Unit 9 Photography Technique Ayla-Starr Gower
Date issued Monday 19th march 2012 Completion date 24tt may 2012
Noaki Honjo
It’s a small world Naoki honjo
‘Tokyo taxi stand’ 2006 a small planet
‘Swimming pool’ 2006 a small planet
‘Race track’ 2006 a small planet
TOKYO TAXI LAND The subject of the photograph is of a landscape of a city with miniature people and cars. The photography has been influenced by showing what the city life looks like. He trying to show how real life can be small even though in reality it is not. Personally I like Noaki Honjos photographs as I find it unique with his ideas and the meanings behind his work.
Mind Map of Ideas Miniature settings Blur real images so it makes the picture appear smaller
st 1
Photo Shoot
Lighting Props Models Settings - Structures Studio/location Date During - Easter holidays Tripod Health and safety
Evaluation For my final photograph I used the photo of the car park captures how small a toy like image can be captured in a large space. This image is inspired by noaki honjo. Also this photo would be the best one that I captured. A strength of this photo would be the effect that it gives which was my main target. However a negative point of this image would be that some of the cars look realistic which was not the main target the main target was to create a ‘toy like’ effect and to blurred. This photograph was in good focus but as I had to edit the image to make it look like a ‘a small world’ I decided to tilt the image and blur a I had to do this for the correct outcome.