превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers Разкриване на истинската сила на еКнигите
Трето годишно проучване на Aptara eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent Електронните книги са най-доминираща сила в съвремнният издателски of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
бизнес. Продажбите им скочиха с приблизително 40% през 20101, и повече от еднаhasтрета отpublishers’ издателите публикуват 75%in от книгите сиrise в of Aptara tracked transition from print над to digital response to the 2 three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real eBooks through a series of електронен формат за 2011г . impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including
Aptara проследява прехода издателите печат към дигитални preferred eBook formats, на specific productionот approaches, preferred devicesмедии and platforms, distribution enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of в отговор на растежа при channels, Екнигите, чрез серия от 3 последователни eBook от sales. Theдо results significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends изследвания 2009 2011present г. Проектирани да разкрият истинското and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), влияние на електронните книги върху издателите, годишните проучвания Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and изследват теми включващи предпочитаните файлови формати, Corporate (B2B). специфични подходи към книгоиздаването, предпочитани устройства The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 year over year—reflects the и платформи, канали за дистрибуция, стратегии заpercent развитие, както и rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the обемите и източниците на продажби. Резултатите представят значителна conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized информация за възникването на тенденциите при еКнигите и найresponses from 1,350 publishers. добрите практики за всеки от четирите основни издателски сегмента:Търговски(Художествена и популярна литература ), Научен/ Технически/ What(НТМ), Did theОбразование Third Survey(Средно Reveal?и Висше) и Корпоративен Медицински (B2B). Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable
Огромния растеж издателства в проучването100% dynamics andна an броя immature infrastructure.участвали For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often за една година- отразява рязкото разширение на пазара на еКниги overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales за figures. и предоставя статистически точни данни изводите направени в проучването. Изследването за 2011, включва 1350 издатели.
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBookтретото production,проучване? promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching Какво разкрива their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of that на areеКниги still eluded by production efficiencies andтой meaningful revenues. Въпреки,publishers че пазара разсте експоненциално, все още е
млад, с непредвидимо поведение и незряла инфраструктура. За повечето Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights издатели, реалността на младия пазар се изяваява в трудности при management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased разширението нови предизвикателства “електронните” бизнес to mature. since ourиfirst survey—an encouraging signпри that the eBook market is beginning модели, често пъти засенчвани от гръмките цифри за продажбите на еКниги. Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011
Докато един на пет издатели генерира повече от 10% от продажбите си от еКниги, производството, дистрибуцията и продажбите out of five eBookпромоцията, publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from One eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing на електронни издания, все още са далеч от достигане на пълния си rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of потенциал. Пазарните възможности са огромни, особено за повечето room for growth. (Question 7) издатели, които неуспяват да се възползват от повишената ефективност на производството и смислената възвръщаемост. Издателите все още виждат във формàтите на еКнигите, каналите за дистрибуция, качеството и Управлението на Дигирталните права(DRM) сериозни предизвикателства - но тези тревоги постепенно отслабват от последното проучване до днес- окуражаващ сигнал, че пазара на BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 електронни книги започва да съзрява. Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
1 2
Sep 2011
1 2
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011
Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1 and over a2011 third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent от проучването: 2009of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
- Един от петима издатели на еКниги генерира повече от 10% от приходите си от дигитално Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise книгоиздаване. Това е доста силна статистика за пазар в такъв ранен стадий. Вземайки в of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real предвид нивата на растеж на продажбите, можем да кажем че пазара на електронни книги impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including има още много място за разширение. (Въпрос 7)
preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, strategies,повечето and volumesси and sources ofот -Двама от трима издатели на електронни книги неenhancement са конвертирали заглавия eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook изчерпани тиражи в електронен формат. С по-висок марж на печалбата от новите книги,trends тези and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), дигитални активи задържат огромен неразкрит потенциал за печалба. Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Corporate (B2B). - Амазон все още доминира дистрибуцията... но с устойчиво намаляващ дял. Издателите все
още масово разчитат на Амазон за дистрибуцията, но тази тенденция намалява все повече The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the и повече. Тя се приписва повече на все по-голямото разпространение на нови платформи и rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the канали, най-вече базираните на ePUB, отколкото на спад в продажбите на Амазон. Резултатът conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized са по-големи продажби наresponses електронни книги и разширен пазар. (Въпрос 9) from 1,350 publishers. - За всички пазарни сегменти, освен Търговския, продажбите през собствени сайтове генерират най-големи приходи. Въпреки спада в очакванията What Did the Third Survey Reveal? на издателите за техните собствени сайтове за електронна търговия, тези сайтове произвеждат най-големите продажби Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it isприходите still young, with с дял до 18%. Това отразява нежеланието на много издатели да делят сиunpredictable с dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market партньори като Амазон и Епъл. (Въпрос 9 и 10) reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure eBook sales figures. най-големите продажби на ofелектронни книги от Художествена и
- Амазон генерира популярна Литература, въпреки че относително малък дял от нея се дистрибутира през While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from Амазон. Въпреки че издателите използват всички основни търговци на еКниги, Амазон са тези, eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching които произвеждат най-много продажбии, вероятно приходис непропорционалналния their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of дял от 43%. Това предполага, че или издателите дистрибутират сиmeaningful съдържание през publishers that are still eluded by productionнай-скъото efficiencies and revenues. Амазон или че Амазон предлага най-голяма възвръщаемост на инвестицията. Без значение кое Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, digital rightsкниги. от двете, то отразява огромната роля на Амазон за развитието на пазара на and електронни management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased (Въпрос 10) since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
- Амазон генерира значително по- голям дял продажби на електронни книги от EPUB базираните платформи и устройства. Въпреки това, EPUB засенчва Киндъл като найSurvey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 таргетираната платформа. Това разминаване отразява агресивното разширение на Киндъл за поддръжка на голям брой други ( PC, iPAD, Android), давайки наofиздателите все out ofплатформи five eBook publishers generates more than 10% their revenues from One повече причини да публикуват приThis тях.isСъщо сочи, чеearly-stage издателите биха приели сtheотворени eBooks. a strongтака statistic for an market. Considering increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlightsканали that the eBook marketна stillEPUB. has plenty of обятия, и сигурно вече се подготвят за повече дистрибуционни базирани room for growth. (Question 7) (Въпрос 8 и 10) - По-голямта част от производството на еКниги все още следва остарелите модели на класическото книгоиздаване, за сметка на по-ефективни технологии. Въпреки че, издателите (cont’d) преследват производствен процес с няколко изхода (печат и еКниги), те са бавни в прехода си от традиционното книгоиздаване към по-гъвкави и позволяващи развитие дигитални BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 производствени процеси, които дават изходните файлове за мобилни устройства, Aptara’s Third eBookвъзможност Survey of Publishers, 2011 компютри, и печат да се генерират от един основен източник. (Въпрос 13) aptaracorp.com Sep 2011 1 2
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly
- Даден е отговор на въпроса “електронно печат”. Отговорът е - иthan двете: 40 percent in 2010,1 andиздаване over a thirdили of book publishers will issue more 75 perccent 2 of their titles as eBooks in 2011. “електронно и печатно книгоиздаване”. Голям дял от книгоиздателите (85%), във всички пазарни сегменти, произвеждат и двата варианта за своите нови книги. Към момента, Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of остарелите скъпоструващи структури и бизнес практики на печатната индустрия, живеят eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real успоредно с практиките вдъхновени от on еКнигите.(Въпрос impact of eBooks book publishers, the13) annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and - Информираността на издателите за EPUB 3 и фокусирането върху обогатените еКниги са platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of ограничени. EPUB 3 е новото издание на стандарта за електронни книги EPUB и включва eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends значителни разширения на възможности. Има всеобщо непознаване и andподдържаните best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and незаинтересованост за стандарта и за произтичащите от него ползи от страна на College), всички and (B2B). увеличение на производството на обогатени пазарни сегменти. ДокатоCorporate има очевидно електронни книги през последната година, 60% от издателите все още само проучват или The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the изобщо не планират производството им. rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized Докато никой не е изненадан от обхвата на проблемите, които издателите срещат responses from 1,350 publishers. мигрирайки към дигиталното, контрастите между участниците от различните сегменти (Търговски, НТМ, Образование, B2B), разкриват много основни разлики. Има ключови проблеми споделени от всички участници, ноSurvey с развитие на дигиталната революция, някои What Did the Third Reveal? много различни предизвикателства, възможности, разминавания и тенденции излизат на Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it isна stillАптара. young, with unpredictable преден план, както показват и следващите резултати от изследването dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
Този доклад е резултат от третото от серия проучания на Аптара, проектирани за да открият тенденциите, предизвикателствата стратегиите, важни за sales from While one out of five eBook publishers и generates more than 10% of their eBooks, eBook promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching професионалистите занимаващи се production, книгоиздаване. their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of
Участниците са давали повече от 1 are отговор, затова сумата от процентите publishers that still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. надвишава 100.
Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
1. Пзарен фокус Кой сегмент от индустрията описва най-добре вашия пазарен фокус?
Books’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers Page 4 eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly
40 percent in 2010,1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
et Focus
y segment best describes ocus?
6% 6%
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and Художествена и volumes and sources of Trade / Consumer 12% популярна eBook sales. The results present significant insights into литература the emergence of eBook trends and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), Професионална/ НТМ Professional / STM Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and 30% Corporate (B2B). Education / College Образователна/ Висше
Education / K–12 The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the Средно rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically Корпоративна/ B2Bvalid basis for the Corporate conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey/ B2B collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers. Друга Other
25% What Did the Third Survey Reveal? 21%
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
Significant Points: Важни точки
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from
eBook(25%) production, promotion, and sales are still far from reaching Художествената популярна заедно Изданията заthe Висши Trade (30%)eBooks, andлитература(30%), College publishing marketс distribution, segments have greatest The и their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of учебни заведения(25%) отthird. изследваните representationпредставляват in the third survey,по-голямата with STM (21%)част a close publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. издателства, с Научната литература на трето място с 21%. The STM publishing market segment has dropped as a percentage of total respondents
seesurveys. eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and Сегмента на научните издания спад в процентно отношение, спрямо всички over the past twoPublishers yearsима andstill three This contrasts with the relative growth of digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have eased издтели взелиCollege участие в изследването с publishers’ participation. за последните 3 години. Това контрастираgradually since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. относителното повишение на участието на университетски издателтва.
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
www.bgkniga.bg/ebook aptaracorp.com
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
mpact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Page 5
2. Страна с най-голям пазар Коя страна
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1 and over a thirdдял of book представлява най-голям пазарен заpublishers вас? will issue more than 75 perccent of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
et Country
your largest
14% 8% 8%
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specificСАЩ production approaches, preferred devices and United States platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of Continental Europe into the emergence of eBook trends eBook sales. The results presentЕвропа significant insights and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), Великобритания United Kingdom Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Corporate (B2B). Останла част от света Rest of world The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized 70% responses from 1,350 publishers.
What Did the Third Survey Reveal?
Significant Points:
Важни точки
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
of responding all market segments— While one out ofpublishers—across five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from The overwhelming percentage
Най-големия дял на участващи издателствасред всичкиdistribution, издателски сегменти- са от are from English-speaking countries: (70%), United Kingdom (8%),and sales are still far from reaching eBooks,United eBook States production, promotion, Англоговорящи държави: САЩ(70%), Великобритания (8%), Канада Австралия (3%).of Canada (3%), and Australia (3%). their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, (3%), particularly for the majority that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Докато едно англоезично publishers проучване е по-вероятно да привлече англоговорящи участници, While an English-language survey is most likely to attract English-speaking тези цифри отразяват и факта, че САЩ и другите англоговорящи държави саand първите respondents, these numbers Publishers also reflect still the see early entrants into the eBook market, mostquality, eBook formats, distribution channels, digital rights стъпили с електронни книги notablyна theпазара United States. management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. 27% of respondents’ largest markets are outside of the United States and Canada, led Germany, Spain andпазари Italy. 27%byот най-големите са извън САЩ и Канада, водени от Германия, Испания и
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011
The largest percentage of respondents, across all countries, is from the Trade publishingброй market.респонденти of five държави eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues Oneотout Най-голям всички са представителите на Художествената и from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing популярна литература/ Търговски сегмент/. rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
www.bgkniga.bg/ebook aptaracorp.com
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
3. Размер на бизнеса
’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers Page Their 6 eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. sales rose nearly
40 percent in 2010, на andбазата over a third book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent Какъв е размера на вашия бизнес наof годишните приходи? 1
of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
s Size by Revenue
your business based ?
