Women in Business | 2023 Athena Awards

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A Message from the President

Many have felt a great new start in 2023 and palpable energy turning the calendar page to a new year! However, as we usher in 2023 not many things excite me as much as the Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and ATHENA AWARDS What an gathering to kick o ness year and a w opportunity to honor celebrate prestigious leaders from all types fessional careers; fo cellence in their cho their mentorship of achieve their career their valuable engag munity service.

For more than t Greater Flagstaff Cha merce has chosen t of the ATHENA awa nize individuals tha go unnoticed for dedication they bring place and communit ATHENA is an inter with a mission to su and honor female le females to achieve t tial and create balanc ship Since its incep the ATHENA Leade Award has been presented to more than 7000 exemplary leaders in over 500 communities

“across the world” Along with visible recognition the spirit of the ATHENAS is actually based on leadership tenets which, through the years have become the foundation of enlightened and successful leadership Those leadership tenents are: live authentically,learn constantly,advocate fiercely,act courageously foster collaboration build relationships give back and celebrate. I’m will agree that one or e traits really resonate and how you are living They certainly inspire all I can be in this crazy the past 17 years, I have special and great honor wing hundreds of the forms and getting acwith them on paper I know how moving essive the process of a recipient could be. know that each year, I wait to read about the ments these ladies have This year is no different ourage you to take some ad their abbreviated aphies each of which are published by the Arizona Daily get to know these great Thanks to the judges olunteered to score each according to the three ories established nationally for the award.

2023 is an unusual year because it is the first time the Greater Flagstaff Chamber is awarding

two ATHENAs One for private sector leadership and one for public/nonprofit leadership This will not be a new and lasting trend but we are just giddy about focusing on two separate categories this year Today hundreds of cities in the US and abroad are engaged in ATHENA largely due to the efforts of Martha Mertz, ATHENA Founder, and her team traveling the globe to help female leaders earn respect and recognition. For those efforts and for the community of Flagstaff embracing this leadership model, we are forever grateful at the Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce The recipients will be named at the Chamber’s Annual Meeting on Friday, February 10 at the High Country Conference Center Thank you to all who invest in the Greater Flagstaff Chamber community through membership to enable our mission to help businesses be successful by promoting, supporting and serving as a resource for them and to empower business people to build a community where businesses can thrive and citizens are proud to live. Collectively, we have impacted our region and helped businesses be successful since 1891!

With gratitude,

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DAILY SUN Amanda Guay community health director for North Country Healthcare delivers her acceptance speech after receiving the Athena Award at last year’s ceremony 2023 ATHENA AWARDS FEBRUARY 5, 2023

Jennifer Bucher-Brown NACOG Head Start

Jennifer has nearly 30 years of experience and dedication to the Northern AZ Head Start Program, as the Head Start and Early Head Start Director The program covers 4 Northern AZ counties and serves over 1,000 children and families, 31 childcare sites and over 300 staff With a budget exceeding 22 million annually they proudly operate programs giving children from at-risk backgrounds the skills needed to be successful in school and life.

One of her key accomplishments was re-organizing the NACOG Head Start department in 2019 during the regional re-competition process 2 years after becoming the Director The 5-year grant package was awarded back to Northern Arizona. Since that time the program has successfully completed an Office of Head Start federal review with no areas of concern or improvement and has had multiple unmodified fiscal audits

Jennifer received both her BS in Early Childhood Development and her BA-Spanish minor from NAU She also completed UCLA’s Management Fellows Program, and WestEd, Program for Infant and Toddler Care Certification. Early in her career she was a Teacher, Mentor, and Education Coordinator

In response to the national crisis in childhood mental health Jennifer made a bold leadership move and launched leadership in Pyramid Model, working collaboratively with the management team, NAU, Kaibab Behavioral Specialists,Lancaster Leadership,and mental health providers to ensure supports in the field were available to serve as a source of ongoing expertise. Staff buy-in grew quickly because the approach is personalized self-guided and empowering As staff knowledge grew, they were able to share this new approach with parents and families sustaining positive results Moving forward, Jennifer hopes to continue to grow leaders from within, along with positively contributing community members, advocates, leaders and role models

Heather Dalmolin Mountain Line

Heather Dalmolin celebrated 21 years of public transit service with Mountain Line this month She started in the Accounting Department when Mountain Line had four routes, six buses and about 200,000 riders a year Today,she is the CEO and General Manager of an organization that operates nine routes with 28 hybrid-electric buses and ridership topping 2 5 million Heather rose through the ranks at Mountain Line, becoming one of the most respected public transit officials in the state.

