Val Pusteria City
Rebalancing territorial pressures
Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni Arc. Urb. Ing. Cos. (Mag.)(ord. 270) MI (1098) Urban Planning and Policy Design
Val Pusteria City
Rebalancing territorial pressures
Tutors: Talita Medina, Philipp Rier, Ludovica Lasagni
Urban Planning & Design Studio
Urban Planning: prof. Matteo Motti -
Urbanism: prof. Antonio Longo -
Juan Manuel Mendoza Vargas, Poorva Nagesh, Ayushi Rastogui, Burhan Can Uzer, Zhaochen Zhang.W
Urban Planning & Design Studio
Atlas of Urbanization
Urban Planning & Design Studio
Rebalancing territorial pressures
As Corboz (1983) stated, the territory and its development are the result of the sum-up of different human activities which determine precise configurations and meaning to the land. Nevertheless, at some point the land, if is just observed from a local point of view, its development can be unbalanced and unprepared to face future opportunities and pressures. Analyze and make it work as a system can help it handle uncertainty and get ready for the future.
As it was seen in the previous submission the Pusteria Valley, which is in the Bolzano Province, a linear city has been configured accordingly to the topography, transportation, and the historic economic and social exchanges that occurred in this crossroad between the alps and the dolomites. Even though this region can be considered like a dreamy alpine-dolomitin region, with pleasant landscapes, traditional activities and enormous cultural heritage, the Val Pusteria Linear city is facing internal and external pressures which can jeopardize its future’s development and the current quality of life of its citizens. These pressures are already causing cracks in the spatial, social, and economic configuration, and can be observed through different lenses. As result of the above, this booklet proposes a new spatial configuration with possible strategies, interventions, and objectives which can allow the facing of these current stresses and can serve the public administrators, urban planners, and citizens to take the right decisions in order to rethink this region and prepare it for the future, without retreating and leaving space for predatory forces.
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01 Introduction Urban Planning & Design Studio
As in any city in the world, the Val Pusteria Linear City nowadays is facing a series of issues such as (I) congestion, (II) Infrastructure, (III) Tourism, (IV) Centralization of services and (V) an uncoherent land use policy. As a result, and considering that the current politic-administrative organization of the city functions as separate entities, the region is confronting inequal dynamics, that are generating an unsustainable urbanization process that generates territorial conflicts and at the same time is affecting the future development. This situation does not allow the adaptation and flexibility required in the region to face the current and future needs of citizens, residents and visitors. S1
Considering the above, in order to face these issues in a correct manner, it is important to state that the ideal scenario for this territory should be one that develops in a way in which its citizens have the possibility to fully develop without having to give space
to external socio-economic pressures such as tourism, global trade among others. For this purpose, the vision, strategies, and interventions that are going to be proposed in the following chapters of this booklet, have as a main aim to rebalance the Val Pusteria land use configuration in order to promote a more sustainable and equilibrated development, with specific interventions that can be implemented in site-specific locations taking into account the flexibility and needs the different locations are demanding. To sum up, this work will be presenting in the first chapter the current issues in order to give a background to the proposal that will be developed theoretically and practically from the second chapter on, in which the vision, strategies and interventions will be explain in detail according to what was mentioned in the previous paragraphs.
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02 Current Issues Urban Planning & Design Studio
02 Current Issues 2.1. CONGESTION
S3 The first issue the Val Pusteria Linear city is facing is the problem of congestion. Taking into account that all regional road and mobility infrastructure is located in the deep part of the valley, all the secondary and tertiary network movement dynamics must flow through the main axis, that go through the main urban settlements in the territory.
dents and freight transportation seems affected due to the great in-take of floating population that comes to the region for its touristic services. This condition affects not only the economic efficiency of the region, but also forbids the access of services and equipment the citizens should have. Therefore, it can be stated that congestion not only promotes an unsustainable development but also encourages inequality, cenAs a result of this dynamic, in touristic tralization the limitation of personal devepeak-seasons such as winter or summer, lopment opportunities. and during some specific weekends, resiM2
M1 M5
M4 M3
Central District
Agro-industrial Paradise
Suburban dream
Dolomite Utopia Urban Planning & Design Studio
Urban Planning & Design Studio
Industrial Services Oriented
to its morphology, population size, topography, between other variables. As result, the first and second ecologies are more industry and services oriented, the second one is mainly industrial but the fact that the military have different services in this particular sector of the Val Pusteria region, give it also a public equipment orientation and at last the fourth ecology focuses mainly on tourism. This situation generates a gradient across the territory in which citizens and visitors must transfer from one ecology to another one in order to obtain different kinds of services and access to diverse urban amenities and equipment. As a result of this analysis, it can be stated that As a result, this issue generates inequality, inaceach of the main ecologies, as expected is provi- cessibility, and congestion. ding different types of services and amenities to the citizens and visitors in this territory according
San Candido
Tourism Retail Entertainment oriented
If one analyses the different urban morphologies that are found in the towns and villages around the valley and starts calculating the approximate superficial area that different services and land uses occupy in the territory it is possible to determine the main facilities and amenities an area provides to the citizens and visitors. In the case of the Val Pusteria Linear City, as observed in the page before these areas were calculated for the four existing ecologies: (I) Central District, (II) Suburban Dream, (III) Agro-industrial paradise and (IV) Dolomite Utopia.
