MAC: Most Admired Companies .43
MPI: Meeting Professionals International .73 Connect » Guide » Inspire
September // October 2013
40 Arizona’s Most Admired Companies share compassion, innovation, imagination
DBSI CEO John W. Smith shows off the company’s “bat pole” at its Chandler office.
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Table Of Contents
6 CEO Series
Blue Cross Blue Shield's Richard Boals
8 First Job
Tilted Kilt's leader started at stadiums
10 Small Biz
'Conscious capitalism' pays off in Tempe
12 Alpha Women
PCH lands some presidential treatment
14 Healthcare
Mobile apps put your health in your hands
18 Technology
Lawmakers help create data center hotbed
22 Legal
Risks of background checks when hiring
26 Banking
Experts' advice on saving for retirement
30 Marketing
Leveraging the power of visual storytelling
32 Tourism
October is 'free kids' month in San Diego
34 Dining
EVO offers Italian food for true Italians
36 Executive Education
> Executives can increase workplace value > Q&A with W. P. Carey's new dean
43 MAC: Most Admired Companies
September is always one of my favorite issues of Az Business magazine because this is the issue in which we honor those firms what make writing and reporting about the state’s business community so special: Arizona’s Most Admired Companies. Among the 40 companies that are honored in this issue as being among the state’s best of the best is one company that impacts the lives of our most precious residents on a daily basis: Phoenix Children’s Hospital. PCH opened within Good Samaritan Hospital 30 years ago this month. Following its $588 million expansion in 2008, PCH is one of the 10 largest children’s hospitals in the country. But not only is it one of the biggest, it’s one of the best. U.S. News & World Report ranked PCH as one of the top children’s hospitals in the country in five categories: cardiology and heart surgery, neonatology, nephrology, neurology and neurosurgery, and urology. “The ranking shows the dedication and expertise that Phoenix Children’s brings to the care of children who need those qualities the most,” said Avery Comarow, editor of U.S. News’ Health Rankings. “We think it is important to identify and call attention to pediatric centers like this one.” So does the editorial team at Az Business. Congratulations, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, on being one of the Most Admired Companies in Arizona, on your 30th anniversary, and for protecting our most treasured assets.
Arizona's most innovative take spotlight
73 MPI: Meeting Professionals International
> 'Meetings mean money' for new leader > Events are economic engines for Arizona > Benefits of outsourcing event planning > Technology transforms the industry
On the cover: DBSI CEO John W. Smith photographed by Lillian Reid 2 AB | September-October 2013
Michael Gossie Editor in Chief michael.gossie@azbigmedia.com
Az Business on the Go: AzBusinessMagazine.com
Doctor-driven health care? Imagine that. With Aetna, you no longer have to. It’s time to fi x what’s broken with health care. At Aetna, we are collaborating with Banner Health Network to create new business models designed to share technology, tools and insight—so that your doctors can deliver better patient care at a significantly lower cost. Call your broker or Aetna Sales Agent to learn more. Or visit aetnaACS.com/employers
Plans are offered and/or underwritten by Aetna Health Inc., Aetna Health Insurance Company and/or Aetna Life Insurance Company (Aetna). Each insurer has sole financial responsibility for its own products. 2012130
Shout Outs CRA president receives award
David M. Bruggeman, President and Chief Operating Officer of Clinical Research Advantage, Inc. (CRA), was the recipient of two Stevie Awards at the 11th annual American Business Awards. Bruggeman received the Bronze Award for “Executive of the Year” in both the Pharmaceuticals and Health Products and Services categories.
Giving back on anniversary
Gillis & Dinner, P.C., one of North Scottsdale’s largest law firms, celebrated its fifth year anniversary during July. As part of the month-long celebration, the law firm’s partners and staff made five donations to local charities, one each week during the month of July. The charities were Children’s Cancer Network, Preserving Scottsdale’s Future, the Cameo Foundation, Comfycozys, and the Barrett Honors College to help fund a scholarship in memory of Samantha Stachel, a Chaparral High School student who lost her battle with cancer.
Helios founding chair honored
Education advocate and founding chairman of the Helios Education Foundation, Vince Roig, has been named the 2013 Afterschool Champion by the Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence. Roig joins an impressive list of past honorees that includes former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Lattie Coor, Eddie Basha and Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton.
Aligning business, education
To address the needs of a rapidly changing business world, ASU’s W. P. Carey School of Business has three new degree options available to students. The new graduate-level program starting is the Master of Science in Business Analytics. At the undergraduate level, Carey is introducing a Bachelor of Arts in Business with a human resources concentration and one with a sports and media studies concentration.
Investing in Phoenix
After the Greater Phoenix Economic Council helped launch an international toolkit and forum series targeting international business executives, Greater Phoenix was named one of fDi Magazine’s top 10 “American Cities of the Future” for foreign direct investment (FDI) strategy in 2013/14. Greater Phoenix ranked sixth among overall North and South American cities, and second in the United States behind Chicago.
4 AB | September-October 2013
President and CEO: Michael Atkinson Publisher: Cheryl Green Vice president of operations: Audrey Webb EDITORIAL Editor in chief: Michael Gossie Associate editor: Hannah Hayes Interns: Jacob Green | Jamie Mitchell ART Art director: Mike Mertes Graphic designer: Lillian Reid Photo intern: Cailey Kleiner DIGITAL MEDIA Web developer: Eric Shepperd Web and graphic designer: Lily Ciric MARKETING/EVENTS Manager: Whitney Fletcher Az BUSINESS MAGAZINE Senior account manager: David Harken Account managers: Ann McSherry Shannon Spigelman OFFICE Special projects manager: Sara Fregapane Executive assistant: Mayra Rivera Database solutions manager: Cindy Johnson AZRE | Arizona Commercial Real Estate Director of sales: Steve Koslowski AZ BUSINESS LEADERS Director of sales: Carol Shepard RANKING ARIZONA Director of sales: Sheri King Scottsdale Living Account manager: Gail Rosier EXPERIENCE ARIZONA | Play Ball Director of sales and marketing: Zoe Terrill AZ BIG MEDIA EXPOS SCOTTSDALE SUPER EXPO/MARCH SCOTTSDALE SUPER EXPO/NOVEMBER Exhibit directors: Kerri Blumsack Tina Robinson | Marianne Avila Az Business magazine is published bi-monthly by AZ BIG Media, 3101 N. Central Ave. Suite 1070, Phoenix, Arizona 85012, (602) 277-6045. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or artwork. Submissions will not be returned unless accompanied by a SASE. Single copy price $4.95. Bulk rates available. Copyright 2013 by AZ BIG Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from AZ BIG Media.
AB | September-October 2013 5
CEO Series
Richard L. Boals President and CEO Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona What qualities does an effective CEO need to have? You have to be able to create a vision that your team can follow. You have to be very flexible. You have to be sincere and honest and you have to care about your customers.
How difficult has it been to manage through the changes coming as a result of the Affordable Care Act? The Affordable Care Act has been the biggest challenge we have ever had. The change has resulted in thousands of hours of our staff time and millions of dollars in expenditures, but we are passionate about doing the right thing. It’s the law and once it was passed, we said we would do our best to implement it. What have you done to prepare for the ACA? We’ve designed all new products to comply with the law. We’ve revamped our systems so they interface with the systems the government expects us to interface with. I’m happy to say we are a little ahead of schedule. How will the ACA impact businesses and how they insure their employees? The biggest question for businesses is whether they will continue to provide coverage to their employees. We’ve talked with many business owners who are struggling with this. Do they pay the fine, give their employees a stipend and let them go onto one of the healthcare insurance exchanges? With healthcare costs continuing to escalate, many are wondering 6 AB | September-October 2013
What qualities do you have that make you an effective leader for BCBSAZ? I am able to envision the future. I’m adaptable to change and comfortable with change and I sincerely care about our customers and team members.
if this is the time to step aside and let employees take that responsibility directly. How is being CEO of BCBSAZ different from being CEO of another company? We’re a not-for-profit company. We pay federal income tax but we aren’t responsible to shareholders, so we’re not as inclined to worry about short-term profitability and that allows us to focus far more attention on delighting our customers. What’s the biggest change you’ve seen in your industry? People are living longer, healthier lives because of new technology and innovation. How many people do we know now who have had knee replacements and would otherwise have been incapacitated or on disability? That’s not the expectation we have today. We want to live long, vibrant lives and healthcare is enabling us to do
Richard L. Boals, president and CEO, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona
that. That said, costs have gone up steadily since I started my career and one of our challenges is finding ways to moderate that and still deliver great value. What advice would you give to someone entering the healthcare industry today? If you believe in delighting your customers, if you believe in helping people when they need help the most, this is a great industry. If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now, what would you like to be doing? A career in the military would have been a great calling. I also have this vision of going to Washington and making a difference. I would like to see Washington more effective, more efficient, and maybe even improve its image a little.
Ron Lynch President of Tilted Kilt
What was your first job? My first job was at the University of Oklahoma football stadium. I had a Coke rack that I carried that contained approximately 40 soft drinks and I walked the stadium steps selling drinks. I started when I was 12 years old. How much did you earn? I would purchase my tray of drinks from the stadium beverage vendor. I would then sell them to the fans in the stands
at a predetermined price and go back for another tray of Cokes. As I recall I would make 10 to 15 cents profit per drink. I could make anywhere from $25 to $35 per game. In the 1960s, that was a lot of money for a 12-year-old. What did you learn from your first job? You have to be responsible for your own actions. I learned that hard work and being responsible pays off. It was hard work for a skinny 12-year-old lugging a
heavy awkward rack of Cokes up 30 to 35 rows in the stadium. Even though I was very young, I understood quickly no one there was going to look after me. There were actually more people wanting that particular job than there were positions available. I was competing against kids as old as 18 for the job. You really had to hustle and you had better not be late or have poor sales or the position would go to someone else. What was your first job in your current industry? It was working for an old restaurant concept called Kings Food Host. I was a combination dishwasher, busboy and carhop. What did you see in the Tilted Kilt that told you it could become an international success? I saw something very unique, “a little tilted.” There was nothing in the marketplace quite like the Tilted Kilt. I felt that consumers were starved for a fun and different experience.
How were you able to grow the chain like you did during the economic crisis? During the Recession, we saw a very restrictive banking industry and high unemployment and under-employment, all of which were problems for us. What the economy was taking away on one hand was creating opportunity on the other. These situations created opportunity for the Tilted Kilt in that we were seeing real estate opportunities that a new and emerging company may not gotten. We also saw an employment market that made it easier to hire the very best people.
Since the first Tilted Kilt Pub & Eatery opened in the Las Vegas Rio Hotel and Casino in 2003, Ron Lynch has expanded the Tempe-based Celtic-themed sports bar and restaurant chain to more that 80 units in the U.S. and Canada, with another 20 in development. 8 AB | September-October 2013
What advice would you give to young entrepreneurs? I believe that persevering is an absolute requirement for succeeding as an entrepreneur. It is extremely difficult to start any new concept and not for the faint of heart. Executing a new idea is fraught with ups and downs, problems, and difficulties. If you are not perseverant, you may stop when you meet those problems and never succeed with that next great idea.
November 6, 2013
Since 1931, Financial Executives International is recognized globally as the leading organization for senior-level financial executives. FEI AZ is proud to present the 7th annual CFO of the Year Awards. This event is the most prestigious financial executive awards in Arizona and the one not to miss! CFO of the Year Awards Celebration November 6, 2013 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix Through October 18th - Tickets $95 / Corporate Table of 10 $900 After October 18th - Tickets $120 / Corporate Table of 10 $1,150 Be there for the announcement of the 2013 CFO recipients. For more information on Sponsorships, call 602.277.6045
Visit feiaz.org
Running on empties Tempe-based Refresh Glass employs ‘conscious capitalism’ to give new life to discarded wine bottles
Tempe-based glass company is attempting to sustain an eco-friendly business using a forprofit model. “If you want to support a larger cause, it’s my conjecture the best way to do that is with a for-profit model,” said Ray DelMuro, CEO of Refresh Glass LLC. DelMuro launched Refresh Glass in 2008, a company that utilizes “up-cycled” wine bottles from restaurants and hotels to make carafes, glasses, planters, and other glass products, after working as an engineer for several years. He pointed out that his company has rescued more than 335,000 wine bottles from landfills, with a goal of saving 10 million, relying heavily on a practice he referred to as “conscious capitalism.” “We want to combine the heart of a charity with the horsepower of a corporation,” he stressed, “thus combining the emotional relationship and community focus with the fiscal sustainability of running a company that can support itself financially.” The for-profit model allows you to sustain the cause of your business “in the long term,” he said, noting that nonprofits “are very dependent on donations to survive.” “I think that most people would like to help the environment, but with all the different complexities of people’s lives, they can’t always find enough time,” 10 AB | September-October 2013
Ray DelMuro, CEO of Refresh Glass LLC
he said. “We offer a solution that fits seamlessly into their lives.” Employees have been attracted to the company for its social impact and model. “I think that capitalism overall kind of gets a bad rep, but fostering conscious capitalism can help improve the world all around,” said Andrea Depew, a relationship builder at Refresh Glass that was recently hired as part of the company’s expansion. The company has been infused with capital after selling 17 percent of the company to Mac 6, a business incubator that specializes in the development of companies who advocate conscious capitalism. “We think his company — from an investment standpoint — will benefit us financially,” said Kyle McIntosh, cofounder of Mac 6, “but we also really like the social impact he’s making.” According to McIntosh, Mac 6 has also given DelMuro workspace, marketing and general business consulting, noting that the company “fits perfectly” into the
ideology of conscious capitalism. “There’s a lot of nonprofits doing great things, but they’re not sustainable enough to support their cause for a long time,” he said. “We think Ray’s going to be wildly successful.” According to Depew, the company’s ecofriendly practices are as unique as the business model, distinguishing its practice of up-cycling from the more commonly known methods of recycling. “If you recycle, you just crush the glass and put it into an entirely new form, whereas up-cycling is taking advantage of the bottle in its current form,” she said. DelMuro said that the company has experienced growth since being incubated, citing a productivity of 2,000 bottle rescues a day and making new hires — now employing six people. The growth, he said, comes from focusing on fulfilling a consumer demand instead of peoples’ generosity, noting, “People will always have to buy wedding gifts.”