Under Heather’s leadership, Mountain Line instituted eight hours of paid volunteer time for all staff to assist local non-profits Transit Voice, the monthly slideshow sharing news Mountain Line staff need to know, highlights a different local non-profit each publication that could use volunteers, and in doing so shares the excellent work done by Flagstaff organizations Heather is a firm believer in giving back to the community that so strongly supports public transit. She demonstrates this belief in her personal volunteerism and encourages staff to follow her example. She is a Board Member for Quality Connections, and Advisory Committee Member for ECoNA, and a Member of the Northern Arizona Leadership Alliance. These are just a few of the organizations she volunteers with and participates in.

Heather has developed and promoted women into leadership positions with a majority of key leadership and decision-making positions held by women at Mountain Line. Her development of staff and willingness to support them has led to an incredible retention rate amongst these women; they come to Mountain Line and stay Through Heather’s example and guidance, other women have embraced leadership roles and navigated traditional gender roles with grace Heather is a role model for the many women at Mountain Line and is paving the way for them to be change makers in their own way

Chef Rochelle Daniel is the Chef and Owner of Atria Restaurant in Downtown Flagstaff which opened in 2022. A Phoenix native, she first fell in love with northern Arizona while serving as the Executive Chef for the L’Auberge de Sedona Resort Chef Rochelle designed Atria with a feminine style stimulating a plant and flower filled atrium which represents their foraged ingredients She wanted an open kitchen concept which really showcases the talent, and connects the guest to the food being prepared. The kitchen serves as the“Heart”of the restaurant and offers a front row seat where customers can watch their fresh local and seasonal picks being expertly cooked and plated. Rochelle studied at Scottsdale Culinary Institute. She was the Executive Chef at the award-winning Fat Ox modern Italian in Scottsdale, was a finalist on the Food Network’s “Chopped Grill Masters”, has been recognized as one of the Valley’s “Top 5 Sous Chefs” by the Arizona Republic, and as “Best Sous Chef” by AZcentral.com. She was also inducted into the Arizona Culinary Hall of Fame in 2017, and has received the James Beard nomination for best emerging chef in the U.S At 14 years old, Rochelle started helping out in the kitchen of the country club where her mother worked training professional athletes She said she fell in love and knew even at that young age that the kitchen would be her home.

Rochelle has had amazing success in a typically male-dominated career as a Chef She has made Atria truly hers, paying homage to her work and craft even in the smallest details She is an inspiration to young women everywhere that if you set your sites on something that truly inspires you,work hard,and never let go of your dreams they can come true.

M2 | Sunday, February 5, 2023 ARIZONA DAILY SUN 00 1
Rochelle Daniel Atria
Congratulations Congratulations 2023ATHENAAwardNominee HeatherDalmolin CEOandGeneralManager TheMountainLineteamis proudofyouraccomplishments andhonoredtoworkunder yourleadership.


Janet Dean Arizona Public Service (APS)

Janet Dean is the Public Affairs Manager Senior for APS, responsible for building relationships with city, town, county and tribal elected officials and staff, as well as formal and informal community leaders Her passion is to help make connections for others Working across a wide geographic area in the state, Janet has created a network of friends that include every major business and many small business’ as well as just about everyone in and around Flagstaff She has been a driving force in assisting the communities around the Cholla Power Plant transition its economy away from coal. Janet earned her BS in Journalism with an Emphasis in Public Relations from NAU She currently sits on six boards across Northern Arizona In addition to holding formal positions with various entities, Janet is also an ambassador for many non-profit organizations and schools She provides value to these nonprofit organizations and to the community by being a visionary who has the ability to help them shape their visions, as well as connecting them with resources and other groups who can assist them in achieving their goals

Throughout her career, Janet has been a great role model for young women by “walking the walk”, demonstrating excellence in professional standards, genuinely caring for the community, and a desire to see others succeed. She currently serves on the APS Women in Service Leadership employee group where she has helped develop its annual Excellence in Leadership program the past two years While at Northern Arizona Healthcare, she mentored several young female employees in order to help them develop talent and skills to advance in their professions and she has fostered more than a dozen college interns, many of them female, with an eye to providing meaningful experiences that helped them develop their resumes

