1 minute read
Benjamin Gottlieb
BACKGROUND: Gottlieb graduated with high honors from the business program at Michigan State University, and then attended the Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law at Arizona State University, where he served as the managing editor for the Arizona State Law Journal. Gottlieb is an experienced attorney who has handled hundreds of real estate, business and commercial cases. His more than 13year legal career has been highlighted by numerous court victories and successful settlements for his clients in a wide range of commercial litigation and real estate matters
IMPORTANCE OF AZRE FORUM: “Today’s real estate climate is a complex dynamic with a lot of moving parts. Interest rates, which have risen — but are not necessarily high by historical standards — have impacted the economy and real estate in meaningful ways. That being said, Arizona remains a sought-after location to live and continues to attract newcomers, arguably buttressing the Arizona real estate market against a downturn. It is more important now than ever to stay abreast of real estate trends here in Arizona, in order to make more informed decisions regarding purchasing, selling or renting real estate.”
SOURCE OF PRIDE: “Prevailing in several jury trials at a relatively early point in my career. It is a great feeling to put all that hard work in and have the jury ultimately rule in favor of your client.”
INFORMATION: gottlieblawaz.com