Spring 2020
Art | Photography | Poetry | Inspiration
lucent Created by you, for you.
A multilingual magazine by studens - for everyone in search of new perspectives. A showcase of your thoughts, your art, and your youth. Your best #QuarantineMagazine. Founder Editor-in-Chief Editors
Aylin Alakbarli Nazrin Mirzayeva Sarkhan Jafarli Rafael Sofi-zada
Art Director and Designer Associate Art Director Cover Image
Aylin Alakbarli Laman Mamedova Xiaolong Wong
Spring 2020 Š LUCENT MAGAZINE 2020
Editor’s Le er “Salam, Nazrin xanim. I am Aylin. I would like to interview you for the “Humans of UFAZ” page on social media.” “Sure! Would love to be your guest.” I said and thought: “What a blessing to be communicating with such interesting personalities. Yet another interesting student among all those great minds of UFAZ.” It has been almost three years that UFAZ students have forever became a part of my daily life. We laughed together. We cried together. We sang together. We played piano together. We took photos and videos. We learned that so skills mean no less than hard skills at an interview. We drank coffee together and discussed some big ideas of Azerbaijan’s future francophone engineers who I admired from day one. We had misunderstandings. We even had small arguments. But never too serious and always thought-provoking. Today I am thankful and honored to be editing the “quarantine style creation” of Aylin and the whole army of talented students from different universities of Baku. When Aylin messaged me from Spain, no ma er how worried and even scared we both were, it already felt like something creative was cooking. Every time I saw Aylin at UFAZ, it was for great news and ideas. Same this time. Les Ufaziennes gave me the greatest hope that they can, actually, not only change the conservative mindset in our society, but also have a global impact in the field of engineering and creative thinking.
Yes! Creative thinking. Because each and every student I met at UFAZ impressed me with their talents and original world view. One could come to PR office to share their new song or a poem. Another could just step in to share their feelings about the future of university life, or simply, just ideas. This way I witnessed the creation of Animal Care Club, Music Club, Poetry Club, our football team (hey Mika!) and other outstanding projects that made my presence at UFAZ feel so special. This quarantine edition is also special. As I was reading the articles and short essays herein, I have felt how amazingly proud our society should be of these authors. The authors of the most thorough and wise lines that will make you feel like YOU ARE the part of their stories/poems/artworks. Its rather great role in everyone’s life. Because what doesn’t kill us...you know. Makes us stronger. Faster. Be er. You name it. Just take a look at the first page and you will come back every time you feel you need a taste of inspiration in your mind, soul and heart. Naztin Mirzayeva Editor-in-Chief UFAZ, PR & Communications Manager
contents I. Call for Action: Dream it, Plan it, Do it. 01. Xəyallarımızı Gerçəkləşdirmək Üçün Nə Vaxt Hərəkətə Keçməliyik? 05. Dust It Off and Try Again 11. Overcoming Creative Block 13. #QuarantinePoems 15. Your Power and Will to Change Life is in Your Thoughts 17. Reminisce
II. Then What? The Outcomes of Quarantine & Food for Thought 21. Next Stop: Explanations 25. How to Get Your Dream Internship 27. I Used to be a Human Being 31. The Intriguing Science 33. 4 Types of Food and Drinks that Will Kill Your Energy 35. Travel Diaries 43. For the Future 45. 10 Movies with the Best Soundtrack
III. Get Inspired: Visual Food for your Dreams and More 51. Вверх 53. La Dépression Française 59. Denouement 61. Practice Makes Perfect 63. What Should I Watch Next? 65. Выбор 67. Artsy Spring 71. Об Одной из Красивейших Платонических Связей
Illustration by Yelena Bryksenkova
Photography by Paolo Raeli
Biri ilə tanış olarkən verdiyimiz suallardan biri yəqin ki, “ən böyük xəyalın nədir?” sualıdı. Bu suala “Məşhur olmaq”, “Dünya səyahətinə çıxmaq”, “Xoşbəxt bir ailəyə sahib olmaq” kimi cavablar alırıq. Hətta bəzən “Marsa getmək”, “Ölümsüzlüyü kəşf etmək” kimi qeyri-adi cavablarla da qarşılaşa bilirik. Qarşımızdakı insanın xəyalları nə qədər real səslənsə, bir o qədər həmin insana qarşı simpatiyamız yaranır. Bəzən də heç bir xəyalı olmayan insanlarla tanış oluruq. Onlar çox vaxt hələ də qərarsız və həyatlarını necə davam etdirməli olduqlarını bilməyən şəxslərdir. Bu məqaləmdə həyatınızdakı məqsədi tapmağa və xəyallarınızın gerçəkləşdirmək üçün nə vaxt hərəkətə keçməyiniz barədə məsləhətlər verəcəm. Xəyal qurmaqdan qorxma! Həyatında hər hansısa bir məqsədi olmayan insanlar çox vaxt xəyal qırıqlığına uğramaqdan qorxan insanlardı. Bəzən də valideynlərimizin bizim üçün qurduğu həyatı yaşamağa o qədər çox öyrəşirik ki, özümüzün istəklərini unuduruq. Hər birimizin özünəməxsus bacarıqları var. Bu dünyada bacarıqsız və işəyaramaz insan yoxdu. Ən birinci bu fikri beynimizdən çıxarmalıyıq. Daha sonra bir otağa girin və sakit bir şəraitdə oturub düşünün. Uşaqlığınızdan bu yana nələri zövq alaraq etdiyinizi xatırlayın. Kimisi heyvanların qayğısına qalmaqdan, kimisi şəkil çəkməkdən, kimisi də yemək bişirməkdən zövq alır. Sizi xoşbəxt hiss elətdirən və sevərək etdiyimiz işlərin siyahısını hazırlayın. Daha sonra bunlardan ən çox hansının sizə uyğun olduğunu tapın. Çox variant arasında da qala bilərsiz. Problem deyil. Əsas odur ki, artıq bir, hətta bir neçə xəyala sahibsiz. Bir xəyalım var. İndi nə etməliyəm? Mən həmişə qarşımdakı insanın ən böyük xəyalını öyrəndikdən sonra ona bu sualı verirəm "Xəyalını həyata keçirmək üçün nələr etmisən və ya nələri etməyi düşünürsən?". Bu suala çox vaxt hazır olmurlar və yarımçıq, mənasız və məntiqsiz cavablar verirlər. Bu zaman məlum olur ki, qarşımızdakı insanın bizə daha əvvəl maraqlı səslənən xəyalı, əslində içi boş bir şardan ibarət imiş.
Xəyallarımızı gerçəkləşdirmək üçün nə zaman hərəkətə keçməliyik?