Erin Evans Evans Garrey PLLC

Erin Evans is a founding partner of Evans Garrey, PLLC. She received her J.D from William Mitchell College of Law and lived in Phoenix before moving to Flagstaff where she has lived and worked for the past ten years She focuses on representing plaintiffs in wrongful death and catastrophic personal injury


Erin has always had a passion for helping people whether that is through her legal practice or her countless volunteer hours Her first profession was as a classroom teacher for children that required a special education curriculum After graduating from law school, she found herself especially interested in helping families with adoptions and guardianships through the Volunteer Lawyers Program She was named one of the Top 50 Pro Bono Attorneys in Arizona. In addition to this, she has served as the president of the Coconino County Bar Association and is an active member of several committees and task forces, including the Outreach to Young Lawyers Committee, Litigation Committee and Solo and Small Firm Task Force, and Women Trial Lawyer’s Committee.

In addition to her work in the legal field, Erin spends her time volunteering for the arts where she served as a Board Member of the Flagstaff Arts Council for 6 years She also has put her skills as a community organizer and leader to work locally with the Childhelp, Flagstaff Chapter, for over 10 years She has been a driving force for fundraisers and bringing in new young members

Erin strives to be a role model to young women She is a professional woman that sets an example for her children and other professional women by proving it is possible to be a mom and have a career all the while finding time to make meaningful contributions to the community

Paula Gilbert OneAZ Credit Union

Athena,the Greek Goddess,exemplifies confidence and compassion – two words that perfectly describe the leadership of Paula Gilbert. Paula is the Branch Manager at OneAZ Credit Union’s Flagstaff Branch. Paula leads her team with a gentle confidence that pushes them to bring their best thinking forward to provide the best member experience Her confidence is well earned With 23 years of experience in banking and finance, Paula is truly an expert in the field. She strives to impart that knowledge onto her team by constantly mentoring new associates encouraging them to pursue development opportunities, and inspiring them to give back to their community As a 14-year resident of Flagstaff, Paula is strongly connected to the community She has been an avid advocate for animal welfare, a longtime volunteer at High Country Humane and was invited to serve on the Board, allowing her to combine her knowledge and experience in finance with her love of animals This passion for service was on full display during last year’s fires where she moved swiftly, helping her human and animal neighbors evacuate the fire zone and move to safety Paula is an incredible role model for young women Her leadership demonstrates how compassion and hard work can build both a fulfilling career and a strong connection to one’s community Through dedicated community service, Paula demonstrates that the most important parts of leadership often take place outside of the workplace She is an indefatigable servant to the Flagstaff community, taking time on weekends to volunteer and serve multiple organizations, and she encourages her team to get involved, outside of their jobs Her service to her team, her mentorship to young women, and her dedication to the Flagstaff community are all examples of why she’s a wonderful inspiration for women everywhere.

00 1 ARIZONA DAILY SUN Sunday, February 5, 2023 | M3 WOMEN IN BUSINESS
Congratulations to all the Athena Award finalists Thank you for your leadership creativity and dedication to the community We d like to give a special round of applause to our own Janet Dean APS Senior Public Affairs Manager Each of you help make every day brighter Insert enthusiastic applause here.


Patty Hansen Coconino County

Patty Hansen has been serving as Coconino County Recorder since 2012. She is a dedicated public servant, having worked in election administration for over 35 years As the County Recorder she is responsible for public records, voter registration, and early voting. Under Patty’s leadership she has expanded the Native American Elections Outreach Program, made voting more accessible, and ensured safe and secure elections From serving on the board of the Arizona Association of Counties representing various seats to speaking at national conferences and her work training others, Patty’s commitment is to help people, protect our access to democracy and ensure accessibility and equality for all.

Patty is a fierce advocate for voting rights viewing elections as the way to determine the will of the governed and a critical feature of democracy She has been active in increasing the involvement of women in exercising their right to vote,ensuring safe and secure elections,and has been recognized for her leadership, innovation, and work in elections on both a local and national level.