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02 Current Issues 2.3. TOURISM M11
San Candido
Tourism is a central part of the local’s economy, due to the beautiful landscapes and traditional architecture visitors can find in the region. Nevertheless, as tourism grows at a fast pace in this area, it generates a touristification process in the different sectors of the Linear City. This phenomenon can be observed as the emergence of hotels and second-home services in the towns
central areas, making that the citizens leave the central districts in order to find better and cheaper plots where to live. As a result, the urbanization process is under pressure to create new expansion areas, which can affect the current land configuration and reduces the availability of usable land for other purposes such as agriculture, forest, among others.
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02 Current Issues 2.4. LAND USE M16
Central District - Brunico
Suburban Dream - Valdoara
Agro-industrial Paradise - Dobbiaco
Dolomite Utopia - San Candido Urban Planning & Design Studio
02 Current Issues 2.5. PRESSURE AND UNBALANCE
Considering the issues presented in the previous pages, it can be stated that the Val Pusteria Linear City nowadays if facing a situation which is characterized by pressures and unbalances. These phenomena are the result of the disarticulated planning and development the region has gone through, allowing the external pressures of economic development and tourism configure an unsustainable scenario in which aggressive urbanization is taking place. This particular situation is generating conflicts between the land use, specially between urbanization and agriculture, which has been the traditional economic power of
this region and it is part of its customary imagery. At the same time, considering the historic development of transportation and the topographic configuration of the territory, the Val Pusteria linear city is facing unbalances that are affecting the correct human development opportunities the citizens can access. Due to the fact that the services and equipment are not well spread around the different ecologies of this territory, people have to move around a system that due to the disarticulation, is not well organized and responses to economic dynamics and not real demands of the population. Urban Planning & Design Studio
03 Considerations Urban Planning & Design Studio
03 Considerations
Considering the swinging temperature changes between summer and winter, the activities and dynamics change according to the seasons. As a result, the types of activates, tourists and economical procedures vary month to month.
3.1 General considerations
3 Urbanization pressure on agricultural fields
Congestion in the main arterial roads
The accommodation, food, and services sector has been growing in a steady pace. As a result, according to some statistics, in 2017, 11,1% of the total provincial GDP’s was generated by these economic sectors.
Lack of public equipment
Destination Economic Benefits
Water and waste management
The residential sector accounts for 8% of the total water consumed. There is a growing trend to use water for snow removal. Up to 23.6% of treated wastewater can be attributed to tourism. 9% of waste generated in South Tyrol can be attributed to tourism.
Energy Conservation
Renewable energy sources accounted for 59% of South Tyrol’s total energy consumption in 2007 (excluding transport) and will reach 75% by 2020. Energy autarky from South Tyrol is intended to be achieved before 2050.
73,5% of the total population is employed in the region. Nevertheless there is an important gap between male and female employment rates in which the 65.5% of women are employed meanwhile 81,3% of men are occupied.
17 municipalities, 62 events and 22 accommodation facilites adopted voluntary certification schemes with sustainability purposes or strategies for sustainable development.
South Tyrol is redefining mobility and transportation, and developing environmentally and human-friendly solutions to promote and extend sustainable transport. Electromobility is an integral part of the approach to intelligent and sustainable mobility.
Nature conservation
The touristic services had a major impact on the natural environment over the years, the protected area is slowly being occupied with urban structures due to increasing tourism and immigration.
Source: EURAC (2018) The sustainable Tourism Observatory of South Tyrol M22 Urban Planning & Design Studio
03 Considerations 3.2 Population growth
G3 Considering the data provided by the Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISAT), since 1981 up to the 2011 national census, the analyzed communes from the Pusteria Valley has been facing an average population growth rate of 8,09%. In general numbers, this situation means that from 1981 up to 2011, in absolute terms the population has grown in 3689 individuals. This particular growth has been centered in some communes such as: Falzes (15,02%), Gais (11,64%) Valdoara (10,60%), Perca (10,48%) and Brunico (10,06%). This means that the population growth phenomenon has been centered mainly in the central district of the Val Pusteria Linear City. As a result of this particular scenario, it can be stated that this territory has been suffering an important urbanization process in order to satisfy the housing needs of the new inhabitants. M23 Urban Planning & Design Studio
04 Vision Urban Planning & Design Studio
04 Vision 4.1 The New Ramified Val Pusteria City In order to promote a more balanced and sustainable regional development, the Val Pusteria linear city must be analyzed as an integral system that is made up from different areas which specific characteristics. As a result, the region must be configured as a ramified city in which the existing linear system is the main core of this new urbanized area.
For this reason, the Val Pusteria City for the next decades should develop, through policies, strategies, and specific interventions four new different ecologies that can help organize the urban morphology and system in a proper way. These new ecologies are: (I) Central District, which is the expansion of the current one; (II) the expansion of the existing suburban dream, in these areas, the purpose is to create new expansion areas with S4
sustainable urbanization developments that doesn’t generates conflicts with other land use types; (III) the reconfiguration of the agro-industrial paradise ecology, in order to promote the agro-industrial sector and, (IV) the configuration of a new Peripherical centrality that could help rebalance the lack of services and equipment in other parts of the city. The purpose of this new land configuration is to promote the development of a city that respond to the current and future need of the existing and incoming population and not the need of external economic pressures such as tourism.
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04 Vision
4.2 Regional configuration Considering the previous section in which it was stated that the Val Pusteria Ramified city should configure new ecologies in order to promote a more balanced and sustainable territorial development, it is needed to determine that the way in which the city should organize this system is through the development of a nodal articulated system. In this new arrangement, each of the nodes should accomplished some specific tasks in the general structure according to the immediate territorial characteristics that response to immediate needs and demands of the population. As a result, with the evolution of time, the nodal system becomes a complete territorial organization in which each specific sector has the required services and equipment to satisfy not only
1 Current situation
3rd phase
the citizens needs but also the current and the future internal and external pressures the city should face. It is important to state that the idea of the nodal system is to give a more relevant role to the neighborhood in the system and to promote a polycentric configuration of the territory, in order to reduce inaccessibility and inequality in the provision of services and equipment. It also will allow the configuration of more sustainable system, in which the satisfaction of needs don’t generate further pressures in the existing infrastructure.