Bir məqsədiniz olduğu zaman ona necə çatacağın haqda düşünməlisiniz. Sadəcə xəyal qurmaqla bunu bacarmaq olmur. Texnologiya dövründə yaşayırıq və internetdən istədiyimiz məlumatı saniyələr içində tapa bilirik. Xəyalınızı gerçəkləşdirmək üçün hərəkətə keçməzdən əvvəl diqqətlə düşünün, araşdırın və gedəcəyiniz yolların planını qurun. Üzləşə biləcəyiniz çətinlikləri tapmağa çalışın və onların həll yolu haqqında düşünün. Unutmayın, bir işi görməmişdən qabaq qarşınıza çıxa biləcək bütün manelərə hazır olmalısınız. Məsələn mən ilk kitabımı yazmağa başlayanda mənimlə eyni janrda kitab yazmış müəlliflərin kitablarını analiz edirdim. İnternetdə tapdığım bütün məlumatları oxuyur, daha sonra bu məlumatlardan hansının mənim işimə yarayacağını düşünürdüm. Kitabı yazarkən təcrübəli müəlliflərin masterclass dərslərinə baxır, məqalələrini oxuyur və oxucuların onların kitablarında bəyənmədikləri hissələrə diqqət yetirirdim. Birinci kitabımı nəşr etdirdikdən sonra oxucularımdan müsbət rəylər aldım, amma mənim gözümə görünən və məmnun olmadığım bir çox şey var idi. Bir çox insan xəyalımı gerçəkləşdirməyin nə işə yaradığını soruşur. Birincisi hər kəsə xəyallarımı gerçəkləşdirməkdən qorxmadığımı və bunun üçün var gücümlə çalışdığımı isbat etdim. İkincisi, ilk kitabım sayəsində bu il çəkilişlərinin başlanması planlanan "Səkkizinci Dərs" serialının ssenaristi olmaq şansı qazandım. Düzdü, keçmişdə bəzi xəyal qırıqlıqlarım və səhvlərim də oldu, amma onlardan dərs çıxardaraq, bir daha təkrarlamamağı öyrəndim. İndi də özümü inkişaf etdirməyə və təcrübə toplamağa davam edirəm. Həyatımızdakı insanların fikirləri nə dərəcə önəmlidi? Mənim fikrimcdə heç kəsə qulaq asmayan və öz bildiyini edən insan uğura çata bilməz. Hər kəsin fikirlərinə qulaq asan və onların məsləhətləri ilə hərəkət edən insanlar da bu katerqoriyaya aiddi. Xəyalını gerçəkləşdirmək istəyən insan faydalı və faydasız məsləhəti ayırd etməyi bacarmalıdı. Güvəndiyiniz insanlarla fikirlərinizi bölüşün və onların düşüncələrini qulaq asın, lakin heç kəsə xəyallarınızı alçaltmasına və sizi yolunuzdan döndərməsinə icazə verməyin.
Məqalənin müəllifi - İbrahim Kərimov 4
t s u D it
f f O Article by Leyla Gasimova
All of us have ups and downs in our lives. Some things are inherently difficult, and it is easier to avoid dealing with them rather than trying repeatedly. Positivity is the key. All situations have a positive side and a negative side. Try looking at the positive side for a change. Why, you may ask? Sometimes it is harder to focus on bright sides of the situation but when you do, you realize your advantages from that situation, including the lessons you may learn from it. Everything is not as bad as it seems, and you can deal with it. Even better, you won’t stress over some situations at all, because you will see what you can gain from it beforehand. It is so easy to stop going after what you want, to sit and pity yourself and assume that you have no control over your life. This is a dangerous and destructive behavior, because the moment you think that you don’t have control over your life, you give up the driver’s seat for someone else. Once you admit that YOU are the only person responsible for your happiness, success and for everything in your life, past and future, you feel very powerful. Everything is in your hands, you can reach any dream, you can find purpose. Just stop for a moment and think about how strong you are. Your life and your situation is so unique. Never give up on yourself. In one word - practice self-love. One of the most important parts of anyone’s life. If you accept yourself and respect yourself, your boundaries and your wishes, you will always do what is best. No one is perfect, outside or in, but that is precisely what makes every person unique. That’s what creates such excitement in discovering every part of the soul and personality of someone else. You should be the first person to love and embrace yourself, because the only person who will stay with you throughout everything is you, and you don’t have to be anything else other than yourself in order to love yourself. To love and support yourself is the goal of life. If you feel that you don’t love yourself enough, ask yourself why, and try to reason. Is it because of social standards? Does it come from someone? From yourself? Know that you can deal with that. You are strong and amazing, and nothing can make you doubt that. You are the most important part.
Any big goal can be divided into smaller, more achievable goals.
are you happy?
Goals are another significant aspect of our lives. We all have different goals, and normally, reaching them brings us great pride. However, when we reach something that we wanted, yet we don’t feel anything after achieving it, we do not need that thing. You should ask yourself, “Do I really want it?”, “Do I have the passion and motivation for this?”. There are many goals which are imposed by society and a lot of people think they are desirable. Imagine that you have already reached this goal: How do you feel when you reach it? Are you happy? When you are in the process of reaching your goal, try to enjoy it as much as possible. It makes it harder to keep going if you’re miserable. For example, becoming a renowned scientist involves years of studying and research. Great goals are not achieved overnight! To achieve a grand goal requires sacrifice.. People may procrastinate on achieving their goals because they seem too hard to achieve. It can be true for some cases but it should not scare you. On the contrary, it should give you the fervor to achieve it. Imagine that your goal is to run a successful business with great income, but at the moment you don’t know anything about business, from start to finish. You could first dive into the world of business by reading books and biographies or enrolling in courses. You could find some successful businessmen in your surrounding area to ask for advice. Your second step can be to use your knowledge in practice. You could develop your ideas about how to build a business, how to finance it, and how to make it unique. This system will work for any goal, so long as you adapt according to your own possibilities.Remember that you don’t have to always stick to your initial plan. Life is unpredictable, and circumstances may hinder or ensure your goals. Nothing should stop you from going after your dreams and from being happy. The most efficient way to achieve something is working on it every day, to make it your new habit. This is both difficult and easy. Considering you can make your own flexible personal schedule, it should be inherently easier to fullfill your goal. Difficult? It’s hard to adapt to new habits, to actually drag yourself to work every day, even if it’s for 30 minutes. It requires a little challange called self-control.
The best thing about willpower is that it can be trained. Every day a constructive habit is formed, it becomes easier. Consider this: 30 minutes * 365 = 10 950 minutes = 182,5 hours. That is how many hours you will work on something for 1 year with your new habit. You can learn anything during this time, obviously not perfectly, however, it will bring you closer to your dreams. You don’t necessarily need to go rogue and spend 3+ hours on something everyday unless you are extremely eager to do so, of course. Smooth and little changes in everyday routine are the best way to feel comfortable and move forward at the same time. When you don’t feel comfortable, the chance of you procrastinating your task to tomorrowland, or even giving up all together, is higher. Moving forward at any rate is better than staying in the same place. Lastly, I would love to talk about the power of thoughts, and how your thoughts can propel you forwards or drag you backwards. We do not want to end up in the infinite loop of self-blame. The only solution to this situation is self-forgiveness, for all mistakes that you have ever made, for every time that you let yourself down,for everything. We all make mistakes. But lets not focus on the past mistakes. There is only present - the “now”. It is important to learn lessons from the past and move on without the past.
o v e rco m i n g creative block
Have you ever lost all your interest in what that has been inspiring you for years? You have suddenly run out of all the ideas and don’t know how to deal with it? If you’re in this state right now you’re probably experiencing creative block. It can last for several days, weeks or months at worst. But don’t worry, it’s temporary and we will try to find ways to beat it!
take a break Spend a day doing what you really want to do right now. You don't need to work 24/7 without even giving yourself a minute of rest. The most important rule you should follow is not to think about work or anything related to it during your break. Forget about everything and do the things that you really enjoy. Dream about the future, plan a trip, read a book, watch an inspiring movie, take a bath with essential oils and candles to wash away all your thoughts and worries, meditate to heal your mind, or just lay in bed the whole day.
brainstorming If the block leads to the fact that the ideas do not come to your mind, try brainstorming. The essence of brainstorming is switching to the idea generation mode. Don’t think about how dull, basic, useless, or insane those ideas are. You can generate complete nonsense, the main goal is to keep on brainstorming. Once there are enough ideas, review, edit, cross some of them out or combine them and you will surely have at least one great idea out of them.
write down your ideas You know what’s the biggest lie that everyone tells to themselves? “I don’t need to write it down, I will remember it anyway”. This is where we lose the game. No matter how tired you are, how sleepy you are, how far your phone, laptop or notebook is, write every single idea down and try to describe everything in detail so that you won’t forget anything about it. You can even illustrate and draw your ideas!