In addition to her extensive roles in elections,Patty has dedicated her time to training those interested running for office and leading their campaigns She has helped provide guidance, training, and resources to many who have ran for office, including local City and County candidates, as well as staff working on legislative races

Patty has inspired many women around her, both personally and professionally She understands what it takes to create a better tomorrow and is not afraid to help guide others She goes the extra mile to help women achieve their dreams and be their best self Outside of work,Patty enjoys living and working in the mountains of Arizona with its wonderful cultural diversity and geography, spoiling her two bulldogs, and traveling.

Terry Madeksza

Flagstaff Downtown Business Alliance (FDBA)

WhenTerryMadekszadecidedshewasreadytomove toalocationwithfourseasonssheacceptedtheposition of Executive Director with FDBA in 2015 The impact Terry has made in our downtown has been nothing short of tremendous She led the FDBA from a volunteer-basedprogramtoaprofessionallymanagedorganization supportingdowntown’s180smallbusinesses

Terry earned her BS in Law and Society through The American University Washington, D C. and came to Flagstaff with nearly 20 years of experience developing, managing, and leading Downtowns The three primary focuses of Terry’s life are supporting her son, her daughter and our downtown businesses Her contributions to the community are a direct reflection of these priorities

Terryishighlyengagedwithlocalcivicleadersanda knowledgeable resource for them on industry insights and strategies Her work ensures the continued success of small,locally owned businesses (many women owned) and that Flagstaff continues to be a vibrant community Shehassharedherexpertisewiththenext generationofleadersasaspeakeronavarietyofpanels, includingFlagstaffLeadershipProgram,International Downtown Association Regional & Annual Conferences, and Flagstaff Women’s Leadership Network

Given the budget of many Downtown Business Improvement Districts, it’s common for staff to have less experience. Terry embraced this challenge as an opportunity to educate,encourage,mentor,and mold these individuals into confident, successful professionals who thrive in their careers, all while helping them develop their overall skill sets There are numerous women who worked for her attesting to how Terry had a positive impact on their lives and their careers As one woman so eloquently put it, “Some people you simply meet over the course of your life other people change the course of your life Terry Madeksza is one of the latter”

Heather Marcy Northland Family Help Center

Heather Marcy is the Deputy Director of Northland Family Help Center, a local non-profit that has served the Flagstaff community for 45 years Heather has dedicated her 17-year career directly serving over a thousand victims of crime that have experienced Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and/or Human Trafficking. The programs that Heather has helped implement and sustain through obtaining federal and state grant funding have also served thousands of people of diverse ages, ethnicities, and needs

Heather is a woman of service and her community involvement goes well beyond her current position with NFHC. She is the Co-Chair of the Coconino County Continuum of Care to End Homelessness, a board member for the Coconino County Coalition for Children & Youth, and actively serves on four other local work groups that range from identifying best practices for serving domestic violence victims/survivors to the Flagstaff Tax Credit Coalition Heather also assists other agencies as a volunteer grant reviewer Colleagues have shared that besides being an expert on so many issues the nonprofit world is managing,Heather also brings a positive attitude,a sense of humor,and creativity to solve very large issues in a collaborative and effective manner She can be found representing her agency and supporting others by running and hosting community meetings, helping to advise and support other leaders with her expertise, such as fundraising.

Heather began as an advocate at NFHC and in her current position she actively seeks opportunities for formal and informal mentorship of staff and interns Her goal is to empower women to effectively ask for promotions and raises and support their career and educational opportunities

Heather is completing her Masters degree in Leadership and Management with an emphasis in global public affairs at the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University

00 1 M4 | Sunday, February 5, 2023 ARIZONA DAILY SUN
NAHealth.com Your dedication, diligence and leadership help our colleagues to provide exceptional health care to the communities we serve. Thank you for all you do. Congratulations Colleen Maring on your 2023 Athena Award Nominations Colleen Maring Chief Legal Counsel

Colleen Maring

Northern Arizona Healthcare

Colleen Maring, J.D., joined Northern Arizona Healthcare as its Chief Legal Counsel in 2018 from the law firm of Aspey, Watkins & Diesel, where she had served as outside counsel to NAH and other organizations for several years prior Previously,Colleen held positions as Assistant Professor of Practice at Northern Arizona University and Associate at the law firm of Williams & Connolly LLP in Washington DC Colleen earned her law degree magna cum laude from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington,D C ,and her bachelor’s degree with honors from Calvin College in Grand Rapids Michigan.