7% 8%
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement and volumes and sources of 4% <<$1M 1млн.strategies, $ 3% eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends and best practices across all four publishing market 1-50 млн. $ segments: Consumer (Trade), $1–$50M Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and 51100 млн. $ $51–$100M Corporate (B2B). 32%
101500 мнл.percent $ $101–$500M The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 year over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the 501 млн. - 1 млд. $ $501M–$1B conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers. >>$1B 1 млд. $
What Did the Third Survey Reveal?
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. Significant Points:
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from
Важни точки eBook production, promotion, and sales are still far from reaching respondents (78%) represent small- todistribution, mid-sized publishing The majority of surveyeBooks, full revenues potential. eBooks’ market is vast, particularly for the majority of companies, withtheir annual of less than $50opportunity million. Най-голяма част отthose респондентите са представители на малкия до среден бизнес (78%), с publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. годишен приход до 50 млн. долара. The number of giant book publishing companies across all publishing market segments
Publishers still seeсред eBook formats,пазарни distribution channels, quality, and digital rights is modest, especially given theфирми mergers and acquisitions of the last сегменти several decades. Броя на гигантските издателски всички е скромен, особено management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased But it isвalso likely that the majority representation of smalland medium-sized ако се вземат предвид сливанията от последните няколко десетилетия. Но също since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. publishers in this survey reflects a reduction in barriers to market entry. With expanded така може да се смята, че масовото представяне на средните и малки издатели в това digital printing, technology toolsets, and third-party service options, many new проучване отразява все по-намаляващите бариери влизане С раширение на publishing ventures—often small—have emerged in theза past two yearsна in пазара. pursuit of the Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 дигиталния печат,eBook технологичните платформи и инструменти, както и услугите предлагани expanding market. от трети лица, за последните две години все по-често се появяват малки издателски One outtypes, of five eBook publishers generates more from thanthe 10% of their revenues from to all other publisher there many more small publishers Compared инициативи преследващи Разширението наare пазара на електронни книги. Trade market segment. eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales Търговския/ projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of - В сравнение с другите издателски сегменти Художествена и популярна room for growth. (Question 7) Of theима responding publishers, are small entities, with less than one million литература/ многоTrade повече малки39% участници. dollars in annual revenues.
39% от респондентите са издатели на Художествена и популярна литература, с по-малко от the higher development costs for Education and STM content, it is not surprising миллионGiven долара в годишни приходи. that College, K–12, and STM publishers have a larger percentage of respondents with
Вземайки в предвид високите разходи за развитие на научното и образователно greater annual revenues. съдържание, неговите издатели имат по-голям процент респонденти с голям бизнес. 1 2
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
Sep 2011
www.bgkniga.bg/ebook aptaracorp.com
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
mpact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Page 7
4. еКниги Каква е
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 in 2010,1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent ангажираносттаpercent на вашето издателство с електронни книги? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
’s current ?
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific ВCurrently production approaches, preferred devices and producing момента правим platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of в producing момента, eBook sales. The results present Не significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends Notправим currently планираме but planning to за in the and best practices across all four но publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), близко бъдеще near future Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Corporate (B2B). No plansпланове to produce Нямаме даin the foreseeable future правим в обозримото The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the бъдеще rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions62% drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers.
What Did the Third Survey Reveal? Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. Publisher Type Разбивка по Breakdown видове
ВCurrently моментаproducing правим Не правим в момента, Notпланираме currently producing но за близко бъдеще but planning to in the near future Нямаме планове да правим в обозримото No plans to produce in бъдеще the foreseeable future
Важни точки
Trade STM Търговски НТМ
College Унив.
K–12 обр.Corporate Средно B2B
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, promotion, distribution, and40% sales are still far from reaching 76% eBook production, 64% 55% 63% their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of 18% that are 26% 22% 37% publishers still eluded16% by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased 6% 10% 29% 15% 22% since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011
Significant Points:
out of five eBookе publishers more than 10% of theirна revenues from One Търговския сегмент, повече от всички други, повишилgenerates агресивно преследването eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing more than any other publishing market segment, has aggressively increased its Trade, цели свързани с електронното книгоиздаване. rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of eBook pursuits.
room for посветени growth. (Question 7) Тези издатели са станали искрено на електронния формат в по-висока Trade publishers have become fully committed to the eBook format and at a faster степен от всеки друг тип издател. Процентът им е нарастнал от 50% rate до 76% за две than any other type of book publisher. The percentage of Trade publishers producing години. Други 19% от респондентите от този тип издатели са посочлили, че имат eBooks has risen from 50% to 76% in two years. Another 19% of Trade respondents планове за дигитално книгоиздаване. indicate that they have plans in place for eBook production.
Само 6% от издателите на художествена и популярна литература, не планират Only 6%на of пазара Trade publishers are not planning eBooks in theбъдеще, foreseeable future, a спрямо стъпване с електронни книгиfor в обозримо 17% спад 17% drop from Aptara’s first survey. предишното проучване. BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011
1 2
Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
Sep 2011 (cont’d)
www.bgkniga.bg/ebook aptaracorp.com
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
4. еКниги
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent е ангажираността с електронни книги? al Impact – Aptara’sКаква Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishersна вашето издателство Page 8 of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2 Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends Издатели на художествена и популярна литература, bestCompanies practices across all four publishing Trade Publishing “NotеКниги Producing eBooks” market segments: Consumer (Trade), които неand планират да издават Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Corporate (B2B).
on’s current ks?
The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers.
What Did the Third Survey Reveal? Survey 1 - 2009
Survey 2 - 2010
Survey 3 - 2011
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market results in production growing and business model challenges, often other book market segments in the pains production of eBooks. Corporate publishing lagsreality overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. Издателите на корпоративна литература, изостават спрямо другите пазарни сегменти в Only 40% of Corporate publishing company respondents are actively producing eBooks. производството на еКниги. While one out of fivewho eBook publishers generates more Adding in the 37% of Corporate respondents report that plans are in place forthan 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales areот stillB2B far from reaching eBooks that this market segment is poised for growth. Though ‘traditional’ Само 40% отindicates тези издатели активно произвеждат еКниги. Ако not добавим 37% their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the publishers, more and казват more corporations are recognizing eBooks да offerиздават a convenient, респондентите, които че планират в близкоthat бъдеще електронно,majority има of publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. device-agnostic format for providing information to customers, prospects, employees, индикатори за растеж в този сегмент. Въпреки, че не са “традиционни” издатели, все and shareholders, particularly via mobile devices. повече и повече корпорации разпознават в електронните книги удобен, независим Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights от устройствата формат, заmanagement да предложат на своитеthese клиенти, служители, (DRM) информация as serious challenges—but concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. акционери, особено чрез мобилните устройства.
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Бизнесът с електронни книги
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends and best practices across all four publishing market segments: (Trade), Това проучване е направено, за да се зададат въпроси от 5 до 11, те касаятConsumer резултатите от Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and бизнеса с електронни книги, и представят мненията на най- ангажираните с него издатели. Corporate (B2B). The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the
Респондентите са насочвани един от пътя,market според на valid въпрос rapidпо expansion of три the eBook andтехния providesотговор a statistically basis4:for the “Каква е ангажираността на вашетоdrawn издателство в бизнеса с електронни книги?” conclusions from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers.
Тези, които произвеждат еКниги (62%), са дали отговор на всеки въпрос в проучването. What Did the Third Survey Reveal? Тези, които имат планове да произвеждат еКниги, са насочени от въпрос 4 към въпрос 12 и остатъка от проучването.Though Респондентите без isпланове произвеждат електронни книги the eBook market expandingда exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable (16%) са насочени от въпрос 4 направо въпрос 20, последният в проучването. dynamics and an към immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Page 10
5. Двигателна сила Коя е глвната
or producing
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent 40 движеща percent сила inза2010, производството на еКниги? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of 42% Increasing revenue Повишаване на приходите eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and 36% Повишаване на търсенето Increased customer demandplatforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), 13% Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Друго Other Corporate (B2B). 3%
The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the По-висок марж на печалбата Higher margins rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized 2% responses from 1,350 publishers. Announcements by competitors Новини от конкуренцията 4%
Не са сигурни Unsure
What Did the Third Survey Reveal?
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable Trade STM College K–12 Литература НТМ Унив. For Средно обр. B2Bthis early-stage market dynamics and an immature infrastructure. mostCorporate publishers, reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often Повишаване на приходите Increasing revenue 49% 45% 31% 40% 23% overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. Increased customer demand 32% 36% 45% 38% 54% Повишено търсене While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from Other 10% production, 11% promotion, 16% distribution, 12% and15% Друго eBooks, eBook sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of Higher margins 4% 2% 2% 0% 4% По- висок марж на печалбата publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Announcements by конкуренти competitors 2% 2% 3% 2% 4% Обявления от Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights Unsure 3% 7% these concerns 0% Не са сигурни management3% (DRM) as5% serious challenges—but have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
Разбивка по видове Publisher Type Breakdown
Points: 1.Significant Важни точки
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 За всички пазарни сегменти двигателни пазараare на еКниги са повишаване The main drivers for producing основните eBooks across all publishing сили marketза segments на приходитте (42%) и(42%) повишено търсене (36%). “increasing revenue” and “increased customer demand” (36%).
One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing These two incentives go hand in hand and suggest that publishers are responding to rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of demand in their ръка embrace of eBooks. The fact that publishers are following the Тези customer два стимула вървят заfor ръка и подсказват, room growth. (Question 7) че издателите отговарят на прегръдката market rather than leading it indicates that the eBook market has moved beyond early между потребителите и еКнигите. Фактът, че издателите следват пазара повече отколкото да adopters and into the mainstream as a viable, long-term channel for book consumption.
го налагат, показва че пазарът на електронни книги се e разрастнал отвъд първите ентусиасти към като канал за консумация на книги. “Higher margins” are not жизнеспособен, a significant driver forдългосрочен producing eBooks. мейнстрийма, По-високия марж на печалбата не е основен фактор за производството на еКниги. This likely reflects the early stage of the eBook publishing market. Publishers’ primary
(“increasing отразява revenues” and “meeting customer demand”) are easier to assess Това,drivers най-вероятно факта, че пазарът е в ранните си етапи на развитие. Основните and therefore use as business arguments to champion and “sell” eBook programs Survey, Association бизнес of American аргументи, Publishers and theкоито Book Industry Studyда Group, мотиватори за издателите BookStats остават по-ясните могат се 2011 използват internally. Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011 в защита на проргамите за развитие на дигитлното книгоиздаване във вътрешнофирмена aptaracorp.com Sep 2011среда. (cont’d) 1 2
aptaracorp.com www.bgkniga.bg/ebook
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
5. Двигателна сила Коя е глвната
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent 40 движеща percent сила inза2010, производството на еКниги? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends По-високия марж на печалбата изисква по-зряла пазарна активност, при която в and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), разходите за производство на еКниги могат да се прилагат и амортизации, а каналите Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and за продажба трябва да саCorporate по-улегнали. (B2B). Както е отразено във въпроси 7 и 10, моделите
за ценообразуване и каналите за дистрибуция остават под въпрос, затруднявайки The phenomenal growth survey оценката participation—100 percent yearпо-трудна. over year—reflects the планирането на постъпления от дейността и in правят на маржовете rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the
Резултатите въпроса за Възвращемостта на инвестициите, от2011 второто еКниги conclusions drawn from the survey. The April surveyпроучване collected andза organized responses from 1,350 publishers. на Аптара, също сочат че реалната цена на еКнигите е неясна за повечето издатели. Почти еднакви са процентите на респондентите отговорили, че възвращаемостта е “по-добра от печатните книги” и “по-лоша от печатните книги”. По-значим е факта, че най-голям дял от What Did the Third Survey Reveal? издателите са отговорили че Възвращаемостта от инвестициите е неустановена. Though the eBook market is expanding it isможе still young, with unpredictable “Обявления от конкуренти” ( също познато като пазарноexponentially, възприятие) да бъде поdynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market силен двигател отколкотоreality резултатите показват, ако се вземат под внимание отговорите results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often попълнени в графа “Други”. overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
Във всички пазарни сегменти, ако общия сбор на “Обявления от конкуренти”, “не съм While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from сигурен” и “Други” се комбинират, те production, ще съставят третият по големина отговор. Това eBooks, eBook promotion, distribution, and sales are still far fromче reaching тези движещи сили имат their солидна статистическа тежест можеisотново да се приеме като of full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity vast, particularly for the majority publishers are still by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. знак за относителната младост наthat пазара наeluded еКниги. Коментари като “Да имам преднина пред конкурентите”, “Да съм в крак с времето и са остана жизнеспособен в растежа си Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights и в променящите се пазари”, “Опитвам се да съм в крак”, “Страхувам се да не изостана” management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased и “То [електронното кногоиздаване] е промяна от коятоsign и ние даmarket бъдем част.”, to mature. since our first survey—an encouraging thatтрябва the eBook is beginning потвърждават че сред индустрията се ширят страх, несигуност и колебание. Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Page 12
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent какваofчаст от вашите заглавия ще се дистрибутират и в their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Приблизително електронен формат през 2011?
