Skype exorcism: how and why does it work. Isidro Jordá. Trinitas Spiritual Help

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The mere fact of talking about exorcism it may seem crazy to any layperson and talking about exorcism by videoconference is still worse. It sounds like a joke but, yes, it works, and very well indeed. In my task as a lay Christian exorcist, I perform most of the procedures in this way and can say that they have the same effectiveness as the in-person ones. For understanding this idea, we must first consider the following: spirits are made by what we can call spiritual energy, which behaves very differently from the types of energy that operate on our physical plane. For example, a ghost can move at the speed of thought, so that in an exorcism by videoconference, in which an exorcist and a patient are face-to-face, it is like everybody is in the same room. It doesn’t matter if the patient is in Europe and the Exorcist in America, a ghost which is with the patient will need to take only a step towards the exorcist for being literally in his room. My first virtual exorcism happened just because I was forced to find a way to care for a person who lived in another country and had no way of physically reaching me. For developing this procedure, I based myself on the following principle: something like curses, which consist of sending evil spirits or psychic energy from a distance to hurt someone, works perfectly ​—​this is as old as humanity itself. So, if negative spiritual energy travels long distances with total ease, why not in case of the positive one that operates when, for example, somebody recites deliverance prayers? Therefore, I took the in-person procedure that I usually use (which can combine prayers, frictions in the body of the person and laying on hands), adapted it to the online medium and it worked. I will tell you now two cases that seems clear to me for illustrating it. As it is usual when speaking on this subject, I will hide the real names of the patients.

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