Colleen Maring is an inspiring leader with great integrity who makes those around her want to do their very best The title of Chief Legal Counsel obscures all the roles she truly fills at NAH, as a leader of various HR teams, communications, compliance, legal and risk management.

Colleen is fluent in American Sign Language and willing to step in and assist patients or their family who speak ASL, although it is not part of her responsibilities Through this act,she helps them to feel supported during their time at the hospital Community Service involvement is a passion of Colleen’s She serves as Vice President of the Arizona Justice Project, which works to achieve justice for innocent and wrongly convicted individuals She has also served as faculty in NAU’s Criminology and Criminal Justice Department, lending her life and professional experience to teaching others She has served on the Board for Flagstaff Shelter Services and Young Invincibles, and volunteered her time as a Mock Trial Coach at Basis as well as an Organizer of Organizing for America.

By example, Colleen shows women it’s possible to lead a healthy life, be a good mother and a dedicated employee.

Marti Neff North Country HealthCare

Marti Neff is the Chief Operations Officer at North Country HealthCare She is responsible for expansion and implementation of new services and healthcare facilities in 12 rural Arizona communities Prior to working at North Country HealthCare, she was the clinic manager of the Family Healing Center She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Public Management and a Master of Arts degree with an emphasis in Leadership, both from NAU

Throughout her career Marti has demonstrated excellence by developing and mentoring female professionals throughout North Country HealthCare and our communities She has shown remarkable initiative, both in pursuing and graduating with her bachelor’s and master’s later in her career

Marti has mentored and supported young women and their families during difficult times in official roles as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) with everything from food drives to managing grief and illness She has served as a Court Appointed Special Advocate, and as a member of LDS: Young Women’s President for girls aged 12-18, and the Women’s Relief Society Marti always seeks to take care of those less fortunate and finds ways to provide food or buy a meal for a person experiencing homelessness She encourages others,particularly women,to complete their degree and pursue further education and skillsets She has even been known to purchase new books to expose young minds to new areas In the last six months, Marti helped a young mother set up a budget and encouraged her to develop independence and self-efficacy in taking care of her household and building a future. She has mentored young women and professionals in church as well as guided and supported the professional development of women at North Country HealthCare.

Ross Schaefer Flagstaff Shelter Services

Under Ross Schaefer’s direction as the Executive Director of Flagstaff Shelter Services,the organization has grown exponentially from a seasonal shelter to a year-round Housing Agency that is moving the needle on ending homelessness in Northern Arizona. Ross has grown the organization’s budget from $300 000 annually to nearly $5 million to accomplish this Ross was elected Commissioner City of Flagstaff Housing Commission in 2019 Fiercely committed to the pursuit of an equitable homeless services system Ross is a proud member of the Arizona Department of Housing’s Balance of State Social Justice & Racial Equity Committee, and serves as the Co-chair of the Coconino County Local Coalition to End Homelessness Ross earned her BS at Virginia Commonwealth University and is pursuing her Master’s in Business Administration at the University of North Carolina She’s been recognized for numerous accomplishments,the most recent being Arizona Daily Sun named Flagstaff Shelter Services its 2022 Organization of the Year with Ross at the helm,and the Northern Arizona University Commission on Status of Women Community Award Because of her groundbreaking work and that of other homeless service leaders,the government made a meaningful financial investment in the purchase and renovation of motel properties nationwide. Ross led the charge on Flagstaff Shelter Services’ purchase of a motel property to better care for vulnerable residents She has worked tirelessly to support women in her organization, staff and clients The Motel is a huge step in the right direction. While FSS serves all families of need the majority of families served are female head-of-households With the acquisition of the Motel, Flagstaff now has 58 units of non-congregate, private shelter for families The scale of this expansion is remarkable and will truly change the course of the female head-of-household families for decades to come.

00 1 ARIZONA DAILY SUN Sunday, February 5, 2023 | M5
FOR BEING NOMINATED FOR THE 2023 ATHENA AWARDS TO ERIN EVANS 399 S. Malpais Lane, Ste. 102, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 928-589-0020 www.evansgarrey.com


Jenny Siess

Westside Veterinary Clinic

Dr Jenny Siess is a Veterinarian and Owner of Westside Veterinary Clinic She moved to Flagstaff to attend NAU She fell in love with the mountains, so she made Flagstaff her permanent home. Dr Siess started working at Westside in 2008 as a veterinary technician where she quickly made the clients and patients her family

After finishing veterinary school at Western University of Health Sciences it was only natural for Dr Siess to come“home”to Westside Veterinary Clinic to work as a veterinarian.

