Actived India founded with the mission of 'Swasthyasya Swasthya Rakshnam, Aaturasya Vikar Prashmanamch'. Our objective is to make people happy and healthy through our quality products. Quality is of utmost importance to us. Actived India manufactures and markets Herbal (Ayurvedic) Healthcare and Personal Care products. Our products are based on one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world, Ayurveda – ‘The Science of Life’. Actived India has successfully made the transition from ancient Ayurvedic remedies to ‘Modern Standardized Ayurveda’ wherein traditional remedies are monitored through strict quality controls and the efficacy and safety of the products. Through combining extensive R & D with modern techniques, Actived India has introduced numerous Ayurvedic remedies for common ailments facing mankind.