AB | September-October 2013立 11
Alpha Women
Mariano transitions from being a physician for presidents to a leadership role in children’s health
lthough she doesn’t, Dr. Connie Mariano could boast about her title as the first Filipino American in history to receive the rank of Navy Rear Admiral. However, when she reflects on her past, this “first” may not seem quite as significant as another first: “the first patient.” This is how Dr. Mariano, former White House physician, referred to her most important patient: the president of the United States. Mariano served for nine years as the White House physician under President George H.W. Bush, President Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush. Mariano recently published a captivating book about her experiences at the White House. The memoir, titled The White House Doctor: My Patients Were Presidents, is written in such a way that you feel as if you’re sitting down with Mariano herself, listening to stories about her years caring for the most important patients of her medical career. Since 2001, Mariano has lived and served people here in the Valley. After four years working as a consultant in the Executive Health Care Program at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Mariano established the Center for Executive Medicine, a medical concierge practice for CEOs and their families. Framed pictures of Mariano being sworn in as Rear Admiral and posing with Presidents and other world leaders adorn the walls of her medical office, furnished to resemble the West Wing of the White House. While Mariano has spent her life in innovative service to others, she’s not finished yet. Recently, Mariano was nominated and chosen to sit on the board of directors for Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Ever since Mariano’s younger sister 12 AB | September-October 2013
came close to death at the age of 3 after accidentally ingesting poisonous liquid, Mariano, who played a vital role in saving her sister’s life, has recognized the importance of quality pediatric care. Now a mother of two and a stepmother of two, Mariano continues to see the need for excellent pediatric medicine. And as a physician who cares for adults, she often sees the dangerous effects of unhealthy choices that could have been prevented in childhood. “As a parent, I can definitely see the importance of (pediatric care),” said Mariano. “But also as a physician who believes in preventative medicine, I think if you can give good care in the pediatrics world, get (children) started with good prevention of disease and good health habits, as well as educate the parents,
you’ll have a healthier population.” When discussing what excited her about the board position with PCH, Mariano said, “The most significant thing was to be part of a great team of people who are really going to make a difference in childcare here in the Valley.” Mariano looks forward to acting as a liaison between Phoenix Children’s Hospital and the federal government and using the connections she has in Washington to contribute to the growing institution. “There’s a reason I’m in this position in my life,” Mariano said. “The best thing to do about it is to touch lives.” With every life she encounters, Mariano asks, “How can I help that life be better?” As a board member for Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Mariano will be able to contribute to the betterment of thousands of young lives.
White House calls
Dr. Connie Mariano
AB | September-October 2013立 13
Putting your health in your own hands
As mobile technology improves and health care providers reach out to consumers, experts help sort out which healthcare apps help and which may hurt
housands of healthcare-related apps are being downloaded left and right by smartphone users today. From diet and exercise monitors to glucose trackers to health insurance records, there is an app for anything and everything to help people manage their own health. Arizona healthcare experts have helped develop many of the most popular apps out there. From the intelligent minds at Phoenix Children’s Hospital came “Simply Sayin,’” a helpful app that provides kid-friendly definitions of complex medical terms in order to help children and parents understand necessary treatment. And from Dr. David Wood, a radiologist at Banner Good Samaritan Hospital, came “Stressfree Recipes,” an app that factors in a person’s medical conditions, health goals and 14 AB | September-October 2013
culinary preferences, and then creates a personalized meal plan for the individual.
Impact on health
So how has this explosion of medical apps affected healthcare in general? Is all this smartphone self-monitoring and selfdiagnosis a good thing? Dr. Tony Lee, a partner at Southwest Spine and Sports and a consulting physician for the Simply Sayin’ app, believes the added layer of healthcare knowledge is the most important outcome. “We can use apps like Simply Sayin’ to educate patients,” he says. “On the other hand, apps like Medscape is constantly pushing updated medical information to providers to help us stay up-to-date on the latest information.” Wood agrees that the effects have been favorable. “There have been improved patient outcomes through enhanced diagnostic accuracy, fewer medical errors, and greater
efficiency in the delivery of care,” he says. While Wood has been instrumental in the creation of the Stressfree Recipes app, he is also a frequent user of medical apps. And he is not alone. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 72 percent of the 661,000 physicians in the U.S. use smartphones in their practice. While it would be rather uncomplicated for medical professionals to determine which health care apps are worth using, laypeople may have more difficulty understanding medical jargon, recognizing risks, and navigating reliability when it comes to apps. To provide some guidance, local medical professionals from various spheres have shared their insight about this rapidly increasing industry.
Finding the best
Wood frequently recommends reference apps to his patients, such as “The Bump,” for expecting women, and “WebMD.” With WebMD, users can enter the
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AB | September-October 2013Ω 15
Brian Berg
Lisa Davis
symptoms they are experiencing and see a list of possible diagnoses. From there, the individual can look up the possible illness from an extensive list and read detailed information about the condition. In addition to these features, the app offers drug facts and basic first aid information, as well as a local health listings section where the app will locate specific physicians, hospitals and pharmacies. The “PregBuzz” app by The Bump answers numerous questions about all things pregnancy. Information about planning and prepping for having a baby, symptoms, eating and exercise suggestions, tests and checkups and other topics are available on the app. However, healthcare apps are not just limited to medical monitoring and advice; various apps that assist with health insurance plans also exist. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona recently created an app called “AZBlue” that provides customers with on-thego, updated information regarding their health-plan data. Scott Sowell, vice president of operational excellence at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, says the company has received positive feedback from customers using the app. It could help customers navigate the monumental changes coming to healthcare, Sowell says. “Mobile apps could certainly play a role in helping people navigate the new Affordable Care Act system,” he predicts.
Notes of caution
Along with the benefits of using healthcare apps, there are risks to avoid. Sowell gives the example of a medication reminder app; a faulty one could be extremely detrimental to someone’s health. Lisa Davis, an attorney at Quarles & Brady LLP, expresses concern with medical apps that rely on camera images to diagnose problems. “There is too much room for error or misdiagnosis based on the lack of controls in terms of screen size, clarity, photographer 16 AB | September-October 2013
Dr. David Wood
Dr. Tony Lee
Dr. James Dearing
skill, perspective, etc.,” she says. Because reference apps, like WebMD and PregBuzz are merely sources of information and do not require the input of any personal health information, the risk is low when using them. However, with an app that requests personal information, it is vital to verify the creative source behind it, experts advise.
EXPERTS’ FAVORITE HEALTHCARE APPS Dr. David Wood, radiologist, Banner Good Samaritan Hospital Favorite app: Up to Date. “It is very thorough and true to its name.” Scott Sowell, vice president of operational excellence, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona Favorite app: Symptom Checker. “I use it for myself and my family.” Lisa Davis, attorney, Quarles & Brady LLP Favorite app: Jawbone Up. “It logs my physical activity and sleep and allows me to input additional data relative to my health and mood. It also has a “competition” element to it, whereby I can see how active my friends have been.” Dr. Tony Lee, partner, Southwest Spine & Sports Favorite app: Evernote. Although not directly healthcare related, “it helps my partners and me keep our articles and research organized.” Brian Berg, app developer, Media Kube LLC Favorite app: Simply Sayin.’ “You can watch a child use it with the doctor and literally see their eyes illuminate with an understanding that they wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.”
Dr. James Dearing, chief medical officer for the John C. Lincoln Physician Network, suggests that any app produced by the federal Centers for Disease Control or the National Institutes of Health is safe to use. John C. Lincoln recently created an app called “JCL MyChart” that allows patients to access their own secure health information. “Patients can receive test and lab
Scott Sowell
results online; review their prescriptions, immunizations and health history; request and confirm appointments; request prescription refills; and review post-visit instructions provided by their doctor,” Dearing says. To ensure safety, access to information is controlled through secure activation codes, personal IDs and passwords. App users today have to be especially careful navigating dependable healthcare apps. The Food and Drug Administration is “struggling to stay on top of mobile medical app regulation in a market where very few developers seek FDA approval to market their product,” Davis says. Davis explains that this problem is primarily the result of startup app developers who are simply unaware that they must seek FDA approval before marketing their app. Brian Berg, an app developer at Media Kube LLC who has helped create multiple apps for Phoenix Children’s Hospital, says the process of ensuring medical accuracy is vital to healthcare app development. “All the content is checked and rechecked by experts before it ever gets put into the app,” he says. “Then, we have the information checked again by experts once it’s functioning within the app. Lastly, we have the legal department review every screen and give their seal of approval.” However, of all the research done by the patient, communication with one’s physician about the potential use of a health care app is vital. Dearing advises that a physician, not an app, should provide an ultimate diagnoses, as many diseases can have similar symptoms but very different treatments. According to Dearing, the best path to successful healthcare outcomes is to gather all the information possible about the issue, and then discuss it with your physician. “The important thing to remember is that we are people, and effective/informed people-to-people communication is the most important part of achieving success in any technological process,” Dearing says.
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AB | September-October 2013Ω 17
Shopping for centers Arizona lawmakers create incentives to attract more data center construction to the state
n the current political environment, where countless commentators are trying to find what’s wrong with the system, it is also crucial to recognize the positives. At the urging of a coalition of data center companies, the Arizona legislature passed a package of enhanced incentives that will give a boost to the already active data center cluster in the Phoenix market. The incentives were signed into law in June by Gov. Jan Brewer. “We are pleased to see this legislation pass and excited about the benefits it will afford our local customers,” said Michael 18 AB | September-October 2013
F. Foust, chief executive officer of Digital Realty, which founded the Arizona Data Center Coalition 2012 to publicly advocate for legislation to keep Arizona in the top tier of states to host data centers. “And we are gratified that our dedication of time and resources has helped to produce legislation that will meet the unique needs of the data center industry as well as the economic development needs of the state of Arizona.” Some of the other Coalition members included eBay, IO, Microsoft, CyrusOne, the Greater Phoenix Economic Council, the Arizona Technology Council, CBRE, Grand Canyon State Electric Cooperative, JonesLang-LaSalle, NextFort Ventures Chandler LLC, SRP, and Tucson Electric Power. With the leadership of the Coalition and the special legislative passage of the set of targeted and significant tax framework changes for Data Center (DC) owners, operators, and tenants, the path ahead for this booming technology industry continues to look bright in Arizona.
The data center has evolved over the past 20 years from primarily company specific and internally held data processing units, to now integral components; the organs in an inexorable surge of greater and greater information creation and dissemination. This onslaught of data — which, according to a recent International Data Corporation (ICD) estimate is “doubling every two years” — has become the new Moore’s law of technology innovation. This torrent of data from the interconnected devices across individuals, companies, and organizations must be stored. Enter the data center. Companies now have options for their data storage: Servers at their existing locations; Development of their own enterprise data center; Or outsource that service to a multitenant data center, known in the industry jargon as colocation. A firm looking to a colocation data center understands the cost
AB | September-October 2013立 19
of housing their technology, and derives economic value from the off-site service. The DC owner is responsible for the security of the premises, as well as the constant upgrading and maintenance of the equipment. With technological obsolescence running on ever truncated schedules, now two through five years, the data center is an ever evolving technology in and of itself. Additionally, according to the Arizona Data Center Coalition (ADDC), the enormous initial capital expenditures for construction of a data center facility is approximately $115 million to $165 million for a 100,000-square-foot building, land, and data center equipment. These figures make the financial decisions for organizations a critical aspect of analysis.
ensured that, “Arizona will remain in the top tier of states that host data centers,” according to ADCC. The specifics of the legislation include incentives, benefits, exemptions and transaction and usage taxes that will enhance the Arizona environment and make it a more attractive location to do business. Beyond these new competitive additions, there are key tenets of Arizona’s prominence in data center location, with power as a primary item. Data centers consume a great deal of energy, so cost is critical. The firm Data Center Colocation indicates, “the national average cost for commercial power is 10.07 cents per kilowatt hour. In California, the cost of power is 12.25 cents per kilowatt hour.
The business of data
Data centers are a worldwide dynamic business. The ADCC’s market projections suggest that by 2020, there will be $50 billion spent on data center construction in the United States and $218 billion in global data center construction. This growth curve will likely only accelerate as technological innovation surges and companies require different accommodations for their data storage needs. To this end, there are competing data center models: The large scale enterprise model; The colocation model of the multitenant; And new company specific modular units built on a company’s site, or manufactured and then delivered to the organizational locale. In Arizona, names such as IO, Digital Realty, CyrusOne, and Phoenix Nap interact and compete for business across these various platforms, with each providing a unique specialization.
The power of Arizona
With the projections on data center growth extremely bullish and Arizona an existing hotbed for data center locations, the question becomes how did Arizona get here and can it continue to attract new data centers? The data center legislation passage 20 AB | September-October 2013
One of the more interesting reasons for location in Arizona is the lack of natural disasters, which reduce the redundancy costs of data storage, as well as provide a stable environment for building construction and operation.
In Arizona, it can range from 5.5 cents to 8.65 cents per kilowatt hour. Low cost power is critical to a data center and Arizona provides price competitiveness and source stability. A second critical factor is infrastructure, for which Arizona is extremely competitive with fiber connectivity, power distribution, hard and soft utility access, and available land for construction. Link infrastructure with proximity of transportation to other major cities — Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Silicon Valley — and again Arizona excels. One of the more interesting reasons for location in Arizona is the lack of natural disasters, which reduce the redundancy costs of data storage, as well as provide a stable environment for building construction and operation. Lastly, Arizona provides a talented and skilled
high-tech labor force which data centers need for operation.
