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Prijzen in deze catalogus zijn geldig vanaf 1 januari 2025. We behouden het recht op prijswijzigingen. Getoonde prijzen zijn voor de aangegeven aantallen. Voor wensen m.b.t. grotere en/of kleinere aantallen kunt u contact opnemen met uw dealer. Alle prijzen zijn exclusief btw.

Preise in diesem Katalog sind ab dem 1 Januar 2025 gültig. Wir haben das Recht, die Preise zu ändern. Die angegebenen Preise sind die Einzelpreise für die angegebenen Mengen. Hat Ihre Anfrage höhere oder niedrigere Mengen, nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt zu Ihrem Händler auf. Alle Preise sind ohne Mwst.

Les prix du catalogue sont valables à partir du 1er Janvier 2025. Ces prix peuvent être soumis à des changements. Les prix indiqués sont des prix unitaires tout inclus, par quantités commandées, incluant le prix du produit, les frais de marquage avec la technique et nombre de couleurs indiqués sur le catalogue, les frais de port 1 adresse France métropolitaine. Pour toute demande de prix inférieurs à la première colonne ou supérieurs à la dernière colonne, merci de contacter votre distributeur. Tous les prix s’entendent hors TVA.

Los precios del catálogo son válidos desde el 1 de enero de 2025. Estos precios pueden someterse a cambios. Los precios indicados son precios unitarios con todo incluido, por cantidades pedidas, incluyendo precio del producto, costos de marcaje con la técnica y número de colores indicados en el catálogo y gastos de envío a una dirección en España. Para cualquier solicitud de precios más bajos que la primera columna o mayor que la última columna, póngase en relación con su contacto Toppoint. Los precios no incluyen IVA.

I prezzi di catalogo sono validi dal 1 gennaio 2025. Questi prezzi possono essere soggetti a modifiche. I prezzi indicati sono prezzi unitari tutto compreso, per quantità ordinate, compreso il prezzo del prodotto, i costi di stampa con la tecnica e il numero di colori indicati nel catalogo, le spese di spedizione 1 indirizzo in Italia. Per qualsiasi richiesta di prezzi inferiori alla prima colonna o superiori all’ultima colonna, contatta il tuo distributore. Tutti i prezzi si intendono IVA esclusa.

Priserne i dette katalog er gældende fra den 1. januar 2025. Vi forbeholder os ret til at ændre priserne. Kontakt din forhandler for priser ved større eller mindre mængder end i kataloget angivet. Priserne er eksklusiv fragt, gebyr og moms.

Preise in diesem Katalog sind ab dem 1 Januar 2025 gültig. Wir haben das Recht, die Preise zu ändern. Die angegebenen Preise sind die Einzelpreise für die angegebenen Mengen. Hat Ihre Anfrage höhere oder niedrigere Mengen, nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt zu Ihrem Händler auf. Alle Preise verstehen sich in CHF, inkl. Einfuhrsteuer und Fracht, exkl. MWST.

Getoonde logo’s op de producten zijn alleen bedoeld voor het weergeven van de mogelijkheden en zijn niet te verkrijgen. We behouden ons het recht voor om artikelen te leveren die afwijken in kleur en/of uitvoering van de producten getoond in de catalogus. Zet- en drukfouten voorbehouden.

Alle Logos auf den Produkten sind Reklamefotos zur Darstellung und nicht verkäuflich. Wir haben das Recht, Artikel zu liefern, die in der Ausführung und/oder Farben, von den Bildern im Katalog abweichen. Druckfehler vorbehalten.

Todos los logotipos que aparecen en los artículos, tienen como objetivo, brindarle una descripción general y no están a la venta. Nosotros nos reservamos el derecho de vender artículos en los cuales los colores mostrados difieran de los mostrados en el catálogo.

Tous les logos qui apparaissent sur les articles ont pour but de vous donner un aperçu du rendu final, et ne sont pas à vendre. Nous nous réservons le droit de vendre des articles dont les couleurs diffèrent de celles représentées ans le catalogue.

Tutti i loghi che compaiono sugli articoli hanno lo scopo di darti un’anteprima del rendering finale e non sono in vendita. Ci riserviamo il diritto di vendere articoli i cui colori differiscano da quelli mostrati nel catalogo. Tämän kuvaston hinnat ovat voimassa 1. helmikuuta 2025 alkaen. Pidätämme oikeuden hintojen muutoksiin. Mainitut hinnat ovat yksikköhintoja ilmoitetuille määrille. Jos tarvitset suuremman määrän, ota yhteyttä asiakaspalveluun. Hinnat euroina, sisältäen rahtikulut sekä yksivärisen merkkauksen yhteen kohtaan ellei toisin mainita. Hinnat eivät sisällä ALV:a. Kuvastossa esiintyvät logot ovat vain esittelykäytössä ja ne eivät ole kaupan. Pidätämme oikeuden toimittaa tuotteita, jotka kuvastossa saattavat näyttää erilaisilta ja/tai erivärisiltä. GC Sportswear Oy ei vastaa painovirheistä.

Alle Logos auf den Produkten sind Reklamefotos zur Darstellung und nicht verkäuflich. Wir haben das Recht, Artikel zu liefern, die in der Ausführung und/oder Farben, von den Bildern im Katalog abweichen. Druckfehler vorbehalten.

Prices in this catalogue are valid from January 1st. 2025. We reserve the right to price changes. Prices shown are the unit price for quantities stated. Should your requirements be for a larger or smaller quantity, please contact your dealer. All prices are without VAT. All logos on the products have been exhibited for the purpose of display and they are not for sale. We reserve the right to deliver articles that may differ in execution and/or colours from the products illustrated in the catalogue. Compositor’s misprints reserved.

Alla logotyper på produkterna har visats upp i visningssyfte och är inte till salu. Vi förbehåller oss rätten att leverera artiklar som kan skilja sig i utförande och/eller färger från de produkter som illustreras i katalogen. Sättare förbehåller sig feltryck.

Priser er angivet i danske krone inklusiv 1-farvet tryk på 1 position, medmindre andet er angivet.

Wszystkie loga na produktach zostały wystawione w celach poglądowych i nie są przeznaczone do sprzedaży. Zastrzegamy sobie prawo do dostarczenia artykułów, które różnić się wykonaniem i/lub kolorystyką od produktów przedstawionych w katalogu. Zastrzega się możliwość pomyłek kompozytorskich.

Ecovadis Platinum rating

Last year, we again achieved the highest possible rating with EcoVadis: Platinum! This puts Toppoint among the Top 1% of companies with EcoVadis ratings.

One of our highest priorities within Toppoint is sustainable and responsible business. Therefore, we want to be a leader in our industry as a socially responsible company. All sustainability practices are fully integrated into our processes, through transparency, involvement of all colleagues and continuous promotion of our code of conduct. Using the EcoVadis Methodology, Toppoint is assessed on our sustainability performance. This scorecard is filled using various themes such as environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

The scores are based on international sustainability standards, including the Global Reporting Intitative, the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000, which covers 200 issue categories and more than 160 countries. Our goal is to achieve the Platinum rating again in 2025, and will continue our activities with the EcoVadis methodology in mind!


product, designed and patented by Toppoint

/ Environmentally friendly Choose your own colors for the


Glass water bottles offer an elegant and eco-friendly way to stay hydrated. Unlike plastic bottles, glass bottles are free of harmful chemicals and can be reused repeatedly without affecting the taste of the water. Moreover, glass bottles do not retain odours, making them ideal for both water and other drinks such as juices.

LT98812 | Water bottle glass 500ml

The glass water bottle has a strap attached to the cap making it easy to carry around. Suitable for cold, carbonated and noncarbonated drinks. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 68 x 225 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98823 | Water bottle glass with custom made sleeve 500ml

Glass water bottle with sleeve. Drinks stay cool for longer with its custom-made sleeve. Strap attached to the cap makes it easy to carry around. Suitable for cold, carbonated and non-carbonated drinks. The sleeve can be printed with a full-colour all-over imprint. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 68 x 225 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98822 | Water bottle glass with sleeve 500ml

Glass water bottle with sleeve keeps drinks cool for longer. Strap attached to the cap makes it easy to carry around. Suitable for cold, carbonated and non-carbonated drinks. The sleeve can be printed with a full-colour all-over imprint. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 68 x 225 mm. Content: 500 ml


Drink even more hipper and eco-friendly with our trendy glassware! Water, smoothies, or cocktails, our glassware adds style to any drinking experience. Made of high-quality glass with a sustainable FSC wood or cork cap. Personalise with a full-colour print or laser engraving for a unique look.

LT82833 | Carafe with cork top 1L

The Borosilicate glass bottle with cork lid can be used to serve water, juice or any other cold beverage, including carbonated drinks. This combination of glass and cork gives the carafe a natural look. This bottle is ideal for outdoor use as the lid will keep insects out. Size: ø 85 x 290 mm. Content: 1000 ml

LT98870 | Glass bottle with cork lid 500ml

This bottle combines functionality with a minimalist design, paired with a natural cork lid. Size: ø 65 x 245 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT82835 | Caraffe 550ml and drinking glass 250ml set

Sip in style with our Carafe and Drinking Glass Set. The 550ml carafe and 250ml glass defines elegance. Perfect for next to your bed or on your desk while working. Size: ø 74 x 176 mm. Content: 550 ml

LT98880 | Frosted glass bottle with cork lid 500ml

The Frosted Glass Bottle offers a 500ml capacity and a chic frosted finish, paired with a natural cork lid. Size: ø 66 x 205 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98849 | Water bottle glass & bamboo 500ml

Experience style and sustainability with our 500ml glass water bottle and bamboo lid. Perfect for any occasion, it adds a natural touch to your hydration routine. Ideal for work, school, or errands, this reusable bottle is your daily hydration companion. Size: ø 63 x 225 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98766 | Water bottle Tritan 600ml

Single walled transparent Tritan drinking bottle with coloured cap. This useful water bottle has a silicone strap attached to the lid to carry or attach to a bag. Suitable for cold, non-carbonated drinks. BPA-free. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 62 x 227 mm. Content: 600 ml

LT98877 | Water bottle Jude R-PET 500ml

Elevate your hydration with our 'Jude' R-PET bottle featuring a metal lid and versatile cord handle in various vibrant colors. Stylish, sustainable, and convenient—choose your color, carry with ease, and make every sip eco-chic! Can handle warm water up to 65 degrees. Size: ø 65 x 202 mm.

Content: 500 ml


Water bottles made of recycled plastic are much more than just a convenient way to stay hydrated. They are a powerful symbol of our commitment to a more sustainable and resilient world. By taking this small but important step, we can all contribute to a greener future for generations to come.

LT98876 | Water bottle Avery R-PET 600ml

Introducing 'Avery,' our innovative R-PET drinking bottle with a foldable straw cleverly stored in the lid. Size: ø 66 x 240 mm. Content: 600 ml

LT98878 | Water bottle Tatum R-PET 600ml

Introducing our 'Tatum' R-PET bottle with a durable rubber handle, perfect for your on-the-go hydration needs. The ideal choice for convenience and sustainability. Carry comfortably, sip confidently, and stay eco-friendly wherever you go! Can handle warm water up to 65 degrees. Size: ø 67 x 231 mm. Content: 600 ml

LT98824 | R-PET bottle frosted 600ml

Made from recycled PET, the Frosted R-PET Bottle offers both eco-friendliness and durability. With a 600ml capacity and available in various frosted colours, it's an ideal choice for ecoconscious consumers. Size: ø 67 x 233 mm. Content: 600 ml

LT98879 | Water bottle Nouvel R-PET 600ml

Introducing 'Nouvel' our innovative R-PET drinking bottle with a foldable straw cleverly stored in the lid. Can handle warm water up to 65 degrees. Size: ø 67 x 231 mm. Content: 600 ml


LT98744 | Water bottle Loop transparent R-PET 600ml
Single wall drinking bottle made of R-PET material. BPA-free. Suitable for cold, non-carbonated drinks. Size: ø 66 x 256 mm. Content: 600 ml
LT98742 | Loop bottle combi R-PET 600ml
Single wall drinking bottle made of R-PET material. BPA-free. Mix and match the lid and body colours to create your own colour combination. Suitable for cold non-carbonated drinks. Size: ø 66 x 256 mm. Content: 600 ml
LT98743 | Water bottle Loop R-PET 600ml
Single wall drinking bottle made of R-PET material. BPA-free. Suitable for cold non-carbonated drinks. Size: ø 66 x 256 mm. Content: 600 ml


LT98739 | R-SS single wall bottle with carabiner 750ml


Digital High Gloss ensures beautiful and bright colours on metal, plastic and glass products. This all-round digital printing technique uses a special coating that offers scratch and dishwasher resistance.


- 360-degree printing capability

- Largest digital printing production facility in Europe

- Large print format

- Photo-realistic

- Small quantities possible (available from 1 piece)

- Fast delivery


Toppoint has been working with the latest machine in the field of UV printing since 2013. Bright (PMS) colours with high-quality graphics are applied in an environmentally friendly way. The result is a print that is dishwasher-proof, up to 500 washes. Various round and square items can be printed, e.g. mugs and glasses, as well as water bottles.


- Bright brilliant colours

- High-quality printing

- Wide range of Pantone colours feasible (e.g. cyan and magenta)

- Environmentally friendly through use of UV inks (e.g. Cadmium free)

- Dishwasher-proof (according to DIN 12875)




LT98884 | Water bottle Ashton 500ml

Stainless steel single wall water bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle is suitable for cold, non-carbonated drinks. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box.

Size: ø 72 x 174 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98885 | Water bottle Ashton 750ml

Stainless steel single wall water bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle is suitable for cold, non-carbonated drinks. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box.

Size: ø 72 x 244 mm. Content: 750 ml


LT98881 | Thermo bottle Ashton 350ml

Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same tempreture for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 165 mm. Content: 350 ml

LT98882 | Thermo bottle Ashton 500ml

Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same tempreture for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 218 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98883 | Thermo bottle Ashton 650ml

Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same tempreture for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 268 mm. Content: 650 ml


LT98864 | Water bottle Skyler 500ml

Stainless steel single wall water bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle is suitable for cold, non-carbonated drinks. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 168 mm. Content: 500 ml


LT98861 | Thermo bottle Skyler 350ml

Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same tempreture for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 157 mm. Content: 350 ml

LT98865 | Water bottle Skyler 750ml

Stainless steel single wall water bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle is suitable for cold, non-carbonated drinks. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 236 mm. Content: 750 ml

LT98862 | Thermo bottle Skyler 500ml

Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same tempreture for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 197 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98863 | Thermo bottle Skyler 650ml

Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same tempreture for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 247 mm. Content: 650 ml





LT98874 | Water bottle Marley 500ml

Stainless steel single wall water bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle is suitable for cold, non-carbonated drinks. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 174 mm. Content: 500 ml


LT98871 | Thermo bottle Marley 350ml

Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same tempreture for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 165 mm. Content: 350 ml

LT98875 | Water bottle Marley 750ml

Stainless steel single wall water bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle is suitable for cold, non-carbonated drinks. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box.

Size: ø 72 x 244 mm. Content: 750 ml

LT98872 | Thermo bottle Marley 500ml

Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same tempreture for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 218 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98873 | Thermo bottle Marley 650ml

Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same tempreture for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 268 mm. Content: 650 ml


LT98894 | Water bottle Lennox 500ml

Stainless steel single wall water bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle is suitable for cold, non-carbonated drinks. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 174 mm. Content: 500 ml


LT98891 | Thermo bottle Lennox 350ml


Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same tempreture for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 165 mm. Content: 350 ml

LT98895 | Water bottle Lennox 750ml

Stainless steel single wall water bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle is suitable for cold, non-carbonated drinks. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box.

Size: ø 72 x 244 mm. Content: 750 ml

LT98892 | Thermo bottle Lennox 500ml

Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same tempreture for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 218 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98893 | Thermo bottle Lennox 650ml

Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same tempreture for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Powder coating for a premium look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 268 mm. Content: 650 ml



LT98808 | R-Swing 500ml
Our popular Swing bottle is now available in recycled stainless steel. The double walled vaccuum insulated bottle keeps drinks cold or warm for extended periods of time, and is leakproof for on-the-go usage. Size: ø 70 x 252 mm. Content: 500 ml
LT98826 | R-Swing soft touch 500ml
Our popular Swing bottle is now available in recycled stainless steel, and with a buttery soft touch finish. The double walled vaccuum insulated bottle keeps drinks cold or warm for extended periods of time, and is leakproof for on-the-go usage. Size: ø 70 x 252 mm. Content: 500 ml
LT98809 | R-Swing 750ml
Our popular Swing bottle is now available in recycled stainless steel. The double walled vaccuum insulated bottle keeps drinks cold or warm for extended periods of time, and is leakproof for on-the-go usage. Size: ø 80 x 290 mm. Content: 750 ml
LT98827 | R-Swing soft touch 750ml
Our popular Swing bottle is now available in recycled stainless steel, and with a buttery soft touch finish. The double walled vaccuum insulated bottle keeps drinks cold or warm for extended periods of time, and is leakproof for on-the-go usage. Size: ø 80 x 290 mm. Content: 750 ml



This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same temperature for longer thanks to the vacuum


Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift box.

with a 0,75L capacity. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same temperature for

stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift


drinks at the same temperature for longer

for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift box.

LT98807 | Thermo bottle Swing 500ml
Double walled vacuum insulated
in between
Size: ø 70 x 253 mm. Content: 500 ml
LT98803 | Thermo bottle Swing 750ml
Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle
longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will
box. Size: ø 80 x 307 mm. Content: 750 ml
LT98804 | Thermo bottle Swing 1000ml
Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle with a 1L capacity. This
leak-proof bottle keeps
thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm
Size: ø 90 x 325 mm. Content: 1000 ml

walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle with a metallic finish. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same temperature for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 70 x 245 mm. Content: 500 ml


vacuum insulated drinking bottle with a printed wood finish. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same temperature for longer

the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift

vacuum insulated drinking bottle suitable for sublimation print. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same temperature for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 70 x 253 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98841 | Thermo bottle Swing metallic edition 500ml
LT98810 | Thermo bottle Swing sublimation 500ml
Double walled
LT98840 | Thermo bottle Swing wood edition 500ml
thanks to
box. Size: ø 70 x 245 mm. Content: 500 ml

| Thermo bottle Clark 800ml Introducing the Clark 800ml Thermo Bottle—an epitome of convenience and style. The attached handle on the lid ensures a comfortable grip, while the cleverly designed opening allows for easy sipping. Stay refreshed on the go with this sleek and functional thermal companion. Elevate your daily hydration with Clark. Size: ø 80 x 250 mm. Content: 800 ml

| Thermo bottle with rope 600ml Cool double walled thermo bottle with a rope. Easy to carry around. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 72 x 230 mm. Content: 600 ml

LT98857 | Thermo bottle with rope bamboo 500ml Double walled thermo bottle with a rope. Easy to carry around. The bamboo casing gives this bottle a sleek and eco-friendly look and feel. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 70 x 230 mm. Content: 500 ml


for keeping drinks cool/warm for a long time. The bottle is 100% leak-proof. Cold drinks stay cool for

This item can be sublimated all-around, in full-colour. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø

for a long time. The

is available in matte

LT98832 | Thermo bottle with sublimation finish 500ml
Double wall, vacuum insulated bottle, perfect
up to 24 hours and hot drinks hot for up to 12 hours.
73 x 226 mm. Content: 500 ml
LT98833 | Thermo bottle with matt finish 500ml
Double wall, vacuum insulated bottle, perfect for keeping drinks cool/warm
bottle is 100% leak-proof. Cold drinks stay cool for up to 24 hours and hot drinks hot for up to 12 hours. This bottle
colours. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 73 x 226 mm. Content: 500 ml
LT98811 | Thermo bottle Adventure 400ml
Double walled 100% leak-proof design thermo bottle. The drinks will keep their temperature longer, due the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift box. Toppoint design. Size: ø 76 x 255 mm. Content: 400 ml

LT98906 | Shaker bottle 700ml

Mix protein and supplements with ease with this shaker bottle. The included mixing grid reduces clumping and ensures a smooth mix every time. The flexible loop on the lid facilitates clipping onto a gym bag, making it the perfect accessory for gym rats on the go. Size: ø 98 x 219 mm. Content: 700 ml

LT98905 | Shaker bottle XL 900ml

This large shaker bottle is the perfect accessory for exercise. Perfect to use for all the supplements you could need on your journey to becoming a top athlete. Size: ø 109 x 250 mm. Content: 900 ml

The Hi-lou Bottle combines hydration and fitness in one innovative design. Shaped like a kettlebell, this bottle doubles as a handy piece of exercise equipment. Adjust the intensity of your workout by varying the fill level! Perfect for long workouts, ensuring you stay refreshed and fit at the same time. Size: ø 140 x 200 mm. Content: 1800 ml

NEW 1,8L BPA free
LT98737 | Hi-lou bottle 1.8L


Our own design water bottles are produced by Toppoint in Europe. The softsqueeze water bottles are 100% leak-proof and have ‘BPA-free’ certification. The water bottles (available in 500ML and 750ML) can be printed nicely in full colour due to their large surface area. The colour of cap, bottle and even rim can differ from each other and be composed according to your wishes.

Choose the colour of the lid, the ring and the body

| Sports bottle with edge 500ml

Toppoint design high quality sports bottle with ergonomic cap. Made in Europe. 100% leak-proof, made of high-quality softsqueeze materials for an easy squeeze. The sports bottle can be printed all over in full-colour. BPA-free. Size: ø 73 x 170 mm.

Content: 500 ml

LT98786 | Sports bottle with edge 750ml

Toppoint design high quality sports bottle with ergonomic cap. Made in Europe. 100% leak-proof, made of high-quality softsqueeze materials for an easy squeeze. The sports bottle can be printed all over in full-colour. BPA-free. Size: ø 73 x 250 mm.

Content: 750 ml

| Sports bottle with edge and cord 500ml

Toppoint design high quality sports bottle with ergonomic cap. Made in Europe. 100% leak-proof, made of high-quality softsqueeze materials for an easy squeeze. The sports bottle can be printed all over in full-colour. BPA-free. Includes a strap to carry. Size: ø 73 x 170 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98736 | Sports bottle with edge and cord 750ml

Toppoint design high quality sports bottle with ergonomic cap. Made in Europe. 100% leak-proof, made of high-quality softsqueeze materials for an easy squeeze. The sports bottle can be printed all over in full-colour. BPA-free. Includes a strap to carry. Size: ø 73 x 250 mm. Content: 750 ml


LT98795 | Sport bottle classic 500ml

Toppoint design high quality sports bottle. Made in Europe. 100% leak-proof, made of high-quality soft-squeeze materials for an easy squeeze. The sports bottle can be printed all over in full-colour. The colour of the lid and bottle can be mixed and matched. BPA-free. Size: ø 73 x 178 mm. Content: 500 ml


LT98796 | Sport bottle design 500ml

Toppoint design high quality sports bottle with ergonomic cap. Made in Europe. 100% leak-proof, made of high-quality softsqueeze materials for an easy squeeze. The sports bottle can be printed all over in full-colour. The lid and bottle colour can be mixed and matched. BPA-free. Size: ø 73 x 178 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98797 | Sport bottle classic 750ml

Toppoint design high quality sports bottle. Made in Europe. 100% leak-proof, made of high-quality soft-squeeze materials for an easy squeeze. The sports bottle can be printed all over in full-colour. The colour of the lid and bottle can be mixed and matched. BPA-free. Size: ø 73 x 248 mm. Content: 750 ml

LT98798 | Sport bottle design 750ml

Toppoint design high quality sports bottle with ergonomic cap. Made in Europe. 100% leak-proof, made of high-quality softsqueeze materials for an easy squeeze. The sports bottle can be printed all over in full-colour. The lid and bottle colour can be mixed and matched. BPA-free. Size: ø 73 x 248 mm. Content: 750 ml

98795 98797



LT98859 | Sports bottle Bio based 500ml basic

Toppoint design sports bottle, made in Europe from 95% bioplastic made of sugar cane. The bottle complies with the strictest food safety regulations and is completely taste and smell neutral, 100% leak-proof, BPA-free and recyclable. Size: ø 73 x 178 mm. Content: 500 ml



LT98860 | Sports bottle Bio 750ml

Toppoint design sports bottle, made in Europe from 95% bioplastic made of sugar cane. The bottle complies with the strictest food safety regulations and is completely taste and smell neutral, 100% leak-proof, BPA-free and recyclable. Size: ø 73 x 248 mm. Content: 750 ml



LT98850 | Sports bottle adventure 500ml

Toppoint design water bottle with ergonomic cap. Made in Europe. 100% Leak-proof, made of high-quality soft-squeeze materials for an easy squeeze. The sports bottle can be printed all over in full-colour. Completely taste and smell neutral, BPA-free and 100% recyclable. Size: ø 63 x 225 mm. Content: 500 ml


Discover our new eco-friendly glass bottle with FSC wood cap. Available in three sizes. The bottle offers a perfect combination of style and eco-friendliness, making it ideal to put on your table or desk. Add a unique touch by personalising the bottle with a full-colour print or laser engraving. Choose sustainability and elegance with our glass bottle, a statement of both taste and awareness.

LT98851 | Water bottle 500ml

Hydrate sustainably with our 500ml glass bottle, featuring a stylish FSC-wood lid. Ideal for your desk or dinner table, it’s the eco-conscious choice for convenient and stylish hydration, anytime, anywhere! Size: ø 83 x 205 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98852 | Water bottle 750ml

Sustainably hydrate at your desk or dinner table with our 750ml glass bottle. Enhanced by an FSC-wood lid, it's both stylish and eco-friendly for all your hydration needs, whether at work or during meals. Size: ø 94 x 230 mm. Content: 750 ml

LT98853 | Water bottle 1L

Stay eco-conscious and hydrated with our 1-liter glass water bottle, ideal for your desk or dinner table. The FSC-wood lid adds style and sustainability, making it your perfect companion for at-home or on-the-go refreshment! Size: ø 100 x 255 mm. Content: 1000 ml


LT98889 | Glass bottle 1000ml

Use this crystal clear borosilicate glass bottle for drinking, mixing, or serving your favorite drinks. The sleek glass bottles feature a flexible stop to prevent spills and preserve your drinks. The absence of visible joints or seams enhances its sleek, elegant design, making it a refined choice for any occasion. Size: ø 85 x 260 mm. Content: 1000 ml

LT98887 | Glass bottle 500ml

Use this crystal clear borosilicate glass bottle for drinking, mixing, or serving your favorite drinks. The sleek glass bottles feature a flexible stop to prevent spills and preserve your drinks. The absence of visible joints or seams enhances its sleek, elegant design, making it a refined choice for any occasion. Size: ø 65 x 235 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98888 | Glass bottle 750ml

Use this crystal clear borosilicate glass bottle for drinking, mixing, or serving your favorite drinks. The sleek glass bottles feature a flexible stop to prevent spills and preserve your drinks. The absence of visible joints or seams enhances its sleek, elegant design, making it a refined choice for any occasion. Size: ø 76 x 240 mm. Content: 750 ml

98888 98887

LT98320 | Glass with bamboo lid & straw 450 ml

Introducing our cold drinks glass with bamboo lid and straw. With a 450 ml capacity, it's perfect for your favorite beverages. The bamboo lid adds a natural touch. Enjoy your drinks sustainably with our stylish glass. Size: ø 75 x 145 mm. Content: 450 ml

LT98321 | Longdrinkglass Cuba 270ml Longdrinkglass Cuba is a popular glass that has been in our collection for years. Size: ø 60 x 134 mm. Content: 270 ml


Double-walled glass creates an insulating layer of air between the inner and outer walls of the glass. This keeps hot drinks hot longer and cold drinks cool longer without the outside of the glass changing temperature too much. Moreover, a double-walled glass creates a visual effect where the contents of the glass appear to float.

LT50551 | Double wall coffee glass Marian 320 ml

The double-wall coffee glass, with a generous 320 ml capacity, is a masterpiece of design and functionality. Crafted from high borosilicate glass, it elevates the coffee-drinking experience to a whole new level. Size: ø 83 x 114 mm. Content: 320 ml

LT50541 | Double wall coffee glass Marian 230 ml

Introducing the Marian Double-Walled Coffee Glass, a perfect addition to your coffee moments. With a capacity of 230 ml, it keeps your coffee at the ideal temperature for longer. Enjoy your coffee in style with Marian. Size: ø 79 x 98 mm. Content: 230 ml

LT51107 | Mallorca subli glass mug 335ml

This substantial glass mug features a translucent finish that adds a unique and stylish look to your drinks. This mug is designed with a special coating to facilitate sublimation printing. Size: ø 79 x 96 mm. Content: 335 ml

LT50561 | Coffee glass with handle Vardez 300 ml

Introducing the Vardez Coffee Glass with Handle, designed for your coffee enjoyment. With a generous 300 ml capacity, it's the perfect companion for your favorite brew. Elevate your coffee experience with Vardez. Size: ø 78 x 82 mm. Content: 300 ml

LT51108 | Mallorca subli frosted glass mug 335ml

This substantial glass mug features a frosted finish that adds a unique and stylish look to your drinks. This mug is designed with a special coating to facilitate sublimation printing. Size: ø 79 x 96 mm. Content: 335 ml

LT50571 | Coffee glass with handle Vardez 180 ml

Introducing the Vardez Coffee Glass with Handle, designed for your coffee enjoyment. With a convenient 180 ml capacity, it's the perfect companion for your favorite brew. Elevate your coffee experience with Vardez. Size: ø 66 x 80 mm. Content: 180 ml

LT50545 | Prague tea glass 260ml

Sip in style with our 'Prague' Tea Glass, where elegance meets functionality. Crafted for the tea enthusiast, its sleek design and heat-resistant glass make for a perfect infusion experience. Embrace the charm of Prague with every delightful brew. Elevate your tea rituals with a touch of sophistication. Size: ø 71 x 89 mm. Content: 260 ml

LT98601 | Cup and saucer Milano 160ml Cup and saucer of high-quality porcelain. Modern design and a conical shape. Espresso model. Made in Europe. Size: ø 80 x 65 mm. Content: 160 ml


A cup and saucer are a classic combination for serving hot drinks such as coffee and tea. The cup provides a comfortable way to hold and consume the drink, while the saucer serves as a convenient platform to put spoons down or present delicacies. Together, they form a charming duo that is not only functional but also adds a neat look to any drinking experience.


LT51481 | Cup & saucer square Satellite180ml

Cup and saucer of high-quality porcelain from the Toppoint design 'Satellite' series. Big imprint space. The square shaped saucer has additional space around the cup. Made in Europe. Size: ø 77 x 70 mm. Content: 180 ml

LT51381 | Cup & saucer triangle Satellite 180ml Cup and saucer of high-quality porcelain from the Toppoint design 'Satellite' series. Big imprint space. The triangle shaped saucer has additional space around the cup. Made in Europe. Size: ø 77 x 70 mm. Content: 180 ml

LT51201 | Mug Sensi 180ml Porcelain mug. Conical model with fine ear. Stackable. Suitable for coffee pod machine and other coffee machines. Size: ø 75 x 83 mm. Content: 180 ml

LT51291 | Mug Satellite 180ml Cup made of high-quality porcelain from the Toppoint design 'Satellite' series. Made in Europe. Stackable and goes perfect with the bigger 180ml 'Satellite' mug. Size: ø 77 x 70 mm. Content: 180 ml

LT50131 | Cup Geneve 200ml A high-quality porcelain mug in a conical shape. Suitable for coffee pod machines and other coffee machines. Size: ø 74 x 87 mm. Content: 200 ml

| Mug Satellite 250ml Mug made of high-quality porcelain from the Toppoint design 'Satellite' series. Made in Europe. Stackable and goes perfect with the smaller 180ml 'Satellite' cup. Size: ø 77 x 97 mm. Content: 250 ml

"Life is like a cup of coffee. It’s all about how you make it."
LT98061 | Mug Luxemburg 160ml Stackable white porcelain mug. Suitable for coffee pod machine and other coffee machines. Size: ø 65 x 90 mm. Content: 160 ml
LT50191 | Mug Lugano EU 230ml White mug made from porcelain. Conical and modern style. Made in Europe. Size: ø 76 x 96 mm. Content: 230 ml
LT51100 | Mug Bern 250ml White mug made from porcelain. Clean style with a compact handle. Size: ø 85 x 72 mm. Content: 250 ml
LT98011 | Mug Amsterdam 280ml Big white porcelain mug. Size: ø 80 x 95 mm. Content: 280 ml

LT50211 | Mug Cyprus 270ml

White mug made from porcelain. Conical style with a large handle. Size: ø 81 x 98 mm. Content: 270 ml

| Mug Nice 270ml

porcelain mug with a conical design. Size: ø 80 x 98 mm.

270 ml

LT51461 | Mug Cyprus EU 270ml

A white mug made from high quality porcelain. Made in Europe. Conical style with a large handle. Size: ø 81 x 98 mm. Content: 270 ml

| Mug Marseille 300ml

Porcelain white mug. High and elegant model with a large handle. Size: ø 73 x 106 mm. Content: 300 ml

| Mug Nice EU 270ml

high quality porcelain mug. Made in Europe. Conical style with a large print area. Size: ø 80 x 98 mm. Content: 270 ml

| Mug Oslo 300ml

porcelain mug. Large print area. Size: ø 80 x 93 mm. Content: 300 ml

| Mug Marseille EU 300ml

A high-quality porcelain white mug. Elegant style with a large handle. Made in Europe. Size: ø 73 x 106 mm. Content: 300 ml

| Mug Oslo EU 300ml

A white mug made from a high-quality porcelain. Made in Europe. Large printing area. Size: ø 80 x 93 mm. Content: 300 ml



Sublimation printing is a form of transfer printing that uses heat-sensitive inks that bond with a surface coated for this purpose during printing.

This technique is only suitable for articles with a white background. The articles must have a polyester topcoat or there must be polyester in the product material.


• Edge-to-edge printing surface

• Ideal for photo motifs and full-colour printing

• Suitable for mugs and thermos flasks

• Printed on up to 250 pieces available from 2 production days

• Dishwasher-safe

LT51161 | Mug subli Oslo 300ml Big stoneware mug. Printing possible through sublimation. Ideal for all-around full-colour images. Size: ø 82 x 97 mm. Content: 300 ml
LT51191 | Mug subli Melbourne 350ml Conical stoneware mug. Branding possible through sublimation. Ideal for full-colour all-around images. Size: ø 85 x 100 mm. Content: 350 ml

all-around full-colour images.

use with most coffee machines.

LT51501 | Mug subli Marseille 300ml Stoneware sublimation mug type Marseille. Straight model with a modern round ear. Ideal for full-colour pictures. Size: ø 73 x 106 mm. Content: 300 ml
LT51163 | Subli mug Oslo small 180ml Small stoneware mug. Printing possible through sublimation. Ideal for
Suitable to
Size: ø 72 x 74 mm. Content: 180 ml


Discover our collection of colourful coffee cups, perfect for any coffee lover. Available in a variety of materials, from sturdy ceramic to fine porcelain and earthenware, these cups offer not only style but also versatility. Whether you like a classic, minimalist look or prefer a bold colour, you are sure to find something to suit you in our collection. Make every coffee break a party with our colours and your unique desgins!

LT51101 | Mug York 250ml Mug made from ceramic. Available in multiple vibrant colours. Size: ø 80 x 79 mm. Content: 250 ml
LT51001 | Mug York 350ml The grown up version of the York ceramic mug. Available in multiple vibrant colours. Size: ø 88 x 120 mm. Content: 350 ml

LT51111 | Enamel style ceramic mug 280ml

This enamel-style ceramic mug combines vintage charm with vibrant colors. Perfect for coffee, tea, or any hot drink, it features a classic design with a glossy finish and a black rim, capturing the essence of traditional enamel mugs. Ideal for home or office, it adds a timeless touch to any drinkware collection. Size: ø 81 x 85 mm. Content: 280 ml


LT51110 | Enamel mug 350ml

This timeless enamel mug radiates the spirit of adventure, perfect for sipping on a warm beverage or enjoying a satisfying meal at the end of a day filled with hiking and exploration. Available in bold, outdoorsy colours to complete the adventure vibe. Size: ø 85 x 80 mm. Content: 350 ml

LT51164 | Mug subli Oslo colored inside & handle 300ml

Our popular Oslo mug with coloured inside and handle. This mug is designed specifically for sublimation, offering the perfect canvas for personalized designs to complement its colour accent. Size: ø 81 x 96 mm. Content: 300 ml

LT98262 | Oslo contrasting matte and shiny glaze 350ml

This uniquely glazed Oslo mug features a matte exterior and a glossy interior, offering a subtle “je ne sais quoi." Its classic and sturdy shape fits seamlessly into any office or home setting, while the contrasting finish adds a stylish flair. Perfect for coffee, tea, or any beverage, it’s a modern twist on a timeless design. Size: ø 81 x 96 mm. Content: 350 ml

LT51421 | Oslo bright red 300ml Bright red stoneware mug white on the inside. Size: ø 80 x 93 mm. Content: 300 ml
LT98261 | Mug Oslo 300ml Coloured stoneware mug. Large printing area. Size: ø 80 x 93 mm. Content: 300 ml

LT51106 | Oslo subli magic mug 300ml

Experience the magic of the Oslo colour changing Mug. With a 300ml capacity, this mug changes color and reveals the print underneath when filled with hot liquid, adding a fun and interactive element to your drinkware. Size: ø 87 x 96 mm.

Content: 300 ml

LT51192 | Mug subli Melbourne colored edge & handle 300ml

Our popular Melbourne mug with coloured rim and handle. This mug is designed specifically for sublimation, offering the perfect canvas for personalized designs to complement its colour accent. Size: ø 90 x 100 mm. Content: 300 ml

LT51431 | Bright red 'Nice' mug 270ml Bright red mug from the 'Nice' collection. Conical style. Size: ø 80 x 98 mm. Content: 270 ml
LT50421 | Mug Nice 270ml Conical coloured stoneware mug with a large imprint area. Size: ø 80 x 98 mm. Content: 270 ml


Our mugs are available in calm earthy tones, complemented by a touch of bamboo or cork.

LT51102 | Mug Tallin 180ml
Introducing our Tallin 180ml mug, available in various stylish colors with a sleek Finnish design touch. Size: ø 68 x 79 mm. Content: 180 ml
LT51103 | Mug Tallin 300 ml
Introducing our Tallin 300ml mug, available in various stylish colors with a sleek Finnish design touch. Size: ø 81 x 95 mm. Content: 300 ml


Cork is a natural material derived from the bark of the cork oak tree (Quercus suber). It is mainly produced in countries around the Mediterranean Sea, such as Portugal, Spain and Italy. Cork is known for its unique properties, including lightness, resilience, insulating capacity, water resistance and durability. It is widely used in various applications, such as wine bottle stoppers, flooring, fashion accessories, insulation material and decorative objects. Cork is also an eco-friendly material as it is renewable and harvesting the bark does not harm the cork oak tree.


Bamboo naturally has the ability to absorb CO2 from the air. By absorbing CO2 from the air, bamboo helps combat the greenhouse effect. Bamboo's hollow and round structure makes it stronger than wood and it also bends further without breaking. Also, bamboo is the fastest growing plant, which means it can be produced much faster than other types of wood.

LT51104 | Mug Seville 250 ml
Introducing the Seville mug - available in a variety of colors with a stylish cork finish at the base. Size: ø 77 x 93 mm. Content: 250 ml
LT51105 | Desk mug Vienna 300ml
Introducing our Vienna ceramic desk mug with bamboo outside and lid; a touch of natural elegance with each sip. Size: ø 93 x 140 mm. Content: 300 ml


Discover the ideal balance of design and functionality with our T-Ceramic collection. Featuring a durable ceramic coating, you can combine style with practical benefits with these elegantly designed mugs. These mugs keep drinks at the perfect temperature longer and retain full flavor, making every sip a pleasure. Thanks to the ceramic coating, these mugs are also extra hard-wearing and last longer.

LT98728 | T-ceramic thermo mug with lid Zambezi 350ml Introducing the Zambezi Thermo Mug: A sleek addition to our T-ceramics series. Crafted from stainless steel and recycled PP, with a ceramic coated interior, this 350 ml mug with a silicone lid keeps your drinks hot or cold. Stay eco-friendly and stylish with Zambezi. Size: ø 89 x 145 mm. Content: 350 ml


LT98723 | T-ceramic mug Tigris 300ml

Meet 'Tigris' from our T-ceramic series, a 300ml mug for your beverages. Elegant and functional, perfect for every sip. Size: ø 88 x 83 mm. Content: 300 ml

LT98722 | T-ceramic thermo mug Thames 330ml

Introducing 'Thames,' a 330ml thermo mug from our T-ceramic series. Enjoy your drinks at the perfect temperature, in style. Size: ø 88 x 82 mm. Content: 330 ml

LT98727 | T-ceramic thermo mug with lid Danube 350ml

Introducing the 'Danube' mug—your ideal on-the-go companion!

This 350ml T-ceramic mug merges style with functionality, complete with a handle for easy sipping. Size: ø 88 x 122 mm. Content: 350 ml

LT98726 | T-ceramic thermo mug with lid Lena 350ml

Meet 'Lena,' a 350ml T-ceramic mug with a cork bottom. A stylish and eco-friendly choice for your drinks on the go. Size: ø 88 x 120 mm. Content: 350 ml


Step up to durable and stylish with our thermal mugs, perfect for the ‘bring your own cup’ trend! These mugs will keep your drinks hot or cold for hours, so you can enjoy the perfect temperature at any time. Made of high-quality materials, they are leak-proof and easy to carry, ideal for on the go or at the office. Save on disposable cups and make a conscious choice that is good for you and the environment. Choose our thermal mugs and experience comfort, style and sustainability all in one.

LT98729 | T-ceramic soft touch car mug 500ml

Keep your drinks hot or cold with the T-ceramic car mug. Its soft touch finish is comfortable to hold, and its shape fits most car cup holders. The ceramic interior ensures easy cleaning, eliminates odor and taste residue, and provides superior thermal insulation. Size: ø 85 x 170 mm. Content: 500 ml




LT98725 | T-ceramic thermo mug Murray with lid 300ml
‘Murray,' our 300ml T-ceramic mug with a lid. Enjoy your drinks on the go in this stylish and practical solution. Size:
88 x 127 mm. Content: 300 ml
LT98724 | T-ceramic thermo mug with lid Cango 500ml
‘Cango,' our 500ml T-ceramic mug with a lid. Enjoy your drinks on the go in this stylish and practical solution. Size: ø 88 x 163 mm. Content: 500 ml

| Double walled coffee mug 400ml

Double walled coffee mug with lid. Stainless steel on the outside, PP on the inside. Thanks to the double wall in this design, coffee/ tea will stay warm for longer. The lid has an opening for drinking. Delivered in a gift box. Size: ø 85 x 158 mm. Content: 400 ml

| Thermo mug diamond pattern 450ml

Leak-proof double walled vacuum mug with a unique diamond pattern. The mug keeps drinks at the same temperature. Ideal to user in a car, the office or on the go. Size: ø 80 x 180 mm. Content: 450 ml

Double walled coffee mug with lid. Stainless steel on the outside, PP on the inside. With an opening for dinking in the lid and the double wall design, coffee/tea stays warm for longer. The base is made of cork which helps to prevent scratches and coffee stains on surfaces. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 87 x 178 mm. Content: 480 ml

LT98759 | Double walled coffee mug metal 350ml Coffee mug suitable for hot drinks. Metal on the outside and plastic on the inside. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 75 x 176 mm. Content: 350 ml
LT98848 | Double walled tumbler cork base 480ml

LT98818 | Thermo mug Leak-Free 200ml

Double walled 100% leak-proof vacuum mug in the size of a soda can. Ideal for a quick drink on the go. Designed by Toppoint. Size: ø 70 x 120 mm. Content: 200 ml

LT98772 | Thermo mug 350ml

Double walled 100% leak-proof vacuum insulated mug with a big imprint space all-around. Due the size and leak-proof design is it very suitable to carry around. Designed by Toppoint. Size: ø 70 x 175 mm. Content: 350 ml

LT98768 | Thermo mug sublimation 350ml

Double walled 100% leak-proof vacuum insulated mug. Big imprint space all-around, designed for sublimation print. Ideal size to grab a coffee on the go. Designed by Toppoint. Size: ø 70 x 195 mm. Content: 350 ml


LT98815 | Thermo mug click-to-open 330ml 100% leak-proof vacuum mug. With a safety button, leaking can be prevented. The flask can be opened by a simple click of a button. Size: ø 70 x 177 mm. Content: 330 ml


LT98713 | Thermo bottle Flow with handle 250ml

Double wall vacuum insulated bottle from the Toppoint design 'Flow' series. The mug with flip lid is 100% leak-free. The inner and outer wall are made of high quality stainless steel. Drinks will stay warm up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 70 x 133 mm. Content: 250 ml

LT98716 | Thermo bottle Flow car 300ml

Double wall vacuum insulated bottle from the Toppoint design 'Flow' series. The mug with flip lid is 100% leak-free. The inner and outer wall are made of high quality stainless steel. Drinks will stay warm up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 70 x 160 mm. Content: 300 ml

LT98712 | Thermo bottle Flow 250ml

Double wall vacuum insulated bottle from the Toppoint design 'Flow' series. The mug with flip lid is 100% leak-free. The inner and outer wall are made of high quality stainless steel. Drinks will stay warm up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 70 x 133 mm. Content: 250 ml

LT98715 | Thermo bottle Flow with handle 400ml

Double wall vacuum insulated bottle from the Toppoint design 'Flow' series. The mug with flip lid is 100% leak-free. The inner and outer wall are made of high quality stainless steel. Drinks will stay warm up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 70 x 200 mm. Content: 400 ml

LT98718 | Thermo bottle Flow with handle sublimation 400ml

Double wall vacuum insulated bottle from the Toppoint design 'Flow' series. The mug with flip lid is 100% leak-free. The handle makes it easier to drink or carry. The inner and outer wall are made of high quality stainless steel. Drinks will stay warm up to 12 hours or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 70 x 200 mm. Content: 400 ml

LT98714 | Thermo bottle Flow 400ml

Double wall vacuum insulated bottle from the Toppoint design 'Flow' series. The mug with flip lid is 100% leak-free. The inner and outer wall are made of high quality stainless steel. Drinks will stay warm up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 70 x 200 mm. Content: 400 ml

LT98784 | Thermo bottle Flow with handle 500ml

Double wall vacuum insulated bottle from the 'Flow' series. The mug is 100% leak-free and easy to carry. The cap serves as a mug. The inner and outer wall are made of high quality stainless steel. Drinks will stay warm up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Designed by Toppoint. Size: ø 70 x 250 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98717 | Thermo bottle Flow bamboo 400ml

Double wall tumbler from the Toppoint design 'Flow' series. The tumbler with bamboo finish and flip lid is 100% leak-free. The inner wall is made of high quality stainless steel. The outer wall is made of bamboo. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 70 x 200 mm. Content: 400 ml


NEW 800 ml +

LT57004 | Miami mug with handle and straw 800ml

The Miami mug is a trendy 800ml insulated mug with a stylish vibe. Made from stainless steel with a recycled plastic interior, it features a narrow bottom to fit in most car cupholders, and a handle and straw to sip the day away. Size: ø 88 x 240 mm. Content: 800 ml


Add a personal touch to your coffee experience with our mix & match coffee mugs, available in various colours and designs. Create your own unique combination to suit your style, or alternate depending on your mood. Made of high-quality materials, these cups are not only stylish, but also durable and reusable. Mix, match and enjoy your coffee your way, every day!

LT98868 | RPP Coffee cup Mix-and-Match 250ml

Enjoy eco-fun with our recycled polypropylene coffee cup! Choose from a set of available colors for both cup and lid to create your unique style. This sustainable alternative isn’t just customizable; it’s your eco-friendly choice over disposable cups! Size: ø 92 x 128 mm. Content: 250 ml

LT98867 | RPP Coffee Cup White body 250ml

This coffee cup is a perfect blend of style and sustainability!

Crafted from eco-friendly RPP (Recycled Polypropylene), this cup combines a classic coffee cup look with a modern eco-conscious twist. The pristine white body exudes sophistication while reducing environmental impact. Size: ø 92 x 128 mm. Content: 250 ml

LT98866 | RPP Coffee Cup Solid colours 250ml

Our versatile coffee cup is perfect for both enjoying your brew in-house and taking it on the go! Crafted from durable and eco-friendly RPP (Recycled Polypropylene), this cup is designed for sustainability. Choose from an array of stylish solid colors to match your unique style. Size: ø 92 x 128 mm. Content: 250 ml

LT98763 | Double walled coffee mug metallic 180ml Double walled coffee on-the-go mug. This model fits under every coffee machine and due to its a double walled design, the drinks will stay hot or cold for longer. Size: ø 90 x 107 mm. Content: 180 ml
LT98732 | Coffee to go mug 350ml Enjoy your drinks on the go with the double wall vaccuum insulated Coffee to go mug. Features a stainless steel interior to optimize thermal insulation. Available in a wide variety of colours. Size: ø 89 x 150 mm. Content: 350 ml


Our stylish coffee-to-go cups are the perfect companion on the go. Made from sustainable materials, they are reusable, leakproof and fit in any bag or cup holder. Enjoy your favourite coffee wherever you go and contribute to an eco-friendly lifestyle!


LT98869 | R-PP Cork coffee cup 350 ml
The perfect blend of sustainability and style. Crafted from recycled polypropylene (R-PP) and adorned with a natural cork grip, it's the eco-conscious choice
your daily brew. This cup's 350 ml capacity keeps you fueled and ready for your day. Size: ø 95 x 125 mm. Content: 350 ml
LT98707 | Coffee cup Hot-but-cool with lid 240ml European quality cup made of 95% bio-plastic from sugarcane. This stackable cup is reusable and 100% recyclable. Designed for outer layer to stay cool when you add warm liquids to the cup. Toppoint design. Size: ø 84 x 107 mm. Content: 240 ml
LT98706 | Coffee cup Hot-but-cool 240ml European quality cup made of 95% bio-plastic from sugarcane. This stackable cup is reusable and 100% recyclable. The outer ring will stay cool when you add warm liquids to the cup. Toppoint design. Size: ø 85 x 90 mm. Content: 240 ml

LT98701 | Eco cup biobased 500ml


Designed by Toppoint and made in Europe, our reusable cups are a sustainable choice for every day use. Made of 94% organic plastic from sugar cane, they are 100% recyclable and free of taste and odour emissions. Thanks to the clever design, they are easily stackable and space-saving. Choose quality and eco-friendliness with these stylish cups.

LT98700 | Ecologic cup biobased 250ml

Reusable cups are indispensable in our society. An environmentally friendly alternative to disposable cups. These strong, unbreakable Toppoint design cups are stackable and made of 94% bio-plastics from sugar cane complying with the strictest food safety regulations. Completely taste and smell neutral. 100% recyclable. Size: ø 83 x 166 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT91570 | The Original Cupkeeper – Cups & Pints 25cl-33cl, 55cl

With the original cupkeeper you can carry six cups at a time. The cupkeeper is made of food-grade PP. A plastic that is recyclable, durable and reusable. Easy to carry with you in your pocket or attached to a bag or belt with the hook on the back of the product. Suitable for six cups 25cl-33cl and pints up to 55cl. Size: 45 x 150 x 80 mm.

Reusable cups are indispensable in our society. An environmentally friendly alternative to disposable cups. These strong, unbreakable Toppoint design cups are stackable and made of 94% bio-plastics from sugar cane complying with the strictest food safety regulations. Completely taste and smell neutral. 100% recyclable. Size: ø 73 x 100 mm. Content: 250 ml

LT91569 | The Original Cupkeeper – Cups 18cl-33cl

Universal cupholder for 6 cups or pints with a capacity from 18 up to 33cl. The collapsible Cupkeeper is easy to carry with you in your pocket or attached to a bag or belt with the hook on the back of the product. Reduce waste by replacing the carboard carrier with this reusable option. Size: 38 x 130 x 75 mm.

LT98705 | Ecologic cup design PP 500ml

Reusable cups are indispensable in our society. An environmentally friendly alternative to disposable cups. These strong, unbreakable Toppoint design cups are stackable. Completely taste and smell neutral. 100% recyclable. Size: ø 82 x 166 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98704 | Ecologic cup PP 300ml

Reusable cups are indispensable in our society. An environmentally friendly alternative to disposable cups. These strong, unbreakable Toppoint design cups are stackable. Completely taste and smell neutral. 100% recyclable. Size: ø 79 x 118 mm. Content: 300 ml

LT98702 | Ecologic cup PP 250ml

Reusable cups are indispensable in our society. An environmentally friendly alternative to disposable cups. These strong, unbreakable Toppoint design cups are stackable. Completely taste and smell neutral. 100% recyclable. Size: ø 73 x 100 mm. Content: 250 ml


Digital Eco Print is an eco-friendly digital printing technique that uses sustainable materials, inks and production methods to reduce environmental impact. In Digital Eco Print, we use water-based inks and do not use a primer. A large full-colour printing format is possible, which enhances the logo or design.

Cardboard giftbox for mugs. All-over digitaleco-printing is possible. FSC certified. Made in Europe. Size: 112 x 102 x 102 mm.


Cardboard giftbox for thermo bottles & flasks. All-over digital-eco-printing possible. FSC certified. Made in Europe. Size: 237 x 75 x 75 mm.

LT83208 | Custom made giftbox bottles medium

Cardboard giftbox for thermo bottles & flasks. All-over digital-eco-printing is possible. FSC certified. Made in Europe. Size: 267 x 77 x 77 mm.

LT83209 | Custommade giftbox for mugs
Custom made giftbox bottles small

Suitable for: LT51291, LT50131, LT51201, LT98061, LT51163

LT83259 | Box for small mug custom-made Cardboard gift box with custom-made, full-colour printing. Suitable for a small mug. Size: 98 x 98 x 80 mm

Suitable for: LT51301, LT51461, LT51441, LT50211, LT98091, LT50191, LT51451, LT50421, LT51431, LT98011, LT98001, LT98261, LT51421, LT51511, LT51161 LT83260 | Box mug custom-made Cardboard gift box custom-made with full-colour printing. Suitable for a normal mug. Size: 100 x 110 x 100 mm

Suitable for: LT51301, LT51461, LT51441, LT50211, LT98091, LT50191, LT51451, LT50421, LT51431, LT98011, LT98001, LT98261, LT51421, LT51511, LT51161

| Box mug with window

or white window gift box for a single mug. Size: 100 x 110 x 100 mm

Suitable for: LT51301, LT51461, LT51441, LT50211, LT98091, LT50191, LT51451, LT50421, LT51431, LT98011, LT98001, LT98261, LT51421, LT51511, LT51161

Suitable for: LT51301, LT51461, LT51441, LT50211, LT98091, LT50191, LT51451, LT50421, LT51431, LT98011, LT98001, LT98261, LT51421, LT51511, LT51161, LT51471, LT98181, LT51051, LT51191

LT83205 | Box for 4 mugs Gift box for four mugs. Size: 115 x 210 x 205 mm

Suitable for: LT51301, LT51461, LT51441, LT50211, LT98091, LT50191, LT51451, LT50421, LT51431, LT98011, LT98001, LT98261, LT51421, LT51511, LT51161, LT51471, LT98181, LT51051, LT51191

LT83206 | Box for 6 mugs Gift box for six mugs. Size: 110 x 320 x 210 mm

LT83201 | Box for 2 mugs with window Window gift box for two mugs. Size: 110 x 210 x 105 mm

LT99705 | Bamboo wine & bottle opener keychain

Can't decide between wine or beer? This eco-friendly keychain has you covered with a bamboo wine and bottle opener housed in a natural bamboo body. Perfect for both wine lovers and beer enthusiasts, its compact and convenient design makes opening your favorite drinks easy wherever you are. Size: 7 x 85 x 35 mm

LT93097 | Multifunctional bamboo bottle opener

Introducing our Bamboo Multi-Option Bottle Opener – your versatile solution for opening crowns and cork lids. Crafted from sustainable bamboo, it's a stylish, eco-friendly tool that simplifies your beverage experience. Size: 18 x 136 x 41 mm

Bottle opener key chain made from recycled aluminum, featuring 5 small carabiner-style hooks to organize your keys. A practical and eco-friendly accessory for everyday use.



LT93090 | Bottleopener aluminum Traditional aluminum bottle opener. Printing on the handle. Size: 14 x 125 x 20 mm
LT93092 | Bottle opener with wooden handle
Handy bottle opener Deluxe made of steel and wood. Always prepared to open that bottle with crown cap on any occasion. Size: 20 x 140 x 40 mm
LT93086 | Bottle opener with wooden handle and strap Elegant bottle opener made of grass tree wood, ABS, and steel. This durable
stylish opener is well-sized, making it easy to use. Size: 24 x 140 x 60 mm
LT99706 | Bottle Opener keychain
Size: 13 x 125 x 35

LT93082 | Round sublimation coaster

Add style to any table, and protect surfaces with a sublimation coaster. The flat printing surface is ideal for full personalization. Size: ø 100 x 3 mm. Content: 0 ml

LT93083 | Square sublimation coaster

Add style to any table, and protect surfaces with a sublimation coaster. The flat printing surface is ideal for full personalization. Size: 3 x 100 x 100 mm. Content: 0 ml

LT93084 | Round cork coaster

Round coaster made of the natural, sustainable material, cork. The porosity of the material will result in variations in the printing results. Size: ø 100 x 3 mm

LT93089 | Bamboo Coaster Set (4 pcs)

Elevate your table aesthetics with our Bamboo Coaster Set. Crafted from eco-friendly bamboo, this set of four seamlessly combines style and sustainability. Protect your surfaces in a chic, natural way. Size: 35 x 115 x 115 mm

LT93081 | R-ABS coaster with bottle opener

A multifunctional R-ABS coaster that doubles as a bottle opener. Ideal for use during parties and events, it protects surfaces from drink rings while providing a handy tool for opening bottles. Its compact design makes it perfect for entertaining and practical for everyday use. Features a foam backing for anti-slip protection. Size: 80 x 80 mm. Content: 0 ml

LT93098 | Bamboo coaster & bottle opener

Elevate your drink experience with our Bamboo Coaster and Bottle Opener in one. This dual-purpose, eco-friendly accessory adds a touch of nature to your table while providing a convenient solution for popping open your favorite beverages. Size: ø 98 x 9 mm

LT83215 | Strap for Swing bottle

This loop adds additional colour and provides extra carrying options for the Swing bottles. You can hang the bottle onto a carabiner. Ideal to take along, making the Swing bottles even more useful. Size: 46 x 91 x 38 mm.

| Lanyard with bottle holder

This 2-in-1 lanyard and bottle holder is ideal for carrying your water bottle without having to hold it in your hand. Size: 550 x 50 mm

| Hip-flask cork 170ml

Discover elegance with our 220ml steel hip-flask featuring a sleek cork wrap. Blending timeless style with eco-friendly design, it’s compact, chic, and perfect for on-the-go luxury. Elevate your sip, embrace nature, and relish the essence of simplicity in every drop. Size: 23 x 138 x 95 mm

Discover elegance with our 170ml steel hip-flask featuring a sleek cork wrap. Blending timeless style with eco-friendly design, it’s compact, chic, and perfect for on-the-go luxury. Elevate your sip, embrace nature, and relish the essence of simplicity in every drop. Size: 23 x 110 x 95 mm

LT93088 | Hip-flask cork 220ml

| R-PET Carry bag non-woven 38 x 9 x 42cm 75g/m²

Carry bag made from 100% recycled non-woven material. Features sturdy stitched handles and a spacious interior, perfect for daily use. A sustainable and economical choice.

Size: 420 x 380 x 90 mm

| R-PET Carry bag non-woven 45 x 18 x 45cm 75g/m²

Carry bag made from 100% recycled non-woven material. Features sturdy stitched handles and a spacious interior, perfect for daily use. A sustainable and economical choice.

Size: 450 x 450 x 180 mm


38 x 42cm 75g/m²

made from 100% recycled non-woven material. Features sturdy

Size: 420 x 380 mm

A sustainable and economical

handles 38 x 42cm 75g/m²

Carry bag made from 100% recycled non-woven material. Features sturdy stitched handles, perfect for daily use. A sustainable and economical choice.

