1 minute read
Crystal Sunbury
Senior manager and real estate senior analyst
BACKGROUND: Crystal Sunbury has more than 13 years of experience providing audit and advisory services to real estate companies. She was selected for RSM’s cutting-edge Industry Eminence Program, which positions the firm’s senior analysts to understand, forecast and communicate economic, business and technology trends shaping the industries RSM serves. She serves residential, commercial, retail and vacation ownership clients with complex audits, accounting and operational matters, including overseeing financial statement audits and attest engagements. She provides RSM’s clients with insights for navigating their industries with clear objectives and attainable goals and is a regular contributor to The Real Economy, RSM’s flagship publication. Sunbury received her Master of Accounting degree from The Ohio State University.
IMPORTANCE OF AZRE FORUM: “From pandemic-induced shutdowns to fighting stubborn inflation, real estate has been front of mind. I have been immersed in the data and analyzing the themes and trends impacting real estate and have had the opportunity to help clients navigate issues and opportunities impacting their industry and business. I think it is important to utilize platforms such as the AZRE Forum to continue to spread our knowledge and have discussions with other professionals so that the public can make more informed decisions.”
TREND TO WATCH: “Interest rates are a key driver to watch in Arizona and across the country. Stubborn inflation caused the Fed to raise the policy rate much more aggressively than initially expected. Higher interest rates have had an outsize impact across real estate sectors — from sending the housing market to a halt as homes became unaffordable for many prospective buyers, to causing heightened concern over refinancing risks in commercial real estate.”
SOURCE OF PRIDE: “I am proud to have founded the Las Vegas chapter of The Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) and have served as its president from 2018 to 2021. We not only built a deeply connected community of Latino leaders, but have become part of the greater ALPFA organization, the largest Latino professional organization in the U.S.”
INFORMATION: rsmus.com