Economic impact
Growth and jobs are the buzzwords for economic impact, and in this regard data centers provide great bang for the buck. From a report issued by the ADCC, construction of a $115 million facility creates 75 permanent jobs and 92 indirect jobs. It also creates 393 direct construction jobs and 365 indirect construction jobs. Salaries from these jobs also are also projected to be more than $45 million. In terms of growth, data centers provide a foundation into the sphere of long-run industries in technology that can push the economic engine of collaboration and innovation forward. Arizona benefits from these types of dynamic and growing companies. “As a founding member of the Arizona Data Center Coalition and the owner of what will be the largest multi-tenant data center in Arizona, we’re excited to offer large enterprise and web-scale companies an opportunity to benefit from sales tax exemptions on new data center investment,” said Stuart Levinsky, western region general manager for CyrusOne. “Arizona was already a prime location for a data center, given its low rate of natural hazards and its businessfriendly environment. Now, these new tax incentives provide a unique advantage to Arizona since most states don’t provide them to customers. We estimate that large enterprises or web-scale companies taking 5 megawatts could now expect to save roughly $30 million or more over a 10-year period when including power savings.” One of the exciting concepts of technology and information is its ability to transform the economic and social landscape. The cycle of change produces gales which create new industries, businesses, products, and services. The data center arena is already a key actor in data mining and data analytics. There is no telling where the information space will engender future growth. “Arizona is open for your business, your investment and your jobs,” Brewer said after signing the data center legislation. “We welcome you.”
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AB | September-October 2013Ω 21
Felons need not apply? A guide to the best practices to follow when it comes to doing background checks on potential employees
any employers are surprised to learn that they should not automatically exclude an applicant based on a felony criminal record. Doesn’t an employer have a duty to protect other employees and customers? Employers do have an obligation to properly screen employees, but they should ensure that the screening does not run afoul of anti-discrimination laws. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act does not protect individuals with criminal records per se, but rather prohibits policies that discriminate against applicants or employees based on race, either intentionally or in practice. In June of this year, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed lawsuits against BMW and Dollar General Corp. over their use of criminal 22 AB | September-October 2013
background checks to screen out job applicants or fire employees. In these cases, the EEOC claims that the practice of automatic disqualification discriminates against AfricanTracy A. Miller Workplace Law Americans, who have higher arrest and conviction rates than whites.
EEOC Guidance
While EEOC Guidance is not the law, it provides the EEOC’s view on the law and thus informs cautious employers of EEOC’s enforcement position. According to the EEOC’s April 2012 Guidance on arrest and conviction records, Title VII race and/or national origin discrimination
may occur in two situations: When employers treat criminal history differently for different applicants/ employees, based on their race or national origin (disparate treatment). When an employer’s neutral background check policy or practice disproportionately impacts protected individuals (disparate impact), unless the policy is job-related and consistent with business necessity. A targeted screening process is the most common way an employer may establish that the background check is “job related and consistent with business necessity” — i.e., satisfy the “business necessity” affirmative defense — and, therefore, defend against an EEOC finding of disparate impact. The Guidance suggests that employers should use the targeted screening process to determine whether they may rely on the criminal background check information in taking adverse employment action.
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Developing a process
A targeted screening process should take into account the following factors: The nature and gravity of the offense or conduct; The time that has passed since the offense, conduct, and/or completion of the sentence; and The nature of the job held or sought. In its Guidance, the Commission repeats its long-held position that an arrest, by itself, is never job-related and consistent with business necessity because an arrest does not establish that criminal conduct has occurred, individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty, and many arrests do not result in convictions. The Guidance makes no distinction between pending/current arrests and arrests that did not result in convictions, although employers often do. The Guidance provides, however, that an employer may make an employment decision based on the conduct underlying the arrest if the conduct makes the individual unfit for the position in question.
Best practices
In order to avoid EEOC charges and lawsuits related to criminal background checks, employers should follow these best practices: Eliminate policies or practices that automatically exclude people from employment based on any criminal record. Develop a narrowly tailored written
policy for criminal background screening, wherein you identify essential job requirements, determine the specific offenses that may demonstrate unfitness for performing such jobs, determine the duration of exclusions for criminal conduct, record the justification for the policy, and note and keep a record of consultations and research. When asking questions about criminal records, limit inquiries to records for which exclusion would be job-related for the position in question and consistent with business necessity. Consider eliminating questions regarding criminal records from the employment application. The question can be asked later in the process when you have more information on the candidate. This also limits the number of targeted screening that must be performed. The background check consent form should be separate from other documents (e.g., employment application). It should describe the various types of background check information being requested and/or reviewed – e.g., criminal, credit, etc. Keep information about applicants’ and employees’ criminal records confidential, and only use it for the purpose for which it was intended. Do not use arrest information that did not result in a conviction. Pending arrests should be considered only if the employer has independent knowledge of the underlying facts.
Comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act when the records are obtained through a consumer reporting agency. Perform an individualized assessment of criminal background information before using it to exclude a candidate or an employee. Factors to consider are: Individual’s showing that he/she was not correctly identified in the criminal record; The facts or circumstances surrounding the offense or conduct; The number of offenses for which the individual was convicted; Older age at the time of conviction, or release from prison; Evidence that the individual performed the same type of work, postconviction, with the same or a different employer, with no known incidents of criminal conduct; The length and consistency of employment history before and after the offense or conduct; Rehabilitation efforts, e.g., education/ training; Employment or character references and any other information regarding fitness for the particular position; and Whether the individual is bonded under a federal, state, or local bonding program. Tracy A. Miller is shareholder with Ogletree Deakins in Phoenix. She represents management in all facets of labor and employment law and civil rights.
of all job applications contain inaccurate information1
The average costs of a bad hire may equal
16% 10%
of all background checks have at least one serious flag2
Workplace violence accounts for
18% of all violent crime
of IT sabotage cases are caused by employees with criminal records6
of the first years potential earnings5 1. Society of Human Resource Management, 2. Proforma Screening Solutions data, 3. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 4. Business Week, 5. U.S. Department of Labor, 6. HRTechNews.com, 7. Fortune, 8. American Management Association and US Chamber of Commerce
24 AB | September-October 2013
employers have lost more than
79% of negligent hiring cases7
of executive resumes contain false acedemic claims or omissions4
30% of all business
failures are caused by employee theft 8
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AB | September-October 2013Ί 25
Worried about retirement? Financial planning experts offer advice that will help you outlive your savings
or about half of us, things are pretty good. According to a recent Wells Fargo study, more than half of the residents of Phoenix — 53 percent — consider themselves financially comfortable and 49 percent believe they are better off than they were three years ago. Despite this sense of financial comfort and confidence in the present, the future isn’t quite so rosy. Saving enough for retirement remains a challenge for roughly half of all residents statewide. More than half of Americans are worried that they won’t be able to support themselves in retirement, and nearly three in five Arizona residents have placed a higher priority on reducing debt rather than saving for retirement. “Many people we encounter do not have a sense of comfort about a lot of things, not just money,” said Dan Twogood, partner at Nelson Financial Services. “Government debt has people nervous about future social security benefits, companies need to be lean and mean to make a profit and compete internationally,
Dan Twogood
John A. Cross
26 AB | September-October 2013
jobs are very competitive, and medical advances allow people to live longer lives in retirement, and that requires planning. All that adds to a general uneasiness and have many Americans questioning ‘Will I or do I have enough, so I do not outlive my assets?’”
Common mistakes
So how do people know if they are saving enough for retirement? “There isn’t a one-size-fits all approach for everyone,” said Jason Miller, CFP, director of financial planning for BMO Private Bank. “It depends on their age, income and financial goals. As a general rule, it’s often recommended people save 10 percent of their annual income. However, many people need to save more than that in order to reach their retirement and lifestyle goals.” John A. Cross, first vice president and wealth management advisor at Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, said that while many Americans are aware that it’s important to save and accumulate assets in preparation for retirement, they are still making major mistakes in regards to their savings for retirement. The six biggest
Jason Miller
Rick Robinson
Ryan Kidd
mistakes Cross sees include the following: Waiting too late in life to start their savings program. This tends to be those individuals that are just entering the work force believing that they can always start saving next year, but don’t. They lose the next 30 years of compounding returns on the “lost” contributions. Playing it safe. A natural reaction to market turbulence is to play it safe by investing all or nearly all of a retirement portfolio in conservative investments such as investment grade bonds or highly liquid, lower risk investments, and forgetting to rebalance their portfolio’s as the markets improve. Not having a retirement savings/ accumulation plan. It is never too early to seek sound retirement planning advice and guidance to help improve retirement outcomes. A one-on-one discussion with a financial professional and the creation of a plan can offer a heightened sense of well being. Under utilizing employer-provided retirement savings plans. Matching contributions is a significant component to the overall accumulation plan. A recent Bank of America Merrill Lynch 2013
Charles Stewart
Brent M. Carman
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AB | September-October 2013Ω 27
Workplace Benefits Report found that the majority of people surveyed (71 percent) believe their workplace retirement savings plan will be their largest or second-largest source of retirement income, followed by Social Security (43 percent) and other savings and investments (38 percent). This same research found that 84 percent of respondents said their employer provides some form of 401(k) match, and nearly four out of five plan participants contributed at least enough last year to meet the match – among pre-retirees this increases to 90 percent. Failing to plan for income taxes. Income taxes are one of the major obstacles to ensuring lifetime income. An unknown factor is what will likely happen with income tax rates in the coming years. Investors often forget that retirement plan withdrawals are subject to income taxes thus reducing the accumulated value available for retirement spending. Not considering longevity. Americans are living longer; however, most plan to get to their retirement date, rather than investing and accumulating enough to last through their retirement.
Starting early
Financial experts agree that the biggest mistake people make in regards to saving for retirement is not starting early enough. “One of the key ingredients to retirement planning is time,” Twogood said. “The earlier you can start, the better off you will be in the long run.” While experts admit that it’s painful to the pocketbook to start saving for retirement today, they promise you it will hurt much more if you wait. “For example, a 30-year-old who saves $500 per month and earns a 6 percent after-tax annual return will have $712,355.15 at age 65,” Miller said. “Over that time period they would have invested a total of $210,000. If that same person waits until they are 40 — when it is easier — to begin saving, they would have to save $1,027.94 per month at the same rate of return to end up with the same amount of money at age 65. What’s more, they would have invested a total of $308,381.54. So, by delaying saving for 10 years, this person would have to save more than twice as much per month to end up with the same amount of money.” 28 AB | September-October 2013
EXPERTS’ BEST RETIREMENT SAVINGS TIPS Brent M. Carman, wealth advisor, Raymond James Financial Services: Seek professional help. There are many advisors who will provide clients with a financial plan for free or for a nominal cost. Have a financial plan run for you by a professional so you fully understand where you are today in reference to your goals — this can be surprising. Ryan Kidd, vice president, AXA Advisors Southwest: Most 401(k)’s allow you to set them so that your contribution percentage automatically increases by a small percentage each year. This helps an investor to gradually increase what they are saving without feeling it as much because it is so gradual. It is a lot easier to save the money if it never reaches your checking account. Jason Miller, CFP, director of financial planning for BMO Private Bank: Create a budget and stick to it – no, this is not fun or glamorous, but it is crucial. If you don’t know where your money is going, it’s very difficult to make changes. Sometimes seeing on paper what you are actually spending is eye opening. The budgeting process will help you become more disciplined about your spending and more confident financially. Going through the budgeting process will also help you identify wasteful spending and find room for saving. Charles Stewart, vice president, Mutual of Omaha Bank Wealth Management Group: Treat your retirement savings as though it was just another expense that needs to be paid. Don’t depend on family inheritance. If you are left anything by parents and family consider it a bonus. Dan Twogood, partner, Nelson Financial Services: Take advantage of your company retirement plan at work. If you aren’t enrolled in the plan or don’t save a decent percentage of each paycheck, you may be missing company match dollars that can be significant to your retirement health.
According to the Bank of America Merrill Lynch study, 53 percent of preretirees believed that they would be able to accumulate more than $500,000 before they retire. However, this percentage paled in comparison with the 77 percent of early starters who were confident in their ability to save that amount or more. “Many employers retain financial professionals to provide advice to individual employees,” Cook said. “A beginning investor should seek advice from an experienced financial advisor who can help them design a long term investment plan. A 30-year-old is in control of their retirement destiny. They should review their portfolio and actively manage it in accordance with the retirement plan that they and a financial professional design.”
What if you wait?
Even if you’ve put off saving for retirement and are nearing panic mode, financial experts said you should still establish a concrete goal as to the age you want to be financially independent, and you should establish a regular saving and investing plan geared toward making that goal a reality. “My advice for a 50-year-old would be very similar to my advice for a 30-yearold,” said Rick Robinson, chief investment officer at Wells Fargo Bank. “First, get a financial plan in order to fully understand what is needed to retire comfortably. The plan should include paying down all debt prior to retiring. Additionally, the plan will include the social security payments the individual will receive in order to calculate income during retirement.” In addition to maximizing his or her 401(k) contribution, Robinson also recommends that those who have waited to start saving for retirement also take advantage of the “catch up” of an additional $5,000 in pre-tax savings for 401(k) plans for those over 50. “As hard as it is, a financial plan will also enable a 50-year-old to see the impact of helping out their children, if they have any,” Robinson said. “Oftentimes, money lent is never repaid or is forgiven. Although it is easy to understand the situations, these sums of money could significantly change an individual’s retirement picture.”