Wanting to make a long-term commitment to Westside and Flagstaff, Dr Siess became the owner of the practice in March 2018 Her concentrations are exotic animal medicine and integrative medicine including acupuncture and herbal medicine. Dr Siess is at the tail end of a long project to build a brand-new clinic

Dr Siess serves as a mentor and role model for her staff She fosters a work environmentofrespect,lightheartedness,learningandgrowth Sheregularlyofferscontinuing education opportunities that provide tools to deal with difficult aspects of the job,and works exceedingly hard to create a work environment that is open, compassionate, efficient, and encourages a high standard of professional conduct from her staff

Over the last two decades, Dr Siess has shown her commitment to community service by volunteering her time and professional skills to Rural Area Veterinary Services (RAVS),a program that brings veterinary services to underserved rural communities where poverty and geographic isolation make access to animal health care nearly impossible. She also volunteered her surgical skills with The Parker Project, a mobile veterinary clinic that focuses on spay & neuter services

In her limited free time, Dr Siess enjoys traveling, hiking, camping, and of course spending time with her husband and their 4 dogs and 5 cats

Miranda Sweet Rainbow’s End

Miranda Sweet is the Owner of Rainbow’s End, a boutique women’s clothing store, located in downtown Flagstaff Miranda created Rainbow’s End from the ground up almost 22 years ago with the vision that it would become a community asset and more than just a clothing store. Today, Rainbow’s End has become a gathering space, a place to mentor artists on how to create and launch locally made products,and a place to help our younger generation in learning what it means to have a job and have that sense of responsibility Miranda volunteers her time to mentor students from Flagstaff High and NAU, cultivating a strong work ethic, assisting them on résumé building techniques, as well as what it means to have a sense of place among the workforce.

Miranda was elected to the Flagstaff City Council and became Vice Mayor in 2022 She continually shows the desire to give back to Flagstaff, serving on several Boards and Commissions within the City of Flagstaff organization.

Miranda received her BS in Elementary Education from NAU She is dedicated to the Flagstaff community Giving back by volunteering and working with several non-profits has always been a focus She has served as PTO President at Puente de Hozho Board Member of the Flagstaff Leadership Program Leader in the Boy Scouts of America-young women were in the troop,and was Co-Founder and Board Member of the Flagstaff Women’s Film Festival.

For several years working with young women on career development and workforce training has been a priority within the structure of Rainbow’s End Through the years Miranda has mentored several groups of young women through all her roles in the community and continues to come up with innovative ways to do so

Tasha Vigil

As an Account Executive at Angel’s Care Home Health, Tasha Vigil is able to practice her strong desire of helping those in need of quality healthcare. Tasha goes above and beyond her title of Account Executive to fight for services that may otherwise be denied by an insurance carriers’ limitations Tasha is also a Real Estate Agent with HomeSmart

Prior to Angel’s Care Home Health, Tasha worked as a Community Outreach Director for the Bluffs of Flagstaff, a Senior Living Community, where she spent her time promoting the new Senior Living Community

As Co-Chair for Northern Arizona Alzheimer’s and Dementia Alliance (NAZADA), Tasha has organized events throughout the community such as the Cherish the Moments’walk last year at Buffalo Park,to raise funds and awareness of Alzheimer’s and Dementia She is also helping build a connection with the Native American population by educating them on the support and services available in and around Flagstaff

For the last two years Tasha has been a strong Advocate for the Adopt a Grandparent Program, working alongside Maggie’s Hospice. She helped to provide over 300 elderly people with simple gifts that brought joy to their lives for Christmas

With the determination and positive energy that Tasha brings to the Flagstaff community she is an outstanding example of a Mentor for young women to follow


Emma Wharton, Executive Director of Grand Canyon Youth celebrates 20 years, leading one of Flagstaff s most innovative non-profit organizations She built not only an organization but a community of people dedicated to connecting young people to the transformational experience of immersion on the rivers and canyons of the Southwest Using creativity and initiative, Emma has grown GCY from three expeditions per year to over 80, forged collaborations with over 50 local regional and national schools non-profit organizations and government agencies, expanded GCY’s budget from $50 000 to over $1 5 million annually and raised $15 million for GCY during her tenure

Outside of work, Emma volunteers and has participated in a number of organizations including, Girl Scouts of America as a Troop Co-leader for over 7 years, The Big Brothers & Sisters program as a Big Sister and Mentor Flagstaff Family Food Center, and more.