2nd phase
4 outcome
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04 Vision
4.3 Reconfiguring territorial dinamics Taking into account that the Bolzano province and the Val Pusteria ramified city nowadays are one of the few regions in Europe that have an energetic sustainable surplus, the ideal for this proposal is to benefit from this current situation in order to promote a more sustainable urban development. IIn order to do so and solve some of the current issues the city is facing nowadays, the vision
for this proposal is to focus on three (3) working fronts that are: (I) Welfare, (II) Mobility, and (III) Dwellings. For each of the these fronts an intervention strategy with some objectives has been develop and will be explained in the following chapter. As a result, the names of these intervention strategies are the following: (I) Public Welfare equipment – PWE, (II) Electric Vehicle Network – EVN and, (III) the Technocentric Neighborhood Network – TNN.
Benefit from the energetic surplus the Val Pusteria Ramified city has in order to promote sustainable development through construction materials and energetic resources.
Develop a system of super blocks system that collates the current and future land uses in their vicinities and reduce the tension between different land use purposes.
Promote an urban development that considers the neighborhood as the center of the citizens and tourists’ daily life without generating conflicts and pressures with other land uses types in the scarce available land.
Create dwellings that are flexible enough to respond to the seasonality that characterizes the Val Pusteria region and respond to changing uncertainties and needs.
Develop an articulated urban system in which urbanization processes and transportation are sustainable and response to the needs of the population and not to external pressures.
Incentive the construction of new buildings that promote sustainable construction practices, using local construction materials and resources of energy such as biomass
Generate a flexible system of modular buildings that help satisfy the citizens and visitor’s needs according to the seasonality movements that occur throughout the year.
Configure a network of new network of services that promote a shared-ride system in order to reduce the existing car-dependency that exists in the region.
Solve the unbalance of services and equipment with the promotion and creation of new flexible spaces which can be refitted according to the neighborhood/town needs.
Create a network of shared-rides system that benefits from the current clean, energetic surplus the region possess.
Develop an articulated network of welfare equipment and services that not only increase the availability of services and equipment but also increase the public and communal spaces.
Grant other transportation means than the traditional ones (train, bus, car) to users in order to have a more flexible and user-oriented system that responds to their mobility requirements.
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04 Vision
4.4. Stakeholders’ analysis As it has been stated in different parts of this booklet, one of the main issues the Val Pusteria City is facing nowadays is the disarticulation between actors, decisions-makers, and policies. As a result, the current planning strategies and interventions are focus on a local level, creating a discontinuity in the design of a uniform territorial configuration. For this reason, this proposal suggests the creation of a new articulated authority which could be name the Dolomite Sustainable Development Authority (DSDA), which will have as the main
objective articulate and manage the implementation of the proposed strategy and interventions. This new administrative body would be composed by different actors from different natures (public, private, and semi-private) in order to generate, manage, structure and be accountable of the evolution of implementation process. Considering the above, in this section, through the schemes it can be seen the participatory level each one of the main stakeholders and the type of relationships they will have throughout the application and enlargement process of the
proposed vision.
private actors are touristic services providers such as the Dolomiti Superski, some consortiums and As it was stated, the stakeholders belong to dif- associations such as the Consorzio Agrario di Bolferent sector, so the ones that were considered to zano and private actors such as banks, investors be part of the DSDA are: (I) from the public sector and other kind of legal figures; (III) there are the it can be found the Bolzano province administra- transportation agencies; (IV) academic and resetion with all of its different offices and dependen- arch agencies such as EURAC research and at last cies, the Bolzano Chamber of Commerce and the (V) the citizens. Bolzano touristic agency; (II) from the semi and Urban Planning & Design Studio
05 Strategies Urban Planning & Design Studio
05 Strategies 5.1 The “Tetris” Concept The Tetris concept is an architectural concept inspired by the video game called ‘Tetris’. The purpose of this game is to optimize the arrangement of individual tetriminos in diverse existing levels, in order to create a full line.
So, as it can be seen in some examples, tetris-shaped buildings fall from the blue sky and engage the grounded structures below promoting and facing the current growing demand for spatially efficient mobile office space and apartments with the potential to reduce urban Now if one considers today’s architectural congestion, and cities may grow outward and forms, it can be stated that it has as a main even inward. aim to meet the needs of modern society in terms of ever-changing technology. These teAs a result, this concept also allows the use chnologies also help to successfully analyze of prefabricated mobile units as living spaces and stimulate climate-friendly architecture and to transform and combine an entire house into building environments. This is way, it can be an apartment. It also suggests that spatially didetermined that the Tetris concept plays an verse lifestyles may finally become commonimportant role in today’s modern architecture, place in future. due to the fact that can be related to the implementation of an architectonical vision that seeks equalizing factors.