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AB | September-October 2013Ω 29
An image is worth 1,000 words Leveraging the power of visual storytelling tools can boost your business
ccording to the old adage, a picture is worth 1,000 words. But what about a six-second video? Or an impeccably curated pinboard? A host of new photo and video-sharing platforms—and the evolving universe of digital devices that enable them—are opening up new opportunities for marketers to engage consumers. But like many forms of “new media” before them, apps like Instagram, Pinterest and Vine (Twitter’s six-second video app) demand that brands embrace new forms of communicating. 30 AB | September-October 2013
Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are now pillars of every brand’s social footprint, but it wasn’t so long ago that likes, shares, user-generated video and 140-character status updates Kristin Bloomquist were new to the Marketing brand lexicon. Now more than ever, the challenge for brands is to become fluent in the language of visual storytelling—from infographics to photography to short, simple videos. Since its launch in January, Vine has attracted marketers such as GE, Target, Oreo and Marvel Entertainment (with the world’s first movie “teaser”), who are anxious to gain access to the app’s steadily growing base of 13 million users who share 12 million videos a day. Not to be outdone, Facebook launched video capabilities on Instagram in June. Users can create and edit 15-second video clips, personalize them with the filters the app is famous for and then post to Instagram and Facebook. Putting this kind of functionality in the hands of
Instagram’s 130 million users will only ignite interest in this kind of short-form video. But creating compelling content within this kind of time constraint can be challenging, to say the least. So how do marketers make the most of these tools? First, Be an Observer: Look (and listen) before you leap. How are other businesses in your category using the space? Are users already posting about your brand? What are the platform’s unique traits and tools? Vine and Instagram video in particular are still in their infancy. First movers may have the advantage, but if their approaches aren’t right for the brand or venue (see next point), they’ll do more harm than good. So first do your research. Make It Contextual: These platforms demand a regular stream of engaging content—but make sure your approach is a strategic fit and appropriate for both your brand and the venue(s). Our work for Johnsonville offers a prime example, where we leverage each platform based on what it does best, all working in concert and with a common brand strategy – from the “Share Your #Bratshot” promotion on Instagram to daily Bratfirmations on Pinterest offering grilling quotes, wisdom and humor. Make It Useful: Don’t just show up to the party – offer guests something of interest or value. Remember: these platforms attract a sought-after, tech-savvy audience that often shun more “traditional,” disruptive forms of marketing. Time spent curating an inspiration board on Pinterest, for instance, is “me” time—not “please bombard me with your brand message” time. Lowe’s strikes the right balance with its helpful how-to vignettes on Vine. As revolutionary as they seem, these tools are just the tip of the iceberg. In this attention- starved, mobile-first world, marketers will have to become master visual storytellers and more, as new tools and technologies continually redefine how brands connect and communicate with consumers. Kristin Bloomquist is executive vice president and general manager of the Phoenix office of independent marketing and communications agency Cramer-Krasselt.
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Kids Are on The House
San Diego Kids Free Month offers special family fun
rizona residents flock to San Diego in the summer to escape the relentlessly dry heat. But have Arizona families ever considered experiencing the coastal city’s plethora of family adventures in the fall? With almost guaranteed perfect weather, weeks of endless fun and entertainment and special family discounts, families can celebrate the season with the second annual Kids Free San Diego month in October. “San Diego is a world-class destination for family travel,” says a representative at the San Diego Tourism Authority (SDTA). “The area offers something for everyone, including museums and cultural destinations, family-friendly eateries and beach activities like whale watching and surfing. The first Kids Free San Diego in 2012 was a tremendous success. Our area attractions, like the San Diego Zoo and SeaWorld San Diego, reported a 10 percent increase in visitors from out of town.” 32 AB | September-October 2013
Az Business caught up with members of the SDTA to find out what families can expect to see, do, eat and save as Kids Free San Diego returns for an encore in 2013. AB: What can Arizona families expect this year? SDTA: Kids ages 10-13 will have the experience of a lifetime at SeaWorld – one child participates for free in the park’s dolphin and beluga whale interaction programs with a paid adult interaction. Every member of the family will enjoy exploring the famous San Diego Zoo and the 16 museums of Balboa Park, including the San Diego Air & Space Museum, San Diego Natural History Museum, San Diego Automotive Museum and many more. AB: Any ocean-related events and activities available to children and their families? SDTA: There are a lot of great options to get out on the water during Kids Free San Diego. Families can cruise around scenic Mission Bay aboard a turn-of-thecentury sternwheeler (one child rides for free with a paid adult). Both Flagship Cruises & Events and Hornblower Cruises & Events are offering free tours of San Diego Bay for kids with paid adult admission. Older kids even have the chance to learn to surf alongside mom or dad with a free kid’s lesson from Surf Diva at La Jolla Shores. AB: What are area hotels doing this year to welcome children and families? SDTA: Kids can eat for free at 40 San Diego area hotels during Kids Free San Diego. Many hotels are also offering free
San Diego Zoo: The zoo in Balboa Park houses more than 3,700 animals and is also one of the few zoos in the world that is home to the giant panda. Haunted Trail of Terror in Balboa Park, San Diego’s all outdoor haunted attraction, runs Sept. 27-Nov. 2. sandiegozoo.org. Seaport Village: The waterfront shopping and dining complex houses more than 70 shops, galleries, and restaurants in an assortment of architectural styles, from Victorian to traditional Mexican. seaportvillage.com LEGOLAND: The 100-acre theme park features more than 50 rides, shows and attractions. Brick-or-Treat at LEGOLAND in Carlsbad takes place on Saturdays and Sundays in October. legoland.com Gaslamp Quarters: If you are visiting San Diego and want time away from the kids, you would be remiss if you did not wander the Gaslamp Quarter for the the most amazing nightlife, eating, and drinking the city has to offer. gaslamp.org SeaWorld: The park features shows such as One Ocean, the Shamu show and Sea Lions Live, a comedic show with sea lions and otters. The Halloween Spooktacular at SeaWorld runs on Saturdays and Sundays from Sept. 21– Oct. 27. seaworldparks.com
welcome amenities just for kids. Little ones, for instance, can get a special milk and cookie delivery at the Tower23 Hotel in Pacific Beach. AB: Can AZ families take advantage of any travel discounts? SDTA: Kids can ride for free about the Old Town Trolley Tour. In addition to offering a great sightseeing tour of San Diego, the Old Town Trolley Tour is a convenient way to get from place to place during the day, with on-and-off privileges at stops around downtown, Balboa Park, Coronado and many more points of interest.
Just like Grandma used to make
EVO takes traditional Italian comfort food and gives it a modern twist
ere’s the thing about me and Italian restaurants: I don’t usually patronize them. It’s not because I don’t like Italian food. I live on Italian food. Leftover lasagna is a staple breakfast food for me after a morning workout. But I don’t eat at Italian restaurants because nothing usually compares with the deliciousness created by my grandparents, who were right off the boat from Poviglio, Italy and made meals into occasions instead of obligations. I am happy to report that Grandma Gossie would have loved EVO Scottsdale. As soon as you walk into EVO, you know it’s going to be a different kind of Italian dining experience. The restaurant has a sophisticated hipster vibe — exposed brick, clean lines, hanging candles from the ceiling, the perfect distance between the tables — and is separated from the ultra-cool bar area. Want to know how cool the bar is? EVO offers a half-dozen wines on tap. And EVO’s signature cocktails — my favorite is the BB&T, made with Smirnoff blueberry vodka, blueberries, basil, lime and tonic — are some of the 34 AB | September-October 2013
Valley’s most amazing mixed drinks. It doesn’t get much cooler than that. As for the menu, EVO features Italian comfort food dishes with a twist. Appetizers feature house-made mouthwatering meatballs, bruschetta with beef tenderloin and asparagus, and charcuterie — a collection of cured meats, artisan cheeses and fresh fruit. Main courses include pappardelle Bolognese, mushroom risotto, shrimp taliatelle, and scallops with polenta and sausage. And you cannot forget the pizza. Definitely don’t forget the pizza. During our visit there, we started with the polpettina (meatballs) and charcuterie, along with the EVO and Caprese salads. All four were excellent choices to start the meal, but one stood out.
“Do you know what it’s like when you put a big wad of cotton candy into your mouth and it melts?” asked one of the diners at our table. “That’s what it’s like when you take a bite of the EVO salad (brussel sprouts, kale, bosc pear, chévre, pancetta, balsamic and pine nuts).” That pretty much defines all of EVO’s dishes. The main courses were just as mouth-watering. We chose the pappardelle Bolognese, mushroom risotto, pepperoni pizza and bistecca, which is a New York strip with gorgonzola, black truffle, rosemary red Potatoes and brussels sprouts with a port reduction. Again, all four were excellent, but EVO’s pizza is packed with flavor and boasts an incredible crust, and as someone who grew up eating nothing but homemade pasta, the pappardelle was exquisite in every way — from texture to thickness to taste. Although we barely had room in our bellies, the chocolate torte and zeppolini are must-try items from the dessert menu. Everything about EVO — the friendly and knowledgeable staff, the warm and welcoming atmosphere, the vibrant flavors that distinguish each dish — reminds me of the hours-long events at my grandparents’ home that became cherished memories instead of simply meals. For an Italian, a restaurant cannot get better than that. EVO Scottsdale 4175 N. Goldwater Blvd. Scottsdale (480) 265-9814 EVOscottsdale.com
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AB | September-October 2013 35
3:33 P
The ABC's of job security Educators offer advice to executives about how to increase their workplace value
espite signs of what most people view as a recovering economy, more than half of Arizona’s workforce stresses over job security. A recent University of Phoenix survey revealed that 61 percent of working adults worry about losing their jobs in the current economic climate and 20 percent anguish over it at least once a week. “In a challenging economic environment, workers should be doing more to position themselves as leaders in their organizations, but the survey finds that many are holding back at work, and this can have a negative effect on performance and productivity,” said Dr. Sam Sanders, college chair for University of Phoenix School of Business and a former human resources executive with more than 20 years of hiring and employee relations experience. “Those who understand the big picture and how their own skill sets 36 AB | September-October 2013
help their companies achieve goals should have more confidence and can have an advantage in the workplace.” To separate themselves from others and to create more job security, many executives are strengthening their skill sets through education. “The trend in executive education is for shorter duration programs than those that preceded the recession, with emphases on acquiring skills that lead to promotions or career advancement and new market opportunities,” said Dr. Kevin McClean, interim dean, Ken Blanchard College of Business at Grand Canyon University. “Another key ingredient is the opportunity to network. These objectives are not really different from those that motivated people to pursue executive education in the past.”
Executive trends
Some of the shifts that educators are incorporating into graduate business programs include more emphasis on
leading in turbulent times, developing organizational talent, innovation and creativity, and flexible, participative strategic planning. “Executives are being asked to take on more responsibility and act more holistic in understanding the interdependencies of people and functions in organizations,” said Dr. Kirk Wessel, dean of Angell Snyder School of Business at Ottawa University. “This is being reflected in curricula.” Educators are also being asked to help prepare executives and business students to deal with increasingly more complex business issues. “For example, rather than teaching executives innovation or risk, we are talking about ‘risk-bound innovation,’” said Dennis Baltzley, Ph.D., senior vice president of executive education at Thunderbird School of Global Management. “Leaders want to know how to create an environment of innovation, while creating a ‘boundary’ of risk management. We must innovate, but more than ever, a bad
“In a challenging economic environment, workers should be doing more to position themselves as leaders in their organizations, but the survey finds that many are holding back at work, and this can have a negative effect on performance and productivity. decision can be fatal.” Baltzley said Thunderbird is also seeing a dramatic interest in global leadership. "Our customers want to know how to lead effectively across borders, cultures, different business models and philosophies,” Baltzley said. “Since 2008, growth has been slow in the U.S. and other mature markets. This led many businesses to leap into emerging markets with the promise of double digit growth whether they were ready or not, and most were not as ready as they would have liked.” Paul Melendez, assistant dean of executive education at the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona,
Dr. Sam Sanders
Dr. Kevin McClean
said he is seeing four specific trends: Customization: Executive education is becoming much more tailored to specific organizations, with programs, content, and learning customized to the unique needs of the organization. While many business schools still offer one- or two-week open-enrollment programs, organizations are finding it more beneficial to develop a program that is tailored to their executives. Consulting: The natural extension of customized programs is a consulting model where education and problemsolving are combined into a program. “We have helped organizations develop their culture, strategically plan, and develop a wide variety of business improvement plans through programs that also provide education for leaders,” Melendez said.
Strategic partnerships: Eller Executive Education has developed strategic partnerships with Miraval and Canyon Ranch to offer programs that join cutting-edge leadership and management principles and with world-class health and wellness programs which they have dubbed “integrative leadership.” Privatization: A year ago the university spun Eller Executive Education out of the UA to allow greater operating flexibility. “As a result, we are now providing many more custom programs for private, governmental, and non-profit organizations,” Melendez said. “We have seen a number of other state business
Dr. Kirk Wessel
Dennis Baltzley
Paul Melendez
schools also privatizing their executive education organizations.”
Increasing your stock
without a plan and the same should be true about your career. If you are not setting goals, measuring progress and making sure your knowledge stays current and relevant, your personal brand — like that of a company’s — can become stagnant.” So what programs are out there for executives to utilize to strengthen their brand? University of Phoenix: Within the MBA programs, concentrations allow executives to grow specific skills. It is common for executives or business owners to have specific knowledge about an industry or certain aspects of business management, but skills
Michael Bevis, director of academic affairs at University of Phoenix, said more executives have started to approach their careers in the same way they approach business management by focusing on building their personal brands. “When you think about a company brand, it isn’t just about what you are communicating, but how that brand addresses the needs of the intended audience,” Bevis said. “One of the things I work on with executives and other business students at University of Phoenix, is developing a personal business plan that starts with the personal mission statement. You wouldn’t run a business
Michael Bevis
Amy Hillman
or knowledge gaps in other areas. Concentrations can help professionals hone certain skills, such as people management, finance or marketing. Thunderbird School of Global Management: Thunderbird offers a range of options from its short programs — less than a week — to its more in-depth MBA offerings. “We have a Global MBA Online that allows you to learn global business from anywhere in the world and an Executive MBA that’s on-campus, but provides a schedule suited to the working professional. “ Baltzley said. “We also offer online certificate programs which are designed specifically for working professionals looking to improve their marketability and gain a leading edge over their competition. W. P. Carey School of Business at AB | September-October 2013Ω 37
Arizona State University: “Our executiveeducation programs, such as our leadership development workshops and our certificate programs in real estate, supply chain management, and service excellence, can give executives deeper skills and expose them to new ideas,” said Amy Hillman, dean of the W. P. Carey School of Business. “However, if they want to move into leadership roles beyond their current functional areas, then the MBA is the best option, though short non-degree courses that develop leadership skills are also helpful.” Eller College of Management: Eller Executive Education offers a variety of week-long programs and year-long programs for leaders of different types of organizations. “We are also launching a program in early 2014 that is specifically oriented toward CEOs of mid-sized to large companies,” Melendez said. DeVry University: Keller Graduate School of Management offers seven specialized master’s degree programs and 13 graduate certificate programs. Ken Blanchard College of Business: GCU offers very practical programs that include a master’s in leadership, a masters in accounting, and a masters in public administration. Angell Snyder School of Business: Case teaching methodologies teach executives to think critically about all internal and external factors that come into play in developing effective organizational strategies, irrespective of the industry.