Prior to GCY,Emma worked with adolescents as a manager for an in-patient treatment facility where she dealt first-hand with the struggles that young women were having with depression, self-harm, substance abuse and mental health challenges

Emma has worked with countless GCY alumni,especially young women,encouraging them,connecting them to resources,and helping them to see their own potential She created an apprentice program to help train and educate youth in river guiding and exploring careers in outdoor adventure. Somewhere between 50-100 young women have used this program as a springboard toward successful careers in leadership and the outdoors, in what used to be a typically male dominated field.

Emma remembers every alumnus who has crossed her path She has written countless letters of recommendation, provided references, and also been there through challenging times and struggle. Of all of her accomplishments, it is her connection to these young people that mean the most to her

Diana White Moonshot at NACET

Diana White is the Executive Director of the Moonshot at NACET, an Arizona-based, nonprofit organization whose mission is to help subject matter experts bring products and services to market and help cities develop entrepreneurial eco-systems that create jobs Prior to that Diana started a consulting business,helping local Flagstaff businesses which led to her becoming the Director of the Coconino County Small Business Development Center Her philosophy is to bring a holistic approach to consulting leaders, which includes helping them discover their strengths determining their true purpose, and leading their ventures with integrity

In 2021, Diana joined the team of the international podcast,“10 Lessons Learned” as the co-host She enjoys interviewing ordinary people doing extraordinary things, especially women Diana has stated,“As women, we don’t tell enough of our stories, accomplishments, and challenges If more of us shared authentically, the women looking up to us would have less fear of the unknown”

She provides free business development workshops to “Market of Dreams” Flagstaff,facilitates a“Basics of Personal Finance”workshop for a women’s home,and has served on many boards,including the Boys and Girls Club and Habitat for Humanity She received her BS in Small Business Management from NAU and is in the process of completing her Master’s in Business Administration

Her experience with young professional women of color led her to create the Coalition for Colorful Women This organization is dedicated to bringing more experienced and accomplished women of color together with younger women still finding their voice and their way to create connections, start a dialogue, and build community Diana is highly invested in mentoring young women and says her daughter is the guiding light for all efforts to support young women


Lancaster Leadership

Katie Wittekind is a facilitator coach trainer writer, and strategist for Lancaster Leadership Shealsorunsandoperatesherowncoachingbusiness, Habit Designer, a coaching and consulting companyworkingwithindividualsandemployers for improved outcomes in health,wellness,company culture, team cohesiveness, and strategic planning Katie believes that her purpose in life is to aid others in rising to their occasion

Katie received her BA in Psychology and her BS in Criminal Justice from NAU graduating with Honors She then went on to receive her Masters in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania

For almost 10 years Katie worked with Northern Arizona Public Employee Benefit Trust as a Wellness Program Manager During her time there, she was awarded the Gold award through the Wellness Council of Arizona for achievement in measurable outcomes and leadership buy-in, and the Platinum award through Health Arizona Worksites for measurable outcomes and program design

When Katie saw a need for rehabilitation services for people in the prison system, she co-founded the non-profit Base Camp to help the community

Early in her career, Katie was a manager at a rehabilitation center for girls 11 to 17 years old She led them on outdoor adventures to build confidence and coached them on empowering themselves by stepping out of the victim role and identifying where they have control and influence.

90% of Katie’s coaching clients through her personal business are women Katie helps women of all ages gain clarity on their personal goals identify paths toward their goals, and troubleshoot the obstacles that arise. She has been a role model, leader and strong supporter in helping women reach their fullest potential

Angel’s Care Home Health–Flagstaff
Emma Wharton Grand Canyon Youth Katie
Insured by NCUA Leadership Compassion Community Congratulations, Paula Gilbert! Serving Flagstaff for over 8 Years. 2023 ATHENA Awards Nominee

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