Resulting in efficient mobile space, reduced urban congestion, climate friendly and building environments
Mixed use building blocks oriented with less sparespective functions
Less of space is More functional
A lot of space A little of function Aim’s of the Tetris concept within the project:
1. Create multi-functional buildings. 2. Develop the tetris blocks according to each city’s requirements of building heights and socio-economic needs. (e.g. in cities like dobiacco there is less space but more socio-economic functions, different functional tetris blocks can be stacked in a vertical manner. On the contrary, in cities like san candido where the blocks can be put in a horizontal manner) 3. Construct an environment friendly building architecture. 4. Place spatially efficient and accessible mobile spaces. 5. Create ready to move blocks- helping in reduced urban congestion, futuristic urban space, better disaster preparedness etc.
complete nodel system
cities & towns
Converting blocks into identical squares and reorganization according to function of each square Construction of different function building blocks
Movable / ready to stack blocks to any tetris building S10
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05 Strategies 5.2 Densification As stated by Guastella, Oueslatti, and Pareglio (2019), almost 75% of the European population is living in urbanized areas, as a result, it can be considered that Europe is one of the most urbanized continents in the world. This current situation is the result of a historical process that started centuries ago but was intensified after the 2nd World War, the moment in which Europe faced an important change in demographic trends. This phenomenon required that different cities across the continent became larger, denser, and dispersed, creating “discontinuous ur-
ban fabrics” (Guastella et al., 2019). Later on, as it started to be observed by different academics and professionals, this “discontinuous urban fabric”, started promoting negative effects of urban development (social and economic) because it created segregation between the people that lived in central and peripherical areas (Skovbro, 2002). As a result, different sectors began supporting the idea that “by creating higher densities, it would be possible to support efficient infrastructure, create shorter distances
between urban functions and this all in all im- ted densification of urban settlements can be prove the energy efficiency” (Skovbro, 2002, pg. an appropriate solution to solve the current pro518). blem of clashes between land uses, and improve not only the energetic efficiency, but also reduce Adding to the previous statement, as Cac- congestion, provide more services and facilities ciaguerra and Gatti (2015) determined in their to the citizens and tourists, and reduce the prespaper “urban re-densification and regeneration: sures on the existing scarce land available. 21st-century city strategies” one of the main For this reason, this proposal, considers strategies cities have nowadays to fight against land consumption and crashes between different the densification process in determining urban land-uses, is the “restoration of existing heritage plots, to develop new efficient and mixed-uand the building densification”. The implemen- sed buildings that will reduce different kinds of tation of these strategies could, according to pressures and unbalances they Val Pusteria City these authors, “help reduce costs, determined is facing right now. It is also important to add by uncontrolled land consumption and promo- that, this densification process not only will alte a renewed and more effective functional mix” low to reduce pressures but also provide more services, flexibility, public space, transportation (2015, pg. 219). opportunities, between other amenities to citiConsidering the above and taking into ac- zens, factories, farms, tourists, and general pocount the vision and aim proposed for this pulation that visits the city. project, it is important to state that differentia-
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05 Strategies 5.3. Rethinking the new traditional alpine farmhouse this region, has spaces developed for accommodation, and also spaces dedicated for the agricultural economical exploitation, such as barns, storage areas and spaces that, when needed, could keep the animals protected from the cold weather that characterizes the region during the winter months. These typical farmhouses, as it can be seen, were the perfect solution to satisfy needs and reduce the built area footprint in the area considering the scare land availability exiIn the past the traditional alpine farmhouse stent due to topography. was a space designed and built-in order to satisfy Nevertheless, agricultural services typified several different services and needs the citizens had. For this reason, the traditional farmhouse in the region in the past, but this has changed as The project’s Val Pusteria region is both crowded and sparse. The creation of a multi-functional area in the city for local people and tourists is part of the traditional farm home concept. The traditional farmhouse’s philosophy is to combine several functions into a single center in order to make the most efficient and intelligent use of the land. This will also aid in the city’s densification intention.
53 the region has become more urbanized, and the services and requirements of society have evolved with time. For local people and tourists, it is critical to rethink and adapt the traditional farmhouse concept to make it more efficient and sustainable for the future as well as the present. As a result, if one proposes the new alpine farmhouse, it would be a site that would be dominated by a centralized open space for various activities such as temporary markets, touristic activities (skiing, exhibits, etc.), and the goal of bringing all of these services together is to practice and sustain traditional culture for future generations.
nal alpine farmhouses” this project will also incorporate short and long accommodation spaces, public welfare activities as well as a new form of transportation based on electrical mobility.
These structures and their use, as well as the concentration of services in one location, will help to eliminate land conflicts and enhance agricultural growth in the region, making this approach socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable. It can provide a wide range of services targeted at furthering the wellbeing of all citizens as part of its multi-functionality, and then respond to a broader demand for welfare In order to put the concept into practice and policies. considering the current and future needs and pressures this region is facing the new farmhouse, or as are called in this project “Technocentric Neighborhoods” are considering the densification and concentration of different services into one plot and building. For this reason, this new created and rethought concept of the “traditio-
S14 Other services
Commercial and retail
agro-industrial services housing and accomodation services
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05 Strategies 5.4. Tecnhocentric Neighborhood Network - TNN Understanding the term ‘techno-centric,’ it is a combination of two reasonable words: ‘techno,’ which refers to technology, and ‘centric,’ which means centralized sustainable design framework.
relies around providing individuals with multi-functional areas within the city. As a result, the density and building typology will influence the Technocentric Neighborhood Network - TNN design.
Technocentrism is a concept that refers to a value system that is based on technology and its potential to provide a smart working environment for people. Techno-centric people have complete faith in technology and industry, and they are confident that we can build a mixed-use neighborhood that is smarter, more efficient, and more advanced. Technocentrics think that technology’s problem-solving capacity, efficiency, and management capabilities can help the cities overcome ecological and densification issues. The concept of a technocentric community
The goal of establishing TNNs is to rebalance public infrastructure, reconfigure the Val Pusteria City’s ecologies in order to promote articulate policies, design smart working spaces, promote energetic sustainability, improve public transportation efficiency, and introduce energy-efficient electric mobility throughout the region. These TNNs will be managed and administrated by the DSDA, according to the currents needs of each municipality, and can be refitted or exapanded according to the seasonality that characterizes the region migration.