Moving forward
The most important message that educators have for executives who may be worried about maintaining their position in the current economic climate is to stay current on trends in your industry, keep your brand current by understanding how your skills and experience fit into the big picture of an organization. “This past year, we were asked repeatedly how to be effective in managing a diverse, multicultural, and geographically dispersed workforce, and how to stay relevant in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world,” Baltzley said. “Without question the term ‘VUCA’ has come of age and has several implications for executives who want to remain relevant today.” To stay in the game, Baltzley has three pieces of advice for executives: 38 AB | September-October 2013
Get your head into what it means to think globally. If you think your company is domestic and American, and it will never go global, you are wrong, global is coming to you. In fact, global is probably already there, in the form of complex supply chain issues or direct competitors, so you better get prepared. A term coined in the late 1970’s is important here – “Permanent Whitewater” – That is, if you think the whitewater is going to slow down, or that a calm patch is
just around the corner, you are mistaken. You have to prepare yourself for leading in constant change in scale and speed. Check your personal leadership style. Are you able to influence people very different than yourself? Do you enjoy variety, the unknown, surprises? Is your self-confidence and personal energy level pretty high? Do you like to test yourself, take some risks? If you can’t answer “yes” to most of these, you have some work to do to become a more adaptive leader.
EXECUTIVE EDUCATION Here are the colleges and universities in Arizona that offer post-graduate programs: Argosy University
602-216-3118 argosy.edu Number of campuses: 1 Online classes: Yes Highest degree offered: Doctorate Leadership: Norma Patterson, vice president of academic affairs
Arizona State University
480-965-7788 asu.edu Number of campuses: 4 Online classes: Yes Highest degree offered: Doctorate Leadership: Michael Crow, president
A.T. Still University
480-219-6000 atsu.edu Number of campuses: 1 Online classes: Yes Highest degree offered: Doctorate Leadership: Craig M. Phelps, president
DeVry University
602-870-9222 devry.edu Number of campuses: 4 Online classes: Yes Highest degree offered: Master’s Leadership: Craig Jacobs, president
Grand Canyon University 800-800-9776 my.gcu.edu Number of campuses: 1 Online classes: Yes Highest degree offered: Doctorate Leadership: Brian Mueller, CEO
Midwestern University
623-572-3200 Midwestern.edu Number of campuses: 1 Online classes: No Highest degree offered: Doctorate Leadership: Kathleen Goeppinger, president and CEO
Northern Arizona University 928-523-9011 nau.edu Number of campuses: 34 Online classes: Yes Highest degree offered: Doctorate Leadership: John Haeger, president
Ottawa University
800-235-9586 Ottawa.edu Number of campuses: 3 Online classes: Yes Highest degree offered: Master’s Leadership: Dr. Kirk Wessel, dean of Angell Snyder School of Business
Thunderbird School of Global Management
602-978-7000 thunderbird.edu Number of campuses: 1 Online classes: Yes Highest degree offered: MBA Leadership: Larry Edward Penley, Ph.D., president
University of Arizona
520-621-1162 arizona.edu Number of campuses: 2 Online classes: Yes Highest degree offered: Doctorate Leadership: Ann Weaver Hart, president
University of Phoenix
480-557-2000 phoenix.edu Number of campuses: 5 Online classes: Yes Highest degree offered: Doctorate Leadership: William Pepicello, president
AB | September-October 2013立 39
Letting the secret out New dean at ASU’s W.P. Carey School of Business wants the world to know about her school
my Hillman, a renowned management professor and noted researcher, replaced Robert Mittelstaedt as dean of Arizona State University’s W.P. Carey School of Business in March and became the school’s first female dean. Az Business sat down with the leader of the W. P. Carey School, ranked in the top 30 among the best graduate business schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, to talk about her goals as dean and how her background as a researcher impacts her leadership. Az Business: What is your biggest challenge as dean of the W. P. Carey School of Business? Amy Hillman: Keeping the school nimble as an organization. Technology is playing a transformative role in higher education. The skills and expertise needed to succeed in an organization change as a result. We have to stay close to our corporate partners to make sure we stay on the leading edge of business education. AB: How has the transition from second in command to dean been so far? AH: Great. In the second-in-command position, I focused internally. We have amazing students, faculty and staff, and we work with some great partners within ASU, outside of the business school. Now, I also get to spend time with alumni, corporate partners and donors. In addition, I interact a lot more with other business-school deans. It’s a full circle. AB: What are the W. P. Carey School’s strengths? AH: We have hard-working students, dedicated staff, a supportive community, and a really desirable and unusual faculty 40 AB | September-October 2013
combination. It’s not that hard to find good teachers or good researchers, but our faculty members are both, and that’s much more difficult to achieve. They are world-class researchers on the cutting edge of new knowledge in their fields, as well as excellent teachers. Therefore, what they discover one day, they teach in class the next. Add to this, they care about the students’ success in school and future careers. We have a dynamite combination. That’s why we’re currently ranked Top 30 in the nation by U.S. News & World Report for all of our marquee programs — undergraduate business, full-time MBA, part-time MBA and online MBA. AB: What makes you an effective dean for the W. P. Carey School? AH: I love my work. I value relationships, but also performance. It also doesn’t hurt to be a management professor with realworld managerial experience. We have a lot of stakeholders to manage. AB: How has your background prepared you to educate the entrepreneurs and business leaders of the future? AH: In addition to my decades of work as a management professor and then executive dean, I also originally got my MBA because I needed skills to be a better manager in retail, before I ever went into academia. What I learned one night in my classes, I would apply the next day on the job. I also come from a family of entrepreneurs, so innovation and practicality loom large. I think this helps me stay focused on what we need to do to advance the practice of business. AB: What are your goals as dean of the W. P. Carey School of Business? AH: I’d like to build stronger — deeper and broader — corporate relations, increase lifelong value to our alumni, make our student experience a personal
Amy Hillman
one, and make working at the W. P. Carey School of Business rewarding and fun. I’d also like to make sure the W. P. Carey School is no longer a “best-kept secret.” More people need to know all we do and how well we do it. AB: What’s been the biggest change in education since you entered academia? AH: I’d say one of the biggest changes to education as a whole — not specifically to business education — is the questioning of the value of education. This is unimaginable in developing nations like China. I was recently there with our executive MBA students in Shanghai. One of our speakers at an event was Nobel Laureate Ed Prescott, a W. P. Carey School of Business faculty member. Young kids wanted to have their pictures taken with him for his intellectual achievement. Sadly, I see too many people here in the United States who believe education isn’t the main driver of economic achievement. AB: How has your background as a researcher impacted the way you educate the business leaders of the future? AH: As a researcher, I’m strongly influenced by data, not anecdotes. So let’s analyze what’s happening before we jump to conclusions based on our personal observations. That said, most business research questions are big, complex ones without “one right answer,” so we need to train our students to look for patterns among data, but at the same time to embrace uncertainty. Make the best decisions with incomplete information. That’s the real world.
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42 AB | September-October 2013
Az Business magazine and BestCompaniesAZ are honored to present the 40 companies who were chosen as 2013 winners of Arizona’s Most Admired Companies Awards.
ith nearly 300 nominations, being one of 40 winners shows that these companies truly represent the best in Arizona. When developing the Most Admired Companies program, the primary goal of Az Business magazine and BestCompaniesAZ was to recognize those companies that excel in five key areas:
Leadership excellence Social responsibility Customer opinion Workplace culture Innovation Micro company Fastest growing WOW factor
Learn about the Arizona company that has a “bat pole” to move from floor to floor, the innovative
firm that employs a “dream manager” who helps employees pursue and capture their dreams, and the company whose employee contributions have helped grant the wishes of 1,260 children through the the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Members of the selection committee who chose the MAC winners were Camille French, AmeriSource HR Consulting Group, LLC; Mary and Andrew Ostrander, O2CreativePR; Rose Stanley, CCP, CBP, WLCP, CEBS, WorldatWork; De Anne Russell, SPHR, Dignity Health; Michael Atkinson, CEO, AZ Big Media; and Michael Gossie, editor in chief, AZ Big Media. There is plenty to admire in Arizona’s business community. We are proud to recognize some of those companies with Most Admired Companies Awards.
AB | September-October 2013Ω 43
2 0 1 3
A survey showed 95 percent of students said they felt safe, that they 'belong' at Arizona Charter Academy and 92 percent said their teachers encouraged them. Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Headquarters: Minneapolis, MN Year established: 1991 Workplace breakdown: 20 percent female, 80 percent male Employees in Arizona: 55 Learn more: a-p.com
Reasons to admire them: A&P’s leadership is very employee consensus oriented and empowers their managers and other leaders to fully manage their projects successfully ... offers tuition reimbursement, leadership training and professional training for its employees ... fully stocked kitchen with free healthy food for employees for all meals of the day ... dogs and other pets allowed at the office and employees have the flexibility to bring children to work.
American Express
Headquarters: New York Year established: 1850 Workplace breakdown: 56 percent
female, 44 percent male
Employees in Arizona: 7,596 Learn more: americanexpress.com Reasons to admire them: Healthy
Living, the company’s wellness program has created a culture of wellness ... the Wellness Centers in Phoenix feature an on-site nurse practitioner, health coach and registered nurses ... offerings include marked walking paths, blood draws, mammography and prostate screenings, well woman exams, flu and allergy shots, emergency medical care, dental services, CPR training, and nutrition coaching. along with yoga, Zumba, tai chi, relaxation classes, free weights, Kinect, Wii fitness and discounted Weight Watchers.
Arizona Charter Academy
Headquarters: Surprise Year established: 2001 Workplace breakdown: 72 percent female, 28 percent male Employees in Arizona: 64 Learn more: azcharteracademy.com Reasons to admire them: In 2001, Melissa Holdaway, CEO,
Arizona Diamondbacks
Headquarters: Phoenix Year established: 1998 Workplace breakdown: 20 percent female, 80 percent male Employees in Arizona: 480 Learn more: arizona.diamondbacks.mlb.com Reasons to admire them: While success on the field and financial stability are utmost
priorities for the D-backs from a business perspective, the team emphasizes one other thing equally as much — strong corporate culture ... Yahoo! recently tabbed the D-backs as the “best workplace in sports” ... the organization features D-backs University, a comprehensive educational learning experience for employees to enhance their current abilities while also having a chance to learn additional skills for future career development.
44 AB | September-October 2013
left a corporate career to assist in starting Arizona Charter Academy and is passionate about being a voice for high poverty kids and creating positive change ... a survey showed 95 percent of students said they felt safe, that they “belong” at ACA and 92 percent said their teachers encouraged them ... diversity is celebrated through cultural diversity nights and events that allow all students to showcase their cultures.
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Casa Grande Regional Medical Center was recently named on a national level as a '100 Great Places to Work in Healthcare' by Becker’s hospital review. Barrett-Jackson Auction Company
Headquarters: Scottsdale Year established: 1971 Workplace breakdown: 25 percent female, 75 percent male Employees in Arizona: 50 Learn more: barrett-jackson.com Reasons to admire them: Barrett-Jackson works closely
with the City of Scottsdale and the Scottsdale CVB to help drive tourism to Arizona ... has cemented itself an altruistic powerhouse, having raised more than $55.3 million for local and national charities ... charities involving children, military personnel, medical research and community support took center stage at this year’s Scottsdale event, and a total of 22 vehicles were sold to benefit them.
Cancer Treatment Centers of America — Western Regional Medical Center Headquarters: Goodyear Year established: 2008
Workplace breakdown: 71 percent female, 29 percent male Employees in Arizona: 603 Learn more: cancercenter.com/western/ Reasons to admire them: As a cancer survivor, CTCAs’ CEO
Dr. Edgar Staren has a unique understanding of the concerns of cancer patients and can often be found discussing their treatments or simply lending a comforting ear ... CTCA is developing the nation’s first organic farm located on hospital grounds ... Western is leading the way for the CTCA five-hospital enterprise through the development of a new Clinical Trials Program...weights, Kinect, Wii fitness and discounted Weight Watchers.
Casa Grande Regional Medical Center
Headquarters: Casa Grande Year established: 1984 Workplace breakdown: 79 percent female, 21 percent male Employees in Arizona: 845 Learn more: casagrandehospital.com Reasons to admire them: CGRMC is the 11th hospital in the nation
to partner with Mayo Clinic in telemedicine, allowing them to bring the expert to the patient ... recently named on a national level as a “100 Great Places to Work in Healthcare” by Becker’s hospital review ... certified as a mature-friendly workplace by the state of Arizona since 2008, 59 percent of CGRMC’s workforce is older than 45.
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Clean Air Cab donates $1 per fare to nonprofits, giving about $100,000 back to the community.
Headquarters: Los Angeles Year established: 1952 Workplace breakdown: NA Employees in Arizona: 452 Learn more: cbre.com
Reasons to admire them: CBRE’s workplace culture stems from its RISE values—Respect, Integrity, Service and Excellence —which are the foundation upon which the company is built ... diversity and inclusion are woven into every aspect of CBRE’s business, including the company’s African-American Networking Group, Hispanic Networking Group, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Networking Group and Women’s Networking Group ... CBRE is the first commercial real estate services firm to achieve carbon neutrality in its own operations.
Charles Schwab
Headquarters: San Francisco Year established: 1977 Workplace breakdown: 39 percent female, 61 percent male Employees in Arizona: 3,200 Learn more: schwab.com Reasons to admire them: Provides paid time off for employees to volunteer ...
organizes a nationwide, week-long volunteer event called Schwab Volunteer Week, in which employees pitch in on service projects at nonprofits across the U.S. During Schwab Volunteer Week 2013, Schwab employees spent more than 12,000 hours in their communities ... Charles Schwab Foundation supports employee philanthropy by providing matching donations for employees’ charitable contributions, dollar for dollar, up to a maximum of $1,000 per year.