Size: 420 x 380 mm

LT91327 | R-PET Carry bag non-woven short
LT91328 | R-PET Carry bag non-woven long handles
stitched handles, perfect for daily use.


Discover the versatility of non-woven material: durable, lightweight and perfect for practical applications, from packaging to textiles. Choose quality and efficiency with our non-woven, recycled bags!

LT91330 | R-PET Carry bag laminated non-woven 24 x 11 x 30cm 105g/m²

Carry bag made from 70% recycled laminated non-woven material. Features sturdy stitched handles, perfect for daily use. The sustainable alternative to laminated non-woven bags Size: 300 x 240 x 110 mm

LT91331 | R-PET Carry bag laminated non-woven 30 x 12 x 40cm 105g/m²

Carry bag made from 70% recycled laminated non-woven material. Features sturdy stitched handles and a spacious interior, perfect for daily use. The sustainable alternative to laminated non-woven bags Size: 400 x 300 x 120 mm

LT91332 | R-PET Carry bag laminated non-woven 40 x 16 x 35cm 105g/m²

Carry bag made from 70% recycled laminated non-woven material. Features sturdy stitched handles and a spacious interior, perfect for daily use. The sustainable alternative to laminated non-woven bags Size: 350 x 400 x 160 mm

LT91379 | Shoulder bag non-woven 75g/m²
Coloured non-woven carrier bag with long handles. Large print area. Size: 420 x 380 mm
LT91378 | Carrier bag non-woven 75g/m²
Coloured non-woven carrier bag with short handles. Large print area. Size: 420 x 380 mm
LT91377 | Shoulder bag non-woven white 75g/m²
LT91376 | Carrier bag non-woven white 75g/m²
LT91387 | Shopping bag non-woven 75g/m²
Large non-woven shopping bag with cardboard inlay. Large print area. Size: 450 x 450 x 180 mm
LT91478 | Shoulder bag R-PET 110g/m²
Rugged big bag made of 80% recycled PET material. Large print area. Different dimensions available with orders from 3.000 pieces. Size: 330 x 450 x 150 mm
LT91479 | Carrier bag non-woven 75g/m² Non-woven carrier bag with long handles. Can also be used as a shoulder bag. Large print area. Size: 420 x 380 x 90 mm
LT91483 | PP woven bag
Large shiny shopping bag made of PP woven material. Large print area. Size: 450 x 450 x 180 mm

LT91644 | Shopping bag big PP non-woven 120g/m²

Large shopping bag made of PP non-woven material with lamination effect. White sides. Size: 350 x 400 x 160 mm

LT95111 | Carrier bag laminated non-woven large 105g/m²

Non-woven bag in various colours. Matt laminated. The handles are made of non-woven material. Ideal for groceries or a day at the beach. Also appropriate for business conferences. Size: 350 x 400 x 160 mm

LT91723 | Carrier bag laminated non-woven medium 105g/m²

Non-woven bag in various colours. Matt laminated. The handles are made of non-woven material. Ideal for groceries or a day at the beach. Also appropriate for business conferences. Size: 400 x 300 x 120 mm

LT95110 | Carrier bag laminated non-woven small 105g/m²

Non-woven bag in various colours. Matt laminated. The handles are made of non-woven material. Ideal for groceries or a day at the beach. Also appropriate for business conferences. Size: 300 x 240 x 110 mm

LT95260 | Reflective Shopping bag with inside pocket 35x40cm

The reflective material used for this bag gives it a sturdy appearance. The bag consists of a main compartment with a smaller zippered inner pocket for items that you would like to keep separated. The shoulder straps make this bag easy to carry around. Size: 400 x 350 mm

We offer a wide selection of Oeko-Tex certified products. Oeko-Tex focuses mainly on the safety and environmental impact of textiles. If an item is Oeko-Tex certified, it means that the textile product has been tested for harmful substances and is free of chemicals known to be harmful to human health.


LT95238 | Gift pouch OEKO-TEX® cotton 140g/m² 30x45cm
OEKO-TEX® cotton gift bag. The color and cotton material give the bag a nice classic look. This bag is a great way to present your gift. Size: 450 x 300 mm
LT95236 | Gift pouch OEKO-TEX® cotton 140g/m² 25x30cm
cotton gift bag. The color and cotton material give the bag a nice classic look. This bag is a great way to present your gift. Size: 300 x 250 mm
LT95232 | Gift pouch OEKO-TEX® cotton 140g/m² 10x14cm
OEKO-TEX® cotton gift bag. The color and cotton material give the bag a nice classic look. This bag is a great way to present your gift. Size: 140 x 100 mm
LT95234 | Gift pouch OEKO-TEX® cotton 140g/m² 15x20cm
OEKO-TEX® cotton gift bag. The color and cotton material give the bag a nice classic look. This bag is a great way to present your gift. Size: 200 x 150 mm

LT95156 | Shoulder bag cotton OEKO-TEX® 140g/m² 38x42cm

Classic cotton shoulder bag, ideal for promotional activities. OEKO-TEX® certified, this bag is a sustainable choice. Size: 420 x 380 mm

LT95155 | Shoulder bag cotton OEKO-TEX® 140g/m² 38x42cm

LT95158 | Shoulder bag cotton OEKO-TEX® 140g/m² 38x10x42cm

Classic cotton shoulder bag with gusset. Ideal for promotional activities. This OEKO-TEX® certified bag is a sustainable choice. Size: 420 x 380 x 100 mm

LT95157 | Shoulder bag cotton OEKO-TEX® 140g/m² 38x10x42cm

LT95160 | Shoulder bag cotton OEKO-TEX® 140g/m² 40x10x35cm

Classic cotton shoulder bag with gusset. Ideal for promotional activities. This OEKO-TEX® certified bag is a sustainable choice. Size: 350 x 400 x 100 mm

LT95159 | Shoulder bag cotton OEKO-TEX® 140g/m² 40x10x35cm

LT95256 | Shopping bag OEKO-TEX® color short 140g/m² 38x42 cm

Classic cotton shoulder bag with shorter handles, ideal for promotional activities and conferences. This bag is OEKO-TEX® certified, making it a sustainable choice. Size: 420 x 380 mm.

LT95255 | Shoulder bag cotton OEKO-TEX® 140g/m² 38x42cm short handle

LT95376 | Bag organic natural cotton long 140g/m² 38x42 cm

This sustainable shopper bag is made from 140g/m² organic cotton and features long handles for easy carrying. A popular choice for everyday shopping and errands. Size: 420 x 380 mm

LT95377 | Bag organic cotton colour long 140g/m² 38x42 cm

This sustainable shopper bag is made from 140g/m² organic cotton and features long handles for easy carrying. A popular choice for everyday shopping and errands. Size: 420 x 380 mm

LT95378 | Bag organic cotton natural long 270g/m² 42x12x43 cm

This durable bag is made from 270g/m² organic cotton, with long handles and a bottom gusset for extra capacity. Ideal for everyday use, shopping, or carrying essentials on the go. Size: 130 x 420 x 120 mm

LT95379 | Bag organic cotton color long 270g/m² 42x12x43 cm

This durable bag is made from 270g/m² organic cotton, with long handles and a bottom gusset for extra capacity. Ideal for everyday use, shopping, or carrying essentials on the go. Size: 430 x 420 x 120 mm


| Bag OEKO-TEX® nature long 220g/m² 38x42 cm

Classic cotton shoulder bag with long handles, ideal for promotional activities and conferences. This bag is OEKO-TEX® certified, making it a sustainable choice. Size: 380 x 420 mm.

LT95257 | Bag OEKO-TEX® nature short 220g/m² 38x42 cm

Classic cotton shoulder bag with shorter handles, ideal for promotional activities and conferences. This bag is OEKO-TEX® certified, making it a sustainable choice. Size: 380 x 420 mm.

Classic cotton shoulder bag with handles in canvas cotton. This OEKOTEX® certified bag is a sustainable choice for shopping, promotional activities and everyday use. Size: 400 x 320 x 130 mm.

LT95240 | Shoulder bag cotton canvas OEKO-TEX® 280g/m² 32x13x40cm
LT95239 | Shoulder bag cotton canvas OEKO-TEX® 280g/m² 32x13x40cm

LT91487 | Carrier bag canvas 250g/m² 41x12x43cm

Rectangular heavyweight cotton canvas carrier bag. Different dimensions available with orders from 5.000 pieces. Size: 430 x 415 x 120 mm

| Shoulder bag canvas OEKO-TEX® 270g/m² 42x12x43cm

Classic cotton shoulder bag with gusset in a heavy weight cotton. Ideal for promotional activities. This OEKO-TEX® certified bag is a sustainable choice. Size: 430 x 420 x 120 mm

| Shoulder bag canvas 250g/m² 41x12x43cm

Rectangular cotton canvas bag in high quality. Long handles. Size: 430 x 415 x 120 mm

LT95162 | Shoulder bag canvas OEKO-TEX® 270g/m² 45x10x33cm

Classic cotton shoulder bag with gusset in a heavy weight cotton. Ideal for promotional activities and everyday use. This OEKOTEX® certified bag is a sustainable choice. Size: 330 x 450 x 100 mm

| Shopping bag canvas OEKO-TEX® 280g/m² 42x12x43cm

| Shoulder bag canvas OEKO-TEX® 280g/m² 45x10x33cm

95163 95164
95161 95162


Fair Trade does not focus directly on the organic or recycled nature of cotton, but on the social and economic aspects of cotton production. It also emphasises the ethical aspects of production and seeks fair wages, safe working conditions and sustainable practices for cotton farmers and workers



Upgrade your shopping experience with our Fairtrade cotton

sized at 42x12x43 cm. Crafted with ethics and sustainability in mind, it's a conscientious choice that truly matters. Grab yours today for eco-friendly shopping convenience. Size: 430 x 420 x 120 mm.

LT95275 | Bag Fairtrade 270g 42x12x43cm
LT95273 | Bag Fairtrade 270g/m² 42x12x43 cm
green with our Fairtrade cotton bag.Not only is it spacious and sturdy for your needs, but it also supports ethical
practices. Carry your essentials responsibly in style! Size: 430 x 420 x 120 mm.

LT95253 | Bag Fairtrade long 140g 38x42

Elevate your shopping with our Fairtrade cotton bag. Ethically made and sustainable, it's a responsible choice that makes a significant impact. Get yours today for easy, eco-friendly shopping. Size: 380 x 420 mm.

LT95252 | Bag Fairtrade 140g 38x42cm

Elevate your style with our Fairtrade shoulder bag, sized at 38x42 cm. Ethically made and sustainable, it's a responsible choice that makes a significant impact. Get yours today for a fashionable, eco-friendly accessory. Size: 380 x 420 mm.

LT95233 | Bag Fairtrade 140g 38x10x42

Meet your ideal shopping companion: the Fairtrade cotton bag, a generous 38x10x42 cm in size. Ethically crafted and sustainably made, it's a meaningful choice for style, the environment, and supporting fair trade practices. Size: 420 x 380 x 100 mm.

LT95235 | Bag Fairtrade 140g 38x10x42

Elevate your shopping with our Fairtrade cotton bag, sized at 38x10x42 cm. Ethically made and sustainable, it's a responsible choice that makes a significant impact. Get yours today for easy, eco-friendly shopping. Size: 420 x 380 x 100 mm.


Recycled cotton is the sustainable choice that gives a second life to discarded clothes and textiles. The life cycle of cotton uses a significant amount of water, energy and chemicals. Instead of throwing away textiles after use, they are collected, sorted and mechanically processed into new fibres. This saves resources and drastically reduces the ecological footprint.

Recycled cotton retains the softness and quality of new cotton, but with a much smaller impact on the environment. It can be reprocessed into yarns, fabrics and new products such as bags, reducing waste. Choose recycled cotton and contribute to a circular economy, where raw materials are reused and the impact on the planet is reduced.

| Recycled cotton bag with gusset 140g/m²


This bag made of recycled cotton allows you to carry your belongings in a sustainable way. Size: 420 x 380 x 100 mm

| Recycled cotton bag with gusset 140g/m²


This bag made of recycled cotton allows you to carry your belongings in a sustainable way. Size: 370 x 490 x 140 mm


This bag made of recycled cotton allows you to carry your belongings in a sustainable way. Size: 420

380 mm

LT95241 | Recycled cotton bag 140g/m² 38x42cm
LT95198 | Shopping bag recycled cotton 38x42cm
Shoulder bag made of recycled cotton. The diverse sources of the material give the fabric a unique look and feel. Slight colour variations are inevitable and a true sign of the recycled nature of this bag. Size: 420 x 380 mm
LT95199 | Shopping bag recycled cotton 38x42x10cm Shopping bag made of recycled cotton. The diverse sources of the material give the fabric a unique look and feel. Slight colour variations are inevitable and a true sign of the recycled nature of this bag. The extra wide shoulder straps give the bag a strong look. Size: 420 x 380 x 100 mm

LT95103 | Carrier bag canvas 380g/m²

Canvas bag suitable to take to the beach, city, on holiday or to use for shopping. This stylish design will make you stand out in the crowds. Size: 360 x 500 x 180 mm


LT91393 | Carrier bag R-PET & cork 35 x 40cm

Made from 300D recycled PET and cork, this durable carrier bag supports a maximum carry weight of 10kg. Perfect for daily use. Made with R-PET. Size: 350 x 400 mm


This beach bag is ideal for taking your belongings to the beach. The bag is made of cotton and the handles make it easy to carry around. Size: 300 x 420 x 100 mm

This bag is ideal to use for grocery shopping. The bag is made of cotton and the handles make it easy to carry around. Size: 350 x 400 x 100 mm

LT95248 | Shopping bag OEKO-TEX® cotton 140g/m²
LT95247 | Beach bag cotton canvas OEKO-TEX® 280g/m²

170g/m² 35 x 40cm

Made from 170g/m² cotton and cork, this durable carrier bag has a maximum carry weight of 10kg. Ideal for everyday use. Size: 350 x 400 mm

This duffel bag made of jute and cotton is a good size to carry all your goods. The shoulder strap makes it easy to carry the bag with you in a secure way. It closes using a drawstring. Size: ø 250 x 450 mm

LT95268 | Sailor bag Jute/cotton
LT91322 | Shopping bag jute Shopping bag made out of jute material with cotton rope handles. Size: 320 x 385 x 125 mm
LT95108 | Shoulder bag jute 340g/m² Shoulder bag made of jute with canvas handles. A sustainable business gift. Ideal for shopping or to take to the beach. Size: 380 x 380 x 100 mm
LT91391 | Carrier bag cotton & cork



Toppoint custom-made laminated bags are strong and reusable. The PP Woven and Non Woven materials are recyclable and the PET Non Woven bags are made from 80% recycled PET bottles. This makes the custom-made bags a very eco-friendly and sustainable item. The finishing of our bags is extremely good: handles are finished with X-stitching, which is extra strong, and the piping is sewn in such a way that easy tearing is avoided.

Shopping bag 36x32x12cm, full-colour custom-made design possible, handles and piping in same material, handles 2.5x50cm.


PP Woven bag 36x32x12cm, 140g/m²


PP Woven bag 36x32x12cm, 160g/m²


PP Non Woven bag 36x32x12cm, 120g/m²


PET Non Woven bag 36x32x12cm, 140g/m²

Shopping bag 45x35x16cm, full-colour custom-made design possible, handles and piping in same material, handles 2.5x50cm.


PP Woven bag 45x35x16cm, 140g/m²


PP Woven bag 45x35x16cm, 160g/m²


PP Non Woven bag 45x35x16cm, 120g/m²


PET Non Woven bag 45x35x16cm, 140g/m²

Shopping bag 38x42x8cm, full-colour custom-made design possible, handles and piping in same material, handles 2.5x50cm.


PP Woven bag 38x42x8cm, 140g/m²


PP Woven bag 38x42x8cm, 160g/m²


PP Non Woven bag 38x42x8cm, 120g/m²


PET Non Woven bag 38x42x8cm, 140g/m²

Available from 3000 pieces

Shopping bag 45x45x18cm, full-colour custom-made design possible, handles and piping in same material, handles 2.5x50cm.


PP Woven bag 45x45x18cm, 14g/m²


PP Woven bag 45x45x18cm, 160g/m²


PP Non Woven bag 45x45x18cm, 120g/m²


PET Non Woven bag 45x45x18cm, 140g/m²

Shopping bag 24x30x12cm, full-colour custom-made design possible, handles and piping in same material, handles 2.5x50cm.


PP Woven bag 24x30x12cm, 140g/m²


PP Woven bag 24x30x12cm, 160g/m²


PP Non Woven bag 24x30x12cm, 120g/m²



PET Non Woven bag 24x30x12cm, 140g/m²

Shopping bag 30x40x12cm, full-colour custom-made design possible, handles and piping in same material, handles 2.5x50cm.


PP Woven bag 30x40x12cm, 140g/m²


PP Woven bag 30x40x12cm, 160g/m²


PP Non Woven bag 30x40x12cm, 120g/m²


PET Non Woven bag 30x40x12cm, 140g/m²


PP Woven 140g/m2

PP Woven 160g/m2

PP Non Woven 120g/m2

PET Non Woven 140g/m2

Our custom-made bags normally have handles of the same material as the bag (2.5x50cm). You can also choose longer handles or handles made of stronger PP webbing material.

A Velcro or press stud closure can also be added. Add a PP or cardboard inlay to to make the bag stronger.

B. PP webbing handles 2.5x50cm of 2.5x80cm

D. PP or cardboard inlay

A. Long handles 2.5x80cm
C. Velcro or press stud closure

LT91515 | FSC Paper gift bag 18 x 8 x 24cm 200g/m²

Elegant gift bag made from FSC-certified paper, featuring 5mm thick recycled polyester rope handles. Designed to carry up to 3kg, it has a luxurious appearance with black handles and a black interior finish. Perfect for presenting gifts.

Size: 240 x 180 x 80 mm

LT91516 | FSC Paper gift bag 24 x 10 x 30cm 200g/m²

Elegant gift bag made from FSC-certified paper, featuring 5mm thick recycled polyester rope handles. Designed to carry up to 5kg, it has a luxurious appearance with black handles and a black interior finish. Perfect for presenting gifts.

Size: 300 x 240 x 100 mm

12 x 40cm 200g/m²

LT91517 | FSC Paper gift bag 30 x
Elegant gift bag made from FSC-certified paper, featuring 5mm thick recycled polyester rope handles. Designed to carry up to 5kg, it has a luxurious appearance with black handles and a black interior finish. Perfect for presenting gifts.
Size: 400 x 300 x 120 mm
LT91518 | FSC Paper gift bag 40x12x30cm 200g/m²
Elegant gift bag made from FSC-certified paper, featuring 5mm thick recycled polyester rope handles. Designed to carry up to 5kg, it has a luxurious appearance with black handles and a black interior finish. Perfect for presenting gifts.
Size: 300 x 400 x 120 mm

Small paper bag with rope handles. Available in multiple colours with straps in black or white. Strong and suitable for small articles. Glossy lamination. Size: 240 x 180 x 80 mm

Medium sized paper bag with rope handles. Available in multiple colours with straps in black or white. Large print area on both sides. Strong bag. Glossy lamination. Size: 300 x 240 x 100 mm

Large paper bag with rope handles. Available in multiple colours with straps in black or white. Large print area on both sides. Strong bag. Glossy lamination. Size: 400

300 x 120 mm

LT91512 | Paper bag medium
LT91511 | Paper bag small
LT91513 | Paper bag large
LT91716 | Kraft bag small 120g/m²
Small sized matt paper carrier bag with handles made of twisted paper. The bag has an ecological look and is suitable as a giftbag. FSC certified. Size: 240 x 180 x 80 mm
LT91718 | Kraft bag large 120g/m²
Large sized matt paper carrier bag with handles made of twisted paper. The bag has an ecological look and is suitable as a giftbag. FSC certified. Size: 400 x 300 x 120 mm
LT91717 | Kraft bag medium 120g/m²
Middle sized matt paper carrier bag with handles made of twisted paper. The bag has an ecological look and is suitable as a giftbag. FSC certified. Size: 300 x 240 x 100 mm

| Paper bag with twisted handles 90g/m² 18x8x22cm

Kraft paper bag with handles made of twisted paper. FSC certified and made in Europe. Size: 220 x 180 x 80 mm

LT91623 | Kraft paper bag 90g/m² 22x10x31cm

Kraft paper bag with handles made of twisted paper. FSC certified and made in Europe. Size: 310 x 220 x 100 mm

LT91624 | Kraft paper bag 100g/m² 32x12x41cm

Kraft paper bag with handles made of twisted paper. FSC certified and made in Europe. Size: 410 x 320 x 120 mm

| Kraft shopping bag

Natural looking shopping bag made of reinforced kraft paper. With its large size it is a true eyecatcher. Size: 380 x 450 x 160 mm

LT91629 | Paper bag 70g/m² 28x10x22cm
Kraft paper bag with paper handles. FSC certified and made in Europe. Size: 280 x 220 x 100 mm
LT91631 | Paper bag 70g/m² 32x21x33cm
Kraft paper bag with paper handles. FSC certified and made in Europe. Size: 330 x
LT91630 | Paper bag 70g/m² 26x17x25cm
Kraft paper bag with paper handles. FSC certified and made in Europe. Size: 250 x 260 x 170 mm

Meet our new sandwich bag! Designed with a PEVA lining to keep your sandwiches fresh and your conscience clean. Say goodbye to single-use plastics and hello to eco-friendly snacking. Perfect for meals on the go! Size: 175 x 170 mm.

Introducing our innovative cooler bag! Crafted with PEVA lining to keep your food at the perfect temperature. Cool, stylish, and eco-concious. Upgrade your lunch game today! Size: 250 x 190 x 110 mm.

LT91633 | Paper bag 70g/m² 29x22x9cm
Kraft paper bag without handles. FSC certified and made in Europe. Size: 290 x 220 x 90 mm
LT91632 | Paper bag 70g/m² 29x18x9cm
Kraft paper bag without handles. FSC certified and made in Europe. Size: 290 x 180 x 90 mm
LT95271 | Lunchbag Craft
LT95272 | Sandwichbag Craft
LT91636 | Box bag 35x35x11cm Cardboard square gift bag. Sustainable, authentic and unique. With heavy natural jute handles. Made in Europe. Size: 110 x 350 x 350 mm
LT91634 | Box bag 32x16x24cm Cardboard horizontal gift bag. Sustainable, authentic and unique. With heavy natural jute handles. Made in Europe. Size:
LT91635 | Box bag 24x8x32cm Vertical cardboard gift bag. Sustainable, authentic and unique. With heavy natural jute handles. Made in Europe. Size: 320 x 240 x 80 mm


Keep your drinks and food cool and fresh for hours by using our versatile cooler bags, available in different materials such as cotton, jute and R-Pet. Opt for style and functionality with bags that are durable, sturdy and reusable, ideal for travelling, picnics and beach days. With strong zips and good linings, our cooler bags offer maximum cooling performance, regardless of the material you choose.

This cooler bag made of cotton and jute is very versatile as you can take it to the beach, the city, on vacation or use it for shopping. The combination of the colors and different materials gives it a fresh and modern look. Size: 300 x 420 x 100 mm

LT95267 | Beach cooler bag cotton/jute 42x10x30cm
LT95264 | Cooler bag 100% cotton exterior square 22x18x18cm
This square cooler bag made of 100% cotton is ideal for keeping your items cold. It has a carry handle for ease of use. Size: 180 x 220 x 180 mm
LT95265 | Cooler bag jute square 22x18x18cm
Stylish cooler bag made from a blend of jute and cotton. Size: 180 x 220 x 180 mm
LT95266 | Cooler bag cork square 22x18x18cm
This square cooler bag made of cork material is ideal for keeping your items cold. It has a carry handle for ease of use. Size: 180 x 220 x 180 mm

This lunch cooler bag is made from recycled PET in durable 600D material and has a PEVA lining for insulation. It has two zippered side pockets and a zippered front pocket for additional storage space. The adjustable shoulder strap and top carry handle make it easy to carry. Size: 280 x 200 x 140 mm.

Fashionable cooler bag with adjustable shoulder strap. The large opening makes it easy to load and access the main compartment. The pocket on the front with zippers safely stores small belongings. Size: 250 x 190 x 170 mm

Introducing our versatile foldable cooler bag that unfolds into a picnic mat! Designed to keep your items cool on the go with an aluminum foil lining, it doubles as a convenient carry bag. Stay prepared and stylish with our foldable cooler mat! Size: 180 x 180 x 250 mm.

An Eco-Friendly Cooler Bag. Crafted from recycled RPET materials, it's the sustainable choice for keeping your refreshments cool on the go. Stay eco-conscious while enjoying your outdoor adventures. Size: 200 x 260 x 170 mm.

LT91532 | Folded cooler bag & picnic mat
LT95220 | Cooler bag R-PET 8L
LT95284 | Coolerbag Liam RPET 8L
LT95355 | R-PET 600D Lunch cooler 10L
LT95230 | Cooler bag Cargo 420D
Spacious cooler bag. Thanks to its sleek design, it can be packed efficiently. An ideal bag for a picnic, holiday or a day on the beach. The slightly glossy material combined with the extra wide handles give this bag a modern look. Size: 210 x 280 x 200 mm.
LT91547 | Coolerbag
Polyester cool bag with adjustable handle (1200x30mm). One big cooler compartment and a small pocket on the front. Both with zipper closure. Size: 170 x 190 x 305 mm.
LT95104 | Cooler bag 6pc cans
Polyester cool bag with handle for transportation. Compact and suitable for six cans (330ml). Zipper closure. A perfect cool bag for a lovely summer day. Size: 130 x 200 x 125 mm
LT95106 | Cool box Classic 10L
Classic lightweight and compact cool box with carry handle. Ideal to keep your food and or drinks cool when going to the beach or camping. Size: 270 x 280 x 220 mm.

Foldable portable cool bag. Bag can be folded into a small pouch and closed by zipper. Additional compartment on the side. Size:

Non-woven large cool bag with zipper and a firm handle. A large print area. Size: 390 x 325 x 195 mm.

Introducing our Adventure Waterproof Cooler Box – crafted from durable PVC, it's your ultimate companion for any expedition. Keep your drinks icy cool in the toughest conditions. Rugged, reliable, and ready for the wild. Explore with confidence. Size: 240 x 390 x 190 mm.

Introducing our Adventure Waterproof Cooler Bag! Keep your refreshments icy cold on all your outings. Whether it's a hike, a beach day, or a picnic, stay cool and refreshed. Durable, insulated, and adventure-ready. Size: 215 x 355 x 260 mm.

LT95118 | Adventure waterproof cooler box IPX4
LT95150 | Adventure waterproof cooler bag IPX6
LT91533 | Cooler bag foldable
440 x 410 x 140 mm
LT91408 | Cooling bag


Drawstring backpacks offer an excellent combination of functionality, convenience, and style. Their lightweight, versatility, and affordability make them an ideal choice for all kinds of daily activities and special occasions.

LT95237 | Bag Fairtrade 140g/m² 35x45 cm

Carry your essentials in style with our fairtrade cotton drawstring bag (34x45 cm). Ethically made and environmentally friendly, it's your perfect companion for shopping, gym, or a day out. Size: 350 x 450 mm.

LT95269 | Drawstring bag Cork with cotton cords 38x41cm Bag made of jute and cotton, ideal for carrying your belongings. The drawstring makes it easy to carry it on your back. Size: 410 x 380 mm
LT95270 | Drawstring bag Jute with cotton cords 38x41cm Cotton bag with drawstrings. Useful to carry your belongings on your back. Size: 410 x 380 mm


Drawstring bag made of unbleached OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 certified cotton. The cotton ropes give this rucksack a natural look.


Drawstring bag made of OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 certified

The cotton ropes give this rucksack a natural look. Size:


and a true sign of the recycled nature of this

LT95228 | Drawstring bag recycled cotton 38x42cm
drawstring bag with handles made of recycled cotton. The diverse sources of the material gives the fabric an unique look and feel. Slight colour variations are inevitable
bag. Size: 420 x 380 mm
LT95205 | Drawstring bag cotton OEKO-TEX® 140g/m²
450 x 350 mm
LT95204 | Drawstring bag cotton OEKO-TEX® 140g/m²
Size: 450 x 350 mm
LT91392 | Drawstring bag R-PET & cork 35 x 40cm
Made from 300D recycled PET and cork, this durable drawstring bag supports a maximum carry weight of 10kg. Perfect for daily use. Made with R-PET. Size: 350 x 400 mm
LT91397 | Drawstring bag premium Polyester rucksack with drawstring handles. Size: 455 x 340 mm
LT91398 | Drawstring bag reflective Polyester rucksack with reflective strip and cord closure. Printed one colour by silkscreen or multicolour print with transfer print. Size: 420 x 340 mm
LT91602 | Drawstring bag non-woven 75g/m² Lightweight rucksack made from a non-woven material. Bag has black handles. Size: 410 x 370 mm
LT95261 | Drawstring bag reflective 30x40cm
This reflective drawstring bag is perfect for carrying your belongings, day or night. The reflective material helps with visibility in the dark and the drawstrings serve as a closing mechanism as well as carry straps to carry the bag on your back.
Size: 400 x 300 mm


Made entirely from recycled PET bottles, our R-PET bags offer a sustainable alternative to disposable bags. By giving used plastic bottles a new life, you help reduce plastic waste and contribute to a cleaner world. Four plastic bottles are reused for each bag, making these bags a smart, eco-friendly choice. Perfect for everyday use, from grocery shopping to promotional events, they spread your sustainable message with style. Thanks to the long handles, the bags are comfortable to carry over the shoulder.


- Made from 100% recycled PET bottles

- Soft, supple and lightweight material

- Foldable, reusable and durable

- Available in different models and colours

- Comfortable to carry, also over the shoulder


Drawstring bag made from 100% recycled non-woven material. A sustainable and economical choice, perfect for daily use

LT91395 | Drawstring bag 210T R-PET with zipper
Discover the versatile Drawstring Bag 210T R-PET with a zipper! Stylish, eco-friendly, and functional, it's perfect for all your on-thego needs. Size: 450 x 340 mm.
LT91399 | Drawstring bag 210T RPET
Explore the Drawstring Bag 210T R-PET - simple, sustainable, and practical. An eco-friendly choice for your everyday essentials. Size: 450 x 340 mm.
LT91321 | R-PET Drawstring bag
38 x 42cm 75g/m²
Size: 380 x 420 mm

Drinking bottle not included

This handy backpack in the trending roll-top design is made of recycled PET. It has adjustable, padded shoulder straps, a top grab handle and a front zippered pocket, ideal for smaller accesories.

This handy backpack is made of recycled PET. It has adjustable, padded shoulder straps, a top grab handle and a front zippered pocket, ideal for smaller accesories. The side pocket is ideal for a waterbottle or umbrella. Size: 390 x 310 x 140 mm

LT95350 | R-PET 600D Rolltop backpack 20L
Size: 400 x 300 x 140 mm
LT95352 | R-PET 600D Rolltop buckle backpack 20L

LT95357 | PU coat R-PET 600D rolltop backpack 20L

This roll-top backpack is made from PU-coated, recycled PET in 600D material. It features reflective strips on the shoulder straps and around the front zippered compartment, enhancing safety during dark commutes. Includes a grab handle, adjustable padded shoulder straps, and a padded laptop compartment inside. Size: 400 x 300 x 140 mm

LT95262 | Reflective roll top backpack 26x13x50cm

This stylish reflective backpack is made of a material that increases visibility in the dark. The backpack closes by folding over the top opening and then securing it with a buckle clip. Size: 500 x 260 x 130 mm

LT95292 | Rolltop backpack cork & R-PET 18L

Introducing our Rolltop Backpack crafted with sustainable materials - Cork & R-PET. A fusion of style and eco-conscious design, it features a rollable top for adaptable storage and is made from recycled PET bottles and natural cork. Elevate your journey while minimizing your environmental footprint. Fashion meets sustainability. Size: 580 x 420 x 150 mm.


Being conscious of your environment means actively contributing to a cleaner, greener world by making sustainable choices, such as recycling, saving energy and choosing greener alternatives. Small changes in your daily life can have a big impact on nature and the climate. Together, we ensure a better living environment for now and future generations.

LT95293 | Backpack R-PET 20L

Discover our RPET backpack – a sustainable choice for ecoconscious adventurers. Crafted from recycled plastic bottles, it combines durability with environmental responsibility. Ideal for those who seek style and sustainability in one. Size: 430 x 320 x 150 mm.


LT95353 | R-PET 600D overnight backpack 22L

This backpack is designed with the modern traveler in mind. It opens a full 180 degrees, featuring a concealed pocket for clothing on one side and a padded laptop compartment on the other. The spacious front pocket offers easy access to accessories and essentials. For comfort, the bag is equipped with padded grab handl Size: 450 x 300 x 160 mm


Our sporty bags combine style and functionality, perfect for an active lifestyle. Made from high-quality materials such as polyester, canvas and recycled PET, they offer durability and comfort for everyday use. With smart layouts, sturdy zips and adjustable shoulder straps, these bags are ideal for sports, work or a day out. Available in various models and colours, they match every outfit and occasion. Choose a bag that is not only practical, but also has a sporty look and supports your dynamic lifestyle.

LT95297 | Recycled cotton canvas backpack Harper GRS

Stylish backpack made from recycled cotton canvas. Features 100% recycled reflective webbing, luxurious zips and pulls, and 100% recycled polyester lining. Includes padded back, grab handle, adjustable shoulder straps, 2 side pockets for bottles or an umbrella, front pocket, and interior laptop compartment. Size: 450 x 320 x 160 mm.

Embrace eco-conscious style with our Backpack featuring drawcord detail. Crafted from recycled PET materials, it's a sustainable choice for your adventures. The drawcord adds a touch of modern flair, blending functionality with fashion. Carry your essentials responsibly, wherever the journey takes you. Size: 470 x 330 x 180 mm

Convenient and spacious backpack made of recycled PET bottles. The padded shoulder straps with compression straps as well as the padded backpanel makes it comfortable to wear. Fitted with a laptop pocket, several zippered pockets and mesh pockets on the side, this bag holds it all. The reflective details increase visibility in the dark. Size: 460 x 320

LT95218 | Backpack outdoor R-PET
x 140 mm.
LT95294 | Backpack with drawcord detail R-PET 25L

LT95129 | Backpack waterproof polyester 300D 20-22L

Waterproof polyester duffle bag. Perfect to keep things like travel documents, a smartphone and a camera. This bag is perfect to use during water sports or travelling as it is splash water proof and resistant to brief immersion. Size: 380 x 300 x 180 mm

LT95128 | Hiking backpack 40L

This is a nice backpack to carry all your belongings when hiking. It features a large main compartment, a separating laptop compartment, adjustable shoulder straps, a snap closure with adjustable strap that keeps the backpack compact and a mesh pocket for a water bottle. Size: 550 x 480 x 320 mm

Drinking bottle not included

LT95354 | R-PET 600D Nevada backpack 18L

This backpack is made of recycled PET. It features adjustable padded shoulder straps, a top grab handle, a front zippered compartment, a side mesh pocket and a small reflective strip for visibility at night. Size: 440 x 290 x 140 mm

LT95291 | Laptop backpack & overnight bag 30L

Introducing the versatile Laptop Backpack & Overnight Bag - your go-to for work and play. Seamlessly transition from business to leisure with dedicated laptop storage and an expandable overnight compartment. Stay organized, stylish, and ready for any adventure. Elevate your everyday carry with a bag that adapts to your dynamic lifestyle. Size: 220 x 510 x 340 mm.

LT95351 | R-PET 600D Rolltop bicycle backpack 20L

This handy bicycle bag, in the trending roll-top design is made of GRS-certified recycled PET. It features a zippered top and front pocket, a top grab handle, adjustable, padded detachable shoulder straps and dual clips to clip the bag onto your bicycle while cycling. The two mesh side pockets is ideal for waterbottles or umbrellas. Made with GRS-certified materials. Size: 400 x 300 x 140 mm

| Kraft backpack

Natural looking backpack made of washable kraft paper. The bag is lined with cotton. Thanks to the foam reinforcement, contents are well protected against impact. Size: 370 x 310 x 110 mm


Introducing our sleek laptop bag with a built-in charging port and convenient bottle pocket. Stay organized, charged, and hydrated on the go! Size: 460 x 260 x 120 mm.


This backpack is made from luxurious jacquard and PUcoated 600D materials. It features a concealed front zippered compartment, top grab handle, padded and adjustable shoulder straps, and a security pocket on the back panel for valuables. It includes a strap to secure it over a trolley handle, a padded back for comfort Size: 430


LT95285 | Laptop messenger bag Liam RPET 12L
"Liam" – Your Eco-Friendly Laptop Messenger Bag. Made from recycled RPET materials, it's sustainable and stylish. Carry your tech and essentials with a clear conscience. Size: 290 x 400 x 100 mm.
LT95289 | Laptop bag with charging port 20L
LT95286 | Laptop backpack Liam RPET 20L Meet "Liam" – Your Eco-Friendly Laptop Backpack. Crafted from recycled RPET materials, it's sustainable and stylish. Carry your tech and essentials with a clear conscience. Size: 450 x 500 x 155 mm.
LT95360 | Laptop backpack Maverick 12L
x 130 mm.

LT95287 | Laptop backpack Addison 10L

Introducing "Addison" – Your Anti-Theft Laptop Backpack. Stylish, secure, and tailored for contemporary living. Safeguard your tech with confidence, complete with discreet hidden zippers for added security. Size: 450 x 310 x 80 mm.

LT95213 | Laptop bag 15,6” R-PET

Stylish and sturdy laptop/shoulder bag made of R-PET. Main compartment has a padded pocket for a laptop (up to 15,6”) and a sleeve for a tablet (up to 11”). The adjustable, detachable shoulder strap is extra wide, perfect for comfort. The padded back panel features a luggage strap to slip over trolley suitcase handles. Size: 280 x 420 x 120 mm

LT95288 | Laptop messenger bag Addison 8L

Introducing "Addison" – Your Stylish Anti-Theft Shoulder Bag. Designed for the modern lifestyle, it keeps your essentials secure with hidden zippers. Carry your gear in style, worry-free. Perfect for your daily adventures. Size: 70 x 410 x 300 mm.

LT95212 | Tech bag Eugene R-PET 18L

Sophisticated anti-theft tech backpack made of R-PET. The spacious main compartment contains a padded pocket for a laptop (up to 15.6”) and a sleeve for a tablet (11”). On the sides zipper pockets can be found for small items. The comfortably padded back panel also features a luggage strap to connect it to a trolley suitcase. Size: 400 x 290 x 150 mm.

Waterproof duffel bag, ideal for the beach, on a boat or just for a stroll through the forest. Filled with air this bag stays afloat, ideal in emergencies. With the additional ring and carabiners this bag can easily be carried cross-body. Size: ø 180 x 340 mm.

Waterproof duffel bag, ideal for the beach, on a boat or just for a stroll through the forest. Filled with air this bag stays afloat, ideal in emergencies. With the additional ring and carabiners this bag can easily be carried cross-body. Size: ø 210 x 500 mm.

Waterproof duffel bag, ideal for the beach, on a boat or just for a stroll through the forest. Filled with air this bag stays afloat, ideal in emergencies. With the additional ring and carabiners this bag can easily be carried cross-body. Size: ø 180 x 440 mm.

Waterproof duffel bag, ideal for the beach, on a boat or just for a stroll through the forest. Filled with air this bag stays afloat, ideal in emergencies. With the additional ring and carabiners this bag can easily be carried cross-body. Waterproof IPX6, protected against high pressure stream water from any angle. Do not immerse the bag. Size: ø 250 x 660 mm.

LT95141 | Drybag ripstop 5L IPX6
LT95142 | Drybag ripstop 10L IPX6
LT95143 | Drybag ripstop 15L IPX6
LT95134 | Drybag ripstop 25L IPX6

LT95201 | Custom made waterproof bag 2,5L IPX6

Convenient waterproof bag with a pocket for a smart phone. The touch screen of the phone can be used even while the phone is inside the bag. Keep your valuables clean and dry on the beach or near the water. This bag is made to order and can be printed all-over. Short delivery times. Size: ø 110 x 265 mm.


Full-colour imprint From 250pcs Short delivery times Ask for details

LT95202 | Custom made waterproof bag 5L IPX5

Convenient waterproof bag with carabiner. Keep your valuables clean and dry on the beach or near the water and use the carabiner to attach it. This bag is made to order and can be printed all-over. Short delivery times. Size: ø 120 x 340 mm.


IPX-0 No protection

IPX-1 Protection against condensation and falling water droplets

IPX-2 Protection against atomized water up to an angle of 15 degrees

IPX-3 Protection against atomized water up to an angle of 60 degrees

IPX-4 Protection against pouring water from any angle

IPX-5 Protection against low-pressure water jets from any angle

IPX-6 Protection against high-pressure water jets from any angle

LT95203 | Custom made waterproof bag 10L IPX5

Convenient waterproof bag with an adjustable and detachable shoulder strap. Keep your valuables clean and dry on the beach or near the water. This bag is made to order and can be printed all-over. Short delivery times. Size: ø 200 x 440 mm.

IPX-7 Protection against immersion for up to 30 minutes to a depth of 1 meter

IPX-8 Protection against continuous immersion

LT95183 | Adventure waterproof duffle 40L IPX6

Introducing our new 40L Adventure Waterproof Duffle! Built for the great outdoors, it's your ultimate travel companion. Stay dry, pack smart, and embark on your next adventure with confidence. Rugged, reliable, ready for anything. Size: 500 x 490 x 280 mm.

LT95184 | Adventure waterproof duffle 60L IPX6

Introducing our new 60L Adventure Waterproof Duffle! Designed for the great outdoors, it's your ultimate travel partner. Stay dry, pack efficiently, and embark on your adventures with absolute confidence. Rugged, reliable, and spacious. Size: 600 x 500 x 400 mm.

LT95169 | Adventure Backpack 20L IPX4

Adjustable, weather resistant backpack made of sturdy material. The roll top can be closed in two ways giving additional flexibility. The welded seams keep the contents dry and the shoulder straps are padded for comfort. Size: 500 x 300 x 150 mm.

LT95116 | Rolltop dry backpack 25L

Meet our Rolltop Dry Backpack: A spacious 25L bag built for your wet adventures. Roll it closed to seal out water, and explore with confidence. Your gear stays dry. Size: 500 x 300 x 190 mm.

LT91474 | Foldable picnic basket Picnic basket that is easy to fold. Strong, high quality nylon. Transfer print possible. Size: 270 x 390 x 240 mm
LT91498 | Foldable picnic basket 2-in-1 cooling bag
Trendy foldable cooling bag in the shape of a picnic basket. Quick and easy to fold and unfold. Available in three colours. Printing is possible with transferprint. Size: 270 x 390 x 240 mm
LT91494 | Foldable picnic basket
Stylish and convenient foldable shopping basket in high-end 600D polyester. The melange material and black handles give it a sophisticated look. The handle is covered with soft foam for maximum comfort. On the front side a pocket with zipper can be found. Size: 280 x 390 x 240 mm
LT95043 | Picnic plaid 170x130cm
Comfortable picnic plaid made of soft fleece with water repelling backing. The pocket with zipper can be used to store small items and the handle makes it easy to carry. Size: 1700 x 1300 mm


With the Picnic by Toppoint collection, you are ready to enjoy lunch or drinks in the park. The picnic bags are completely filled with various picnic essentials. The bags are excellent for printing with a company logo. So on a beautiful summer's day, your brand or company logo will be prominently displayed!

LT95907 | Double picnic bicycle pannier

Spacious double picnic bicycle bag. An extensive dinnerware set on the one side and a padded and insulated cooler compartment on the other. The insulated bottle holders have reflective strips for visibility in the dark. The universal hooks allows this bag to be mounted to various types of racks, including e-bikes. Size: 320 x 400 x 140 mm

LT95902 | Double bicycle picnic pannier R-PET

Double bicycle bag made of heather R-PET. One side of the bag is insulated to keep food and drinks cool. The other side has space for a full tableware set for four people. The checkered lining gives a nice touch to this modern bag. There is a pocket to hold a bottle of wine on one side. The rack mounts are universal. Size: 340 x 260 x 130 mm.

Stylish picnic cooler bag made of R-PET with heather effect. This thermo insulated bag keeps your food and drinks cool while on the way to a picnic or the beach. The checkered lining is easy to clean and gives a nice little touch to this modern cooler bag. A soft and adjustable shoulder strap for added comfort. Size: 300 x 330 x 240 mm.

Convenient picnic backpack with a set of cutlery, plates and cups for two people and a choppping board. The main compartment is padded with insulation material keeping your food and drinks nice and cool. All zippers come with double pullers and the reflective strip provides visibility in the dark. Size: 440 x 260 x 130 mm

Convenient picnic backpack with cutlery, plates, cups and napkins for two people, a corkscrew and chopping board. A padded main compartment protects the content and a roll top keeps the inside dry. The back panel and shoulder straps are padded for added comfort and the reflective strip increases visibility in the dark. Size: 400 x 330 x 160 mm.

Stylish backpack made of R-PET with heather effect. This thermo insulated bag keeps your food and drinks cool while on the way to a picnic. The smooth checkered lining is easy to clean and gives a nice little touch to this modern backpack. One side has a special pocket for a bottle of wine. Tableware for two included. Size: 410 x 280 x 160 mm.

LT95906 | Picnic backpack
LT95900 | Picnic backpack
LT95901 | Picnic backpack R-PET
LT95903 | Picnic cooler bag R-PET

Introducing the Mercury RPET duffle bag – where style meets sustainability. Made from recycled plastic bottles, it's your ecoconscious travel companion. Spacious, durable, and planetfriendly. Size: 320 x 580 x 280 mm.

Very spacious travel bag made of recycled PET bottles. A special shoe compartment keeps dirty shoes separate from other contents, making this bag the ideal sports bag. Fitted with several pockets with zippers, organising has never been easier. It comes with an adjustable shoulder strap. Size: 320 x 570 x 300 mm.

Elevate your weekend getaway with the Liam RPET Duffle Bag. Thoughtfully crafted from recycled PET materials, it's a chic and sustainable travel companion. With ample space and stylish detailing, Liam ensures you travel in both fashion and eco-friendly comfort. Pack your essentials for a conscious escape! Size: 250 x 500 x 260 mm.

Made from recycled PET in durable 600D material, this foldable duffle bag is perfect for use as an underseat bag on flights. It features a removable and adjustable shoulder strap for carrying. It is compact and convenient, ideal for travel.

Made from jacquard and PU-coated 600D, this weekend bag features a side shoe pocket, a spacious front pocket, and a concealed front pocket. It includes adjustable, removable shoulder straps, grab handles, 210D lining, and two inside accessory pockets. Size: 280 x 540 x 220 mm.

This reflective travel bag is made of a material that increases visibility in the dark. Since you can fit quite a lot in this bag, it is ideal to take with you on a trip. You can either carry this bag by hand, using the handles or carry it over your shoulder by means of the detachable shoulder strap. Size: 250 x 500 x 250 mm

LT95361 | Weekend bag Maverick 27L
LT95283 | Weekend duffle bag Liam RPET 30L
LT95263 | Reflective travel bag 50x25x25cm
LT95356 | R-PET 600D foldable underseat bag 20L
Size: 190 x 380 x 250 mm
LT95280 | Duffle Mercury R-PET
LT95219 | R-PET outdoor travel bag XL

LT95281 | Sports bag / rucksack Karo R-PET 27L

Explore the versatile Karo R-PET Sports Backpack – not just a duffle bag but also a backpack, making it your ultimate ecoconcious companion for active adventures. Stay organized and sustainably stylish on the go. Size: 230 x 250 x 490 mm.

LT95214 | Travel bag Executive R-PET 23L

Spacious travel bag made of R-PET. Perfect bag to use as hand luggage. Compact design that fits within budget airline limits. Each side of the bag closes to safely store belongings. A mesh pocket on the one side, easily accessible by opening the main zipper, is ideal to keep all your travel documents within reach.

Size: 250 x 400 x 200 mm.

LT95298 | Recycled cotton canvas duffle bag Harper GRS

Stylish duffle bag made from recycled cotton canvas. Features 100% recycled reflective webbing, luxurious zips and pulls, and 100% recycled polyester lining. Includes a side grab handle, adjustable removable shoulder strap, 1 side pocket, 2 front pockets, and 3 interior pockets, one with a zip. Size: 270 x 480 x 270 mm.

LT95299 | Recycled cotton canvas weekend bag Harper

Stylish weekend bag made from recycled cotton canvas. Features 100% recycled reflective webbing, luxurious zips and pulls, and 100% recycled polyester lining. Includes an adjustable removable shoulder strap, 1 front pocket, and 2 interior pockets, one with a zip. Size: 390 x 490 x 200 mm.

LT95358 | PU-coated R-PET 600D half moon sling bag 20L

Made from PU-coated recycled PET in 600D material, this half moon sling bag features an adjustable shoulder strap and two inside accessory pockets for organized storage. Size: 220 x 340 x 110 mm.

LT95295 | Crossbody bag R-PET 5L

Introducing our eco-concious crossbody bag, perfect for festival goers! With an adjustable strap for adaptability, it merges style with eco-awareness—your ideal companion for busy, sustainable lifestyles. Size: 160 x 370 x 100 mm.

LT95296 | Crossbody bag R-PET with drawcordl

Introducing our eco-awareness crossbody bag! This stylish accessory made of RPET features an adjustable strap, making it versatile and sustainable. Perfect for on-the-go, it combines fashion and eco-consciousness effortlessly. Size: 150 x 260 x 80 mm.


Protect your personal data with our RFID anti-skimming products, the smart choice in a world full of digital risks. Thanks to advanced technology, you block unwanted scans of your cards and prevent data leakage and identity theft. The stylish card holders are customisable and easy to use. So you can be stylish, compact and safe!

LT93204 | RFID blocking card

Put this card in your wallet between RFID enabled bank cards and prevent fraud by illegal use of RFID scanners/readers. The card has a resistant foil which disrupts the frequency of card readers, so it prevents the recognition of RFID type ID cards. Full colour digital print possible on white side. Size: 54 x 1 x 86 mm

LT91242 | Cardholder anti-skim soft Soft case card holder with RFID protection to prevent skimming. Made of a thin material, so easy to put it in your wallet. Ideal for a debit cards. With indentation to allow easy removal of the card. Size: 1 x 92 x 63 mm

LT90979 | Phone card holder
Silicone card holder. Easy to attach to the back of a smartphone with a 300LSE sticker. Size: 3 x 84 x 56 mm

Sophisticated aluminum card holder with stylish leatherette wallet. The card holder protects your cards against RFID skimming. Simply push the button and retrieve up to six cards (four with embossing). The wallet can hold another credit card and bank notes. Size: 98 x 72 x 22 mm


indentations to easily remove the

LT92190 | RFID card holder with wallet
LT92191 | RFID card holder ABS
Design, ABS cardholder to protect your bank card from RFID skimming. Simply push the button to eject up to five cards. Size: 98 x 62 x 9 mm
LT91190 | Aluminium card holder
Protect your cards from RFID skimming with this sophisticated aluminum Toppoint Design cardholder. Simply push the button and retrieve up to six cards (four with embossing). Size: 97 x 62 x 8 mm
LT91241 | Cardholder anti-skim hard case
Hard case card holder for a debit card. Card holder includes RFID protection to prevent skimming. With
card. Size: 4 x 90 x 60 mm

Meet our Trolley Travel Bag - the epitome of convenience and style. Effortlessly glide through your travels with this sleek, durable companion. Boasting spacious compartments, and a retractable handle, it's designed for seamless mobility. Elevate your journey with a trolley that combines functionality and sophistication. Size: 650 x 350 x 220 mm.

LT95282 | Trolley travel bag 38L
LT95194 | Trolley 18 inch
Cabin size trolley with a fully lined main compartment and elastic straps to keep the contents in place. The suitcase has four spinner wheels. Space for doming. Individually packed in a box. Size: 500 x 350 x 200 mm
LT95135 | Trolley 18 inch
Cabin size trolley with one main compartment with grey lining. The suitecase has a double zipper and four spinner wheels. Metal plate for printing. Individually packed in a box. Size: 530 x 330 x 200 mm
LT90411 | Luggage tag
Useful luggage tag. PP material. Inside the label is a removable card on which you can write your address information. Size: 1 x 110 x 59 mm
LT90459 | Luggage tag in suitcase shape Suitcase shape luggage tag. Only your name will be visible at first glance in order to protect your privacy. Comes with a black strap. Size: 4 x 92 x 54 mm
LT91036 | Luggage tag slipper
Luggage tag in the shape of a slipper. With this luggage tag you can already visualize your holiday destination. Another advantage of this luggage tag is that, due to its unique shape, your luggage is easily recognizable. Size: 112 x 48 mm
LT99609 | Aluminum luggage tag rectangle Aluminum, rectangular luggage tag with steel wire and twist lock. Comes with a card to write your personal information. Size: 80 x 40 mm
LT99608 | Luggage tag bamboo
Luggage tag made of bamboo to give it a nice, modern and durable look. Use this item to personalize your luggage and reduce the likelihood of your bag getting lost in the masses. Size: 4 x 60 x 75 mm
LT99645 | Flight tag with keyring
This flight tag with large printing surface area is ideal for personalizing luggage, bags, or travel gear. It offers a durable and stylish way to identify your belongings. Size: 140 x 40 mm

LT91193 | Universal travel adapter

This universal travel adapter enables you to charge your devices anywhere in the world. Features one USB-port and a Type-C input. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 50 x 60 x 60 mm

LT95659 | Travel phone kit & charger

Stay connected on the go with our versatile travel kit! Multiple USB connectors ensure compatibility with all your devices. Compact, efficient, and ready for your journey. The handy integrated phone holder helps you while watching videos and else. As you may expect the item is made with recycled materials to help making a greener world. Size: 100 x 140 x 30 mm

LT95170 | Travel Essentials electronics organizer

To deal with the increasing number of cables, chargers, memory cards and other electronic items we carry along, this electronics organizer offers the perfect solution. It's padded to protect fragile items and the flexible dividers and pockets makes it easy to pack according to your needs. Size: 90 x 240 x 180 mm


Convenient toiletry bag with various pockets and a hook for hanging. Size: 170 x 220 x 100 mm

LT95171 | Toiletries kit
LT95014 | Bamboo Headphone
Beautiful wireless headphone with a bamboo inlay. The ear cushions make the headphones comfortable to wear. Size: 72 x 175 x 185 mm
LT95062 | On-ear headphone rotatable Headphone with rotating ear pads suitable for digital imprint. The headphone can be adjusted in size and has at least a 1m cable. Universal 3.5mm plug. Each piece is delivered in a gift box. Size: 190 x 170 mm

These TWS (True Wireless

earphones lets you enjoy music to the fullest. Since they are wireless you never have to detangle cables again before listening to music. Includes a wireless charging case, so your earbuds can be charged on the go. Comes in a gift box. Size: 25 x 62 x 45 mm

These TWS

lets you enjoy music to the fullest. Since they are wireless you never have to detangle cables again before listening to music. Includes a wireless charging case, so your earbuds can be charged on the go. Comes in a gift


A 2-in-1 music box consisting of a wireless speaker as well as wireless

This unique audio gift enables you to listen to music with people or by yourself, depending on the situation.

group of people through the speaker, or just to yourself through the earbuds. Both features easily connect wirelessly.

LT95018 | Wireless speaker William with TWS earbuds
Size: ø 58 x 92 mm
LT95013 | TruWireless Earbuds with Speaker 3W TruWireless earbuds and speaker in one. Suitable to play music to a
Size: 87 x 41 x 76 mm
LT95054 | TWS Earbuds Sport
LT95017 | TWS Earbuds bamboo
generation wireless earbuds. The nice bamboo inlay will look cool in your ears. Size: 26 x 43 x 76 mm
LT95053 | TWS Earbuds Galaxy
(True Wireless Stereo) earphones
box. Size: 26 x 61 x 47 mm


Discover the ultimate sound with our highquality music speakers and wireless earbuds. Enjoy crisp clear tones and deep bass, whether you're at home or on the move. Our wireless earbuds offer ultimate comfort and long-lasting battery life, so you can always enjoy your favourite music. Experience music the way it was meant to be, without compromising on quality or convenience

Illuminate your surroundings, promote your brand and listen to your favorite music. This fashionable 3-in-1 lamp with mood light and speaker operates with touch control and has several preset lighting modes. The lighting is dimmable LED light in 7 different colors. Size: ø 125 x 205 mm

LT40715 | 1563 | Table Tunes Mini

LT91280 | Wireless solar speaker torch 2x5W IPX6

This speaker consists of two 5 Watt built-in speakers. This allows for really good sound quality with a 360 degrees surround sound. The speaker doubles up as a torch that can be placed in the ground or sand. It can be charged via solar panel or charging cable. Comes Packaged in a luxurious gift box.