go offline It will help you to clear your mind and recharge your focus. Moreover, digital detox will reduce stress, eye strain, migraine headaches and extra consumption of the time spent on social media. Instead of constantly turning on the TV, checking the news feed and social media, and surrounding yourself with noise and other distractions, practice a relaxed, contemplative state of mind. Go for a walk, ride a bike or do yoga which will leave you alone with all your thoughts and make you ponder them. Always carry a notebook on hand wherever you go, just in case, some incredible new idea strikes you.
don’t strive for perfection I wasn’t confident in this article when I started writing it, but i kept on going. we are never truly satisfied. Yes, we can be proud of our work, but there is always a voice in our heads which keeps telling us “It could’ve been better” , “I didn’t do my best” ,”It’s not my full potential” etc. This voice is what blocks your creativity. Forget the need for perfection.
change your environment Sometimes in order to overcome a creative block, it is enough to change your environment. Try to tidy up your workplace, decorate it, rearrange the position of things, remove all the distractions or do anything that will inspire you to create and will make you stay motivated. Strive to surround yourself and communicate with imaginative and creative people. Thus, you will be nourished by new ideas and charged with creative positivity. Everyone, engaged in any creative activity, has encountered the problem of creative block at least once and it’s completely normal and natural. Don't panic, try not to get hung up on it, and don’t let negative thoughts take over. Instead experiment, try to find your way out of it, read about the success of others and how they fought with creative block, and talk about it with your friends, like-minded people or even with yourself in the mirror. Remember that Every fall is followed by a rise!
Maryam Babayeva
I. Главное в жизни, похоже одно – Не привязаться. Чтобы в пути, где туман и темно, Немощным не оказаться. Не сочинить себе идеал В дружбе, в семье, в работе. Каждым знакомствам призодит провал. Лучше на радостной ноте С каждым прощаться, кто Откровенен В неуважении и желчи. Вам все ответы подарит время. То самое, что лечит. Можете долго просить и желать Все, точно, будет. Если по жизни – (Не обижать) Не задевать Жалом чужих судеб. II. Даже если тебя попытаются Запугать. Забить. Затоптать. Ты скажи себе: "так зарождается Жизнь. Способность противостоять. Даже если тебе в ноги кланяется, За спиною тайком насмехаясь. Это долго, поверь, не протянется. И обидчик сломается. Каясь.
Вобщем-то прекрасно, чт выше нас Есть свидетель всему живому. Как защита о самых завистливых глаз, Как фундамент духовного дома.
Поэт - Назрин Мирзoевa Фотограф - Нармин Зейналлы 13
Your power and will to change your life is in your thoughts Before writing this, I woke up early, wrote down the to-do list for today dividing everything by hour. 3 hours left and more than half of my to-do list is already done. “What is the purpose of writing your dailyroutine?” you would ask. The aim is to share with you how I stay motivated and manage my time efficiently in quarantine. More and more people face problems with time management and stay late at night finishing what they have not done during the day therefore having only a few hours of sleep, waking up stressed, with terrible headache and still a bunch of things to do. That was my situation before I pulled myself together and watched a documentary called “The Secret” based on a self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne. The overall concept of the book is based on the law of attraction which claims that thoughts of a person can change their life directly in a way that they want their life to be. The book/documentary helped me to get through the problems that I encountered and to set my goals precisely. The concept of law of attraction is that you attract into your life what you think whether it is positive or negative. The law can be related to anything; health, wealth, relationships. There is a lot of evidence described in the book, documentary and official site concerning people that overcame the deadliest diseases. They dreamed that they were healthy. They believed in it. They imagined it. Sure, it will take some more time to accomplish what you want but if you stay motivated and patient eventually everything will be as you wish. Write down your goals and put it on the wall so that you can see it every time you wake up. Set your goal precisely, see it, feel it, hear the sounds that will accompany the end result. If you want a car, visualize it, imagine and feel how your hands hold the steering wheel or if you want to get a job or a scholarship that you always wished to have. Always think positively. The way to success will never be smooth. Everything depends on your attitude and respect for yourself. Never give up. Stay motivated. Stay hydrated. Stay calm. Be patient and be grateful for everything you have. Article and Painting by Sona Rustamova 15
REMINISCE Have you ever asked yourself a question « What do I want to be remembered for? ». The kind of question that left me in deep profound thoughts for hours before writing this article. A couple of years ago I used to think that my whole life is ahead and I have a plenty of time to think about all and everything. It really is, but with the pace it moves, things alter and events occur with it is so great that it seems to be speeding up. I noticed that school was a simpler time. It was a stage of life when I was completely free to find out who I am. I don’t think that I used it properly, as many of us, although it was that very period when I, fortunately, understood that I don’t always need to be getting things done and sometimes it is perfectly okay, times to times even necessary, to shut down. Understood that I don’t have to seem perfect, learned to accept the faults, make mistakes, try, fail. The youth is still much simpler than adulthood, I suppose. Presumably, now it is the height of discovering the undiscovered, experience the unexperienced and just simply embrace this time when we can grow up without having a myriad of responsibilities. I love supporting people, encouraging them and motivating when they need it. Moments, when I see this or that person succeeds, make me feel that it had to be done seeing that it’s about the difference we make in the lives of others. I wouldn’t say that trying to shine again like you are meant to or to catch yourself not being you is easy. But people never see that side of the story and I am okay with that because I have nothing to prove to anyone. Neither do you. Who knows, maybe one day you will tell your story of how you overcame, what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide. All in all, there is a story behind every person and there is a particular set of reasons why we all are the way we are.
I am not quite sure that it is the strongest path for my future, still and all, I can definitely say that I am a competitive person but not in the meaning you possibly understood it. As to me, the best type of competition is one where we compete against ourselves, by challenging ourselves to do better than what we’ve done previously for the reason that it is not at all always about winning. We always want to continue to strive to do the best we can and challenge ourselves to set new or higher standards. Competitiveness is something that pushes me forward and sometimes my actions can merely be explained by it rather than anything else. People surrounding me most probably think that I like studying, but the truth is - I don’t. I just simply love being the best version of my past self. I don’t think I have ever told it to anyone, but always comes a time when we reveal a new part of us. The reason behind it is as simple as 2+2: I don’t want to spend the time as I mentioned before, which moves with an incredible speed, on meeting anyone else’s expectations. I want to exceed my own. There is always a perfect moment to replenish and it is now. Don’t wait for the right time to do all the things you always wanted to do. Do not postpone them to the future. While studying in school I have understood a very important thing that makes me move forward even today. When I grow up and try to remember my childhood and youth I don’t want my memories to consist
of me sitting at the table and doing something related to studies, lessons and homework. I would much more prefer to be stuck in people’s memories as someone who is wearing mismatched socks rather than someone with high grades. No, I do not underestimate the importance of studying well in any way but there should be something that is much more important for you. Your dreams, goals, desires, things you are good at, something that excites you and gives you a sense of fulfilment on the ground that it’s about listening deeply to the rhythm of your heart and never forgetting to connect to something beyondthe run-of-the-mill workaday world. In essence, choosing how you want to be remembered is genuinely all about the small life choices you make every single day. If you are always a “normal�, regular person existing on this planet you will never know how unique and amazing you are. One and the only thing you can do at this moment in time to impact the way you’ll be remembered is to share your true self.
