Anthony Beeler
henever I ask my students to describe their mental state during their best pool matches, they all say very similar things, such as: Feeling confident No expectations or worries A sense of freedom Playing in the present moment Being alert and focused, with no distractions Playing subconsciously Relaxed, calm, and highly focused The state that these players are describing is synonymous with “dead stroke”. Ironically, it happens when you least expect it. But what usually follows is the question: “How can I play like that more often?” Most of us just accept that this optimal state for pool performance is something that only happens at random, and we can’t do much about making it happen.
However, we can train ourselves on and off the table so that “dead stroke” can be accessed more readily and more frequently. In this article, I’ll give you 5 strategies that will help you “get in the zone”.
1. B E engrossed IN your pre-shot PROCESS My best students measure their success by the quality of their pre-shot process, not the outcome. Process goals tell us where we need to place our attention and with practice, we can make it a habit. Trust in a good process will keep the conscious mind quiet and allow the stroke to be more subconscious, resulting in better shot execution.
2. PLAY IN THE PRESENT One of the things that players describe when they achieve “dead stroke” is being very “present”. This means they’re not preoccupied with the past or future. You’re not thinking, you’re just
Process goals tell us where we need to place our attention and with practice, we can make it a habit. Trust in a good process will keep the conscious mind quiet and allow the stroke to be more subconscious, resulting in better shot execution. 8 | Billiards Buzz • May 2021
being. Learning how to be more present or more “mindful” is a skill, that you can get better at it with practice. In fact, if you notice yourself getting distracted, just bring yourself back to the process and use your senses to engross yourself. Over time, you’ll notice that your focus will improve, and you’ll be able to play longer without being distracted.
3. FEED OFF OF PRESSURE SITUATIONS Ask any pro player whether they would rather be slightly nervous or completely relaxed and they will probably tell you “slightly nervous”, the reason being is that they are great at channel-