Clean Air Cab
Headquarters: Mesa Year established: 2009
Workplace breakdown: 50 percent female, 50 percent male Employees in Arizona: 25 Learn more: cleanaircab.com Reasons to admire them: Started during the recession
and has grown 400 percent … developed its business model around the triple P’s — People, Planet, and Profit in that order … constantly seeks innovative ways to use technology and social media to create consistency, convenience, and value for its customers … donates $1 per fare to nonprofits, giving about $100,000 back to the community and awarding four scholarships to students in ASU’s School of Sustainability and College of Technology and Innovation. 48 AB | September-October 2013
“With any endeavor in life, to have success, you have to own it.” Chuck Schwab Founder and Chairman, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
I’ve always thought the best part about this country is that we get to create our own futures. We have the opportunity to make a life, not just live one. I’ve been around long enough to recognize the successful people who are out there owning it. The ones who take control of their careers and get involved with their schools and their communities. They’re not sitting around as life unfolds. I started Schwab for people who want to take ownership of their investments like they do in every other aspect of their lives. If this sounds like you, we invite you to talk to us today.
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©2013 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC. (0613-4025) ADP74917 AB | September-October 2013Ω 49
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Clinical Research Advantage gives working parents paid time off to attend school functions or tend to other family needs.
Clinical Research Advantage,Inc. Headquarters: Tempe Year established: 1992
Workplace breakdown: 82 percent female, 18 percent male Employees in Arizona: 165 Learn more: crastudies.com Reasons to admire them: Over the past six years, healthcare
industry veterans Mark Hanley and David Bruggeman have grown CRA from a local network of six sites into the country’s largest integrated site network with 63 sites and more than 500 employees ... CRA gives working parents paid time off to attend school functions or tend to other family needs ... CRA analyzed patient data in January and received a 97 percent customer satisfaction rate.
DBSI, Inc.
Headquarters: Chandler Year established: 1998 Workplace breakdown: 28 percent female, 72 percent male Employees in Arizona: 82 Learn more: dbsi-inc.com Reasons to admire them: DBSI’s compounded annual growth rate
(CAGR) of 51 percent has held steady for the last three years ... DBSI created 32 new jobs in 2012 and 26 more so far in 2013 ... named one of Inc. Magazine’s “Fastest Growing Companies in America” ... shares profits with its employees ... company has a workplace golf simulator and a “bat pole” to get from floor to floor ... “Hug Fridays” finds the founder showing his appreciation by way of a hug.
Discover Financial Services Headquarters: Riverwoods, Ill. Year established: 1987
Workplace breakdown: 71 percent female, 29 percent male Employees in Arizona: 2,260 Learn more: discover.com Reasons to admire them: The highest ranking officers in Phoenix
meet monthly to establish and follow up on formal succession planning programs that consider someone’s potential to be promoted and determine their readiness ... in 2012, 170 Phoenix employees volunteered at more than 50 local nonprofit organizations, totaling approximately 2,600 volunteer hours ... rated No.1 for Customer Loyalty among credit cards according to the 2013 Brand Keys Engagement Index Report.
50 AB | September-October 2013
we are honored to be named one of
ARIZONA’S MOST ADMIRED COMPANIES Visit our family of brands at shutterflyinc.com
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Eighty-five percent of Dunn Transportation employees said they wouldn’t work anyplace else.
Dunn Transportation/
Ollie the Trolley
Headquarters: Tempe Year established: 1986 Workplace breakdown: 40 percent female,
60 percent male
Employees in Arizona: 60 Learn more: dunntransportation.com Reasons to admire them: Hire the best people.
Empower them to make decisions and take action. Have fun. Those elements are the cornerstones Dunn’s culture ... named the 2013 Outstanding Transit Organization by the Arizona Transit Association and the Arizona Department of Transportation for the joint development and operation of the fare-free Scottsdale Trolley system ... 85 percent of Dunn employees said they wouldn’t work anyplace else and 90 percent expressed satisfaction with their pay.
Echo Global Logistics
Headquarters: Chicago Year established: 2005 Workplace breakdown:
29 percent female, 71 percent male Employees in Arizona: 30 Learn more: echo.com Reasons to admire them: Echo likes to think of itself as a technology company that is really good at transportation management ... Echo was ranked 44th by Information Week among top technology innovators in the United States for its Flex TMS service offering ... Echo collected an impressive total of 45,742 items during its 4th Annual Food Drive ... Echo joined the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) SmartWay(SM) Transport Partnership, an initiative with the goal of environmentally cleaner, more fuel efficient transportation options.
Gilbane Building Company
Headquarters: Providence, R.I. Year established: 1873 Workplace breakdown: 17 percent female, 83 percent male Employees in Arizona: 51 Learn more: gilbaneco.com Reasons to admire them: Gilbane is a fifth-generation family-run
construction company ... developed an internal program, Gilbane University, for learning that helps its personnel gain the knowledge they need to serve their clients and progress on a clearly defined career path ... company executives have taken leadership roles in St Vincent DePaul, John C Lincoln Foundation, ACE Mentor Group, Valley of the Sun United Way and National Junior Disability Championships.
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Goodwill provided job training and employment placement services to 41,922 individuals, nearly quadruple the number served just five years ago. Goodwill of Central Arizona
Headquarters: Phoenix Year established: 1947 Workplace breakdown: 57 percent female, 43 percent male Employees in Arizona: 1,969 Learn more: goodwillaz.org Reasons to admire them: Since 2007, Goodwill has grown
from 38 retail locations to more than 50, and from eight career centers to 15 ... its long-term debt has decreased by more than 57 percent and total year-end revenue has increased from $59.6 million in 2007 to $104 million in 2012 ... in 2012, Goodwill provided job training and employment placement services to 41,922 individuals, nearly quadruple the number served just five years ago.
Homeowners Financial Group Headquarters: Scottsdale Year established: 2004 Workplace breakdown: 65 percent female,
35 percent male
Employees in Arizona: 148 Learn more: homeownersfg.com
Reasons to admire them: HFG’s most recent charitable endeavor has
been the development of their own foundation called the Homeowners Financial Care Fund (HFCF). HFG President Pat Lamb and CEO Bill Rogers created the foundation with the goal to support Arizona families who endure financial hardship while experiencing extended illness or injury of their children. The foundation provides mortgage, rent and housing expense relief, as well as related lifestyle resources during a child’s extended health crisis.
Hyatt Regency Phoenix
Headquarters: Chicago Year established: 1976 Workplace breakdown: 55 percent female, 45 percent male Employees in Arizona: 314 Learn more: phoenix.hyatt.com Reasons to admire them: General Manager Thomas Delaney conducts
group discussions called “Talk with Tom.” During these meetings, he communicates current information regarding the hotel. In addition, he encourages employees to share their opinions and feedback as to how the hotel and departments can be improved ... Executive Chef Dominic Vaccaro and his team participate in the “Chef to End Hunger” program in which excess prepared food that would normally go to waste is redistributed to local food agencies.
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Infusionsoft employs a ‘dream manager’ to help employees realize their dreams.
Headquarters: Chandler Year established: 2001
Workplace breakdown: 38.2 percent female, 61.8 percent male Employees in Arizona: 450 Learn more: infusionsoft.com Reasons to admire them: Co-founders Clate Mask and Scott
Martineau co-authored New York Times best-seller “Conquer the Chaos: How to Grow a Successful Small Business Without Going Crazy” to help struggling entrepreneurs ... has raised nearly $175,000 for micro-credit lending organizations that enable would-be entrepreneurs in emerging countries around the world ... has indoor bicycle parking, showering facilities and monthly cash drawings for those who participate as alternative mode users ... employs a “dream manager” to help employees realize their dreams.
Headquarters: Phoenix Year established: 1990 Workplace breakdown: 69 percent female, 31 percent male Employees in Arizona: 26 Learn more: keatsconnelly.com Reasons to admire them: KeatsConnelly is the largest cross-
border wealth management firm in North America that specializes in helping Canadians and Americans realize their dreams of a cross-border lifestyle ... offers their employees flexible schedules, the ability to telecommute and new parents can even bring their baby to work after returning from maternity/paternity leave ... has earned the Alfred P. Sloan Award for Business Excellence in Workplace Flexibility every year since 2008 ... increased revenues by more than 25 percent in 2011.
Headquarters: Phoenix Year established: 1950
Workplace breakdown: 28 percent female, 72 percent male Employees in Arizona: 300 Learn more: kitchell.com Reasons to admire them: Kitchell’s profit-sharing program, the
brainchild of founder Sam Kitchell, enables any employee to become vested in the company, contributing to longevity and loyalty ... its “Ideation Lab” is making a powerful impact in the area of construction technology ... Kitchell’s building modeling team created a dedicated program that is now part of the curriculum at ASU’s Del E. Webb School of Construction ... has a “New Ventures” committee that incubates ideas brought forth by employees.
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MostAdmiredCompanyAd_1/2page_v3.indd 1
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PCA Skin offers each employee a paid day off to volunteer at a charitable organization.
Laser Spine Institute
Headquarters: Tampa Year established: 2005 Workplace breakdown: 70 percent female, 30 percent male Employees in Arizona: 77 Learn more: laserspineinstitute.com Reasons to admire them: Health and wellness initiatives, regular
team building exercises, tuition reimbursement, continuing education, referral bonuses, reward programs, flexible work schedules and ongoing professional development are a few of the many reasons why Laser Spine Institute is a preferred employer ... the LSI Running Team grew out of a healthy idea for team building and has become a component of the company’s overall wellness program ... among the “Nation’s Best 100 Places to Work in Healthcare.”
Martz Agency
Headquarters: Scottsdale Year established: 1980
Workplace breakdown: xx percent female, xx percent male Employees in Arizona: 21 Learn more: martzagency.com
Reasons to admire them: Carrie Martz, founder and CEO, was the first female president of Phoenix Suns Charities, first female to be invited as member of the Transworld Advertising Association Network and was marketing committee co-chair for the Super Bowl XXX Host Committee ... the back room of the agency has been converted into a nursery where employees can work with newborn babies or are able to check in on babies (watched by a nanny) throughout the day.
PCA Skin
Headquarters: Scottsdale Year established: 1990 Workplace breakdown: 80 percent female,
20 percent male
Employees in Arizona: 86 Learn more: pcaskin.com Reasons to admire them: PCA SKIN has
a long-standing affiliation with the American Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and has donated more than $150,000 to AAFPRS Face To Face: The National Domestic Violence Project, a program that offers pro bono surgery nationwide to survivors of domestic violence ... offers each employee a paid day to volunteer at a charitable organization ... earned ThinkGlobal Inc.’s 2013 Exporter of the Year Award. 60 AB | September-October 2013
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AB | September-October 2013Ω 61
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Ryan, LLC employees are given complete flexibility and can choose where and when they want to work as long as they achieve results.
Phoenix Children’s Hospital
Headquarters: Phoenix Year established: 1984 Workplace breakdown: 80.73 percent female, 19.27 percent male Employees in Arizona: 3,334 Learn more: phoenixchildrens.com Reasons to admire them: Studies show children recover more quickly if they are
comfortable, so the halls of PCH are filled with art and bright colors, they use wagons instead of wheelchairs, and there’s an opportunity to play around every corner ... PCH’s wellness program, impACT Your Wellness, offers employees quarterly challenges, access to a wellness website, on-site yoga and Weight Watchers, healthy vending machines, free biometric screenings on site, an annual health and wellness fair and mobile onsite mammograms.
Plaza Companies
Headquarters: Peoria Year established: 1982 Workplace breakdown: 47 percent female,
53 percent male
Employees in Arizona: 40 Learn more: theplazaco.com Reasons to admire them: Plaza’s leadership team has
helped position the company as an example of how corporate contributions to civic, charitable and economic development groups can create a positive impact in the community ... Plaza leadership participates on the boards of the Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust, Arizona Community Foundation, Banner Health Foundation, GPEC, International Leadership Council, ASU’s Presidents Club and many others ... offers 100 percent employer-paid medical insurance ... instituted “Plaza University,” a program of ongoing education for staff members.
Ryan, LLC
Headquarters: Dallas Year established: 1991 Workplace breakdown: 47 percent female, 53 percent male Employees in Arizona: 96 Learn more: ryan.com Reasons to admire them: Employees are given complete flexibility and
can choose where and when they want to work as long as they achieve results ... myHealth rewards employees for improving and maintaining healthy lifestyles ... in the 2012-2013 benefit plan year, 76 percent of Ryan’s U.S. employees realized medical premium reductions by completing a biometric screening, medical health assessment, and meeting outcomes in the company’s targeted health risks categories. In 2012, the average number of risk factors decreased 28.6% from 1.4 to 1.
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Scottsdale Healthcare partners with local colleges to provide degree programs on-site for both staff and visitors.
SCF Arizona
Headquarters: Phoenix Year established: 1988 Workplace breakdown: 67 percent female, 33 percent male Employees in Arizona: 380 Learn more: scfaz.com Reasozns to admire them: SCF made a seamless and transparent
transition on January 1 from a state agency to a fully private mutual insurance company with no loss of jobs and no impact on customers ... has an in-building wellness center staffed by two nurse practitioners ... $200 annual wellness reimbursement for employees who join gyms, participate in smoking cessation classes or buy fitness equipment ... has an “Energy Star” designation from the Environmental Protection Agency.
Scottsdale Healthcare Headquarters: Scottsdale Year established: 1962
Workplace breakdown: 77 percent female, 23 percent male Employees in Arizona: 6,459 Learn more: shc.org Reasons to admire them: Leadership Rounds is a monthly practice
involving directors and vice presidents throughout the organization where they interact with staff in their normal work settings. This practice removes roadblocks to performance and aids in enhancing the patient experience ... partners with local colleges to provide degree programs on-site for both staff and visitors ... on-site full-service spa is available to employees ... eligible employees can get financial assistance of $5,250 per year for prepaid tuition and tuition reimbursement.
Sundt Construction, Inc.
Headquarters: Tempe Year established: 1929 Workplace breakdown: 13 percent female, 87
percent male
Employees in Arizona: 1,134 Learn more: sundt.com Reasons to admire them: Sundt was one of
the first companies to establish an Employee Stock Ownership Plan as a way to bring a heightened sense of commitment to its employees, so each employee shares in the profits and success of the company ... medical benefits go into effect on employees’ first day of work, unlike the typical 30-90 day waiting period ... It is a Sundt policy that every project has a volunteer project associated with it to benefit a local charity. 64 AB | September-October 2013
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UnitedHealth Group employee contributions helped grant the wishes of 1,260 children through Make-A-Wish Foundation.