Size: 167 x 77 x 77 mm

LT91127 | Large speaker with shoulder strap 20W

This large speaker provides ultimate listening pleasure. With 20 Watt of power, this speaker can take any party to the next level. It comes with a shoulder strap, making it easy to carry around. The luxurious look completes the product, a real eye-catcher on any occasion. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 100 x 220 x 90 mm

LT95600 | 4 in 1 speaker & wireless charger

Experience the ultimate multifunctional device! Our all-in-one marvel combines a 2x5W speaker, 15W fast wireless charger, (alarm)clock, thermometer, and a multicolour mood light in a sleek design. Elevate every aspect of your space with one powerful solution. Size: 91 x 236 x 116 mm

LT95047 | Speaker and wireless charger limestone 5W 5 Watt wireless speaker and wireless charger in one. The limestone-concrete housing and the front design in bamboo really makes the speaker stand out on a desk, bedside table or in the living room. The speaker is compatible with any phone. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 94 x 142 x 58 mm

| 5W Speaker & 15W wireless charger R_PET & Bamboo

Experience eco-friendly tech with our RPET and bamboo 15W fast wireless charger and 5W bluetooth speaker! This compact all-inone solutions fits on every desk. Size: ø 108 x 108 mm

LT95093 | Wooden look speaker 3W & wireless charger 5W Wooden look speaker with a luxurious design and excellent sound quality. The unique 2-in-1 speaker also functions as a wireless charger. By placing your smart phone on top of the speaker, it will play music while charging the phone wirelessly. Comes packaged in a luxurious gift box. Cable and manual included. Size: 75 x 75 x 75 mm



Bamboo speakers are the ideal choice for those who want to combine sustainability, aesthetics and high-quality sound. They represent an important step towards eco-friendly technology, without compromising on performance. By choosing bamboo speakers, you not only contribute to a greener future, but also enjoy an excellent audio experience.

| Bamboo wireless speaker Beautiful and stylish wireless speaker with bamboo inlay. The unique 2-in-1 speaker also functions as a wireless charging station. Charging cable included. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 82 x 110 mm

playing music or any other audio files. You can hold and carry the speaker by the small,

LT91290 | Speaker bamboo square 3W Natural bamboo speaker with 3 Watt power. Up to three hours of playing time. Silicone bottom and mood light. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 51 x 60 x 60 mm
LT95019 | Wireless speaker bamboo 3W This wireless bamboo speaker is suitable for
movable handle. Size: ø 75 x 55 mm

5W wireless charging pad with a trendy design. Connect the pad to a device and easily charge the phone without using a charging cable. The transparent parts of the product will light-up when charging.

with 2 USB ports Charge your device without having to plug it in, using this wireless charger. Alternatively you can charge up to two devices via cable, using the two USB hubs. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 90 x 9

LT95078 | Wireless charging pad 5W
x 90 mm
LT95077 | Wireless charging pad 5W
Size: 10 x 100 mm
LT95083 | Blade Air Wireless charging pad 5W
The Blade series wireless charging station is really thin and has a rubberised finish. Comes packaged in a matching gift box. Cable and manual included. Size: 65 x 6 x 126 mm

LT95048 | Bamboo Wireless charger with 2 USB hubs 5W

A luxurious, FSC certified bamboo wireless charger. Includes two USB-A ports allowing up to three mobile devices to be charged simultaneously. Connect the charger to a computer or to the wall outlet and place the wireless chargeable phone on top to charge. A real eye-catcher on any desk or nightstand and it charges quick and easily with multiple smartphones. Size: 10 x 90 x 90 mm

LT95554 | Wireless charger bamboo & RABS 15W

Wireless Charger, made with bamboo & recycled abs material. Compatible for mobile phones that support Qi. Output: 5W, 7.5W, 10W, 15W. Over temperature protection. With large printing area for full colour imprint and 1 meter charging cable. Ideal for your greener and more sustainable (home)office. Size: 86 x 113 mm

LT95556 | Wireless charger bamboo & glass 10W

Charge with elegance and speed! Introducing our 10W wireless charger crafted from sleek glass and sustainable bamboo. 90cm charging cable included. Power up in style while making a statement for a greener future. Size: 9 x 93 x 93 mm

LT95557 | Wireless charging pad bamboo 15W

This sustainable bamboo wireless charger supports fast charging with an output power of 15W for your phone. With protections against overload, over-discharge, short circuit, and over-voltage, it ensures safe charging. Size: ø 92 x 10 mm

LT95069 | Square cork Wireless charger 5W

5W wireless charger made of natural FSC certified cork. This is a sustainable item thanks to the low environmental impact extraction processes used during manufacturing. QI devices can easily be charged using the wireless function. This sleek and chic product is an excellent choice for a promotional gift. Size: 6 x 91 x 91 mm

LT95555 | Wireless charger cork & RABS 15W

Wireless Charger, made with cork & recycled abs material. Compatible for mobile phones that support Qi. Output: 5W, 7.5W, 10W, 15W. Over temperature protection. With large printing area for full colour imprint and 1 meter charging cable. Ideal for your greener and more sustainable (home)office. Size: 86 x 113 mm

LT95558 | Wireless magnetic charging pad 15W

This sustainable wireless charger, made from recycled ABS, supports fast charging with an output power of 15W for your phone and works with MagSafe. With protections against overload, over-discharge, short circuit, and over-voltage, it ensures safe charging. Size: ø 55 x 5 mm

LT95550 | Wireless charger R-ABS 15W Revolutionize your charging experience! Our 15W MagSafe wireless charger, crafted from recycled ABS, combines speed and sustainability. Embrace the future of eco-friendly power. Phone output: 5W/ 7.5W/ 10W/ 15W max. Size: 120 x 80 x 90 mm

LT95084 | Wireless phone stand 5W

5W wireless charging station that can be used as a pad or phone stand. Connect the pad to a power source and charge the phone easily without using a cable. The product has a soft touch finish and is packed in a gift box. Size: 76 x 11 x 95 mm

LT95091 | Mousepad with wireless charging pad 5W

This fabric mousepad has an intergrated wireless charting station and a big imprint space. The fabric gives the mousepad a modern look. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 6 x 220 x 295 mm

LT95656 | Mousepad with wireless charger recycled paper Eco-friendly mousepad made from recycled paper, now with wireless charging. Navigate seamlessly while charging your devices sustainably. Elevate your workspace with green innovation. Size: 6 x 200 x 245 mm

LT95095 | Bamboo wireless charger 5W 5W wireless charging station made of bamboo. Simply place the wireless charging enabled phone onto the charging pad and it will charge itself. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 14 x 185 x 115 mm

| Limestone Desk organizer with wireless charger 5W

This desk organizer has a built-in wireless charger. For example, mobile devices that have a wireless charging function can be charged at all times. Includes a telephone stand and a tray to store small desk items. The organizer is made of limestone concrete which gives it a sleek and stylish look. Comes in a gift box. Size: 15 x 186 x 99 mm


LT95504 | Powerbank Quest 10.000 mAh

Quest, our 10.000mah/ 20W PD solar power bank and flashlight with 18 LED's and IP44 rating is your companion for every outdoor situation. Going to a festival, camping, or picnick? Here's the power you need to share your stories, or just light up the night sky with the 6 different light modes, low, high, flashing, SOS, red and red flashing. Size: 18 x 163 x 84 mm

| Powerbank Venture 8.000 mAh

With our 8.000mah Solar Charger Venture you will always have some extra energy at hand. The powerful solar panel and flashlight on the backside are a perfect combination for all your outdoor adventures! Size: 19 x 139 x 77 mm



Made from various sustainable materials, our solar powerbanks not only provide reliable energy on the go, but also contribute to a greener future. Whether you choose a powerbank made of recycled ABS material, bamboo or aluminium, you will enjoy ecofriendly technology without compromising on quality or performance. Recharge wherever you are, with respect for the environment!

| Powerbank bamboo wireless 8.000mAh This sustainable 8.000mAh power bank is made from bamboo and features wireless charging (5W). It has three output ports: USB-A (DC5V-2.0A max) and two Type-C ports (DC5V-2.4A max). Equipped with overload, over-discharge, short circuit, and overvoltage protection, it’s a reliable charging solution. Size: 11 x 147 x 69 mm


bamboo with solar panel 8.000mAh

with a capacity of 8.000mAh, made of FSC certified

The sun can recharge this powerbank using the solar panel. The compact size makes it ideal for charging your devices on the go. Charge up to 3 devices at a time. Comes packaged in a gift box. Powerbank charging cable included. Size: 20 x 155 x

| Powerbank bamboo 5.000mAh

with a capacity of 5.000mAh, made of FSC certified bamboo. Charging phones or other mobile devices on-the-go is very easy due to the compact size. Connect your device using the correct charging cable for a quick charge. Comes packaged in a gift box. Powerbank charging cable included. Size: 16 x 96 x 70 mm

73 mm

LT95500 | Powerbank Rock 5.000 mAh

Elevate your power on-the-go with our chic 5,000mAh power bank. Fashion meets sustainability with recycled ABS material. Stay charged in style while making an eco-conscious statement. Input: micro USB & Type-5V/2A (max). USB Output: DC5V/1A & 2.1A (total 2.1A max). Size: 14 x 93 x 64 mm

LT95502 | Powerbank Ziara 10.000 mAh

Our 10K mAh powerbank Ziara made out of R-ABS has a 3 in 1 integrated cable that is compatible with all average smartphones in the market and directly ready for use. When fully charged it will provide up to approximately 31 hours of extra battery life. Size: 18 x 109 x 71 mm

LT95501 | Powerbank Rock 10.000 mAh

Elevate your power on-the-go with our chic 10,000mAh power bank. Fashion meets sustainability with recycled ABS material. Stay charged in style while making an eco-conscious statement. Input: micro USB & Type-5V/2A (max) USB Output: DC5V/1A & 2.1A (total 2.1A max). Size: 15 x 140 x 70 mm

LT95506 | Wireless charging powerbank Yima 10.000 mAh

A portable energy solution that keeps your devices powered on the move. No cords, just convenience. Stay charged, stay connected. Including integrated stand to make it also ideal for your desk. Input: Type-C 5V/2.6A, 9V/2A, 12V/1.5A. Output: Type-C 5V/3A, 9V/2.2A, 12V/1.67A. USB-A 4.5V/5.0A, 5V/4.5A, 9V/2.0A, 12V/1.5A. Size: 18 x 105 x 70 mm

LT91020 | Powerbank flashlight 2.200mAh

Alluminium flashlight with powerbank 2.200mAh. Powerbank charger included. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 30 x 115 mm

LT95096 | Powerbank Elite with wireless charger 8.000mAh 5W

This 8.000mAh metallic design powerbank is from the ‘Elite’ series. Ideal to charge mobile devices using a charging cable or wirelessly. The powerbank has two USB-A ports and a Type-C port, making it compatible with a variaty of charging cables. A powerbank charging cable included. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 17 x 139 x 68 mm

LT95087 | Powerbank Elite rubberized 8.000mAh

This 8.000mAh ruberrized design powerbank is from the ‘Elite’ series. Ideal to charge mobile devices on-the-go when the battery runs low. The powerbank has two USB-A ports and a Type-C port, making it compatible with a variaty of charging cables. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 17 x 139 x 68 mm

LT91174 | Powerbank Slim 4.000mAh

Nice flat aluminum 4.000mAh powerbank. Powerbank charger included. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 10 x 110 x 68 mm

LT95099 | Powerbank Elite 10.000mAh

This flat design 10.000mAh powerbank is from the ‘Elite’ series. Ideal to charge mobile devices on-the-go when the battery runs low. The powerbank has two USB-A ports and a Type-C port, making it compatible with a variaty of charging cables. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 17 x 139 x 68 mm

LT95098 | Powerbank Elite 16.000mAh

This powerful 16.000mAh powerbank is from the ‘Elite’ series. Ideal to charge mobile devices on-the-go when the battery runs low. The powerbank has two USB-A ports and a Type-C port, making it compatible with a variaty of charging cables. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 30 x 142 x 68 mm






In today’s connected world, power banks have become essential for people on the go. They’re more than just chargers—they’re daily lifesavers. Imagine your brand visible and actively supporting your customers whenever they need power. Why are power banks ideal promotional products?


Power banks suit everyone, from commuters to travelers, giving them peace of mind. Your logo on a power bank becomes a trusted companion.


Power banks are used in diverse settings—airports, offices, events. Each use reinforces your brand's reliability.


Associating with technology shows your brand as forward-thinking and customer-focused.


From 2,200mAh to 27,000mAh, we offer various designs, including models with LED lights, multiple ports, or slim sizes, catering to different needs.


Modern power banks now feature wireless charging, allowing for a tangle-free experience with just a simple placement.


Built to last, power banks keep your brand present for years.


Many of our power banks use recycled materials, and solar options support eco-friendly charging.

Power banks are more than chargers; they symbolize your brand’s commitment to convenience and reliability. Invest in power banks and let your brand keep customers powered up and connected, anytime, anywhere


Experience power and style with our powerbanks that support Power Delivery for ultra-fast charging. Besides their powerful performance, these powerbanks have a sleek, modern design that perfectly matches your style. Personalise them with your own logo or design, and make this indispensable gadget a unique accessory. Perfect for travelling, with both functionality and flair!

LT95508 | Power delivery powerbank Stratos 10.000mAh

This 10.000mAh power bank features power delivery and multiple outputs: two USB-A ports (12V-1.5A max each) and one Type-C port (12V-1.67A max). It offers overload, over-discharge, short circuit, and over-voltage protection for safe charging, ensuring fast and efficient power delivery for your devices. Size: 21 x 98 x 59 mm

LT95509 | 65W power delivery powerbank Stratos 20.000mAh

This powerful 20.000mAh power bank features a 65W output, allowing you to charge your laptop. It has two USB-C ports (60W & 65W max) and two USB-A ports (each 18W max), with a total max output of 65W for all ports combined. Quick and safe charging is ensured with protections against overload, overdischarge, short circuit, and over-voltage. Size: 48 x 105 x 48 mm

LT26402 | USB flash drive twister 4GB

Popular USB 2.0 flash drive with aluminum twist cap and 4GB memory. The body and the aluminum cap are available in twelve colours. Laser engraving possible. The USB flash drives are available from stock. Comes packaged in a white gift box. Size: 10 x 59 x 20 mm

LT26403 | USB flash drive twister 8GB
LT26404 | USB flash drive twister 16GB

LT93214 | Modular USB 8GB

The Toppoint design USB flash drive with 8GB memory from the Modular line has a unique design and a soft touch finish. Comes packaged in a luxurious gift box. Manual included. Size: 22 x 12 x 67 mm


LT26302 | USB flash drive creditcard 4GB

Credit card size USB 2.0 flash drive with 4GB memory, including full-colour all-over imprint. Size: 2 x 83 x 52 mm

| USB flash drive key 8GB


LT26303 | USB flash drive creditcard 8GB

LT26304 | USB flash drive creditcard 16GB

LT26902 | Card reader USB

memory cards are not included

Transfer all your files from your phone or other device to SD-cards with this card reader. SD-cards are not included. Size: 9 x 80 x 27 mm


LT26203 | USB slim 8GB

Slim USB flash drive with 8GB memory, in plastic housing with cap. Comes packaged in a white gift box. Size: 7 x 70 x 20 mm

flash drive with
memory, in the shape of
key. Aluminium material. Comes packaged in a white gift box. Size: 3 x 57 x 24 mm

LT95551 | Wireless charger car R-ABS 15W

This 15W magnetic wireless car charger is fully compatible with Apple’s MagSafe ecosystem, but also comes with a magnetic pad for other phones. Simply snap it on to start charging – the perfect charging solution for your road trips. Of course it's made with recycled materials (R-ABS) and has smart protection: over-current, short-circuit, FOD protection. Size: 92 x 61 x 73 mm

LT91178 | Air vent holder spring Smartphone holder with spring. Easy to convert your air vent into a hands-free car kit. Size: 50 x 29 x 96 mm
LT91177 | Air vent holder magnetic Magnetic car vent phone holder. It has two parts: a metal plate with double sided tape which attaches to the back of your phone and the magnetic phone holder that clips into the car air vent. Convert the air vent into a hands-free car kit. Size: 40 x 50 x 40 mm

LT91196 | Smartphone holder hands

More and more people use their phones instead of the TV to watch movies, videos or series. Make use of these funky hands to hold your phone as opposed to holding it in your own hands.


45 x 95 mm

LT95655 | FSC cork 3 in 1 PD charging & data cable

Unleash the power of style and speed with our Cork Charging Cable! Experience Power Delivery and seamless data transfer in eco-friendly luxury. The cable length of 1.2M and dual input connector with USB-A and Type-C will make it one of your favorite charging cables. Size: 1200 x 5 mm

LT40310 | 1207 | Foldable Smartphone Stand

A must have on every desk! Ideal when making video calls from your phone. Adjustable to any height and angle, whenever you want. This aluminum smartphone stand features non-slip pads. Moreover, the open design allows you to connect your earbuds, headphones and charging cable. Size: 67 x 87 x 70 mm

LT91194 | Charging cable bamboo with R-PET

This 6-in-1 cable is the most versatile cable out there. It has two USB-C cables, enabling Type-C to Type-C charging. More and more laptops switch from USB-A to type C ports, making this the ultimate cable. Size: 12 x 45 x 31 mm

Micro-USB / Type-C / Lightning


Discover our smart electronic accessories that make your daily use of your devices even easier. Whether you choose strong charging cables, handy phone holders, stylish phone straps or a waterproof phone bag for extra protection, you will always enjoy practical solutions and a sleek look. Perfect on the go, in any situation!

Keep your phone secure with our adjustable phone lanyard! Easily attach it to your phone for hands-free convenience. Simply insert the plastic card into your phone case, and voila! No more worries about losing your phone—wear it around your neck for easy access and peace of mind. Size: 13 x 820 x 23 mm

Keep a secure hold on your phone with our wrist strap! Attach it easily via card insertion, ensuring constant accessibility without worry. Designed for convenience and security, it keeps your phone within easy reach, snugly on your wrist. Size: 5 x 295 x 23 mm

LT90884 | Wrist Phone Strap
LT90883 | Adjustable Phone Cord

LT95659 | Travel phone kit & charger

Stay connected on the go with our versatile travel kit! Multiple USB connectors ensure compatibility with all your devices. Compact, efficient, and ready for your journey. The handy integrated phone holder helps you while watching videos and else. As you may expect the item is made with recycled materials to help making a greener world. Size: 100 x 140 x 30 mm

LT91662 | Waterproof smartphone bag

Handy water-resistant pouch to protect your smartphone or camera. It can also be used to store personal documents or your passport when travelling. Neck cord (L=120cm) included. Suitable for most smartphones. Size: 220 x 127 mm

back of a smartphone

LT91028 | Ring light/selfie light

The ring light selfie clip is perfect for taking well-exposed photos. Also ideal for taking pictures in the dark. By mixing 56 LED lights in white and yellow, multiple intensities can be set. Fits most phones and can use on the front or back camera. Compact size. Charging cable included. Size: ø 85 x 31 mm

LT90979 | Phone card holder
Silicone card holder. Easy to attach to the
with a 300LSE sticker. Size: 3 x 84 x 56 mm

LT95028 | Keychain with microfiber cloth anti-bacterial Keychain with microfiber cleaning cloth for cleaning electronic displays or glasses. Including full-colour all-over imprint. Each packed in a polybag. Size: 150 x 150 mm

LT91056 | Smartphone cleaning cloth anti-bacterial 150x180mm

250g/m² microfiber cleaning cloth (18x15cm) for screens or glasses. Including a full-colour and all-over imprint. A print on the backside of the cleaning cloth is also possible. Each packed in a polybag. Can optionally add a PVC pouch. Size: 180 x 150 mm

LT91059 | Microfiber sticky cloth 35x35mm

Microfiber sticky cleaner (35x35mm) to clean your electronic device's screen. After use you can store it on the back of your device. Each piece is packed in a polybag with a customised insert card. Including full-colour all-over imprint. Size: 35 x 35 mm

LT91057 | Smart phone cleaning cloth anti-bacterial 20x30cm

250g/m² microfiber cleaning cloth (20x30cm) for screens or glasses. Including a full-colour and all-over imprint. A print on the backside of the cleaning cloth is also possible. Each packed in a polybag. Can optionally add a PVC pouch. Size: 200 x 300 mm

LT91058 | Microfiber pouch anti-bacterial 9x18cm

250g/m² microfiber cleaning pouch for glasses. The pouch can be closed with a cord and stopper. Full-colour and all-over imprint possible. Size: 180 x 90 mm

LT95650 | Electronics cleaning pen

Meet our stylus biros with touchscreen function and multifunctional electronics cleaning set. The versatile design is an ideal tool for cleaning smartphones, headphones, earphones, keyboards, tablets and more. Size: ø 11 x 143 mm

LT95652 | 8 in 1 electronics cleaning kit

This 8 in 1 electronics cleaning kit includes: a cleaning pen for earbuds, brush and flocking sponge brush, a high-density soft brush, 1 cleaning spray bottle (incl cleaning fluid) a fiber fleece swipe, a keycap buckle, a washable fiber fleece and a phone holder. Ideal for cleaning all your electronic devices. Size: 90 x 50 x 30 mm

LT91715 | Cleaner with microfiber cloth 30ml Cleaning liquid (30ml) for glasses, screens, mobile phones and tablets. Its compact size makes it is easy to take with you. Microfiber cloth included. Size: ø 34 x 103 mm. Content: 30 ml
LT91729 | Spray cleaner 15ml
Spray cleaner and microfiber cloth in-one. It can be used to clean screens, mobile phones or glasses. Contains 15ml cleaning liquid. Size: 20 x 20 x 95 mm


Bring comfort and efficiency to your workplace with our stylish office supplies. Our customizable mouse pads, wireless mice and webcam covers create an organized and productive work environment. Work more comfortably while your desk maintains a professional look. Perfect for your home or office.

LT91094 | Cork mouse pad

This cork mousepad provides a smooth surface for your mouse and a natural look for your desk. Size: 220 x 180 mm

LT95022 | Sublimation Mouse pad 22 x 18cm

Introducing our customizable mousepad – a canvas for your creativity! Crafted with non-slip rubber and durable polyester, it's the perfect blend of function and personal style. Sublimate your design seamlessly and game or work with precision. Elevate your workspace, one click at a time! Size: 220 x 180 mm

LT95023 | Sublimation Desk Mat 78 x 30 cm

Unleash your gaming potential with our oversized mousepad! Sublimation-ready, it combines non-slip rubber and robust polyester for ultimate precision and personalization. Size: 780 x 300 mm

LT95033 | Webcam cover

This webcam cover is a handy and professional solution to protect your online privacy. Delivered with the product explanation on a full-colour papercard. Size: 15 x 34 x 2 mm

LT95653 | Travel Mouse R-ABS & bamboo

Introducing our eco-friendly mouse crafted from bamboo and recycled ABS. A blend of nature and innovation at your fingertips. Experience ergonomic design while minimizing environmental impact. Elevate your work style sustainably. Size: 27 x 108 x 58 mm

LT40308 | 1101 | Webcam Cover It Up

This webcam cover with a sleek design is suitable for all laptops, computers and tablets. With the option to design your own packaging or add your own print to the cover, this is an ideal product to protect your privacy while keeping your logo in sight. Size: 10 x 30 x 14 mm

LT95654 | 2.4G Wireless Mouse R-ABS

Elevate your productivity with our 2.4G R-ABS wireless mouse! Precision meets style in a sleek design. Say goodbye to wires and hello to seamless control. Radio Frequency: 2402Mhz2480Mhz Wireless frequency: 16 automatic FM. DPI: 800-12001600. USB interface: 1.1-2.0. Maximum acceleration: 14 inches per second. Size: 40 x 108 x 70 mm


LT95657 | Hub recycled paper Hub made out of recycled paper with dual input (USB & Type-c) and 2x USB-A + 1 x USB-C port. Green innovation for your workspace. Size: 10 x 79 x 37 mm

LT95658 | Hub recycled aluminum

Expand connectivity, reduce waste. The eco-friendly choice for a responsible workspace is our Type-C Hub crafted with recycled aluminum & R-ABS. Input : USB + Type -C, 5V /1A. Output: 2*USB + 1* Type-C, 5V/500mA. Size: 10 x 79 x 37 mm

LT40327 | 2651 | PowerHub HDMI

Connect everything via one hub! Our PowerHub offers a USB-C flex connection with a compact gray hub, featuring; USB, USB-C and an HDMI port. PowerHub HDMI allows you to get more out of your laptop, such as multi-display, by easily connecting peripherals. Size: 230 x 43 x 75 mm

LT91077 | Weather station electronic black

Always be up to date with the weather with this electronic weather station and clock. The LCD display shows a thermometer (C&F), hygrometer, barometer, time, moon phase and Calander. Size: 108 x 52 x 57 mm

LT95049 | NFC Writer/Reader

This NFC reader/writer USB can read and write NFC tags. Compatible with all modern NFC Tags like for example the NTAG203, NTAG 213 and the Ultralight chips. Is suitable for all versions of Windows®. Size: 13 x 98 x 65 mm


156 Designed by Toppoint

186 Soft touch pens

189 Soft touch stylus pens

196 Plastic Pens

204 Stilolinea pens

206 Eco pens

216 Pencils

220 Metal pens

224 Boxes & Writing sets

228 Markers




The ultimate in personalisation with our combi pens, where you can mix and match to your needs from 250 pieces. Our pens are manufactured at our own production site GS Plastics in Germany, so we can proudly say they are Made in Germany.

With attention to detail and craftsmanship, we offer a wide range of options to make your pen unique. Choose not only the design, but also the writing colour that suits you, with options for both blue and black writing.

What makes a Toppoint combi pen stand out from the competition?

- Possible from only 250 pieces

- From 10,000 pieces your own PMS colour possible

- Delivery time of 8 production days up to 2.500 pieces

- Full in-house production

- 100% Made in Germany

- EU refill with possibility to choose writing colour blue or black

- The refill has a 3 to 5 times longer lifetime

- All-round printing in up to 4 colours possible

Why sell a combi pen?

- Minimum 3 repeat orders

- Made to measure

- Increased perception value

- Distinctive product in the market - It leaves a lasting impression

** All parts are in stock in all colours.


Possible from 10,000 pieces!


In southern Germany, in the town of Gosheim, there is our own mould making and injection moulding plant GS Plastics. This is where we produce our Toppoint Design ballpoint pens. Another proof of the sustainable course we have taken. In this injection moulding plant, the components of our ballpoint pens are produced.


Toppoint Design ballpoint pens are produced at our in-house mould making and injection moulding facility. Volkmar Rommel is the designer of our high-quality Designed by Toppoint collection. This unique collaboration with Mr Rommel has already won several esteemed awards, such as the Good Design Awards



Is it possible to combine transparent, hard colour or frosty pen parts? Yes, this is possible as long as the parts come from the same model of pen.

From what quantity can I combine my own pen in different colours? This is possible from 250 pieces onwards. On Extranet you can check the availability of the colours per pen part.

How big can I print on the barrel of the pen? With a combi pen, we can print almost all over the barrel. You can find the print sizes on our Extranet under Printing Techniques. With the screen printing or 360-degree allover printing technique, the barrel is printed before the pen is assembled. Hence the large all-round printing area.

I want to send my customer an offer with a sample, how do I do that? If you send our inside sales department an e-mail containing the item number, the desired colour combination and the customer’s logo, we will quickly create a professional digital impression of how the pen will look, free of charge.

Can I get only the clip of the pen in a PMS colour? You can have all plastic parts of the pen in your own PMS colour, starting from 10,000 pieces.

Can I have several pens made into one visual? Yes, this is possible. If we have the right information, we can send you a nice visual within 1 working day.

I have a request for a large number of pens, but cannot wait for months. What can I offer? Toppoint produces the ‘made in Germany’ pens from A to Z in its own Plastic Injection Moulding plant. This makes us very flexible in producing the biros parts in any colour. In consultation, a lot is possible and we can always provide a partial delivery at no extra cost to you.

I am working on a nice biros project and would like to convince the customer to go for a Toppoint pen. How can Toppoint help me score the order together? If the purchase value of the project is at least 1,000 euros, we will gladly make free ready-to-use printed samples without any obligation. We will then print and assemble this sample completely according to the customer’s wishes and it will be ready within a few working days.

How can I order a physical sample? By sending our inside sales department an e-mail containing all the information we need for a sample. They will process this in our system and you will receive your customised biros sample within a week.

Are the Toppoint Combi pens durable? Yes, because we produce the pens 100% in Germany. Production waste is 100% reused for new parts and transport is done by clean road transport. The biggest advantage is the writing capacity, because the Combi pens write 2.5 or 4.5 km and this is on average 3 to 5 times longer than a biro from outside Europe. You can’t get much more sustainable, can you?






In digital printing, the design is placed directly on a flat surface. The four full-colour base colours (CMYK) are mixed and the printer can use them to create any print. From full colour to photo-realistic images.


3D digital print is basically the same as conventional digital print only this printing technique is provided with a resin layer that is placed over the print. This gives the print a three-dimensional effect through gloss and relief. 3D digital printing is mainly used on rubberised soft touch pens.


In the past, pad printing was the most commonly used printing technique for promotional gifts. Pad printing is a type of stamping technique in which the design is applied to a cliché (a metal plate). One printing plate is needed per colour. Through the pad, a rubber image carrier, the design is transferred from the cliché and printed on the item. By using different pad shapes, it is possible to print on any flat surface and shape.


Round screen printing is a variant of screen printing specifically designed for printing round or cylindrical objects. The process of round screen printing differs from traditional screen printing in some respects because of the complexity of printing round items. During the printing process, the item is often rotated to ensure that everything is printed evenly. This technique is mainly used on writing instruments.


Laser engraving involves engraving the design into the material. This printing technique uses a computercontrolled laser that engraves the top layer of the item, revealing the layer underneath. This technique is used on glass, ceramic, metal, tritan and wood.



In 2-tone laser engraving, the second colour is lasered more intensely to achieve a darker colour. This can result in a more visually appealing and dynamic design. This printing technique is mostly used for personalised items.

Imprint positions

On the clipPad printing

Extension of the clip

900 of the clip

of the clip

of the clip


Extended clip: - Screen printing - Pad printing

Barrel 900, 1800 and 2700 from the clip: - Digital - Digital 3D - Screen printing

The printing formats differ per item, you can find these formats on our website.


Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has a blue writing Jumbo refill for 4.5km of writing pleasure and is made with a hardcolour or soft touch finish.

80823 + 80824
LT80823 | Atlas ball pen combi
LT80824 | Ball pen Atlas metal tip combi
80825 80829
Jumbo refill. 80823 + 80824: Choose your writing colour. Writing length: 4.5km
LT80829 | Atlas ball pen transparent
LT80825 | Ball pen Atlas hardcolour
LT80826 | Ball pen Atlas hardcolour metal tip
LT80828 | Ball pen Atlas soft touch
LT80827 | Ball pen Atlas transparent metal tip


Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has a Jumbo refill for 4.5km of writing pleasure. With two writing colours to choose from: blue and black. Choose your own colour combination and hardcolour and transparent parts can be combined.

LT87943 | Avalon ball pen combi
LT87942 | Avalon ball pen transparent
LT87941 | Avalon ball pen hardcolour


87943 + 87946
87946 87944
Jumbo refill. 87943 + 87947: Choose your writing colour. Writing length: 4.5km
LT87945 | Avalon ball pen metal tip transparent
LT87947 | Ball pen Avalon soft touch
LT87944 | Avalon ball pen metal tip hardcolour
LT87946 | Avalon ball pen metal tip combi


Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has a Jumbo refill for 4.5km of writing pleasure. With two writing colours to choose from: blue and black. Choose your own colour combination and hardcolour and transparent parts can be combined.

Jumbo refill. 87110: Choose your writing colour. Writing length: 4.5km
LT87110 | Apollo ball pen combi



LT87111 | Ball pen Apollo Recycled with Grip
LT87106 | Ball pen Apollo recycled
LT87105 | Apollo ball pen frosty
LT87100 | Apollo ball pen hardcolour


Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has a Jumbo refill for 4.5km of writing pleasure. With two writing colours to choose from: blue and black. Choose your own colour combination and hardcolour and transparent parts can be combined.


Jumbo refill. 87985: Choose your writing colour. Writing length: 4.5km
Pusher Barrel Upperpart Clip
LT87980 | Cube ball pen transparent
LT87975 | Cube ball pen hardcolour
LT87985 | Cube ball pen combi


Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has an X20 refill for 2.5km of writing pleasure. With two writing colours to choose from: blue and black. Choose your own colour combination and hardcolour and transparent parts can be combined.


X20 refill. Writing length: 2.5km. 87879 Choose your writing colour. Clip
LT87877 | Ball pen Kuma hardcolour
LT87878 | Ball pen Kuma transparent
LT87879 | Ball pen Kuma combi


Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has an X20 refill for 2.5km of writing pleasure. With two writing colours to choose from: blue and black. Choose your own colour combination and hardcolour and transparent parts can be combined.

80816 80815
X20 refill. Writing length: 2.5km 80817: Choose your writing colour.
LT80816 | Nash ball pen transparent
LT80818 | Nash soft touch
LT80815 | Nash ball pen hardcolour
LT80817 | Nash ball pen combi
Jumbo refill. Writing length: 4.5km. 80806 Choose your writing colour.
LT80805 | Nash ball pen metal tip transparent
LT80804 | Nash ball pen metal tip hardcolour
LT80806 | Nash ball pen metal tip combi


X20 refill. Writing length: 2.5km. 80803 Choose your writing colour.
LT80802 | Nash ball pen rubber grip transparent
LT80801 | Nash ball pen rubber grip hardcolour
LT80803 | Nash ball pen rubber grip combi


Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has an X20 refill for 2.5km of writing pleasure. With two writing colours to choose from: blue and black. Choose your own colour combination and both, hardcolour andtransparent parts can be combined.

LT87953 | Deniro ball pen combi
LT87951 | Deniro ball pen hardcolour
LT87952 | Deniro ball pen frosty


87953 + 87956
87953 / 87951 / 87952 X20 refill. Writing length: 2.5km 87953 Choose your writing colour.
87956 / 87954 / 87955 Jumbo refill. Writing length: 4.5km. 87956 Choose your writing colour.
LT87955 | Deniro ball pen metal tip frosty
LT87954 | Deniro ball pen metal tip HC
LT87956 | Deniro ball pen metal tip combi


Toppoint design ball pen with rubber grip, made in Germany. This pen has an X20 refill for 2.5km of writing pleasure. With two writing colours to choose from: blue and black. Choose your own colour combination and both, hardcolour and transparent parts can be combined.

LT87628 | Cosmo ball pen combi rubber grip
LT87622 | Cosmo ball pen rubber grip HC
LT87626 | Cosmo ball pen transparent rubber grip


87628 + 87618
X20 refill. Writing length: 2.5km. 87628 + 87618 Choose your writing colour.
LT87616 | Cosmo ball pen transparent
LT87612 | Cosmo ball pen hardcolour
LT87618 | Cosmo ball pen combi

925 + 925 DP

A ball pen with metal parts. Create your own ball pen and choose your writing colour. Same model as 80290 with synthetic Jumbo refill for 4.5km writing pleasure.

80290/80299 X20 refill. Writing length: 2.5km. Choose your writing colour.
80380 Jumbo refill. Writing length: 4.5km. Choose your writing colour.
Upperpart Barrel
LT80299 | Ball pen 925 transparent
LT80290 | Balpen 925 Hardcolour
LT80380 | Balpen 925 Hardcolour Jumbo


One of the most popular Toppoint pens, now fully made in Germany. The pen is available in hard-colours and with its unique design it is a real eye-catcher on every desk. Including Jumbo refill.

| Ball pen Click Shadow Made in Germany

| Click-Shadow metallic



| Ball pen ClickShadow soft touch R-ABS

87826 EU


Toppoint modern ball pen. Unique design with hardcolour shaft and metal parts.

LT87936 | Zorro special
LT87938 | Zorro silver
LT87937 | Zorro transparent
LT87935 | Zorro hardcolour


Plastic hardcolour Toppoint designed ball pen with blue Jumbo refill and metallised tip and pusher.

LT80506 | Texas ball pen hardcolour
LT80508 | Ball pen Texas metal clip hardcolour


Toppoint design ball pen. This pen has a Jumbo refill and a metal tip. It has a hardcolour finish and a transparent clip. With a blue writing ink refill.

LT80835 | Ball pen Riva hardcolour
LT80836 | Ball pen Riva soft touch


LT87824 | Ball pen Slash soft touch


The Ozzy pen features a unique design that provides generous branding space along with a thinner bottom for enhanced grip comfort. The pen is made from R-ABS and features a smooth, soft-touch finish for a comfortable writing experience. Comes equipped with blue ink.



LT87075 | Ozzy pen soft touch





Toppoint design ball pen. This pen has a Jumbo refill and a metal tip. It has a soft-touch finish and a transparent clip. With a blue writing ink refill. Size: ø 10 x 144 mm

| Nash soft touch

Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has a blue writing X20 refill for 2.5km of writing pleasure. Made with a softtouch finish and a transparent clip. Size: ø 10 x 145 mm


LT80828 | Ball pen Atlas soft touch

Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has a blue writing Jumbo refill for 4.5km of writing pleasure and is made with a soft-touch finish. Size: ø 12 x 146 mm

LT87947 | Ball pen Avalon soft touch

Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has a blue writing Jumbo refill for 4.5km of writing pleasure. Made with a soft-touch finish and a transparent clip. Size: ø 12 x 146 mm

Ball pen Riva soft touch

LT80537 | Alicante ball pen soft touch

Rubberized matt metal ball pen in trendy colours with a softtouch. The rubberized look makes this a great business gift. Suitable for laser engraving. Size: ø 10 x 138 mm



LT80604 | Alicante soft touch R-AL blue ink

The recycled aluminum edition of our popular Alicante pen, with a soft touch finish; an elegant, aluminum ball pen with two rings in the body of the pen to give it that special touch. The pen comes with blue writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 138 mm

LT80605 | Alicante soft touch R-AL black ink

The recycled aluminum edition of our popular Alicante pen, with a soft touch finish; an elegant, aluminum ball pen with two rings in the body of the pen to give it that special touch. The pen comes with black writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 138 mm

80608 80609 NEW
LT87767 | Ball pen New York soft touch Aluminum ball pen with elegant soft-touch finish. With solid metal clip and available in modern colours. Writing colour: blue. Size: ø 10 x 136 mm
LT80609 | New York soft touch R-AL black ink
The recycled aluminum edition of our popular New York pen, with a soft touch finish; an elegant, aluminum ball pen with a sleek vibe. The pen comes with black writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 136 mm
LT80608 | New York soft touch R-AL blue ink
The recycled aluminum edition of our popular New York pen, with a soft touch finish; an elegant, aluminum ball pen with a sleek vibe. The pen comes with blue writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 136 mm
80606 80607
LT80607 | Paris soft touch R-AL black ink
The recycled aluminum edition of our popular Paris pen, with a soft touch finish; an elegant, aluminum ball pen with a sturdy clip. The pen comes with black writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 144 mm
LT80606 | Paris soft touch R-AL blue ink
The recycled aluminum edition of our popular Paris pen, with a soft touch finish; an elegant, aluminum ball pen with a sturdy clip. The pen comes with blue writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 144 mm
LT87782 | Ball pen Paris Metal soft touch
Aluminum ball pen with elegant soft-touch finish and stylus. With a solid metal clip. Writing colour: blue. Size: ø 10 x 144 mm
LT87783 | Ball pen Paris Deluxe Metal Rubberised Rose Gold aluminum ball pen with elegant soft-touch finish and stylus. With a solid metal clip. Writing colour: blue. Size: ø 10 x 142 mm





LT87781 | Ball pen Athens Metal soft touch
Aluminum ball pen with elegant soft-touch finish and stylus. With a solid metal clip. Writing colour: blue. Size: ø 10 x 139 mm
LT87780 | Ball pen Monaco Metal soft touch
Aluminum ball pen with elegant soft-touch finish. With solid metal clip. Writing colour: blue. Size: ø 10 x 140 mm


LT87762 | Ball pen Modena soft touch

A Toppoint design metal pen with rubberized finish, provided with a metal Jumbo refill with blue writing ink. Including twist mechanism, metal clip and tip. Laser engraving possible. Size: ø 10 x 140 mm



Plastic, Toppoint designed ball pen with a bow clip, rubber grip and touch function. Twist mechanism. Blue writing X20 refill.

LT87695 | Cosmo stylus with grip
LT80494 | Ball pen Mercurius stylus
Plastic touchscreen pen with a metal clip and rubber grip. Twist mechanism. Blue writing ink refill. Size: ø 9 x 137 mm


A Toppoint design metal stylus ball pen, provided with a metal Jumbo refill (standard: blue writing ink). Including twist mechanism, metal clip and tip. Laser engraving possible.


LT87775 | Ball pen Modena stylus
LT87851 | Ball pen Madeira stylus R-ABS


A modern 3-in-1

pen with a stylus and phonestand. A very trendy give away with a smooth design. Blue writing ink. Size: ø 11

Stylus Ball pen
LT80500 | 3-in-1 touch pen
x 146 mm
LT87794 | Stylus shine, with light Touchscreen pen with a LED light and ball pen.The ball pen can be used by removing the cap. Standard: blue writing ink. Size: ø 13 x 124 mm
LT87797 | Tool pen Build-it Multi-functional ball pen with touchscreen tip, including a screwdriver, ruler and spirit level featuring blue writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 148 mm


LT87933 | Ball pen basic X Ball pen in a sleek design. It has a metalised tip. Comes with a Jumbo refill with blue writing ink. Size: ø 11 x 140 mm
LT80435 | Ball pen Antarctica metal clip Transparent, plastic ball pen with metal clip. Blue writing ink. X20 refill. Size: ø 10 x 135 mm
LT87934 | Ball pen Illusion Ball pen with push mechanism, metalised tip. Comes with a blue writing Jumbo refill. Size: ø 11 x 139 mm


LT80432 | Ball pen Hawaï hardcolour White ball pen with metal clip. Metal look push button, ring and tip. Comes with a Jumbo refill with blue writing ink. Size: ø 13 x 140 mm
LT80421 | Ball pen Hawaï hardcolour
A stylish, hardcolour ball pen with an original metal clip, metal look ring and tip. Comes with a Jumbo refill with blue writing ink and a comfortable grip. From orders of 10.000 pieces, you can choose your own colour combination. Size: ø 13 x 140 mm
LT80423 | Ball pen Hawaï frosty Transparent ball pen with metal clip, metal look ring and tip. Comes with a Jumbo refill with blue writing ink. For orders from 10.000 pieces, other writing colours are available. Size: ø 13 x 140 mm
LT80422 | Ball pen Hawaï silver Silver ball pen with metal clip and a coloured grip. The pen comes with a Jumbo refill with blue writing ink. Size: ø 13 x 140 mm
LT87820 | Ball pen Hawaii transparent Ocean Bound Plastic
Introducing ‘Hawaii,’ our eco-friendly ball pen made from oceanbound plastic. Clear conscience, clear writing! Size: ø 14 x 140 mm
LT87821 | Ball pen Hawaii hard colour R-ABS
Introducing ‘Hawaii,’ our eco-friendly ball pen made from recycled ABS. Making a colorful impact on sustainability! Size: ø 13 x 140 mm

LT87822 | Ball pen ocean bound paper clip

Meet our eco-friendly Ballpen Ocean Bound Paper Clip! Crafted from recycled ocean-bound plastic, it’s a sustainable choice for organization and note-taking. Join us in making a positive impact on our environment. Size: ø 10 x 142 mm

LT87226 | Ball pen 4 colours 4-in-1 pen. White, hardcolour ball pen with coloured grip and four writing colours to choose from: blue, red, black and green. Size: ø 11 x 137 mm

LT87256 | 4-color Ball pen paper

Introducing our eco-friendly paper pen with four different writing colors. Sustainable and colorful writing all in one!e! Size: ø 13 x 142 mm

LT87523 | Ball pen 4-color Cork

Introducing our versatile cork pen with four different writing colors. Sustainable and colorful writing all in one! Size: ø 13 x 142 mm

80561 NEW

LT87227 | Injection pen transparent

Transparent injection pen available in multiple colours. The pen is designed as a syringe. Size: ø 13 x 134 mm

LT80388 | Banner-pen, grip transparent

Transparent ball pen with rubber grip. Full-colour printing on both sides of the banner, X20 standard: blue ink. Also possible with imprint on the body or clip. Delivery time is approximately six weeks. Size: ø 12 x 147 mm

LT87918 | Ball pen Alicante stylus metal Elegant, aluminum ball pen with a stylus function. Two rings in the body of the pen to give it that touch of elegance. The pen comes with a Jumbo refill with blue writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 134 mm
LT87557 | Touch screen pen tablet/smartphone Modern aluminum pen with a touchscreen top. The pen has a twist mechanism. Size: ø 7 x 136 mm
LT87755 | Ball pen New York stylus metal
This elegant metal ball pen with black trims can be laser engraved and the logo will come out in the colour of the stylus tip. Writing colour: blue. Size: ø 10 x 142 mm
LT80429 | Ball pen Hawaï stylus Plastic ball pen with a touchscreen cap and twist function. Blue writing ink. Size: ø 13 x 135 mm
LT87558 | Touch screen pen tablet/smartphone Small, aluminum pen with touchscreen top. The pen has a twist mechanism. Size: ø 10 x 110 mm
LT80433 | Ball pen Hawaï stylus hardcolour Ball pen with a touchscreen tip, twist mechanism, metal look tip, ring and clip. Blue writing ink X20 refill. Size: ø 13 x 135 mm

LT80902 | Ball pen Baron ‘03 Ice Frosty

The Baron ’03 Ice is a frosted ball pen with wide clip. It includes a Jumbo refill with blue writing ink. The pen has a pusher mechanism and is made of ABS, made in Europe. From orders of 5.000 pieces, you can choose your own colour combination. Size: ø 10 x 133 mm

LT80900 | Ball pen Baron Colour hardcolour

The Baron Colour ball pen with a white barrel and pusher and with a coloured clip and tip. The refill is a synthetic Jumbo refill and includes blue writing ink. It includes a pusher mechanism and is made of ABS, made in Europe. From orders of 5.000 pieces, you can choose your own colour combination. Size: ø 10 x 133 mm

LT80913 | Ball pen IProtect hardcolour


Pens are one of the worst culprits for spreading germs. Certified by ISO 22196 norm. It is the promotional pen for companies in the medical and paramedical industry, and it is also highly suitable for schools, public places, hospitals, and bars. This IProtect pen comes with a white body and coloured clip. Including a X20 refill with blue writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 135 mm


LT87541 | Ball pen Vegetal Pen hardcolour

Hardcolour white Vegetal ball pen with coloured clip. Made of PLA which is a biodegradable material. This means that it is a good and environmental choice as a promotional article. The pen comes with a X20 refill with blue writing ink. The pen has a pusher mechanism and is made in Europe. From 5.000 pieces own colour combinations possible. Size: ø 11 x 137 mm

LT87540 | Ball pen Vegetal Pen Clear transparent

Transparent Vegetal Clear ball pen with coloured clip. Made of PLA which is a biodegradable material. This means that it is a good and environmental choice as a promotional article. The pen comes with a X20 refill with blue writing ink. The pen has a pusher mechanism and is made in Europe. From 5.000 pieces own colour combinations possible. Size: ø 11 x 137 mm

LT87551 | Ball pen S45 recycled hardcolour

Stilolinea S45 modern biros in 100% recycled plastic. An environmentally friendly promotional item. Fitted with a highquality X20 refill. The refill contains blue ink. The pen has a pushbutton mechanism and is made in Europe. For orders of 5,000 or more, other writing colours are available. Size: ø 10 x 138 mm



We are aware of the environmental impact that several products have after using them. Pens also come un-separated at the landfills. Efforts to refill pens and let the receiver use them longer provides environmental benefits. It has also benefits for the company who gives the pen because they see their brand get more attention. At Toppoint we have pens that are refillable and easy to disassemble. That’s why our pens have a long lifetime and can be offered as separated return flows. This makes sure that the raw materials can be recycled. So customers contribute to reducing CO2 emission and choose for products with a longer lifetime.


Recycled ABS is a type of plastic that is an opaque thermoplastic and amorphous polymer. Thermoplastic material is a meltable polymer; it can be moulded into a shape by heating it. ABS can be heated over and over again, which means ABS is a perfect material for recycling.


Biodegradable plastic is a packaging material that degrades in the environment completely naturally. It is made from natural raw materials such as maize, cane sugar or potatoes. This prevents plastics from becoming plastics soup and reduces CO2 emissions.


PLA stands for polylactic acid. PLA is not made from petroleum but from a vegetable source. The basis of PLA consists of lactic acid, which is obtained from agricultural crops such as maize. Many PLA products are biodegradable.


Bamboo naturally has the ability to absorb CO2 from the air. By absorbing CO2 from the air, bamboo helps combat the greenhouse effect. Bamboo’s hollow and round structure makes it stronger than wood and it also bends further without breaking. Also, bamboo is the fastest growing plant, which means it can be produced much faster than other types of wood.


Paper recycling is a process that converts waste paper into new paper products. The waste paper company takes the paper waste, cleans it and sorts it. It is then pressed into bales and transported to a paper or cardboard mill. The pulp forms the basis of new paper and cardboard.


Wood is one of the oldest natural raw materials used by mankind. Trees get 90% of their nutrition from the atmosphere and only 10% from the soil. Wood is biodegradable material and a renewable resource.

Ecovadis Platinum rating

We are extremely proud to have achieved the highest attainable rating Platinum at EcoVadis! This result places Toppoint among the Top 1% of companies with EcoVadis[1] ratings.

Our commitment to sustainability and CSR

Sustainability and corporate responsibility are one of our key drivers. Therefore, being a leader in our industry as a socially responsible company is one of our top priorities. We want to ensure that sustainability practices are fully integrated into our operations by promoting transparency, employee engagement and our code of ethics. The Ecovadis methodology is based

on international sustainability standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000, which covers 200 spending categories and more than 160 countries. The Sustainability Scorecard illustrates Toppoint’s performance as an organisation on 21 indicators in five themes:

• Overall business score

• Environment

• Labour & Human Rights

• Sustainable Procurement

• Ethics

LT87254 | Ball pen New York cork

Introducing ‘New York,’ our eco-conscious ballpen crafted from sustainable cork. Size: ø 11 x 136 mm

LT87285 | Ball pen New York bamboo with stylus

Bamboo material ball pen with metalized pusher and tip. The clip is made of metal. The pen contains a coloured stylus to use with a touchscreen. With blue writing Jumbo refill. Size: ø 11 x 142 mm


LT87283 | Ball pen New York bamboo
popular New York ball pen, now also in a bamboo edition. The bamboo material gives the pen a sustainable look. Includes a metal clip. With plastic blue writing Jumbo refill. Size: ø 11 x 140 mm




Discover the pen with a green twist! The holder of this pen is made of recycled paper - ideal for anyone who wants to write stylishly as well as make a difference to the environment. The paper is sturdy, feels great and makes this pen a true must[1]have for eco-conscious writers. Contribute to a sustainable future with a simple but powerful choice. Write sustainably, write with impact

LT87252 | Ball pen New York stylus paper

Introducing ‘New York,’ our eco-conscious ballpen crafted from sustainable paper, with a built-in stylus. Write and navigate, all in one sustainable pen! Size: ø 11 x 144 mm

LT87250 | Ball pen New York paper

Introducing ‘New York,’ our eco-conscious ballpen crafted from sustainable paper. Size: ø 11 x 140 mm



LT87255 | Ball pen Allicante paper

Introducing ‘Alicante,’ our eco-conscious ballpen made from sustainable paper. Write your story, the eco-friendly way! Size: ø 11 x 138 mm

LT87288 | Alicante bamboo

Ball pen made of bamboo with a metal clip and metallised tip, standard: black writing ink. Size: ø 11 x 140 mm

LT87827 | Ball pen paper R-PP

Made of recycled plastic and featuring an efficient blue writing color, our business paper pen embodies simplicity and sustainability. A responsible choice for a purposeful writing experience. Size: ø 10 x 140 mm


LT87282 | Ball pen bamboo and wheatstraw with stylus

Ball pen made of bamboo. The tip, clip, pusher and rings on the barrel are made of wheat straw. On the pusher there is a coloured stylus for using smartphone screens. A sustainable and fun promotional item to give away. Including a blue writing Jumbo refill. Size: ø 12 x 145 mm

LT87287 | Ball pen Antartica stylus bamboo

A ball pen made from a bamboo material with a metallised pusher, tip and metal clip. The pen comes with a stylus and a Jumbo refill with black writing ink. Size: ø 12 x 137 mm


Meet “Paris bamboo,” our environmentally conscious bamboo ballpoint pen with blue writing jumbo refill. Size: ø 11 x 148 mm

LT87949 | Ball pen stylus paper

A stylus pen made from recycled paper. Blue writing ink refill. Size: ø 10 x 112 mm

Ballpoint pen Paris Bamboo Stylus


LT87294 | Ball pen paper

Bio-paper ball pen with coloured parts, X20 refill with blue writing ink. Size: ø 9 x 138 mm

LT87518 | Bamboo pen with plastic leafclip

Ecological bamboo ball pen with clip in the shape of a leaf. Coloured pusher and underpart, X20 refill with black writing ink. Printing on the clip possible. Size: ø 11 x 136 mm


Introducing the Alberto Bamboo Ballpen – a sustainable writing companion with a touch of elegance. Crafted from ecofriendly bamboo, it’s perfect for both style and environmental consciousness. Write with flair, choose Alberto. Size: ø 11 x 135

87284 87289
LT87289 | Ball pen bamboo
Ball pen made of bamboo with a metal clip and metallised tip. The pen comes with a Jumbo refill with black writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 135 mm
LT87284 | Ball pen bamboo with wheatstraw Bamboo material ball pen with clip, pusher and tip make of wheatstraw. With plastic blue writing X20 refill. Size: ø 11 x 140 mm
LT87292 | Ball pen bamboo
Ball pen made from a bamboo material with a metal clip, metalised pusher and tip. The pen comes with a Jumbo refill with blue writing ink. Size: ø 11 x 138 mm
LT87257 | Ball pen Alberto Bamboo

LT87754 | Ball pen Sering recycled Alu

Introducing the “Sering” Recycled Ballpen, a sustainable choice for conscious writing. Recycled aluminium with a bamboo ring, it’s your eco-friendly and stylish companion. Write with purpose, choose Sering. Writing colour: blue. Size: ø 10 x 140 mm

LT87752 | Ball pen Madrid bamboo

Introducing ‘Madrid,’ our elegant aluminium pen with metal clip, wooden barrel,and pusher; bringing a touch of nature to your writing experience. Writing colour: blue. Size: ø 10 x 142 mm

LT87823 | Ball pen Finn R-ABS

Introducing the Ballpen Finn R-ABS! Sleek, durable, and versatile, it’s your everyday companion for seamless writing. Elevate your writing experience with Finn. Size: ø 10 x 137 mm


LT87822 | Ball pen ocean bound paper clip

Meet our eco-friendly Ballpen Ocean Bound Paper Clip! Crafted from recycled ocean-bound plastic, it’s a sustainable choice for organization and note-taking. Join us in making a positive impact on our environment. Size: ø 10 x 142 mm

LT80610 | Ball pen Kalmar R-AL

The Kalmar ball pen offers a sleek design for a smooth and dependable writing experience. Made from recycled aluminum, it provides a cool touch and a satisfying weight in your hand while writing. Size: 13 x 140 x 10 mm

| R-PET pen Write sustainably with a pen made from recycled PET. Blue ink Size: 14 x 143 x 11 mm

80562 NEW NEW

LT89260 | Pencil smiling mechanical

A mechanical propelling pencil (0,7mm) with push mechanism and eraser. Available in multiple colours. Easy to refill. Size: ø 8 x 155 mm

LT89216 | Alicante mechanical pencil metal

Stylish aluminum mechanical pencil (0.7mm). With two rings in the body of the pen. Single name engraving available from orders of minimal 50 pieces. Size: ø 10 x 135 mm


LT91595 | Inkless paperpen with eraser

Introducing our Inkless Paperpen with Eraser – a clean and efficient writing solution. Write, erase, and rewrite without ink or waste. Elevate your eco-friendly writing experience today! Size: ø 9 x 157 mm

LT91598 | Sustainable long-life pencil with eraser

Long-life pencil with eraser to replace the traditional pencil. This durable pencil has a graphite tip. It writes like a traditional pencil and can also be erased. The tip does not require sharpening and wears very slowly, making the pencil last up to 100 times longer than a traditional pencil. Size: ø 7 x 155 mm

LT91597 | Sustainable long life wood pencil

Wooden long-life pencil to replace the traditional pencil. This durable pencil has a graphite tip. It writes like a traditional pencil and can also be erased. The tip does not require sharpening and wears very slowly, making the pencil last up to 100 times longer than a traditional pencil. Size: ø 9 x 145 mm

LT91599 | Long-life aluminum pencil with eraser

Aluminum long-life pencil with eraser to replace the traditional pencil. This durable pencil has a graphite tip. It writes like a traditional pencil and can also be erased. The tip, does not require sharpening and wears very slowly, making the pencil last up to 100 times longer than a traditional pencil. Size: ø 9 x 144 mm

LT91592 | Carpenter pencil big 25cm Wide carpenter pencil, unsharpened. With large print area. FSC wood. Size: 8 x 247 x 15 mm
LT91596 | Pencil bio Wooden round pencil. HB, 100% Biological, sharpened. Size: ø 7 x 175 mm
LT91582 | Black sharpened pencil Black round pencil. Sharpened. Size: ø 7 x 175 mm
LT91580 | Pencil, unsharpened Round pencil, unsharpened. FSC. Size: ø 7 x 180 mm
LT91585 | Pencil, with eraser Round pencil with eraser, unsharpened. FSC. Size: ø 7 x 186 mm
LT91583 | Pencil, black with eraser Black round pencil with eraser, sharpened. FSC wood. Size: ø 7 x 188 mm

LT91593 | Sustainable long-life pencil & ruler R-AL

The 2-in-1 long-life pencil and ruler fulfills endless writing and measuring needs. The tip does not require sharpening, and the hexagonal shape prevents the pen from rolling around Size: 10 x 148 x 10 mm

| Mini pencil Mini pencil. Sharpened. Size: ø 7 x 85 mm

LT91594 | Sustainable long-life pencil & ruler bamboo

The 2-in-1 bamboo long-life pencil and ruler fulfills endless writing and measuring needs. The tip does not require sharpening, and the hexagonal shape prevents the pen from rolling around. Size: 10 x 148 x 10 mm

| Voting pencil Voting pencil with a red writing colour. Ideal for voting during elections. Size: ø 7 x 85 mm




| Slim ball pen


Thin metal ball pen. Matt colour with golden parts. Provided with a metal ink holder (standard: blue writing ink). Laser (Gold) engraving possible. Size: ø 8 x 134 mm

LT87926 | Talagante aluminum ball pen 5 rings

Aluminum ball pen with five rings with silver finish. Single name engraving available from orders of minimal 50 pieces. Provided with a plastic ink refill (standard: black writing ink). Size: ø 10 x 139 mm

LT87836 | Nautilus ball pen metal

Robust metal ball pen. Glossy with chromed parts. Comes with a metal Jumbo refill with blue writing ink. Laser engraving (silver) possible. Size: ø 12 x 138 mm

LT80340 | Topper ball pen metal

Metal ball coloured pen with chromed parts. Provided with a metal Jumbo refill with blue writing ink. Also possible with laser engraving (gray). Size: ø 9 x 140 mm




LT87924 | Fidget spinner pen

This dual-function pen combines smooth writing with a built-in spinner that promotes stress relief and concentration, making it an innovative addition to your workspace or a thoughtful gift for multitaskers. Size: 13 x 146 x 10 mm

LT87915 | Alicante special, ball pen

Elegant aluminum pen. With two rings in the body of the pen as remarkable detail. Blue writing ink plastic refill. Size: ø 10 x 135 mm


LT81155 | Metal rollerball 2 stripes

Aluminum rollerball with cap and two stripes. Laser engraving possible. Blue writing ink refill. Size: ø 11 x 138 mm

LT87863 | Ball pen metal 2 stripes

Aluminum ball pen with two stripes. Laser engraving possible. Blue writing ink refill. Size: ø 11 x 138 mm

87863 NEW

| Alicante matte R-AL blue ink

The recycled aluminum edition of our popular Alicante pen, with a matte finish; an elegant, aluminum ball pen with two rings in the body of the pen to give it that special touch. The pen comes with blue writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 135 mm

LT80602 | Alicante shiny R-AL blue ink

The recycled aluminum edition of our popular Alicante pen, with a shiny finish; an elegant, aluminum ball pen with two rings in the body of the pen to give it that special touch. The pen comes with blue writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 135 mm

| Alicante matte R-AL black ink

The recycled aluminum edition of our popular Alicante pen, with a matte finish; an elegant, aluminum ball pen with two rings in the body of the pen to give it that special touch. The pen comes with black writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 135 mm

| Alicante shiny R-AL black ink

The recycled aluminum edition of our popular Alicante pen, with a shiny finish; an elegant, aluminum ball pen with two rings in the body of the pen to give it that special touch. The pen comes with black writing ink. Size: ø 10 x 135 mm

80600 80601
80601 NEW NEW
LT83013 | Packaging, black carton 1 ball pen Rectangle black carton gift box for one ball pen, has a window and sliding lid. Printing on the box is possible. Size: 21 x 182 x 43 mm
LT83001 | Packaging, etui Black velvet pouch for one ball pen. Supplied plain only. Size: 160 x 29 mm
LT83143 | Recycled milk carton pen box, 1 pen Pen box for one pen, crafted from repurposed milk cartons. Size: 21 x 140 x 41 mm
LT83140 | Pen box 1 pen PVC sleeve Black gift box for one pen with transparent sleeve. Size: 20 x 186 x 25 mm
LT83006 | Packaging, oval for 2 ball pens Frosted, oval gift box for two ball pens. With transparent lid. Printing on lid is possible. Size: 22 x 175 x 45 mm
LT83258 | Customized box ball pen (20x20x150mm) Cardboard gift box with custom-made full-colour printing. Suitable for any type of pen. Size: 150 x 20 x 20 mm
LT83141 | Paper pen box 1 or 2 pens
A paper pen box for one or two writing instruments. Size: 29 x 170 x 50 mm


LT82153 | Metal ball pen and roller ball pen set in gift box
A writing set featuring a metal ballpoint pen and rollerball pen. This set comes presented in a beautiful gift box. Size: 30 x 56 x 180 mm
LT82155 | Metal ball pen and rollerball set walnut wood in gift box
A writing set featuring a metal and wallnut ballpoint pen and rollerball pen. This set has a classical look and comes packaged in a beautiful gift box. Size: 30 x 56 x 180 mm
LT82154 | Metal ball pen and rollerball set bamboo in gift box
A metal ballpoint pen and rollerball pen are paired together in a beautiful gift box. This set can be branded to your liking, making it ideal for promoting your business. Size: 30 x 56 x 180 mm

| Ball pen and rollerball set Dallas in gift box

A set with a ball pen and a rollerball in a luxurious gift box. With a metal Jumbo refill with blue writing ink for the ball pen. Size: 30 x 180 x 65 mm

LT82142 | Metal pen Cork in case

Ball pen with Eco look, made of metal with a cork barrel. The pen has a twist mechanism and has a metal refill. Delivered in a luxurious gift box. Size: 32 x 180 x 57 mm

LT82171 | Ball pen Laredo in gift box

A luxurious pen with heavy metal parts. This gives the pen a higher quality look & feel. The pen has a metal clip and comes in a luxurious gift box. Blue writing ink. Size: 32 x 170 x 57 mm


LT80536 | Aluminum ball pen in a tube

Aluminum ball pen with three chrome rings. The ball pen is packed in an aluminum tube. Size: ø 23 x 147 mm

LT82172 | Metal Ball pen bamboo in tube

Introducing our Bamboo Ballpen, elegantly presented in a sustainable bamboo tube. Embrace eco-friendly writing with style and purpose. A perfect choice for the environmentally conscious. Size: ø 23 x 151 mm

LT82365 | Pen set 2 stripes barrel metal Metal writing set with ball pen and rollerball. Ball pen with twist function. Rollerball with cap. Blue writing ink refill. Stylish top of the pens and two silver coloured rings. Size: 29 x 170 x 50 mm

LT82221 | Alicante set (87915+89216+83006)

Writing set with Alicante ball pen (87915) and pencil (89216) in oval transparent gift box. Printing is standard on the gift box. Size: 22 x 175 x 45 mm

| Highlighter set 4pc 75mm

Set with four mini highlighters in useful plastic box with transparent lid. The highlighters are in a unique Toppoint design. The coloured details of the highlighter show the writing colours. Size: 23

| Highlighters set 4pc 110mm

Set with four basic highlighters in useful plastic box with transparent lid. The highlighters are in a unique Toppoint design. The coloured details of the highlighter show the writing colours. Size: 23 x 128 x 128 mm

x 128 x 92 mm
LT81283 | Highlighter
Toppoint design basic highlighter. The coloured details mention the writing colour. Size: 13 x 110 x 25 mm
LT81284 | Highlighter 75mm
Toppoint design mini highlighter. The coloured details mention the writing colour. Size: 13 x 75 x 25 mm

LT81530 | R-PET highlighter

Highlight or underline important notes with the chisel tip of this R-PET higlighter. Size: 14 x 118 x 25 mm

LT81540 | Highlighter made in EU

This highlighter, made in the EU, features a round tip for precise highlighting, ideal for emphasizing key text or details. Its vibrant color ensures important information stands out clearly. Designed for comfort and control, this highlighter is perfect for students, professionals, or anyone needing accuracy in their notes. Size: ø 10 x 145 mm

LT81286 | Highlighter R-PET

This highlighter is made from recycled PET bottles. Highlighting or underlining notes is very easy by using these markers. The point is a Chisel-tip for marking (5mm) or underlining (2mm). Size: 12 x 118 x 24 mm

LT81487 | Highlighter human

Toppoint design highlighter, man shaped figure with fluorescent coloured highlighters. The legs, hands and head are highlighters and can be removed from the figure. Size: 16 x 95 x 75 mm

LT81458 | Injection highlighter

Transparent injection highlighter. Colour indicates writing colour. Size: ø 16 x 136 mm

| Triangle highlighter

LT81401 | Flowermarker, highlighter

Frosted round highlighter with five writing colours. Big print area. ABS material. Size: ø 99 x 20 mm

Triangle highlighter with three writing colours. Large printing surface on both sides. Ideal for digital printing in full-colour. Size: 12 x 78 x 78 mm

Toppoint design highlighter in the well-known ‘like’ shape. Every finger has a different colour. Size: 90 x 15 x 75 mm

Toppoint design highlighter in the shape of a hand with five writing colours. Full-colour digital imprint is possible. Size: 19 x 75 x 96 mm

Toppoint design highlighter with five different writing colours. Print on the body. Size: 13 x 92

LT81486 | Highliker
LT81485 | Hand highlighter
LT81409 | Drop, funny highlighter
x 88 mm
LT81421 | Puck highlighter
Round Toppoint designed highlighter with three writing colours. Large printing surface on the white body. Printing also possible with digital print or with a doming. Size: ø 69 x 14 mm

LT81253 | Ball pen Hawaii with tri-colour highlighter

Mark important words and phrases in your notes with this versatile tri-color highlighter and ballpoint pen. Each ballpoint pen has a marker with 3 different colors in 1 tip. Size: ø 15 x 145 mm

LT81416 | Ball pen with textmarker 2-in-1
Stylish metal ball pen with cap (blue writing) and a (yellow) text marker. Size: ø 10 x 138 mm



With us, you will find notebooks for every occasion. Whether you take notes for work, study or want to capture your creative ideas, we have the ideal notebook for you. Choose from a variety of sizes, colours and styles, from classic and luxurious to eco-friendly options. Our notebooks are designed with care and an eye for quality, so you will always enjoy writing.

