. The ads include a discount coupon redeemable towards a 12 oz bottle of Aveeno Daily Moisturizer.
Creat ive St rat egy (cont .) Aveeno Dail y Moist urizing St at ion
Aveeno El evat or Non-Tradit ional
An automatic Aveeno moisturizer dispenser that is placed in public spaces around the country. The dispenser has the ?water-cooler-effect?that makes its users more comfortable and open to the opportunity to connect with those near them.
An elevator decal that features on both the front doors and the inside walls of an elevator. The decal is a continuation of the Aveeno tri-fold print ads, and also includes an Aveeno moisturizing station outside the elevator.
Creat ive St rat egy (cont .) Aveeno Bat hroom Mirror Non-Tradit ional
Target End-cap
Utilizing mirror advertising and a camera, this ad, located in participating phopping malls, Panera Bread, and Core Power Yoga studios, takes an image of it's viewer and puts her in the ad, desaturating her and creating cracks before a more radiant and confident version of her breaks out. She is then given the option of leaving a five second video message for the next viewer.
Advertising would run during December and would consist of a screen surrounded by Aveeno products and would be similar to the bathroom execution, instead of prompting a 5 second video message, however, it would prompt viewers to do the "7 day Aveeno Inside-out challenge" for a better you, inside and out
Creat ive St rat egy (cont .) Beyond Skin Mobil e App by Aveeno A mobile application developed by Aveeno that provides a platform for users to make deeper connections with people around them. The app also provides users with redeemable discounts towards Aveeno products.
Creat ive St rat egy (cont .) Beyond Skin Mobil e App by Aveeno (cont .) A mobile application developed by Aveeno that provides a platform for users to make deeper connections with people around them. The app also provides users with redeemable discounts towards Aveeno products.
Creat ive St rat egy (cont .) Aveeno In-Train Advert isement s (Publ ic Transport ) A series of in train ads that feature questions to encourage conversation among passengers. The ads tie into the Beyond Skin mobile app theme.
Campaign NEDA / Aveeno charit y col l aborat ion Aveeno's cohesive charitable effort for the "Beyond Skin" campaign is that during National Eating Disorder Awareness week (Feb. 23rd to Mar. 1st) 1 dollar of every bottle of Aveeno Daily moisturizing lotion goes toward helping those afflicted.
Inner Sef l ie The inner selfie will be introduced using celebrities as an example and then the public will be asked to join in on the fun on Instagram. Fans will be asked to post their inner seflies (something that describes them, their interests, or personality) using the hashtags # InnerSelfieSaturday and # BeyondSkin. Jimmy Fal l on Tie-in To introduce the "inner selfie" facet of the campaign, Jimmy Fallon will have an Aveeno sponsored skit theorizing what celebrity "inner-selfies" would look like and prompting viewers to submit their own inner selfie, with the best of them being shown on the show the following night. Would air in mid-March
Media 30 sec. Tel evision Commercial - Shows Include - Real Housewives Francise, Naked and Afraid, The Rachael Ray Show, Scandal, Dual Survival, Mob Wives, Modern Family, Grey?s Anatomy, Chopped, Devious Maids - Rationale - The shows selected all have demographics that match our target audience profile. 30 Second Spot Purchased Prerol l on HULU - Shows Include - Scandal, Modern Family, Grey?s Anatomy, Revenge, Chopped, Sex and the City, The Jimmy Kimmel Show,Parks and Recreation - Rationale - The shows selected all have demographics that match our target audience profile. What they were unable to catch live on television they will be watching on HULU. Tri-f ol d Print Ads in Magazines - Publications Include - Cosmopolitan,Women?s Health, Elle, Shape, Body+Soul, O, The Oprah Magazine, Marie Claire - Rationale - Our target audience profile matches the demographics of the readers of these publications. Women who care about the way they look and feel.
Media (cont .) Out Of Home: Trains, Bus Shel t ers, Bil l boards, Buses - Cities Include - New York City, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Portland, Milwaukee, Houston, Phoenix, Las Vegas - Rationale: All of these cities have severe weather conditions (dry, cold etc). The women are out and about and will see our ads. Banner Ads on recipe/ f ood websit es and heal t h/ wel l ness bl ogs - Websites Include - Blogilates, Girls Gone Strong, Ultra Runner Girl, Tori Avey?s All My Faves, Food.com, Epicurious.com, Daily Cup of Yoga, Om Girl, Tiny Buddha, Running on Real Food, Simple Bites, Green Kitchen Stories - Rationale - Our target audience focuses on keeping herself fit and her family healthy. These website?s demographics align with ours.