percentage of your ed as eBooks in
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including 6% 1%-25% 1%–25% preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of 26%–50% 26%-50% eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), 32% 51%–75% 51%-75% Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and 76%–100% 76%-100% Corporate (B2B). Unsure Не съм сигуренpercent year over year—reflects the The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers.
13% What Did the Third Survey Reveal?
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often Publisher Typeпо Breakdown Trade STM College K–12 обр.Corporate Разбивка видове overshadowed Литература НТМ Унив. salesСредно B2B by the allure of eBook figures.
1%-25% 29% 36% 27% 47% 40% While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from 26%-50% 26%–50% 15% 9% 11% 12% 20% eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching 51%–75% 51%-75% 9% 16% 9% 12% 8% their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of 76%–100% 76%-100% publishers 42% 35% 26% that are still eluded by44% production efficiencies and8% meaningful revenues. UnsureНе съм сигурен 4% 3% 9% 5% 24% 1%–25%
Важни точкиPoints: Significant
Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
За всички заdistributed Корпоративните, на заглавията percentageсегменти, of titles that освен are being as eBooks isделът significantly on the rise които се The пазарни разпространяват в електронен вид, значително е нарастнал. for all publishing marketSurvey segments except Corporate. Highlights: 2009 to 2011 В сравнение с резултатитеofотAptara’s изследването на Аптара за 2010г., ръст на пазара се Compared to the results survey in 2010, there is a marked five eBook publishers generates moreincrease than 10% of their revenues from One out ofsecond наблюдава за всяка категория. Най-забележителено е нарастването приinиздатели in every category of distribution percentages. Most statistic notably for there a 13% increase eBooks. This is a strong anisearly-stage market. Considering the increasing пускащи от 76%-100% книгите си в електронен 13% (от 24% до 37% за still 2011). publishers who are от producing 76%–100% of theirprojections, titles вариантas eBooks (37%, up rate of consumer sales it highlights thatfrom the 24%). eBook market has plenty of is the percentage of eBook distributing half of разпространяващи their titles as room for publishers growth.на (Question 7) more По-долуBelow е процентното разпределение издателите наthan еКниги повече eBooks in 2011.
(cont’d) 1 2
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
Sep 2011 Note: Question 6 was not asked in theпри first първото survey. Бележка: Въпрос 6 не е бил зададен изследване
www.bgkniga.bg/ebook aptaracorp.com
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
ooks’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Приблизително Revenue
what percentage of your ently derived from eBook
Page 13
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent 2010,1 andприходи over a third ofсе book publishersна willпродажбите issue more than 75на perccent каква част отinвашите дължат еКниги? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2 Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including 0% preferred eBook formats, specific production0% approaches, preferred devices and 14% platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of 18% 1%–3% 1%-3% eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends and best practices across all four publishing4%-6% market segments: Consumer (Trade), 4%–6% Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Corporate (B2B). 7%–10% 7%-10% >10% percent year over year—reflects the >10% The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers.
What Did the Third Survey Reveal? Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
Разбивка видове Publisher Typeпо Breakdown 0% 1%–3% 4%–6% 7%–10% >10%
Унив. College
Средно B2B K–12 обр. Corporate
While of five eBook11% publishers 14% generates more of their sales from 0% one out13% 21%than 10%17% eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching 1%-3% their full potential. market opportunity particularly42% for the majority of 44% eBooks’40% 39% is vast, 55% publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. 4%-6% 11% 19% 18% 7% 17% Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights 7%-10% 11% challenges—but 8% 10% 4% gradually eased management 12% (DRM) as serious these concerns have since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. >10% 20% 19% 22% 7% 21%
Significant Points:
Литература НТМ Trade STM
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011
One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from publishers thanfor 10% of their revenues from One out of five eBook eBooks. Thisgenerates is a strongmore statistic an early-stage market. Considering the increasing точки eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of
Един от пет издатели генерира от(Question 10% от 7) приходите си от еКниги, което е една roomповече for growth. rate of consumer sales projections, this highlights that the доста силнаConsidering статистикаtheзаincreasing млад пазар. eBook market still has plenty of room for growth—music to the ears of the majority
(57%) of eBook publishers who derive between 0% andна 3%продажбите, of their revenue това from eBooks. Вземайки в предвид очакавните повишения в нивата очертава че пазара на еКниги има още доста пространство за растеж. Това звучи като музика в ушите Amazon, as a driver of the eBook market, remains a mixed blessing for Trade на мнозинството издатели (57%), които в момента постигат от 0 до 3% приход от еКнигите.
publishers. Without Amazon’s de facto subsidization of Trade eBooks—both in terms of (cont’d) popular eBook (the игаре Kindle) ролята and encouraging (forcing?) lower Амазон, катоestablishing двигателa на пазара заdevice еКниги, на благословия за издателите на 1 BookStats prices—it is possible that eBooks would gained suchand significant traction. Yet Survey, Association ofhave American Publishers the Bookтакава Industry Study Group,субсидия 2011 художествена и популярна литература. Без not Амазон нямаше да има силна 2 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011 some Amazon pricing ($0.99 and $9.95 per title) fuels eBook buying at the expense of за еКнигите-profits. от една страна за популяризиране на устройството за четене, от друга за
Sep 2011натиска за все по-ниски цени. Така или иначе някои от цените в Амазон-(0.99$aptaracorp.com и 9.95$) само пълнят статистиката с продажбите за сметка на печалбите. (cont’d)
www.bgkniga.bg/ebook aptaracorp.com
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
7.Приход Приблизително еКниги?
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent 2010,1 andприходи over a third ofсе book publishersна willпродабите issue more than на 75 perccent каква част отinвашите дължат of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends С разрастването на пазара на еКниги и достигането на пълния потенциал на компонентите and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), по веригата за добавена стойност, ще се изясни дали еКнигите могат да бъдат ефективни Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and генератори на печалба, или ще се наложи да се изследват алтернативни бизнеси и модели Corporate (B2B).
на ценообразуване, като абонаментите или рекламите в книги.
The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the Учебникарите изостават доста по приходи от еКниги сравнено с другите пазарни сегменти, rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the особено в сравнение с академичните издателства. conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from образователните 1,350 publishers. За разлика от Университетите, където платформи дърпат напред и компютърните бази са големи, пазара на учебници и помагала за училището остава в неизгодна позиция от ограниченото предлагане на устройства What Did the Third Survey Reveal? за четене, компютри и/ или образователни платформи в училищата. Също така има вероятност еКнигите да не Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable адресириат точно нуждите на този пазарен сегмент. dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market
бележка: Въпрос 7 не е задаван в предишните изследвания reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
oks’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Page 15
8. Таргетирани устройства и платформи Към какви устройства и
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent 40 percent in 2010, платформи се целите с вашите еКниги? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Devices and Platforms
atforms are you our eBooks?
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real 19% the annual surveys examined topics including impact of eBooks on book publishers, PC / Mac PC/mac preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of 18% significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends eBook sales. The results present AmazonКиндъл Kindle Амазон and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and 15% Corporate (B2B). Single-function EPUB devices ePUB четци The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the 15% rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the Appleibook iBookstore (EPUB) Епъл store ePUB conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers. 7% The Apple Епъл стор Store
What Did the Third Survey Reveal?
5% Таблети под Андроид Android-based tablets Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market 5% reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often Платформата на Андроид The Android platform overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. 5%
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from
Други Other таблети tablet device(s) eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of 5% publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Смартфони подsmartphones Андроид Android-based Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights 3% management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased Други Other смартфони smartphone(s) since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. 3%
Блекбери Blackberry
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011
One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from Trade STM College K–12 Литература НТМ Унив. Средно обр. Corporate B2B eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of PC/mac PC / Mac 15% 25% 23% 28% 18% room for growth. (Question 7) Amazon Kindle 19% 18% 17% 16% 15% Амазон Киндъл 18% 11% 15% 13% 13% Single-function EPUB devices ePUB четци 16% 14% 13% 14% 15% Apple iBookstore (EPUB) Епъл ibook store ePUB 8% 6% 6% 7% 7% The Apple Store Епъл стор 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Android-based tablets Таблети под Андроид 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% The Android platform (cont’d) Други таблети 5% 3% 6% 6% 7% Other tablet device(s) Смартфониsmartphones под1 BookStats Андроид 5% of American 5% Publishers5% Android-based Survey, Association and the Book2% Industry Study5% Group, 2011 2 4% of Publishers, 3% 2011 4% 2% 4% Other smartphone(s) Други смартфони Aptara’s Third eBook Survey 3% 3% 3% 2% 4% Blackberry Блекбери Publisher Type Breakdown Разбивка по видове
Sep 2011
aptaracorp.com www.bgkniga.bg/ebook
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
8. Таргетирани устройства и платформи Към какви
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 in 2010,1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent устройства иpercent платформи таргетирате вашите еКниги? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and Важни точки platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends EPUB формàта набира скорост сред издателите, като засенчва Амазон Киндъл като найand best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), таргетирана платформа. Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Corporate (B2B). Този въпрос от проучването позволяваше повече от един отговор. Ако се комбинират
отговорите “EPUB устройства” и “Епъл ibook store EPUB”, EPUB ясно изплува като The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the доминиращ формàт. Киндъл е избран ofотthe 18%, ePUB отand 30%. rapid expansion eBook market provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized От всички пазарни сегменти, художествената и полулярна литература имат най голям скокresponses from 1,350 publishers. от 19% на 34% .
Относителния спад при Киндъл се дължи на излизането на пазара на други четци и тяхната What Did the Third Survey Reveal? поддръжка на EPUB- особено излизането на iPAD и таблетите като цяло. В опит да се противопостави на тази тенденция, Амазон агресивно създава поддръжка на заглавията Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable си на всички видове платформиАндроид и Епъл,For което своя страна дава все dynamics от andPC anдо immature infrastructure. mostот publishers, this early-stage market reality results in productionпрез growing pains and business model challenges, often повече причини на издателите да публикуват Амазон. overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
След ePUB, персоналния компютър е най-таргетиранта платформа за издателите от всички пазарни сегменти освен художествената поулярна литература. While one out of fiveиeBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of publishers that still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. издателите наare образователна и научна литература, са водещи
Без това да е изненада, при избора на персонални компютри като предпочитана платформа за еКниги. Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights При учебникарите, повечето образователни платформи се базират PC, Научните management (DRM) as serious challenges—but theseна concerns have gradually eased издателства/ най-силни в since издаването на еКниги в исторически поmarket начало са our first survey—an encouraging sign that план/ the eBook is beginning to mature. използвали персоналния компютър като начин за четене на еКнигите си, и това остава така и до днес. Разстежа на ePUB и появата на разнообразни мобилни устройства и таблети, Highlights: 2009 to 2011 неминуемо ще доведе доSurvey постепенното отпадане на персоналния компютър от лидерската позиция. One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering За издателите на художествена и популярна литература светът се върти около ePUB the и increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of Киндъл. Те не се фокусират room върху таблетите и другите нови устройства за четене на еКниги. for growth. (Question 7)
Базираните на Андроид таблети и другите мобилни устройства имат голям потенциал, но засега представляват фрагментирана група от таргети за издателите. Блекберито, като устройство за четене на еКниги продължава устойчивия си спад, с найдобро представяне при корпоративните издания с 4% 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
9. Дистрибуция
През какви канали
nnels are your ?