LT90837 | Cardboard notebook A5
Notebook in A5 size, with elastic strap and 160 creamed coloured lined 70g/m² pages. Size: 14 x 210 x 140 mm
LT90839 | Cardboard notebook A6 + pen LT87949
Notebook with cardboard cover in A6 size with elastic strap and 160 creamed coloured lined 70g/m² pages. Including cardboard stylus pen. Size: 14 x 140 x 90 mm
LT91068 | Cardboard notebook round corners A5
Notebook with cardboard cover, black ribbon, black elastic band and 160 creamed coloured lined 70g/m² pages. Size: 12 x 212 x 147 mm
LT91067 | Cardboard notebook round corners A6
Notebook with cardboard cover, black ribbon, black elastic band and 160 creamed coloured lined 70g/m² pages. Size: 12 x 140 x 110 mm

LT92080 | Notebook milkcarton A5

This sustainable A5 notebook features a cover made from recycled 120gsm milk carton paper. It contains 80 sheets of 70g/ m² lined recycled milk carton paper, with an elastic band closure and a ribbon bookmark. Size: 14 x 210 x 140 mm

LT92079 | Notebook recycled cotton & R-PET A5

Elevate your writing experience with this eco-conscious notebook! Crafted from recycled cotton & R-PET, it houses FSCcertified 70gsm pages. Enhanced with a wider elastic band, pen loop, and ribbon—your sustainable companion for organized and conscious note-taking. Size: 14 x 210 x 148 mm

LT92081 | Notebook grass fragant paper A5

This sustainable A5 notebook features a cover made from grass fragrant paper. It contains 80 sheets of FSC 70g/m² lined paper, with an elastic band closure and a ribbon bookmarker. Size: 14 x 210 x 140 mm

LT92084 | Notebook cotton & cork A5

This notebook has a cover made of cotton and cork with 80 lined 70g/m² FSC-certified paper sheets. It includes an elastic band closure and a ribbon bookmark for added convenience. Size: 14 x 210 x 140 mm

LT90894 | Spiral notebook A5

Notebook A5 spiral, 100 sheets. Size: 14 x 210 x 155 mm


LT92078 | Notebook bamboo & R-PET A5

Discover sustainability with our Bamboo & R-PET Midi Notebook. Thoughtfully designed with a ribbon, elastic band closure, and lined cream-colored FSC paper inside. Embrace eco-conscious note-taking in style. Size: 15 x 211 x 142 mm

LT92073 | Notebook bamboo corner band A5

Elevate your note-taking with our A5 Bamboo Corner-Bound Notebook. This eco-friendly masterpiece is meticulously crafted from sustainable bamboo and features a unique corner binding for added style. Size: 210 x 145 mm


LT92072 | Notebook bamboo corner bound A6

Experience elegance with our A6 Bamboo Corner-Bound Notebook. Crafted from sustainable bamboo, this compact notebook combines style and eco-friendliness. Its corner binding adds a unique touch. Size: 105 x 145 mm

LT92085 | Notebook R-PET & cork A5

This notebook has a cover made of recycled PET and cork with 80 lined 70 grams FSC-certified paper sheets. It includes an elastic band closure and a ribbon bookmark for added convenience. Made with R-PET Size: 12 x 210 x 140 mm

LT92082 | Notebook cork A5

This sustainable A5 notebook features a cover made from cork. It contains 80 sheets of FSC 70g/m² lined paper, with an elastic band closure, a ribbon placemarker, and a convenient pen loop. Size: 14 x 210 x 140 mm

LT92077 | Notebook jute R-PET

Celebrate sustainability with our Notebook: jute & R-PET cover & FSC pages. Stylish, eco-concious, and perfect for your notes. Make a green statement with every page turned. Size: 13 x 211 x 142 mm

LT92529 | Cork notebook A5

Two-coloured hard cover notebook made of cork and soft vegan leather. This modern notebook comes with an elastic strap and pen loop. The 160 lined pages are made of recycled paper. Size: 210 x 140 x 14 mm

LT92522 | Recycled leather A5 hardcover

Stylish hardcover notebook with a natural look. The cover is made of recycled leather and is durable against wear and tear. The notebook contains 160 cream coloured pages and a ribbon. It can be closed by a elastic strap and has a loop for a pen. Size: 210 x 135 x 12 mm

LT92069 | Notebook recycled leather Midi

Embrace sustainability with our medium recycled leather notebook. This eco-friendly and stylish notebook is the perfect companion for your thoughts and ideas. Make a statement for a greener planet with every note you take. Reduce, reuse and write your story with a purpose. Size: 127 x 178 mm

| Recycled leather notebook A5 Fancy notebook with a natural look. The cover is made of recycled leather and is durable against wear and tear. The notebook contains 160 cream coloured pages and a ribbon. It can be closed by an elastic strap. Size: 209 x 135 x 10 mm

LT92068 | Notebook felt A5

Meet our Felt Notebook - stylishly sustainable. Crafted from eco-friendly felt material, it adds a touch of warmth to your notes. Elevate your writing experience with a notebook that's both chic and conscious. Write sustainably, in style. Size: 210 x 148 mm

LT92076 | Notebook soft cover Maxi

Introducing our Maxi Soft Cover Notebook, a perfect blend of elegance and functionality. With its luxurious cream-colored lined pages, writing becomes a pleasure. The built-in ribbon ensures you never lose your place, while the elastic band keeps your thoughts secure. Elevate your writing experience with this stylish companion. Size: 12 x 240 x 173 mm



Make a conscious choice with our eco-friendly notebooks and reduce your carbon footprint. Consider our sustainable options, such as recycled PET (R-PET) material, which helps reduce waste and save resources. These innovative materials contribute to a greener future, without compromising on quality or style. With our carefully curated collection, you can write responsibly and still enjoy the look and functionality you're looking for.


Introducing our A6 Notebook with FSC pages! Crafted from ecofriendly R-PET/PU materials, it's your sustainable companion for jotting down ideas and notes. Make a positive impact with every page you fill. Size: 15 x 145 x 91 mm

LT92071 | Notebook R-PET/PU A5
our A5 Notebook with FSC pages! Crafted from ecofriendly R-PET/PU materials, it's your sustainable companion for jotting down ideas and notes. Make a positive impact with every page you fill. Size: 15 x 210 x 148 mm
LT92070 | Notebook R-PET/PU A6
LT92528 | R-PET notebook A5 Hardcover A5 note book made of R-PET. This stylish and sustainable notebook comes with an elastic penloop and strap. The 160 checkered pages are made of reycled paper. Size: 210 x 140 x 12 mm
LT92530 | Notebook made of R-PET A5 Hardback A5 notebook made by RPET. This stylish and durable notebook comes with an elasticated band and strap. The 160 dot-patterned pages are made from recycled paper. Size: 210 x 140 x 12 mm
LT92066 | Notebook A5 PU with FSC pages
Classic design PU notebook with colour matching elastic strap and ribbon. 96 sheets of white lined FSC paper. Size: 15 x 210 x 142 mm
LT92064 | Notebook A5 PU with FSC grid dot pages
Classic design PU notebook with colour matching elastic strap and ribbon. 96 sheets of white dot grid FSC paper. Size: 15 x 210 x 142 mm
LT92065 | Notebook A6 PU with FSC pages
Classic design PU notebook with colour matching elastic strap and ribbon. 96 sheets of white lined FSC paper. Size: 15 x 141 x 90 mm
LT91709 | Pocket book Notepad with lined paper. Size: 130 x 90 x 13 mm


Seed paper is made in a bath with a mixture of water, plant and/or flower seeds and paper pulp. A sieve is pulled through the substance and a thin layer of paper forms. After drying, it is transformed into a plantable and biodegradable paper product that grows into an herb plant, vegetable or flower after planting. After the product is consumed, put the paper in some soil and water it. Over time, the seeds germinate and can grow into lavender, daisies, chrysanthemums, mint and cherry tomatoes..

LT92526 | Seed paper spiral notebook

Nice set of adhesive notes made of seed paper. When you plant the cover and water it, the mixture of seeds will sprout. Your message will flourish, making this a sustainable and unique item. Contains: 100 pages of recycled paper with checkered pattern. Size: 148 x 110 x 17 mm

LT92520 | Rock paper notebook A5

LT92527 | Seed paper adhesive notes set

Nice set of adhesive notes made of seed paper. When you plant the cover and water it, the mixture of seeds will sprout. Your message will flourish, making this a sustainable and unique item. Contains: 100 sheets of recycled paper with checkered pattern, 25 adhesive notes and 25 sheets of page markers in 5 colours. Size: 150 x 80 x 15 mm


The paper industry is one of the biggest polluters in the world. Stone paper requires no deforestation, water wastage or CO2 emissions. This nature-friendly alternative is made from waste and is barely distinguishable from normal paper. TopEarth's tree-free softcover notebook is made from 100% circular stone paper

The sheets of this notebook were made from rocks. The result is a strong, smooth sheet of paper with a remarkably cool touch. The sheets are perforated on the side making it easy to tear them out. Size: 215 x 155 x 15 mm

LT92523 | Rock paper reporter book

The 50 sheets of this sustainable pocket notebook were made from rocks. The result is a strong, smooth water-resistant sheet of paper with a remarkably cool touch. The reporter book shape and spiral make it easy to take quick notes. Size: 135 x 85 x 7 mm

LT91753 | Notebook hardcover, customized

Notebook with sticky notes: 100 large adhesive notes of 100x75mm, 25 small adhesive notes of 50x75mm, and 25 sheets of page markers in 5 colours. Size: 106 x 75 x 19 mm

LT90865 | Notebook hardcover

Small notebook with large print area on the front and back. Sticky notes: 100 large adhesive notes of 100x75mm, 25 small adhesive notes of 50x75mm and 25 sheets of page markers in 5 colours. Size: 105 x 80 x 19 mm

LT91735 | Bookmark/sticky notes/square

LT92525 | Noteblock recycled paper 150 sheets

Noteblock with 150 sheets of recycled paper. Sheets can easily be torn out. The soft colourful cover gives it a fancy look. Size: 125 x 90 x 14 mm

LT90869 | Notebook + sticky notes

A small notebook available in black, white or brown. Sticky notes: 50 sheets of 100x75mm, 25 sheets of 50x75mm, and 25 sheets of page markers in 5 colours. Size: 7 x 80 x 106 mm

LT92067 | Bookmark bamboo

Discover the perfect companion for your reading adventures - our eco-friendly bamboo bookmark. Embrace nature, one page at a time. Size: 130 x 40 mm

Bookmark with sticky notes. Fifteen sheets per colour/size. Small notes in five colours (44X12mm) and a large set of notes in one colour (44X40mm). Size: 205 x 60 mm

LT90868 | Recycled paper tri-fold stationary set

This sustainable tri-fold stationery set features a cover made from 120gsm recycled craft paper. Inside, it includes a notepad with 40 sheets of cream-lined paper, a 25-sheet memopad, five colors of sticky notes (25 sheets each), an Aspen wood pencil, a pine ruler, a beech wood sharpener with carbon steel, a name card pouch, and a craft paper pen. Size: 25 x 210 x 150 mm

LT92086 | Sticky notes craft paper 2

This sustainable booklet, made from craft paper, contains two sizes of sticky notes: 50 sheets of 75 x 49mm notes and 125 sheets of 49 x 14mm notes (25 sheets each in five colors). It’s a practical accessory for organizing thoughts and reminders. Size: 10 x 85 x 60 mm

LT92074 | Sticky notes bamboo 2

LT92087 | Sticky notes craft paper 3

This sustainable booklet, made from craft paper, features three sizes of sticky notes: 50 sheets of 100 x 75mm notes, 25 sheets of 75 x 50mm notes, and 125 sheets of 45 x 12mm notes (25 sheets each in five colors). It’s an essential tool for organizing notes and reminders. Size: 10 x 102 x 82 mm

Jot down your notes with our bamboo sticky notes! With two different sizes in one eco-friendly book, you're ready to organize your thoughts and tasks efficiently. Stay sustainable and organized in style! Size: 60 x 85 mm

LT92075 | Sticky notes bamboo 3

Whether you need to jot down notes, or get organized, we've got you covered. Stay organized and eco-conscious with style with our bamboo sticky notes booklet with 3 different sizes of notes to choose from! Size: 80 x 105 mm


LT91757 | Personal memo formats

Create your own adhesive notes. Over 50 different shapes are available for orders from 5000 pieces. Imprint on each note possible. Pastel colours are available without extra costs, intensive colours are possible at an additional charge.

LT91824 | Adhesive notes Thumbs-up

Adhesive notes Toppoint design. Well done, keep it up! Make it colourful with these bright notes. And remember, no matter what, always keep your thumbs-up! Size: 86 x 74 x 5 mm

LT91947 | 25 adhesive notes, 125x72mm, full-colour

Adhesive notes. 25 sheets. Full-colour imprint. Size: 3 x 125 x 72 mm

LT91948 | 50 adhesive notes, 125x72mm, full-colour

LT91949 | 100 adhesive notes, 125x72mm, full-colour

LT91938 | 25 adhesive notes, 50x72mm, full-colour Adhesive notes. 25 sheets. Full-colour imprint. Size: 3 x 50 x 72 mm

LT91935 | 25 adhesive notes, 72x50mm, full-colour Adhesive notes. 25 sheets. Full-colour imprint. Size: 3 x 72 x 50 mm

LT91939 | 50 adhesive notes, 50x72mm, full-colour

LT91936 | 50 adhesive notes, 72x50mm, full-colour

LT91940 | 100, adhesive notes, 50x72mm, full-colour

LT91941 | 25 adhesive notes, 72x72mm, full-colour Adhesive notes. 25 sheets. Full-colour imprint. Size: 3 x 72 x 72 mm

LT91937 | 100 adhesive notes, 72x50mm, full-colour

LT91944 | 25 adhesive notes, 100x72mm, full-colour Adhesive notes. 25 sheets. Full-colour imprint. Size: 3 x 100 x 72 mm

LT91942 | 50 adhesive notes, 72x72mm, full-colour

LT91945 | 50 adhesive notes, 100x72mm, full-colour

LT91943 | 100 adhesive notes, 72x72mm, full-colour

LT91946 | 100 adhesive notes, 100x72mm, full-colour


LT91765 | Paper pad 10x10x8.5cm FSC in wooden cube box

Cube pad with FSC white paper in wooden box. Ideal for use at home or at the office. Circa 650 sheets. Each cube comes shrink wrapped. Size: 85 x 100 x 100 mm

LT91739 | Cube pad 10x10x5cm FSC on wooden pallet

Cube pad with FSC white paper on wooden pallet. Ideal for use at home or at the office. Circa 420 sheets. Each cube comes shrink wrapped. Size: 66 x 100 x 100 mm

LT91759 | Rectangle pad 12x8x6cm FSC on wooden pallet

Rectangle pad with FSC white paper on wooden pallet. Ideal for use at home or at the office. Circa 530 sheets. Each cube comes shrink wrapped. Size: 60 x 120 x 80 mm


LT91705 | Cube pad 10x10x10cm FSC

Cube pad with FSC white paper. Circa 840 sheets. Ideal for use at home or at the office. Each cube comes shrink wrapped. Size: 100 x 100 x 100 mm

LT91737 | Cube pad 10x10x5cm FSC

Cube with white FSC paper. Circa 420 sheets of 90g/m². Each cube comes shrink wrapped. Size: 50 x 100 x 100 mm

LT91767 | Paper pad 10x10x10cm FSC in cube box with stationery compartments

Cube pad with FSC white paper in cube box with four transparent compartments for desk-items. Ideal for use at home or at the office. Circa 800 sheets. Each cube comes shrink wrapped. Size: 100 x 100 x 100 mm

LT91763 | Paper pad 10x10x10cm FSC in cube box

Cube pad with FSC white paper in cube box. Ideal for use at home or at the office. Circa 800 FSC sheets. Each cube comes shrink wrapped. Size: 100 x 100 x 100 mm

LT91926 | Ruler wood 20cm

A Rustic ruler made of ceder wood, which is 20cm long and metric units. Due to the natural material, slight colour differences are possible, this is not a defect but simply a proof of nature. Size: 3 x 209 x 33 mm

| Ruler 15cm

synthetic 15cm ruler. Large print area. Size: 1 x 160 x 38 mm

LT91927 | Ruler wood 30cm

A rustic ruler made of ceder wood, which is 30cm long and metric units. Due to the natural material, slight colour differences are possible, this is not a defect but simply a proof of nature. Size: 3 x 310 x 33 mm

| Ruler 20cm

synthetic 20cm ruler. Size: 1 x 210 x 38 mm

A 15cm ruler crafed from bamboo, perfect for drawing, drafting, and geometry. Size: 2 x 160 x 30 mm

| Ruler 30cm

synthetic 30cm ruler. Size: 1 x 310 x 38 mm

LT91923 | Bamboo ruler 15cm


Our 15cm ruler is perfect for precision measurements and drawing straight lines. Durable and accurate, it's ideal for school, office, or home. Size: 156 x 32 mm

Our 30cm ruler is perfect for precision measurements and drawing straight lines. Durable and accurate, it's ideal for school, office, or home. Size: 317 x 39 mm

Our 20cm ruler is perfect for precision measurements and drawing straight lines. Durable and accurate, it's ideal for school, office, or home. Size: 207 x 35 mm

Ensure accuracy in all projects with a set square. The printed triangle allows for achieving both perfect angles and straight lines, and can also be used as a ruler. Perfect for students, architects, and engineers. Size: 2 x 155 x 78 mm

A set square crafted from bamboo, perfect for drawing, drafting, and geometry. Size: 2 x 130 x 65 mm

A protractor crafed from bamboo, perfect for drawing, drafting, and geometry. Size: 2 x 100 x 55 mm

LT91924 | Bamboo set square
LT91925 | Bamboo protractor
LT91920 | Ruler 15cm
LT91921 | Ruler 20cm
LT91922 | Ruler 30cm
LT91251 | Set square

This sustainable wall clock is made from cork, offering a natural aesthetic to your space. Its minimalist design blends seamlessly with various décor styles, making it a functional and stylish addition to any room. Size: ø 300 x 25 mm


A Toppoint design wall clock with a transparent front. The dial can be printed all-over with a full-colour digital print. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 304 x 47 mm

LT90461 | Magnet rectangle Rectangle plastic magnet. Size: 9 x 55 x 22 mm
LT90460 | Magnet round Ø30mm Round plastic magnet. Size: ø 30 x 7 mm
LT90462 | Magnet round Ø36mm Round plastic magnet. Size: ø 36 x 7 mm
Wall clock
LT91101 | Cork wall clock


A cleansing hand spray is a practical and portable product, ideal for cleaning your hands quickly and effectively when soap and water are not within reach. These sprays often contain disinfecting ingredients, such as alcohol or other disinfectants, that help kill or reduce bacteria, viruses and other pathogens on the hands.

LT91209 | Hand cleaning spray 20ml
Hand cleaning spray containing 62% alcohol in a handy size. Size: 90 x 15 x 44 mm. Content: 20 ml
LT91295 | Hand cleaning gel 30ml
Compact bottle with 62% alcohol-based hand cleaning gel. Ideal to carry with you in your bag, backpack, suitcase or even in your pocket. Size: 70 x 23 x 36 mm. Content: 30 ml
LT90345 | Hand cleaning spray with clip 8ml
A useful and compact travel hand cleaning spray. Containing 62% alcohol. Size: ø 18 x 125 mm. 8ml
LT91860 | Hand cleaning spray Made in Europe 30ml
Compact spray bottle with 70% alcohol-based hand cleaning lotion. The refillable pocket size bottle easily fits into bags, backpacks and suitcases. Size: ø 28 x 105 mm. Content: 30 ml

With this handy item you can be sure to always have soap with you. This hard plastic case contains 30 soap leaves. Simply take a sheet and add water to wash your hands. Size: ø 65 x 10

LT91861 | Cleaning Lotion Made in Europe 50ml
Stylish bottle with 70% alcohol-based hand cleaning lotion. The pocket size bottle easily fits into bags, backpacks and suitcases. Size: ø 32 x 85 mm. Content: 50 ml
LT92719 | Soap leafs in hardcase
LT91862 | Hand cleaning gel Made in Europe 30ml
Stylish bottle with 70% alcohol-based hand cleaning lotion. The pocket size bottle easily fits into bags, backpacks and suitcases. Size: 85 x 32 x 23 mm. Content: 30 ml
LT91864 | Cleaning Gel Made in Europe 100ml
Large bottle with 70% alcohol-based hand cleaning lotion. The pocket size bottle easily fits into bags, backpacks and suitcases. Size: ø 39 x 126 mm. Content: 100 ml
LT91863 | Hand cleaning gel Made in Europe 50ml
Stylish bottle with 70% alcohol-based hand cleaning lotion. The pocket size bottle easily fits into bags, backpacks and suitcases. The contents label will always be printed on the bottle. Size: 110 x 40 x 24 mm. Content: 50 ml

Round lip balm


Grooming products are essential for maintaining healthy and radiant skin and lips. Whether you're indoors or out, our lip balms keep your lips supple, plump and radiant. Perfect for any occasion, it is the must-have addition to your daily skincare routine

(SPF15). Twist the bottom of the stick to turn up the balm. Available in transparent colours or solid black or

LT90476 | Lip balm stick
white. Size: ø 18 x 70 mm
LT90481 | Lipbalm round bamboo
Lipbalm in a round cylindrical container made from bamboo. Offers moisturizing care in an eco-friendly design. Size: ø 39 x 30 mm
LT90485 | Classic lipbalm stick recycled materials
Lip balm in a classic twist-action tube made from recycled ABS and recycled PP. Delivers smooth, moisturizing lip care in a convenient and easy-to-use design. Size: ø 18 x 70 mm
LT90478 | Lipbalm round ball
LIp balm ball available in various solid colours. This lip balm has a screw on lid and a flat base to enable it to stand. Size: ø 38 mm

LT90484 | Cubic lipbalm recycled ABS

Lip balm in a cube-shaped container made from recycled ABS. The rounded ball shape inside provides smooth application for moisturizing care. Size: 35 x 35 x 35 mm

LT90486 | Flat metallic Heart shape lipbalm

Lip balm in a heart-shaped container made from recycled ABS. Provides moisturizing care in a stylish and compact design. Ecofriendly and perfect for everyday use. Size: 16 x 50 x 45 mm

LT90488 | Lipbalm round recycled aluminium tinound screw lid tin

Lip balm in a round tin with a screw lid, made from recycled aluminium. Provides smooth, moisturizing care for lips. Compact and eco-friendly for easy everyday use. Size: ø 38 x 18 mm

LT90479 | Cubic lipbalm

Protect your lips against the sun with this cubic lip balm (SPF15). It softens the lips instantly and restores the moisture balance. Size: 35 x 35 x 35 mm

LT90487 | Metallic Heart Shape lipbalm

Lip balm in a 3D heart-shaped container made from recycled ABS. Offers moisturizing lip care in a fun, eye-catching design. Compact and eco-friendly. Size: 35 x 40 x 33 mm


LT91832 | Sunscreen lotion SPF30 30ml

This sunscreen lotion is the perfect size to take with to the beach or a festival. The tube comes with a keychain so that you can attach it to your keys or bag. Brand with a full-colour sticker. Size: 100 x 25 x 35 mm. Content: 30 ml

LT91831 | Sunscreen spray SPF30

Nifty sunscreen spray (SPF30) to protect your skin from the sun. The large imprint space is ideal for digital imprints. Size: 9 x 109 x 42 mm. Content: 10 ml

LT91830 | Sunscreen Spring SPF30 20ml
your skin with this sunscreen. Packed in a stylishly designed pump dispenser. Size: 97 x 45 x 17 mm. Content: 20 ml
LT90398 | Bandages in bamboo box
Bamboo container with 10 plasters. Sustainable, stylish, and perfect for on-the-go first aid. Size: 8 x 100 x 38 mm
LT90397 | Bandage box
Transparent plaster box with a handy sliding lid. Includes five plasters. Available for digital print or pad print in one colour. Size: 10 x 100 x 40 mm

LT90724 | Bamboo mirror

This small, stylish pocket mirror is framed in bamboo. It is portable and therefore ideal to take with you wherever you go. Size: ø 70 x 10 mm

LT90751 | Bamboo Brush & Mirror set

LT90725 | Cork mirror

Elevate your daily routine with our Bamboo Brush and Hand Mirror set. Crafted from sustainable bamboo, this eco-friendly duo adds a touch of nature to your beauty regimen. Discover a greener way to pamper yourself while reducing your environmental footprint. Size: 40 x 180 x 115 mm

LT90750 | Bamboo foot file

Discover silky-smooth feet with our Bamboo Foot File. Crafted from eco-friendly bamboo, it gently exfoliates, leaving your skin soft and renewed. Step into natural beauty. Size: 5 x 105 x 40 mm

Foldable pocket mirror set in a cork casing, protecting it against damage when carried in your bag. This make-up mirror, small in size, is compact and ideal to take with you wherever you go. Size: ø 75 x 27 mm

LT90752 | Bamboo bath brush

Experience pure luxury with our Bamboo Bath Brush. Crafted from sustainable bamboo, it's perfect for gentle exfoliation and pampering in the bath. Elevate your self-care routine sustainably. Size: ø 100 x 18 mm

| Bamboo Nail file

The bamboo nail file is an eco-friendly beauty tool, combining sustainable materials with effective nail care. Its gentle texture shapes and smooths nails, while the renewable bamboo handle reflects a commitment to both beauty and the environment. A small, natural choice for your self-care routine. Size: 4 x 110 x 25 mm


Time your showers and save water! Our 5 minute water dropped shaped shower timer comes with a suction cup for easy installation.

98 x 73 mm

Time your showers and save water! Our 5 minute hexagon shaped shower timer comes with a suction cup for easy installation. Size: 35 x 88 x 88 mm

LT92728 | Trio travel toiletry bottles

This sustainable travel set includes three handy 40ml bottles for your toiletries. Perfect for shampoo, lotion, and shower gel, they nest together to save space. Made from recycled ABS and PP, they are a sustainable choice for your journeys. Size: ø 50 x 90 mm


gel &

Made in Europe 50ml Stylish

bottle of shower gel & shampoo with a fresh avocado & olive fragrance. Ideal to take in your hand luggage when you travel. Size: 110 x 25 x 25 mm. Content: 50 ml

LT91314 | Shoe polish Shoe buffer. With black sponge. Size: ø 60 x 18 mm
LT92726 | Shower timer Waterdrop - 5min
Size: 35 x
LT92727 | Shower timer Hexagon - 5min


Stay protected and stylish with a printed buff. The fabric sleeve is perfect for outdoor activities, and can be worn in various ways to protect the neck, face, and head from dirt and sun. Size: 340 x 260 mm

Microfiber sports towel, packed in a polyester pouch (7x15cm).

This towel can be used for sports but is also ideal for traveling. Imprint on pouch. Towel is not brandable. Size: 800 x 400 mm

This quick dry workout towel is 300x900mm. Good item to use as a sweat towel or to clean dirt from body or fitness equipment during or after outdoor sport activities. Nicely packed in a bottle. Imprint on the bottle. Towel is not brandable. Size: ø 65 x 190 mm

A sustainable eyecatcher during any sport activity. The cooling technology helps lower the body temperature. Both the towel and the handy pouch are made from R-PET (made from recycled PET bottles). The towel is 30x80cm. Size: 145 x 110 x 20 mm

LT91201 | Buff R-PET
LT91204 | R-PET cooling towel 30x80cm
LT91214 | Fitness towel
LT91312 | Microfiber sport towel

LT95001 | Cooling towel R-PET 30x80cm

Stay cool during workouts with our 30x80cm cooling towel made from R-PET. The fabric feels cool to the touch, and is perfect for keeping fresh during sports and outdoor activities. Size: 300 x 800 mm

LT95002 | Quick dry towel R-PET 30x80cm

Dry off quickly with our 30x80cm quick dry towel made from R-PET; ideal for gym sessions, the beach, or even travel. The fast-drying fabric makes it the ideal accessory to throw in an onthe-go bag. Size: 300 x 800 mm

LT95003 | Quick dry towel R-PET 50x100cm

Dry off quickly with our 50x100cm towel made from R-PET; ideal for gym sessions, the beach, or even travel. The fast-drying fabric makes it the ideal accessory to throw in an on-the-go bag. Size: 500 x 1000 mm

LT95004 | Quick dry towel R-PET 70x140cm

Dry off quickly with our 70x140cm towel made from R-PET; ideal for gym sessions, the beach, or even travel. The fast-drying fabric makes it the ideal accessory to throw in an on-the-go bag. Size: 700 x 1400 mm

LT95005 | Quick dry towel R-PET 100x180cm

Dry off quickly with our 100x180cm towel made from R-PET; ideal for gym sessions, the beach, or even travel. The fast-drying fabric makes it the ideal accessory to throw in an on-the-go bag. Size: 1000 x 1800 mm

LT95006 | Quick dry golf towel with hook R-PET 30x30cm

Dry off quickly with our 30x30cm golf towel made from R-PET; ideal for a day on the golf course. Featuring a convenient hook, it's perfect for attaching to your golf bag. The fast-drying fabric is perfect for keeping both hands and clubs clean and dry; everything for the perfect shot! Size: 300 x 300 mm


Let your logo or design shine with a full-colour imprint on both sides of our products! Available from 250 pieces and delivered with short lead times. Ask for details now and discover the possibilities!

Get rid of the sweat during a workout. This quickdry microfibre fitness towel keeps you dry. It includes a custom-made full-colour print on one side and an optional full-colour print on the back side. In addition, the colour of the seam can be adjusted. Size: 800 x 300 mm

Outdoor towel made of quick dry microfibre (200g/m²). It includes a custom-made full-colour print on one side and an optional full-colour print on the back side. In addition, the colour of the seam can be adjusted and it comes. Size: 1400 x 700 mm

Let's go to the beach! Super

beach towel made of quick dry microfibre (200g/m²) with full-colour custom-made print on one side plus an options print on the other side. In addition, the colour of the seam can be changed. Size: 1800 x 1000 mm

LT95037 | Fitness towel full-colour
LT95041 | Quick dry beach towel 1000x1800mm without pouch
LT95039 | Quick dry towel 700x1400mm full-colour

LT95038 | Fitness towel 300x800mm with pouch

Get rid of the sweat during a workout. This quickdry microfiber fitness towel keeps you dry. It includes a custom-made full-colour print on one side and an optional full-colour print on the back side. In addition, the colour of the seam can be adjusted. Size: 120 x 50 x 50 mm

LT95040 | Quick dry towel 700x1400mm with pouch

Outdoor towel made of quick dry microfiber (200g/m², 700x1400mm). It includes a custom-made full-colour print on one side and an optional full-colour print on the back side. In addition, the colour of the seam can be adjusted and it comes with a pouch. Size: 190 x 65 x 65 mm

LT95042 | Quick dry beach towel 1000x1800mm with pouch

Let's go to the beach! Super large beach towel made of quick dry microfibre (200g/m²) with full-colour custom-made print on one side plus an options print on the other side. In addition, the colour of the seam can be changed. Size: 230 x 80 x 80 mm

LT86700 | Sunglasses Justin UV400
Contemporary sunglasses with UV400 filter, for a fashionable look. Printing possible on one or both arms. Size: 48 x 145 x 145 mm
LT86703 | Sunglasses Neon UV400 Modern sunglasses with coloured arms and a UV400 filter. Excellent choice for a budget giveaway! Printing possible on one or both arms. Size: 48 x 145 x 145 mm
LT86702 | Color changing sunglasses
These white unique sunglasses change color when it comes in contact with sun light. This adds the element of surprise to a stylish pair of sunglasses. Size: 50 x 140 x 153 mm
LT86709 | Sunglasses Marty UV400 Cool sunglasses with UV400 protection. Size: 48 x 145 x 145 mm


Sunglasses are not only stylish accessories, but also essential protection for your eyes from the sun's harmful UV rays. Whether you are at the beach, driving or just enjoying the outdoors, good sunglasses protect your eyes from glare and prevent fatigue.

LT86711 | Sunglasses Bradley transparent UV400 Iconic sunglasses with transparent frame suitable for both men and women. The lenses come with a UV400 filter, protecting the eyes during bright sunny days. Size: 50 x 150 x 150 mm
LT86712 | Sunglasses Jeffrey 2-tone UV400
Trendy sunglasses with frame in a 2-tone colour scheme. UV400 filter. Size: 48 x 145 x 145 mm
LT86708 | Sunglasses Bradley UV400
Trendy sunglasses with frosty coloured arms and frame. With UV400 filter. Size: 50 x 150 x 150 mm
LT86713 | Sunglasses June UV400
Bright retro-style sunglasses with consistent transparent pastel tone frame and lens. The lens comes with a UV400 filter making these the perfect accessory for festival grounds or town. Size: 55 x 150 x 150 mm


Upgrade your look ánd contribute to a better world with our eco-chic sunglasses collection! Choose from stylish frames made from sustainable materials such as recycled plastic (R-PC), bamboo, cork, coffee fibre and wheat straw. Make a statement with each pair of sunglasses and combine fashion with environmental awareness. Together, we are building a sustainable future and trendy sunglasses at the same time!

LT86722 | Justin RPC Sunglasses UV400

Define your style sustainably with our Wayfarer sunglasses. Crafted from 100% recycled PC, these shades blend ecoconscious design with timeless flair. Embrace the essence of green fashion without compromise. Size: 48 x 145 x 145 mm

LT86719 | Charli RPC Sunglasses

Step into sustainable style with our trendy sunglasses. Crafted from 100% recycled PC. Size: 40 x 160 x 140 mm


Polycarbonate (PC) is very durable. It is a hard plastic with a long lifespan that can be used many times. It can also be heated and then reshaped and reused, making it recyclable. These sunglasses are made of recycled polycarbonate.

LT86715 | Sunglasses wheat straw Earth UV400

Sunglasses Earth containing 60% natural wheat straw fibres, giving the frames a natural look. The lenses have a UV400 filter.

packaged in a FSC certified paper gift box. Size: 50 x 145 x 145 mm


The sustainability of wheat straw is rooted in its abundant supply, renewability, reduced waste, minimal environmental impact and biodegradability. It is a responsible choice for environmentally conscious consumers and companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint.


LT86721 | Justin RPC sunglasses with bamboo UV400

Meet Justin RPC Sunglasses—where style marries sustainability. Crafted from Recycled PC and bamboo, these shades embody eco-chic. Elevate your look with a blend of recycled materials and modern design, making a statement in fashion and environmental responsibility. Size: 48 x 145 x 145 mm


Often called ‘the world's most renewable material’, bamboo is the fastest-growing woody plant in the world. It uses less water to grow and requires no fertilisers or pesticides.

LT86728 | Bamboo leg aviator sunglasses

These sunglasses feature classic aviator frames paired with ecofriendly bamboo legs, combining modern design with sustainable materials. The lightweight bamboo provides a comfortable fit, while the UV-400 rated lenses ensure your eyes stay safe in the sun. Size: 60 x 140 x 150 mm

LT86720 | Justin RPC sunglasses with cork inlay UV400

Elevate your look with our Wayfarer sunglasses featuring a touch of nature. Crafted with a 100% recycled PC frame and a sleek cork inlay, they redefine eco-chic. Style meets sustainability—adorn your eyes responsibly. Size: 47 x 160 x 145 mm


Cork is a natural product that is sustainable, eco-friendly, carbon-positive, biodegradable and renewable.


A testament to nature's resourcefulness, coffee donkey is an excellent choice thanks to its growth rate and efficient use of resources. Coffee donkey requires minimal water and thrives without fertiliser or pesticides. It is a symbol of eco-friendly materials for a better, greener world.

LT86724 | Sunglasses Justin coffee-fibre UV400

Introducing "Justin" sunglasses, where style meets sustainability. Crafted from innovative coffee fibre, these shades redefine ecofriendly fashion. With UV400 protection, they shield your eyes while making a bold statement. Embrace the future of eyewear with Justin – where sustainability never looked so chic. Size: 48 x 145 x 145 mm

LT86707 | Pouch for sunglasses

Pouch for glasses or sunglasses. This pouch is made of microfiber material and can be used to store or clean your glasses. Size: 180 x 90 mm

LT86725 | R-PET microfibre glasses pouch

This glasses pouch is made of 400g/m² 100% recycled PET. The outside is a smooth, flat weave microfibre and the inside is a terry weave to offer your glasses extra protection. Brand this product all over with a full colour sublimation design. Size: 190 x 105 mm

LT86723 | Sunglasses RPET Pouch

Protect your sunglasses with our eco-friendly RPET pouch. Made from recycled plastic bottles, it's a sustainable choice that keeps your shades safe and the environment cleaner. Grab yours now and look good while doing good! Size: 180 x 90 mm

LT91058 | Microfiber pouch anti-bacterial 9x18cm

250g/m² microfiber cleaning pouch for glasses. The pouch can be closed with a cord and stopper. Full-colour and all-over imprint possible. Size: 180 x 90 mm

LT86727 | R-PET microfibre cleaning cloth 13 x 18cm

A cleaning cloth for screens and glasses made of 400g/m² 100% recycled PET . One side is a smooth, flat weave microfibre and the other side is a terry weave to offer multiple cleaning possibilities. Brand this product all over with a full colour sublimation design. Size: 180 x 130 mm

LT86726 | RPET cleaning cloth 15 x 15cm

170g/m² 100% recycled PET microfibre cleaning cloth for screens or glasses. Make the most of this product by adding a full-colour sublimation design. Size: 150 x 150 mm

Trendy apron in heavy quality material with a PU front pocket and a matching mitt. A perfect item for the grill masters among us. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 50 x 890 x 690 mm

LT94523 | Barbecue utensils set wood
This three-piece metal barbecue tool set with wooden handles consists of a pair of tongs, a fork and a spatula. Bottle opener in the spatula. Set can be hung. Size: 40 x 448 x 186 mm
LT94515 | Apron and oven mitt
LT95106 | Cool box Classic 10L Classic lightweight and compact cool box with carry handle. Ideal to keep your food and or drinks cool when going to the beach or camping. Size: 270 x 280 x 220 mm.


Our storm-proof umbrellas feature a full fiberglass frame, offering greater flexibility and strength than metal. Built to withstand strong winds, they’ll keep you covered, even in challenging weather.


• Ergonomic and patented grip

• Improved grip by round edges and square design

• Unique 2 colour handle

• Soft grip

• Storm-proof

• Fibrerglass frame

• Pongee polyester canopy

• Transfer print up to Full-colour possible

LT97110 | Foldable 22” umbrella auto open Beautiful foldable umbrella with sleeve and ergonomic design handle. The ribs of the frame are made of fibreglass for extra durability. The black frame gives a nice contrast to the white canopy. Size: ø 980 x 325 mm
LT97106 | Deluxe stick umbrella 23” auto open Deluxe stick umbrella with Toppoint design handle. The frame is completely made of fibreglass and is wind proof. Size: ø 1060 x 840 mm
LT97109 | Stick umbrella 23” auto open Neat looking stick umbrella with a striking design hook handle. The colourful frame is made of fibreglass to give it extra strength. Made of pongee polyester. Size: ø 1060 x 870 mm

LT97104 | Stick umbrella 25” auto open

Large umbrella with wind proof fibreglass frame. The smart colour effect between the pongee polyester canopy and the ergonomical handle gives the umbrella a timeless look. Making it suitable for everybody. Size: ø 1140 x 860 mm

LT97101 | Deluxe 25 double canopy umbrella auto open

This double canopy umbrella keeps you dry in all conditions. The full fibreglass frame is strong and wind proof. And the ergonomic handle with its striking design makes this a must-have umbrella.

Size: ø 1140 x 860 mm


Travel in style with this large and luxurious umbrella. It's striking square design creates a larger surface and is big enough for two people. The frame opens automatically and is full fibreglass and wind proof. It's easy to take along with the handy sleeve with shoulder strap. Size: ø 1210 x 900 mm

Go in style with this large and luxurious

It's striking square design creates a larger surface and is big enough for two people. The frame is full fibreglass and wind


25” 25”
Deluxe 27” square umbrella with sleeve
LT97107 | Deluxe 27” square umbrella auto open
proof. Size:
1210 x 900 mm




LT97105 | Deluxe foldable umbrella 22” auto open auto close Luxurious foldable umbrella made of pongee polyester with a business look & feel. The ergonomically shaped handle features a mechanism to open and close the umbrella automatically. The frame is partially made of fibreglass, giving the umbrella additional strength. Comes with a sleeve. Size: ø 960 x 300 mm

LT97100 | Deluxe 23” reversible auto open/close umbrella Get into the car without getting your clothes wet. This reversible umbrella folds in such a way that the water droplets won't get you or the car's interior wet while closing it. This umbrella opens and closes automatically and has a fibreglass frame. Size: ø 1040 x 320 mm

Foldable 22” umbrella auto open Beautiful foldable umbrella with sleeve and ergonomic design handle. The ribs of the frame are made of fibreglass for extra durability. The black frame gives a nice contrast to the colourful canopy made of pongee polyester. Size: ø 1000 x 325 mm

doming on handle

LT97108 | Ultra light 21” umbrellla with sleeve

An incredibly light yet strong umbrella with aluminum frame. Due to it's small size it is easy to pack in a bag to keep you dry during an unexpected downpour. It comes with a matching sleeve. Size: ø 920 x 175 mm

LT97114 | Stick umbrella 25” R-PET straight handle auto open

a signature Toppoint design

this umbrella a

Size: ø 1030 x 830 mm


These new sustainable umbrellas are made of RPET cloth, made from recycled PET bottles. With an elegant wooden handle, available in various styles, these stick umbrellas exude quality and durability. A stylish choice that contributes to a greener future!

LT97112 | Foldable umbrella 21” R-PET auto open

Umbrella made of R-PET with a signature Toppoint design real wooden handle. The fibreglass ribs make this umbrella wind proof, and it opens with a single push of the button. The heather material gives this umbrella a luxurious look (the black is a solid colour). Size: ø 940 x 300 mm

LT97113 | Stick umbrella 23” R-PET auto open

Stick umbrella made of R-PET with a signature Toppoint design wooden hook handle. The fibreglass frame makes the umbrella is storm proof. The tips are made of bamboo and the shaft is metal for better recycling. The heather material gives this umbrella a luxurious look (the black is a solid colour). Size: ø 1030 x 580 mm

Stick umbrella made of R-PET with
wooden hook handle. The fibreglass frame makes the umbrella is storm proof. The tips are made of bamboo and the shaft is metal for better recycling. The heather material gives
luxurious look (the black is a solid colour).

LT94564 | Wooden Bird House FSC

Presenting our Bird House, a cozy haven for feathered friends. Crafted from FSC wood, it's both eco-friendly and stylish. Invite nature into your garden while promoting avian biodiversity. A charming addition to any outdoor space. Size: 120 x 250 x 140 mm


| Nesting box DIY 7-piece build-it-yourself nesting box. Build without using tools. MDF wood. Comes packaged in a giftbox. Instructions included. Size: 175 x 142 x 121 mm

Turn your garden in a bird paradise with this freshly coloured nesting box. With the 30mm opening it is suitable for small garden birds including Great Tits and Tree Sparrows. 15mm board for insulation and slotted base for drainage. The wood used for this item is FSC certified and comes from sustainable resources. Size: 245 x 190 x 125 mm

LT94509 | Nesting box
LT94549 | Nesting box rustic
your garden in a bird paradise with this rustic nesting box. With the 30mm opening it is suitable for small garden birds including Great Tits and Tree Sparrows. 15mm board for insulation and slotted base for drainage. The wood used for this item is FSC certified and comes from sustainable resources. Size: 225 x 120 x 145 mm

LT94565 | Wooden Bird Feeder FSC

Upgrade your garden with our FSC-certified Wooden Bird Feeder. Crafted sustainably, it's a stylish addition that welcomes feathered friends. Size: 155 x 190 x 185 mm

| Insect home

Wooden insect hotel that provides shelter to several insects including bees, wasps and butterflies. A warm and sheltered place in winter. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 246 x 200 x 77 mm

LT94563 | Mini Bee House FSC

Introducing our Bee Station – a charming house-shaped sanctuary for our pollinator friends. Crafted from FSC-certified wood, it provides shelter and support for bees, promoting biodiversity and eco-conscious gardening. Size: 110 x 103 x 40 mm

LT94562 | Mini Round Bee House FSC

Introducing the Mini Bee Station: Crafted from FSC-certified wood, this eco-friendly habitat provides essential shelter for bees. Elevate your outdoor space while supporting pollinators. A thoughtful touch of nature for a flourishing garden. Size: ø 84 x 65 mm



Give your green fingers the perfect start with our collection of sustainable gardening products! From seeds and handy tools to customisable pots - everything you need for a thriving garden. Create your own green oasis and discover the unique possibilities!

LT93416 | 2pcs Garden tool set

Portable garden rake and spade made from A3 steel and eucalyptus wood, ideal for small gardens and house plants. Size: 20 x 260 x 50 mm

LT94554 | Hot-but-cool cup with Basil seeds

A flowerpot with basil seeds, comes in several bright colours. Once ready, replant the plant into the garden, handwash the pot and repurpose it as a coffee mug. The well-designed edge creates a double wall, to prevent your hand from getting burnt when drinking hot liquids. Size: ø 85 x 90 mm

LT94552 | Hot-but-cool cup with strawberry seeds

A flowerpot with strawberry seeds, comes in several bright colours. Once ready, replant the plant into the garden, handwash the pot and repurpose it as a coffee mug. The well-designed edge creates a double wall, to prevent your hand from getting burnt when drinking hot liquids. Size: ø 85 x 90 mm

LT94553 | Hot-but-cool cup with cherrytomato

A flowerpot with cherry tomato seeds, comes in several bright colours. Once ready, replant the plant into the garden, handwash the pot and repurpose it as a coffee mug. The well-designed edge creates a double wall, to prevent your hand from getting burnt when drinking hot liquids. Size: ø 85 x 90 mm

| Flower envelope

No better summer give away than these flower seeds. The envelope, containing a bag of flower seeds, can be printed in full-colour. An excellent gift to give away or drop through the letterbox. Size: 4 x 116 x 162 mm

LT94557 | Seed bags cut flowers 4 gram
Kraft paper bag with 4 grams of cut flower seeds suitable for 2m² flowers. A real sustainable gift. Size: 85 x 140 mm
LT94558 | Seed bags dried flowers 4 gram
Kraft paper bag with 4 grams of dried flower seeds suitable for 2m² flowers. A real sustainable gift. Size: 85 x 140 mm
LT94560 | Seed bags bee & butterfly flowers 4 gram
Kraft paper bag with 4 grams of bee & butterfly flower seeds suitable for 2m² flowers. A real sustainable gift. Size: 85 x 140 mm
LT94559 | Seed bags wild flowers 4 gram
Kraft paper bag with 4 grams of wild flower seeds suitable for 2m² flowers. A real sustainable gift. Size: 85 x 140 mm




LT91238 | Clip-on light
A light that can easily attach to items like clothing
bags. Red light
white light functionality. Ideal to
visible when doing sport activities at night. Size: 62 x 18 x 30 mm
LT91239 | Fold-on light
Useful light that can be attached to items like bags or clothes. The light has three different functions: flashing light, continuous light on top & continuous light in the front. Size: 10 x 125 x 30 mm
LT91519 | Set of bike lights
Set of two bike lights in a plastic case. One red light and one white light. A button switches the lights on and off. Constant and flashing function. Size: 20 x 95 x 45 mm
LT91235 | Rechargeable bicycle light
Set of 2 recharchable bikelights. A USB charging cable is included. Size: 20 x 115 x 32 mm


With Toppoint's bicycle accessories you cycle safely and comfortably to any destination! Our high-quality accessories, such as lighting sets, reflectors and bike bells, offer optimal protection on the road. In addition, the handy saddle pads provide extra comfort during every ride. Whether you're cycling through town or on long trips, complete your cycling experience with Toppoint's reliable accessories.

LT90408 | Saddle cover polyester Elastic polyester saddle cover. Easy to use. Size: 260 x 245 mm
LT90428 | Saddle Cover R-PET
Saddle cover made of R-PET. Easy to use and with an elastic closure, it fits most common saddles. Size: 250 x 235 mm
LT91536 | Bike bell Metal bell on a plastic holder. Top recessed for a dome sticker. Size: ø 55 x 75 mm
LT91537 | Bicycle bell Make yourself heard with this bell to attach to a bicycle. Top recessed for a dome sticker. Size: 55 x 55 mm
LT90429 | R-PET Reflective saddle cover
Bicycle saddle cover made from recycled PET material with a reflective section for better visibility in low light. Easy to attach with an elastic band and fits most standard saddles. The perfect choice to protect your seat from rain and wear. Size: 70 x 260 x 240 mm

LT90902 | Reflective valuables sports armband with pouch

A sports armband with pouch for valuables, made from reflective materials for enhanced visibility on the road. Suitable for most smartphones, it features an adjustable size, making it ideal for both men and women.

Size: 5 x 185 x 185 mm

LT93241 | Fitness-yoga mat with carrier

Do an intensive work-out or relaxing yoga session on this comfortable 4mm thick fitness mat. It provides you with a better grip during your activities. This mat is convenient to carry in the provided bag and includes a number of sample exercises. Imprint available on the bag. Size: ø 125 x 650 mm

| Fitness dice

Achieve your health goals with this fun fitness dice. Your training session will be varied, and you can challenge yourself to your limit. Size: 95 x 116 x 116 mm

LT93244 | Fitness resistance band set

This set contains of three different resistance bands, a manual and a case. Each band has its own resistance level: from light to heavy. The level is indicated with dots on the bands. There are a few example exercises in the manual for you to immediately start your training. Each exercise is described in two simple steps. Size: 18 x 144 x 100 mm


The Hi-lou Bottle combines hydration and fitness in one innovative design. Shaped like a kettlebell, this bottle doubles as a handy piece of exercise equipment. Adjust the intensity of your workout by varying the fill level! Perfect for long workouts, ensuring you stay refreshed and fit at the same time. Size: ø 140 x 200 mm. Content: 1800 ml

| Shaker bottle 700ml

Mix protein and supplements with ease with this shaker bottle. The included mixing grid reduces clumping and ensures a smooth mix every time. The flexible loop on the lid facilitates clipping onto a gym bag, making it the perfect accessory for gym rats on the go. Size: ø 98 x 219 mm. Content: 700 ml

LT98737 | Hi-lou bottle 1.8L

This set includes 4 pieces of chalk in a kraft box. Perfect for drawing on sidewalks, chalkboards, or other surfaces, it’s ideal for kids and adults alike. Pair it with eco digital print for a sustainable option that’s both fun and environmentally conscious, making it a thoughtful choice for any artist. Size: 25 x 100

105 mm

LT91575 | Pencil set
Six small colour pencils in transprant case. Printing on a sticker. Size: 8 x 95 x 55 mm
LT91576 | Pencil box
Six short colour pencils in a cardboard box. You can custom design the box on orders of 250 pieces or more. Size: 9 x 90 x 45 mm
LT91540 | Colour book set
A4 colouring book (310x215mm), eight pages, with six short colour pencils (91575) in a transparent polybag. Printing on a sticker on the pencil case. Size: 9 x 310 x 215 mm
LT91571 | Colour book set
A6 colouring book (150x105mm), sixteen pages. With six short colour pencils (LT91575) in a transparent polybag. Printing on a sticker on the pencil case. Size: 9 x 148 x 105 mm
LT90421 | Street chalk
Four chalks in a box. Printing on a sticker. You can custom design the box for orders of 250 pieces or more. Size: 25 x 135 x 97 mm
LT90422 | Street chalk in kraft box


Let creativity sparkle with our colourful drawing materials! From pavement chalk and crayons in personalised packaging to complete colouring pencils with colouring book sets - ideal for children and adults alike. Give your brand a playful touch and inspire creativity with these cheerful sets!

LT91520 | 6 colouring pencils in recycled milkcarton box

A set of 6 vibrant coloring pencils neatly packaged in a recycled milkcarton box. Ideal for creative projects at home, school, or on the go, this set is perfect for kids, and kids at heart, who enjoy drawing and coloring. Pair it with eco digital print for a sustainable option that’s both fun and environmentally conscious, making it a thoughtful choice for any artist. Size: 8 x 90 x 45 mm

LT91522 | 8 piece colouring set in recycled milkcarton box

A complete creativity set for on-the-go fun, featuring 6 coloring pencils, a sharpener, and a coloring book, all neatly packed in a recycled milkcarton box. Perfect for travel, it offers hours of entertainment in a compact package. Pair it with eco digital print for an environmentally conscious option, making it an ideal gift for aspiring artists of all ages. Size: 12 x 78 x 90 mm

LT91521 | 12 colouring pencils in recycled milkcarton box

A set of 12 vibrant coloring pencils packaged in a recycled milkcarton box. Ideal for creative projects at home, school, or on the go, this set is perfect for kids, and kids at heart, who enjoy drawing and coloring. Pair it with eco digital print for a sustainable option that’s both fun and environmentally conscious, making it a thoughtful choice for any artist. Size: 8 x 90 x 90 mm

LT91523 | 6 crayons in recycled milkcarton box

A set of 6 vibrant crayons neatly packaged in a recycled milkcarton box. Ideal for creative projects at home, school, or on the go, this set is perfect for kids, and kids at heart, who enjoy drawing and coloring. Pair it with eco digital print for a sustainable option that’s both fun and environmentally conscious, making it a thoughtful choice for any artist. Size: 8 x 90 x 50 mm

LT91572 | 12 colouring pencils in kraft box

LT91581 | 6 colouring pencils in kraft box

A set of 12 vibrant coloring pencils neatly packaged in a kraft box. Ideal for creative projects at home, school, or on the go, this set is perfect for kids, and kids at heart, who enjoy drawing and coloring. Pair it with eco digital print for a sustainable option that’s both fun and environmentally conscious, making it a thoughtful choice for any artist. Size: 8 x 90 x 90 mm

LT91577 | Colouring pencils and crayons in kraft box

A versatile set of coloring pencils and crayons, all packaged in a kraft box with clear window. Perfect for kids and adults alike, this set is ideal for drawing, coloring, and creative projects. Pair with eco digital print for an environmentally conscious option, making it an ideal and thoughtful gift. Size: 8 x 175 x 74 mm

A set of 6 vibrant coloring pencils neatly packaged in a kraft box. Ideal for creative projects at home, school, or on the go, this set is perfect for kids, and kids at heart, who enjoy drawing and coloring. Pair it with eco digital print for a sustainable option that’s both fun and environmentally conscious, making it a thoughtful choice for any artist. Size: 8 x 90 x 45 mm

LT91573 | 8 piece colouring set in kraft box

A complete creativity set for on-the-go fun, featuring 6 coloring pencils, a sharpener, and a coloring book, all neatly packed in a kraft box. Perfect for travel, it offers hours of entertainment in a compact, sustainable package. Pair it with eco digital print for an environmentally conscious option, making it an ideal gift for aspiring artists of all ages. Size: 12 x 78 x 90 mm

LT91578 | 6pc crayons in craft box

This compact craft box includes 6 wax crayons, perfect for creative projects on the go. A simple and practical choice for art activities. Size: 9 x 90 x 50 mm

LT91574 | Premium wooden colouring pencil set

A premium set of 12 coloring pencils presented in a wooden pencil shaped box. Perfect for budding artists and professionals alike, this set is ideal for creative projects and makes a thoughtful gift. Size: 36 x 140 x 36 mm

LT91584 | Colouring pencils in cardboard tube with sharpener lid

This set of 6 coloring pencils comes in a durable cardboard tube, featuring a built-in sharpener in the lid for added convenience. Perfect for travel or on-the-go creativity, its eco-friendly packaging makes it a smart choice for artists of all ages. Pair with eco digital print for an environmentally conscious option, Size: 27 x 105 x 27 mm

LT91586 | Colouring pencils in wooden sliding box

This set of 12 coloring pencils comes in a stylish wooden sliding box. Ideal for artists and crafters, the box offers a sophisticated storage solution that’s both functional and great for branding. Ideal for gifting or personal use, it includes a hidden bonus—flip the lid to reveal a ruler on the backside! A creative essential with a clever twist. Size: 29 x 210 x 40 mm

This sustainable mind game features a flat puzzle with six pieces that assemble into a cube. Made from FSC wood, it offers a fun and engaging way to enhance problem-solving skills while being an eco-conscious choice for play. Size: 13 x 160 x 120 mm

Fun Tic Tac Toe set in a bamboo box. The box closes with a bamboo wooden sliding lid. With this game you are always ready to have fun with friends and family no matter where you are. Size: 30 x 74 x 73 mm


This sustainable set includes three engaging mind games: a star puzzle, a pyramid puzzle, and a 3D cube puzzle, all made from FSC wood. They come packaged in an FSC wooden box, making it an ideal choice for enhancing problem-solving skills. Size: 60 x 163 x 64 mm

A bamboo box with 2 sets of playing cards. With this set, you'll always be ready for game night. Size: 35 x 108 x 152 mm

LT90767 | Playing card set in bamboo box
LT90764 | Tic Tac Toe set in wooden box
LT90758 | Wooden cube puzzle
| 3-in-1 mind game

LT90776 | Tower game wood in pouch

Treat yourself and others to hours of fun with this tower game. The 48 wooden block play set comes packed in a cotton bag. A fun gift suitable for anyone. Size: 50 x 180 x 50 mm

| Wooden Kubb game in pouch

This Swedish throwing game is quickly becoming well known all over the world. With this fun game you will be entertained for hours. Presented in a cotton bag. Size: 350 x 120 x 350 mm



Prefer to stick to tennis on the beach? These tennis sets can be bought in different materials and provide hours of fun on the beach, in the park or other places. Are you looking for a game that is easy to take with you in your bag? Then we also have a range of fun little games that are easy to take with you.

