Perfil municipal ingles

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TepatitlĂĄn de Morelos, Jalisco, MĂŠxico.

In Tepatitlan de Morelos we consider the sisterhood between cities an opportunity to coexist and participate with people from other latitudes, to enrich our cultural heritage and grow in knowledge of other ways of living, speaking and understanding of life, and that way promoting a good understanding between nations.


We offer the best of ourselves, and we are willing to accept the good will, harmony, and friendship of all those who seek to share our ideals of peace. The quality of life that is enjoyed in Tepatitlan is manifested in the energy of its society, its tranquil living, the high value that is achieved of properties, and it’s the only city in the Alto Sur region that has remained stable every census, including 2010, with a slight increase, despite the fact that the birth index has declined. The love towards work, the honesty, the spirit of saving, the family unity, the respect of a commitment, the religiousness and local values which have characterized our people, guaranty a pleasant relationship with those whom we share our friendship.


GEOGRAPHIC INDICATORS The city of Tepatitlan de Morelos, with a territorial extension of one thousand four hundred forty seven (1,447) square kilometers, a population of one hundred five thousand (105,000) in the head municipality and one hundred forty one thousand three hundred twenty two (141,322) in its municipalities, represents 1.81% of Jalisco’s total surface, and 20% of its population. It is situated at 20¨01´30” and 20´35´00” latitude north, 102¨33´10” and 12¨ 49´00” longitude west, with an altitude of one thousand seven hundred eighty meters above sea level. Located in the Altos Sur region, neighboring with Yahualica de Gonzalez Gallo, Valle de Guadalupe and Cañadas de Obregon to the north, with Tototlan and Atotonilco el Alto to the south, with San Miguel el Alto, San Ignacio Cerro Gordo and Arandas to the east and to the west with Cuqio, Acatic and Zapotlanejo.


The climate is sub humid and mild, with maxim temperatures of 38´ C and minimum of 7´C, with 320 days of sunshine and less than 20 days of freezing temperatures. Rainfall precipitation is a little less than 800mm and 80 days of rainfall annually. The municipal territory is varied, with numerous cliffs, soft rolling hills and some valleys. On its northwest limits in a profound geological ravine that slides into the Rio Verde, whose waters flow towards the Pacific Ocean after joining the Santiago River, irrigating an extensive basin and giving way to numerous dams amongst Mexico’s biggest.


HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Tepatitlan existed like a human mixture centuries before the Spanish Conquest in 1530, inhabited by the ¨Texcuexes¨, cruel and bloodthirsty indigenous, that with the arrival of the Spaniards, were in the stone age for they did not recognize metal. There were no battles during la conquest but there was also no appreciable mix, giving way to origin to the “Mexico Creole” because the indigenes did not approve of the mixing of two races and neither did the Spaniards. The Indigenous and the Spanish heritage were historic currents that never fusioned. During the war for independence la citizens sided in favor of the ¨established order¨ (the King, the Catholic religion, farming and agriculture), but at the end of the struggle it adhered itself to the insurgent cause. There were no noticeable events during the revolution, but 7 years later, from 1926 to 1929 the war of the Cristeros marked the most historical event of our town. It was without a dought the main character in the struggle between the federal soldiers and the Cristeros caused by the government’s intention to impose a way of life that went against the way of thinking of the population. The bloodiest combat took place in the streets of our city, which were covered with more than 3000 bodies of federal soldiers, agrarians and alias.

Viejos portales de reminiscencia española del México criollo.


As a consequence, three cooperatives that tried to establish themselves did not prosper, but more than 20,000 small rural properties did. This makes us one of the communities with the most properties in the country. A number of illustrious personalities glimpsed their first light in our community, and we will only mention two governors of the state and a minister of government, the main ideologist of the struggle of religious freedom, a painter know ¨the Mexican Van Gogh¨ and the bravest bullfighter that Mexico has had, and many writers, thinkers and men of industry. Uno de tantos avatares históricos.

El Palacio Municipal en el año de 1925.

Una manifestación de fe.


DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE The last results of the 2015 census showed a total of 141, 322 habitants living in the municipality of Tepatitlan. Education and Culture: The educative infrastructure is made of 135 Preschools with 6440 preschoolers; 139 elementary schools with 19,770 students; 45 Junior High schools with 8,501 enrolled; 18 High schools with 4,400 students and 4 universities with 4983 students partaking in the studies of; Nursing, Medical Surgeon and Midwife, Psychology, Nutrition, Dental Surgeon, Veterinary Zoo technician, Computer Engineering, Agriculture Engineer, Livestock System Engineering, Law, International Business, Business Administration, Public Accountant, Physiotherapy, Architecture, Graphic Design, Childcare, Interior Design, Communication Science, Education, Marketing, International Commerce, and Industrial Design. There are three public auditoriums and 10 private ones, which are used for various cultural and academic events. The Municipal Museum counts with 10 exposition halls, and our Culture House offers several classes, for example, painting, music, dance, woodwork, theater and ballet, with 31 workshops in various artistic disciplines also adding the workshops offered in The House of the Artisan, such as clay and paste. Health: We are second to Guadalajara in Hospital Care, with all the medical specialties covered, 4 public clinics, 2 public hospitals, 6 private clinics, and one Doctor for every 500 residents. Housing: there are 36,152 private homes registered, of which 97% count with running water, sewage and electric energy. An average of 3.9 persons per household. Portable Water: We definitely have a problem with our water supply, but we are in the midst of a prompt resolution. Taking advantage of the dam ¨El Salto¨, which conduction lines are now being developed, along with 20 deep wells that are currently maintaining the water supply, will guarantee sustainable service for the next 30 years.


ECONOMIC OUTLOOK In spite of our unfertile lands, farmers and ranchers supplied meat to the mines in Zacatecas, Guanajuato and San Luis Potosi ever since they were discovered but the modernization boom that arrived in 1954, with the growth of poultry farming, which diversified the farming of meat and milk, and pig farming, until becoming the first municipality in the country in the production of animal protein (meat, milk and eggs). As a result of the importance of Tepatitlan in the agricultural industry the National Center of Genetic Resources was established here for the preservation of genes of 500,000 species. The GDP and per capita assigned by the ONU and INEGI differ, but they are around 110,000. The PEA is at 4%. Primary activities; 35% of the population is dedicated to poultry farming (more than 20 million birds) cattle farming (80,000 heads of cattle of all races), production of milk (70,000 heads of cattle , in one of the largest dairy basins in the republic and second in Jalisco), pig farming (72,000 of all races and with their own genetics), sheep farming (pelibuey of magnificent quality, etc.) 22% of the territory is covered with crops, such as corn, sorgo, agave and induced meadows. The local production for this agricultural line ascends to 314,000 million annually. Secondary Activities; 19 % of the population are dedicated to the food industry, bedspreads, quilts and textiles. Agricultural implements, elaboration and bottling of tequila, products derived from egg, candy, cheese and micro mixed food for bird and cattle. The construction business has flourished, and more than 214 housing complexes confirm it. Tertiary activities; 45% is dedicated to commerce and services (hotels, transport, gastronomy and tourism). The grand majority of the investments are local, and many projects exist for boosting tourism, such as social, cultural, religious (Ruta Cristera) and extreme sports in the Rio Verde ravines. We have a Boutique Hotel, six 4 star hotels, seven 3 star hotels with a total of 529 rooms and two convention centers.


COMMUNICATION INFRASTUCTURE our city is strategically situated and connected highways and toll roads with major cities in the republic (Guadalajara, Leon, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato, the Port of Manzanillo and Puerto Vallarta) 5 regional routes, 15 main routes and 11 connecting routes. Telecommunications; It offers residential and public phone service, wide cell phone coverage, internet, postal service, next day shipping, cable, satellite and open television, printed media, weeklies prints and magazines. It also has a bus depot with departs to practically all of the republic, 124 taxis, 196 urban buses and a fleet of vehicles of more 71,000 in circulation. Through the Port of Manzanillo, then by road, a little more than 3 Hours’ drive, Tepatitlan receives more 500, 000 tons of grain for local livestock consumption.


TOURIST ATTRATCTIONS Plaza de Armas A beautiful square surrounded by portals and orange trees resembling old Spanish plazas. Two of the portals do not exist anymore, but life goes on. For centuries it has been the point of reunion for most of the community, encounters and confrontations, and on one of the benches during the Cristera War, Los Arreglos was signed. The municipal band continues playing in the old kiosk on serenade nights.


CITY HALL A beautiful building designed in neoclassical art, with harmonious symmetry on three facades, It´s balcony and ironwork transports us to the past which memories are recent, and in the stairway is a spectacular example of the Mexican mural arte from now and always, summing up ¨Five Centuries of History¨ that goes from the bow and arrow to computer mouse.

SAN FRANCISCO PARRISH Gorgeous Neoclassic style building from the Viceregal era (of 1744 to 1775) constructed by hand with boulder stone by the parishioners themselves. The main altar cypress is made of white marble from Carrara, and it´s sleek towers with 63 meters in height, were designed and built by Don Martin Pozos, a humble local architect who studied only to the third grade.


