1 minute read
Historic meeting place at Shaganappi Point between First Nations Blackfoot Chiefs and British Royalty in1901. Photo retrieved from Glenbow Archives
Emphasizing on Reconciliation
Reconciliation in Canada is a vision to engage Canadians in dialogues that revitalize respectful relationships between Indigenous peoples and all Canadians in order to build vibrant, resilient and sustainable communities (Who We Are, n.d.). As this site was the location of a historic meeting, involving the Blackfoot people, it is the perfect location to bring the community together.
This site has a long-standing history which begins with the Blackfoot people. As this site was the location of a historic meeting, involving the Blackfoot people, it is the perfect location to bring the community together, through reconciliation. Reconciliation in Canada is a vision to engage Canadians in dialogues that revitalize respectful relationships between Indigenous peoples and all Canadians in order to build vibrant, resilient and sustainable communities (Who We Are, n.d.). Respect the history of the land and the natural environment.
Historical palimpsest