Page 17
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent дистрибутирате своите електронни издания? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, 18% specific production approaches, preferred devices and Амазон Amazon.com platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends and best practices 16% across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), Собствен Our own сайт eCommerce site Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Corporate (B2B). 13% Барнс Нобъл Barnesенд & Noble eBook The Storephenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized 11% Епъл AppleБукстор iBookstore responses from 1,350 publishers. 10%
Друг Other
What Did the Third Survey Reveal?
Kobo / Borders Кобо
Сони Sony eBook Store Apple iTunes Епъл iTunes
8% Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often 8% overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues.
Unsure Не съм сигурен
Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market Литература Унив. Средно обр. B2Bis beginning to mature. Publisher Type Breakdown Trade STMНТМ College K–12 Corporate
-Амазон Amazon.com 20% 21% 19% 19% 17% Собствен сайт Highlights: Our own eCommerce site 11% 24% to 2011 22% 29% 30% Survey 2009 БарнсeBook енд Нобъл Barnes & Noble Store 15% 11% 13% 12% 17% Епъл Букстор Apple iBookstore 14% 11% 8% 9% than13% One out of five eBook publishers generates more 10% of their revenues from Друг Other 8% 15% 16% 13% market.7% eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage Considering the increasing Кобо Kobo / Borders 11% 5% 8% 5% 5% rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of Сони Sony eBook Store 12% 3% 7% 6% 5% room for growth. (Question 7) Епъл iTunes Apple iTunes 9% 7% 4% 6% 7% Не съм сигурен Unsure 1% 3% 3% 1% 0% Significant Важни точки Points:
Амазон ощеstill доминира разпространението сред market всички пазарни сегменти, но се Amazon dominates distribution across all publishing segments—but by a все steadily decreasing margin. наблюдава постоянен спад. 1
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011
Aptara’s Third eBook of Publishers, 2011 Издателите още разчитат главно на Survey Амазон заformats, дистрибуция наheavily електронните си книги, Whileвсе publishers are targeting many more devices and they still rely on но докато таргетират масово нови устройства и платформи, обвързаността им с Амазон ще Amazon for distribution, but do so less and less. aptaracorp.com Sep 2011 бележи постепенен спад. 2
www.bgkniga.bg/ebook aptaracorp.com
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
9. Дистрибуция През какви канали
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent дистрибутирате своите електронни издания? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including Тази тенденция се приписва повече наformats, разпространението наapproaches, нови платформи и канали, preferred eBook specific production preferred devices and най-вече базирани на ePUB, отколкото на спад в продажбите Амазон. Окончателният platforms, distribution channels, enhancement през strategies, and volumes and sources of eBook sales. The results present significant insights intoна theеКниги emergence of eBook trends ефект се изразява в това, че процентното отношение на продажбите расте. and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), Тази тенденция също показва, че издателите очакват повишение при базираните на ePUB Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and канали за дистрибуция. Corporate (B2B).
Бележка: Ако отговорите заphenomenal двата дистрибуционни канала на Епъл се year комбинират, The growth in survey participation—100 percent over year—reflects the Епъл се очертава заедно rapid с Амазон, като канал на дистрибуцуя и the expansion of theнай-предпочитан eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis -for conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized двата с по 18% - сред всички издателски сегменти. Въпреки това комбинирането from 1,350 publishers. на тези 2 канала създаваresponses усложнение, което отразява объркващото положение на дистрибуцията на еКниги днес. Единият канал/ iBookstore/ е дистрибуционен канал ограничен само до потребителите наThird Епъл,Survey докатоReveal? iTunes е механизъм за организация What Did the на заглавия и книги. Докато iTunes позволява на издателите да продават книгите си Though theсъщо eBook може market is exponentially, it is stillиyoung, with unpredictable на потребителите на Епъл, той даexpanding се използва за покупка организация dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage на книги, които не са от Епъл, като заглавия от Амазон, или ePub книги без DRM, market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often PDF и аудио книги. Така чеovershadowed за да направим резултатите по-ясни и обективни, не сме by the allure of eBook sales figures. комбинирали статистиките за двата канала на Епъл. Дистрибуцията през сегменти.
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their fullсайтове potential. преживява eBooks’ marketстръмен opportunity is vast, for the majority of собствени спад за particularly всички пазарни publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues.
В първото изследване на Аптара 2009, 36% от всички респонденти са посочили че Publishersпрез still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased имат собствен сайт за разпространение на еКниги. Две години по-късно, средната стойност since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. е 16%. На по- задълбочено ниво при издателите на образователна литература този процент спада от 54% през 2009 до 29% днес. Университеткстките издатели имат спад от 34% до 22% а научните отSurvey 39% на Highlights: 24%. 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering Дори със спада посочен по-горе, Научните, Университетските, Образователните и the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still и has plenty of корпоративните издатели, продават своите издания през собствени сайтове двойно room for growth. (Question 7)
тройно повече от издателтите на Художествена и популярна литература (11%)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
ooks’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Page 19
10. Източник на продажби Кой канал генерира
ce of eBook Sales
l produces the largest your eBook sales?
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010, a third of book на publishers will issue more than 75 perccent най-голям дял1 and от over продажбите еКниги? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of 38% eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real Amazon.com Амазон impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and 25% channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of platforms, distribution Our own сайт eCommerce site Собствен eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), 16% Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Друг Other Corporate (B2B). 2%
The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the
AppleБукстор iBookstore Епъл rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the 1% Кобо Kobo / Borders 1%
Apple iTunes Епъл iTunes
conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers.
What Did the Third Survey Reveal?
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable 1% dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market Барнс енд НобълeBook Store Barnes & Noble reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. 0% Сони Sony eBook Store While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching 16% their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of Unsure Не съм сигурен publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Publishers Publisher Type Breakdown
still see eBook distribution channels, quality, and B2B digital rights Литература НТМ CollegeУнив. Средно обр. Trade formats, STM K–12 Corporate management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased -Амазон Amazon.com 56% encouraging 26% sign19% 23% market 32% since our first survey—an that the eBook is beginning to mature. Собствен сайт Our own eCommerce site 13% 34% 33% 33% 50% БарнсeBook енд Нобъл Barnes & Noble Store 1% 0% 2% 2% 0% Епъл Букстор Apple iBookstore 2%2009 to 1%2011 2% 0% 0% Survey Highlights: Друг Other 11% 21% 22% 21% 9% Кобо Kobo / Borders 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% out of five eBook than 10% 0% of their revenues from OneСони Sony eBook Store 0% publishers 0% generates 0% more0% Епъл iTunes eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing Apple iTunes 2% 0% 1% 2% 0% Не съм сигурен rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of Unsure 12% 18% 21% 19% 9% room for growth. (Question 7) Significant Points: Publishers’ own eCommerce sites generate the greatest percentage of eBook sales for Важни точки all publishing market segments except Trade.
Собствените търговски сайтове на издателствата генерират най-голям процент продажби (cont’d) Despite сегменти, a decrease inосвен publishers’ reliance on their eCommerce sites for distributionлитература. за всички пазарни за издателите наown художествена и популярна 1 BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 (Question 9), these sites are producing the most sales for publishers by a significant 2 eBook Survey of сайтове Publishers, 2011 спада в доверието къмThird собствените margin (8%–18% Aptara’s depending on the publisher type). за дистрибуция, те дават най-големи
Въпреки aptaracorp.com Sep 2011продажби със значителна разлика от 8% до18% в зависимост от вида на издателя. (cont’d)
aptaracorp.com www.bgkniga.bg/ebook
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
10. Източник на продажби Кой канал генерира
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010, a third of book на publishers will issue more than 75 perccent най-голям дял1 and от over продажбите еКниги? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real Тези резултати не са изненадващи, особено като се имаthe в предвид, че examined потребителите на научна impact of eBooks on book publishers, annual surveys topics including литература отдавна са свикнали посещават интернет страницата на preferred издателя, на журналите preferredда eBook formats, specific production approaches, devices and platforms, distribution enhancement andбъдат volumes and sources of и на най-новите изследвания, за достъп доchannels, съдържанието ощеstrategies, преди да измислени eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends мобилните еКниги. and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), (STM), (K–12 and College), Тези статистики отразяватProfessional–Scientific/Technical/Medical и нежеланието на много издатели да Education делят приходите си с and Corporate (B2B). дистрибутори като Амазон и Епъл.
Амазон е най-доодоносния за издателите на Художествена популярна Theдистрибутор phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percentиyear over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the литература. conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized
Данните са убедителни: въпреки издателите използват всички канали за дистрибуция, responsesче from 1,350 publishers. Амазон е този, който носи обороти- и предполагаемо приходи, с непропорционалния дял от 43%. Тази тенденция е най-ясна при издателите на Художествена и популярна литература. Това Didчеthe Third помогна Survey Reveal? което резултата отразява еWhat факта, Амазон много при създаването на пазара на електронни книги за Художествената и популятна литература. Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. Forиmost publishers, this early-stage Други интересни статистики за издателите на Художествена популярна литература са:market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often
- Докато 56% от тяхovershadowed деклариратbyчеtheАмазон е най-големият allure of eBook sales figures.им генератор на продажби, само 20% казват че дистрибутират съдържанието си през Амазон. Това предполага, че или one out of fiveси eBook publishers generates more 10% of their sales from издателите предлагат най-While стойностните неща през Амазон или чеthan възвръщаемостта от eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching инвестициите при продажба през Амазон е най-голяма. their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. - Докато Барнс ендpublishers Нобъле that е вторият по популярност канал за дистрибуция, възприятитето за ефекта от него е почти не съществуващо - 1%. Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights
management (DRM) challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased Амазон, може да генерира най-голям дял as отserious продажбите, в сравнение с платформите базирани since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. на еPUB, но те засенчват Амазон като най-таргетирани платформи за еКниги.
Заедно с резултатите от въпрос 9, това откритие показва че издателите се подготвят за разстеж Highlights: 2009 to 2011 при усвояването на EPUB,Survey вероятно едновременно с навлизането на стандарта EPUB3, и предвкусването на новите базирани на ePUB канали за дострибуция.
One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from
eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing Издателите от всички пазарни сегменти покзват голяма несигурност за това кой пазарен канал rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of е най-доходоносен. room for growth. (Question 7)
Изборите “Не съм сигурен”(79%) и “Друго”(84%) се класират на трето място по брой на отговорилите. В коментарите създадени под избора “Друго”, най- често се казва, че продажбите на еКниги са все още твърде слаби или предстоящи. Издателите на образователна и научна литература са най-несигурни по въпроса кои канали генерират най-големи приходи. (cont’d) Липсата на яснота около основни бизнес показатели като източника на приходи предполага, че повечето дейности свързани с еКнигите са все още в началото на своето развитие. BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 1 2
Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
Sep 2011 Бележка: Въпос 10 не е задаван в предишни изследвания.
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
s’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
11. Конвертиране на заглавия от изчерпани тиражи
Page 21
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent 40 percent in 2010, заглавията във вашият списък с изчерпани сте of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Каква част от конвертирали в еКниги?