SANCTUARY OF THE LORD OF MERCY Home to the ¨Señor de La Misericordia¨ whose image already traced on a tree trunk, was found in 1839 by Don Pedro Medina, a simple farmer. Since then it has accompanied the citizens in their sorrow and in their triumphs. During the ¨Cristero War ¨it suffered along with the town, the adventure and struggles to defend the freedom of its worshipers.

CITY MUSEUM An old mansion that belonged to the clergy of Parrish, it houses today an interesting collection of distant times, an harmonious coexistence between the indigenes terracotta’s, the hole imagines from the Mexican Creoles and the photographic reproductions of Martin Ramirez’s enigmatic paintings. Considered the ¨Mexican Van Gogh¨ a citizen of Tepatitlan, whose pictures are exposed in great museums of the world.


TEXTILE FLEA MARKET Thursdays and Sundays are flea market days in. A place where you’ll find more than 500 stands of textile and food products. Bedspreads, quilts, sheets, cross stitch and knits are some of the large array of products offered in Tepatitlans textile flea market, considered second largest of its kind on a national level.

GASTRONOMY The ¨Carnitas Tepa Style¨ are an exquisite tradition of incomparable flavor with more than one hundred years of gastronomic inheritance. Their cheeses, which have been elaborate in the same manner for over 400 years and their baked chamorro are worth the trip. The city counts with renowned Tequila businesses that for the quality of their product have crossed borders taking the delicious agave elixir of Altos de Jalisco and satisfying the most delicate palates.


Is one of the five most beautiful university campuses of Latin America, that granted its creator the national award of arts and science. Its installations combine concrete with the materials from the region, which following the contour lines blend perfectly into landscape. Nature peeks through the classrooms and participates in class.


RIO VERDE RAVINES Distant waters display a panoramic view from which waterfalls plunge down the high lands in search of the ocean to give rest to their tired streams. A geological opening that plunges more than 500 meters which has a micro tropical climate, thermal water deposits and mountain streams.

HOUSE OF THE ARTESIAN An old large mansion built in the 20 th century where you can find, for exhibition and sale, a great variety of products create by hand by our local artisans.

CENTENNIAL MARKET It was constructed to celebrate the hundred year anniversary of The Consummation of Mexico’s Independence. It was the heart of commerce and center of coexistence and reunion. Two simultaneous fires and various remodeling gave way to a building of pleasant appearance and functionality. It continues being a great place to savor gastronomic delights which Tepatitlan is known for and also great quality fruits and vegetables.


CHARRERĂ?A The daily tasks of our AlteĂąo ranchers, but adorned with the plasticity of art, has become an equestrian spectacle with watermarks in motion of our virile charros and the subtlety of laces of our feminine escaramuzas which are the pride of Los Altos of Jalisco.


TEPABRIL The grand fair of all Tepatitlenses, for two weeks TEPABRIL turns into the perfect family escape to reunite families, receive the our fellow countrymen and visitors from different states and nearby cities, to demonstrate la best of our customs and traditions. The Fair consolidated with the passing of the years and with the important additions of Miss Tepatitlan, and the livestock expo, it´s fame has spread through the country. A fair which accustoms us to two parallel celebrations, to pray to the ¨Señor De la Misericordia¨ and also to assist to all the cultural, sporting and social events that fill the agenda of our festivities.


NATIONAL CENTER OF GENETIC RESOURCES Categorized like the ¨Noahs Ark of the 21 st Century¨ the National Center of Genetic resources was inaugurated in 2012. It contains the most important genetic resources in Mexico from an agricultural, economic, environmental and cultural perspective. It has one of the most advance laboratories in the world for plant genetic resources. It is the first center of its type in Mexico and its mission is to conserve and preserve the genetic resources of the nation in order to guarantee the wellbeing of the present and future generations.


LOCAL GOVERNMENT The municipality of Tepatitlan along with its six delegations and two agencies, is governed by the municipal president Dr. Hector Hugo Bravo and sixteen councilors more which integrate the city council of 17 municipalities which integrate in the diverse commissions analyze the issues relative to good government. The operative functions are carried out by 13 directors with their corresponding leadership and coordination’s, and 6 municipal delegates. The Municipal Plan of Development governs and directs the activities of our government.


POINTS OF LOCAL INTEREST FOR POSSIBLE SISTERHOOD 1.- Production, processing and commercialization of meat products derived

from bird, cattle and pig farming.

2.- Production, elaboration and commercialization of products derived from

milk (fresh milk, cheese, cream and yogurts).

3.-Production, industrialization and commercialization of eggs (dehydration,

packaging and its derivatives).

4.- Tourism operators to detonate the historical, cultural, ecological and risk

potential of the municipality. Example: Ruta Cristera, traditions, charreria, more 20 books with historical themes, guided tours for visiting school, thermal spas, bicycle and motorcycle routes, zip lines, bungees and cliff climbing.

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