LT90779 | Wooden frescobol beach set

This Frescoball game set is a game played with 2 rackets and a ball. It is fun to play at the beach, in the park or garden. The rackets are made of wood and the set comes with 2 balls. Size: 90 x 46 x 225 mm

LT90786 | Tabletop bag toss game

Enjoy fun and friendly competition with our tabletop bag toss game. Compact and portable, it's perfect for parties and gatherings. Includes 4 mini beanbags; throw them into the hole from a distance and be crowned the winner. Size: 17 x 198 x 100 mm

LT90785 | 4 in a line game of recycled materials

| MDF Beach Tennis with chess surface

Tennis set suitable for playing on the beach, in the park or garden. With this multifunctional set, there is also the possibility to do play a relaxed board game. Challenge your friends to a game for the mind or a more active game of tennis! Size: 38 x 400 x 250 mm

Enjoy classic fun with this portable 4-in-a-line game. Made with 100% recycled PS, this game is both sustainable and durable. Its compact design allows you to easily carry it in your bag, ensuring entertainment on the go. Challenge friends and family to see who can connect four first. Size: 178 x 124 x 28 mm



Bring the fun outside with our versatile frisbees! Available in different variations, such as collapsible or made of recycled material, and all fully customisable with your logo or design. Perfect for an active, environmentally conscious and playful promotion!

LT90511 | Foldable frisbee Nylon foldable frisbee in pouch. Printing on the frisbee and on the pouch (transfer imprint). Size pouch: 100x85mm. For orders from 5.000 pieces, full-colour printing is possible. Size: ø 250 mm
LT90252 | Frisbee Frisbee with a large print area. Ideal advertising item. Full colour digital print possible. Size: ø 230 x 25 mm
LT90512 | R-PET Foldable frisbee
100% recycled 190T PET foldable frisbee in pouch. Brand this product all over with a full colour sublimation design. Size pouch: 100x90mm Size: ø 250 mm

Challenge your mind with this large sliding puzzle made of 100% recycled PS. Made as a perfect promotional gift, this puzzle can be printed with a large, full-color design to showcase your brand or message. Its compact size makes it easy to carry in your bag or pocket, providing entertainment wherever you go. Size: 6 x 115 x 135 mm

LT90771 | Large sliding puzzle
LT90772 | Puzzle tray square Puzzle tray, square. Full-colour print possible. Size: 6 x 75 x 75 mm
LT90770 | Puzzle tray
Puzzle tray, rectangle. Large print surface for a logo. Full-colour imprint possible. Size: 6 x 90 x 75 mm
LT91245 | Mini truck Nice giveaway: small plastic truck with turning wheels.Full-colour print possible on both sides. Size: 45 x 192 x 30 mm
LT91539 | Little piggy swientie - piggy bank Small piggy bank made of plastic. From 5,500 pieces custom colors possible. Size: 82 x 78 x 103 mm


LT90747 | Chakra plant based candle in glass jar

This sustainable unscented candle made of plant based wax comes in a glass jar with a bamboo lid. With a burn time of 5 to 7 hours, it’s perfect for creating a simple, calming atmosphere while adding a natural touch to any space. Size: 57 x 53 x 53 mm

LT90743 | Asana unscented plant based candle in recycled tin

This sustainable, unscented candle made of plant based wax comes in a recycled tin jar. With a burn time of 2 to 3 hours, it’s perfect for creating a warm, calming atmosphere. For safety, place the candle on its lid when lit to protect surfaces. Size: ø 54 x 40 mm


Discover our practical scented candles in various unique shapes that beautify any room. Each scent creates a wonderful atmosphere and fragrance in your home. All scented candles can be personalised with your unique logo or print. Perfect as a gift or promotional giveaway to enjoy.

LT90745 | Bhakti scented plant based candle in recycled aluminium jar

This sustainable candle made of plant based wax, in a recycled aluminum jar, offers a burn time of 11 to 13 hours. Each color has its own unique scent: Black - Midnight, White - Vanilla/Coconut, Silver - Yoga, Gold - Shu Ya, and Rose Gold - Rose, perfect for creating a serene atmosphere. For safety, place the candle on its lid when lit to protect surfaces. Size: ø 67 x 75 mm

LT90749 | Citronella insect repellent plant based candle in recycled

This sustainable citronella-scented candle made of plant based wax comes in a recycled tin jar, offering a burn time of 3 to 4 hours. Designed as an insect repellent, it’s perfect for keeping bugs away while creating a warm, inviting atmosphere outdoors. For safety, place the candle on its lid when lit to protect surfaces.

This sustainable vanilla-scented candle made of plant based wax comes in a recycled tin jar. With a burn time of 3 to 4 hours, it’s perfect for adding a warm and calming atmosphere to any space. For safety, place the candle on its lid when lit to protect surfaces. Size: 43 x 55 x 55 mm

This sustainable


This sustainable vanilla-scented candle, made of plant based

comes in a larger recycled tin container. With a burn time of 5 to 6 hours, it is perfect for creating a warm, calming atmosphere. For safety, place the candle on its lid when lit to protect surfaces.

LT90744 | Ananda scented plant based candle in recycled tin
LT90740 | Dhyana scented plant based candle in recycled tin
vanilla-scented candle made of plant based wax comes in a recycled tin container with a burn time of 2 to
hours, perfect for creating a warm, calming atmosphere. For safety, place the candle on its lid when lit to protect surfaces. Size: ø 50 x 31 mm
Size: ø 30 x 57 mm
LT90741 | Kirtan scented plant based candle in large recycled tin
Size: ø 60 x 40 mm


Lunch boxes, practical and versatile meal carriers, have become part and parcel of modern life. These compact containers keep our midday meals fresh, organised and easily portable. From classic metal cans to sleek, modern designs, lunch boxes come in a variety of styles, materials and sizes to suit everyone's preferences.

| Lunchbox Bento R-PP & Bamboo

Eco-friendly lunch box crafted from recycled polypropylene (PP) and bamboo, featuring a convenient polyester elastic closure. A sustainable choice for your meals on the go. Size: 106 x 185 x 95 mm

| Lunchbox R-PP & bamboo with cutlery - 1L Lunch box made from recycled polypropylene (PP) and bamboo. It includs a cutlery set and a convenient polyester elastic closure. A sustainable choice for your meals on the go. Size: 80 x 220 x 175 mm

This stylish lunchbox is made of aluminium with a bamboo lid. It is ideal to pack your breakfast or lunch. Size: 60 x 120 x 180 mm.

Content: 1000 ml

This glass lunch box with bamboo lid is a stylish way to carry your lunch or breakfast. This lunchbox is suitable for any type of food and is easy to pack in your bag. Size: 65 x 147 x 200 mm.

Content: 1000 ml

LT90457 | Lunch box glass with bamboo lid
LT90456 | Lunch box aluminum with bamboo lid

| Lunchbox 1,2L

Jumbo lunchbox. Can brand with a large full colour print on top. Keeps lunch fresh. Fits 8 sandwiches. Size: 52 x 215 x 142 mm. Content: 1200 ml

LT91107 | Lunchbox Bento with cutlery 1.25L

The bento box comes from the age-old Japanese tradition. This is the ideal lunch box or container for a summer picnic. It has two compartments and is made from indestructible material. Microwave safe. Cutlery included. Size: 105 x 180 x 110 mm. Content: 1250 ml

An elegant Toppoint design lunchbox. Made of a strong material.

imprint space on the lid of the lunchbox. Fits very well with the

178 x 132 mm. Content: 1000 ml

LT91258 | Lunchbox sandwich

A lunchbox in the shape of a sandwich. This is a one-piece lunchbox with the lid attached to the container. Closes with a clip on the front. Made in Germany. Size: 65 x 140 x 135 mm. Content: 600 ml

LT90466 | Lunchbox fresh 1000ml
'Fresh' drinking cup. Size: 72 x
LT90483 | Lunchbox with cooler 750ml
User friendly lunchbox with detachable freezer block in the lid. Keeps lunch cool when travelling. Size: 60 x 135 x 140 mm. Content: 750 ml
LT91257 | Lunchbox one 950ml
Toppoint design lunchbox with one single main compartment. Closes with a flexible clip. Made in Germany. Big imprint space. Size: 65 x 135 x 190 mm. Content: 950 ml

Sustainable lunch container, made from recycled polypropylene (PP) and bamboo, with a handy carry handle and cutlery. The ecoconscious choice for your meal storage. Size: ø 115 x 190 mm

| Lunch mug to-go 520+230ml

Handy cup with two compartments. Ideal to keep your soup or yoghurt in the larger cup section and your croutons, fruits or meusli in the smaller compartment, keeping the crunchy bits crunchy until mealtime. Size: ø 97 x 150 mm. Content: 520 ml

Double walled thermo food container. Ideal to keep your hot meals warm when on the move. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 89 x 127 mm. Content: 400 ml




Introducing our innovative cooler bag! Crafted with PEVA lining to keep your food at the perfect temperature. Cool, stylish, and eco-concious. Upgrade your lunch game today! Size: 250 x 190 x 110

LT90415 | Thermo food container
LT90417 | Lunch Containers R-PP & Bamboo
LT95271 | Lunchbag Craft
mm. Content: 3200 ml
LT95272 | Sandwichbag Craft
our new sandwich bag! Designed with a PEVA lining to keep your sandwiches fresh
your conscience clean. Say goodbye to single-use plastics
hello to eco-friendly snacking. Perfect for meals on the go! Size: 175 x 170 mm.

LT95431 | Canister glass & bamboo 600ml

Introducing our elegant 600ml glass canister with a stylish bamboo lid. Store your essentials in class. Perfect for kitchen and home organization. Size: ø 100 x 110 mm

LT95432 | Canister glass & bamboo 900ml

Introducing our elegant 900ml glass canister with a stylish bamboo lid. Store your essentials in class. Perfect for kitchen and home organization. Size: ø 100 x 150 mm

LT95433 | Canister glass & bamboo 1200ml

Introducing our elegant 1200ml glass canister with a stylish bamboo lid. Store your essentials in class. Perfect for kitchen and home organization. Size: ø 100 x 195 mm

LT95208 | Reusable food bag OEKO-TEX® natural cotton 30x40cm

Reduce the number of plastic bags in the supermarket by using your own food bag. This unbleached cotton bag with mesh is highly suitable for fruits and vegetables. Re-use it over and over again and when dirty, simply wash it at low temperatures (could shrink). Size: 400 x 300 mm

LT95430 | Canister Ceramic & Bamboo 900ml

Discover elegance and sustainability with our 900ml ceramic and bamboo canister. The perfect combination for stylish and ecofriendly storage. Size: ø 100 x 145 mm

Reduce the number of plastic bags in the supermarket by using your own food bag. This unbleached cotton bag with mesh is highly suitable for fruits and vegetables. Re-use it over and over again and when dirty, simply wash it at low temperatures (could shrink). Size: 350 x 250 mm

LT95206 | Reusable food bag OEKO-TEX® natural cotton 25x30cm

| Acacia serving board 20 x 15 x 1.2cm

Made from high-quality acacia wood, this versatile board is ideal for cutting and serving snacks. Durable and stylish, it offers both functionality and a touch of elegance to any kitchen. Size: 12 x 200 x 150 mm

| Acacia serving board 38 x 11.7 x 1.5cm

Made from high-quality acacia wood, this versatile board is ideal for cutting and serving snacks. Durable and stylish, it offers both functionality and a touch of elegance to any kitchen. Size: 15 x 380 x 117 mm

from high-quality acacia wood,

for cutting and serving snacks. Durable and stylish, it offers both functionality and a touch of elegance to any kitchen. Size: 15

LT94493 | Acacia serving board 37 x 18 x 1.5cm
this versatile board is ideal
x 280 x 180 mm
LT94533 | Acacia cutting board set 2pcs
Two high-quality cutting boards made of Acasia wood. Can also be used as a snack serving board. Luxurious finish with a leather loop on top. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 36 x 346 x 220 mm
LT94499 | Bamboo Cutting board 15x22x1cm
Beautiful bamboo cutting board. It is ideal for chopping fruits and vegetables or slicing of bread, whilst your company remains 'topof-mind'. Size: 11 x 153 x 220 mm
LT94500 | Baguette holder with knife
Acacia bread board with grooves to cut the perfect slice of bread. Comes packaged in a luxurious gift box. Size: 45 x 393 x 164 mm

| 3pc Bamboo cheese serving set

This cheese knife set comes in a bamboo box that doubles as a serving board. The set includes three knives designed for various cheese types, combining practicality with an elegant presentation. Size: 33 x 320 x 115 mm

LT94495 | 4pc Bamboo cheese & wine serving set

This set includes three cheese knives and a wine bottle opener, stored in a bamboo box that doubles as a serving board. The knives are designed for different cheese varieties, while the box adds convenience and style. Size: 32 x 240 x 180 mm

LT94569 | Wine set in bamboo box

Impress your guests with our wine set, elegantly presented in a wine shaped bamboo box. Perfect for wine lovers, it includes all the essentials for a perfect pour. Size: 32 x 290 x 100 mm. Content: 0 ml

LT94532 | Salad set oil & vinegar

This book-style packaging contains a ceramic oil & vinegar set and salad claws. These claws are suited for salad tossing and serving. The oil & vinegar decanters complete the set to ensure you have everything at hand for the perfect salad bowl. Two recipes are printed on the inside cover of the book-box. Size: 45 x 194 x 258 mm

LT94504 | Pizza serve set
High-quality Acacia wood cutting board with pizza slicer. The board holds a pizza of up to 30cm in diameter. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 25 x 195 x 80 mm


five different

LT94498 | Knife set in gift box

A set of three knives and a carving fork in a beautiful wooden box. The box can be personalized with your logo or text. This classy set will look great in any kitchen. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 35 x 200 x 355 mm

Handy bottle opener Deluxe made of steel and wood. Always prepared to open that bottle with crown cap on any occasion.

Size: 20 x 140 x 40 mm

LT90405 | Foldable cutlery in multi-tool

Outdoor cutlery set and multi-tool. Compact, handy and easy to use. This tool includes a knife, fork, spoon and bottle opener. Size: 25 x 100 x 55 mm

LT93092 | Bottle opener with wooden handle
LT94502 | Cooking book standard with 5 knives
acacia wood book stand. Includes
kitchen knives. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 48 x 420 x 297 mm
LT93086 | Bottle opener with wooden handle and strap
Elegant bottle opener made of grass tree wood, ABS, and steel. This durable and stylish opener is well-sized, making it easy to use. Size: 24 x 140 x 60 mm

LT93082 | Round sublimation coaster

Add style to any table, and protect surfaces with a sublimation coaster. The flat printing surface is ideal for full personalization. Size: ø 100 x 3 mm. Content: 0 ml

LT93084 | Round cork coaster

Round coaster made of the natural, sustainable material, cork. The porosity of the material will result in variations in the printing results. Size: ø 100 x 3 mm

LT93083 | Square sublimation coaster

Add style to any table, and protect surfaces with a sublimation coaster. The flat printing surface is ideal for full personalization. Size: 3 x 100 x 100 mm. Content: 0 ml

LT93081 | R-ABS coaster with bottle opener

A multifunctional R-ABS coaster that doubles as a bottle opener. Ideal for use during parties and events, it protects surfaces from drink rings while providing a handy tool for opening bottles. Its compact design makes it perfect for entertaining and practical for everyday use. Features a foam backing for anti-slip protection.

Size: 80 x 80 mm. Content: 0 ml

LT93089 | Bamboo Coaster Set (4 pcs)

Elevate your table aesthetics with our Bamboo Coaster Set. Crafted from eco-friendly bamboo, this set of four seamlessly combines style and sustainability. Protect your surfaces in a chic, natural way. Size: 35 x 115 x 115 mm

LT93098 | Bamboo coaster & bottle opener

Elevate your drink experience with our Bamboo Coaster and Bottle Opener in one. This dual-purpose, eco-friendly accessory adds a touch of nature to your table while providing a convenient solution for popping open your favorite beverages. Size: ø 98 x 9 mm

Keep your wine chilled with this nifty cooling stick. Store it in the freezer until you need it to keep your wine cool. Once inserted into the bottle of wine it also serves as a pouring spout. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 24 x 315 mm

Make delicious cocktails with this professional cocktail set. The high-quality stainless-steel set includes: a muddler to crush the fresh ingredients, a jigger to measure the alcohol, a bottle opener and a spoon. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 60 x 185 x 250 mm

This three-piece metal barbecue tool set with wooden handles consists of a pair of tongs, a fork and a spatula. Bottle opener in the spatula. Set can be hung. Size: 40 x 448 x 186 mm

LT94511 | Cooling stick
LT94537 | Cocktail set
LT94515 | Apron and oven mitt
Trendy apron in heavy quality material with a PU front pocket and a matching mitt. A perfect item for the grill masters among us. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 50 x 890 x 690 mm
LT94523 | Barbecue utensils set wood

An electronic refillable lighter. Child-resistant. Size: 12 x 82 x 25


Looking for the perfect lighter that communicates your brand or message? Our lighters come in different shapes and sizes, ideal for any occasion. Get your logo or text printed for a unique, personal touch. Whether you choose a stylish aluminium variant or a colourful plastic lighter, you will always find a suitable option with us. Create a lasting impression with our customisable lighters!

An electronic refillable lighter. Child-resistant. Size: 10 x 82 x 24 mm

An electronic refillable

LT90660 | Electronic, lighter
LT90698 | Torpedo, lighter
LT90709 | Turbo lighter
This electric refillable lighter has a turbo flame. As a result, the flame from the lighter cannot be influenced by the wind. Child safe. Size: 13 x 83 x 26 mm
LT90610 | Torpedo transparent, lighter
translucent lighter. Childresistant. Size: 9 x 81 x 24 mm
LT90701 | Burn, disposable lighter
Disposable lighter. Child-resistant. Size: 11 x 82 x 23 mm
LT90590 | Cricket original metal
Disposable Cricket lighter with nickel cap. Childresistant. Size: 10 x 80 x 22 mm


LT90905 | Lighter 90660 (incl. custom-made labeling)

Electronic lighter with custom-made full-colour labelling. Refillable and child-resistant. Minimal order of 5.000 pieces. Size: 9 x 80 x 25 mm


Electronic lighter with bottle opener. Child-resistant and refillable. Size: 9 x 80 x 25 mm

An electronic

This Adventure turbo lighter has the power to light, for example a food stove, a camp fire or candles. The turbo lighter is refillable and really easy to use. Because the flame cannot be influenced by the wind, objects can even be ignited in strong wind. Size: 18 x 68 x 40 mm

An electronic refillable metallic lighter. Child-resistant.

9 x 82 x 24 mm

An electronic refillable silver lighter. Child-resistant. Size: 9 x 81 x 24 mm

LT90699 | Torpedo metallic, lighter
LT90707 | Turbo lighter Adventure
LT90712 | Flint lighter-bottle opener
lighter with bottle opener. Child-resistant. Size: 10 x 81 x 24 mm
LT90912 | Lighter electronic opener EB15
LT90666 | Heat, lighter
frosty refillable lighter. Matt silver coloured cap. Child-resistant. Size: 11 x 82 x 25 mm
LT90708 | Polo deluxe, lighter
LT90604 | Polo, lighter
electronic refillable lighter with silver cap. Childresistant. Size: 9 x 81 x 24 mm

LT90915 | Lighter long and small

Long and slim candle lighter, made of aluminum. Push button on the side. Size: 12 x 178 x 15 mm

LT90706 | Metallic candle lighter

The length of the lighter makes sure that you don't burn your hands. Easy to use and the metallic finish gives it a classy look. Size: 18 x 210 x 15 mm

LT90704 | Arc lighter

The arc lighter is an electric lighter that is windproof, flame-free and easy to use. This lighter replaces all your current lighters. Chargeable via USB cable. Per charge it can be used for over 100 times. It is durable and eco-friendly. Size: 19 x 230 x 26 mm


This utility lighter comes in bright colours and it will light up every party. This lighter will mainly be used to light up the barbecue or when lighting candles. The lighter is ideal to avoid burning your hands when lighting up a candle. Size: 18 x 172 x 46 mm

LT90691 | Hot fire partylighter / BB2-HC Firm, large, metal lighter with plastic body. Ideal to light the barbecue. Large printing surface. Child-resistant. Size: 20 x 229 x 45 mm
LT90705 | Utility lighter Summer
LT90577 | Barbecue lighter
Frosty electronic refillable lighter. Large print area. Child-resistant. Size: 20 x 190 x 41 mm

LT91790 | Mini clic tin peppermint box

Indulge in the refreshing burst of sugarfree peppermints. Housed in a stylish tin, these tiny delights are the perfect pick-me-up. Pop one anytime, anywhere for a minty sensation that fits in your pocket. Freshness, convenience, and flavor, all in a compact click! Size: ø 47 x 15 mm

With one click you can open this peppermint box and, with a simple hand movement you can close it again. Includes twelve grams of Dutch peppermints. Not sugarfree. Size: ø 45 x 15 mm

LT91791 | Mini tin peppermint box

Indulge in the refreshing burst of sugarfree peppermints. Enclosed in a stylish tin, these tiny delights are the perfect pickme-up. Pop one anytime, anywhere for a minty sensation that fits in your pocket. Freshness, convenience, and flavor, all in a compact package! Size: 20 x 51 x 63 mm

Savor the invigorating burst of sugarfree peppermints tucked within a sleek tin featuring a convenient sliding lid. These tiny delights are your perfect pick-me-up. Slide and enjoy a minty sensation anytime, anywhere. Freshness, convenience, and flavor seamlessly packed in a pocket-sized delight! Size: 11 x 80 x 34 mm

LT91794 | Mini click tin peppermint box
LT91792 | Mini sliding tin peppermint box
LT91795 | Mini tin peppermint box
Square peppermint tin. Filled with 23 grams of Dutch peppermints. Not sugarfree. Size: 15 x 62 x 48 mm
LT91793 | Mint dispenser
Rectangle peppermint box with dispenser. Circa seven grams of sugerfree peppermints. Size: 6 x 79 x 48 mm

LT91778 | Mint dispenser truck

Peppermint box in the shape of a truck. The opening of the box is at the back of the truck. Circa seven grams of sugerfree peppermints. Available for full-colour digital print. Product safety directive on every tin. Size: 7 x 90 x 55 mm

LT91726 | Mint dispenser T-shirt

Peppermint dispenser in the shape of a T-shirt. Opening of the box at the bottom of the T-shirt. Circa seven grams of sugerfree peppermints. Available for full-colour digital print. Product safety directive on every tin. Size: 6 x 73 x 73 mm

LT91725 | Mint dispenser thumb

Peppermint dispenser in the shape of a thumb. The opening of the dispenser is at the wrist of the hand. Circa five grams of sugerfree peppermints. Suitable for full-colour digital imprint. Size: 7 x 83 x 58 mm

LT91799 | Mint dispenser round 62mm

Flat round box of peppermints. In a transparent or hardcolour white. Circa 6.5 grams of sugerfree peppermints. Available for full-colour digital print. Product safety directive on every tin. Size: ø 62 mm

LT91773 | Mint dispenser heart

Peppermint box in the shape of a heart. In transparent red or white hardcolour. Circa seven grams of sugerfree peppermints. Available for full-colour digital print. Product safety directive on every tin. Size: 7 x 72 x 65 mm

LT91779 | Mint dispenser house

Cute white peppermint box in the shape of a house. The opening of the box is in the chimney. Circa seven grams of sugerfree peppermints. Available for full-colour digital print or pad print. Product safety directive on every tin. Size: 7 x 73 x 65 mm

Sugar free mints
Sugar free mints
Sugar free mints
Sugar free mints
Sugar free mints
Sugar free mints
LT99894 | Name badge with doming 50x30mm Dome name badge with a magnet. Size: 8 x 50 x 30 mm
LT99743 | Metal pin, rectangle 26x14mm A rectangle pin with doming. Butterfly closure. Size: 10 x 26 x 14 mm
LT99742 | Metal pin, rectangle 30x10mm A rectangle pin with doming. Butterfly closure. Size: 10 x 30 x 10 mm
LT99737 | Metal pin, rectangle 19x13mm A rectangular pin with doming. Butterfly closure. Size: 11 x 19 x 13 mm
LT99739 | Metal pin, oval 20x12mm An oval pin with doming. Butterfly closure. Size: 10 x 20 x 12 mm
LT99744 | Metal pin, square 15x15mm A square pin with doming. Butterfly closure. Size: 11 x 15 x 15 mm
LT99735 | Metal pin Ø20mm Round pin with doming. Butterfly closure. Size: ø 20 x 10 mm

LT99720 | Name Badge Cork with pin

A sustainable and stylish way to make a lasting impression. Crafted from eco-friendly cork, it's a unique choice for events, conferences, or everyday use. Personalize and wear your identity with a touch of nature. Size: 9 x 68 x 23 mm

LT99722 | Name badge Bamboo with pin

A natural and eco-conscious choice for personalized identification. Crafted from sustainable bamboo, it adds a touch of organic elegance to your professional image. Pin it on and let your name shine responsibly. Size: 5 x 55 x 27 mm

LT99721 | Badge Cork with magnet

Introducing our Magnetic Cork Name Badge – a sustainable, hassle-free way to make a memorable introduction. Crafted from eco-friendly cork and equipped with a powerful magnet, it securely attaches without pins. Size: 9 x 68 x 23 mm

LT99723 | Badge Bamboo with magnet

Introducing our Bamboo Magnetic Name Badge – a sustainable and stylish solution for easy identification. Crafted from ecofriendly bamboo, it attaches securely with a strong magnet, eliminating the need for pins. Size: 5 x 55 x 27 mm

LT90761 | R-ABS & Bamboo Card Holder

Introducing our R-ABS & Bamboo Card Holder - a sleek, sustainable solution for your access cards. Stylish, eco-friendly, and functional. A perfect blend of modern design and natural beauty. 60cm pullout cord. Size: ø 35 x 122 mm

With pin
With pin
With magnet
With magnet
LT90768 | Card holder
Frosty card holder with retractable cord. Use the hook to attach it to your belt or bag. Length of cord: 600mm. Size: 12 x 87 x 36 mm
LT90766 | Card holder
Transparent card holder with retractable cord and clip. Brand the holder with a dome sticker. Length of cord: 500mm Size: 15 x 85 x 32 mm

LT91087 | Badge holder vertical, 75x125mm

Transparent badge holder to attach to a keycord. Ideal for conferences, events and customer days. Size: 75 x 125 mm

LT91088 | Badge holder horizontal, 100x80mm

Transparent badge holder to attach to a keycord. Ideal for conferences, events and customer days. Size: 100 x 80 mm

LT90886 | Cork lanyard

Keep your essentials close with our cork lanyard. The lanyard features a felt lining for a comfortable feeling around the neck, and a Velcro safety release. Carry keys, badges, ID's, and more. Size: 900 x 20 mm


Keycords are practical accessories to keep keys, badges and other small items easily to hand. Available in different colours and with a handy closure, they offer convenience in any situation. Get your keycord printed with logos, names or slogans and put your brand in the spotlight. Perfect for events, conferences or everyday use in the office. Complete your organisation with our versatile, customisable keycords!

LT90878 | FSC Paper Lanyard

A sustainable lanyard made of FSC-certified paper with black accents. Perfect for badges, keys or ID cards, a practical choice for environmentally conscious professionals.. Size: 500 x 20 mm

LT90882 | Lanyard organic cotton

Lanyard of certified organic cotton with a metal clip and safety connection. Size: 450 x 20 mm

LT95306 | R-PET paracord lanyard

Keycord made from R-PET paracord with plastic safety connection and black accents. The keycord is adjustable with the bamboo slider that offers ample branding space. Size: 450 x 5 mm

LT90887 | R-PET lanyard

Keep your essentials close with our R-PET lanyard, available in a variety of colours. The lanyard features a safety release, and is ideal to carry keys, badges, ID's, and more. Size: 900 x 20 mm

LT95310 | Cotton cord lanyard

This lanyard is crafted from durable cotton cord, featuring a safety release and metal clip for secure attachment. The bamboo slider facilitates adjustability while offering dedicated branding space. Size: 450 x 5 mm

LT90879 | Polyester lanyard 20mm with buckle and hook

Polyester keycord with a detachable plastic buckle, a metal clip and a safety connection. Size: 520 x 20 mm

LT95304 | Paracord with doming

Keycord made from paracord with plastic safety connection and a metal clip. The keycord is adjustable with the plastic slider that can be branded with a dome sticker. Size: ø 5 x 500 mm


A keyring is a handy accessory that keeps your keys organised and within easy reach. Besides their functionality, keyrings are also a stylish way to promote your personal brand. They come in a variety of designs, materials and shapes, so there is always a suitable option. Whether you go for practical or unique, a keychain is an indispensable item. Add a personal touch with our extensive collection!

LT99719 | Bamboo phone holder keychain

A compact and practical bamboo keychain that functions as a phone holder. Ideal for hands-free viewing, it’s perfect for travel, work, or home use. The eco-friendly bamboo design adds a natural touch to your accessories while keeping your phone securely in place at a comfortable viewing angle. Size: 15 x 60 x 25 mm


and metal

Front Front Back Back
LT99717 | Bamboo and metal keychain rectangle Keep your keys stylishly organized with our bamboo and metal keychain in a rectangular shape. Size: 4 x 43 x 30 mm
keychain round Keep your keys stylishly organized with our bamboo and metal keychain in a circular shape. Size: 4 x 40 x 40 mm

LT99708 | Keyring Cork & Metal rectangular

Introducing our Rectangular Cork & Metal Keyring - a sleek and sustainable accessory. Crafted from eco-friendly cork and durable metal, it offers style, functionality, and eco-consciousness in one. Size: 6 x 70 x 19 mm

LT99715 | Keyring Bamboo rectangular

Introducing our Bamboo Rectangular Keyring: A stylish and eco-friendly accessory to keep your keys organized. Crafted from sustainable bamboo, it adds a touch of nature to your daily essentials. Elevate your keychain with this unique, environmentally conscious choice. Size: 3 x 44 x 34 mm



LT99716 | Keyring Bamboo round

Introducing our Bamboo Round Keyring - a perfect blend of style and sustainability. Crafted from eco-friendly bamboo, this sleek and durable keyring adds a touch of nature to your daily essentials. Size: ø 45 x 3 mm



Key ring wood
Ø40mm Key ring with wooden tag for a natural look Size: ø 40 x 75 mm
Key ring wood
Key ring with wooden tag for a natural look. Size: 10 x 90 x 30 mm


LT99652 | Keyring metal, oval Metal oval keyring with double sided doming possible. Size: 6 x 103 x 35 mm
LT99618 | Keyring metal, round Metal round keyring with double sided doming. Size: 6 x 90 x 36 mm
LT99791 | Coin keychain Metal trolley coin on a carabiner with keychain. Easy to attach to keys. Suitable for trolleys with €1,00 and €0,50 coin deposits. Size: ø 23 x 78 mm
LT99610 | Keyring metal, rectangle Metal rectangle keyring with double sided doming. Size: 5 x 108 x 25 mm
LT99709 | Opener keyring metal logotop Metal keyring with round doming and bottle opener. Size: 52 x 32 mm
LT99693 | Keyring metal with logotop A metal rectangular keyring with a single sided doming on leather tag. Size: 8 x 107 x 28 mm
LT99681 | Keyring metal with logotop
A metal, rectangular keyring with a single sided doming on leather tag. Size: 8 x 114 x 28 mm
LT99703 | Keyring/strap logotop rectangle Keyring with a leather strap and rectangular doming. Size: 122 x 18 mm
LT99662 | Keyring metal, real leather, logotop. A metal rectangular keyring made from real leather with a single sided doming. Size: 8 x 107 x 34 mm
LT99663 | Keyring Metal, real leather Luxurious key ring made of genuine leather. Size: 8 x 100 x 20 mm

LT90957 | Mini LED light with keyring

Metal keychain with flashlight. The three small LED lights provide enough light to easily find a keyhole in the dark. Batteries included. Size: ø 18 x 68 mm

LT93313 | Survival magnetic torch

The magnetic aluminium survival torch with carbiner is perfect to attach to items such as a bag. As you pull the light from the carabiner it switched the light on in one movement. The magnetic mechanism makes it easy to reattach, which in turn will switch the light off. Batteries included. Size: ø 18 x 64 mm

LT93314 | Keychain light bulb

The keychain light in the shape of a lightbulb can easily be attached to a keychain or bag. Simply pull the lightbulb to switch it on. The light has one LED that provides ten lumens and is made of ABS. Size: 80 x 55 x 80 mm

| Mini event light round shape

Small, plastic keyring with light. Size: 8 x 43 x 23 mm

LT93316 | Flashlight keychain bamboo

This mini bamboo flashlight is attached to a keychain. It is convenient to carry with and will allow you to illuminate any dark room/environment. There is no need to carry around a large lamp. Size: ø 15 x 65 mm


LT99710 | Keyring with bottle opener

Aluminum keyring with bottle opener. Size: 12 x 9 x 55 mm

LT99705 | Bamboo wine & bottle opener keychain

Can't decide between wine or beer? This eco-friendly keychain has you covered with a bamboo wine and bottle opener housed in a natural bamboo body. Perfect for both wine lovers and beer enthusiasts, its compact and convenient design makes opening your favorite drinks easy wherever you are. Size: 7 x 85 x 35 mm

LT99706 | Bottle Opener keychain

Bottle opener key chain made from recycled aluminum, featuring 5 small carabiner-style hooks to organize your keys. A practical and eco-friendly accessory for everyday use. Size: 13 x 125 x 35 mm

LT99707 | Caribiner key holder

Carabiner keyholder made from recycled aluminum, featuring 5 carabiner-style hooks for organizing your keys. Size: 13 x 170 x 35 mm

LT99612 | Mini spirit level keychain

Multifunctional key holder with integrated vertical and horizontal spirit levels, a 7cm ruler, and a magnet. Ideal for small leveling tasks, quick measurements. Size: 18 x 45 x 75 mm

LT90200 | Calibrated foldable ruler ring 0,5m

Compact folding ruler key chain with a total, unfolded length of 0.5m. Calibrated for accurate measurements, it's perfect for quick tasks on the go. Conveniently folds for easy storage and portability. Size: 13 x 65 x 25 mm

LT91200 | Mini foldable ruler with keyring 0.5m

White, mini, flexible, plastic ruler on a keyring. Foldable 0.5m ruler. Size: 13 x 66 x 24 mm

LT99645 | Flight tag with keyring

This flight tag with large printing surface area is ideal for personalizing luggage, bags, or travel gear. It offers a durable and stylish way to identify your belongings. Size: 140 x 40 mm

LT99640 | Cork wrist strap with keyring

A stylish, eco-friendly wrist strap made from cork, featuring a keyring to keep your essentials secure. Perfect for keeping keys handy on the go, it’s lightweight yet durable. Due to the natural variation in cork, each wrist strap has a unique appearance, ensuring no two look exactly alike. Size: 130 x 25 mm

LT95028 | Keychain with microfiber cloth anti-bacterial Keychain with microfiber cleaning cloth for cleaning electronic displays or glasses. Including full-colour all-over imprint. Each packed in a polybag. Size: 150 x 150 mm

LT99757 | Floating Keyring XL Floatable keyring. Pad print branding available. Size: ø 30 x 78 mm

LT90501 | Polyester hat with sublimation band

A versatile polyester hat in a variety of promotional and bright colours featuring a customizable sublimation band. Perfect for sunny days, it offers style and sun protection. The sublimation band allows for fully personalized designs. Size: 125 x 275 x 245 mm

LT90502 | Plant straw hat with coloured band

This stylish straw hat is crafted from natural plant fibers and features a vibrant colored band for a fun, fashionable look. Perfect for sunny day events, beach outings, or casual outdoor activities, it provides excellent sun protection while adding a touch of flair to any outfit. Size: 150 x 275 x 250 mm





Beat the heat with a hand fan made from plastic and polyester. Available in a variety of bright colours, ideal for outdoor events and hot summer days. Size: 230 x 420 mm


LT90521 | Hand fan wood & cork
the heat with
hand fan made from wood with a cork surface. Ideal for
hot summer days. Size: 230 x 410 mm
LT90522 | Hand fan plastic & polyester
LT90523 | Hand fan wood & R-PET
Beat the heat with a hand fan made from wood & R-PET. Available in
variety of bright colours with a wooden handle; ideal for outdoor events and hot summer days. Size: 230 x 410 mm


Discover our high-quality hand fans, available in various shapes and colours, suitable for any occasion. With their stylish design and functional construction, they offer an effective and elegant cooling solution. Lightweight and customisable, they are ideal for everyday use or business events. Add a sophisticated touch to your presentation or event with our exclusive collection.

A compact, foldable hand fan perfect for staying cool on hot days. Lightweight and portable, it easily fits in your bag or pocket, making it ideal for outdoor events, travel, or daily use. The folding design ensures quick and convenient relief from the heat, so you can always have it with you wherever you go. Size: 260 x 240 x 10 mm

LT90524 | Made to order - Hand fan plastic & polyester all over print

Beat the heat with a hand fan made from plastic and polyester. Available in a variety of bright colours, ideal for outdoor events and hot summer days. Size: 230 x 420 mm


Beat the heat with a hand fan made from wood & R-PET. Available in a variety of bright colours with a wooden handle; ideal for outdoor events and hot summer days. Size: 230 x 410 mm

LT90526 | Mini foldable handfan
Hand fan wood & R-PET

Display your messages with charm using our chalkboard in a wooden stand. Perfect for home, office, menus, or events. Comes with chalk.

LT90490 | Biodegradable rain poncho

| Chalkboard on easel

Display your messages with charm using our chalkboard in a wooden stand. Perfect for home, office, menus, or events. Comes with chalk. Size: 230 x 120 mm

Biodegradable poncho made of bio-PE. It is reassuring to know that his poncho breaks down naturally in 12 months. Poncho: 127x100cm. Size: 5 x 110 x 160 mm

| Rain poncho in a ball

Rain poncho packed in a ball. Highly convenient when you are on the move and encounter a sudden downpour. It comes with a keychain to attach it to a bike or bag. Size: ø 60 mm

LT91102 | Metal table lamp

Brighten up your space with a stylish, height adjustable metal table lamp! With its sleek design and adjustable light settings, you can easily switch between cozy warm, cool, or neutral lighting to set the perfect mood. USB charging makes it super convenient, and its modern look is a great fit for any room—whether you're working late or just unwinding at home. Size: 360 x 110 x 110 mm

LT94567 | Chalkboard in wooden stand
Size: 40 x 150 x 30 mm



LT91980 | Folding ruler wood 2m Made in EU

Ten section folding ruler with a total length of 2 meters. Durable and portable, ideal for both professional and DIY projects. The ruler has a shock resistant coating and extra strong, stainless steel hinges. With locking angle of 180°. CE-certified and accuracy class 3. Made in Europe. Size: 16 x 242 x 32 mm

LT91981 | Folding ruler wood 2m premium painted Ten section folding ruler with a total length of 2 meters. Durable and portable, ideal for both professional and DIY projects. The ruler has a shock resistant coating and extra strong, stainless steel hinges. With integrated angle schema and locking angle of 180°. CE-certified and accuracy class 3. Made in Europe. Size: 16 x 242 x 32 mm

LT91982 | Folding ruler wood 2m premium natural Ten section folding ruler with a total length of 2 meters. Durable and portable, ideal for both professional and DIY projects. The ruler has a shock resistant coating and extra strong, stainless steel hinges. With integrated angle schema and locking angle of 180°. CE-certified and accuracy class 3. Made in Europe. Size: 16 x 247 x 33 mm

LT90200 | Calibrated foldable ruler ring 0,5m

Compact folding ruler key chain with a total, unfolded length of 0.5m. Calibrated for accurate measurements, it's perfect for quick tasks on the go. Conveniently folds for easy storage and portability. Size: 13 x 65 x 25 mm

LT90210 | Calibrated foldable ruler 1m

Calibrated foldable ruler with a total length of 1m. Ideal for precise measurements, it folds neatly for easy storage and portability. Durable and practical for everyday use. Size: 13 x 130 x 25 mm

LT90220 | Calibrated foldable ruler 2m

Calibrated foldable ruler with a total length of 2m. Designed for accurate measurements, it folds compactly for easy storage and transport. Durable and reliable for various tasks. Size: 15 x 235 x 32 mm

LT91200 | Mini foldable ruler with keyring 0.5m White, mini, flexible, plastic ruler on a keyring. Foldable 0.5m ruler. Size: 13 x 66 x 24 mm
LT91210 | Flexible ruler 1m One meter flexible PVC ruler. Size: 25 x 130 x 13 mm
LT91220 | Flexible ruler 2m Two meter flexible PVC ruler. Size: 15 x 235 x 31 mm

LT91870 | DimensionPro measuring tape 3M

Durable 3m measuring tape made of recycled ABS, with a 16mm wide tape and rigidity up to 1.3m. Features a flat surface, ideal for branding. Meets EEC class of MID II standards for accurate measurements. Size: 22 x 50 x 47 mm

LT91872 | SizeSure measuring tape 3M

Durable 3m measuring tape made of recycled ABS, with a 16mm wide tape and rigidity up to 1.3m. Features a flat surface, ideal for branding. Meets EEC class of MID II standards for accurate measurements. Size: 25 x 55 x 55 mm

LT91871 | DimensionPro measuring tape 5M

Durable 5m measuring tape made recycled ABS, with a 19mm wide tape and rigidity up to 1.7m. Features a flat surface, ideal for branding. Meets EEC class of MID II standards for accurate measurements. Size: 26 x 60 x 60 mm

LT91873 | SizeSure measuring tape 5M

Durable 5m measuring tape made of recycled ABS, with a 19mm wide tape and rigidity up to 1.7m. Features a flat surface, ideal für die Werbeanbringung. Meets EEC class of MID II standards for accurate measurements. Size: 27 x 69 x 70 mm

LT91874 | MeasureMate measuring tape 3M

Durable 3m measuring tape made of ABS, with a 16mm wide tape and rigidity up to 1.3m. Features a flat surface, ideal for branding. Meets EEC class of MID II standards for accurate measurements. Size: 30 x 55 x 55 mm

LT91876 | MeasureMate measuring tape 7,5M

Durable 7.5 m tape measure made from recycled ABS with 25 mm wide tape and a stiffness of up to 2.1 m. Has a flat surface ideal for branding. Meets EEC Class MID II standards for accurate measurements. Size: 35 x 75 x 75 mm

LT91875 | MeasureMate measuring tape 5M

Durable 5m measuring tape made of recycled ABS, with a 19mm wide tape and rigidity up to 1.7m. Features a flat surface, ideal for branding. Meets EEC class of MID II standards for accurate measurements. Size: 30 x 60 x 60 mm

The bamboo tape measure is both functional and sustainable. With its bamboo casing, it's an eco-friendly choice for accurate measurements. This versatile tool offers convenience with a conscience, making it perfect for eco-conscious DIY enthusiasts.


LT90440 | Tape measure 2m Two meter tape measure. Large print area. Size: ø 83 x 30 mm
LT90444 | Tape measure 5m Five meter tape measure. Large print area. Size: ø 93 x 35 mm
LT90442 | Tape measure 3m Three meter tape measure. Large print area. Size: ø 83 x 30 mm
LT91820 | 1M Tape measure bamboo
Size: ø 45 x

LT91814 | Tape measure 3m

The giant tape measure is a measuring greatness. Due to its range of three meters and a white measuring tape is this tape measure a useful gift. Easy to carry thanks to the belt clip and accurate due the hook at the beginning of the tape. Size: 57 x 58 x 35 mm

LT91816 | Tape measure 5m

The giant tape measure is a measuring greatness. Due to its range of five meters and a white measuring tape, it is a useful gift. Easy to carry thanks to the belt clip and accurate due the hook at the beginning of the tape. Size: 65 x 65 x 37 mm

LT91819 | Tape measure fix 3m

Tape measure fix with a measuring range of three meters and a white measuring tape. Easy to attach to your trousers thanks to the belt clip and accurate by the hook at the beginning of the tape measure. Size: 70 x 80 x 35 mm

LT91821 | Tape measure fix 5m

Tape measure fix with a measuring range of five meters and a white measuring tape. Easy to attach to your trousers thanks to the belt clip and accurate by the hook at the beginning of the tape measure. Size: 75 x 90 x 40 mm

LT91817 | Tape measure assist 3m

Tape measure that is easy to carry thanks to the belt clip. Features a three meters long white measuring tape. This measuring tape guarantees a long service life thanks to its sturdy casing with profile. Size: 70 x 70 x 30 mm

LT91818 | Tape measure assist 5m

Tape measure that is easy to carry thanks to the belt clip. Features a five meters long white measuring tape. This measuring tape guarantees a long service life thanks to its sturdy casing with profile. Size: 35 x 70 x 80 mm

LT90734 | Hobby knife recycled ABS

Sturdy hobby knife made from recycled ABS material. Features a break-off blade design for continuous sharpness. Ideal for everyday use. Size: 13 x 165 x 26 mm

LT90739 | Hobby Knife Metal & ABS XXL

Introducing our XXL Hobby Knife, the ultimate tool for precision crafting on a grand scale. Engineered with a robust metal handle, it guarantees accuracy for your extra-large model projects. A game-changer for serious hobbyists. Size: 15 x 162 x 29 mm

LT90737 | Hobby Knife Metal & ABS

Meet our reliable ABS Hobby Knife, the perfect tool for precision crafting. Designed with a sturdy ABS handle, it ensures accurate cuts for your model projects. A trusted companion for hobbyists of all levels. Size: 10 x 145 x 15 mm

LT90738 | Hobby Knife Bamboo

Introducing the Hobby Knife Bamboo: A sustainable and versatile tool for all your crafting needs. Craft with precision using the ecofriendly bamboo handle. Perfect for hobbies and DIY projects. Size: 11 x 130 x 19 mm

LT90730 | Hobby knife XXL
Hobby knife with fourteen snap-off blades. The XXL-version. Size: 12 x 155 x 40 mm
LT90720 | Hobby knife Hobby knife with twelve snap-off blades. Clip attachment. Size: 7 x 140 x 20 mm

LT90736 | Mini Hobby Knife

Introducing our ABS Mini Hobby Knife: your compact tool for precision crafting. With a durable ABS handle, it offers precise cuts for your hobby projects. A must-have for DIY enthusiasts. Size: 7 x 90 x 18 mm

LT90727 | Safety knife

Transparent hobby knife. Modern design in fresh colours. Loop for attachment to keyring. Size: 12 x 131 x 24 mm

LT93410 | Multi-tool Bamboo 12 functions

Unleash versatility with our bamboo multi-tool, boasting 12 functions. The ultimate all-in-one solution for countless tasks and adventures. Size: 18 x 106 x 65 mm

LT93411 | Multi-tool bamboo 8 functions

Unleash versatility with our 8-in-1 Multitool. Compact and practical, it combines 8 essential functions in one sleek package. From cutting to screwdriving, tackle any task with ease. Elevate your everyday with this handy multitool—your all-in-one solution. Size: 23 x 100 x 49 mm

LT93412 | Pocket knife bamboo

Meet our Foldable Bamboo Pocket Knife: a perfect harmony of nature and utility. Crafted from sustainable bamboo, it effortlessly blends eco-conscious design with portability. The sharp foldable blade is your versatile companion for any adventure—where sustainability meets practicality. Size: 12 x 96 x 21 mm

LT93409 | Multi-tool bamboo 9 functions

Experience versatility with our bamboo multi-tool featuring 9 functions. Your all-in-one solution for various tasks and adventures. Size: 15 x 90 x 25 mm

LT91592 | Carpenter pencil big 25cm Wide carpenter pencil, unsharpened. With large print area. FSC wood. Size: 8 x 247 x 15 mm

LT93099 | Bottle opener spirit level bamboo

The bamboo bottle opener spirit level is a versatile, eco-friendly tool. Crafted from sustainable bamboo, it effortlessly pops open bottles and ensures a perfectly level surface for your DIY projects. This multifunctional gadget combines practicality with a natural touch. Size: 20 x 120 x 38 mm

LT93402 | Multitool compact

This compact multi-tool provides a variety of useful tools for traveling and can be easily attached to the bag or clothing. This item will be delivered in a polybag including small instruction card on which all functions are explained. Size: 2 x 85 x 25 mm

| 41pcs Tool

Comprehensive 41 piece toolset:


1 x 60mm screwdriver connector;
x screwdriver handle; 1 x ratchet screwdriver; 1 x 24mm AD; 9 x 1/4inch sockets; 16 x 25mm screwdriver bits; 12 x 28mm screwdriver bits. Size: 35 x 95 x 175 mm
LT93414 | 13pcs Tool set in FSC bamboo box
Handy 13 piece toolset in a bamboo box: 1 x ratchet wrench; 1 x 1m measuring tape; 4 x 1/4 inch sockets; 5 x 25mm skrewdriver bits; 1 x ADP & 1 x screwdriver connector. Size: 93 x 143 x 32 mm

Laser engraving on lid

LT93351 | Edison Bamboo Lamp

Introducing the Edison bamboo lantern. Sustainable, stylish, and efficient. Rechargeable, touch-dimmer, and eco-friendly. Brighten your space responsibly. Size: ø 100 x 184 mm

LT93352 | Lantern & Torch

Lantern and torch made from recycled HIPS, featuring 12 SMD lights with a brightness of 200lm. Includes 3 x AA batteries for immediate use. Designed with a metal handle for easy carrying or hanging, making it ideal for outdoor activities and emergencies. Size: 119 x 86 x 82 mm

LT91102 | Metal table lamp

Brighten up your space with a stylish, height adjustable metal table lamp! With its sleek design and adjustable light settings, you can easily switch between cozy warm, cool, or neutral lighting to set the perfect mood. USB charging makes it super convenient, and its modern look is a great fit for any room—whether you're working late or just unwinding at home. Size: 360 x 110 x 110 mm

LT93350 | ABS & Bamboo Lantern & Torch

Introducing our versatile ABS bamboo torch. It's a torch when you need it, a lantern when you want it – all in one eco-friendly package. Illuminate your way sustainably! Size: ø 85 x 140 mm

LT91267 | Adventure lamp

Robust and compact table lamp. Provides good light through high power LEDs. Camping light ideal to use when fishing, trekking, walking, on a boat or during other outdoor activities. Good to use as emergency lighting during power outages. Size: 165 x 95 x 95 mm

LT40715 | 1563 | Table Tunes Mini

Illuminate your surroundings, promote your brand and listen to your favorite music. This fashionable 3-in-1 lamp with mood light and speaker operates with touch control and has several preset lighting modes. The lighting is dimmable LED light in 7 different colors. Size: ø 125 x 205 mm

LT93317 | R-ABS & Bamboo Torch

Discover eco-friendly illumination with our torch flashlight! Crafted from sustainable R-ABS and bamboo, it's a bright choice for both outdoor adventures and the planet. Get ready to light up your path responsibly with style. Size: ø 32 x 96 mm

LT93318 | Rechargable R-ABS & Bamboo Torch

LT93316 | Flashlight keychain bamboo

This mini bamboo flashlight is attached to a keychain. It is convenient to carry with and will allow you to illuminate any dark room/environment. There is no need to carry around a large lamp. Size: ø 15 x 65 mm

Eco-conscious brilliance meets convenience with our rechargeable torch flashlight! Made from sustainable R-ABS and bamboo, it's not just bright; it's environmentally friendly. Illuminate your path responsibly, recharge, and repeat – all in style. Size: 36 x 150 x 45 mm

LT93312 | Survival torch

Take this alluminium 3W LED torch with you on a survival trip or when camping. It is compact and lightweight. Batteries included. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 140 x 36 x 36 mm

LT93322 | Bamboo Flashlight with clip

Compact torch made from recycled ABS and bamboo, featuring a built-in clip on the back for easy attachment. Includes 3 AAA batteries for immediate use and provides a bright 70lm with a single LED light. Size: ø 30 x 110 mm

LT93321 | Rechargable Recycled Aluminium IPX4 torch

Rechargeable torch with a 1200mAh battery and 5W LED light providing 200lm brightness. Features a hand strap, multiple light modes (high, low, and flash), and a zoom function. Made from recycled aluminum and rated IPX4 for water resistance. Size: ø 34 x 136 mm




Rechargeable torch made from recycled aluminum, featuring a 1200mAh battery with a 10W LED light and filament light, providing up to 400lm brightness. LED light modes include high, medium, and flash, while the filament light has on and flash modes. Equipped with a built-in clip on the back and a zoom function for versatile use. Size: ø 55 x 197 mm

LT93323 | Multi-functional flashlight recycled materials
LT93320 | Recycled ABS COB flashlight Compact torch made from recycled ABS featuring an 80lm COB light. Includes a hand strap for easy carrying and comes with 3 x AAA batteries for immediate use. Ideal for everyday tasks and outdoor activities. Size: ø 32 x 97 mm
LT93310 | Wobbly light
wobbly light. Tap the egg-shaped light to switch on. Batteries included. Comes packaged in
gift box. Size: ø 44 x 80 mm
LT91020 | Powerbank flashlight 2.200mAh
Alluminium flashlight with powerbank 2.200mAh. Powerbank charger included. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 30 x 115 mm
LT91211 | COB torch Useful flashlight with a torch design. With innovating COB technology, multiple LED lights are combined into one bright light. Magnetic clip to store on any metal surface. Size: 20 x 180 x 35 mm

| Aluminum torch magnet 5+8 LED

Aluminum LED torch with light in the front and on top. Flash and static light possible. Magnets on the back. Wristband and batteries included. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 30 x 140 mm

| Survival magnetic torch

The magnetic aluminium survival torch with carbiner is perfect to attach to items such as a bag. As you pull the light from the carabiner it switched the light on in one movement. The magnetic mechanism makes it easy to reattach, which in turn will switch the light off. Batteries included. Size: ø 18 x 64 mm


The keychain light in the shape of a lightbulb can easily be attached to a keychain or bag. Simply pull the lightbulb to switch it on. The light has one LED that provides ten lumens and is made of ABS. Size: 80 x 55 x 80 mm

Keychain light bulb
LT90990 | Mini event light round shape Small, plastic keyring with light. Size: 8 x 43 x 23 mm
LT90960 | Aluminum flashlight LED Aluminum LED flashlight in case. Batteries included. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 26 x 89 mm
LT90957 | Mini LED light with keyring Metal keychain with flashlight. The three small LED lights provide enough light to easily find a keyhole in the dark. Batteries included. Size: ø 18 x 68 mm

LT93328 | COB Rechargable magnetic light

Multi-tool light made from recycled aluminum featuring a bottle opener, foldable stand, and a strong magnet. Equipped with a 180mAh rechargeable battery and a COB light providing up to 300lm brightness. Offers light modes of high, medium, and strobe, with a long press function for easy access to the highest mode. Size: 72 x 48 x 21 mm

LT93413 | Compact multitool in R-ABS & metal 7 functions

Clip this handy, pocket-sized, multifunctional tool onto your bag or belt loop, or use the magnet to attach it to any steel surface for handsfree use of the light. This tool includes five additional functions: bottle opener, nut wrench, COB light, star point screwdriver, and flathead screwdriver. Size: 80 x 42 x 22 mm

LT93311 | Adventure headlight

The headlamp with ten LED lights provides sufficient bright light. The head band size and the lamp angle is adjustable. Batteries included. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 32 x 39 x 59 mm

LT93324 | Rechargable book light

Book light made from recycled ABS, featuring a flexible design that doubles as a bookmark. Equipped with an 80mAh rechargeable battery and an SMD light providing 20lm brightness. Ideal for reading in low-light conditions. Size: 141 x 32 x 13 mm

LT93329 | Rechargeable multifunctional light

Multi-functional light made from recycled ABS, featuring a foldable stand (that can also be used to hang the light) and a strong magnet. Powered by a 200mAh rechargeable battery, it utilizes a COB light that provides up to 300lm brightness. Offers light modes of high, medium, and strobe for versatile use. Size: 20 x 45 x 45 mm

LT93327 | Personal alarm keylight recycled materials

Personal safety alarm made from recycled ABS, emitting a sound of over 100DB for effective alerting. Includes a carabiner for easy attachment and comes with 3 LR44 batteries. Features 6 SMD lights providing 30lm brightness with high and flash modes for added visibility. Size: 78 x 42 x 17 mm

LT90792 | Frosty icescraper Frosty ice scraper with large print area. A best seller in the ice scrapers category. Size: 30 x 245 x 110 mm
LT90787 | Icescraper, triangle Hardcolour ice scraper. Triangular model. Digital full-colour print or pad print possible. Size: 110 x 105 mm
LT90789 | Ice scraper rectangular Little frosted ice scraper. Rectangle model. Size: 120 x 100 mm
LT90783 | Icescraper ergonomic Ice scraper with comfortable EVA material handle. Printing possible on the front of the item. Size: 35 x 215 x 90 mm

LT90784 | Ice Scraper Bamboo & R-PP

The ice scraper's use of bamboo, a highly renewable resource with rapid growth, coupled with recycled polypropylene (R-PP) from post-consumer waste, reflects its ideal and sustainable choice, contributing to resource conservation and waste reduction. Size: 20 x 225 x 95 mm

LT91198 | 3-in-1 icescraper

Handy icescraper with interchangeable triangle to remove snow, ice and condensation. The handle has a large print area for a logo. Size: 255 x 17 x 113 mm


possiblities on



More printing possiblities on

LT91230 | 2-in-1 spray and cleaning rag

The convenient 2-in-1 spray and cleaning rag is ideal for quick cleanups of, for example, car windows, home surfaces, or office desks. Keep your spaces spotless with this versatile cleaning tool; to be filled with your favorite cleaning liquid. Size: 41 x 195 x 130 mm

Icescraper with glove
with warm glove.
glove and/or scraper. Size: 20 x 280 x 170 mm
LT90794 | Icescraper with glove
with warm glove. More printing
glove and/or scraper. Size: 30 x 345 x 150 mm

A paper parking disc which complies with the laws of France. There is a big print area on the back of the parking disc.


A Toppoint design parking disc and ice


complies with the european laws (except France). Large print area on the back of the ice scraper.