Photography by Paolo Raeli
Next Stop: EXPLANATIONS Article by Masuma Suleymanova Photo by Luca Nardone
I feel the magic of the moments when my thoughts, occurred themselves or as a result of experienced events and people, finally reach the point of transformation from the amorphous phase to crystalline one taking a form and toughness of the text. Our ability to conduct other people’s problems varies depending on our personality. Ability to withstand our own ones very much relies on the pervasiveness of the problem among peers. A brief exchange like ‘Ah is it the same for you?’, ‘I can feel it’ – and now we are a little relieved although can still be far from the realistic approach to solving the problem. For the company, we whine but always laugh at the end and never forget to remind each other this laughter is certainly the nervous one (there is no way we can have fun during such a period of our lives) and all this have an effect we need the most at the moment. During the break between two lectures, as an example. The situation in the world today which suddenly engaged each of us personally can be called a break as well, but now - between two stages in the development of the world. As for individual development, I believe we have the power to impact the level of how different these stages will be. Do we rest at a break between same specialty lessons or is it a break, let’s say, between algebra and French language? What impresses me the most in recent days is the serenity I had after facing the fact that the virus had caused the cancellation of the big summer plans, despite my hopes. “I thought I would hang myself if it would turn out this way’, I said to a friend who informed me first. ‘Yet it seems I am fine’. I was really fine
and as if I turned myself inside out, as if I changed the direction of the vectors from the surface of human to the surface of humankind, possibly for the first time ever thought about millions around the world who had lost something bigger and more priceless than my vacation. The evening when my plans had smashed onto today’s reality, I’ve remained an egoist as much as my temper allows me to. However, my room was now filled with millions of people living for themselves as well. The whole world is a significant chemical reaction between the people running at huge speed with Empathy going into the atmosphere as the main product.
From Visibility to Reality
It is impossible to foresee how long the isolation will last but the pandemic of marital difficulties is raging during which people do not massively recognize their partners living under the same roof all day. Conscious of new times that have come they look constrained to dig inside themselves and see how isolation renews their habitual frames. The world is more complicated than our vision of the world. Hence marriage is more complicated than the way we think about it. By narrowing the world around us to the square meters of an apartment we compress interpersonal relations and pressurize them. Getting married implies taking certain duties and responsibilities and they are meant to become maybe inseparable but only a part of our lives. Becoming reclusive, deprived of everything that filled up the voids of our existence and leaving only domestic routine to continue non-stop operating don’t we become someone else? 22
Someone who is preoccupied with his interests only in an effort to fit in the new lifestyle. The rules of the game changed: we are free but our freedom is now pushed on a string that is about to break and entail the chaos. Is it really worth to the two individuals lifted their moral restrictions blaming each other for behavioral changes? Each of us probably realized at some point that if the history has been constantly written then an invisible reporter works all day long now barely keeping up with documentation of the material for the future history books. Pandemic and the current situation is a new reality and sprouts a new rhythm, new norms and mindsets. It sprouts like an old house overgrown with a green ivy carpet, it sprouts exponentially as a number of confirmed cases. Even if you are not going to start writing a memoir on the day of your sixtieth birthday it is crucial to remember this period for what it is: without multiplying its evil and diminishing its virtue. Screen it. Memories have a property to get distorted over time but an individual is able to control this process through his earthliness. The world I want to step out into leaving the house is primarily the world inhabited by people who stand by their words. I’d like to live in the world where people can analyze the situation referring to verifiable sources rather than overwhelm by instant emotions. Where people are inclined to trust an expert opinion but not the preachers of conspiracy theorems. Today we have an opportunity to witness in live this famous episode from disaster movie when the main character turns the TV on and immediately sees news he wants to see. He changes channels but all of them broadcast the same. Such a living embodiment of blockbuster technique in the days of our unprecedented passivity gives a hope of future changes entitled ‘World will never be the same’. It is never too late to change people’s mind about science, media and acts of Artwork by Jose private individuals or entities. My last going out was the tenth birthday celebration of family friend’s son. The kids were sitting at the separate table when one of the adults suggested them to say their wishes to the birthday boy. Without hesitation one of the kids said ‘I wish for him to have Lego’ and this is, I think, extremely cute and grounded wish. 23
Another one said ‘I wish him not to be shy’ which I liked a lot as well since these words are obviously reinforced by personal experience with the birthday boy.
Dolphins appear in Italy’s waterways, meanwhile in my life:
Maybe we should think about what can likewise return into our lives? We are isolated but for the first time, the world is so close and accessible for us opening the doors of the most famous theaters, museums, libraries and lecture halls. Checking one social network after another to kill time is, for sure, the art we mastered perfectly. If the world demonstrated amazing ability to recover its natural look in a very short time, who knows, what will happen once we dare to change our habits? What if we go beyond the comment section under the photo and ask our acquaintance living abroad about how his life is going in a private message?
Cauchemar, long story short
e Manuel Ballester
Not due to the pandemic itself and economic consequences but because each of us suddenly felt his vulnerability and unpredictability of the future through their prism. Our minds, always closed to the global catastrophes like terrorist attacks, earthquakes, plane crashes which can take the lives of hundreds of people in a second are open more than ever before and avidly absorbing any kind of new information. As the citizens of the world one of the key responsibilities today is to ask ourselves continuously about what is going on, not with fear but readily to find the most rational response. While getting new information we should try to shake it out of everything that spreads the panic to remain with its essence. If I could play one song so the whole world can hear, it would be (before the quarantine too) “Wind of Change” by Scorpions. If I could give one advice to everyone on Earth, I would (before the quarantine too) quote “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” book: In the darkest and in
the happiest times try to be a filter. Not a sponge.
Closer to graduation, students tend to ask, “What is the key to land on an internship?”. Well, for me, the answer is definitely “Networking”. I am a 4th year Geophysical Engineering student in UFAZ, and in this article I would love to share with you how networking has affected my life as a student. My journey began on my first year of studies when I joined SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) as a student. On my 3rd year I joined SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists) as a board member. This type of experience was extremely beneficial as it taught me to never stop searching for opportunities. Socializing with young and senior engineers increased my will to be a part of the engineering community. In addition to professionals, the people who affect your career path are the students (mostly those older than you). These are the people who share their “application stage” experience and give the most useful tips for your interviews. 25
On my 3rd year of study I realized that aside from knowing the professionals, it’s important to aim to become as good as they are. For this, it is essential to be well-prepared technically. I understood that networking has limited benefits without your technical knowledge which you gain in university and by self-education. In order to strenghten my technical background, I got advices from one of the senior year students and decided to enroll to a Geophysical Engineering course at Technical Education Center (TEC). That is where I got to know my teacher who was a Base Coordinator in Baker Hughes company. Closer to the end of the course I approached him and asked if there is a possibility for me to get an internship in the company. He immediately called the HR and as a result, I, alongside with other students, was invited for an interview. In a month, I, officially became an intern in Baker Hughes company. As you see from this experience, you should never be afraid to speak up if you have determined your goals. The same year, I was accepted to BP Summer Internship. If you ask me how I was successful, my answer would again be “Networking!”. During my preparations, I talked to students who have participated in the same interview the previous years. I made sure to be, at least, ready to answer the questions they were asked. At that time, honestly, I had no idea how to interpret the geophysical data, but the students older than me taught me some basics so that I, at least, know what is in front of me. I contacted the professionals from the company and asked about their projects. As an outcome, I had a lot to discuss both with the HRs and the technicians during the interview. As you may see, throughout my student life, the people whom I knew played a role of my flashlight. Even now, I do not stop enlarging my network. I continue to search for new opportunities and constantly gain new skills that I get with the help of the community I am in. Many people say that I was just lucky, but to find luck you need to stand up and go search for it, right? I wish you all to be successful and the most important- not to be bored with what you do. Feel free to contact me regarding any question you have. If I won’t be having an answer, don’t worry, I have friends who do. Zohra Hajizada 26
i used to be a For the last couple of weeks, I have been finding myself questioning life and the way I live it. Clearly something was wrong. I started getting into the concept of self-reflection to find out what's the most parasitic thing in my life and how I can deal with it. To my surprise, it didn't require a lot of thinking to pinpoint the problem. Basically, it was social media all along. At that moment I realized how much time and energy I have spent on that little slot-machine that is my phone. Many of us don't take time to recognize the destructive nature of social media and the amount of harm it brings to our lives. However, I had a clear goal now. To learn as much as possible about the ways of "becoming human" again. And it's not an exaggeration at all, I should add. So, I went on the internet in the search for the answer and stumbled upon this concept of "Digital Minimalism" that was only recently founded by Cal Newport, who proclaims himself as a digital minimalist. But what does “digital minimalism” even mean? Does it support my values? How can I become a digital minimalist myself? All these questions swirled in my head. But when I understood its essence, I fell in love with it. Today, I won’t be explaining all the aspects of digital minimalism, as It would take to write a 30 pages long article to do that. Instead, I’m gonna focus on some key ideas, particularly the importance of time and solitude.
