CIE IGCSE Economics 0455 Section 2 - Unit 4

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Section 2

The Allocation of Resources: How the market works; market failure How an economy decides, how to allocate its resources determines its economic system. There are three kinds of economic systems: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Market Economy Command Economy Traditional Economy Mixed Economy

That means, how an economy answers the basic questions of what, how and for whom to produce determines its economic system. If these questions are solved by automatic price mechanism or by private individuals freely (without any government control), then, it follows a market economy. If these questions are solved by the Government alone, then it follows a command economy. If these questions are solved by both private individuals and government, then, it follows a mixed economy. Market Economy (Laissez faire Economy or Free market economy or Capitalist economy)

It is an economy where consumers determine what is produced, resources are allocated through price mechanism and land and capital are privately owned. Characteristics of Free Market Economy ďƒ˜ Private Property - Individuals have the right to own, control and dispose of land, buildings, machinery and other man-made and natural resources. Owners are also provided with the right to income from property owned in the form of rent (land), wages (labor), interest (capital) and profits (enterprise). ďƒ˜ Freedom Of Choice - Producers are free to buy and hire any economic resources for the production of goods of their own choice. Workers are free to enter and leave any occupation for which they are qualified. Consumers are free to choose which firms to buy from and the goods and services they want to buy. ďƒ˜ Price Mechanism - It is one of the most important features in the free market economy. Through the price mechanism, the consumers can inform producers about the goods they want to buy. Producers who are motivated by large profits will produce the goods that the consumer wants.

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