Friday, 2 October - Thursday, 8 October 2015 ISSUE 599
SINCE 2001
B R I TA I N ’ S N O . 1 A F R I C A N N E W S PA P E R Government overturns turban workplace rule
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Delaying HIV treatment costs lives AND money ‘Treat all’ regime can yield $15 per dollar spent – WHO By Alan Oakley The World Health Organisation (WHO) has revised its HIV guidelines to recommend that anyone who tests positive for the virus that causes AIDS should be treated immediately.
The UN health agency’s previous recommendation suggested doctors should wait to treat people with HIV until their immune systems suggested they were getting sick. In a statement on Wednesday, WHO said the new recommendations are based on recent trials that have found early treatment “keeps people with HIV alive, healthier and reduces the risk of transmitting the virus.”
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The British High Commissioner in Ghana,Jon Benjamin
WHO no longer believes medical professionals should wait for patients to display physical signs of illness before prescribing antiretroviral drugs