time: the most import
a human being Simply put, Digital Minimalism is a philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else. Let’s dissect this description by looking at the two core principles of this philosophy: time and solitude. People should realize that the only irreversible currency in their disposal in this world is time. You won’t ever get those years back, no matter what. I would like to mention Henry David Thoreau, who was one of the most influential people during the nineteenth century and his works on philosophy, science and many other subjects live on to this day. “The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.” So, think about it. Is endlessly scrolling your feed worth the time you spend on it, the life you exchange for it? Most probably not. Cal Newport notes that it’s easy to be seduced by small amounts of profit offered by the latest app of service, but then forget its cost in terms of the most important resource we possess: the minutes of our life. The intermittent serotonin boost that we get from checking the notifications and seeing something interesting is one of the pillars for behavioral addiction. That was one of the first and main things that made me feel less in control, less as a master of my fate, less human.
tant modern currency
solitude: the ancient idea lost in modernity 29
Have you ever noticed that we are never alone with our thoughts anymore? We are always hooked to the system that is the Internet, which is the biggest source of external input of information to our brain. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of California-San Diego, revealed that people are everyday loaded with the equivalent amount of 34 Gb (gigabytes) of information, a sufficient quantity to overload a laptop within a week. On top of that, we never get off our phones, which adds additional pressure to our mental health. We are never truly alone and never have the moment of honest clarity that solitude brings to human beings, helps them think better, faster, and be more in touch with their surroundings. As a result, we suffer from Solitude Deprivation. Solitude Deprivation is a state in which you spend close to zero time alone with your own thoughts and free from input from other minds. This can lead to many casualties in your daily life, such as the feeling of being overwhelmed, anxiety, depression and a clouded mind. Simply put, humans are not wired to be constantly wired, as Cal puts it in the book.
a new form of addiction
Since the invention of Facebook and the rise of social media platforms, the number one common mental health problem among students has become anxiety. We should stop seeing the short-term benefits of this technology and instead focus on the long-term effects, which are grave. I really loved how Bill Maher, the “Real Time” host, showed his distaste towards this: “The tycoons of social media have to stop pretending that they’re friendly nerd gods building a better world and admit they’re just tobacco farmers in T-shirts selling an addictive product to children. Because, let’s face it, checking your “likes” is the new smoking.” The way this quote clearly encapsulates the whole problem with social media is astonishingly honest.
To conclude, our discussion about the importance of time, solitude and modern tobacco farmers, I want to share with you that I have started a new chapter in my life in order to become “human” again by starting a 30-day Digital Minimalism challenge which forces you to delete all of your social media apps, only lets the most important ones stay and makes you regulate your time on the phone and internet. In the future, I can share my guide through the steps of the detox process, but now I want to leave you with yet another thought-provoking quote from Thoreau, which I’m sure some of you have already heard (“Dead Poets Society”) or read somewhere and it goes like this: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
Sarkhan Jafarli
The Intriguing Science
Chemistry historically has been getting a bad rap for being complicated, incomprehensible, dull, and dozens of other unflattering words coming off the mouths of students facing this natural science every year. As a devoted student of chemical engineering I would like to advocate for the beauty of my beloved discipline. I’ve never had to go through a boring chemistry class. Our teachers always aimed at teaching us how and where to look for the small clues, key ideas that lay the foundation for understanding our world at large, starting from infinitesimal particles to macromolecules and polymers. I think the widespread dislike for Chemistry is fostered in high school – to truly see the beauty of chemistry, one must see and interact with it, however, unfortunately, only select schools can afford quality chemical labs and practical, hands-on lessons. Chemistry is simple, or at least should be, because the majority of transformations are based on fundamental interactions between electrons. And honestly, it’s mind blowing how these miniscule interactions accumulate and lead to complex chemical reactions which power our day-to-day lives and lets us chat with our family and friends, see, hear, eat, sleep, wake up, use our cellphones, love, think!
Chemistry instills a mindset that lets you see everything through an analytical prism, constantly ask questions and seek answers for them. How does soap wash my hands, why do some medications treat and others kill, why is water so vital to us and etc. For me the most incredible side of Chemistry is Quantum Chemistry, a merger between Quantum Mechanics and Chemistry. This is the core of our universe. Moreover we live in macro world with its own laws especially with Newton’s Mechanics but all particles live in micro world and it is totally different. Here we have to forget everything we know as in this case we have to understand it from the beginning. The quote of Richard Feynman: "If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics" really drives me crazy. I want to discover this world and I am sure that my life will be directly linked to this area. I hope I intrigued you about Chemistry and in future we will not have prejudgement about it.
Ilustration by Giovanna Giuliano Article by Ismayil Kerim Edited by Rafael Sofi-zada
Breakfast Cereal
types of drinks th kill your
Who doesn’t love the cute, tasty and milky mixture of some cereal for breakfast? It’s fast and easy to prepare, also it’s very enjoyable to eat. However, I consider this type of food as a “Trojan Horse”. At first, you feel the pleasure of eating it, but then, the digestion process kicks in. These easy-peasy to prepare meals have high glycemic index, meaning body absorbs and digests the contained carbohydrates fast. This causes the blood sugar to rapidly increase. The energy boost you feel early on after eating will be followed by a drop in blood sugar and fatigue. So, avoid consuming these types of food, give priority to the meals full of calcium and minerals.
Alcohol Wine, whiskey, liqueur, beer, or wine. Whether you prefer drinking or not, these names of drinks are surely familiar to you. We can’t imagine weddings, parties, or even casual dining without alcohol. As ’m not a huge fan of drinking, I have basically drank only 5-6 times in my life, I know it makes you feel happy, maybe generous or even the “party guy” as some may say. That’s the state of mind that overdrinking leads us to. You may end up laying dead in your bed, though at the same time it can make you wake up at 3 am in the morning. Why? Because overdrinking affects normal production of chemicals in your body. And congratulations, you have spoiled your following day too! So, the main thing to understand here is that all the food and drinks which disturb your dopamine exchange and raise your energy levels will eventually dial it back and you will feel wasted. That’s the golden rule of nature.
f food and hat will r energy
3 4
Remember the time when your table was covered with exam preparation papers and it was too late to do your homework? And, honestly, we don’t have any appetite to fill our heads with pages of solutions which comprise of mind twisting formulas, unless the following day is an exam day. It is too challenging of a mission to complete. You need an assistant who will keep you awake. So, here comes your newly appointed assistant, Mr. (or Mrs. depending on your preference) Caffeine! Your only hope is that he helps you. Then, all of the solutions are downloaded to your brain, you are all ready and set, you did good work. But, hold on, there’s one small problem. Probably you are looking for a pillow now, because you will just shut down. Yeah, basically, you feel sleepy and maybe even dizzy. Why is that? Of course it’s because of him, Mr. Caffeine! Two-three cups of coffee with full of caffeine damages your routine.
