Smart Pad - Big knowledge book

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In our universe there are so many interesting things: bright stars, round planets and comets with long tails. We call it space. We can get to space on a spaceship.


Space station


When astronauts get into open space, they put on special outfit called a spacesuit because in space there is no air and it’s very cold.


Lunar rover


Sun Mercury

Venus Constellation


Weather satellite

Scientists have invented a special telescope to watch planets and stars. They have also launched artificial satellites into space. These objects help us predict weather, listen to the radio and watch TV.

We live on planet Earth. There are deep seas, green valleys and high mountains here. There are also fiery mountains called volcanoes. When a volcano erupts, hot lava flows along its slopes. Volcano






Small lakes can eventually be overgrown with plants and become swamps.

Closer to the North Pole we can see a multicolored rainbow shining in the night sky. This rainbow is called the Northern Lights. Northern Lights

Iceberg Island



In caves it’s dark, cold and damp. Stone formations called stalactites hang down from the ceiling. Bats live here.


It’s always busy and noisy in the streets of a big city. The people who live there are often in a hurry: they go to the market, or to a hairdresser’s or to the stadium. Salesman



In a cafe we can order any dish on the menu. A waiter will quickly bring the order.









Soccer player

Soccer is a popular sport. Crowds of spectators come to the stadium to support their favorite team.

It’s so interesting to travel around the world! There are different means of transport for traveling. We can take a car, sail on a ship or fly by plane.

Highway Truck

A highway is a smooth road covered with asphalt. Drivers drive cars and trucks along it. Engineer

Train Captain




Flight attendant

We have to climb a special staircase called a boarding ramp to get on the plane. Before taking off, the plane speeds up along the runway. Driver



A captain is the most important person on a ship. The captain stands at the wheel and gives orders to sailors.

A new day begins. It’s very important to wake up early and do exercises because we need to be strong and cheerful to do many important things during the day.

Alarm clock

Do exercises

Make your bed


To stay healthy we need to eat well for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eat carefully

Fruit and vegetables Help your mom

It’s essential to be clean and tidy. We need to wash ourselves, brush our teeth and comb our hair.

Comb your hair

Clean your teeth

If we have interesting things to do, the day will never be boring. We can draw, play the piano or sing songs. Paints

Put away your toys


You can help keep yourself and your family safe. Turn off the water after yourself, don’t tease pets and play only with your toys. Turn off the faucet

Don ’ t tease dogs

Wash your hands

Hot stove

Knife Matches

Don’t touch knives because they are sharp and you can cut yourself. Also, don’t light matches because you might start a fire.

Be careful with electric appliances. Don’t turn them on without adults!

Don ’ t lean out of the window


Medicine Don ’ t play with electric appliances

Call 911

Don ’ t open the door to strangers

If someone rings the doorbell, check through a peephole. Don’t open the door to strangers! If a stranger doesn’t leave, call the police!

It’s so much fun to play outdoors! We can ride a bicycle, go down a slide or play hide-and-seek. But remember: while outdoors, you always have to be careful and follow the traffic rules. Fire truck

Don ’ t climb high



Don ’ t push other kids on the slide

How loud the siren is! This is an ambulance coming. It brings a doctor to injured people. Ambulance


Don’t run away from adults you can get lost. If you do get lost, stay in one place. This way it will be easier for adults to find you. If you got lost, stay put


Cycle path Police officer

Traffic lights


Cross the road only at a crosswalk. Make sure the cars have stopped and the green light is on.

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