Built area (multiple purposes) EVN station
Public space
PWC module
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Technocentric Neighborhood Network’s Toolkit
In order to promote a more organized and systematized management of the TNN’s, this toolkit proposes the type of buildings and the density that must be destined to each one of the services provided by each TNN. It is important to highlight that this toolkit recommends different building typologies according to the type of urban fabric)
(extra-dense, dense and space) found in each of the different nodes and ecologies found in the Val Pusteria City. It is important to mention that even thought a TNN is developed on an extra-dense urban fabric site, it can use existing components of other kind
of urban fabric morphologies to complete its offer and provide adequate spaces to the ecologies – nodal necessities. At the same time, each TNN has a basic offer that should be: (I) accommodation spaces, (II) Electric Vehicle Network stations and, (III) a Public Welfare Equipment space that can be refitted and adapted seasonally. Urban Planning & Design Studio
Technocentric Neighborhood Network’s Toolkit
As stated in the previous page, the TNN toolkit has as a main intention to promote a new rebalanced configuration of the Val Pusteria City’s ecologies. In order to do so, the developers of each TNN must consider the morphology envisioned for each of the different ecologies/nodes.
TNNs develop must use medium and low-rise buildings.
In the case of the (I) Central District, as it is the main urbanized area of the city, the idea is to use the toolkit in order to develop TNNs that have an extra-dense urban fabric characteristic, in order words, this means that the TNN must be extra-dense with high-rises and compact spaces.
At last, in the case of the new agro-industrial areas (IV), due to its low density and specific nature and characteristics, the idea is that the TNN’s must just satisfy the basic needs providing services such as accommodation, public welfare equipment and electric vehicle stations in a low-density morphology.
In the case of the suburban dream ecologies (II) due to the nature of these areas, the idea is that the
In the case of the Peripherical centrality (III), the intention is to propose, as in the case of the Central District, extra-dense TNNs in order to satisfy the different needs this sector of the city faces.
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Technocentric Neighborhood Network Neighborhood Analysis
All expressive methods seek to analyze how urban space expresses social difference, which is done either by identifying the distinct effect neighborhoods have on their inhabitants or by estimating unique classifications/demographic profiles that apply to pre-existing demographic areas. In contrast to this, the embodied approaches of urban regional science take urban space as constitutive of social difference. Instead of identifying how (pre-existing) neighborhoods are divided by socio-demographic structures, spatially coherent neighborhoods are constructed that embody these divides. Alternatively, instead of
estimating the effect of context on its inhabitants, the shape of context itself is dis- tilled from its inhabitants. Thus, whereas expressive methods use geography as a medium to express social structure, embodied methods identify coherent geographies latent within sociodemographic structure. Hence taking into account our major concept of 15-minute walking network and understanding the basic need of every neighborhood specifically we designed a modular block which have interchangeable services as per the concerns.
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Proposed TNN’s sites: Pilot programs
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Brunnico TNN Brunnico is one of the most densely populated and congested industrial districts in the Val Pusteria region. The project’s chosen location is a vacant parking lot and an abandoned factory, with the goal of reducing the number of grey concrete places in the city. The public transportation network surrounding the property reveals that there are bus stops and train stations within a 400-meter and 250-meter radius, respectively. The site is bordered by a big main road and a main rail line that connects the several areas. Around the site, there are primarily essential services such as a huge industrial sector, petrol station, supermarkets, motels, restaurants and bars, pharmacy, and parking, among others. Brunnico is also an industrial city with little in the way of tourism attractions.
The property is flanked by beautiful views of the dolomites and verdant countryside. To balance the urban density, the proposed techno-centric neighborhood will provide services such as industrial, residential, educational, co-working spaces, tourist accommodations, open markets, and retail areas. During the tourist season, public welfare activities will aid in encouraging the tourist fall. In this proposal, an electric vehicular network is presented as a new means of transportation. This will include the charging stations on-site, as well as the electric scooters, bikes, and cars. The charging station will be powered by a solar roof. This method of transportation is environmentally friendly because it runs totally on renewable energy and reduces carbon emissions within the city.
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Campo Tures TNN Campo Tures is a farming and open-field agro-industrial hamlet. The city is sparsely populated, having a lack of urban fabric. The open field was chosen as the location because it is only 500 meters away from the nearest bus stop. There are very few public amenities, such as supermarkets and pharmacies, within a one-kilometer radius of the site. There are also a few tourist attractions nearby, such as bike rentals, hotels, and restaurants. The proposed techno-centric neighborhood will include services such as restaurants, tourist accommodations, open markets where locals can trade goods, and public welfare activities that are flexible throughout the year, all of which will aid in
the promotion of the city’s tourism and economic sectors. The community also includes residential, remote working spaces, retail, and educational facilities. The charging station for introducing electric transportation will be constructed at a facility that focuses on sustainable energy sources while simultaneously addressing mobility challenges in the city.