Fast Food
You have probably already heard doctors, professors talking about the harmful effects of fast food too much. But don’t worry, I will not fill your mind with those terminologies. Let me just explain it in a simple way. Our bodies are not designed to digest a big slice of meat between 2 big loafs of bread which are cooked in a vessel full of oil. You can feel your stomach is full and you are enjoying it, but this is also the time when your veins are barely able to transport energy throughout your body. Moreover, body spends too much energy on digestion process of huge calorie meals. Despite of you eating food rich in calorie, in reality, you consume much more energy than absorb. Therefore, guys, I hope by understanding the amount of damage fast food is doing to your body, you will try to avoid consuming unhealthy food. Article by Shamil Aliyev
By Vagif Taghiyev
“Travel photography is a genre of photography that may involve the documentation of an area's landscape, people, cultures, customs, and history.” This is, what Wikipedia tells us and I completely agree with it. The keyword is “documentation”. For me, photography is a safe for our memories. You are trying to catch every fleeting moment, so you can contemplate the beauty of it later and you get goosebumps every time, because of the story behind this picture. I got interested in photography from the moment my parents bought me my first digital camera. At first, it was really bizarre for me and I was just having fun taking random pictures, until the moment I took my camera abroad with me. The first big trip with my new friend was in Italy. Back then I realized that photography is something more than a steady picture. You can easily interpret ideas, stories, atmosphere behind it by just clicking one button. This is truly extraordinary! Everything in a photo matters! Photographers are trying to deliver you their vision, how they see the world, how they emphasize people’s attention on every little detail of the scene, which is not possible to observe with our bare eyes. I get amazed every time I see a picture of a landscape or some beautiful architecture, as I imagine the feelings and adrenaline which were running through the body of the photographer. “Photography is the story I fail to put into words.” — Destin Sparks
The mystery in perspective. You never know , which angle to choose until you try it 10 times. Amsterdam-Berlin. 39
Однажды ты станешь взрослым. Да что там однажды, стал им. И дело, конечно, не в росте, И не в «молодой» и «старый». Я постараюсь без этих Заезженных сантиментов, Хоть мне уж почти не светит Жить без слезливых моментов. Я верю- ты будешь собою, Таким, каким Бог тебя создал. Что в обществе властных изгоев (и мнимых героев) Ты будешь добра апостол. Я верю, ты не допустишь, Чтобы тобой помыкали. Чтоб вязкие лапы грусти Твой счастья свет отобрали.
Чтоб ты не боялся ошибок И шел напролом если надо. Чтоб был в рассуждениях гибок И стоек. Без перепадов.
Хотелось бы, чтоб с тобою Всегда уживалась радость. Чтоб в жизни с каждым боем Ты б чувствовал мудрости сладость.
Чтоб ты полагался на разум И не поддавался эмоциям. Чтоб знал-не бывает все сразу. Все лучшее-только порциями.
Чтоб вера твоя словно знамя Над домом твоим возвышалась. Со временем чтоб, и с годами, Желчь в душу твою не закралась.
Прощай невоспитанным дерзость, Прощай некультурным хамство, Умей отвечать, имей смелость, Пресечь наглость и самозванство. Учись, узнавай, будь смелее. Не видь и не знай границы. И пусть с тобой рядом не смеют Мечты обзывать «небылицами.
Поэт - Назрин Мирзаевa Фотограф - Айлин Алекберли, Тони Рейд 43
Written by Sevda Aliyeva
10 Movies
Disclaimer: since I want to share my personal favorites among the movies I watched, this list isn’t based on official list or rankings.
1. Almost Famous Directed by Cameron Crowe, ‘Almost Famous’ is one of the best movies that reflect the true spirit of 70s Rock’n Roll. The movie tells the story of a 15 years old boy who got an offer from Rolling Stone magazine to write an article about the rock band. Cameron Crowe is very successful at awaking the great love towards music that everybody felt in their teenage years. The incredible soundtrack includes great artist and bands as Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, David Bowie and other famous names of the decade. Besides, Almost Famous has the best fictional music band of the times: Stillwater. If you watch the extended version of the movie, the concert scenes will make you wish that the band were real. Crowe's inspiration for this movie was his own touring experience as a teenage journalist of Rolling Stone with Led Zeppelin. For that reason, I couldn't help myself but not to assume that Stillwater is a metaphor band for Led Zeppelin. Here’s the official music video made by the director himself.
2. Singles In this 1992 made movie Singles, Cameron Crowe takes us to Seattle, the birthplace of the grunge. Singles centers on the precarious romantic lives of a group of young adults. However, the plot itself is not music-centered, you find yourself wandering around rock bars of the '90s Seattle in company with sounds from grunge legends such as Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden. The best thing about the movie for me is that we get to see the great musicians who are unfortunately not with us anymore. Chris Cornell's acting and Layne Stanley's stage performance is worth watching. If you watch Almost Famous and Singles one after the other, you will realize Cameron Crowe is the cinematographic genius with great music taste and unique talent in reflecting different worlds perfectly to the audience.
with the Best Soundtrack
3. Velvet Goldmine
Velvet goldmine is a true form of art that leads you to its glittery world with stunning costumes and exciting stage performances. A musical drama set in Britain during the glam rock days of the early 70s. Besides the movie title sharing the same name as David Bowie's song, it is not the only thing the movie took as an inspiration from the artist. Indeed, the movie tells a story of his life, also his relationship with another remarkable musician of the decade, Iggy Pop through two fictional characters Brian Slade and Kurt Wilde. Besides the original songs written for the movie, the soundtrack includes both original and cover songs performed by the glam influenced bands. Famous musicians and bands are also performing as fictional band members in the movie like Thom Yorke and Placebo.
4. Only Lovers Left Alive When I hear the name of Jim Jarmusch, the first thing comes to my mind is beautifully weird scenes and a gloomy atmosphere. Only lovers left alive is a movie that introduced the Jarmusch cinematography to me and changed my perspective of what I expected from movies. It made me realize how important the atmosphere is, sometimes more than the plot. The director tells a story about two sophisticated vampires. Despite their distinct opinions about life, their love for art bonds them for hundreds of years. Movie's soundtrack will contribute a lot to your playlist and enlarge your music borders by introducing all kinds of experimental music from every decade and every part of the world. If you want to get into that goth world full of intellectual conversations about the history of music, science, and humanity with the enchanting music in the background, that's the movie you should watch.
5. A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
I want to mention my other favorite movie, which merges the vampire and art concepts. We all know that the modern cinema of Iran produces great films for more than two decades, but for me, this 8-awards winning movie is one of a kind in Persian cinema. It's a story about a lonely vampire girl who lives in a ghost town called Bad City. Despite some deficiencies in the plot, the movie makes you enjoy an innocent love story while it integrates concepts like feminism and individual justice successfully. The soundtrack mostly consists of alternative rock and electronic songs by modern Iranian and foreign bands. Music blends beautifully with black and white shot scenes and creates a magical atmosphere. This movie has a special place in my heart because it introduced one of my beloved bands, White Lies, to me with this breathtaking scene.