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including 0% 0% approaches, preferred devices and 10%preferred 11% eBook formats, specific production platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of 1%-25% 1%–25% eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), 26%-50% 26%–50% Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and 51%-75% Corporate (B2B). 51%–75%
t Conversion
of your backlist e you converted into
>75% >75% The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the не съм сигурен unsure conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized 44% 44 responses from 1,350 publishers.
8% 12%
What Did the Third Survey Reveal? Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
Publisher Type Breakdown Разбивка по видове
Trade STM Литература НТМ
College Унив.
K–12 обр.Corporate Средно B2B
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from 0% eBook 8% production, 10% promotion, 16%distribution, 19% eBooks, and sales14% are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly 1%-25% 48% 44% 33% 50% 48% for the majority of publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. 26%-50% 10% 14% 14% 7% 0%
Publishers 9% still see eBook channels, quality, 51%-75% 9%formats, distribution 7% 7% 5%and digital rights
0% 1%–25%
management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased >75%our 16% 15%encouraging 13%sign that 10% 14% is beginning to mature. since first survey—an the eBook market
>75% unsure
не съм сигурен
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 Significant Points:
One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing Важни точки Two out of three eBook rate publishers have not converted the majority of their of consumer sales projections, it highlights thatbacklist the eBook market still has plenty of (legacy) titles to eBooks. Двама от трима издатели наroom еКниги не са(Question конвертирали по-голямата част от своите for growth. 7)
заглавия в елекронен вариант за продажба.
Backlists are untapped digital assets with huge potential resale value and significantly higherтиражи profit margins than frontlists. Изчерпаните са неоползотворени дигитални активи с огромна потенциална
продажна стойност и с по-висок марж на печалбата отколкото бестселърите. In addition to highlighting both the relative youth of the eBook market and potential
В добавкаenormity към подчертаването на относителната младостrequired на пазара на еКниги и огромният of its size, these findings suggest that the expertise for efficient (cont’d) backlist-to-eBook conversion does not reside in-house at most publishers. му потенциал, тези открития предполагат че компетенциите необходими за ефективно BookStats Survey, Association of American and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 конвертиране на изданията от изчерпани тиражи не Publishers са в самите издателства. 1
2 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011 Note: Question 11 was not asked in previous surveys.
Sep 2011 бележка: Въпрос 11 не е бил задаван в предишни изследвания
www.bgkniga.bg/ebook aptaracorp.com
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
11. Конвертиране на заглавия от изчерпани тиражи eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010, and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent Каква част от заглавията във вашият списък с изчерпани сте of their titles as eBooks in 2011. конвертирали в еКниги? 1
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and channels, enhancement strategies, volumes and sources of При съсредоточаването наplatforms, голямаdistribution част от усилията на издателствата заand създаване eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence на еКниги, въпросите свързани с производствения процес стават много полезни вof eBook trends and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), предоставянето на информация за най-добрите практики. Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Corporate (B2B).
Въпросите от 12 до 15 са насочени към growth специфични от технологията на year—reflects the The phenomenal in survey моменти participation—100 percent year over rapid expansion of the market and provides a statistically valid производство на еКнигите, включително за eBook определянето на висящия въпрос заbasis for the conclusions from the survey. The по Aprilотношение 2011 survey collected and organized “печатни срещу електронни книги”.drawn Разкритията са ясни на централната responses from 1,350 publishers. роля, отредена на доставчиците на услуги за производството на еКниги. По-неясна остава ролята на XML формата в плановете за производство на еКнигите, където силните показатели за разбирането на XML неговото приложение са изместени от What Did the Thirdи Survey Reveal? големия процент издатели, които все още не го прилагат за да получат предимствата на Though the eBook market expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable съвременното комбинирано книгоиздаване отisедин единствен начален файл. dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
12. Електронни срещу печатни
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers Page 23 Their sales rose nearly
40 percent in 2010, еКниги and over aосновно third of book вместо publishers will issue than 75 perccent Издавате/ ще издавате вашите или в more добавка към of their titles as eBooks in 2011. печатните издания? 1
s. Print
be produced or in addition to,
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and strategies, and volumes and sources of 5% platforms, distribution channels, enhancement addition to print ВInдобавка към печатните eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), In placeпечатните of print Вместо Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Corporate (B2B). Unsure Не съм сигурен The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers.
85% What Did the Third Survey Reveal? Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. Publisher Type Breakdown Trade STM Разбивка по видове WhileЛитература one out of five eBook НТМ
College generates K–12 Corporate publishers more 10% of their sales from Унив. Средно обр. than B2B eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching В добавка към печатните In addition to print 87% market79% 76% for the majority of their full 87% potential. eBooks’ opportunity 93% is vast, particularly Вместо In place of print печатните 10% 8% 13% 5% 11% publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Unsure 3% 5% 8% 2% 13% Не съм сигурен
Significant Points:
Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
The question of “digital or print?” has been answered. The answer is both: “digital
Важниand точки print.”
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011
Въпросът “дигитални или печатни “ получи своя отговор, който е “ и двете”. The vast majority of book publishers (85%) across all market segments are producing
One out of publishers generates more than 10%иofелектронни their revenues from of print and от eBook versions their titles. ForeBook the time being, print publishing’s legacy cost Голямата част издателите (85%) отfive всички пазарни сегменти произвеждат eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing structure and business and production models are living alongside newer eBookи печатни варианти на своите издания. Към момента, завещаните отtheпечата скъпиstill бизнес rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that eBook market has plenty of inspired practices. структури и модели живеятroom успоредно по-новите, for growth.с(Question 7) вдъхновени от еКнигите практики. This finding emphasizes нуждата the need forиздателите publishers to address production workflows, Това откритие подчертава да адресират производствените процеси, especially in order to gain multiple-format output efficiency, such as can be attained особено с цел да постигнат ефикасен мултиформатен изходен поток, постижим при работа through an XML-early process. с XML от ранните етапи на производство. STM, and College publishers roughly 10% of their eBook editions Trade,на Издателите художествена, Научнаareи producing образователна литература произвеждат грубо 10% (cont’d) in place of print editions. от своите изданя вместо печатни книги. 1
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011
Though there isпри real някои activity at some publishers toреална substituteактивност eBooks for print Въпреки че саmodest, скромни, за editions: замяна на печатното Aptara’s Third издатели eBook Survey ofима Publishers, 2011 книгоиздаване с дигитално: • College publishers produce the greatest percentage of standalone eBooks aptaracorp.com Sep 2011 2
(13%) compared to other publishing market segments. This likely reflects the growth of online learning platforms for textbook delivery, as textbook publishers try to resolve the used print textbook challenge by reducing print textbook edition iterations. www.bgkniga.bg/ebook (cont’d)
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
12. Електронни срещу печатни
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1еКниги and over aосновно third of book вместо publishers will issue than 75 perccent издавате вашите или в more добавка of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Издавате/ ще към печатните издания?
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferredсегменти, eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and - В сравнение с другите пазарни учебникарите произвеждат най-големия platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of процент самостоятелни издания на електронни книги (13%). Това най-вероятно отразява eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends бурния растеж на уеб базирани доставка на учебници. Тук and bestобразователни practices across allплатформи four publishingза market segments: Consumer (Trade), се вижда и естественото решение на стремежа за ползване на учебници втора употреба, и Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Corporate (B2B). намаляването на новите издания.
Най-вероятно, за издателите на художествена популярна литература, самостоятелните The phenomenal growth in и survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the издания на електронни книги, ще останат марка за малки заглавияvalid от изчерпани rapid expansion of theзапазена eBook market and provides a statistically basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and тиражи, които не могат да обосноват финансово отпечатване или дигитален printorganized on deresponses from 1,350 publishers. mand. Процентът на издателите произвеждащи електронни книги вместо хартиени е нарастнал What Did Thirdспоред Surveyтрите Reveal? само с 1 процент за последните двеthe години изследвания на Аптара (съответно 9%, 9% and 10%).
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics andна anиздателите immature infrastructure. For в most publishers, this early-stageпоне market Тези цифри отразяват нежеланието да “скочат дълбокото” с еКнигите reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often докато стойностната верига на пазара- и по точно приходите и печалбите- не станат по overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
ясни и постоянни.
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
ks’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Page 25
13. Файл източник Какви са/ ще еКниги?
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent 40 in 2010, бъдатpercent вашите файлове източници за създаване на of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
e Files
your primary source file ks?
Adobe InDesign
XML 7% Microsoft Word 5% QuarkXpress 3% хартиена книга Hard Copy 2%
Other друго
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real 38%the annual surveys examined topics including impact of eBooks on book publishers, preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of 21%The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends eBook sales. and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and 18% (B2B). Corporate The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers.
What Did the Third Survey Reveal? Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of Литература НТМ Унив. Средно обр.andB2B Publisher Type Breakdown Trade STM College K–12 Corporate publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies meaningful revenues.
Unsure не съм сигурен
PDF Adobe InDesign XML Microsoft Word QuarkXpress Hard Copy хартиена книга Other друго Unsure не съм сигурен
35% 41% 42% 36% quality, 32% Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, and digital rights 26% 17% 13% 28% 21% management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased 12% 24% 22% 14% 20% since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. 10% 5% 5% 4% 9% 6% 3% 3% 7% 1% 2% 2% 5% 2% 7% Survey Highlights: 2009 2% 4% to 2011 2% 1% 4% 8% 4% 8% 7% 7% One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing Significant Points: rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of Важни точки room for growth. (Question 7) PDF remains the most common source file for eBook production.
PDF остава най-често срещания източник от който започва работата по електронните книги. PDF is a foundational file format, especially for those publishers coming from print and
moving to digital. Print title delivery files are most often Print PDF, revealing that most of PDF е фундаменталния файлов формат, специално за тези издатели, които идват от печата today’s eBook production still follows print production, at the expense of improved и вървят към дигиталното книгоиздаване. Най-често срещаните файлове за печат са operational efficiencies. PDF-ите, в синхрон с това изследването поакзва, че дигиталното кногоиздаване следва (cont’d) publishers are pursuing multiple-output production (printand and they areGroup, 2011 практикитеThough от печата за сметка наSurvey, по-ефективни производствени процеси. BookStats Association of American Publishers the eBooks), Book Industry Study 1
2 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011 slow to transition from traditional print-based production to more flexible and scalable Въпреки чеdigital издателите преследват идеята за производство наprint—all различни файлове workflows that produce output for mobile devices, PCs, and fromизходни a aptaracorp.com 2011от един източник, те са бавни в преминаването си от традиционните предпечатни процеси single content source.
към по-гъвкави технологии, които произвеждат файлове за мобилни устройства, компютри (cont’d) и печат - всички от един единствен източник. aptaracorp.com www.bgkniga.bg/ebook
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
13. Файл източник Какви са/ ще
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent 40 in 2010, бъдатpercent вашите файлове източници за създаване на еКниги? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
бележка: PDF е бил предпочитания файлов формат за всички сегменти Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from printпазарни to digital in response toвъв the rise of второто пазарно проучване наthrough Аптара. Първото проучване не еtoвключвало такъв въпрос. eBooks a series of three surveys, from 2009 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and distribution channels, enhancement strategies, volumes със and най-силно sources of Използването на XML катоplatforms, източник за производство на еКниги остава and скромно, eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends представяне сред издателите на научна и образователна литература, където се представя на and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), второ място след PDF. Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Corporate (B2B).
Издателите от сегмента наThe Научната,Техническата и Медицинската литература отдавна са the phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the лидери в употребата на XML и за последните две проучвания на Аптара се класират на първо conclusions drawn from survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized място по уоптреба на XML-a като източник заthe дигиталното книгоиздаване. responses from 1,350 publishers.
По-ранните издания на InDesign имат репутацията, че импорта и експорта на XML куца, въпреки че очакванията са, че последната версия ще компенсира за пердишните недостаъци. What Did Third SurveyнаReveal? Както се очаква с разширяването наthe възможносите Word по отношение на XML-a, разликите между работатаThough с XMLtheи eBook InDesign ще стават все по-маловажни по отношение на market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable гъвквите производствени dynamics процесиand заan еКниги. immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often Докато употребата на XMLreality е скромна и според последното проучване много от коментарите overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. на анкетираните предполагат по-широката му употреба в бъдеще: While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from - “ние смятаме че XML е най-гъвкав”
eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching
fullдевет potential. eBooks’- market - “ Днес почти винаги PDF,their след месеца XML” opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues.