The Lavidge Company Headquarters: Phoenix Year established: 1982
Workplace breakdown: 57 percent female, 43 percent male Employees in Arizona: 70 Learn more: lavidge.com Reasons to admire them: TLC is known for great work and a fun
culture as well as its expertise and innovation ... TLC offers several perks, including Summer Fridays when the office closes early, a dog-friendly atmosphere and flexible work schedules ... TLC forgoes holiday gifts and provides a monetary donation to a nonprofit on behalf of its clients through its annual holiday giving program ... TLC partnered with Mosaic to expand multicultural marketing services among TLC’s existing clients, while attracting new clients.
UnitedHealthcare of Arizona
Headquarters: Phoenix Year established: 1987 Workplace breakdown: 78.7 percent female, 21.3 percent male Employees in Arizona: 4,100 Learn more: uhc.com Reasons to admire them: An innovative internal wellness program,
Your Rewards for Health, helps encourage a healthier lifestyle among UnitedHealthcare’s workforce ... telecommuting options for employees whose roles enable this type of flexibility has enabled more than 300 telecommuters in Arizona ... UnitedHealthcare this year awarded $8,000 to eight Arizona organizations seeking to develop programs to help prevent childhood obesity in their communities ... UnitedHealth Group employee contributions have helped grant the wishes of 1,260 children through Make-A-Wish Foundation.
V.I.P. Mortgage, Inc. Headquarters: Scottsdale Year established: 2006
Workplace breakdown: 58 percent female, 42 percent male Employees in Arizona: 224 Learn more: vipmtginc.com Reasons to admire them: When Jay Barbour and Keith Teegardin
started V.I.P. Mortgage amidst the housing crash in 2006, they had one goal in mind – creating a company committed to restoring the reputation of the mortgage industry by fostering a culture with complete transparency and trust ... a full-time masseuse is available for employee to mitigate stress ... other perks include bingo Fridays, monthly cookie days, ice cream socials, no-shave November, Easter egg hunt, Halloween cubicle decorating contest, and casual day is every day.
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Vanguard crew members provided toys, clothing, and bicycles to nearly 340 children in need during the 2012 Sponsor-A-Child holiday campaign.
Shutterfly, Inc.
Headquarters: Redwood City, Calif. Year established: 1999 Workplace breakdown: 40 percent female, 60 percent male Employees in Arizona: 243 Learn more: shutterfly.com Reasons to admire them: Shutterfly protects 19 billion photos for
more than 7 million customers who tell their stories through Shutterfly’s award-winning products and services ... more than 1,000 customers took the time to write to Shutterfly in the first six months of 2013 to express their gratitude ... $2,500 in free merchandise, and 50 percent off everything each year for each employee ... In 2012, 75 employees packed 57,640 pounds of food for distribution by St. Mary’s Food Bank.
Sonora Quest Laboratories Headquarters: Tempe Year established: 1997 Workplace breakdown: 75 percent female,
25 percent male
Employees in Arizona: 2,657 Learn more: sonoraquest.com Reasons to admire them: CEO Dave Dexter is committed to
donating leadership and business skills to the nonprofit world and help local Arizona-based charities make a difference. Each member of his team is expected to lead a community or charity event during the year and volunteer time for fundraising efforts ... will provide laboratory testing services for more than 6.6 million patient encounters and perform nearly 50 million tests in 2013 ... provided more than 80,000 meals to those in need in 2012.
Headquarters: Malvern, Pa. Year established: 1994
Workplace breakdown: 39.5 percent female, 60.5 percent male Employees in Arizona: 2,134 Learn more: vanguard.com Reasons to admire them: Vanguard is the investment management
industry’s only client-owned firm. This unique ownership structure, under which the management company is owned by the shareholders of Vanguard’s funds, enables it to maintain a client-centered, high-value focus by offering its funds at cost ... Vanguard and its crew members pledged $6.1 million for the 2013 United Way campaign ... Arizona crew members provided toys, clothing, and bicycles to nearly 340 children in need during the 2012 Sponsor-A-Child holiday campaign.
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150 Ventana employees, families, and friends walked in the Susan G. Komen Race, raising more than $27,000 – the largest corporate gift in Tucson.
Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.
Headquarters: Tucson Year established: 1987 Workplace breakdown: 46.7 percent female, 53.3 percent male Employees in Arizona: 1,150 Learn more: ventana.com
Reasons to admire them: To ensure the best and the brightest are cultivated and groomed into tomorrow’s leaders, Ventana management participate in annual succession planning meetings. To recognize and retain highperformers, Ventana utilizes a pay-for-performance philosophy. Highperformers also have opportunities to attend global education programs and consider international job assignments to enhance their career ... 150 Ventana employees, families, and friends walked in the Susan G. Komen Race, raising more than $27,000 – the largest corporate gift in Tucson.
Headquarters: Phoenix Year established: 2008
Workplace breakdown: 53 percent female, 47 percent male Employees in Arizona: 155 Learn more: webpt.com Reasons to admire them: By creating an affordable and intuitive
cloud-based electronic medical records (EMR) for rehabilitation therapists — practitioners excluded from the government’s meaningful use incentive under the HITECH Act — WebPT brought the benefits of EMR to small therapy practices who would have otherwise fallen behind ... raised $1,483 in less than two hours for Desert Labrador Retriever Rescue ... held a company-wide blood donation drive ... participated in the Phoenix Heart Walk and will sponsor an upcoming art program for teens through Arthouse AZ.
Headquarters: Scottsdale Year established: 2012 Workplace breakdown: 47 percent female,
53 percent male
Employees in Arizona: 15 Learn more: zocdoc.com Reasons to admire them: Before a new employee arrives,
everyone receives a “Meet X!” e-mail that includes their picture, job title and answers to icebreaker questions ... daily, healthy, catered lunches allow employees to get to know their co-workers across departments ... any employee who refers a new full-time employee receives up to $5,000 and 35 percent of new employees came from internal referrals ... any employee who works in the office past 8 p.m. can expense their dinner and ride home. 70 AB | September-October 2013
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This ad was generously donated by Stevens Leinweber Construction
This photo is dedicated to the memory of MPI member Margie Long, Hot Air Expeditions (1954-2013)
AZMPI 2013-14 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Front Row (l to r): Tiffany Higgins, The Tiffany Event, David Rosenbaum, Carefree Resort & Conference Center, Chip Headman, Williams & Associates, Joanne Winter, MPI Arizona Sunbelt Chapter and Lynne Wellish, Triage Meetings & Events. Back Row (l to r): James Eggimann, Ritz-Carlton, Phoenix, Danielle Adams, KCA, Penny Allphin, Hassayampa Inn, Jill Longfellow, Enterprise Holdings, Julia-Isabel Davenport, Maximize Your Publicity, Jacqi Marth, Destinations & Details and Lee Smith, Hotel Valley Ho. Not pictured: Donna Masiulewicz, Timeline Meetings & Events, Cristin Barr, Ritz-Carlton, Dove Mountain, Susie Molinich, American Express Meetings & Events, and Amy Miranda, Four Points by Sheraton Tempe. Photo courtesy of Harley Bonham Photography (Harleybonham.com). Photo taken on the rooftop at the Hotel Valley Ho, Scottsdale (hotelvalleyho.com)
AB | September-October 2013立 73
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74 AB | September-October 2013
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SHOW HER THE MONEY AzMPI president hopes her ‘meetings mean money’ battle cry helps make Arizona a trailblazer in meetings and events industry
76 AB | September-October 2013
ill Longfellow began her career with Enterprise Rent-A-Car in 1995 as a management trainee at a neighborhood rental branch in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She worked her way through the management trainee program and after running a successful rental branch in Iowa City, she transfered to Enterprise Rent-A-Car in Phoenix. Now business rental sales executive at Enterprise Holdings Inc., Longfellow works directly with hotel management teams to provide rental cars for guest use as well as with meeting planners to add rental car options for their incoming meeting attendees. Az Business caught up with Longfellow, president of the Arizona Sunbelt Chapter of Meeting Professionals International, to get her take on the health of the meetings and events industry in Arizona and where she hopes to guide the chapter. AB: How did you become involved in the Arizona Sunbelt Chapter of MPI? JL: After I was promoted to the Local Corporate Account Manager position, my company asked me to join AzMPI to see if the organization was a good source of referral business. I remember the first meeting I attended, not knowing anyone among the 150 or more attendees. A longtime member welcomed me personally and asked who I was and why I was there. I was soon asked to become involved with the Golf Committee, and I have been an active volunteer with the AzMPI chapter ever since. I believe the benefit you receive from membership in an organization depends on how involved you are. AB: How has your affiliation with MPI impacted you professionally?
JL: AzMPI has had a great positive impact on my professional career. Through my AzMPI membership over the years, I have been able to work with my local Enterprise management team to create a sales position focused on the hotel and meetings industry here in Arizona. I feel honored that my company has placed me in that position, and it is due to AzMPI that I have the knowledge of the meetings business that I need for my job. AB: What are the biggest challenges for the meetings and events industry in Arizona? JL: The meetings industry in Arizona, as well as all over the United States, is currently facing a challenge due to potential new government budget restrictions. Legislation now before Congress would mandate up to a 30 percent decrease in government meeting spending and create a dramatic challenge for the meetings industry as a whole.
“Meetings mean money for Arizona, and we need to work on advocating why meetings are important.” AB | September-October 2013Ω 77
AB: What are the biggest opportunities for the meetings and events industry in Arizona? JL: Strengthening our voice. We need to be able to advocate for meetings on the local, state and national levels. Our sister chapters in Canada have created a Meetings Industry Day when their local news media and government officials all come together to help increase the voice of meetings in Canada. Here in Arizona our local and state governments are focused on our lodging and tourism needs, but we still need to catch up with our neighbors to the North when it comes to building awareness. By creating a meetings advocacy day, we can more effectively get out the message that meetings are positive, not only for attendees but also for the cities and states that host them. The meetings industry creates opportunities for hotel employees, airport employees, rental car employees, speakers, entertainment and staging companies. “Meetings Mean Money” for Arizona, and we need to work on advocating why meetings are important.
The meetings industry creates opportunities for hotel employees, airport employees, rental car employees, speakers, entertainment and staging companies
78 AB | September-October 2013
AB: What do you see as the major strengths of the Arizona Sunbelt Chapter of MPI? JL: As a chapter of meeting professionals, suppliers, and students I believe a major strength is our Buy MPI program. Our members are working together to meet the needs of our industry here in Arizona. For example, we have created a program that documents the services offered by our members so we can tell the AzMPI story to our employers and demonstrate the benefits of our involvement with the chapter. We also work very hard at offering the best education programs so our chapter members can stay up to date on all meeting trends and increase their knowledge of the industry. For our CMP members, we want to make sure our education is meeting their needs. We offer a few networking events each year that allow our members to get to know each other on a different level. Events like our joint MPI/HSMAI Golf Tournament, Ghouls and Golf, Holiday Party, MPI Gala and our EduCon are excellent opportunities for our members and future members to enjoy each other’s company. AB: What are your goals as president of the chapter? JL: My presidential theme, Meetings Mean Money, represents a main goal for my chapter. I want to advocate for our Arizona meetings industry. I have a goal to hold the first Arizona Meetings Industry Day for the state and help others understand the benefits of meetings in Arizona on both a local and statewide basis. I believe that the meetings industry needs a bigger voice, not only here in Arizona but also in the United States. It is a goal of mine for Arizona to be the first state to hold a Meetings Day that includes our local and state government and helps teach the other 49 states how to create a similar event. A dream come true would be for all 50 states to create a nationwide Meetings Day in which local, state and federal government would share our industry’s vision of what meetings do for our country, especially since “Meetings Mean Money.”
Here is the 375-member Arizona Sunbelt Chapter of Meeting Professionals International’s 2013-2014 Board of Directors. To learn more about AzMPI, visit AzMPI.org or call Joanne Winter at 602-277-1494. PRESIDENT Jill Longfellow Enterprise Holdings, Inc. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Donna Masiulewicz CMP, Timeline Meetings and Events PRESIDENT-ELECT Cristin Barr CMP, CHSC, The Ritz-Carlton, Dove Mountain VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE Penny Allphin CHME, Hassayampa Inn VICE PRESIDENT OF MEMBERSHIP Julia-Isabel Davenport CMP, PMP, Maximize Your Publicity VICE PRESIDENT OF EDUCATION Susie Molinich CMP, SMMC, American Express Meetings & Events VICE PRESIDENT OF COMMUNICATION Chip Headman Williams & Associates EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Joanne Winter MPI/AZ Sunbelt Chapter DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Danielle Adams KCA DIRECTOR OF FUNDRAISING AND SPECIAL EVENTS Tiffany Higgins The Tiffany Event DIRECTOR OF LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Lynne Wellish CMP, CHSE, Triage Meeting & Event Consulting DIRECTOR OF MEMBER RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION Jacqi Marth Destinations & Details DIRECTOR OF MONTHLY PROGRAMS Lee Smith Hotel Valley Ho DIRECTOR OF P.R. AND MARKETING James Eggimann CMP, Ritz-Carlton, Phoenix DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS Amy Miranda Four Points by Sheraton Tempe DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC ALLIANCES David Rosenbaum CHME, Carefree Resort & Conference Center
Unforgettable meetings & events, affordable luxury Four Seasons is your local resource for planning events of every size. Talavera and Proof signature restaurants are the ideal venues for memorable events, featuring innovative, chef-driven cuisine, and indoor and outdoor spaces perfect for every occasion. From intimate boardrooms, ideal for retreats, to spacious ballrooms for marquee corporate events, Four Seasons is the perfect spot for all your eventplanning needs.
to learn more, contact Catering Manager Chelsa Christensen at (480)513-5266 or chelsa.christensen@fourseasons.com AB | September-October 2013立 79
Lisa Evans
Director of events Make-A-Wish Arizona wishaz.org
Evans’ background is in corporate event production and experiential marketing. A desire to travel less brought Evans to her current position as director of events for Makea-Wish Arizona. What attracted you to the events industry? “I thrive on challenge and change. This industry is always evolving in order to stay current with new technologies and social trends, which requires the successful planner to be innovative and creative, formulating new strategies and fresh solutions. Every project offers the opportunity to engage a new idea, try a different strategy, or think from a different perspective so there’s never a dull moment.” How did you become involved with MPI? “I was introduced to MPI by a co-worker several years back. The first couple of years, I just
attended meetings, but became more involved in 2009 when I joined a committee. I have served on several committees, chaired events, and held a position on the executive board. As with any group association, getting involved really increases ROI, and I feel that it’s important for professionals to give back to their industry.” How has your affiliation with MPI impacted you professionally? “When I was working in the corporate event industry, I received education and networking opportunities as well as connection with peers nationally, which was important because my work took me all over the country. When I made the jump to the nonprofit sector, those relationships became instrumental to my work within the community. I have always said, ‘You’re only as good as your network.’”