6. 500 Days of Summer
"This is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know upfront, this is not a love story." For me, music is more than just a soundtrack in this movie; it is the technique the director uses for reflecting the deceptions and illusions the main character finds himself in. That makes "500 days of summer" one of the most realistic movies about love. If we think about this, many of us use music to create imaginary worlds, scenarios in our heads. Doing this seems harmless, but sometimes we end up hurting ourselves with unrealistic expectations we created by momentary euphoria music caused. We chase wrong paths, wrong people, ignore red flags because we are too busy with trying turning our lives to the movies with the great soundtrack we created. Well, that's what the director tries to tell us by making the movie bitter as life and making it seem like a fairytale with rainbows and butterflies with the help of a mesmerizing soundtrack. The whole movie is full of significant scenes, but the director explains his intention with one scene shot with a beautifully unique technique.
7. Cruel Intensions
Being my favorite late 90s early 2000s teen drama, I think Cruel Intentions deserves a place in this list. You will experience teen angst to the fullest with the beloved rock bands of the decade such as The Verve, Placebo and Counting Crows while falling for the iconic bad boy Sebastian.
8. Les Amours Imaginaires Besides his talent to express emotions in such a bare manner, Xavier Dolan owes his cinematographic success to the eclectic soundtrack he uses in movies. I created a signiďŹ cant part of my playlist with the songs that I discovered in Dolan's movies. Although his music choices are great in all movies, there are more scenes in Les Amours Imaginaires where we get to see the perfect harmony of music and cinematography together. Movie is a romantic drama which focuses on the relationship of three close friends who are involved in a love triangle.
9. The Royal Tenenbaums If you asked me to choose my favorite among all Wes Anderson movies, I wouldn’t be able to as each of them makes you want to get lost in the symmetrical, colorful, absurd reality of the director. But when it comes to the soundtrack, I prefer The Royal Tenenbaums. This family comedy-drama lets you root for well-written genuine characters and enjoy peerlessly beautiful shots accompanied by great music. Besides original tracks from great artists like Elton John, John Lennon, The Clash, Bob Dylan, you can also listen to surprising covers of hit songs. In the most dramatic scene of the movie, the artist pick was Elliot Smith, which I believe is not coincidental considering the way the artist passed away.
10. Submarine
Original songs were written and performed by Alex Turner from Arctic Monkeys. That alone explains why this movie has a great soundtrack. But it is not the only great thing about the movie. The submarine has a cute teen love story and the cutest lead role. The monologues of Oliver Tate perfectly express the feelings and thoughts that every teenager experienced once.
III. get in visual dream
nspired: l food for your ms and more
Photography by Paolo Raeli
Ребёнок подземелья чей образ тает в темноте, Смиренно, неуклонно идёт во мраке он, робея. Мечтая очень скоро обресть замену пустоте, Надеждой лицезреть луч света душу он лелея. А много ли известно ему о царстве его грёз? Какое представление о нем всплывает пред очами? Прожив всю жизнь на ощупь, во власти пустых слёз, Чего надеется найти, поймать незрящими глазами? И все же, в пустоте несложно раcпознать Всё тех же лёгких ног тяжёлый топот. Но уху не дано хоть как-то разобрать Идущий из неё горестный шёпот. Тьма непроглядная с боков и фронта обступает, Абстрактность и незримость полностью теряя. Дитятя, слившееся с ней, словно ощущает Как отступает темень, хватку ослабляя. Из пустоты возникли своды округлённые Давя вокруг пространство гладкими стенами. Теперь не так страшны реалии гранёные Как когда мгла держала в страхе кандалами. Над чадом с ко'рыстью играют злую шутку С издевкой образы плетёт воображение Но ведь пройдя сквозь пустоты безмерной муку Откуда же оно черпает вдохновение? Взгляд, будто новоро'жденный, смеряет На тускло-серых плитах гнущиеся ноги. А впереди проход безвыходный петляет Такую вот дорогу предрешили боги. Нежданно видимое им не просто мглу пронзает Оно вторгается и застывает, как нечто инородное, иное. "А что чужое - то есть свет..." - сознание мысль посещает "Завесу мрачную, слепую не разобьёт ничто другое". И видно отовсюду, и отовсюду манит Умом наивным названное "луч" Из высоты тоннеля словно руку тянет Клянясь помочь тому осилить кручь. И то ли не осилив, может не решившись, Поднять уже отчётливо увиденные руки, Отчаянный малыш всё та'к и не поднявшись, Не отдаёт себя во власть являющейся скуки Осознанно приняв недосягаемость мечты Искатель ноги подкосил, ладони в стороны раскинул Избавившись в конец от слепоты и темноты 51
И видел образы, возникшие из камня и пустот И насекомых наблюдал, метущихся у стен, по потолку. Его сознание... впустило впечатления от красот Доселе мертвый, тёмный мир обрёл детали на свету. И наблюдал игру теней, заметных смутно, Танцующих на самой грани света-темноты. И слышит учащенный смех, звучащий глухо, И ловит взгляды, что из скрытых глаз обращены. Мелькая силуэтами, почти не различимыми Из подземелья дети-духи руки тянут к верху. Слезами обливаются, едва ли ощутимыми. И за участки посветлее они борьбу ведут без спеху. Смиренный с участью и радуясь тому, что есть Доныне будучи потерянным, ребёнок Обрёл свой мир, добрел туда, где можно сесть И лицезреть надежды луч, накапливать силенок И несмотря на столь сомнительное счастье И обстоятельства давящие, что никуда не делись Возможно слышать шёпот, звучащий как заклятье "Хочу наверх на свет и чтобы стены расступились" "Судьбою щедро обделён я был, но надо Забыться вновь - возможно жизнь я заново начну Теперь, переродившись, вижу свет, но его мало. И в свой момент, неровен час туда я точно загляну" Сквозь трещины как через трубы доносилось Как плачут и хохочут дитяти солнца и тоннелей Жизнь в светлом идеальном мире порою только снилась Ибо рождённые в тени, наре'ченные "Дети подземелий". Навряд ли приходила мысль или пугала хоть кого-то Что золотое царство мечт детей бы тут же ослепило Вернув их взоры в темноту, открыв себя на миг всего-то. И стоило б того все то, что их бы взгляды поразило?
Камран Исмайылзада
La Dépressio
on Franรงaise
Photography by Gunay Najafzada
Sans cesse à mes côtés s'agite le Démon; II nage autour de moi comme un air impalpable; Je l'avale et le sens qui brûle mon poumon Et l'emplit d'un désir éternel et coupable. Parfois il prend, sachant mon grand amour de l'Art, La forme de la plus séduisante des femmes, Et, sous de spécieux prétextes de cafard, Accoutume ma lèvre à des philtres infâmes. II me conduit ainsi, loin du regard de Dieu, Haletant et brisé de fatigue, au milieu Des plaines de l'Ennui, profondes et désertes, Et jette dans mes yeux pleins de confusion Des vêtements souillés, des blessures ouvertes, Et l'appareil sanglant de la Destruction! — Charles Baudelaire
no reasons for keeping high no reasons to and you start to lie
and if you want to know the opinion of mine having no reasons is a reason to die
В школе по физике Прозвучала фраза, как выстрел Мне в мозг И вот я вырос, А вопрос До сих пор пулей застрял среди нервов Не думаю что до этой идеи дошёл первым, Но, саму фразу "абсолют невозможен" Я громогласно опровергну, Он есть. И чтоб вас моя выдумка не грызла Скажу что абсолют есть, в отсутствии смысла.
Poetry by Aykhan Ibragimov Photography by Laman Akhundova Model: Emil Aliyev 60
Many people who’ve seen my drawings say "I have no talent for drawing, I will never learn to draw like that.". And most of them really think so, and continue to live with these thoughts . However, I had no talent too. All this is just experience and desire. In my opinion, talent is only 5-10% of the final result. Talent can speed up the process, but it can not affect the big picture. That’s why, I want to tell all these people that just do it and don’t complain. I don’t need the motivation to draw, I just see the photo and I want to draw it.