- “Учим се да работим с XML така, че това да е основният ни файл”
Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution quality, and rights Издателите на художествена и популярна литература, както и channels, издателставта наdigital образователна management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased литература за началния курс инвестират в XML по-малко, с потенциално по-голям акцент since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. върху PDF и InDesign като източник.
Издателите на художествена и популярна литература запазват по-голяма част от Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 традиционната технология на книгоиздаването. При тях PDF-ите захранват процеса на издаване на еКниги, тъй като книгие са сeBook относително структура. out of five publishersпо-проста generates more than 10% of their revenues from One This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing Причините учебникарите даeBooks. се придържат към традиционните предпечатни процеси са rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of противоположни на тези наroom издателите от популярната литература. Учебникарите работят for growth. (Question 7) с едни от най-сложно структурураните книги и представляват най-бавно развиващият се сегмент, отчасти поради факта, че устройства способни да възпроизвеждат сложни книги не са добре позиционирани на този пазар.
Издателите на художествена и популярна литература, заедно с корпоративните прилагат найчесто Word като като основен източник за производство на своите еКниги съответно по 9%(cont’d) и 10%. BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 1
Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011 И двата сегмента разчитатат масово на външни автори или офис служители за гененриране aptaracorp.com Sep 2011на съдържането с относително прост краен продукт- било то книга или електронно издание. С развитието на Microsoft Word, неговите присъщи XML свойства размиват границите между Word и XML. 2
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
14. Производствени партньори
g eBooks’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
До каква степен от външни технологични партьори.
oduction Partners
tent are/will your eBooks be by an external technology ?
Page 27
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1 and over a third of book will issue more than 75 perccent вашите електронни издания са publishers / ще бъдат произведени of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and Николко/ няма None are or will да be бъдат platforms, 15% distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of 20% eBook sales. The results present significant insights into theсаemergence of eBook trends Повечето /are щеorбъдат The majority will be and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM),По=малко Education (K–12 and са / ше бъдат The minority are orand willCollege), be Corporate (B2B). Не съм сигурен Unsure The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers.
What Did the Third Survey Reveal? Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
Разбивка по видове Publisher Type Breakdown
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, far from reaching Николко/ няма None are or will be да бъдат 20% promotion, 20% distribution, 23% and sales 14%are still 30% their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of са / ще publishers eluded by 55% production efficiencies and TheПовечето majority are or willбъдат bethat are still55% 49% 56%meaningful 41%revenues.
По=малко са / ше бъдат
The minority are or will bestill see eBook 11% formats, 10% 14% and digital 9% rights Publishers distribution12% channels, quality, management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased Не съм сигурен Unsure 14% encouraging 16% sign that 15% 16% 20% since our first survey—an the eBook market is beginning to mature.
Важни точки
Significant Points: Survey
Highlights: 2009 to 2011
Издателите все повече се обърщат към трети страни за производство на електронни книги. Publishers are increasingly turning to third-party providers for eBook production.
out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% ofкниги, their revenues One 53% от издателите използват външни партньори за по-голямата част от своите докатоfrom eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing 12% прилагат външна помощ за някои еКниги. 53% of publishers use outside свои technology partners for the majority of their eBook rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of production while 12% employ outside help for some of their eBook production.
room for growth.с (Question 7) Докато нивото на дейностите свързани еКниги расте сред всички издателски сегменти, нараства и употребата наofвъншни партньори. издателски сегменти според has grownРазличните across all publishing market segments, soварират too As the level eBook activity the use ofна external partners. While different publishing market segments нивото до коетоhas разчитат тези technology доставчици на услуги, но всички им определят централна have varying levels of reliance on these providers, all see a central role for them. роля.
Издателите на и популярна повишават търсенето на технологични The Trade publishing market segment is increasing its use of third-party technology партньори художествена (cont’d) more thanсегмент, any other publishing market segment,тази almost doubling this eBook повече от всекиpartners друг пазарен с планове да удвоят своя стратегия по отношение production strategy in two years. BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 на електронните книги за следващите две години. 1 2
Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
66% от тези издатели технологични за помощ с еКнигите за Of Trade използват respondents, външни 66% use external technologyпартньори partners for eBook help, most for aptaracorp.com Sep 2011 the majority of their production. Almost unchanged over the past two years is the по-голяма част от своите издания. Почти без промяна остава процентът на издателствата of Trade respondents thatвътрешно eBook production is entirely съответно done inотговорили, че percentage производството на еКнигиreporting е изцяло за фирмата, 21% и 20%. house (21% versus 20%).
www.bgkniga.bg/ebook (cont’d) aptaracorp.com
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
14. Производствени партньори
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1 and over a third of book will issue more than 75 perccent вашите електронни издания са publishers / ще бъдат произведени of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
До каква степен от външни технологични партьори.
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including ct – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers Page 28 preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), бележка: Второто проучване на Аптара от 2010 задава подобен въпрос, “Как вашата Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and организация произвеждаCorporate електронните книги?” Възможностите за отговор се (B2B).
различават малко от настоящото проучване. Долу е показано сравнение.
Books be nology
The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the Note: The second Aptara survey rapid from 2010 askedofathe similar question, does your expansion eBook market“How and provides a statistically valid basis for the organization produce eBooks?” The answer options differed the current conclusions drawn from the slightly survey. from The April 2011 survey collected and organized survey. The correlation is mapped for comparison below. responses from 1,350 publishers. КакSurvey: вашата организация произвежда 20102010: Aptara “How % Maps to What Did doesеКниги? your organization produce eBooks?”
2011: До каква степен вашите електронни
2011 Aptara Survey: “To what extent % the Third Survey Reveal? издания са / ще бъдат are/will your eBooks be произведени produced byот партьори. an външни externalтехнологични technology partner(s)?”
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable A hybrid approach (both 27 The minority are/will beще 11 Смесен подход (вътрешно Малцинството са/ dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market иinternal външно бъдат andпроизводство) external resources) reality results inПовечето production growing pains and business model challenges, often Партньор от трета страна ще be бъдат Third party conversion partner 27 55 The majorityса/ are/will overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. Използваме вътрешни Николко не са/ няма да Using internal resources 21 None 20 ресурси бъдатare/will be While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from Не съм сигурен Не съм сигурен Unsure 2 Unsure 14 eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching Незнам Не съм сигурен Undefined 22 full potential. Unsure their eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues.
бележка: Въпрос неPublishers еin присъствал в първото проучване Note: Question 14 was not14 asked the firststill survey. see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
ooks’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Page 29
15. Външен двигател eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent 2010, and over aна third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent Коя е главната причина заinизползване външен партньор? 1
of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
ource Driver
in driver for using an ology partner?
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real Липса вътрешнофирмена Lack surveys ofнаinternal capability impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual examined topics including възможност иpreferred ресурси devices and and resources preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of Имаме вътрешнофирмена exists, eBook sales. The results present significant Internal insights capability into the emergence of eBook trends възможност, но чрез but cost is lower and best practices across all four publishingвъншни market segments: Consumer фирми е по-евтино (Trade), externally Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and 45% Corporate (B2B). Външният партньор External partner provides
предлага по-високо качество higher quality The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the Външният партньор по- basis for the External partner can valid rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically лесно обработва големи more handle higher conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011easily survey collected and organized обеми volumes responses from 1,350 publishers.
13% 5%
без N/Aотговор
12% What Did the Third Survey Reveal?
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market Разбивка поinвидове reality results production pains and business model challenges, often Лит. НТМ Унив. Средно обр. B2B Publisher Type Breakdown Tradegrowing STM College K–12 Corporate overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. Липса на вътрешнофирмена възможност Lack of internal capability and resources 45% 44% 52% 33% и ресурси 45% While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of Имаме възможност, Internalвътрешнофирмена capability exists, but cost is но 12% 10% 9% 19% 9%their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching чрез външни фирми е по-евтино lower externally their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the Външният партньор предлага по-високо 9% majority of External partner provides higher quality 5% by production 6% 5% 2% качество publishers that are still eluded efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Външният партньор по-лесно обработва External partner can more easily handle 12% 17% 13% 17% 9% големи обеми Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights higher volumes management без(DRM) отговорas serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased N/A 26% 23% 28% 11% 41% since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. Significant Points: Важни точки
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011
By an average margin of more than 30%, every publishing segment agrees that the причина Със средно ниво над 30%, всеки издателски сегмент се съгласява, че основна main driver for using an external technology provider for eBook production support One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10%isofна their revenues from за използването на външен партньор за производството на еКниги е “липсата “Lack of internal capability andThis resources.” eBooks. is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing вътрешнофирмени възможности и ресурси”.
rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of With the continuing evolution of the EPUB standard of significant newустройства room for growth. (Question 7) and emergence С непрестанната еволюция на стандарта EPUB и излизането на значими нови devices and operating systems, eBook formats still present challenges to publishers. и операционни системи, формàтите за еКниги все още представляват предизвикателство Gaining eBook production efficiencies in a shifting environment requires ongoing за издателите. Постигането на ефикасни процеси за производство на еКниги изисква development of expertise in standards, eReader hardware, and software, as well as непрекъснато развитие на експертизата стандартите, и софтуера, investments in research and process и development. With хардуера the rapidly changing state ofкакто и инвестицииeBook в проучвания и развитие на процесите. Със itскоростно се облик devices, platforms, and production requirements, is difficult forпроменящият publishers to justify investing their own resources in order to develop such expertise. на устройствата за четене, платформите и производствените изисквания, се оказва трудно(cont’d)
за издателите да оправдаят инвестирането наof лични ресурси, за да създават такава BookStats Survey, Association American andcosts the Book Industrythe Study Group, 2011 segments, particularly K–12,Publishers see lower through use Some publishing market експертиза.of external technology Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011 partners, even when internal capability exists. 1 2
aptaracorp.com Sep 2011Някои издателски сегменти, най-вече от сферата на образованието, виждат по-ниските разходи при употреба на външни партньори, дори при наличие на вътрешнофимрени (cont’d) възможности. aptaracorp.com www.bgkniga.bg/ebook
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
15. Външен двигател Коя е главната
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent 2010,1 and overна a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent причина заinизполване външен партньор? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real При постоянно променящи се формàти на еКнигите, няколкото технологични външни impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including партньори са натрупали значителен опит в производството на електронни книги. Те preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and са забележителни зарадиplatforms, ефикасните вътрешни инструменти, които саand проектирали и distribution channels, enhancement strategies, volumes and sources of results present insightsза into the emergence of eBook trends лидерските позиции коитоeBook иматsales. приThe създаването наsignificant стандартите електронни книги. andза best practices acrossна all еКниги four publishing marketобщо segments: Consumer (Trade), Възможно е инструментите производство да станат достъпни и да Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and позволят на издателите да постигнат ефективно вътрешнофирмено производство, но Corporate (B2B).
развитието на софтуерните услуги (SaaS) най-вероятно ще забави този процес.
The phenomenal in survey participation—100 percentза year year—reflects the По-високото качество на еКнигите не еgrowth основна причина за издателите, даover използват rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the външни партньори. conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers. най-вероятно отразява факта, че сред всички пазарни сегменти, издателите
Това разкртите разбират че отговорността за качеството на съдържанието винаги е тяхна, а не на външният партньор. Докато книгоиздателите без съмение очакват и изискват най-високо What Did the Third Survey Reveal? качество от своите технологични партньори, това не е основна причина за използването им. Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market
Бележка: Въпрос 15 не е бил задаван в предишните проучвания. reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Поглед към EPUB 3, обогатените книги и приложенията/Apps
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked transitionиfrom print toзаdigital in responseеКниги to the riseиof Ако просто четяхме блогове, описания наpublishers’ конференции новини обогатените eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to revealче the real приложенията за елекронни книги, щяхме да имаме основателна причина да приемем impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including обогатеното съдържание и приложенията са следващото голямо нещо за книгоиздателите. preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, channels, enhancement strategies, and volumesса and sources of Данните събрани от въпроси 16-18distribution предполагат различна реалност. Издателите много eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends по-фокусирани върху това да вкарат изданията си в съществуващите към момента and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), файлови формати отколкото върху създаването на нови видове обогатено мултимедийно Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and съдържание - друго доказателство за неразкрития до сега потенциал на пазара. Corporate (B2B).