Protect your car's interior from the sun with a set of 2 car window sunshades. Each shade comes with suction cups, making them easy to install. Their flexible nature make them easy to twist and store in an included handy pouch for convenience Size: 440 x 350 mm

LT90728 | Parking disc ice scraper blue - green
Toppoint design parking disc and ice scraper. The parking disc complies with the European laws (except France). The blue side is a regular parking disc, the green side can be used while charging your electric or hybrid car. Size: 6 x 155 x 110 mm
LT90721 | Parking disc / ice scraper Europe
parking disc
Size: 6 x 154 x 110 mm
LT90732 | Car window sunshade, set of 2 with pouch
LT90719 | Parking disc France
Size: 150 x 150 mm
LT90923 | Ticket holder
Transparent parking ticket holder. Ensures that the parking ticket is always visible. Size: 5 x 70 x 40 mm

LT95551 | Wireless charger car R-ABS 15W

This 15W magnetic wireless car charger is fully compatible with Apple’s MagSafe ecosystem, but also comes with a magnetic pad for other phones. Simply snap it on to start charging – the perfect charging solution for your road trips. Of course it's made with recycled materials (R-ABS) and has smart protection: over-current, short-circuit, FOD protection. Size: 92 x 61 x 73 mm

LT91177 | Air vent holder magnetic

Magnetic car vent phone holder. It has two parts: a metal plate with double sided tape which attaches to the back of your phone and the magnetic phone holder that clips into the car air vent.

Convert the air vent into a hands-free car kit. Size: 40 x 50 x 40 mm

| Car Vent air refresher Bamboo

Experience the refreshing scent of Bamboo with our Car Vent Air Refresher. Enjoy a tranquil drive with the calming aroma of nature. Get yours today and elevate your car journey. Size: ø 42 x 31 mm

LT90473 | Foldable funnel for car

Toppoint design plastic box with foldable funnel, ideal to refill the windscreen wiper fluid. Imprint on the box. Full colour digital print possible. Size: ø 90 x 15 mm

LT91115 | Car vent air refresher Air freshener for the car. Simply clip it into the air vent and the car smells wonderfully fresh. Size: 30 x 58 x 30 mm
LT91178 | Air vent holder spring Smartphone holder with spring. Easy to convert your air vent into a hands-free car kit. Size: 50 x 29 x 96 mm

Choose from 20 car air fresheners in 10 unique shapes, each with a different scent. Each shape is available in two packaging options: a simple polybag or a polybag with a header card, both clearly displayed with unique codes for easy ordering.


LT90929 | Reflective adjustable sports vest

Reflective sports vest, ideal for sports in the dark. Its size is adjustable and can also be used for visibility when you go out at night. Size: 460 x 550 mm

LT90922 | Safety vest children

Yellow safety vest for kids with two reflecting strips and elastic bands on the sides. Made of firm but light polyester which makes the vest comfortable to wear. Complies with the European EN1150 standard. Size: 500 x 450 mm

LT90342 | Earplugs with cord

LT90921 | Safety vest adults

Yellow safety vest for adults with two reflecting strips and Velcro closure. Made of firm but light polyester which makes the vest comfortable to wear. Complies with the European EN20471 standard, class 2/2. Size: 650 x 650 mm

Earplugs with cord. To protect your ears and/or block out sound when you are on an airplane, at work or during outdoor activities and events. With the handy cord, the earplugs can easily hang around your neck when they are not in use. Full colour imprint possible on the box. Meets EN 352 standards. Noise reduction of 20-25 Db. Size: ø 41 x 19 mm

LT90500 | Earplugs

Two soft earplugs, packed in transparent box. Can be branded with a full colour digital print. Size: 18 x 38 x 36 mm


New product

Environmental noise reduction for speaker(s)

Ambient noise reduction for microphone

Built-in microphone for hands-free calling

Charging cable with data transfer capability

Device has Bluetooth

Indicates device’s level of protection against water ingress

True Wireless Stereo

Device with fast charging function

Radio with Digital Audio Broadcasting Plus technology

Near-field communication

Compatible with MagSafe

Item with touch-sensitive functions

RFID security protects against unauthorised access to RFID chips, often used with (bank) cards

Products designed, manufactured or used in a way that minimises their impact on nature

Product is foldable

Gift box

100% genuine leather

Device with LED lighting or LED display

Fits in customised packaging



From the beginning, the desire to give everyone access to the best technology with a touch of fun has been at the heart of the project. Our accessories focus on mobility and are designed to fit everyone’s lifestyle. Today, we adapt to be as close to the environment as possible by committing to more responsible production.

LT41016 | Xoopar Mr. Bio Bamboo Charging Cable

Mr. Bio Bamboo is our newest multi-charging cable, with a dual USB & USB-C input connector and three connectors to charge your devices. It is made from bamboo and DuPont

LT41017 | Xoopar Mr. Bio Cork Charging Cable

Mr. Bio Cork is our newest multi-charging cable, with a dual USB & USB-C input connector and three connectors to charge your devices. It is made from cork and DuPont Tyvek cables. It comes packaged in a stylish, sustainable FSC paper envelope. Size: 10 x 150 x 255 mm

LT41004 | Xoopar Mr. Bio Charging cable

Mr. Bio is a multi-charging cable, with a dual USB & USB-C input connector and three connectors to charge your devices! Mr. Bio is made of recycled plastic & DuPont Tyvek cables. The total recycled content is 61%. Packaged in FSC-certified packaging. Size: 10 x 200 x 75 mm


Boxes specially designed to enhance the giving moment for Xoopar models Mr. Bio, Mr. Bio Long and Budy. With full-colour printing on both sides, they offer the perfect opportunity to add your message or additional information. This way, you offer your customers not only an original gift, but also a beautiful presentation. These boxes are an effective way to make your gift stand out.

Tyvek cables. It comes packaged in a stylish, sustainable FSC paper envelope. Size: 10 x 150 x 255 mm

LT41007 | 2089 | Xoopar Mr. Bio Long Power Delivery Cable with data transfer

Mr. Bio Long PD is a 1m-long multi-charging cable, with a dual USB & USB-C input connector and a dual USB-C and lightning output connector. With fast charge function and data transfer up to 60W. Made of ecofriendly recycled plastic. The total recycled content is 53%. FSC-certified packaging. Size: 54 x 35 x 40 mm

LT83301 | Custommade enveloppe 75x200mm

Cardboard enveloppe with custom-made full color printing suitable for Xoopar articles LT41003 LT41004 LT41005 LT41008 LT41016 LT41017 LT41316. Size: 200 x 75 mm

LT41008 | 2099 | Xoopar Mr. Bio Smart Charging cable with NFC

Mr. Bio Smart Charging is a multi-charging cable, with a dual USB & USB-C input connector, 3 different connectors to charge your devices and a integrated NFC chip. Mr. Bio Smart is made of recycled materials. Total recycled content is 61%. Packed in a sustainable FSC-certified packaging. Size: 32 x 150 x 12 mm

LT41713 | 3199 | Xoopar Mr. Bio Powerbank and cable pack


Sustainable product set, cable and battery holder are made from recycled plastic. 7000mAh portable battery, can charge your phone up to 2.5 times. Portable multi-cable adapter with USB, Lightning, Type C, Micro USB. Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 14 x 117 x 51 mm

LT83302 | Custommade enveloppe 100x210mm

Cardboard enveloppe with custom-made full color printing suitable for Xoopar articles LT41006 LT41007 LT41018 LT41019 LT41021 LT41413. Size: 210 x 100 mm

LT41019 | Xoopar lighting ICE-C cable

Introducing the Xoopar Light up charging cable! With a length of 2x 50cm, it’s your go-to for seamless charging and CarPlay functionality. Enjoy dual input/output, fast charging up to 27W. The speed of the LED light in the cable indicates the speed at which your device is chargin. Crafted from recycled plastic. Size: 12 x 580 x 35 mm

| Xoopar Ice-C Charging cable

Our latest 27Watt ICE-C charging cable is a multi-cable with dual USB & USB-C input and dual USB-C & lightning output. It’s 2x50cm long, supports data transfer and car play. 55% of the item’s weight consists of recycled content. Packed in FSCcertified packaging. Size: 11 x 590 x 35 mm


LT41022 | Xoopar Ice-G 65W GaN Power adaptor

This compact 65W GaN power adapter charges laptops, tablets, and smartphones. It features a smart charging light that turns off when the device is fully charged. With USB-A (18W max) and Type-C (65W max) ports, it delivers efficient power, even when both ports are used (9W each). Size: 32 x 94 x 44 mm

LT41021 | Xoopar Ice-Tag cable provided with Find My tracker

This 1m charging cable features a built-in Apple Find My tracker, compatible with iOS (Find My). It has dual ports (USB-A and Type-C input; Lightning and Type-C output), supports CarPlay, and fast charging up to 60W. Size: 13 x 580 x 37 mm

LT41000 | 2064 | Xoopar Buddy Eco Charging Cable

Connect all your essential devices with the USB, USB-C or Lightning connectors. The flexible coiled cable also doubles as a keychain! Made of recycled materials. 30% of the total weight of the item is made of recycled materials. Size: 9 x 76 x 66 mm

LT83300 | Custommade enveloppe 100x130mm

Cardboard enveloppe with custom-made full color printing suitable for Xoopar Buddy LT41000. Size: 130 x 100 mm

LT41316 | Xoopar OctopusFly Audio Transmitter

The OctopusFly wirelessly transmits audio (TX) from sources like in-flight entertainment or fitness equipment to your earbuds or headphones. It also converts wired speakers to wireless (RX). With up to 8 hours of playtime and dual input/output adapters, the OctopusFly offers versatile audio connectivity. Size: 14 x 142 x 39 mm

LT41005 | 2087 | Xoopar Eco Octopus Charging cable

The Eco Octopus charging cable is made of RPET and recycled plastic. With one USB input connector and three different connectors to charge your devices. The total recycled content is 61% based on the item weight. The cable is packed in a sustainable FSC-certified paper envelope. Size: 12 x 114 x 35 mm

LT41410 | 3192 | Xoopar Octopus Gamma 2 Bio Charging cable with 3.000mAh Powerbank

A pocket-sized powerbank that lets you boost your smartphone whenever you need it. The Xoopar Gamma 2 is a multi-charging cable with dual input connector USB-C / Lightning / Micro USB / USB and is made from recycled plastic bottles (RPET) and has an integrated 3000mAh powerbank. Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 51 x 17 x 135 mm

LT41413 | Xoopar Gamma 3 3.000 mAh powerbank

This 3000mAh power bank is compact and lightweight, featuring a built-in dual input connector (USB-A and Type-C) and a built-in dual charging cable (Lightning & Type-C). Size: 17 x 153 x 51 mm

LT41020 | Xoopar Allure PD Cable with data transfer Power up smartly! Handles up to 100W, compatible with MacBooks, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Its smart smiley icon indicates fast (green) or regular (white) charging. Crafted from recycled aluminum and recycled plastic, it offers quality and sustainability, ensuring high-speed charging alongside data transfer. Size: 10 x 1100 x 23 mm

LT41013 | 4000 | Xoopar Iné Smart Charging cable with NFC

This versatile adapter lets you charge all your devices (at the same time). The recycled leather also makes it the sustainable alternative to the regular adapter and the built-in NFC feature makes it an innovative way to show off your website/visit card/ promotion. Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 10 x 145 x 240 mm

LT41014 | 4001 | Xoopar Iné Gamma Charging cable with NFC and 3.000mAh Powerbank

With this multifuntional powerbank you can use your devices anywhere without running out of power. The recycled leather gives the powerbank a natural look and also makes it the sustainable alternative to the ordinary powerbank. The NFC function also allows you to deliver your desired message in a sustainable way. Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 15 x 150 x 55 mm


Power up sustainably! Our power bank offers fast 15W charging, a compact 5000mAh capacity, and a unique smart touch LED light. It’s your portable energy source, ensuring fast and efficient charging while illuminating your bag for added convenience on the move.

A wireless charger that charges your devices super fast. With this charger you don’t have to wait long before you can use your devices again. The recycled leather also makes it a sustainable alternative to the normal charger. Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 9 x 90 x 90 mm

LT41506 | 2259 | Xoopar Iné Wireless Fast Charger - Recycled Leather 15W
Xoopar ICE P Powerbank 5000mAh
Size: 14 x 76 x 65 mm

LT41507 | 2708 | Xoopar Icon 3 in 1 Magnetic Wireless charger

This 3-in-1 wireless charger lets you charge multiple devices at the same time. The magnetic charging surface keeps your MagSafe enabled iPhone in place. In addition, the charging pad can charge any Qi enable device. Size: 110 x 110 x 80 mm

LT41800 | 3198 | Xoopar Iné Mini NFC Wallet Recycled Leather

Magnetic back, compatible with Apple’s MagSafe line. Digital business card, compatible with iPhone and Android without apps. RFID blocking system to protect personal data from skimmers. Also NFC function included. Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 95 x 67 x 4 mm

LT41509 | Xoopar PD Magnetic Wireless Charger

Empower change with our wireless charger! Crafted from ocean-bound plastic, it’s compact, Magsafe-enabled, and offers 15W power delivery for both iPhone and Android. Spot the green heart: it signals fast charging, blending sustainability with convenience. Size: 9 x 76 x 62 mm

LT41505 | 3188 | Xoopar Trafold 3 Wireless charger 15W

Charge your mobile devices quickly and wirelessly. This charging station charges four devices simultaneously. The foldable design makes it easy to take with you wherever you go. The Trafold 3 is MagSafe compatible and has a biodegradable plastic casing. Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 21 x 145 x 70 mm

LT41315 | Xoopar Reddi Charge PD clock with wireless charger

Experience innovation! Our clock with wireless charger, crafted from recycled aluminum, delivers fast 15W charging. The smiley face icon lights up during fast charging. With temperature monitoring, auto time setting, and an alarm feature, it’s a game-changer in convenience and sustainability. Size: 35 x 72 x 73 mm


Boundless connectivity! In a world of laptops with limited ports, our powerful 100W hub is a game-changer. Expand your capabilities with multiple ports. Fast charging and super fast data transfer, optimise your work or gaming space all through one compact hub

LT41314 | Xoopar Cubbi Hub

No compromises here! Our hub is crafted from recycled aluminum, offers stress-relief rotation, supports up to 100W PD laptop charging, and features multiple ports—2 USB-A, 2 USB-C, HDMI, and an audio port. Elevate your connectivity sustainably! Size: 40 x 76 x 65 mm

LT41714 | 2275 | Xoopar Boy X5 TWS speaker with NFC

The X5 is part of the Xoopar Boy collection. It features a 10-watt output, has a built-in hands-free speaker, provides 8 hours of playback time and can be charged wirelessly. Connect a second X5 to create a stereo experience. Includes a set of emoji stickers that let you customise the design of your speaker! Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 120 x 120 x 100 mm

LT41307 | 2305 | Xoopar Pokket Wireless Mouse

The Pokket mouse is a green alternative to working at the computer. This promotional classic with wireless connection is available in biodegradable plastic and wheat material. Size: 17 x 106 x 58 mm

LT41309 | 2598 | Xoopar Mini iLo Hub

Xoopar charging hub with switchable 3-in-1 adapter. Easy attachment of Apple, Micro-USB or USB Type-C devices. While charging or when fully charged, the acrylic plate lights up. Size: 10 x 84 x 54 mm


We share a genuine and unending love for music, fashion and colour and are bold at heart. We strive to create a world where everyone can express themselves and choose differently. With Fresh ‘n Rebel, you never have to settle for less.


All Fresh ‘n Rebel Powerbanks have 6 safety features to make sure all your devices are safe.

• Overvoltage protection

• Overcurrent protection

• Overheat protection

• Overload protection

• Overdischarge protection

• Short circuit protection


These pocket-sized chargers are also safe to fly with, as the PowerBanks have the UN38.3 airline certification mark.

LT49401 | 2PB6100 | Fresh ‘n Rebel Powerbank 6.000mAh USB-C This awesome Powerbank is here to get you out of trouble. Never go anywhere without some extra power for your wireless devices, such as your smartphone, tablet, headphones, portable speaker or gaming handheld. The Powerbank 6000 mAh can charge your phone 2 times.
Size: 18 x 109 x 57 mm

LT49402 | 2PB12100 | Fresh ‘n Rebel Powerbank 12.000mAh USB-C Ultra Fast Charging 20W

This awesome Powerbank is here to get you out of trouble. Never go anywhere without some extra power for your wireless devices, such as your smartphone, tablet, headphones, portable speaker or gaming handheld. The Powerbank 12000 mAh can charge your phone 4x and your tablet 2x. Size: 23 x 127 x 65 mm



LT49403 | 2PB18100 | Fresh ‘n Rebel Powerbank 18.000mAh USB-C Ultra Fast Charging 20W

Our latest Powerbanks have a smooth design and thanks to the fast charge feature, they are also faster than ever. Thanks to 20W Power Delivery, your devices will be ready to go before you know it. The 18000 mAh Powerbank can charge your phone up to 6 times and your tablet up to 3 times. Size: 24 x 144 x 76 mm

All powerbanks have a battery indicator, allowing you to check the battery level at any time. Handy if you want to charge several devices together at the same time with one powerbank.

• Ultra-fast charging

• 20W Power Delivery



24000 mAh

Thanks to 20W Power Delivery, you can even charge your phone up to 50% in as little as 30 minutes.* You can charge 2 or 3 devices at the same time. Protection against overvoltage, overcurrent, overheat, overload, over-discharge and short circuit. The powerbank is also safe to fly with because the it has the UN38.3 airline seal of approval.

Size: 31 x 152 x 82 mm

• 50% charged in 30 minutes

• Power indicator

• Charging cable USB-A to USB-C

Fresh ‘n Rebel Powerbank
PD USB-C - Ultra Forte

LT49413 | 2PBM5000| Fresh ‘n Rebel Magnet Wireless Powerbank 5000 mAh

An ultra-thin Magnetic Wireless Powerbank of 5000 mAh. This is the ideal solution for wireless charging when you are on the go. Thanks to the strong magnets it stays firmly attached to your phone or case with magnet function (iPhone 12 and later). The Powerbank is made of lightweight materials. With its rounded corners and metallic finish it is an eye-catcher! Size: 104 x 13 x 70 mm

The Powerbanks have a soft shape, are colourful as ever and made to fit in any pocket or bag. Thanks to the batteries’ “high-density” compressed technology, they are small and light, yet very powerful.

• Ultra-fast charging

• 65W Power Delivery


LT49405 | 2PB27100 I Fresh ‘n Rebel Powerbank 27000 mAh USB-C - 65W PD 27,000mAh power work anytime, anywhere! This 65W Ultra Fast Charge Power Bank revives laptops, tablets, and phones simultaneously. No excuses for running out of power. Slim, lightweight, and airplane approved. Phone 50% charged in 30 mins. Ideal for travel! Size: 32 x 172 x 94 mm

• 50% charged in 30 minutes

• Power indicator

• Charging cable USB-A to USB-C


Discover the power of fast charging with USB Power Delivery (USB-PD) technology! Charge your devices faster than ever before with the 20 W and 30 W chargers. USB-PD delivers impressive power, so your smartphone, tablet or laptop is at 100% in no time. USB-C works with both Android and iOS devices and is now the new standard. Apple already uses this technology for high-end devices and the latest iPhones.

LT49727 | 2WC20 I Fresh & Rebel USB-C Mini Charger USB-C PD // 20W

This USB-C PD Mini Charger has a 20W USB-C Power Delivery port to charge your mobile devices super fast. This Mini Charger is super compact, so you can take it anywhere in your pocket or bag and this Mini Charger has multiple safety features such as overcurrent, overload and short-circuit protection and thermal protection. Size: 33 x 72 x 36 mm

LT49407 | 2WC30 I Fresh ‘n Rebel Mini Charger USB-C + A PD // 30W

The USB + USB-C PD Mini Charger has 2 ports, including a 30W USB-C Power Delivery port to charge your mobile devices super fast. This Mini Charger is super compact, so you can carry it anywhere in your pocket or bag, and has multiple safety features such as overcurrent, overload and short-circuit protection and thermal protection. Size: 31 x 79 x 37 mm

• Overvoltage protection

• Overcurrent Protection

• Overheat protection

• Overload protection

• Over-discharge protection

• Short circuit protection

LT49408 | 2ULC200 | Fresh ‘n Rebel USB-C to Apple Lightning cable 2.0m

Charge Apple products with this 2 meter long USB-C to Lightning cable by connecting it to a USB-C port. Both the Lightning and USB-C connectors can be inserted into the device in 2 ways. So; never search for the top and bottom again. Choose your favorite color and match the cable with your favorite lifestyle and fashion or company colors.

Size: 2000 mm

LT49409 | 2UCC200 | Fresh ‘Rebel USB-C to USB-C cable 2.0m

Charge products with this 2 meter long USB-C to USB-C cable. The USB-C can be inserted into the device in 2 ways. So never search for the bottom and top again. Choose your favorite color and match the cable with your favorite lifestyle and fashion or company colors.

Size: 2000 mm

LT49200 | 6SFT1 | Fresh ‘n Rebel Smart Finder (Apple Find My)

With this Smart Finder you can always track your favorite items, wherever they are in the world. Attach the Smart Finder to your keys, wallet, bag, luggage, e-bike or pet and easily find it with the Apple Find My app on your Apple product. The finder is Waterproof and dustproof (IP67) and has a detachable keychain. Size: 5 x 75 x 40 mm

LT49733 | 3HP1000 I Fresh ‘n Rebel Code Core-Wireless on-ear


The foldable Code Core are wireless on-ear headphones with an old-school look to enjoy 30hrs playtime with all your favourite tunes day after day. Use the buttons on the side of the rounded earcups to control your music or phone calls wirelessly and activate the voice assistant on your device for hands-free control. Size: 180 x 70 x 150 mm

30 HOURS play time

30 HOURS play time

LT49734 | 3HP1100 Code Fuse-Wireless on-ear headphone

Discover sleek and modern headphones for life on the move. With 30 hours of playtime, hands-free voice assistant, and intuitive controls on the earcups, they seamlessly fit your dynamic lifestyle. Easily foldable, they’re your perfect on-the-go companion. Size: 180 x 70 x 150 mm

45 HOURS play time

LT49735 | 3HP3200 I Fresh ‘n Rebel Clam Core - Wireless over-ear headphones with ENC

Meet Clam Core: everyday over-ear headphones with a cool design, comfortable fit, and automatic pause/resume feature. Activate your device’s voice assistant effortlessly. Enjoy crystal clear calls with the ENC microphone. With 45 hours of playtime, they’re perfect for travel or the office, ensuring you always look good. Size: 177 x 77 x 170 mm

45 HOURS play time

LT49411 | 3HP3300|Fresh ‘n Rebel Clam Fuse Headphones ANC

Enjoy your favorite music with these Clam Fuse headphones. The balanced sound is suitable for all music styles. Stay focused with the Hybrid Active Noise Cancelling feature. Travel safely with Ambient Sound Mode or store your headphones easily thanks to the foldable design. With 45 hours of playing time, the Clam Fuse will undoubtedly become your mobile must-have.

Size: 178 x 81 x 170 mm

LT49736 | 3HP4200 I Fresh ‘n Rebel Clam Blaze-Wireless headphone ENC

Clam Blaze headphones: Stylish design, 80hrs playtime on one charge. 10-min Fast Charge for 3hrs play. Clickable buttons, intuitive volume, ambient sound control. ENC mics for clear calls, wind noise cancelling. Foldable, dual device connect, auto-pause. Style, function, and long battery life in one. Use them for sports, business or pleasure. Success assured. Size: 177 x 170 x 77 mm

60 HOURS play time

80 HOURS play time

LT49412 | 3HP4300|Fresh ‘n Rebel Clam Ace Headphones ANC The Clam Ace over-ear headphones are equipped with Hybrid Active Noise Cancelling with up to 60 hours of playtime. The intuitive volume wheel makes it very easy to use. With Ambient Sound you stay aware of your surroundings. Enjoy clear phone calls through the dual ENC microphones and block out wind noise thanks to Wind Noise Cancelling.

Size: 197 x 87 x 172 mm

LT49728 | 3TW1300 I Fresh ‘n Rebel Twins Fuse - True Wireless earbuds

Reliable and easy to use True Wireless earbuds. Simply control your music and phone calls by touching the earbuds, match your earbuds with your outfit and enjoy 30 hours of music without wires. Dual master (left and right earbud can be used individually). Touch control. Voice assistant. 6 hours playtime per charge (30 hours in total). 3 sizes of soft in-ear plugs. Size: 57 x 24 x 61 mm

LT49729 | 3TW2200 I Fresh ‘n Rebel Twins Blaze - True Wireless earbuds with ENC

Experience these Twins with Hybrid ANC (32.5dB noise reduction) and Dual Mic ENC. Enjoy clear calls, Wind Noise Suppression, and bud controls. Multipoint, voice control, and auto-pause when removed from the ear. Remarkable 6hrs with ANC 26hrs with case and 8hrs without ANC (34hrs with case). Compatible with iOS, Android, Windows & MacOS. Both for Business or Pleasure Size: 47 x 57 x 24 mm

LT49730 | 3TW3200 I Fresh ‘n Rebel Twins Ace-TWS earbuds with Hybrid ANC

Experience these Twins with Hybrid ANC (32.5dB noise reduction) and Dual Mic ENC. Enjoy clear calls, Wind Noise Suppression, and bud controls. Multipoint, voice control, and auto-pause when removed from the ear. Remarkable 6hrs with ANC 26hrs with case and 8hrs without ANC (34hrs with case). Compatible with iOS, Android, Windows & MacOS. Size: 44 x 62 x 32 mm

LT49410 | 3TW1600|Fresh ‘n Rebel True Wirel. sports earbuds Get ready to get in motion with the Twins Move True Wireless sport earbuds. They are sweat resistant and always stay in place thanks to the earwings. With 30 hours of total playtime and clickable button control, you’ve truly ran into your perfect workout companion. Size: 27 x 59 x 68 mm


• 12° tilted speakers

• Volume control

• Party mode (connect 2 devices)

• Fully waterproof

• 24 hours play time

• 20W RMS Woofers + 10W RMS Tweeter

LT49731 | 1RB7400 I Fresh ‘n Rebel Bold M2Waterproof Bluetooth speaker

Meet the Bold M2, compact, waterproof and stylish. Experience unparalleled audio through the use of the unique 12° tilted tweeter. Double the impact by wirelessly connecting two speakers. Activate Party Mode and connect two devices so you can take turns listening to your favorite music. The weel on top is for fingertip volume adjustments. Size: 73 x 168 x 77 mm

24 HOURS play time


• 12° tilted speakers

• Volume control

• Party mode (connect 2 devices)

• Fully waterproof

• 22 hours play time

• 30W RMS Woofers + 10W RMS Tweeter

22 HOURS play time

LT49732 | 1RB7500 I Fresh ‘n Rebel Bold L2 - Waterproof Bluetooth speaker

Unleash power and performance with the Bold L2 speaker’s impressive bass. Amplify volume by connecting two Bold L2s or double it with two Bold L2s. Party Mode lets two devices take turns choosing music. Waterproof for outdoor activities. The 12° tilted driver ensures crystal clear sound and fantastic bass, delivering music enjoyment everywhere Size: 226 x 101 x 101 mm


• Powerful performance

• 20 hours of play time

• Bass boost

• Double Fun Mode (pairing 2 Party Loud M speakers)

• Multicolor light show

• Waterproof

• Various wired connection options

LT49737 | 1PS100M I Fresh ‘n Rebel Party Loud M speaker With a peak output of 200W, the Party Loud M speaker is without a doubt the life of every party. With a vibrating bass, this speaker is sure to show out – for an impressive 20 hours to be exact. Pair your speaker with another Party Loud M speaker to double the fun and switch between the 6 lighting options for an even more exciting experience. Size: 244 x 383 x 278 mm

20 HOURS play time


Founded in 2007 in France, MUSE stands for high-end technical performance and exclusive design, with products that perfectly balance quality, price and functionality. The brand has established a solid position in both traditional audio and innovative Bluetooth products and has recently expanded its offering to include home appliances. As a preferred supplier, Toppoint ensures MUSE’s exclusive presence in the B2B promotional market, offering companies access to MUSE’s latest and most sought-after products.

LT55017 | Muse bluetooth speaker 20W

Tough water-resistant (IPX5) wireless speaker with LED details, to enjoy music both indoors and outdoors. The speaker offers a crystal clear sound with a maximum power of 20W. The battery has a large capacity of 3000mAh and can be charged quickly with the USB-C connection. Equipped with hands-free function for easy telephone conversations.Size: 242 x 92 x 92 mm

LT45805 | M-307 | Muse 5W Bluetooth Speaker

This compact portable bluetooth speaker offers surprisingly good sound despite its small size. In addition, the fabric covering gives the speaker a trendy look. So it is the ideal speaker to take with you when you travel. The built-in battery charges quickly and guarantees you a long listening time. Recharge with the included USB cable.Size: 76 x 30 x 118 mm

LT45600 | M-655 | Muse full LED, splash proof Bluetooth speaker with tripod 100W

This Full Led Speaker creates a beautiful atmosphere anywhere. The built-in rechargeable battery allows you to enjoy the super sound of this speaker wirelessly anywhere. The music can be streamed via Bluetooth or via the AUX cable. Extremely suitable for pool parties due to the splash proof design. Size: 574 x 319 x 366 mm


An emergency radio continues to work when other devices fail, thanks to multiple power sources such as a solar panel, wind-up mechanism and batteries. Indispensable during emergencies, the emergency radio provides crucial updates of disaster stations even without mobile network or internet. Also ideal for outdoor activities like camping and survival, where the self-sufficient power sources ensure you always have access to news.

LT55019 | Muse radio bluetooth speaker with solar and wind-up mechanism

The portable radio/speaker can be charged in 3 ways: solar powered, self-winding or with the supplied USB cable. With the radio you can receive both AM and FM radio stations. With a capacity of 1000 mAh. The built-in flashlight is useful when it starts to get dark. The unit has an IP64 coding and is therefore dust and splash-proof. Size: 60 x 145 x 75 mm

8 HOURS play time

LT55007 | Muse work radio with bluetooth 20W with FM radio

This compact WORKRADIO (IP64 splash-dustproof) with display is easy to take anywhere and can be used carefree for every job or construction site. You can choose from all FM radio stations (30x preset) and Bluetooth with NFC connection. Size: 326 x 248 x 160 mm

LT55025 | ML-625|Muse Ambient Light Bluetooth Speaker in/outdoor

The Muse Ambient Light Speaker delivers a powerful 60W of sound and is splashproof (IPX4), ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. The multi-coloured Ambient Light sets the mood with customisable LEDs. Stream wirelessly via Bluetooth, enjoy 10 hours of playtime, hands-free calling, 5 nature sounds and USB-C device charging. Perfect for any occasion. Size: 387 x 210 x 210 mm

LT45814 | M-1803 | Muse Party Speaker with Microphone 150W

This Muse Party Speaker is ideal for all your parties. The 150W of power is more than enough to play all your favorite music playlists and get your friends and family dancing. With a wide range of lighting capabilities it is a great speaker to use. Size: 300 x 240 x 245 mm



LT55026 | MT-207|Muse Vintage Turntable with BT-out Muse Vintage record player, a perfect combination of vintage and modern convenience. Enjoy warm sounds thanks to the built-in speakers. With the Bluetooth Out function you can easily stream to wireless speakers or headphones, and with USB encryption you can convert your favorite albums to digital MP3 format. Make every listening experience a vintage partySize: 360 x 129 x 290 mm

LT55014 | MT-201 | Muse vintage turntable Bluetooth and AUX-port 2x5W

With this record player from Muse you can not only play your “old” LPs or singles, you can also connect an external device via the AUX connection. Just as you can easily stream your music from your tablet or smartphone via Bluetooth. Via a USB connection it is possible to record your LPs on a USB stick. Easy to store thanks to its compact size.Size: 360 x 129 x 290 mm

LT55000 | M-150 CDB | Muse Clock Radio DAB+

This DAB+ alarm clock radio will wake you up cheerfully every morning. The clock radio has as many as 20 preset stations. The presence of the AUX connection allows you to easily connect an external device to this clock radio. This Muse M-150 CDB alarm clock works on mains power and has a backup facility (battery).Size: 118 x 75 x 67 mm

LT55003 | M-192 | Muse clock radio FM big display

Beautiful design clock radio in a sturdy version with Jumbo display and USB charging function. With this clock radio it is almost impossible to miss the time. A super large 1.8” dimmable LED display ensures that the time is easy to read. With the dual alarm you can be woken up at 2 times by the radio or buzzer function.Size: 86 x 226 x 108 mm

LT45810 | M-109 DB | Muse Portable Radio FM/DAB+

This elegant portable radio is very compact and battery operated. With DAB+, radio listening becomes even more fun. You have a wider range of stations and clear sound without noise. Equipped with a headphone jack that ensures you can enjoy your favorite radio program in peace and quiet.Size: 90 x 53 x 180 mm

LT55001 | M-175 | Muse FM dual alarm clock radio wireless phone charging 5W

This handy DAB+ clock radio has 10 DAB+ channels and 10 FM channels. Place your phone on top to charge your phone. Also equipped with a USB port to charge your devices. Equipped with LCD display with dimmer, Dual alarm where you can be woken up with your favorite radio station or the buzzer.Size: 120 x 45 x 70 mm

LT55024 | M-15 | Muse Dual Alarm Clockradio

This round radio from Muse offers clear sound and a userfriendly interface for tuning into your favorite stations or setting the alarm. The clear display makes the time easy to read, even in the dark. Start your day right with this modern clock radio, where functionality and design come together.Size: 80 x 146 x 80 mm

LT55009 | ML-198 | Muse wake up light FM radio


Do you ever have trouble waking up? Or falling asleep relaxed? The Muse Wake-up light helps you relax, sleep well and wake up energised. With the wake-up function, the light gradually gets stronger before your wake-up time; you wake up naturally. The alarm clock also helps you fall asleep relaxed. The alarm clock gradually reduces the light intensity. The Muse Wake-Up Light is equipped with an FM radio, so you can wake up to your favourite radio station.

Do you ever have trouble waking up? Or fall asleep relaxed? The Muse Wake-up light helps you to relax, sleep well and wake up energized. With the alarm clock function, the light gradually gets stronger before your wake-up time; you wake up naturally. The alarm clock also helps you to fall asleep relaxed.Size: 170 x 165 x 105 mm

45 HOURS play time

LT45815 | M-272 | Muse Bluetooth Headphones

These headphones offer excellent sound quality and easy Bluetooth connectivity to your smartphone or tablet. The soft ear pads and adjustable headband ensure comfort, and the foldable design saves space in your bag. The control buttons under the ear pads allow you to effortlessly manage your music and make hands-free calls.Size: 183 x 164 x 71 mm


A stylish combination of sleek design, powerful performance and easy use. This collection, consisting of a juicer, kettle, hand blender and toaster, offers everything for a delicious breakfast and deserves a prominent place in every kitchen. Each product can be laser-engraved for a personal touch.

| MS-10 | Muse Power Juicer 160 Watt

The strong 160W motor of this citrus juicer easily squeezes all the juice from the fruit. The 2 different pressing cones are suitable for all types of citrus fruits. The stainless steel filter ensures a delicious juice without pulp. Thanks to the drip-free system and dishwasher-safe parts, you have a clean countertop even after squeezing.Size: 185 x 235 x 170 mm

LT55020 | MS-05 | Muse hand blender 600 Watt

Chopping, beating, mixing and pureeing. This 4-piece Hand Blender Set from Muse has everything you need to quickly and easily prepare the tastiest dishes. This 600W hand blender is equipped with stainless steel blades, together with the chopper and measuring cup, this hand blender is suitable for preparing sauces, soups and small meals.Size: 225 x 230 x 144 mm


LT55022 | MS-015|Muse Water Cooker Stainless Steel

Stylish Muse kettle, made of stainless steel. With a capacity of 1.7 litres and level markings, it is easy to measure the right amount of water. The V-shaped spout has a removable filter. Equipped with an automatic switchoff function and 360 degree rotating base, this kettle is a must-have for any modern kitchen.Size: 243 x 222 x 151 mm

LT55023 | MS-115|Muse Toaster Stainless Steel

Muse toaster, made of high-quality stainless steel. Space for two slices of bread that toast evenly with the centering system. With six settings and a pull-out drawer and an illuminated switch, ease of use is guaranteed. The automatic stop and functions for canceling, defrosting and reheating make this toaster indispensable in every kitchen.Size: 200 x 260 x 173 mm

LT55011 | Muse Toaster 1000 Watt

With this beautifully designed toaster from Muse you can put delicious toast on the table. This retro-style toaster is suitable for two toasts. The toaster is equipped with six toast settings, which are shown on the analogue display. The device also contains a stop button, with which you can stop toasting before the end time.Size: 275 x 183 x 188 mm

LT55010 | Muse Kettle 1,7 Liter

This stylish kettle from Muse has a capacity of 1.7 liters. This retro-style kettle combines modern technology with vintage design. The kettle is equipped with a water level indicator and an analog temperature gauge. Safety has also been considered; the kettle switches off automatically when there is no water in the appliance and when the water boils.Size: 205 x 224 x 141 mm


JAYS started almost 20 years ago with the vision that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy good sound, beautiful design and quality. Since then, the Swedish JAYS team has continuously developed products with a typically Swedish minimalist approach, only adding better performance and cleaner aesthetics. JAYS is now known to many for its great-sounding and great-looking digital sound products with an effortless interface.


LT45310 | T00284-JAYS q-Nine ANC headphone

Enrich your audio experience with this comfortable q-Nine headphone from Swedish JAYS. Manage your call, adjust the volume and change tracks with a simple touch. Use ANC to optimise your concentration. Fully charged, you have 40 hours of enjoyment. ANC ensures background noise is kept at bay during your calls. Size: 170 x 185 x 65 mm

LT45300 | T00247 | Jays x-Seven bluetooth headphone

The x-Seven with memory foam and featuring Bluetooth 5.0, USB-C charging port for faster charging and increased battery capacity provides a great listening experience. Thanks to the foldable headband and pivoting ear cups, you can take the x-Seven Wireless with you anytime, anywhere.

Size: 150 x 185 x 30 mm

LT45309 | T00258 | Jays T-Five bluetooth earbuds

These ergonomic wireless earphones from Jays feature superior call quality and a perfect fit due to the different silicone ear tips. It comes with a superior microphone for clear conversations. With up to 4 hours of playtime on a single charge and three additional charges in the charging case. Size: 62 x 43 x 30 mm


LT45304 | T00519 | Jays S-Go Two TWS Bluetooth Speaker 5W

The s-Go Two is designed to withstand harsh elements that a normal speaker would not be able to handle. s-Go Two has an IPX7 rating, which means it is water and dust resistant. The s-Go Two TWS is perfect for taking on the road and small enough to tuck into a carry-on bag or a stuffed suitcase. Size: ø 100 x 45 mm

LT45306 | T00521 | Jays S-Go Four TWS Bluetooth Speaker 10W

The integrated high and low horns and Class D amplifier mean that the latest technology is available - the increased efficiency of our speakers, thanks to the powerful lithium-ion battery, ensures longer playing times of up to 16 hours, and the IPX4 certification assures you that a splash of water is no problem at all. Size: ø 130 x 55 mm


Philips head and earphones have built a strong reputation over the years, known for their reliable quality and solid construction. Where once they were mostly appreciated for their simple and robust design, today they offer a complete listening experience. With advanced technologies such as noise-cancelling, Bluetooth, and voice assistant integration, Philips stays true to its good name and rich history, while adapting to modern needs. Innovation and ease of use are key, making Philips head and earphones perfectly suited to today’s lifestyle.


80 HOURS play time

LT42258 | TAA6219 | Sports Headphones Solar

These headphones are made from 35% recycled plastic. The packaging is made from 90-100% recycled cardboard and is printed with eco-friendly soy ink. The solar cell is produced in a factory that uses 100% renewable energy. These lightweight, IP55-certified headphones offer great sound, comfort and durability, perfect for any workout or travel. Size: 203 x 174 x 79.4 mm


The 40mm drivers deliver rich sound with clear tones and deep bass. Via the Philips Headphones app, you can activate the dynamic bass function, allowing you to enjoy full sound even at low volumes. Whether you like music or podcasts, you will always experience an optimal listening experience.

LT42257 | TAA6709| Philips Sports Earphones open-ear with built-in visibility light

Get wireless open-ear earbuds that are always comfortable! The soft hook keeps them firmly in place, even when moving. The open design lets you hear your music and your surroundings. Sound is directed towards your ear canal without sealing. With IP55 resistance to sweat, moisture and dust. After 5 minutes of charging you can enjoy 1 hour of extra listening pleasure. Size: 105 x 127 x 33 mm

LT42274 | TAT1209 | Philips TWS In-Earbuds

These Philips earbuds with large drivers and an advanced AI microphone ensure great sound and excellent call quality. The earbuds are super-compact and offer a perfect fit. The battery life of a total of 18 hours makes this set perfect for everyday use. And with IPX4 sweat resistance, they can handle any activity. Size: 22 x 22 x 18 mm

LT42253 | TAT3509|Philips Noise Canceling Pro earphones with up to 24 hours of playtime

With these TWS earphones with Noise Cancelling Pro, you can enjoy deep bass, clear calls and up to 24 hours of playtime. Customizable touch controls and the Philips Headphones app make it easy to personalize your listening experience. IPX4 water and sweat resistant, ideal for sports activities. Stay connected to two Bluetooth devices and complete your experience! Size: 76 x 63 x 42 mm

25 HOURS play time

LT42250 | TAH3209 |Philips Bluetooth on ear Headphones with 25 uur play time

These wireless headphones are perfect for everyday use. The Dynamic Bass provides deeper bass tones, even at low volumes. With a playtime of up to 25 hours, you can listen to a lot of playlists. You can fully charge the headphones in 2 hours via USB-C and after 15 minutes of charging you can play music for one hour. Equipped with clear microphone. Size: 225 x 50 x 180 mm

55 HOURS play time

LT42251 | TAH4209 |Philips Bluetooth on ear Headphones with 55 hour play time

This lightweight, foldable wireless headphone is perfect for daily use. Dynamic Bass delivers deep sound. Enjoy up to 55 hours of playtime, fully recharged in 2 hours via USB-C. After 15 minutes of charging, get 2 hours of playback. Manage calls, volume, and music with the multifunction button. Connect to two Bluetooth devices and adjust settings via the Philips App. Size: 255 x 50 x 180 mm

Headphones app

65 HOURS play time

LT42252 | TAH5209 |Philips Bluetooth over ear Headphones with 65 hour play time

Experience comfort with these wireless over-ear headphones. Enjoy rich sound, deep bass and up to 65 hours of playtime. Compact, foldable for on-the-go. Connect 2 devices with advanced Bluetooth. Manage calls, music, and volume via the multifunction button. Activate low latency mode for videos. Fully charged in 2 hours, with 3 extra hours after 15 minutes of charging. Size: 267 x 67 x 224 mm

Headphones app


The Philips Headphones app allows you to activate dynamic bass and enable the custom setting for videos, so you don’t miss a single moment. For podcast lovers, there’s the ‘Voice’ setting, which ensures crystal-clear sound. Do you often forget to turn off your headphones? Simply set a timer in the app, and your headphones will automatically switch off. The Headphones app provides a personalised listening experience with smart features.



Our range of Philips Personal Care products, are designed to inspire and pamper. These high-quality grooming devices can be used as business gifts or as gifts for a savings programme. Philips offers durable and innovative products for both men and women, that meet modern needs and the trusted craftsmanship that has characterised the brand for generations. They are a pleasure to give and to receive. Moreover, the products can be personalised with a print, giving them a unique look. Choose quality, comfort and a beautiful gesture to suit any occasion.

LT42281 | NT5650|Philips Nose, ear, and eyebrow trimmer with 5 accessories

Gently trim your nose, ear and eyebrow hairs or hair details with this Philips trimmer. The trimmer has a skin protection technology that ensures you can trim without the risk of nicks or cuts. In addition, the trimmer is equipped with a double-sided cutting element, so you can effortlessly reach and trim hairs, regardless of the angle or direction. Size: ø 35 x 145 mm

LT42277 | Philips OneBlade 360

This OneBlade 360 trims, styles and shaves every hair length easier than ever. Style even the most difficult-to-reach areas with fewer movements. Multiple steps and tools are no longer necessary. OneBlade does it all. With contour-following technology; dual protection system; and 360 Blade. Size: 245 x 95 x 116 mm

LT42272 | MG5920/15 | Philips ALL-IN-ONE 5000

Perfect your style with our versatile trimmer. Get precise results with DualCut blades, non-slip grip, and skin-friendly design. Trim beard, nose, and more. Easy to clean and carry. An essential grooming tool. Size: mm

LT42284 | HC7650|Philips Washable cord leass hair clipper with accessories

With this Philips hair clipper, you can effortlessly trim to the desired length without having to constantly change the attachment comb. This not only trims your hair evenly, but also quickly. You can easily choose your favorite length by turning the adjustment wheel and lock it, so that you are assured of a constant length while trimming. Size: 65 x 195 x 65 mm

LT42285 | S3341|Philips wet and dry electric shaver

The Philips Shaver 3000 Series Wet & Dry delivers a comfortable and close shave, even for sensitive skin. With 5D Pivot & Flex heads, 27 self-sharpening PowerCut blades and the option to shave both wet and dry, this shaver delivers excellent, reliable results every time. Size: 190 x 140 x 80 mm

LT42278 | S7886|Philips Wet and Dry electric shaver

The Philips 7000 series shaves effortlessly across your skin and removes every hair closely, even after three days of beard growth. The shaver features advanced SkinIQ technology that senses your skin, adapts and corrects the movement for optimal protection of your skin. Size: 70 x 175 x 70 mm

LT42271 | HX3673/13 | Philips Tooth Brush

Combined with Sonic technology and the action of the brush heads, the electric toothbrush removes up to 3 times more plaque than a manual toothbrush. The toothbrush’s built-in pressure sensor protects your teeth and gums. Size: ø 28 x 250 mm

LT42280 | HP6393|Philips Pen precision trimmer for body and facial hair trimming

With this Pen precision trimmer you can make sure your face is smooth anytime, anywhere. This Philips travel trimmer is a discreet tool that allows you to quickly and easily remove even the smallest body and facial hairs on the go. For extra hygiene, a pouch and cleaning brush are included. Size: ø 20 x 130 mm

LT42283 | BRE700|Philips Eepilator for legs and body, Wet & Dry

This Philips Epilator Series 8000 offers powerful yet gentle epilation thanks to its advanced tweezers and over 70,000 haircatching actions per minute. This allows you to treat a larger skin surface and enjoy silky-smooth skin for up to 4 weeks. You can treat your lower legs in just 10 minutes! Can be used in the bath or shower Size: 50 x 160 x 65 mm

LT42282 | BRP505|Philips Satinelle compact corded epilator and cordless bikini trimmer

Enjoy silky smooth legs with the Philips Satinelle. This epilator gently removes hairs from the root, even when they are as short as 0.5 mm. This special edition is equipped with a bikini trimmer to keep your bikini line in perfect shape. The battery-operated bikini trimmer includes an attachable comb to trim hair up to 3 mm in length. Size: 140 x 115 x 55 mm

LT42279 | BHD628|Philips SenseIQ hairdryer with diffuser

Discover the Philips hairdryer with SenseIQ. This advanced device monitors your hair and automatically adjusts the temperature to prevent overheating. This preserves your hair’s natural moisture, resulting in beautiful, well-groomed results every time you blow-dry. Size: 300 x 250 x 100 mm

LT42200 | HD9285|Philips Airfryer XXL Connected + Baking pan

You can easily operate the Philips Airfryer XXL Connected HD9285/93 + Baking tin via voice control or the smartphone app. . Thanks to the baking tin, you can also prepare dishes such as a whole chicken, pie or lasagna. The airfryer has a capacity of 1.4 kilograms. Set the ideal baking temperature and time with one push of a button.

Size: 330 x 410 x 300 mm


Sitecom has been a leader in home networking and computer connectivity for over 20 years, with a keen eye for technology trends and smart solutions. At Sitecom, simplicity is key; technology should make our lives easier, not more complicated. Whether it’s connecting mobile devices.

GaN chargers are the future of power, perfect for frequent travellers, tech enthusiasts and anyone who values convenience and efficiency. Say goodbye to slow charging times and bulky chargers. A blend of innovation and functionality, these GaN powerhouses are the perfect gift for associates and friends.

LT40600 | Sitecom CH-1001 30W GaN Power Delivery Wall Charger with LED display

Use the 30W GaN Power Delivery Wall Charger with LED display to quickly charge your devices such as your smartphone, tablet and accessories and check out the real-time Wattage on the builtin LED display. Size: 35 x 52 x 94 mm

LT40601 | Sitecom CH-1002 65W GaN Power Delivery Wall Charger

The 65W GaN Power Delivery Wall Charger with LED display is small, fast and powerful. Use the Wall Charger to quickly charge your devices such as your notebook, smartphone, tablet and accessories and check out the real-time Wattage on the built-in LED display. Size: 35 x 52 x 94 mm

LT40602 | CH-1003 140W GaN Power Delivery Wall Charger

The 140W GaN Power Delivery Wall Charger with LED display is incredibly powerful. Use the Wall Charger to quickly charge multiple devices at the same time such as your notebook, smartphone, tablet and accessories and check out the real-time Wattage on the built-in LED display. Size: 36 x 85 x 114 mm

LT40605 | Sitecom USB-C to 2x USB-A + 2x USB-C Hub

Stay connected! Turn the USB-C port of your notebook into 2 very useful USB-A ports and 2 super-fast USB-C ports. Connect and power your devices with ease. For Windows, Apple Mac & Chromebooks Size: 11 x 260 x 30 mm

LT40606 | Sitecom CN-5001 USB-C to 4x USB-A Nano hub

Stay connected with this super slim and portable USB-C to 4x USB-A Nano Hub you can turn the USB-C port of your notebook into 4 very useful USB-A ports. This makes this Hub the ideal accessory when travelling. For Windows, Apple Mac & Chromebooks Size: 8 x 200 x 15 mm

LT40603 | Sitecom CN-5502 5 in 1 USB-C Power Delivery Multiport Adapter

Always Connected with this 5 in 1 USB-C Power Delivery Multiport Adapter. Connect the latest monitors with HDMI or connect your devices with USB-A or USB C for data transfer or fast charging. It connects all your divices at your workplace at the office or at home. For Windows, Apple Mac & Chromebooks. Size: 11 x 260 x 32 mm

LT40604 | Sitecom CA-1005 USB-C to USB-C Power cable with LED display

You can see the Power! USB-C powerdelivery cable with LED display (150 cm) to charge your USB-C device and check out the real-time Wattage on the built-in LED display. For Windows, Apple Mac & Chromebooks Size: 1500 mm


Wireless charging makes charging your devices easy and, of course, cable-free. Technologies like MagSafe and QI2 make this experience even better. MagSafe, developed by Apple, uses magnets to perfectly position your iPhone on the charger, ensuring an optimal charging experience without your phone shifting. QI2, the latest standard for wireless charging, also uses magnetic positioning for more efficient charging. This technology offers faster charging times and higher efficiency, ensuring your devices are fully charged in less time. The benefits of wireless charging are numerous: no more cables, safe charging with built-in protections, and compatibility with a wide range of devices. With MagSafe and QI2, you enjoy the convenience of wireless charging wherever you are!


Bluetooth has evolved significantly since its launch in 1999. In 2010, Bluetooth 4.0 introduced Low Energy (LE), allowing devices to function longer with lower battery consumption, ideal for wearables. Bluetooth 5.0, launched in 2016, increased the range to 240 metres and doubled the transfer rate to 2 Mbps. The more recent versions, Bluetooth 5.2 (2020) and 5.3 (2021), improved sound quality and enabled LE Audio, which lets you stream audio to multiple devices without losing quality. The latest version, Bluetooth 5.4, was introduced in 2023 and offers improved energy efficiency and support for new applications. Bluetooth is now an indispensable technology in our daily lives.


Fast Charging and Power Delivery (PD) are technologies that charge devices faster by delivering higher powers. Fast Charging is ideal for smaller devices such as smart[1]phones and delivers quick boosts at lower powers. Power Delivery is more powerful and flexible, designed to charge both smaller and larger devices, such as laptops, faster. Power Delivery is the more universal standard of the two methods and works via USB-C. Check that both device, charger and cable support the same standard for the most optimal result. To transfer data, the cable must be suitable for this. USB-C cables with PD support can often also handle data transfer, but not all fast-charging cables do. So always check if the cable supports both fast charging and data transfer to be sure of all the benefits.


NFC, or Near Field Communication, is a technology that allows devices to exchange data wirelessly over short distances, usually within a few centimetres. It is commonly used in smartphones and payment cards for mobile payments and information sharing. It is an easy, fast and secure way to connect without complicated settings.


Active Noise Cancelling (ANC), Hybrid ANC and Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC) are technologies for noise isolation in headphones and earbuds. ANC uses microphones to pick up ambient noise and generates an opposing sound wave to neutralise it. This is especially effective in quiet environments or constant noises such as the hum of an aeroplane. Hybrid ANC combines traditional ANC with additional microphones on both the inside and outside of the earbuds. This makes it better able to block different types of ambient noise, such as conversations in a busy environment or the noise of traffic. ENC aims to reduce ambient noise during conversations so that your voice comes across clearer. It uses microphones to filter out unwanted noise and ensures that background noise does not interfere during phone calls. To transfer data, however, the cable must be suitable for this. USB-C cables with PD support can often also handle data transfer, but not all fast-charge cables do. So always check if the cable supports both fast charging and data transfer to be sure of all the benefits.

405 Table top and cooking

Bath and spa

Home and living

To go

Outdoor 469 Bags and coolers


InSideOut is Toppoint’s exclusive label, where originality and quality are key. Our range is carefully selected and offers a wide range of products that contribute to a sense of warmth and atmosphere, both indoors and outdoors. Whether functional and stylish items for the kitchen and bathroom, or atmospheric accessories such as mugs, cups, scented candles and essential oils, each product is designed with an eye for detail and ease of use.

The collection also offers solutions for outdoor activities and cosy evenings, with warm plaids and designer products that enhance any room. In addition, our Coollux products are a perfect addition to enhance the atmosphere in the home.

InSideOut is all about quality and durability. The products are made of materials that last, and their functionality makes them suitable for everyday use. Whether you are looking for something for yourself or a gift for a special occasion, our range always offers something suitable. Be inspired by InSideOut’s versatility and discover products that perfectly match your needs and interior.

With the brands within InSideOut, you can create the perfect balance between elegance and practicality, turning any space into a reflection of your own style - both indoors and outdoors.


LT52234 | Sagaform Dante lantern big

The Dante candle lantern is made of cork and glass. The ultimate feature is that the Dante candle lantern can be customized for different lights. Furthermore, the cork material is fully biodegradable and recyclable. A lantern that can be used outdoors. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland. Size: ø 120 x 240 mm

LT52233 | Sagaform Dante lantern small

The Dante candle lantern is made of cork and glass. The ultimate feature is that the Dante candle lantern can be customized for different lights. Furthermore, the cork material is fully biodegradable and recyclable. A lantern that can be used outdoors. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland. Size: ø 90 x 170 mm

LT52200 | Sagaform Nature Wine Carafe With Cork Stopper 2 liter

This glass carafe from the Nature series has a dark brown cork ball and combines durability with flowing shapes and mystery. Sagaform loves cork because cork is the most durable of all organic materials and completely impervious to liquid. The shape of the carafe is wavy and harmonizes well with the cork ball. Size: ø 145 x 350 mm

LT52201 | Sagaform Nature carafe with cork stopper 1,5 liter

This slender glass carafe from the Nature series features a dark brown cork ball and combines durability with flowing shapes and mystery. Sagaform loves cork because cork is the most durable of all organic materials and completely impervious to liquid. The shape of the carafe is wavy and harmonizes well with the cork ball. Size: ø 115 x 325 mm

LT52203 | Sagaform Nature carafe oil/vinegar with cork stoppers 2 pcs. 300ml

Two small glass carafes from the Nature series, both with a dark brown cork ball. This set combines durability with flowing shapes and mystery. Sagaform loves cork because cork is the most durable of all organic materials and completely impervious to liquid. The shape of the carafes is wavy and harmonizes well with the cork balls. Comes as a set in a gift box. Size: ø 75 x 195 mm

LT52202 | Sagaform Nature salt/pepper jars with cork stoppers 2 pcs.

Two small glass cylinders for salt and pepper with a dark cork bulb. A cute and classic salt and pepper combo that never goes out of style. Sagaform loves cork, the most sustainable of all organic materials. A set that you always want to keep in sight. Comes as a set in a gift box. Size: ø 45 x 115 mm

LT57008 | InSideOut Carafe Elin with 2 glasses

The InSideOut Elin carafe set consists of 2 glasses and a 1.2L carafe with handle, made of strong and heat-resistant borosilicate glass. The simple, stylish design fits perfectly with other tableware. The glasses have a capacity of 270 ml, are microwavesafe and both the carafe and the glasses can be engraved.

Size: 228 x 218 x 145 mm

LT57009 | InSideOut 2 glass set Elin

The InSideOut glass set Elin consists of 2 glasses of 270 ml, made of Borosilicate, a heat-resistant and very strong glass. The design is simple but stylish, without frills or extra edges. The glasses come in a gift box, are microwave safe and can be provided with an engraving.

Size: ø 78 x 166 mm

LT52054 | Sagaform Wine & Champagne Cork 2pcs

Two plastic corks with an aluminum housing and a silicone coating. Use this handy set, for example, to close your open bottle of wine or champagne. Who doesn’t know that... that you can’t find the cork when you need one? This set offers the solution. Packed in gift box. Size: ø 40 x 45 mm

LT52032 | Sagaform Tumblers With Rounded Base Set 6-pcs 300ml

Set of 6 Tumblers. This is a Swedish original from Sagaform and truly one of the classics. A glass designed to be used and appreciated for a long time. Perfect for whisky, but also for water or for serving dessert and why not just as a juice glass. One thing is certain, these glasses are always appreciated and bring a smile to every face. Size: ø 80 x 90 mm

LT53026 | Byon Opacity set of 2 champagne glasses with stylish glass pattern 300ml

These luxurious Opacity Champagne coupes are made of clear glass with a beautiful spun glass pattern. The coupes are also perfect to use for desserts or liqueur. Using the coupes, guarantees a more festive feeling. A design reflects the contrast between luxury and quirkiness. Design by Studio Byon. Supplied as a set in Giftbox.

Size: ø 110 x 160 mm

LT53024 | Byon Opacity set of 2 wineglasses with stylish glass pattern 470ml

The two Opacity Wine Glasses are made of clear glass and have a beautiful spun glass pattern. They are thin and clear wine glasses with a perfect contrast between luxury and quirkiness. Design by Studio Byon. Delivered in a gift box.

Size: ø 100 x 190 mm

LT53025 | Byon Opacity set of 4 wineglasses with stylish glass pattern 470ml

These four Opacity Wine Glasses are made of clear glass and have a beautiful spun glass pattern. They are thin and clear wine glasses with a perfect contrast between luxury and quirkiness. Design by Studio Byon. Delivered in a gift box.