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Dobbiaco TNN The site is well connected by the mode of public transportation within the radius of 1.5 km. Site is near to the city and city center with the basic services around such as supermarkets, pharmacy, parking, and, church, etc. Dobiacco is more over a touristic village, so in every 500 meters we have hotels, B&B, restaurants for the tourists along with some touristic activities around. The site is surrounded by the scenic views of dolomites and touristic activities in the Val Pusteria valley. The proposed techno-centric neighborhood will be equipped with the services such as restaurants & bars, accommodation for tourists, exhibition centers, open markets to promotes the touristification within the city and also helps in
generating the economy for the locals. Residential, administrative, corporate co-working spaces and educational services are also included for the local residents of the area to have better life. In this project new mode of transportation is introduced which is electric vehicular network (EVN). EVN will include the charging stations within the site, along with the electric scooters (e-scooters), electric bikes (e-bikes), and, electric cars (e-cars). The charging station will have the solar roof covering to provide the electricity. This mobility mode is sustainable as it is entirely using the renewable source of energy and also helping in reducing the carbon emission within the city.
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San Candido TNN The location is in the heart of the city and is well connected by rail to the other cities in the valley. The train station and bus stations are all within a 500-meter radius, making it ideal for the project. San Candido has a high level of touristization inside the city, thus the site is surrounded by hotels, restaurants, B&Bs, pubs, and cafes, as well as tourist attractions such as the castle, sport center, polo club, bike rentals, and so on. Around the property, there are supermarkets, small industries and factories, a gas station, and a parkplatz, among other public welfare services (PWE). The proposed techno-centric community will include amenities such as a tourist library and mu-
seum, cultural centers, and public welfare activities that are flexible throughout the year, helping to balance the city’s densification and economic sector. The neighborhood also includes residential, corporate co-working spaces, and educational services. Electric vehicular networks (EVNs) will be established every 15 minutes between two bus stops to allow visitors to navigate throughout the valley using electric mobility. This network is solely focused on renewable energy sources, which will aid in the reduction of pollutants.
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05 Strategies 5.5. Public Welfare Equipment - PWE The term PWE, which translates to Public Welfare Equipment, is the second strategy and it is a service provided within the Technocentric Neighborhoods Network. These spaces, which are built-in the different TNN’s that are scattered around the Val Pusteria City will be a type of infrastructure or multi-functional areas that will deliver services to improve people’s well-being.
The philosophy underlying this approach is to centralize public welfare services in a smart way to make each ecology each node more livable, flexible, and technologically advanced.
As for the TNN’s, these PWE will work under the Dolomite Sustainable Development Authority – DSDA, in which according to the seasonal needs of each node and ecology, this authority Some of the services that these spaces could will define which kinds of services will be neebe fitted to be are: touristic centers, medical ded. In order to satisfy these requirements, the facilities, agricultural facilities, retail, industries, DSDA, will be in charge of refitting and adapadministrative operations, co-working spaces, ting the spaces according to the corresponding requirements and necessities each service will and other services are included in the services. have taking into account the usable area of each The philosophy underlying this approach is modular PWE available.
S39 With this strategy, the indented purpose is to solve the current existing unbalances and centralization of services and welfare equipment that exists today in the Val Pusteria City, in order to promote a more accessible, affordable, flexible, and humanized service’s approach to the citizens, visitors and tourists. At the same time, with this system, the administration will be able to count with free spaces that can be re-used, refitted and adapted to different needs and situations according to the seasons, or special events of circumstances the Val Pusteria City would face in the future.
thout having to build up a whole TNN, in order to satisfy the particular needs in that particular ecology, reducing costs and increasing the administration efficiency and presence in different areas that can be of difficult access for different kinds of population.
At the same time, It is important to mention that if needed, and according to each node morphology and urban fabric, the DSDA can develop only PWE spaces in each urban-unit wiUrban Planning & Design Studio
05 Strategies 5.6 Electric Vehicle Network - EVN
83 The Electric Vehicle Network - EVN is a sustainable and future-oriented concept that includes the construction of EVN points to increase mobility, accessibility, and sustainable connectivity through means of transport including e-scooters and bicycles, e-cars and the cable cars. All these vehicles will be fully electric and sustainable.
easier for people to reach bus stops for inter-city and intra-city bus trips.
The e-scooter and bicycle network will work as a connection between the bus stops and for other short distance travel purposes. The e-cars network will serve the purpose of long-distance travel. These cars will be mostly available near This project uses a network of electric scoo- the main railway line, and few will be available ters and bicycles, electric cars, and cable cars to in the city center. The cable cars will connect the reduce travel time for people traveling from one nodes where any road transport cannot be avaiend of the city to the other. The EVNs are a part lable. of the TNNs. The EVN will work in a hierarchical manner, Main goals of this project are to enable peo- to maintain equal and optimized use by the peple to move freely and increase mobility, thereby ople. eliminating congestion problems and making it
M37 Urban Planning & Design Studio
EVN: Components, hierarchy and relationships
3. Electricity source: The vehicles are to 1. Charging stations: There will be installment of charging stations having facilities to be charged with the help of solar panels which charge either e-scooters and bikes or cars de- will work both as a shed as well as the electricity pending on the mode of vehicle a person choo- source also reducing the net carbon emissions. se to use. 4. Mobile application: All of the vehicles 2. Individual parking zones: Parking spots are to operated by an application provided by will be made at almost 600 to 700 m to each the DSDA (Dolomite Sustainable Development other for e-scooters and bikes. E-cars will have Authority). This app will help people to locate, parking spots at a distance of 3 to 4 kilometers, access and mobilize the vehicles according to depending upon the land availability and sui- their needs. table terrain. These spots are to be connected to the charging stations. S42
The Electric Vehicle Network will function in a co-dependent manner, the nodes will be connected with the help of cable cars where road transport cannot go. The electric cars will mostly be available near the railway stations, so that new people/tourists can easily access the cars to reach their destinations. Scooters and electric bikes will be available near the bus stops, which can help people to catch buses easily without covering a 20-minute walking distance which is prominent is most of the cities of Val Pusteria. Therefore, the cable cars will help in traveling within nodal scale, electric cars will enable a city scale and distance and the scooters will help in traveling smaller distances. These vehicles will serve different purposes for the tourists, the cable cars can be used for site seeing, electric cars can be used for short road trips along the valley, the e-scooters and bikes can be used for
traveling from hotels to local markets and shops and many other purposes. As an example, a person traveling from Milan gets off at a railway station in Brunnico, they can rent an electric car to reach their hotel, they leave the car at the nearest parking zone and walk to their destination. They go to the nearest e-scooter parking zone and rent a scooter to catch a bus to see Brunnico castle or any other tourist spot, from there they can get another e-scooter or e-car to reach nearest cable car stop, from there they travel to different city in any other node like Monguelfo in few minutes.