The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers.
What Did the Third Survey Reveal? Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
oks’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Page 32
16.Стратегия по отношение на EPUB 3
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 in 2010,1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than бъде 75 perccent стратегия заpercent преминаване към стандарта EPUB3 след като of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Имате ли финализиран. 3 Strategy
trategy for moving to dard once it is finalized?
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and Да Yes platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of eBook sales. The results present significantНе insights into the emergence of eBook trends No and best practices25% across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), Unsure Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Не съмEducation сигурен (K–12 and College), and Corporate (B2B). The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers.
What Did the Third Survey Reveal? Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
Разбивка видове Publisher Type по Breakdown
Литература НТМ Trade STM
Унив. College
Средно K–12обр.
B2B Corporate
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from Да Yes 28% production, 24%promotion, 19% 36% eBooks, eBook distribution,14% and sales are still far from reaching Не No 32% 35% 31% 40% 36% their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of Unsure Не съм сигурен 40% 41% 50% 46% 29% publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first е survey—an encouraging sign that the eBookот market is beginning to mature. Идеята за силно ограничена, с издателите търговския и B2B Awareness of EPUBна 3 isEPUB3 limited, with Corporate and Trade publishers ahead of the съществуването curve. на редиците. сектори начело Significant 1. Важни точкиPoints:
Survey Highlights: 2009 книги to standard 2011 EPUB3 е новото формат електронни и включва значителена EPUB поколение 3 is the next edition of theзаEPUB eBook format and includes significant поддръжка for enhancements. There is a generalза lack of awareness of EPUB 3предимства and its на добавки.support Има всеобща незинтересованост EPUB3 и за неговите сред One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from benefits across all publisher types. This isn’t surprising, givenвthat publishers are stillче издателите все издателската общност. Това не е изненадващо, взимайки предфид факта, eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing working to catch up to the exploding market for EPUB eBooks, and that EPUB 3 is only още работят за да задоволят експлодиращият EPUB пазар, кактоthat и това, че EPUB3 се of rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights the eBook market тепърва still has plenty now being finalized and currently has limited device support. for growth.поддръжка (Question 7) от устройствата. финализира и има все още room ограничена Among respondents of allпочти publisher types, nearly не halfса areсигурни unsure about EPUB 3иand Сред всички проучвани групи, половината за ЕPUB3 само 25% имат план only 25% have a plan for moving to EPUB 3. Corporate and Trade publishers are the да мигрират. Издателите на художествена и популярна литерарура и на В2В са най-подготвени most prepared with an EPUB 3 strategy, at 36% and 28%. с EPUB3 стратегиите си, съответно 36% и 28%. has been turning и to популярна EPUB stronglyлитература overall with many Trade eBook publishing ИздателитеTrade на художествена се обръщат масово към EPUB, тъй като (cont’d) programs regularly publishing in EPUB as well as Kindle formats. Trade’s relatively много от издателските програми за предпечат го поддържат, както и Киндъл. Относително heightened interest in EPUB 3 may simply reflect the relatively recent pursuit of EPUB. BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 завишеният интерес на тези издатели към EPUB3 може да се дължи и на скорошното Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011 преминаване към EPUB. While Corporate publishers report the highest percentage of publishers with an EPUB 3 Sep 2011 strategy, the relatively small size of this market segment’s survey participation weakensaptaracorp.com Въпреки чеthe B2B издателския сегмент показва най-висок процент от издатели с EPUB3 стратегия, statistical reliability of these results. относително слабото участе на такива издатели проучването, намалява статистическата Note: 16 was not asked in previous surveys. достоверност наQuestion изследването. www.bgkniga.bg/ebook aptaracorp.com 1 2
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
eBooks’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 in 2010,1 and over third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent планpercent по отношение наaобогатените книги ( например of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Какъв е вашият книги с мултимейдийно съдържание)
hanced eBooks
plan regarding enhanced books with links to related ch media such as ?
Page 33
17.Обогатени книги
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including 6% eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred preferred devices and Все проучвам Stillоще investigating 6%platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of Нямам планове към eBook sales. The results present significant insights into thethis emergence of eBook trends No plans at time момента 7% and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), Already producing Вече правя Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12them and College), and Corporate (B2B). 42% Planning toда produce Планирам правя them след като на четци се onceпазара the eReader market The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the регулира. settles rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the 21% conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized Чакам WaitingEPUB3 on theстандарта EPUB 3 responses from 1,350 publishers. standard
Не съм сигурен
What Did the Third Survey Reveal?
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed of eBook sales figures. Разбивка по видове by the allure Publisher Type Breakdown Trade STM College K–12 Corporate
Литература НТМ
Средно обр.
While one out of five eBook their sales from Still investigating 35% publishers 47% generates 46%more than 33%10% of56% Все още проучвам eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching Нямам към No plans at thisпланове time 20% 20% 12% 12% 11% their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of момента publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Already producing them 21% 16% 26% 35% 16% Вече правя
Планирам да правя след Planning to produce them once 10% 6% 6% 9% 2% Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights като пазара на четци the eReader market settlesсе регулира. (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased management Waiting on EPUB3 the EPUB 3our standard 6% sign that3% since first survey—an8% encouraging the eBook7% market is11% beginning to mature. Чакам стандарта Unsure
Не съм сигурен
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 Significant Points: One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from is aplans strongremain statistic for an early-stage Considering the increasing enhancedThis eBook modest—with 60% ofmarket. publishers still While publishers’ eBooks. Палновете на investigating издателитеenhanced заrate книги с обогатено съдържание остават скромни с 60% все ofeBooks consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of or not planning to produce them—the number of още в процес respondents на проучване или изобщо без планове за обогатени книги. Междувременно room for growth. (Question 7) across all publishing market segments that are producing enhanced броя на участниците в проучването, коитоasпроизвеждат еКниги eBooks has increased significantly compared to a year ago. с обогатено съдържание е
1. Важни точки
нараснал значително за последната година.
Contributing to the significant increase across all publishing segments is the introduction
За това повишено и навлизането iPAD на други of the търсене Apple iPadдопринася and other multifunction eReader на tablets thatи lend themselves to audio and videoтаблети, enhancements. мултифункционални които поддържат мултимедийно съдържание.
Най- очевидните скокове приare Образователната литература. на еКниги The most tellingса jumps in the Education arena. College andПроизводството K–12 publishers’ BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 е достигнало невиждани височини тази година, със скок от 3-26% за университетските production of eBooks has skyrocketed in the past year, from 3% to 26% and 4% to 35%, Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011 Education eBook publishingна has long been producing rich media content, и от 4% на 25%respectively. за учебникарите. Издателите образователна литература отдавна even though the content was most often targetedче at основната PCs and learning versus aptaracorp.com Sep 2011произвеждат мултимедийно съдържание, въпреки им platforms цел е била discrete eReaders. потребление от PC и образователни платформи в противовес на дискретните четци. 1 2
www.bgkniga.bg/ebook aptaracorp.com
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
17. Обогатени книги
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 in 2010,1 and over third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent планpercent по отношение наaобогатените книги ( например of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Какъв е вашият книги с мултимейдийно съдържание)
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement“вече strategies, and volumesобогатени and sources of 21% от издателите на художествена и популярна литература произвеждат eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends еКниги”- растеж от 11% спрямо предходната година. За издателите от образователния and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), бранш този растеж е до 16% от 7% за предишна градина. (STM), Корпоративните издатели също Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical Education (K–12 and College), and имат скок до 16% от 0% заCorporate 2010. (B2B).
Възприятието на обогатените еКниги е все още отделно от EPUB3. The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook17), market provides statistically valid basis for the Когато се говори за “обогатени еКниги”( въпрос за and разлика отaEPUB3 ( въпрос 16), conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized респондентие от всички пазарни сегменти отбелязват силен растеж в производството и responses from 1,350 publishers. плановете си за производство на обогатени еКниги. Това предполага, че издателите все още не асоцират разширените еКниги с EPUB3 и/или са несигурни какво ще съдържа обновеният стандарт EPUB3. Това забелязва най-вече при учебникарите. What Didсеthe Third Survey Reveal?
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market Докато новият стандарт EPUB3 обещава да помогне за разширяването на възможностите reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often при производство на еКниги, неговият потенциал остава недоразбран. Най-вероятно overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
обогатените електронни книги ще останат недостижима цел докато потребителските платформи все още си преразпределят пазара. While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from
eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching
Издателите на художествена литература и учебникарите са най-загрижени за their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of неустановените пазари наpublishers подходящи устройства заproduction четене, efficiencies когато стане въпрос заrevenues. that are still eluded by and meaningful обогатени книги. Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights
Издателите на художествена и популярна литература ще продължат да гледат с неохота management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased към инвестициите в обогатени еКниги ако съществуващата отeBook четци продължава since our first survey—an encouraging sign база that the market is beginning to mature. да изисква разнообразни и несъвместими файлови формати, които ще доведат до повишаване на разходите за този вид рисково съдържание. Тревогите на учебникарите Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 относно технологичните платформи са по- общи и се отнасят най-вече за съществуващата инфраструктура. One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks.вThis is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing Бележка: Въпрос 17 не е задаван първото проучване.
rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Books’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Page 35
18.Разработка на приложения
Какви са вашите еKниги?
plan regarding book-based ment?
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent относно in 2010,1 andразработването over a third of book publishers will issue more than планове на приложения за75 perccent of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2 Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of 9% through a series of three surveys, from eBooks 2009 toпроучвам 2011. Designed to reveal the real Still investigating Все още impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including Нямам планове към No plans at this time preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, момента preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of Already producing them of eBook trends Вече правя eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), 41% Планирам правя Planning toда once the след Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and като пазара на четци се device market settles регулира. Corporate (B2B). UnsureEPUB3 стандарта Чакам The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the Не съм сигурен valid basis for the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized responses from 1,350 publishers.
What Did the Third Survey Reveal? Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market Разбивка по видове Publisher Type Breakdown Trade STM K–12обр. Corporate Литература НТМandCollege Унив. Средно B2B reality results in production growing pains business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. Still investigatingВсе още проучвам 37% 44% 47% 32% 49%
Нямам планове към момента While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from No plans at this time 28% 28% 25% 30% 31% eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching Вече правя their full potential. eBooks’23% market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of Already producing them 16% 14% 16% 11% Планирам да правя след като publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. пазара на четци се регулира. Planning to once the device market settles 5% 6% 4% 5% 2% Чакам EPUB3 стандарта Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights Unsure 7% challenges—but 7% 10% 16% 7%gradually eased Не съм сигурен management (DRM) as serious these concerns have since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. Significant Points:
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011
The pursuit of book-based app development is very modest across all publishing market segments. One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing At 23%, Trade hasrate the highest percentage of respondents reporting that they are market still has plenty of of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook “already producingroom book-based apps.” for growth. (Question 7) “Still investigating” and “no plans at this time” significantly outweigh the “already producing” responses for all publishing market segments. When asked about book-based apps, the response rate of K–12 publishers—who produce more enhanced eBooks than any other publisher type at 35% (Question 17)— drops by more than half, to 16%, suggesting that there is not necessarily a correlation 1 BookStats between enhanced eBookSurvey, production andofapp development. Association American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 2
Sep 2011
Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
Overall, apps are not a major driver for publishers in comparison to eBooks.
Note: Question 18 was not asked in previous surveys.
aptaracorp.com www.bgkniga.bg/ebook
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly Как ще изглежда бъдещето за издателите на еКниги?