ø 100 x 190 mm

LT52251 | Billi carafe 1.4L
Size: ø 120 x 225 mm
LT52250 | Billi wine cooler Size: ø 180 x 180 mm
LT52252 | Billi bowl set of 2 Size: ø 125 x 65 mm


Sagaform’s Billi series combines style and sustainability, made from recycled rPET and featuring Sagaform’s signature stripes. These practical sets are ideal for picnics, camping, garden or set table. The stackable glasses and bowls come in sets of two, while the wine, beer and coupe glasses are available in sets of two or four, beautifully packaged in gift boxes. The 1.4-litre carafe with wooden ball and the elegant Wine Cooler complete the series. Billi is the perfect blend of durability and sophistication.

of 2

ml set of 2

set of 2

LT52246 | Billi coupe glass 300 ml set of 4 Size: ø 100 x 95 mm
LT52249 | Billi water glass 400 ml set
Size: ø 85 x 95 mm
LT52245 | Billi coupe glass 300
Size: ø 100 x 95 mm
LT52243 | Billi wine glass 350 ml
Size: ø 90 x 110 mm
LT52247 | Billi beer glass 500 ml set of 2 Size: ø 85 x 145 mm
LT52244 | Billi wine glass 350 ml set of 4 Size: ø 90 x 110 mm
LT52248 | Billi beer glass 500ml set of 4 Size: ø 100 x 145 mm


Sagaform’s Inka mugs, made of sturdy porcelain, are available with and without an ear. These mugs offer the option of having your company logo engraved, making them perfect for use in the office or as a promotional gift. The colourful design and stackable design make them a practical and stylish choice that contributes to a positive atmosphere in any environment.


and at

With Inka cup, we wanted to create a neat, reasonably sized and stackable mug in the many different soft colors of nature. A mug for everyday life and the office. The cup has a rounded base that gives a soft silhouette that is broken off by a majestic rim. Made of stoneware. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland. Size: ø 80

LT52236 | Sagaform Inka cup 270ml
x 90 mm
LT52253 | Sagaform Inka cup with ear 270ml
The Sagaform Inka Mug is a stylish, stackable mug, ideal for
work. With a round, refined base and robust rim, recognizable by the typical Sagaform stripe, the mug offers both functionality and design. The mug is stackable with other Inka mugs and has drainage channels in the base to prevent water retention in the dishwasher. Size: 90 x 105 x 80 mm

LT57010 | InSideOut Cup Fika mug set 280ml

This mug set Fika looks elegant and timeless due to its minimalist design. It concerns 2 ceramic mugs of 280ml each and have a matte exterior that has a shiny interior. The set comes in a gift box. Both mugs can be provided with an engraving, which makes them even more attractive.

Size: ø 80 x 81 mm

LT52238 | Sagaform Brazil mug 200ml

Size: ø 87 x 81 mm

Brazil, Sagaform’s stalwart and most popular coffee mug. The Brazil mugs have drainage channels on the underside that allow the water to drain away after machine washing. The mugs are made of durable stoneware that is both dishwasher and microwave safe. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland.

LT52226 | Sagaform Sten wine cooler


Travertine marble is a natural stone known for its unique texture and durable properties. It is a versatile material that is perfect for stylish accessories in your home. The natural look and unique patterns make these products a real eye-catcher in your interior.

Stylish and natural, understated and soberly luxurious! Stone wine cooler has a straight shape with a rounded bottom. The Travertine marble material is heavy and solid. Put ice in the bottom or freeze it for a few hours to keep your wine cold. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland. Size: ø 125 x 170 mm

The Sagaform Sten mortar and pestle is a must-have for any kitchen. Made from durable travertine marble, it offers long-lasting wear and heat resistance. Perfect for grinding herbs for soups, sauces and marinades. Its scratch-resistant finish keeps it looking good. Presented in a gift box designed by Studio Sagaform. Size: ø 110 x 65 mm

LT52255 | Sagaform Sten Travertine Marble Bowl

The Sagaform Sten bowl is a stylish and versatile addition to your table. Perfect for serving nuts or snacks, with a focus on sustainability. Made from beige travertine marble, each bowl has a unique colour tone and pattern. The robust design ensures long-term use. Presented in an elegant gift box, it is the ideal choice for gifting or personal use. Size: ø 200 x 50 mm

LT52254 | Sagaform Sten Travertine Marble mortel

LT53000 | Byon Insalata salad server set

Stylish salad cutlery in stainless steel. The set comes in a beautiful decorative gift box in the shape of a book titled “Kitchen Stories”. Stylish in every kitchen and on every shelf. Size: 30 x 190 x 65 mm

LT52038 | Sagaform Nature serving bowl

This round, removable glass bowl, together with the solid oak base, forms a fantastic whole. Due to the sleek, but also classic design, this combination fits in almost any interior. Perfect for salad or fruit. Don’t forget to oil the bottom plate regularly. Luxury packed in gift box. Size: ø 230 x 150 mm

LT52121 | Sagaform Nature salad servers tall 2 pcs

These bamboo salad servers are designed by Anton Björsing. They are 32 cm long, so they work well with all sizes of salad bowls and serving dishes. Bamboo has good antibacterial properties. Size: 20 x 320 x 70 mm


Set of two Orrefors Jernverk graters, packed in a luxury gift box.

The wide gourmet grater is very suitable for grating larger flakes. The rubber strip on the front is tilted against the surface and makes planing safe. Size: 25 x 380 x 38 mm

LT52033 | Sagaform Nature cheese grater

Smart Parmesan grater! The combination of oak and stainless steel makes it easy to see that this product belongs to the Nature series. The grater is easy to lift out, allowing you to serve the cheese from the elegant oak holder. The stainless steel grater is dishwasher-safe, but the oak holder is not. Size: 50 x 280 x 70 mm

Orrefors Jernverk Graters 2 Pack


LT52222 | Sagaform Aron Apron & BBQ Glove Set
Protect your clothes with the Aron apron from Sagaform. Together with the grill glove, it is the ideal outfit for cooking, whether outside or inside. Aron is designed in natural colors in combination with the classic stripes of Sagaform. The material is sustainable because it is made from recycled cotton. Aron apron has a pocket on the front. Size: 50 x 270 x 190 mm

LT54508 | Kosta Linnewäfveri Apron

This apron from Kosta Linnewafveri is recognizable by its typical Scandinavian and minimalist look, made of pure cotton with an adjustable strap at the neck and three pockets at the waist. PU leather straps and details. Kosta Linnewafveri products are not available for sale in Scandinavia and Finland. Size: 650 x 1000 mm

LT54509 | Kosta Linnewäfveri Glove

The grill glove from Kosta Linnewäfveri is made of pure cotton. The padded glove protects the hand while cooking or baking. The glove has a leather-look loop for easy hanging. Kosta Linnewafveri products are not available for sale in Scandinavia and Finland. Size: 180 x 310 mm

LT54510 | Kosta Linnewäfveri 2-p Pot Holder

Pot holders in a 2-pack with a loop for hanging, produced in pure cotton marked with Oeko-Tex, safe textile. The pot holders are quilted, padded and have a nice detail in PU leather for hanging. Kosta Linnewafveri products are not available for sale in Scandinavia and Finland. Size: 200 x 200 mm

LT54009 | Orrefors Jernverk Enamelled Iron Pan 2.8L
Classic enamel cast iron pan from the Swedish brand Orrefors Jernverk. This small (2.8L) round pan is very suitable for a tasty and hearty stew. Perfect for roasting but also for cooking everyday food. Suitable for all heat sources. Size: ø 220 x 100 mm
LT54010 | Orrefors Jernverk Enamelled Oval Iron Pan 3.5L
Classic enamel cast iron pan from the Swedish brand Orrefors Jernverk. This beautiful (3.5L) oval pan is very suitable for a tasty and hearty stew. Perfect for roasting but also for cooking everyday food. Suitable for all heat sources. Size: 170 x 360 x 220 mm
| Orrefors Jernverk Large Enamelled Casserole 5L
Classic enamel cast iron pan from the Swedish brand Orrefors Jernverk. This large round (5L) pan is very suitable for a tasty and hearty stew. Perfect for roasting but also for cooking everyday food. Suitable for all heat sources. Size: ø 250 x 180 mm


Orrefors Jernverk cast-iron pans combine style and quality and are perfect for stews and slow cooking. Thanks to their heavy quality, they hold heat for a long time and distribute it evenly. Suitable for both kitchen and barbecue, they offer a versatile cooking experience. Available in fashionable colours, there is always a variant to match your kitchen interior. These pans from the Swedish brand are a durable and elegant choice for any culinary enthusiast.

LT54322 | Orrefors Jernverk Frying pan Cast iron 26.5cm
This frying pan is made of quality cast iron, equipped with an acacia handle. The cast iron frying pan can be used for all kinds of cooking, it can also be used both on the stove and in the oven as the handle is removable. Orrefors Jernverk products are not available for sale in Scandinavia and Finland. Size: ø 265 x 57 mm
LT54323 | Orrefors Jernverk Cast iron form
A slightly larger enameled cast iron pot in an oval shape. A solid pot perfect for both slow cooking and everyday food. Orrefors Jernverk products are not available for sale in Scandinavia and Finland. Size: 50 x 230 x 230 mm

LT54030 | Orrefors Jernverk knife set wood set of 3

Beautiful design knife set from Orrefors Jernverk. These models are a “must” in the kitchen. A chef’s knife (15 cm), a Japanese chef’s knife (20 cm) and a tomato knife (13 cm) of the highest quality. Delivered in a beautiful gift box. The Swedish designer Jon Eliason is responsible for this modern design. Size: 32 x 375 x 175 mm

LT54034 | Orrefors Jernverk set of 2 knives, black & wood

Beautiful design knife set from Orrefors Jernverk. These models are a “must” in the kitchen. A chef’s knife (15 cm) and a Japanese chef’s knife (20 cm) of the highest quality. Delivered in a beautiful gift box. The Swedish designer Jon Eliason is responsible for this modern design. Size: 21 x 295 x 44 mm

LT54031 | OJ Knife Set Steel 3pack

The complete knife set from Orrefors Jernverk. Here we have collected all the knives that are a “must” in the kitchen. You get a chef’s knife, a Japanese chef’s knife and a tomato knife of the highest quality. Delivered in a nice gift box, and makes an excellent gift. Jon Eliason is behind the modern design. Size: 32 x 375 x 175 mm

LT54033 | Orrefors Jernverk set of 2 knives, steel

100% Stainless Steel kitchen knives designed by Swedish designer Jon Eliason have a recognizable sleek Scandinavian look. The set comes in a beautiful gift box. Includes Santoku and kitchen knife. Orrefors Jernverk products are not available for sale in Scandinavia and Finland. Size: 34 x 355 x 131 mm


A paring knife is a universal knife that can peel, cut, slice and decorate well. The most important thing about a paring knife is that it is sharp and comfortable to use. A good paring knife is a must in every kitchen. Size: Blade 9 cm. Size: 22 x 205 x 18 mm

Santoku knife a versatile knife ideal for chopping and slicing vegetables, poultry and meat. The word Santoku simply means “three uses”. Size: 22 x 305

The chef’s knife is the chef’s knife. Since the chef’s knife is often used a lot and intensively, it must be of high quality. The quality chef’s knife from Orrefors Jernverk is stylish and has an acacia wood handle. Having a really sharp kitchen knife makes cooking both more fun and easier. The blade is approx. 20 cm. Size: 35 x 380 x 80 mm

LT54018 | Orrefors Jernverk paring knife
LT54017 | Orrefors Jernverk Santoku Chef’s Knife
x 43 mm
LT54015 | Orrefors Jernverk Chef Knife 8” Steel


InsideOut’s knife sets effortlessly combine style and functionality. With a sleek design, featuring sturdy beech handles and elegant black knife blades, these knives are a sophisticated addition to any modern kitchen. They are designed for the enthusiast who wants to take cooking to the next level n for whom every meal is a creative expression.The sets are packaged in a luxury gift box.

LT57201 | InSideOut Santoku 2pc knife set Ravn

The InSideOut Santoku Ravn knife set blends style with functionality. Perfect for thin slicing and finely chopping vegetables and fruit, the high blades offer excellent control, while the grooves reduce friction for smooth cutting. Featuring striking black blades and FSC-certified beech wood handles, the set includes two knives (30cm and 24cm) in a gift box.

Size: 30 x 370 x 120 mm

| Lord Nelson 6-Position Knife Sharpener

LT57202 | InSideOut 3 piece Essential Knife

The InSideOut Ravn Essential knife set combines elegance and functionality. The set includes a paring knife (12 cm), universal knife (23.5 cm) and chef’s knife (32 cm) with stylish black blades and FSC-certified beech handles. Both can be engraved. Packaged in a luxury gift box, this set is perfect as a gift or for your own use.

Size: 30 x 400 x 160 mm

This compact knife sharpener is essential for every cook, making blades razor-sharp in seconds without risk of damage. Six adjustable angles (14°-24°) ensure perfect sharpening for any knife, from precision work to heavy-duty cutting. The smooth edge provides even, safe sharpening, ready for immediate use. Attach firmly to tables for stable, space-saving convenience. Size: ø 6 x 85 mm

Set Ravn


Victorian offers a world of luxury fragrances in exclusive packaging for different moods and occasions. For those moments, where you want to create just the right mood.

LT53500 | Victorian Sense Tinbox Black Jasmine scented candle
A scented candle in a tin from the Swedish brand Victorian. The tin has a metal lid. The scented candle has the scent of jasmine flowers and spicy hints of musk. Burn time 12 hours. Size: ø 60 x 45 mm
LT53505 | Victorian Sense Tinbox Waitery Pear & Blossoms scented candle
A scented candle in a tin from the Swedish brand Victorian. The tin has a metal lid. The scented candle has the fresh scent of pears and blooming flowers. Burning time 12 hours. Size: ø 60 x 45 mm
LT53501 | Victorian Sense Tinbox Juicy Peach scented candle
A scented candle in a tin from the Swedish brand Victorian. The tin has a metal lid. The scented candle has a scent of the fresh and sweet scent of peach. Burn time 12 hours. Size: ø 60 x 45 mm
LT53502 | Victorian Sense Tinbox Fresh Cotton scented candle
A scented candle in a tin from the Swedish brand Victorian. The tin has a metal lid. The scented candle has the scent of freshly washed cotton. Burn time 12 hours. Size: ø 60 x 45 mm
LT53503 | Victorian Tinbox Pepper & Sandalwood Spice scented candle
A scented candle in a tin from the Swedish brand Victorian. The tin has a metal lid. The scented candle has the scent of sandalwood and pepper. Burn time 12 hours. Size: ø 60 x 45 mm
LT53504 | Victorian Sense Tinbox Rosemary scented candle
A scented candle in a tin from the Swedish brand Victorian. The tin has a metal lid. The scented candle has the fresh and pronounced scent of rosemary and ginger. Burning time 12 hours. Size: ø 60 x 45 mm


The Victorian scented candle offers style and long-lasting scent experience with a burn time of 30 hours. The white version spreads the fresh scent of ‘Fresh Cotton’, while the black variant brings a warm blend of ‘Crisp Blossom & Apricot Cream’. Both candles come in an elegant glass holder, which can be personalised with a name or logo. This ensures your logo is beautifully illuminated while burning, sometimes even reflecting on the wall. Packaged in a luxurious gift box, this scented candle is a fragrant and original gift that impresses both visually and aromatically..

LT53513 | Victorian Crisp Blossom & Apricot cream Candle
A scent of crisp blossom & apricot cream. Burning time 30h. Size: ø 70 x 85 mm
LT53512 | Victorian Fresh Cotton Candle
A scent of freshly washed cotton. Burning time 30h. Size: ø 70 x 85 mm

LT53506 | Victorian Ginger Joy Candle

This scented candle Ginger Joy from the Swedish brand Victorian has a burning time of 38 hours. The candle has an enchanting and soothing scent and is in a stylish glass candlestick. The candle is packed in a luxury gift box with a ribbon. Size: ø 80 x 95 mm

LT53509 | Victorian Luscious Bloom Candle

This scented candle Luscious Bloom from the Swedish brand Victorian has a burning time of 38 hours. The candle has a wonderfully floral and soothing scent and is in a stylish glass candlestick. The candle is packed in a luxury gift box with a ribbon. Size: ø 80 x 95 mm

LT53508 | Victorian Ginger Joy Candle/Diffuser

This Ginger Joy set, consisting of a scented candle and a diffuser from the Swedish brand Victorian, decorative scent diffusers with a fresh scent to make your whole house smell nice. The set is packed in a luxury gift box with a ribbon. The glass oil container has a capacity of 50 ml and can last up to 3 weeks and the candle has 15 burning hours. Size: 95 x 196 x 127 mm

LT53510 | Victorian Luscious Bloom Diffuser

This diffuser Luscious Bloom from the Swedish brand Victorian is a decorative aroma diffuser with a wonderfully floral and soothing scent. The diffuser is packed in a luxury gift box with a ribbon. The glass container has a capacity of 200 ml of fragrance oil and can last up to 12 weeks. Size: ø 91 x 237 mm

LT53511 | Victorian Luscious Bloom Candle/Diffuser

This Luscious Bloom set, consisting of a scented candle and a diffuser by Swedish brand Victoria, decorative fragrance diffusers with a delightfully floral and soothing scent. The set is packaged in a luxury gift box featuring a bow ribbon. The glass oil holder holds 50 ml and can last up to 3 weeks and the candle has 15 burning hours. Size: 95 x 196 x 127 mm



The scented stone principle has been used for thousands of years. Essential oils have traditionally been valued for their relaxing and invigorating properties, from ancient Egyptian rituals to traditional medicine in China and India. By dripping a few drops of oil on the stone, the oil soaks into the porous surface and slowly evaporates, spreading the fragrance subtly through the room. Perfect for smaller spaces such as the bedroom, hallway, toilet or wardrobe, to de-stress or simply enjoy a fine fragrance.

LT57304 | InsideOut Aroma Pebble Giftset with 6 essential oils

Create a calming atmosphere with the Aroma Pebble Giftset with 6 Essential Oils. The unglazed ceramic stone absorbs oil without heat or electricity. Includes 6 natural oils (10ml per bottle) for your desired scent. Place the stone at home or in the office as a lucky charm and enjoy relaxing aromatherapy.

Beautifully packaged, ideal as a gift.

Size: 42 x 235 x 184 mm

Sweet orange PeppermintEucalyptusLemongrassLavenderSandalwood


Discover the versatility of the Ella Hamam collection! Woven from 70% recycled cotton and 30% polyester, this beautiful range combines sustainability with style. The thin, lightweight hamam towels are decorated with Sagaform’s signature stripes in different patterns and come in soft, natural shades such as blue, green, yellow and grey, inspired by the colours of nature. Whether you use the cloths as stylish decoration, practical tablecloth, beach towel, or just to dry off with, the possibilities are endless.



This set of small Ella hamam towels from Sagaform are made of thin, woven recycled cotton

and polyester

The characteristic pattern of the stripes is typical for Sagaform. Dries quickly and is easy to hang. Can be used as a kitchen towel, but also rolled up to take to the beach. Packed in a beautiful cardboard sleeve. Size: 700 x 500 mm

LT52001 | Sagaform Ella Hamam Bag 41x38 cm
characteristic bags Ella by Sagaform are made of thin recycled cotton (70%) and polyester (30%). Wear them to the beach, to work or in the city. Equally beautiful in whatever environment you use them. All bags are decorated with the classic and characteristic stripes of Sagaform. Size: 410 x 380 mm
Sagaform Ella hamam Towel 2-pack 50x70cm

This beautiful Ella hamam towel from Sagaform is made of thin, woven recycled cotton (70%) and polyester (30%). The characteristic pattern of the stripes is typical for Sagaform. Dries quickly and is easy to hang up. Can be used as a bath towel, but also rolled up to take to the beach. Packed in a beautiful cardboard sleeve. Size: 1700 x 900 mm

This beautiful large Ella hamam towel from Sagaform is made of thin, woven recycled cotton (70%) and polyester (30%). The characteristic pattern of the stripes is typical for Sagaform. Dries quickly and is easy to hang up. Can be used as a picnic blanket, but also rolled up to take to the beach. Packed in a beautiful cardboard sleeve. Size: 2500 x 1450 mm

LT52009 | Sagaform Ella hamam 90x170cm
LT52010 | Sagaform Ella Big hamam towel 145x250cm
LT54307 | Lord Nelson Hamam Towel Recycled 150x90 cm
A beautiful hammam towel with fringes, made from 70% recycled cotton, the colored threads are mixed with white to give a mottled impression. Size: 1500 x 900 mm
LT54300 | Lord Nelson Victory Melange Bath Towel 80x160 cm
A nice thick beach towel with mixed pattern. Inspired in Sweden by the beach and the sea with colors reminiscent of mussels, oysters, sand and jellyfish. Size: 800 x 1600 mm

Lord Nelson’s Fairtrade towels are made of 100% cotton. When you choose products with the Fairtrade label, you create opportunities for change. You help growers and employees improve their working and living conditions through their own efforts. Fairtrade is an independent certification that aims to reduce poverty, and strengthen people’s influence and capacity to act to create change and development.

LT54308 | Lord Nelson Fairtrade towel 70x130cm set of 3

Lord Nelson’s fair trade towel set is made from 100% cotton. It is a 3-piece set of 550 grams towels. When you choose products with the Fairtrade label, you create opportunities for change. You help growers and employees to improve their working and living conditions.

Size: 4 x 130 x 70 mm

The Kosta Linnewäfveri Badrock in size S/M is its own variant of the traditional bath/dressing gown! The Badrock is a beautiful hybrid jacket made of so-called college fabric. The bathrobe is suitable to wear after training, bathing or just to snuggle in. Size: 100 x 370 x 260 mm

The Kosta Linnewäfveri Badrock in size L/XL is its own variant of the traditional bath/dressing gown! The Badrock is a beautiful hybrid jacket made of so-called college fabric. The bathrobe is suitable to wear after training, bathing or just to snuggle in. It has two pockets and a hood and the belt for the waist is of course not missing. Size: 110 x 380 x 260 mm

LT54500 | Kosta Linnewafveri Bathrobe College S/M
LT54501 | Kosta Linnewafveri Bathrobe College L/XL



Make the holidays unforgettable with these DIY wooden Christmas ornaments! A fun activity for young and old that makes for original and personalised decorations. For a cosy evening, the Balance Game and Butter, Cheese and Eggs are fun. Simple games that bring fun for the whole family or together with your colleagues. All these products are made of certified FSC wood.

LT57400 | InSideOut FSC Wooden Christmas ornament set of 3

Decorate your Christmas tree with these fun FSC-certified wooden ornaments that you assemble yourself. The set consists of 3 ornaments with a fun Christmas image. You can easily hang the ornament in the tree with the included string. The set is packed in a gift box. So if you want to give your tree a cheerful twist this year.....

Size: 12 x 140 x 90 mm

LT57401 | InSideOut FSC Wooden Christmas tic-tac-toe

Celebrate the holidays with a playful twist on a classic: Christmas Tic-Tac-Toe! This wooden game, made of FSC-certified wood, is perfect for Christmas parties and winter game nights. The festive playing pieces add extra Christmas cheer. Includes a handy bag for the playing pieces, which can be printed. Ideal for cozy moments with family and guests!!

Size: 10 x 120 x 120 mm

LT57402 | InSideOut FSC Wooden Santa balancing game

Bring Christmas cheer into your home with this wooden balance game! Stack cheerful Santas and Christmas trees on the stand without dropping everything. The game offers a challenge for young and old and ensures cozy moments with family. Made from sustainable FSC-certified wood for an environmentally friendly Christmas tradition. The stand can be provided with a logo.

Size: 26 x 220 x 125 mm

LT57403 | InSideOut FSC Wooden Matchbox think iq puzzle

4 wooden cards with push-out pieces packed in a (size) playing card box. Fit the pieces together and make a fun colored puzzle. There is space on the back of the FSC certified box to print a logo.

Size: 10 x 90 x 60 mm

LT57404 | InSideOut Wooden Cube think iq puzzle

Discover the challenging InSideOut wooden cube game! Take the cube apart by removing the loose pin and try to put it back together. The wooden pins make it extra difficult! The game offers fun for young and old and is a nice decorative addition. Challenge friends and family: who can put the cube together the fastest? Personalizable with a logo.

Size: 60 x 60 x 60 mm

LT57405 | InSideOut FSC Wooden Tangram think iq puzzle

Discover the InSideOut Wooden Tangram Puzzle! With seven geometric pieces and enclosed manual, you can create endless shapes and improve your spatial insight and problem-solving skills. Suitable for young and old, and perfect as an original gift. Add a personal touch by having a logo printed on one of the pieces.

Size: 15 x 122 x 122 mm

LT57406 | InSideOut Ring Toss Game

The InSideOut Ring Toss game is a timeless challenge for young and old. Try to throw the ring over the hook and let the scores change. Perfect for children’s parties and adults who use it as a shot game. This handmade wooden table model comes with instructions and can be personalized with a logo on the scoreboard.

Size: 32 x 398 x 85 mm

LT57409 | InSideOut Tabletop puck hockey

The InSideOut Sling Puck Game offers fast and interactive fun for young and old! Shoot the pucks with elastic to the other side to win. This table model made of high-quality wood stimulates handeye coordination and is perfect for home, holidays or parties. Strengthen the bond between parents and children and enjoy hours of fun.

Size: 25 x 345 x 213 mm

LT57407 | InSideOut Giant Tic Tac Toe

Play a giant game of tic-tac-toe with the InSideOut set, perfect for indoors and outdoors! The giant 18 cm X’s and O’s ensure great fun. The flexible playing field is easy to lay out and after use you can store the set in the handy supplied pouch. Ideal for family parties and game nights!

Size: 5 x 830 x 830 mm

LT57410 | InSideOut Poker set

InSideOut poker set! Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, this set offers everything for an evening full of fun. Including chips in different colors and values, a deck of playing cards and a dealer button. With clear instructions you can start right away, even if you don’t know the rules yet. Compact and easy to carry in the cardboard storage box!

Size: 35 x 300 x 153 mm

LT57411 | InSide Out Giant Wooden Dice Game

Experience timeless fun with the InSideOut Giant Dice Game. This wooden set takes classic dice games to a new level and offers an exciting experience. Suitable for all ages (3+), perfect for family gatherings, parties, picnics and camping trips. The scorecard and the 5x5 cm wooden dice provide a tactile feel and visual appeal, adding extra fun to the game.

Size: ø 130 x 170 mm

LT57408 | InSideOut Dominoes

Play a game of dominoes with this wooden domino game from InSideOut. Can you connect the same numbers? After playing, the stones can be stored in the included wooden box with hinged lid, which can be provided with a logo. The game consists of 28 wooden domino stones.

Size: 40 x 190 x 67 mm

Size: 100 x 150 mm

LT54304 | Lord Nelson mini Corn Hole game

Cornhole is fun, easy and a perfect game to challenge your colleagues, family or friends. Packed individually in a suitable carrying bag. The game originates in North America and is played both indoors and outdoors. The board is slightly slanted and has a hole in it. The goal is to throw the small bags into this hole from a distance. Size: 40 x 300 x 500 mm

Two absolutely beloved board games in a fantastic design and in ByOn’s signature colors. You will want to leave this FSC wooden game on the table because it is stylish and extremely fun to play together. Two colorful games in one! Size: 20 x 290 x 290 mm

The game anyone can play and everyone loves. A classic Ludo made from FSC wood in ByOn’s signature colors. Designed just a little differently to enjoy it even more, both while playing, but also when not used w, the game should blend in (or stand out) in your home environment. Size: 5 x 300 x 300 mm

LT53004 | Byon Ludo Gamble FSC Wood
LT53005 | Byon Chess/Backgammon Game Beth

LT52216 | Sagaform Hanna tray

The Hanna tray is made of red oak from certified responsible forestry - a popular material that is durable and looks good in any home. The tray is rectangular with curved edges. The handles are integrated for practical and stable operation. A stylishly designed tray to use with pride every day. Size: 45 x 350 x 280 mm

LT52052 | Sagaform Ante cutting board small

This small Ante cutting board has a striking shape. The ovalshaped model has cut-out stripes at one end and is made of dark robust (FSC) acacia wood. Ante is also very practical and beautiful when placed on the table. The cutting board is handmade and has small differences in shape and color, which you will only find with handmade products. Size: 20 x 300 x 135 mm

Set of 2 cutting boards in beautiful


Whether it’s every weekend or on special days, the Hanna bed tray makes breakfast on bed more enjoyable. The tray is made of red oak from certified forestry and has collapsible legs. Wood is natural, warm and easy to embrace. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland.

LT52053 | Sagaform Ante cutting board medium

This Ante cutting board has a striking shape. The oval-shaped model has cut-out stripes at one end and is made of dark robust (FSC) acacia wood. Ante is also very practical and beautiful when placed on the table. The cutting board is handmade and has small differences in shape and color, which you will only find with handmade products. Size: 20 x 500 x 220 mm

from the

and a

and therefore

LT54027 | Orrefors Jernverk 2-pack Acacia wooden cutting boards
acacia wood
Swedish brand Orrefors Jernverk. The wooden cutting boards should absolutely
be missing in the kitchen. The chopping boards have a sturdy handle on the short end
notch on top that collects liquid. These cutting boards are light
easy to use. The acacia wood also gives them a nice shine. Size: 15 x 370 x 250 mm
LT54012 | Orrefors Jernverk cutting board Acacia wood
A beautiful Orrefors Jernverk cutting board, made of acacia wood. The special and unique wood structure gives a beautiful special look. This cutting board is made of end grain wood that provides a very strong but also beautiful surface. . Size: 20 x 360 x 240 mm
LT52235 | Sagaform Hanna bed tray
Size: 190 x 500 x 300 mm


New and practical products that can be used for dinner or entertaining evenings! Made of durable acacia wood, these items offer a warm look and are strong and moisture-resistant. Acacia wood is naturally mouldand bacteria-resistant, making them ideal for use in the kitchen. The ceramic bowls have a beautiful finish and are perfect for serving small snacks and dishes. The exclusive and unique snack table is a fun, raised serving board where you can present, for example, nuts, peanuts and olives. Complete your party with these stylish and functional products from InSideOut!

LT57203 | InSideOut Wooden serving platter round, 31.5cm

The round acacia wooden serving platter InSideOut is perfect for presenting sandwiches, tapas or cheese. With a diameter of 31.5 cm, the platter is also suitable for most pizzas. The FSCcertified acacia wood has a beautiful grain structure and warm color. Lubricate the board with wood oil before use and avoid the dishwasher. A logo can be placed on the handle.

Size: 15 x 435 x 315 mm

LT57205 | InSideOut 2-pack small wooden Tapas serving trays

This InSideOut Tapas serving set, consists of two small serving boards and increases the party joy during a cozy evening! They are 19cm long and 11cm wide. This cool tapas set is made of Rubberwood and can both be easily provided with a laser engraving. Hot or cold tapas snacks, it does not matter for this set.

Size: 24 x 190 x 110 mm

LT57206 | InSideOut 2-pack wooden trays in organic shape

This InSideOut set of two Acacia wooden trays brings style and warmth to your table. Perfect for serving cheeses, olives, tapas or even coffee and cake. Their organic shape and durable quality make them versatile and suitable for any occasion. Add a playful and natural touch to your presentation!

Size: 29 x 260 x 200 mm

Add luxury to your table with this stylish InSideOut acacia wood serving board with three rectangular ceramic bowls. Each bowl is unique thanks to a special glazing technique and has a beautiful shine. Strong and chip resistant due to high temperature baking. Perfect for nuts, olives or fruit, ideal for drinks or breakfast!

49 x 330 x 120 mm

Bring sophistication to your table with this acacia wooden stand and three unique round ceramic bowls. Each bowl has a beautiful shine due to a special glazing process. Strong and chip resistant due to high temperature firing. Perfect for serving nuts, snack vegetables or fruit during drinks, dinners or breakfast!

49 x 280 x 95 mm

This Acacia wooden snack table from InSideOut is perfect for serving nuts, peanuts, tapas or cheese cubes during a drink. The table is 35 cm and has pre-formed bowls, it is a showpiece on every drinks table. The FSC-certified acacia wood has a beautiful warm color and is also durable, water-resistant and antibacterial. A logo can be placed on the edge of the table.

50 x 350 x 130 mm

LT57204 | InSideOut Wooden mini snack table, 35cm
LT57207 | InSideOut Wooden serving board with 3 ceramic bowls
LT57208 | InSideOut Wooden stand with 3 ceramic round bowls

LT57303 | InsideOut Retractable string lights

Create a magical atmosphere with this roll-up LED Ambience Strip. This 8 meter long LED strip is suitable for both indoor and outdoor spaces. Equipped with a rechargeable battery with USB-C connection. It is perfect for home or garden decoration or camping trips. The strip is easy to hang and adjust, making it ideal for any occasion!

Size: ø 100 x 48 mm

LT53013 | ByOn Ametist Lamp

Lamp Coral Ametist is made of sandstone and gives the perfect harmonic light in both bedrooms and living rooms. After 6 hours, the light turns off automatically. Size: 85 x 130 x 130 mm

LT57305 | InSideOut Dimmable LED light with blow sensor

This stylish LED lamp has the classic look of an oil lamp, but with modern technology. Blow it out like a candle for a nostalgic twist! The energy-efficient LED lighting is easy on the eyes, and the USB-C rechargeable battery means you can use it anywhere. Perfect for indoors, outdoors or at the campsite for warm, atmospheric lighting.

Size: ø 110 x 210 mm

| ByOn Lamp Coral Aventurin

Lamp Coral Aventurin in the material sandstone gives that perfect harmonic light. Nice in both bedrooms and living room. E14 max

LT54029 | Orrefors Jernverk stainless steel lantern with wood

Black wooden lantern by Orrefors Jernverk. The lantern consists of painted pine wood with stainless steel details and glass walls. Opens and closes with a door at the front. The lantern is a stylish detail in any interior and also provides a cozy glow. In warm weather, the lantern can be used outside under a canopy (excl. candle). Size: 170 x 400 x 170 mm

25W. Size: 300 x 340 x 200 mm


Coollux brings unique LED products that give any room a special atmosphere. With or without a built-in speaker, these lamps are eye-catching and distinctive in style. Create ambiance in the garden or at a party with the versatile wine cooler with speaker and LED lights, or choose the atmospheric paper folding models that look great in the living room or bedroom. The lamp with bamboo handle is ideal for any occasion: as an atmospheric light on the campsite, in the garden, or simply at home. Coollux combines style, atmosphere and functionality in every lamp!

LT40723 | 1626 | CoolLux Mini moodlight and wireless speaker

Enjoy a drink, the music and each other’s company on a balmy summer evening or nice and warm inside when it’s chilly. The cooler easily fits a bottle of wine or 4 cans. The CoolLux can be personalized on the band. Size: ø 290 x 295 mm

LT40722 | 1616 | CoolLux moodlight and wireless speaker

Use the CoolLux to keep drinks chilled. With its rechargeable battery and powerful speaker, you’ll set the right tone anytime, anywhere. With the ambient lighting on, the CoolLux is the shining centerpiece of any occasion. Size: ø 345 x 310 mm

LT40724 | Coollux multifunctional LED lamp with bamboo handle

This multifunctional Coollux lamp offers four functions: pendant lamp, table lamp, night light and flashlight. With three settings you can easily adjust the lighting to your wishes. Enjoy ease of use for days and charge the lamp quickly via USB-C. The sleek design with bamboo finish gives the Coollux lamp a natural look that fits into any interior.

Size: 45 x 195 x 140 mm

These designer lamps deserve an eye-catching spot in your home or office. Made of FSC-certified paper, they are easy to transform into an atmospheric eye-catcher in just a few steps. The wooden base offers space for a subtle, modest engraving.

LT40725 | Coollux foldable paper LED lamp Aurora on wooden base, 22cm

Create a warm, minimalist ambiance with the foldable paper lamp from Coollux. Delivered folded in a compact gift box, it is ready to use in just two simple steps. The sleek design and the wooden base (with USB-C connection), give it a Scandinavian look that suits any interior. USB cable included (charger not included).

Size: ø 145 x 220 mm

LT40726 | Coollux foldable paper LED lamp Aurora Tall on wooden base, 32cm

Create a warm, minimalist ambiance with the foldable paper lamp from Coollux. Delivered folded in a compact gift box, it is ready to use in just two simple steps. The sleek design and the wooden base (with USB-C connection), give it a Scandinavian look that suits any interior. USB cable included (charger not included).

Size: ø 145 x 320 mm

LT40727 | Coollux foldable Origami-inspired paper LED lamp Luna 25cm

Light up your space with this origami-inspired foldable paper lamp from Coollux. Compactly delivered, it unfolds into a stylish light in just two simple steps. The Scandinavian design, with clean lines and a wooden base, fits any interior. Ideal for minimalist elegance, this timeless piece adds warmth and style. Powered by USB-C. Cable included (charger not included). Size: ø 215 x 250 mm

Plaids from Sagaform and Kostalinnewafveri are lovely luxurious, thick, soft plaids with beautiful patterns and a classic look. Soft, warm and easy for both indoors and outdoors. Such a luxurious plaid puts a smile on the face of both giver and receiver. The plaids are packed in a nice gift box or with a banderole.

This warm blanket from Sagaform combines classic and modern design. Made from high-quality New Zealand wool, the blanket offers exceptional comfort. The soft, harmonious colours fit perfectly into any interior. Ideal as a decoration on the sofa or as an elegant blanket on the bed. A timeless gift to enjoy for generations. Hand wash recommended. Size: 0.85 x 1700 x 1300 mm

LT52128 | Sagaform Ulli 100% New Zeeland wool blanket

LT54507 | Kosta Linnewäfveri Wool Plaid Stripe

This striped handwoven plaid is both cozy and stylish! Made of high quality wool and acrylic, and with its large thick fringes it’s improve an extra touch of elegance. Perfect for a cold winter evening. Kosta Linnewafveri products are not available for sale in Scandinavia and Finland. Size: 1300 x 1700 mm

LT54502 | Kosta Linnewafveri Fleece Plaid Jaquard 130x170 cm

The beautiful Jaquard plaid from Kosta LInnewäfveri is made of soft fleece. The front of the plaid has a pattern of small rectangles while the back is smooth. As soft and cozy as it is decorative, the throw is suitable for both wrapping around and beautifying the interior. Size: 1300 x 1700 mm

LT54503 | Kosta Linnewafveri Sjövallen Plaid 130x170 cm

This Sjövallen plaid from Kosta Linnewäfveri is modern, soft and stylish. The soft modern plaid is your cozy favorite plaid on a chilly autumn evening. The plaid is available in various natural colors and, in addition to being nice and warm, are also decorative on a sofa or bed as a stylish interior detail. Size: 1300 x 1700 mm

LT52129 | Sagaform Anni R-PET fleece blanket

The Anni fleece blanket from Sagaform, made of 100% rPET (320 g/m²), offers comfort and style in one. With a refined pattern and warm colours, it is perfect for cosy evenings indoors or outdoor activities. Available in colours to match any interior. The blanket comes wrapped with a beautiful ribbon in a stylish gift box, ideal as a sustainable gift. Size: 0.85 x 1700 x 1300 mm

LT52227 | Sagaform Rut fleece plaid

The perfect mix of classic and modern squares has been realized in the plaid Rut. On one side, the plaid is made of sherpa, a fluffy material reminiscent of sheep’s wool. The other side is made of soft fleece. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland. Size: 1300 x 1700 mm

LT53015 | Byon Throw Franca

A luxurious warm and comfy blanket. It’s made of 80% wool and 20% polyester. It’s a bouclé yarn which has small or large loops which in their turn add volume to the yarn and create an extra wooly and warm product without compromising its lightness. Byon products are not available for sale in Scandinavia and Finland. Size: 1300 x 1700 mm

LT52127 | Sagaform Esther Fleece Plaid 130x170 cm

Esther is a nice thick fleece plaid, the stripes provide the typical Scandinavian, classic look. The plaid gives you a wonderfully comfortable feeling on a cold evening, but is also a beautiful accessory in almost any interior. The plaid is packed in a beautiful gift box. Size: 1300 x 1700 mm

LT54900 | Nightingale Fleece Plaid 130x170 cm
A wonderfully warm, soft fleece blanket to snuggle under on the couch. The plaid is provided with stitching all around which creates a nice effect. The weight is 250 grams. Size: 1300 x 1700 mm
LT54901 | Nightingale Fleece Poncho 120x160 cm
A handy fleece poncho made of warm and comfortable fleece. Perfect for wrapping yourself up when the temperature gets a little uncomfortable. Use the fleece poncho indoors, in the garden or at the campsite. Also fits nicely on the sofa or use it to sit cozy by the fire. Size: 1200 x 1600 mm


Keep your home tidy and stylish with InSideOut’s Sogne storage baskets. Made from recycled textiles and bamboo, these durable baskets offer a practical and elegant solution for storing loose items. The modern design, handy lid and sturdy handles make them perfect for any room. Thanks to the Velcro mechanism, the baskets are easily foldable and stackable, saving you space when not in use. Add a touch of class to your interior and enjoy a tidy, stylish environment! A logo can be printed on the lid and on the front.

This compact folding basket Sogne from InSideOut is made of recycled materials and bamboo. Thanks to its modern design, the basket fits perfectly into any space. The basket has a lid, is foldable, stackable and space-saving. With sturdy textile-wrapped supports and a handy Velcro system, this basket offers a stylish solution for organised storage.

Size: 250 x 380 x 260 mm

This foldable basket Sogne from InSideOut is made of rPET and bamboo. Thanks to its modern design, the basket fits perfectly into any space. The basket has a lid, is foldable, stackable and space-saving. With sturdy, fabric-wrapped supports and a convenient hook-and-loop system, this basket offers a stylish solution for organised storage.

Size: 30 x 405 x 330 mm


This large foldable basket Sogne from InSideOut is made of rPET and bamboo. Thanks to its modern design, the basket fits perfectly into any space. The basket has a lid, is foldable, stackable and space-saving. With sturdy, fabric-wrapped supports and a convenient hook-and-loop system, this basket offers a stylish solution for organised storage.

Size: 420 x 405 x 330 mm

LT57103 | Folding basket Sogne 38x26x25cm
LT57104 | InSideOut folding basket with lid Sogne 40.5 x 33 x 30cm
InSideOut folding basket with lid Sogne 40.5 x 33 x 42cm



LT57106 | InSideOut folding (cooling) Basket Sogne 38 x 26 x 25cm
The Sogne folding (cool) basket from InSideOut is a sustainable, multifunctional bag, made from recycled materials and bamboo. With a matching removable insulated cooler bag, a bamboo lid that can be used as a cutting board and the foldable design, this basket is perfect for outdoor activities. Ideal for branding and space saving. Size: 250 x 380 x 260 mm
LT52040 | Sagaform Water Bottle 600ml
Stylish and practical water bottle made of BPA-free tritan plastic. The lid is made of stainless steel covered with black rubber for a good grip when opening. The loop allows you to hang the water bottle on, for example, a sports bag. You can make this bottle look even better by adding your own print! Size: ø 70 x 230 mm
LT54306 | Lord Nelson Water Bottle With Straw 700ml Water bottle made of BPA-free TRITAN plastic and equipped with a straw. This bottle is not suitable for carbonated drinks and has a capacity of 700ml. Size: ø 70 x 230 mm


The Ozzy by InSideOut is a trendy stainless steel insulated mug with a plastic interior, perfect for consuming your daily 1.5 litres of water. With a cool look, Ozzy is ideal for use at work, at the gym or at home, and comes with a cap and straw in a gift box.


The Jumper is a heavy-duty, multifunctional water bottle that doubles as a dumbbell, ideal for your workouts and perfect for arm training. Made from recycled materials, the Jumper is both stylish and durable - a smart choice for fitness and environmental awareness!

LT57000 | InSideOut Ozzy mug 1.2L

Ozzy is a 1.2L trendy insulated mug with a cool look. It’s made from stainless steel with a recycled plastic interior. Ideal for consuming the recommended daily amount of water. Use Ozzy at work, while exercising at the gym or just at home. Ozzy comes with a cap and a straw and is packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 98 x 276 mm

LT57001 | InSideOut Jumper bottle 2.2L

The Jumper is a big 2.2L water bottle. Handy to have with you while exercising or to use for exercising to train your arm muscles. One thing is certain, it is unlikely that you will have to refill your water bottle in the middle of your workout. Size: ø 130 x 265 mm


InSideOut’s T-Mug and T-Cup bring together style and functionality for optimal drinking pleasure. The T-Mug made of recycled stainless steel with double-walled insulation keeps drinks hot for up to four hours or cool for eight, while the T-Cup (280 ml) made of recycled plastic is ideal for home, work or on the go. Both have a ceramic coating for pure flavour and come in fashionable colours to match any style. Packaged in a stylish gift box - perfect for everyday use!

With a 280ml capacity, this recycled, double-walled cup fits under almost any coffee machine. The mug features a ceramic coating, ensuring your coffee stays delicious and making it a breeze to clean. The total recycled content is 95% based on the item weight. Size: ø 81 x 130 mm

Crafted from recycled materials, this double-walled insulated mug keeps your drinks hot for up to 4 hours and cold for up to 8 hours. It seamlessly fits under your coffee machine. The innovative ceramic coating on the inside ensures your drink retains its true flavor without any metallic aftertaste. The total recycled content is 95% based on the item weight. Size: ø 81 x 123 mm

LT57003 | InSideOut T-cup 280ml
LT57002 | InSideOut T-mug 280ml

Recycled Stainless Steel

Dishwasher Safe

100% leak free

LT52130 | Sagaform Tova isolated mug, 320ml leak-proof and dishwasher safe

Available in matte and shiny chrome, the Tova Mug from Sagaform is a stylish travel mug with double-wall vacuum insulation. It keeps your drink hot for 4 hours or cold for 8 hours. The ceramic interior and 360° drinking option ensure the perfect experience. Made from recycled stainless steel, it is dishwasher safe and leak-proof. Delivered in a gift box. Size: ø 75 x 140 mm

degree drinking cap

coating inside


Recycled Stainless Steel

Dishwasher Safe

100% leak free

360 degree drinking cap

LT52131 | Sagaform Ted isolated mug, 280ml leak-proof and dishwasher safe

The Ted Mug from Sagaform is the perfect travel mug, made from recycled stainless steel, it is available in trendy colour combinations including gold and silver. With a double-walled, vacuum insulated design, your drink will stay hot for 4 hours or cold for 8 hours. The practical handle and clever 360° drinking cap make it easy to use. Dishwasher safe. Size: 140 x 105 x 75 mm


The Loke is an excellent double-walled mug that appeals to many people because of its thoughtful design, variety of colours and sturdy construction. It is a perfect alternative to paper and plastic cups. With a capacity of 24 or 40 cl, the mug is easy to place under the coffee machine for refills. Thanks to the double walls, the drink stays hot longer, and the clever locking function prevents leakage, making the Loke extremely practical.

Loke, is a fantastic double wall mug that many people love. Not only because of its design and leak-proof construction, but also because it is a perfect alternative to paper or plastic cups. Loke has a capacity of 240ml and fits under most coffee machines. The mug has double walls to keep the drink warm for longer. Size: ø 80 x 150 mm

LT52100 | Sagaform Loke Travel Mug

Our popular travel mug made to fit directly under most coffee machines. Capacity 240ml. The clever locking function makes the mug both leak-proof and easy to drink from. Simply press the button to open/close. The mug has a double-walled design to better retain heat. Make a sustainable choice and avoid disposable mugs. Size: ø 80 x 150 mm

Loke, is a fantastic double wall mug that many people love. Not only because of its design and leak-proof construction, but also because it is a perfect alternative to paper or plastic cups. This soft coated mug has a capacity of 240ml and fits under most coffee machines. The mug has double walls to keep the drink warm for longer. Size: ø 80 x 150 mm

Loke, is a fantastic double wall mug that many people love. Not only because of its design and leak-proof construction, but also because it is a perfect alternative to paper or plastic cups. This mug with a playful speckle design coating has a capacity of 240ml and fits under most coffee machines. The mug has double walls to keep the drink warm for longer. Size: ø 80 x 150 mm

LT52107 | Sagaform Loke Travel Mug With Rubberized Finish 240ml
LT52105 | Sagaform Loke Travel Mug Splash 240ml
LT52101 | Sagaform Loke Travel Mug Color Coated 240ml


The Nils vacuum flask has been a bestseller from Sagaform for years. The bottles are available in two sizes, all with advanced vacuum construction, double steel walls and copper coating for excellent insulation without condensation. The 50cl bottles are available in a wide range of fashionable and eye-catching colours, perfectly in line with the latest international trends. The bottle keeps drinks ice-cold for up to 24 hours or hot for 12 hours.

| Nils Steel Bottle 500ml

most stylish bottle in black. The advanced vacuum construction has two steel walls and a copper coating to provide superior insulation without condensation. The bottle can keep drinks ice-cold for up to 24 hours or hot for up to 12 hours. Size: ø 70 x 260 mm

LT52022 | Sagaform Nils Steel Bottle Rubber 500ml

The insulated bottle Nils from Sagaform has been very popular in Scandinavia for years. The bottle contains 50cl and has an advanced vacuum construction with double steel walls and a copper coating, which provides excellent insulation, without condensation. This soft-coated bottle keeps drinks ice cold for up to 24 hours or hot for 12 hours. Size: ø 70 x 260 mm

LT52018 | Sagaform Nils Steel Bottle Splash 500ml

The insulated bottle Nils from Sagaform has been very popular in Scandinavia for years. The bottle contains 50cl and has an advanced vacuum construction with double steel walls and a copper coating, which provides excellent insulation, without condensation. This bottle with speckled design keeps drinks ice cold for up to 24 hours or hot for 12 hours. Size: ø 70 x 260 mm

LT52029 | Sagaform Nils Steel Bottle Powder Coated 500ml

The insulated bottle Nils from Sagaform has been very popular in Scandinavia for years. The bottle contains 500ml and has an advanced vacuum construction with double steel walls and a copper coating, which provides excellent insulation, without condensation. This bottle is powder coated and keeps drinks ice cold for up to 24 hours or hot for 12 hours. Size: ø 70 x 260 mm


LT52111 | Sagaform Loke Travel Mug Big 400ml

Loke, is a fantastic double wall mug that many people love. Not only because of its design and leak-proof construction, but also because it is a perfect alternative to paper or plastic cups. The large mug has a capacity of 400ml. The mug has double walls to keep the drink warm for longer. But best of all, there’s no leakage thanks to a smart locking feature. Size: ø 90 x 200 mm


LT52030 | Sagaform Mark Food Thermos Powder Coated 600ml

Mark is a handy food/drink insulated bottle with that little bit extra. The outer lid doubles as a mug/bowl. On the inside of the lid there is a small folding spoon and a compartment to store accessories or spices. Made with double walls of stainless steel and a copper coating that keeps the contents cold for 24 hours or hot for 12 hours. Size: ø 90 x 200 mm

LT52016 | Sagaform Nils Steel Bottle Large 750ml

The large version of Sagaform’s classic and very popular insulation bottle. Holds 750ml. Advanced vacuum construction with double-walled steel and copper coating provides excellent insulation without condensation. The bottle keeps drinks ice cold for up to 24 hours or hot for 12 hours. Size: ø 80 x 300 mm

The Mark is a practical food flask with added functionality. The outer lid can also be used as a mug or bowl. On the inside of the lid is a folding spoon and a compartment for storing accessories or spices. Thanks to the double walls of stainless steel and copper lining, food stays cold for up to 24 hours or hot for 12 hours.

LT52039 | Sagaform Mark Food Thermos 600ml

Small, handy thermos bottle with that little bit extra. Stylish design in stainless steel with a small folding spoon in the lid. The large neck makes it easy to clean and perfect for filling with soup, for example. This bottle keeps your food or drink ice cold for 24 hours or hot for 12 hours. Size: ø 90 x 200 mm


LT54000 | Orrefors Hunting multi-tool deluxe

A handy multi-tool, designed for on the go, whether indoors or outdoors. Contains pliers and nippers, hammer, small axe, knives, nail files, screwdrivers (flat head) and can opener. Comes with a canvas pouch and is packed in a gift box. Orrefors Hunting products are solid and sturdy quality products that you can use anywhere and anytime. Size: 20 x 150 x 80 mm

LT54001 | Orrefors Hunting multi-tool

A small and practical multi-tool from Orrefors Hunting. Small and flexible to carry in your pocket or wear on a belt using the included nylon pouch. Includes pliers, 4 different screwdrivers, bottle opener, sawtooth knife, utility knife, nippers and nail file. Comes in a stylish cardboard box. Size: 20 x 70 x 34 mm


Stig is a practical, flexible BPA-free water bottle that can be folded and therefore easily stored in your bag.

LT52046 | Sagaform Stig foldable bottle 550ml

Stig is a practical water bottle, made of BPA-free sillicone. Folded the bottle is easy to store in your bag, unfolded you have access to a 550ml water bottle. With the carabiner you can easily hook your bottle to your backpack or bag. Size: ø 70 x 250 mm


Discover our practical seat plaids with a water-repellent underside, ideal for a short break during walks or at sporting events. This easy-to-roll sit plaid is perfect for travelling and takes up minimal space when rolled up or folded. The large model is made of warm and soft sherpa fabric, a high-quality imitation of sheep’s wool, which ensures comfort whatever the surface

LT52036 | Sagaform sit pad basic
Handy sitting mat that is easy to fold up and put in your bag, takes up little space. Water-repellent surface. Make it look even better by getting it printed with your logo! Size: 380 x 270 mm
LT52037 | Sagaform sit pad small
Small, practical seating mat with a water-repellent backing and Velcro closure that makes it easy to roll up to take up little space. Soft, warm front made of imitation lambswool. Perfect for a day at the park or beach. Size: 300 x 500 mm

LT54002 | Orrefors Hunting BBQ Gloves

This solid leather Orrefors Hunting BBQ glove set protects you against burning your fingers or burning the hair on your forearms. The set comes in a stylish cardboard box. Orrefors Hunting products are solid and sturdy quality products that you can use anywhere and anytime. Size: 50 x 390 x 200 mm

LT54004 | Orrefors Hunting pizza stone with pizza shovel

Get the perfect pizza with this kit from Orrefors Hunting. The pizza stone ensures a crispy base and the included, collapsible pizza shovel makes handling the pizzas easy. Everything comes in a pizza box. Orrefors Hunting products are solid and sturdy quality products that you can use anywhere and anytime, designed for people who like to be outdoors and in nature. Size: ø 330 x 25 mm

LT54003 | Orrefors Hunting Steak Knives Set Steel

Four solid barbecue knives from Orrefors Hunting ebony a wooden handle. These sharp knives will get you through any cut of meat, tender or tough, medium or rare. The ste comes in a beautiful gift box. Orrefors Hunting products are solid and sturdy quality products that you can use anywhere and anytime, designed for people who like to be outdoors and in nature. Size: 10 x 250 x 20 mm

LT52012 | Sagaform Fredde sausage fork

The Fredde fork is extendable, grill-resistant and extremely suitable for grilling sausages and vegetables and marshmallows over an open fire. Made of stainless steel with a rubberwood handle. Takes up minimal space when not in use. Size: 15 x 270 x 15 mm

Foldable mattress with backrest. Of course perfect to take to the beach, to the swimming pool or camping. A nice sun mattress with a handy storage bag with a zipper for storing your sunscreen or water bottle, for example. The backrest is adjustable in different angles so that you can relax, for example with a book.

Size: 20 x 1640 x 520 mm

LT54303 | Lord Nelson beach mattress


This collection offers practical and stylish bags that are perfect for carrying your food and drinks, whether you are going on a picnic, a day out or planning a weekend trip. In addition to the elegant green, there is now a beautiful deep black. This new colour makes the cooler bags really stand out and gives them a luxurious, tough look that perfectly suits your active lifestyle. With the City series, you’ll make a statement and make sure your favourite drinks and snacks stay cool and fresh wherever you go!

LT52045 | Sagaform City cooler bag mini 1,2 liter

A small portable cooler bag in rPET material. Can be conveniently hung over the shoulder. Holds a wine bottle, a few soda cans or a water bottle. The shoulder strap is adjustable and has a drawstring to close the bag. Made from recycled PET bottles. Size: ø 100 x 230 mm

LT52042 | Sagaform City cooler backpack 21 liter

LT52044 | Sagaform City cooler bag high 9 liter

Spacious practical cooler bag in rPET material, can be used for, for example, two wine or 1.5 liter PET bottles. Equipped with a handle and an adjustable shoulder strap. The bag is made from recycled PET bottles. Size: 350 x 240 x 110 mm

A luxurious and sporty cooling backpack in rPET material. The backpack is perfect for a picnic in the field or in the woods. In addition to the large cooling compartment, the bag has two front pockets and net pockets on the side. The back is provided with padded, comfortable material for more comfort. It is made from recycled PET bottles. Size: 440 x 300 x 190 mm

LT52043 | Sagaform City cooler bag large 20 liter

Spacious sporty cooler bag in rPET material. In addition to the large cooling compartment, the bag also has a front pocket. Equipped with a handle and an adjustable shoulder strap. The bag is made from recycled PET bottles. Size: 280 x 340 x 240 mm

LT52041 | Sagaform City picnic blanket 170x130cm

Luxurious and sporty picnic blanket with a water-repellent underside and a zipper pocket to store things. Made of high quality rPET material. The blanket is easy to roll up and can be carried by the handle. Made from recycled PET bottles. Size: 125 x 330 x 210 mm


Outdoor cooking is a lifestyle for lovers of gardening, camping and picnics. Discover Sagaform’s Doris pans: lightweight, durable carbon steel with a stylish enamelled surface. These rust-resistant pans heat up quickly and are perfect for dishes like spaghetti, paella and soups. Suitable for barbecue, open fire, oven, grill and induction up to 225°C. Make outdoor cooking a party with the versatile Doris pans!


and is suitable for anything



LT52231 | Sagaform Doris enamel pan small
Doris pan is part of Sagaform’s enamel series
you want to cook over an open fire. The pan
made of enameled carbon steel with a very durable surface. Carbon steel heats up quickly, while the enamel coating protects against rust. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland. Size: ø 235 x 55 mm
LT52232 | Sagaform Doris enamel pan medium
Doris pan is part of Sagaform’s enamel series and is suitable for anything you want to cook over an open fire. The pan is made of enameled carbon steel with a very durable surface. Carbon steel heats up quickly, while the enamel coating protects against rust. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland. Size: ø 315 x 75 mm



Orrefors Hunting offers premium Scandinavian design products with an outdoor factor. Designed for people who like to be outdoors and in nature. Once born from the hunting tradition, but today also for the family, who love adventure and gathering around the campfire. Solid and sturdy quality products that you can use anywhere, anytime.

LT54005 | Orrefors Hunting cool bag 12L
Orrefors Hunting canvas cooler bag. A compact, sturdy and handy cooler bag that can. Exterior of durable canvas fabric with sturdy handles, the shoulder strap can be easily detached. Orrefors Hunting cooler bags distinguish themselves as solid and sturdy quality products that you can use anywhere and anytime. Size: 200 x 300 x 300 mm
LT54006 | Orrefors Hunting cooler bag 27 liter
Large sturdy canvas cooler bag (27 litres) from Orrefors Hunting. The outside is made of a durable canvas fabric and the bag has sturdy handles and an adjustable shoulder strap, which can be easily detached. Orrefors Hunting cooler bags have solid insulation and distinguish themselves as solid and sturdy quality products. Size: 240 x 380 x 320 mm
LT54008 | Orrefors Hunting cool backpack 23L
Large sturdy canvas backpack cooler bag (23 litres) from Orrefors Hunting. Features a large main compartment and three smaller pockets for accessories. The exterior is made of a durable canvas fabric and the bag is equipped with a sturdy handle and an adjustable back strap, which can be easily detached. Size: 430 x 300 x 180 mm


InSideOut’s Koli range offers stylish and practical cooler bags, backpacks and duffels made of rPET and recycled materials. The cooler bags come in four trendy colours, while the backpacks and duffels are available in two stylish colours. This no-nonsense range combines simplicity with a luxurious look and is ideal for printing. With Koli, you will always look good whether you are going out for the day, on a picnic or on the road!

LT57100 | InSideOut R-PET Cooler bag Koli

The stylish Koli cooler bag is made of eco-friendly rPET and has a spacious main compartment with aluminum insulation, which keeps the contents cool for a long time. With a sturdy zipper and expandable sides, it is easy to enlarge. The non-insulated front pocket is perfect for printing a logo or company name. Also ideal as a spacious shopping bag!

Size: 350 x 380 x 180 mm

LT57101 | InSideOut R-PET backpack Koli

The Koli backpack from the InSideOut series is made of environmentally friendly rPET and offers space for a laptop. With a front pocket for a logo and a stretchable side pocket for a bottle or umbrella, it is ideal for traveling. Thanks to stowable shoulder straps, you can easily convert the backpack into a carrying bag.

