Urban By Ayla –Starr Gower
• City • Street • Culture • Different
• Crime • Crowds • Shops • Graffi= • Violence
Defini=on of Urban • 1. Of, rela=ng to, or located in a city. • 2. Characteris=c of the city or city life.
Joey Bieber I like this photo as it shows different areas of a building collaged into one photograph showing the different angles I also like brightness and the day =me joey bieber takes the photo in.
I liked this photo the best as it shows London city life with the buildings and a busy travel life. When taking this photo I angled the photo to show the dimensions of the photo.
Projec=on Photographs Using building blocks
Evalua=on When choosing the final photo, I put in to perspec=ve the angle and mainly emphasizing the height of the building this means that I angled the camera lower than normal. I like the way that you can see many buildings with cars and traffic lights really shows the urban side. My photo is correctly exposed but I think that it could be beRer as some parts of the photograph could be a bit more exposure to add some brightness chose to edit my final photograph with colour as it shows the urban side not giving the photograph a old feel.