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EVN: local network’s proposals
Brunico M38
San Candido M39
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EVN: local network’s proposals
Dobbiaco M40
Campo Tures M41
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06 Summary Urban Planning & Design Studio
06 Summary
Val Pusteria valley has been seen as a linear city depending upon its topology and configuration, it indeed is a beautiful destination due to the location, magnificent views, great weather, cultural heritage, and tradition. Val Pusteria has always been more of a touristic site, it accounts for a larger portion of tourism in South Tyrol according to their official website, it has more than a thousand tourists visiting different cities. Tourism hence plays a major economic role, but in recent years these activities have been increasing at a very larger
pace which is causing a lot of internal and ex- In conclusion, this project tries to be more peternal pressures which put not only the local pe- ople-oriented with a futuristic and sustainable ople but the environment at great risks. These approach. pressures are causing spatial, social, and econoThe main vision of this project is to expand the mical imbalances. linear city to the adjacent cities by connecting This pilot project proposes the possible so- them through transportation means, which will lutions to overcome these imbalances with the help in better accessibility and socio-cultural help of possible future visions, interventions, exchange between the major cities like Brunniand strategies to provide good quality of life co with those which are more secluded and curto the local people, to maintain a better envi- rently inaccessible. ronment, and to give a new touristic approach for the travelers to have a better experience. Urban Planning & Design Studio
With the help of the proposed pilot project, ferent social and economic activities. the introduction of the Technocratic NeighIt will function in an environment-friendly way, borhood Network will help the local people to experience the best of the futuristic and urbani- buildings are to be constructed with the help of bio-waste and will be multi-functional in nature. zed neighborhood. Different types of activities can take place in one It will work as a smart space that is sustainable particular building, for instance, one floor can be used to keep the harvest, and the other can and modern in nature as well as culturally rich. The TNN sites are located in every city, ser- be used by people to have meetings. ving different functions. Local people, as well as travelers, will be able to experience different The typology of these buildings is inspired by services in a single place. These services will be the “Tetris Concept”, which uses prefabricated flexible according to the needs of people and building blocks allowing multi-functionality and seasonal requirements. The TNN sites will be ac- leading to an approach to make Val Pusteria a futuristic urban utopia in coming years. This will cessible to everyone, every day of the year. help in coping up with the possible environmenThe TNN will help in coping up with the pro- tal pressures which may occur or have been ocblem of congestion and seasonal overcrowding curring. during the peak tourism period. It will also help the local people to interact with the help of dif-
The second major intervention, The Electric Vehicular Network has been proposed to solve the problem of congestion and to provide both locals and well travelers with better mobility. The EVN will help people to travel in a more convenient way which is not possible in the current transportation network that exists in the valley. This network will work in a hierarchical manner, helping people to cover shorter or any longer distances with the help of e-scooters, bicycles, e-cars, and cable cars made available at approachable distances. This network makes will help decrease travel time with better connectivity and accessibility of the vehicles. The EVN majorly focuses on solving the problem local people currently experience to easily commute as the main bus routes are built keeping tourists in mind. It will solve the problem to reach places that require a long-distance walk, with the help
of e-scooters and bikes or e-cars in some cases. EVN is a fully electric system that is cost-effective, environmental, and sustainable in nature.
Brunnico TNN’s site
Dobbiaco TNN’s site
San Candido TNN’s site
Public space
Mixed-used complex
Campo Tures TNN’s site
Public space
These interventions are futuristic and tend to help to cope up with all of the discussed problems in the most sustainable and urbanistic manner.
