Friday, 6 November - Thursday, 12 November 2015 ISSUE 604
SINCE 2001
B R I TA I N ’ S N O . 1 A F R I C A N N E W S PA P E R
19th African Film Awards 2015 Africa’s most prestigious awards rolls out The 2015 Honours List in London Friday 13 November SEE PAGE 4
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DITCH VISA CURBS, WARN EXPERTS May told restrictions are wrong way around By Alan Oakley The Home Secretary’s advisers have recommended an overhaul of the visa system for entrepreneurs.
The independent Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) has “found substantial evidence of low-quality businesses” established by entrants under the UK’s Tier 1 (entrepreneur) visa programme. They say industry experts rather than civil servants should help select the entrepreneurs admitted to Britain, adding that Mrs May should also consider a specific visa for those wanting to establish a start-up. There is already a 20,700-a-year limit on Tier 2 skilled workers from outside Europe. The government is keen to further restrict the number of Tier 2 visas issued and is focussed on using the Tier 1 system to make sure that Britain is a country where entrepreneurs and investors are able to establish and fund new businesses.
Continued on page 2 Martha Baroness Lane-Fox, co-founder of Lastminute.com, is one of a group of tech entrepreneurs asking the government to ease restrictions on skilled overseas workers