Wise fables by AZ Books LLC

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One day the crow

found a piece of cheese. She grabbed it and sat on a tall tree. The fox saw it and o gett the the d elicious wanted to delicious treat. She started to praise the crow: “Oh, Crow, how your feathers you hers shine! What beautiful posture postture yo ou have! have! What a voice! ass w well ass yyou!” oice! No other bird can sing sin ng a ell a ou! ” The Th he crow crow w decided decide ed to to show how could sho ow h ow she e co ould d ssing. ing g. As opened As soon soon as sshe he o pened her herr beak, the cheese cheese fell to the ground. The fox caught and caught itit a nd as she ran away, away she called to the crow, “Here is a lesson for you! Don’t trust flattery.”



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One day, a little goat got

separated from his herd. The wolf caught him and wanted to eat him. But the g goat said to the wollf, “Before “Before I d ie, play play the pipe pipe wolf, die, for me and I will dance!” starrted to play, and The wolf started aro ound him. him. SSome ome the goat leaptt around dog gs heard he eard d the e noise noise e nearby dogs and chased chase ed the the wolf. wolff. The e wolf wolf dropped d the the e pipe pipe a and nd d ran ran away. away. ed to the goat, “It se erve es me righ ht! I sshouldn’t houldn’t He shouted serves right! ended to be a musician.” mussician.” have pretended hat happens happens when you do things in the That’s w what me and lose what you already alread dy have. have. wrong time



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In summer the ant ran among

the grass, gathered berries, seeds – stocked up for winter. The beetle saw him and “Oh, poor llaughed: aughed: “O Oh, p oor yyou, ou, Ant. o Everybody has fun, and an nd you workk silly, so hard! Don’t be silly y, take a rest.” quiet. When winter The ant was q uie et. W Whe en w inte er came the b beetle decided ask ee etle was so hungry. He e de ecid de ed tto oa sk tthe he e ant for some him: Beetle, me food. The ant told hi im: ““Hey, He ey, B eetle e, iiff you u had worked wouldn’t been ed in in summer, you wo ouldn’t have eb een sso o hungry.” It’s always prepare for ays better to prepar re fo or hard times tim me es iin n advance.



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The lion was fast asleep when the mouse suddenly

ran along his body. The lion woke up, grabbed her, and was ready to eat. But the mouse asked the lion to let her go and promised to return the favor. The lion aug gh, b ut n onetheless let the mouse go. started to llaugh, but nonetheless appened, the mouse did return the ffavor. avo or. And as it h happened, Hunterss had caught the lion. They tied him to a tree o res st. Afterr rresting, esting g, with thick ropes and then went off to rest. e a fire, then took a big ca auld dro on an nd sstarted tartted they made cauldron and e dinner. to prepare eantime, the mouse w asn’’t ffar ar aw way In the m meantime, wasn’t away d the lion’s roar. She sshowed ho owed up p, gn nawed and heard up, gnawed he ropes, p and freed d the e lion. Then n sh he said, through the she hed at me as though h you didn’t believe “You laughed e usef full tto o I could be useful pe you are you. I hope now convinced that a mouse can be grateful.”



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One day the monkey

climbed a tall tree and saw some fishermen throwing a net in the river. Some time later they pulled out they p ulled o ut ttheir heir net. It wass filled with fish, and d they were very happy wit with th their catch. monkey jumped down The monk key ju umpe ed d own from the tre tree and ee a nd d decided deccided tto o try just w what fishermen hatt tthe he e fis sherm men had d done. As As soon as sshe he ttook ookk tthe he net, sh she got tangled up he g ot all tan ngle ed u p in iit. tt.. The monkey me mon nkey said, ““ItIt sserves erves m e right. Why did I com come me to fish if Id don’t how on’tt kknow now h ow tto do it?”



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The tortoise and the hare

argued about who ran faster. They decided to have a race. Of course, the nimble hare jumped far ahead at once. C Certain he would erta ain tthat hatt h ew ould e tor rtoise no matter what, outrun the tortoise he lay down wn at at the side of the road and fell asleep. slee ep. Meanwhile while e the tortoise was ow ward the finish line creeping ttoward eadily. She outran slowly butt ste steadily. the hare and and got the prize she e deserved.. All the other anim animals mals were veryy happy for her. o workk d iligently a lways Those who diligently always triumph over the talented but lazy lazy.



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One day the birds have

gathered for the meeting and started to decide who will be their king. The peacock said he was the bird deserving he only b ird dd eserving ng as his beauty was to be a king dazzling. H He e spread his beautiful tail and an nd many birds were already ady ready to vote for him. But at this asked his moment the jackdaw a skked the the peacock: peaco ock: “If an eagle us?” le attacks us, how will yyou ou ssave avve u s?” The The peacock stayed know stayed silent because he he didn’t kno ow how ho h ow to protect prote ect tthe he birdss from from the predatory eagle. eagle e. The The king g must m be not only only beautiful, but also wise and strong.



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