Jim Fausel
President and COO meetGCA meetGCA.com
80 AB | September-October 2013
Fausel grew up in the meetings and events industry, as his company, meetGCA, was started by his late Father, Jim Fausel Sr., in 1982. Five years ago, Fausel assumed operational control of the company after a 16-year career as a pilot, and he has grown our agency by focusing on worldwide travel sourcing, meetings, incentives and large charter jet handling for worldwide groups. What attracted you to the events industry? “The world is truly at your beck and call. There are no borders to what the current marketplace holds for entities conducting meetings and events. Continued travel and connecting with all stakeholders from different cultures around the world is most enjoyable. Focusing largely on the aviation market and entertainment and sports, our projects take us everywhere from Senegal to Singapore to Scottsdale.”
How did you become involved with MPI? “meetGCA started its involvement with MPI back in the 1980s when my father was actively involved building the business in the local meetings and conference arena. My involvement started about 6 years ago as a way to support the connections with our family business.” How has your affiliation with MPI impacted you professionally? “MPI has allowed meetGCA to further our connectivity with hoteliers and hospitality suppliers around the world. We have truly utilized the internal network and camaraderie of MPI to build successful partnerships with many stakeholders. As MPI grows its presence globally, meet GCA will be right there to support others looking to expand their footprint around the world. Our small Scottsdale agency has truly made a global mark with help from our connections at MPI.”
THIS IS PHOENIX. Somewhere, a giant concrete box passes for a convention center. Somewhere, chain restaurants attract patrons like bug zappers attract mosquitoes. Somewhere, taxi rides take forever and walking is a lost art. But not here. Not in downtown Phoenix. Here, the convention center is a glass-and-stone marvel inspired by the colors of the Grand Canyon. Here, local chefs reward patrons whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d rather discover a restaurant than have it thrust upon them. Here, Point A is never far from Point B, and the space between is spanned by sunny sidewalks and sleek light rail trains.
This is Phoenix. Why hold your next meeting merely somewhere when you could make it memorable here?
Home of the Super Bowl in 2015
AB | September-October 2013Ί 81
Lee Smith
Senior conference services manager Hotel Valley Ho hotelvalleyho.com
Smith is originally from Boston and is the senior conference services manager at Hotel Valley Ho in Scottsdale, where she has been employed for 6 years. What attracted you to the events industry? “I enjoy meeting new people and establishing connections with our industry peers. These relationships are vital to the future success of the meetings and events industry. It is important for us to engage and educate our planners, suppliers, destination management companies (DMCs) and all those who touch meetings so we can come together to transform the way we do meetings.” How did you become involved with MPI? “I joined AzMPI in 2011 after attending a monthly educational program as non-member. I quickly realized what an incredible organization this is and I became a member shortly thereafter. After
attending the annual educational conference in Sedona, I knew my heart lied within the education realm so I decided to join the monthly programs committee. I served as co-chair and now I am director of Monthly Programs and serve on the board of directors. How has your affiliation with MPI impacted you professionally? “Because of my involvement with MPI, I’ve been able to establish new connections with various planners, suppliers, DMCs, and so much more. This year, I was awarded the Bobette Gordon scholarship, which allowed me to go to MPI-World Education Congress in Las Vegas. The sessions and content have inspired and motivated me. I will take what I’ve learned and apply it to my role as a conference service manager to provide successful and inspirational meetings for my clients.”
Amy Miranda
Director of sales Four Points by Sheraton Tempe fourpointstempe.com Miranda has 18 years of experience in the meetings and events industry, including time at the Tempe Convention & Visitors Bureau. Miranda is also the 2013 Member of the Year for the Arizona Sunbelt Chapter of Meeting Professionals International. What attracted you to the events industry? “I love that it’s never the same day twice in the meetings industry. My motto, ‘Always find the fun!’ really lends to the ever changing atmosphere. I thrive when I’m able to meet newcomers to the industry and really enjoy sharing my experience.”
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How did you become involved with MPI? “A previous director introduced me to the organization. Once involved, I learned how valuable the knowledge gained and relationships built would be to my career. I now consider MPI a part of my foundation and would recommend to anyone in this industry to become a member.” How has your affiliation with MPI impacted you professionally? “Making connections with so many diverse industry professionals, learning and sharing knowledge has been invaluable.”
AB | September-October 2013立 83
Return on investment Business meetings and events in Arizona boost companies’ bottom lines and the state’s economy
he saying has become a cliché: You’ve got to spend money to make money. And while the Recession forced most businesses to cut back on staff and spending, Oxford Economics established a clear link between business travel and business growth, proving that for every dollar invested in business travel, businesses experience an average $12.50 in increased revenue and $3.80 in new profits. And when it comes to business travel, Arizona is a destination many businesses choose to bust their budgets in a quest for growth and increased profits. “Arizona is a popular destination for attracting meetings and group business because we offer year-round outdoor activities, world-class meetings facilities, a wide array of accommodations that can meet any budget, convenient and affordable direct flights into most major cities and much more,” said Debbie Johnson, president and CEO of the Arizona Hotel and Lodging Association. According to a study commissioned by the Arizona Office of Tourism, direct travel spending in Arizona was $19.3 billion in 2012, an increase of almost 5 percent compared with 2011. Of that travel spending, 17 of the total is attributed to business travel and 31 percent of that travel is specific to conference and convention attendance. To put that in perspective, the money spent by businesses on conventions, meetings and events in Arizona has the economic impact of hosting seven Super Bowls a year. “When meetings take place, it directly impacts our economy from airline travel to rental cars, from hotel occupancy to guests spending time offsite at local shops and restaurants,” says Lee Smith, senior 84 AB | September-October 2013
Debbie Johnson
Lorraine Pino
Kelli Blubaum
conference services manager at Hotel Valley Ho in Scottsdale. “All of this directly affects our economy.” According to Johnson, business meetings in urban areas such as Maricopa and Pima Counties are responsible for up to 70 percent of the revenue generated at downtown hotels and larger resorts. And nowhere is the economic impact of the meetings, events and conference industry more vital that Scottsdale, where an estimated 50 percent of all resort and full-service hotel business results from meetingsrelated travel. “Last fiscal year, the Scottsdale Convention & Visitors Bureau booked 433 meetings into Scottsdalearea hotels and resorts,” says Kelli Blubaum, CMP, vice president of convention sales and services for the Scottsdale Convention & Visitors Bureau. “While these groups generated $74.6 million in economic impact for the community, they represent only a fraction of the group business coming into Scottsdale as additional business is booked directly by our hotels and resorts.” Lorraine Pino, manager of the Glendale Convention & Visitors Bureau, says that while the business traveler is a highly valued customer because they spend more dollars and time in the community than a recreational visitor, it’s what happens after they leave the state that might have the biggest long-term economic impact. “From business conferences and meetings to largescale mega events, these activities showcase Arizona to an international audience and bring far-reaching economic benefit to the state,” Pino says. “Meetings mean business not only during the ‘booked’ event date, but far beyond as conference attendees and event visitors return for future business and leisure trips.”
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Meeting of the minds By MICHAEL GOSSIE
There are many practical and financial benefits to outsourcing your event management needs 88 AB | September-October 2013
n todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business climate of overextended staffs and shrinking budgets, many companies find their employees too time-strapped to effectively manage their organizationsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; meetings, conferences, tradeshows or events. The good news is, there are many benefits that come with outsourcing event management.
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John Vanella
Program planning and management offers many pitfalls to the inexperienced. Learning lessons along the way can be painful, but avoidable when using the right partner.” –Jacqi Marth, director of sales and details for Destinations & Details
90 AB | September-October 2013
“The best third-party planners will save you time and money, becoming an asset in your vision and a partner in your success,” says Jacqi Marth, director of sales and details for Destinations & Details. “Site selection and contract negotiation services are usually provided at no cost to the group. Planning and operational costs are minimal when compared with the savings gained by using a savvy, seasoned meeting planner partner to manage and organize all the details.” Experts say outsourcing allows a company to leave duties such as registration, housing and event marketing up to the third-party planners, effectively freeing up the company’s staff to focus creating the content needed to realize the company’s goals for the event. “One of the biggest mistakes that are made when planning a corporate program is overlooking some of the less obvious, but important details that can impact the budget, the experience or both,” Marth says. “For example, a hotel may offer a great deal on sleeping room rates, making it very attractive to book a hotel that would normally be out of a group’s budget without considering the price of other required services. Food and beverage, resort fees, taxi or transportation costs, and audio visual costs are a few of the items that are often left off of the negotiation table, thus making the program unaffordable and unsuccessful.” An effective third-party planner won’t let those mistakes fall through the cracks, experts say. The company employing the third-party planner can also let its staff focus on the business instead of trying to
Jacqi Marth
become an event planner. “Organizations were forced to reduce staff in late 2008 and 2009 and they needed to work more efficiently during those times,” says John Vanella, vice president of ConferenceDirect. “A third-party or meeting planning company can expand the staff to cover the roles for conference planning. Economically, this gives the organization the benefit to pay a staff person for the overall good of the organization.” When planning an event, Vanella says it’s important to consider three things: Have a realistic idea of how many people will attend and why they will attend the meeting. Define the overall objective you are trying to achieve by having the meeting or event. Consider destinations that work for your attendees. “You do not want to have something in Aruba if the majority of your attendees have budgets to travel within the U.S. “The biggest benefit a qualified thirdparty planner brings to the table is experience,” Marth says. “From concepts and strategies to budgets and operations, they add valuable insight in every step of the planning process. Program planning and management offers many pitfalls to the inexperienced. Learning lessons along the way can be painful, but avoidable when using the right partner.”
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Clicking with event industry Technology is helping transform meeting and event planners into super planners
By MICHAEL GOSSIE t seems that George Jetson has joined the meetings and events industry. “What if you could control all primary aspects of major events through your iPad or smartphone?” asks Ann Windham, president and CEO of Imagine Xhibits, Inc. “Say you’re standing at the back of the room and you realize the speaker can’t be heard and you just turn up the volume on his mic, right from your your iPad. Imagine shutting everything down at the end of a long and exhausting night by pushing one button on your phone. That’s just some of what’s possible with today’s software.”
92 AB | September-October 2013
Join Tribal Leaders, Industry & Business Executives At EXPO/AIGA Hear from experts on gaming, tourism, international trade and business. 2013
The Southwest’s Foremost Gaming & Business Summit & Trade Show 2013
Laugh with celebrity actor/ comedian Paul Rodriguez at the EXPO/AIGA closing luncheon, November 8.
To register for the “Business Beyond Borders” conference and the Desert Classic Golf Tournament, or for sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities – Visit www.azindiangaming.org or call 602.307.1570. EXPO/AIGA is produced by the Arizona Indian Gaming Association.
AB | September-October 2013Ω 93
Danielle Adams
TECH TOYS Danielle Adams, meeting and event planner, KCA: “We use Twitter as a business tool to engage and build interpersonal connections with our clients, vendors and potential customers. If you’ve not yet been part of the conversation, you’ve missed opportunity to have direct conversations with your clients.” MaryLynne Christman, event marketing socialite, Be Hip Marketing: “My most effective sales and marketing technology has been through mobile applications and LinkedIn. I have received leads and business through LinkedIn more than any other social media platform.” Julia-Isabel Davenport, owner, Maximize Your Publicity: “LinkedIn is fabulous for prospecting and growing my network. YouTube and Pinterest allow people outside of my network to see clips or images and is available 24/7. What a way to get people excited to come to the event.”
94 AB | September-October 2013
Mobile apps that serve the meetings and events industry include features such as meeting agenda, calendar integration, social media feeds, sponsorships, interactive exhibitor maps, attendee lists, and surveys that can be easily accessed on mobile devices. Lights, climate control, projectors and monitors can be controlled with an app. And social media has created a whole new language for the industry to communicate through. “The days of ‘The Jetsons’ has arrived,” Windham says. For meeting and event planners who’ve been hamstrung by economic and personnel cutbacks, these new tools are lifesavers, experts say. “As technology evolves, so does our business,” says Danielle Adams, meeting and event planner for KCA in Chandler. “Today’s meetings and events are largely impacted by adopted technologies such as mobile devices, smart phones, tablets, high performance networking, application software, social media and gamification. The combination of all these technologies has had a huge impact on the industry.” Adams, the 2013 Planner of the Year for the Arizona Sunbelt Chapter of Meeting Professionals International, says the technological trends that have impacted the most are the rise of application software and the meteoric rise of the use of social media. “Organizations use social media as
MaryLynne Christman
Julia-Isabel Davenport
a viable cost-effective communication tool when producing an event,” she says. “Social media increases content relevance, builds awareness and cultivates engagement while at, and beyond, the physical event.” Social media has also allowed planners to get attendees more engaged in the event. “Technology is providing multiple paths so that people can connect with speakers, attendees, and virtual attendees to dialogue,” says Julia-Isabel Davenport, owner of Maximize Your Publicity. “Speakers can gather questions from attendees in advance to customize their presentation. After the event attendees can continue building relationships as a result of their networking. Engaged audiences are more likely to attend a meeting or event.” Meeting and event planners say the impact of technology will continue to evolve and change the industry as we know it. “Within the next five years, you’ll begin to see an increase in hybrid meetings — virtual live-streaming of face-to-face meeting — cloud computing and meeting planner application software,” Adams says. “Robotics, 3-D printing, augmented head worn realities, super networks, holographic or 3-D displays, targeted audio and visual recognition are other technologies being researched.”
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