Public space Public space
Mixed-used complex
Mixed-used complex Mixed-used complex
Plot Plot Plot
EVN Stations
EVN Stations
EVN Stations
EVN Stations
Urban Planning & Design Studio
07 List of figures and references Urban Planning & Design Studio
List of figures IMAGES
S19 – TNN’s toolkit implementation relationship (pg. 59)
I1 - San Candido Abbey (pg. 8)
S20 – TNN’s territorial relationship (pgs. 60-61)
I2 – View of Valdoara (pgs. 10-11)
S21 – TNN’s local relationships (pg. 60)
I3 – Karl Agsthofer middle School in Dobbiaco (pgs. 14-15)
S22 – Brunico’s TNN configuration (pg. 64)
I4 – Construction site in Dobbiaco (pgs. 30-31)
S23 – Brunico’s TNN plan (pg. 65)
I5 – Youth Hostel in Dobbiaco (pgs. 36-37)
S24 – Brunico’s TNN section (pg. 65)
I6 – Construction Crane in San Candido (pgs. 46-47)
S25 – Brunico’s TNN render (pg. 65)
I7 – Traditional Farmhouse in Dobbiaco (pg. 52)
S26 – Campo Tures’ TNN configuration (pg. 68)
I8 – Brunico’s Castle (pgs. 90-91)
S27 – Campo Tures’ TNN plan (pg. 69)
I9 - Youth Hostel in Dobbiaco (pgs. 96-97)
S28 – Campo Tures’ TNN section (pg. 69) S29 – Campo Tures’ ‘TNN render (pg. 69)
S30 – Dobbiaco’s TNN configuration (pg. 72)
S1 - General framework (pg. 12)
S31 – Dobbiaco’s s TNN plan (pg. 73)
S2 – Linear City ecologies (pg. 13)
S32 – Dobbiaco’s TNN section (pg. 73)
S3 – Congestion flow (pg. 16)
S33 – Dobbiaco’s TNN render (pg. 73)
S4 – Linear city’s configuration (pg. 38)
S34 – San Candido’s TNN configuration (pg. 76)
S5 – Ramified city’s configuration (pg. 39)
S35 – San Candido’s TNN plan (pg. 77)
S6 – New territorial configuration’s evolution (pg. 40)
S36 – San Candido’s TNN section (pg. 77)
S7 – Vision configuration and components (pg. 42)
S37 – San Candido’s TNN render (pg. 77)
S8 – Stakeholders’ participatory level (pg. 44)
S38 – PWE’s decision making process flow (pg. 80)
S9 – Stakeholders’ relationships and categories (pg. 45)
S39 – PWE’s monthly configuration (pg. 81)
S10 – Tetris concept summary (pg. 48)
S40 – Conceptual EVN’s configuration and connections (pg. 83)
S11 – Tetris concept benefits (pg. 49)
S41 – EVN’s components (pg. 84)
S12 – Tetris concept and its relationship with the nodal system (pg. 49)
S42 – EVN’s hierarchy (pg. 84)
S13 – Densification process of a prototype plot (pgs. 50-51)
S43 – EVN’s relationships (pg. 85)
S14 – The 21st century new traditional “farmhouse” (pg. 53)
S44 – Brunico’s EVN local network (pg. 87)
S15 – Dobbiaco urban fabric with prototype TNN’s site (pg. 54)
S45 – San Candido’s EVN local network (pg. 87)
S16 – TNN’s decision making process flow (pg. 55)
S46 – Dobbiaco’s EVN local network (pg. 89)
S17 – Dobbiaco’s TNN prototype (pg. 55)
S47 – Campo Tures’ EVN local network (pg. 89)
S18 – TNN’s toolkit (pgs. 56-57)
S48 – General strategy’s implementation conceptual map (pgs. 92-93) Urban Planning & Design Studio
List of figures S49 – Brunico’s TNN layers (pg. 94)
M20 – Dolomite Utopia Land use (pg. 27)
S50 – Campo Tures’ TNN layers (pg. 94)
M21 – Val Pusteria Linear City Land Use’s Conflict zones (pgs. 28-29)
S51 – Dobbiaco’s TNN layers (pg. 95)
M22 – General considerations map (pg. 32)
S52 – San Candido’s TNN layers (pg. 96)
M23 – Val Pusteria City population growth (pgs. 34-35) M24 – Val Pusteria Linear City’s ecologies (pg. 38)
M25 – Val Pusteria Ramified City’s ecologies (pg. 39)
G1 – Val Pusteria Linear City’s infrastructure’s area (pg. 21)
M26 – Current nodal system (pg. 41)
G2 – Val Pusteria Linear City’s touristic services area (pg. 22)
M27 – Future nodal system (pg. 41)
G3 – Val Pusteria City’s population growth (pg. 35)
M28 – Val Pusteria City TNN’s toolkit implementation (pgs. 58-59) M29 – Brunico’s TNN proposed site (pg. 62)
M30 – Dobbiaco’s TNN proposed site (pg. 62)
M1 – Val Pusteria Linear City traffic flow map (pgs. 16-17)
M31 – Campo Tures’s TNN proposed site (pg. 63)
M2 – Central District Road map (pg. 16)
M32 – San Candido’s TNN proposed site (pg. 63)
M3 – Agro-industrial Paradise Road map (pg. 16)
M33 – Brunico’s TNN’s location (pgs. 66-67)
M4 – Suburban Dream Road map (pg. 17)
M34 – Campo Tures’ TNN’s location (pgs. 70-71)
M5 – Dolomite Utopia Road Map (pg. 17)
M35 – Dobbiaco’s TNN’s location (pgs. 74-75)
M6 – Central District infrastructure (pg. 18)
M36 – San Candido’s TNN’s location (pgs. 78-79)
M7 – Suburban Dream infrastructure (pg. 18)
M37 – EVN’s regional map configuration (pg. 82)
M8 – Agro-industrial Paradise infrastructure (pg. 19)
M38 – Brunico’s EVN local network (pg. 86)
M9 – Dolomite Utopia Infrastructure (pg. 19)
M39 – San Candido’s EVN local network (pg. 86)
M10 – Val Pusteria Linear City infrastructure distribution (pgs. 20-21)
M40 – Dobbiaco’s EVN local network (pg. 88)
M11 – Val Pusteria Linear City touristic services concentration (pgs. 22-23)
M41 – Campo Tures’ EVN local network (pg. 88)
M12 – Central District touristification process (pg. 24) M13 – Suburban Dream touristification process (pg. 24) M14 – Agro-industrial Paradise touristification process (pg. 25) M15 – Dolomite Utopia touristification process (pg. 25) M16 – Val Pusteria Linear City Land use (pgs. 26-27) M17 – Central District Land use (pg. 26) M18 – Suburban Dream Land use (pg. 26) M19 – Agro-industrial Paradise Land use (pg. 27) Urban Planning & Design Studio
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