40 percent in 2010,1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Погледа към предизвикателствата, коитоpublishers’ стоят пред издателите дава inдобри знаци, Aptara has tracked transition from printни to digital response to the rise of а именно- все още сме в началото: двеaгодини по-късно и три eBooks through series of three surveys, from проучвния 2009 to 2011. по-късно, Designed to reveal the real impactсегменти of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including издателите от всички пазарни остават загрижени за нестабилния характер на preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and устройствата за четене, форматите и стандартите. platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of
Изгрева на мултифункционалните таблети може да significant бъде причина както сочатtrends eBook sales. The results present insights за intoнадежда, the emergence of eBook and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), и личните предпочитания на издателите за устройство за четене. Но таблетите няма да (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and разрешат всеки проблем,Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical тъй като издателите все още са изправени пред проблеми с Corporate (B2B). дистрибуцията, качеството, цените и DRM, но тези грижи постепенно намаляват през последните 2 години- знакThe чеphenomenal пазра започва съзрява. growth да in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the Издателите не могат да искат повече- имаме млад пазар с екпоненциален растеж на conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized продажбите. От двете страни на медала са publishers. растящите трудности противопоставени responses from 1,350 на неизчерпаемия потенциал на пазара. Целта на серията проучвания на Аптара е да докуметира и двете страни, и по този начин, да предостави на издателите най-доброто Did сthe Third за Survey Reveal? изследване на пейзажа наWhat бизнеса еКниги, да могат те да оптимизират своите собствени процеси и да подобрят приходите.
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
ooks’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Page 37
19. Предизвикателства Кои са/бяха
e the greatest challenges ooks to the market?
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1 and over a third ofза book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent най-големите предизвикателства издаването еКниги? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2 Aptara has 30% tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of
eBooks a series ofсthree surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real Формат съдържанието и съвместимост Contentна format and devicethrough compatibility issues устройствата impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred 21% eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, Distributionс дистрибуцията channel issues distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of Проблеми eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends and 16% best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Качеството на converted книгите Quality of the content Corporate (B2B). 16%
The phenomenal DRM Digital Rights Management (DRM) growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the
rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized 8% responses from 1,350 publishers. Общите за произвоство еКниги Overall разходи cost of eBook production на
Other Други
What Did the Third Survey Reveal?
Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales Унив. figures. Publisher Type Trade STM College Средно K–12обр. Corporate Разбивка поBreakdown видове Лит. НТМ B2B
4% Не съм сигурен Unsure
Формат съдържанието Формат на съдържанието и 31%publishers Content на format/device compatibility issues 28%generates 31%more than 33% 10% of 27% While oneи out of five eBook their sales from съвместимост с устройствата eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching съвместимост с устройствата Distribution channel issues 21% 22% 15% 22% 21% their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of с дистрибуцията Проблеми с Проблеми дистрибуцията publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. Качеството Quality of the contentна книгите 18% 13% 18% 13% 16% Качеството наconverted книгите
Publishers still seeDRM eBook14% formats, 17% distribution17% channels,15% quality, and digital rights DRM Digital Rights Management (DRM) 17% management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased Общите разходи за произвоство Общите разходи за произвоство на на
since our first survey—an 8% encouraging the eBook beginning to mature. Overall cost of eBook production 9%sign that9% 8%market is9% еКниги
еКниги Other Други
Не съм сигурен Unsure
Други 4%
Survey НеHighlights: съм сигурен 2009 to 2011
One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from Важни точки Significant Points: eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing of consumer sales it highlights thatоще the eBook market still has plenty of Форматът на съдържаниетоrate и проблемите съсprojections, съвместимостта все държат първото room for growth. (Question 7) “Content format and device compatibility issues” still rank as the greatest eBook място като най-големи предизвикателства за издателите от всички пазарни сегменти, както publishing challenges across all publishing market segments, as they have in all three е било във всички изследвания на Аптара досега. Това предполага, че издателите остават Aptara surveys, suggesting that publishers are concerned with the difficulty of getting загрижени заtheir това колко е трудно да предложат по подходящ начин съдържанието си на content to market.
The eBook market still suffers from publishers’ perception that they must pursue as
Пазарът все още от разбирането, чеthe издателите да предложат колкото (cont’d) many страда eBook formats as they can. Yet, marketplace трябва hasn’t matured enough in terms може повечеofфайлови формати. пазарът все още не е workflow съвсем adoption съзрял toщо се отнася format standards, deviceДа, operating systems, and digital make BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 this approach a practical reality. Thoughсистеми EPUB hasна helped ease the format struggle, it is до стандартните формати, операционните устройствата и внедряването Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011 still not fully incorporated into most publishers’ eBook production processes. на дигиталните производствени процеси по начин благоприятстващ превръщането aptaracorp.com Sep 2011на еКнигите в реалност. Въпреки че появата на EPUB помогна да се улесни битката с (cont’d) форматите, той все още не е е напълно интегриран в производствените процеси на aptaracorp.com повечето издатели. 1 2
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
19. Предизвикателства Кои са/бяха
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 40 percent in 2010,1 and over a third ofза book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent най-големите предизвикателства издаването еКниги? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends best practices все across all four publishing marketпо segments: Consumer (Trade), “Проблеми с каналите за and дистрибуция” още остават второто големина Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 College), and предизвикателство пред издателите от всички пазарни сегменти, както е билоand през всички Corporate (B2B).
изследвания проведени от Аптара.
The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the DRM( Управлението на дигиталните права) намалява своето значение за последната rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically basis for the година, като загрижените за това са наполовина по-малко спрямо процентаvalid загрижени за conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized “Формат на файловете и проблеми със съвместимостта”. responses from 1,350 publishers.
Издателите от всички пазарни сегменти изглежадат все по-малко загрижени за разходите за производство на еКниги. What Did the Third Survey Reveal?
Избралите отговор “Общите разходи за производство на еКниги” спада с 13%, от 21% за Though theповече eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still with unpredictable миналата година, до 8% сега. Все издатели произвеждат еКниги и young, системите и dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market процесите, които са им в помощ съществуват от известно време в конкурентна среда. Това reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often намалява сътоветно тревогите на книгоиздателите. overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. Когато се сравни с повишението на приходите от еКниги, това ясно показва промяна в one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from нагласите на издателите- While те вече виждат еКнигите като инвестиция, не просто като разход.
eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast,за particularly the majority of “Качествтото на конвертираното съдържание” е сериозна тревога всички for издателиpublishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues. двойно по-важно от разходите, наравно с намаляващото ниво на загриженост за DRM
Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact
Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
ooks’ Real Impact – Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
Page 39
20. Лично предпочитание за устройство за четене Кое от следните
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent 40 percentвие in 2010, устройства лично използвате, за да четете еКниги? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2 Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of
erred Personal eReader Device(s)eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real
ollowing devices do you e to read eBooks?
Amazon Kindle
impact of eBooks on book publishers, the annual surveys examined topics including 25% preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of eBook sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends 18% and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer (Trade), Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and Corporate (B2B). 11%
The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the 11% conclusions drawn from the survey. The April 2011 survey collected and organized Не четаread еКниги I don’t eBooks responses from 1,350 publishers. 9%
What Did the Third Survey Reveal?
7% Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, it is still young, with unpredictable dynamics and an immature infrastructure. For most publishers, this early-stage market reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often 6% overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures. Barnes & Noble NOOK / NOOK Color Mac
5% Sony Reader 4%
While one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of publishers that are still eluded by production efficiencies and meaningful revenues.
Android смартфон Android-based smartphone
Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights management (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased 3% since Android таблет tablet our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature. Android-based 2%
Друг смартфон Other smartphoneSurvey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from Trade STM College Средно K–12обр. Corporate Лит. НТМ Унив. B2B This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of iPad 28% 7) 23% 20% 29% 29% room for growth. (Question Amazon Kindle 21% 14% 19% 14% 13% PC 7% 15% 15% 12% 13% I don’t read eBooks 8% 15% 14% 8% 10% iPhone 8% 10% 8% 10% 9% Mac 6% 6% 7% 8% 7% Barnes & Noble NOOK / NOOK Color 7% 4% 5% 6% 3% (cont’d) Sony Reader 7% 3% 3% 4% 4% 1 BookStats Survey, Association of Android смартфон Android-based smartphone 4% 5% 4% Study Group, 5% 2011 American Publishers and5% the Book Industry 2 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011 Android таблетtablet Android-based 3% 4% 3% 5% 4% Друг Otherсмартфон smartphone 2% 1% 2% 0% 2% Publisher Type Breakdown eBooks.
Sep 2011
www.bgkniga.bg/ebook aptaracorp.com
превод от английски Диана Бойчева бгкниг@
Uncovering eBooks’ Real Impact Aptara’s Third Annual eBook Survey of Publishers
20. Лично предпочитание за устройство за четене Кое от следните
eBooks are the most dominant force in contemporary publishing. Their sales rose nearly 1 and over a third of book publishers will issue more than 75 perccent 40 percentвие in 2010, устройства лично използвате за да четете еКниги? of their titles as eBooks in 2011.2
Aptara has tracked publishers’ transition from print to digital in response to the rise of eBooks through a series of three surveys, from 2009 to 2011. Designed to reveal the real impact of eBooks on book publishers, от the бранша annual surveys examined topics including Четенето на еКниги измежду всички професионалисти продължава да расте, с preferred eBook formats, specific production approaches, preferred devices and най-голяма промяна за издателите на художествена и популярна литература. platforms, distribution channels, enhancement strategies, and volumes and sources of Разкритята за последнитеeBook две години показват интересна тенденция. В първото проучване sales. The results present significant insights into the emergence of eBook trends and best practices across all four publishing market segments: Consumer на Аптара- 2009 година, 22% от всички респонденти са казали че не четат еКниги. В(Trade), Professional–Scientific/Technical/Medical (STM), Education (K–12 and College), and настоящото проучване, тази цифра спада до 11%, с издателите на художествена литература Corporate (B2B).
начело със спад от 13% за две години.
The phenomenal growth in survey participation—100 percent year over year—reflects the Употребата на Киндъл расте, но много скромно. rapid expansion of the eBook market and provides a statistically valid basis for the
Предпочитанията на респондентите за Киндъл нарастнали само с няколко за conclusions drawn from the са survey. The April 2011 survey collectedпроцента and organized responses from 1,350 publishers. две години. В данните събрани за 2009 година, Киндъл е предпочитан от 12%, а в момента е 18%. iPad е най-предпочитаният четец заthe книги сред издателите. What Did Third Survey Reveal? За пръв път iPad се появява в изследването от 2010 година, с повечеitфенове от Киндъл Though the eBook market is expanding exponentially, is still young, with unpredictable (16% от всички респонденти). Една година по-късно iPad все първото място market с dynamics and an immature infrastructure. Forоще most държи publishers, this early-stage reality results in production growing pains and business model challenges, often 25% средно. overshadowed by the allure of eBook sales figures.
Прдпочитанията за iPad и Таблети с Андроид (28%), като лични устройства за четене е статистически обвързано While с четците(29%). one out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their sales from eBooks, eBook production, promotion, distribution, and sales are still far from reaching
За един от всеки пет издатели, компютърът остава предпочитано устройство за четене. their full potential. eBooks’ market opportunity is vast, particularly for the majority of
that are still by production and meaningful revenues. През 2009 година, 28% от publishers респондентите саeluded предпочитали даefficiencies четат еКниги от компютъра си, но две изследания по-късно този процент спада с 10 пункта. С навлизането на нови Publishers still see eBook formats, distribution channels, quality, and digital rights устройства на пазара и съсmanagement стабилизирането на операционните системи на таблетите, този (DRM) as serious challenges—but these concerns have gradually eased спад се очаква да продължи. since our first survey—an encouraging sign that the eBook market is beginning to mature.
Survey Highlights: 2009 to 2011 One out of five eBook publishers generates more than 10% of their revenues from eBooks. This is a strong statistic for an early-stage market. Considering the increasing rate of consumer sales projections, it highlights that the eBook market still has plenty of room for growth. (Question 7)
(cont’d) 1 2
Sep 2011
BookStats Survey, Association of American Publishers and the Book Industry Study Group, 2011 Aptara’s Third eBook Survey of Publishers, 2011