Emil Tahirov 62
Drama/Thriller/Horror/Romance and
1. Lucy
20. Memento
1. Contagion
9. Panic Room
2. Inception
21. Her
2. Searching
10. It Follows
3. Triangle
22. Coherence
3. Parasite
11. Trance
4. Interstellar
23. Flatliners
4. Drive
12. Glass
5. In Time
24. Tell Me How I Die
5. Incendies
13. Hereditary
6. Splice
25. Predestination
6. Joker
14. Happy Death Day
7. Source Code
26. The Butterfly Effect
7. Unbroken
15. Truth or Dare
8. The Martian
27. Otherlife
8. A Quiet Place
16. Unknown
9. Cube 1,2,3
28. The Number 23
10. Surrogates
29. Passengers
11. I Origins
30. Fermat’s Room
12. Edge of Tomorrow 31. Exam 13. Equals
32. The Mist
14. Ex Machina
33. What Happened to Monday
15. Identity
34. Escape Room
16. Time Lapse
35. House of 9
17. After Death
36. The Maze Runner
18. Déjà vu
37. Level 16
19. Split
Based on True Story 1. The Stoning of Soroya 2. A Beautiful MInd 3. The Theory of Everything 4. Idiocracy (going to be true soon) 5. The Pianist 6. Sivastopol İçin Savaş
7. Eddington and Einstein 8. Snowden 9. Chernobyl (TV series) 10. Red Joan 11. Colonia Dignidad 12. The Danish Girl 13. Official Secrets 14. Togo 15. Bohemian Rhapsody 16. 1917
25. Womb 26. An Incident in a Ghostlan 27. Still Alice 28. Don’t Breathe 29. Camp X-Ray 30. Julia’s Eyes 31. It 32. Room (2015) 33. Third Person
d Everything else 17. Stranger Things (TV series)
34. A Cure for Wellness
67. Eternal Sunshine of the
18. The Game
35. Prisoners
Spotless Mind
19. The Next Three Days
36. Arrival
69. Chloe
20. The Loft
37. Another Me
69. Psycho (1960)
21. Stay
38. Split
70. The Hidden Face
22. Nightcrawler
39. The Vow
71. How to Be Single
23. Berlin Syndrome
40. 2012 41. Drag Me to Hell
72. Law Abiding Citizen
42. Nocturnal Animals
74. 30 Days of Night
43. Wind River
75. The Mountain Between us
44. The Reef
76. The Truth About Emanuel
45. Whiplash
77. Eat Pray Love
46. The Invisible Guest
78. Unborn
47. Stonehearst Asylum
79. Life of Pi
48. Parfumer
80. My Best Friend’s Wedding
49. Phoenix
81. Sweet November
24. Shutter Island
73. Into the Wild
82. Catch Me if You Can 83. Leon 84. 500 Days of Summer 85. Red Riding Blood 86. Black Swan 87. The Notebook 88. The Book Thief 89. Frozen 90. Mirrors 91. World Trade Center
92. Remember Me 93. Safe Heaven
50. 127 Hours
59. Pan’s Labyrinth
94. Taken
51. Forrest Gump
60. Zootopia
95. The Great Gatsby
52. The Prestige
61. Human Centipede
96. Pursuit of Happiness
53. The Departed
62. Wrong Turn 1
97. Nothing Left to Fear
54. Desert Flower
63. The Autopsy of Jane Doe
98. I Am Legend
55. P.S. I Love You
64. Constantine
99. Haunt
56.El Cuerpo
65. Lights Out
57. A Most Wanted Man
66. Conjuring
58. The Beach
Не предвкушать результаты действий, А сразу суметь начать. Анализировать стимул бедствий Или искоренять? Ведомым быть общей целью Или найти своё? Понять, что прямолинейно Ты вряд ли куда дойдёшь. Бежать напролом, не веря, Что в связке тот самый ключ. Разрушить свои барьеры? Подстроить под них маршрут? И в гонке максималистов пытаться всё удержать. Не спать, кровоточить, биться, И толком никем не стать. Понять - по ступеням лестниц Дорога не только ввысь. И снова сквозь старый терний, Ослушавшись всех, спустись. Ведь времени нет, не будет И не было никогда. Все топчат одну дорогу, И не различишь следа Того, кто умнее всех был, Того, кто всех был сильней, Того, кто кричал всех громче.
Не будешь искать своей, Пока не захочешь больше. Сбежать от всего, что страшно, Очнувшись потом пустым? Безнадёжно пустым, но целым. Или вновь выбирать остаться Поражённым, но полным целей. Ты безумно любил сражаться Без возможности побеждать, А я просто хочу остаться, Пока ты будешь исчезать. Ляман Мамедова
SPRING Photography by Toghrul Nabiyev
collection collection collection collection collection collection collection collection
об одной из красивейших платонических связей Аян Исмайылзада
Посмотри на небо, что же ты видишь там? Слои атмосферы или некую силу, которая тянет тебя вверх, к небесам, или чьи-то отголоски , потерянные образы , которые с каждым днём все больше и больше начинаешь забывать. А может свою жизнь , там на небесах , вокруг родных и близких , которые не причинят тебе боль , не дадут в обиду, которые в этой жизни были для тебя всем. Но странность заключается в том , что ни все видят так же, как и ты, у каждого свои взгляды на это. Большая же редкость и шанс должны выпасть человеку, чтобы найти того, кто так же, как и ты смотрел на небо: чувствовать его превосходство , понимать гениальность его. Не касаясь нас физически, оно проникает до самой глубины души, до самого сердца, обнадёживает нас и даёт веру на что-то лучшее. Не даёт пасть духом. Оно видит все, когда мы плачем или радуемся, когда нам грустно или радостно, за лучшими нашими моментами. Не задумывались ли вы,почему люди , когда плачут смотрят именно на небо. А ответ в том, что Всё гениальное просто, и всё простое гениально. Небо одно из творений природы, которое порой помогает нам получить ответы на наши вопросы и сделать правильные выводы.
OUR PLANET. THEIRS TOO. Animal Care Club (ACC) was created to help sick or injured stray animals. Our work includes group visits to animal shelters, ecological projects, and educating people mercy towards animals in our community. The club consists of curators and volunteers. We have come together to protest animal cruelty and violence, to educate youth and to rescue the lives. Our mission is to reach our helping hand out to our four-legged friends. Animal Care Club does not operate under any sponsor support. We receive financial aid for the animals from charity campaigns and events that we organize ourselves. There are a number of individuals and organizations supporting our work, including Azerbaijani-French University, French Ambassador Aurelia Bouchez, Morocco Ambassador Mohammad Adil Embarsh, Icherisheher municipality, VarYox media group, Cult Baku private members club. We are glad to cooperate with the ones who share our main goal: enthusiastic people who are concerned with animal abuse and cruelty.
Animal Care Club animal.care.club www.animalcareclub.com
Special thanks to
Ibrahim Karimov Leyla Gasimova Maryam Babayeva Narmin Zeynalli Sona Rustamova Laman Jalilova Masuma Suleymanova Zohra Hajizada Sarkhan Jafarli Ismayil Karim Shamil Aliyev Vagif Tagiyev Sevda Aliyeva Aylin Alakbarli Kamran Ismayilzada Gunay Najafzada Aykhan Ibragimov Laman Akhundova Emil Tahirov Konul Aliyeva Laman Mamedova Toghrul Nabiyev Ayan Ismayilzada Shahla Alakbarova Rafael Sofi-zada Bilal Pashayev Leyla Gasimova Vagif Taghiyev Leyla Hasanzada Inji Jafarli