Stylish, sustainable and perfect for promotion! Size: 140 x 420 x 320 mm

LT57102 | InSideOut R-PET duffle bag Koli

The Koli sports/travel bag from the InSideOut series is the ideal choice for lovers of functionality and sustainability. Made of environmentally friendly rPET, this bag offers robust quality. Equipped with a one compartment and a front pocket for logos. The shoulder strap is adjustable and the zipper is extra strong. The Koli bag combines style with sustainability!

Size: 280 x 500 x 200 mm


LT98900 | Thermo bottle with bamboo lid


A double-walled vacuum insulated bottle with wooden lid and matte coating to give it a modern look and feel. Size: ø 72 x 230 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT98831 | Thermo bottle Gustav 340ml

Double walled 100% leak-proof design thermo bottle in matt colours. The drinks will keep their temperature longer, due the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift box. Toppoint design. Size: ø 75 x 220 mm. Content: 340 ml

LT95207 | Reusable food bag OEKO-TEX® cotton 25x30cm

Reduce the number of plastic bags in the supermarket by using your own food bag. This cotton bag with mesh is highly suitable for fruits and vegetables. Re-use it over and over again and when dirty, simply wash it at low temperatures (could shrink). Size: 300 x 250 mm. Content: 0 ml

LT95209 | Reusable food bag OEKO-TEX®

cotton 30x40cm

Reduce the number of plastic bags in the supermarket by using your own food bag. This cotton bag with mesh is highly suitable for fruits and vegetables. Re-use it over and over again and when dirty, simply wash it at low temperatures (could shrink). Size: 400 x 300 mm. Content: 0 ml

| Beach bag

Nice beach bag available in various colours. The mesh material will help that sand and water don’t get trapped on the inside. On the front between the handles you will find a small pocket. Size: 300 x 420 x 100 mm

LT95227 | Shopping bag canvas Denim 310g/ m² 42x13x43cm

Shop in style with this fashionable shopping bag made of strong denim and vegan leather handles. The rivets give this bag a sturdy look. The bag is fully lined. Size: 430 x 420 x 130 mm

LT95229 | Foldable shopping bag

Convenient foldable shopping bag. When no in use, it can be folded into a small package (14x7x5cm), taking up minimal space. The slightly glossy material gives the bag a stylish look. Size: 320 x 380 x 210 mm. 14L

LT95197 | Schoulder bag R-PET 100g/m²

Four recycled post-consumer PET bottles have been used to make this bag. Reduce the plastic waste pile with this sustainable bag. The extra wide gusset makes this bag extra spacious. Size: 300 x 400 x 150 mm. Content: 0 ml

LT98805 | Swing Bottle soft colours 500ml

Double walled vacuum insulated drinking bottle with a metallic finish. This 100% leak-proof bottle keeps drinks at the same temperature for longer thanks to the vacuum in between the walls. Drinks will stay warm for up to 12 hours and/or cold up to 24 hours. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 70 x 253 mm. Content: 500 ml

LT95211 | Reusable food bag OEKO-TEX®

cotton 40x45cm

Reduce the number of plastic bags in the supermarket by using your own food bag. This cotton bag with mesh is highly suitable for fruits and vegetables. Re-use it over and over again and when dirty, simply wash it at low temperatures (could shrink). Size: 450 x 400 mm. Content: 0 ml

LT95226 | Shopping bag Recycled canvas 310g/m² 42x13x43cm

Spacious shopping bag made of recycled canvas. The structure and washed effect of the material gives the bag a durable look. The bag is completely lined, comes with cotton handles and a reinforced base. Thanks to the size and large opening, this bag is also suitable for a day on the beach. Size: 330 x 430 x 140 mm

LT95250 | Shopping bag Recycled Cotton OEKO-TEX® 140g/m² 38x42cm

This lightweight cotton shopping bag is ideal for carrying your groceries. The small sewn on pocket allows the bag to fold into itself so it takes up less space. It is made of a combination of OEKO-TEX® cotton and recycled cotton. Size: 420 x 380 mm. Content: 0 ml


LT95196 | Shoulder bag R-PET 100g/m²

Four recycled post-consumer PET bottles have been used to make this bag. Reduce the plastic waste pile with this sustainable bag. The full gusset makes this bag extra spacious. Size: 420 x 380 x 100 mm

LT91628 | Wine gift bag 120g/m² 11,5x11,5x40cm

Luxury paper wine gift bag with cotton handles, the perfect way to present a bottle of wine. Made in Europe. Size: 400 x 115 x 115 mm

LT91626 | Paper gift bag 120g/m² 24x12x33cm

High end paper gift bag with cotton handles. Made in Europe. Size: 330 x 240 x 120 mm

| Paper gift bag 120g/m² 30x20x40cm

High end paper gift bag with cotton handles. Made in Europe. Size: 400 x 300 x 200 mm

LT95168 | Toiletries kit Adventure

Handy toiletry bag made of sturdy material. The bag is completely lined and has mesh pockets inside. Size: 140 x 260 x 140 mm

LT95193 | Cooler backpack

Spacious and comfortable cooler backpack. The rectangular shape allows for optimal use of space. On the front there is a small (non-insulated) pocket with zipper for additional storage. Size: 420 x 250 x 135 mm

LT95167 | Expedition duffel Adventure XL (100L)

Extremely spacious expedition bag in durable, weather resistant material. With the optional shoulder straps it can also be carried like a backpack. The compression straps make it possible to compress the bag to a compact unit. The mesh pockets inside make organizing the contents very easy. Size: 400 x 600 x 400 mm

LT95223 | Safety backpack IPX1 15L

Stylish backpack with reflective details on both the body and the handles for ultimate visibility in the dark. The smooth coated surface of the material, roll top and welded zipper make the bag water repellent (IPX1). The back panel and shoulder straps are padded for additional comfort. Size: 450 x 400 x 150 mm

LT95148 | No-theft security backpack

Keep belongings safe with this large and comfortable heavy-duty backpack with padded shoulder straps and back panel. Give pickpockets no chance with the opening of the main pocket on the backside. Inside there is a compartment for laptop (up to 15”) and tablet. Zipper pockets on both sides provide extra storage. Size: 460 x 300 x 120 mm

LT95249 | Drawstring bag Recycled Cotton

OEKO-TEX® 140g/m² 35x45cm

This lightweight cotton drawstring bag makes it easy to carry your belongings around. The drawstrings serve as a closing mechanism as well as carry straps to carry the bag on your back. It is made of a combination of OEKO-TEX® cotton and recycled cotton. Size: 450 x 350 mm. Content: 0 ml

LT95225 | Travelbag recycled canvas

Sturdy travel bag in strong recycled canvas. The structure and washed effect of the material give the bag a durable look. The bag is completely lined and comes with an adjustable cotton shoulder strap and a reinforced base. Size: 330 x 500 x 200 mm

LT95176 | Laptop bag with trolley

Stylish business trolley laptop bag designed by Toppoint. The laptop pocket holds a laptop up to 17” and it has an additional pocket for a tablet. The bag can be used to pack all your necessities for a short trip. The signature front pocket, wide woven handles and straps give the bag a distinguished look. Size: 390 x 460 x 200 mm


LT91296 | Backpack Brixton polyester 300D 22L

The Brixton backpack provides lots of space for your belongings. The main compartment closes with a magnetic snap closure and has a reinforced base. In addition, there are multiple inside compartments including a tablet pouch (size: 272x210mm). Size: 500 x 300 x 160 mm


| Weekend bag Brixton

The Brixton bag is ideal to use for a weekend away. The bag has several pockets, which makes organising easy. It comes with a reinforced bottom, a main compartment with zip closure, two compartments at the front with magnetic snap closure and an adjustable shoulder strap. Size: 280 x 480 x 260 mm

LT40311 | 1208 | Foldable Laptop Stand

Indispensable for your office and on the go! This folding laptop stand has a universal design for any laptop up to 15.6 inches. The aluminum material is sturdy, and the clever design is adjustable to 6 different angles. Fold the stand and take it with you in the included deluxe travel pouch.

LT95046 | Round limestone Wireless charger 5W


| Laptop bag Brixton

The Brixton briefcase offers enough space and protection for multiple devices and paperwork. Made from 300D polyester. Main compartment has a zip closure and multiple inner compartments including a tablet compartment (Size: 268x210mm). It has a reinforced base and an adjustable shoulder strap. Size: 330 x 390 x 100 mm

Wireless charger made from limestone concrete. This round version will look good on any desk and is ideal to wirelessly charge and wireless charging enabled mobile devices. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 90 x 15 mm

LT95067 | Powerbank Elite metallic 8.000mAh

This 8.000mAh metallic design powerbank is from the 'Elite' series. Ideal to charge mobile devices on-the-go when the battery runs low. The powerbank has two USB-A ports and a Type-C port, making it compatible with a variaty of charging cables. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 17 x 139 x 68 mm

LT91288 | Light-up logo powerbank 4.000mAh

Let the imprint shine with this light-up powerbank. By laser engraving, the imprint will be etched out allowing it to light up while charging. The powerbank has a capacity of 4.000mAh. Powerbank charging cable included. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 11 x 130 x 70 mm

LT95082 | Powerbank Blade Suction wireless 4.000mAh

Flat wireless powerbank in the 'Blade' series, with a rubberised finish. The suction cups on the powerbank ensures that the phone stays attached to the powerbank even when it is in your bag. The powerbank also has USB ports for charging phones without wireless charging function. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 126 x 12 x 66 mm

LT95076 | Basic wireless charging pad 5W

5-Watt wireless charging pad. Flat, small and colourful with a silicone edge that prevents the phone from sliding off. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 70 x 10 x 70 mm

LT95035 | Phone stand 3-in-1

This handy 3-in-1 phone stand is easy to attach to the back of a mobile phone. It has a metal plate for branding and to use to secure your phone to a magnetic hand-free phone holder. Finally it has a looped grip handle for a better grip when holding your phone. Size: 32 x 4 x 22 mm

LT41708 | 1856 | Xoopar YoYo Speaker Eco

Big sound from a compact speaker. The YoYo delivers huge sound thanks to the 3 Watt speaker easily take it anywhere (only 34 mm high) Ecologically responsible due to a new unique composition based on biodegradable plastic which accelerates the recycling process. Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 27 x 42 x 34 mm

LT91195 | Powerbank Blade 5.000mAh Ultra-thin powerbank Blade (5.000mAh) has a stylish design and a matt finish. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 65 x 150 x 10 mm

LT41709 | 1860 | Xoopar Corkley Speaker

Enjoy your favorite music anywhere in your home or (home) office. This 10 watt speaker made of natural cork has high-quality sound with strong bass. Pair a second speaker for the ultimate stereo sound experience. The speaker can be charged wirelessly, The ideal ECO gift! Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 98 x 98 x 86 mm

LT40711 | 1548 | Moyoo Essence Bluetooth Speaker

Use this portable 5 watt Bluetooth speaker with great sound in your (home) office or on the go. This small speaker has a large printing area on the top to make any logo stand out! Size: 70 x 170 x 170 mm

LT41712 | 3189 | Xoopar Meetair Conference Speaker

Compact portable speaker. Start a conference call anywhere. The Meetair is also great for listening to music. The hidden cable has an input adapter for USB and USB-C. The speaker has two microphones, so it can be placed anywhere. Moreover, any ambient noise is suppressed. Size: 145 x 119 x 48 mm

LT40721 | 1861 | Moyoo Music Station

A speaker with TWS earbuds in one! This 5 Watt bluetooth speaker with luxurious finish is a must have item for everyone, Play music on the speaker and take out the earbuds to listen to music or make calls on the go. Stay connected and enjoy your music wherever you go or stand! Size: 94 x 65 x 50 mm

LT40736 | TW121 | Moyoo X121 Earbuds

These ear with touch control are ideal for listening to music and making phone calls wherever you are. Remove them from the charging case and they are ready to use with your smartphone or device. The charging case has an ideal imprint area for any logo. A truly trendy gift. Size: 25 x 73 x 34 mm

LT40737 | TW111-ECO | Moyoo X111 ECO Earbuds

These touch-control earbuds are ideal for listening to music and making phone calls wherever you are. Remove them from the charging case and they are ready to use with your smartphone or device. The charging case has an ideal imprint area for any logo. Size: 22 x 45 x 50 mm

LT95052 | TWS Earbuds Classic

These TWS (True Wireless Stereo) earphones lets you enjoy music to the fullest. Since they are wireless you never have to detangle cables again before listening to music. Includes a wireless charging case, so your earbuds can be charged on the go. Comes in a gift box. Size: 23 x 68 x 48 mm

LT95057 | Headphones ANC

These headphones contain ANC (Active Noise Cancelling). This eliminates external noise to keep the music crystal clear. The over-ear headphones completely cover the ear for extra comfort, making them ideal to wear all day long. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 70 x 170 x 185 mm

LT95034 | Webcam cover & screen cleaner

This webcam cover including screen cleaner is a useful and professional solution to protect online privacy. Delivered with the product explanation on a full-colour paper card. Size: 12 x 24 x 22 mm

0,29 0,23 0,14 0,12

LT45561 | TW08-3BLCEU4-1 | TCL MOVEAUDIO S108 White

With the TCL Moveaudio S108, you'll enjoy 6 hours of listening time, up to 20 hours with the charging case, so you'll always enjoy an optimal music experience. Make clear calls with ENC to filter out background noise for clear conversations using Beamforming pickup technology. Size: 58 x 47 x 23 mm

LT95059 | On-ear Headphones G50 Wireless

The G50 bluetooth headphones are excellent for everyday use, wherever and whenever. Thanks to the light weight and foldable design, you can easily take these headphones on-the-go. Includes a 3.5mm jack AUX-cable. It has a built-in microphone, allowing you hands-free conversations. It can connect wirelessly with your smartphone. Size: 70 x 145 x 175 mm

LT90901 | Sport runners armband

This Toppoint design armband for runners comes in a florescent colour and includes reflecting material for visibility. Suitable for most smartphones. Size adjustable making it ideal for men or women. The touch screen of your smartphone can be operated through the transparent PVC. It has an opening for earbuds. Size: 160 x 130 mm

LT80886 | Futurepoint hardcolour

Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has a blue writing X20 refill for 2.5km of writing pleasure. Made with a hardcolour finish. Size: ø 10 x 145 mm

LT87659 | Metal USB ball pen Toppoint design 4GB

A Toppoint designed metal ball pen with integrated USB 2.0 flash drive which is positioned in the holder of the ball pen. Including European metal ink holder (standard: blue ink). Size: ø 14 x 149 mm

LT87610 | Cosmo ball pen hardcolour round clippart

Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has a blue writing X20 refill for 2.5km of writing pleasure. Made with a hardcolour finish. Size: ø 10 x 147 mm

LT80887 | Futurepoint transparent

Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has a blue writing X20 refill for 2.5km of writing pleasure. Made with transparent parts. Size: ø 10 x 145 mm

LT87614 | Cosmo ball pen transparent round clippart

Toppoint design ball pen, made in Germany. This pen has a blue writing X20 refill for 2.5km of writing pleasure. Made with transparent parts. Size: ø 10 x 147 mm

LT87620 | Cosmo ball pen HC rubber round clip

Toppoint design ball pen with rubber grip, made in Germany. This pen has a blue writing X20 refill for 2.5km of writing pleasure. Made with a hardcolour finish. Size: ø 10 x 147 mm

LT87757 | Ball pen Punto

Elegant Toppoint design ball pen available in fresh colours. This pen has a stable clip perfect for branding any logo and comes with a Jumbo refill with blue writing ink. Size: ø 11 x 147 mm

LT87624 | Cosmo ball pen transparent rubber round clip

Toppoint design ball pen with rubber grip, made in Germany. This pen has a blue writing X20 refill for 2.5km of writing pleasure. Made with transparent parts. Size: ø 10 x 147 mm

LT92516 | Bullet journal A5 softcover

Bullet journals are hot! Write down your wishes, ideas or notes. The 240 white pages with dot-grid pattern can be personalized all the way. This Toppoint Design A5 bullet journal comes with double page markers and a nifty elastic strap with tab. Size: 14 x 210 x 145 mm

LT93234 | Fitness expander

This fitness expander is useful for training multiple muscle groups. You can choose the desired level of resistance from low to high, by using the band in different ways. A number of example exercises are shown on the attached label. Size: 70 x 10 x 270 mm

LT93236 | Hand exercizer

Improve grip strength with this convenient hand trainer. The forearms, hands and fingers will become much stronger with the use of this hand trainer. The hand trainer provides 21 kilograms of resistance. Imprint available on one side. Size: 15 x 70 x 70 mm

LT86718 | Blue light blocking glasses

Computers, tablets, smartphones and other digital screens emit blue light that can strain your eyes. These glasses have special lenses designed to reduce the amount of blue light that reaches the eye. Limit the risk of potential eye damage, sleeping disorders, fatigue, dry eyes and headaches. Size: 45 x 140 x 145 mm

LT86717 | Sunglasses Jacky transparent UV400 Fancy sunglasses Jacky with transparent frame and dark lenses. The lenses have a UV400 filter. Size: 53 x 150 x 145 mm

LT94522 | Barbecue hamburger grill

Hamburger grill to grill four hamburger patties at a time. The patties can easily be turned. The large wooden handle will prevent your hands from burning. Size: 30 x 510 x 260 mm

LT94521 | Barbecue grill rectangular

Large barbecue grill ideal for meat or vegetables. Food will not get stuck to the grill and can easily be turned over in one go. Large wooden handle will prevent your hands from burning. Size: 20 x 530 x 345 mm

LT94508 | Garden set

Stick these long pins into the ground to place your glass in or on the wooden top. One of the two pins in this set is extra wide which allows for space to place a small plate. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 625 x 125 x 25 mm

LT94507 | Tapas glasses set

Set of two glasses with Acasia wood lids. The lids keep insects out of your drinks and can double up as small tapas plates. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 160 x 234 x 105 mm

LT94520 | Meat claws metal

Barbecue bear claws, a great tool set for every person that loves a good barbecue. Great for large pieces of meat on the barbecue. Use these black Teflon coated tools with wooden handles to turn the meat over or pull the meat apart once cooked. Perfect to make that perfect pulled meat dish. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 20 x 116 x 110 mm

LT94527 | Sushi serving set

Two people wooden sushi board with slate inlay. It comes with two sets of chopsticks and three ceramic bowls for ginger, wasabi and soya sauce. Size: 30 x 290 x 245 mm

LT90409 | Lunch cutlery in box

Handy cutlery set with a fork and spoon. If you cannot wash them immediately after use, simply put them back in their box, preventing them from dirtying other items in your bag. Size: 20 x 162 x 62 mm

LT94518 | Cooling stones

Enjoy a cold drink without diluting it with ice. Store these 12 basalt stones in the freezer and use instead of ice cubes. Enough stones for four drinks. The set includes a velvet pouch for the stones and tongs. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: 24 x 156 x 120 mm


LT94543 | Portable barbecue

Light weight portable barbecue in a tube, easy to stow away in a backpack during a multi-day hike or just for a picnic in the park. All parts fit inside the large tube and the barbecue can be set-up without any tools. Comes packaged in a giftbox. Assembling instructions included. Size: ø 22 x 310 mm

LT91294 | 3-pcs Travel set

Be well prepared for your next trip. Say goodbye to excess baggage fees with the luggage scale and keep your belongings safe with the pad lock and luggage strap. Size: 200 x 160 x 42 mm

LT93403 | Multi-tool in PU leather case Size: 55 x 80 mm

LT91282 | Safety hammer

This emergency hammer is equipped with a sharp point to break a car window, a sharp seat belt cutter, a magnet and a COB light. This safety hammer should not be missing in the car in case of an emergency. The magnet can easily stick to a ferrous surface for hands-free use. Size: 148 x 57 x 24 mm

LT91285 | Silicone sport light

Make sure you're visible in the dark while running, walking or cycling. With this bright LED sport light, everyone will see you from a distance. Attach the it anywhere, including your arm, wrist, bag or jacket, using the versatile silicone strap. It has a red flickering or continuous and white light in two intensities. Size: 23 x 310 x 42 mm

LT92716 | Hand cleaning gel Made in Europe


Compact bottle with European made hand cleaning gel. This certified formula contains 70% alcohol. With its compact size, it can easily fit in your pocket. Size: 76 x 32 x 20 mm. 28ml

LT91840 | Hand cleaning spray 20ml

Clean your hands with this hand cleaning spray containing 62% alcohol. Packed in a stylishly designed pump dispenser. Ideal to take to festivals. Size: 97 x 45 x 17 mm

LT90414 | Wine bottle cooler

Sturdy double walled stainless steel wine bottle cooler to keep a bottle of wine cool. Thanks to the nifty lid, wine can be served while the bottle remains inside the cooler. Suitable for many shapes of bottles and ideal for a picnic or barbecue party. Size: ø 100 x 316 mm

LT98740 | Double walled mug with lid 300ml

Double walled mug with lid. The vacuum between the walls will ensure that drinks stay cold/warm for longer. Made of stainless steel with a lid of PP material. Comes packaged in a gift box. Size: ø 89 x 115 mm

LT52119 | Picnic small plate 4-pack

These plates (20cm) are made of acrylic plastic, but you have to look twice to realise it's not glass. The luxurious appearance of this unbreakable series not only comes into its own during your picnic, but can also be used during a BBQ in the garden or during your holiday. You always look good with these luxurious plates. Packed per 4 pieces. Size: ø 200 x 19 mm

LT52118 | Sagaform Acryl picnic salad bowl

This beautiful salad bowl has the look of exclusive crystal glass, but is made of plastic which makes it much more durable. It is a great bowl that is perfect for all those occasions when you want an attractive table setting but need hard-wearing tableware. Size: ø 260 x 120 mm

LT53010 | Byon Opacity Set of 6 Water glasses 220ml

These small 220ml water glasses from the Opacity series are beautiful and are the perfect contrast between luxury and audacity. It has a beautiful glass pattern with beautiful light-reflecting properties Size: ø 80 x 65 mm

Mouth-blown shot glasses in a practical storage box designed by Pascal Charmolu. The glasses are reversible and thus allow for two different sizes of

Nice to bring out when you have guests or to give as a gift. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland. Size: ø 40 x 130 mm

LT52126 | Sagaform Acryl picnic big plate set of 2 Ø26cm

Reduce your plastic waste by using sustainable plastic. When we are in the countryside, we need hard-wearing products to eat and drink from. Moreover, this picnic set is so stylish that you can also use it to brighten up your patio, balcony or conservatory. Size: ø 260 x 20 mm

LT53007 | Byon Drinking Glass Opacity Set 6pcs 300ml Sturdy glasses of 300ml. The playful design of the Opacity series has beautiful light-reflecting properties. The glasses can be washed in the dishwasher and stacked conveniently. Size: ø 80 x 95 mm

LT53009 | Byon Opacity Set of 6 Wine glasses 470ml

The wine glasses from the Opacity series are beautiful and are the perfect contrast between luxury and daring. It has a beautiful glass pattern. with beautiful, light-reflecting properties. Size: ø 100 x 190 mm

3 piece cheese knife set in stainless steel. The set comes in a beautiful decorative gift box in the shape of a book titled "Kitchen Stories". Stylish in every kitchen and on every shelf. Size: 30 x 200 x 170 mm

LT52120 | Sagaform Acryl picnic bowl set of 4 Sagaform Picnic series 4-pack plexiglass bowls 12cm, glass appearance (luxury packed). When we're outside, we need strong and drop-resistant tableware to eat and drink from. Moreover, this picnic series is so stylish that you can also use it to brighten up your terrace, balcony or conservatory. Size: ø 134 x 70 mm

LT53008 | Byon Drinking Long Glass Opacity Set 6 pcs 380ml

Sturdy glasses of 380ml. The playful design of the Opacity series has beautiful light-reflecting properties. The glasses can be washed in the dishwasher and stacked conveniently. Size: ø 80 x 135 mm

LT53006 | Byon Opacity caraf 1,9 liter

A beautiful carafe with a capacity of 1.9 liters, with a beautiful long neck. The playful design of the Opacity series has beautiful light-reflecting properties. The carafe can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Size: ø 150 x 260 mm

LT52237 | Sagaform 6pc Schnapps set
LT54035 | OJ Salt and Pepper Mill
Beautiful large Orrefors Jernverk wooden salt and pepper mill with ceramic inserts. Per set in gift box. Size: ø 55 x 235 mm
LT53002 | Byon Formaggio cheese knife set steel

LT52034 | Sagaform Nature salad servers 2 pcs

Nature salad set consists of two oak salad servers. They are designed with a reference to our decanters with an oak ball stopper. Remember to oil your servers regularly.

Size: 20 x 240 x 70 mm

LT52217 | Sagaform Ellen Bowl Set With Spoons 170ml

These little Ellen mugs come as a set, along with two spoons on a nice little bamboo tray. The mugs are made of stoneware in a natural beige color. Due to the typical Scandinavian look, you might just want to use the set decoratively. But you prefer to drink your favourite drink from this complete set of two mugs. Size: 60 x 175 x 90 mm

LT52207 | Sagaform Coffee & More Coffee Mug 2 pcs 250ml

This 2-piece coffee mug set features a characteristic Retro relief pattern and is part of the Coffee & More series, created by Sagaform in collaboration with designer Margot Barolo. The design of the series is a flirt with the direct, playful, straightforward language of the seventies. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Per 2 pieces in luxury packaging. Size: ø 80 x 120 mm

LT52125 | Sagaform Acryl picnic glass high 200ml set of 4

A glass of champagne with your picnic or a juice at the campsite or on your balcony? Whatever your drink, it is nice drinking from these stylish glasses, which are almost indistinguishable from glass. These glasses are made of acrylic plastic and is durable enough to increase anywhere ! Also ideal with children due to its drop resistance. Size: ø 60 x 140 mm

LT52035 | Sagaform cutting & serving board


Generous, round bamboo cutting board designed by Anton Björsing. Well-designed details include a sturdy handle for serving and grooves that combine visual style with function, making room for utensils so they don't slip off too easily. Bamboo is a fast-growing and renewable raw material with several advantages. Size: ø 300 x 20 mm

LT52015 | Sagaform cutting & serving board


Two-in-one serving & cutting board made of bamboo in a small size. The board is designed by Anton Björsing. Design features include a sturdy handle and grooves that combine visual style and function. The grooves provide a place for utensils so they do not slip off. Size: 15 x 265 x 130 mm

LT52218 | Sagaform Ellen Cup 2 pcs 180ml

You can use this small Ellen set of mugs in the winter for mulled wine, but of course just as well for your espresso or tea, all days of the year. The mugs have a stylish Scandinavian design with a modest ring relief all around. When these soft shapes come together with the hard material, tension and attraction are created. Size: ø 75 x 70 mm

LT52116 | Sagaform Acryl picnic glass, 300ml set of 4

4-pack plexiglass on stand with an appearance of real crystal glass 300ml (luxuriously packaged). Ideal for picnics and children because of its drop resistance. Size: ø 80 x 110 mm

LT52204 | Coffee & More espresso mug, 4-pcs

White 100ml

The 4-piece espresso mug set features a characteristic Retro relief pattern and is part of the Coffee & More series, created by Sagaform in collaboration with designer Margot Barolo. The design of the series is a flirt with the direct, playful, straightforward language of the seventies. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Stacked per 4 pieces in luxury packaging. Size: ø 60 x 70 mm

LT52115 | Sagaform Acryl picnic tumblers 400ml set of 4

These highball glasses are made of acrylic plastic, but you have to look twice to realise that it's not glass. The luxurious appearance of this unbreakable series not only comes into its own during your picnic, but can also be used during a BBQ in the garden or during your holiday. Packed per 4 pieces. Size: ø 80 x 140 mm

LT52114 | Sagaform Acryl picnic jug 1,2 Liter

This juice- water jug (1.2L) is made of acrylic plastic, but you have to look twice to realise that it's not glass. The luxurious appearance of this unbreakable series not only comes into its own during your picnic, but can also be used during a BBQ in the garden or during your holiday. Size: ø 110 x 170 mm

LT52117 | Sagaform Acryl picnic salad servers set of 2

Caesar, shrimp or Greek salad? These Juni serving spoons are made of acrylic plastic, but you have to look twice to realize it's not glass. You always look good with this set. Packed per set. Size: 20 x 265 x 70 mm

LT53011 | Byon Poppy Set of 4 pcs Bowl

Get a floral touch in your home, but in a whole new way. Inspired by the beautiful poppy flower, these Poppy bowls combine classic and playful. Vibrant and beautiful bowls that always bloom. Size: ø 110 x 50 mm

LT52212 | Sagaform Ditte Small Bowl 2 pcs

This handmade set with two small bowls. The bowls have natural shades in beige/grey with a beautiful splash pattern in black. It is handmade ceramic, so the color and surface may differ per product. Each product is unique in its appearance. The Ditte series has a sleek and minimalistic design. Size: ø 90 x 50 mm

LT52214 | Sagaform Ditte bowl 2-pcs

This handmade set of two medium sized bowls is ideal for snacks or cereals. The bowls have natural shades in beige/grey with a beautiful splash pattern in black. It is handmade ceramic, so the color and surface may differ per product. Each product is unique in its appearance. The Ditte series has a sleek and minimalistic design. Size: ø 120 x 70 mm

LT52215 | Sagaform Ditte Serving Bowl

A large bowl for snacks or side dishes at dinner. The colour is a beige/grey shade with a beautiful splash pattern in black. This bowl has a pattern only on the outside to create harmony and character between the different parts of the series. Made of stoneware. Size: ø 210 x 70 mm

LT52210 | Sagaform Ditte Deep Serving Plate

This large Ditte serving bowl is ideal for a salad, bread or fruit salad. The bowl has natural shades in beige/ grey with a beautiful splash pattern in black. It is handmade ceramic, so the color and surface may differ per product. Each product is unique in its appearance. The Ditte series has a sleek and minimalistic design. Size: ø 260 x 60 mm

LT52213 | Sagaform Ditte Taco Stand 2 pcs

This handmade set of two taco stands, which can also be used for soft buns, wraps or sausages with bread. The stands have natural shades in beige/grey with a beautiful splash pattern in black. It is handmade ceramic, so the color and surface may differ per product. Each product is unique in its appearance. The Ditte series has a sleek and minimalistic design. Size: 50 x 115 x 120 mm



LT52211 | Sagaform Ditte Serving Plate

A plate with many uses. Use it to serve Tapas, Tacos and Fingerfood, there is room for it all. With this plate you can easily create more space on the table. The bowl has natural shades in beige/grey with a beautiful splash pattern in black. It is handmade ceramic, so the color and surface may differ per product. Size: ø 260 x 35 mm

LT52242 | Sagaform Dagny bowl small

Perfect little bowls to use for snacks and olives. Made of dolomite. Dishwasher safe for easy cleaning. Do not use in a microwave or oven. Delivered in a classic gift box. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland. Size: ø 160 x 40 mm


LT54022 | Orrefors Jernverk Stainless Steel Frying Pan 28cm "At the cooker and in the oven, much of the magic in your kitchen takes place. Frying pans turn simple ingredients into insane dishes. The right frying pan can work magic on the cooker as well as be used to create atmosphere in the kitchen and at the table. Size: 300 x 85 x 500 mm

LT54023 | Orrefors Jernverk Wokpan 32cm

This traditional wok from Orrefos Jernverk has a round bottom making it easier to prepare vegetables and meat in the pan. The shape of the wok also provides unique properties. The narrow bottom has a high temperature while it is cooler higher at the edges. Size: ø 320 x 500 mm

LT52219 | Sagaform Dagny deep plate Ø20cm
A beautiful design plate (20 cm) inspired by the lovely leaves of the daisy, is a nice addition to your interior or on
set table. The plate is packed in a gift box. Size: ø 200 x 50 mm
Sagaform Dagny deep plate Ø27cm
beautiful design plate (27 cm) inspired by the lovely petals of the daisy, is a nice addition to your interior or on a set table. The plate is packed in a gift box. Size: ø 270 x 55 mm

LT52228 | Sagaform Doris enamel mug

Everyone who goes out in nature needs their own enamel Doris cup. It is lightweight, durable and multifunctional. It has everything you need for a great experience. Use it for all your favorite drinks or a hot meal. Doris is perfect for picnics, forest adventures or on the boat. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland. Size: ø 90 x 80 mm



Cast pot made of aluminum of the highest quality, It has a durable quality coating for low-fat cooking. 4.5 mm thick bottom for best heat dissipation. Fits all stoves, including induction hobs. Orrefors Jernverk products are not available for sale in Scandinavia and Finland. Size: ø 200 x 95 mm

LT52229 | Sagaform Doris enamel bowl

The Doris bowl is a must-have for anyone out in nature. Doris is made of enamel and is perfect for picnics, forest excursions or in the boat. Very durable and also ideal for the youngest. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland. Size: ø 160 x 50 mm


2 pcs

Astrid salad cutlery, a combination of stainless steel and beautiful chocolate brown wenge wood. The combination is exciting with a tough touch. Comes in a gift box. Size: 25 x 230 x 60 mm

LT52230 | Sagaform Doris enamel plate

The Doris plate is a must-have for anyone out in nature. Doris is made of enamel and is perfect for picnics, forest excursions or in the boat. Very durable and suitable for the youngest children. Sagaform products are not available for sale in Scandinavia, Finland and Poland. Size: ø 200 x 25 mm

LT52221 | Sagaform Fredde BBQ Knives set of 4

These steak knives should have a place in every kitchen. The Anton steak knives are stylish, have a good grip and a sharp blade. Made of stainless steel with a fine stonewashed finish. Comes in a gift box. Size: 20 x 2 x 20 mm

LT52047 | Sagaform Astrid Cheese Knife Set

3 pcs

This Astrid cheese knife set is made of a combination of stainless steel and beautiful chocolate-brown wenge wood. The combination is exciting with a tough touch. The set comes in a gift box. Size: 33 x 187 x 130 mm

2 pcs

A cheese slicer and butter knife from the Astrid series, made in a combination of stainless steel and beautiful chocolate-brown wenge wood. The combination is exciting with a tough touch. The set comes in a gift box. Size: 34 x 185 x 130 mm

This set is a must have the kitchen drawer! This Astrid set consists of a pizza cutter and a pizza shovel in a combination of stainless steel and beautiful chocolate brown wenge wood. The combination is exciting with a tough touch. The set comes in a gift box. Works just as well for the cake, of course. Size: 45 x 235 x 135 mm

The ultimate set of kitchen knives! A complete package with the high-quality knives from Orrefors Jernverk. The set includes kitchen knife, paring knife, filleting knife, santoku knife, bread knife, fish filleting knife of the finest design with acacia wood handles. The set is packed in a luxury box Size: 35 x 445 x 300 mm

Orrefors Jernverk knife holder. Beautiful knives are like jewels in the kitchen and of course you want to show them off. This is possible with this handy, magnetic knife holder that is made of acacia wood. The internal magnet is powerful and therefore ensures that your knives stay neatly in place. Size: 120 x 250 x 270 mm

Sagaform Astrid Salad Server Set
Orrefors Jernverk Aluminum pan
LT52049 | Sagaform Astrid Pizza/ Pie Set 2 pcs
LT52048 | Sagaform Astrid Cheese Slicer and Butter Knife
LT54028 | Orrefors Jernverk Acacia wooden cutting board big
This Orrefors Jernverk cutting board is made of beautiful acacia wood. The cutting board has a sturdy handle on the short end and a notch on top that collects liquid. This cutting board is light and therefore easy to use. The acacia wood also gives them a nice shine. Size: 15 x 370 x 250 mm
LT54013 | Orrefors Jernverk Magnetic Knife Holder
LT54024 | Orrefors Jernverk Knife Set 6 pieces

LT54019 | Orrefors Jernverk Sauce Pan 1,5L Ø18

This Orrefors Jernverk 1.5l stainless steel saucepan has a transparent glass lid with a steel handle. The thick bottom has an aluminum core. Because the pan is one of the most used products in the kitchen, we recommend a good quality that will last - that's Orrefos Jernverk pans! Works on all heat sources. Size: ø 180 x 150 mm

LT54305 | Lord Nelson Beach Towel 80x160 cm

This beach towel has a unique weaving method that makes it two-tone, the main color on side 1 has a different color than the main color on side 2. So you can alternate ... One side is made of velor and the other terry terry cloth. weight 400 grams. Oekotex certified.

Size: 800 x 1600 mm

LT54020 | Orrefors Jernverk Stainless Steel Pan 2,5L Ø21

This Orrefors Jernverk 2.5L stainless steel cooking pot has two handles and a transparent glass lid with a steel handle. An important property of a pan is that it retains and conducts heat. The thick bottom has an aluminum core! Works on all heat sources. Size: ø 210 x 170 mm

LT52000 | Sagaform Ella hamam Cotton Bag 41x38 cm

This bag is made of thin woven and certified organic cotton. The collection is decorated with Sagaform’s characteristic stripes in various patterns. A bag which makes us enjoy every day a little more. Size: 410 x 380 mm

LT54021 | Stainless Steel Pan 5L

This Orrefors Jernverk 5L stainless steel cooking pot has two handles and a transparent glass lid with a steel handle. An important property of a pan is that it retains and conducts heat. The thick bottom has an aluminum core. Works on all heat sources. Size: 260 x 115 x 310 mm

LT52004 | Sagaform Ella Hamam organic cotton 50x70cm

Ella Hamam is a timeless small cloth made of thinly woven organic cotton. The canvas is embellished with the classic and characteristic stripes of Sagaform and with fringed ends. The beautiful material and the different stripes make this collection an interior styling product, but also a towel for the kitchen or bathroom.

Size: 500 x 700 mm

LT52008 | Sagaform Ella Hamam Towel organic

cotton 90x170cm

Ella Hamam is a timeless cloth made of thinly woven organic cotton. The canvas is embellished with the classic and characteristic stripes of Sagaform and with fringed ends. Ella is useful after swimming (dries quickly), but also as a tablecloth, picnic blanket or as an interior detail on the edge of a bed or sofa. The towels have fringes at the ends. Size: 1700 x 900 mm

LT52122 | Sagaform Ulle Plaid 130x170 cm

We really love Ulle. A warm, luxurious and classic merino wool blanket available in two colourways and with the prized wide Sagaform stripe. A designer blanket that takes any sofa to a new level and will look great in any home. We believe Ulle is typical of what we call Swedish Originals. Size: 1300 x 1700 mm

LT52051 | Sagaform Ella Hamam towel organic cotton 145x250cm

Ella Hamam towel. The canvas is embellished with the classic and characteristic stripes of Sagaform and with fringed ends. The beautiful material and the different stripes make this collection an interior styling product, use it as a picnic or tablecloth, or as a towel in the bathroom. These cloths dry very quickly. Size: 1450 x 2500 mm

LT52124 | Sagaform Maja Fleece Plaid 130x170


Maja is a lovely, luxurious and soft large plaid with a beautiful pattern reminiscent of nature. The plaid gives you a lovely cozy feeling on a cold evening, but is also a beautiful accessory in almost any interior. The plaid is packaged in a beautiful gift box. Size: 1300 x 1700 mm

LT52123 | Sagaform Agnes Fleece Plaid 130x170 cm

Agnes is a wonderful, luxurious and soft large plaid with a beautiful wave pattern that is reminiscent of nature. The plaid gives you a wonderfully comfortable feeling on a cold evening, but is also a beautiful accessory in almost any interior. The plaid is packed in a beautiful gift box. Size: 1300 x 1700 mm

LT54301 | Lord Nelson BIG shopping bag 41x33x28 cm

You can fold this practical shopping bag small, but it is surprisingly large when you hang it in your shopping cart. You simply clip the bag onto the sides of most shopping carts. Checkout and you're done, you can easily lift the bag from the cart and ... into your car, for example. Great bag if you use a self-checkout! Size: 280 x 410 x 330 mm

LT54302 | Lord Nelson BIG shopping bag with cooler pocket 41x33x28 cm

You can fold this practical shopping bag small, but it is surprisingly large when you hang it in your shopping cart. You simply clip the bag onto the sides of most shopping carts. This version is equipped with an extra, removable compartment for products that require cooling, eg. dairy products. Size: 280 x 410 x 330 mm

LT54007 | Orrefors Hunting cool backpack 10L

Orrefors Hunting canvas cooler bag. Stylish compact backpack cooler bag made of sturdy canvas, large main compartment and three smaller pockets for accessories. Exterior of durable canvas fabric with sturdy adjustable back straps. Size: 130 x 240 x 350 mm

LT55006 | M-360 | Muse portable Bluetooth speaker 5W

This portable splash-proof (IPX4) Bluetooth speaker from Muse has an output power of 5 Watts (RMS) and has a surprisingly good sound despite its small size. The ideal speaker to take with you on a trip to stream music from your smartphone via Bluetooth in your hotel room or at the edge of the swimming pool. Size: 95 x 78 x 53 mm

LT55015 | M-620 | Muse book shelf Bluetooth speakers 150W

Beautiful compact bookshelf speakers with a great sound. The set is equipped with Bluetooth technology, digital and analog audio inputs and has 150 watts of output power. No cords, small in size and a fantastic stereo sound with deep bass. This speaker set is ideal for your bedroom in your kitchen, but also in your living room. Size: 150 x 220 x 170 mm

LT40734 | SP101 | Moyoo Smokey Dome speaker

This festive wireless speaker is today's must-have gadget in the office or at home. With this smokey transparent 10W speaker, you can enjoy a light show anywhere. Imprint your logo in a subtle way - what a great gift! Size: 150 x 120 x 120 mm

LT45811 | M-10 CR | Muse clock radio FM

An attractive compact alarm clock with an easy-to-read display. Be awakened by your favorite radio station or by the buzzer. Works on mains power and is also equipped with a handy backup function (battery). Should the power unexpectedly fail, the settings will be saved. Size: 45 x 70 x 120 mm

LT41708 | 1856 | Xoopar YoYo Speaker Eco

Big sound from a compact speaker. The YoYo delivers huge sound thanks to the 3 Watt speaker easily take it anywhere (only 34 mm high) Ecologically responsible due to a new unique composition based on biodegradable plastic which accelerates the recycling process. Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 27 x 42 x 34 mm

LT41311 | 2800 | Xoopar Mr. Bio Lamp

LT41709 | 1860 | Xoopar Corkley Speaker

Enjoy your favorite music anywhere in your home or (home) office. This 10 watt speaker made of natural cork has high-quality sound with strong bass. Pair a second speaker for the ultimate stereo sound experience. The speaker can be charged wirelessly, The ideal ECO gift! Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 98 x 98 x 86 mm

LT41712 | 3189 | Xoopar Meetair Conference Speaker

Compact portable speaker. Start a conference call anywhere. The Meetair is also great for listening to music. The hidden cable has an input adapter for USB and USB-C. The speaker has two microphones, so it can be placed anywhere. Moreover, any ambient noise is suppressed. Size: 145 x 119 x 48 mm

The Mr. Bio Lamp is more than a decorative item on your desk, this lamp with smart Control function informs your colleagues of your current status without saying a word. To change the LED, simply tap the table, and voila! Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 92 x 79 x 134 mm

LT41313 | 4129 | Xoopar Mr. Bio 25 Timer

The pomodoro technique. It consists of dividing your day into short 25-minute time units (the "pomodoros"), in which you work continuously on a particular task. In between, you take a 5-minute break. The result: you get more done, the quality of your work improves and you stay more focused. Xoopar products may not be sold in France and Spain. Size: 106 x 69 x 73 mm

LT40736 | TW121 | Moyoo X121 Earbuds

These ear with touch control are ideal for listening to music and making phone calls wherever you are. Remove them from the charging case and they are ready to use with your smartphone or device. The charging case has an ideal imprint area for any logo. A truly trendy gift. Size: 25 x 73 x 34 mm

LT40737 | TW111-ECO | Moyoo X111 ECO Earbuds

These touch-control earbuds are ideal for listening to music and making phone calls wherever you are. Remove them from the charging case and they are ready to use with your smartphone or device. The charging case has an ideal imprint area for any logo. Size: 22 x 45 x 50 mm

LT45566 | TW241 |TCL MOVEAUDIO Neo TCL's ANC earbuds offer a 28dB noise reduction, 4 mics with ENC for clear calls, and 4 EQ modes. Google Fast Pair simplifies device switching, and Transparency mode seamlessly blends music with your surroundings. With 40 hours of total playtime, enjoy a premium audio experience. Size: 28 x 64 x 55 mm

LT45561 | TW08-3BLCEU4-1 | TCL MOVEAUDIO S108 White

With the TCL Moveaudio S108, you'll enjoy 6 hours of listening time, up to 20 hours with the charging case, so you'll always enjoy an optimal music experience. Make clear calls with ENC to filter out background noise for clear conversations using Beamforming pickup technology. Size: 58 x 47 x 23 mm

LT42259 | TAT2206 | Philips TWS In-Ear Earbuds With Silicon buds Splash and sweat resistant, these Philips earbuds offer great sound with up to 18 hours of playback time. With an IPX4 rating and powerful 6mm drivers, you'll enjoy great sound in all weather conditions. Size: 46 x 57 x 31 mm

LT40721 | 1861 | Moyoo Music Station

A speaker with TWS earbuds in one! This 5 Watt bluetooth speaker with luxurious finish is a must have item for everyone, Play music on the speaker and take out the earbuds to listen to music or make calls on the go. Stay connected and enjoy your music wherever you go or stand! Size: 94 x 65 x 50 mm

LT40711 | 1548 | Moyoo Essence Bluetooth Speaker

Use this portable 5 watt Bluetooth speaker with great sound in your (home) office or on the go. This small speaker has a large printing area on the top to make any logo stand out! Size: 70 x 170 x 170 mm

LT45300 | T00247 | Jays x-Seven bluetooth headphone

The x-Seven with memory foam and featuring Bluetooth 5.0, USB-C charging port for faster charging and increased battery capacity provides a great listening experience. Thanks to the foldable headband and pivoting ear cups, you can take the x-Seven Wireless with you anytime, anywhere. Size: 150 x 185 x 30 mm

LT42254 | TAH4205 | Philips On-ear Bluetooth Headphone

Make your favorite music sound great with firmer bass. These wireless on-ear headphones have a Bass Boost button so you can boost the bass at any time. With up to 29 hours of playback time, you can fully recharge the headphones with just a few hours. Size: 185 x 50 x 165 mm



Acacia 298, 299, 300, 479

Active 24, 102, 240, 260, 280, 287, 288, 346, 477, 478

Active noise cancelling 412

Adapter 120, 128, 129, 355, 356, 366, 401

Adhesive notes 241 - 245

Air refresher 343

Airfryer 398

Alchemy 18

Alicante 187, 202, 210, 216, 222, 223, 227

Aluminum 62, 88, 119, 148, 187 - 189, 215 - 219, 222, 223, 294, 308, 419, 484

Ambient 376

Amsterdam 36

Anc 369, 389, 412

Apollo 160, 161

Aprons 269, 417

Ashton 14

Athens 190

Atlas 156, 157

Avalon 158, 159

Avery 9

Aviator 267

Badge holder 243, 310 - 313

Ballpens 156 - 227

Bankcards 116, 117, 143, 311

Banner pen 201, 225

Baron 204

Baskets 109, 450

Beach bag 72, 75, 80, 474, 476

Beach tennis set 288

Beer carrier 32, 411

Bees 275

Bicycle 110, 111, 278, 279

Billi 410, 411

Bio 5, 22, 29, 58, 59, 71, 126, 127, 129, 131, 133, 141, 205, 211, 212, 213, 217, 218, 219, 229, 234, 238, 241, 243, 245, 248, 277, 324, 350, 351, 360, 476, 486

Biodegradable 332, 333

Black ink 175, 187 - 189, 223

Blanket 447, 448

Blender 380

Bluetooth 122, 123, 125 - 131, 133, 143, 360, 368 - 379, 385, 386, 389, 443, 476, 477, 486

Bowls 479, 481, 483

Bread board 298

Bread knife 300, 420

Calibrated 319, 327

Camera 147, 477

Camping 41, 132, 442, 444

Candle 292, 293, 304 - 307, 406, 424 - 426

Car charger 140, 357

Car holder 140, 342

Car mug 23, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50 - 56, 296, 454, 455, 458, 460, 480

Cardholder 116, 117, 143, 286, 311, 312, 342

Carry-on baggage 91, 118, 119, 479

Ceramics 34 - 45, 297, 299, 413, 479



282 - 284

120, 128 - 131, 135, 148, 336, 350 - 363, 400, 401, 476

Charging cable 120, 124 - 135, 140, 141, 147, 148, 350 - 374, 385, 386, 389, 400, 401, 443, 476, 477, 486, 487

Chefs knife 300, 420

Children 274, 282, 284, 285, 287, 290, 346

Christmas 434

Cleaner 144, 145, 252, 253, 268, 341, 477, 480

Cleaning cloth 144, 145, 268, 341, 477

Cleaning fluid 145, 343, 477

Click-shadow 177

Coaster 63

Cob 335, 337, 339, 480

Cold beverages 6 - 23, 27, 34 - 45, 50, 51, 58, 92, 93, 302, 454, 474, 479, 480

Coloring book 282, 283

Conference bag 72, 104, 476

Connect 122

Cooking 484

Cooling bag 90 - 93, 109, 471, 472, 475, 486

Coollux 443 - 445

Corona 145, 204, 252, 253, 480

Cosmo 172, 173, 192, 478

Crayons 219, 282 - 285

Cuba 32

Cup and saucer 34

Cutlery 110, 111, 294, 300, 479

Cutting board 110, 111, 298, 439, 482, 484

Cycle bag 110, 111

Cyprus 37

Data transfer 141, 351, 352, 356, 360

Decanters 6, 30, 410

Designed by toppoint 27, 34, 51 - 53, 117, 139, 158 - 163, 167 - 169, 175, 177, 179, 180, 191, 193, 221, 228, 230, 231, 241, 244, 250, 476 - 478

Desk light 124, 335, 337, 442, 486

Disposable 304, 305

Document bag 92, 104, 476

Dot-grid 240

Double wall 19 - 23, 46 - 49, 50 - 54, 454, 455, 474

Drawstring 71 - 97, 101, 311 - 313, 475

Drinking cups 6, 8, 10, 11, 20, 21, 24, 29, 32 - 36, 39, 41, 42, 46, 47, 49, 50 - 61, 110, 111, 412, 454, 455, 474, 480, 484

Drybag 106 - 108

Earphone 122, 123, 141, 368, 379, 385, 386, 477, 487

Earplug 123, 346, 370, 386, 389, 477

Eco 5, 6, 7, 22, 29, 58, 59, 60, 68, 71, 79, 81, 86, 94, 95, 103, 105, 113, 120, 126, 127, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 140, 141, 146, 147, 205, 211 - 219, 229, 234, 238, 241, 243, 245, 248, 266, 267, 274, 277, 297, 299, 312, 314, 324

Ella 428, 429

Fast charging 125, 126, 129, 130, 132, 134, 140, 141, 351, 352, 356, 358, 359, 363 - 369, 400, 401

Festival 58, 59, 92, 93, 109, 134, 144, 264, 266, 268, 311, 312, 321, 323, 324, 346

Fidget spinner 222

Fitness 24, 25, 28, 29, 260, 262, 263, 280, 368, 370, 477, 478

Flash drive 138, 139, 478

Flashlight 132, 318, 335 - 339, 480

Flow 52, 53

Flowers 277, 483

Fluor 228 - 232

Folding ruler




319, 326, 327

Frisbee 289

Frosty 7, 10, 58, 161, 170, 171, 204, 265, 311, 340, 341



37, 39


38, 43

Memo pad 244, 245


280, 282 - 290, 434 - 437

252, 253, 480

Glass jar 292

Glassware 5, 6, 7, 31 - 33, 294, 297, 407, 410, 411, 479, 481

Hand sanitizer


Hard cover

120, 139

Metal pens 179, 187, 189, 190, 202, 203, 211, 221, 222, 226, 227

Microfibre 144, 145, 268, 477


252, 253, 480

252, 253, 480

235, 237, 240

Hats 321

Healthcare 24, 252, 253, 256, 280, 477, 478, 480

Hygrometer 148

Ice scrapers 340 - 342

Inkless pen 217

Insect hotel


Milk carton 224, 235, 283

Mintbox 308, 309

Mirrors 257



Modena 191, 193

Monaco 190

Mouse 146, 147, 360

Mousepad 131, 146, 147, 360


274, 275

Insects 274, 275, 277, 293

Journal 478

Jude 8

Jumbo 157, 160, 161, 163, 170, 171, 175, 177, 179, 181, 189 - 193, 197 - 199, 211, 213, 295, 478

Justin 264, 266, 267

Key chord 64, 311 - 313, 315, 317

Key ring 62, 139, 314 - 319, 320, 324, 334

Kitchen 31, 62, 297, 298, 300, 380, 382, 398, 415, 417, 418, 420, 421, 422, 439, 464, 468, 481 - 485


298, 300, 332, 420, 422

Kraft box 282, 284

Kraft paper 86, 103, 282, 284, 285

Lamp 124, 125, 132, 135, 143, 195, 278, 318, 324, 335 - 339, 442 - 445, 476, 480, 486

Lanyard 64, 243, 311 - 313

Laptop 103 - 107, 113, 122 - 131, 138 - 148, 278, 339, 346, 351, 359, 360, 364, 365, 369, 400, 401, 475 - 478

Laptop bag 104, 105, 113, 472, 475, 476

Leakproof 14 - 17, 20 - 22, 28, 29, 296, 474

Led lighting 125, 135, 143, 278, 318, 335 - 339, 360, 372, 374, 379, 442, 444, 445, 476, 480

Lens cloth 144, 268

Lighter 278, 304 - 307, 318

Light-up 124, 195, 278, 318, 324 - 339, 357, 442, 444, 445

Long writing refill 197 - 199, 217, 221, 225

Lotion 256

Lunch 50, 88, 91, 294 - 296, 299, 479

Lunch box 88, 294 - 296, 479

Made in europe 28, 29, 37, 60, 86, 157 - 159, 165, 167 - 169, 172, 173, 175, 181, 192, 204, 242, 245, 248, 250, 326, 478

Madeira 193

Madrid 214

Magnets 140, 250, 310, 311, 358

Magsafe 130, 134, 140

Mallorca 33

Marley 16


Multitool 62, 300, 333, 334, 351, 355, 356, 480

Nail file


Nash 167 - 169

New york 188, 202, 208, 209

Nfc 148, 351, 356, 358, 360, 375

Nice 37, 43

Non woven 66 - 70, 93, 97

Ocean bound 199, 358

Oekoetex 71, 72, 74, 75, 80, 95, 297, 417, 474

On the go 14 - 17, 22, 46, 47, 49, 51, 140, 253, 295, 342, 460, 474, 475, 479

Organic 62, 73, 76, 243, 249, 312 - 314, 320, 321, 439, 481, 484

Organizer 120

Oslo 37 - 39, 42, 43

Outdoor 41, 106, 107, 109, 132, 134, 256, 260, 262 - 264, 274 - 282, 286 - 288, 334, 364, 376, 429, 437, 442, 458 - 468, 470, 471, 479 - 482, 485

Oven mitts 269

Overear 368, 369

Ozzy 184

Panniers 110, 111

Paper bag 84 - 89, 475

Parking disc france 342

Parking discs 342

Pebble 427

Pencil 216 - 219, 282 - 285

Pepper and salt 406, 481

Peppermint box 308, 309

Phone holder 120, 140 - 143, 280, 476, 477

Picnic 91, 109 - 111, 463, 467, 470, 482, 484

Pizza cutter 299

Platter 298, 299, 479, 483, 484

Pocket knife 332, 333

Poker 437

Pouches 71, 86, 90, 102, 144, 268, 287, 475

Power delivery 132, 141, 351, 352, 356, 358, 359, 363 - 366, 400, 401

Powerbank 132 - 137, 148, 351, 355 - 357, 362, 363 - 365, 375, 476



Radio 122, 126, 127, 375, 378, 379, 486

Reading lamp 124, 143, 337

Reading light

143, 278, 318, 337

Receiver 354

Recycled material 8 - 10, 12, 19, 29, 55, 57 - 59, 63, 66 - 68, 78, 79, 91, 95, 97, 101, 104, 105, 112, 113, 120, 126, 131, 133, 134, 141, 147, 148, 161, 177, 183, 187 - 189, 193, 199, 200, 205, 210 - 215, 219, 223, 224, 229, 237 - 239, 243

Rfid 116, 117

Riva 181

Roll 98, 99, 103, 331

R-pet 8 - 11, 68, 80, 91, 95, 99, 104, 105, 110 - 113, 235, 237, 249, 261, 268, 313, 410, 411, 472, 474, 475

Rubberised 128, 139, 188, 190, 476

Run 102, 278, 280, 346

Salad 295, 299, 415, 481, 482, 484

Scented 292, 293

School 242, 248, 249, 295

Screen cleaner 144, 145, 268

Screen cloth 144, 145, 268, 477

Serving 298, 299, 440, 441, 479

Set square 249

Sheltered 270 - 273

Shopping basket 109, 316

Shopping cart 316

Shopping trolley coin 316

Shoulderbag 66 - 68, 72, 73, 75, 79, 80, 81, 101, 106, 107, 112, 475, 476

Shower timer 258

Skipping-rope 280

Slash 183

Slide puzzle 287, 290

Smell 343, 425

Snacks 298, 440, 441, 479, 482

Soft touch 18, 19, 157, 177, 183, 187 - 189, 449

Spectacles 144, 264 - 268, 478

Sport 8, 11, 24, 25, 28, 29, 101, 112, 113, 260 - 263, 280, 288, 289, 346, 370, 388, 389, 454, 477, 478, 487

Sports bag 101, 102, 112, 113, 472, 476

Sports towel 260 - 263

Stackable 35, 412, 482

Stainless steel 12 -17, 483

Stationery 129, 147, 148, 158- 228

Storm 270 - 273

Stylus 192, 195, 202, 203, 208, 209, 219

Stylus pens 145, 192, 195, 203, 208, 209

Sublimation 33, 36, 38, 39, 42, 43, 63, 146, 268, 321

Suitcases 118, 119, 475, 479

Summer article 119, 125, 254 - 256, 262 - 266, 269, 276, 277, 289, 321 - 323, 479

Sun cream 256

Sun protection 254, 256, 264, 267, 268

Sushi 479

Sustainable product 5, 7, 8, 9, 22, 29, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 68, 71, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 90, 91, 94, 95, 97, 105, 112, 113, 126, 127, 129 - 133, 140, 141, 146 - 148, 161, 183, 187 - 189, 193, 199, 200, 202, 205, 208 - 214

Sweatband 260

Swing 19, 20, 21, 64, 474

Tablet 104, 105, 122, 130, 140, 141, 143, 145, 362 - 366, 400, 401, 475, 476

Tallin 44

Tangram 435

T-ceramic 46, 47, 49

Tea glass 6, 32, 33, 36

Texas 180

Thermo 18, 19, 51, 54, 56, 460, 474

Thermo cups 54, 56

Thermo flask 18, 19, 54, 460, 474

Thermometer 125, 148

Think 435, 436, 437



Toiletries 120, 258, 475

Tool set 333, 334, 480

Tracker 353

Trade show card 311, 312

Transmitter 354

Trays 479

Turntable 377

Type c 132, 134, 141, 336, 359, 360, 363, 364, 385, 401

Usb 120, 135, 138, 139, 148, 350, 351, 354, 359, 362, 375, 377 - 379, 401, 478, 486

Usb flash drive 138, 139, 478

Usb sticks 138, 139, 351, 354, 478

Vacuum bottles 14 - 23, 50 - 54, 64, 474, 480

Vacuum flask 14 - 23, 50 - 54, 474, 480

Vienna 45

Voice assistant 368, 369

Wake up light 379

Wall clock 250

Warm drinks 6, 34 - 44, 51

Warning light 318, 337 - 339, 480

Water carafe 6, 30, 407, 410

Water resistant 93, 106, 108, 270 - 273, 370, 371, 388, 389, 412

Web cam 147

Webcam cover 147, 477

Wheat straw 266

Whisky 479

Wine accessories 62, 89, 299, 302, 410, 411, 414, 475, 479, 480

Winter 148, 340, 341, 342, 431, 447, 449

Wireless charging 123, 125 - 131, 133 - 135, 140, 356 - 360, 476, 477, 487

Wobbly 337

Writing pad 234 - 244

Yoga 280

York 40, 188

Yoyo 476

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