Friday, 18 April – Thursday, 24 April 2014 ISSUE 527
SINCE 2001
B R I TA I N ’ S N O . 1 A F R I C A N N E W S PA P E R Nollywood helps power Nigeria into Africa’s largest economy SEE PAGE 6
Remittance ‘super tax’ costs Africa $1.8bn a year SEE PAGE 7
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Immigration removal centre refuses observer access following death of inmate By Alan Oakley
Another human rights group has raised concerns about the regime at one of Britain’s most infamous immigration removal centres. Natasha Walter, director of Women for Refugee Women, a London headquartered organisation set up to ensure that women and children seeking asylum in the UK are treated with justice and dignity, expressed her concern after a UN human rights investigator revealed she was
denied access to the controversial Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre near Bedford. After being refused access, Rashida Manjoo, the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women said: “I regret that, despite my repeated requests, a visit to Yarl’s Wood [IRC] was not facilitated by the government and that my access to the centre was denied when I tried to visit it independently. Well-wishers hold an impromptu memorial ceremony for Christine Case outside Continued on page 4 Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre, where she died on March 30.