Key club international Texas-Oklahoma District Division 39N Texas-Oklahoma District Issue 7 In this issue: Dues--- page 1 Club Statuses– page 2 Scholarships– page 3 Club forums at DCON– page 4 DCON ads–- page 5 Eliminate Update– page 6
Important Deadlines: Early Bird: November 1st Deadline: November 30th Late Deadline: December 1st Suspended: February 1st
Dues: Texas-Oklahoma District$6 Key Club International: $7 *Dues of any club may not exceed $19*
Club statuses Active: The status given to a club who has paid dues before Februar y 1st. Unpaid: A club that has not yet paid dues Suspended: Any club that has not paid their dues by Februar y 1st. These clubs are unable to receive Key Club scholarships, attend DCON or ICON, or have anyone from their club run for LTG or district staf f position until they have paid their dues. Inactive: Clubs that have still not paid their dues by ICON; will be placed here the following September and have to pay $100, a reactivation fee to leave the inactive state.
Senior scholarship opportunity The Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis Foundation of fers various scholarships for students involved in Key Club. If you follow the link below the website gives full descriptions of each scholarship available. Take advantage of these amazing opportunities!
WANNA DO A FORUM AT DCON?? This year, the T-O District is again of fering an opportunity for clubs to be involved with our annual district convention. We are excited to announce, that club of ficers will now have the same opportunity. Each of ficer forum will consist of 2-4 officers from each club in T-O. If of ficers or clubs are interested in applying for a forum at district convention they need to fill out an application. The application has been sent to clubs(if you haven’t received it, please contact me).
The due date for the application is December 1st. Good luck!!
DCON ADS Why sell ads? Eve r y ye ar w he n D ist ric t Conve n t i on i s h e l d , as Li e ute n an t G ove r n or s we ar e as ke d to se l l ads in ord e r to ma ke t h e c onve n t i on i t se l f . Th e be st a n d most comm on way ad s a r e sol d by t he d ist rict boar d i s by s e l l i n g ad s to our cl ub s.
Where does this money go? This ad mon ey g oe s toward s m aki n g t h e con ve n t i on : food , de cor at i on s , awar d s, et c . I h ave at t ac h e d a PD F of t h e ad con t r act w h i c h h as al l t h e i n for m at i on on i t
Who to contact if interested? I ’ ve e ma i l e d an d re a c h e d out to al l t h e cl u bs, bu t i f yo ur cl u b i s i n te r e ste d i n bu yi n g an ad( whic h would be ext r e me l y h e l pf ul ! ! ) pl e as e con t ac t me t h roug h e m ai l , c al l or text an d we wi l l work ou t t h e proce s s toget h e r.
International’s update on eliminate
UPDATED ELIMINATE FACTS: An estimated 49,000 newborns die every year from tetanus Approximately 134 newborns die every day from tetanus One baby dies every 11 minutes from tetanus
The estimated number of babies who die every year from tetanus has dropped from 58,000 in 2010 to 49,000 in 2014. Today there are less babies dying every day from tetanus than there were just a few years ago, all because of the K fam!